#jared playing guitar
buttfrovski · 1 year
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the perspective on these character intros makes me cream my pants
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marsmad · 5 months
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Now we're talking! Good to see ya Artemis 🎸💖🎸💖🎸💖🎸💖🎸💖
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doyoulikethissong-poll · 11 months
30 Seconds to Mars - Fallen 2002
The self-titled debut studio album by 30 Seconds to Mars was released in 2002 after having been in the works for a couple of years, with "Fallen" being one of - if not the - very oldest of the songs. The style of the album combined progressive metal and space rock with influences and elements from new wave and electronica, utilizing programming and synthesizers. The demo work of 30 Seconds to Mars generated the interest of record producer Bob Ezrin, who had previously worked on several groundbreaking projects, including The Wall by Pink Floyd, Love It to Death by Alice Cooper, and Destroyer by Kiss. Upon release, 30 Seconds to Mars received mostly positive reviews from music critics, who commended the album's lyrical content and the band's musicianship. The album debuted at number 107 on the Billboard 200 and number one on the US Top Heatseekers. While Shannon Leto played the drums, Jared played guitar, bass guitar and the synthesizer on "Fallen" in addition to singing.
THIS album and the following one, A Beautiful Lie, is what I mean when I say I'm forever a 30 Seconds to Mars fan and those two albums are my main playlist in my car. THIS music is what was so amazing to listen to. And so many of you agreed that "Fallen" sounded terrific, which makes me so happy!!! 😍💖💖💖💖 "Fallen" got a total of 62,4% total yes votes!
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dannyphantom-zero · 8 months
Doctor Danny Chapter 5 Stay-cation
Jason glanced at the couch as he made breakfast. Huddled inside a blanking was Danny with nothing but his pouting face exposed.
Jason shook his head. The doctor would run himself ragged at this point. Getting all upset because he couldn't go to work.
Danny was gradually getting hungrier by the second. Jason walked over with two plates with eggs and bacon on them.
"Made some breakfast" Jason said circling the plate near Danny's face. The smell was making Danny pissed off. He wanted to eat it but he didn't like the way Jason was so smug about it.
Eventually Danny broke down and had to open up his blanket to receive the plate.
"How is it?"
Danny scowled at Jason, "it's good" he muttered before shoving more food in his mouth and chewing angrily.
Jason couldn't believe how cute this doctor could be.
"Try some of this" Jason said handing Danny a glass.
Danny looked at Jason hesitantly. Danny brought the cup up to his lips and took a big sip.
A sweet liquid filled Danny's mouth, it left a tart aftertaste.
"What is this?" He asked looking at Jason with stars on his eyes.
"It's wine that I made when I visited a brewery a while ago" Jason picked up a napkin and gently wiped Danny's mouth.
Danny was too embarrassed to think.
"D-do you want some ectoplasm?!" He blurted out before thinking.
"If you want to, yes"
Jason was acting strange, why was he being shy and complacent all odt he sudden??
Danny crawled across the couch to Jason. He put his hands on Jason's shoulder to steady himself and bit Jason's neck.
A calm feeling washed over Jason as he closed his eyes. He felt disconnected and tingly. Danny was the opposite. Whenever he did this he felt like he was drinking pure energy.
"Mm" Jason's eyebrows furrowed. Danny let go.
Jason opened his eyes.
"Yeah, thanks"
Jason and Danny watched a few movies. Danny was talking about a character when his phone interrupted him.
Danny glanced at it casually. His eyes grew big.
"SAM!" Danny squeaked as he answered.
"Hey Danny, my band is performing tonight at the mike bar, you know the one right?"
"The usual one right?"
"Yeah, anyway we lost the lead singer so to a sore throat and we desperately need a replacement. I know how good you can sing and you play guitar so, please help me!"
Danny peered at Jason.
"Sure, I'll be right there" Danny hung up.
"Where are you going?"
"A bar nearby, I have to help out a friend"
Jason stood up and grabbed an extra jacket for Danny.
"Jason? Your coming too"
"Your still on the run remember"
Danny smacked Jason's shoulder.
"Don't say it like that! You make it sound like I'm running from the law!" Danny chastised.
Jason shrugged, "Batman isn't easy to shake off"
Danny crossed his arms.
"I already knew that, but I don't think he'll randomly bother me. He's gotta have a life too right?"
Danny got a bad feeling about the face Jason was making.
"You'd be surprised" Jason groaned.
They made it to the bar without running into to any issues. Danny stepped in and started looking around. This bar has a rustic vibe to it before but now it looked like a goth den.
Maybe it was because Sam's band was performing today but there seems to be a lot more goths than usual.
"Danny!" Sam exclaimed hugging him.
"Hey Sam, how have you been, it's been so long"
Sam grinned confidently and pointed her thumb towards her band mates who were setting up.
"My bands been doing pretty well"
Sam punched Danny's arm, "but hey can't believe my little delinquent is a famous doctor now"
Danny waved his hands.
"Sam! Don't talk about that on public!"
Jason put a hand on Danny's shoulder.
"Oh, who are you?" Sam asked.
"He's a friend of mine" Jason growled.
"R-right, Jason and I became friends recently."
Sam grabbed Danny's arm, "well sorry Jared but I'm going have to steal Danny for a bit"
Sam gave Jason a cold look, "not that it's really stealing since he isn't yours"
Danny send an apologetic look at Jason before being dragged off. Sam took Danny to the male bathroom.
"Here, change" she ordered thrusting clothes at him.
Danny didn't have time to object.
His eyes bugged out when he put on the clothes.
"What kind of clothes are these?!" He exclaimed.
He was wearing a black button shirt that was open in the back with an x strap, it also had three spikes jutting out on each shoulder. His pants were black jeans with rips and chains hanging along the side.
His shoes had been swapped for boots and on his hands he wore fingerless, fake leather gloves.
"You look almost perfect!" Sam said once Danny stepped out feeling dazed.
"Sit and stay still"
Danny sat on the stool and let Sam apply mascara to his eyes. It deepened his eyes, making him look like a real goth. A hot one at that.
"Your stage name should be...."
"How about Runner?" Danny suggested.
"Huh,Runner? Sure I guess it works"
Danny helped set up his mike. Sam let him use the spare electric guitar they had.
"Alright, you guys ready?" Sam asked, the band mates shouted in unison.
Jason waited impatiently for the Danny to make an appearance.
The band started up and Danny stood up to the mike.
The band started playing, Jason watched Danny sing and play. He seemed so different from the doctor Jason knew.
The crowd was cheering as the band played. It had a pop rock vibe to it, the songs were catchy and Jason had to admit he liked the band.
Danny smiled and waved after the band finished their last song.
"Let me help you pack up" Danny said as he stuffed the equipment in Sam's bus.
"Thank you so much Danny! Who knew you still had in you!" Sam said laughing.
He turned to see Jason standing a few paces away.
"Hey Jason"
"You were really good up there"
Danny grinned.
"When you sang o felt my heart racing"
Danny laughed, "your funny Jason, but really it was all Sam. Her band is really great"
Sam playfully ruffled Danny hair.
"Yeah that's right, I'm awesome I know" Sam boasted.
"We should probably head back" Jason said.
"Head back, did you come from the same place?"
Danny seemed flustered.
"Yeah, Danny spent the night with me"
Danny was quick to clarify that he apartment had been broken into and Jason let him spend the night.
Though he could tell by Sam's face that she was thinking they were romantically involved.
When Danny got back he plopped onto the couch.
"You hungry?" Jason asked.
"A little" Danny said yawning.
'cute' Jason thought.
They ate and Danny passed out soon after.
The next morning Jason woke up to a note from Danny saying he had gone to work.
Jason had troed texting Danny alter that night but had gotten no response.
This went on for a couple days and later when Dick met up with Jason he could tell something was wrong.
"Hey, you look way too depressed, even for you"
Jason just drank.
"Come on, let it out"
Jason clenched his fist.
"I think I made someone mad"
Dick raised an eyebrow. Jason made people mad every day, there had to be more to this.
"This person started avoiding me, isn't answering my calls or texts and hasn't come back to my apartment-" Jason said too much.
"Ooh, romance problems huh?"
Jason groaned, "I wish, we aren't even dating. I've never been more frustrated"
"Maybe this person is just really busy, did you seem to be on good terms?"
"Yeah, I mean, he's a doctor so I guess he could just be busy but..."
Dick eyes lit up, a doctor? And a male one at that. Could it be-
"Do you have a crush on the famous doctor Fenton?"
Jason blushed furiously.
"It's not a crush!"
So he did.
"Why don't you visit him in person if your so worried?"
Jason sighed, "I don't want to bother him, besides I don't think he likes me back"
"There's only one way to find out you know"
And that's why Jason was currently waiting outside of Gotham General. He wasn't sure how long he had waited but a tap on his shoulder jolted him out of his thoughts.
"Jason, why are you here?"
He shrugged and turned his head away so Danny couldn't see him blushing.
"You weren't answering my calls or texts so I came to see you myself"
"Ah" that's right, Jason was a stalker. How could Danny forget.
"Right well I should probably get going" Danny said as he opened his car door.
Jason shut it and didn't take his hand off the door.
"Why are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not avoiding you, I'm just tired and I want to go home" Danny said turing away.
"I'll take you" Jason said.
In one deft movement Jason had picked up the lanky doctor and put him in the passenger side.
"What?" Danny said confused.
"You said your tired, so I'll drive"
Danny looked at Jason's face, he seemed anxious.
"H-hey, this isn't the way to my apartment." Danny said.
"Your apartment isn't safe, I'll take you to mine"
"What? Why? It's not your business if my apartments not safe"
"Your my friend Danny, I don't want you to get hurt"
"This isn't the way a friend acts!" Danny said. Jason had stopped at a red light giving Danny the perfect window to escape.
He unbuckled and slipped from the car. He started running. Jason had been acting weird, too weird. If I kept up Danny wasn't sure what he might do and he was afraid to push Jason away.
They were just friends! He really didn't want to make Jason uncomfortable but now everything was ruined.
Jason clenched his teeth. He found a secure place and parked Danny's car.
He made Danny run away! He was stupid!
Jason did his best tracking down Danny. Finally he spotted someone walking alone.
"Danny!" The person turned their head and it almost looked like they were crying.
Suddenly he started running again.
Jason caught up to him and grabbed him from behind holding him in a tight hug.
"Why are you running from me?" Jason asked in hurt pleading tone.
"Because-" Danny suddenly cut off, "batman" he said weakly.
"Batman?" Then Jason saw him.
"Crap, come on" Jason said tugging Danny with him as they ran, wearing in between stores.
They ended up on the roof of a quick-mart.
"Did we lose him?" Danny asked panting.
"Yeah I think-"
Jason fired his grappling hook, at the same time Danny almost tripped. Before they knew it, they were trapped, tangled up together and hanging off the side of the building.
"Shit" Jason said softly.
Bruce pulled them up and Jason untangled himself from Danny.
"Can't you just let the poor man go?" Jason asked.
Danny sighed and stepped up.
"It's alright Jason, I'll take responsibility for my actions."
Danny held out his hands to be cuffed.
"I'm not taking you to jail" Batman said.
Danny dropped his arms, "huh? Your not?"
"Your not?" Jason asked.
"No. However Jason and I seem to need have a talk."
"Then why were tracking Danny down"
"Your always together"
Jason was taken aback at Bruce's abruptness.
"What do you want to talk about?"
"Come to the manor, well discuss there"
Jason cursed after the bat had left.
"What a dick seriously, how dare he do that to you!"
"It's really fine Jason, come on. Let's go, he's probably waiting for you"
Jason shrugged.
"Just don't jump out the car this time"
Danny promised not too and they drove up to the manor. When they got there, Danny noticed a butler waiting at the entrance.
"Welcome master Jason and his friend"
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
can you do a part 2 for haunting? it’s cute and sad at the same time 😭
Haunting pt 2
Pt 1
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You and Hobie were awkward. It was just like that.
Maybe you and this new Hobie won’t work out. Even if you didn’t, you were glad to know there was someone going through the same exact thing.
He wasn’t your hobie, and you weren’t his y/n. You could accept that.
So there you both sat, telling stories of how you met in your universes, and how you started to date.
His y/n seemed almost the exact same way as you.
And your Hobie was the same exact way as him. An anarchist, guitar playing, label hating, cute boy.
But he looked a little different, because your Hobie had his septum pierced, and once again, he wasn’t spiderman.
But still, you felt the same attraction towards him as you did your old Hobie already. And he found himself attracted to you as he was to his y/n.
It has been two years, and still you felt guilt every single time this Hobie tried to talk. As if you didn’t want yourself to move on.
“So..” hobie said when you both steeped outside the place.
“I had fun. Thanks for this. We should do this again.” You said with a smile.
He smiled back. Damn that smile was exactly like yours from his universe.
You handed him something. The spiked bracelet you had around your hand.
“It was my Hobies.” You explained as he put it on.
“Thank you.” He said, genuinely. He smiled again and stared at you. In your eyes, and at your lips.
He did something he hoped he wouldn’t regret. He leaned in, and your eyes shut as you leaned in as well.
You both kissed, it was loving, and not rushed.
When you both pulled away, he laughed quietly.
“Alright, I’ll uh… I’ll see you.” He smiled.
“See you.”
Tag list:
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sara78 · 3 months
Family don't end in blood - Chapter 11
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Summary: The summer break has officially started for Y/N and rest of the cast. What Y/N thought would be a bland summer quickly turns into fun, and some scary situations arise...
Word Count: 3489
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x daughter!reader
Warnings: A scary situation
A/N: Thanks for coming back to read more and sorry for the wait!
3rd person POV
"Honey, I've been doing some thinking," Danneel said, Jensen humming as he looked at her with a smirk, "Jensen, not that kind of thinking. Get your mind out of the gutter."
"Well, I wouldn't be opposed to that kind of thinking either," he said, Danneel smacking his chest playfully and a groan emerging from behind the couch, a disgusted look on Y/N's face,
"Just... Let me fill up my water bottle and I'll be outta here. Jared asked me to come over to help him with something so you'll have the house to yourself to do... Whatever... Ew," she made a disgusted face, Jensen laughing,
"It's normal, kiddo. Don't have to be ashamed of it."
"Yeah, I'll remind you of them last words of yours when a fourth Ackles comes into picture. Or fourth and fifth, given mom's history with twins," she said, Danneel falling into a laughing fit while Jensen rolled his eyes,
"First off, fifth Ackles," he said with a glare, making Y/N roll her eyes, "No rolling eyes and no twins. And second, there's protection, y'know?"
"Yeah, cause that always works out," she rolled her eyes, "I'll be over at the Padaleckis. Call if you need anything. Now... Just continue whatever you were doing," she made a fake gagging sound, leaving the house.
"She's got a sense of humor," Jensen said,
"Mhm. I particularly like the fact that she can roast the hell out of you," she smirked, "Now, that thinking you mentioned..."
"Oh, who's got their mind in the gutter now?"
 Y/N's POV
"Moose!" you exclaimed as you caught a glimpse of a figure in the garage, sporting its usual dumb attire, a long sleeve, and some pants. It wouldn't be dumb if it were February, but it was July and at 9am you were already sweating your ass off. That's Texas, gotta love the heat. And it seems Jared particularly loves it as he hadn't thought of changing. He turned around, waving as you approached him, finally finding some shade in the garage,
"Munchkin!" he said with a smile, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you gently, which you returned,
"What's up?" she asked as she broke off the hug, "You broke some shit or did something bad? I gotta cover your ass from Gen?"
"No. I promised her to clean the garage and... Well... I need help," he sighed, "I didn't realize this much stuff was inside. Bad move to say I could do it by myself."
"Oooh, so you're aware you're getting old," you teased, Jared sending you a glare, "Alright alright, so you need help moving all this stuff?" you asked and he nod, "Why didn't you call dad-I mean Jensen?" Jared smiled, ruffling your hair,
"I told you not to hide from me, I ain't your dad and I ain't a snitch. I won't tell. Now, I was gonna call him too, but I figured he missed Dee."
"Yeah," you said, making a disgusted face, Jared laughing,
"That's completely normal kiddo."
"Whatever," you waved your hands in the air, "Where do we start?"
"I began over there," he pointed, "Maybe you go to the opposite end? We meet halfway?"
"You mean, I'll meet you somewhere in the corner of your pile," she said with a smirk, "Alright let's get to work."
"What are you gonna do this summer?" Jared asked, making you shrug your shoulders,
"Nothing," you said, lowering a box down,
"What do you mean nothing? It's summer! You don't have work, school. What did you do back in Y/H/C over the summer?"
"Hang out with friends, watch movies and TV shows. Read, play the guitar," you said, getting a hold of another box with a grunt, "I'm no fun."
"That's okay, you don't have to be partying every day to have fun," Jared said,
"Y/N!" Shep's voice called out, making you turn around and smile as the boy approached you and almost tackled you into a hug,
"Well hello to you to Shep. Now, who gave you permission to be almost as tall as me?"
"I did," Jared said with a proud, dorky smile on his face,
"Sure thing," you giggled, "How was basketball practice?"
"Good, it was really fun. Oh, we're playing on Thursday. Can you come to watch me?" he asked excitedly and you nod,
"I'll be there in the front row. He'll be in the back, he's way too tall for the front," you said, pointing at Jared and making Shep laugh, "Well your dad and I were just talking about summer break so, any other fun things you have going this summer?"
"I have nature and basketball camp," he said, "I'm super excited about that. And that's about it."
"You should join him in the nature camp munchkin," Jared hopped in, "It's really fun."
"I'm too old for that."
"We take in people of all age. There's some really old people at the camp," Shep said,
"Yeah? How old are we talking?" you asked,
"Like, daddy old," he said, pointing at Jared who made a pouty face while you were trying not to die of laughter,
"Okay kid I owe you ice cream for that one," you said as you calmed down from your laughing fit, "I'll-I'll see about the camp," you added, taking a deep breath, "Now go take a shower. You stink like your dad after moving a grand total of..." you turned around, counting the boxes, "Five. Five boxes," you said, looking at him, "You really are an old man."
"Told ya!" Shep called from the door before closing it,
"That kid," Jared huffed, "I'm no old man!"
"Okay okay," Sara giggled, the door to the garage opening,
"Now if I recall correctly, you said you could do it alone," Gen's voice rang as she approached you, "She's a plus one. Hi honey," she smiled at you, hugging you which you reciprocated,
"She barely even counts, look at how tiny she is!" Jared tried,
"This tiny thing here moved more boxes than you did. Plus, you had a head start of two, old man," you pointed out, making Jared roll his eyes,
"Old man? Where did that come from?"
"Shep!" Gen said surprised, "Damn, that kid is becoming witty!"
"He is," you said, giggling, "Come on, someone's pride is hurt," you nod at Jared and Gen rolled her eyes as she walked over to where he was and gave him a kiss,
"I love you," she said with a smile, "Despite you being so old," she added, Jared groaning as you giggled, "Kidding."
"Where are other kids?" you asked,
"Dot is with her aunt and Tom should be back after soccer practice. JJ's waiting for him to finish up. Now, you, what are your plans for the summer?"
“Y/N!” Tom’s voice exclaimed, making you turn around and wave at the two. You hugged Tom as he came closer, rolling your eyes at the fact that he’s as tall as you are despite being way younger than you,
"Jared and I were just talking about it. Nothing, really.”
"What do you mean, nothing? Don't Jensen and Danneel have some plans?"
"If they do, I'm not invited."
“Sup guys!” you said, smiling at JJ who nod at you, “How was soccer practice?”
“Was fun,” Tom said, “I gotta do some drills to practice a bit more.”
“Could you practice with us Y/N?” JJ asked, making you smile, “You helped me with my passes a lot. Maybe you’d want to help Tom too?”
“You play soccer?” Tom asked and you nod,
“I used to play when I was around your age. A thing or two stuck around,” you said, “Of course we can practice. How about after lunch?”
“Sounds good,” Tom said, “And… What’s dad doing?”
“Dead lifting,” Gen said as she giggled while looking at Jared, “And failing.”
“He’s not deadlifting, he's dying,” you added, making everyone laugh, “You two go inside, refresh. I’m taking you to ice cream when the twins come back from soccer and dance,” you said, watching as the two walked away,
“Well JJ warmed up to you a little,” Gen noticed,
“Yeah. Nothing much, really. She actually practiced with me only because Jensen talked her into it. She does say good morning to me. It’s progress though,” you sighed, “I’ll go help your old man so he doesn’t throw his back out,” you teased, Gen giggling,
“Alright. Jensen and Danneel are coming over for barbecue tonight, just so you know.”
“Oh, food, fun!” you said with a smile, Gen rolling her eyes as she walked back into the house through garage, “Sup, old man?” you said as you approached Jared who sent you a bitch face, ���Don’t frown too much. You might throw a face muscle out,” you teased, Jared stopping and pulling his sleeves up playfully as you began running away from him, laughing.
3rd person POV
While Gen and Danneel were setting the tables for dinner later that day and Jensen was helping Jared smoke the meat and not eat any raw pieces in the process, Y/N was playing soccer with Tom, JJ, and Zepp. They did some drills for soccer, and she also showed Shep a few of those for basketball as well. Arrow and Odette were sitting on the side, probably plotting an end-of-the-world situation, as they usually do.
“Man, you ever thought of sending Y/N to soccer camp?” Jared said as the two looked at the kids playing, “You see her? She’s holding her own against Tom who’s as tall as her, and is even stronger than she is.”
“I mean, I’d love for her to do some sports,” Jensen said, “We do train together, but I can tell she loves soccer. Seems to enjoy it at least,” he said, “I can always offer it to her. It’s up to her if she’s gonna take it or not though,” he added,
“True. She’s also good with basketball, but I see she finds more joy in soccer,” Jared analyzed, “Now, you better tell me you have something planned for the summer that includes Y/N.”
“Everything that we planned for the summer includes Y/N, what are you on about?” Jensen asked confusedly,
“Well she mentioned today she’s probably not invited to whatever plans you might have, so I’m just making sure you haven’t lost your mind,” Jared said, “What is it?”
“Disney World,” Jensen smirked, “Dee planned the whole thing out. Too bad I said yes, she was gonna bring you if I didn’t want to go.”
“Take it back!” Jared exclaimed, pouting, “I wanna go too!”
“You got your own family doofus. Go figure it out,” Jensen teased, watching as Y/N approached them, talking to the kids as she was walking backwards towards them, “Stuff your face with that raw meat or I swear to God-“
“I hath been sent by the hungry tribe to ask when’s dinner gonna be done?” Y/N asked,
“Well if your uncle Jared doesn’t eat any of the remaining raw meat, it shall be done in about half an hour,” Jensen said with a smile, “Having fun?”
“Yep. Tom is really strong,” you said, “Barely keeping up with him. I think next time we come to Texas he might be taller than me.”
“That’s perks of being a Padalecki,” Jared smirked, “You like soccer, munchkin?”
“Yeah,” she said, “It’s fun. Lets me blow off some steam. Why?”
“You played when you were younger too, right?” Jensen said and she nod, “How does soccer camp sound to you?”
“I mean… I dunno,” she said, scratching her head, “I’m, like, too old. Too small. You should also be in a team to join, right?”
“Actually, no,” Jared said, “You gotta play a test match to determine your skills, but you don’t have to be in a club or to actively train in order to join. Everyone’s accepted. Now you might be placed with younger kids, but only because you’re smaller built than the kids your age.”
“I think I might be the first person they’ll turn down,” she giggled, “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Let the kids have fun.”
“But you’re a kid too,” Jensen frowned, “And you should have fun too. And this is obviously fun for you. Try it out.”
“You really think I could do well?” she asked, Jared rolling his eyes,
“Tom!” he exclaimed, Tom whipping around and running up to the three, “What do you think of Y/N as a soccer player?”
“She’s amazing!” he exclaimed happily, “My coach said I’m becoming real strong compared to my teammates, and I shouldn’t push with all I have all the time, but she’s holding up so well!”
“Do you think she’d make it to the camp?” Jensen asked and Tom’s face lit up as he looked at Y/N,
“You wanna join?”
“Your dad and uncle think I should,” she said, shrugging her shoulders, “I’m not so sure though.”
“You’d do amazing!” he exclaimed, “Come on over tomorrow morning, when Zeppelin has practice. We do rounds for the camp then.”
“I’ll think about it,” she said, nodding,
“Y/N! Tom!” Zeppelin exclaimed from behind, “Come on, I wanna practice shooting!”
“That’s our cue,” Y/N said, “Tag, you’re it,” she slapped Tom, running away as Tom began chasing her,
“Look at how fast she is!” Jared exclaimed, Jensen giggling,
“She overtook me a few times when we went running together back in Vancouver,” he said, “Embarassing to admit, but it is what it is,” he added, “I hope she tries out tomorrow morning. I’d love to see her have fun for once. She’s too wound up.”
“She’s scared, it’s normal,” Jared assured him, “Let’s just hope she tries out. Incoming, ten o’clock.”
“Have you eaten any more raw ribs, Jared?” Danneel asked as she approached, Jensen giggling as Jared rolled his eyes,
“Y’know that’s becoming old, right?”
“What? The fact that you ate raw ribs a couple months ago, again? Nope, not getting old, like, at all,” Jensen teased, “Honey, I got a question,” he said as Danneel sat in his lap,
“Yeah, what is it?”
“What do you think about Y/N joining the soccer camp with Zepp, J bird and Tom?”
“Oh, I’d love that!” she exclaimed happily, “I noticed she’s having fun. And when y’all finish filming, she can join their soccer team too. I think she’d blossom, to have some sports that isn’t overtaking her old dad when they go running,” she teased, Jensen rolling his eyes,
“Yeah yeah, you didn’t think I was old this morning,” he smirked, Jared making a fake gagging sound,
“That’s disgusting,” he said, handing Danneel the plate with meat, “Here ya go. We got just this to finish up and we’re done. Salads done?”
“Yes sir,” Danneel said, “Bring it over and then we need to wrestle kids into coming to eat.”
“I think they’ll be wrestling us for big pieces of meat when we call them,” Jensen pointed out, “They’ve been running all day straight. They’ll eat like Jared, just not raw meat.”
8 days later...
“Okay, you three sure you’ll be okay?” Danneel asked, making you roll your eyes,
“We’re gonna be fine mom, we got this,” you said,
“We’re gonna kick some ass!” Zeppelin exclaimed as he ran up to you, making Danneel gasp and Jensen snort,
“Zeppelin Bram Ackles, language!” Danneel said, making you giggle,
“English,” JJ added, everyone turning confused looks towards her, “Language. It’s English.”
“She’s got her humor down,” you said with a laugh,
“Just like her mom,” Danneel added, Jensen sending a bitch-face towards her,
“Okay guys, you have fun. Call if you need anything and we’ll see you in fifteen days on the games,” Jensen said, hugging JJ tightly, “Love you birdie,” he whispered while Zeppelin hugged Danneel and you stood back, watching them with a smile. As JJ ran off to find her friends, Jensen walked up to you and gave you a hug too, “My big girl,” he murmured, making you roll your eyes,
“Shut up I ain’t going to military,” you responded, Danneel laughing as he let you go, “Thanks for letting me go.”
“Thanks for trying something out of your comfort zone,” Danneel said, hugging you as Zeppelin jumped into Jensen’s arms, “Have fun out here. Don’t be a big sister all the time.”
“I’ll try,” you smiled, watching as they turned back around and walked to their car, driving off. Zeppelin tugged at your hand, grabbing your attention,
“Let’s go unpack and then we can eat!”
“You got an appetite of your dad, silly,” you giggled, grabbing your duffel, “Come on. Let’s figure this out.”
Six days later...
Okay, Jensen was totally right.
This camp was so much fun.
You haven’t made much friends, as a combination of you being an introvert and younger kids you were playing with who have other fun things to do, but you’ll lie if you said you didn’t enjoy all the games, drills, matches you played. And, of course, all the food.
JJ and Tom had made it into the mixed squad alongside you, so you had some extra work on top of regular stuff, but you didn’t mind. JJ wasn’t exactly ignoring you, but she wasn’t exactly happy to see you there either. You knew she was upset that you joined on the same boat as she did, and you knew she probably felt a little jealous because soccer in this league used to be just her thing. Maybe if they let you play with kids your age, she wouldn’t be as upset as she is. But you couldn’t go against the rules of the camp, and you certainly knew you couldn’t go against the kids that are as tall as Jensen, regardless of their gender.
The downtime you had usually consisted of reading and listening to music, occasionally taking a walk through the wooded area not far from the living area.
On the other hand, you were really happy to see Zeppelin make some friends and have a lot of fun, he settled very well, finding kids that loved legos and dinosaurs and all the little random things he did, and you couldn’t be happier about it.
Of course, Jensen and Danneel texted daily, making sure everyone had everything they needed.
You were sitting on the window frame, the bedtime for little ones, including Zeppelin, had long passed. You were taking in some of the evening breeze when you saw a kid, no older than Zeppelin, approach you with another kid behind,
“Hey, are you Y/N, Zeppelin’s... sister?” he whispered, making you widen your eyes as you looked at the two boys,
“Yes, I am. What are you two doing outside? You’re crossing over the curfew.”
“Uh…” the kid scratched his head as he looked down,
“What happened? Is Zepp in trouble?” you asked as your heart picked up faster pace,
“We were playing truth or dare,” the other boy began, “And he got dared to go into the woods alone-“
“What?!” you whisper-yelled, turning around to look at all the other kids asleep, “Wait here,” you added, walking over to put your shoes on, grabbing your flashlight and your phone, and you walked back, jumping out the window, landing easily, “What direction did he go to?”
“Behind the dorms, there,” the other boy showed you,
“Okay, you two get back into your rooms and keep your butts still. If I don’t show up within an hour, go wake an adult up and tell them everything you told me. Tell them I have the phone on me and they can locate it. You understand me?”
“No buts,” you said sternly, sneaking to their living area, “You already messed up enough by doing this stupid dare in the first place,” you said, “I can go wake someone up right now, but I’m willing to let y’all slide if I find my brother. Go. Inside.”
The two quietly jumped back up to their room through the window and you took off to the woods, swearing internally.
You had totally forgotten about her.
What if she’s here, what if she found you?
What if she took him?
He must be scared out of his mind to be with someone like her.
Of course you were gonna get happiness swept right beneath your feet.
You shouldn't have relaxed this easy, you shouldn't have let your guard down like this.
Even if he wasn’t taken, he’s still alone, in the dark woods.
There shouldn’t be any animals around, but you were scared for the kid nonetheless.
“Zeppelin?” you called out for what seemed to be the hundredth time since you stepped into the woods, you definitely lost track of time and you knew your legs are running on pure adrenaline as you knew how petrified you were. You could see her, clear as day, kicking the small boy you loved as if he's your blood. The sights in front of your eyes were at times so real and vivid that you had to slap your face to bring yourself back to reality.
Time was ticking and you couldn't find him. With every moment that passed, you were more and more assured that your mother took him. He's a smart kid and he's got hearing of a hawk. He'd have heard you calling him by now. You didn't know what to do first, you were calling out for him, praying to whatever there is to keep him safe, battling ugly scenarios in your head, until you snapped,
"Listen to me, you bitch," you called out into the open as you came to a stop, "I know you're here and I know you can hear me. Come out of your hidey hole, let him go and I'll come with you. It's time we put an end to this."
You were about to move further down the path but you heard something snap to your left.
A/N: A little cliffhanger never hurt nobody, right? ;D Now don't kill me @crasmuna, and everyone else, there's more to come ;D
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justjensenanddean · 1 year
Jensen Ackles Solo Panel | JIBCon 2023 (June 17, 2023)
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Jensen was headbanging to Smells Like Teen Spirit with Jason, then mentioned that he has that "writer‘s strike hair flow". (x)
jensen will be at the monday concert (x)
‘Take the guitar away, I’ll just sing on Monday!’ (x)
Monday‘s band will be called "No Rob". (x)
Jensen has always wanted to go to Brazil. But when he finally got there, they had so much work to do that he had to stay in the hotel and he never left. He didn’t get to meet locals or see anything. In his mind he hasn’t been there yet. (x)
His prep for Beau Arlen & Ben? Since he didn’t have the history he had with Dean, he had to dig into personal feelings. (x)
Jensen has a major short term memory to learn lines but his long term memory isn’t as good. He has intense scenes and then purges the feelings. (x)
As Beau, he took what he’d feel if the things were happening to his daughter and then tailored it a bit. A lot of Dean was him. As Soldier Boy, for the scene with Butcher about his dad, he dove into Dean and John, because he has a good relationship with his dad. (x)
And in the end he just pretended. Some people can do it and some can’t. Some can paint, some can write, some can do Math. He can’t draw a stick figure, but he can *play* (x)
Dean and Soldier Boy were both just looking for their father’s approval. Jensen jokes that he wondered if he was being type cast. Ben had an opportunity to make it better with his son & grandson, but in the end he reverted back to his DNA. (x)
jensen said that for emotional scene he filmed for soldier boy (about soldier boy's father) he leaned into dean's relationship with john (because jensen has good rs with his own father) (x) he joked about getting type casted for characters with basically daddy issues (x)
Jensen and Jared have both been invited to Hot Ones and wanted to do it years ago, but they couldn’t work it out. And now they have stars so big, he probably won’t get invited anymore. (x)
someone asked about the rumors about batman and jensen was like “i don’t know” “even i know about it i’m not telling you” and he started laugh. (x)
What about being in a top 3 list to play Batman? He doesn’t know, but even if he would know, he wouldn’t tell us. Could he do it? Sure. Does he want to? Yes. (x)
‘When I’m Batman, does my voice have to be… much different?’ (x)
Musical interruption. Jensen is confused and wants to keep answering questions. (x)
The music indicated that he had to spin the wheel. It lands on “drink” and he hugs the wheel, “it’s like it knows me”. He doesn’t actually pour one though but goes back to answering. (x)
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There were many scenes surrounding the Impala where Jensen had to become Dean and he’d yell at the team when they were driving it or when Jared banged against the car or fart in it. “Not on the seat, she’s been through enough.” So he knew he had to own the car. (x)
One of his old friends got offered Eric Brady on DooL and he called Jensen before accepting. Jensen said “great, knock it out of the park.” (x)
Apparently Mr Rhodes, his first job, was a multicamera sitcom. It was the best schedule he’s been on so far. Soap Opera is next because they have 40+ actors. They will shoot all 80 pages his character has consecutively, shoot an hour or two. They produce one episode in 1hr (x)
You start by 9 am and get a few short breaks, end of the day, 7:30 pm, 80 pages done and he can go home. Daytime actors don’t get enough credit for having to jam in so much story in a short time. On The Boys they get 15 days for 1 episode. (8 on SPN). (x)
One of the actresses on DooL told him first day „hit your mark, say your lines, stay out of my light“. He said „yes ma’am“, earned her respect and she took care of him big time later. (x)
When he went to lunch with Alison Sweeney, who played his evil twin sister, she got heckled and Jensen defended her immediately. She told him to stop because if people hate her, that means she‘s doing her job. (x)
Rich tells us that Jensen is a sitcom and he has his own catchphrase. He plays Jensen entering the set at morning or any room late. "What are we doing?" He has developed a special greeting with Richard out of it. (x)
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Jensen spend several birthdays in Brad Creasser‘s house, with his wife cooking him dinner. He‘s a good friend of Richard‘s too. Rich acts out a scene on set one day and Jensen is in tears. (x)
When Jensen walked on set of Big Sky, he also went "What are we doing?" Nobody answered, so he repeated it louder. (x)
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Wasn’t there a time Jared or Jensen implied about jerking each other off?
Wasn’t there a time…
Let’s see.
There was -
Jared: “So I jerk Jensen onto the ground…”
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“-and then give him a shot to the face?”
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And then there was -
Jensen: *retells a story about Cliff instructing him to ‘give Jared some strokes’*
“That’s a different conversation…”
“-let’s keep this about golf.”
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And let’s not forget -
Jensen (about Jared): “He plays my leg guitar all the time.”
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(playing someone’s leg guitar being a euphemism for jacking someone off…AHEM…)
“-and I’ll be honest with you. He’s pretttty good.”
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Bonus -
WHEN JARED TEXTED JENSEN SAYING HE COULD GO FOR “A DRINK AND A HANDY” (story told during a meet and greet via Jensen, and…like…don’t even get me started on that one 😜😏)
Guys, that’s also only what IMMEDIATELY popped into my head, too…if that gives you any kind of an idea of how often this has occurred.
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tonguetyd · 3 days
Wait we can do this “height compare” with real humans
Hi guys welcome to Drift Likes A Band Called The Maine. I’m your host Drift and I am 5’4 (163cm) for reference!
This is Jared! He plays guitar for The Maine, and here is a photo from 2014 where he said, direct quote, “I’m 6’1 and have red hair, I’m pretty hard to miss) approximately 2 minutes earlier
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Now. I have never felt *small* around Red. Obviously he is taller, but I’ve never looked up at him like “woauhh that is a Tall Man.”
Johnny tho. Well. Here is he.
This is John he sings for The Maine and. This is a tall mfer. He’s only slightly taller than Red but. This is a “crane your neck up” experience
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(Good god I miss these boys tho, two of my favorite humans.) (Miss warped tour a lot less tho tbh 😂😂)
So if you’re playing for the eepies. We don’t exactly know Ves and iii’s heights but most people put Ves somewhere around Jared’s or John’s heights.
Which. If he’s John’s height and iii is even taller I think I hauve covid
Thanks for playing and indulging in my band guy photos
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j2spntranscripts · 1 month
☆ 2008 LAcon Jensen Solo
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Official name: Creation Entertainment's SALUTE TO SUPERNATURAL (Jensen Ackles on stage) Location: Marriott Los Angeles Airport, Los Angeles, Cal Time: Sunday March 30, 2008, 12:00 PM-12:30 PM (GMT-7) Panelists: Jensen Ackles Last episode: 3x12 "Jus in Bello"- 2/21/2008 Next episode: 3x13 "Ghostfacers"- 4/24/2008
Question Index: 1- fav episode; 1x01, 2x20 2a- Side gigs; Guitarist, Singer🔮 2b- Craziest accomplishment 3- Future plays and acting aspirations 4a- 10 Inch Hero distribution 4b- Summer projects 5- Non-acting interests; guitar, golf 6a- 3x11; story location; Broward County, Florida 6b- most missed s3 character/actor; Jeffery Dean Morgan; Sterling Brown, Malik Whitfield 7a- Fan Request; Blue Steel impression 7b- 2x15; ACT ONE, INT. CRAWFORD HALL – NIGHT, (SAM POV); Caramels 8- 3x11; fav Dean death; worst Dean death 9- Character aspirations 🔮 10a- Dark Angel 2x11; Alec playing Chopin’s Etude in E; Jensen playing 10b- Future Dean singing 11- Phobias; 2x02, 2x11 12- Thoughts on DOOL FR1- Thoughts on Dean FR2- Closing
(video playlist/links and transcript below the cut)
(*if you notice any mistakes in the video transcripts or found more video or audio coverage of the con please point them out, thank you*👍)
Fan reports: [insomnia_geek] • [bardicvoice] • [sarah_p] (*warning: Fan reports as a source can't be fully verified unless video or audio of the con can confirm it. Be mindful not to take Fan Reports as the unquestionable and unbiased truth.*)
◘Jensen in LA: will he pursue a music career? by BabyBlueSteel◘ (0:33-3:15)
◘Jensen's entrance in LA Supernatural Con Q&A by IY◘ (0:28-1:50)
•(0:33 BBS, 0:28 IY) – Introduction
Jared leaves behind the curtains. Jensen puts down the photos, looks towards the curtains, then holds up his hand to the audience.
Jensen: Alright, he’s gone. It’s cool. (waves hand) (audience laughs) (sits down) You guys can (Jared makes a fart noise into his mic) all rel- (freezes)
Jared: (from behind the stage) Sorry, sorry, sorry. (audience laughs)
Jensen: (to audience straining) I’m sorry. (flaps his shirt) It’s an early morning. (?Breakfast sandwich?). (audience giggles)
How you doing? (audience cheers and screams) Alright, see you later. (mimics leaving) (audience laughs)
Audience member: Come back!
Jensen: I always do that.
◘Jensen by clockstopper◘
Umm, (looks up at the hanging vinyl posters to his left and points) wow we got, uh, Ugly (Jared’s). And, uh.. evil (Fredric’s). And, (turns to the other side) um, Chad (Chad’s). And, (creation assistant hands Jensen a water bottle) uhh, (nods) and there he is (Jensen’s). (audience laughs) Yeaah. Right on. (audience laughs)
◘Jensen LA SPN convention-17 Jensen Panel 01-04 by DW&DW◘
(tries to lay down his water bottle) Ohh, (but his chair is too high and has to stretch) Ughhh. Ahh. (finally succeeds then sits back up and laughs) I’m sorry this is.. really unprofessional.
Hi, how’s everybody doing? (chuckles) Uh, I know I just put my arm around (gestures) basically everyone in this room. (audience cheers and claps)
Soo, uh, yeah. Let’s, uh- let’s talk. I- I see- (points to his left) Is this the line up? (points to his right) We got, uh- Ooo. (gestures to himself) Do I get to choose? (audience laughs)
Adam: Be my guest.
Jensen: Alright, um…
Audience member: Not that hard. (laughs)
Jensen: (to audience member) It’s always the simple things that get me.
(points to his left) Alright, we’ll start here. How are you?
•(1:53 BBS, 0:45 DW)- LA08JA;Q1- fav episode; 1x01, 2x20
Fan: Um, hi. How are you?
Jensen: Good.
Fan: My name’s Michelle. (Jensen: Hi, Michelle.) I just wanted to know what has been your favorite episode of all time and why?
Jensen: Hm, uh, ha-hmm. What’s a good episode. I mean, we’ve done, like what? Over fifty. Um, soo, best episode. Best episode. I don’t know. You know e- ther-there’s always a- there’s always an affinity towards the, uh, the “Pilot” simply because it- it gave us the characters. Umm, a-and it kind of created this whole.. mess.
Uum.. (audience chuckles) And, uh.. beyond that I-I probably have to go with, uh, the one Kr- er, Eric Kripke directed last season, uh, “Things That Are and Things That Should Never Be.” (audience cheers and claps) Um.. I’d say simply for the fact that it just completely took me out of my element. So, I was like, you know, (snaps fingers) uhh, felt like I was a fish out of water. ‘Cause it stripped away all the things, all the crutches I use to- to play Dean, um, because he was thrust into this- this- this altered state of reality.
And it was challenging and I-I think that I kind of.. I like challenging things, because if-if-if- (waves hand) You know I said this earlier to somebody, um, if you’re not challenging yourself, you’re not evolving. And I think that as a- as a character and as an actor you- you- you kind of want to continue to evolve, um, all the time, so… That was a good episode.
Fan: Thank you.
Jensen: Thank you.
◘Jensen in LA: will he pursue a music career? by BabyBlueSteel◘
(turns to his right) Hi.
•(2:07 DW, 0:02 BBS)- LA08JA;Q2a- Side gigs; Guitarist; Singer🔮
Fan: Hi, Jensen. I’m Candy.
Jensen: Hi, Candy. (?Candy?).
Fan: Hi. Okay, so, um, I heard that you play guitar and then I think you sing, correct?
Jensen: Uhh, I-I-I do both.. moderately. (audience chuckles)
Fan: ‘Cause I just wondered if you’re gonna-
Jensen: Not well.
Fan: Okay. (laughs) I just wondered if you are gonna pursue that in any way or as just more of a hobby?
Jensen: Uh, no. I-I-I don’t think so. Um, you know, uhb, (nods) the gig I got right now keeps me pretty busy. (audience giggles) Um, and, uh, you know it’s- it’s- it’s funny because I.. ii-I have some- some really very talented friends, uh, here, who are musicians who I think.. uh, have played recently.
Did you guys s-see Steve last night? (audience claps and cheers) And, uh, I think Jason played the night before. Um, and also those are two very good friends of mine, (nods) very close friends of mine. And-and-and so, to have kind of those talents around me.. really puts me in my place. (audience chuckles) (laughs) As far as the musical aspect of it goes. (Fan: yes.) So, uh, I have no problem playing second fiddle to those guys. And-and I’m very content with where I’m- where I’m at and what I’m doing now.
•(3:10 DW, 1:04 BBS)- LA08JA;Q2b- Craziest accomplishment
Fan: Okay. One other question. (Jensen: Yes.) What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
Jensen: The craziest thing I’ve ever done? (Fan: mhm.) (gestures to the audience) This. (?) (audience laughs) This is nuts. If you would have told me when I was like, fifteen years old, “Hey, by the way, you’re gonna be on stage by yourself, talking to a room full of adoring.. people.” (audience laughs) I would have been like, “That’s nuts.” (audience laughs) “That’s crazy.” (shakes head) I wouldn’t change it for the world.
Fan: (laughs) Okay, thank you so much. (Jensen nods. Audience cheers and claps.)
Jensen: (turns to his left) Hi.
•(3:39 DW)- LA08JA;Q3- Future plays and acting aspirations
Fan: I just wanna know, uh, do you ever have anyone come up and ask you to do plays? And what future acting projects would you like to (?be involved?)?
Jensen: Mm, uh, well I heard Jared (thumbs back) touched on, um, Western, which (shakes head) he totally stole from me. (audience laughs) Um, but, uh- uh, No. No plans to be on stage any time soon, as-aside from the one I’m on right now. (audience giggles)
Um.. aaaand, as far as, uh, future projects, I- you know.. iii-I think, I- I want to play- I just like the characters- (to audience) You know, what I think is great- is a great character is, uh-um, John McClane. Uum, (audience woos) you know, and.. and I think there’s a little bit of that in Dean as well. Because, he’s kind of this, you know, tortured.. hero that’s kind of grew- you know, he- he.. (shakes head) he’s just constantly getting.. beat to hell. And- but he gets back up for more and he keeps going and he preservers. And it’s like, it’s the average joe that-that turns into a hero. (to fan) I-I really like that. I really like those kinds of characters. Um, and I think that they, uh, you know, they speak volumes to-to a lot of people as oppose to like, you know, some giant superhero with superpowers. I mean, this is, uh, an average guy, but in an incredible situation and he rises to the occasion. So, I-I like those stories (nods).
Fan: Well, I wish you continued success.
Jensen: Thank you very much. (Fan: Thank you.) Yeah. (audience claps)
(turns to his right)
•(4:54 DW)- LA08JA;Q4a- “10 Inch Hero” distribution
Fan: Hi, Jensen. (Jensen: Hi.) I’m Sue.
Jensen: Hi, Sue.
Fan: What happened to “10 Inch Hero”? (audience woos)
Jensen: That’s a great question. Um, I- I don’t know. You guys probably more- know more than me. Uh, I- I’m kind of in a locked box in Canada most of the year. Um, I don’t know. I-I-I know that they’re still, um, trying to get distribution and-and things like that. But, you know, it’s a- it’s a tough (?roader?).
◘Jensen in LA: the status of Ten Inch Hero by BabyBlueSteel◘
There’s a lot- a lot of movies out there that- (shakes head) that never see the light of day for whatever reason, because it’s a crazy industry, so. Um, you know, you just- you just do your work and you put it out there and you hope that somebody, you know, responds to it. (shrugs) And that’s.. y’know, that’s all you can do.
•(5:31 DW, 0:26 BBS)- LA08JA;Q4b- Summer projects
Fan: And are you gonna be doing anything in- in the summer?
Jensen: Um, there’s a few things that- that arrre possibilities, but, you know, I don’t want to jinx myself. And-and call ‘em out, so. Um, but yeah, it’s- it’s a possibility. (nods)
Fan: Okay, thank you.
Jensen: Yeah, thank you.
(turns to his right) Hi.
•(5:48 DW, 0:44 BBS)- LA08JA;Q5- Non-acting interests; guitar, golf
Fan: Hi. Um, what are your other interests other than acting?
◘Jensen LA SPN convention-18 Jensen Panel 02-04 (Golf BlueSte by DW&DW◘
Jensen: (smacks lips) My other interests. Um, well, like I said earlier, you know, fiddling on the guitar is-is- is kind of fun. Um, I like to play golf. That’s, uh, I-I- I got into that a few years back.
And- and it’s, you know, it’s funny, because, you know, there’s the old- there’s the old joke, the guy’s at the driving range with his little daughter. And he’s-he’s out there and he’s hitting the ball and he’s like, (jerking his head around) “Dammit! God! Sonna of-!” (audience laughs) He hits another one and he’s like, (throws his hand up) “That’s it! Come one!” (audience laughs) And he hits another one and he’s like, (shrinks into himself and grips his hand tight) “Guruuhhh!” (audience laughs) And the daughters like, “Dad, why do you play golf?” And he’s like, (turns his head) “It relaxes me!” (audience laughs and claps) (to fan) I’m that guy. (audience laughs, claps, and cheers) (nods)
I tried to do that without cussing and it’s very difficult. (audience laughs)
(turns to his right) Hi.
•(0:53 DW)- LA08JA;Q6a- 3x11; story location; Broward County, Florida
Fan: Yes. Hi. got two questions. Um, I asked Eric this yesterday and he didn’t know, but maybe you did?
Jensen: That’s impossible. He knows everything. (audience laughs)
 ◘Jensen on Mystery Spot location by IY◘
Fan: Um, I was actually born in Broward County and I was wondering if you had any idea why “Mystery Spot” was set in that particular location?
Jensen: Are you kidding me? The writer didn’t know, you think I’m gonna know? (audience laughs) (laughs)
Fan: Literally Caver knew the answer and he didn’t, but maybe they told you on set or something.
Jensen: (shakes head) Absolutely not. We are- we are strictly voices for the writers is, uh, yeah. (Fan: Okay, um-) Ah, yeah, if he didn’t know (shakes head) and then he just- like I- he does know everything. That guy’s a genesis.
•(1:27 DW, 0:27 IY)- LA08JA;Q6b- most missed s3 character/actor; Jeffery Dean Morgan, Sterling Brown
Fan: And the second thing is, of the characters that have, uh, died recently which one, um, are you gonna miss the most? Whether it’s the character or the actor that’s playing them.
Jensen: (looks up) Hmm.. Well, I think that’s- I mean, for me it’s an easy one and it’s Jeff. Um- (audience claps)
◘Jensen in LA: favorite dead guest star? by BabyBlueSteel◘
Fan: Well, he dies last season. (Jensen: Who?) What about this season?
Jensen: Oh, you mean recent- (Fan: Yeah.) You mean this season?
Fan: Like, I mean.. I know we- a lot of us are gonna miss Henriksen and Gordon. They were both great characters.
Jensen: (nods) Yeah, Gordon. Sterling, uh, is, uuh, I think that he’s, err, destined for great things. Um.. I know he was leaving (smacks lips) our set while we were filming.. to go and shoot a scene with Al Pacino (nods) and Robert De Niro (looks at fan with eyebrows raised) simultaneously. (audience woahs) So, uh, you- you will definitely be seeing more of him.
Um, and, uhhh, yeah Malik, Henriksen, (shakes head and looks at fan) also great charact- I mean, there’s so many great chara- That’s the great thing about the show. (nods) It’s also, uhh, you know, (smiles then chuckles) it’s kind of the tough thing about the show is that we have all of these great guest stars come on, you know, week to week, and (swipes hand) put in these great performances.
Um, unfortunately we don’t get to see them the next week or the week after. So, it’s, uh.. you know, me (points to Jared’s hanging vinyl poster to his left) and Goofy (audience laughs) all day long.
Fan: Thank you.
(smiles) Thank you. (points to the fan’s mic on his right) I think this mic might be down.
(turns to his left) Hi.
◘Jensen in LA: (baby) BLUE STEEL!! & caramels in Tall Tales by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(2:46 DW)- LA08JA;Q7a- Fan Request; Blue Steel impression
Fan: Hi, Jensen.
Jensen: How are you?
Fan: Good. You?
Jensen: (nods) I like the hat. (audience chuckles)
Fan: (giggles) Thanks. Okay, I have- actually I have two questions. (Jensen: Alright.) Okay, my favorite ep-
Jensen: Let’s go with number two.
Fan: Okay, can for all- for all of us can you do the Blue Steel.. impression? (audience laughs and cheers)
Jensen: (smiles to himself and then scratches his cheek) (audience woos and claps) (holds hand out) I mean, honestly is it that- (looks around the audience) (audience yes’ and catcalls)
◘Jensen LA SPN convention-19 Jensen Panel 03-04 (fave death) by DW&DW◘
Fan: It’s cute, right?
◘Jensen does Blue Steel by IY◘
Jensen: (looks back and forth) It’s just an impersonation of another movie. I mean…
Audience memberA: Do it for us, come on.
Audience memberB: Come on!
Audience memberC: We love you!
Audience memberD: Do it!
Fan: (to audience) How many of y’all want to see him do it? (audience cheers, raises their hands, and claps)
Jensen: (rolls eyes and shakes head) Alright, I’m gonna do it for one second. (audience laughs) (raises his head and smirks) (laughs) God, cameras are (?amazing?), like this.
Jensen mimics the fans with their cameras. He slowly raises his hands holding an imaginary camera and opens his mouth exaggeratedly and then pretends to shake hair out of his face. The audience laughs. Jensen lowers his hands and looks down. Then he looks up and sucks in his cheeks and purses his lips. Camera flashes go off. The audience laughs, screams, and claps.
Jensen: Yep. (squints and holds out a hand) It’s not even good, like- (shakes head) Not even- (Christopher Walken accent) It’s not even good. I don’t know why I’m talking like Christopher Walken. (audience laughs)
(to fan) Uhh, (Fan: Okay.) And-and the first question?
•(3:54 DW, 1:09 BBS, 0:50 DW)- LA08JA;Q7b- 2x15; ACT ONE, INT. CRAWFORD HALL – NIGHT, (SAM POV); Caramels
Fan: The first question? Okay, on season two-
Jensen: Or the second one, (shrugs) ‘cause I don’t know which one you had. (audience giggles)
Fan: On season 2, um, “Tall Tales,” (Jensen: mhm.) there’s always this one part that’s always bugging me, what are you eating?! (Audience member: Caramels or something.) Are you eating caramels in that?
Jensen: (nods) Um, caramels. (Fan: Okay.) (to audience) They were real. (audience chuckles) They were not sugar-free, (audience laughs) or fat-free, or any of that. And, (full body shiver/cringe) (audience laughs) I can never eat one of those again. (audience laughs) I think at any given time- and we did it probably seven takes. (audience ohs) I think- I think at any given time there was anywhere from twelve to fifteen in my mouth. (audience aughs) Um, (looks up and nods) that’s a lot of sugar. (audience giggles) (gestures to his mouth) So much to where my mouth was starting to, like, go numb. And I- I-I just- I- I was an idiot (?after nine times?). So, yeah.
Fan: Thanks, Jensen.
Jensen: You’re welcome.
(turns to his right) Step right up. Is that mic workin’?
•(1:46 DW)- LA08JA;Q8- 3x11; fav Dean death; worst Dean death
Fan: Hello?
Jensen: Nice. (audience chuckles)
Fan: Okay, question for Mystery Spot. What was your favorite Dean death? (audience laughs and claps)
◘Jensen in LA: favorite Mystery Spot death by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jensen: (laughs) Um.. I’ll tell you what my- my- First off I’ll tell you th-the, uh, my most unfavorite.. I guess, is- was the, uhm, (smacks lips)- Uh, (sits up) well, I guess it wasn’t death. It was just a scene where I was gargling the- (audience laughs) ‘Cause they actually gave me real Scope. Well, when you do that twelve times (audiences aughs) (shrugs) again you can’t feel your mouth. (numb tongue accent) And then I’m talking to Jared like this. (audience laughs)
Um, but my favorite death, um, (sucks on teeth then laughs) I like when the (swipes down) piece of furniture fell on me. (audience cheers and laughs) ‘Cause he’s just cruising along and (swipes hand) no more. (audience laughs)
Um, the (nods) car hit was pretty cool. (a few audience woos) Um..
Audience member: Tacos!
Jensen: Tacos? Yeah, but you didn’t actually see it. You just- you know, it was just like, (rubs fingers) “Do these taste funny to you?” (gestures) and then boom he wakes up.
Audience members: Shower!
Jensen: (nods) Shower. (to fan) The electrical shaver, him shaving then (mimics electrocution) “Bzzzzt”. (audience laughs) I don’t know there’s- there’s a lot. I enjoyed it.
Fan: Thank you.
Jensen: Yeah. I had a lot of fun doing that (?shit? or ?shift?).
(turns to his left) Hi.
•(3:04 DW)- LA08JA;Q9- Character aspirations🔮
Fan: Hi. I’m Tiffany. (Jensen: Hi.) Um, I just wanted to know what you’d like to see for your character in the next couple of seasons, what you’re hoping for?
Jensen: Umm…
Audience members: Not die.
Jensen: Life on earth? (holds up hand) (audience laughs) I mean, it’s obvious. Um.. You know, I-I- I like to, uh- I like to see the guys thrown into some really, really sticky situations, um, like they always are. But, uhh, I like, you know, I like it when they kind of get taken out their element, (smacks lips) um, like I touched on with, um, (smacks lips) with the show from the second season. Uh, I kind of like it, you know, where.. you can- you can take these characters, but still functioning as those characters, and put them in a situation that they’re just completely not used to.
Um, so, I, you know, mor-more of that is-is kind of what’s-what’s excites me. So, we’ll see what the whi-writers come up with, I don’t know.
I do love the fact that I see- I did see recently in a magazine that, uh, Sera Gamble, she was quoted as saying, um, “You know, sometimes I write lines and they just seem so vanilla to me, but instead of sitting there and thinking about them all the time, I’m just like, (waves hand) ‘Jensen will make that work’.” (audience laughs) (tilts head back and forth with a squinting smirk)
Fan: And did you?
Jensen: And I- Well, and I thought about it and I was like, “Well, thanks a lot Sara.” (audience laughs) “Makin’ my job twice as hard.” (tilts head with a smile) No, she writes me great. So, I’m very, very fortunate to have her.
◘Jensen LA SPN convention-20 Jensen Panel 04-04 (Paino in DA, by DW&DW◘
Fan: Thank you for coming.
Jensen: (nods) Thank you.
(turns to his right)
•(4:26 DW, 0:09 DW)- LA08JA;Q10a- Dark Angel 2x11; Alec playing Chopin’s Etude in E; Jensen playing
Fan: Hi, Jensen. (Jensen: Hi.) Um, I’m a musician so I appreciate that you’re like a musical- (Jensen: [bull horns hand sign] Rock and roll!) (audience laughs) And uh, I just wanted to, uh, ask two things.
One was in Dark Angel you played Chopin and I-I understand that was really you? Is that true?
Jensen: Yes.
Fan: Can you do (?that next breakfast?) (audience woos, claps, and cheers)
Jensen: It was two weeks of piano lessons, I don’t remember (swipes hand) a lick. (audience laughs) Yeah.
◘Jensen in LA: more singing for Dean? by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:35 DW, 0:09 BBS)- LA08JA;Q10b- Future Dean singing
Fan: And the second question is, uh, are we gonna get to see Dean sing again? Because, I think we’re looking for some new ringtones. (audience laughs, cheers, and claps)
Jensen: (looks up) Um… (looks at fan and shakes head) No.
Fan: There’s nothing to see (?in the room?) right now probably.
Jensen: I don’t know. There’s nothing in the script. (shrugs) So, yeah, that’s- that’s not up to me. (fan sighs) That would be- (Fan: Adlib.) that would be at Eric.
Fan: Adlib.
Jensen: Adlib? (audience laughs) Sure, (shrugs) I’d just bust into, like, some Albert Opera or something like that? (audience laughs) (Fan:?that’d be something?.) Right.
Fan: Thank you. (Jensen laughs shaking his head then turns to his left)
•(1:07 DW)- LA08JA;Q11- Phobias; 2x02, 2x11
Fan: Hi. (Jensen: Hi.) I’m Hedi. Um, we know that Sam and I are both afraid of clowns and Dean’s afraid of flying. What are you afraid of?
◘Jensen in LA: what Jensen is scared of by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jensen: What am I afraid of? I actually share you’re- you’re fear of clowns. (audience giggles) Um-
Fan: They are freaky.
Jensen: They- Well, there was- it was the stupid (gestures) Steven King movie the “It”. (audience oos, cheers, and claps) (shakes his head then shrugs) And it just- it ruined me. It just ruined me. And it-it- and to this day, you know, clowns in the gutters. (audience laughs) I just don’t like them.
Fan: Thank you.
Jensen: So it was funny because in that- in that episode, you know, Sam was the one being affect, but I don’t think Jared is actually afraid of clowns. He might be, I don’t know. Um- but, uh, I was the one going, (tenses) “Man, I’m freaking out.” (audience laughs)
(points) That and, uh, “Playthings.” The episode with all the dolls with no eyes. (audience aughs) (shakes head) I didn’t like that at all.
(turns to his right then back to his left) Thanks. (back to the next fan) Hi.
◘Jensen in LA: on Days Of Our Lives by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(1:55 DW, 0:00 BBS)- LA08JA;Q12- Thoughts on DOOL
Fan: Hi, Jensen. I’m Ronda.
Jensen: Hi, Ronda.
Fan: Hi. Um, how did you like working-
Jensen: (to audience) I could have busted out (nods) into song right there. (audience laughs) I with- I withheld.
Fan: (laughs) How did you like working on Days of Our Lives?
Jensen: Um.. I-I loved it. It was, (Fan: Good.) uh, yeah. I mean, it was, uh, kind of really my first.. um… llike.. time I really got to, like, dive into a character and like really kind of get my feet wet.. in the- in the industry.
Um, it taught me a lot of stuff. You know, the- the- especially the technical part of acting, you know: finding your camera, finding your light, not blocking the, you know, knowing your lines, not blocking cameras for other people. Just being spatially aware of, uh, the-the set. And I-I think that kind of training is, uhm- is hard to come by, just, like, in acting class.
Um, you know, I mean, acting class and theatre class you kind of.. break down scripts, break down characters, and really try to feel that character out. So, it helps performance. Um, but doing that performance while also keeping in mind (points to head then down) you have to hit your mark, and (points to his left) find your light, and make sure (points forward) that camera can see you, and (points to himself) know your lines, and (waves hand) you gotta do all this other stuff. It’s- It’s really difficult.
You know, um, there’s- we have some actresses and there- or actors and actresses and they come onto the show and they’re-they’re fantastic.. performers.. but a lot of times they just can’t- they can’t find their mark. They’re not comfortable, like, standing at, you know, they-they have to do- They were taught to do what’s natural. Or- Well, (shrugs) doing what’s natural may not.. include hitting your mark (hand chop), or finding your light (hand chop), or, you know, (waves hand) doing all that.
So, to- to have that kind of (pine cone gesture) training ingrained in you is, uh- was valuable. And I got a lot of that from them, so. (Fan: Yeah.) Yeah.
Fan: Well, love yah in both. (giggles) (?who said? Or ?just in?) that.
Jensen: (nods) Thanks. (Fan: Thanks)
(turns to his left) Hi.
(missing coverage *fan reports could be incomplete and/or erroneous)
•(insomnia_geek •19 bardicvoice para. 41)- LA08JA;FR1- thoughts on Dean
“How does he reconcile the contradictions in Dean's character? Life in general is a contradiction. Dean can play both sides, as he's complex and layered. He's real, and the writers write him very well. He just hopes he plays it off as well.” – IG
“Asked what aspect of Dean he finds most challenging and most fun to play, he said that what he really likes is that Dean plays both sides – that he gets very angry, and he lives with a lot of grief and sorrow, but while he isn’t really a happy guy, there are also things that bring him great joy. He said that he loves that slice of life mixture and that it makes Dean a real character. He said that what he most wants is to capture that and do him justice, to play Dean well.” – B
•(insomnia_geek para. 2, bardicvoice para. 42, sarah_p para. 30-31)- LA08JA;FR2- Closing
“That's when Jared came back onstage. Apparently he'd been mainlining Skittles backstage, didn't bring any out for Jensen. They talked quietly to each other for a moment out of mike pickup and joked a bit. Jensen said that they speak in code.” – IG
“Jared reappeared in that moment, bragging “But not as good as Jared plays Sam!”” – B
“Somewhere around this, Jared came back out, and he was EATING SKITTLES (which totally made me think of him offering to buy Papa Ackles Skittles at the AFGM intermission ;)), and didn't bring any for Jensen. I was ALREADY IN LOVE WITH THEM. AGAIN.
He and Jensen were talking really quietly to each other for a minute (Basketball scores, maybe? Can someone who was sitting closer confirm this?), and then they finished, and Jensen laughed and told us that they speak in code. Which, really, I would NOT doubt--they are just SO attuned to each other, it's fantastic.” – S
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bandcampsnoop · 1 month
Mother Sun (Kamloops, British Columbia) play the kind of indie pop that might be called sophisticated. The songwriting's structures and timing isn't necessarily predicatable and Jared Doherty's lyrics are thematic and thoughtful. In fact, he said, of "Meadow 6",
"On this record with a lot of the lyrics, I became really interested in plants and humans’ relationship with them and the earth; gathering & farming, commodifying & exploiting, researching & controlling, using to alter consciousness. A lot of the early musical ideas started sitting outside playing guitar in the garden. I think with these songs we wanted to create a record that sonically speaks to the magic that is constantly unfolding all around in the natural world."
This kind of makes me think of Elephant 6 bands, The Teeth, Starlight Mints, French Cassettes or The Botticellis.
This is released by the ever-reliable Earth Libraries label based in Birmingham, Alabama.
7 notes · View notes
dickinson-devotee · 1 month
Kevin Shirley's Studio Diary — The Final Frontier — 2010
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January 6, 2010 Los Angeles - Nassau Been working flat-out at home in Malibu. I'm pretty burnt out. I've just remixed the classic Deep Purple album, Come Taste The Band over the New Year, and just recorded six new tracks with a brand new band this last weekend. Glenn Hughes, Joe Bonamassa, Jason Bonham and keyboard wiz Derek Sherinian (tentatively calling themselves Black Country). So, I am pretty wiped out. The next adventure on my horizon is producing the new Iron Maiden album - this one to be recorded in the Bahamas.
Left the family, sadly, in the early hours of today, and met Jared Kvitka at LAX. He is to be my assistant and the engineer on the new Iron Maiden album. We fly together to Nassau in the Bahamas, where we'll cut the new album at Compass Point Studios. Maiden have made three of their huge albums of the 80's there. Piece of Mind, Powerslave and Somewhere In Time, I believe. It's cold in Nassau when we land -- highly unusual, but all of the States is mired in a "Deep Freeze" and the Bahamas are experiencing the runoff. Studio manager Sherrie Manning meets us at customs and immigration, and once the work permit thing is ironed out, she shows us to our accommodations. In the early evening I see Steve, Adrian and Janick at the local pub for a beer and walk back home. A cold night.
January 7, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Bump into Steve in the apartment complex parking lot - I have opted not to have a rental car so Steve kindly takes me to the supermarket and we push trolleys around like two old queens, doing their weekly shopping. Quite a sight! Nassau is expensive -- half a trolley of basics is just shy of $300!
Off to the studio, and the gear has just arrived - mine from L.A. and the band's from England. The crew, Sean, Charlie and Michael begin unloading the equipment. Not much for Jared and I to do at this stage as drums, amps, guitars, etc start escaping their packing cases.
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January 8, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Drums are up, Guitar cabs are up -- the day is spent wiring, plugging things in, putting microphones up and doing line checks by studio owner and tech-wiz Terry Manning and Jared. It's a very complex setup -- the studio is basically one big room, and there are not any isolation booths in which to put guitar amps to avoid the leakage into the other instruments as we do record the basic tracks with the whole band playing together live. So 'Arrys bass speaker goes in an adjacent office -- the three guitar cabinets go into a second studio, with about 100 feet of high quality speaker cable running from the amp heads, while Nicko's huge drumkit is in the corner of the main studio, so they can all play together and interact with one another. The little tiki-hut vocal booth, originally made for Mick Jagger in the eighties, is where Bruce will sing to get a little separation, but it's still in the main room and there's just no escaping Nicko's booming bombast! The old Neve V series console at Compass Point isn't on it's last legs, but it's definitely seen better days. We don't use any of the console channels for anything other than monitoring -- every microphone has it's own preamp and feeds the Pro Tools recording system. Most channels won't be recorded with EQ. The exceptions are the kick and snare drums, which have copycat Neve 1073 EQs across them. Nothing much, a little top on the snare and a little scoop on the kick -- as Nicko has no padding and the drum sound very resonant. January 9, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Final touches are made to the guitar rigs -- the crew string the guitars and the studio is made ready. We get sounds on everything and the road crew play AC/DC's Highway To Hell to test the systems. Ironic, as the iconic Back in Black album was cut in this very room! We finish up about 6pm, and Jared and I head to Compass Point Resort across the road, and have a drink as we watch American NFL football and the Eagles lose their wildcard game. Jared is from Philly. Michael Kenney drives back from the apartment complex in the rain to pick me up and get me back home. I have hiccups...
January 10, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Day off today -- the weather is miserable. Rainy and windy. I'll stay home and watch football, and work on the "Black Country" Hughes/Bonamassa recordings. I have Pro Tools on my laptop, and quite enjoy the zen of working at my own pace, on headphones. Enjoyed watching an NFL playoff game in my apartment and then Steve Gadd, Maiden's Road manager called, saying Bruce and Davey were getting in and wanted to meet me. So off to the bar and dinner and a chat with the lads, then it's off home.
January 11, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Started tracking today -- was very funny seeing all the band assemble at Compass Point, and they all share a similar headspace, all exclaiming "holy fuck, remember when we were here 25 years ago -- it's still the same!!!!" First we worked on getting everyone's headphones sorted etc. Cut the basics for the ballad Coming Home by 2.30pm, then went on to track called El Dorado. Got 2 takes done, when technical gremlins jumped in -- Adrian's headphones became intermittent, Janick's guitar kept cutting out, then Bruce's vocal microphone fried, then the vocal compressor fried -- but despite all these, we still managed to get 7 takes done -- one of which I'm sure will be quite good enough to begin with. Then at Nicko's bidding, it was off to the Travellers Rest for all of us and a dinner of banana daiquiris and minced crawfish -- apparently band staples 25 years ago.
Haiti just had an earthquake this evening which looks to be devastating... and as we are on a tsunami warning for the Bahamas, we headed back to the studio and retrieved the hard drive for storage on higher ground for the night.
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January 12, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Cut an awesome track called Isle Of Avalon today. There were no high waves overnight, and no tsunami here, but we hear reports that Haitian capital Port-Au-Prince is in ruins. I donated to Red Cross this morning as they'll need all the help they can get. My family are home in L.A. and are off to Disneyland today. I miss them...
Wednesday January 13, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Up early and swam across the bay in front of the apartments. Glenn Hughes rang just as I was leaving, to discuss Black Country, (his new band) -- and then I drove to the studio with Steve, Janick and Charlie (Nicko's tech). I had to stop for a cup of Starbucks en route. Once at the studio, I reviewed the track Isle Of Avalon and overdubbed new guitars with all the guitarists - the Three Amigos - playing together. They have a unique chemistry playing together and the signature gallop in the guitars is a result of their individual rhythms combined. After that was wrapped up, it was everyone back in the room and we cut a new song - Mother of Mercy...
Banana Daiquiris have started something -- Bruce came in this morning with a brown paper bag filled with alcoholic ingredients to brew disaster -- 63 proof rum, etc., and after they had cut the track, Nicko and Bruce proceeded to "experiment" with making the perfect banana daiquiri -- blowing up the blender in a stinky electric puff of smoke in the process! Really......
Finished the new track at about 6.30pm, then Nicko, Bruce and I went in search of more daiquiris, Nicko was on a mission and wanted to take in a bit of adult entertainment and do some gambling, and he wanted me to tag along and be his foil -- so I said I was up for a little fun, but that I needed to get back home by midnight - after all I do have a job to do! A determined Nicko went off and I ended up having a beer with Jan at the end of the night, who's about the most normal of the lot I suppose!! Charlie appeared later after putting Nicko to bed about 10ish, after Nicko had cleared the casino at the Sheraton on Cable Beach and lost a bit of money! That's our Nick......... we do love him so!
Thursday January 14, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Not everybody was up to cutting a track today so the band had the day off, and I went to work alone, to go through all the takes and compile a great performance of Mother Of Mercy.
Friday January 15, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Today we cut a Janick song: The Talisman. It really came out great and after the session, Adrian, Dave, Adrian's wife Nathalie and I went to dinner at Nobu in Atlantis. Chocolate martinis and wine started the evening, and then it was off to a late night rock 'n roll bar called Crazy Johnny's where the night turned into morning... I lost my driver's license and credit card and we got home in the very early hours - all the worse for wear. I'm getting too old for these shenanigans!
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Saturday January 16, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Woke with a teensy hangover -- to the wrath of my wife back in the States, as she says she doesn't want to be a widow just yet, and I headed in to work nonetheless, after a swim in the ocean, to sort thru the track The Talisman. Sounds amazing, even if I do feel like Death warmed up! Home to recuperate and watch the NFL playoffs... Saints and Arizona...
Sunday January 17, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Woke feeling almost normal! Crazy Johnny, proprietor of his eponymous club -- scene of Friday night's debauched shenanigans - took a bunch of us out to Rose Island with his kid, Dylan, where he has a house on the hill overlooking an absolutely perfect gorgeous white beach -- a great day out. His 400HP Yamaha engines zipped us across the ocean in his boat at "a strong 50" knots, and it was very enjoyable. Janick was the only one from the band to come along; the rest either busy or perhaps even still suffering -- so tech Sean from the crew and his girl Sarah, Tour Road Manager Steve Gadd, and engineer Jared Kvitka made up the rest of the pirate crew. Back in time to watch the New York JETS make it to the conference championship! After living on the U.S. East Coast for 16 years, I'm a declared supporter
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Monday Jan 18, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Up at 7am, a great way to start this beautiful day with a visit to the Dentist this morning (I chipped one tooth and a crown fell off another over the weekend). Seems I'm just falling apart! A pretty Bahamian dentist Dr Coverly worked on my teeth in her high heels and a nicely coiffed do. A first for me!
Nicko flew back from Florida today so we didn't start until 1pm. Cut a great proggy tune of Adrian's called Starblind -- which came out very strongly, I think....
Tuesday Jan 19, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Having trouble sleeping -- seemed to be up all night long last night. Late-night text chats with Joe Bonamassa seem to be the case most nights these days, as he sleeps weird hours, planning and scheming... and chatting with his girlfriend in a far off land. I'm the therapist... Recorded another new Maiden song once we finally got going today. It was a late start at the studio as there was no power at all -- Bahamian Electricity was off until 1.30pm, but the song was quite straight forward - even quite simple for Maiden but very powerful: The Final Frontier -- almost more like a rollicking Mellencamp or Tom Petty type song than a Maiden song, but it looks like being the anchor tune for the new album. We kept it pretty raw!
Wed Jan 20, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Didn't sleep last night. Cut a highly complex song today, one of Davey's I believe, The Man Who Would Be King -- one which the band hadn't managed to rehearse beforehand as Janick had cut his hand very badly just as they were starting to learn it and run through it at the pre-recording rehearsals in France -- so he had been rushed to hospital and had surgery on his hand and fingers - the upshot being that the song was cut in sections and pieced together today. It was very difficult. Bruce has decided he didn't want to stay in the fairly boring accommodations we're in, that are a residential complex, so has moved to the Sheraton which is probably a lot more fun and goes on much later than we do, and consequently was a little tired today, which didn't really help. Well, he's at least not flying anywhere…….
Thurs Jan 21, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas I've been having trouble sleeping at night, so Maiden Road manager Steve Gadd gave me a sleeping tab, and I finally slept great all night. Got up, went to the gym and worked out with a trainer (first time in years), and really enjoyed it. Cut a great Deep Purple-ish tune today -- tentatively titled House of Dr. D! I'm pretty sure that title won't stick as it's pretty uniformly sneered at. (It was renamed The Alchemist. KS) Nicko, normally loves the way his drums come out on all the albums, and asked respectfully if I minded if he watched while I edited the takes, and he promised to not say anything -- I of course said I didn't mind, but once I began working, he couldn't stop talking and admonishing me the whole while, about his mistakes, which he calls "Nickoisms", and which I was attempting to repair, so I had to stop the session. Update tomorrow, when we cut the last song, which Steve is still working on tonight and it promises to be an epic... ahhh, the Mighty Maiden!!!
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Friday January 22, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas We cut a very intricate piece today. Where The Wild Wind Blows. Nobody had heard it at all and Steve had all these ideas, so we cut about 10 totally different melodic pieces -- he'd show the band then we'd cut a few takes. He shows everyone the song and whistles the melodies to everyone. Nicko was unusually reserved today, but played very solidly and well. We ended up with over two hours of recorded music, which I attempted to start editing as the evening closed in on us, but Steve was totally wiped out - he'd forgotten to eat and drink all day, such was his concentration -- and I don't even know how the song pieces fit together yet, so it will have to wait 'til we get together on Monday! Steve won't come in over the weekend normally, as his weekends are mostly chock-full with his kids activities, and he is first and foremost a dedicated father.
Saturday Jan 23rd, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Went to workout at the gym early then on to the studio, and spent the entire day editing some tracks recorded for Black Country in Malibu -- Black Country is the group I put together with Glenn Hughes, Joe Bonamassa, Jason Bonham and Derek Sherinian. Met Nicko, Davey and Steve Gadd in the Poop Deck bar in the evening, and we drove to the big Atlantis resort where we had dinner at the fancy sushi restaurant Nobu, and then went to see Jerry Seinfeld doing standup. Davey is a big fan and really wanted to go, but it was just OK - nothing special actually. We had a little to drink over the evening... and invariably ended up at the Daiquiri shack chatting to some Irish wedding guests.
Sunday Jan 24, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Woke late -- a little tired still. Relaxed around the condo, made coffee and watched some Gridiron football. Adrian dropped by around noon and borrowed my iPod to listen to the rough mixes of the tracking recordings we have done thus far.
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Monday Jan 25, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas The lads took the day off and 'Arry and I went to work about 11 o'clock and began the big job of editing the multiple takes of Where The Wild Wind Blows together. Nobody but he has any idea how it ultimately goes, and the structure altered a little from his original idea in the assembly, but it fits together and flows very nicely. An ironic epic about a suicide pact in the face of a nuclear explosion. And very Maiden!
Tuesday January 26, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Workout with a trainer again at 8am - he kicked my butt! All the band - bar Bruce, who's gone back to London - meet at the studio to listen to all the tracks we've recorded and get a good overview of the album. All the guys seem excited after the playback, and we start work embellishing the rough recordings of Coming Home with some overdubs. Adrian puts an acoustic guitar picking through the verses and choruses, which we double track for stereo imaging. Then Davey plays the first of the guitar solos on his Les Paul guitar, which ironically sounds like a Strat! it's a very Hendrixy Little Wing-ish solo, and he's happy with the result. He's always happy! Then Adrian added the second solo. We assemble a different monitoring system for him in the studio, so he balances his own mix and listen on Genelecs. He's uncomfortable initially, but after a while we get a great solo from him. The raw sound bothers him, so i add a little Pitch Shift, and he's happy. End of the day. Off to the local bar called The Poop Deck for burgers and beer. And coffee tequila. And a last cleansing beer. Nicko and his chef mate, Frankie, visiting from new York, leave first. I leave Jan and Davey chatting at the bar.
Wednesday January 27, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Start the recording day by having Janick add an upper octave to his guitar line in the choruses of Coming Home. This is the end of guitar overdubs on this song.
Then we move onto the song El Dorado. Adrian does a guitar solo, quite a few takes - which I then compile. He's happy. Steve doesn't stay around for things like the guitar solos necessarily, but he likes to hear everything at some point. Next Janick has a go at the guitar overdubs, adding an octave to a prechorus line, then doing his solo. Davey comes in for a late start having had a little beach time and does the middle solo. We listen back quite loud and everyone seems very happy with it. They all leave and I stay to sort through some takes of Mother Of Mercy, so it's ready to be overdubbed. Dinner of fresh fish and a beer at the bar, and I'm home just after 7.30pm. Early night in....... speak to my babies on Skype.
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Thursday January 28, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas A very full day in the studio today - Davey starts the day with a bunch of overdubs on The Man Who Would Be King - Harmony guitars on the outro and on the chorus - we try a few on the intro, but they don't really work. Then we do a quick solo, which I reverse a-la-hendrix, and he loves it! We do some other weird noises - divebombs, etc., which go alongside the backwards solo, then Janick does a little tag, after which we do a 3 part guitar harmony with all the guitarists on the second part of the solo. It was originally going to be an Adrian solo, but the track felt so out of control after Davey's musical madness, that we introduce the harmony melody guitars which brings some order into the chaos. This song is now done for the day, and we move to the overdubs on The Final Frontier. Adrian does a big strumming acoustic guitar on the choruses, and then adds a tenor guitar line which echoes Steve's bass line on the chorus - and last he does the solo on his trusty Strat...... and that's it for the day, and the week!
Friday January 29, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas My family are arriving at 1pm from Los Angeles, and we all take the day off work. No one complains! Well, Delta screws up my family's flight, and leaves them with an enforced long layover in Atlanta - so I take the opportunity to go grocery shopping. I need everything at our condo - toilet paper, water... you get the picture, so it's a godsend to have time to prepare for them. The lifestyle of a bachelor doesn't necessarily meet all the needs of a young family, and once I've sorted out the house I head to the airport with Steve Gadd and Mike Kenney, who've come to give us a hand with the luggage and kids. (They offered and are very gracious and friendly - it's no Producer control-freak thing!). They finally arrive at 5pm and as they come through the Arrivals and I see them, I get a little misty as my 2 year-old Talon yells, "My daddy, my daddy, my daddy" .... sweet!! Weekend off playing with my kids in the pool and on the beach!!!!!
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February 1 and 2, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas More recording on some of the other songs - it gets a bit "Groundhog Day" in the telling and diarizing of it all, as it's a very similar process every day for all the songs and overdubs. We do various guitar overdubs, solos, harmonies, acoustic guitars...... the Three Amigos take turns and occasionally we record all three together to get that great rolling, galloping rhythm that only Maiden can really create - there's nothing mathematical about it, it's all feel. If you sort it out in Pro Tools, all that feel goes, so we don't!!!
February 3, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas It's my wife's birthday today, so we take the day off and I spend the entire day at the Atlantis resort with my family. A great day, playing on the beaches, sliding down the water slides, floating on rafts on the artificial rapids and rivers, and viewing the absolutely amazing aquarium they've built there! In the evening, we leave the babies with my mother-in-law and go out for an intimate adult evening, but we're so shattered by the day's activities that we end up crashing at about 9.30pm!
February 4 and 5, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Same agenda as Feb 1 and 2. We've almost finished the overdubs on the last song, guitar-wise. Just a last guitar solo of Adrian's to do on When The Wild Wind Blows on Monday, then we'll all gather for a final collective listen, and that's all the guitars on this new Iron Maiden album. We'll add keys for the rest of the week, then it's home for me next Saturday, and Steve and Bruce arrive the following week to finish up the vocals and mix...... February 6, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Windy and stormy today. No studio. Wife and kids are all packed as they leave Nassau for Los Angeles tomorrow - so we had an early dinner of fresh fish from the Poop Deck, then my wife, Dev, and I joined Steve Gadd and his better half, Jen; Janick and Adrian Smith and his wife Nathalie, for a late evening drink. A very nice time and it was fun socialising with just adults for a change.
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February 7 - Superbowl Sunday. Gaddsy and Michael Kenney took me and my family to the airport as they left for L.A. today. Janick went off for his first scuba dive ever, with the crew from the Aga Khan's yacht, Shergar, and he really loved it. Gadd and I joined them on the boat about 4pm-ish, had a couple of beers onboard and got the royal yacht tour. Amazing! $100million worth of boat - each tank of gas costs $75,000!! It has two jet turbines, and at 100 ft long reaches about 50 knots! That's flying!! Then off to Crazy Johnny's we all went, to watch the Superbowl, and perhaps a few drinks.......
February 8 Not everyone looked like they were ready to run a marathon this morning, after a long night of Superbowl revelry. Our engineer Jared arrives a little puffy, and As 'Arry said of his eyes, "they look like two piss holes in the snow!" Well, as Jared has a vague connection to New Orleans, he was forgiven! We need to do a few updates to the last song and so Adrian started off the day recording a solo on When The Wild Wind Blows, after which we did some melodic lines on the same song with Davey, some guitar jangle chords in the verses, and that is the band tracks for the new album complete! I let everyone go for the day, and spent the rest of it getting the complex tracks in order so when we do some keyboards over the next few days, we hear everything as it's meant to be heard, and nothing clashes musically or sonically. Had a very English dinner of Bangers 'n Mash and a pint of stout at the Nassau Cricket Club, and home earlyish to watch a movie.
February 9, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Slept great, but woke feeling very stiff. Off to the gym for a gentle workout and then set off to the studio at the normal time of 10.45am, with an obligatory stop at Starbucks en route. Finally we got stuck into keyboards today. Michael Kenney set up the keys and Steve poked away at them, hunting for the melodies running around his head like a chicken pecking the ground. Simple lines, but effective and we accomplished a lot of work. We finished keyboard overdubs on seven tunes today then headed to Poop Deck for a quick drink with Steve before heading home to make dinner.... for myself.
February 10, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Today we finished the few keyboards overdubs left to do on the album. Janick's family arrived from England today, so he asked me to send him an MP3 of the solo he did on The Alchemist, which I did, and he called me later asking if he could redo it, so we'll have another crack at it on Friday. Adrian listened to all the tracks and has a few things he wants to add as well. We all went to dinner at The Poop Deck but as the weather had been a little rough, there was no fresh fish on the menu, so we had burgers while sitting at the bar. Nicko sent us his love from sunny Florida, where he's working on the official opening of his restaurant, Rock 'n Roll Ribs, in Boca Raton or somewhere in the vicinity, this weekend.
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February 11, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Up early and I swam across the bay - didn't feel like the gym today. Headed to the studio about 10.30am after a quick stop for a "grande-four-shot-non-fat-wet-cappuccino" at Starbucks and once we got up and rockin', Adrian replayed the verse on Mother Of Mercy and added a harmony guitar to the pre-chorus. 'Arry didn't make it in to the studio today, and while waiting for some computer thing to be done, I was noodling around some blues scales on one of Janick's acoustic guitars, which prompted Terry Manning to show me an old National that used to be blues icon Robert Johnson's dobro! It was very humbling and awe-inspiring to hold it and slide a little on it, and I felt more moved even than when I met Jimmy Page or B.B. King. Its serial # is T968. Back to work, and we listened through a few things and I did a couple of edits that needed doing and we were done by 7pm, off to .........yep you guessed it, the Poop Deck again. It's the only place around, as you've probably gathered, that doesn't require getting a taxi. At least they had fresh fish today, and I ordered one to go and had it at my house while watching the news - boring but very tasty!
February 12, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas Adrian and Nathalie, his wife, left early for a week at Parrot Key. It's the last day in the studio today. Janick came in and redid the solo on The Alchemist. He was much happier than before - the first solo had been much more "in the meter", but this one crossed the rhythms, and he liked the fact that it sounded like he wasn't going to make it, and then did. He felt it sounded more "incendiary!". His phrase. Looked over the tracksheet of Where The Wild Wind Blows and sorted through the multiple parts, and made a cohesive tracklist - then made 2 safety copies of the Master drive, and said our goodbyes to the Mannings in the studio, took Steve two masters - one to leave behind, and one to bring with him. I have one to carry back to L.A. tomorrow, and that's all three master drives. We have a big art canvas in the studio, which has all the album titles and plots the progress of the recording session as we go. So I dropped the big canvas at 'Arry's house, and then went with Steve Gadd and his best gal to the Cricket Club, for bangers 'n mash. Again. Yummy!
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February 13, 2010 Nassau, Bahamas The wind howled all night and the rain bucketed down. I woke at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep. Packed, and checked the flight details. Atlanta is covered in snow and is a frigid 25 degrees. All good, it appears. Left for the airport to find my flight cancelled. Managed to get a coach flight (all Business was booked) back home - it adds another six hours to my flight!!! which means 13 hours from check-in til landing, if all goes to schedule. I'm in Nassau airport now.......
February 15, 2010 Malibu, California Finally got home late last night. My luggage didn't. Lots of scrambling and frantic running between gates, but I finally had a good flight back and it is great to be home in Malibu on the beach. I had a very chilled Sunday with my family and now it's back to work in my studio today, going over all the tracks. They're not really ready for my studio, so had to spend the day preparing them to suit a different console, etc. Also, the big storms in California recently have knocked my studio about - all the lightbulbs downstairs had blown, as well as my Summit TLA- compressor, so the day was spent in repair mode, as well as getting the studio bedroom ready, where Steve Harris will stay for the month ahead - he arrives tonight.
February 16, 2010 Malibu, California I'm in the studio early today. I FedExed my blown compressor out for repair - Brent Spear, my tech, is coming in for the day from Las Vegas to make sure everything is working perfectly, the Cable TV repairman is coming today to make sure Steve's English Premier League soccer is available on the telly, so it's all systems go around here. Bruce will be in from London tonight to sing ......
February 17, 2010 Malibu, California Vocal day - Bruce arrived, with stories, as usual. Tales from flights around the world - Russia, Iceland, Niger..... Today he sang Coming Home and El Dorado, then we had a break for lunch, after which he nailed the lead vocal for Mother of Mercy! It's very, very high...
February 19, 2010 Malibu, California Bruce sang again today, then left to fly back to London tonight and on to Africa as Capt. Dickinson tomorrow - I compiled the lead vocal on El Dorado, and then I mixed it. Went to the store to pick up dinner on the way home and my car got wrecked in the parking lot by some Bonehead. Exhausted!
February 20, 2010 Malibu, California Knackered - feel brutally tired today.
February 21, 2010 Malibu, California Had to go with the family to a kids birthday party - I realize I have to do these things, but I really hate doing them. Went for a bicycle ride when we got back, and decided while riding, that I'm going to cycle to San Francisco to do my next job - which is producing Journey's new studio album in April.
February 22, 2010 Malibu, California Compiled the lead vocal track from three or four vocal performances which Bruce has sang for Coming Home and then I set about mixing the song.
February 23, 2010 Malibu, California Compiled the lead vocal track for The Final Frontier today - then mixed it - Steve came in at the end of the day and thought it sounded a bit roomy, so I'll do a drier mix tomorrow.
February 24, 2010 Malibu, California Did a dry mix then some updates on ..The Final Frontier. In the end we went with yesterday's mix - my original mix. After that I began comping the vocal on Mother of Mercy - Steve has a very particular vocal melody in his mind, which Bruce didn't really get 100% correct. It's close tho..... but needs a few tweaks. Left the comp about half way through - it was mind jumbling. Got home to find two sick babies....
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February 25, 2010 Malibu, California Last night was a rough night with our poor little sick kids - so not too much sleep at all for any of us last night. Got to my studio just after 11am to find Steve doing the crosswords - he loves them! I had to dig back into Mother of Mercy and complete the vocal compiling!
Adrian came by The Cave for a listen - he thought the tracks sounded good but "a little too much like the band in the studio". He thought more reverb to make them sound more "majestic" and "epic". Steve disagreed strongly. Honestly, they are both right. The thing I personally like about the dry, honest mixes, is that it sets them apart from any other Classic Rock or Metal band. They're not really metal anyway, in the present day sense of the genre, but they're more of a hard progressive rock band. I promised to run some mixes each way and decisions can be made down the road, if necessary.
February 26, 2010 Malibu, California I started the day with an early 30 mile bike ride along the coast and went in to the studio at normal start time of 11 and finished the mix of Mother Of Mercy. Bruce came in from London this morning and very kindly brought me a stack of Formula 1 magazines - it's my passion and the States only sees them about 6 weeks after their appearance in England, so I was particularly thrilled! He listened to a few things we'd been working on - had some issues with a couple of vocal lines he'd sung, and disliked a particular guitar solo we'd recorded at Compass Point, but said "whatever!", and then dug into the work and sang Isle Of Avalon and Starblind. Both are very high - I suggested a lower vocal line in the Isle Of Avalon chorus, which he tried, so perhaps we'll have a harmony - we'll see.
February 27, 2010 Malibu, California A massive 8.8 earthquake hit Chile early this morning. We were on a tsunami advisory again, and as we live on the ocean, we left for higher ground over the lunch hours. The waves were only about 2 feet higher, which didn't really affect things too much up here in Malibu. I'm sure this will prove to be catastrophic again.....
It's Adrian's birthday today! His wife, Nathalie, threw a great party for him. Gorgeous food, great ambience - Steve and his beautiful daughters Kerry and Faye attended, as did Bruce and a host of people. A lot of fun - she had been quite explicit about overstaying our welcome with "Carriages at 11" on the invitation, but by the time it came to go, Adrian wanted everyone to stay longer. Nathalie said, "but it's what you wanted!" We had sickish babies at home, and couldn't stay in any case.........
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February 28, 2010 Malibu, California Last day of the month - relax!
March 1, 2010 Malibu, California Bruce came in from Marina Del Ray and sang two songs today - Satellite 15 and When the Wild Wind Blows. Started working on the Wild Wind mix.
March 2, 2010 Malibu, California Compiled the vocal for When The Wild Wind Blows and mixed it! Steve's daughters, Faye and Kerry, came by and listened to all the music completed thus far, and they went with Steve to the local Italian restaurant, The Sage Room, for dinner.
March 3, 2010 Malibu, California Bruce came by today to hear the five mixes that were done. Did a little touch up on When the Wild Wind Blows mix, compiled the lead vocals on The Alchemist and mixed it as well.
March 4, 2010 Malibu, California Started compiling a lead vocal on The Talisman. It was a nightmare to compile! Adrian dropped in late afternoon to pick up a CD of the mixes thus far.
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March 5, 2010 Malibu, California. I mixed The Talisman, the second bit. Not the quiet intro bit that sounds like a haunting kids sea shanty. I think fans are going to love this song! March 6, 7, 2010 Malibu, California Weekend - happy to have a break! March 8, 2010 Malibu, California Finished mixing Talisman (the acoustic intro) and compiled the vocal on The Man Who Would Be King. March 9, 2010 Malibu, California Mixed The Man Who Would Be King. Adrian came in and said it all sounded good - and said he was 95% happy with the album mixes and we should look at them and tweak them slightly - I am perfectly happy to reassess any of the mixes, as daunting as the prospect of revisiting everything is, changing sonics etc., but Steve and I are quite happy with it and neither of us can really afford the extra time it would take to remix, so Steve jumped in and basically said we're going to be done this weekend and we are not remixing the entire album. Adrian ultimately understood but wasn't thrilled about it! March 10, 2010 Malibu, California Compiled the vocal for Starblind, and began the mix of it - it is proving to be a complicated mix and quite difficult.
March 11, 2010 Malibu, California Mixed Starblind today. Adrian came by to hear it - and was desirous of more reverb on some things - it's a little bit of a continuous internal battle, and is essentially just a different way to hear things. Def Leppard on one hand, something garagey on the other. Extra reverb was not added to anything. Adrian left happy and understanding, I thought!!! March 12, 2010 Malibu, California It's Steve's birthday today! I've just finished mixing the entire album - mixed The Isle of Avalon and Satellite 15 today. The mixes went very well then I assembled the album in order - putting all the master mixes in sequences and adjusting the gaps or segues between the songs. Steve is packing to leave and I'm planning on having a glass of wine with Adrian at 9pm - both lads appear ecstatic! We're all off for dinner...... Friday May 7th, Oakland, CA Well, it's almost two months later. I've completed the Black Country Communion album and am in midst of producing a new Journey album since we wrapped up the Iron Maiden album. I'm sitting in Oakland airport (I'm producing Journey album in San Francisco) - waiting for a one hour flight to Los Angeles where I'm going to play the folks from Universal Music the new Maiden album later today. We've had the album mastered three times, and have ultimately decided to go with my flat mixes over any of the mastering versions. I think the mastering place did a great job, but Steve, while liking these versions, feels that the integrity of the original mixes has been compromised somewhat and so it's coming out flat. No equalization, no compression, just as it was when Steve heard the MP3s of the mixes and just as it left my studio. Tuesday June 8th, Malibu CA Home after recording the Journey album - in the studio mixing a South African band called Panic Circle today. The first Maiden single, El Dorado, was released yesterday as a free download on the ironmaiden.com website and immediately clogged up the server, but I woke to about a hundred emails from people that have loved it - so, THANK YOU!!! And that is how I spent the early part of 2010 - producing The Final Frontier. Hope you enjoyed that....... - Kevin Shirley
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7 notes · View notes
mythica0 · 3 months
More Loud house hc’s (both tword and non-tword)
This is a LONG post so click read more at your own risk. I don’t have any for lily because she’s a baby
- She genuinely has no idea what her passion is and is worried she’ll be stuck in retail forever.
-despite not playing them often she’s actually pretty decent at video games.
-before she met Bobby she would fantasize about a boyfriend that was just like him. (He’s her perfect man, essentially.)
-she was forced to be like a third parent because she’s the oldest so she had to take on a more authoritarive role.
——(this means it’s tword stuff now)
-she doesn’t hate being tworded, but she doesn’t really like it either. She’s okay with it sometimes but you need to be really gentle.
-on the rare occasion she twords her siblings she does amazing aftercare.
-her death spot is her knees, but she hates it when people tword her there.
-she’s Disney princess coded
-in relation to the above, she has befriended wild animals before.(usually birds)
-she has named certain inanimate objects and treats them like people. (Not me projecting)
-she is extremely gullible(canon lol)
-she has dyslexia
-she loves the autumn because of the pretty colors and sweaters. (She also loves pumpkin spice)
-she’s the most open about enjoying being tworded.
-she’s extremely twordish all over
- her worst spot is her neck
-she’s very feather sensitive
-her laughs always come out in little, rapid giggles
-she kicks her feet but if she accidentally kicks someone she feels really bad and apologizes profusely.
-all though Rock is her favorite, she listens to all music genres
-she has sensory issues and keeps her hair short cause it bothers her when her hair touches her neck
-when she’s sad or anxious she’ll just put on headphones and listen to music while staring at the ceiling
-she is super emotionally attached to her guitar and gave it a name, but no one else knows. (The name is Jared. The guitar’s name is Jared)
-due to the massive number of times she’s had to repair Jared, she is well versed in guitar repair and will sometimes repair other people’s guitars for money.
-when she twords people she likes to pretend they’re an instrument.
-she hates being touched on her neck so it’s pretty much a no go spot.
-her death spot is her underarms.
-she loves comedy skits and tried to make them but decided they weren’t her style
-she has a tumblr and makes references to it all the time that no one gets
-she is really good at impressions
-she enjoys crafting as a hobby
-she uses humor to cope (I stole this one from someone on TikTok)
-as I’ve said before, she is THE tickle monster
-she’s the only sibling who’s aware of the tword community and she considers herself a part of it as a ler
-she also enjoys being tworded, she finds it fun
-she often uses twords to cheer up her siblings
-she’s open to the fact that she enjoys twords but she’s slightly embarrassed about the community and doesn’t mention it.
-her death spot is her sides & ribs
Lynn jr:
-she HATES that sports are divided by gender
-she puts all of her self worth into winning at everything, and gets very insecure if she loses
-she has very strong lungs and can hold her breath for a long time, as well as shout really loud
- she eats a lot of food because she spends a lot of calories
-she despises diet culture
-she always has a lot of energy
-she has a very short temper
-she will sometimes use twords to win at something(even though she knows she could win without it lol)
-she is super embarrassed at the fact that she’s twordish because she sees it as a weakness.
-she is a ruthless ler when she wants to be
-she is very weak to anticipation
-her death spot is her feet
-he copes using escapism, usually into comics
-he writes sometimes but he doesn’t share it with anyone
-he overthinks everything
-he has thalassophobia (fear of deep water)
-he sunburns very easily
-he has like a 10 step skincare routine he does every night before bed
-he is the most twordish loud
-he gets lee moods sometimes but doesn’t recognize them in himself
-he gets easily flustered especially when it’s brought up that he enjoys being tworded
-very weak to raspberries
-he squirms a lot
-his death spot is his belly
-she’s left handed
-she practices witch craft (this is canon)
-she believes in magic, spirituality and all sorts of mythical creatures. (As do I.)
-she helps Luna with deeper lyrics sometimes
-she stays very still while asleep, so much so that once Lenny saw her taking a nap one day and thought she died
-she watches horror movies and reads horror stories so often that she could probably survive any horror scenario thrown at her
-her favorite animal is bats(this might as well be canon)
-she hates summer because the days are too long and she doesn’t like the sun or the heat
-she struggles with social cues
-she hates her laugh and her smile and gets embarrassed when she’s tworded because of it
-her laughs are very quiet no matter hiw she’s being tworded
-she doesn’t know why her siblings (and herself) enjoy it but she doesn’t mind
-she has tworded her siblings in a fake horror scenario
-her death spot is her sides
-she’s a dog therian, specifically a chocolate lab
-due to all the random stuff she eats, she has an amazing immune system and an iron gut, she could probably drink bleach and be fine
-she loves spring because it rains a lot and there’s a lot of mud
-she will just stand in the rain for fun
-she’s scared of the dark
-she’s great with animals and can understand them very well
-she usually wins the tword fights she and Lola get into because she gets the jump on Lola
-she is very prone to attacking without any warning
-her laughter is very loud and gruff
-her death spit is her underarms
-she is not afraid to commit petty theft
-she has a hard time getting along with others and has a very short temper
-she has a massive sweet tooth
-she believes in mythical creatures very strongly and has tried to catch fairy’s before
-she models Lenny’s outfits for her frequently
-she has a very screechy laugh
-she pretends she hates being tworded but she really doesn’t
-she will kick you and she will not feel bad about it
-she will absolutely get revenge
-she’s very ruthless
-her death spot is her knees
-her favorite music artists are Eminem and Bo burnam
-she can talk extremely fast due to her practice rapping
-she is HoH (canonically has tinnitus)
-she is resistant to most chemicals due to all the experiments she does
-she sees twords as an experiment
-when she’s tworded she kinda just- ragdolls
-she is very good at handling teasing, as she just over analyzes it
-I’ve said this before but she has absolutely done mass tword experiments on all her siblings- and knows all their weaknesses
-her death spot is her ribs
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fernegirl · 10 months
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never coming home | prologue.
↳ summary:
Summoning ghosts, fistfights, shredding on guitar, murders, running from the law, cheap motel rooms, and seeing beyond the veil of the afterlife: what would you do to keep those you love the most? For Sal Fisher, the answer is simple—he'll do whatever it takes, till the very end of the line.
A rewrite of Sally Face's ending beginning at ep. 4, in which some things are different and others are not. Sally and his friends face down the Devourers of God while struggling to hold onto their minds—and one another—despite the odds. This fic reimagines the story of SF while doing its best to remain true to the canon material in terms of lore, tonality, and plausibility.
↳ read it on ao3 here [x]
↳ parings: sally/ashley/larry, todd/neil · genre: canon-divergence/fix-it 
↳ warnings: 18+ ONLY, minors DNI + just as dark as canon, same triggers apply
series masterlist [tba] | next chapter [tba]
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The longer she stands outside, her breath forming small clouds in front of her face and the rain creeping beneath the collar of her jacket, the more Ash reconsiders whether coming to this party was a good idea. Sure, at the time that she—well, her roommate—had been invited, it seemed fine. Now though…not so much. She knew it would be big, all of the ragers in the warehouse district are. The promise of live underground music, cheap beer, and substances that she couldn’t spell brings in all sorts of people. 
“Are you sure about this?” She asks, glancing over at Tara who is far more absorbed in her cellphone than the surroundings. 
She glances over at her and nods reassuringly, her blonde bangs bobbing with her head. “‘Course I am. Have I ever steered you wrong?” 
Ash bites back the quick response of ‘yes, absolutely’ but she knows nothing good will come of it. Tara’s sweet. Normal. A  regular girl dipping her toes into a world like this in the name of some boy she’s talking to and she’s bringing Ash along with her. Not that she really minds. The girl is trying. She’s always done her best to connect with her, despite their contrasting interests. Plus, she’d mentioned this being a ‘roomie send off’’ or something like that. A final epic excursion for the two of them before Ash finishes packing her worldly possessions and leaves campus. 
A viking funeral, college-girl-style. 
The gesture had been thoughtful enough to her Ash this far, out this late. Even though now it feels less worth it by the minute. 
“Come on. Didn’t I tell you about the rumors?” 
Tara had. “You did. This is some kind of underground show or something?”
Tara bobs her head again, reminding Ash of a chickadee, golden and fluffy. “Yep. No idea if it’s true or not, but Jared says heard that some band is friends with the guys that are hosting–they might make a special appearance or something.” 
“Any idea who it is?” 
“Sanitary Filth?” 
The name is awful. Perfect for the type of band that would play this venue. “Never heard of them.” 
“Me neither,” Tara shrugs. “Doors should open soon at least.” 
Her phone pings and she returns her attention to it, an excited smile on her face. It’s sweet and thankfully Jared seems to be a half decent guy. She’s happy for Tara, really. Or at the very least relieved that there’s something to distract her from Ash’s departure. 
Really, she’d give anything for the same. It’s not that she’s explicitly not looking forward to her return to Nockfell. She is. It’s been far, far too long since she saw her friends, her family. The familiar trees, cracked streets, and the distinct crooked shape of the Addison Apartments building. 
She misses it. She swears she does. 
Which doesn’t explain why every time she looks at her calendar, at the date next week, circled in red for her homecoming, a pit opens in her stomach. 
Not that she’s looking to self-analyze. No thank you. She’d rather do anything else. 
Which is exactly why she’s here, with Tara, in the pouring-ass rain at nearly midnight, waiting to get into what will no doubt be an underwhelming rock show. 
“This has got to be the stupidest thing we’ve done in a while,” a dry, familiar voice says. 
Ash shivers, skin going somehow clammier. There’s no way that it’s who she thinks it is. 
She stretches up onto her tiptoes to peer over the shoulders of the group in front of her. 
“Really?” A deeper, slightly more nasal voice replies. “Of all the things, this? Come on, man.” 
“Pneumonia no laughing matter, dipshit.” 
“Whatever you say. ’s totally worth it in my book.” 
She knows. In her heart of heart’s she already knows. To see it with her eyes is just a formality at this point because those voices are emblazoned in her memory, resurfacing in her sweetest dreams and most bone-chilling nightmares. 
The crowd shifts and she catches sight of them, her heart stuttering to what feels like a standstill. 
A tall man with long dark hair stands beside a shorter man with electric blue hair.  Fucking hell. They turn, looking at one another as they break into laughter. They’re different from the last time she saw either of them. Both are taller. Larry’s put on muscle and a bit of facial hair. She’s never seen Sally with his hair down before. His mask is the same. Still white except for the pink patched piece. It looks like there’s eyeliner smudged on it, no doubt for the show.
As if it could be anyone but the two of them. She shrinks down, slouching to ensure the crowd covers her, while her mind races to figure out why the actual fuck they’re here. 
Oh. Of course.
“Tara,” she swallows hard, and does her best to keep the shakes out of her voice. 
Tara looks up from her phone, her smile bleached bright under the streetlamp. “Any chance you got the name of the band wrong? Could it have been Sanity's Fall?” 
Her eyes light up wide with recognition. “Yes, that’s exactly what it was, how did you figure that out?” 
“Lucky guess.” 
She smiles again, and is distracted once more in moments. Not that it bothers Ashley. No, she’s grateful that she’s invisible to her soon-to-be-former roommate at this moment. Means that Tara doesn’t notice as she cranes her neck to catch another look ahead.
They don’t notice her. Why would they? The sidewalk is packed. Then again, she doubts that makes any impression on either of them. They’re laughing at a grainy picture that Larry is showing Sally on his phone, their shoulders pressed against one another. They seem…happy. Content. At least more so than the last time she’d seen them. 
Maybe this is why she doesn’t want to go back. Because even in the final days she’d been there, she could feel this…distance. A separation that she couldn’t pretend was either of their fault. 
No. It was her. She couldn’t make the leap of faith into the belief in the supernatural the way that they did. Couldn’t brush off the soul-deep terror that took root in her after she fell into that pile of bones below the apartment building. 
It wasn’t them. The boys were the same as ever. Or maybe they’d grown up. And she hadn’t grown with them, but rather away. 
Still. It’s not as though she doesn’t want to see them. Not as though she won’t go back. She will. They’ll accept her, that much she’s certain of. With warm hugs and dumb stories. Rock music, bean bag chairs, scary movies, and too-salty popcorn. 
She’s just so fucking scared that this time…it won’t feel like home. That instead of a ghost from the past haunting them, it’ll be her. Just a faded version of who she was. 
Her hands shake as she wrestles her cell phone free from her jacket. Fingers numb from the frigid rain, she finds Sal in her contacts. 
To Sally: hey, srry. can’t come back this week, xtra covers at work :( :( 
He might not buy it. She’s told them about her crappy bartending job and what a pain in the ass it is. He won’t question it though, won’t push. 
She stares at the message for a moment before hitting send. She’ll go back. She just can’t tomorrow.  
An obnoxious alert plays somewhere in front of her–a snippet of an overly-loud guitar riff that sounds like it’s been recorded on a tin can. 
She waits, breath held. Nothing good can come from this–from waiting for her message to elicit a response. There is none. Sal and Larry’s conversation about some nonsense involving Gizmo never halts.
Logically, she knows that Sal’s too polite to take out his phone while talking. He’ll check it later, and tell her that it’s alright. That it is too bad, but he’s still so excited to see her the week after. She’ll text the same thing to Larry and get an almost identical response, except with more expletives. 
Like clockwork. No, the boys hadn’t changed. So why is there a pit forming in her chest? 
“Hey, Tara?” She waves her hand in front of her phone to catch her attention. “That boy of yours was going to give you a ride back to ours right?” 
Tara nods, her plastic jewelry clicking together. “Yep, Jared’s driving me.” “Cool, then I might bounce,” Ashley rubs the back of her head, trying to shove down the guilt rising up at Tara’s disappointed expression. “Migraine has been trying to set in all day and I think going to a rock show might actually kill me.” 
Of course, because she’s a good person, Tara’s disappointment morphs into genuine concern in moments, which somehow only makes Ash feel worse. She reaches out, smoothing her hair back from her face, a habit that often makes her wonder if Tara sees her more as a cat than a roommate. 
“Of course, that’d be the worst thing for it. Jared’s almost here. I can ask him to give you a ride ba–” 
“Don’t worry, I’m alright to drive,” she says firmly. “Just don’t want it to get worse.” 
She doesn’t look fully convinced, but doesn’t bother arguing. “Alright, but promise me you’ll text me and let me know you got back safe, ‘kay?” 
“Promise.” She bumps their knuckles in a weak fistbump that makes Tara giggle. “Catch you later tonight, I expect a full report.” 
“Sounds good.” 
She turns, hurrying away from Tara before she can second guess the decision. 
Distance will make it easier–will clear her the cobwebs in her head. Sure, a migraine had been an exaggeration, but she can feel a bit of an ache in her temples that will no doubt bloom into something irritating. 
When her bike comes into view at the far side of the parking lot, it’s accompanied by a rush of relief. She really needs to name it before she sees them, or else Larry will ask and then blurt out something stupid that will stick forever. Just like how Sally’s mask got nicknamed Samuel somehow. 
For a second, she contemplates going back. She could talk to them. It’s not like they’d be anything less than thrilled. They’d hug her like old times–squeezing her so tightly that her ribs would ache–they’d ask about her haircut and her motorcycle. It could be good. 
But she can’t. Not yet. Not tonight, when the perfect moment already seemed to exist in front of her. Without her. 
She pulls her helmet on, exhaling heavily. Nothing left to do but go. 
So she kickstarts her bike and peels out of the parking lot, a little too fast, but it’s not like there are any cars to hit this late.
The rumble of the engine and the rush of the frigid air around her does a good job of driving the thoughts from her mind. 
She’ll go home again. Just not today. 
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a/n: thank you for reading the first chapter! i hope you enjoyed it! reblogs are much appreciated and please let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist :3
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cherrylng · 3 months
MUSE X EMO [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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Dramatically beautiful melodies, exquisite guitar playing and a rich worldview……. Exploring the similarities between ‘emo’ and Muse.
There is nothing more upsetting to a rock fan than to hear the band they love described in one word: 'emo'. So when I heard that many fans are upset about Muse being described as 'emo', I nodded my head in agreement.
On the other hand, however, it is not hard to understand why people listen to Muse and use the term 'emo'. Without fear of misinterpretation, it is true that similarities can be found between Muse and certain types of emo bands. For example, Matthew Bellamy's vocals, in which he sings tragic and beautiful melodies with a sense of urgency while also using falsetto, could well be compared to those of emo bands in terms of narcissism and emotionalism, and, weirdly enough, are quite highly emo.
Of course, that doesn't mean that Muse = emo, but here I'd like to introduce some emo bands or bands from the emo scene that I think Muse fans might also like.
Emo is a strange genre that has its devoted fans, but also its haters. The reason for the emo hate is, of course, that today's emo has become too diverse and far removed from its origins (hardcore to post-hardcore), but there are many other reasons as well. But emo, like any other genre, is also only a category of convenience. Many of the bands that are called emo do not call themselves emo bands, and most of them are probably considered emo because that's where they happen to be active. If people are interested in Muse, rather than hating it and calling them "emo", then this will surely lead to new encounters.
So, first up are Coheed and Cambria, led by Claudio Sanchez (vo,g). Since their debut in 2002, this New York four-piece has released five rock operas based on Sanchez's sci-fi tale The Amory Wars. Their dramatic, contemporary progressive rock, performed with the sensibility of the post-hardcore/alternative generation that has passed through hardcore and metal, and in some cases with orchestral or acoustic sounds, earned them the reputation of being America's version of Muse at the time of their debut. Their latest album, Year of the Black Rainbow, was released in April this year. Despite their more metallic impression, they too have a unique aesthetic. It is highly addictive, including Sanchez's vocals, who uses both a beautiful high tone voice and wild screams that send you into a rage.
"What, Sanchez's looks are disgusting!" Then how about Thirty Seconds To Mars, led by Jared Leto (vo,g), the handsome actor known for his role in 'Chapter 27'? The band's spacy modern rock combines emotional heavy sounds and inorganic digital beats, and should be welcomed not only in the USA, where they have had a million-selling album, but also here in Japan. The narcissistic and cool worldview invited by Leto's vocal, which sings as if whispering in the listener's ear, is truly unique. Their third album, 2009's 'This Is War', which evolved into New Wavey, has just been released on Japanese vinyl.
Coheed and Cambria and Thirty Seconds to Mars were both considered to be in the emo-screamo (screamo-emo) vein at the time of their debut. However, they have now grown to become one of the leading bands in the USA. Summer Sonic 2010, where both bands will perform, is the perfect opportunity to experience their respective worlds.
Screamo, which began to gain momentum around 2002 as the next step in emo, not only rapidly approached metal, but also evolved into freer and more chaotic music, boldly combining densely complex performances with catchy, beautiful melodies, and appealing to a desire for excessive expression. The bands that appealed to the public, in other words, progressive screamo bands, emerged one after the other. The aforementioned Coheed & Cambria were the forerunners of this trend, and it is not difficult to imagine that the existence of Muse was also a great inspiration for them, as Madina Lake acknowledges their influence. Two albums that are representative of this trend are Saosin's In Search of Solid Ground (2009), which gave a pop contour to a chaotic sound, and Chiodos' Bone Palace Ballet: Grand Coda (2007), which can be described as a dark rock opera! .
Speaking of which, it was recently reported that the former Matchbook Romance drummer [Aaron Stern] has joined the new band of Craig Owens (vo) [Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows aka D.R.U.G.S.], who left Chiodos, but thinking back, Matchbook Romance's second album Voices (2006) was an ambitious work in which they achieved an evolution from being a screamo band to something akin to a Radiohead and Muse-like evolution. By the way, one of the main attractions of Muse is their pathetically beautiful melodies, but if that's the case, I'd like you to try bands like Sunny Day Real Estate, who were responsible for the noble spirit of early emo, and Copeland, who were influenced by UK rock were praised as beautiful emo, and Portugal. The Man. Incidentally, Portugal. The Man's style changes from album to album, so in terms of beautiful melodies, I recommend 'Waiter: You Vultures!', released in 2006
Finally, Nebraska indie rock band Cursive. The band's freaky, blues-like sound, reminiscent of the lees of human emotion, is quite different from the aesthetically inclined bands we have introduced so far, but fans of Muse will surely understand the rich world of raw human drama that unfolds.
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Pic: Coheed and Cambria are popular for their progressive and dramatic sound with beautiful high tone voices and strings and piano throughout. Overwhelmed by a dense sound that makes extensive use of irregular time signatures.
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Pic: Formed in 1992, Sunny Day Real Estate debuted in 1994 with Diary. Since reuniting in 2009, the band has also included original member Nate Mendel (b), now with the Foo Fighters.
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Pic: The Alaska-born, Portland-based three-piece Portugal. The Man. They are a very prolific band, releasing an album a year.
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Pic: Madina Lake, a Chicago band from Chicago, featuring the Leon brothers Nathan (vo) and Matthew (b), who are very popular in Japan as well, have declared Muse's influence on their music.
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Pic: Cursive, who deliver dramatic and masculine rock while featuring strings and wind instruments. Returned to more straightforward rock on 2009's 'Mama, I'm Warren'.
Translator's Note: And with that, I've translated three column articles that questioned and answered certain things about Muse.
Are Muse an alternative rock band? Yes.
Are Muse a progressive rock band? Sort of.
Are Muse emo? ...Maybe this Radio X interview can sum it up:
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"I'm feeling emotional." - Dom
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Glass Onion Things 3rd Rewatch
Blanc on the discord call: "The last thing I need is a vacation" Blanc to Miles when he offers him Jared Leto's Hard Kombucha: "Well I AM on vacation"
I'm sorry I know it's old news, but everyone falling about coughing and spluttering with the shot and Blanc's polite "ahem". I would say Whiskey is the most subdued next to Blanc?
"The question isn't why did he invite her, it's why did she show up?" Noooo, I really think the question is why was she sent an invite.
The joke "piceshite" about the docks I don't know if people picked up on it immediately and that was the joke that it went right over their heads but as a Scottish gal Piece eh shite had me absolutely in stitches
Also why would he assume it was a Banksy? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Banksy famously very anti-capatalist? Like didn't he have one of his most famous paintings shredded immediately after auction or something?
Someone find that tweet that talks about how rich people are more likely to pursue the arts because they have the liberty of time because they're fuckin rich, and apply that to Miles knowing how to play guitar (or at least a bit of it).
WHY IS THE GUITAR THE ONLY MOMENT WE SEE THE BIRDIE FACADE TRULY DROP? Is it an acting choice? Is it a gag? Also when he drops the guitar that Paul wrote blackbird onto the sand (scratches, bumps, dings omfg) nobody says anything, but when Helen takes that fuck off mace to the piano the first comment is "that belonged to Liberace". Shows they don't care about the origins really, just who does what with it
Watching Claire be soooo uncomfortable with that Miles hug, watching Miles be soooo uncomfortable with that Duke hug, watching Duke be soooo uncomfortable with that Whiskey hug, watching Miles and Lionel both be uncomfortable in their strange 4 millisecond greeting.
Someone said in the tags of one of my other posts that Derol represents Covid and I'm just OBSESSED with that. BUT more obsessed with the thought that Derol is the epitome of lockdown. He's what normal, everyday fuckers like you n me went through. Drinking, smoking, "going through some stuff", being alone. Sometimes we would comment on what the elite were up to, but mostly we were in the background to their extravagant parties. But in the end, when the Glass Onion is exploding, Blanc sits and smokes with him, because they're just two dudes who went through hell in lockdown, watching something funny.
Miles walking away from the bags, shoves between Duke and Whiskey, putting his arm over Dukes shoulders (hilarious because the size difference) and an arm round Whiskey's waist, but Birdie then jumps between Miles and Whiskey and bumps her out of the way
Why when Whiskey is walking along the slats is she purposely walking on the gravel between the wood? Why does she give Duke into trouble for also standing on the wood? Why does Duke then correct his feet to stand on the gravel?
The Chakra that we can see are absolutely wild, like holy shit
Birdie - Sacral - Sexuality and creativity
Whiskey - Heart - Love and healing
Andi - Root - Basic Trust - Survival
Blanc's bumbling Southern gentleman fool act is AMAZING. They all KNOW he's the world's greatest detective. But while he's bumbling up and down "oh my word it's full of stars!" He's being his own Glass Onion! He's hiding directly in plain sight
"Simple Children's Puzzles" MILES FACE babe he's the world's greatest detective
PREDEFINITE DETECTIVE. Prerequisite maybe? But even that doesn't make sense? Prominent?
Lionel and Claire 😏 you know? The fact that he's leaning right over her to see the laptop, and her dressing gown is off her shoulder but as soon as Birdie shows up they're leaving six feet for god
Benoit Blanc's little bathing suit with his little matching ascot and his little moccasins and it HAS POCKETS shut up he's the new Poirot shut up he's the new Sherlock that's fuckin Fred Jones.
PANCAKED. He's the only one to say pancaked, it intentionally sticks in your brain
Claire and Lionel are the only "intellects" in the friend group. Like Claire is a politician and Lionel is a scientist, a lot more hangs on their words than Model and Twitch Streamer
Duke leaving his shit in the pool, firing his gun, wearing his speedos and throwing his macho man facade about. It's so gross it's amazing.
You never know when shits gonna go down is such a red herring in dukes relationship to the gun. It immediately made me think DUKE is going to shoot someone, or DUKE is going to be shot. Didn't realise that what Duke really needed was an Epipen
Peg why do you have a switchblade
Whiskey yawning while they talk about Birdie's accomplishments
"SOCCER MOM IN BEIGE" just kill her it's kinder holy shit
It's dangerous to mistake speaking without thought to speaking the truth, don't you think? TATTOO THIS ON MY BODY PLEASE
I'm assuming that Peg has been around for a while, seeing as Claire knows to say hello to her and that this meet up is an annual thing and what not, so the fact that Miles doesn't remember her name is hilarious. Also, THE RED SOLO CUP. Man took one look at Peg and thought "Freshman, beer pong"
Benoit has some fucking incredible hand eye coordination, him catching the Klear was some spiderman shit
Blanc is the perfect POV to have the first half of Glass Onion play through. He doesn't have a clue. He's along for the ride, what he sees, we have seen. He asks questions and points out things that we would also want to know, like yeah, what is Klear and do we win a prize and why is the car on the roof?
I fully believe when Blanc left the room with the magazine of Birdie way way back in that scene, THATS when he solved Miles murder mystery.
Also his friends kinda seem to be having a great time watching Benoit fucking decimating Miles good time 😂
"I hired Gillian Flynn to write the whole thing -" "OooOoh she's quite gooood"
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