#james phelps x oc
s a f e a r m s
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- fred weasley
a/n: tysmm for requesting agaainn, im sorry this took some time, i wasnt sure how to lead with this but i hope you're happy with how this turned out :)
p.s i love you and this literally has me giggling and smiling
requested- yes
warnings- none i hope
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fred weasley, the king with all his pride which no one could strip from him, all the cockiness no one could touch, the one so high from all, that no one would play against his will.
then why oh why was everything he had built for himself, his charm, his walls, his cool, all fumbling and crumbling beneath him when you arrived?
why did his heart flutter? or why did heat rise to his cheeks and why did he feel so weak to a pretty smile? you had every power over him and he despised you for it. he despised himself on how easily you could walk all over him and he'd say thank you. he couldn't fathom why he was so desperate for your attention even if it was for a mere second.
walking around the hallways in all his glory he'd immediately caught you making your way. it was peak rush hour, everyone was squirming their way from one class to another and his girl had seemed to have lost her footing
fred swept in catching her from having a meet with the floor. her arms were hugging him. freddie took a second for him to teach himself how to breathe again.
"the words are you're welcome" supplied fred when your mouth lied open, failing to form words. fred weasley had his arms swung around your waist having you pressed to his chest.
freddie didn't want to let go. he wanted to keep you pressed to him, his hands were everyone could see. he wanted to hold on forever.
"are you planning on letting go freddie darling?"
fuck. fred was officially pudding after he heard 'freddie' roll out of your mouth, he was fulfilled.
"so you can go and fall all over again? let them finish scavenging the halls or you'll become squash." how he managed to sound so confident and steady he didn't know?
maybe it had something to do with Rodger Holmes on the other side of the corridor, his face filled with jealousy. it gave freddie a kick. the girl he's been pinning for in freddie's arms, pressed against him whispering into each other's ears. Holmes did not need to know what as long as he could see she was in her weasley's arms. it helped him establish his dominance. you were to be his even if you didn't know it yet, even if you'd thought him to be the cruel cold hearted prankster, and Rodger dear better sit the hell back down.
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mamalunawolf · 3 months
I don’t think I posted it on here. I’m not sure. But I had done a couple cameos. From the voice actor for Gale (Tim Downie) and Jason Anthony for Rookwood. And anyways. For a Christmas gift. My husband paid for James Phelps to cameo for me. And it was amazing. So I wanted to show you guys the video. I’ll tell you what I wrote him under the video.
Gosh he is amazing 😻
Anyway I wrote to him that Fred Weasley was my favorite character and told him to NOT tell his brother, Oliver. But he most likely did anyway. That goofball. And I also said that because of him. I wanted to thank him for helping bring the magic of Harry Potter to life. And to this day I will always enjoy it. Also told him I was a Slytherin lol 😝
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km0xth · 2 years
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I write for a living so here's the first chapter of my G.W story on wattpad reminder that there is probably lots of spelling errors Which is on me.
This is also a normal story so no smut 😧
As she's finally back in her dormitory she looks in it with a feeling of loneliness only for a letter to be on a desk. "Hi Honey I know you told me you didn't want your own room but I did it anyways! I don't think you should share a room with people who don't respect you! but I'll see you during winter break. Love mom <3". Cosette signed as she sat on the bed, "She didn't need to give me a room," Cosette thought to herself. A little knock on your door and the door opens as you see the long ginger-haired twin. He sits down next to you only to break the silence that is going on. 
"So... Your own room. might be quite nice right I mean like noise-wise?" George gives a light smile looking at you.
"No George It isn't I told her I didn't need my own room there are people who need their own room more than me and what does she do? throws around a feud about me getting my room!" She answers frustrated laying down on the bed. "How about you cool off... In the snow! It's snowing outside, We could have a snowball fight!"He blurts out as if She'd laugh at something so stupid.
"Sure why not"Cosette said getting up and taking the scarf she threw on the chair and walking out of the room as he follows like a little pup. As they are walking out a boy comes towards us it was our good friend. Eli, He is a half-blood older brother to Seamus and isn't as bad as he looks he'd always have everyone's back if they were late. At least the people he likes, He was wondering where we were going George told him that she wasn't in the mood so were going outside to "cool" off.  He slowly goes away from the conversation as he's trying to catch up with her walking with a quick speed. 
"Hold on love you're walking too fast" George speaks as his walk becomes faster to catch up to you and stops a minute to catch his breath. Cosette finally slows down as they're outside the courtyard The snow has made it up to her shoes. A small smile is shown, Cosette has always liked the snow even if it's freezing. She kneeled down to pick up some snow to make a snowball as she was making it George is right behind her. She looks up to see him smiling only for him to get hit right in the face by a snowball from his own twin. Cosette could hear Fred laughing with Angelina, Cosette honestly thought this day would be terrible but snow always brightens her day up and never has not stopped doing so.
"How cruel, Honestly Fred has anyone ever taught you manners?" She says throwing the snowball She had just made.
"Not sure. But I didn't know a snowball fight had to be all about manners" He answers throwing a snowball only to hit a tree. Cosette laughed as this whole Snowball fight passes by so quickly it felt like 10 minutes. Ever since it passed everyone's packed in warm clothes and hot chocolate and whatnot.
She'd listen in to the conversation Fred and Angelina are having about professor Burbage having a project about Muggles and their daily life using electricity and other stuff from the muggle world. As She started to lose interest in the conversation she turned around to Eli where he was talking to Neville and Ginny. He had a great friendship with those two and then She turned around to The one person next to her. George, Honestly Her best friend and she wouldn't change the world for him. Last year when Cosette had come here after getting expelled from the last school she was in because of something she didn't start. but It was only because she broke the girl's nose. She started it yet Cosette got ploughed for it and got expelled. Guess that was an opportunity for her mother since she wanted her to go to Hogwarts cause her Father wanted to. it was his only dream yet she never saw him. she thought It was a good thing she came here, after all. look at all the people she's friends with now. 
"oi come on we gotta get to class" Angelina spoke getting up from where she just sat. so the fuss began as everyone started getting their stuff  George had already taken his stuff and held her book bag in front of her to take it. as they walk to the classroom there's just silence there. No first-years running around confused or people skipping, the halls empty except for the two of them walking. "hey I was wondering if you wanted to go to the cinema after this class is finished? cause I saw this really interesting flyer of this movie I'd think you'd like." He said holding his books and looking at her as were outside the door to the classroom. "No thanks, George Kinda just wanna go to bed after this class honestly. But maybe next time I'll go" she smiled as she opens the door to take her seat next to Angelina and he takes his seat next to his twin. they used to sit together but then Angelina well Fred started babbling which got professor Burbage on her last nerves so she separated them, Cosette thought she made a stupid choice considering she swapped George and Angelina and They can't shut up when they sit next to each other. but it didn't matter cause soon they'd switch with each other cause George and Cosette were Working together on this project And as soon as she was done talking.
"so what should I be writing this time while you explain"George looks into Cosette's open book and awaits her answer"
"I was thinking we could talk about the many jobs of a muggle such as normal jobs here like the Doctors and nurses, Law enforcement and other stuff," she continue the conversation looking at him with a tiny little smile.
"Sure, so shall we work?"He answers taking out his pen and pulling out a new page in his book.
"Yes, we shall".
 As for the project they talked about other things as well like the Triwizard tournament and how cool it would be if it happened here. and then he told her how he would definitely join even if he wasn't old enough. As we continue working and having our conversation a Hufflepuff comes up to us. "Mind if I borrow a pencil?" The brunette-haired boy spoke looking at Cosette. "Course Hufflepuff, "She said as she took out a pencil from her bookbag giving him it. 
"Hufflepuff?"He looks at her curiously.
"I don't really know your name so I've been calling you, your house name 'Hufflepuff'." She points at his tie with his house colour only for her to give him a kind smile. "It's Cedric, Cedric Diggory." He gives a quick smile before leaving back to his partner. Cosette continues talking with George about the Triwizard thing as he's all quiet.
"What's on your mind George?" she asked him while she stopped writing and turn to look at him.
"Nothing It's just you seemed to have a nice conversation about a pencil."He comments writing down the things she said earlier about the jobs.
"Are you jealous of a Hufflepuff asking if he could borrow a pencil?" She chuckles at his reaction. Cosette thought to herself "I mean. I don't even know the guy besides he looks like the most uninterested person here.". "of course not"George answered still looking at his paper. 
"Don't worry George you're the only one I like so don't worry about me leaving you" She laughs as she continues talking about the project until professor Burbage says something about the class being finished. "And remember this project shall be finished next week! not the one after next week." She clears her throat as everyone walks out. As Fred and Angelina walk in front of Cosette and George the silence is back until She finally starts talking.
"George if your so jealous then may I remind you? Your the only person here whos interesting." She finally says as her walk quickens and George his left in the hallway.
(I'm not sorry for the cliffhanger)
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George écrivait à toute allure sur un morceau de parchemin, les sourcils arqués, les lèvres légèrement pincées. Sa plume parcourait le papier laissant dans son sillage des lignes, des courbes, des formes et des boucles d'encre.
Il s'arrêta un instant d'écrire et se redressa sur sa chaise. Ses mains trouvèrent sa nuque et y restèrent jointes. Les pointes de ses cheveux d'un roux incandescent tombèrent sur ses longs doigts, les noyant dans un bain de flammes. Il se laissa aller contre le dossier de sa chaise et ferma les paupières.
Ses yeux à elle se posèrent instantanément sur le petit morceau de peau visible sous ses mains, satin d'ivoire constellé de tâches de rousseur. Elle poussa un soupir.
C'était la troisième fois, en l'espace d'une heure qu'elle se laissait happer par ses fantasmes. Elle avait beau vouloir s'arracher mais ils semblaient déterminés à ne pas la laisser tranquille.
-Dis-lui !
Bianca sortit de ses rêveries. Janet, sa meilleure amie, la regardait avec un air avisé.
-Quoi ?
Bianca feignait sa surprise. Elle savait très bien de quoi Janet voulait parler. Elle se tourna de nouveau vers George. Sur l'angle parfait de sa mâchoire. Sur son cou gracieux. Sur ses larges épaules. Sur l'arcade tordu de son nez.
-L'amour c'est comme le soleil. Parfois, il ne faut pas tenter de s'en approcher au risque de se faire bruler les ailes.
A ce moment précis, George tourna la tête vers elle. Bianca fut prompt à baisser les yeux vers son parchemin. George n'était pas pour elle. Il en aimait une autre et Bianca s'y était faite à l'idée. Cela avait été dur mais elle pensait avoir su faire taire la passion dévorante qu'elle avait pour George.
Seulement, elle se surprenait toujours à penser à lui, à se demander ce qu'il faisait, à se l'imaginer allongé à côté d'elle, tard dans la nuit. Quand elle le croisait dans les couloirs, elle se débrouillait pour le frôler ou le bousculer. Elle s'excusait alors, saisissant cette opportunité pour toucher son bras et lui sourire.
Bianca ne ratait aucun de ses matchs de Quidditch et bien que fière membre de la maison Poufsouffle, elle arborait immanquablement les couleurs rouge et or de l'équipe de George. Elle l'encourageait en silence, les yeux rivés sur sa silhouette athlétique et gracieuse.
Elle l'observait de loin, le cherchait dans toutes les foules. Et même si George n'était pas sien, même si elle ne pouvait pas lui crier son amour, elle était heureuse. Heureuse de pouvoir ne serait-ce qu'exister dans son monde.
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Hydra Amaryllis Malfoy
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“You don’t chose your secrets, your secrets choose you.”
Older sister of Draco Malfoy {by two years} and the Eldest child, and only daughter of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy
Only female heiress to the Malfoy fortune in a hundred years
She’s curious and determined, with a love for cats, potions, and quidditch.
She’s truly exceptional
And equally mysterious.
She has a thing for gingers and muggle culture
Her and Draco are very close
Lots of personal development once she gets to Hogwarts and begins to pull away from her familial ideals
Still loves her family even if they aren’t openly/physically affectionate
Secret situationship with Fred Weasley
Best friends include a Hufflepuff and a Ravenclaw
She’s a very complex person
I love her very much
Do be kind to her, she is rather prideful
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I go by Evan or Vinnie, but I also use the name Alex or Lex.
he/they (well... he/him or they/them)
Stuff I do here:
Selfshipping, OCs x Canon, etc
( here will be only selfshipping and similar stuff to that. If you want other content. I recommend you check my main, which is @thedancingclowns !! )
Stuff about me:
I have ADHD, I like to at least attempt to create stuff and have for pretty much my whole life, I am trying to be a functional grown being, my birthday is April 22nd
Human Synopsis:
my name is Evan (I also go by Vinnie), I am a (ftm) man, I am here to like fanart and writing and cool people (and also memes sometimes) while posting the most random shit known to humankind, I am legally an adult, a polyam quoi demi and nebula pan or omni dude (dunno man, romance is weird), as well as fictoromantic, I have ADHD and GAD, my birthday is April 22nd.
But... yeah! I have a self shipping blog now, and... yay!
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( Please be aware!! I am legally an adult! But any minor characters I mark as romantic f/o's are in relationships with YOUNGER s/i's!! I know that sounds weird, maybe, but I'm trying to explain that as clearly as I can. With those f/o's, I either make my s/i's younger/towards their age, or I do age ups! I'm not just like: "welp, I'm an adult, but one of my f/o's is this x years old character!" because to me that doesn't sit emotionally right. A similar thing for multiple characters of same fandom, sometimes I will use different s/i's for them because I like too many characters from some fandoms as romantic f/o's and it gets/feels awkward so times. I'm guess I'm kind of like a... f/o multishipper, if that makes sense lol...? :'> plus I still have them as f/o's because I technically considered them f/o's before I WAS an adult, so it felt less weird back then. )
f/o list and more below cut
f/o list!!
an orange source title means a platonic f/o, a pink source title means a romantic f/o, a purple source title means a familial f/o and a blue source title is a f/o outside those categories, like a qpr, or friends with benefits, etc. noncolored source titles are for uncategorized f/o's, likely new to the list.
(work in progress, give me some time, I'm slow and there are a lot. :'D)
Heavy Shvagenbagen (Metal Family)
Dee Shvagenbagen (Metal Family)
Lif (Metal Family *and familial because of a different oc / s/i*)
Lordy (Metal Family)
Bob (Metal Family)
Sebastian (Metal Family)
*like, ONLY the Younger version of Glam is a romantic f/o. Glam as an adult is a platonic f/o*
Sal Fisher (Sally Face)
Larry Johnson (Sally Face)
Todd Morrison (Sally Face)
Ashley Campbell (Sally Face)
Travis Phelps (Sally Face)
James (Pokémon)
Jessie (Pokémon)
Brock (Pokémon)
Catfeine (Frowning Critters AU)
Catnap (Poppy Playtime *Smiling Critters*)
N (Pokémon Black/White)
Brewster (Animal Crossing)
Eyeless Jack (Creepypasta)
Toby Rogers (Creepypasta)
Jeff the Killer (Creepypasta)
Ben Drowned (Creepypasta)
Tim Wright *Masky* (Creepypasta/Marble Hornets)
Alex Kralie (Marble Hornets)
(More Creepypastas I still need to add. The phase is returning :'D)
Bonnie/Withered Bonnie (FNAF 1/2)
Nightmare Bonnie (FNAF 4)
Foxy (FNAF 1)
Shamura (Cult of the Lamb)
Leshy (Cult of the Lamb)
Heket (Cult of the Lamb)
Kallamar (Cult of the Lamb)
Hvitur (Wings of Fire)
Riptide (Wings of Fire)
Flame (Wings of Fire)
Evan Myers (EverymanHYBRID)
Lady Liberty (Schoolhouse Rock) < yes, I'm confused, too. I don't know how she got here. But she's so pretty ;-;
Also, just in case...
NO, I am NOT possessive of any of my f/o's... that seems mildly odd to me...? People who also have any of my f/o's are allowed to interact, I don't care? Why are there people who are like:
Please don't interact if you're extremely like that... it doesn't make sense to me. It's like saying you OWN them, which you don't... like, they're fictional...? chances are you're not the only one who selfships with them.
The rest of my DNI is the same as my main.
to any fictives/introjects/etc of my f/o's, I am so, so sorry if this blog makes you uncomfortable. I get how selfshipping is seen as weird, and gets weirder under various perspectives... so... yeah. Sorry in advance.
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madelineorionswan · 2 years
On Camera| A Phelps twins Fanfiction
Chapter 7: The First days of Fame.
Warnings: Tooth rotting amount of fluff (let me know if there's anything else)
A/N: It's been forever and two years since I've posted and I'm so sorry for that. Again like the previous chapter, this one is long too and we're getting close to the parts about filming! And as always love to my co-writer @onlyfreds. Now enjoy!
It took the girls a few days to settle in at the hotel. They would call Albert at least one day to update them on the happenings so he doesn’t worry too much about them. 
Ever since that night, Charlotte could never stop talking about James. But, to her best friend’s annoyance - Charlotte would refuse to tell her his name.
“You know, you keep on talking about him - but you wouldn’t even tell me his name.” Evie huffed.
Cherry laughed, “So? I don’t want to tell you.” 
“You just don’t know his name, don’t you.” 
“How could you !? Of course, I know his name.”
Evie gave her a look, “Then tell me!” 
She shook her head, poking her tongue out at her, “Not a chance.” 
“Whatever.” Evelyn sighed, closing her book, “Should we go down for breakfast?” 
Charlotte nodded, getting up, “Sure, come to think of it - I’m hungry.”
The girls then headed out of their room towards the elevator and pressed the button to the ground floor.
“I can’t believe that this is actually happening,” Evelyn muttered as the elevator doors closed in front of them.
“I know, right?” Charlotte agreed, looking around the elevator - seeing their reflections on the walls, “It still feels like a dream.” 
“I guess it won’t ever stop feeling like a dream,” Evie said, smiling at her best friend.
The elevator doors soon opened up, revealing the ground floor. The girls stepped out of the elevator and headed to the dining hall, where most of the cast were having their breakfast. As soon as Evie stepped foot inside the hall, a familiar voice suddenly caught her attention.
“Good morning m’lady.”
Turning around, Oliver was standing there with a smile, his hands tucked away in the pockets of his jeans.
She smiled, “Good morning my kind sir.” 
He nervously ran a hand through his hair, “You know, if the two of you haven’t had breakfast - you can join me and my brother if you want.” 
Evelyn’s smile grew even wider, “That would be amazing! Right, Cherry?” 
She then elbowed the girl beside her, who was already giving her a teasing smile.
Charlotte cleared her throat, “Yes! That would be great.” 
“Lead the way then,” Evelyn said, starting to walk beside Oliver.
Oliver guided them through the others table, walking towards the table he shared with his brother.
“Here we are.” Oliver said with a smile, “Evelyn, I would like you to meet-”
Before Oliver could even have a chance to complete his sentence, Charlotte had already managed to beat him to it.
An exact replica of Oliver looked at her, giving her a look, “Charlotte.”
“Wait.” Evelyn said as she and Oliver exchanged a look, “You two know each other?” 
But, James and Charlotte ignored her question.
“He’s your brother?” Charlotte asked, nodding towards Oliver.
James gave a small smile, tucking his hands in the pockets of his jeans, “Yeah. But I’m the more good-looking twin. So, is she your sister?” 
Charlotte shook her head, “Evie’s my best friend, but she's like a sister to me.” 
Oliver then cleared his throat, finally catching both of their attention, “So, you two do know each other?” 
“Yeah.” James said as Charlotte turned to her best friend and said, “He’s the one I was telling you about.”
Evelyn’s eyes suddenly widened as she gave her a teasing smile, “Oh.”
“So,” James said, changing the subject, “You must be the great Evelyn my brother never seems to shut up about.” 
“Oi!” Oliver scolded, a blush rising to his cheeks. 
Evie giggled, shaking James’ hand, “Guilty as charged.” 
“And you must be the twin he claims to be ‘more good-looking compared to’?” Evie added, causing him to laugh.
“Yeah, but obviously, I’m the better looking one.”
“In your dreams,” Oliver argued, crossing his arms over his chest.
Evie scrunched up her nose as she teased, “Might have to agree with Ollie on this one.” 
“Hey!” Charlotte played along, causing the four of them to laugh.
The four of them settled down at the breakfast table where all of the other cast were. Just as they were having a jolly time, they heard the filming team come in.
There was a podium in the room, where the director, Chris Columbus, stepped up. He clapped his hands to grab the attention of the boisterous hall of kids who seemed to be getting along.
"Hello to all of you here," he said and smiled at the kids.
"So, I know you all are excited and I'm sure all of you guys will be brilliant at your parts," at this Evie felt Cherry nudge her shoulder and looked to see her smirking. Evie rolled her eyes and slapped her friend's elbow away.
"But since you guys are so new to this, there's a lot of things to learn. So we start small, we'll be going to a village in Northern England, we'll explain more once we reach there," Chris said, stepping aside. 
The adults left the room soon after and everyone returned to their food.
"Looks like things are going to be exciting," James said, chugging a glass of juice.
"Well, what did you expect when you were accepted huh?" Cherry cocked, making everyone laugh.
"Well, it was brilliant having breakfast with you boys, but now I guess we must be off," Evie said and the girls got up.
"Well, if you say so m'lady," Oliver said, making Evie giggle.
"I'll see you soon too," James said to Cherry, who smiled gently and nodded. 
After freshening up the girls left the breakfast hall and returned to their room, stuffed to the brim and once again bored. But they weren't to remain in that state for too long. An hour or so later, a man from the hotel staff came and told them that the director had asked for them. The girls were then escorted by him to a much larger room where they both were asked to wait for some time.
"What do you think he wants to discuss?" Evie asked Cherry, who just shrugged. 
They didn't have to wait long to find out. A couple of minutes later, they were called into the room by a lady. The girls smiled at Chris once they entered who returned the smile, gesturing for them to sit down. 
"So girls, I'm assuming you're curious about why I've called you?" Chris asked and the two girls nodded in response.
"So as you know all of you will be heading over to Northern England to start filming right? But before that, a couple of you have interviews to go through."
"Sounds exciting," Evie whispered over to Cherry, who nodded excitedly.
"So when is our one?" Cherry asked enthusiastically, making the director chuckle.
"Well, you both have it soon, this afternoon in fact," Chris informed them. The girls were practically vibrating from excitement.
"So there'll be a car to get you and a couple of others in about 3 hours, I advise you to pack up in the meantime, cus we'll be starting the filming soon," he said. The girls nodded again, trying to appear professional.
But the moment they were in their room they both started squealing and jumping about. 
"Oh- My- God! Cherry, this is our first interview!!!!" Evie squealed.
"I know right!?!? Gosh, this is exciting," Cherry said excitedly. 
“Who do you think will be in the interview with us?” Evelyn asked, trying to stuff three books in her bag along with some other essentials. 
Charlotte shrugged, “Hopefully James and Oliver.” 
This caused her friend to nudge her, giving a teasing smile, “I’m sensing there’s more of James than Oliver there.”
Charlotte stuck her tongue out at her, “Shut up. Like you’re not blushing madly at the thought of the other one.”
“Like you’re not keeping the identity of the other one to keep me from teasing you.”
“Teasing me for what?” Charlotte sassed.
“For having a crush on him.” Evie retorted.
The girl turned red, causing her best friend to laugh, “I do not.” 
“Yes, you do.”
“I do not!”
A knock on the door suddenly cut their little debate short. 
You do. Evelyn mouthed with a teasing smile before going to open the door.
A young woman who didn’t look older than 25 stood there with a small smile, “This is Evelyn Summers and Charlotte Beladonna’s room right?”
Evie nodded, “Yeah, why?” 
“Well, the director just wanted to let you know that we’ll be leaving in a bit.” The young woman said. 
Evelyn thanked the woman for notifying them before heading back inside to her best friend.
“Who was it?” Charlotte asked, pulling the zipper close on her bag.
“I have no idea if she was PA or something, but she did say that they wanted to let us know that we’ll be leaving in a bit.” Evelyn relayed the message as she shouldered her bag.
“Good thing we’re ready to go then.” Cherry smiled as the two girls headed out of the door.
“What scene do you think we’ll film?” Evelyn asked as the elevator doors closed in front of them.
Charlotte shrugged, “Dunno, but whatever is it - I’m so excited.” 
The elevator stopped at the 7th floor, opening to reveal a certain pair of twins.
“We meet again.” James smiled at Charlotte.
“Mind if we join you?” Oliver asked.
“Of course.” Evie smiled, “Unless you want to wait for the next elevator.”
“No thank you.” Oliver chuckled as he and James walked inside.
“What scene do you think we’ll be filming today?” Oliver asked.
“Surely the first scene?” James guessed, “I mean, don’t they film it in chronological order?” 
“As a matter of fact, they don’t,” Cherry said.
“I told her that.” Evelyn chimed in.
“Okay,” Oliver said, “I just asked what scene we’re going to film today. I didn’t ask for a debate to launch about how movies are filmed.” 
This caused the rest of the group to laugh. The elevator doors then opened to reveal the lobby, the four of them headed outside together.
They all felt like they were spies on a secret mission, to outsiders they just looked like a couple of teenagers going to hang out with each other when in reality they’re making the next blockbuster in the movie industry.
The four friends walked through the streets of London excitedly. They all reached the studio where the filming would take place. From the outside, it looked like any other office building. Oliver went forward and opened the door. 
“Ladies,” he said, dramatically bowing in front of the girls. Evie giggled, a blush forming on her face, while cherry rolled her eyes, a teasing smile on her face.
After the girls walked in Oliver turned to see James, a teasing smile on his face.
“Your whipped mate,” he teased Ollie before sauntering inside. Ollie punched his brother’s arm, before following him inside, closing the door behind him.
“Oi what was that for,” James whined, rubbing his now sore shoulder. 
“That dear brother was for teasing me,” Ollie smirked. 
“Oh come on I’m just pointing ou-” James stopped mid-sentence and his eyes widened in wonder. Ollie frowned but then followed James’ gaze and he too was blown away. 
“Isn't this amazing?!” Evie said, marvelling at the elaborate set. 
The inside of the studio was quite unlike the outside. The four had never seen anything so amazing. Ginormous cameras stood everywhere as people carefully put together the set. It was the great hall. Even though it wasn't completely ready, they all were still in complete awe.
“Wowza, it's incredible,” Ollie whispered with wonderment.
“Wait till it’s finished, I think you’ll like it even more.”
The four friends turned around to see a man, possibly in his mid-fifties smiling at them. He walked up to them and looked at the set being constructed. As if he was suddenly hit with a thought, he clicked his tongue and turned to Oliver, James, Evelyn and Charlotte and smiled.
“Oh how rude of me, I’m Stuart Craig,” he said. He extended his hand to shake with the boys.
“Nice to meet you, sir,” they said together before extending their hands to receive a shake together. The old man chuckled before taking both of their hands together and shaking them. 
He then turned to the girls who heartily shook hands with him.
“I believe you youngsters are going to work here, very soon?” he asked. 
“We are,” Evie said. 
“Well then I can't wait for you all to spend your days here, I’m quite looking forward to it,” Stuart said, smiling affectionately at the youngsters. 
“It looks absolutely brilliant! Did you design it?” James asked, still admiring the set.
“I’m glad you think so young man, and to answer your question, yes I did.”
“Wow that's so cool,” Oliver and Evie exclaimed together.
“Thank you, all of you,” Stuart smiled.
Suddenly there was a knock. Everyone turned around and saw a tall man, wearing a suit and black glasses. An earpiece hung from his ear. There was no mistaking that this man was some sort of bodyguard. Outside the Cherry spotted a car, with someone sitting inside. 
“Sorry, Mr Craig, but these four are needed for an interview,” the man stated. 
“Oh yes yes, I won't be keeping you all. Go on now,” Stuart said, ushering the four teens to the car. 
Once outside, the tall man conducted them to the car standing outside. The moment they all settled inside the driver drove the car towards the main streets.
“I’m guessing that we’re going to the interview,” Ollie said, looking outside the car window at the cityscapes. 
James shook his wrist and checked his wristwatch, “Well it is around the time they told us that they’d pick us up.” 
“Looks like it's showtime then,” Cherry said, excitement bubbling inside her. She wouldn't tell this to anyone but having already performed with horses many times, she thought she would be the best at interviews. She looked outside the car window to hide her growing smirk. 
James on the other hand was nervous. He had always been the shy-er twin. The one that was happy to just be the support role. He had never been the performing kind. But now he was going to be one of the leading roles in an upcoming blockbuster movie series. So he too looked outside of the car window, to calm himself down. 
Time seemed to fly by and within a few moments, they were there at the interview studio. 
The group of four had to separate for a moment to head to their respective makeup rooms.
“I’ll be seeing you later then?” Oliver smiled.
Evelyn nodded, “Obviously. We’re literally working on the same movie - you won’t be getting rid of me that easily.” 
“I’ll be counting on that.” Oliver sent her a wink before heading out with his twin.
When Evie turned to her best friend, she could practically see the teasing smile she had.
“Oh shut up.” Evelyn rolled her eyes as they headed to the makeup room.
“What? I wasn’t doing anything.” Charlotte said innocently, trying to stifle a laugh.
“You definitely wasn’t saying anything.” Evelyn said, “But I know what you’re thinking.”
Charlotte grinned, nudging her best friend with her elbow as they were ushered into their respective makeup chairs, “Perks of being best friends, am I right?”
“Very.” Evie managed a laugh before the stylists started working on their makeup.
“Here we are.” Director Columbus beamed as the group of four entered the room, “Just the four we’ve been waiting for.”
They then took their seats, James sitting in between Charlotte and Evelyn while Oliver was seated next to Evelyn.
Giving the girl next to him a small smile, James’ words from earlier started echoing in Oliver’s mind.
“Quit staring at her. You’re making it more obvious that you’re whipped. And you’ve got some drool over there.”
Oliver absentmindedly raised his hand to wipe the drool away.
“I’m not drooling.” He glared at his twin, causing him to laugh.
“Are you nervous?” James asked from Charlotte’s right.
The girl shrugged, giving a small smile, “I don’t know? Probably? I am literally having a rollercoaster of emotions and now I can’t identify which is which.”
James laughed, making her heart flutter, “Same here honestly. That’s a funny thing about emotions, sometimes you know exactly what you’re feeling and sometimes you just don’t.” 
Charlotte grinned, “Very true.” 
“You look amazing, by the way, not that you didn’t look amazing before - but you know what I mean.” James said, running a hand through his hair.
Charlotte smiled. In an attempt to hide her growing smile, Charlotte focused her eyesight on her lap as a blush started creeping up her cheek.
"You look quite dapper yourself," she said, a teasing smile on her face as she playfully shoved James' arm. 
"Thanks," James murmured as he smiled shyly, blushing like an idiot. 
Then Christopher came into the room, following him were a couple of people and camera men. 
“Now it’s starting to get real.” Evelyn muttered, causing the group to laugh.
While the cameramen were setting up, a couple of ladies came into the room to retouch their makeup and make sure that they weren’t looking too pale or too red.
Once the makeup team had left, a couple of journalists sat in chairs opposite of the group as a man took out a clapperboard and yelled, “Action!” 
“Okay, so,” one of the journalists said, “since the movie is based on a series of books - have you read them before auditioning?”
“We did.” Charlotte and Evelyn practically answered at the same time.
“Cherry and I are actually a huge fan of them.” The latter smiled.
“That’s great!” The journalist smiled, “How about you, James and Oliver?” 
James shrugged, “We’ve read them before and they’re pretty good.” 
“So,” Another journalist piped up, “since shooting is bound to start soon - how well do you identify with your characters?” 
“Well I would say we identify alot with the weasley twins. I mean they are absolutely amazing,” Oliver grinned, bumpin James on the chest with his elbow who also nodded in agreement a cheesy grin on his face too. 
“And what about you girls?”
“I would agree although evie would say that her character doesnt drink enough coffee in the day,’ Cherry replied leaning back in her chair. 
Evie smacked Cherry from behind before flashing a grin and saying, “What she meant to say was that the characters are kind of like us in an alternate reality.”
The whole room burst into laughter and soon Evie joined in. After a few more questions being asked and a lot more jokes. The camera crew stopped filming. The four friends shook hands with the interview’s crew and the director before he “dismissed” them all, telling them to return back to their hotel.
“Well this is an absolute relief,” Cherry sighed once the makeup artist helped the girls take off their makeup. 
“I agree. And the interview also went brilliantly,” Evie said, smiling at her friend. 
After a while the two girls thanked the makeup artist and put on their coats walking outside where they were met with the two boys, waiting outside. 
Once James saw Cherry, he quickly walked up to her, smiling and offered her his arm. She chuckled a little before hooking her arm with his and the two started walking away, talking and sharing laughs. Evie and Ollie on the other hand were smiling at them, unaware that they were holding hands. 
“Looks like lover boys whipped,” Ollie chuckled walking alongside Evie who also let out a laugh. 
“They do look adorable,” Evie sighed smiling. 
“Not as adorable as us though," Ollie added, slowly intertwining his fingers with Evie’s smaller one.
“That I agree with,” She giggled before they both picked up their pace and followed the other two through the streets of London, back to the temporary abode of their hotel rooms.
14 notes · View notes
arrantsnowdrop · 3 years
Dementors - Fred Weasley x Reader
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Summary: Takes place during Prisoner of Azkaban. Reader is in her fourth year (one below Fred/George) and has been having a rough year because of the Dementors. Fred steps in to help.
Warnings: mentions of anxiety and stress
Word Count: 4,500
A/N: I’ve had this fic idea for a few months now, and finally got around to writing it! Fred is genuinely the love of my life and I hope you enjoy reading! :)
The Hogwarts Library was your favorite place to study. It wasn’t necessarily because you enjoyed the silence more than anyone else, but rather stemmed from your inability to work when other people were around. The moment you broke off from your group of friends’ “study sessions” and started studying by yourself in the library, you fell in love with its quiet yet comforting ambience.
Studying alone didn’t necessarily mean you were lonely while studying. There was an unspoken sense of camaraderie between the regulars who frequented the library most nights of the week. Hermione, for example, had become your unofficial “study buddy” during your second year, with the two of you sharing a table or a couch to do your work on every time you were in the library together. Despite her being a year younger than you, she was one of your closest friends.
Even on nights like tonight, with buckets of rain falling down outside and the wind howling louder than a banshee, the library remained one of the coziest spots in the castle.
It was Saturday, one of the few nights Hermione didn’t come down to join you, and so you’d abandoned your normal desk near the windows in favor of a cushioned armchair near the fireplace (which Madam Pince only lit on nights like this).
You relished the warmth radiating from the fire in front of you, admiring the soft, flickering light it cast on the piece of parchment in your lap. You were taking a break from your half-finished potions essay, transfixed by the rain cascading down the tall library windows like a small waterfall.
You squinted as a dark figure floated into view, brows furrowing as you recognized it as one of the many dementors assigned to Hogwarts’ ground this year. You shuddered, quickly reverting your eyes to your essay.
How ironic, you thought, that you were writing about the Calming Drought when you hadn’t felt calm once all year.
You came from a muggle family, and while many creatures of the wizarding world were still unfamiliar to you, dementors were one aspect you wish had remained secret. They terrified you, to put it plainly.
You hadn’t slept soundly since the first day of the semester when one of them had just floated into the train compartment you were sharing with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. You’d almost passed out right then and there, and you weren’t even the person it was interested in.
You understood why they were there, but you still hated them. You could hardly go anywhere without seeing one hovering lifelessly through a window or lurking slowly over the Quidditch Pitch. As Hermione had said herself, you didn’t need to be near one for it to make you feel absolutely awful.
And while you didn’t like to think of yourself as an anxious person, the dementors’ presence this year had completely degraded your mental state. You were sleeping less, eating less, and trying to cope by putting all your effort into your schoolwork. At least when you were preoccupied with an essay or studying, you’d get a small distraction from the horrible creatures that permeated your everyday life.
“Oi, (Y/n)!”
You jumped about five feet in the air at the sudden noise, essay and quill falling unceremoniously to the floor. You groaned, twisting in your seat and eyes widening at the sight of Fred Weasley approaching you, a concerned look on his face.
“Sorry, love, didn’t mean to scare you,” he apologized sincerely. You gulped, ignoring the term of endearment, and shook your head dismissively.
“It’s alright,” you replied with a wave of your hand. “Just caught me off guard is all.” You reached down to pick up the items you’d launched off your lap. When you sat back up, Fred was walking over with a chair he’d grabbed from a nearby desk. You gave him a small smile as he sat down next to you.
“I’m assuming you’d like help with something?” you teased knowingly. He grinned and nodded.
“Hermione said you were in the middle of writing a potions essay, and seeing as Georgie and I have spent the last week studying for our potions OWL, I figured I’d come ask you all the questions Hermione couldn’t answer for us,” he explained. “If that’s okay with you, that is.”
You feigned offense. “Wow, Hermione first then me? I see how it is, Weasley.”
He rolled his eyes, pulling a crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket and smoothing it out on his thigh.
“These are our areas of concern,” he said, handing the paper to you.
“Areas of concern?” You raised an eyebrow as you scanned over the paper, chewing your bottom lip lightly as you tried to figure out what topics you could actually help him with. You glanced up at him, cheeks flushing at the sight of him watching you intently with a small smile on his face.
You’d always been a bit infatuated with Fred Weasley, but then again, who wasn’t? Fred and George were Quidditch legends, insanely popular (but in the truly social way, not the stuck up “I’m better than everyone” way), and quite smart. They were funny but caring, and stood up for anyone who needed it. He was also a year older than you, and thus you regarded him as completely unattainable.
“I understand everything up until this here,” you said finally, pointing at where ‘Draught of Peace’ was written. “I think this is where the fifth year curriculum begins, and obviously I’m not there yet.”
“I will gladly accept whatever help you can give,” Fred replied, grimacing as Madam Pince interrupted him with a loud “Shh!”
You startled again, exhaling quickly and glaring at Fred for causing the reprimand.
“Someone’s jumpy today,” he said, brows furrowing slightly. “You alright, (Y/n)?”
“I’m good, thank you,” you replied, looking down at Fred’s list once again. You went to hand it back to him, only to find him staring at you with an apprehensive look. “What?” you asked defensively.
“Have you been sleeping lately?” he asked quietly. You gulped, realizing you hadn’t concealed the dark purple bags under your eyes before you’d left your dorm.
“It’s just been a tough week,” you replied firmly, shoving the list into his hands and reaching down to gather your things.
“It’s late,” you stated, cutting him off before he could interrogate you further. “How about we get together to study sometime this week? That way I can find all my essays from this year for reference.”
“That works fine for me,” he replied hesitantly. “Are you-”
“I’m free any day except Wednesday, and Thursday morning because I have a Charms test,” you interrupted again, standing up quickly. “Just let me know whenever.”
He nodded slowly, pushing himself out of his seat as well, concern still etched across his face. You tried to give him a reassuring smile.
“How about tomorrow in the Great Hall? After my Quidditch practice,” he finally suggested. You nodded eagerly.
“Sounds perfect, I’ll see you then.” You gave him a small wave and rushed towards the doors, trying to ignore your heart beating ten times faster than normal and the memory of Fred’s worried gaze.
• • •
When you woke up from yet another night of hardly any sleep, you realized you had absolutely no idea when Quidditch practice was. You had walked down to the common room looking for Harry, but lo and behold, Oliver Wood was already up and annotating a book on Quidditch strategies at nine in the morning.
Practice was from three to five on Sundays, as you quickly found out, meaning you had a whole eight hours to stress about studying with Fred before it actually happened.
You spent an hour trying to fall back asleep and another working on your potions essay, then decided you’d had enough of your own room and went to bother Hermione in her dorm. You found her sitting on the carpet surrounded by a copious amount of notes, with Lavender and Parvati helping her sort through them.
“Transfiguration,” Parvati explained as you sat down to help them. “We have a test on Friday.”
“A bloody hard one, too,” Lavender said, slightly exasperated. “Four chapters worth of short ended questions and two essays.”
“Where’s Kellah?” you asked, realizing the fourth inhabitant of the dorm was missing.
“Interrogating McGonagall about all this.” Lavender jabbed a figure at a stack of notes spitefully.
“Maybe Kellah will convince her to give us all bonus points,” Parvati suggested. Hermione laughed softly, head still bowed over a lengthy piece of parchment in front of her.
“I hear you’ve got a study date with Fred Weasley this afternoon,” Hermione said, glancing up to give you a grin and an eyebrow wiggle. You groaned, blushing as Lavender and Parvati squealed.
“It’s really not that serious-”
“Except that it is!” Lavender all but shrieked. “You’ve liked him for forever!”
“Sweet Merlin, this is your chance!” Parvati gushed, grabbing your hand and squeezing it tightly. “I’m genuinely so excited about this.”
You laughed and shook your head. “I’ll be sure to give you all updates tomorrow, though I can’t promise they’ll be all that interesting.”
The four of you continued to talk about your looming study session with Fred as you combed through Hermione’s notes.
“This’ll be good for you, (Y/n),” Parvati said thoughtfully. “I mean, Fred’s a great guy, he’s always cared about you-”
“Maybe hanging out with him more will help with the whole, y’know, anxiety situation,” Lavender added. You shrugged.
“I mean, I saw him for literally five minutes yesterday and he’s already figured out that I’m not sleeping,” you said, chewing your bottom lip. “And I don’t why but the thought of him knowing everything makes me nervous.”
“Why?” Hermione asked curiously. You shrugged again.
“I guess I just don’t want him to be upset, or worried.”
“(Y/n), Fred would never be upset with you,” she said reassuringly.
“I think it’s romantic that he’s all in-tune with your emotions,” Parvati said wistfully.
“And he cares,” Lavender sighed, staring at the carpet emotionally. You rolled your eyes.
“Thanks, guys.”
• • •
At 2:30, you tried to convince yourself that you were heading down to the common room to relax, not to catch a glimpse of your favorite Weasley twin on his way to practice. That was a lie.
Fifteen minutes later, Fred Weasley ambled down the steps with the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, laughing loudly with George while Oliver trailed behind them muttering something about maturity. Fred’s face lit up as he caught sight of you curled up on the couch and smiled at you brightly. You gave him a small wave in return, hoping he wouldn’t be able to see the faint blush on your cheeks.
“I’ll see you later!” he called on his way out of the room. George paused in the doorway to give you an exaggerated wink, giggling when you glared at him before turning to catch up with the rest of the team.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, cursing your quickened pulse and sweaty palms - he’d only been in the same room as you, for Merlin’s sake, there was no need to get so worked up.
And yet Fred had all your nerves on edge as the clock on the wall ticked closer and closer to five o’clock. You pulled out your potions textbook and a spare piece of parchment, deciding to make a few notes for later.
At some point you dozed off, your lack of sleep catching up with you as it often did in the middle of the afternoon. You’d become a frequent napper in the last month or so, finding it easier to fall asleep when it was still light out. Today, however, was not the best day for one of your four hour recovery naps.
You woke up with half an hour to spare before you needed to be in the Great Hall. You went back up to your room, gathered your typical study things and changed out of the pajamas you’d been in all day, opting for a sweater and a new pair of sweatpants instead. This time, you made sure to dab concealer under your eyes, erasing all evidence of your insomnia before you left Gryffindor Tower.
There were only a few students sitting in the Great Hall when you got there. You took a seat in the middle of the Gryffindor table and inspected the baskets of assorted snacks in front of you as you set your bag down.
One of the first years, a girl named Amara, pushed a basket of pumpkin pasties towards you from her seat across the table. She gave you a shy smile. “I know you like them.”
“Thank you, Amara,” you said, grinning at the young Gryffindor and grabbing two of the pasties.
“What’s that about?” she asked as you pulled your textbook out of your bag.
“Potions,” you said, setting the book on the table in front of you. “I’m helping Fred study for his exams.”
“Fred Weasley?” Amara asked with wide eyes. You chuckled.
“The one and only.”
As if on cue, Fred made his way through the doors of the Great Hall, head turning as he scanned the room for you. He grinned as his eyes met yours and hastened his pace just a little bit. Your heart skipped a beat, admiring the way his sweatpants hugged his legs and the slight flush to his face.
“Hello, love,” he said, sliding into the seat next to you. You gave him a small smile, eyes widening as he wrapped an arm around your waist. If he noticed the blush tickling your cheeks he ignored it.
“And hello to you, too, Amara,” he continued, giving her a wave. “You look lovely today.”
She squeaked, face turning a bright shade of red as she scampered down the bench towards her classmates. You rolled your eyes, giving him a playful slap on the shoulder.
“You’re a menace,” you scolded.
“Sure am,” he replied proudly, removing his arm from your waist and clasping his hands together on the table in front of him. “So, potions.”
You nodded, flipping open your textbook to the Wit-Sharpening Potion (which you’d bookmarked earlier). “This is the first thing in the fourth year curriculum.”
“Which is where Hermione left off,” he added with a nod.
“I’ve already read it over,” you explained, pointing at some of the annotations you’d made earlier. “So we can review it together and then you can copy down all the important bits to study later.”
He looked down at himself and then gave you a sheepish look. “Do you by chance have something I could write on?” he asked. You sighed, reaching into your bag to grab a piece of parchment and a quill.
“You’re going to be the death of me, Weasley,” you said sarcastically.
“Oh, I hope so,” he replied cheekily, giving you a heart-melting grin.
You spent the next hour or so guiding him through the effects and recipes of each potion. He actually did a surprisingly good job at paying attention, taking detailed notes and only interrupting every once in a while to point out Amara staring at the two of you from a distance.
“She’s so cute,” you remarked softly, watching her gossip energetically with her friends.
“She reminds me of you when you were a first year,” Fred said. You gave him a confused glance.
“What do you mean?”
“Very enthusiastic, easy to rile up,” he explained.
“Now I understand why you and George pulled so many pranks on me,” you groaned, turning the page to the chapter on Skele-Gro.
“It’s was our job to terrorize the new students,” he said, raising his hands in defense. “Peeves’ orders.”
“Uhuh,” you said sarcastically, unable to keep the grin off your face.
“This is the stuff Madam Pomfrey gave to Harry last year!” Fred said excitedly, pointing at the book. You grinned and nodded.
“Yes! Now what’s it made of?” you asked, covering the ingredient list with your hand.
Fred’s nose scrunched as he concentrated. “Erm, puffer fish, and an arm bone, and…spiders?”
“One spider,” you corrected, lifting your hand off the page. “And a bunch of other things.”
“Chinese chomping cabbage, five Scarab beetles…” he mumbled, scribbling onto his parchment as he squinted at the list.
“Invented by Linfred of Stinchcombe,” you added.
“Funny name,” Fred chuckled.
“Which one?” you asked. “Linfred, or Stinchcombe?”
You giggled softly, gaze trailing upwards as the light emitting from the ceiling changed from a pale yellow to a deep blue. The floating candles gleamed brightly against the dark night sky. Despite the change, there was still enough light shining on the tables for you to be able to work.
“Lovely nighttime ambience,” Fred remarked from beside you.
“You sound like you work in real estate,” you replied, gaze moving from the ceiling to the large window at the front of the hall.
You inhaled sharply, noticing the all-too familiar silhouette of a dementor floating just beyond the glass.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Fred asked softly from behind you. You hardly noticed the hand he rested gently on your arm, focused entirely on the dementor hanging in the air like a twisted puppet.
“Dumbledore said they weren’t going to come on the school grounds,” you muttered.
Fred followed your gaze to the window, and you felt him stiffen behind you. “Ah.”
You turned back around in your seat, knocking his hand off you, and cleared your throat as you looked back at your notes.
“I think we can move on, yea?” you said, flipping to the next chapter.
“Antidotes,” you announced, clapping your hands together dismissively. “Very specific healing potions-”
“(Y/n)!” Fred interrupted, reaching out and covering your hand with his own. You sighed, finding yourself feeling oddly uncomfortable under his concerned gaze. “What, Fred?”
“Exactly, what the bloody hell was that?” he asked, a bit harshly.
“What are you talking about?”
“The dementor!” he said exasperatedly, frown deepening as you shivered. “(Y/n)?” His voice was much softer this time.
“I don’t like talking about them,” you said finally, shutting your eyes and taking a deep breath. “They scare the shit out of me.”
“Are the dementors why you haven’t been sleeping?”
Your eyes snapped open, giving Fred an incredulous look. “I’ve been sleeping just fine, thank you.”
“I hope you don’t think last night in the library was the first time I’ve noticed,” he said softly. Your heart skipped a beat. “All year you’ve seemed…more reserved. Tired. You yawn all the time, I hardly see you eat.”
“I’m just…stressed,” you managed, glancing at the pumpkin pasties you’d set aside earlier. The dementor had taken your appetite away completely.
“It seems more serious than that,” Fred muttered, placing his hand on top of yours and squeezing gently. 
You sighed, glancing down the table to where Amara and her friends were staring at you intently. “Could we continue this conversation elsewhere?” you asked quietly. Fred nodded, helping you put your things in your bag.
“When did it start?” he asked as the two of you walked towards the doors at the end of the Great Hall.
“It’s been all year,” you admitted, cringing at the way Fred exhaled sharply. “I didn’t know you noticed.”
“Of course I noticed,” Fred said, pushing the door open for you. “You’re worth watching.”
You blushed and followed him down the corridor. “Where are we going?”
“I was thinking the kitchens?” he said. “It’s warm there, plus the house-elves are just starting dinner.”
Fred stayed by your side as you walked down the stairs, hand brushing against the back of yours lightly every time he took another step down. You bit your lip, imagining how it would feel to get to hold his hand.
“How was Quidditch practice?” you asked softly, breaking the silence. Fred looked down at you and gave you a small grin.
“You really want to know?”
You nodded.
“Absolute shit,” he replied, emphasizing every syllable. You stifled a laugh as his brows furrowed in frustration. “Wood has been up in everyone’s business for weeks trying to get us to learn this new play. You know who invented it?”
“Who?” you asked curiously.
“The Pride of Portree!” he said exasperatedly. “They’re bloody professionals, and Wood can’t seem to understand how we’re not performing as well as they are.”
“Wood’s a bit of a lunatic when it comes to Quidditch,” you agreed.
“A bit is an understatement,” Fred snorted, stopping at the fruit bowl painting that concealed the entrance to the kitchens. “Do you want to tickle the pear or should I?” “Don’t think I’ve ever been asked that before,” you laughed. “You can do it.”
Fred reached out and gave the two dimensional fruit a tickle, grinning as it turned into a door handle. He pulled it open. “After you, m’lady.”
You grinned and waved hello to Krafty, one of your favorite house-elves.
“Hello, Krafty,” Fred called, pulling the door shut and coming to stand beside you.
“Mr. Weasley,” Krafty said, giving a slight bow. “Krafty must go help work on dinner!”
You glanced up at Fred as the house-elf scurried off. “I didn’t know you knew Krafty.”
“George and I come here all the time to steal food before bed,” he explained, grabbing your hand and tugging you towards one of the tables. “We know quite a few of these guys.”
He sat down and patted the bench next to him, grinning as you followed suit and rested your head against his arm.
“Comfortable?” he asked. You nodded.
“Your mother’s sweaters are always so cozy,” you mumbled. “I stole one of Ginny’s old ones to sleep in.”
Fred chuckled. “I’ll just ask her to make you one.”
“I don’t want to burden her,” you whined.
“She loves you, she won’t mind.”
“I miss your mum,” you said. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen her.” “You should come visit,” Fred suggested. You shrugged, sitting up straight. “Maybe.”
Fred reached around your back and grabbed a roll out of a basket behind you. You gave him a confused look as he forced it into your hands.
“Would you please eat this,” he said. “I haven’t seen you eat a full meal in weeks and it’s starting to make me nervous.”
“Sorry,” you mumbled, taking a small bite of the bread.
“I don’t mean to make you feel bad,” Fred said softly, “it’s just that you have to eat.”
“It’s not like I’m trying not to,” you explained. “I want to eat, but I get so…so nervous that I stop being hungry.”
“Because of the dementors?” he asked.
“Yea.” You cringed at how small your voice sounded.
“Why do they freak you out so much?” he asked genuinely. “I mean, they’re creepy and all, but you seem more affected by them than most other people.”
“You remember how one came into our compartment on the Hogwarts Express?” you asked. “At the beginning of the year?”
Fred frowned and nodded. “Don’t think Ron slept for two weeks.”
“Yea, well, I haven’t really slept since then,” you muttered.
“(Y/n), it’s been months,” Fred said incredulously, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “I genuinely have no idea how you’ve been functioning this whole time.”
“I know it’s bad,” you sighed, leaning into his chest and trying to ignore the way his caring tugged at your emotions. “But it’s just…so dark in my room at night. And I’m always the last one awake and I feel so alone, and then I’m just reminded of how lonely and terrified and cold the dementor made me feel.”
“You have to sleep sometimes,” Fred said, pulling you in closer to him. “I read somewhere that you’ll die if you don’t sleep at all, and you’re clearly alive.” He pulled back and gave you a once-over. “Well, kind of.”
You snorted. “I take a lot of naps.”
“Is it easier to fall asleep during the day?”
“Yea, and I can hear people moving around and talking and stuff, so I don’t feel as isolated I guess,” you said.  Fred hummed, thinking to himself.
“Would it be okay if I proposed a rather outlandish and potentially polarizing solution,” he said finally.
“Uh, sure,” you replied, motioning for him to speak.
Fred cleared his throat. “You could, y’know, if you wanted to, come sleep with me. Only if you were okay with it, of course.”
You were sure you’d heard him wrong, eyes bulging as a faint blush appeared on his cheeks.
“Jesus, (Y/n), don’t look at me like that,” he teased with a nervous chuckle. You blinked, trying to force your face into a more normal expression.
“You…you want me to sleep with you?” you asked.
“Not sexually!” he clarified quickly. “Just like physical sleeping, and I could keep you company so you wouldn’t feel lonely.” A pause. “Unless you’d prefer sexually.”
You felt your face turn increasing shades of bright red, stuttering for an answer as he grinned at you adoringly. Your eyes widened as he reached out and grasped your thigh gently, staring down at his hand and then back up at him.
“Would this be a bad time to tell you I fancy you?” he asked quietly, his eyes searching yours for any trace of an answer.
“No,” you managed breathlessly. “This is a perfect time.” His lips were on yours in an instant, your eyes fluttering closed as one of his hands came up to cup your jaw, the other resting on the small of your back, coaxing you closer to him.
You sighed, wrapping your arms around his neck as he slipped his tongue into your mouth, kissing you senseless and caressing your face with his thumb.
And suddenly you remembered you were still in the kitchens. In the kitchens snogging Fred Weasley.
“Fred,” you murmured, pulling back and taking a deep breath. You opened your eyes, relishing in the sight of Fred panting, his eyes still closed. “Fred, we have an audience.”
He opened his eyes slowly, blinking at the small crowd of house-elves watching you from a distance, all donning shocked expressions. “Krafty! Doesn’t (Y/n) look ravishing this evening?”
Krafty blushed furiously, turning around and hurrying away with the platter he was carrying.
“Fred Weasley!” you scolded.
“I wasn’t completely joking, you know,” he muttered, looking back at you. “You look gorgeous. Absolutely stunning, inside and out.”
You blushed. “I, erm, fancy you too,” you said, realizing you hadn’t said it back before. “In case you were wondering.”
Fred grinned, pushing himself to his feet and reaching down to help you stand up. “Let’s take this back up to my dorm, yea? We can make tea and look at that potions book a little more, and then maybe you can spend the night?”
You looked up at him, beaming at the thought of spending a night in Fred Weasley’s arms, and potentially sleeping well for the first time in months. “That sounds marvelous, Freddie.”
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haleybrookewrites · 3 years
In Love With A Prankster
Chapter Two: Secrets Don’t Make Friends.
Year 2: 1990
Eliza couldn’t handle a whole summer at home without her friends. Yes, she loved her family and they all had a great deal of fun on summer break. But this summer was just a bit different. She had gone to see Fred and George a few times, not as many as she would’ve liked. But Eliza and Fred still wrote to each other as much as they could.
Hope you are having a great deal of fun with your family. Mum is hoping we can all get together before the term starts over. Ron is still upset that we beat him in the degnoming the garden challenge we created. George and I have been practicing for quidditch try outs. I hope we make the team, we’ve worked so hard. I hope to see you soon.
Eliza chuckled thinking back to the challenge the made up to see how far they could throw the gnomes. “Mum, can we go to the Burrow before the start of the term? Molly was wondering.” Andromeda looked over to her and took a moment to respond but in the end of the silence Andromeda nodded her head. “Sure, darling just let Fred know to let Molly know when to expect us.” Eliza smiled widely and walked over to the table where all her letters from Fred were and she grabbed he parchment and began writing him back.
Summer Holiday has been a blast. Nymphadora and Dad went to begin shopping for the new term, I got her old books from her second year so I didn’t have to go. Mum says we will be there and to let your mum know that we will be there. Freddie, you don’t need to worry about making the team I know you and George will make it! See you soon.
When Fred got Eliza’s letter he smiled. “Mum, they said they will be here!” Molly smiled widely and clapped her hands together. “Good I can’t wait!”
“Neither can Fred.” Charlie teased his younger brother and earned a pillow to be thrown at him. “Fred! No magical pillow fights please! Last time that happened my living room was full of feathers from pillows.” The boys laughed as they looked over at their mother. Arthur rushed in after a day of work. “Hello Family!” He walked right over to Molly kissing on the head. “Ted says he and the girls are coming to the house. That will be loads fun.” He said sitting down picking Ginny up holding her on his lap. “Daddy, will Dora be coming? I like when her hair changes colors.” Arthur and Molly laughed and he nodded letting her down. “Of course Dora will be coming!”
Ginny got off her father’s lap and ran to her brother Charlie and he messed up her hair. George sat on the couch reading ‘Quidditch Through The Years.’ He was so ready for the tryouts. He knew he and Fred were ready. He heard a knock on the door and looked over to Fred. “Your girlfriend is here.” He teased Fred and he rolled his eyes. Molly opened the door to reveal the Tonks, and Eliza standing there. She ran in and right over to Fred and George.
“Oi! You two look taller!” She smiled looking at the twins really looking them over. “Eliza, dear would you and Fred mind going out to the garden and getting some carrots for the soup?” Molly asked and the two nodded their heads and headed outside. Fred began grabbing the carrots and throwing them in the bag that Eliza was holding. She had zoned out thinking about the new year at school, her classes, if she would finally make friends other than the twins, would anyone find out her secret? “E?” She lifted her head up as she heard Fred’s voice a bit louder. “Hm?”
“You didn’t answer my question.” He looked at her and chuckled. “Do you think there are enough carrots?” Eliza looked into the bag and laughed softly. “Yes, I think this is enough.” He looked at her. Fred wasn’t always aware of things but when it came to his friend he noticed something was off. “Eliza is everything okay?” Eliza shook off his question and smiled at him. “Of course everything is fine! We start school soon, I am thrilled, I am excited for you and George to try out for the quidditch team. This year will be so much fun!” She said as they walked back into the house, she handed the carrots over to Molly who smiled generously at the girl. “Thank you dear.”
Everyone entered the Great Hall, one by one. Eliza had sat down on the bench Fred next to her, George and Charlie across from her. Eliza was smiling and talking to the three until Oliver came up and sat down next to her. “Oi! Fred, George are you ready for tryouts?” He asked and the twins nodded their heads. “Eliza, Hello darling.” Hearing him call Eliza darling made a ping of jealousy hit Fred’s stomach. “Hey Ollie.” Fred scrunched up his nose. Since when did she give everyone a nickname? “I couldn’t talk you into joining the team could I?” He gave her a dashing smile.
Eliza chuckled softly and shook her head. “Oliver, absolutely not! I have far to much on my plate as is.” She smiled and George nodded his head. “Yeah she’s the only second year to have one extra class.” Fred smiled, he was proud of the girl of course she took her studies very serious and that had inspired him from the get-go. When classes had started the twins were paying loads of attention only because Eliza made them. (In which she received a letter from Molly thanking her. The only class Eliza had real problems in were Potions, with professor Severus Snape. “Eliza, if you don’t mind keeping those two quiet.” Eliza looked up and raised her eyebrow. “But professor, I can’t control them.”
“Twenty points from Gryffindor.” Eliza gasped softly and hit both Fred and George on the leg. He would always find something off about her work, even though she had it down right perfect. “Oh come off it Professor, Eliza had the best in the class you’re giving it to Notts for no reason his didn’t even have everything you were looking for!” Fred shouted which cost Gryffindor fifty points.
Eliza had her nose in her book as she heard Professor McGonagall asking for her. “Eliza, Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office right away.” The twins looked at her with wide eyes, never did they think that Eliza would be brought into the Headmasters office before the two of them. Of course they had detention for setting off dungbombs in the Prefect bathroom that was truly no fun. Eliza walked along side professor McGonagall. “Professor if this is about Snapes class I swear I didn’t say anything, although my potion was perfect.” She said and she gave the girl a simple smile. “No dear, nothing like that.” When she was in the office she admired Faux, he had just been from the ashes. “Beautiful isn’t he?” Eliza nodded her head and looked over to Dumbledore. “Eliza, I asked for you to come to my office because I have somethings for you. They belonged to your parents.” Eliza’s smile fell quickly. Albus held up a quidditch robe. “This was your mothers, wonderful seeker she was.” Eliza smiled looking at the robe, she put her hands on it slowly. “She was a bright girl, with a bright future.” He said and then looked into the box again. “This belonged to your father.” He held up a leather jacket, it looked rather cool. Eliza grimaced at the thought of her father actually wearing this item of clothing. “Your father was also very bright. He was very strong and loved with all his might.”
Eliza gave Albus a look that gave the impression that she thought he was mental. “He killed people, Professor. I don’t think that counts as loving with all his might.” Eliza was four years old when she lost mother, and everyone associated with her mother. She had Sirius for only a few short months, after Marlene was murdered. “You should tell your friends about them. Especially your mother, they will see where you get your smile from.” Eliza shook her head out of confusion she was told her whole like to keep this a secret. “Secrets can only harm ones relationship with those around them.”
“I have been told my whole life not to mention this to anyone, cause if word got out about me I would be in danger.” She spoke as Andromeda told her. “Also once everyone finds out I am that monsters daughter, I will be ruined.” She whispered.
Albus took her into an embrace and held her tightly. “My dear, there are far worse men in this world than your father.”
“Alright how much trouble are you in?” George asked as soon as the girl walked into the common room, earning an elbow from his brother. “What? You were wondering the same thing, you haven’t stopped pacing for ages!” Eliza laughed softly and shook her head. This was the perfect opportunity to tell them, the two stared her down for what seemed like ever. “Dumbledore was just worried about my schedule is all, thinks I took on too much.” Fred stared at her, something was off about that but he let it go. “What’s that?” He asked about the leather jacket in her hand. Her eyes widened, she swore she left that in the office. “It belonged to Dora, I think it was dads before he left school.” Not a total lie, she reminded herself. Ted Tonks was her father in all the ways that mattered he was her father.
Time came for quidditch Try outs, that was the most nerve wracking for not the twins but for Eliza. She knew how badly they both wanted it, and she knew how badly she didn’t want them to be hurt. Of course, they made the team, they absolutely crushed it. Eliza couldn’t be any prouder of those two, except when they realized they could make their own fireworks, but they hadn’t perfected it yet. When the first game came around Fred was so nervous he could hardly stand it. “Freddie, would you calm down? You have been playing quidditch since you were born. You know what to do, and you will do it fantastic.” Eliza gave him a pat on the back. Charlie walked in the locker room he never really let anyone other than the team in but he made an exception for Eliza. “Alright Lads, listen up were going to go out there, and I don’t want anything else on your mind other than crushing Slytherin.” Everyone nodded. “You two, make sure I don’t get bloodied up to bad eh?” Charlie smiled at his younger brothers who now had smiles on their faces. Eliza ran to the stands and got to her seat.
The game started Charlie was zooming around following the snitch as well as Marcus Flint, a third year but he wasn’t much of a seeker but that’s all Slytherin had. Fred and George did amazing, Fred even almost wacked one player off their broom.
Christmas holiday was always one of Eliza’s favorite moments. Andromeda and Ted always made Christmas special for the girls. This time was no different except all the things Eliza had on her mind, she sat in her room with Sirius’s coat. Andromeda walked in and sat next to her. “I haven’t seen that thing since I gave it to him all those years ago. He wanted one so bad, but Walburga, your grandmother, refused any sort of muggle clothing.” Eliza smiled and looked at it as Andromeda held it up to her face taking in the scent. It smelled of smoke, and cologne. She smiled thinking about the boy she use to know, the man he had become, and then the man he was now. “He loved you, with all his being. You were his darling girl.” Andromeda said to her and placed her hands on the shoulders of the twelve-year-old. “Darling, we tell you not to tell the last name, not because we think you should be ashamed of it, but to protect you.” She said as she saw her husband walk into the room. “If Dumbledore thinks you should tell your friends then that is your choice and yours alone. No one will treat you any differently. I know we won’t and I know a couple of boys who will see you as their best friend until the end of time.” Ted spoke with his arm around her shoulders.
Now she had arrived at the platform to get onto the train just before it was time to board she pulled Molly aside. “Dear what has you so bothered you look a bit peaky.” Eliza loved Molly, she was gentle and kind, until it came to her twins, then she was ready to whack them with a magical spoon. “My mum and dad.” Molly glanced at Ted and Andromeda. “No, my real mum and dad. I was just wondering if I could get your advice on if I should…” Molly smiled at her in only a way a mother could. “I think the boys would be happy you told them. Fred and George see you as their best friend, and they will not treat you any certain way afterwards, I promise you.” Eliza smiled at her as she boarded the train and she listened to the twins go on and on about their vacation and how Charlie taught them a few things for the quidditch pitch.
“Lads, after practice, can we talk? I need to yell you something?” Eliza held some seriousness in her voice, the boy looked at her and nodded. “Of course, E.”
“We will come find you after.” George said as they both went off with the team to the pitch. Eliza waited for them in the common room, she finished her essay for Snape, her homework was all done and she had nothing else to do but wait. She had finally fallen asleep on the couch as she was shaken gently awake by Oliver Woods. “Darling why are you sleeping on the couch?” She looked around and sat up. “Oh I must’ve fallen asleep. Where are Fred and George?”
“They stayed back with Angelina and Katie to help clean up the locker room.” Her face fell and she let out a sigh. “Here let’s get you to bed yeah?”
Eliza had spent the rest of the time trying to get Fred and George’s attention, the boys were wrapped up in the new fame that came along with being on the Quidditch team. Her birthday was probably the worst she had to endure. “Happy Birthday, darling.” Oliver said sitting next to her at breakfast. Fred and George exchanged glances. How could they have forgotten their best friend’s birthday? They had dates that night, but still said they would be at her little get together. Charlie, Dora, Oliver, Percy, were all there but some how she felt a little crushed that the boys didn’t show up. They all talked and she sat with the group. “Eliza, I will talk to them.” Charlie said and kissed the top of her head. “Goodnight and Happy birthday.”
“Happy Birthday, Elizabeth.” Percy said as he began walking up the stairs along with Oliver and Charlie. Nymphadora walked out of the common room and glanced at the twins as they ran in. “E!” George shouted.
“Eliza we’re-” She shook her head and walked up the girls stairs and into her dorm.
The train ride home was full of apologizes and silence on her part. “Eliza, we are the worst friends in the world.” George said sitting next to her. “Please forgive us, we lost our heads this year.” Eliza sat quietly. “Please, please forgive us, Eliza.” Fred begged and moved from across from her to next to her. She put her bookmark in her book. “We are here.” She said and moved past the boys and off the platform. Charlie was already talking to their mother. Eliza gave her a warm smile, as she walked over to Ted and Andromeda. “I want to go home.”
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idyllicbunny · 4 years
Hide and Seek | G.W
So I’m writing a George fic and felt it only right to also post it on Tumblr! Especially since I can hardly find George fics/oneshots with ✨spice✨and a plot line. If you have an recommendations comment them! Anyway enjoy!
"I'll love you forever Elirah" George whispered tightening his grip around his best friend as they sat on the edge of the Astronomy Tower.
"You will?" Elirah smiled nuzzling into George feeling her heart flutter.
"Yeah that's the problem." George replied stroking a stray piece of hair out her face.
"What do you mean George?" Elirah felt her heart drop. She turned around and faced him cupping his cheek in her hand wiping the stray tear from his face.
"You don't love me the way I love you." George murmured closing his eyes to avoiding the harsh reality of rejection.
"Your right. I don't." Elirah says removing herself from his lap. George opened his eyes feeling his nose burn and eyes sting as she stood watching him. He chuckled sadly unable to respond his heart crushed.
"I love you more than you love me George Fabian Weasley. I love you so much it hurts. Especially when you can't see just how much I love you and only you. So yes I don't love you like you love me." Elirah kneeled in front of him wrapping her arms around him and wiping his tears.
"M'so sorry Lirah I was scared. I didn't want to ruin our friendship." He mumbles as she pecks his face.
"Georgie, you should've just asked me." She shakes her head leaning into him.
"I'm going to give you a proper kiss now. As much as I enjoyed the one we shared when you fucked me in the broomstick closet that was represented lust. I want to show you just how much I love you." With that Elirah connected their lips.
George pulled her back into his lap feeling like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders as Elirah tenderly kissed him. He swiped his tongue along her bottom lip groaning when she massaged her tongue with his.
It felt like hours they were tangled together lost in each others touch but it had only been mere minutes. Elirah pulled back breathing deeply as she stared into George's eyes. Which were focused on her swollen lips.
"How was that for love?" she teased rubbing her nose with his.
George laughed pecking her before replying.
"I think you might need to remind me one more time." with that he connected their lips once more.
George moaned as she tugged his hair. He felt like his body was on fire. Wherever she touched him seemed to burn.
"Better?" she panted pulling back.
“Much better." He smiled.
Once again they were wrapped in each others arm watching the stars.
"You know Georgie, as much as I hate to say it especially because he a foul, loathsome little cockroach but if it wasn't for Malfoy we wouldn't be here."
George scowled at the mention of the gits name.
"Never say that wankers name. Your mouth is too pure for filth like that to come out of it."
Elirah smirked trailing her hand down George's chest before palming his cock.
"Wasn't it just three hours ago this pure mouth was being fucked by your-"
"Lirah!" George gasped as she pulled his zipper down.
"What's wrong Georgie?" she questioned innocently as George focused on her hand.
"You know what you don't act all coy."
"Me .. coy.. Never!" she sighed dramatically pulling his boxers down.
George shook his head and threw Elirah over his shoulder. He pulled his trousers up hastily making his way out the Astronomy Tower.
"Looks like I need to remind you what happens when naughty girls run their mouth." Elirah felt her pussy dampen at the sound of George's voice.
"Clearly you didn't learn your lesson earlier today."
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𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙖 𝙡𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙚 // {fred weasley x ofc} preview
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As soon as his gaze slid down from her slender shoulders to her neatly folded hands, he saw it.
Her hands, he mused, were small and delicate looking and usually when they were at rest when she sits, are folded neatly one atop of the other. Like bird wings.
Now, her hands were anything but resting. They were slightly fluttering.
As if something ruffled their feathers.
Summary: Fred starts to see through the cracks on the mask she wears and realizes that it wasn’t just a mask... but a full suit of armor as well.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Seri Waldren (OFC)
**Additional Note**: Face claim for Seri is Lee Ji Eun as Jang Man Wol
Warnings: Almost none except for a bit of slightly one-sided angst with a hint of enemies to friends to lovers as well as an ofc (but PLEASE give this a chance before scrolling past!!! I really worked so hard to get everything in place here! 🥺)
His eyes are a deep hazel like his twin.
However, Seri thinks to herself, staring at his side profile as he faced the fireplace, the flames casting a warm glow over his features, that in this light at least, they held a hint of mahogany in them. With the way that the light was catching in his eyes, she can see that it brought out the dark red undertone in them. She gives him a once over—steady gaze tracing his features from his hair to his eyes.
Like the fallen leaves that drift with the autumn breeze.
And before she thinks better of it, she is pulled into a memory.
Like the forest floor at that time when the sun was setting and its dying rays peeked through the canopy to shade everything a warm copper and bronze—the earthy smell of dirt with a hint of petrichor from last week’s rainfall; laughter echoing through flying swirls of leaves, recently scattered from a pile.
Mug of hot cider, freshly made, warming you up inside and out. Its warmth spreading from your fingertips to your head as its heady aroma of apple and cinnamon wafts up to your nose and fills you.
Pairs of strong yet gentle arms holding you—comforting you. A melody, sweet and tender as the arms you’re held by, drifts into your ears and lulls you with its lullaby.
Soft wool tickling your cheek as you nestle yourself further into the warm embrace, letting the song carry you over into a peaceful slumber. Here, you are content.
You are safe.
You are not alone.
You are loved.
And just like that, she is consumed. The sudden onslaught of the memory hurtling towards her like a tornado of broken glass, pieces of what was once a precious and tender reminiscence, now in shatters. Jagged, sharp edges were simultaneously slashing, ripping, and embedding themselves into her heart; threatening to shred through every soft layer of tissue to raw and bloody scraps.
She nearly recoils from the emotions that was all at once churning and burning her from within, fighting to keep the tempest within her contained. If she does not get a hold of herself…  
She. Will. Fall. Apart.
Seri instantly turns away from Fred and lets her hair fall to the side of her face like a black curtain between them as she attempts to silently reign in her tumultuous emotions.
Her companion hears a barely suppressed, sharp intake of breath and turns his attention to her. He finds her face turned away, seemingly focusing on a spot just off to the side of the fireplace. Or at least he assumes she was staring at a spot. Her long black hair effectively blocking off his view of her face.
Her figure was stock still except for the slow and methodical breaths he can see her quietly forcing herself to take. She still held the same posture on the carpet as when he came by the fireplace to sit next to her. Back straight, legs tidily folded underneath to accommodate for the sleeping gown she was wearing underneath her silk robe, and hands resting on top of her lap.
That was where Fred found the slight difference in the way she was holding herself. As soon as his gaze slid down from her slender shoulders to her neatly folded hands, he saw it. 
Her hands, he mused, were small and delicate looking and usually when they were at rest when she sits, are folded neatly one atop of the other. Like bird wings.
Now, her hands were anything but resting. 
They were slightly fluttering.
As if something ruffled their feathers. 
One hand still lay on top of the other but the other hand beneath was tightly curled into a fist. Its tightened grip causing her hands to faintly tremble. He had an inkling that if the other hand on top was removed, he would see the white knuckles she was making as she dug her manicured nails into the palm of her hand.
It lasted for only a moment and it was gone as soon as he saw it. As if she could feel his gaze on her, she took in a last deep breath and slowly unfurled her hand back to how it was. But it only took that one passing moment for Fred to know... that something was wrong.
“You alright, princess?”, he let out in a soft voice, his tone laced with concern.
She felt it.
Yes, she could tell he was worried over her. And not just because she was a born empath. No. She didn’t need to rely on that part of her to know that. His voice was—so gentle and soothing. Yet, it held such an intriguing blend of both boldness and apprehension to it that it didn’t want to make her pin the person who was asking under a glare of disdain. Usually, with the kind of rumors and reputation that garnered around her, there were mostly only two types of people in her life who would ask about her well-being with feigned compassion: reporters and suitors from highborn pure-blood families like hers.
One wanted to use her to stamp their name on the cover page of every magazine and newspaper.
The other wanted her hand in marriage for her wealth and, out of their archaic and medieval beliefs, to secure the continuation of their family’s pure-blood lineage.             
But both were attracted to her by their uninhibited ambition.
Both wanted a piece of her to claim for themselves.
The empath part of her can sense an oily power-hungry leech like that from a mile away, eyes closed.
Although now, the empath in her was sensing something entirely different from the red head beside her.
There was concern, yes. But there was also sincerity… genuine sincerity for her and—
There it was. Buried beneath a bundle of his nervousness and the abrupt need to reach out to her...
It was kindness…
 And no. It wasn’t the pitiful kind of kindness that would be offered to her with condolences every time her parents’ deaths were brought up in every one of her mandatory but rare social outings. This kindness that she was sensing from him was pure and so unrestrained that it took her aback. Maybe even perturbed her a bit.
She was sensing this from the young man. The very same young man, who, along with his twin, would set off pranks to soak up the chaos they ensued. Resulting disruptive inconvenience and bodily harm to others be damned. Unapologetic and destructive, the two laid waste with their antics on and off the school grounds. Fred Weasley, one of the loud, cocky, and rambunctious devil duo pranksters of Hogwarts…
Was sitting next to her worrying about her well-being.
And Morrigan knows, with the kind of tempestuous and vitriolic relationship that they started off with—almost a week after she transferred from Ilvermorny, she’d never thought that he’d show her, let alone be capable to have this side of him. Perhaps, it was a good thing that she was already sitting down because reconciling these two sides of him was leaving her a tad disoriented.
Despite that… she lets herself welcome the feeling. She lowers her defenses a bit, letting its tendrils wrap around her senses in a warm cocoon. His earnest need to ease her out of whatever unsettled her—so honest and guileless, centers her while it melts away and soothes any residual pain that the painful memory left in her heart.
So different.
A/N: *tenatively pokes her head into the fandom* hey there! 👋 I hoped you enjoyed this “little” preview of my upcoming fred weasley drabble! I’m a newly minted fan so I wasn’t sure how my fic would fare among you older and OG fans so I decided to just post a snippet of it and see how many of you would be interested in my little project. tbh I wasn’t that into the harry potter fandom for most of my life. I did ofc watched the films when I was younger and ended up with a Daniel Radcliffe crush tht lasted up until I became a Hiddlestoner.
But other than tht I didn’t really consider myself as a potterhead.... until one rerun marathon film series drew me back into its clutches and not only got me to start reading the books but also gave me a newfound appreciation and love for the Weasley twins (especially Fred 😉). the twins deserved a better ending than tht btw. heck. almost half of the characters were done dirty by the end of the series 👀
Anyway, I didn’t expect to fall so hard for the twins considering the massive crush my 9 year old self had w/ harry potter lol. those sneaky twins really have a way of worming themselves into your heart without you ever noticing it! Now, it’s been almost two months since watching the movies and I’m still overwhelmed with all the feels about those two 😩. so this fic/drabble was sort of a cathartic release of all my pent up emotions for them. tbh this just started off with me just wanting to describe the aesthetics Fred was giving me but well... all my feelings spilled out. oops 😬
the title is based on a great song that I stumbled on YouTube called “It Takes A Lot to Know a Man” by Damien Rice and I think it fits the dilemma of Fred and Seri finding out that there’s more than what the eye can see with each other. but that’s enough of my rambling for now 😅. If u made it all the way here, congratulations! And thank you for checking out my fic! I really do appreciate the time you spend reading this as well as any feedback you can give 🙏 (the more detailed the better!) Please reblog/like if you enjoyed this as well! I really appreciate it if you could share this with some of ur friends/mutuals it really makes all the sleepless nights working on this worth it!
Also let me know if there are any grammar errors too (bc I’m def sure there are some floating up there) I’m more of a fanfic reader than a writer so this was a BEAST to get out for me!
P.S. I’m also planning to have a self-insert/reader imagine version of this and any future drabbles of this series in the future since I know how some people feel about ocs 👀
Taglist: @firewhisky-kisses @yourssuccubus (who expressed great support in helping me write this! Thanks, u two ❤️ I hope it was worth the wait!
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weasvlys · 2 years
My sweet, Pandora.
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Paring: Fred Weasley x Pandora Diggory (Female! Oc)
Type: Enemies to lovers, slowburn
Warning (general fan fiction): sexual tension, inappropriate language, minors, alcohol, cigars, and drugs use, trauma, sexual content, violence, death.
Summary: After her mother's mysterious death, when she was only 2 years old, she was unjustly sent to France, where she would be taken care of by her aunt, a nice and sweet lady who, when Pandora was of age, she was sent to the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, where she grew up in beauty and grace, but at 17 years old, after her aunt's death, he had to move back to England, where his beloved twin brother and father lived.
In the Quidditch World Cup her life will change, she would meet a prankster boy, red-haired, tall and sensual, there was something she wanted to meet, but at the same time, they hated each other almost to death.
i. “Only to pretty girl”
ii. Quidditch.
iii. Irish Pride.
iv. Hogwarts
v. The Triwizard Tournament.
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Felicity Jones as Pandora Diggory
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James Phelps as Fred Weasley
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Robert Pattinson as Cedric Diggory
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Oliver Phelps as George Weasley
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Lorenzo Zurzolo as Edward Parkinson.
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Zoe Kravitz as Prudence Delaclare
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Naomi Scott as Tamil Raj.
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Frequent characters:
“Harry Potter” movie cast.
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lovelyxcrackships · 6 years
To be done list
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Gifsets ⇢
Ludovica Martino x Timothee Chalamet for anon
Shelley Hennig x Jesse Lee Stoffer for @chantelroyal
Lana Condor x Tom Holland for @sunsetwriites
Adelaide Kane x Jeffrey Morgan for @curious-fools-howl-to-the-moon
Lana Condor x James Phelps for @susiesamurai
Bradley Whitford x Keri Russell for @missjanuarylily
Elise Gatien and Dacre Montgomery for @notxjustxstories
Ana De Armas x Ben Barnes for anon
Lili Reinhart x Noah Centineo for anon
Manips ⇢
Nina Dobrev x Sam Witwer for @darknightfrombeyond
Debby Ryan x Noah Centineo for @shelleyelordi 
Arden Cho x Steve Lund for @randoms-worlds
Aaron Stansford x Phoebe Tonkin for @carlylynnmikaelsonscamander
Willa Holland x Aaron Taylor-Johnson for @curious-kittens-ocs
Kelly Rilley x Cole Hauser for @carryonmycobaltangel
Aesthetics ⇢
Vanessa Morgan & Tristin Mays for @ceruleanmusings
Please be patient with me, this is a lot more than I expected but don’t worry, I want to do all of these. You just gotta give me some time ;) If you don’t see you request and you SUBMITTED or ASKED before I closed requests then please let me know.
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madelineorionswan · 3 years
On Camera| A Phelps twins Fanfiction.
Chapter 5: A Life-Changing Decision
Warning: Mentions of accidental fire, mentions of food, fluff.
A/N: We're back !!!!! this chapter's a pretty long one to make up for the absence of a chapter. Enjoy!
Saturday morning, 7:06 am.
Charlotte was wide awake. She wouldn't admit it to Evie but she was probably more excited than her. Even though she was the type to always wake up late, she got up 2 hours earlier than she usually does.
After freshening up, she sat down on her window-side seat. It was not quite often you would see her in this form, quiet and peaceful. The soft melodies travelled through the room as Charlotte sighed happily.
"I see that the school's local adventurer has a quiet side" Charlotte turned around to see her friend smiling softly and she smiled back.
"Just thought I could use a break from my exhilarating life" Charlotte laughed out, placing her guitar back on the stand.
"Well now that I'm done, it's time to have some excitement in life" Charlotte declared, dragging Evelyn to the kitchen to make breakfast.
A few minutes later…,
“Charlotte Belladonna, you are officially banned from the kitchen and anything that emits fire!” Evelyn scolded as she poured water over the raging fire.
Long story short, Charlotte had been the one to cook breakfast and almost burned the apartment down.
"For the hundredth time, I'm sorry!" Cherry said, exasperated, but being the goofball she was, soon started laughing.
Evie was not having it!
"Charlotte Belladonna, you almost burned down the house and you're laughing?!"
"I'm sorry it's just that you're acting like Molly Weasley," Cherry burst out laughing, and soon Evie joined in.
Just then Albert came into the kitchen. He put down his files and looked at the girls laughing their heads off.
“What’s so funny?” He asked the two girls, who, having noticed him, calmed their laughter a little.
"Oh nothing, just Evie acting like a mother hen that's all." Charlotte grinned innocently earning her a smack from Evie.
“That was only because Cherry here has a little interest in arson since she almost burned down the apartment.” Evie retorted with a smile.
"So do you both have any plans for today?" Albert asked both of them.
The two girls shared a look. The auditions would start at noon and the cutoff would be at eight in the evening.
Evelyn took a glance at the wall clock in the kitchen, 9:15 am. They had about three more hours before they had to head to the auditions. Not to mention that there would be a lot of people auditioning, they would have to at least get there an hour earlier to get a good spot in line.
When talking it over the night before (once Albert had already headed home), they both agreed that Cherry would audition for the role of Aster (Sirius Black’s daughter) and it was more than obvious that Evelyn should audition for Callisto (Hermione Granger’s older sister).
“We have somewhere to be in around 2 hours. But, as of the moment, we don’t.” Charlotte said.
“What did you have in mind?” Evelyn asked.
Albert gave a small smile, “Nothing. Just thought we should go out and have a proper breakfast - seeing as Charlotte almost burned down the apartment.”
“I already said sorry!” Charlotte complained but started laughing nonetheless
“I told you so.” Evelyn laughed.
“Thank you so much for the wonderful and not burnt breakfast, Albert.” Evelyn smiled, downing the last of her coffee.
Charlotte almost spewed her drink, hitting her best friend on the shoulder, “Do you have to bring it up every time?”
Evie laughed, “Do you think that I’ll forget it after today? No way! I’ll be teasing you about it until the day I die.”
Albert looked at the two girls fondly, “Do you still have time before you have to get to your ‘important plans’?”
Evelyn glanced at her watch, 10:00 am, “We still have about an hour.”
Albert just gave a small smile, “How about a small trip to the bookstore before you two leave for your plans. My treat.”
Charlotte and Evelyn exchanged a look with each other.
“You don’t have to do that.” Charlotte said, “You were already kind enough to take us out for breakfast.”
Albert waved her off, “Don’t worry about that. Now, come on, let’s go to the bookstore - before the both of you change your minds.”
"How many more books do you plan on buying?!" Charlotte sighed carrying a stack of heavy books only 2 of which were hers while the rest were all Evie's.
"Are you kidding? You can never have too many books." Evie giggled as Cherry blew out her chocolate hair, exasperated, and placed all the books in Evie's tote bag.
"So how much time do we have before you both need to head off ?" Albert asked as he paid the cashier for the books.
Cherry gave a glance at her watch. 11:23 it said.
"I think it's time we get going," Cherry said, putting on her coat, Evie following soon after.
Albert narrowed his eyes slightly, still suspicious as to where the two girls were going but didn't bring up the topic, only nodding and agreeing to take their books back to their apartment.
Once the girls knew the coast was clear, they raced to the subway station, rushing into one as quickly as they could.
“Well, that was close,” Charlotte panted the doors through which she had run through closing tightly.
The girls found an empty corner, Evelyn sitting down and taking out her copy of the Philosopher’s stone, while Charlotte leaned on one of the walls as she scanned through her copy of the same.
While the subway took them to their destination, Evie couldn’t let out a thought that had been running around in her head. Taking out the piece of paper that was nestled in the pocket of her coat, she stared at the numbers written in slightly messy penmanship.
Charlotte nudged her gently, nodding towards the piece of paper, “Who’s that?”
“Oliver,” Evelyn answered softly.
It took all of Charlotte’s willpower to suppress a smile and to stop herself from teasing her friend, “The guy you met at the coffee shop?”
Charlotte rolled her eyes, “He gave you his number, didn’t he?”
“Call him then,” Charlotte said, returning to her book.
“I can’t.” Evie shrugged, “He might think I’m crazy.”
To her friend, it sounded more like a statement than a question. After mentally debating with herself on the matter, she then pulled out her phone and dialled the number.
It took three rings before someone picked it up.
“Hello, Oliver Phelps speaking.” The dreamy voice that she had remembered reached her ears.
“Hey Oliver, it’s Evelyn Summers - pumpkin spice latte girl?”
Evie mentally facepalmed herself for that very embarrassing statement.
She shooed Cherry, who had covered her mouth in an attempt to stop her giggles, to which she only giggled harder and nudged Evie to talk more.
On the other side of the call, James was grinning madly while a blush made its way to Oliver’s cheeks.
Who’s that? James mouthed, causing Oliver to smack his shoulder.
None of your business, Oliver mouthed back.
“Hey Evelyn, yeah, I remember.” Oliver smiled, “How are you?”
Evie smiled while her best friend pretended to read when in reality, she was eavesdropping on the little exchange happening next to her.
“Amazing.” She replied, “How about you?”
“I could be better without my annoying brother trying to pester me every chance he gets.” Oliver chuckled as James gave him another teasing smile.
“Tell me about it.” Evelyn said, “Their main mission in life is basically to annoy you.”
“You have a sibling?”
“I don’t. But, I do have a best friend who acts like one. She literally almost burned down our apartment this morning.”
“I swear.” Charlotte’s complaint could be heard in the background, “Every time. I already said I was sorry.”
“If you had really managed to burn down the apartment - sorry won’t get us a penthouse.”
“I’m just saying.” Charlotte shrugged.
“I’m guessing that’s her,” Oliver said, the smile evident in his tone.
“It surely is.” Evelyn laughed, “So, what’re you doing right now?”
“I am not supposed to be telling anyone about this, but my brother and I are going to audition for a movie. We were supposed to skip school to audition - but the date was moved to a weekend so here we are.” Oliver said.
“Is the movie by any chance, Harry Potter?” Evelyn asked.
“Yeah. How did you know?”
Evie gave Cherry a look before mouthing, oh my god.
“Well, I am not supposed to be telling anyone about this.” She giggled, quoting him from earlier, “But, my best friend and I are actually on the way to the same auditions as we speak.”
“That’s amazing!” Oliver said excitedly, “I can’t wait to see you!”
“Same here.” Evie prompted, thankful that he couldn’t see her blush.
“Well, I gotta go now. As they do say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. So, I’ll see you later?”
“Definitely. That is if you find me.”
“I most definitely will.”
The minute the call was ended, Cherry started squealing and acting like a fangirl,
“I can’t wait to see him in person and ship the two of you.”
“You mean what you’re doing right now isn’t shipping us? Gosh, I didn’t know that you’re fangirling on a whole other level.” Evie jokes, causing the girl to smack her shoulder.
"I have other ways of fangirling you know" Cherry grinned proudly.
"But just so you know, if you see him I'm not letting you chicken out," Cherry said, as the girls got off the subway.
"You’re going to talk to him and you're gonna introduce him to me and then you'll get married and-"
"Woah Woah we just met Cherry!!" Evie scolded her friend as they walked to the London hall. As they reached the London hall, Cherry took a steadying breath.
“Well, this is it,” Cherry sighed, smiling earnestly at Evie who returned the smile. Hand in hand, the girls put on a determined face and headed inside. Once inside, the air was thick with tension and anticipation. Multiple characters were being auditioned for and it was clear that everybody wanted to land in one of the main characters.
Finally, after waiting two hours in a queue they both had to go to different rooms for their auditions.
“Wish me luck,” Evelyn clasped her friend’s hand for a few seconds for comfort.
“Here's to being famous,” Charlotte joked warmly, before heading inside.
Charlotte’s pov
The moment I bid goodbye to Evie, I started feeling nervous. Walking into the room I could feel my hands get slightly sweaty.
I shook my head. “Come on Charlotte, this is no time to get flustered,” taking a breath I entered the room.
Honestly, I felt my jaw drop as I entered my room. It was AMAZING!! The multiple set pieces looked as if they had popped out of the book!
Unfortunately, I didn’t have much time to admire the room and was immediately pulled away to a corner by two ladies. Both of them were in business suits and were talking fluently into their earpieces.
They handed me what I assumed was my script and told me to memorise it. Going over the script, I felt confident. “This was going to be good,” I said to myself. A couple of minutes later I was ready to be called. But let’s just say I had to wait for 15 MoRe MiNuTeS before finally being called.
“Now, sit down,” I did as I was told, by who was probably the casting director, and sat on the bleachers.
“Ok now, hope you’re well versed with the scene?” he asked and I nodded and sent a thumbs up.
“Now, ACTION!”
Pretending that Fred was standing beside me I put on a smile.
"Hey there I'm Aster, Aster Black" ” I said. Imagining Fred's reply I slouch back a little and continue,” oh so you're a Weasley huh? Should've guessed that from your freckles and red hair, but anyways it was great meeting you.”
“And CUT!”
I turned around to see the casting director smiling widely and nodding with approval. I was again ushered aside by a lady while the auditions continued. She sat me down and gave me a flyer for the next audition which was at Edinburgh.
“We think you did quite well M’dear, so we were wondering if you would come for the next round of auditions,” I looked up to her, grinning.
“Of Course I would, thank you for this opportunity,” I shook her hand over and over again before heading outside. I was feeling quite hungry so I headed to a nearby ice cream parlour.
Wonder how Evie was doing?
Evelyn’s POV
After parting with Charlotte I headed down the hall and entered what I would assume was the filming room. The only word I could think of when I entered the room was “magnificent”. I was blown away by the room's magnificence.
I noticed that there was a girl a few years younger reading a book quite ferociously. Guess I was having a pair audition, not that I had experience with these things, but there's a first time for everything. Just as I was about to introduce myself to the girl a lady pulled us into a corner. She handed us two scripts.
"Well now you two get to know each other, we'll call you when we're ready." She said and walked away.
After introducing myself to the girl I returned to reading the script. Just as I was summarising the script for the third time, we were called. The girl and I sat down on the couch. I felt myself getting a little nervous but I took a breath to calm myself down. But I noticed the girl fumbling. I squeezed her hand in hopes to calm her down.
I waited as I looked at the girl. She was too nervous to even speak. Oh boy, this is bad. Ok Evie you'll just have to improvise, you can do this, I told myself.
I smiled lazily at the girl, trying to appear that I wasn't aware of her having a literal panic attack.
"So 'mione, have you seen the boys anywhere?"
The girl fumbled, trying to reply but I could see she was breaking into a cold sweat.
Not seeing any other option I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. She took a steadying breath and finally continued.
We finished the scene and got to go but I was stopped and ushered into a corner by the casting director.
"You did quite well there kid, I was impressed. So," he took one of the flyers and handed it to me," I was wondering if you would like to be there for the next level of auditions"
I was bursting on the inside, but I kept my composure, nodding in response. He gave me a thumbs up and finally let me go.
Authors POV
The moment Evelyn came outside she jumped like a little school girl. Unknown to her, someone was smiling as he watched her, and that someone was Oliver Phelps.
"I see someone's gotten good news" Evelyn turned around to see Oliver leaning on a pillar and smiling that dreamy smile.
She immediately felt the heat rise to her cheeks at the embarrassment of Oliver seeing her acting like a little schoolgirl.
“I did.” Evelyn mustered a smile as Oliver came closer to her, “I have just been accepted for the second round of auditions.”
“Congrats!” Oliver grinned, “Guess, I’ll be seeing you in Edinburgh then?”
“You got in too?” She asked, not being able to contain her excitement.
“I did!” He exclaimed, “Since we auditioned for the twins - I guess that means my brother did too.”
“So,” Evelyn mused, looking around for basically a clone of Oliver, “where is he?”
Oliver shrugged, “Waiting in the car along with my parents - I just told them I had to run to the loo for a bit then I saw you.”
She tried to ignore the faint blush making itself known on her cheeks, then she remembered her best friend, “Well, if you don’t mind, my best friend has been very eager to meet you - for no particular reason at all - and she’s by an ice cream parlour nearby so if you want-.”
Oliver smiled, cutting off her ramble, “I would love to.”
Leading the way, she was immediately met with her best friend’s chaoticness the minute the two entered the parlour.
She paused for a moment as her eyes laid on Oliver, “Is this Mr Dream Guy who I keep hearing about?”
Evelyn shot the girl a glare, “First of all, I do not call him Mr Dream Guy. Second of all, yes, this is Oliver.”
He smiled at her, shaking her hand, “Oliver Phelps unless you were expecting someone else.”
“No.” Charlotte laughed, “Honestly, you exceeded expectations.”
“Good to know. So, Mr Dream Guy?” Oliver now turned his teasing to the girl next to him.
“Cherry was just joking. I do not, and did not ever, call you that.” Evelyn explained, avoiding his gaze.
“Alright then - I better get back to my parents before they launch a nationwide manhunt.” Oliver smiled, before turning to Evelyn, “See you in Edinburgh and if you miss me - give me a call.”
Evie playfully rolled her eyes at him, “As if.”
He gave her a subtle wink before heading out of the ice cream parlour.
"Sooooooooo" Charlotte quirked a brow, a mischievous smirk on her face as they both sat down at a table, "He's nice,"
"Can we PLEASE move on," Evie pleaded, her cheeks still red.
"If you say so, but I'm gonna be teasing you until the day you die and the ride on the subway back home," Charlotte giggled.
"Oh speaking of which," Evelyn pulled out the flyer she had been given and placed it in front of her friend. Charlotte's face lit up, even more, a huge grin on her face. Evelyn mirrored Cherry's grin.
She pulled Evie from her seat and the two girls jumped up and down like five-year-olds screaming,
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madelineorionswan · 3 years
On camera| A Phelps twins Fanfiction.
Chapter 6: One step closer.
Warnings: none (I think 🤔🙈)
A/N: Starting off this year with another chapter of this series! Yay 🤩 It was so much fun writing this. Fair warning it's VERY long so get ready for a long ride. But I promise the chapter's worth the wait. @onlyfreds worked her magic with this again 🙈.
“Should we take it from the top?” Charlotte asked, flipping the script with her hands back to the first page.
“Yeah, sure.” Evelyn agreed.
After receiving the wonderful news that they would be attending the next round in Edinburgh, everyone who passed was given scripts for the scene they had to act out.
The auditions would be taking place in the following week, so the girls thought that there would be no harm in practising their lines and, at least, getting a head start.
They were just in the middle of Charlotte's scene when they heard a knock on the door of the apartment.
Knowing that it was Albert, Evie immediately rushed to the door and opened it.
“Hello, you two.” Albert greeted them with a smile, placing the fast-food takeout on the table, “I got a bit caught up on the paperwork at school - so, I just ordered some takeout and thought that we could have dinner here.”
Charlotte gave a grateful smile, “Thank you, Albert, you are an angel.”
“What’cha got there?” He then asked as he caught sight of the scripts the girls held in their hands.
“Oh, this?” Evie asked, “Well, Cherry and I thought it would be fun to pretend like we’re acting out the scenes, so we printed out some of the dialogues on paper.”
“Makes sense.” Albert nodded, “So, that you wouldn’t have a hard time searching for the lines in the book itself.”
He then smiled, starting to take out the packs of food, “Let’s have some dinner now, shall we?”
"Now THIS is how you eat Ramen,” Charlotte said, squirting what seemed like a bucket load of mayonnaise to Evelyn, into her ramen bowl. She then stuffed her face with the concoction, disgusting her friend even more.
“What?” Cherry asked incredulously, “It's good!”
“Charlotte Belladonna, you are NEVER going to convince me to eat that” Evelyn chuckled, shaking her head as Charlotte just shrugged and continued to eat her ‘modified’ ramen.
"Well Evelyn, it is her food, and she can have it her way," Albert said calmly, Cherry vigorously nodding her head to show her agreement.
"I think I'll just stick to my regular ramen thank you" Evie returned to her ramen bowl, while Cherry just shrugged.
Albert burst into a laugh, he did adore the sisterly bond the two girls had. The girls followed suit momentarily forgetting their dinner and debate.
After their goodbyes Albert headed outside. He sighed as he got into his car. There was something wrong, he thought, something that the girls were hiding from him.
He knew for a fact that it might be related to the upcoming Harry Potter movies. But surely they hadn't become movie stars in one week right?
The man shook his head, concentrating on the road ahead. Whatever it was that the two girls were hiding, he was going to find out soon.
"Even though we're standing in front of the office I still can't believe that we're doing this" Evelyn smiled widely, looking at Charlotte, who let out a small laugh.
"Well, you better get used to it if we're becoming famous," Cherry jokes, nudging Evie's elbow to make a point.
"Well then," Evie took a steadying breath and smiled, "see you after the auditions"
Cherry nodded and waved back as the two girls headed in through different entrances.
Evie gripped the doorknob tightly in her hand, taking a deep breath before turning it and heading inside.
The smile couldn’t be put out of Evelyn’s face as she headed out of the audition room, after calling out another, “Thank you so much!” to the people managing the auditions inside - she leaned against the wall and stared at the paper in her hands in excitement.
She still couldn’t believe her luck. Evelyn knew that she was lucky enough to make it to the second round of auditions, but to make it to the third one? She had to pinch herself to make sure that she wasn't dreaming.
She then opted to wait for Charlotte outside the room she saw her walk into - hopefully her best friend bore the same amazing news.
Fiddling with the flyer in her hands while patiently waited on the bench, a familiar voice caused the butterflies to rise up to her stomach,
“I’d almost lost hope that I would find you here.”
“Oliver.” Evie said, looking up at the boy who was leaning by the wall in front of her, “Had your doubts?”
He smiled, “It’s not like you're hard to find - I just think that you’re purposely making it hard for me to find you.”
She laughed, “And how is that?”
Ollie shrugged, “I don’t know, hiding in the crowds - playing hard to get.”
Evelyn playfully rolled her eyes at him, “Me? Playing hard to get? What makes you think that I’m easy to get in the first place?”
“I’m not saying that you’re easy to get.” Oliver said with a small smile gracing his lips, “I’m just pointing out the fact that you’re giving me quite the challenge in courting you.”
She raised a brow, “So, you’re definitely courting me now?”
“Why? Would you rather if I didn’t?”
“I never said anything like that.”
“So, after this, you want to join me to get some pumpkin spice lattes?” Oliver asked, hoping that she would agree.
Evelyn smiled, “If the day ever comes that I ever say no to that question - please drive me to the nearest mental asylum.”
Oliver burst out laughing. Being the gentleman that he was, Oliver offered his hand to Evelyn, which she gladly accepted.
Just as they were about to go to the coffee shop across the street, they saw Cherry, leaning against a light post and a smug grin on her face. When she saw the two, she stepped forward.
"I see you both are getting cosy together," she chuckled.
Oliver and Evelyn both blushed madly, avoiding eye contact. Cherry shook her head and pulled Evelyn to her side.
"Unfortunately, Mr Phelps, we are needed at home, but I'm sure you'll see the both of us at the next audition," Cherry said.
"Of course, I'll see you soon," Oliver said, mostly to Evie.
He smiled softly, a light blush still on his face, as he bid the girls farewell. Evie's face mirrored the light blush but she had anything but a smile on her face. The moment Ollie walked away, she smacked Cherry on the head.
"Oi! What was that for ?!" Cherry exclaimed, rubbing the back of her head which was now sore.
"I could ask you the same," Evie scoffed, crossing her arms over chest.
"Well, I was making you wait for the good stuff," Cherry chuckled nervously, knowing that she didn't really have a good reason to "dismiss" Oliver.
"HE WAS GOING TO ASK ME ON A DATE," Evie shrieked. She truly couldn't understand her friend sometimes.
"Sorry," Cherry muttered, "But as I said, we can see him at the next audition,"
Evie smiled brightly, forgetting her anger for a moment, "you got in?!"
Cherry smiled brightly, "Yes ma'am!"
"Brilliant!" Evie hugged her friend tightly, as if a couple minutes ago she wasn't screaming at her.
"We better be going, Albert called, said he has to tell us something," Cherry said, after Evie let her go.
Evie nodded and together the girls walked to the bus stop.
The journey back home seemed to fly by as the girls were over the moon with the news they received.
Heading into their apartment, they saw that Albert was already waiting for them there.
“Hey Albert!” Cherry said, as she and Evie sat down, “Sorry we took so long.”
“No worries.” Albert smiled, “I haven’t been waiting that long.”
“So, what did you want to tell us?” Evie asked.
“Well, when are you two going to tell me that you’ve been auditioning for the Harry Potter movies?” He asked, the fond smile not wavering from his lips.
The girls shared a look, “How did you know?”
“Well,” Albert said, “it was actually just a matter of putting the puzzle pieces together. The two of you having some kind of errand every other week, the “printed copy of the book to act out”, and the same audition flyer that was put up in the school is in your bag. To confirm my suspicions, I followed the two of you today and I was proven correct.”
Charlotte raised a brow, “So, you’re not mad?”
Albert laughed, “Why would I? I’m actually very proud of the two of you.”
Evelyn heaved a sigh of relief, “Thank goodness. We didn’t want to tell you because we didn’t want you to get disappointed if we didn’t get the part.”
Albert chuckled fondly and brought the girls in for a hug.
“I would never be mad at the two of you for trying out something,” Albert said, staring intently at the girls, making sure they understood him well.
The girls smiled, feeling grateful and nodded their heads. They didn't know how they'd gotten Albert, considering how they made some crazy decisions and were definitely weird in their own way, although Evie would argue otherwise.
“Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, how about you tell me about your auditions while over lunch?’ Albert said, heading into the kitchen.
The girls followed him inside and sat down beside the kitchen island ready to relate their adventures to Albert, who by some miracle, survived through the girls’ tales for 3 whole hours.
“Looks like I had been missing out on a lot,” Albert chuckled and took a big bite of his spaghetti.
The girls smiled, although they felt slightly guilty about it. “We hope you’re not mad at us,” Charlotte said sheepishly.
“Girls, I understand why you did, you don't need to apologise for it at all. As I said, I'm proud of you for trying out new things,” Albert said earnestly.
“But going in the future I would like you both to tell me about such things alright?” Albert asked, with a strict tone although a smile still lingered on his lips.
Cherry opened her mouth to make a casual remark, but Evie smacked her arm discreetly. Before she could protest, Evie answered, "We will."
"Can you believe we got through all of them?" Evelyn asked, an expression of bewilderment on her face as she studied the flyer in her hands.
"Well you gotta believe it sooner or later Evie," Charlotte smirked confidently, "But yeah, it still kinda boggles my mind."
After their Edinburgh audition the girls had been through 3 more auditions, one at their school and two more at Manchester City.
And to their joy and absolute surprise they got through!! Although the girls were still unsure of their success, Albert had assured and reassured the girls that they had made it through.
Unfortunately, Oliver nor his family had been anywhere on site, much to Evie's disappointment. Cherry had promptly received a smack on the head at Evie's realisation that Oliver was not at the auditions. Luckily Evelyn had chatted with Oliver occasionally but hadn't talked to him in a while.
Now returning back to the context of the girls' auditions.
On the day of their last audition, Evelyn and Charlotte were called aside by the casting director, Janet. They were taken into a small room and were seated while Janet and some other people talked in hushed voices. After about 5 minutes Janet came back and sat in front of the girls.
“So, girls as you might understand you are selected for the next rounds” She announced smiling. Girls’ faces beamed brightly, but Janet proceeded.
“But the next round isn't going to be auditions, it's what we call a screen test and this the final round of things.” Janet continued to explain everything to the girls, Evie taking down some notes.
They were given the address of the studio and all the required information and sent on their way, although the girls couldn't stop thanking the casting director.
Now, we find ourselves in the girls’ kitchen where Evelyn is still beaming at the flyer while Charlotte was munching her cereal.
“Oi would you stop staring at the flyer?” Cherry yelled from the kitchen, which took Evie by shock. She squeaked slightly and let the flyer drop from her hand.
Cherry burst out laughing, making Evie a little annoyed at her friend. “Now that I've gotten you back, I think it's best we head over.” Cherry said.
Evie glanced at the clock in the room and saw the time, 9:45 it said. The screen test needed a lot of prep and they needed to be there by 11:00.
Evie got up, “Yeah we should head over.”
“Brilliant, I’ll call Albert,” Cherry grinned.
“Now take a left turn and another right and we should be there!”
“Wow Evelyn you seem to know the place pretty well.” Albert chuckled, turning at a curb.
“By well, you do mean that she made us go round and round in circles while we could have spent 5 minutes right?” Cherry groaned although she had a smirk on her face.
“Excuse me?! Unlike you, I spent an hour studying the routes!” Evie argued back. But before the girls could continue to argue, Albert interrupted them both.
“Now now, no fighting for the both of you.” He chuckled.
Girls, despite their little argument, soon were merry. A couple minutes later Albert parked the car beside a big office building. They looked outside and their jaws dropped in amazement. Albert chuckled when he saw the two girls staring outside as if they'd seen a live dinosaur.
“If we’re gonna work here, sign me up!” Charlotte gapped.
“Now that you both are done admiring the building, how about we head in,” Albert said, clearly amused. The girls nodded in agreement and the trio headed out for the building.
If the girls were shocked about the outside, they were definitely going to be pleased about the inside. Cherry might have accidentally fallen asleep on a giant bean bag, while Evie found a stack of books and took the opportunity to brush up on her shakespeare.
A couple minutes later, Stuart called them and asked them to prepare. The girls got up and smiled at Albert, who returned the smile. He opened his arms expectantly and brought them in for a tight hug.
“Good luck out there, I know you’ll do well,” he said earnestly, giving the girls a boost of confidence.
The duo headed inside, where they were to be flabbergasted for the third time that day. If they thought the setup for the auditions were amazing, the studio was even more amazing. There was a green screen as a backdrop. The girls gapped at the fancy cameras and devices used for the filming. The scene was definitely for a class, hence the multiple intricately detailed boxes meant as books.
“Right now, ladies, make yourselves comfortable at the seats,” The set director pointed at the piled seats.
Cherry and Evie shared a smile, as if sharing a silent good luck to each other and sat down beside each other. Evie linked her pinkie with cherry's and she gave her a grateful smile.
"Now, while doing this I want you both to be calm. Pretend as if the camera and we're not here ok?"
"Got it!" Cherry gave a thumbs-up. Evie nodded in agreement.
"Great! Now ACTION,"
"And then the camera did a round of us and that was how it ended," Evie ended proudly.
"You forgot the part where you forgot your part and saved the day," Cherry added enthusiastically.
Albert chucked light heartedly whilst Evie smacked Cherry on the head, although both the girls were still laughing.
"So what did they say after?" Albert asked.
"They kept it pretty vague, said that they'd contact us," Cherry said.
"So how do you both feel about it?"
"Confident, you know, I feel like we gave it our best," Evie replied bravely, Cherry nodding in agreement.
Albert smiled at their reply and the trio drove off, into the night.
The wait for the call had been agonising. Everyday either of the girls would sit beside the telephone, waiting for the call. Two weeks since the auditions, and they still didn't get a call.
Cherry even suggested going for another round of auditions but both Albert and Evie were more than annoyed at the idea. But the girls never lost hope.
One Sunday morning, the girls were chatting over their breakfast when they heard the telephone ring. The girls looked at each other and raced to receive the call. Cherry stood beside Evie as she picked up the call.
"Hello?" The voice on the other side asked.
"Yes, this is Evelyn Summers speaking," Evie spoke, keeping calm.
"Oh great and do you have...
Charlotte Belladonna nearby?"
"Yes she's beside me."
"Oh good, I'm the casting director of Harry Potter speaking. I just wanted to inform you that you both have been selected for the leading roles of Aster and Callisto!"
"Great!" Evie said, trying not to squeal with excitement.
The casting director went on to explain that they would be picked up that evening by a black Mercedes and what they needed to pack. But Evie could barely hold herself together. Finally after noting down everything, she ever so calmly put down the telephone and burst into a cheer.
"DID WE GET THE PART?!?" Cherry asked, excitedly.
Evie just nodded vigorously and the two girls started jumping with excitement.
"See! I told you we'd make it," Cherry said, putting her hands on her hips.
"Oh yeah, who spent the entirety of Wednesday night just ranting about the 101 ways we messed up?" Evie cocked back but Cherry was already way too busy bouncing off the walls.
"We need to call Albert!!!!!" Cherry cheered and raced to the telephone.
The girls informed Albert about the news. He was ecstatic at their success and promised to come by for the legalisation business.
The girls spent the rest of the day and evening going nuts over their accomplishment and packing everything for the required time they had been informed.
At 8:00pm just as they had been told a black Mercedes parked in front of their house. The driver was a tall guy with dark glasses and helped the girls with their luggage into the car.
"So is he our personal bodyguard? Gotta say I thought he would be taller," Cherry joked, making Evie gasp but she giggled with her. Hopefully the guy didn't hear them.
Once they reached the fancy hotel, the driver escorted them and their luggage inside. Cherry and Evie both took a moment to admire the beautiful hotel.
"I see you both didn't miss me much," the girls turned around and squealed "Albert" and hugged him tightly.
"I told you both you'd get through," he said to them.
"Ah Miss Summers and Miss Belladonna I assume," the trio looked and saw a middle aged man smiling at them. The girls nodded in reply.
"And this must be your guardian, nice to meet you," the gentleman said and shook Albert's and the girls' hands.
"I'm Chris Columbus, the director. I see that we'll be working with each other in the movies and I look forward to it. Please follow me," he said and they followed him to what the girls assumed was a seminar room.
Once inside the girls saw many young and slightly older kids who they were probably gonna work with in the films, with their parents.
The director and another man whom they assumed to be the assistant director ushered Albert and the other parents to another room asking the kids to socialise.
Well most of the kids kept to themselves, too shy to meet the others. Cherry and Evie were not so different, although Cherry had the courage to ask a younger boy where the hotel rooms were.
But it was only a couple minutes later that the adults came back and soon everyone was talking again.
Albert came back and sat down beside the girls. He briefed them on what he learnt and a little about the contract, the girls listening intently
"Wow, that is a lot of money," Cherry remarked, "and we'll be filming for how long?"
"So far the contract is for two years and two films, but they'll keep me and you both up to date about things," Albert said.
Finally it was time to say goodbye and the adults to leave. Albert hugged the girls tightly and bid them farewell as did the girls. After some supper, they both retired to their rooms.
The moment the lights were on, Cherry smashed into the beds and bunched up the sheets.
"Oi, have some decency," Evie said, but she herself let all the bags fall and sat down beside her friend.
"This is our future life isn't it?" Cherry asked dreamily.
"I guess it is," Evie mused and fell back on the bed beside her friend, smiling.
Charlotte Belladonna could not and would not sleep that night.
While both the girls were beyond excited, Cherry was always the more excitable. Hence the sleepless night. Evelyn on the other hand had fallen asleep an hour ago.
It was 1:00am. Tossing and turning in bed was doing no help for Charlotte so she got up and headed outside in her PJ's.
The hallway was silent and dark, beautiful moonlight streaming in through a window. Cherry tip tied over to the window and sat down on the ledge, looking at the starry night sky, getting lost in it by the moment.
She didn't care that she could fall fifteen stories high, no Cherry lived for the risk. The night sky seemed to calm her down slightly.
Suddenly, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder and soft 'hey'. This took her off guard and Cherry squeaked slightly. She almost lost her footing and was about to fall when she felt someone catch her by the waist. Luckily she has almost fallen on the inside.
Cherry looked up and saw a guy holding her staring into her eyes. He seemed to blush slightly. A blush spread over her cheeks as well and the two stared at each other, getting lost in the other's eyes.
"You know you can let me go," Cherry smirked, breaking the silence.
"Right, sorry," the guy mumbled, smiling as well. He sat her down at her place, sitting down beside her.
"Sorry about that again, I'm James, James Phelps."
"Charlotte Belladonna, nice to meet you," Cherry said, shaking his hand.
A blush made its way on her face, but she ignored it, smiling softly.
"So, you like the night sky too?" James asked looking up.
"Yeah I do, it's just what I need to calm down." Cherry sighed.
"Yeah it does, it's just so vast and beautiful," James said.
"Oh that's a nebula," James pointed out excitedly and Cherry followed his gaze.
"I've always thought that you couldn't see them from here," Cherry quirked a brow, making James laugh.
"Not a lot but if you're lucky you will" he said and two of them gazed into the night sky, both with fluttery hearts.
James and Cherry talked well into the night almost till dawn until Cherry decided to go.
"Can I walk you back to your room?" James asked timidly. A blush spread on Cherry's cheeks and she agreed.
James held her hand and he walked her back to her room, which really wasn't that far away. At her doorstep, James hugged her warmly before walking off with a smile on her face.
Cherry took in a deep breath and walked inside where she was glad to see Evie still asleep. She plopped on her bed, a dopey smile and a light blush still on her face.
This had been a great start to their new lives
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madelineorionswan · 3 years
On camera| A Phelps twins fanfiction
House tour.
A room can tell you a lot about a person including their personality. So here's the rooms of our girls'.
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Here is the sassy Evelyn summer's room.
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And here is the adventurous Charlotte Beladonna's room.
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