#janus order timeline
gallifreyanhotfive · 8 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 23
River Song chose Bernice Summerfield as her tutor in university because she knew the Doctor. Benny remembers that she was the most annoying student she ever had, rarely attended class, but still graduated on top.
Not only does the Sixth Doctor wear a cat brooch, but he wears cat cufflinks too.
Jenny had managed to track the Eleventh Doctor down during the Siege of Trenzalore but was unable to get to him due to the forcefield kept by the Papal Mainframe.
The Sixth Doctor has twelve identical spare coats in the TARDIS wardrobe.
Leela once stabbed the Second Doctor with a Janus thorn. Jamie immediately began a knife fight with her in response.
Peri Brown once had to disguise herself as Queen Elizabeth I, big dress and all. The Sixth Doctor was much more amused by this than she was.
When Helen first became a companion, she thought the Eighth Doctor was scary.
After the Twelfth Doctor kicked Rassilon off Gallifrey, Rassilon allied himself with the Cybermen, was converted into the CyberPresident, and created an alternate timeline where the Cybermen had taken over the universe. This timeline was later eradicated.
There are 76 different color tones in the Sixth Doctor's coat.
While at university, River stole a vortex manipulator in order to get help from her future self on essays. The reason she wasn't expelled was because she argued that it was impossible to plagiarize off of herself.
When listening to a device that sounds like the voice of someone the listener admires and respects, Ianto heard Jack, and Jack heard the Tenth Doctor.
In a parallel universe, Rob Tyler was the son of Jackie and Pete Tyler. He was the male counterpart of Rose and in a relationship with Mickey.
By one account, Rassilon’s first body was male; by another, female.
After a conversation with the Third Doctor, River became convinced that the Sixth Doctor was copying her hair.
After learning about messages in bottles, Jenny wrote to the Doctor, hoping it would one day find them.
Dalek juice is a beverage made from the secretions that come out of a Dalek as it is tortured.
The Sixth Doctor developed a weak form of night vision from the carrot juice Mel had him drink.
Jamie has disguised himself as a woman on two different occasions (that I can think of).
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 2 months
I was reading your fic, the one with Jim traveling back in time (it's super amazing, by the way)
And I got curious with the part where Strickler found out about the teen center thing
So with considering that he and Blinky's brother are one of the a few trolls who stayed in Aracadia
Do you think they got on a fight or something (I mean Dictatious was with Gunmar during what happened to the changelings plus he isn't fully good like he literally joined them due to his valuable information about Gunmar who tried to execute him)
I was curious about them fighting due to their past working under Gunmar, but after reading your fic, I'm more interested in the possibility of a fight because of the massacre of the Janus Order
Ahh thank you!! 🥰
I assume you're talking about Challenging Destiny lol (and sorry for the late reply).
Yeah, I feel like the whole Janus Order being called a teen centre after the changelings were massacred was something I had to at least touch on. It will probably come back at some point, especially after Gunmar gets slain.
Yeah I think Strickler and Dictatious definitely fought with each other after season 3 of Trollhunters. Dictatious literally helped Gunmar, so also was responsible for poor treatment of the unpaired changelings in the Darklands. And Dictatious is racist too, which doesn't help. So yeah, I see them not getting along at ALL.
As for a fight over the massacre of the Janus Order, that depends on if Dictatious gets his memories of the past timeline. XD Either way, Strickler on default doesn't like him, because they might both have been put in a situation that forced them to work under Gunmar, but Dictatious liked it and Strickler hated it. Plus the fact Dictatious is a troll, and Strickler is a changeling. That makes a pretty big difference in how they're treated. I will likely have Dic and Walt interact in Challenging Destiny though!
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albentelisa · 6 months
Hi! So what if when Jim uses the Khronosphere, Draal ends up getting his memories of the alternative timeline a couple of days after?
Oh, that's a nice one!
Draal is obviously the one who lacks the knowledge of too many events, so he's confused at first when some bizarre memories resurface. However, he doesn't question those as he somehow knows they are genuine.
The memories come to him after Draal learns that Toby is the Trollhunter, but before he challenges him to a battle. It leads to different dynamics than in the first timeline - Draal believes that Toby isn't worth the mantle, not because he is a human, but because there is someone (according to Draal's belief) who is way more competent but for some reason is a sidekick this time. Draal has no way to know that Jim knows about different timeline - he believes he's the only one with the knowledge. However, he is rather friendly with Jim and is just very critical of Toby, which actually surprises both Blinky and Vendel who have expected way worse reaction.
Jim figures out that Draal knows after some weird comments and they have a talk about everything. Draal isn't happy to learn that Jim actually passed the mantle to someone else as he finds it irresponsible and disrespectful, but he agrees to cooperate and help Jim with his mission (as Jim is his friend and brother-in-arms).
Draal trains Toby, much to the latter surprise, and also spars in secret with Jim (who still has Excalibur). The memories of the different timeline also make him attempt to reconnect with Nomura, who is initially highly suspicious but eventually starts to wonder if it is her chance to escape the Janus Order and start a new life (as she is sick and tired of serving Bular and risking her life non-stop). She becomes an inside spy and leaks the information about Strickler's plans. Nomura is discovered right before the Killahead Bridge battle and is nearly killed by Bular, but manages to escape. She participates in the battle but unfortunately gets sucked into the Darklands, so one of the missions becomes saving her too.
Because of his knowledge of the different timeline, Draal manages to escape the mind control and survives through all the battles. He becomes a prominent figure at the Trollmarket too after everything ends.
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thewebcomicsreview · 1 month
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Homestuck 2 updated, and thank Christ there's an option to skip to the chapter select this time. Let's see what we got
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Year Four. Presumably we're doing 20-odd years total to make Vriska middle aged like everyone else, though I wonder how this'll read archivally when you can select the chapters out of order. Vriska is now ~20 years old, talking with Nannasprite.
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I presume "Her" is going to be Terezi, but I'm actually a little mad we're skipping over the Eridan/Vriska part, if only because I think the entire fandom forgot Eridan and Vriska dated.
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I wasn't sure what I expected from Homestuck 2 today, but it wasn't "Vriska and Jane talk about pregnancy".
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You know, that's kind of an interesting angle. Nanna was raised by the Condesce and then her "brother" ran away to become an Englishman.
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Is that :B the first instance of Nanna doing a Jane quirk thing? They are the same person, after all, so I guess it makes sense. Speaking of offscreen conversations I'd like to have seen, Jane meeting Nannasprite would've been cool to actually see. I suspect this whole conversation is setting up to contrast Nannasprite with Candy!Jane to try and figure out how one became the other.
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Oh, wait, hold on. This whole thing is Vriska's character arc condensed, so I think what they're really getting at is connecting "maternal instincts" or whatever to Vriska's long-established habit of trying to make her lame friends into hobbies. Is that the connecting throughline here? Vriska just wants to be a human mom?
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What a weird angle to take here, comparing Jane vs Nanna as a not-super-subtle metaphor for Thief of Light vs Normal Kid Vriska.
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Nanna Egbert says to touch grass.
Also, I get that Nanna's husband isn't relevant to anything but the more she talks about her decision to give up ideas of revenge and start a family the more notable it is that she never mentions him. Maybe Dad Egbert was created in a lab and that's why he's the same in both timelines.
Anyway, moving on to Mindfang's journal. I'd completely forgotten that was the item for this chapter.
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Oh, interesting. Why is there a crack in reality here? I guess it's supposed to be a spiderweb, but it's got that hole in the middle like the cracks in Paradox Space. I thought this was (Vriska) for a minute.
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Also interesting, Mindfang doesn't have a "Mindfang:" in front of her text, the words just appear, like when Dirk or Al control the story directly. Mindfang, or more specifically her journal, is the destiny Vriska's been chasing, so I guess this makes sense as a followup to the Nannasprite conversation. Vriska can never be well-adjusuted until she stops treating pirate fanfiction as a religious text.
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Uh. Is Mindfang being combined with Spidermom or what the hell?
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Well, that was answered quick.
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Oh, this Janus design is pretty sick.
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Ah. Okay. I see. Vriska was talking to Nanna about why Nanna became a mom, and this conversation is helping her realize how abusive and shitty both of her own mother figures were.
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These sprites are fantastic.
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There's not a lot to line-by-line analyze here, the basic gist is that Vriska, like Nanna, abandons her desire for either reconciliation from or revenge towards her abusive mom and just quits. This is the update where you can most feel that James Roach worked on Stephen Universe, but I mean that in a good way. A decent update.
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glacierruler · 4 months
Since @cutebisexualmess wants to know :D
I'll copy all the worldbuilding I have so far in here, I'm currently creating a pantheon
(death, unreality)
I'm currently creating the pantheon that they're a part of, and figuring out the timeline of the world, so any questions or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Sides sponsored by gods AU
Sides domains
Virgil, wind and animals of the sky
Roman, fire and destruction
Remus, water and fish
Patton, life and death
Janus, shadows and hidden truthes
Logan, tectonic plates/earth and 
Emile, nature and healing
Remy, Dreams and hallucinations
Sides Information
Transmasc, Emile’s brother
Wind, domain over sky creatures as well can’t talk to them but does have raven wings and bat wings, can make strong breezes, and stop the med strong breeze.
Raven wings for flight, Bat wings for fight.
Slowly turn to stone when he disappoints/angers the god sponsoring him
Has to reearn favor to get unturned. In order to replace a stone feather, has to do something taxing for the god.
Very flighty god, while is there, not nearly as much as would be genuinely helpful
GNC Cis, he/him
Warmth, can make small to med sized things spontaneously combust, can control it to a degree and stop med sized fires. Fire can be comforting and warm but also wrathful and dangerous to anyone around.
Get’s 5 degrees colder every time he angers his god. Fire is nowhere near as hot, tends to feel a bit ill.
God is more active, but also temperamental. While they can discuss ideas together, generally what the god says goes.
Nonbinary, he/it, 6’0
Cold, gills, can hold up to a medium sized pool's worth of water. Can talk to sea animals 
Gills clog up, control over water lessens, stops understanding sea animals whenever he invokes his god’s anger
Pretty chill god, but also not really there, taught Remus the basics but that is about it.
GNC 5’7
Life & Death, Can put extra life into younger things, make them more happy/excited for life/live slightly longer (1-2 years max). Can suck the life out of things as well.
Can’t heal injuries but can make fatal injuries nonfatal
God is more involved, has certain rules and gives Patton tasks, but also gives him more powers.
If Patton were to use his powers to disrupt the balance without the approval of his god he would be killed by them
Can feel other’s pain, but only actively and only some. Doesn’t tell him what the pain is, just where it’s located.
GNC cis 5’4
Shadows and hidden truths
Can manipulate shadows, and see lies in the form of string
Can snip the string with a special pair of scissors and the lies become null. They either need to come up with a different (usually not nearly as strong) lie or tell the truth. They are seen as less trustworthy after this happens.
Can also hide the truth, or obscure part of it, as if it’s a shadow. Has limited control over others who know this truth, and can make them temporarily shut up.
His god is always watching from the shadows, mostly free reign but there are some rules in place.
Cis 6’3
Earth/tectonic plates
Can move and control the earth on a small scale (One town max).
Quicksand, small canyons, can help control volcanoes.
Needs a fire or lava deity’s sponsor to actually be useful in that area. Can’t do things on their own
Their god is very picky about how the earth moves. How it interacts. But is also curious as to new ways for the earth to interact. Is always asking Logan to try new things.
Cismale 5’10
Madness, dreams, the subconcious.
Hallucinates whenever he makes his god mad, voices in head, terrified of the headless non ghost coming after him.
His god presents him choices through doorways. Usually in his dreams. Barely ever actually talks to him and when they do they’re very vague.
Transfem, Virgils sister
Healing/nature, can speed up the natural healing processes of the body by up to making injuries heal 1 week faster. Can also control plant life. Can communicate with plants and animals.
Her god is caring and nurturing, but gives freedom in what she can do.
I'm currently creating the pantheon that they're a part of, and figuring out the timeline of the world, so any questions or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
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earth-ambassador-jim · 5 months
If changeling!Toby and the Barbara and Jim of Lost Souls were to all exist in the same universe, how would you see that playing out?
This is a hard one.
Basically, Toby was just coming to trust the Lakes and care for them at the time that Jim was kidnapped.
For human!Toby in the cannon Lost Souls AU this loss resulted in him becoming a bit withdrawn and afraid to form attachments. For changeling!Toby the result would be similar except, as he is already playing a role, he simply leans more into it. He ends up becoming a decently popular kid but he isn't actually close to anyone. (He isn't willing to try trusting again.) He would get along a lot better with Strickler in this AU as he is acting more like the ideal changeling. (He still is skeptical of the Janus Order goals but he's taking the path of least resistance. He's working on some fallout plans for himself in case Gunmar isn't quite as thankful to the changelings as they're expecting. Which he suspects will be the case.)
Toby doesn't find out about Barbara and vice versa for a long time because Barbara is generally working within the Janus Order Headquarters and wears her armor when she's out and about.
Toby knows that Morgana has a champion but not who she is. Toby is simply too low ranking for Barbara to know about.
Toby does try to find out what happened to Jim with little luck. He knows that magic is involved but isn't able to get any further. He reported the incident to Strickler in hopes that it would be interesting enough for someone with more information clearance to look into it, but it never happened.
When Darci tells him about Merlin he passes it on to Strickler and tries to discourage her from looking into it more. She still maintains an interest in magic. Toby keeps tabs on her just in case she finds something.
By the present timeline Toby has for the most part moved on from Jim. The only people he really cares about are his Nana and the goblins.
Toby would end up being in charge of the goblins much sooner in this timeline. He would meet Barbara then. It would be unpleasant for both of them. Toby because it reinforces his belief that there's really no one you can trust or rely on, and Barbara both because Nancy's house cannot be a safe place for her and just the fact that someone that close to her has been affected by the Janus Order.
In conclusion: Barbara's reformation would be much tougher without Nancy's support. Toby would be officially Janus Order, but open to exchanging favors with the other sides. (Not Merlin though.)
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babblish · 2 years
I nearly said Arcadian Witch but SNES JO Nonsense got me, can't lie
Thanks for the wip meme ask!
This is an old one, but it's for a one shot so it still has the option of being finished.
The concept is that for a time the Janus Order were using SNES cartridges to conceal data during transportation, which was only discovered years later, after the massacre, when Stuart tries to play an old Legend of Zelda game but what actually comes up is prompt for a password (which he is naturally able to bypass because of the laws of sci-fi) and uncovers a top secret video report from Nomura to Stricklander from the early 90s.
It's admittedly a silly concept and a joke about Nomura's fanon given name, but one made a little lil more poignant by the timeline I meant it to fit into.
I still like the idea, it's only a matter of time and energy stopping me from actually sitting down and writing it. I only plan for it to be around 4-5000 words tops so I don't think it'll take me long, I just have so many wips I want to get finished also.
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romanthesecond · 5 months
What is this account?
This account is for me to post drabbles, oneshots, little fics, whatever you wanna call it, of a Sanderssides AU i've created!
In this AU, Janus and Remus has three sons : Roman, Virgil, and Logan. Most of these posts will be short silly oneshots about Roman growing up.
How will the account work?
Well, honestly, i have no idea. I won't follow a schedule for posting, the universe isn't perfectly planned out and, for the most part, i won't follow any specific order when it comes to what i post.
I will tag the character ages in each post, so that theres atleast some form of a timeline, i suppose.
I'll also use #RomanTheSecond on each post, so if anyone happens to really like this AU, feel free to use it on any fanart or stuff (though i doubt anyone actually will XD)
Feel free to ask questions, but theres no guarantee i'll answer straight away. After all, there has to be some secrets about the story, right? 😉
Who are you?
Hi there, you can call me Lolo or Sputnik! I use they/any pronouns. I started this story/universe like two years ago before falling out of the fandom, but a few days ago i dug up the word doc and found it so interesting that im falling back in!
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milkhoney531 · 11 months
After I hit 50k for sbst for nanowrimo, I'm going to start working on soaw and fg, on the back burner I'll also be working on a new story that I will be given more effort than most of my stories. Instead if writing a chapter and immediately posting it, I'll be finishing the story (probably posting small screenshots of updates), looking it over and then posting it. The story title and summary is under the cut.
Strange Happenings (shtl): Janus and Virgil move back to their hometown. While Virgil is at college, Janus has an investigation to conduct under the strict orders of his mother. He knows what will happen if he refuses her. What will he discover? What secrets will unravel? (an alternate timeline for Fact or Fiction and Everyone Fucking Dies, a hopefully happy one)
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ask-madam-ruby · 4 years
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This better be the last Natatious kid I make (watch me make more in the future and my followers get mad at me)
Ok so Alex is originally for the Janus Order Timeline but to prevent confusion for everyone (including myself) she is going to appear in all timelines. 
Alexandra Holly Galadrigal (thank you @cat-turtle-art​ for the name idea) is a very shy but a kind baby. And I got big plans for her birth hehehe
She also reminds me of Christmas
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It was late at night, almost 2 in the morning, when Dictatious walks alone in the forest. Blinky suggest he should go on a picnic just by himself to talk and think about all this.
He found a area under a tree. He put his bag down set up the large blanket. He then took out some snacks Milo pack him (although his not going to eat it his not that hungry), a photo frame with Ruby’s picture that belongs to Milo, and a very old journal.
He sit down and made himself conferable. He put the picture next to him and open the the journal that was marked.
“My Natasha...” He begins to read. “When I first lay my six eyes on you, I was intimidated by your beauty. Your red crystal like skin, your majestic golden eyes, that lovely long red hair....now you will soon become my wife.”
He begins to tear up.
We will become one family in a few days, and in a few months we will become a family of three....” He pause his reading and shut the journal close carefully. He looks at the framed photo and puts the journal aside and picks up the journal.
“My Natasha...oh my love.” He hugs the photo to his chest. “I love you so much. Being away from you has always been this hard. Now that I have no way of seeing you....”
Tears flow down his cheek and he begins to sob. “I’m so sorry....so so sorry.”
He stayed under the tree, thinking. Sometimes reading in his journal for hours. Until Milo found him and told him it’s time to go home since the sun was about to come up soon.
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After his talk with Dictatious Blinky returned to his library.
He couldn't believe this, Ruby was dead. He closed the library doors behind him as Aarrrgh walked up to him. "What wrong Blinky?" He asked. Blinky must have had a sad look on his face, he hesitated to speak, "........Ruby...." Aarrrgh tilts his head. "Ruby passed away," he said and fought back the tears in his eyes from spilling.
Aarrrgh looked shocked, then his face fell in sadness as well. He pulled Blinky close, picking him up and rushing to their shared nestroom with him in his arms. Once on the nest Aarrrgh hugged Blinky close, after a short time in the hugs, Blinky started to cry.
Aarrrgh gently rubbed his back as he cried. "D-dictatious is devastated." He says between sobs. "Blinky too." Aarrrgh stated, causing Blinky to nod, "she and children," sob "where the only family i had" sniffle "before you." He trembled in Aarrrgh's arms and he gripped onto and buried his into Aarrrgh's fur. Aarrrgh's scent and presence helping him calm down. Aarrrgh rumbled in a comforting way ro help him calm more. "I....i don't know what to do for Brother. He needs her. And....and i miss her already."
It was hours before Blinky cried so much he fell to sleep.
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jess-the-dangerous · 4 years
Due to safety concerns, the Janus Order has relocated Natasha Galadrigal to an undisclosed location. Her death will be reported officially by the Order shortly. She requested her children be informed, but for her continued safety, we request you keep this information private. Dictatious Galadrigal is connected to those who could compromise her safety, and must believe that she is dead. I thank you for your compliance.
Jess came back from a mission when a masked Changeling gave her the note. She took it and read it. Jess read it over and sigh.  “Marriage problems I see? Typical.” Jess roll her eyes. Blood from her fingers was getting on the note. She puts the note in her pocket. “Well, might as well play this little game.” She scoffs. 
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albentelisa · 9 months
Hi! Here's an interesting or slight angsty ask.
What if Barabra was chosen as the Trollhunter when Jim went back in time, but she and Strickler both regained their memories when she picked up the amulet?
So, much like in the canon, Jim planned for Toby to pick up the amulet, but the thing is that by the point Toby goes under the bridge - there is nothing there (and Toby thinks that Jim has pranked him or something).
The thing is, that instead of having a healthy nap after the night shift, Barbara wakes up and decides to drive to buy some groceries while Jim is at school. Her car mysteriously breaks down when she is crossing the bridge and when Barbara is out, she hears the voice calling for her.
When Barbara picks up the amulet, she gets a surge of memories from the different timeline. The same simultaneously happens to Strickler (who is lucky not to have any lessons at the moment, because that's too much to process even for him).
The thing is that neither Barbara nor Strickler has any idea that Jim has time-traveled (Barbara wasn't there and Strickler was, well, dead by this point). Both believe it to be some kind of miracle and that they are the only person who knows about the possible future.
Barbara's plan is to shield Jim from all the painful experiences while keeping all the pleasant things that came from trollhunting for him (like his bonds with trolls). She also plans to talk Walter into switching sides as soon as possible.
Strickler, on the other hand, plans to assist Jim (who he thinks is still the Trollhunter) from the shadows, working as a double agent. He genuinely believes that everything should be the same as in his memories, so he waits for anxious Jim coming to get his advice - only to get Jim who obviously tries to set his first meeting with Barbara (not that Strickler minds, but still it's highly suspicious). So Strickler starts to suspect that Jim knows too, which would perfectly explain everything.
Strickler still goes to meet Barbara - and learns that she's both the new Trollhunter and remembers everything. Together they start to plan how to reach a happy future for everyone. Strickler also reveals his suspicions about Jim.
Meanwhile, Jim discovers that Toby hasn't picked the amulet and panics as he has no idea who is the new champion. He goes home only to encounter both his mom and Strickler who want to hear the truth from him. There is no point in denying the obvious, so Jim tells everything about the time travel. He hopes that Barbara will let him help her (after all she knows that he is capable), but she is deadset that her son should take it easy this time.
Jim is rather upset to be sidelined as even without the amulet he still has his knowledge and battle experience. Barbara isn't convinced - until Jim comes to help during her escape from Bular and accidentally summons his armor from the future (apparently both new amulet and Excalibur time-traveled together with him).
Barbara finally realizes that Jim's calling doesn't bring him suffering only and apologizes to Jim.
Jim decides to start assembling the old team. He brings Toby first, then Claire (once they are on friendly terms), then approaches Douxie and introduces him to Claire. Douxie tells Claire about magic and starts teaching her.
Meanwhile, Strickler works as a double agent, preventing many troubles that could possibly happen to the trollhunters (including not switching Enrique with NotEnrique - he simply brings him to Arcadia as an assistant). Even though he tries to be discreet, other Janus Order members and even Bular start to suspect him. Strickler manages to escape accusations for a while (insisting on staying an insider even though Barbara tells him to get away asap). He manages to recruit Nomura and NotEnrique too. However, his luck isn't unlimited, so Strickler ends up captured, and other changelings propose using him as a hostage to lure Barbara.
The team frees Strickler, but much like in the canon, Killahead is still open. Strickler risks to close it and ends up trapped in the Darklands.
Unlike Jim, Barbara spares Bular, believing that he can get a chance at redemption. Bular now lives in the basement.
Otto unseals Angor Rot, but unlike Strickler, who eventually switches to his own goals, he is scared to betray Gunmar and uses Angor to get the amulet and recover Killahead fragments. Otto also contacts Usurna and makes an alliance with her.
Barbara is deadset on going to the Darklands and saving Strickler. Jim thinks that recovering triumbric stones should be easier this time (as they know their locations) until he remembers that Strickler gave him the last one and currently he's in the Darklands. Douxie and Claire try some search magic together, locating that one hidden in the Janus Order headquarters.
Jim decides to make a deal with Angor - to help him get free in exchange for his cooperation. After all, he knows how to use Kairosect now (and they recovered it just in case). Angor steals the triumbric stone, and Jim gets Inferna Copula.
The entire team travels into the Darklands - and discovers that Gunmar has control over Strickler's mind. It's the distraction that gives Gunmar the opportunity to escape the Darklands together with his army and march right into the Trollmarket.
Barbara is deadset on liberating Strickler (and surprisingly gets the most vocal supporter in the form of Angor Rot). Jim is also on her side, and he remembers how Draal was freed from the control in the old timeline. As much as both he and Barbara hate the idea, it seems that they need to lure Gunmar together with Strickler to Merlin's Tomb (though, Barbara doesn't intend to let Merlin ruin anyone's life this time).
There's also the situation with Morgana as in this timeline she has no chance to possess Claire, and Jim remembers that in the past she used to be kind, so he wonders if he can convince Morgana to come back to the good side (even though she has to atone for all the evil she caused).
As for Bular, he is the most conflicted as living with Barbara and Jim taught him a lot about humans, making him reconsider his old ways. Bular hopes to convince his father to stop the war and live peacefully, so he heads to the Trollmarket in secret from the team. Obviously, Gunmar isn't interested in listening to his son and is enraged. He imprisons Bular, giving him the last chance to change his mind.
Meanwhile, Morgana contacts Gunmar through the changelings, proposing an alliance once again. Gunmar goes to search Merlin's staff, unaware that he actually acts the way that Team Trollhunters want.
Strickler is finally free, but both Barbara and Jim underestimate Gunmar, and he gets away with Merlin's staff. Besides, this time Gunmar still hasn't killed off the Janus Order, so he has no obstacles in freeing Morgana.
Merlin, who wakes up, has a lot of information to process (starting with Barbara as the Trollhunter and ending with the second amulet from a different timeline). He isn't happy with the time meddling though as he believes that it may lead to disastrous results. Not that Barbara, Jim, or Strickler is listening to him.
Jim seeks Angor's assistance and they go to meet with freed Morgana. Initially, she is hostile, but Jim shows her Excalibur and asks if she has given up on humans entirely. Morgana agrees to give Jim a chance to demonstrate that a different solution can also work.
Morgana breaks her alliance with Gunmar and helps her changelings to escape. She also frees Bular.
Without Morgana's support, Gunmar loses the fight with Team Trollhunters. Morgana also liberates all the trolls who fell under Decimaar's control (Angor decides to give her a chance after that, even if he is far from fully forgiving her).
Morgana doesn't become a full ally as her relationship with Merlin is extremely complicated, but she agrees to assist Jim and Barbara and show some magic to Claire.
As the fight was at the Trollmarket, Arcadia is still mostly unaware of trolls or magic. Besides, despite some ruination, there is no need to travel to New Jersey.
However, it also means that the Arcane Order can attack while the team is in Arcadia.
Jim goes to meet with Aja and Krel, forming an alliance with them and telling them about the time travel stuff. He promises to help to deal with Morando and asks them both to help with defending Arcadia.
Green Knight attacks earlier than in the first timeline. He targets Merlin, who barely manages to escape. Meanwhile, Bellroc tries to recruit Morando (without any success), and Skrael contacts Morgana, reminding her that she's still the Arcane Order's champion (she also refuses to cooperate).
The Arcane Order attacks while everyone is distracted because of Morando. They capture both Nari and Merlin (the latter to get the location of Genesis seals from him).
Jim is conflicted about whether he should tell everyone about Green Knight's true identity (especially Morgana) but ends up deciding against hiding the truth. As he suspected, Morgana doesn't take it well as she wants to reach out to her brother once again even though Jim tells her she failed in the first timeline.
Morgana encounters the Green Knight, but much like Jim has warned her, her words fail to reach her brother. Morgana is injured by the obsidian shard but manages to escape.
The Arcane Order tries to get the information about the Genesis seals from Merlin's mind, but it's something he actually predicted so they fail to get anything from him, despite all the measures used.
The team makes a plan to save Nari and Merlin. Jim has a clash with Arthur. Two Excaliburs is the time paradox, but it turns out that Jim's is the more powerful one as it is powered by rightful ideas. Arthur's Excalibur shatters and Arthur perishes.
Douxie saves Merlin and Merlin finally admits that he has lost his way fighting against the Arcane Order. Merlin decides to seal Bellroc and Skrael with the cost of his life this time, finally stopping to sacrifice everyone else and putting his own life on the line. However, his own magic seems not to be enough. Douxie is willing to join his master, but Morgana, who arrives just in time stops him (as she believes Douxie still has much to do for the new world) and joins Merlin in sealing instead. The seal takes all of their magic and life force.
It's not a permanent measure though. Nari tells everyone that Bellroc and Skrael simply don't believe that peace between different kinds is possible, so they decide to build a happier world while the seal is still intact.
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milo-the-wise · 4 years
Due to safety concerns, the Janus Order has relocated Natasha Galadrigal to an undisclosed location. Her death will be reported officially by the Order shortly. She requested her children be informed, but for her continued safety, we request you keep this information private. Dictatious Galadrigal is connected to those who could compromise her safety, and must believe that she is dead. I thank you for your compliance.
Milo read the letter as Indris and Dictatious were talking alone. He shook his head in disapproval. 
“Mother....father....for once get you’re shit together.” 
He can hear Indris leaving the room and walking towards him. He put the note in his pocket. He will go along with this. His father will need it. 
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sasha-the-mighty · 4 years
Due to safety concerns, the Janus Order has relocated Natasha Galadrigal to an undisclosed location. Her death will be reported officially by the Order shortly. She requested her children be informed, but for her continued safety, we request you keep this information private. Dictatious Galadrigal is connected to those who could compromise her safety, and must believe that she is dead. I thank you for your compliance.
Sasha opens the letter and reads it. Her eyes widen and puts the note down. “I’m not getting involved in this.” She ripped the letter and throws it away. She won’t tell her father the truth, but she doesn’t want to get involved in this either. 
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