#january mc of the month
January MC of the Month: Nora Rose
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Please welcome January 2024's MC of the Month! Each month, we highlight one MC or OC on our Meet My MC / OC List. They are selected randomly on the Wheel of Names, and eligibility requirements can be found here. We accept MC / OC profiles on an ongoing basis. Please feel free to send yours in!
This month’s MC of the month is…
@inlocusmads's Nora Rose
More below...
In your own words, tell us what you like most about your MC / OC.
The thing I like the best about Nora is how she has a killswitch alternative to any plan she comes up with. Even if it is something as simple as coming up with dinner options. She has this interesting perceptive ability that's akin to playing 4D chess, but at the same time, she has elevator music running in her head.
At the same time, she's sometimes terribly wrong and isn't afraid to acknowledge that. The things she's able to do today - from keeping a level head and a calm composure in the hardest of situations come from her childhood where things were hard, and she had to grow up quite quickly. A lot of times, she'd have to think on her feet, run through options, remember new stuff, and be able to work with her constraints, not just pertinent to her job but in her adulthood as a whole. Her capacity to be able to stand up on her own feet came from so many instances where she couldn't even get off the floor or look straight ahead. 
Nora's also a slow learner but an avid one nonetheless. She was kicked out of so many schools when she was young, mostly because of her not being able to focus properly or standing up to her bullies (something the school calls ‘stirring trouble up’), and it kind of stunted the faith she had in herself. She had to build up an open mind to be able to differentiate between what is good and bad for her. She had to learn how to carve out her own path, despite dealing with so much grief she could never move on from. All of these things stuck to her when she grew up, which made her more aware and sponge-like to gather the mental ammunition needed to face all kinds of problems. 
Nora's far from what she pictured herself to be as a kid, but she's kind of bittersweet about making it this far. Optimistic that if she just doesn't think too much about stuff, the space and time around her would heal even the bloodiest of wounds, but also disappointed she can't deal with things more openly and faster, like in a brawling match. But I'm happy for her, given the circumstances she was in. Nora's always had this ability to chew her way out of things - by hook or by crook. If she can't decode a lock, she'd just give it a slight nudge. If the nudge doesn't work, she'll just straight-up shoot at it and deal with the fallout later. Her main motto is to “just keep going”. 
Do you feel your MC / OC is like you at all? How are you alike or different?
I'd say I took a lot from my experiences growing up and gave them to Nora - dealing with people at school, understanding where she truly “belongs” (before she realized that was a load of bull and she should just stop tunnel-visioning a perfect outcome and instead think about laying down a different road to her path). Nora and I share this trait where we can't sit still, but if something's up, we'd spend hours at the same place, even if it involves doing absolutely nothing. Plus, it takes both of us ages to respond to a message. Nora more than me, for sure, and half the time, she's just bored of the routine email chore (not a good sign in her line of work, but she manages.)
That's where the similarities stop haha.
She's a tough person. She throws a good punch, having undergone a lot of physical training to qualify for her NYPD officer job and more recently, for her private eye job (Mafalda had some strict requirements). She's also a great problem-solver as aforementioned. Besides the usual differences in physicality and all, she doesn't get startled easily - as in, the world could possibly end tomorrow and she'd still be at her desk, responding to a two-year old email. Her self-assurance at that instant (not anytime or anywhere else) but at that very instant is so strong, it is honestly remarkable. 
Nora also enjoys doing things on her own. Whether it be making dinner from scratch, down to the bread-baking, deducing information (without relying on scraping the bowels of the internet) or stitching her clothes if they don't fit her. It was one of the only lessons her mother taught her before she passed. Which is also the reason why she doesn't like frozen food. More on that later. 
What is most important to your MC / OC? What is their motivation in life?
Just kidding. 
It is actually vengeance. I don't know how else to put it. 
Nora's been wronged by a lot of people in her life. From losing her mother because the hospital in charge neglected her to losing her father also because her co-workers neglected him, she went through pretty much the same neglect-arc in school and college. She was always dismissed as a “traumatized kid” half the time and the other half the time, people didn't listen to her when she'd say, for example, report a bully for what they did or critique a faculty member for showing their bias. It resulted in a lot of things that went wrong in her life - from not having a good support system to being an actual orphan when she was barely thirteen. 
This kind of manifested in horrible ways when she was a kid. She suffered from a lot of anger issues and would immediately resort to physical violence if she were confronted. It isn't fair to blame her either, because she was so helpless. She'd wanted someone, just anyone to listen to her - to be there for her. This desire to help her child-self developed well into adulthood. Nora began building back the stability she never had. She's still doing it. She allows herself optimism even when she doesn't believe in anything. She puts her faith in the arbitrary workings of the universe so there's less burden to carry on her shoulders. Even though the things she tells herself aren't all perfect, they would be something her younger self would have appreciated so much. 
Taking revenge for the child in her to rest easy, for the teenage girl in her to find joys in stupid things such as trashy television shows and emo music and for her to be at peace in her own skin without wanting to explode every five minutes has always been her plan ever since she grew up. That and simply because she uses it to feel more proud of what she does. When something isn't getting anywhere, she's like “Yeah well, f it, we'll get it done. A setback ain't shit.” It was always about the “we”. 
Nora is also driven by the motivation to finish something as fast as possible. Everything is like cross-country running to her because she relishes in the satisfaction of getting a chunk of time just to herself right after getting something done. Which means she's either very good at jumping through hoops or crashes and burns. If something takes longer than her intended expectations, she'll drop it in an instant or table it until she gets her motivation back to finish it. It resulted in a lot of half-completed, archived projects but a few she's proud of, including having made her own quilts and bedsheets for the winter. 
This mentality is something she can never get rid of. At school, she was either the best player on her soccer team or the absolute worst. (Hey, at least there's no in-between to her.)
What are their biggest pet peeves/dislikes?
She hates frozen food with a burning passion. Being from a Chinese household, her parents, in the few good years they had with her - taught her the importance of a home-cooked meal or just any cooked meal. Nora, being the impressionable naive child she was, caught onto it and developed this visceral hatred for frozen anything. While she digs the convenience, she isn't a fan of how it tastes either - apart from her family values. This seeps into how Nora sees everything. She's the weird survivalist aunt with a shotgun in her closet because her personal goal is to make everything she consumes. From food, down to the clothes she wears or the curtains in her window, everything has to have had her work and hours put into it. 
Nora is also not a fan of people who don't listen first and just yap, yap and yap. This is why she often got into “creative differences” with her co-workers in her precinct. This is also the reason why Mafalda gives Nora full control of the wheel when she isn't there at the Agency, because the fewer people yapping, the happier Nora is and the better she works. 
As for visceral dislikes, boy oh boy does she have a lot:
Starting strong with the NYPD because they suck, point blank, period. She also thinks there's a special place in hell for people who just assume a lot and can get away with baseless accusations. She can understand broken promises - after all, people move on sometimes, and it's hard to keep track of them, but she draws the line at a proper betrayal. Words don't matter much to her, but actions do. Nora also isn't a fan of people who jump to the easiest conclusion just because it's easy. She’s seen a lot in her life not to automatically red-flag them. It’s worse when it comes from authorities, y’know people you’re taught to trust.
Also, people who gate-keep their expertise. She’s come across so many pretentious people who’d rather let an important investigation hit a dead end than worry about spilling their “trade secrets.” Kind of a niche dislike, but if you’re running out of time and your only hope banks on a mystery novelist’s ability to describe what he saw and tell the truth like his characters would have done, you too would be frustrated if he’d rather drink his coffee when he knows he’s purposefully jeopardizing the investigation’s momentum. And that’s just one of her ‘good’ experiences. Nora loathes academia and wouldn’t touch it even with a six-foot pole.
If your MC / OC could change one thing - anything - what would it be?
Be blessed with a readable medical textbook so she could diagnose her mother earlier than her doctors ever can (and) get magical surgery skills to revive her dad after he got stabbed. 
She still regrets not being able to do anything because she was “just a kid”.Nora has learned to cope with it, knowing she can't do anything about it but she still has this itching feeling of what if things had turned out for the better. It's this heavy rock she's gonna have to deal with for sometime now. 
Nora has this tricky relationship with her heritage. She isn't a fan of how different she is compared to the rest of her family and how they'd ostracized her after her settling down far from home. She wants to be able to change that aspect but knows it is too late to repair the damage. If she could go back in time and “pick a side,” she wouldn't have to feel the FOMO.
This regret of hers, however, is attributed to her never feeling she belonged somewhere among her family. Someday, she'd have to find her own family, own circle of friends, and culture to build. Someday, she'll learn that she's as valid to celebrate her heritage as her Aunt Mei or Uncle Tommy. That there aren't true extremes to anything there's no “one way” to be something, but until then, she's going to angrily sew back some loose stitches and groan about not being able to speak Cantonese as fluently as her relatives or being a “true” New Yorker. 
Also maybe her hair. (Also it is so hard to draw her hair consistently.) Sometimes it gets in the way. And maybe fix her eyesight without needing contacts or glasses. Automatically give herself 20/20 vision whenever needed and blur her eyes out when she doesn't want to.
What is your MC / OC’s favorite quote or song?
It's hard to pick one song, because Nora listens to anything and doesn't really have a music ‘taste’ as long as the song she's listening to has some spunk to it. Something she relates to would be I Talk To The Wind by King Crimson. Combined with the slow pace and the lyrics that basically put her life as a picture, it's a bop.
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your MC / OC?  (It can be why you created them, how they’ve inspired you, or you could write a little blurb as if it is coming from your OC - an acceptance speech. :) )
I've struggled a lot with naming characters before but Nora's was the only time I knew her name wayyy before I could give her a personality. I was like “yep she's Nora, she's definitely one, yep.” and somehow I didn't anticipate how much she'd like, write herself and the story just writing itself. It literally popped into my head as outlandish as it may seem. And somehow that process worked because I don't ever run out of new headcanons to add.
Nora's also the first character I've created a 100k-worded introduction for (which will never see the light of day and is chucked into my files). I honestly expected her to just be fleeting. I'd make up something about her character, and I'd leave it at that, but nope. 
She's the most organized person in the universe. Her clothes never had a chance to get folded since 1999. She is so methodic and yet will pull off stupid shit like kickboxing a door because she doesn't want to open it. Nora is the character to every character but she stops charactering if she's in front of any screen with something playing on it. She can calculate the angle she needs to throw something so it can hit something, but she fails at basic math at the checkout line. She's masterful at cooking up a storm in the kitchen but enters her flop era when she forgets to take her stuff from the oven when the timer beeps.
Honestly, Nora was such a good lesson in writing as well because people are not always black-and-white. Sometimes, their strengths are their weaknesses. Sometimes the things they are chasing after work against their benefit. Maybe their opinions are skewed after all, even though the narrative conditions into believing that they're the Hero character. They should be allowed to be terribly piss-pathetic poor at something before learning to solve the problem, and sometimes it's okay if they're just bad at something if they can improv a way forward.
Plus, she's cool and stuff. Sometimes. 
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vendetta-if · 2 months
Chapter 7 + Ash Hangout Early Access is now Live! 🎉
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Hey, guys! First of all, I'm so sorry for not being active here for the past month. I've been really sick and spent the latter half of January recovering and on bedrest. And as soon as I felt better, I decided to solely focus all my free time and energy on catching up on lost progress and finishing the update before the end of the month. And I did it! 😁
The update is now up for early access on both Patreon and Ko-Fi. Finally, we are starting to get into the ROs' first hangout sessions. Of course, to start us off, we'll have Ash's hangout session 😁This update adds around 31K of new words, bringing the total word count so far to around 356,701K words!
I've also implemented the autosave/reload function to each chapter, so you should be able to have some freedom to go back to the beginning of the chapter and try out different options 😉 Also added another skip-chapter point: Chapter 3.
What you can expect in this update:
The set up to the ROs'  first hangout sessions
Ash's first hangout session
Go down the memory lane and see snippets of MC's most cherished memories.
Some more Viktor 😔
A mix of angst, wholesome, and even potential fluff 🤭
For those waiting for the Public Update, it'll be available on 7th March, 12 AM (GMT +8) 🎉 So mark your calendar!
[Patreon] | [Ko-Fi]
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exilethegame · 7 months
Writing Update (09/22/23)
Hello everyone! It's been a while since I made one of these, huh? 👀
I've spent the past few weeks settling back into university work, but now I'm back into the swing of writing and developing things. So I thought I would take this chance to clarify some things, and lay down what the future of The Exile is gonna look like.
The Public Demo is now done. Chapter Five is the last chapter that you'll be able to play for free until the game is finished. Right now, I am working on rewriting what is written and porting the game into Twine. This means I'm expanding scenes, adding variation and flavor text, fixing stubborn lingering bugs, and implementing a codex + optional flashback scenes (*cough* and art *cough*) into the game. This will take a while.
I'm not just copy and pasting things into Twine and changing the coding-- I'm polishing things, adding lore and info, and overall just making the game significantly more "put together" so-to-speak. The version of The Exile that's up right now has been the Alpha Version of the game, It's never been properly edited beyond fixing glaringly obvious typos, continuity errors, and bugs. Now, I'm working on actually implementing broader, more complex changes into the game based on feedback I've gotten over the coarse of the past two years of writing!
My hope is to release the Twine Demo at some point around January. But that's a goal, not a deadline. I'll likely take in more beta readers for the Twine version of the game at some point, and post the Twine build onto my Patreon more casually in the following months. I'll delve more into both of things, however, when the time comes.
My hope is to be as transparent as possible and try to be more active on here as I work on things, so expect to see writing updates once more! Though they'll likely be quite short, functioning just to keep you guys updated on what's going on ~*behind the scenes*~
That's all for now, and thanks for reading! :)
Rewrite Progress [Prologue] The entirety of the Prologue is being rewritten and expanded upon.
Expanded the Jamie + Lnyla encounter in the woods (scene has three main variations, and can end in 4 different ways! And Jamie is less of a little brat <3)
[WiP] Expanding Vethna's intro scene-- there are two main variations, and there will likely be more than one way for the scene to end this time...
Added codex entry for magic-users
Added codex entry for Vrithka
Added codex for blood magic
Working on overhauling and simplifying stats (the main focus with be MC's combat stats, along with MC's personality + commanding style)
Debating adding a sort of optional "personality test" that will tell you what mythosi your MC would be based on their personality!
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 months
The Shepherds of Haven alpha preview has been updated here!
Note: This is not the same thing as the public demo, which is available for everyone and covers the first four chapters of the game: the alpha preview is the early access version available to Patrons and testers!
14,000 words of new content to Chapter 9!
Meet Prihine again (if she's alive and you met her in Chapter 2)!
Experience jealousy if you're a Lavi!Lover!
Start your dive into dizzying Sun Court politics and ✨ drama ✨!
Please be sure to read the specific developer notes on Patreon for more info, as well as check the Incomplete Routes Guide linked in the alpha build post if you have questions about how to proceed through the alpha build! 
More Chapter 9!!! I'm suddenly having so much fun with it, so I can't wait to add more and see how your MCs navigate these crazy labyrinthine politics! 👀 I hope you enjoy reading: feel free to leave your thoughts here, on Patreon, or on Discord!
(Also, we're quite close to meeting our goal of unlocking a new custom Shepherd emoji for our Discord; if you're a Patron and haven't tried your hand at this month's crossword, give it a try and see if you can help us meet our goal of 20 completed puzzles!)
Thank you, and I hope you all have a great close to your January!
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apt502-if · 7 months
Since we're following MC during their first year, is every episode one month or
Nope. So I have the story separated into four parts.
I Fall Arc: September, October, November.
II Winter Arc: December, January, February
III Spring Arc: March, April, May
IV Summer Arc: June, July, August
And then September again.
There won't be an even amount of episodes for each month, some will likely have a lot more than other months. Twelve months is a lot but this is an angsty/slow burn story so I have a lot of freedom to really unravel the stories in a way that feel like they would unravel in a sitcom. There will be birthdays and holidays and big events :}
Right now we're in September in-game so we're in the beginning of the Fall story arc.
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epickiya722 · 3 months
Ain't no way...
So I got curious about something..
These are the birth dates of Tokyo and Kyoto students and their ages (or would be) as of December 24, 2018.
Yuji Itadori - March 20, 2003 (15 years old)
Megumi Fushiguro - December 22, 2002 (16 years old)
Nobara Kugisaki - August 7, 2002 (16 years old)
Toge Inumaki - October 23, 2001 (17 years old)
Maki Zenin - January 20, 2002 (16 years old)
Panda - March 5 (doesn't have a birth year)
Kirara Hoshi - Didn't have one listed
Kinji Hakari - Didn't have one listed
Yuta Okkotsu - March 7, 2001 (17 years old)
Mai Zenin - January 20, 2002 (16 years old)
Kasumi Miwa - April 4, 2001 (17 years old)
Aoi Todo - September 23, 2000 (18 years old)
Momo Nishimiya - July 7, 2000 (18 years old)
Mechamaru/Kokichi Muta - October 4, 2001 (17 years old)
Noritoshi Kamo - June 5, 2000 (18 years old)
Arata Nitta - Doesn't have one listed (16 years old)
Now, Kinji and Kirara are third years, so most likely they're around 17 - 18 years of age. Panda is a Cursed Corpse and I'm unsure when Yaga created him and what his actual age would be, probably 17 though so...
Excluding Panda (because of uncertainty), do you folks see who is the youngest?!
YUJI! Yuji is the baby of the bunch of his trio, the students and when his nine older brothers.
Sukuna, one of the oldest of the characters, out here beefing with the baby of the cast.
When I think about it, it's not really common in Shonen anime in particular because usually the MC would be older than someone else, like by a couple of months, maybe years or they're an older sibling. Even has a timeskip or something.
One of the babies of the bunch... Y'ALL I FORGOT UI UI!!!
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The Arcana HCs: Lucio's Birthday
~ we interrupt our regular programming to bring you headcanons for Lucio's birthday as today is, in fact, January 13th. please, enjoy :) - brainrot ~
You're about to encounter something difficult enough to require weeks of planning
How do you plan a birthday celebration for someone who thrives on massive parties, but who also currently lives a nomadic lifestyle and is partially exiled from your hometown???
The answer: you spend well over two months preparing, and then hope that Lucio will be okay with this kind of event not happening every single year
You keep track of the names of the different adventurers you've partnered with over time, and leave messages and letters for them at the different towns you pass through with an invitation
You also negotiate with a town you pass through frequently to lend you the use of their square for a day or two. The townspeople know you better than most after all the jobs you've done for them
And then, for the month leading up to it, you have to both save money to throw the party with and lead you both back towards said town without arousing any suspicion
Two days beforehand, you hit the outskirts and convince Lucio to stay in a rundown barn at the edge of town instead of going in and seeing everyone who's shown up to celebrate
The next morning, you hand him the one-person job listing that you and the inn manager came up with to keep him busy out in the forest while you set up
To say he's less than excited after spending the night in a pile of hay is an understatement. Especially since you're not coming with him! Really, MC?
After he goes pouting off into the woods, you meet up with everyone who's made it in the town square. You set up tables, a bonfire, coordinate with your friends, and grab some supplies
Said supplies are to make the rundown barn a little cozier to make up for forcing Lucio to stay there yet another night when a perfectly comfortable inn is less than a mile away
Lucio comes back as the sun is setting with the wild boar he was commissioned to hunt and a pair of kicked wet puppy eyes that make your heart twist in your chest
Thankfully, the bedding and lanterns you brought back help to make up for it. The barn is filled with a cozy, warm glow as you start a pillow fight in the hay and eat dinner on the folded quilts
You stay up late with him that night, reminiscing on all the adventures you've had together and talking about a beautiful future for the two of you
When it hits midnight, you pull out a tiny cake for two and a candle and wish him happy birthday as his eyes light up from the treat
It's a beautiful thing to see how much he's grown. In the past, it would have taken a week of festivities and a mountain of presents to pass as satisfactory
Now his hair is shining golden and rumpled full of straw in the low lantern light, and he's savoring every bite of his cupcake on the floor of an old barn with a completely contented look on his face
You want to give him better, and you are giving him better, and it's made even sweeter by knowing it's something he doesn't expect
The least enjoyable part of the adventure is waking up at the crack of dawn and sneaking away while Lucio sleeps so you can haul the wild boar into town to be prepped for tonight's feast
You're able to catch a couple more hours of sleep, but by midday, Lucio is up and raring to enjoy his birthday
He's a little surprised when you ask to blindfold him (and even more surprised when, after you do, you take him on a long walk instead of back to bed)
When you finally give him his sight back, he's standing in the middle of the town square, surrounded by all the people he's worked next to and worked to benefit with the biggest grins
Yeah, he's used to being worshiped as the count with the big parties, but he's not used to a small crowd of people he respects showing up because they like him for who he is
He's going to cry. He's going to try to hide it. He's going to do a terrible job of hiding it. You're going to have eyeliner smudged on your shirt sleeves
The party is a roaring success. Your own budgeting aside, your party guests have chipped in where they can to make sure that food and wine flow freely all evening and night
(Bringing gifts would have only been inconvenient, with the traveler's lifestyle you two have)
And the shout of laughter that goes up when Lucio recognizes the roast beast slowly turning over the fire as the boar he was packed off to hunt is so loud it leaves your ears ringing
There's dancing, story swapping, strength competitions, and some of the bawdiest songs you've ever heard. And, of course, your partner, right in the middle of the fun and having the time of his life
Thanks to your late morning, you're able to party through the night and lead him back to your reserved room at the inn (finally! a bed!) just as dawn approaches
Your true birthday gift is the week off of jobs at a rented cottage that you spent the rest of your budget on. Lucio's so excited to spend a week being lazy that it almost keeps him from sleeping
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project-sekai-facts · 3 months
Pre-broadcast station commentary
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The next Broadcast Station will be held on the 24th, with MCs Chiruriin and Ruirui, and guests Mayushii and Daichan! The guest during the VOCALOID Music SEKAI segement this time will be doriko.
It's hard to pin exactly what events we'll be getting next based on this lineup. At the very least, Toya4 is out of the question due to the absence of any VBS seiyuu on stream, as well as proximity to VBS WLE. It won't be a WxS event either, since the last event in their 4th rotation starts 2 days from now (Daichan is just here to announce their new image song). I do think Leo/need and MMJ are the most likely picks though, considering how long it's been since their last unit events (3 months as of posting!). Haruka will definitely be a permanent event, but I do think there's a good chance of Honami being the January lim event. Honami hasn't had a lim for a long time, and it's been quite a while since Saki's last one too. That said, Toya4 being the February lim event is also very likely, and I doubt that we would get consecutive unit lim events. There's always the chance we could get N25 Ena event instead of L/n or MMJ, but I think that's less likely (atm I think Ena will be the last rotation 4 event).
As for the January lim event? As I said there's a good chance it could be Honami, but if Toya is the unit lim event in February, then I guess that leaves no one but Kanade for this month? Emu is p much guaranteed to be 4* on the upcoming Rui event, and Akito just had a 4* and a lim only a few months ago (although it doesn't rule him out entirely), so that just leaves her. That is, unless they pull the rug out from underneath us and give someone their 3rd mixed event like they did with Ichika. Also it's very unlikely that we'll have Valentines and White Day themed events this year.
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moonastrogirl · 1 year
Credit @moonastrogirl
Exalted house placements
Super Energy Placements
2024 Numerology - Predictions/Tips
Planets retrograde natal notes and tips
Rahu and Ketu
12th house signs Part 1 Aries -> Virgo
Signs of a weak personal planet + Remedies
Message for Water signs/Water/Moon/Pluto/Neptune dominant
Pluto in Aquarius - The rise of the underdog
Mula Nakshatra
Transits of moon + remedy
Call back your energy and power in 2024
💘 Some important tips for each Nakshatra : Never to do tips 💘
Debilitation in placements can be cancelled
Signs of a weak personal placement+ remedies (Vedic astrology)
Theory on healing your chiron placement
Vedic astrology
Vedic astrology- Knowledge and Tips
Mula Nakshatra
Transits of moon + remedy
Venus true nature The commander in chief
Identify and deal with enemies, opponents and nemesis - Vedic Astrology
Paris Hilton Chart - Moon-Rahu + Venus-Ketu dynamic
💘 Some important tips for each nakshatra : never to do tips 💘
Sun, the natural soul planet VS Ego Death
Jyestha nakshatra (in honour of jyestha season)
Rahu and Ketu 2 POV
Debilitation in placements can be cancelled
Vedic astrology and celebrities part 2 - Keith Lee VS Atlanta
Vedic astrology and celebrities part 1 - Gunna
Vedic transit
Rahu and Ketu
Can anyone be a vedic astrologer or write about vedic astrology ? (Personal opinion)
Exalted house placements
Vedic astrology introduction (personal experience)
Planets retrograde natal notes and tips
Chart online calculator of your higher self
Making more money using your Vedic chart
Signs of a weak personal planet + Remedies
Words can be deceiving but energy ? Energy never lies
12th house - House of Rebirth
12th house signs Part 1 Aries -> Virgo
2024 Numerology - Predictions/Tips
Tropical astrology
Juno in Leo at 29 degrees in 12th house
Juno in Leo at 29 degrees in 7th house
The truth about Cancer placements/Stellium/4th house
The truth about Aries placements/Stellium/1st house
Theory on healing your chiron placement
Difference of leadership Cardinal signs edition
Appreciation post for Capricorn/Saturn dominant men/masculine people
Exalted house placements
Message for Water signs/Water/Moon/Pluto/Neptune dominant
Weird placements to embody proudly
Super energy placements
Let’s collectively leave astrology out of toxic patterns (tropical astrology take)
Words can be deceiving but energy ? Energy never lies
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12th house signs Part 1 Aries -> Virgo
Escape the matrix month by month with astrology
Pluto in Aquarius - The rise of the underdog
Transits of moon + remedy
Vedic transit
2023 Saint Valentin Transit
Message for Cardinal signs/Cardinal dominant
Pluto in Aquarius/Saturn in Pisces
For all Cardinal sun/moon/rising/ mercury/venus/mars + Cardinal dominant/stellium
Synastry aspects to avoid or keep in check Friendships edition - Part 1
Asks - aspects, synastry, degrees, house
Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto in Scorpio in 11th house in a composite chart
Sun square MC
Moon conjunct Mars (baby making aspect) + Sun conjunct Mars in Libra
Synastry Sun in 9th house
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Vertex, Chiron, Midheaven (MC) and Imum Coeli (IC) at 0 degree
Venus in Leo transitioning 8th house
Mercury sextile Pluto
Indicators of having kids in a birth chart, fertility indicators and 5th house
Infertility indicators- Chiron, Pluto, Vertex and Ketu/SN in 5th house
Empty 5th house in Cancer
Synastry Moon in 8th house and partner’s moon in scorpio similar to a moon conjunct venus ?
Synastry Rahu/NN in 1st and Ketu/SN in 4th house doom to end ?
Human design chart
Jupiter transitioning the 3rd house
Moon based posts
Cancer Full moon January 2023
Cancer Full moon Update January 2023
Aquarius New moon January 2023
Leo Full moon February 2023
Pisces New moon February 2023
Virgo Full moon March 2023
Aries New moon March + April 2023
I decided to stop for now moon posts maybe I’ll do them against later I don’t know yet. Tho you have all the necessary information thanks to my previous posts to keep on using the moon cycle at your advantage.
Advice on spirituality
Advice for beginners
Blood Magic / Sex magic
Call back your energy and power in 2024
Escape the matrix month by month with astrology
Paid readings prices
Credit @moonastrogirl
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CFWC Holidays 2023
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If you're like us, you can't believe that it's this time of year already!
Our 2023 Holiday Event will run from November 21, 2023 - January 6, 2024
We want to make this event less structured to allow writers and artists more freedom to create, so while we encourage you to use the prompts provided and hope they'll spur creativity, any seasonal holiday-themed creations can be submitted for this event and contest.
Entrants will be eligible to win one of five prizes this year! 1 - Art commission by @mydemonsdrivealimo 2- Art commission by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd 3- Art commission by @rosefuckinggenius
Details about commission parameters will be provided at a later date.
4 - One participant will be selected as February 2024's Creator of the Month ** 5- One participant will have their MC / OC selected for February 2024's MC / OC of the Month **
Please take a look at the rules for the event, including prize eligibility, below the break.
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Rules for participation:
Any new fic or artwork with a seasonal holiday theme can be submitted. You can use one of the prompts for inspiration, but they aren't required.
If you use one of our prompts, please tell us which one(s) in your author's notes.
Fics of any length can be submitted for the event, but to be eligible for a prize, they must be at least 500 words.
Creation must be based on a Pixelberry Choices story or characters.
Your creation can be cross-tagged with other fandom events. In fact, we encourage you to do this!
To submit your creation to the event, please mention @choicesficwriterscreations on your post and use the tag #cfwc holidays 2023
If your work contains mature or NSFW content, it must be labeled appropriately. Tumblr community labels will be used in our reblog.
Fics must be submitted during the event dates of Tuesday, November 21st through Saturday, January 6th.
All other CFWC rules must be adhered to.
Any work using AI creations will not be accepted.
Each eligible participant can get up to 6 chances to win one of the 5 prizes: 1) You will receive one chance per fic/artwork submitted per week. 2) You can only earn one entry per week (Sunday through Saturday). If you submit two creations in the same week, you will only be given one chance. So spread those creations out!
Prize Eligibility:
A raffle for all five prizes will take place no later than Monday, January 8, 2024. To have your name included in the raffle for prizes, you must:
Submit a fic or artwork that meets the rules of the contest as described above.
You must be following @choicesficwriterscreations 
You must follow all other CFWC rules
While everyone is encouraged to participate in this event, the following creators will not be eligible to win art commissions. However, they will be eligible for the February 2024 Creator of the Month and MC / OC of the Month:
CFWC Moderators or Administrators
Anyone who has won a commission from CFWC during the 6 months preceding the raffle date, January 8, 2024.
Please note: Anyone who wins an art commission must share the artwork so it can be shared on our Winner's Gallery.
If you have any questions about this event, please send us an ask or contact @jerzwriter or @cfwcmod-lucy.
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godzilla-reads · 4 months
2024 Year of the Wood Dragon Reading Challenge
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Since 2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon, I thought I'd put together a reading challenge based around one of my greatest loves-DRAGONS! Here are some prompts for each month, along with a couple suggestions for reading. Feel free to read whatever fits the category, though!
January- A Dragon Book With a POC MC
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin
Dragons in a Bag by Zetta Elliott
The Tea Dragon Society by Kay O'Neill
February- A Dragon Romantasy OR A Talking Dragon
The Dragon's Bride by Katee Robert
Consort of Fire by Kit Rocha
Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede
His Majesty's Dragon by Noami Novik
March- A Dragon Training Book
To Shape a Dragon's Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose
How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell
Silver Batal and the Water Dragon Races by K.D. Halbrook
April- A Middle-Grade Dragon Book
Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke
No Such Thing as Dragons by Philip Reeve
Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville
May- An LGBTQA+ Dragon Book
The Dragon Festival by Kay O'Neill
The Dragon of Ynys by Minerva Cerridwen
Shatter the Sky by Rebecca Kim Wells
June- A "Classic" Dragon Book
Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey
Dragon Keeper by Robin Hobb
Dragon's Blood by Jane Yolen
July- A Children's Dragon Book
My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett
The Reluctant Dragon by Kenneth Grahame
The Book of Dragons by Edith Nesbit
August- D&D Dragons or RPG Dragons
Red Dragon Codex by R.D. Henham
Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weiss
A Practical Guide to Dragons by Lisa Trumbauer
September- Searching for Dragons
A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan
Hatching Magic by Ann Downer
The Dragon Ark by Emma Roberts and Tomislav Tomic
October- Dragons as Villains
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
A Town Called Dragon by Judd Winick
Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett
November- Graphic Novels Featuring Dragons
Tidesong by Wendy Xu
Wings of Fire: The Dragonet Prophecy- The Graphic Novel by Tui T. Sutherland and Mike Holmes
The Last Dragon by Jane Yolen and Rebecca Guay
December- Ice Dragons
The Ice Dragon by George R.R. Martin
Ember and the Ice Dragons by Heather Fawcett
Ice Dragon by Edith Nesbit
Happy Reading!
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soulmatesinc-if · 4 months
Hope everyone is having a nice and relaxing time! Here is the schedule of what’s in store for the game for the next month-month and a half:
Dec. 31: a mini-game of the gang celebrating New Year together and possibly engaging in a certain countdown tradition 😏 (impossible right now and quite indulgent but that won’t stop me)
Mid of January: small update to the released part, improving the pacing and expanding certain scenes
February: next update where we try to figure out Sam’s MC’s situation
Thank you for reading!
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skylermadness · 2 months
Cosmic Adoration (Ophion TF/PMC)
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(Original Date of Upload: February 14, 2024)
Hey look, I'm uploading something in the same day it gets uploaded on my other accounts. Woah.
Original Description:
Happy Valentine's Day! I've sort of become infrequent when it comes to holiday-themed TFs, but this was actually a story I've wanted to write out for a long time! Quite literally since I started writing it back in January of last year before getting burnt out and never finishing it... until now, anyway. Now I have it done and I can upload it publicly for all to see! I'm quite proud of how this turned out. I typically don't deal in PMC but I feel like that would have been the best route to take this story, and full MC would have tarnished what little themes I was trying to convey with this.  I don't think I have much commentary besides all of that though. I guess I could mention there was going to be a reality change segment in the furthest end of the post-TF, but with how I led that segment of the story along I couldn't really fit it in without it feeling needless and awkward.
   Valentine's Day.
   Initially the very concept of the holiday had eluded Hugo for a good chunk of his life. This had mainly been because he had trouble discerning the purpose of the holiday. Why did such a holiday need to exist to celebrate love? Especially when such a thing could be celebrated on any day of the year. To him, at least originally, it was just a way for stores to boost sales. The most he'd usually acknowledge is the price drops of confectionaries after and that was it. So as far as he cared the holiday was nigh-nonexistent…
   That pattern of thought lasted for about twenty-five years. Then he met… Jace…
   Dating had always been outside of Hugo’s range of social skills. He had originally thought himself as never really feeling the desire for it. He was content with being single, or at least he tried to tell himself that as to avoid confronting any weird feelings he might have. This thought pattern had quickly changed over the past ten months however, and it was all thanks to the introduction of his boyfriend into his life.
   It was… strange, really. Having first fallen in love all that time ago. Was it love at first sight, or was it gradual…? Hugo had originally just been sitting in a coffee shop waiting for his order before going to work, but had encountered Jace after they seemed to recognize him as someone whom he shared a few high school classes with so many years ago. He'd be lying if he said he knew what the guy was talking about, but the thought of being recognized so randomly was quite pleasant.
   Their encounters at that shop became frequent, almost weekly. Casual talks about life between the two, sharing their interests and enjoyments to one another. Admittedly Hugo had been the more reserved one of the two, but he always enjoyed listening to Jace talk about their own life. He loved hearing his voice, he loved hearing him speak so passionately about things, he loved… him…
   It was definitely a little awkward whispering those very words beneath a breath while in mid-conversation. And even more so when they decided to take things outside and less public so they could talk it out. That awkwardness had quickly faded though, their conversation shifting more into the hypotheticals of dating each other. It was silly and lifted Hugo's spirits up a bit after what he felt like was one big act of making a fool of himself.
   Then Jace said he would like to date.
   Hugo was surprised, stuttering and sweating and being filled with complete and utter confusion. Jace then gave him a small kiss on the cheek, the man's mustache ticking the skin and making Hugo feel even more flustered. 
   That was enough to settle everything though. They were officially getting together… but now Hugo had a new problem.
   It's been ten months of them dating now and he felt… inadequate? He always felt like his way of expressing love was lackluster in comparison to Jace's. Jace was the more expressive and outgoing one of the two, meanwhile Hugo always had trouble trying to properly express his own emotions in a way that didn't sound like he was forcing it out of himself. He just always had trouble trying to say things properly. Trying to determine what to say, what to do. Was he romantic enough? Was he receiving without giving back in a perfectly equal amount? Of course Jace had been left unaware of these concerns. Hugo had chosen not to tell these fears to them, which in truth might not be a good idea…
   He shook his head, then whispered to himself. "Why am I such a mess…"
   Realizing he had his head down in thought the whole time, Hugo raised it and looked forward. He was currently walking down the sidewalk of the city's shopping district. It was currently February 13th, the eve of Valentine's Day, and Hugo had decided that with the day of celebrating love fast approaching he should do something for it. It wouldn't necessarily be something grand, but he at least wanted to give his boyfriend something that would commemorate his own love for them.
   That's easier said than done though. Fortunately Hugo had a plan! He was on this particular street for a reason, to visit an antique's store and locate something of value there that would be enough to encapsulate his passion. Unfortunately, that was also easier said than done. He wasn't even sure he'd find something there, especially considering how… odd the wares seemed to be, at least just by a casual glance at the store's website.
   Still, it was an adequate starting point. His steps began to slow as his peripherals caught onto the deep brown wood of a building. Hugo turned, gazing into the windows and finding shelves lined with various peculiar objects. Too many to discern properly. He lifted his head for one final check, staring up at the letting that spelled out the store's name.
   Maurice's Audacious Antiques. The very place he was looking for. Perfect…
   A bell above the door silently rang as the young man walked in and the wooden floorboards softly creaked beneath the new weight introduced upon them. The place had an odd and comfy feel to it. Hugo would describe it as cabin in the woods-type vibes. And considering the rusting of the shelves to his left, this place definitely has age to it.
   His eyes then caught a singular person here. To the right, behind a counter was a rotund man with a balding head and a thick, tied up beard. His head constantly went back and forth between two objects, a laptop and a notebook with poorly scrawled wording in it, while mumbling random things that Hugo couldn't discern. Hugo took a few steps forward before he was in front of the counter, the younger man noting that the older one hadn't seemed to notice him yet.
   "Uh, hi…?"
   The burly bear of a man raised upwards with his eyes wide, sharply inhaling. "Got damn, ya' startled me!"
   Hugo rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Sorry about that… sir?"
   The man's face suddenly shifted from startled to smiling. "No need fer formal'ties! Jus' call me Maurice!"
   "Er, right. I just uh, came here to…" Hugo started to trail off. Should he say the reason why he's even here? Will it even help?
   Maurice raised a brow. "Ya' alright, son?"
   Hugo blinked a few times, then swallowed the forming lump in his throat. "I-I'm fine! I just uh, wanted to find a… gift for someone close to me."
   The older man nodded, stroking his beard in thought. Silence filled the space between the two for a few seconds before one of them spoke again. 
   "Don' think I've gott'n a reques' like that before. Ya might be able to find somethin' in one a' the furth'r shelves though. They have all kindsa trinkets 'n knick-knacks." Maurice advised. He then repositioned his hand to lean his head on its palm. "With our recent batch a' stuff, ya' should find somethin' you like!"
   Hugo nodded in response. "Th-thank you… Maurice-"
   He turned around and went to the area he was advised to go to. The store's amount of stock was unimpressive with only a single row of five shelves filed one after another, but he had settled on checking the fourth one for anything interesting. It looked like it had small stuff in it after all. Although he was a little curious about the store owner's usage of should and would. It felt like they didn't know their own stock. They tried to ignore that though. They had to focus on finding a gift for Jace.
   It was now that Hugo truly saw how strange the objects on these shelves seemed to be though.
   Some seemed pretty normal. A few intricately designed rings, sets of jeweled earrings, and weird looking necklaces with a design-scheme that felt expensive to look at. However, oddities seemed to pop up left and right. A red, glass-looking orb; sitting beside it was a blue orb with gold metal zigzagging across the middle. Some weird sharp pen-looking thing, a golden chalice of some kind, and… was that a marble pauldron???
   "This is so weird…" Hugo whispered to himself. 
   Finding a gift was already hard enough, but the pure absurdity here made things feel more challenging than they needed to be. At least finding something perfect was a non-issue. He casually picked up one of the many spheres, one that looked like it contained an entire galaxy inside, and stared at it in utter confusion. 
   He whispered again, "What is your purpose??" while pushing his face close to the object. He then set it down again, suddenly worried that he might break it.
   "This isn't going to work…" he sighed, slowly stepping closer to the shelf's end and the window beside it. He sounded off more objects in his head as he continued forward. Weird blue crystal, a pair of sunglasses, a censor thing, some kind of… cap??
   For an antiques store all of this felt absurd-
   His confusion was momentarily broken as the peripheral of his eye caught onto something glistening. He turned his head to look and found… another necklace? A fairly simple one at that. It was a single golden string with a white elliptoid object on it. For some reason he felt compelled to pick it up, gently cupping the elliptoid and putting it in his hand.
   "What is this…" he asked himself, lifting his hand towards his face a little. The elliptoid looked almost like an egg. Its shell was adorned with beautifully designed spirals, rigid enough that rubbing a thumb over it allowed him to feel them out a little. It felt nice. Nice and warm. He wasn't sure why it was warm, probably because of the sunlight, but it was oddly calming to him.
   "It does look pretty neat," he said with a smile. His mind was wracking over all the possible representations this single object could hold. The warmth he feels around Jace, the way they have slowly have made him try to come out of his shell, the newness he felt upon realizing his love for them. A small laugh escaped his throat. All of those sound so cheesy, damn. But… they're the truth, are they not? 
   It feels so embarrassing though. His smile falters, his emotions dimming. What if it's too cheesy though? What if it comes out horribly and he makes a fool of himself in front of Jace? Damn it, damn it, damn it, he felt so fucking stupid!!
   He sighs. "I-I'm overthinking this, I have to… I have to calm down. I just…" he looked out the window, sighing. "I just wish I could better show my feelings…"
   Right as these words left his mouth the egg on the necklace began to glow. Bright gold shone from the unknown material, the object slowly shaking as it seemed to move closer to him. Hugo had felt the object moving in his hands and looked towards it, but barely got any time to process it as the object practically flung out of his hand and around his neck.
   "Wh-what the hell-" he exclaimed, feeling a tickling around his neck as the string tied around it. He reached up both hands to try and grasp the mysterious egg-like object and pull it off. However, the moment his palm made contact with it he felt an intense warmth run throughout his entire body. He took a few steps back, bumping into the shelf behind him, as an intense golden glow entered his irises.
   "What is… hhhaaa…."
   A hand opened, fingers unfurling away from the elliptoid as they began to twitch. A strange energy was filling his body, coursing through it painlessly and warming it to a strangely comforting degree. All the while strange changes was beginning to form into his form.
   His hands were the part of his body that first made contact with the necklace, which meant they were the first to have begun their transformation. As Hugo's fingers twitched his nails began to lengthen. They grew longer, the tips getting sharper and curling as if they were becoming claws. Their translucency was lost as they gained a golden tone as well. The skin on his hands started to lighten, a cream color entering them as the softness hardened. A leathery texture had steadily etched into them while their composition became less fleshy and more scaly.
   As the cream-colored scales started to form across his hands, their size was beginning to increase as well. Both hands had stretched out to become larger and thicker. His fingers were getting plumper and meatier. As his hands got larger in size he gripped both of them into fists, his knuckles proceeding to ache for a moment before short, sharp golden spikes erupted from beneath the scales.
   The scales quickly started to move upwards to his wrists and forearms. The area increased in size to match the proportions of his hands. However, this new enlargement had also been due to a gain in muscle mass. Comforting heat surging into his forearm muscles as they began to gain bulk. At the same time the coloration of his scales had steadily shifted, hue changing from its soft cream to a brilliant gold. All the while more short golden spikes erupted from the back of his forearms at evenly spaced intervals before seemingly ending at his elbow.
   His elbows got larger, the scales rapidly transitioning to his upper arm and running beneath the short sleeves of his polo shirt. The sleeves proceeded to constrict, his muscles now bloating beneath the lustrous scurf he was gaining. His biceps bulged beneath the fabric to a quickly noticeable degree. His triceps mirrored those changes as well, Hugo's once skinny arms now having been mostly consumed by his newfound musculature. Rips started to form within the fabric of his sleeves as his delts ballooned, his shoulders widening drastically as everything soon began to flow into his body proper.
   Hugo leaned on a shelf, breathing deeply as he stared down at a hand. His mind was feeling… conflicted, to say the least. A fraction of him wanted to be afraid, wanted to attempt to pry off this necklace from his neck. His other arm was slowly raising itself up to fulfill that desire. But his fingers that were slowly curling around the elliptoid never closed the gaps between them.
   There was still another fraction of his mind. Curiosity as to what was going on, as to what this object was doing to him. A strange desire to let that curiosity flourish and let these changes progress. What was happening to him, why was it happening?
   His breathing slowed just slightly. "What does this necklace want to do to me!?"
   It had to be the necklace's will after all. Such a thought felt so absurd, but in the back of his head he felt it was correct to assume to.
   A sharp exhale exited his mouth as he felt a sharp heat enter his torso for a second. His shirt began constricting even more as he felt his own collar bone widen, his entire frame being made more wide and broad. The one button of his polo he had fastened started straining as a result, his frame clearly getting larger than his shirt had been accustomed too. Shortly after that the comforting warmth entered his torso as well. The light of the necklace's egg glowed brighter for a moment, Hugo beginning to feel a strange feeling well up inside him as it did so.
   As the scales started to converge on his chest their color lightened back to its previous cream tone. Meanwhile, his chest began to swell in size. His pectorals got larger and rounder, packing on mass at a steady rate as his polo filled out more and more. It wasn't long until their thickening pressed up against his shirt, steadily testing its limits each passing second as his cleavage got deeper and more visible within the fabric. The new roundness of his pectorals were quite visible in general. The one fastened button of his shirt would suddenly pop off, unable to hold itself against the slabs of meat that were now his pecs.
   Meanwhile the changes were running down his back as well. The back of his shirt was tightening as his trapezius muscles broadened and enlarged. A sudden surge zipped down his spine, the vertebrae decompressing and getting thicker steadily forcing his height to increase by a few inches over the course of the next few minutes. But the strongest feeling was in two points of his upper back, a massive pressure slowly mounting into them. Two bumps slowly rising from the skin-turning-scales, hard spikes emerging from those bumps and beginning to poke holes in the fabric of his shirt. This pressure only seemed to increase as time went on, Hugo stumbling forward a bit and hunching. He gripped his abdomen with his left arm while he grasped onto a shelf with his right, the sound of metal crunching piercing the air thanks to the strength of his grip and sharpness of his claws. 
   Hugo practically growled at the mix of senses he was enduring right now. "F-fucking hell-" his voice cracks slightly, sounding slightly deeper as it crackles. "W-where'd that comfort go…"
   The warmth he was looking for still remained, albeit now drowned out by the insurmountable pressure in his back.
   His abdomen started to churn, the region rippling as his entire lower half was consumed by scales. Hardened slabs of muscles arose from the area, abs pushing forward row by row. His shirt was riding up his belly during the process, his new muscles being granted increasingly better visible. It wasn't long until a solid eight-pack of abs formed. An even stranger addition occurred in his abdominal as well, golden gemstones formed on the perpendicular folds of his muscles: a massive diamond-shaped one at the bottom of his pectoral cleavage, a smaller one at the base of his first row of abs, and the smallest at the base of the second row. 
   Beneath a hand he felt his side getting indented as well, the muscles in his obliques shifting and gaining in muscularity, strengthening as his chest was barrelling out. All these changes tightened his polo shirt to an even stronger degree, the threads on his sides unstitching due his much larger body size. The size of his newly formed muscles had resulted in the crevices his muscles had produced being visible from indents in the fabric. Due to his increasing height the hem of his shirt continued to rise even more as well.
   By this point, the holes in the back of his shirt has been stretched even larger by the formulating spikes. Although at this point the spikes had grown larger enough to prove themselves as the pointed ends of an external bone growth. This growth had continued to extend and expand, a pair of large triangular bulges swelling up at his back. Pressure just continued to build up as these bulges got larger and larger. More and more of the back of his shirt continued to tear, and the bulges gained more and more definition in their shape to point that they were proven to be more than just bulging scaley growths. But after a few more seconds of pressure building, everything came to one big feeling of relief.
   “GGRRRAAAAGHHHH!!!” Hugo roared, the sound of splitting fabric piercing the air as his back was finally granted escape from its discomfort. What had emerged from the region was a pair of magnificent wings. They were draconic in appearance with the flesh and membranes possessing the same golden scales that the rest of his body had formed. Furthermore his newly developed wingspan was noticeably large, and as the new appendages curled into themselves it became evident that the fingers of his wings were long enough to descend down to the ground. 
   The young man could feel the heat of his blood pumping through the newly emerged wings. Strange tingles and sensations coursed through his nervous system as his brain was forced to get accustomed to them, and in truth he could feel his muscle memory rapidly getting used to having them there. Once all the pressure and tightness had subsided, Hugo shakily straightened his back and looked behind him.
   “These… things…” he stated, his voice continuing to deepen in tone as he spoke. Like the feel of something commanding was seeping into it. “Why does… having them feel so… nice…?”
   Finally unhanding the shelf in front of him, he moves a hand over to give his new wings a gentle caress. That desire to be afraid had been dispelled now, the man filled with a feel of familiarity at the sight instead. These wings were his, and this body…
   This body is yours, a stray thought pierces his brain. The Celestial Egg is granting what you desire…
   Hugo blinked a few times at the thought, and the pupils of his eyes seemed to get thinner which each blink. He then stops caressing the wing and pulls his hand over to rub a thumb on the egg that adorned the necklace.
   “The Celestial Egg…” he whispered, the meekness of his earlier tone of voice almost completely replaced by an almost deific level of deepness. Meanwhile his mind dwells on the object and thinks about what it's done, what it's doing to him, and as he does so he feels a tinge of pressure at the base of his spine. 
   Instead of sitting around waiting for what he knew was about to explode from his body, he decided to just move his other arm behind him so he could push down the back of his pants a bit. It was a little hard considering his legwear was already at the point that it could barely fit around his waist, but he managed to push the top of his jeans just enough that he could let whatever pressure in his rear relieved itself without having to fight against his pants.
   The act had unveiled a small, pointed growth at the base of his spine. Its size wouldn't remain diminutive however as pressure continued to build up within it, that pressure causing it to quickly extend downwards. At first it started out being rather thin and small, like an unimpressive snake slithering out from above the waistline of his pants. However after a few inches it became noticeable that the lengthening appendage was beginning to get segmented, and each segment was slightly larger in diameter than the last. Come ten segments long and it was undeniable that Hugo was gaining a tail, and it was only getting longer. Twelve segments, fifteen, eighteen, twenty two; all with a sequential increase in diameter by almost an inch. Come the mid-twenties and the tail would be about a ruler in thickness. A few more seconds and the segment count reaches the thirties, in which the rate of growth begins to slow down. Thirty two, thirty three, thirty four… then it comes to a halt at about thirty five segments. By then the tail’s width was about a ruler and a half, and the length itself could only be about four times that long. It also formed with the tail’s aforementioned pointed tip, a series of spikes running across the top of certain segments, and a shine from the golden scales adorning it.
   Concurrent with the growth of his new appendage were the swath of changes entering into the lower half of his body. The sea of scales cascaded down all sides of his body, flowing down his waist and hardening the skin of his legs to match the nigh-reptilian nature the rest of his body was garnering. Beneath the shifting scales on his thighs were his muscles which, just like in his arms, were in the process of bulking up and discarding their once skinny appearance. His quads and hamstrings grew in conjunction with each other, absolutely bulging in strength as the denims of his jeans were forced to strain against his rapidly developing musculature. At the back of his legs were his gluteus muscles, them too in the process of swelling up to the point his rear was rounding out a fair bit.
   Pressure surged throughout the bones in his legs, and the bottoms of each pant leg rose up the crus of his own limbs indicating that more height was being added to his body. All the while a low heat burned in his calves, those muscles also ballooning out of the back of the lower half of his legs. By this point all the crevices that divided his muscles were indenting into the material of his pants, splits and tears forming in the sides of his jeans and revealing the shining gold his body had attained. It was like the changes had finely sculpted his form to a body type akin to the Grecian marble statues, except looking like he himself was worth billions.
   The final change in his body’s lower half came to his feet. By now they had already undergone a process to have grown in order to fit his new bodily proportions, larger and wider and thicker. His chunkier toes were pushing up against the fronts of his shoes to such a degree that the footwear themselves was bulging in its attempt to contain them. The heels of his own feet dug into the back of his shoes, and the sides pressed up against their sides. Even a few rips could be heard as the strings began to snap against the bridge of his feet.
   And then came the sea of scales…
   Once beyond his ankles the hardening of his flesh went from the pristiness of the rest of his form to getting mixed with a shade of vermillion around his feet. As his soles were covered in scales an almost reddish-orange hue formed in the area. Meanwhile the top of his feet seemed to practically harden as a scute-like segmenting broke apart the skin, perfectly dividing itself to align with the ligaments of his toes. And by the time this plating extended to the ends of his toes, an almost bronze shade of brown dispelled the translucency in his toenails as they gradually restructured and sharpened. Rips could be heard from the cloth of his shoes as a quintet of pointed claws emerged from the front, curved and pointed and almost bestial.
   Yet none of the sounds of his clothing shattering or the feeling of his form practically improving on itself were as much a distraction for Hugo as they could have been. All during that segment of the transformation his mind was instead focused on his own thoughts. Because the longer the changes are pressed on, the more his body becomes less human, the more information his brain seems to attain. The more the Egg puts into his mind to make his mentality compatible. And he knows it's the Egg that was doing this. His mind registers it as his unique Sacred Artifact.
   “Holding all that is and ever was in the very palm of my hand…” the changing man speaks cryptically, a low and deep chuckle escaping his throat after he makes the comment. He could practically feel the power of his own voice resonating through the walls of his throat. Although that could also be from the scales rising up his neck.
   A grin then forms on his face, any emotion he was feeling earlier cast away as a feeling of pure confidence had overtaken him. “…and out of everyone within you you're making me one of the most powerful there is? I should feel honored considering just who I used to be~”
   He could only grin wider as he felt pressure wracking his very skull. He lets out a laugh of triumphant glee and exclaims, “Yes! Give me that visage and make this Ophion complete!” For a moment the Celestial Egg around his neck glows brighter as if in response to him, then Ophion (who has at this point cast out the name Hugo) continued to grin as his face finally began to push out with his entire skull structure shifting alongside it.
   The way his skull was restructuring was a complicated series of events to say the least. The lower half of his face was being pushed forward, and his lower jaw seemed to be extending and growing to be a bit wider in size in comparison to the upper portion. That portion of his face would only continue to push out more and more into a muzzle, the very features of his face being reconstructed to fit this new development. His nose melted into the muzzle’s tip as the nostrils became holes at the furthest end, meanwhile his lips quivered as small portions of them reshaped into points and hardened as they did so. By this point his new snout was looking to be one that belonged to someone draconic in nature, much like how the rest of his body had. This was further proven by how the dome of his head was being reshaped, humanity rapidly being lost under a deluge of shifts that made his entire skull structure that of an entirely different species. 
   The shape of his skull wasn't the only thing changing either. As the scales washed across his head, rushing past his neck and circling the base of his muzzle, bony protrusions began painlessly erupting from certain areas of his face. On each side of his head a triad of bone spikes would emerge. The series of spikes just barely obscured his ears, which themselves were in the process of repositioning themselves to protrude at the sides of his head while also gaining an almost elfine pointedness to their structure. His eyebrows were quick to fade beneath the scales, quickly replaced by juttings of golden spikes that layered over yet another set of bone spike triplets that would rise from his browline. Even right in between his eyes a very small spike would emerge. And although these weren't spikes, a pair of short and pointed protrusions would extend out of both ends of his chin.
   All while these changes had occurred, Hugo’s somewhat lengthy hair was being steadily sloughed off. With each inch of his scalp the sea of gold claimed clumps of hair would slip off his head. It's once luscious fullness thinned out, each follicle being shoved out at the root by his magnificent scales. As more of his hair continued falling off it would also reveal one last set of growths on his head. The first of which was rising from the middle of his head’s apex, a series of short brown spikes that would soon run down the middle back of his head. The second of these changes however was significantly more substantial. Two brown points erupted from a portion of the upper region at his head’s back, and those points were quick to grow outwards and upwards. Unlike the rest of his face’s pointed protrusions, these ones were noticeably less bony despite possessing an appearance of hardness to them. And as the duo of brown growths continued to rise out from his skull, diameter getting a little larger as they got longer, it was evident that he was gaining a pair of horns.
   Perhaps the last major change came to Ophion’s teeth. The omnivorous nature of his humanity was quickly shifted, incisors and molars quickly sharpening to fit his new species well. The most drastic change would come to his lower canines though as the reasoning for his lower jaw’s protrusion finally came into tangibility. Much like the horns atop his head the left canine of the two lower teeth would extend upwards a fair bit while sharpening itself and, after a few seconds, shift into being more like a prominent fang. The rightward canine didn't get that luxury however as instead it seemed to practically atomize and leave the gum to harden and scar in mere seconds.
   The pressure that had enveloped the anthropomorphic dragon’s head finally began to subside. A glint of red overtook Ophion’s irises as the pupils finally properly slit like a reptile’s. “This feels so… good,” he muttered to himself as he raised up a hand and gently caressed his own face. “Makes me wish I had a mirror to see just how divine I look now!”
   Because at this point that's just how he felt: absolutely divine! His brain can register memories of a world beyond this one, a life beyond this one, all of which has been meshed and mixed with his own thoughts of his previous humanity. The Egg had taken his desire and, inevitably, went a bit overboard in fulfilling it. But Ophion hadn't cared, the personality overhaul he had garnered was absolutely wonderful! No more pitiful fears about how he acts, no more staggeringly low amounts of self-confidence, no more worries about… about how he can show his love to…
   “Jace…” he whispered beneath a breath. The very name carried the same familiarity that it had when he was a human. And thinking about it… about him made Ophion’s brain register the same emotion the dragon had towards him: an intense feeling of love. But now that intensity practically burned inside him, he felt a devotion that not even those atop the System of Olympus could fell. It was an unquantifiable feeling and was something he just couldn't hold himself from expressing!
   “I can finally do what I've wanted for so long~” Ophion proclaimed. He turns and takes a step forward, but is stopped in his tracks almost immediately as he feels a knee of his pants split over his own. It was at this point that the dragon had finally taken full notice of his extremely ill-fitting clothing. His polo was somehow still hanging on for dear life, meanwhile his jeans were a few stitches away from ripping apart at the sides.
   “I'm going to need something better than this if I'm going to look more presentable…” he sneered.
   The Celestial Egg sparkled a bit and glowed for a few seconds, prompting his clothing to sparkle themselves as a bright light enveloped them. A few seconds later and his clothes would begin to grow, expanding over his form so they could all cover him properly. The hem of his shirt was quick to descend over his abdominal region as the entirety of it enlarged enough that his muscle mass wouldn't indent so intricately into the fabric. But then a different change occured, a deep brown beginning to overtake the coloration of the shirt at a rapid pace. As it did so the small placket of the polo began to extend down the middle, golden buttons lining it but not even bothering to fasten themselves. The once small collar would also lengthen, popping itself upwards as it raised higher and higher. And as the shirt’s split finished its full formation the entirety of the shirt would open to now fully reveal his muscled torso. Meanwhile the back of his shirt was seemingly being restitched, the giant hole formed by his wings altering to become more intentional rather than a byproduct of the appendages tearing through it.
   The sleeves of the shirt weren't left unscathed as any rips were fixed almost instantly. The constricted feeling was alleviated, changed to a more snug feel as they more comfortably outlined his upper arm muscles. By the time the sleeves were enveloped by the brown coloration they would also bulge as if they were simultaneously extending in length while still trying to contain themselves to their shortness. This would eventually manifest in the form of his shirt sleeves now taking a rolled up appearance.
   A similar discoloration had entered his enlarging pants, although this time it was more beige in tone that was enough to shift the denim into a different and finer material. The shifts within his legwear were a little less intense as they would also only enlarge enough to allow movement yet still be tight enough to outline his muscles, all while fixing themselves of the damage his unexpected growth in muscle had incurred. The button that held the jeans closed gained a golden tone, as did the zipper, both of which being left completely open despite the fact his pants fit him now. And with no belt the only thing that held the jeans on his body was a pair of suspenders that snaked from over his shoulders and down his torso before promptly buckling on his legwear.
   The last piece of his attire that remained were his shoes which after being enveloped by the Egg’s magical light… straight up dematerialized into motes of light and leaving his feet bare. The motes of light didn't disappear however, instead floating upwards and behind the dragon before seemingly rematerializing into something else entirely. Fine silken material layering onto his back, amorphousness quickly dispelling as it gained a menagerie of whites and browns, all with trims of gold lining. It was hard to fully realize at first but it would seem that some kind of suit jacket had manifested behind him, being worn casually as it was just clinging onto his shoulders.
   With that the Egg’s glow finally dimmed, Ophion now sporting a look that could only be described as both distinguished and casual. With a smile he held the Artifact with two claws and brought it to his face. “Really abiding by all my wants today, hm?”
   For once the Egg didn't shine in response. The dragon wasn't expecting any though, so he unhanded the object and let it drift back to hang over his chest. He then sauntered forward, making his way out of the aisle… and into the eyeline of a very awestruck Maurice who was still behind the counter.
   “Was wonderin’ if I needed to check on ya’...” Maurice commented as he made eye contact with the anthropomorphic dragon.
   “Does this not happen often?” Ophion inquired as he stepped forward towards the counter. “I can practically smell the stench of anomalous magic from this place now…”
   “Err…” Maurice looked away.
   Ophion chuckled. “Do not think I give much of a care with what you do here. Although I do give thanks for your wares allowing me to attain such a brilliant form~ I don't think I've felt this great in ages!”
   “Uhuh…” Maurice nodded, face still in a mix of awe and surprise. “Well, that’ll be-”
   “I'll be deciding the price here…” the dragon practically demanded. He fished around a back pocket for a bit and pulled out a wallet, although upon opening it he was greeted with his former self’s image in the ID photo window. “…and I have a feeling I won't be here for much longer.”
   Ophion then placed the wallet onto the counter, then turned to make his leave. “Thank you for your help, Maurice! Your actions shall be etched into my memory for as long as time flows!”
   Maurice is just left dumbfounded as he watches Ophion leave the store and, after a good few seconds, jet into the air as one would expect a dragon to do.
   “...still not quite sure how to process that,” the storeowner muttered as his gaze drifted to the wallet the dragon had left behind as payment.
   The sound of a blender pierced the air of the apartment, Jace idly watching as the fruit within the object was shredded into a fine paste. He was never quite sure how to spend days off from work whenever he was left alone. Especially since he had his hopes on spending the day with Hugo, but it was almost 5PM and Hugo hadn't gotten back from his mysterious shopping trip yet.
   The apartment falls into silence and Jace eyes his phone. Not even an indicator that his last text was read. “What could he be doing…?” the man muttered in concern.
   Then the melancholy serenity of the room was broken in an instant by the sound of a thump from the apartment balcony. A giant shadow being cast through the glass, easily visible from the kitchen’s adjacency to the balcony door.
   “Uhhhh…” Jace backed up a bit, eyeing the shadow with a slowly building fear in his chest. He couldn't make out what it was, it was just large and… monstrous?
   He then hears the balcony door slide open. A sound that prompted him to turn around and scramble for a knife or something to-
   “Jace…” a deep voice called out, interrupting his actions. Jace promptly squeaked in response, heart rate skyrocketing. He very slowly turns around to see the form of a golden-scaled musclebound dragon anthro staring straight at him.
   “Wh-what are you?!?”
   The dragon tilted its head, a spiky brow raised. “How undignified, I probably should've…” he shoved a hand in a pant pocket and pulled out a phone. “Please give me a moment.”
   Jace just stood there in fearful silence as he watched the dragon futz around with their phone, the sound of claws tapping on glass being the only thing fully heard in the apartment. Then after a few moments a look of satisfaction formed on the dragon’s face.
   “Here,” the dragon held the phone out, its wallpaper fully visible to Jace. The man’s eyes widened as he saw the image: a picture of himself and Hugo. This was Hugo’s phone.
   With a shaky step forward Jace began to verbally panic. “Where did you- what did you-”
   A look of realization then formed on the dragon's face. “Jace, my love, it's me. Hugo.”
   “Your love???” Jace exclaimed, eyeing up the golden dragon with some level of fury in his eyes. “I don't- you can't be! For one, Hugo’s a human!”
   “Was, I was a human,” the dragon corrected. “It would be hard to explain it all fully but,” he raised up a hand and tapped what looked to be an egg that was hanging around his neck. “This? This changed me into this glorious form.”
   Jace was far from convinced though. “Please, people don't just suddenly transform into dragons! You- you have to have done something to him-”
   “Our anniversary is in two months, the receipts for the bracelet you bought me for it are in the dresser next to our bed, and you’re still trying to reserve a date for that one restaurant with the shrimp,” the dragon listed out in rapid succession. He then stepped forward with his arms outstretched. “Now do you believe me, my love? Or must I go into your personal confessions?”
   Jace swallowed a lump in his throat. All those things the reptilian spoke of were correct, and there's no way he could've garnered that information unless he was somehow spying on the two of them. “I-I was hoping you wouldn't have noticed any of that!”
   “We live in an apartment, love,” the dragon, Hugo apparently, stated as he leaned over the kitchen’s island. “It's almost impossible to hide such sensitive information.”
   Jace just nods as he stared into Hugo’s eyes, and just looked at his draconic visage in general. He appeared so nonchalant, so calm, and his face seemed to look more tender the longer he looked at Jace. 
   “I'm… still trying to process this,” Jace began leaning onto the counter behind him. “How the heck did you get that… thing that transformed you into this, Hugo…?”
   “I'd like to start by saying I go by Ophion now. In truth I was trying to find an adequate gift for this coming Valentine's Day,” Ophion began to recount. “I found an interesting antique's store a few days back and decided to pay a visit today. Although in truth it seems that place is some kind of front for magical artifact vending but well…” a somber look formed on his face as he took hold of the necklace’s egg and held it into view. “Truthfully I've always felt like an inadequate lover to you. I was hoping to get you something that'd prove myself, and perhaps make up for my lackluster approach to our relationship. Once I picked up the Celestial Egg it resonated with my desires and made me into this. Transformed me physically, mentally…”
   The dragon leaned a little closer, a fervorous look in his eyes. “Perhaps it even deepened my love for you…”
   Jace let out a sharp exhale, then stepped forward to gently caress Ophion’s face. “Hu- Ophion. You don't have to give me some trinket to prove your love to me. And truthfully for me, I never found you lackluster at all! Perhaps a little neurotic but, you were always still a wonderful person…”
   He then gave the dragon a kiss on the snout.
   “...but I should really ask if you feel better about yourself?”
   “I do,” the dragon confessed. Ophion lifted his head out of Jace’s grasp and straightened himself up. His form from the waist up was visible from behind the kitchen island: strong muscles, glistening scales, those weird crystals embedded in his body. Jace couldn't even help but give a glance at Ophion’s wings, the man wincing at the thought of having to suddenly grow those. Nonetheless, the golden reptilian had a certain confident aura that Hugo seemed to always have trouble mustering.
   “I can't say I'm the same person I was as a human,” Ophion admitted. “The way this Egg works, it put so much into me to make me fit an identity I desired. But I will also admit a fraction of that was because I wanted to be able to better show how much I love you, my love~”
   “I don't think you had to change yourself into a literal dragon to show how much you love me,” Jace said with a laugh. “I'm glad you're happy though. I will admit I'm getting used to being called your love, it's so dignified!”
   He then paused. “Now how will we explain to the landlord that my boyfriend has become a real life scalie…”
   Ophion let out a hearty laugh. “We don't need to deal with that now…” he then walked around the counter to properly stand near Jace. “It's just me and you, today~”
   Ophion then brought Jace into a warm embrace. This mostly meant Jace was being pressed up into the dragon's meaty pecs as he was put into a hug. It made the man blush a bit…
   “Now then…” Ophion’s voice lowers to a whisper, and Jace could feel himself being lifted. “How about I show you how a universe can be made…?”
   Jace raised a brow. “What's that supposed to mean?”
   Ophion just chuckled, and Jace turned his head and found himself being moved out of the kitchen. It took a few more seconds for him to fully register what was about to happen as he realized they were moving into a hallway, and everything finally clicked.
   They were heading to the bedroom…
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exactlycleverpirate · 2 months
Love and Deepspace: The Story So Far Part 2
A summary of everything that has happened in the main story thus far. Obviously, spoilers below the cut.
See Part 1. Part 3. Part 4.
5 months after the explosion: Lumiere (Xavier) destroys a number of protocores in the N109 Zone, throwing the area into chaos.
6 months after the explosion (about early January):
Day 1 (Wednesday): 
MC is at HQ. She has been overworking and not sleeping well. Tara and Captain Jenna are worried about her. (MC gets an appointment reminder call. Her cell phone shows it is currently 10:45 on Wednesday). MC goes to a doctor's appointment at Zayne's office. He has an emergency cardiac surgery. She falls asleep while waiting and remembers when she gave Caleb the necklace before he left for Aerospace Academy in Skyhaven. She wakes in Zayne's office. After discussing her recovery from the explosion, Zayne gives her a lockbox that contains a letter from Grandma. A Wanderer then appears in Zayne's office. After they fight it, Zayne's arm is frozen stiff. After MC leaves, Zayne remembers a conversation with Grandma. He told her her condition was serious and she said her time has come. She asks Zayne to look after MC as he promised, saying that by helping her he helps himself. That night, MC opens the letter and learns that her heart was fused to an Aether core in experiments her Grandma participated in. She calls Zayne to confirm and he tells her her former doctor, Dr. Noah, might know more.
Day 2: 
MC meets up with Zayne while waiting for transportation to Snowcrest in the Arctic where Dr. Noah lives. After helping fight some Wanderers, they acquire transportation. They make it to Snowcrest and meet with Dr. Noah. They discuss the Aether Core and MC learns one of the researchers joined Onychinus. The rest have died or disappeared. Later Zayne and MC watch an aurora and talk. She learns that he lost someone he worked with on Mt. Eternal. That night, MC goes through the data and realizes that the protocore she found in the No Hunt Zone has the same frequency as her heart, indicating it was modified by Onychinus using an Aether core.
Day 3:
The next day, MC returns to Linkon, while Zayne heads into Mt. Eternal for research.
Day 4 (Sunday, per MC's Phone (likely January 3rd or 10th of 2049)):
Back in Linkon, MC begins researching Onychinus and the N109 Zone at UNICORN HQ. That night, she runs into Xavier on the subway. She realizes she hasn't seen him in over a month. They soon realize they are stuck in a loop on the train. A Wanderer that uses mirrors and glass, a Tezcatlipoca has trapped them. They fight it, and MC gets the protocore. They go out for food and MC asks if Xavier is Lumiere, but Xavier says Lumiere should be about 40 by now. As they walk home, they discuss Lumiere and what it would take to get into the N109 Zone. Then they discover they live in the same building. Xavier says he moved in over 6 months ago, implying he has lived there longer than MC. They agree to meet up the next day and part ways.
Day 5:
MC and Xavier meet at his apartment the next day and discuss the Aether core and N109 zone. MC admits she wants to look into it because of her family and wonders if eventually she and Xavier will be enemies. Distressed, he decides to prove that he is on her side by giving her 24 hour highest level Hunter access. Xavier tells her he hopes she finds the truth. They part ways so MC can use her new access to figure out how to get into the N109 Zone. Returning to Her apartment, MC searches the Hunter Database for information. Then she connects to someone sketchy who has information about an unsolved murder 2 years before. MC thinks the murder is clearly Onychinus’ doing. The man was connected with Ever Pharmaceutical. As she wraps up the conversation, the man asks if she would like to pursue a bounty. The wanted poster is for Rafayel, dead or alive.
Continue to Part 3.
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krenenbaker · 10 days
Ikevil MC/Self-Insert Profile: Henry Baker
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Name: Henry Baker Birthday: 17 January Height: 157cm Affiliation: Crown (temporary) Fairytale Curse: N/A (Fairytale Keeper) Hobbies: Crafting, writing Talents: Singing, baking Favourite Food: Tea, soups Hated Food: Chicken wings, ribs, and most other meats Dislikes: Rudeness towards others Weapon: Information / history N/A
The new Fairytale Keeper of ‘Crown’, who feels somewhat out-of-place in this world which is new to her.  Henry is a young person who works for the Royal Mail service, and has recently started in a temporary position with the government organization ‘Crown’ as their “Fairytale Keeper” (writer and historiographer) after mistakenly stumbling into one of their operations. She’s open-minded and caring, and hopes that the work she so diligently does will help to better people’s lives, including her own. Now, she just needs to make it through this month as Fairytale Keeper… and hopefully, unscathed in body, mind, and heart. 
“I considered myself to be a good person, but then a world of darkness suddenly appeared, beckoning me to peek into the abyss.”
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shepherds-of-haven · 10 months
Hi! So maybe its already explained somewhere I missed but-
How do the dates work in this world? :0 Which "months: are spring, summer, and so on? (Yes this is me asking so I can give my MC a proper birthday date 😔☝🏻)
Hi there, I think this info is in the "Calendar" section of your codex, but to list it out here:
Because there are only 8 months in the Blest calendar (each consisting of 63 days), there aren't really direct equivalents to our months, but I'd say Loa has "last vestiges of winter, may still have frost on the ground, at the end of the month pale, tentative buds are beginning to appear" vibes; Camoa transitions into "full spring blooms, mild, sunny days, happy laughter and bustling festivities after winter, and some healthy rain towards the end of the month" vibes; Kthili is "green summer fields, perfect weather, picnics, clear blue skies, lush young growth everywhere, sit for hours by a lake and drink wine" vibes; Zellea is "extremely hot and bright, lazy dusty days, drowsy noontime shimmer, yellow and orange tints, dogs panting in the shade" kind of vibes; Coppersun is like "back to school fall vibes" where it's still quite warm, it's the harvest season for farms, but leaves have yet to change color or transition to true autumnal landscapes, it's a bit drowsy but not as intense as the heat of Zellea, the weather begins to turn cool and crisp towards the latter half of the month; Ashar is like "Halloween" fall vibes where you get the actual autumn colors, the shifting to reds and golds and then brisk winds and colder nights, but it's still quite livable and festive; Leph is sort of November vibes with more downcast days, freezing winds, and lots of rainy, sleety, grayer vibes in the beginning, with true snowfall coming towards the middle or end of the month; and then Ysk is like the "end of the year, December to January, deep winter, silent snowdrifts, white and pale and still" kind of vibes.
Obviously your mileage for all of this will vary depending on where you live IRL, and of course it varies depending on where you live in Blest, as well! I'm going off of the Haven/Damba Plains region, but of course, if you come from the Southern Crescent or the coast, you're not going to necessarily associate Ysk with snowfall. But I hope that all makes sense and is helpful in describing how the calendar moves throughout the game! :)
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