#jake was in the military
suncaptor · 11 months
I love the psychic kids because the majority of them were like either homeless or living in their childhood homes being severely mentally ill
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nixies-creations · 22 days
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Hangster, Famous AU: Pro Golfer Bradley x Actor Jake.
"Rumors have been swirl about a rather....torrid affair between yourself, Jake, and professional golfer, Bradley Bradshaw. Is there anything you'd like to say about the rumors?" Jake bites back the urge to sigh heavily as Javy asks the question he's been dreading to receive for his upcoming press tour for his latest movie. Instead he shoots his best, and oldest, friend a glare and thanks whatever deities that are looking down at him that at least he's been asked this while doing Javy's podcast and not on one of the many talk shows he's been booked to do for the next few weeks. Small mercies he guesses. He lets out a huffing laugh and says, "Well I'm sure some would love a little truth about an affair or so, to stir the pot as my Memaw would say, but truth his Javy, Bradshaw and I have been friends for a few years now, since he was hired as an instructor on one of my first major break out roles. The problem I believe stims from us both being out and proud queer men, who happen to be good friends for nearly a decade now. Besides, everyone know I ain't look to be settled down now and everyone knows Bradshaw's ridiculously devoted to his husband." Javy lets out a little laugh before swiftly moving on to his next question. ~~~~~~~ "Not lookin' to settle down now, baby?" Turning, Jake grins, big and bright as he sees Bradley leaning up against the doorway to the room Javy records in, wearing a pair of Jake's own sweats and his oversized hoodies, "Hey, darlin'." Shoving himself up and off the couch, he strides over, hands reaching out to cup Bradley's scruff covered cheek and tilts his head down to press a gentle kiss to his lips. "Why would I need to look to settle, when you already got me to do that nearly thirteen years ago, honey?" Bradley lets out a soft hum, kissing back once, twice and then again before drawing back to smile dopily at him. "That is a fantastic point, sweetheart." "And you are ridiculously devoted to your husband," Jake adds, lips some how stretching into a wider, brighter grin, "I should know, since I'm him."
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amelia-mariee · 2 months
There’s such a sense of community that comes with (fill-in-the-blank movie) summers. I feel like Top Gun Maverick summer and Twisters summer are so iconic and kind of go hand in hand and they should be the blueprint. We need more summers like these. I think that each summer from here on out, we need to have a big summer blockbuster with a relatively big cast and attractive people and high stakes and at least one new song in it. Also Glen Powell needs to be in it. Glen Powell does not have to the main character or even your favorite character. He just needs to be in it. I don’t know why
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melancholygirl111 · 3 months
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crossthread · 2 months
No jokes here. The Navy’s best pilot and the Navy’s best admiral. Between them, eight air-to-air combat kills and five stars. These were men who commanded respect with or without your approval. This was the picture of ruthless competence.
Debriefing (& Other Stories) • part 2 of Easier Done Than Said by @compacflt
#easier done than said by COMPACFLT#this is one of my alltime favourite fics rn#and probably for the rest of time too#its a topgun fic written by COMPACFLT and its insane and its so fucking good#its basically a canon rewrite of#top gun 1986#and#top gun maverick#and spans thirty years of Ice and Mavs relationship#theres just so much in this#so much emotion and characterization and everything#which has driven me insane that im having one hell of a dopamine comedown this week after having read it#i highly reccomended people go read it cause its just really that good#pete maverick mitchell#tom iceman kazansky#bradley rooster bradshaw#jake hangman seresin#i love how the commander wrote mav and ice in this. like theyre clearly military men#but theyre also SO much more#icemav#and theyve taken the canon 'whos the best pilot' and given its own twist#'hes the best pilot in the world'#my heart cant take it anymore#i know im making this sound like 100k words of just fluff but believe me its not#its 30 years of pain and internalised homophobia and time away and falling in love and raising a kid and not once talking about any of it#but the ending is so so so good and the additional parts from different povs literally left me wanting more#i cant do this someone help me go read this go read this go read this#and come cry with me how we cant ever read this for the first time ever again#also shoutout to the commander once again for the insane amount of preplanning and research into the navy theyve done to write this fic#im forver thankful. sorry im a stalker
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
trying to explain why I love the top gun ships and the fandom the way I do can be so weird sometimes. like, no sir, I didn’t make it gay. I wasn’t looking to make something unnecessarily homoerotic. no, it was these fuckers:
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really, I had nothing to do with it
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sgtgrunt0331-3 · 2 months
In the climactic final scene in The Covenant, John Kinley and Ahmed and his family are trapped on top of a dam, with no more ammo, and the Taliban closing in. At the last second an AC-130 Spector gunship arrives to save the day, followed by Eddie Parker and his team of contractors.
(Video courtesy of The Covenant, 2023)
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shadowdancing-writes · 3 months
ugh having to write the actual millitary part of hangster fics SUCKS
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pussydestroyer10110 · 9 months
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Jake x Avatar!reader x Neytiri
Word count : 1.5k (not edited)
Chapter 4 - Becoming an avatar driver
Jake watches the link bed statistics for a few moments to make sure everything was running smoothly before hastily jogging towards the room your avatar is.
“Brain activity looks good”
Said the scientist outside, watching your impending awakening through a glass screen. Jake entered the room having abandoned his gun and instead focusing on you, he looked worried but concentrated as he looked at your blue form. All they had to do was wait a few more moments.
The moment your eyes close your vision tunnels. You're surrounded by hues of blue, pinks and purples as you feel as though you're being transported across the thin barrier between subconscious and reality. Only moments later, you feel like you've been grounded once more, hitting this new reality with a mental thud.
Your body feels fresh, momentarily unnatural, then your eyelids begin to inch open, the harsh white light greatly contrasting the soft blue you had closed your eyes to.
This caused you to wince slightly and bring your hand to cover your eyes on reflex - your hand was blue. It was as if you had forgotten what you were doing and this strange change in colour startled you.
Realisation started to set in, you were blue, the transfer was successful.
As the harshness of the light subsided you look around the room further, seeing a few scientists all dressed in exo masks and baby blue suits but what stood out to you most was the only other avatar in the room, Jake. He stood out from the plain scientists and adorned bright colours with his skin which were further highlighted by the darkness of his clothing.
He smiled slightly at you, flashing those sharp canines.
The scientists soon huddled around you, asking you to sit up to which you complied. Everything seemed to be heightened. Your eyesight seemed to sharpen; your skin felt armoured and your hearing felt like you could listen to birdsong on the other side of Pandora. They asked you to touch your fingers to your thumb and then shone bright lights at your pupils - each test feeling more unnecessary than the last - they soon finished and you practically ripped the wires from your arms and stood up.
Your feet felt uneven and your head slightly light as you suddenly felt the affects of being 10 feet tall but it was a passing side effect, the grin soon returning to your face. Your tail whipped wildly behind you due to the appendage still feeling foreign, you knocked viles from their holder's and devices from their tables, it seemed the more embarrassed and nervous you got the more skittish you tail would get.
You look over at Jake, flushed with embarrassment, but he reassured you that when he first experienced his avatar he turned the whole lab against him.
After everything calmed down you took your first few baby steps to the world outside, Jake being there beside you for any assistance you may need. The world outside looked different without a mask, everything looked real now and the air fell crisper than the air on earth, everything felt cleaner. The gardens of the lab were almost military grade; they had training courts which had become dilapidated through lack of use and the overgrown gardens that you knew Grace had once loved. Everything seemed abandoned.
There were only a few avatars left in the compound but all were science geeks that had very little interest in things outside the natural life of this vast world; this meant the playground for all the other avatars had been cast aside out of everyone's mind.
Despite the dull nature of the desolate space, you enjoyed this new feeling, you enjoyed the featherlight tickles of the grass beneath you bare feet and Jake hadn't uttered a word since you'd come out, deciding it was best for you to take everything in before bombarding you with the bare bone rules. The two of you walked through the grounds, feeling the rays from the various midafternoon suns beating down on the secretive life on Pandora. The walk was calm and peaceful as you took in this new experience until Jake eventually broke the silence.
“You handled this a lot better than I did on my first test drive.”
He seemed reminiscent.
“I'm not surprised, you would've had a more fulfilling experience than me.”
You respond in a way so that you weren't mean and instead justifying his excitement, acknowledging how this experience was an extensive change for him both mentally and physically.
The two of you spoke a while longer about how it was that Jake felt when he was finally able to use his legs once more; through the whole conversation you allowed him to speak, letting him get everything off his chest as you were probably one of the first in a while to be sharing in a mildly similar experience. You felt special being trusted with such information.
However throughout the conversation you could tell that exposing his experiences like this was unnatural as he left out key information about his prior life and the hardships it held. Alas you summed this up to both his prior marine experience and then living in a proud warrior tribe, the man seriously couldn't get an emotional break.
Finally the two of you end up by the gate that led into the outside world of Pandora. The gate was thick and tall serving the purpose of keeping you in and whatever wasn't in out. It made you feel insignificant, this world had so much more life than you could currently comprehend, you had seen nothing yet you had seen a lot. Jake then turns to you and places and awkward hand on your shoulder, giving it a pat before dropping his hand - it was clear any other strategy than bossing people around was still strange to him.
“You'll do good here”
He said four such simple words and it still inspired hope in you, hope that you might be able to faintly follow in his footsteps.
“Thank you, for helping me and everything”
You were extremely grateful for this experience even more so for everything else to come, you spoke again.
“Are we going to see the forest tomorrow?”
You asked with hope but Jake looked at you nervously.
“We can make a basic start…. But Neytiri wants to inspect you before you go too far out”
He says, rubbing the back of his neck. You knew Neytiri was a fearless warrior and extremely protective of the people as well as the forest and rightly so. Although, Jake had said this as if it were something to be afraid of, now you knew you were going to have to impress this woman if you wanted even a shot at exploring the forests.
Jake walked you back to the hut were the other avatars sleep before bidding you goodnight and saying he'd be there again at 9 in the morning tomorrow, possibly with the feared yet respected Neytiri.
You collapsed into the specially made beds and fell asleep only to wake back up in your human body. You pushed the lid of the link bed open and groaned with the slight soreness of your muscles, against your better judgement you climbed out the chamber and looked around the room. Everything was the same dull grey colour with various pieces of technology the sight made you miss the vividity of the forests even though you had not experienced them.
You trudged your way through the bland corridors and into the communal eating areas once more, tonight's dinner was teylu and spartan fruit for dessert. The teylu looked unappetising as it was essentially a massive grub cooked amongst vegetables, the texture was soft with a tougher skin and it had a slightly sweet taste to it after you got over said texture. Dessert was much more appealing the purple skin being slightly bitter as you bit through to the sweet blue flesh, overall the conversation was the same as the previous night but with less tension.
Norm decided to pester you, interviewing you about your meeting with Jake, it's as if he was using you as a sponge for information that he could wring out later - in a good way of course. Something he found highly amusing was when he decided to ask if you had an attraction to Jake and when a slight crimson hue came to your cheeks you couldn't get the boyish grin off his face for the entire evening despite your denial. He was insufferable and tolerable at the same time, your only peace coming when he finally fell asleep in the adjacent hammock with you not too far behind.
Thank you everyone who has supported the story so far, I know it's not much so constructive criticism is welcome. Just also wanted to say that due to schools starting back up I won't be able to update in the week but will aim to update every weekend x
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mavrellover91 · 1 year
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Hey, I thought I would try my hand at writing a story about Jake Seresin. Hope you enjoy it.
Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Female reader
Warning: No warnings just fluff.      
Word count: 896
A/N: I give no permission for my work to be copied, translated and or posted anywhere else online.
God I can’t believe it is finally happening. After five long months my husband, the one and only Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, is about to meet his little girl. This has been the hardest deployment yet. Saying goodbye to your husband when you’re seven months pregnant was downright cruel but not as cruel as watching the agony on Jake’s face as he watches me give birth to our baby girl through a computer screen. But in less than ten minutes my family will be whole.
I look around the hanger at all the families waiting for their loved ones to arrive. Children running around the the decorated hanger in their Sunday best. Their mother yelling out for them not get dirty, that daddy will be here soon. I lock eyes with Penny and Mav as I look anywhere but the closed hanger doors because I know if I do I’m going to start crying. God that was meant to stop once I had my little girl. Fuck I ha to blink a couple of times to stop the tears from falling. Penny gives me a big smile as she and Mav walk over to me. “How you doing mama” she asks. “Excited, nervous for some reason. God I can’t wait to Jake holding our little girl” I reply with a watery smile. “Not long now” Mav tells me “Hangman is going to be the first one to land” he informs me “but I don’t tell you that” he says with a wink. I can’t help but laugh at Mav.
Just then I can hear the roaring engines of the jets as they fly closer. As the jets move towards the hangar the noise rises waking the baby up. She lets out a loud annoyed cry that she has been woken up. God she is just like her father who is also grumpy when he is woken up. “Hey now pumpkin, you’re ok. Daddy’s almost here” I tell her as I pick up my eight week old daughter. Rocking her until she stops crying and blinks up at me with her blue eyes that have started to change to her father’s beautiful green colour. “God she is so beautiful” Penny says as she looks down at her “but it’s no wonder when you look at who her parents are”.
I start laughing as I rearrange my sweet baby so I can pick up the sign I had made. A sign that says ‘Welcome home, Daddy. I've waited my whole life to meet you.' “Jake will definitely have his hands full when she gets older” I reply as we walk through the crowd towards to open hanger doors, “ain’t that the truth?” Mav laughs. Just as we get to the doors we see the jets start their descent. Holding my breath as I always do when I watch them start to land. Once they are on the ground I let out my breath. I watch as the pilots start hopping down from their planes.
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As soon as Cyclone gives the all clear I take off running towards Jake. Who when he sees me coming hands off his helmet and running towards us. As we meet in the middle of the tarmac I start crying as his arms wrap around us. I feel safe and complete as his kisses me. “God I missed you sweetheart” he tells me as he presses his lips to my forehead. Just then a little squeak sounds out letting us know that she is doesn’t appreciate being squished between us. “Oh I’m sorry baby girl” I tell her as I move her in my arm. When I look back up at Jake his eyes are on the little girl in my arms. “Come baby girl, let’s introduce you to your daddy” I tell her “Jake I would like to introduce you to your daughter Addison Marie Seresin” I tell him as I place her into his arms. Tears start streaming down his cheeks as he holds her to his chest. He pulls me into him, tucking me into his side as he kisses Addy’s head. “Thank you” he whispers. “You and Addison are the best things that have ever happened to me. I love you Mrs Seresin”. “You’re welcome Mr Seresin. We love you too” I reply with a big smile on my face.
We stay like this in each other’s arms for what feels like eternity before heading back to the hangar where the Navy has put on a welcome home afternoon tea. As we walk up to a familiar group of people Jake calls out “ Guys I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the dagger squad Addison Marie Seresin”. Jake berms with pride as they all fawn over Addy telling us about cute she is. “Hangman your lucky she takes after her mother instead of your ugly mug” Rooster tells him as he give Jake a manly side hug.
I watch my husband and our friends fight over how pretty he is and how our daughter takes after both of us. I can’t believe this is my life now, a husband who I love beyond all belief, even when he is being a dick and a beautiful daughter who I can’t even begin to describe how much I love. I’m the luckiest girl in the world
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galehautstomb · 1 year
to whoever came up with the "hangster wedding is the equivalent of the royal wedding for the navy" headcanon I'm forever in your debt, that is a god-tier concept, I'm obsessed, those wedding invitations would be worth more than a fighter jet costs
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gyllenhaalstories · 2 years
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“ I don’t remember any of it. I only remember... The Interpreter. ”
Jake Gyllenhaal as John Kinley in THE COVENANT (2023).
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stopthatfool · 7 months
hangman looks like he walked into a barber shop and said, "yes mr. barber, give me the haircut that will make me look like a 12 year old who goes to an all boys private school."
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he really let the barber fuck up his shit like that huh.
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Yeah I, I got those palpitations. Those boom, boom, booms…
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lust4life01 · 6 months
i actually need more anthony swofford stuff, i crave him so bad ffs. thank you for your anthony writing 🫡
Honestly who doesn’t need more Anthony Swofford fics?? Its my pleasure to write Anthony <3
Burning Desire 18+!
Warnings! smut, cheating, public sex, etc.
Pairing: Anthony Swofford x f/reader
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Summary- You are the daughter of a drill Sargent and somehow find yourself moaning a marines name in the front seat of your car.
“Come on boys, my 2 year old niece could out fucking run you!” The loud degrading shout towards marines could be heard from the other side of the globe.
You laughed a little as you walked towards the mean chants.
“Troy pick up of those fucking feet, you think you’ll make it when you run like a little bitch?!”
You made your way over to the man with incredible lung power, your father.
He turned his head finally seeing you and let out a smile.
“Hey sweetheart, what are doing here?”
“Hey dad, there’s something up with my car and my phones dead so I can’t call a truck or something.” You explained looking all innocent hoping he'd sort it out for you.
He scanned round the court room as he spoke.
“You don’t need a toy truck they’ll take all your money and your tires.”
You rolled your eyes at your father stinginess and patiently waited for him to come up with a solution whilst peering over at the men training. One caught your eye in particular.
Meanwhile, the boys had also noticed your presence. It was the height of summer and you weren’t exactly covering a lot of skin and being cooped up with a bunch of guys turned them into a bunch of horny twelve year olds.
Anthony turned his head to another marine “Hey, who is that?”
“I don’t fucking know man, but she’s hot.”
He continued to look over at you, admiring the way the sun illuminated your beauty, the way the summer sun hit you.
“Swofford!” The Sargent shouted. Anthony thought he was in the shit for talking and was mentally preparing for the ridiculous punishment he was about to face in this heat.
“YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT CARS, SWOFFORD?” The sargent called over.
He did not. Well he had a car? Did that count? But if it had anything to do with you then he was a certified mechanic.
He jogged his way over to you and the Sargent, “Yes sir.”
You scanned your eyes up and down his entire body. You lowered your head a little, trying to hide your so obvious attraction to him, which the blush across your cheeks displayed so well.
The sargent nodded his head. “Good. Go help my daughter with her car.”
“Absolutely sir.” He grinned at you, your eyes finally meeting.
“Hurry up. And don’t get too friendly!”
You rolled your eyes again at your fathers over protection, as if you were thirteen or something.
You and Anthony made your way to your car.
“I’m i- Anthony by the way” he extended his hand and you gently returned the hand shake.
“So Sargent (y,l,n) is your dad huh? What’s that like?” He asked as he discreetly scanned your body.
“He’s not a Sargent at home, well not anymore anyway. What’s he like here?”
“Well let’s just say that man has busted my balls more than once” he answered laughing.
You laughed along, admiring the way his mouth looked when he laughed. You had noticed he was the most attractive marine that you had seen so far.
You both made it to your car, the heat getting even hotter on the hill where your car had been parked.
You lent into your car to grab a water bottle, your ass outside stuck out from he car as you bent to grab your water.
Anthony just starred. He couldn’t help it. He’s been surrounded by men for two weeks and here you are in a summer dress that barely touched your knees.
“Okay so I think I’ve got like an oil leek, or something. I’m not sure.” You open the hood and stood back so Anthony could take a look.
Luckily for Anthony he did know how to fix it due to his girlfriends brother being a mechanic. “oh okay cool I think I can fix it.”
“Great” you smiled up at him. It was far too hot outside so you sat in your car, with the doors open of course. You turned on some music and grabbed a book that was sat on the passenger seat of your car. The Fall by Albert Camus.
You also pulled out a punnet of cherries from your bag that you had bought earlier. You stared to eat one before calling out to Anthony.
“Hey, you want some cherries?”
He made his way round to the car door and nearly lost his breath. You were sat with your legs on the bonnet, a book in hand, and the red juice from the cherries smeared along your lips and tongue. He let a small “oh god” fall under his breath.
“Yes please, mam.”
You let out a giggle at the name. “You really don’t need to call me mam Anthony.”
You handed him some cherries and stared deeply into his baby blues.
You both stood gazing at one another until Anthony finally regained consciousness. He noticed the book in your hand.
“Oh you read Camus?”
You very obviously did consider the book was in your hand but you smiled enthusiastically anyway
“Yeah I do. You do too?”
“Well, I was reading The Stranger but it got confiscated.”
You couldn’t help but laugh lightly, he didn’t say anything funny but his presence just made you feel like a silly girl with a crush on the playground.
“Anyway, I’ll go get back to work or your dad will have my head on a stick.” He grinned.
While he was working on your car he realised he needed something to catch the oil as tried to fix it. He took off his shirt and covered his hand with it, getting to work. He badly wanted to slam the hood down and then slam you on top of it, but he continued to work, brushing that though to the back of his head.
After a while of working he called out to you “Hey (y,n) I’m all done out here.”
You climbed out of the car, setting your book down, and made your way round to where Anthony was standing.
“Ugh thank you so much your a life saver!” You exclaimed as you wrapped your arms around his bear chest. Which was highly intentional.
“Ah sorry I’m probably all sweaty” Anthony apologised as he retreated his arms from your back.
“That’s all right, I don’t mind” you smiled up at him but not with the same innocent smile you possessed earlier. This one was daring.
Something took over him. Lust. He grabbed your jaw and smashed your lips together. You let out a startled moan and he quickly broke away.
“I’m so sorry, i-“
You cut him off by re connecting your lips and letting out a small grunt. The pleasant taste of cherries made him hum into the kiss.
His tongued dipped into your mouth, making the kiss heavier. He grabbed your thighs and carried you over to the hood of the car, placing you down with your legs still wrapped around his hips.
The hood burnt the back of your legs a little but you didn’t care, not when you could feel the temptation between the two of you. The burning of the hot car was was nothing in comparison to the burning desire that could be felt oozing from both of you.
He kissed your neck and you let out a whimper, god it was pathetic. I mean you just met him and you already wanted him to fuck you like there’s no tomorrow.
You cupped the bulge in his pants and starred up at him through your lashes.
His breathing got heavier.
“God your fucking angelic.” He whispered into your ear.
“Fuck me Swofford.” You whispered back.
He audible moaned when he heard those words leave you lips. His hands travelled up your thighs and under the sweet white sundress. His large fingers rubbed at your clit through your panties, the wetness seeping through.
“Wait. Not here. In the back of the car” You were a little while away from the other marines but you still wanted to be cautious.
You hopped down from the hood of the car and wrapped your hand around the two fingers Anthony had just used, leading him to the car.
He paused. You looked back slightly confused.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
He looked down lowly before answering “(y,n) I have a girlfriend.”
You starred at him for a minute before walking right up to him.
“I won’t tell if you don’t.” Your lips practically touching.
Your faces were inches apart. He could smell your perfume, feel the desire in his chest and looking down at you made it near impossible to refuse himself this pleasure. He crashed your lips together again, making his choice pretty clear.
He made his way into the passenger seat of the car and you climbed on top of him before reclining the seat.
You both made out as you started to unzip his pants.
“Fuck you’re so hot.” He praised as you pulled down his pants just below his thighs.
You smiled back up at him as you slowly pulled out his hard cock. You gently licked the pre cum and he let out a loud groan whilst his head fell back.
You wasted no time in taking off your panties and throwing them somewhere in the back seat.
You slowly sunk onto him, taking time to adjust when he started to buck his hips up into you.
You whimpered at the sensation and started to bounce onto him, the feeling driving you both crazy.
“Fucking perfect.”
He held onto your hips and started to pound into you as you both tried to contain your moans. You were getting closer which meant you were getting louder. Anthony was very much enjoying it but he knew if anyone saw this he would be done for.
He placed two fingers into your mouth in order to silence you. You complied and suck and lick his fingers as you continued to be fucked.
You were both close and you practically cried out as he hit that spot deep inside of you.
He released his fingers from your mouth and drew circles around your clit until you were crying in pleasure.
“Fuck Swofford I’m so close.”
He grunted and fastened his pace on your clit whilst desperately trying not to cum himself.
“Shit where should I cum?” He asked trying to keep his composure.
“Inside me. It’s fine I’m on the pill.” You said through panted breath. That nearly pushed him over the edge.
“(y,n) I’m so fucking close.”
“Wait” you moaned out, now grinding your hips harder.
With that you clenched around his cock as your mouth fell open and your climax reached its peak. Anthony was right behind you, fucking his cum into you. Making sure to fuck you both through your orgasms.
You both panted and tried to catch your breath, still attached to one another. You started to giggle and so did Anthony.
“Well that definitely beats using my hand” he joked but he did look a little lost.
You removed your self from him and stood outside the car, the mixture of both your liquids started to seep down your thighs as you stood up.
He followed you out and grabbed your panties and crouched to gently wipe away the mixture of liquids. You stared down at him whilst he cleaned you up. He looked so pretty when his face was that close to your thighs.
“You know she’s probably fucking some else right now anyway. So don’t feel too bad about this.”
He looked up without saying a word. Realistically he didn’t feel bad about what happened. He didn’t feel guilty, he felt really fucking good, which was the problem.
He smiled up at you and stood so he was now taller than you. Now he was the one looking down at you.
“I want to give you something.” You said as you walked back to the car.
He stood with an amused and curious expression, his smile growing wider and his eyes lighter when you came back with the book in your hand.
You nodded your head sweetly “mhm, have it.”
“Thanks (y,n.)”
You kissed his cheek as a goodbye and got back into your car. He stood for a while watching you drive away as he realised he still had your panties bawled up in his fist and his shirt off.
He quickly shoved them into his back pocket and slid his oil covered shirt on and made his way back to camp.
Later that day he sat reading the book you had so kindly given to him when a slip of paper that was neatly nestled between two pages fell out onto his lap.
He picked up the paper and realised it was your number. He smirked to himself, feeling prouder than ever, and slipped it neatly back into the book.
(Sorry but I had to include something about Camus in this because I’m a pretentious bitch xoxo)
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himboculture2 · 13 days
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