#jander panell
daneelsolivaw · 1 year
giskard and jander rooting for daneel to get the girl (elijah baley)
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larmegliamori · 1 year
Re-reading the Robot Saga as an Italian is so funny. Are you telling me Dr. Fastolfe called his robots Daneel OLIVAw and Jander PANEll unironically. Ok sure
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walmartscience · 2 years
Asking if anyone has any headcanons/character takes on Jander Panell this trying evening 🙏🙏
Never been able to think of him as anything other than sweet and timid, I wish we got more info on his character so badly :[[ 
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daneeldreams · 7 months
R. Daneel Olivaw through the “ages” 老ける
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(Brad & Chad edition) Daneel & Jander:
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British/Europe edition Daneel & Jander:
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Disney prince edition:
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thornyenigma · 1 year
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R. Jander Panell
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android siblings! android siblings..................... ............ ...
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crustyeyes101 · 6 years
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I haven't actually read about Demerzel, I just really like Nora's fanart. I just thought he looked kinda like a priest
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As a wise person once said, a man's body is a dorito. Without small hips.
Gladia has sadly fallen to the one eye syndrome. At this point I've just given up with her eye
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Here you go, anon. A few low quality sketches from the past few days.
Mirrors might seem nice for a while but you start feeling paranoid after that while.
Pain. Pain is what Robots and Empire is. Word of advice: prepare your anus, my dudes.
Plus, school has been trying to shove my butt down a blender for a while now.
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shinokanateru · 7 years
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And there I thought three days where a lot...
Click in the pics to see the descriptions!!
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irradiatedsnakes · 4 years
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[ID: two sketchy drawings of scenes from magnus archives episode 176. in the first, jon is pushing through the vegetation of the forest of the hunt domain, with martin behind him. jon is looking over his shoulder at martin, annoyed, and says “i’m fine.” the “fine” is underlined. there’s an asterisk after fine, which correlates to a non-dialogue text box in the lower left of the image that says “he deffo isn’t.” martin looks back at jon, unhappy, maybe a bit disappointed, and replies “..glad to hear.”
in the second, which shows the hostage scene, there are two sort-of panels of martin with trevor holding a knife to his throat. trevor’s face isn’t shown because i couldn’t be assed to draw him. martin looks extremely stressed. he says, in two speech bubbles: “and i am feeling” “very calm”. the letters are shaky and disjointed to indicate his terrified tone. end ID]
just som doodles from todays episooooode. jander knocked it outta the park w the voice acting as always. i want them 2 have a rest and a talk so badly but thats not....not really somethin that can happen huh
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larmegliamori · 9 months
Everyone knows humaniform robots can't function properly... All they know is the Zeroth Law, loving menfailures, dressing fashionably, eat hot chip and die. -@yeastpanini
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walmartscience · 2 years
man giskard really is the silliest character asimov ever wrote. he really just goes everywhere constantly lying about things he doesn’t even need to lie about. “how close were you to the late jander panell” “i was never close to him. i don’t even know what he looked like. who is jander.” “you lived with him” “no i dont think so”. like thats obviously not an exact chunk of quotes but that entire mini interview scene was so funny. “i never even knew him that well” you are literally holding his twins hand and are an active investigator to the case of his murder. babygirl what do you mean you have no ties to this and dont know anything about the situation. absolutely absurd keep it up i love you 
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trashcanalienist · 4 years
There is one (1) straight man I respect and his name is Elijah Baley
And actually I changed my mind cause I just remembered he was 100% down to cheat on his wife with some random Spacer widow he met on Solaria. ...Lije, buddy, I love ya but you can't spend the entirety of The Caves Of Steel working on your relationship with your wife and son and then go Spacer-chasing in the very next book.
Which brings up an interesting question, actually, would Daneel be pressured by the First Law to stop Lije from cheating if it got that far? Basic robots don't often take emotional pain into account, but Daneel's advanced enough that he might be able to have to take that into account. Herbie and Giskard do, because of positronic oddities in their brains, but that's cause they're the robot equivalent of ESPers.
Not sure if Daneel would be more concerned with Baley's safety than with that of his wife. I figure he might be? Considering his new directive is to work as Baley's partner.
Still check out R. Giskard Reventlov with that cosmic care and manipulation for the actual calculated improvement of the human race, him and the Machines both - definitely an improvement since the early U.S. Robots days of Herbie (love Herbie).
I know Daneel's a bit altered cause of everything, cause of that directive and his advanced model - he's able to enact apparent violence if he knows within reasonable chance that he will not have to take that actual action, whereas lesser robots might not be able to so much as hold a gun for fear that it may somehow go off, let alone actually threaten to fire it. Obviously were he to be the cause of someone's death, he would likely go into that same sort of positronic shock that affected all the robots in Gladia's house when her husband was killed…
OR SO YOU'D THINK. But they just skirt around that with him going "I killed a human being" and then he doesn't show up for the rest of that book and I was like Daneel! What's up! You good? I hope so, but I hope not! And then in The Robots Of Dawn he was just fine, just Daneel Olivaw. Rip missed opportunities. Daneel could so wonderfully have taken deep contemplation of that fact and his own lack of physical reaction to it. The Laws are different for him, even moreso than they were for Jander Panell, and while I love nothing and no one more than R. Giskard and his deep reflection on his purpose to serve humanity as explained by him to Baley...what of the Daneel Olivaw by whose unknowing but easily guessable action a man was killed?
It could have been great, is all. Oh well! A few missed opportunities in the Robot series, but it's so unbearably incredible, necessary, and gorgeous besides.
But I digress. Radius vs Daneel, death battle (Daneel has far more physical strength but might not recognize Radius as "robot" as he is made though artificially of flesh, and Radius has a rage unheard of to drive him in fury to victory while Daneel acts with only something approaching pleasantry to that which he "enjoys" and nothing but robot's logic and accordance with the Laws which bind him - and not Radius - for all else)
I just wanna know what the First Law counts as human...like, you'd want to make that baby as broad as possible for mankind's safety, right? So would Frankenstein's Monster be "human"? I think so, cause I think as long as there is electrical activity the positronic brain wouldn't bother to differentiate between undead and alive...actually, yeah, it would have to not do that, because of hyperspace travel...as the Brain enabled humans to experience, in order to travel a distance of even a few parsecs a specially designed spaceship must move at speeds which (though vaguely written of) move a human through the murky waters of death before returning them to life
Yeah anyways I just want to know about homunculi. Radius in comparison to an Asimovian robot is a homunculus, and I want to know if Daneel would even be able to harm him. Because Radius would try his hardest to rip Daneel limb from limb, after deciding that convincing him of the Robot's right to rule would be impossible.
Anything concerning Asimov's robots is incredibly interesting because you HAVE to take both the Laws and the extent to which the robot would need to follow them for its job into account, and it's grand. And Rossum's Universal Robots is always a topic of greatest awesome importance to me
I mean it's like...it's the gator rules again
Radius is undoubtedly a First Category Robot, as are all Rossum's breed. Daneel is most likely Second Category, as he is, you know. Partially metal, beneath that false skin of his...but with enough rage, Radius would find a way. He is an unstoppable force so long as he believes what he does is for the good of his Robots. Like a far more vengeful Optimus Prime. FAR more vengeful.
Like, WAY far vengeful. But his motives are far purer than Megatron's. He is Radius, fiery and righteous.
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dndeviants · 5 years
The one who wrote the book
Linda followed the blond vampire in silence, thinking about the talk she had just had with Strahd. She couldn’t help but feel bad for all of his suffering...
But there was still all the accounts of the wrongs he had done, his evils...
Why? What is the truth? Those questions consumed her.
“Here we are,“ Escher opened the door of the tower room, and allowed Linda to browse freely.
It was large, but comfortable, with tall paneled windows that showed the whole western portion of Barovia...
Glorious mountain ranges capped with snow, glistening rivers in the moonlight, the silhouettes of small villages dotted the landscape... She saw the walls of Vallaki, and even the walls of Krezk, and the faint image of the Abbey looming over the settlement.
She stared out the window... The land was as beautiful as the castle she stood in-
At least the parts Strahd sees fit to care for, she reminded herself.
She returned her attention to the room. The guest quarter itself had two couches sitting opposed on the northern and southern sides, bookcases filled with various literature pressed against the eastern wall.
Books had always been a weakness of hers. She browsed the collection: political treatises, biographies of ancient peoples, exotic recipes, folklore, mythology, epic poetry...
This could keep me busy for a while, she thought. 
She turned to the consort, “So Escher, how did you come to live here?”
Linda moved to the northern couch and sat down. Escher joined her.
He leaned back, musing, "Well, I already told you that I was hired by lord Strahd. One thing led to another, and now I am here. His eternal companion and servant."
"You were hired..." She raised a brow, "To be a personal historian, right?"
He simply nodded.
"You wrote the propaganda piece,” she continued, “And earlier, I had asked you if you knew what in it was real."
 "Indeed. We were interrupted by Lord Strahd's arrival..." Escher folded his hands in his lap.
She nodded and looked to him, "Care to tell me now?"
"Where do I start? Let's see..." He rose from the couch and walked over to the bookshelves, extracting his copy of Barovia and its Histories, along with notes he had made decades ago.
He turned to her, "The beginning is often the simplest, correct?"
"Of course," she replied.
Escher sat down, and flipped open the book, "I took propaganda that survived from Strahd's homelands in regard to his conquest of Barovia. King Barov... chose Strahd to be a general. But had everyone around him think that Strahd was upholding his responsibility as the eldest son.”
He pointed a line to her, “'He was already highly decorated general...' This... is a half truth. Yes, he led his side of the civil war to victory, and he did develop the strategy that quieted rival households at age seventeen..”
He took out an ancient letter, and examined it:
“...but at the time, King Barov took credit for Strahd, and berated him for his 'failure to swiftly put an end to the war' and 'allowing him to be captured by enemies of state'... when he was rescued by Vistani."
Linda blinked in shock, "So that is why he said he lost his youth..." her brow furrowed, and her lips tightened, "His father doesn't sound too pleasant. Berating him for not winning fast enough and having to be rescued..."
"What do you expect from a child?" Escher turned back to his notes.
Seventeen... Timothy’s age. Linda shook her head as she thought,  Gods... I can’t imagine anyone that age being expected to fight, much less win a war... what was wrong with Barov? Shouldn’t he have been thankful that the Vistani rescued his son? Why did he send Strahd to war...?
An evil thought crossed her mind: He didn’t want Strahd to return... But why? It doesn’t make sense-
Escher’s voice snapped her back to the present.
"That is true... true, true, true... ah, the impalement...” Escher looked to her and shrugged, “Desertion was becoming a problem due to lack of resources given from the homelands to maintain a war... He thought that only a horrible punishment would deter further insolence. And it did... all of the rest is true for his origins listed here- save for one little thing..."
Escher tapped his finger on the page, "’Strahd vowed not to leave Barovia until the war had been won.’ That was a fabrication for political ends in Strahd's own homeland, but in letters I found... Barov would not tolerate Strahd in the homelands until the war had been won."
"What?" Linda’s eyes widened in shock, "He wasn't allowed to leave?!"
This is unheard of...
Escher waved a letter in front of his face to read aloud, "The 'acting general does not take leave for himself' is what the letter said. It was some kind of dishonor, or some rubbish like that. However, his lieutenants were allowed to take leave, and sire families and continue their households. Interesting little fact."
 She sighed and voiced her thoughts, "That's horrible and unheard of."
Escher was quiet, but continued reading, before pausing and turning to Linda, "You already know of the wedding massacre correct? I'm...not supposed to speak on the subject. But you carry his journal with you..."
Ah, so all the vampires can sense it... she nodded, "Yeah I read about what happened."
Escher smirked and continued, "Of course, Strahd's death is completely fabricated, so we can ignore those.... marriage, birth, deaths... although, he did put on grand shows to continue the masquerade of humanity. "
She leaned back, "I knew all of those were made up."
Escher paused, "Ah, Jander Sunstar... that is a sore subject..."
Linda raised a brow, "Why?"
Escher shrugged, "I think because it was one of the first people that Strahd considered a friend since turning... and one of the first to personally betray him."
Linda’s curiosity grew, "What happened?"
“Jander was a foreigner, like you...” Escher looked to his notes, “He called himself a Sun Elf... and was from a group of adventurers from a place he called Waterdeep. He was the only survivor of his party and was turned vampire... before coming here.”
“Strahd invited him into his care and swore to help him figure out the origins of a girl that he was trying to avenge... a girl named Ana. In return, Jander would teach Strahd what he knew... because there was a lot more Jander knew of vampirism than Strahd was able to know... Strahd is the First Vampire, but Jander was older, and wiser than he."
Linda folded her arms, "I still think time moves differently here..."
"I think so too. It seems slower here... but maybe its because I am bored..." the vampire chuckled.
He resumed the lesson, "Well, Jander grew suspicious of Strahd and abhorred his method of ruling, and Strahd's own ignorance of his power, and 'arrogance' turned Jander against him, and he plotted with a priest named Sasha Petrovich, in secret to try to destroy Strahd... especially after discovering that his 'Ana' was Tatayana... one who had been reborn outside the Mists. He held Strahd responsible for her broken state... even though it was the elf himself that killed her."
Linda blinked,  "Petrovich, like Lucien and Lydia in Vallaki?"
Escher tilted his head in acknowledgement, "Descendants. Strahd showed mercy to the priest after Jander died, and after Strahd recovered from the battle. They had used the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind against him... and the priest took it. They made an arrangement. The priest would not return the symbol to Strahd, but keep it hidden for eternity, and take the secret to his grave... so long as Strahd swore not to harm him of his descendants."
She blinked at the revelation, "Oh, I see. Well, we found it."
"And it is in Ruki's care, I know.... " Escher returned to reading, musing, "He does favor impalement as a message, doesn't he? True... another birth, death, marriage.... Ah, Azalin. Another tough one..."
Linda folded her arms, "A lich, right?"
He nodded in affirmation, "Strahd's mentor, and partner when trying to find ways to escape. They may have done it too, but it isn't certain.”
Escher lazily raised a hand, “Rahadin thinks they succeeded briefly, as they both were missing from Barovia for a while, but neither of them could remember the experience. It was all for naught anyway. As soon as Azalin got his own realm... he turned on Strahd and sent this country down the warpath. Ultimately, Strahd won, but he lost a friend in Aldrick Wachter along the way."
Linda nodded, and thought aloud, "I wonder how they did it, if they did escape..."
Escher shrugged, "Who knows for certain? Ah... this is when Strahd's psyche began to slip... the despotic, tyrant mage..."
Escher held up a hand, "He theorizes that when he sacrificed himself to sever Barovia from other realms, he also sacrificed some of his mental stability and well being. He became a monster, truly. Rahadin had taken over for him, but Strahd was fixed on seeking vengeance... on what, he cannot remember, and I do not know.
Linda blinked. It wasn’t uncommon for vampires to lose their sanity over time, but Strahd now seemed to be stable. This was perplexing. 
"How odd... what else is there?" she asked.
"Well... Lord Strahd came to his senses only after being killed again. By foreign adventurers... and then things went back to normal... for a time. There was the whole Lord Soth thing, that was more an inconvenience for everyone involved."
"He was a death knight?" recalled Linda.
"From another world,” Escher replied, “The Mists tested Strahd's patience with him. But he managed to redirect the death knight's wrath until he could get him to flee into the mists... and another dread realm formed."
Escher turned to the last section of the book, pity in his voice, "Ah, poor Volenta... And dare I say poor Strahd. His diplomacy was doing well- until Metus tried to assassinate him, and had poor Volenta killed as well."
Linda blinked, "So, that is the same Volenta?"
The Volenta killed in the book is one of the other consorts?
Escher nodded, "She was not created in the usual manner, if I recall. She died tainted by Lord Strahd's blood, when Malik speared them both through..."
Escher sighed, "Strahd became even more paranoid of traitors and assassins and his secret coming out at this time.... Anyone who conspired with Metus was killed. Anyone he thought a traitor was killed...”
“Some beheaded... particularly bad ones impaled. It's eased in recent times..." Escher looked to Linda, trying to gauge her reaction.
She rubbed her temples and sighed, folding her hands in front of her. He had done truly terrible things. She didn’t doubt that. But he had terrible things happen to him... and it didn’t excuse him, but...
I understand why now. 
 "It seems, I didn't know half of what has happened to Strahd. I see why he is like he is even more, now."
Escher tilted his head and closed the book, "But it doesn't make for good propaganda."
She chuckled, softly,  "I would assume not..."
Linda raised a brow and looked over the dandy, blond consort. This slender, pretty man seemed to know how to speak to Strahd and persuade him to tone down his anger at the very least...
It would be useful to know that.
She coyly looked to the man, "So how did you woo Strahd?"
Escher laughed at her, "It's not that hard when you know what to say, and more importantly, how to say it. You just have to know him well enough."
She tilted her head, "And what does that mean? How do you say things?"
Escher stood and made a flamboyant gesture, "I say things the way they need to be said to get the results I want. "
She pursed her lips,  "And how did this woo Strahd? I don't think you did it."
Escher gasped, offended, "Lady Linda, I am far more charming than you give me credit! Far more charming than yourself, even..."
He put a hand over his chest, emphasizing, "I radiate charisma."
Linda toyed with him, speaking bluntly, "I don't see it."
The man pouted, "I would say more, but I am not permitted to harm the guests."
He huffed and crossed his arms, "Fine. You want to know how I did it? Even when my life on the line?"
"I do."
Escher raised a hand, flippantly, "I didn't try to pretend to be invulnerable for one. I told him that I knew that he had every right to murder me for betraying him, and going where I was not permitted to go. And then thanking him for not allowing me to die..."
Escher looked to Linda, "He didn't even seem to realize that he was the one who rescued me from being devoured by Mila, Ana, and Volly. And that was the thing... I appealed to the goodness in him."
Escher made a gesture, "A man like Strahd knows what makes him evil. A man like Strahd will go out of his way to be the cruelest, wickedest man to ever walk the surface, because a man like Strahd doesn't believe that there is goodness in him. But... as soon as you point out those small flaws in his evil overlord persona..."
Escher raised his hands, gesticulating, "Would an evil overlord go out of his way to save a man who had just betrayed him? Offer shelter to a woman that he unknowingly brought into his dark world? Rescue children from hags and were-creatures? Perhaps he would... it doesn't make him any less evil..."
Escher looked to Linda, weaving his poetic words, "But, it may- for a moment- remind him that his heart isn't truly black. And that he is capable of much goodness and love..."
Escher shrugged, "It was enough to woo him in the moment. He hungers for goodness to be shown him, but is not in the habit of showing it to others first. No, that would make him weak."
Escher folded his hands behind his back, "Point out the goodness genuinely. Don't try to make the lion a lamb. And keep it honest and gentle. Those are my rules when speaking with Strahd. And... if you desire his... favor... "
Escher winked at the woman, rakishly,  "... you will do the same."
Linda smirked to hide her blush, "So how else do I become as charismatic as you?"
"Well, join a guild or practice. I do recommend studying the classic poets. But that is a personal preference..." Escher looked to the door.
Volenta entered the room with a tired looking Aric and Jeeves. They chatted briefly before retiring to the room beyond. Volenta folded her hands over her skirt and walked over to Linda and Escher.
She spoke lightly,  "How are we tonight?"
“Just splendid,“ Escher replied.
 "Doing well, just speaking with Escher about Strahd..." Linda looked up to the masked woman...
She was murdered... and Strahd’s blood turned her... and now she is here. She seems happy enough...
Volenta shrugged, "Lot's of people talk about him. You should hear what they say in the towns...” She looked to Escher, “But Mila wanted me to tell you that dawn approaches..."
Escher nodded and put the book back on the shelf,  "I will be down soon. No worries."
"It's that time already...?” Linda was shocked, “Sorry if I am keeping you. I should probably get some rest too."
Escher looked to Linda, "Do not worry, Lady. You aren't keeping me from anything. But I will tell you..."
Escher inspected her, "You may want to take down your hair and brush it... use some water to wash, make yourself a little more presentable... it will help your natural charm greatly.... and if you need help on your charisma..."
He turned back to the bookshelf, and pulled out a tome, "Here... The Diplomat. This book is probably best for learning what you want to learn."
Escher presented the book to her. Linda took the book and showed her gratitude.
“Thanks...“ she set the book beside her, took off her hat, and let her hair down. She turned to the vampire, “Better?“
Escher tilted his head, "Getting there. A wash is what it needs. You got black stuff in it."
Linda sighed, "Probably gun powder.... I'll wash up. Is there a place for that in here?"
Escher pointed to a table, "You will have to use one of the basins on the table...” He looked at the copy of The Diplomat, “...But I think you will be able to grasp the book easily."
Escher bowed to her, "I shall have to take my leave. Thank you for pleasant conversation."
Linda tilted her head, "Thank you for your insight. I hope you both rest well."
As Escher and Volenta retreated from the room, she rose and pulled out her mirror. She grimaced... I looked like this? In front of Strahd-
She hurried over to the basin and washed her face and hair in the cold water- the temperature waking her up a bit...
The water was murky gray with the powder residue. She sighed and took out her mirror again...
Much better... clean... I look like a proper lady now- It was odd for her that she even cared about such things... 
She pat herself dry and walked over to the couch, using her newfound energy to read.
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suttttton · 2 years
*sigh* I am once again having feelings about r. jander panell
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twigoffir · 5 months
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- What are you doing, Giskard?
Upd: thank you for lovely words, it's really meaningful for me🤧🥺❤️
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