#jaskier sings welly boots
Officially Finished "Welly Boots"!
Fanfiction Title: Welly Boots
Fandoms: The Witcher (Netflix)/The Witcher III: Wild Hunt
Chapters: 4
Words: 23,918
Rating: T
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death
Pairings: Jaskier/Priscilla, Geralt/Yennfer
Summary: Jaskier, Ciri, Yennefer, and the Witchers are bored in Kaer Morhen when one of them asks Jaskier to tell them a tale. He spins a story of love and tragedy, featuring a young run-away viscount named Julian and the love of his life Priscilla. The others are none the wiser.
Features Jaskier attending Oxenfurt, befriending Essi, hating Valdo, and courting Priscilla.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45894919
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yakowo · 2 years
my heart aches everytime I listen to Welly Boots by TAD
because i imagine Jaskier singing it to (and for) Ciri...🥲
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wren-of-the-woods · 2 years
Hello, my darling! Tell me all about 3, 4, 13, and 14 for the ruin album ask?
3. What song from ruin hits too close for comfort?
Ohhh... it depends on the day, but Ruin and Drinking Song are definite contenders! Especially in the first few months after the album was released, I couldn't listen to either of them without tearing up!
4. What lyrics make you scream?
All of them Let's see... the whole last bit of The Old Witch Sleep and the Good Man Grace (I've been here so many times before through Doesn't that just scare you to death), This is us, this is me, and this is how we're mean to be from Drinking Song, the chorus of Secret Worlds,
13. Do you have any weird or off-the-wall interpretations of a ruin song?
Hmm... It's not a particular song, but I do have thoughts about the three albums telling the stories of three successive generations, so the father in Secret Worlds would be Joey's character from THATW and the girl in Welly Boots would be Madeleine's character in Ruin.
I also have a habit of connecting TAD songs to characters I like, especially in The Witcher, so I definitely think about Jaskier singing songs from Ruin sometimes (especially Blossoms and Old Witch Sleep).
Additionally, think the post I made about Old Witch Sleep a while back is a contender simply because it is so long and expresses the absurd degree to which I care about this band 😂
14. If you could talk to Joey and Madeleine about one (and only one!) ruin song, what would it be?
That's a hard question!! I think it might be Drinking Song simply because I would love the opportunity to talk to them about how much I love it and how beautiful it is. The Calling is also an option, mostly because I would really like to ask about what the whispers are saying!
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wetnoodle · 2 years
We have another round of modern songs I picture jaskier singing
Welly boots by our favourites the Amazing Devil
“It’s like I’ve gone off to the coast left you behind just standing there. Pretending not to see your. If only you could hear my voice. But you are screaming far too loud to hear me swear. Just because I left doesn’t mean that I’m not still there”.
This for me would be you guessed it. The mountain break up. Jaskier suggested going to the coast and it’s almost as if he went. But he doesn’t want to do it without geralt. And god damn it. If only geralt could just listen for once. If he could just look at jaskier and see what he means. But no. He threw him aside. But despite that. Jaskier cares. So even tho he’s not by Geralts side. It doesn’t mean he’s not a part of Geralts life. Even if geralt isn’t entirely aware of it
“But I’ll stick up for you even though you haven’t got a clue. You haven’t got a fucking clue. And I’m so proud of you. And when they laugh at us. You’ll feel my fingers down your back. And when you scream “I’m not alright” and throw my picture at the wall. You were supposed to be my light and keep my safe against them all”
This part of welly boots is jaskier giving everything he had to geralt. He sang songs across the continent singing his praise. And whenever someone would try to cheat geralt of coin or insult him. Jaskier was always there to defend him. And of course he’s proud of geralt. He does so much good for the continent and doesn’t get the same back and yet he still does it. And when they laugh at us. Because it is both of them. They are a team. They are friends. And jaskier is always there to give comfort and ground geralt. And yet the person who was supposed to be there for him. Supposed to keep him safe. Hurt him worse than anyone.
Don’t know how to keep loving you - Julia Jacklin
“I want to want you. I want to stay here like this” “what if I cleaned up. What if I worked on my skin. I could scrub until I am red hot weak and thin. Too tired to run away.”
Jaskier just wants things to go back to the way they were. And he’s willing to do anything to get it all back. He could make himself better. He could find out what geralt didn’t like about him and change it just so he could stay.
“Should I be waking up or finding a place to sleep tonight. Who will I be now that you’re no longer next to me”
And he’s so lost. Time doesn’t feel real it’s all passing in a blur. Is it morning or day. Should he just lie down on the ground and wait to rot. All that he is is geralt and the songs of the white wolf. Who will he be without that. Would people still want him.
“don’t know how to keep loving you now that I know you so well. I just want to keep loving you”
He doesn’t know how to keep geralt in his heart now that he knows he was never wanted. All he caused geralt was misery. But fuck. He wants to keep loving him. Despite the words. Despite the heartbreak. He just wants to be enough.
Romantic homocide - d4vd
“I’m scared. It feels like you don’t care. Enlighten me my dear. Why am I still here. I don’t mean to be complacent with the decisions you make but why?”
I feel like this is after geralt takes jaskier to kaer morhen. Like he’s not sure why he’s needed. There’s Witchers. Yennifer. Ciri. All very powerful people. Where is his place. What is his purpose. And he’s gone through torture. And not really received a good apology. And he knows he doesn’t fit in. Knows he doesn’t belong. The other witchers certainly don’t want him that was made clear. And he is scared. It feels like no one would care if he disappears. No one’s going to check on him.
“I’m sick of waiting patiently for someone that won’t even arrive”
This is his rage. It’s polite. But it’s rage. He’s done. He’s been so good. Waiting. Pining. Hoping. Working his arse of to be helpful to not be a burden. And it’s never enough. He is never going to be enough. So he’s done.
Punches - noah cyrus
“After all this time, got nothing to lose. After all this time, see nothing but you. You might say, I'm wasted on you. But when you break, I break for you too. Love can beat us black and blue. But darling, I'll take the punches for you”
I feel like this is about jaskier and his torture. If geralt really knew. He’d say he wasn’t worth it. But to jaskier he is. He has nothing to lose but geralt. And geralt has defended and protected jaskier countless times. So now it’s finally his turn to return the favour. So his bones can be broken and he can be beat. And he will take those punches for him.
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aidenwaites · 4 years
Yknow sometimes I think some of yall really need to learn how to separate an actor/creator/ect from their specific works
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shortamarble · 2 years
i’ve listened to mr. joey bateys song ‘welly boots’ approximately 156 times this week and every time i listen to it i relate it more and more to geralt and jaskier 😭 i know it’s technically about coping with the death of a loved one but don’t the lyrics just SCREAM geraskier ??
Oh darling lord, how you make me laugh/ Get drunk for me, sing louder than you’ve sung for me/ Grow young each time that thunder in your lungs begins to rumble at the world/ 'Cause you were always strong
They said ‘That girl, she’s wrong’/ But I’ll stick up for you, even though you haven’t got a clue, you haven't got a fucking clue
You’ll miss me, oh Jesus Christ, you’ll miss me/ Just as much as all those years ago, and you’ll look up at the storm
You’ll say ‘I’ve been so scared/You left me here behind, do you not care?/ How the fuck am I supposed to carry on without you here?‘
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mollymauktealeef · 3 years
tagged by the lovely @spottedenchants
Rules: List the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
tag you're it: @everydayisonfire @intangibel @ladymatt @mllekurtz @slamncram @tarydarrington @viciousmollymaukery and anybody else who would like to try
1. you stole the best years of my life (i'll give them back) [teen, shadowgast]
Caleb comes to slowly and then, all at once. His body jerking with a sudden spike of adrenaline that has every muscle tensed in an instant.
2. scarlet welly boots [teen, shadowgast]
They land hard, the breath forced out of them in a pained sudden whoosh. Caleb clutches Essek to his chest, shielding him and pinning the drow to the ground with his weight as he catches his breath.
3. inkpot gods [gen, geraskier]
“You stink,” Lambert declared, throwing a book into Jaskier’s chest with enough force to expel the air from his lungs sharply.
4. within you [teen, geraskier]
Every child of the Continent understood their fate should they lose their parents' love.
Beware, beware the Goblin King , the children would sing in the streets, giggling nervously as they eyed the shadows and playfully pushed one another towards the dark, silently begging for the monster to take someone else over them.
5. there's magic in misdirection [gen, geraskier]
“You there!”
“Oh fuck,” Jaskier mutters sharply recognising the no nonsense tone of a solider and feeling the dread settle in his gut like a block of ice.
6. sword and shield [teen, geraskier]
A griffin is a living nightmare, they’re smart and fast and some of the most vicious monsters on the continent. They’re a challenge to track as well, taking flight for the most part and if you’re lucky enough to find a trail of viscera leading straight to their nest like a bloody trail of breadcrumbs then the second challenge of the day begins in trying to put the feathery monstrosity down.
7. family matters [teen, geraskier]
“Oh shit!” Jaskier exclaims quietly, diving under the table and huddling next to Geralt’s legs. Geralt sighs and shuts his eyes for a moment. He takes a deep gulp of his ale to prepare him for whatever cuckold has wandered into the inn in search of his bard.
8. a kiss with a fist [teen, geraskier]
The inn is stuffy and just on the side of uncomfortably hot, it's packed full of the townspeople celebrating the end of their blight thanks to the Witcher set up in the far corner.
9. where's wally? [teen, yusuf/nicky]
It's a secret. Except that it's not.
They all know but nobody actually acknowledges it out loud. Everybody seems content to just let Nile ignore the banishment to some degree so long as no one draws attention to it.
10. hold me close [gen, yusuf/nicky]
Nicky placed the lid on the simmering pot and pulled the dish towel off of his shoulder to dry his hands. The small kitchen of their safe house smelled pleasantly of mixed spices and Nicky felt relaxed and at peace in the space.
looking at it, i rarely start with dialogue and if i do, we're going straight into the action, i tend to focus on a singular character pov and establish who very early but beyond that i don't really spot any particular patterns, it's pretty much what goes at the moment
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trekkiepirate · 4 years
TOP FIVE The Amazing Devil lyrics!
1. Welcome to the storm/I am thunder/welcome to my table/bring your hunger (it was my gateway lyric, the one I listened to a bajillion times in a song I listened to a million times until I finally bought the album so Bandcamp would let me listen without limits and started down the path of being a TAD nerd/Dear Heart) - The Horror And The Wild
2. It’s like all the wallpaper inside my heart/is slowly slowly peeling off/and I’m showing all the stains and things/they wrote on the wall before (I mentioned this a bit in the songs list, but when I was very sick, like sauntering vaguely towards literally dying, all I could do was lay and stare at my wallpaper in my childhood bedroom, so I built this image of my heart, covered in wallpaper to hide the pain I was in and the heartaches I’d had, and the dark parts of me, slap some pretty floral wallpaper on it so no one would see how very much I was hurting and wanted to give up already and die. When I heard this line, I had to pause the damn song and cry. Like, pause the song, slowly get up from my work desk and make my way to the bathroom in the building and just go into a stall and lean on the wall a bit and cry. How Joey Batey could write something like that, speaking so completely to a very private part of myself, cracked me open enough for the absolute LOVE I have for TAD to come flowing in) - Two Damn Minutes
3. I promise you I’m not broken/I promise you there’s more/more to come, more to reach for/ more to hurl at the door/goodbye to all my darkness/there’s nothing here but light/adieu to all the faceless things that sleep with me at night/this here is not makeup it’s a porcelain tomb/and this here is not singing I’m just screaming in tune (basically all of Farewell Wanderlust is utterly fantastic, but this part is so good for just singing at the top of my lungs, it’s hopeful and dark and emotional and gorgeous and if I ever meet Joey Batey, I may have to kiss his forehead just to get close to kissing the beautiful brain that came up with it, well with all these lyrics, well just because it’s a cute forehead on a perfect, stupid face and I wanna kiss him) - Farewell Wanderlust
4. Though some would harm you/none not one no none/would raise to you a hand nor thumb/not while by you I stand and hum (1. I am GONNA write the fic that needs that last bit as a the title one day; 2. it’s just utterly gorgeous and the rhythm of it and the way it feels when you sing it, this whole bit is *chefs kiss*) - Not Yet/Love Run
5. Burying her head into his chest and clinging to the moment, ‘where have you been?’/She’ll whisper ‘I’ve waited oh so long for you to come’/And as the stars above them hum and hear them/he’ll turn to her and say ‘that’s what she said’ (1. I really think the entirety of Fair is the best love song I have ever heard in my life and I want to find someone who makes me live it but this bit is so funny and cute and perfect, 2. when I read a comment to Dandelion/Jaskier in the books: “maybe the ability to go from touching lyricism to obscenity so easily is a talent” I thought of this line and just yelled IT IS AND JOEY BATEY GOT IT IN SPADES HE WAS BORN TO BE JASKIER) -Fair
5. And they’re telling jokes/tell ‘em that one about two men in a tent/laughs out loud at mine/do you like my accent, like my accent? (mostly because telling the joke this references is always fun and I got to tell it to Jason Ritter and it was one of the best moments of last year for me when he chuckled a bit) - Pruning Shears
6. Could be ghosts or monsters or a robot vampire I dunno (It’s just silly and fun and I love it muchly, also hella fun to sign) - Wild Blue Yonder
7. Pray for me cause I won’t pray for you (this just speaks to the former Catholic school kid I was, and also I would 100% not be surprised if Joey grew up in a Catholic/Christian school too because this whole song seems just FEELS like someone who grew up in that world and had a few too many questions about it for the other people to be cool with, like I did, but I may be projecting) - Pray
8. Sing me awake with a song about pirates (Grabs the lyrics to “Shipful of Monsters” JOEY I CAN 100% DO THIS IF YOU’D LIKE *wink and eyebrow waggle*) - Not Yet/Love Run
9. I am above you, And I love you, don’t you know/That I’ll be with you all along, as long as you are kind/To those who are not strong and cannot find their scarlet welly boots (this line has been comfort and pain and fire and balm to the soul wound left by my beloved grandma’s death) - Welly Boots
10. Every moon in the sky/Every promise and lie/all hell and its fire waits for us (I just love the rhythm of this 10/10 would recommend tossing your head back and sing-screaming this at the sky)
Honourable Honourable mention to the way Joey Batey growls “No, no, not I” in That Unwanted Animal and single-handedly claimed all the tiny fragments of sexual attraction my gray-ace ass was allotted for the next decade
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laerrynseelie · 4 years
Tumblr media
so, now that the AMA is out, I thought I’d make something inspired by things said in the AMA as well as the general dear hearts and discord chaos. from the AMA, “we make our own mythology”, and I’ve surrounded this quote with lyrics and jokes and references throughout. explanation of every reference below the cut!! this took me 6 hours I’m dying @joeybateyofficial
(if you want you can grab prints of a slightly updated version of this here! if the art is too difficult to see here’s a gdrive link for it. I also put it on twitter if y’all care to give it some love there too https://twitter.com/misscocochen/status/1254104159902711809)
“we make our own mythology” - something madeleine and joey said in the discord AMA regarding the mythology or folklore that may inspire them. actual quote is creating our own mythology but oh well
your interpretation - response in discord AMA about what the songs are about and if they’re up for interpretation
robot vampire + I DUNNO - wild blue yonder lyrics
13/04/2020 - the discord AMA day
the horror and the wild - title track and title of second album
dead sheep - in the AMA, Joey said that madeleine slaughters a lamb before every gig to warm up
where’s the vodka - lyric from Not Yet/Love Run
glug - reference to Jackie downing vodka during the AMA
pruning shears - pruning shears title/lyrics
blue flower - it’s a forget me not, reference to lyrics in Elsa’s Song
dungeon master / tiefling bard - reference to J&M’s roles in DND, as answered in the AMA
blue furious boy / scarlet scarlet - reference to the characters J&M took on for the album Love Run, more info on the official TAD instagram
that’s what she said - lyrics from fair
THE SPANISH INQUISITION - it’s a long story but it happened in the discord
bottle of wine + glass - reference J&M showing up to the discord drinking wine
HALT! - lyrics of wild blue yonder
so much fucking hair - lyrics of fair
beef and brambles + pie adjacent - reference to discord AMA where joey is answering what dessert TAD would be
chords? no - reference to AMA where joey says they won’t release chords
1953 - reference to AMA where madeleine says they met in 1953
be good to me / no no not I - that unwanted animal lyrics
stag skull - reference to album photoshoot for the horror and the wild, also subtle nod to everyone’s need for TAD tattoos
fairy lights - joey described THATW album as fairy lights and fire in an instagram post
DRINK WATER / NEVER! - as J&M were drunk during the AMA, mods prompted them to drink water after, with “NEVER!” as the response
fae realm - let’s face it, J&M are probably fae, and also something a lot of dear hearts say to new TAD fans (ex. “welcome to the fae realm!”)
croissant - the discord made jokes about joey pronouncing croissant the french way
ice cream + fork - no that’s not a pitchfork I just can’t draw forks reference to an instagram post where joey says that isolation is making him so mad he’s having ice cream with a fork
devils / tumblings / witchlings - multiple things joey called the gang on instagram before settling on dear hearts, thus why they’re crossed out
bitrate - bees taught joey about bitrate before the AMA
shoulder blades - those tender fucking lyrics in fair
SQUINTS - jackie. suspicion.
under the covers - lyrics of wild blue yonder
shower head + letters of lyrics coming out as the “water” - shower day
and if you’re alone, just know you’re not - something joey wrote in an instagram post
SHAKESPEARE - J&M have both worked in shakespeare productions and madeleine said is a likely influence for her songwriting in the AMA
with my yoghurt - lyrics of fair, with hurt underlined because fair, well, hurts
OOH SCARY tumblr - reference to joey saying tumblr scares the shit out of him in the AMA, also reference to s1ep4 of the witcher where jaskier goes “ooh, scary face”
onion - TAD’s songs have layers. like onions.
HIVE MIND - reference to J&M saying we have a hive mind thing going with similar logo designs
mom said it’s my turn with the brain cell - hive mind. plus we’re chaos. also small nod to Dani, the server mom
broom - emoji used by mods in the discord to move us to another channel. also, jackie is the fastest sweeper.
tender - need I say more?
unreasonable - lyric from fair, the blue line represents the gorgeous, gorgeous voice crack
tent with stick figures - “two men in a tent” pruning shears lyrics
BARMY / mental - words joey used to describe the fandom during the AMA when responding to if it’s overwhelming
O of OWN with red lines through it - reference to our deep analysis of the album Love Run, referencing the red strings meme
red boots - reference to Welly Boots, lyrics “scarlet welly boots”
from Oxfam - reference to Pruning Shears, “got my shoes from Oxfam”
GIN - reference to joey and madeleine saying they were going to have gin after the AMA
lion king meme - the meme Dani made about discord being the shadowy place over there
can you feel the luuv? - reference to AMA where joey and madeleine said this multiple times in a row. also subtle lion king reference hence the location
wolf hall - a production J&M did together (the one they met on (?) not sure about that)
unemployed - reference to lyrics in Not Yet/Love Run
feral - because we’re all absolutely feral for TAD
the hexagonal box - I tried to draw the box from the King music video, not sure it worked
fret not - lyrics from the horror and the wild
sacred heart + nyts + and the candle we lit - oh boy this has LAYERS. like an onion. sacred hearts are a traditional tattoo, again a nod to everyone wanting TAD tattoos, including J&M as they mentioned in the AMA. sacred hearts, while referencing a specific religion and event, also have the meaning of divine love and its transforming power, which I think we’ve all experienced from TAD. the heart of the sacred heart is typically more rounded to look like an apple, Big Apple = New York, while “torch song” is its own thing torch, fire, you get it. “and the candle we lit” is lyrics from wild blue yonder, again here because of the fire of the sacred heart
ship with thought bubble lyrics - from Not Yet/Love Run, in a thought bubble because “sing me awake with a song about pirates” so dreams? idk what the logic was either. the lyrics making up the thought bubble are “sing me awake with a song about pirates / and I will try to harmonize / and sip the sunlight from your eyes”
it’s so good - we once spoke about Not Yet/Love Run in the general channel on discord, ended with multiple people only replying with “it’s so good”, and no one used the channel for hours to preserve this chain
slipknot - reference to the AMA where joey says he enjoys slipknot, also a reference to the only sound tardi makes in the recording which is to gasp “slipknot!” at this time
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I posted the first chapter of my newest Witcher WIP "Welly Boots".
"Jaskier, Ciri, Yennefer, and the Witchers are bored in Kaer Morhen when one of them asks Jaskier to tell them a tale. He spins a story of love and tragedy, featuring a young run-away viscount named Julian and the love of his life Priscilla. The others are none the wiser."
They sat contently until Ciri sighed, "I'm bored."
Yennefer nodded. She asked Jaskier, "What do you say, Bard? Are you in the mood for a song?"
"You know I don't like to sing if I can't play my lute," he replied.
Yennefer sat quietly. Jaskier had yet to sing a single lyric during their stay at Kaer Morhen. She couldn't blame him. His prized lute had been smashed and with it his heart. He wouldn't be able to play it anyway. After the first couple of days, and the chaos had died down, she remembered the burns on his hands. She apologized profusely, but he insisted it was "quite alright". His fingers were taking their time to heal, so they were still currently bandaged.
"Oh!" Ciri exclaimed, "What about a story? Could you tell us one?"
Jaskier nodded, "That I can do. Any requests?"
Ciri hummed. She admitted, "I don't know. Maybe you can make one up."
"Alright, " he agreed, "Let me think "
They waited patiently. He began, "Alright, I got one. This'll have love, betrayal, and destiny."
Yennefer, "Yeah, yeah. Get on with it!"
Rated Teen & Up
Major Character Death
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spookylostboy · 4 years
Okay okay, so I started listening to The Amazing Devil again (which you should absolutely listen to them they’re so good- the actor for Jaskier in the Witcher is the lead singer), and I remembered I put a few of their songs on my newtmas playlist because oh my god do they fit-
‘King’ is the first one that comes to mind. I always imagine Newt and Brenda singing this because I like to think she would try her best to be Thomas’ rock after Newt died. They’re like siblings in my mind, and I think she would just try to protect him
‘Welly Boots’ is another one that’s on there. This song makes me cry sometimes. It’s about coping with a death and I just imagine Newt singing this to Thomas as he watches over him when he’s passed. It’s just- it makes me so emotional. (I’ll definitely post a little lyric thing for it)
‘Wild Blue Yonder’ is another one and this one’s tone is wayyyy more upbeat. I just like to imagine Thomas and Newt being cute and domestic and safe. It’s a very cute song and it makes me smile when I think about them
Oh and ‘Fair’! I almost forgot this one. This one also makes me emotional. It’s about a relationship and I just can’t not think about these tragic boys whenever I listen to it
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randomfandomimagine · 5 years
Amazing ‘The Amazing Devil’ Things (Horror and the Wild)
I need to fangirl for a little because I absolutely love The Amazing Devil and I was so excited for the new album, and it did not dissapoint!! They put so much love and passion into this and it is art! I have been saving a bit of money and since their music makes me so happy I might buy the album. I wanted to talk about my favorte things about it under the cut (warning: it’s long). If anyone wants to listen to this piece of art, they posted it on Bandcamp here :D
The Rockrose and the Thistle
The sound of wind in the background, such a cool little detail!
Joey’s soft voice and how it breaks on ‘thistle’, omg
The sewing metaphor, I absolutely love it!
Madeleine subtly joining in 😍
The atmosphere! How unsettling and moving the song is
‘The kindest thing is to never leave you alone’
The Horror and the Wild
I thought I couldn’t love this song more and then came the studio version
I am a nerd and have so much fun singing this one!!
Even if it’s almost impossible to sing both their parts hahah
The beginning reminds me of Led Zeppelin’s Kashmir and I love it!
Some lyrics I trully adore, like:
‘You’re the words I promise I don’t mean’
‘and I am Time itself, I slow to let you play, I steal the hours and turn the night into day’
The change after ‘remember me I ask, remember me I sing’
How they move on to the chorus using a similar sounding word
‘Give me back my heart you wingless thing / think of all the horrors’
I absolutely adore how they sing ‘wild’ in this version
How Joey’s voice raises with ‘the’ and ‘your’ in the chorus
‘Fret. Not. Dear. Heart. Let. Not. Them. Hear’ and the drums!!
Joey singing that growly ‘remember me’
Then what is probably my favorite part of the song:
Just how cool it sounds, how fun it is to sing along, the awesome lyrics…
Fret not dear heart, let not them hear
The mutterings of all your fears, the fluttering of all your wings
Welcome to the storm, I am thunder,
Welcome to my table bring your hunger
The repetition of ‘old man’ and how the song slightly fades at the end
Wild Blue Yonder
How upbeat it is!! Catchy and fun rhythm!
When they sing ‘wonder’ and ‘yonder’ together
‘Hold’ (pause) ‘this time we’re done for’ 👏
‘So hold me like you used to, so tight I’d bruise you’
Everytime they use the word ‘love’ I melt
Or ‘dear heart’, ‘darling’ or anything like that, for that matter 😍
It is my absolute kryptonite, seriously!
‘All those books we both drowned’
‘I’m lost, I’m found, in you’
‘Can you hear that scratching’
‘robot vampire’…. just 😂
Madeleine’s voice when she sings the high ‘hide under the covers’
Welly Boots
One of my personal favorites!! (if you can’t tell)
The guitar!! Love that riff!!
The changes in tone, I love them so much
As many have said before, it reminds me of the Witcher episode 6
Just these lyrics!!
The change in rhythm after this last part!! So good!!
And I love you, don’t you know
That I’ll be with you all along, as long as you are kind
To those who are not strong and cannot find their scarlet welly boots
Cos when it’s cold
I’ll wrap my scarf around you
And when it’s hard
I’ll place your head into my hands
And when you scream that it’s not fair,
It’s like I’ve gone off to the coast
Left you behind just standing there
Pretending not to see your ghost
If only you could hear my voice
But you are screaming far to loud to hear me swear
Just because I left doesn’t mean that I’m not still there
The drums set the rhythm so well and I love them in this song especially!
‘But I’ll stick up for you, even though you haven’t got a clue, you haven’t got a fucking clue, And I’m so proud of you‘
Bonus points for Joey swearing 😂
‘I know you’re strong enough to do this on your own’
As always, Madeleine’s beautiful voice joining in 😍
‘Just when you’re about to give up every hope you have you turn around Perched by the stairs, someone’s gone and left behind, A brand new pair of scarlet welly boots’
That part hits me right in the feels and I can’t even tell why
The outro guitar riff, even if it makes me sad that it’s over
Farewell Wanderlust
Joey’s voice lowly accompanying Madeleine’s 
‘I’m the hardest goodbye that you’ll ever have to say’
Just… Madeleine’s voice, it’s too gorgeous, I can’t handle it!!
How the piano stops at ‘I’m the Jesus of wishing to Christ he’ll come back‘
The way she sings ‘She’s down. She’s dead’ and the piano? Aaaaah
Joey whispering the lyrics and then his voice gathering strength
‘I promise you I’m not broken, I promise you there’s more’ gets me every time 😭
The way Joey sings ‘adieu’ is amazing and I don’t know why?
When they sing the chorus together it’s too much!! Omg, this is art!
The fucking ending is so brilliant, perfect end to a perfect song!
The tune also reminds me of an Avenged Sevenfold song, ’Acid Rain’
Maybe it’s the piano? Idk, but it just moved me all the more
Because Avenged Sevenfold is one of my favorite bands 😚
So when favorite bands collide I just can’t even hahah 😊
Probably my favorite along with Welly Boots (this is gonna be long)
This one reminds me so much of my series Soul of a Warrior (Jasnissa!)
‘It’s what my heart just yearns to say, In ways that can’t be said’
The first lyrics and I am already in love with the words in this song
Let’s just assume I fell in love with every single word of this one
Joey’s voice is so beautiful to listen to, I am s w o o n i n g
‘And he holds her close just to keep the world at bay’
‘It’s not fair how much I love you’ 😱😍😭
I really love the guitar in this one too
Again, those lyrics!!! Absolutely captivating:
The way his voice kind of breaks a little sometimes when he lowers it
And if you asked me to, if you asked me I would lose it all
Like petals in a storm, cos darling I was born
To press my head between your shoulder blades at night when light is fading
Just to let you know I’m old, waylaid and feels like I am wading into
carpet burns and carousels oh Christ you’ll be the death of me
And calm throughout his melodrama she will turn and say ‘dear heart It’s me, its me
You don’t need to pretend to be someone you’re not
The Office reference and the ‘that’s what she said’? Joey, you nerd 🥰
Also, how he kind of laughs as he is saying it? 
‘cos you make me ache you bastard’ aaaaaaaaah
That Unwanted Animal
This one gives me very specific vibes that I can’t identify
It’s like kind of medieval and dark but there’s something else
Still, I absolutely love them, this one is so unique!
When Madeleine whispers ‘you light the candle’, literal chills
Why is her voice so beautiful?! Stop it, ma’am, you are too powerful!
‘You try so loud to love me, But I cannot seem to hear’ 
The hushed ‘Throw the plate at the wall’ and the change? Amazing!
The vocals in the background are incredible!
More fanfastic lyrics, they never stop!
‘Be good to me, I whisper. And you say what. And I said nothing dear’ 
‘And these plates they smash like waves’ Battle Cries!!!
And you rip my ribcage open
And devour what’s truly yours
And our screaming joins in unison
I cry out to the lord
The lyrics never fail to amaze me, they are so damn good!
‘No, not I’ Joey? Sir, please, have mercy 😂
That ending with Madeleine’s voice and the drum and the guitar and the violin? *chef’s kiss*
Again, knew this by heart because of the live version
And the studio version just improves it if that’s possible?
The instruments at the beginning already give me chills
And then Joey and Madeleine taking turns to sing? Ugh! 
When the drum comes in I absolutely love it
I think this version is a bit slower than the live one? I like it!
It’s also softer, they’re almost whispering at the start 💗
‘And you’re the thigh high hemline I just can’t stop staring at’ is, for some reason, such a fun line to sing :)
‘The flat we rented was a palace for my queen’
‘She sang do you think I’m sexy? And oh god I really did’
‘You’re not flawed darling, you’re just a little under-rehearsed’
My favorite part, even if I can’t exactly say why:
This song just tells such a compelling story!
And I’d sink to the floor, what’s the point anymore,
And you, you’d reply with a glint in your eye
(And you, you’d reply with a drink in your hand)
Saying ‘I don’t know, but I’m here, I’m all yours, dear heart don’t cry’
‘Your eyes aren’t rivers there to weep but a place for crows to rest their feet’ is such a lovely thing? 
More amazing lyrics:
How Joey holds the note in ‘day’ and shifts back into the chorus
I’ve loved you, for a hundred years
Certainly fucking feels like it
The minute I met you the colours of my life begun to pour
I’m scared of the dark
And now, even though you’re mad and these memories won’t stay, it’s okay.
Cos now I get to meet you for the first time every single day
This song also reminds me a bit of the Witcher and Jaskier
‘The crows feet are new‘
‘Are you perhaps short of a marble?!′
Again, they nail the ending with Madeleine’s beautiful vocals
Battle Cries
As always, the guitar sounds great!
Something they often do that I love is how they sing different lyrics at the same time, Joey and Madeleine singing together is my weakness
‘After summers of fasting I feel hunger at last’
But that breathing you hear don’t mistake it for sighs
Don’t you realise - They’re just battle cries dear
And these lines aren’t wrinkles dear heart
Hardly knew the words
They’re just dollops of paint on a new work of art
I’m dolled up love don’t I deserve to just
And as I walk away I know I’ve been through the wars,
But that creaking you hear in my bones is not pain, it’s applause
‘Our devils broke rank, and out of the depths came an army’
With you I could summon the gods and the stars
Watch them dance out the plays that we wrote from the heart
And we’d laugh at the ghosts of our fears. We were kids.
‘This isn’t a break up, dear heart, it’s a season finale’
This one just gets me with the tune and the lyrics together!
All it took to unearth in the dust and the dirt
Some release or respite from the heat and the hurt
Was taking the time now and then to ask how I am
And now at the end, at the end of all things,
I’m not going to scream, beat my chest at the wind,
I’m doing fine.
Also, Madeleine’s beautiful melody before the chorus, omg!
To summarize, this album made such an impression on me. I literally don’t remember last time I connected so much with someone’s music. They are all such incredible people and talented musicians, and Joey’s lyrics just stayed in my heart, he’s so incredible! 
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since you teased me with it in the last punk!sam fic i’d love to see more uncle valdo spoiling her and Jaskier having to Deal With It. :3
Fandom: The WitcherPairing: Punk Uncle!Valdo x Punk!SamWord Count: 876Rating: GTaglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock @magic-multicolored-miracle a/n: Bro
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“What the hell are you doing here?” Jaskier asked.
“Charming,,” Valdo replied with a smug smile, “I’m here in lieu of Aevryn to pick up the little munchkin for our day out.”
“Why isn’t Aevryn here?” Jaskier asked, still blocking Valdo’s path. Valdo sighed and rolled his eyes in exasperation, craning back his lovely neck as he did before fixing Jaskier with a long-suffering look.
“Aevryn is getting a couple of things wrapped up quickly, she’ll be joining us as soon as she’s done. She didn’t want Sam to have to wait and I eagerly volunteered to act as chauffeur,” he explained.
“Uncle Valdo!”
Jaskier sighed and Valdo smiled even bigger, knowing that Sam seeing him meant it was all over. She ran over and nearly bowled Jaskier over to get to Valdo who picked her up and spun her until she was a giggling.
“Daddy it’s Uncle Valdo!” she exclaimed, looking to Jaskier as though he had only just arrived.
“Yes, darling one, your daddy was just inviting me in!” Valdo said, turning to give Jaskier a sickeningly sweet smile. Jaskier stepped aside and Valdo carried her inside.
“Where’s Aunt Aevryn?” she asked, peering over Valdo’s shoulder to look.
“Auntie Aevryn has to do a couple more things but we had all sorts of plans for our day together,” Valdo explained.
“Ok… what are we gonna do?” she asked.
“Well, how about you go grab a raincoat and your welly boots and a couple of changes of clothes and once you’re all packed I’ll give you a sneak peek in the car, hmm?” he offered. She shot off without further instruction and Jaskier called after her to walk though he could hear her scampering quickly in the distance. Valdo looked through his phone, pretending he couldn’t feel Jaskier’s eyes on him.
“Where are you taking her?” he asked.
“Aevryn found this amazing little café that’s set up like a rainforest. When I heard she was learning about rainforests I thought the best thing would be to take her to Daintree but—”
“Valdo Marx you are not taking my daughter out of the country,” Jaskier cried.
“But, if you hadn’t so rudely interrupted I would have added, BUT Aevryn suggested we go here instead. I presume it is alright to take her across state lines or will you sic the SWAT team on us?” Valdo asked.
“She comes back to the state before nighttime, I need to know where she’s sleeping and as far as I know she’ll be sleeping at your house,” Jaskier said.
“Of course she will. We just finished redecorating her room. I felt that it was a bit too last season. They’re doing amazing things with canopies these days, I think she’ll really love it,” Valdo said. Gone were all traces of sarcasm and Jaskier could see genuine enthusiasm as the man thought of how Sam would react to the room that he and Aevryn had put together at their home for when she visited. These were the moments where he could hear a teenage Aevryn’s voice saying “you don’t know him like I do.” He still had his reservations, and he may never like the man, but he did trust his daughter with him. Even if it was a tad begrudgingly.
Sam raced back into the room, a bursting little suitcase in hand and her red rainboots already on her feet.
“Ready!” she shouted.
“Well done, princess. How about I take that for you and you give your daddy a hug goodbye,” Valdo suggested, taking her bag with the solemnity of a professional butler. Sam launched herself into Jaskier’s waiting arms and he squeezed her tight, burying his head in her hair and feeling that familiar twinge of anxiety he always felt when she left his side.
“It’s just one night,” Valdo said, not unkindly as he gave Jaskier one of the very few genuine smiles he offered. Jaskier nodded and pulled back to look Sam in her pale blue eyes.
“You are going to have such a fun time and I am going to want to hear every single thing you did,” Jaskier said, “Take pictures if you can!”
“Oh that reminds me!” Valdo said, reaching into a pocket and pulling out a slim phone that he then handed to Sam, “This is for you. You can call your mommy and daddy tonight and say goodnight. And you can take pictures along the way!”
“Is that the lastest iPhone?” Jaskier asked, gaping.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Jaskier,” Valdo scoffed, “It’s the prototype for the newer model that hasn’t been released yet. As if my niece would be caught dead with old techware. Good gods, you must think I’m absolutely negligent. Alright lovely, off we go!”
Valdo took Sam by the hand and she turned back to wave at Jaskier behind her shoulder as Valdo walked her carefully down the steps and helped her into the car. Jaskier forced himself to wait at the doorstep and wave as they drove away. He would be taking that phone away when she got back, firmly believing that no small child needed a phone, much less a ludicrously expensive one, but happy at the prospect of singing her to sleep with it later on.
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applepidotcom · 4 years
You cannot tell me that ‘Welly Boots’ by The Amazing Devil is not Jaskier singing to Geralt post breakup/mountain scene
Gives me “singing to each other and about each other” vibes too and it,,, breaks my heart
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lizluzz · 4 years
I was listening to The Amazing Devil, and thinking about The Witcher, as one does, and I had a thought:
Welly Boots as a song Jaskier sings to Ciri. They're already spent a lot of time together, he is sort of a father figure to her. Maybe he's a bit older, thinking about his mortality, realizing he won't be there for Ciri (and Geralt) forever. So he writes it to Ciri, and maybe preform it on a quiet night at Kaer Morhen.
Geralt loses it a bit at 'I know you strong enough to do this on your own', maybe have to step outside for a moment.
Anyway, I made myself a bit sad
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