#james is browsing tumblr for fluff headcanons
Lying in bed, drinking tea, eating sweets, listening to bowie and browsing tumblr for fluff headcanons...
Realising that it is some sort of marauders coded...
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jademint2581 · 10 months
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…Apologies. I was trying to tell a joke.
a kaife (portmanteau: kai + wife)(plural: kaives)(a subset of kaispouses)
kaiposting (sprite edits, headcanons, fics), anything to do with Kai Satou (including his family) or kaispouseverse
so this is a Kai blog, contents are 99% guaranteed Kai Satou, with the remaining approx 1% being satouposting in general (Gashu, Sei, Ranger)
occasional floor master and greenblings appearances (one of my WIP is about Shin, Kanna and Kugie)
mixed bin of crack, angst, fluff, just about everything (we go through emotions here)
tagging protocol is not up to date/common standards i confess, but i do my best. sorry for any inconvenience. let me know via ask if you have concerns or suggestions regarding tags or labels.
the most unhinged cursed shit as well as the blatant ns4w is always community labeled and tagged though
this blog is my main blog, which means that i follow and like with this one. chances are, i am reblogging your posts on my other blog. i'm unwilling to disclose said blog here because i don't want minors finding it. please do not out the blog to underage audiences. if you know it uhh no you don't : )
i do not mind friendly interactions on my blog, however, i cannot/willnot form or maintain committed internet friendships. that being said, i can be referred to as 'jamie' or 'james' or a similar nickname derived from my AO3 handle (words 'jade' and 'mint'). i like engaging with fellow humans online, it's fun and i especially enjoy friendly banter in fandom context. if my interactions (likes, reblogs) suck and you don't want them, you can send me an ask to tell me to stop. it's ok and i respect your wishes. i can also unlike and delete reblogs if you need me to. i promise you it's ok to ask me to do that, do not worry.
(post is subject to occasional updates)
NEW! the tags on this pinned post are useful for navigating this blog (yes even the longish ones)(no, really: try your luck~)
IF YOU'RE A MINOR: Filter the tags #ns4w and #saucy before you interact or browse, thank you. For your own sake.
be gifted with an old banner pic of mine:
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Works on tumblr: - Tiramisu angst trilogy (Satouposting)
- Ranger & Creativity
This has been your friendly local kaibrarian and kaife. I am satisfied.
-POST END- *thunk*
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