blahblahblaw18 · 2 years
The Sound of Familiarity
I was sitting in the Global Reading Room in our university and working on my history assignment. sitting, there plying at my keyboard, taking down notes, underlining important points and highlighting keywords when my mind randomly starts buzzing with the tune of some long-forgotten music. At first, it is a faint hum of the tune and then it became more and more pronounced. Taaanaanna na na na na... 
and then it grew louder and louder and then so loud that it is no longer in my head, it has forced itself out of the shackles of my mind and is now resonating out of my laptop. the faint, intangible hum has wriggled out of my body and is now a song. like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon. and it now presents itself before me, the butterfly of the song, flashing the wings of its ostentatiously beautiful lyrics on the faded screen of my laptop.
"Akkare Maathadi Pooje Maadi Anthovne Maadevaaaa... Ughe! Ughe! Elu Male Myaleli Kunthanavva...."
What is the name of the song? ...what is it? is it elu male myaleli...? no, it doesn't seem like it. must be hange kuniro hinge kuniro? And i glance at my screen, scenes from a film keep changing in quick succession. the image of a distinctively strong man of dusky complexion, ruffled hair, and stern expressions is constant in all photos. Shivanna. and then like the apricity of the morning sun, enveloping the body in a blanket of warmth, my mind is embraced tightly with memories from a past, long lost and forgotten. they hug me. and i scramble to hug them back, it is a long, tight embrace. 
"Beta zara is taraf aajao" 
"en akka? - uh haan didi-"
And like a tree recoiling at the strike of lightning, i crack back into consciousness. I move aside to let the didi sweep the carpet underneath and i am pulled out of my lucid dream and yanked back into reality. I glance out of the window and I see the flagpole- the silken flag majestically fluttering away. Elu male myaleli is still resonating from the laptop as i continue to stare at the flag. for once, this feels like my flag. my flag, my country, i belong here. This place, this college, the people, the trees, the building are all mine. it is my college and this is me. 
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lazyyogi · 2 years
4 Steps to Grow a Daily Meditation Practice
Step 1: Choose a technique.
All forms of meditation direct your attention in a specific way. You may be focusing on a visualization, repeating a mantra, or just sitting in silence.
The less technique involved, the more difficult the practice will be. While I recommend Jangama Dhyana, I first started out with mantra meditation.
Whatever method you choose, I suggest you practice it regularly for at least a month before deciding to try a different one.
Step 2: Pick a time of day.
At one point in my life, morning meditations were most reliable. At another time, evening meditations were best. It all depends on your daily life and when you can guarantee yourself some time alone.
Habit stacking will also help to ensure you practice regularly. By linking your meditation practice to some other daily activity, you fit the session into a pre-existing framework.
For example, I like to exercise then shower and then meditate.
Also, it helps if you don't ask yourself if you feel like meditating. The only question you need to ask is whether you have the time to meditate--and be honest with yourself.
Don't focus on whether the meditation session was a good experience or a bad experience. When times are good, meditate. When times are bad meditate. With ongoing practice, meditation helps connect us with that which is changeless amidst all the change.
I think of meditation like brushing my teeth. I just do it because it is part of my day and I don't hold any particular expectations about it.
Step 3: Start small.
If you are a true beginner, start with 5 minutes per day. Your first challenge as a beginning meditator is twofold:
Getting into a rhythm of daily practice.
Learning how to both relax and be focused during your session.
Understand that you may feel very uncomfortable when you start out. The benefits of meditation are first noticeable outside of the actual meditation sessions.
So set a timer, sit, focus on the technique, and don't get up until the timer goes off. Just showing up daily is like 90% of it, especially for beginners.
Step 4: Add 5 minutes every 1-2 weeks.
It's okay if you miss a day or two but you should be meditating at least 5 out of 7 days per week before increasing the duration of your sessions. This is honestly how I worked my way up to sitting for an hour daily. I started with 15 minute sittings and increased by 5 minutes ever other week. It took less than a year to get there.
If you notice yourself skipping more and more meditations during the week then decrease the time until you get back into a daily rhythm. Then try again.
Again, the primary goal is daily practice. The secondary goal is lengthening your sessions.
There is nothing impressive or important about meditating daily or sitting for longer meditations. It is simply the most reliable way to experience the benefits for yourself. Once you have caught on to the immense value of this practice, your motivation will increase spontaneously many times over.
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pooma-satsangam · 2 months
There are no two or three gods. There is only one GOD, who is the Creator, Protector, and Dissolver of this Universe.
This mortal world is the Creator’s Workshop and it is real.
Human life is very valuable. One should not harm one’s own body which is a means to attain God.
God is the supreme soul. He doesn’t come into the cycle of birth and death. However great a human being is, he cannot be called ‘GOD’.
God is formless. We cannot feed him, clothe him. Needy man is the face of God. By serving living beings we can serve God.
The differentiation of caste, creed, and race is not God-made, it is man-made.
He alone is holy who is blessed by God.
Do not suppress senses but sublimate them.
How can there be a religion devoid of compassion? Compassion should be at the root of religious faith.
Unless the pride of caste, class, race, and sex is gone, how can one be a devotee of God? One should forsake all traces of “I” and “mine”.
To me, all the lovers of God are one such is my faith. There is not the slightest doubt in me about this. There is no high born or low born for me.
The chakora bird aspires for the dawn of moonlight. The lotus aspires for the dawn of sun’s rays. The bumbling bee aspires for scentful nectar. My heart aspires for Lord Kudalasangamadeva’s remembrance.
My tongue is filled with Thy nectar of Thy name. My eyes are filled with Thy beautiful frame. My ears are filled with Thy boundless fame. My mind is filled with Thy contemplation. Oh, my Lord Kudalasangamadeva, let me be a bee at Thy lotus feet.
Clay is the first need for pottery (to prepare a pot). Gold is the first need for a goldsmith (to prepare ornaments). Guru is the first need for the Divine path. Devotees’ (Sharanara’s) association (Anubhaava) is the first need to know our Lord Kudalasangamadeva.
Some have a notion that building temples or arranging grand celebrations is being very religious, but Basavanna says:
The haves make temples for Shiva.
Ayya, what can I do?
I am poor.
My legs are pillars, my body the temple,
and my head the golden pinnacle.
the sthavara comes to an end
but the jangama does not.
The rich can build temples. My body itself is the shrine, with legs as pillars and head as the golden tower. The temple that is built is stationary. My body moves. It is with me wherever I go. That is why it does not perish. What is made of matter perishes. The soul, the spiritual, is everlasting. That this body itself should be made a holy shrine is a message of immense value. We should be able to see God in this temple of our body. Basavanna never attached importance to outward form of worship, rituals, and religious observances.
குரு பசவண்ணாவின் உபதேசம்
இரண்டு அல்லது மூன்று கடவுள்கள் இல்லை. இந்த பிரபஞ்சத்தின் படைப்பாளர், பாதுகாவலர் மற்றும் அழிப்பவர் ஒரே ஒரு கடவுள் மட்டுமே உள்ளார்.
இந்த மறைபொருள் உலகம் படைப்பாளியின் பணியிடம் மற்றும் இது உண்மையானது.
மனித வாழ்க்கை மிகவும் மதிப்புமிக்கது. கடவுளை அடைய, ஒருவரின் உடலுக்கு தீங்கு செய்யக்கூடாது.
கடவுள் உயர்ந்த ஆன்மா. அவர் பிறப்பு மற்றும் மரணத்தின் சுழற்சியில் வரமாட்டார். எவ்வளவு பெரிய மனிதனாக இருந்தாலும், அவரை ‘கடவுள்’ என அழைக்க முடியாது.
கடவுள் உருவமற்றவர். அவரை நாம் உணவு கொடுக்கவோ, உடை அணியவோ முடியாது. தேவையுள்ள மனிதன் கடவுளின் முகம். உயிரினங்களுக்கு சேவை செய்வதன் மூலம் கடவுளுக்கு சேவை செய்யலாம்.
ஜாதி, மதம் மற்றும் இனம் போன்ற வேறுபாடுகள் கடவுள் உருவாக்கியவை அல்ல, மனிதன் உருவாக்கியவை.
கடவுளால் ஆசீர்வதிக்கப்பட்டவர் மட்டும் புனிதர் ஆவார்.
உணர்ச்சிகளை ஒடுக்காதீர்கள், அவற்ற�� உயர்த்துங்கள்.
கருணை இல்லாத மதம் எப்படியிருக்க முடியும்? மத நம்பிக்கையின் அடிப்படையாக கருணை இருக்க வேண்டும்.
ஜாதி, வர்க்கம், இனம் மற்றும் பாலினம் ஆகியவற்றின் பெருமை இல்லாமல், ஒருவர் எவ்வாறு கடவுளின் பக்தராக இருக்க முடியும்? “நான்” மற்றும் “என்” என்ற அனைத்தையும் விட்டு விட வேண்டும்.
என்னால் கடவுளின் அனைத்து காதலர்களும் ஒன்றாக இருக்க முடியும், இது என் நம்பிக்கை. இதற்கு எனக்கு சிறிதளவு சந்தேகம் கூட இல்லை. எனக்கு உயர்ந்த பிறந்தவரோ அல்லது தாழ்ந்த பிறந்தவரோ இல்லை.
சகோரா பறவை சந்திர வெளிச்சத்தின் உதயத்தை ஏங்குகிறது. தாமரை சூரியனின் கதிர்களின் உதயத்தை ஏங்குகிறது. பசும்பொன்னி தேன் மணத்தை ஏங்குகிறது. என் இதயம் கடவுள் கூடலசங்கம தேவாவின் நினைவுகுறியை ஏங்குகிறது.
என் நாக்கு உமது பெயரின் தேனீட்டத்தால் நிரம்பியுள்ளது. என் கண்கள் உமது அழகிய உருவத்தால் நிரம்பியுள்ளன. என் காதுகள் உமது அளவற்ற புகழால் நிரம்பியுள்ளன. என் மனம் உமது தியானத்தில் நிரம்பியுள்ளது. ஓ, என் கடவுள் கூடலசங்கம தேவா, உமது தாமரைக் கால்களில் ஒரு தேனீ ஆகட்டும்.
கும்மியால் மட்பாண்டம் தயாரிக்க முதன்முதலில் தேவையானது. தங்கத்தை வைத்து நகை தயாரிக்க முதன்முதலில் தேவையானது. குரு தெய்வீக பாதைக்கு முதன்முதலில் தேவையானவர். பக்தர்கள் (சரணார்களின்) கூட்டமைப்பு (அனுபவா) நமது கடவுள் கூடலசங்கம தேவாவை அறிய முதன்முதலில் தேவையானது.
சிலர் கோவில்களை கட்டுவது அல்லது பெரிய கொண்டாட்டங்களை ஏற்பாடு செய்வது மிகவும் மத போற்றுதலாகக் கருதுகிறார்கள், ஆனால் பசவண்ணா சொல்கிறார்:
பெரியவர்கள் சிவனுக்காக கோவில்கள் கட்டுகின்றனர்.
அய்யா, நான் என்ன செய்ய முடியும்?
நான் ஏழை.
என் கால்கள் தூண்கள், என் உடல் கோவில்,
மற்றும் என் தலையை பொற்கூம்பு.
கூடலசங்கம தேவா,
நிலையானது முடிவடைகிறது
ஆனால் ஜன்மம் இல்லை.
பணக்காரர்கள் கோவில்களை கட்ட முடியும். எனது உடலே குளம், கால்கள் தூண்களாகவும் ��லையை பொற்கோபுரமாகவும் கொண்ட கோவில். கட்டப்பட்ட கோவில் நிலையானது. எனது உடல் நகர்கிறது. அது நான் செல்லும் இடமெல்லாம் என்னுடன் இருக்கிறது. அதனால் அது அழியாது. பொருளால் ஆனது அழிகிறது. ஆன்மா, ஆன்மீகம், நிரந்தரமானது. இந்த உடல் ஒரு புனித திருக்கோவிலாக மாற்றப்பட வேண்டும் என்பது ஒரு மிக பெரிய மதிப்பு வாய்ந்த செய்தி. இந்த உடலில் கடவுளை காண முடியும். பசவண்ணா வெளிப்புற வழிபாடு, சடங்குகள் மற்றும் மத அனுஷ்டானங்களின் முக்கியத்துவத்திற்கு முக்கியத்துவம் அளிக்கவில்லை.
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thecoffeespirit · 1 year
To Belong
It was hot in Bengaluru last weekend. It was the kind of heat that pricks you and doesn’t make you sweat. So, the feeling of wanting to faint any moment is significantly ubiquitous. That Friday, I went to RR Nagar in the evening to Jangama Collective. It was Ambedkar Jayanti, so one of the founding members of Dalit Sangharsh Samiti was giving a talk on the organisation’s history, his own life and…
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rahaayurveda · 2 years
The Five Types of Poisons in Ayurveda: A Deep Dive into Visha Chikitsa
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, is known for its holistic approach to health and well-being. One of its specialized branches is Visha Chikitsa, which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of toxins, poisons, and their effects on the body. According to Ayurveda, there are five types of poisons or Visha, which can affect the body in different ways.
In this blog, we will take a deep dive into Visha Chikitsa and explore the five types of poisons in Ayurveda.
Sthavara Visha The first type of poison is Sthavara Visha, which refers to the toxins present in plants, minerals, and animals. These toxins can cause symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and skin rashes. Ayurvedic practitioners use herbs, minerals, and animal products to counteract the effects of Sthavara Visha.
Jangama Visha Jangama Visha refers to the poisons present in living organisms, such as snakes, scorpions, and spiders. These toxins can cause symptoms like swelling, pain, and paralysis. Ayurvedic practitioners use antidotes made from herbs and animal products to neutralize the effects of Jangama Visha.
Krimi Visha Krimi Visha refers to the toxins present in parasites and microbes. These toxins can cause symptoms like fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Ayurvedic practitioners use herbs and minerals to eliminate parasites and microbes from the body.
Annaja Visha Annaja Visha refers to the toxins present in food and drinks. These toxins can cause symptoms like food poisoning, indigestion, and diarrhea. Ayurvedic practitioners use herbs and spices to improve digestion and eliminate toxins from the body.
Manasija Visha Manasija Visha refers to the toxins present in the mind and emotions. Negative emotions like anger, fear, and jealousy can create toxins that affect the body and mind. Ayurvedic practitioners use meditation, yoga, and other mind-body practices to purify the mind and eliminate the effects of Manasija Visha.
Ayurveda recognizes the five types of poisons or Visha, and each type requires a different approach to diagnosis and treatment. Visha Chikitsa offers a comprehensive and holistic approach to healing from toxins and poisons, which can benefit both the body and mind.
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onkar · 2 years
The Guru – Live in Your Living Room!
The Guru – Live in Your Living Room!
By William T. Hathaway Shiva Rudra Balayogi You can learn to meditate from one of the great spiritual teachers of India, then meditate with him live online and ask him questions – all for free. The first step is to learn his easy technique of Vedic meditation, Jangama Dhyana: https://www.jangama.org/. Then join him Saturdays for a meditation and question-and-answer session:…
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beadsofparadisenyc · 5 years
This 19th Century Ayigalu Lingam Shrine Box is a quite stunning piece! Silver lingam boxes such as these were worn by wealthier lay members of the Lingayat sect, devoted to Hindu Lord Shiva. Each box once carried a Jangama Lingam. The Lingam Stone which this beautiful box enshrined was comprised of a small piece of stone carved by an amulet specialist. This piece is currently empty, so you can store whatever you like inside! #shrinebox #ayigalu #lingam #lingambox #lingayat #19century #19thcenturyjewelry #antiquejewelry #boxnecklace #gift #rarejewelry #uniquegifts #christmas #hanukkah #holidays #holidayseason #statementnecklace #shop #shopsmall #nyc #unionsquare #beadsofparadise (at Beads of Paradise NYC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6L9tTbn5rl/?igshid=7q5auoq7vlc7
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blissbytes · 5 years
When you decide universe is not obligated to make sense to me, but I am obligated to make sense to the universe, it starts making sense to you, you feel just with life, you feel life is dharmic, nothing is negative in the universe, everything is auspicious.
When you decide universe is not obligated to make sense to me, but I am obligated to make sense to the universe, it starts making sense to you, you feel just with life, you feel life is dharmic, nothing is negative in the universe, everything is auspicious.
I tell you, just internalize this one thing: neither you know your identity, nor people around you know who you are. The thoughts which you feel you are, changes every once in a week, month, sometimes once in few hours. And others when they see you what mood they are in, that is the way they perceive you. For example, if you feel somebody is a bad person due to his past 100 activities, and due to…
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bharatlivenewsmedia · 2 years
Karnataka govt to take action over fake caste certificates
Karnataka govt to take action over fake caste certificates
Karnataka govt to take action over fake caste certificates Madhuswamy replied that in 1997, the Centre had included ‘beda jangama’ or ‘budga jangama’ in the SC list of 101 castes, against serial number 19. Madhuswamy replied that in 1997, the Centre had included ‘beda jangama’ or ‘budga jangama’ in the SC list of 101 castes, against serial number 19. Go to Source
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netbreakingnews9 · 3 years
Pharmacology Texts In Ayurveda – Dravyaguna Vijnana
Pharmacology Texts In Ayurveda – Dravyaguna Vijnana
Dravyaguna Vijnana is an important text on pharmacology in Ayurveda. Dravyaguna Vijnana deals with dravya, i.e, foods and drugs, with name, form, properties, actions, various combinations and uses. Dravya is an important tool for the performance of vaidya (treatment) in Ayurveda. Dravya is of three types according to the sources, namely, bhauma (inorganic), jangama (animal product) and anubhida…
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lazyyogi · 8 months
Any meditation advice for someone with a very busy mind who gets distracted easily and sometimes forgets that she's supposed to be meditating?
Sure thing!
You are not by any means alone in this difficulty. When 99.999% of people sit to meditate, the mind goes all over the place. It was like that for me as well.
So for anyone who happens to be scrolling by, let's give this post a nice clickbaity title:
New To Meditation? Learn The Surprising Truth About Distracted Thoughts During Your Session
Let's assume you are practicing the technique that I like to recommend, called jangama dhyana. If you are practicing some other technique, that is okay too and this will still apply.
When you sit to meditate, you have made an agreement with yourself. For the duration of the session, the only thing that matters is the technique. So for the next 5, 15, or 60 minutes, the only thing you need to bother yourself about is the technique.
So you sit down in a comfortable posture, remove any eyeglasses you might be wearing, perhaps dim the lights a little, close your eyes, and then gently rest your gaze and attention on the space between and slightly above your eyes. That is the technique.
But then you get distracted. A thought pops up and you have a thought or reaction to that thought, which then carries you down a train of many thoughts. While you had sat down with the clear intention to practice a technique, now you have totally forgotten all about it. And if you get really lost in thought, you may even forget that you are sitting in a room practicing meditation. You may feel you are somewhere else entirely.
This is actually very much the way the illusion works. Due to the movements of the mind, reality is obscured and forgotten.
But then something happens and you remember that you are practicing meditation. Good! That moment of remembrance is the momentary disruption of the illusion. And it is a fundamental part of the process of meditation.
When this happens, however, you may feel kind of shitty about it. You may feel like you aren't doing what you're supposed to, or that you're failing at being a good meditator. Again, this is not true; this is simply part of the process. Such negative thoughts may also cause you to feel frustrated or upset.
The only thing you can do in that moment when you realize you fell down a train of thought is to take a breath and focus your attention again on the meditation technique, bringing your attention back to that space between your eyes. That refocusing of your attention back on the technique is also another part of the meditation practice.
First, you disrupt the illusion by snapping out of your train of thought. Next, you return to the practice by refocusing your attention.
When you do this, you are overcoming your mental restlessness and constant chatter. You are practicing patience and persistence.
Patience means you are not rushing to judge yourself or the meditation, you are giving them both time to develop. And persistence means you simply return to the technique. You don't try to adjust or change it. (Side note: stick with a single meditation technique for a month or so before deciding to try a new one.)
The only way to actually fail meditation practice is to say fuck it, get up, and never meditate again. But if you show up, sit down, and dedicate time for it every day, there will be changes and there will be progress. This is not only taught by countless gurus, saints, and siddhas throughout history but it is also validated by modern day science (on which I am happy to elaborate in a separate post.)
So, to recap, you sit to meditate and rest your attention on the space between your eyes. You get distracted and lost in thought. You recognize you are lost in thought and in doing so have once more become present. And you go back to resting your attention on the space between your eyes. Until...
You get lost in thought again. And again you recognize this and again you bring your attention back to the focus of the meditation.
For now, this may be what you meditation practice looks like. And guess what? That is authentic meditation practice. What you are doing is repeatedly shattering the mind's restlessness. It is a common initial hurdle for most meditation practitioners.
If you persist in practice, you will notice two things. The first is that you will start to realize sooner and sooner when you have gotten lost in thought. The second is that your mind will stop wandering off as often and you will find it easier to come back and to stay with the technique, to simply stay with resting your gaze and attention between your eyes. You will find that being able to do so doesn't require you to clench and force your attention, rather you are more relaxed and alert and your mind is simply less agitated.
When you get to the point in which you spend more time with the technique than you spend with distracted thoughts, you will notice another thing: there is a difference between actively thinking and thoughts just popping up.
When you can simply sit and rest your attention on the space between your eyes, you are not deliberately or actively thinking about anything. But random thoughts will still pop up.
Previously what would happen is that a random thought would pop up and you would immediately start thinking about it and then get lost in thoughts. What you will have discovered at this point is that you have conscious control over what you do and do not actively think about.
However, what you do not have conscious control over is what thoughts just pop up. That has more to do with your subconscious mind. At this point, the metaphor of a ceiling fan becomes relevant.
When you turn off a ceiling fan, the fan keeps spinning for a while. In time, it will come to a stop on its own. When you can sit with the technique and refrain from actively thinking, it is like turning off the ceiling fan. The thoughts that pop up randomly, however, are like the fan that is still spinning.
There is nothing more you need to do about those thoughts popping up. They will go the same way in which they arrived, they will disappear the same way in which they appeared. And with time (and with longer meditation sessions), you will start to experience stretches of time in which no thoughts arise at all. That's when things get really interesting.
I'll leave it there for now. However, one last thing worth mentioning is that even before you get to that point, you will start to have real benefits from meditation practice. Even when you're at the very beginning, you will find yourself feeling different in your daily life. A little less anxious, a little more present and engaged, a little more insightful and creative, a little more kind, a little more patient, and sometimes weirdly content. You will feel more natural, at ease within yourself.
So, keep at it!
"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop." ~ Confucius
Much love,
33 notes · View notes
pooma-satsangam · 5 months
Basava Vachanas - 3
Let not the wax doll wag the tongue of fire and flirt. If you caress butter Benaka with rice cake made of burning embers his teeth would be lost. With the sharanas of Koodalasanga
if you flirt you will be at odds. Guru Basava/16/[1]
The deity made of wax that melts
how could I approve of it?
The deity that shrinks on sighting fire
how could I approve of it?
The deity that is sold on necessity
how could I approve of it?
The deity that is buried out of fear
how could I approve of it?
Natural and truly united Koodalasangamadeva alone is god. Guru Basava/17/[1]
On sighting the king if you forget your husband
it is like losing the grip while climbing a tree.
You will be far from this world and far from the other, as our Koodalasangamadevayya is the linga with the face of jangama. Guru Basava/18/[1]
Rather than being a queen at the king’s place
it is better being a servant maid at the devotee’s home. There they order to bring water, bring bilva leaves, offer food to linga. Even in the mahaamane of Koodalasanga they contemptuously order to eat whatever is given to you. Guru Basava/19/[1]
If the king gets angry, within that province
one can not be. If the husband gets angry within that home one can not be.
Koodalasangamadeva if the jangama gets angry how can I live? Guru Basava/20/[1]
With the knowledge of the knower Rahu called poverty played foul. With the wealth of the haves the Raahu called moha played foul.
With the vision of the discerning the darkness called Kaama played foul. Fearful of the anxiety of my mind I took refuge in you Koodalasangamadeva. -Guru Basava/21/[1]
Ayya bathed fully in turmeric, decked thoroughly in golden dress, like the woman bereft of her husband’s love I am. Smeared with vibhuthi,
fastened with the rudraakshi, Shiva, bereft of your love I am. No one leads an immoral life in my clan. Nurture me is you wish, Koodalasangamadeva. -Guru Basava/22/[1]
Never be neighbors to half devotees never accept their championship never their company on road. Be far from them, never talk to them.
Be a maid among Koodalasanga’s sharanas
who are truly united in the linga. Guru Basava/23/[1]
What if they go wrong with money, what if they go wrong with life, what if they go wrong with pride, Do sharanas look for demerits in other sharanas? Koodalasanga’s sharanas should suffer and bear. -Guru Basava/24/[1]
What use if there is a fortune-line in the palm without life-line? What use if a coward has weapon Chandrayudha? What use if a blind man has a looking glass? What use if a monkey has a ruby? What use if those who do not know our Koodalasanga’s sharanas have a linga in their palm until they know Shiva’s path? Guru Basava/25/[1]
All those wealthy fear the king, all those full of devotion fear the jangama, all those charmed by the harlot eat her leftovers, all those that like meat eat dog’s leftovers. Only Chennabasavanna knows those who became worthy after offering to the linga the leftovers of the offering to Koodalasanga’s sharanas. Guru Basava/26/[1]
Ayya, look, her utterance sweet like jaggery
but her heart has poison. She invites one with her eyes but cohabits with another in her mind.
Listen, Koodalasangamadeva, never trust a mind-thieving woman. Guru Basava/27/[1]
When I consider the wealth of the Asurahe
has a million wives virtuous like Sita, a million intelligent principal ministers, countless brigades and thousands of princes, the guardians of eight directions are in his prison,
he imprisoned and ruled all the chiefs of gods.
Shiva, not living according to your mercy
his desire for the wife of another cost his life.
Knowing this, like a serpent that descends into its hole on spotting the eagle when I see those who desire others’ wives I go hiding Koodalasangamadeva. Guru Basava/28/[1]
If egotism charms the mind where would the linga be? Without letting egotism in
one must embody the linga. Look, without ego one becomes united in Koodalasangamadeva. Guru Basava/29/[1]
Measuring and measuring over they grow weary. Does the measuring pot grow weary?
Walking and walking again, they grow weary. Does the path grow weary? Exercising over and again, they grow weary. Does the club grow weary? Unaware of the truth the devotee wearies. Does the linga grow weary?
Koodalasangamadeva this is sheer unpaid labour unknown to the king. Guru Basava/30/[1]
பசவ வசனங்கள்-3
குரு பசவ வசனம்
உருகும் மெழுகால் ஆன தெய்வம் நான் அதை எப்படி அங்கீகரிக்க முடியும்?
நெருப்பைக் கண்டால் சுருங்கும் தெய்வம்
நான் அதை எப்படி அங்கீகரிக்க முடியும்?
தேவைக்கு விற்கப்படும் தெய்வம்
நான் அதை எப்படி அங்கீகரிக்க முடியும்?
பயத்தால் அடக்கம் செய்யப்பட்ட தெய்வம்
நான் அதை எப்படி அங்கீகரிக்க முடியும்?
இயற்கையும் உண்மையும் ஒன்றுபட்ட கூடலசங்கமதேவன் ஒருவரே கடவுள். குரு பசவா/17/[1]
நீங்கள் உங்கள் கணவரை மறந்தால் ராஜாவைப் பார்த்தவுடன் மரத்தில் ஏறும் போது பிடியை இழப்பது போன்றது.
எங்கள் கூடலசங்கமதேவய்யா ஜங்கம முகத்தையுடைய லிங்கமாக இருப்பதால், நீ இவ்வுலகில் இருந்தும் தொலைவில் இருப்பாய். குரு பசவா/18/[1]
அரசனின் இடத்தில் ராணியாக இருப்பதை விட பக்தர் வீட்டில் வேலைக்காரியாக இருப்பது நல்லது. அங்கு தண்ணீர் கொண்டு வரவும், வில்வ இலைகளை கொண்டு வரவும், லிங்கத்திற்கு உணவு வழங்கவும் கட்டளையிடுகிறார்கள். கூடலசங்க மகாமனேயில் கூட இகழ்ச்சியாக உனக்கு என்ன கொடுத்தாலும் உண்ண வேண்டும் என்று கட்டளையிடுகிறார்கள். குரு பசவா/19/[1]
அரசன் கோபப்பட்டால், அந்த மாகாணத்திற்குள்‌ஒன்று இருக்க முடியாது. அந்த வீட்டுக்குள் கணவன் கோபப்பட்டால் இருக்க முடியாது. கூடலசங்கமதேவா, ஜங்கம் கோபப்பட்டால் நான் எப்படி வாழ்வேன்? குரு பசவா/20/[1]
அறிந்த ராகு அறியாமையால் ஏழ்மை என்றழைக்கப் பட்டது. உள்ளவர்களின் செல்வத்தில் மோகம் எனப்படும் ராகு தவறாக விளையாடினார்.
பகுத்தறிவுடைய பார்வையில் காமா என்ற இருள் கெட்டு விளையாடியது. என் மனதின் கவலைக்கு அஞ்சி நான் கூடலசங்கமதேவா உன்னிடம் அடைக்கலம் புகுந்தேன். குரு பசவா/21/[1]
அய்யா முழுக்க முழுக்க மஞ்சள் பூசிக் குளித்து, பொன்னாடை உடுத்தி, கணவனின் அன்பைப் பெறாத பெண்ணைப் போல நான். விபூதி பூசி,
ருத்ராக்ஷியால் கட்டப்பட்ட சிவா, உன் அன்பை இழந்தவன் நான். என் குலத்தில் யாரும�� ஒழுக்கக்கேடான வாழ்க்கை நடத்துவதில்லை. கூடலசங்கமதேவா, என்னை வளர்ப்பது உங்கள் விருப்பம். குரு பசவா/22/[1]
குறை பக்தர்களுக்கு ஒருபோதும் அண்டை வீட்டாராக இருக்க வேண்டாம், அவர்களிடமிருந்து வெகு தொலைவில் இருங்கள், அவர்களுடன் பேச வேண்டாம்.
கூடலசங்க சரணங்களில் பணிப்பெண்ண���க இருங்கள். உண்மையில் லிங்கத்தில் ஐக்கியமானவர்கள் இவர்கள். குரு பசவா/23/[1]
பணத்தில் தவறு நடந்தால் என்ன, வாழ்க்கையில் தவறு நடந்தால் என்ன, பெருமையில் தவறு நடந்தால் என்ன, சரணர்கள் மற்ற சரணங்களில் குறைகளை தேடுகிறார்களா? கூடலசங்கத்தின் சரணங்கள் துன்பப்பட்டுத் தாங்க வேண்டும். குரு பசவா/24/[1]
உயிர் ரேகை இல்லாமல் உள்ளங்கையில் அதிர்ஷ்ட ரேகை இருந்தால் என்ன பயன்? கோழையிடம் சந்திராயுத ஆயுதம் இருந்தால் என்ன பயன்? பார்வையற்றவனுக்கு கண்ணாடி இருந்தால் என்ன பயன்? குரங்குக்கு மாணிக்கம் இருந்தால் என்ன பயன்? நம் கூடலசங்க சரணங்களை அறியாதவர்கள் சிவ வழிபாட்டை அறியும் வரை உள்ளங்கையில் லிங்கத்தை வைத்திருந்தால் என்ன பயன்? குரு பசவா/25/[1]
செல்வந்தர்கள் அனைவரும் அரசனுக்கு அஞ்சுகிறார்கள், பக்தி நிறைந்தவர்கள் அனைவரும் ஜங்கமத்திற்கு அஞ்சுகிறார்கள், பரத்தையினால் வசீகரிக்கப்படுபவர்கள் அனைவரும் அவளது எஞ்சியதை உண்கிறார்கள், இறைச்சி விரும்புபவர்கள் அனைவரும் நாயின் எச்சங்களை உண்கிறார்கள். கூடலசங்க சாரணர்களுக்கு காணிக்கையாக எஞ்சியதை லிங்கத்திற்கு சமர்பித்த பிறகு தகுதியானவர்கள் யார் என்பதை சென்னபசவண்ணா மட்டுமே அறிவார். குரு பசவா/26/[1]
அய்யா, பார், அவளுடைய பேச்சு வெல்லம் போல இனிமையாக இருக்கிறது
ஆனால் அவள் இதயத்தில் விஷம் இருக்கிறது. அவள் கண்களால் ஒருவரை அழைக்கிறாள், ஆனால் அவள் மனதில் இன்னொருவருடன் சேர்ந்து வாழ்கிறாள்.
கேள், கூடலசங்கமதேவா, மனம் திருடும் பெண்ணை ஒருபோதும் நம்பாதே. குரு பசவா/27/[1]
அசுரரின் செல்வத்தை எண்ணும்போது
சீதையைப் போன்ற நல்லொழுக்கமுள்ள ஒரு மில்லியன் மனைவிகள், ஒரு மில்லியன் அறிவார்ந்த முதல்வர்கள், எண்ணற்ற படைப்பிரிவுகள் மற்றும் ஆயிரக்கணக்கான இளவரசர்கள், எட்டு திசைகளின் காவலர்களும் அவரது சிறையில் உள்ளனர். அவர் அனைத்து தெய்வத் தலைவர்களையும் சிறையில் அடைத்து ஆட்சி செய்தார்.
சிவனே, உன் கருணைப்படி வாழவில்லை
வேறொருவரின் மனைவிக்கான அவரது ஆசை அவரது உயிரைப் பறித்தது.
இதையறிந்த நான், பிறர் மனைவியை விரும்புகிறவர்களைக் கண்டால், கழுகைக் கண்டதும் தன் குழிக்குள் இறங்கும் பாம்பைப் போல, கூடலசங்கமதேவரை மறைத்துக்கொண்டு செல்��ிறேன். குரு பசவா/28/[1]
அகங்காரம் மனதைக் கவர்ந்தால் லிங்கம் எங்கே இருக்கும்? அகங்காரத்தை உள்ளே விடாமல் ஒருவர் மனதில் லிங்கத்தை உருவாக்க வேண்டும். ஈகோ இல்லாமல் கூடலசங்கமதேவரிடம் அவர் ஐக்கியமாகிறார் பாருங்கள். குரு பசவா/29/[1]
அளந்து அளந்து சோர்வடைகிறார்கள். அளக்கும் பானை சோர்வடைகிறதா?
நடந்து, மீண்டும் நடக்க, அவர்கள் சோர்வடைகிறார்கள். பாதை சோர்வடைகிறதா?
மீண்டும் மீண்டும் உடற்பயிற்சி செய்வதால் சோர்வடைகின்றனர். உடற்பயிற்சி மையங்கள் சோர்வடைகிறதா?
உண்மை அறியாத பக்தன் சோர்வடைகிறான். லிங்கம் சோர்வடைகிறதா?
கூடலசங்கமதேவா இது ராஜாவுக்குத் தெரியாத சுத்த ஊதியமில்லாத உழைப்பு. குரு பசவா/30/[1]
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Agada Tantra
Agada Tantra ( Toxicology ) is fifth branch of Ashtang Ayurveda.
Agada Tantra study of Poisons in Ayurveda.
Gada means a disease and Agada means any agent which makes the body free from disease.The term Agada is used specifically for the branch of medicine dealing with toxicology, the description of the different types of poisons, and their antidotes that is science of poisons.
Agada Tantra  is defined as a section of toxicology that deals with food poisoning, snakebites, dog bites, insect bites, etc.
Kashyapa the great saint and medical practitioner is the father of Agada Tantra.
He founded school of Toxicology from which students later become Royal Vaidyas ( Doctors) in various kingdoms to protect Royal families from being 
poisoned.Even they administer poison to king’s enemy.
There are two types of poisons that described in Agada Tantra.
The Natural poisons and artificial poisons.The naural poisons are classified as
Inanimate ( Sthaavara ) and Animate ( Jangama ).
Inanimate poisons are poisons that have plant origin and from toxic minerals,
metals or metal ores that are found inside the earth.
Animate poisons are poisons that are the venoms of animals like snakes,scorpions,worms,insects etc.
Artificial poisons are invented poisons that are prepared by combining different
kinds of animate and inanimate poisons.
Agada Tantra has information regarding fatal doses of various poisons.
Agada Tantra is popularly known as Visha Chikitsa  which deals with various methods of cleaning the poisons and throw out of the body as well as to recommends antidotes for particular poisons. It deals with a wide range of natural toxins originating from wild lives like animals, birds, insects etc., In plants including herbs (belladonna, aconite etc.), vegetables, minerals (leads, mercury, arsenal etc.) and artificial poisons prepared from poisonous drugs. This branch also deals with air and water pollution, which are basically the causes of various dangerous epidemics.
Well known example of Vishkanya,food poisoning and many other types of poisoning ,their remedies and methods to identify poisonous food,drink,Oil etc found in the text of Sushruta Samhita, Astanga Hridaya , Charak Samhita, Atharva Veda and Arthashastra of Kautilya i.e Arya Chanakya.
In history of Maurya empire  Vishkanya is well known example how this Agada Tantra works and it’s  effectiveness.
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laf2020 · 5 years
Basavanna ~ 10th century “common era”
The rich will make temples for Siva. What shall I , a poor man, do? My legs are pillars, the body the shrine, the head a cupola of gold. Listen, O lord of  the meeting rivers, things standing shall fall, but the moving ever shall stay.
[ trans. AK Ramanujan (1929-1993) ] 
[ "things standing” = sthavara the static temple ] [ “things moving" = jangama, the living itinerant mendicant who is the representative of Linga (Siva) on the earth ] [ “Lord of the meeting rivers” = kudalsangamadeva, a form of Siva, Basavanna's chosen personal god ] 
cf. Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914): 
"A sign, or representamen, is something which stands to somebody for something in some respect or capacity. It addresses somebody, that is, creates in the mind of that person an equivalent sign, or perhaps a more developed sign. That sign which it creates I call the interpretant of the first sign. The sign stands for something, its object. It stands for that object, not in all respects, but in reference to a sort of idea, which I have sometimes called the ground of the representation"
cf. Ben Jonson (1572-1637): 
Pray thee, who tak’st this book in hand To read it well, that is, to understand. 
cf. Sean Bonney (1969-2019): 
“A poetry that only the enemy can understand.”  
cf. dateline Baghdad (2020): 
"Listen to us Corona, come and visit the thieves who stole our wealth, come and take revenge from who stole our dreams, we only loved our homeland but they killed us," protesters were chanting.
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viddu07 · 5 years
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26.11.2019 - First day in Bengaluru and some free time in hand, I decided to do some sight seeing around. This is the first thing I happen to come across at a cultural exhibit near the Bangalore palace.. A brief about the dance - Veeragase, or Varase Kunitha, is a popular folk dance from Karnataka. It is a vigorous dance based on Hindu mythology and involves very intense dance movements performed by the Jangama. The Jangama, popularly known as the 'movable lingas' are a Shaiva order of wandering religious monks who are considered holy and are treated with good alms to seek blessings for the family. Usually Veeragaase performers, during their acts, convey some stories from the main six Shaiva puranas like Shiva/Linga/Skanda/Agni/Matsya/Kurma - Puranas, and some Kannada Veerashaiva puranas like Girija Kalyana/Prabhulingaleele/Basava purana/Chennabasaveshwara charite...etc. Most popularly conveyed story is of the Daksha-yagna. Veeragase gets its name from the Hindu legendary warrior lord - Veerabhadra; Ajaata putra (Non biological child - who didn't take birth formally) of lord Shiva. He was created by the wrath of Shiva and destroyed the Yagna (fire sacrifice) of Daksha, after Daksha's daughter and Shiva's consort Sati self-immolated in the sacrificial fire. The dancers put on a white traditional headgear and a bright red coloured dress. They also adorn themselves with a necklace made of Rudraksha beads, a hip-belt called rudra muke, an ornament resembling a snake and worn around the neck called Nagabharana and anklets. The dancers smear vibhooti (or ash) on their foreheads and ears. Sporting an unsheathed sword in the right hand and a wooden plaque of Veerabhadra in the left hand the dancers perform a martial dance to the beat of Karadi and chamel drums. Traditionally, the dance also involves a ritualistic piercing of a needle across the mouth. (at Palace Grounds Bangalore) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5_7PcWjm6q/?igshid=4q6xpqu152pm
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new-clear-clicks · 5 years
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@nithyanandaswami - What is constant in all beings? "I tell you what is exactly constant. Consciousness reflecting on the space, the fifth dimension of the Universe - consciousness reflecting is constant. In all of consciousness, Paramashiva is reflecting in all our inner space. Paramashiva is reflecting. - that is constant, understand. These five elements, five dimensions are related - length, breadth, depth, time and space. Earth, water, fire, air and space - these five are connected. Listen carefully. When Paramashiva, cosmic consciousness reflects in your inner space, that reflection is constant in all beings. Not speed of the light or time. Time and speed of the light is not constant. But the way superconsciousness, Paramashiva reflects in your inner space is constant. Means, the way cosmic consciousness dances, reflects in your pure inner space, the way Sadashiva dances in your chidambara is constant. All the beings who feel Aham, He exists in that - that is the only constant, understand. From that starts the will persistence, manifest the will persistence. Whoever gets back to that source from which he is reflecting - all of them fall into that space called Oneness which is constant. Paramashiva is equivalent to the will persistence's decision to look at the Source by the reflection. That constant in the Cosmos is feeling of Aham. There is nothing in the Cosmos which it does not feel that Aham including stone - sthavara jangama. Everything feels that existence of Aham. When Mahadeva, Paramashiva says “vyāpakaṃ” - anything which feels Aham, He is in that. His Divine Holiness Bhagwan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam ______________________________________________ His Divine Holiness Bhagwan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam is creating a movement for the revival of an enlightened civilisation. Please join the Hindu nation “Kailaasa Union” to prevent Hinduism from being wiped off the planet. Click the link in the bio and voice your support! ______________________________________________ Nlighten app now available in the app stores! YouTube: Nithyananda YouTube: Nithyananda Yoga Facebook: HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam innerawakening.org kailaasa.org ❤🔥 — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2vblrEe
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