#jared x niece!reader
mlovesstories · 1 year
Coughing and Spilling the Tea
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Summary: Jensen’s daughter knows something he doesn’t.  And she can’t wait to tell him.  
Words: None
Warnings: none
“Dad!” YN yelled for Jensen.  “I have something to tell you!” She grinned as he walked into the living room.  
“Can’t talk! Emergency at the brewery!” He called behind him as he stepped through the garage door.  “Talk later!” 
“Ungh.” YN sighed in disappointment.  “Whatever.” 
“So, what’s the big news? I’m here, you can tell me!” Jared walked in and sat down next to her on the couch.  
“Hi!” YN gasped.  “Were you charmed into hanging out with me tonight?” YN laughed.  
“I wanted to.  Haven’t seen my little punk in a while.”
“I saw you yesterday.” YN tilted her head in curiosity.  
“You know what I mean.  Just me and you.”
“Oh! In that case, can we pig out on pizza and ice cream and watch terrible movies please?  Is he going to be gone for a while?” Her face went from excitement to sadness quickly.  
“It may be a while.  You tell me your good news and then I will answer your question,” he winked.  “I won’t tell your dad, promise.” 
“I heard that Danneel Harris was working on a project in Austin, and she wants to “cross paths” with my dad!  OOOOOOoooo!” YN giggled.  
Jared rolled his eyes.  
“And where did you hear that?” 
“So you have heard it too!” YN gasped.  
“For the record, no, I had not heard that.”
“You know how it is here.  Plus- the kids I go to school with are all famous people and who are in town since their parents seem to have connections and know everyone.”
“You want them to date,” Jared sighed.  “Look-”
“Yes, I want them to date.  I’ve met her, and she is nice! They would get along great! Gen knows her, right? I’m going to go ask her what she thinks.” 
“Nope, you’re staying right here.” Jared put his foot between her and the pathway to the door.  “We have pizza to order and a movie to watch.” 
YN’s face fell. 
“Gen is having a self-care night anyway.  She’s had a long week.  You can ask her later.” 
His niece grumbled and sat back down.  
“Fine,” she huffed.  
After an evening of fun activities, Jensen was still not home.  Jared spent the night at the Ackles’ home because of it.  
“I’m fourteen!  I’ll be fine!  Plus, you guys live next door, and I have my radio you gave me.” 
She dangled the two-way radio in front of him.
“I told your dad I would.  It’s fine.” 
During the night, he heard her coughing from her room.  
“Hey, you okay?” He knocked lightly and slowly opened the door. 
“Yeah,” YN rasped.  
He walked closer to her as she coughed again.  
Jared felt her forehead.  
“Yikes,” he hummed to himself.  “Where is the humidifier? Take off all those blankets, it will help with your fever.” 
“I don’t have a fever.” YN turned away from him.  “I’m fine.” 
“Wrong answer.  Let’s go, chop, chop.” 
“The humidifier is in the hall closet.” YN coughed again. 
“I’ll be right back.” Jared walked out of her room.  
He heard her groan and cough all night long.  The next morning, her dad was asleep in his room, but Jared was still on high alert for what she needed.  
“Your dad got home super late last night.  He’s resting.  Would you like met to get you some tea?” 
YN sat up in her bed.  
“That would be great,” she whispered.  
YN heard the sound of voices chatting from the kitchen.  
Dad’s awake.  And home.  
YN smiled to herself. 
“Here,” Jared slowly handed her a coffee mug with Sam Winchester on it.  
“Of course you would choose that one,” YN grinned before turning away and coughing.  
“I’m going to go home and have breakfast with Gen.  Feel better,” he kissed the top of her head and exited the room.  
A few minutes later, her dad rushed in with a wrinkled forehead and jaw clenched. 
“Jared said you wanted to spill the tea! Why would you do that? It would make a mess and leave a stain!” Jensen crossed his arms and stood tall.  
YN’s eyebrows scrunched as she tried to figure out what he was saying.  
“I’m drinking the tea because my throat hurts.  I have no reason to spill the-” YN giggled.  “OH! It’s a saying, you weirdo!  It means gossip!” 
A look of relief washed over him.  He pulled a chair close to her bed.  
“And what’s that?” 
“Your new girlfriend is shooting a movie here! I heard she wants to hang out with you while she is here.” 
“Who?” Jensen sat up, confused.  
@metalfangirl​ @squirrelnotsam
@katymacsupernatural  @unicornblood4ever  
@fangirl-moment-x  @empirialwolf @winchesters-favorite-girl
@super100012  @percywinchester27  @waywardsuns  @supernatural-jackles  
@mcallmestiles @sdavid09  @kingandrear  @bellero @skylarraker
@seality​​​​​ @jaycc7983​​​ @luci-in-trenchcoats​​​
@cherryblossomflowers​​ @because-you-never-know-when​
@sleepylunarwolf​ @choosemyname​
@internationalmusicteacher​ @mersuperwholocked-lowlife​
@encounterthepast​  @torn-and-frayed​
@giggles1026​ @xiumin-girl99​
@idksupernatural​  @silverstripe101a​
@thevelvetseries​ @samsgirl93​   @supernatural3002​ *
* @breereadsthings​ *
@vicmc624​ @hookedinto-fictionalworlds​   @beatifuldisaster018​
@miraclesoflove​ @myopiamystical​ 
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crazyk-imagine · 3 months
Hi, I was thinking Jacob Black x Reader. Where Jacob was waiting for Reader to come out of school till he heard commotion in front of the school and saw Reader fighting a bully who is a guy. She has a bruised lip and bleeding nose. Jacob hurriedly pick up Reader and take her to Emily’s so she can chill out and so Emily can patch her up. The pack saw her and they started asking questions till Emily started lecturing her.
Jealousy and Pack Scolding's
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Pairing: Jacob Black x Uley!reader
Characters: Jacob Black, Uley!reader, Paul Lahote, Jared Cameron, Embry Call, Leah Clearwater, Seth Clearwater, Quil Ateara V, Brady Fuller, Collin Littlesea
Warnings: Angst, fluff, Paul being an idiot, Sam not liking the imprinting, this was actually kind of cute, I think I made Jake a likable character (for me), Emily is an angel, Sam and Emily are my fav, reader has avoided making eye contact with Jake bc she has a crush, Sam knows whats up, Embry just wants his imprint, Paul is such a big brother here, love writing for the wolfpack, it's so much fun, reader knows about imprints
Word Count: 2,431
A/N: Ask and you shall receive... this was fun and totally not inspired by Jake fics where he's a little jealous shit
I've aged probably everyone sooo, Sam is 26, Emily is 25. Leah is 23. Jared and Paul are 19 (in a nearby community college) and just one semester from graduating. Jake, Reader and Embry are 18. Quil, Seth, Brody are 17. Cam and Seth are 16
He kicks his bike stand up, so it stays upright while he waits for you to exit the school. He crosses his arms, not wanting anyone to talk to him, hoping he looks “menacing” enough for his classmates to get the hint and steer clear of him.
He knows Quil and Embry made their way back to Emily's since Sam wants them to do their patrol shift as soon as they can once they finished with their last class.
He couldn't complain much considering he was able to go home and change before heading back to pick you up so he could successfully switch shifts with Embry, which annoys him since Sam basically ordered him to pick you up.
He’d be more okay with it if you two were friends- or even talking; he doesn’t know why he was put to the job since you two aren’t close- or at least, compared to Jared and Paul.
Jake did recently find out (after complaining to the guys when their alpha wasn’t around) you’re Sam's niece and Emily has taken a light to you, thinking of you as her own daughter.
And the only reason he thinks that is because of how she treats you; it always reminds him of the way his mom took care of him and his sisters when they were younger.
Don't get him wrong, he has no problem with that or the way she treats you, he's more curious than anything since you haven't been talking to him.
It kind of bugs him that you talk to Paul and Jared more than him and isn't sure why. He gets the two shifted before everyone, but you've started talking to Embry and Quil so why not him too? Hell, you’ve even started making small talk with the newest shifters Brady and Collin.
He thinks this is why Sam sent him here, so he'll stop moping around about you and not just because the pack is tired of hearing how sad he is with you not talking to him.
The chanting, "fight, fight, fight," overtakes his sense in waiting for you and he steps closer.
He stops behind the wall of people, checking on who's fighting, curious as to who's stupid enough to fight on school property.
The fist flies to your face and he starts fighting his way to get past the people blocking him from getting to you.
You spit, not wanting the copper taste to remain in your mouth. You turn your head back to David, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of feeling like he won.
You kick his upper thigh, right above his knee and knock him down before pulling your arm back and drive your fist as hard as you can into his cheek.
He falls and cups his cheek, whining about the pain and the fact that he's bleeding.
"Talk about my family again and you'll be bleeding more."
Jacob finally breaks through the crowd and pushes David's friend away before the guy could grab you. "Back off," he growls.
The friend raises his hands in defense and backs away, noticing how buff he'd gotten and knows better to not fight Jacob.
He turns to you, smelling blood on you and cups your face, searching to find the damage, ignoring your eyes as the blood from your lip drips further down your chin. "Come on."
He puts you on the back of his bike and starts it before kicking the kickstand.
You unwrap your arms and get off the bike, trying to put distance between you, Jacob, and your home.
He grabs your wrist, "where do you think you're going?"
"Just because you want to hide your face from Emily and Sam, doesn't mean you can run away."
"I can still try." You tug on his arm. "Let me go."
"No, you need to go in there and face them."
You stop fighting and he lets go of you, trusting that you won't leave. "I don't want Sam to be disappointed."
"Did you pick a fight with David on purpose?"
You shake your head, "of course not."
"Then he won't be disappointed... as long as you talk to him."
"Says the guy who fights him every chance he gets."
That earns a chuckle from Jake. "Says the mousy niece."
You scoff, shoving his arm. "Hey, I'm not mousy."
"This is the longest conversation we've ever had."
"That's your fault, you're always mopey."
"I am not."
"Are so."
"Am"- You walk through the door.
Emily's voice interrupts yours and everyone else's conversations. "I'm happy to see the two of you are talking." She smiles with a twinkle shining in her eye that quickly dies as soon as she catches sight of your face.
"Oh my- what the hell happened to you?" She grabs your chin, tilting so she can look at your face. "Who did this?"
Paul tenses, Jared tries to see over her shoulder.
Embry and Quil walk through the back door and glance at one another with concern evident on their faces once they realize what’s happened.
"Don't tell, Sam," you reply, staring into her eyes, practically begging her not to tell him.
"Don't tell me what?"
You grimace and then wince because your adrenaline has worn off and the pain has surfaced. "How much I love you?" You say without turning.
"I don't buy it." He wraps an arm around Emily, pecking her cheek. "Did you cut your finger again?" He asks with the scent of blood wafting through the room.
"Uh-" She catches your eye as she glances down at her hands. "Maybe, I don't know."
You attempt to sneak away while he's distracted and fail.
"Turn around."
You pout, keeping your head low as you turn.
"Lift your head."
"I like staring at my shoes while they're clean."
He grumbles your name under his breath.
You lift your head and sigh. "I may have gotten into an altercation at school."
"What the hell happened?"
"That's what I was asking before you got here?" Emily chimes in. "And I was avoiding it then."
"What did you do?"
You scoff, "I didn't do anything, you dick."
"That is no way to talk to your uncle," she tells you.
You stare at her, "I'm going to give him the same respect he gives me," and turn to him. "Which is none."
You exit the room when you realize none of you are going to be able to have a proper conversation and make your way to your room, slamming the door behind you.
"What happened while you were waiting for her?" Sam towers over Jacob, attempting to search through his mind to figure out what could have happened.
"I don't- I don't know. I was waiting and then I heard the other kids chanting, fight and then I saw her get hit and then take down David-"
"Wait- she was fighting David?" Jared chimes in with a smile.
"He deserves it," Paul adds.
"Guys a grade A asshole," Embry says before snacking on a muffin.
"So, this fight was valid?" Sam asks, wanting to understand everything he's learned within the last five minutes.
"No, it wasn't valid because fighting isn't the solution, is it boys?" Emily turns to the boys at the table.
"No," everyone answers.
"Good," she smiles.
"But this hasn't happened before? What's happened? This David- or whoever clearly said something for her to act out."
"He was talking about my family," you tell them, leaning against the wall with your arms crossed.
"That doesn't give you enough reason to fight," she tells you.
"It does when they start making fun of your dead parents and uncle who's running a cult."
They purse their lips.
"How do you feel?"
You shrug, "my fist and face are aching, so I'd say I did something right."
She sighs. "Fighting isn't the answer."
"I know that!"
"Then why did you do it?"
Your emotions cause you to snap. "I was tired of him thinking he could still bully me!"
She takes a few steps closer to you. "This has been going on for a while now. Why didn't you tell us?"
"I didn't want either of you to walk into the principal's office thinking you could stop it when it'd only make things worse," you grumble.
"We could have found another way to stop him from making comments."
"I took care of it the only way I could."
"There's always more than one way-"
"I know," you run your fingers through your hair in a frustrated manner. "I wasn't thinking but he wouldn't shut up. He waited a few months, giving me a grievance period but then he started talking shit again and today he wouldn't leave me alone."
"Why didn't you tell us?" Jared asks.
"Yeah," you scoff, "because I wanted you guys to help when the hothead is one fight away from being expelled. Everyone still thinks those two," you point to Embry and Quil. "Are weird because they suddenly got buff and had a haircut. Don't even mention the fact that Jake along with Brody and Cam are the new talk of the pack."
Sam sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. "Just, go clean the blood off as best you can, and Emily will wrap your wounds."
"I already did."
"Then go get the first aid kit and bring it in here."
You walk back into the bathroom throwing everything you’d laid out on the counter back into the bag and aim for the kitchen. "Heal me with your magical powers, Em."
She smiles and wraps an arm around your shoulders as she guides you to the island so she can use the natural light to check over you. "Does this hurt?"
"Not yet."
"Okay, let me know when it-"
You suck in a deep breath through your teeth.
"Hurts. You okay?"
"Peachy, Em."
"I know you had to defend yourself today, but fighting isn't always the answer."
"Yeah, I know," you reply with an attitude.
"I'm just reminding you, so you don't continue hurting yourself. You're not like the others, and I don't like seeing you get hurt."
"Thanks, Emily," you wrap your arms around her and pull her in for a long hug.
She smiles, returning the hug. "Don't go getting into fights again or else I'm going to bubble wrap you."
You chuckle. "As long as you save me from a Sam lecture."
"Deal." She slides the plate with muffins, closer to you. "Eat something first."
The guys shake their heads at your behavior.
"Does this mean I can hang out with you guys?"
"You hang out with us already," Jacob points out.
"Cliff diving." You unwrap your muffin.
"Absolutely not," your uncle tells you.
"Come on."
"No,” Sam shakes his head.
"Guys," you beg, turning around to look at the others.
"We're not getting involved in that," Paul raises his hands, heading towards the couch.
- Extra -
"I'm with Paul," Embry tells you, pulling Quil with him as they sit beside Jared.
You turn to face your knight in shining armor. “Jake-”
He turns away from the others and glances back at you, the humor falling from his face.
“Oh, shit,” Jared mutters.
“Are you serious?” Embry whines.
You owlishly blink trying to figure out what’s happened when he falls to his knees. You set your muffin down and push yourself off the stool to stand in front of him. You poke his shoulder. “Are you okay?”
“It’s you,” he mutters.
You raise your head and face the others with a scared and confused expression. “Guys, what the hell just happened?”
Paul smirks and looks away.
Jared buries his face with a muffin.
Embry and Quil face the tv, not wanting to see how things plays out.
Brady and Collin walk through the door.
“Holy shit,” the former says.
“Congrats, Jake. You finally got your imprint,” the latter adds.
“What?” You spin around to face Emily. “Imprint? That’s what just happened?”
Sam rubs a hand over his face. This was the last thing they needed.
“Did we- did you not know?” Brady asks you.
“Does this look like the face of someone who’s in the know? Does it. Brady?”
Collin pulls his buddy away before you can rip their heads off.
“I think we need to talk,” Sam says, pulling Jacob off the ground. “Outside.”
You three stand on the porch, trying to wrap your heads around the whole situation.
“I don’t know what this means,” you tell them.
“This means, no being alone in your room. No sneaking out after curfew. No-”
“Sam, we’re not dating. This doesn’t apply to us.”
“It could,” he says, finally snapping out of his mind.
“It- the imprint bond doesn’t happen by accident, it’s the joining of when two soulmates find each other.”
“So, we’re soulmates?”
He nods.
“I thought you were in love with Bella?”
“I was.”
“And now you’re not? You couldn’t have moved on that fast just because of this bond.”
He sighs, “I know this is going to be a lot of work, but I want to get to know you whether we go out or not… even though dating you-”
The clearing of someone’s throat cuts him off.
He sheepishly smiles, rubbing the back of his head. “We’ll talk more later.”
You can’t help but giggle and wince soon after.
He’s kneeling in front of you in seconds, searching for any sign of pain. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. My lip is going to be the kill joy of my existence for a few days but I’m fine.” You place a hand on his shoulder, “thanks for pulling me out of there when you did.”
He shakes his head, “it was nothing.”
“It was more than you know, and I know you were only there because Uncle Sam made you, but I still wanted to thank you.”
He can’t help the wide smile that stretches across his lips. “I’ll always be there for you.”
Sam throws you over his shoulder. “Babe, where’s the extra wood I keep for the winter?”
“Back room, why?” She asks, watching as you beat on his back.
“I’m locking some doors.”
“Sam, no!” You screech. “Boys, help me.”
“He’s the alpha, what he says go,” Paul tells you.
“You suck, Lahote.”
“You’re gonna be swallowing, princess.”
Paul has never shifted and ran out of his alpha’s place as quickly as he did today.
The others lose their minds as he runs all around, nearly bumping into the clearwater siblings as they head towards the place.
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@kmc1989 @gilbertgirl13
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A Chance At Love Masterlist
   Having been legal guardian to your niece for almost a year, you land a job on the set of Supernatural.  You become good friends with Jared, doing his makeup everyday but when Jensen gets back from a small break, are you able to stick to your oath to keep your heart closed?
Jensen x Reader
Tag list: @nancymcl @lyarr24 @streets-in-paradise @hobby27 @tristanrosspada-ackles @muhahaha303 @kazsrm67 @eonnyx @maggiegirl17 @stoneyggirl2 @djs8891 @tristanrosspada-ackles @tmb510 @recoveringpastaaddict @ladysparkles78 @so-get-this-sammy
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
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gennyanydots · 2 years
I had to let go of you just to get a hold of myself part 7
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x f!reader
I had to let go of you just to get a hold of myself masterlist
AN: Warning. It is stupid angsty up in this bitch
You went to your room to let Jake get settled into his room for a while. You still had an hour before your check-in with Dr. Jackson. You tried to organize your thoughts as you laid on your bed.
It was surreal seeing Jake again after all this time. You vividly remember a time in your life that if you had seen Jake you might have tried to run him over with your car. The pain from everything still runs pretty deep.
The man you gave up everything for had decided to give you up. Decided that you weren’t worth the trouble. Not only that he didn’t even have the balls to break up with you. Just decided one day that he was done with you. Didn’t respond to any emails you sent, texts, phone calls, letters, nothing. Just done. It had almost destroyed you. You didn’t eat or sleep much. Just laid in bed wondering what you had done. Even now moving past that insecurity is going to be tough. Dr. Jackson has reminded you plenty that Jake’s actions were not because of anything you had done and were solely based off himself. You know whatever happened to Jake had nothing to do with you but try telling that to your brain. It’s already had years of anxious thoughts built up.
You have to remind yourself sometimes that Jake is trying. He really is trying. You know that. He’s putting in the effort. He’s going to therapy. He’s working at this.
And now Jake’s here. In your apartment. The place you got to get away from him. Most of your things were still at Jake’s parent’s house. You didn’t want most of it. You didn’t want those reminders. You still don’t even go to the house much. You get together as a family at Catherine’s house typically. It’s easier for the kids. It’s easier for you. Works out well for everyone.
Tomorrow Jake’s mom is hosting Thanksgiving. It’s good you’re having a session tonight since you’re not sure how you’ll do tomorrow. Being with Jake in that house may prove too much for you.
Time seemed to really fly while you were deep in thought laying on your bed since it was now 10 minutes till the start of your video call and Jake was softly knocking at your door. You sit up and stretch quickly before rushing over to the door and opening it.
There Jake stood holding his computer, looking as hot as ever in a pair of comfy shorts and a shirt that just seemed to fit him that just barely showed off some lines of his abs. Fuck. The Navy has been good to your husband.
You shake the thought from your head and give Jake a half smile, “Hey, it time already?”
Jake nods and turns to go out into your living room.
You follow after him.
He plops down onto your couch and looks up at you, “Which is your Wi-Fi?”
You point to it as you walk up and sit next to him, making sure to give you both space, “The password is Bennyistoocute1.”
Jake chuckles, “That boy still got you wrapped around his finger?”
You nodded, “Yeah, all three of them do.”
“Benny and Harper? Which of my sisters had another?” Jake asks.
“Oh I wasn’t even counting Harper. Lauren still only has her but Jared and Catherine have three boys now. Charlie, Benny, and Jamie. Charlie is a baby baby. He was a surprise. Jamie is Auntie’s baby. He’s 7. Benny is 15 now. Gosh he’s growing up so fast.”
“Holy shit. I hadn’t realized how old he would be. Harpers gotta be like what 10?”
You shake your head and laugh, “She’s 12. Sassy as ever. Really got all of Lauren’s attitude and some of Catherine’s too.”
“Poor Lauren. I’m sure ma loves to rub it in her face for all the trouble she caused,” Jake says with a chuckle.
“Depends on the day. Sometimes your mom just swoops in and fixes everything since she had so much practice,” you say with a smile. Jake’s mom amazed you. Your nephews and niece love you but even you couldn’t do that. At least not with the older two anymore. They can’t be bribed with ice cream. Well, they can’t always be bribed with ice cream every once in a while both of them still like ice cream and auntie dates. Especially if you pick them up from school early for an “appointment”.
“Do they… umm do they remember me at all? Or know who I am?” Jake asks timidly.
“They know they have an Uncle Jake. Benny vaguely remembers you. Harper doesn’t really anymore. You never met Jamie. They all have seen your pictures around in albums and such. Just as a warning Jamie may take a bit to warm up to you.”
“Why’s that?”
You sigh, “Your sister and Jared have big mouths and we’re talking about you and he overheard that you had made me cry and like I said Jamie is auntie’s baby and he may have threatened to kick you umm….. kick you where it counts.”
“Damn. I clearly don’t want that but if that’s what it takes to start rebuilding all this then….,” Jake says with a shrug. “Plus I can’t beat up a 7 year old.”
“The cutest 7 year old,” you say with a giggle.
“Well then I definitely can’t,” Jake says with a smile.
The two of you are brought out of your little chat by Dr. Jackson starting the meeting.
“Good afternoon, you two! How was your flight Jake? You get in okay?” The doctor asks.
Jake nods, “Yep. Thanks for askin’.”
“And Y/N, how are you this afternoon?” Dr. Jackson asks.
You give a small smile, “I’m doin alright. Thank you. How are you, sir?”
“I’m doing wonderful. Thank you. How is it seeing each other?”
Jake looks over at you with a fond smile, “A little odd but good.”
You nod, “Yeah, a little awkward but I’m sure that’ll go away.”
Dr. Jackson smiles, “Good, good. Glad to hear it. I don’t want to keep either of you long. I would much rather you both spend time together. I mostly just wanted to remind you both that you can text or call me at anytime. I know this is a very fragile time and you may need to talk it out and I am here for you both, okay?”
You both nod.
“Great. I’ll be in touch with both of you. If I don’t talk to either of you beforehand have a Happy Thanksgiving!” Dr. Jackson says with a wave and both you and Jake return to sentiment and Jake exits the meeting.
“That was probably the easiest session I ever had,” Jake says with a chuckle.
You laugh and roll your eyes.
“What? It’s true!” Jake says grinning.
“I’m sure it is.”
“So uhh did you umm maybe want to talk about why I first went to therapy?” Jake asks.
You nod, “If you’re ready for that. Sure.”
“Tim thinks it’s important you know and I do too, of course. Before I get to that I just need you to know I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I never wanted to stop being your husband. I know there’s a lot of damage I did and I hope to be able to repair it the best I can but none of this had anything to do with you. In no way was this your fault. It was all me,” Jake explains.
You nod, “I know. Dr. Jackson reminds me of that frequently. I had or well have a hard time with coming to terms with that. I’m working on it.”
“Oh honey no, none of this was you. This was all me. I’m the bad husband. I did this to us,” Jake says and puts a hand on top of yours.
You nod and turn your hand to hold his.
“Okay so being away from you was always hard. I would get it in my head that if I worked mg hardest with no distractions I would be able to get home faster. I’m reality that wasn’t really a thing but I convinced myself it was. Sometimes I would be working so hard and miss our planned calls and that’s completely on me. I would remember and feel terrible. Then the longer I went without talking to you the guiltier I would feel. I would start avoiding you to try and deal with my guilt. It didn’t help and I just felt worse. It all kinda culminated after a mission. I uhh became the only current generation aviator with a confirmed air combat kill. Which at first was exciting because everyone was so impressed and congratulated me but eventually it sunk in that I took someone’s life. I know that’s part of my job but there’s still a guilt that comes with it. It kinda made my life feel like it was separated. Everything before I killed someone and everything after. After I felt like I had a completely separate life and it was just easier to live with the guilt by myself. I never told anyone about it. I made a whole persona for myself. I turned into this cocky asshole to keep my emotions hidden. I mean I was always a little cocky but it was bad. I had another mission not even a year ago and I had another confirmed kill. I guess it kinda set off a depression due to the repressing emotions thing then coworkers started to notice. One of them basically kidnapped me off base one day and made me talk about it. His wife forced me into therapy.”
“Kara Floyd?” You asked.
Jake nodded, “Yeah. How did you know?”
“Did she not explain about when she called me?” You asked.
Jake shook his head.
You chuckled, “So uh she called me to tell me her coworker was seeing my husband so I hung up on her thinking you were cheating on me. She called back saying we must have been disconnected and I told her I hung up on her and explained that if you were cheating on me that you could just send me the divorce papers and she didn’t need to tattletale.”
Jake groaned, “I’m kicking Bob’s ass.”
“Whose Bob?”
“Her husband. Neither of them told me this. Can’t kick her ass. Gotta kick Bob’s. They told me you talked to Tim.”
“Once she explained herself she gave him the phone and I talked to him but first there was a big misunderstanding.”
“Sounds like it. For the record I have not and would never cheat on you. We have have gotten married young but I take those vows seriously.”
You nod, “Me too. I didn’t either by the way. Cheat on you I mean. I didn’t do that. You’re my husband.”
Jake squeezed your hand, “I’m sorry for all this.”
You nod, “Thank you for apologizing and thank you for telling me all that. It all sounds incredibly hard and I’m sorry you had to go through it.”
Jake nods, “Tim told me to ask ,if you’re comfortable, about how you felt when I stopped talking to you. I mean I know it’s not good but I really want this to work and open communication is important for that.”
“Ohh umm yeah. I guess I could tell you. It was hard. Incredibly so. I did the whole stages of grief thing. I was mad at first. Mad that you could do something like that. Mad at myself for putting that much faith in you. Mad that I gave up everything for you and in the end I didn’t have anything to show for it. Then I got sad. Real sad. I wondered what I did wrong or what was wrong with me that you didn’t want to be with me anymore. I was really depressed. Barely did anything but lay in bed. I lost a lot of weight. I had to take pills for the depression. Eventually I just accepted that you weren’t gonna come home to me so I moved out of your house to here. I got Pumpkin. I got on with my life. Since we started this I’ve had a couple sessions with Dr. Jackson to address all that. There’s still a lot of lingering insecurity and self esteem issues,” you explain not looking at Jake.
Jake squeezes your hand once and you look over at him, a few tears in your eyes. You notice Jake’s also look a little glassy.
“Oh darlin’ I am so sorry,” he says and uses your hand to pull you into a hug. You both wrap yourselves up in the other and sob. Sob for yourselves. Sob for each other.
Part 8
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Comfort Me
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Pairing: Jensen x daughter!reader, Danneel x daughter!reader, JJ x sister!reader, Arrow x sister!reader, Zeppelin x sister!reader, Jared x niece!reader
Warnings: Bully, Violence, Anger, Physical Fight, Mega Fluff
Summary: YN has a bad day at school, and Jensen is there to comfort her.
A/N: This was just a random thought to come to my mind today.
***ASK OPEN***
Cherry Blossom One-Shot Masterlist
Jensen walked in his front door, suitcase in hand, exhausted from his 2 weeks of filming. Finally he gets a few days off to spend with his family.
He looked at his watch at the time, "Everyone should be in bed. I better be quiet."
Jensen walked inside the house, quietly shutting the door behind him, and walked towards his bedroom. He walked inside the room while trying to be as quiet as possible as not to disturb Danneel. He put his suitcase down, sat on his side of the bed, and began to remove his shoes.
Danneel rolled over at the movement on the bed. She saw Jensen and gave him a sleepy smile. "Hi, honey. How was your flight?"
"Long. And uncomfortable. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," Jensen whispered while taking off his other shoe.
Danneel closed her eyes and sighed, "It's okay. I haven't been asleep long."
Jensen smiled as he walked over to his dresser to get pajamas, "How are the kids?"
Danneel rolled over and yawned, "They're fine. Zeppelin and Arrow are really enjoying preschool. JJ is having her friends over tomorrow for a slumber party, I hope that's okay."
Jensen nodded, "Sounds like fun."
Danneel yawned again and sighed into her pillow, "Can you do me a quick favor before coming to bed?"
Jensen pulled up his pajamas pants and pulled a T-shirt over his head, "Of course, anything."
Danneel rolled over to looked at Jensen, "Could you check on YN? She's been really quiet since she got home from school."
"Quiet how?" Jensen asked while walking over to Danneel.
"She didn't really talk during supper. And she stayed in her room for most of the afternoon and evening. I'm worried about her. But I know you two are very close, so maybe you could talk to her?"
Jensen bent down and kissed Danneel, "I got it. Go back to sleep, I'll be back soon."
Danneel closed her eyes again, "Love you Jay."
"I love you too Dee."
Jensen walked upstairs towards YN's room. He saw that her door was shut, which was weird for her. She normally kept it open in case one of the younger kids needed something. She was a lot closer than Jensen or Danneel.
He lightly knocked on her door and listened for movement. When he heard nothing, he knocked again, "YN? Sweetheart, are you asleep?"
Jensen heard shuffling in her room, and in a few seconds her door slowly opened. However, YN wasn't standing there. Jensen pushed the door the rest of the way open and saw YN's covers move on her bed.
Jensen slowly and quietly walked inside, the only light in the room coming from the hallway. He saw YN had her head covered with blankets and pillows.
Sitting down on her bed, he laid a hand on her, he quietly asked, "Are you okay?"
YN didn't move or speak. She just laid there.
Jensen rubbed her shoulder, "Dee said you've been really quiet. Is something on your mind? You know you can tell me anything."
YN sighed and mumbled, "I got into a fight."
"A fight? What kind of fight?" Jensen asked.
"It was nothing. I deserved it."
"Sweetheart, what are you talking about?"
YN pushed her covered back and sat up. The light from the hallway covered her face.
Her right eye was swollen and bruised. A few scratches on her right cheek as well.
Jensen lifted a hand to her eye, but YN pulled away.
She shook her head at him, "Don't. It hurts."
Jensen sighed, "What happened?"
YN looked down at her covers, "It was lunch hour. I was sitting with my friends when a guy came up behind me and dumped my lunch everywhere. Told me the only reason I had friends was because you're my dad."
Jensen sighed, "But you know that's not true."
YN nodded, "I know dad. I don't believe that for a second."
"So what happened after that? He hit you?"
YN looked at Jensen, "No. He walked away from me. Unfortunately, that wasn't the last time I saw him today."
YN had tears in her eyes, remembering the events of the day. Jensen laid a hand on hers to comfort her.
After a couple minutes, YN took a deep breath and continued, "After school, I was walking towards my car. But before I got there, he was back for more. He knocked my books from my hands and pushed me to the ground. He told me I'd amount to nothing because I'll always live in your shadow. I told him the words he keeps saying will never affect me."
Tears started streaming down YN's face. Jensen squeezed her hand, telling her to continue.
"So he laughed at me. Then he picked me up by my shirt and punched me in the cheek and the eye. He dropped me on the ground and walked away."
Jensen's anger could be seen on his face, "A guy punched you?! And you didn't fight back?"
YN yelled, "How could I fight a 6 foot tall quarterback, Dad?! He's huge!"
Jensen sighed and ran a hand down his face, "And you didn't tell Danneel?"
YN shook her head, "She has enough on her plate with the twins and JJ. I don't need to worry her about my problems. I'm 16, I can handle myself."
Jensen sighed, "Well sometimes we need people to help us. You could've told Danneel. Or called me. And we would've helped."
YN sighed, "I know. I just don't like to bug you guys with my problems."
"YN, baby, you have never bothered us with your problems. I just don't like seeing you down like this." Jensen had tears in his eyes.
YN pushed her covers back more and pulled her legs on top of the covers. Jensen stood up from the edge of the bed and walked over to YN. He sat next to her and pulled her into his lap. She laid her head on his chest and sighed.
YN always felt comfort with her dad. No matter the situation, no matter what was going on in her life, Jensen could make it better by just being there for her. A hug, a phone call, even a text asking about her day.
Jensen hugged her tightly, "Do you want me to do anything? Talk to the principal maybe?"
YN shook her head, "You getting involved will only make things worse."
Jensen looked down at his daughter, "Can I do anything to help?"
YN sighed and smiled into Jensen's shirt, "You already are, Dad."
Jensen smiled, "Good."
YN looked up to Jensen, "Dad, can you stay here tonight? I know you just got home from filming and you probably would rather go to your own bed, but-"
"YN, I would love nothing more. Scoot over."
YN moved to her side of the bed and got under the covers. Jensen got up and shut her bedroom door so the room was dark again. When he got back to YN, she had already rolled over and sighed into her pillow.
Jensen crawled in YN's bed next to her. She rolled back over and laid her head on his chest again. Jensen wrapped an arm around YN's shoulder and held her close.
Jensen kissed the top of her head, whispering, "I love you."
YN sleepily replied, "I love you too."
When YN was almost asleep, Jensen whispered, "Can I at least have his name? Just for possible legal purposes."
YN chuckled, "No, Dad. Go to sleep."
"Maybe I could just send Jared to your school and-"
"Goodnight, Dad."
My Cherry Blossoms
@mlovesstories​ @chessurkait​ @adorable-minibot​ @desiredposion
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waywardnewcomer · 4 years
Built-in Best Friends Part Seven
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Summary: There’s a party, a dance and a fight
Warnings: Jealousy, physical violence, minor injury , underage drinking, swearing
Pairings: Reader x Tom Padalecki, Tom x OC, Jensen x Daughter!Reader, Danneel x Daughter!Reader, Reader x OC
Word Count: 2k
Previous Part Series Masterpost Masterlist
For your whole life you and Tom had shared a birthday party together, only 5 days apart it seemed pointless to have 2 parties with the same friends and family. It started when you both turned one, parents sitting around the table as you both blew out the candles on the shared cake and then you grabbed and handful and smushed it into Tom’s little face. Tom let out a giggle and threw some back at you making your parents laugh and take some photos, it being one of your proudest and most fond on the wall. It also became a little tradition when you blew out candles on the cake. As you got older you and Tom compromised for each other, having both princesses and knights, dinosaurs and unicorns, robots and fairies. You both wanted to make the other happy and your parents were more than happy to oblige, but as you got older you just wanted to go do something fun and take a few friends. Every year you and Tom got a photo together that would end up on both of your bedroom walls, to show your journey as you grew up.
This year you and Tom decided you wanted a house party with a Disney fancy dress theme and practically the whole school was invited. As you were both turning 18 you knew it was bound to be a big one, especially as Tom was getting more popular. It made you a little anxious, but you knew you had your family and friends by your side and your room to run to if things got too much. Plus, your parents were allowing you to drink a little alcohol this year under their supervision, so that would help a lot.
You were dressing up as Tinkerbell and Tom as Captain Hook, matching costumes just making sense since you were young. You had a set of fairy wings on your back that you borrowed from Arrow and your Mom had glued some white pom poms onto some green shoes for you. You had done Tom’s eyeliner for him, laughing when he winced as you did the waterline.
“Stop being a baby Tommy, it doesn’t hurt.”
“I don’t poke myself in the eye everyday Peach.” He retorted, poking you in the arm.
You shook your head and took the eyeliner away from him, ruffling his hair a little to give him more of a rough look and placing his hat on his head. You stepped back and gave him a nod of approval as he pretended to twirl to show off.
“Well Tinkerbell, shall we go to Neverland and see our guests?” He asked holding his arm out for you to take, making you laugh.
“Hold on I’ll sprinkle some fairy dust and we can fly there.”
“You can fly Peach.” He smirked and lifted you over his shoulder and ran down the stairs with you, finally dropping you off in the kitchen as you doubled over in laughter, him smiling at your pretty face.
“You two do realise you already have guests here right?” Your Dad chuckled, pointing to the people gathering outside around the firepit, some with drinks in their hands and some crowding around the beer pong table that was definitely only there for the adults. Your grandparents had come and taken the little ones earlier, so it was just your parents, aunts and uncles staying for the party and fun.
“Sorry Dad, just fixing Tom’s eyeliner while he cried like a little girl.” You teased, before rushing outside so Tom couldn’t attack you again.
“It really hurts okay?” He whined to the adults as they looked at him with amused faces and following behind you as they laughed at him.
You threw your hands around Josh’s neck as you reached him and kissed him softly, having grown a lot closer whilst dating over the past few weeks.
“Hello Pan.” You smirked and adjusted his cap on his head making him smile.
“Tinkerbell, you look exceptionally beautiful tonight, birthday girl.” He smiled at you making you blush.
“Y/N I got you a drink! Oh hey Josh.” Tom stared at him as he passed you your drink. He felt the pit of fire burning in his stomach and he resisted the urge to slap his smirk off his smug face.
“Hey Tom, Happy Birthday man.” Josh smiled at Tom, making Tom scowl a little.
“Thanks,” He mumbled, stumbling a little when Sasha came over with her arms wrapped around his neck.
“Hey Sasha.” You muttered, glaring at her softly. This bitch had come dressed as Tinkerbell too, the audacity. You rolled your eyes softly and looked up at Josh silently begging him to take you away.
“Oh, I didn’t know you would be here.” She scoffed, looking you up and down.
“It’s my party?” You laughed a little, looking at Tom with a confused look as he shook his head.
“You never said it was a joint party.” Sasha frowned at Tom.
“I thought it was implied.” He muttered as she started shouting at him.
You and Josh decided to slip away and enjoy your night without the wrath of the brunette. You met up with the rest of your little group and played a few drinking games before Tom came over to get you.
“Cake time. Don’t smush it in my face this year, please.” He sighed making you frown. He loved doing that each year, it was your tradition at this point. You gave him a questioning look and his eyes just flicked over to Sasha and you nodded in acknowledgement as you sat in front of your family and friends with the giant cake in the middle of you two. Blowing the candles out was never so dull, it wasn’t the same without smashing cake into Tom’s face.
The last thing you remember was blowing out your candles and wishing everything would figure itself out, before waking up on your bathroom floor, hair stuck to your face. Maybe drinking so much last night and playing beer pong with Tom wasn’t such a good idea after all.
You peeled yourself off the floor and hopped into the shower, washing off the vomit, sweat and grime from the party and letting the water wash over your hungover skin. You got out and jumped into some pyjamas and got back into bed, taking the medicine your parents had left on the side and gulping down some water. As soon as you turned on your TV you heard a tapping at your window, seeing Tom with a big smile on his face. You sighed but got up to let him in, immediately getting back into your cocoon.
“I have some news.” He smirked, jumping into bed with you and handing you the bag of your favourite meal from McDonalds making you grin in thanks. You slowly sat up and looked at his expectantly as you took a sip of your drink.
“I lost my virginity last night.” He grinned, making you spit out your drink in surprise and start coughing on it.
“What? Who with?” You asked confused, recovering from the moment and ignoring the crushing feeling in your chest at his admission.
“Sasha, who else?” He laughed at you while rubbing your back from the coughing.
“Well congrats I guess?” You said nervously.
“There’s one more thing.” He muttered, looking down at his hands. He was nervous about something. You could tell by the way he was playing with his fingers.
“Why did you bribe me with Maccies?” You asked him suspiciously, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I want to take Sasha to the dance.” He mumbled quickly.
“I know it’s tradition and I love going with you but me and Sasha are getting serious and it’s senior year, I’m not going to get another chance.” He rushed out.
“Tom, it’s fine. Josh asked me too. Go with Sasha.” You smiled at him, trying to hide the pain behind your eyes. “Just save a dance for me.”
“Of course.”
As much as you felt sad about losing Tom as your long-standing date to the dance you were very glad you had Josh as his replacement.  You and Tom still managed to get a picture together at home before you left, and before Sasha clung to his arm and you couldn’t get anywhere near him. He still drove you there, playing songs and singing stupidly the whole way making you remember how much you actually liked him.
Tom parked up outside the dance and gave you a winning smile, “Have fun tonight, if you need me…”
“Text you, yeah I know. See you later Tommy.” You laughed as Josh came up to the car and opened your door. You kissed Josh on the cheek and grabbed his hand, rushing towards the doors making Tom scowl.
“Dick.” He mumbled under his breath before getting out of the car himself and finding his girlfriend.
You managed to have one quick dance with Tom while Sasha scowled at you the whole time and Josh danced with Lily, Zach and Penny in the meantime, knowing how important your friendship with Tom was. But the peace didn’t last for long.
You quickly joined them, and Josh twirled you around, making your dress flow softly. He pulled you close to his chest as a slow song came on and wrapped his arms around your waist, one hand dipping to just above your bum. Holding you softly and lovingly in his arms as you hand wrapped around his neck. The eye contact between the both of you was full of passion, you leaned in slowly for a kiss, feeling his hand grip onto your ass into it. You laughed and deepend the kiss, loving the feeling of his lips on yours, until he was ripped away from you.
“Get your hands off her.” Tom screamed at Josh, pushing him away from you.
“Tom it’s fine. Stop.” You reasoned, putting your hand on his shoulder only to have him shove it off harshly.
“This is between me and him.”
“Tom I’m not going to fight you. Y/N is my girlfriend, we were kissing.”
“You touched her ass, you asshole.” He spoke gritting his teeth and throwing a punch to Josh’s jaw.
“Tom!” You shouted, going in between them both and pushing him backwards, inadvertently getting hit by his swinging hand in the process, right in the cheek. You gasped and took a step backwards looking at him in betrayal, a hand held up to your cheek. You felt Josh’s hand on your shoulder and your little group of friends gathering around you, making sure you were okay and giving Tom evils. You shrugged Josh’s hand off, mad at him for even entertaining Tom’s fight.
“How could you?” You asked him heartbroken, tears dripping freely down your face as you reached out for Josh’s hand.
“Y/N I’m sorry, it wasn’t meant for you.”
“No, it was meant for my boyfriend who you shouldn’t have been hitting in the first place. What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“He was touching you.” Tom shouted back at you, getting angry that you were pissed off with him.
“He’s my boyfriend. Don’t you think I’d have pushed him off if I didn’t want him to?”
“You’re weak Y/N. I didn’t want him to take advantage of you.”
“I’m weak?” You laughed sadly, that stinging more than a punch ever could. “Fuck you Thomas Padalecki, don’t speak to me ever again.”
“Y/N come on, we’ve been friends for 18 years and you’re throwing it away over this douche?” He pleaded, tears coming to his eyes as he realised, he was losing the only thing that made getting up everyday worth it.
“You’re the douche. We’re done.” You mumbled and turned to Lily and Penny as they lead you away from the crowd that had formed. Josh looked after you sadly but walked in the opposite direction with Zach.
“Fine maybe we shouldn’t talk anymore.” He shouted after you angrily.
Tom was left to watch you walk away, a group of friends behind you and realised you really didn’t need him anymore. He had lost you. He had only just realised he loved you and he’d already fucked it up.
Next Part
Tags: @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou​ @colie87​ @atlas-of-the-world​ @duckieburns @biawol​ @maralisa124​ @gabriels-trix​ @the-winchesters-impala-blog​ @letmebeyoursforever @rosie-winchester​ @bellero​ @dreaminemz​ @aomi-nabi​  @sebstanismyman​ @captured-memory​ @thatbandchick39​ @thevelvetseries
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The Truth
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Requested - Yes - Daughter reader for Jared Padalecki were she comes out to him. Fluff and angst. 
Your dad was finally back home from filming and you knew now was the best time to tell him. Of course you’d thought about telling him a number of ways, in fact you’d written out several text to him that had all ended up being erased, you’d facetimed and called him with the intent of telling him but backed out every time.
No more, you told yourself, this was it.
You’d heard from your dad and Uncle Jensen that they had landed safely in Texas and were making their way home. You had been prepping yourself for this moment for weeks, knowing you had to tell him. You knew he was fine with fans that came out to him from conventions and things like that but this was a bit different than a fan coming out to him, this was his daughter.
What if he hated you? What if he kicked you out and never wanted to see you again?
You’d always been pretty close with your dad. For a long time before he met Genevive it was just you and him, sure you’d been jealous of Gen at first but she was always caring and loving towards you, treating you like one of her own when she didn’t need too. You didn’t want to come out and ruin the family and what if word got out that Jared Padalecki’s daughter was gay, could it affect his career? All sorts of illogical questions had plagued you for as long as you had known.
Countless nights had seen you sobbing silently as you let your head fill with worst case scenarios, hardly ever letting yourself think of the best case for fear of rejection. It hurt you to hide such a huge part of yourself from your dad but the thought of him turning you away was so much worse.
Your heart thumped madly against your chest as anxiety filled your bones when you heard the front door open and close.
Dad was home.
As much as Jared loved filming, he loved the breaks he got to spend time with his family. Often he felt guilty that he wasn’t around as much as he should be, the kids understood even though most of them were young, he knew you understood too but he loved when you ame on set with him.
Jared had of course notice your distant lately, through text and calls, and he planned to talk to you about it. If he could help he would, he’d never want you or anyone of his family members to feel like they were alone in the world. He greeted Genevive and the kids, noticing straight away that you hadn’t come downstairs. He shrugged it off, thinking there was a possibility that you could have headphones or were taking a nap. Deep down he knew there was something wrong though.
He made his way up the stairs, placing his bag him his and Gen’s room before making his way over to yours. He knocked on the door, pushing it open when he didn’t receive an answer and stopped as he saw you sat on the floor, quiet sobs escaping you as your face rested on your knees.
Quickly, he snapped out of the shock and made his way over to you. He scooped you up and placed you in his lap, holding you tight and rocking you gently as though you were still a small child.
“Hey, baby girl, shush, that’s okay, take your time, you’re fine Y/N.” Jared whispered softly against your hair.
You had every intention of walking out of the room and telling your dad that your gay, you really did. Then your thoughts got the better of you and you couldn’t bring yourself to open the door. Before you knew it the tears were falling down your face and you could hardly breath.
It seemed to pass in a blur before you register you were being held against your dads chest, hearing the words he was whispering as he tried to get you calm.
“S-sorry!” You managed to sob, the word barely recognisable.
“Don’t be sorry, sweetheart. Everything’s going to be alright.” Jared reassured as he continued to keep up his steady stream of reassuring words.
Eventually, you managed to stop sobbing, though the tears were still pouring down your face no matter how many times your dad wiped at them.
“Sorry, you just got home.” You mumbled, pressing your face into his chest.
“Hey, none of that now, you hear me?” Though you knew he wasn’t expecting an answer you nodded anyway causing him to smile. “Darlin’, what happened?” He asked you, concern practically dripping from him.
You took a deep breath.
This really was it.
“I’m gay.” You managed to breath out, eyes screwed shut tightly as you refused to look at him.
“You’re gay? Wait that’s why you were so upset?” Jared asked, confusion clear in his tone.
“Didn’t want you to hate me.” You mumbled against his chest, eyes opening in shock as you heard him chuckle.
“Hate you?” He repeated. “Darlin’, I could never hate you, especially not for something like this! You know I’ll support you with anything, same goes for your brothers and sister. You being gay doesn’t make you any less of the Y/N Padalecki I know and love, trust me on this baby girl, this changes nothing. I know I speak for most everyone in this family on that. I love you so much.”
At this point you were sobbing again but this time it was tears of joy and relief pouring down your face.
“Thank you! I’m so sorry.” You sobbed.
“C’mon now, none of that. You’re my daughter no matter what and I’ll always support you.” He told you sincerely, kissing your head as he did.
In that moment, you knew you were so incredibly lucky to have a dad as supporting, loving and non judgemental as Jared Padalecki.
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bellero · 5 years
I Thought You Were Gone.
Characters: Telekinetic!reader, Sam x daughter!reader, Dean x niece!reader, Castiel x platonic!reader, Jack x platonic!reader, Billie x platonic!reader and chuck x platonic!reader.
WARNINGS: mentions of death, SEASON 14 SPOILERS!!!! panic attacks, its angsty with a fluffy ending xoxo.
You were pacing the library of your home with your phone pressed to your ear “come on!” you grunted in frustration as it went to answer phone. You collapsed in one of the chairs and tried to calm your erratic breathing, you were worried, very worried.
“I need to stop Dean, but I don’t want you in the crossfire. Stay here, I’ll be home soon”
That was the last thing your dad heard from you, that was three hours ago. You wiped under your eyes. It’s only been three hours, everything’s fine. You jumped at the sound of a voice.
“Y/n?” you spun around to see Chuck stood in front of you, looking dejected and broken. You slowly walked towards him, there was an unusual shake in each step you took “what happened?” you asked, fearful of the answer, there was a pit deep in your stomach, something bad.
He walked over to you, he put his hands on your shoulders, “they’re gone... Jack he- he got angry and killed them all... the apocalypse is happening, he caused it. I killed him before he could do anymore damage...” you stared at him in the eye, “no,” you shook your head “no, you’re wrong. Jack wouldn’t hurt them... he couldn’t” you whispered, wincing slightly at how vulnerable you sounded. “I’m sorry, Y/n... I tried to save them, but I was too late, I’m so sorry” he tried to pull you into a hug but you pushed him away causing him to fly back a few feet.
You could feel anger coursing its way through your body as you glared at him, “that’s such bullshit,” you scoffed “you’re God... you could’ve done something, you could have SAVED them. Trying isn’t good enough when you’re you” you spat, he let out a sigh and looked down at his feet, “I’m sorry” he said before disappearing.
You felt your knees buckle, instead of crashing to the floor you gripped onto the table. Your breathing was hard and your knuckles were white, all you could see was red.
You let out a cry of anguish as you ripped the table out of the floor, it crashed against the metal railings of the stairs. They were gone. Your entire family, just... gone.
Your chest was getting tight and your head was throbbing, you looked up at the ceiling, “YOU BASTARD!” you howled. Letting out a sob you collapsed to the floor, you leant your head in your hands, the throbbing in your head was getting stronger and stronger, the pain was unbearable. You let out a shout, a shout of pain, grief and anger. The bunker shook, the shelves toppled over, tables and chairs were thrown throughout the room. It was silent, nothing but the sound of your ragged breaths echoing throughout the bunker.
The silence was interrupted by the sound of the door slamming open, multiple footsteps and voices. You stumbled to your feet, your hunter instincts kicked in as you pulled out a gun from the waistband of your jeans and pointed it at the intruders, “woah! Y/n, its just us, you can put the gun away”, you shook your head, “who the hell are you” you demanded, they looked between each other, they were all covered in cuts and bruises. Sam stepped forwards causing you to stumble back in panic, he froze and put his hand in the air when you focused your gun towards him.
He looked over at you, you were shaking. Your wide and blood shot eyes stood out against your complexion which had gone white. The only visible colour was the blood dripping from your ears and nose. Your veins were visible, crawling across your face making you look like something from a horror movie. “Y/n?” he spoke gently, “what’s going on?” he asked, you gulped as you looked between the three men stood in front of you. You turned your gaze back to Sam, “I’m going to ask again. Who the hell are you?” You asked with a little more force.
He made another step towards you, panicked you aimed the gun at his shin and fired. You swiped your arms so that the book shelved toppled onto one another, partially blocking them from you, you stared at them for another second before you turned and ran.
You sprinted your way through the bunker, if you could somehow run around and up the stairs then you could get out... get to Jody’s, you’d be safe. You stopped when you turned the corner and saw Dean, you pointed your gun at him and fired, “fuck!” you cursed when it clicked, you hadn’t reloaded it from the last hunt. You threw it to the ground. “Y/n, I need you to breath. Can you do that for me, please?” he asked, you shook your head and walked backwards as he continued to walk towards your “your not Dean” you whimpered, he narrowed his eyes in confusion.
You were about to turn and run when two arms wrapped themselves tightly around your body. You began to thrash in the trench coat covered arms, you began to panic as you fought back. “Let me go!” you yelled, “please, don’t hurt me, please” you sobbed as your knees buckled. “We’re not gonna hurt you...” you stopped struggling but you were still breathing erratically, “sweetheart, look at me.” Dean said placing his hands on each side of your face, you flinched slightly but stared into his green eyes, “we’re not going to hurt you, okay? You’re breathing too fast, can you hear that?” he asked, you nodded your head as you let out another sob. Grabbing one of your hands he squeezed it tightly, you couldn’t really feel it due to how numb it was, “I’m real, okay?” He gave Cas a look as he slowly loosened his grip on you causing you to slump to the floor, you had lost all feeling in your hands and your legs were like jelly. 
Dean knelt down in front of you, “see Cas?” you nodded your head, “he’s real, we’re here” you shook your head as you let out another sob as your breathing slowly picked up its pace, “no... no he said you were dead” your eyes were squeezed shut, “why would he lie? You’re not real, you can’t be real”. The two men exchanged a glance before Cas knelt down in front of you and placed his two fingers on your forehead head, you immediately slumped to the side. Dean slowly stood up with you in his arms, “go to Sam, make sure his legs okay... I’ll take her to her room”.
You slowly opened your eyes, everything was aching. Your chest, your head, your hands and legs... everything just ached. You slowly began to sit up, ignoring your screaming bodies protests, “you’re finally awake” you jumped and looked towards the door at Billie who was leaning against the frame. She walked in, closing the door behind her she stood at the end of the bed with her arms crossed.
You crossed your legs as you leant against the bed frame, “you can sit, y’know” you mumbled, she sat on the edge of your bed and turned to look at you. “How’re you feeling?” she asked, you let out a scoff of amusement and shook your head, “honestly, I don’t know... I can’t really remember what happened. It’s blurry.” you explained whilst chewing on your lip, a habit you had picked up whenever you became anxious, “the last thing I remember was Chuck telling me my entire family had died” you looked at her with a sad smile and tears in your eyes, she reached forwards and grabbed one of your hands, “Chuck lied to you, Y/n. He tried to kill them but they escaped. Chuck killed Jack, started the Apocalypse and then tried to kill Sam, Dean and Castiel” she explained, you shook your head and began to protest when she interrupted you, “why would I lie? I wouldn’t lie, Y/n. Chuck must’ve thought they wouldn’t have made it out... guess he didn’t want to leave you freaking out, so, he told you they died. I’m sorry” She stood back up, “they’re ready to talk when you are, you were panicking so badly Castiel had to knock you out” she explained, she went to leave but turned back when you spoke, “oh my god...” you looked up at her, “I shot Sam... I shot my dad, is he okay?” you asked, quickly standing up by her, she nodded her head and placed a hand on your shoulder, “he’s fine, Y/n. The bullet grazed him, nothing a few stitches couldn’t fix” you let out a sigh, “you wanna see him?” she asked, you nodded your head. “Okay, wait by here. You could use a little more rest” she turned and walked out.
You let out a sigh as you collapsed back onto your bed, you covered your face with your arms and closed your eyes. You couldn’t explain how you were feeling, you were angry... angry at Chuck for almost killing your family and lying to you about it, you were angry with yourself for not believing that they were who they said they were... also shooting your dad probably wasn’t the best thing. You tensed slightly at the soft knock on the door, you sat up “yeah?” you winced when your voice broke. 
Sam walked in and another wave of tears hit you, they slowly started running down your face as he knelt in front of you. He wiped them away and rested his hand on the side of your face, “hey, bug” he whispered, you let out a sob as you crashed into him. He cradled you as you sobbed into his shoulder, “It’s okay. I’m here” he whispered as tears started to slide down his face. He let out a shaky sigh, “I thought you were gone... Chuck told me you all died” he tensed slightly, “is that why the library looked like a bomb had gone off in it?” he asked, you shook your head “sorry about that... I didn’t know I was capable of that much” you sniffed and leant your head against his shoulder, “sorry about your leg” you mumbled. Sam let out a small smile as he tightened his grip on you, “I’m not mad, you did what anybody else would’ve done in that situation”.
“I’m glad you’re not dead” 
“So am I” he replied, pressing a kiss onto your head.
Forever Tags-
@winchesters-favorite-girl @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish @keira-willow  @max-peralta @assbutt-still-in-hell  @rosie-winchester  @hero-ically  @waywardnewcomer @hi-my-name-is-riley  @rosegoldquintis  @choosemyname  @wegoddessofhell @saturn-aka-six @paintballkid711 @wecantgiggleitsafandom​ @lil-sister-winchester @daughters-and-winsisters
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Protect Her Series
What if Dean Winchester had a daughter that he never knew about? Especially when she shows up on his doorstep with a social worker telling him, she has nowhere to go, because all she knows is gone. What if Lisa and Ben don’t like her and all she does is cause trouble? Will he believes her, when she tells him what he had with Carmen Porter is real, just because he was held hostage by a Djinn? Join me on the ride of discovering your dad and asking him to protect you at all cost.
*This is my first series, I will post it mostly on Tumblr, and then it will be on Patreon as well, so please comment! I won’t charge. There will be one for Jared, Sam and Jensen*
It will be centered around the current season, but Dean and Sam are out of the life and Dean got back with Lisa
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a-jynx · 5 years
Glory Rider - Part 2/3
Summary: Y/N’s best friends talk her into doing some tricks on her new Honda Grom, but what happens when doing a certain trick could possibly lead her to her riding days were over?
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of injuries, hospital visits, car crashes, pissed but loving Jared and Gen, somewhat graphic detail in gore (part 2), along with uncle Jensen and aunt Dan coming in to help,
Pairing(s): Jared x daughter!reader, Gen x daughter!reader, Jensen x niece!reader, Dan x niece!reader
Tags: @iliketowrite02 @waywardnewcomer @laceyn-1201 @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @casiskween @i-hear-crazy-calling-my-name @sandlee44 @j-k-ruffell  
Enjoy! Feedback is the glue to my writing!
“Hey, babe, have you seen Y/N?!” I called while making my way downstairs, attempting to fix my beanie into place as Gen peeked her head out of the kitchen, a large smile on her face.
“Yes, papa bear, she’s fine. She wanted to go take her new Grom out for a little while with Alex.” Gen grinned as Shep and Tom came running in from outside, large grins on their faces as they yelled at each other.
“Mm, you know how I feel about her being on those things..” I gently growled as she arched a brow, frowning before she walked forward wrapping her arms around my waist as I did the same to her.
“I know, but you know she’s careful - plus she’s been riding for almost five years; of course, I’m worried about her too because there are idiots in the world, but we can’t take it away if it makes her happy, J..” Gene gently sighed as I nodded, yet a frown still tapped to my lips when the boys came rushing out of the kitchen, crawling between our legs as we laughed.
“Hey, let me finish up breakfast and then we can all go to the park like we planned, I’ll have to call Y/N, and Alex to meet us over there.” Gene smiled as I scooped up the boys, them wiggling in my arms as I did small circles, them screaming and laughing as we went around, and around, and around - yep, I’m gonna be sick.
“Sure, I’ll have to-”
Suddenly, I was cut off by the sound of my phone ringing. Furrowing my brows, as I thought it was work or Jay, I carefully placed the kids on the floor as they went rushing away, I grabbed my phone and placed it to my ear.
“M.. Mr. Padalecki..?”
“Um, yes, who is this?” I furrowed my brows at the sniffling on the other side, suddenly feeling heaviness in my chest as my eyes trailed over to Gene, who was too occupied with cooking to notice the worry in my voice.
“It’s.. It’s Y.. Y/N..” The coughing and cracking with choked sobs voice made everything seem to just stop. The world stopped spinning, my wife stopped cooking, and my kids stopped playing as I straightened my back - my mind whirling to what could’ve happened.
“What happened?” I quickly placed the phone against my ear and shoulder as I moved quickly, shuffling on my flip-flops as I moved to the kitchen and pressed a kiss to Gene’s temple, catching her off-guard as she frowned at my sudden worry.
“She.. She was doing a trick, and.. And this man - oh my god, he hit her with his truck!” The girl shouted as she couldn’t control anymore of her cries, and that’s when it hit me.. My baby girl is hurt, or even most likely dead..
“Dammit! O.. Okay, is there an ambulance there yet?” I growled whilst running a hand through my hair.
“Y.. Yes, it’s the Jefferson Hospital,” after that, I hung up, I couldn’t take any more of this..
“Babe? J? Jared, where are you - what’s happening?” Gene called as I rushed around, grabbing my wallet and stuff my phone into my sleep shorts as I threw open the door, I turned back to her and gave her this look of desperation as she furrowed her brows.
“I.. I’ll call you when I know exactly, okay? I love you.” I quickly shut the door and got into my car, my heart was already in my throat.. But I knew it would drop as soon as I saw her.. Jesus, God.. Please let her be okay..
As I parked near the entrance of the hospital, I could see Alex standing there with worry and anxiety just coming off him in waves. I made my way over, shouting for him as he looked towards me a small thing of relief flooded him as he ran to meet me.
“God, Jared.. I’m - I tried to stop her! I’m so sorry, I.. I..” Alex sighed, a broken noise tumbling from his lips as I grabbed him and wrapped him in a hug before pulling him back as he tried to contain himself.
“It’s okay.. She’s going to be fine, and don’t blame yourself, okay? Just take me to where she is,” Alex nodded as he turned away, leading me into the however-many-floors hospital and it made me sick to my stomach…
The smell of chemicals, the sounds of murmuring people, and seeing doctors and nurses with masks and latex gloves just sent shivers down my spin - my girl didn’t deserve to be here. She deserved to be out there - to be free.
“I already told the doctor and nurses that you or Gene would be coming, they wouldn’t let me go in since I’m not immediate family,” Alex sighed as we stepped into the elevator. I didn’t even quite register what he was saying as I attempted to keep tears from flooding my eyes, and my heart from exploding out of my chest.
Suddenly, the silence was broken from my phone buzzing, pulling it out of my shorts’ pocket I saw Jay’s picture appear before I answered, swallowing down the bubble that formed in my throat.
“Jared! Hey, Gene told me to call you, is something wrong? She said you were acting weird before you rushed out of the house..” Jensen’s voice was somewhat drowned out by the sound of a cars’ engine.
“I.. It’s Y/N, J.. She was riding and got hit by some douche.” I stiffened as I said it - hearing myself say it made it all seem that more real.
Jay cursed before clearing his throat, the dinging of the elevator signaled Alex and myself of as we went towards her room.
“I’ll be there as soon as I can, Jefferson Hospital, right?”
“Yeah..” I hung up, stuffing the phone in my pocket as I listened to the beating of my heart, and the flooding of my blood filling my ears as Alex stopped near a windowed room; and that’s when it happened - it all became real.
Y/N’s bodied laid on the hospital bed, a large breathing tube stuck down her throat whilst a machine kept her breathing, bandages wrapped around her midsection, and the only thing hiding the rest of her was a simple sheet. Dried blood clotted up in her hair and forehead, some stitches on it - she looked pale. Hell, she looked like she was about to greet Death like she would when I returned home after filming…
“Oh, my god..” My stomach lurked as I slowly rounded into the room; God the smell.. The smell of her metallic blood and the chemicals making it hard to bare as I stared at the girl I promised to protect.. To love and treasure more than anything, now laying in a bed with machines keeping her alive.
“Alex, who.. Who’s the man that did this?” I bit my cheek to keep from growling; whoever did this was about to get a whole other meaning of ‘pain’. Alex stepped closer, placing his hand on the bed as he stared down at his best friend; he was hurting almost as much as I was..
“He.. He stopped to check on her, but he never gave us a name or anything. All I remember was the license plate.”
“That’s good enough. I’m going to sue his ass for everything he has - dammit! I knew she should’ve never gotten into riding!” I turned and slammed my palm against the door, before running both of my hands through my hair, frustration rolling through my veins as I attempted to clear my head.
“Jared.. I - she loved riding, it was her passion. Plus you knew you couldn’t say no to her the day she asked you for her first bike..” Alex moved away from Y/N, placing a hand on my shoulder as I turned towards him, feeling the burn of tears in my eyes as I sighed, my bottom lip trembling.
“Well, this isn’t the first bike situation - this is the last one. She’s not going to leave the house on another one of those death traps ever again, and I don’t care how pissed, or how upset she gets - its final. Her glorified riding days are over.” I swatted a hand in the air, emphasizing the point of there was no more riding days to follow after what happened - I wouldn’t allow it.
“Jared, think about this rationally.” Alex slightly pleaded, but I waved him off. Moving around him as I grabbed the seat closest to Y/N’s bed, pulling it close and plopping down into it; I reached forward and took her wire-free hand into my own.. It felt cold.
“I am, Alex.. If this was your child, you would be doing the exact same thing!” I slightly growled, my papa bear showing through. Alex stood behind me, I could hear the delayed breathing from his nose as I narrowed my eyes at my daughter’s body.
“Jared, please… If you keep her cooped up after this, she’ll never want to ride again. She’ll be terrified to even leave the house,” he whispered with a slow yet painful sigh.
I rolled my lips together with the shake of my head, scoffing slightly before turning my head and glancing at him from over my shoulder. “Maybe that’s for the best.” I hissed as hurt and agony tightened in my throat. Rolling my thumb over her cold hand, a sudden commotion came from outside, only to reveal Jay from the hallway with worry and anger twisting on his face.
“Jared..” Jay took a few steps into the room as I stood, Alex, taking a few steps back as I met him halfway as we wrapped our arms around each other before pulling apart and turning back towards Y/N. “So, do we know what happened, or… How long?” Jay asked in a whisper as I swallowed thickly and shook my head, glancing at Alex, who stood there with furrowed brows and sad filled eyes.
“I just got here, but they haven’t said anything… I need to call the cops though, Alex said he knows the mans’ license plate, so I need to get them here soon.” I cleared my throat, before moving towards the door and to wave Alex to follow as he nodded once, quickly moving behind me as Jay moved further into the room before sitting down where I sat before, grabbing onto Y/N’s wrist and holding her hand tightly.
She’s already so broken, but if I lose her to some idiot… I’ll break them even more. 
Part 3: Coming soon! 
I hope you all enjoy this new chapter! I’m hoping the third part will be the best! 
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mlovesstories · 2 years
Generations Part 1
Tumblr media
Jared x daughter!reader
Jensen x niece!reader
Summary: Jared loses the love of his life, and he has to pick up the pieces for his daughter. 
Warnings: death, emotions, car accident.
Word Count: 1700
“Jensen! Call me back!” Jared yelled into the phone and folded his flip phone shut.  He pulled his toddler-aged daughter into his chest.  Jensen called him back.  “Jensen, Sarah is gone!” The younger man screamed to his friend.  “I need you, please!” 
Jensen heard his niece crying in the background. 
“What are you talking about? Why is YN crying? Where are you?” 
“At home.  Sarah was in an accident on our street.  She’s gone!” Jared continued to cry.  
“What?” Jensen shook his head even though Jared couldn’t see.  “I’ll be right there,” he wiped the tears away that were starting to roll down his face.  Jensen hung up and took a deep breath. 
How couldshe be gone? What was Jared going to do? How would YN grow up without a mother? 
“Bud!” Jensen shouted over the commotion of sirens and people everywhere.  “Hey, come here.” He crushed YN in Jared’s arms as he gave the taller man a hug.
“Unca Jen?” YN looked up at him, narrowing her eyes in confusion.  “Mommy no feel good.  She’s taking a nap with Jesus.  Dat’s what Daddy said.” YN reached for her uncle.  Jensen took her in his arms and pulled her close into his chest.  YN gripped his shirt into her little fist, wrinkling the material.  Using the angle of her neck, she wiped her face on his plaid shirt as a tissue.   
“I know.  I’m sorry, kiddo.” Jensen tried not to cry in front of her, but he had just lost a friend and his friend had lost his love.  He bounced her little body up and down to soothe her.  Jensen turned to his friend.  “I am so sorry, Jared.  I’m so sorry.” He guided his tall friend to a curb outside the caution tape to sit down.  Jared took a deep breath to control his breathing, but a sob ran through him, and he let it out unimpressively.  Jensen wrapped his arm around his friend while still holding the toddler in his other arm.  “I know,” he tried to sooth Jared.  Jared ended up with his head on Jensen’s chest at an odd angle, but neither cared.  Jensen sighed, trying to figure out how he was going to guide his friend through this tragedy.  
“Bye, sweetcheeks,” Jared grimaced as he left his daughter with a nanny for the ten-thousanth time.
“No go!” YN cried.  “Where Mommy?” The young girl still didn’t understand. 
“The nanny will take care of you.  Mommy isn’t here right now.” He kissed her lightly.  “I have to go to work with Uncle Jensen.  I’ll be back in four days.” 
“No!” YN wailed. 
“We’ll be fine, Mr. Padalecki,” the nanny smiled.  “I promise.” 
“Okay.  Call me if she-” 
“Needs anything. I understand, Mr. Pads.” She nodded. 
The next day, Jared was fretting.  
“I hope she is doing okay,” he paced in the apartment he and Jensen shared.  
“You haven’t gotten a call from the nanny.  No news is good news when it comes to toddlers.  Trust me.” 
“You don’t have kids!” Jared huffed. 
“No, but I have nieces and nephews,” the other man shrugged. 
“I guess you’re right.” Jared sighed.  “She just turned four and being away from her while we are still grieving is not ideal.” 
“So bring her up next time.  She has a passport.” Jensen suggested.  
“Maybe…  I miss her so much, Jensen.” 
“It’s only a few days, dude.  I miss the munchkin too,” he tried to assuage his friend. 
“No.I mean Sarah.” Jared sat down on the couch after pacing the room.  Putting his head in his hands, the dad let out a breath.  Jensen switched gears and softened.  He walked over to his friend and ruffled Jared’s hair.  “Stop it,” he swatted Jensen’s hand away in playful annoyance.  “I’m going to bed.” Jared stood but Jensen gently put him back down. 
“No.  We’re having a living room sleepover.  Your sleep has been shit lately, and I am not going to let you be alone with your thoughts.” 
“I’m fine.” 
“No, you’re not.  And that’s fine.  But I will not let your brain take you through the tangles of that day. Now, relax and turn on a crap movie. I’m getting popcorn and pillows.” 
The friends talked and laughed at the movie until they both fell asleep on their assigned couches.  The next day, Jared was more himself. Both he and Jared were thankful for that.  Jared knew he couldn’t raise her on his own.  He needed his strong circle of friends for himself AND his kid.  Over the next few years,  Jared’s immediate heartache for Sarah decreased, although he still thought about the fond memories they had.  
“Unca Jensen?” Six-year old YN walked into the kitchen just having put on her pajamas.  
“What, baby?” He looked down at the little girl with a smile.  
“Can you tell me about my mommy?” YN offered her saddest puppy dog eyes.
“You missing her tonight?” He put the dishes back in the sink and laid the towel down on the counter.  Jensen scooped her up suddenly, making her giggle.  
“Did she like me?” 
Jensen took the girl into the living room and sat with her on the couch.  
“Oh, sweetheart.  She LOVED you.  More than you could imagine.”
“As much as the whole wide world?” YN searched her uncle’s face. 
“Even more than that.” The man grinned as he whispered his answer.  Snuggling her tightly, he let her adjust on his lap.  “She was kind, funny, she knew how to make you laugh even when you were throwing a tantrum and crying. Her heart was as big as yours.  Your mom loved you and your dad so much,” he trailed off, missing his friend. 
“Did Mommy love you too?” 
Jensen chuckled.  
“We were very good friends.  I loved her so much, and I miss her.” 
“It’s going to be okay, Jensen,” she looked back up at him and stroked his face soothingly with her small hand.  The gesture tickled his five o’clock shadow, but he resisted the temptation to move away from the feeling.  
“You think it will be okay?” He smiled just a smidge. 
“You’re strong. So is me and Daddy.  We’ll be okay.” 
“We will be,” he stroked her hair absent-mindedly.  The next time he looked down at her, she was breathing evenly on his chest with her eyes closed.  While watching youtube videos with closed captions as not to wake her, Jared returned from dinner with friends.  
“Hey,” Jared whispered.  “Brought you leftovers.” He set the bag of food on a side table and walked toward the pair on the couch.  Jared reached for his daughter, but Jensen shook his head. 
“I’ll put her down.” He smiled with pride.  “I got it.” The man came back ten minutes later.  “She fussed for a second, but she is asleep now. “ Jensen looked for approval from his friend.  
“She has a hard time relaxing,” Jared responded.  “YNN would fall asleep so easily with Sarah, but not with me.  She could get that girl to do anything.” The leftover food was pulled out for Jensen, and Jared put the dessert he purchased in the refrigerator.  
Jensen consoled his friend and told him about the conversation he had with YN before bed.  
“That’s so sweet. YN has those questions sometimes.  I don’t know how to handle it sometimes.  Sometimes it’s screaming and then another it’s tears.  You got the best outcome of just a few questions,” Jared laughed.  
“You’re doing fine.  She’s five and doesn’t understand.” Jensen took too big of a bite of his steak and dropped half of his fork-full onto his shirt, stain growing larger by the moment.  “Ugh.” He rolled his eyes. Jared laughed. 
Going back to the conversation, he said, “Six, and I’m trying, man.  I’m trying. YN is starting school in a few months.  How am I supposed to handle homework, her friends, the classmate moms? Can I handle communication with a teacher when I’m in Van?” 
“Woah,” Jensen put a hand up.  “Yes, first of all, you can.” He wiped his shirt with a napkin.  “Second, you won’t be alone.  Besides, maybe she can go to school in BC.  You will figure it out.” 
“You keep saying that, Jensen.  Stop saying it! I won’t!” 
“Oh, that’s crap.  I’m saying it because it’s true.  It’s been a few years and every time you’ve done it, whatever it is that needs to be done.  There is no roadmap for this shit.”
“Why are you so incessant?” Jared sighed, giving into his friend’s logic. 
“What’s my job?”
“What’s my job? As your big brother, what is my job?” 
“Ackles…” Jared rolled his eyes, thinking that line was stupid.  
“Well?” Jensen waited expectantly. 
“To protect me,” he huffed with a smile at the show’s inside joke.  “But you don’t have to.  I’m not a baby.” 
“No, you’re not.  But you are my brother, and as an older brother, or close to it, it is my job to take care of you when you feel like you’re not doing a good job.  Because you are.  She has the most amazing dad.  There are so many ways this could have played out.  You could have climbed into bed and not ever left your room, you could have checked out and poured yourself into work- but you didn’t.  You come home with your puppy personality and it’s all about YN.  You’re doing fine.  Excelling, actually.” 
“You don’t mean that.” Jared looked anywhere but Jensen’s face.
“Do I ever say stuff I don’t mean sincerely?” 
“I guess not.” Jared ran a hand through his hair.  
“You have had a fun evening, but I think it’s time for bed.” Jensen grinned, playfully admonishing his friend. 
“How old am I? It’s ten pm.” He laughed. 
“Exactly.  And your kid has dance at eight tomorrow morning in case you forgot.  Go, chillax. I’ll clean up here and head out.  Go,” he shooed his friend.  “When I get back from throwing this plate away, you better be gone and upstairs.  I’ll lock up behind me.” He stood and cleaned up the coffee table in front of him.  When Jared didn’t move, Jensen glared at the man.  “I’m serious, man.  Don’t get lost in your head.  Go to bed.” 
“Yeah, right,” Jared snapped out of his daydreaming spell.  He grunted and he stood to his feet and headed toward the stairs.  “Thanks, bud.” 
“Yep, sleep good, ya lug.”
@metalfangirl​ @squirrelnotsam
@katymacsupernatural  @unicornblood4ever  
@fangirl-moment-x  @empirialwolf @winchesters-favorite-girl
@super100012  @percywinchester27  @waywardsuns  @supernatural-jackles  
@mcallmestiles @sdavid09  @kingandrear  @bellero @skylarraker
@seality​​​​​ @jaycc7983​​​ @luci-in-trenchcoats​​​
@cherryblossomflowers​​ @because-you-never-know-when​
@sleepylunarwolf​ @choosemyname​
@internationalmusicteacher​ @mersuperwholocked-lowlife​
@encounterthepast​  @torn-and-frayed​
@giggles1026​ @xiumin-girl99​
@idksupernatural​  @silverstripe101a​
@thevelvetseries​ @samsgirl93​   @supernatural3002​ *
* @breereadsthings​ *
@vicmc624​ @hookedinto-fictionalworlds​   @beatifuldisaster018​
@miraclesoflove​ @myopiamystical​ 
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Pass the Stuffing
Pairing: Jake Jensen x stripper!fem reader (Khaleesi)
Words: ~1.5k
Summary: Thanksgiving with Jake’s sister and her family awakens some new things in your muffin.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex, breeding kink, daddy kink, rough sex, multiple orgasms, squirting, possessive partner) soft then feral Jake, domestic fluff, pet names (muffin and sweets), bad puns, established relationship, SMUT!!! 18+ ONLY!!!
A/N: Uh, this took an unexpected direction, but I’m not mad about it. You’re welcome @jamalflanagan 😈
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!!
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You gave Jake a peck on the cheek when you moved out of the kitchen, grabbing little Marcus out of his high chair and cooing at him as you went to where Hannah was calling for you. His niece had immediately fallen in love with you when you arrived, especially when she found out you were a dancer and chomping at the bit to talk to you all about ballet since that was her obsession now that soccer season was over.
And you were happy to hold her attention, telling Jake and Mandy that you were absolutely useless in the kitchen, so you should be the one to wrangle the kids. Which was probably for the best, Jake still shivered when he remembered the time you almost burned down your apartment trying to make him spaghetti. So there you were, being all cute and shit and making him feel a type of warm that didn’t have anything to do with the stove and oven running.
Jake felt like his heart was thudding in his throat while he watched you hold his baby nephew on your hip, watching Hannah intently as she showed you the dance she was working on for her ballet class’s performance of the Nutcracker and told her she was going to be the most awesome snowflake of all time. It was way too early to be having the thoughts he was having right now, but goddamn you were fitting into his life so well and all he could think of was fucking you non stop until it took.
“You might want to put a ring on it first, Jay.” Jake swore under his breath and almost dropped the potatoes when Mandy spoke up behind him, blushing up to his ears when he turned and saw her giving him a look like she knew exactly what he was thinking about. “Man, you are in it deep, always jumping in with both feet.”
“I can’t help it.” He was whining a little bit but he didn’t care, his grip on the hand mixer painful when he saw you press a soft kiss to the top of Marcus’ head. “It’s like someone made her in a computer just for me.”
“You’re such a sap.” Mandy pulled the turkey out of the oven and handed it to Jared with a small peck on the lips, the three of them moving to the table with the food while you corralled the kids.
He just shrugged uncomfortably as he sat next to you, sighing when you reached out to squeeze his thigh and give him a little peck on the cheek. The whole dinner and night was him constantly fighting the heat that was creeping up his neck while you cooed over the kids and listened to all of Hannah’s stories all while giving Jake the softest, most affectionate touches that he couldn’t get enough of.
It was all he could do not to pounce on you in front of his sister and her family. He had hardly eaten any food, just pushing it around his plate while he considered his feelings and whether he was gonna freak you out by just how fast he wanted to move things between the two of you. Before he knew it everyone was heading to bed, and all he could do was blink stupidly while you nibbled on his jaw and pulled him into the guest bedroom.
“Whatcha thinking about?” You peppered kisses all over his neck as you yanked him towards the bed, shoving your hands under his shirt and digging them into that itty bitty waist of his and purring. “You haven’t said anything in almost an hour.”
“Nothing.” He lied, letting you peel his shirt off over his head as he dragged the sleeves of your dress down your shoulders and flicked his tongue into your mouth. “Just wanna hold you.”
“Yeah? Well I want you to give me your stuffing first.” You bit your lip and giggled when he pushed you back onto the mattress, pulling his glasses off and setting them on the night stand while you nibbled on his bottom lip.
“Really? Aren’t you full? I think you ate more than anybody.” He paused when you cooed at him indulgently, realization dawning on his face when you grabbed the bulge at the front of his jeans and squeezed. “Oh! That stuffing.”
“You’re so cute.” You tweaked his nose after he pulled his shirt off, undoing his fly and helping him shimmy out of the rest of his clothes until he could settle those narrow hips between your open legs. “Come on, muffin, stuff me full of that sweet mess.”
“God, ok.” He licked his lips as he gripped your thighs and nuzzled into your neck, rolling his hips against yours and purring when you scraped your nails over his scalp. “Should I preheat your oven first?”
“Ha! You dork.” You cackled when you felt him grin into your shoulder, slapping his shoulders when he nibbled on your ear and winding your legs around his waist. “No preheating necessary, my pussy’s been nice and warm and wet ever since you stepped in that kitchen today. You’re gonna make such a good house husband.”
“Yeah?” He brought a hand between the two of you to stroke his cock a few times before lining himself up, sliding his hips forward slowly until they met yours while he groaned into your mouth. “You wanna tie me down, sweets?”
“Mmm, maybe I do.” You rolled your body to meet his as he started slowly grinding into you, dragging your knees up his sides and biting your lip when his hands squeezed your waist. “Want everyone to know I’m yours and you’re mine.”
��Fuck, I want that too, sweets.” Mandy was right, he was fucking deep in it. “My fucking girl. Gonna show everybody.”
“Yeah, you’d better… shit.” You gasped when he hooked one of your knees over his elbow so he could hit you with even deeper strokes, arching your back when he leaned on his free hand and slammed into you so hard you were choking on it. “Oh god! Give it to me.”
“I’m gonna fucking give it to you good.” He ground into your clit and grinned at your whine, running his hand down your calf so he could grip your ankle and bring it up to his mouth, nibbling on the delicate bones as you kept moaning while he kept driving into you. “Gonna make this pretty pussy come all over my dick then fill her with so much cum, you’re gonna be leaking me for days.”
“Yeah, you gonna fuck a baby into me?”
“What?!” The arm he was leaning on for support gave out and he collapsed on top of you with a surprised grunt, groaning when you laughed into his shoulder and he groaned at the feeling of you clenching around him still.
“C’mon Jakey, saw the way you were looking at me when I was with those kids.” You bit his lip and swallowed his moan when you grabbed his ass and pushed him deeper. “Want it too, muffin, want you to fill my little pussy with that hot cum and fuck it in deep until it takes. Wanna make you a daddy.”
Jake made a sound you’d never heard from him before, a feral snarl combined with a deep purr that sent a shiver down your spine. Then he was pulling out of you almost completely and slamming home again, shoving you up the bed a foot at a time until your head almost cracked against the headboard while you let out a series of cute little yelps.
“That’s fucking right you’re gonna make me a daddy. Goddamn.” He yanked your head back by your hair and bit at your throat, pounding into you so hard you could barely think, let alone answer him at all. “Gonna fill this creamy little pussy all the way up. Gonna knock you up real good. Come on my fucking dick, sweets, make room for my baby in there.”
“Jesus Christ.” You gritted your teeth as pleasure raged through your veins suddenly when he put a hand under your ass and tilted your hips perfectly so he was driving right against your clit. “Unh, get in there, fill my pussy, please Daddy.”
“My pussy.” He ran his nose over yours and bit at your lips, growling possessively as you whimpered for him. “Daddy’s pussy.”
“Your pussy, Daddy.” Holy shit, you’d awoken a monster. You’d never been prouder of yourself than you were right now. “Want your baby, please Daddy. Gimme your cum so I can have it. Please, oh please, can I have it? Want it so bad… oh!”
He hit you deep again and your whole body spasmed wildly, your cunt clamping down on him and keeping him fully seated in you as you squirted all over his abs. Jake had to bury his face in your shoulder at the feeling of your sweet little pussy milking him for all he was worth, his hips stuttering as he let out a muffled shout and started pumping his cum into you deep.
You panted desperately underneath him when he collapsed on top of you in a tangle of limbs, running your fingers over his broad shoulders while his cock still twitched inside you.
“That was… unexpected.” You grinned lazily at the ceiling as you came back down.
“I… um… I don’t know what happened.” He winced when he brought his face back to yours, keeping his eyes screwed closed while he rested his forehead against yours.
“Don’t get all nervous on me muffin, that was amazing.” You grabbed his ears and wiggled them until he gave you a shy smile and opened his eyes, pecking him on the nose and giggling when he pinched your waist playfully. “Who knew you had a big old daddy kink hiding under that sweet boy exterior?”
“Not me.” He nibbled at your lips and purred when you brushed your fingers over the shorter hair at the back of his head. “Not that it matters, aren’t you still on birth control?”
“Yeah but if you fuck me like that I don’t think it’s gonna make a difference.”
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A Chance at Love
Part 10
Jensen x Reader
Having been legal guardian to your niece for almost a year, you land a job on the set of Supernatural.  You become good friends with Jared, doing his makeup everyday but when Jensen gets back from a small break, are you able to stick to your oath to keep your heart closed?
tag list: @streets-in-paradise ​ @nancymcl @lyarr24 ​ @hobby27 ​  @tristanrosspada-ackles @muhahaha303 @kazsrm67 @eonnyx @maggiegirl17 @stoneyggirl2 @djs8891 @tristanrosspada-ackles​ @recoveringpastaaddict @tmb510 @ladysparkles78
tag list open :)
page breakers curtesy of @firefly-graphics
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   “So how was lunch?”  Carol asked when you walked back into the trailer.
“It was really good, we talked about what happened to Morgan’s parents and everything about it and honestly, I enjoyed talking about it.  It felt good to tell someone who seemed to actually care. Then we just talked about whatever, and he is really great to talk to.”  You couldn’t help but smile.
“See, I told you he was a great guy.  He is a caring guy in general, but he really cares about you.”  She emphasized, and wiggled her eyebrows.
“I don’t know about that, he cares about everyone.”
“Right, and he holds everyone’s hands too.”  She said sarcastically.
“So you were spying on us?”  You asked her.
“Of course I was, I have to look out for both of you.”  She said it matter of factly like it was obvious and unapologetic.
“Oh Carol, what am I going to do with you?”  You laughed.
“Hopefully you will finally listen to me.”  She stared pointedly.
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     The following few weeks you had talked to Jensen more and you couldn’t help but notice he made a lot of effort to come talk to you, and though he was nice with everyone, he wasn’t nearly as invested with them.  You couldn’t help but wonder if Carol was right.  But he never made a move that you could tell, and though you were a little disappointed you still enjoyed all the time you could spend with him.
“Are you going to the mid-season party?”  Carol asked you one morning as you were cleaning up your stations.
“I hardly had time to even think about it.”
“You know you have a babysitter.”  Carol told you.
“Your family is too great.  Yes I am sure if she can, I would definitely love for her to babysit again, but I don’t even have a dress or anything.”
“Oh honey, if that is what is holding you back, I will take you shopping.”
“I hardly have time to get groceries, I don’t have time for that.”  You told her, thinking about how it could even work.
“I thought we were trying to work on your negative mindset?”  She said, as nicely as she could.
“You are right,”  You sighed.  You had been trying to get into a better mindset about not knowing how to do things but work on how to see how to make it work.  And Carol had been great at keeping you accountable.  You wanted to better yourself, knowing you couldn’t keep going on in the state you were in.
“I know, dear.”  she half teased.
“Okay well, I can pick up Morgan, bring her a snack, go shopping and I guess eat out?”  You hardly ate out, just wanting to stay home after exhausting days during the week.
“Yes!  And dinner is on me so that should be good incentive”
“Oh Carol, no I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You didn’t.” And it was left at that.  You knew you couldn’t win an argument against her when she made up her mind.  One of her best and most annoying traits.
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     A few days later you made plans to go out and you were looking forward to it.
“Any fun plans this weekend?”  Jensen asked you on Friday morning while you were doing his makeup.  It was your favorite part of the day, working so close with the man who held your heart.
“Actually yes, believe it or not.”  He asked you that fairly often, and the answer was almost always the same.  Grocery shopping and catching up from the week.
“And what are they?”  He asked, as you leaned over his face.
“Carol is taking me shopping.”
“And that is fun?”  He asked, with a fake disgusted face on.
“It is!”  You defended.  “She is helping me find a dress for the midseason party.”  
“Well in that case it is important.  But you would look amazing in a brown paper bag.”  He blushed, and you blushed too, taking the opportunity to turn around to grab a new makeup brush.
“I think I will stick with a dress, but I appreciate the input.”  You joked.
“Probably a good idea.  You will look better than anyone there.”  He made eye contact, and you could tell he was being serious, and you couldn’t help but appreciate the beautiful green staring at you.  Why did he have to make you feel this way?
“Careful, you will make all the other girls jealous with that kind of talk.”
“Well they should be, they can’t compete with you.”
“Careful Jensen, flirting this early in the morning is bound to lead nowhere good.”  You joked.
“Nowhere good with you sounds good to me.”  His wink made you swoon.  The things this man could do without even trying, it was criminal.
“Oh really? Well, in that case…”  You smirked.
“Don’t get my hopes up, I have too long of a day to not have that promise fulfilled.”
“Guess you just have to wait until the party.”  You had both gotten more flirty lately and you didn’t hate it, to say the least.
“You’re killing me, woman.”  He said, almost groaning.
“I am worth the wait.”  You flirted back, getting more confident with each reaction.  Before you could continue Jared walked in.
“Morning guys”  He greeted.
“Morning Jared, take a seat I am almost done with Jensen.”
“Too bad.”  Jensen said.  You just rolled your eyes and smiled.  You missed the knowing look Jared gave Jensen.
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     After work, you and Carol carpooled to pick up Morgan and she was so excited for the day with ‘Aunty Carol’.  You had a great afternoon trying on a bunch of dresses, giggling like a little kid, eating food, and enjoying such good company.  It had been good for your soul.  You ended up picking out a nice little black dress that was very flattering yet appropriate for a work party.  Carol had insisted on it when you were second guessing your choice.  You hadn’t had to go to a party like this in so long you had started to lose your touch-no, you had lost it.  You had dropped her off at her house with a promise to go out again soon.  You had so appreciated her friendship, you were convinced she was an angel.  Her daughter had also agreed to babysit for that night as well.  In all this turmoil, how did you get so lucky?
“Are you ready for tomorrow?”  Carol asked you Friday morning.  You handed her a coffee and smiled.
“I am excited, I have heard so much about it from everyone around set and it sounds like a lot of fun!”  You told her.
“I half expected you to be nervous!”  She chuckled.
“Oh don’t get me wrong, I definitely am, but I am excited to enjoy a night out.”
“Who are you and what have you done with Y/N?”  She pretended to be shocked.
“I guess you are rubbing off on me.”
“About time!”  She teased. “I can’t take all the credit, you and Jensen have been spending a lot of time together.”
“Only when he asked me about my past, otherwise I really haven’t seen him.”  You mused.
“Why is that?”
“I guess he has just been busy.  It seems great when he is here getting his makeup done, but he never even waves anymore when I see him on set.”  You tried to not sound hurt.  “I guess he is just busy.  I don’t want to sound like an angsty teen wondering whether he likes me or not.  I am sure he has a reason.”  You told her.
“I am glad you are trying to be mature but don’t be an idiot.  Yes he is busy, but you know he has feelings for you.”
“Are you sure?  Cause I was hoping he did but he hasn’t done much to make me think he does.  He is kind to everyone, and so wonderful just as a human being.”
“He is, you’re right, he only lights up when you are around, and though he is kind to everyone he goes out of his way for you, and you can tell he really enjoys being around you.  You might not see it all, but it is true.  And who knows what this party will bring?”  She wiggled her eyebrows at you.
“I guess we will see.”  You smiled at her.  You went back to work, and enjoyed just being with your friend.
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DDD Week #8
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Pairing: Jensen x Daughter!Reader, Jared x Niece!Reader
Summary: YN is off to college, but Jensen isn't ready to let his little girl go so he drags Jared with him to YN's university to check it out.
Warnings: Angst, Cursing, Yelling/Fighting
A/N: Week #8 of DDD is here! Make sure to check out @mlovesstories​ Week #8 and their masterlist! Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!
Jensen: 42 Jared: 38 YN: 18
***ASK OPEN***
Dynamic Duo Drabbles Masterlist
"'Why don't you trust me,' she typed to both of the boys."
With freedom in her sights, YN pulls into a parking spot in front of her dorms. She steps out of her Jeep and stares up at the four-story building in front of her.
A boy in a bright yellow T-shirt and clipboard in hand ran up towards YN, "Hi, I'm Trey. And I'm helping freshmen with their move-ins. Can I have your name?"
"Oh, uh, I'm YN Ackles."
Trey gave her a shocked look, "So it's true. We have a celebrity at our school."
YN immediately shook her head, "No, no. Just a regular girl who's parents happen to be celebrities that wants to get her degree and have her own life."
Trey nodded, "Yes ma'am! So you'll be on the 3rd floor, room 302," he paused reading his clipboard, "Oh, and your roommate is already checked in so she should be up there."
YN nodded, "Thanks, uh, is there any way you could help me with the mini fridge?"
Trey smiled, "Sure thing."
Across campus, Jensen and Jared sat in the bed of Jensen's truck looking at YN's Jeep in the parking lot.
"Jay, this isn't a good idea," Jared said.
Jensen sighed, "She's my babygirl. I need to make sure she's safe."
"Spying on her isn't the best way to do it though."
"What else am I supposed to do? Blow up her phone with calls and texts, asking her-"
Just then, Jensen's phone started ringing. He pulled it out of his pocket and saw YN's name flashing across the screen.
He quickly answered, "Hi honey. Did you make it to school all right?"
"Yeah, I just got checked in and one of the RA's are helping me with my fridge."
Jensen paused, "RA? Male or female?"
"Dad, I'm 18. Boys aren't your concern anymore."
"You're right, you're right. I'm sorry. So how' the-"
"Sorry, Dad. I got to go. Trey is helping me with my stuff. Call you tonight!"
"Wait wait, who's Trey-"
YN hung up before Jensen could get another word in. His phone dropped to his lap and he stared off towards YN's Jeep.
"Well," Jared said, "What did she say?"
"We can't leave, Jared. We have to stay here. She's with some boy."
Jared laughed, "Jensen, she's dated guys before. That's not new."
"No he's...he's helping her with her belongings. What if he helps her unpack? What if they..." Jensen shivered at the thought in his head.
Jared sighed, "So what? Are we just going to camp out here all day?" ______________________ YN and her roommate were walking out of their building and towards the university square where there was a karaoke show happening. YN had quickly become friends with her roommate and was getting more comfortable with the college life.
There were many people that recognized her because of her father, but she shrugged it off and explained to them that is not who she is here.
She was simply YN Ackles, an English and Psychology double major from Austin, Texas.
YN and her roommate found a spot near the stage so they could watch the show. Several people came up to YN, introducing themselves and asking to sit near her.
Back across campus, Jensen is still sitting at the bed of his truck but this time he had a pair of binoculars and is watching YN from afar.
Jared is in the passenger seat of the truck, wishing he was home instead of here.
"Hey, Jared. There's like a ton of kids grouping around her," Jensen yelled behind him.
"Mhmm," Jared responds.
"And it looks like...it's older boys! Why are older boys around her?!"
"Who knows."
"Jared, are you evening listening?"
Jared stuck his head out of the truck, "To be honest, no. I stopped listening about 4 hours ago when you kept freaking out that YN hadn't come out of her room."
Jensen sighed, "I just want-"
"To make sure she's safe. I know, Jay."
Jensen grumbled and went back to spying on his daughter. Jared rolled his eyes and new he was going to regret leaving the truck.
Jared got out of the truck and walked towards Jensen, "She is safe though, Jensen. Look at her, she's having fun. She's meeting new people. She's-"
"She's getting on stage!" Jensen yelled as he stood from the bed of the truck.
YN was in fact walking on the stage after everyone was cheering her name, begging her to sing. She laughed and tried to talk her way out of it, but it was no use.
She walked on the stage and stood in front of the microphone, "Hey, uh, hey everyone. Um, so I guess I'll be singing...something."
YN walked over to the DJ and gave him a song to play then she walked back in front of the microphone.
Jensen grabbed Jared's shoulders, "What if she starts singing and they throw things at her?!"
"Jensen, you and I both know that won't happen. YN has a beautiful singing voice."
"But what if she messes up the words?" Jensen continued panicking.
"It's karaoke. That happens."
"But what if...what if..."
"Jay, you have got to calm down. YN is fine. She's having a good time. Just leave her be. Let's go back to Austin and let her live her life," Jared stated calmly.
Jensen sighed, "Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm overreacting."
Jared looked past Jensen to the stage, "Isn't that the guy that helped her move in today?"
"What?!" Jensen spun around.
They were right. Trey joined YN on stage for a duet of Shallow. The music began to play, the guitar begin strummed made YN sway in front of the microphone.
Trey walked up to the microphone, closed his eyes, and sang his part, "Tell me somethin', girl. Are you happy in his modern world? Or do you need more? Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for? I'm falling. In all the good times I find myself Longin' for change. And in the bad times I fear myself..."
Trey smiled at YN after singing his part. She blushed at him and smiled back.
While Trey was singing, Jensen devised a plan, "Okay, we're going down there. And we're just going to listen. But if something happens, we're getting her out of there."
"Jay, this isn't a good idea. You really aren't thinking-"
"Oh, she's about to sing. Let's go!"
Jensen hauled ass and ran towards the stage. Jared rolled his eyes and ran after him. He quickly caught up to Jensen, but not by running past him.
Jared tripped over his own feet. He fell and ended up rolling down the hill towards the stage. Jensen turned and saw Jared rolling behind him. He tried to dodge, but Jared ran into him, causing him to fall as well.
Meanwhile, YN was singing her part on stage, "Tell me something, boy. Aren't you tired tryin' to fill that void? Or do you need more? Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore? I'm falling..." but she got interrupted by Jensen and Jared.
The two men fell on the stage right behind her. YN and Trey turned around and saw Jensen on top of Jared holding his head.
Jensen looked up to YN and chuckled nervously, "Hey, sweetheart. We, uh, we just wanted to check in. See how college was going."
Trey then yelled out, "Holy shit, it's Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki!"
The crowd started screaming and fangirling at the two celebrities. They crowded around the stage, jumping around in excitement.
Jensen and Jared finally got to their feet and walked up behind YN. Jensen laid a hand on her shoulder, but YN quickly shoved it off.
"What the hell are you two doing?" YN yelled.
Jared turned to Jensen, "Before we explain, just know your father dragged me into this."
Jensen glared at Jared, "Thanks, man," he turned back to YN, "Honey, I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were safe."
"Safe? Dad, have you been here all day?"
Jensen looked at his feet, "Not all day. More like 5 minutes after you got here this afternoon."
"What? Have you lost your minds? Do you seriously not trust me enough to be on my own that you'd just crash in here?" YN screamed.
"No, no. It's not that we don't trust you. We just don't trust..." Jensen pointed at Trey, "That. Boys like him have intentions with girls like you."
YN clenched her teeth, "Girls like what, Dad?"
Jensen gulped, "Just like...girls that are, you know, innocent and such and-"
"And nothing, Dad. I can't believe you two don't trust me! And Trey? He's an RA, all he did was help me move into my room. I asked him to sing with me on stage, big deal. He's a friend."
Jared stepped towards YN, "We're sorry, YN. Truly, we are."
YN shook her head as tears filled her eyes, "No you're not. You embarrassed me. You made me look so stupid. And now nobody will see me as myself. They'll only see me as Jensen's kid or Jared's niece," she turned away from them and mumbled, "I hope you're happy."
Then YN sprinted back to her building and to her dorm. Jared and Jensen stood on the stage and watched her run.
"We messed up," Jensen whispered.
Jared turned and hit the back of his head, "You think?!"
That night, Jared and Jensen sat on Jensen's couch and stared blankly at the wall in front of them. Genevieve and Danneel scolded them when they got back, both women receiving phone calls from YN before the men got home.
Jared sighed, "I'm the worst uncle."
Jensen scoffed at him, "Worst uncle? Try being the worst father."
Then Jensen's and Jared's phones chimed, alerting them of a text. They were both shocked to see YN's name on their screens. They exchanged a worried look before opening the message.
YN sat on her bed, still crying from the events that happened that evening. Her roommate was out of the room, leaving YN alone.
She stared at the ceiling, talking to herself, "Why? Why did that humiliate me like that? What made them think that was okay? Do they...do they not trust me to make the right choices?"
YN pulled out her phone and typed out a text to Jensen and Jared. "Why don't you trust me", she typed to both of the boys.
Jensen and Jared stared at their phones for a moment, reading YN's message over and over again.
"How am I going to fix this, Jared?" Jensen asked his best friend.
Jared shrugged, "To be honest, I don't think you can. This is going to take some time. Just...just leave her alone for a while. Let her call you when she's ready."
Jensen nodded, "You're right."
That night, Jensen and Jared didn't move from the couch. They both felt so bad from their actions. YN cried herself to sleep. She didn't understand why her father and uncle did what they did.
To be honest, Jensen nor YN knew what to do. It's just going to take time to get over this.
My Cherry Blossoms
@mlovesstories​​ @adorable-minibot​​ @chessurkait​​
@idksupernatural​​​ @desiredposion​​​ @thevelvetseries​​​ @let-me-luve-you​​​
@obsessedwithfandomsx​​​ @mangueweaschester​​​ @starchildwild​​​ @deans-baby-momma​​​
@spnbaby-67​​​ @unicornmadness2444​​​
@emery--nicole--morrison​​​ @spnfamily-j2​​​ @akshi8278​​​
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Missing You
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Click here for my masterlist.
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Pairings - Jensen Ackles & Daughter reader
Requested - anon - reader misses jensen (her dad) more than she realises and goes to a con and just soft fluff please (if you can link last nights episode in some how then that’d be great) Love your work!!!
Prompts - None.
You sat in your bedroom curled up under the covers of your bed with your TV playing in the background, snacks lay scattered around you as you scrolled through Twitter. You were waiting for the newest episode of Supernatural to air, knowing that your dad had worked so hard on it as director for that episode. You also knew that one of his songs from his upcoming album with Steve was going to be on it.
You hadn’t even seen the episode yet but you already had such an overwhelming feeling of pride for your dad, remembering how shy he had been once upon a time when performing in front of an audience and now he was hours away from releasing an album and having a song of his featured on the show he had dedicated such a huge part of his life to.
“Because I kind of hate me right now.” God spoke causing you to roll your eyes and mutter a sarcastic “tragic” under your breath. As much as you hated Chuck, you could help the smile as you watched Rob’s acting, he was incredible. It had been a while since you had seen him and other members of the cast, maybe you’d ask your dad if you could go to one of the upcoming conventions soon.
Tears filled your eyes as you watched Sam and Dean talk in the impala, turning to a watery glare as the scene changed to Chuck writing the story. You had no idea how Supernatural was going to end, your dad had offered to tell you some secrets but you refused. You’d been watching the show for a long time now and wanted to experience the final season along with every other fan, wanted to go on Twitter and tweet about your actual reactions, wanted to be shocked when an old face was reintroduced or cry like you had when Rowena had died.
Once the show ended it didn’t take long before your phone lit up with an incoming FaceTime call, you grinned as you saw your dad was the caller.
“Hey Y/N/N!” Your dad greeted as the call connected.
“Hey dad, you did such an amazing job directing that episode!” You told him sincerely, a giant grin on your face as you continued to praise him. “And the song! Dad, it fit so well! God, I’m so proud of you. I can’t wait until the album comes out tonight.” You had heard a few songs from the album, your dad had wanted to share them with you.
Some nights when you couldn’t sleep you’d wonder the house and find him in the living room or sat out in the back garden with his guitar and a notebook in front of him. He’d play you songs to help you drift back to sleep and you woke up the next day either on the couch cuddled up with him or in your own room wrapped tightly in your blankets.
“Yeah? You really think it was that good or you just saying that?” He teased, a grin on his own face as he took in the compliments you were giving him. To him there was no better reward than seeing his family happy, sure the awards they won on the show were great but seeing that pure look of happiness on your face couldn’t compare.
“Dad!” You laughed, “It was amazing, I promise! Everyone is raving about your directing and for good reason to. And Chuck in that episode, I swear I hate him so much but Rob- I love him and his acting is amazing.”
“Hey, what about me?” You heard a voice shout slightly off camera but knew the owner of the voice immediately.
“Uncle Jared! Of course, you were incredible as always!” You laughed as you watched him squeeze himself into your dad’s personal space so they both were just about visible on your screen.
“That’s what I like to hear. I miss you kiddo, I feel like I’ve not seen you for ages.” He pouted before playfully glaring at your dad.
“I know, I miss you too. I was actually going to ask you dad if I could come out to one of the conventions. I have a week off from school when you’re at the next one.” You told him, desperately hoping he’d say yes. It hadn’t been that long since you last saw him but you missed him so much when he wasn’t around.
“Well if you’re off school I don’t see why you can’t come. I’ll make sure everything sorted and let you know what’s happening. Are you going to be ok flying on your own, I don’t know if I’ll be able to fly back before the con?” He asked you, worry clear in his tone. You weren’t the best flyer but you could handle it on your own.
“Yeah, no, I’ll be fine. Promise. I just really wanna see you, Uncle Jared and the rest of the cast soon. I miss you.” You cursed yourself silently as your voice cracked, betraying the emotions you were feeling. Even though he was away a lot for work you were closest with your dad, he was always there whenever you needed him, if he wasn’t at home you knew you could always call him and he’d be there. When he wasn’t home though you did feel guilty about calling him, not wanting to drag him away from work or sleep if you’d had a particularly bad night. Having him close always took a huge weight off of you.
“Hey, I miss you too baby girl. Is everything alright?” He asked in concern, you watched as Jared moved away allowing you and Jensen some privacy.
“Yeah, I’m fine really, I don’t know why I’m so emotional right now. I guess I just didn’t realised how bad I missed you.” You told him, giving him a smile, not wanting him to worry about you more than he did. You watched as he frowned, eyebrows knitting together but he nodded along with what you were saying.
“You know if you need me, no matter when, you call me. Even if you think it’s silly-”
“I know I can call you. I promise nothing is wrong though.” You reassured him, smiling when he nodded more genuinely, some of the concern leaving his face but you could tell he didn’t fully believe you.
“We’ll be together before you know it princess.” He told you with a grin making you feel at ease.
Three weeks later you were stood in the airport at San Francisco waiting for your dad’s flight to come in. Luckily you’d both managed to get flights that were fairly close to each other but you were stuck at the airport for at least half an hour by yourself.
You decided to go to one of the coffee shops in the airport to grab a drink before making yourself comfortable at one of the tables and pulling your phone out. The flight itself wasn’t too bad but it wasn’t great, you honestly just wanted your dad. It had been weeks since you had seen him last and it was starting to get to you.
Forty minutes later you got a text from your dad letting you know him Misha and Jared had landed and you quickly wrote back letting him know where you were. You saw him first, it wasn’t hard to find Jensen, Misha or Jared in a crowd, they were usually the tallest and the fairly sized crowd following them, snapping pictures and getting autographs gave them away.
You managed to push past the fans and wrapped yourself around Jensen before he had a chance to even acknowledge who was invading his space. For a brief moment he assumed it was a fan but a quick glance down had him beaming and wrapping his arms around you just as tightly. You felt him press a kiss against your hair and couldn’t help it as your eyes filled with tears, God you’d missed him.
You heard the fans cooing around you but paid them no mind as you clung to your dad.
“Hey baby girl, I missed you.” He told you softly, you squeezed him tighter as you nodded against him.
“I missed you too.” You choked out, focusing on not letting any tears fall right now.
“How about we get to the car, yeah?” Jensen asked you and you agreed wanting to be out of the view of the public, people snapping pictures when you were crying wasn’t exactly what you wanted.
Pulling away from Jensen you were engulfed by Jared wrapping you in his own hug, you were quick to hug him back. Not realising how much you’d missed him until you were in his arms.
“I missed you Uncle Jared.” This caused him to smile brightly down at you before telling you how much he missed you as well.
When you left Jared’s arms you turned to Misha and the two of you hugged each other before finally you were all leaving the airport, Jensen having grabbed the suitcase you’d abandoned in favour of greeting him.
The car ride to the hotel wasn’t too long, you’d spent it cuddled up against your dad having no intention of leaving him at any point in the near future. When the four of you got to the hotel, your dad went to check you both in and you turned just in time to see Rob, Rich and Matt leaving the elevator. You made your way over to them, Richard spotting you first and meeting you half way.
“Y/N! You’re here!” He yelled as he threw his arms around you. The hug was quick and the other two hugged you hello.
“God, I love conventions, so many hugs.” You sighed happily causing the boys to laugh. The four of you chatted until Jared, Jensen and Misha came over, allowing everyone to greet each other and arrange for a dinner later on that evening.
“Come on princess, let’s put these away.” Jensen said, gesturing to the suitcases. One of his arms was placed around your shoulder as the other pulled his suitcase. You smiled up at him before taking your suitcase and heading to the elevator the boys had just left.
“So,” Jensen started. The two of you were cuddled together in bed, you’d met up with Jared, Misha, Alexander, Ruth, Richard, Rob, Matt, Kim, Briana and Mark for dinner and now were back at the hotel. The cast had an early morning tomorrow so it was an early night for most of them. “Are you sure there’s nothing wrong? I’m not complaining about you being cuddly, trust me I love it, but if you need to talk, I’m right here.” You smiled up at him, feeling happier than you had when back in Austin.
“I promise I’m fine. I guess I just needed you more than I realised lately. Nothing even happened, school has been great, my grades are good, Danneel and the kids are doing well, nothing is bad but I don’t know I guess I just miss you being around. I don’t know why it got to me so much this time though.” You told him honestly. Jensen looked down at you, placing a kiss against your forehead before pulling you closer to him.
“I miss being around too. I love what I do so much but sometimes I feel bad about leaving you and JJ, the twins, Dani. I promise I’m always here though, for all of you. I’ll have more time once the show has ended, even with the music and the other projects. I love you, kiddo.” He told you. You were saddened to hear how bad he felt, the family knew he was there for them though and you all were so close, even when he was gone he made an effort to be involved in everyone’s lives.
“I love you too, so much. Never feel bad though, we all love that you’re doing what you love and that you still make such an effort to be with us, either on video calls or flying home on breaks, even if its just for a day or two.” The smile he gave you showed you how much your words meant to him even if they didn’t, to you, feel like they did justice to what you wanted to say. He always knew what you were saying without you needing to say it.
You couldn’t wait til his next break so he could come home.
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bellero · 5 years
There should be a fic up tonight!! It's an angsty dad!Sam based on the season 14 finale
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