#ghost renfri
Officially Finished "Welly Boots"!
Fanfiction Title: Welly Boots
Fandoms: The Witcher (Netflix)/The Witcher III: Wild Hunt
Chapters: 4
Words: 23,918
Rating: T
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death
Pairings: Jaskier/Priscilla, Geralt/Yennfer
Summary: Jaskier, Ciri, Yennefer, and the Witchers are bored in Kaer Morhen when one of them asks Jaskier to tell them a tale. He spins a story of love and tragedy, featuring a young run-away viscount named Julian and the love of his life Priscilla. The others are none the wiser.
Features Jaskier attending Oxenfurt, befriending Essi, hating Valdo, and courting Priscilla.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45894919
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Absolutely on the edge of my seat for your werewolf fic. I'm waiting so patiently but also like, vibrating in place whenever I think of it.
Progress for Howling at the Hollow Moon (formerly known as Not Another Geraskier Werewolf AU) is coming along slowly but surely! I'm still trying really hard to keep to my new rule for long fics where I need to finish them before I start posting them, but it's hard.
Here's a snippet:
“Come on.” Priscilla grabs Jaskier’s hand and drags him towards the trees. “We’re parked a little ways down the mountain.” Jaskier lets her pull him several feet before he remembers that he’s twice her size and digs in his heel, bringing them to a stop. “What are you doing here?” She gives him a look like he’s speaking nonsense. “Oh, we just thought this was a nice time of year for a hike. Saving you, obviously.” “We?” “Your Aunt Heidi is here.” “What? Where?” Jaskier can’t imagine Heidi waiting in the car and sending Priscilla to fetch Jaskier. “She’s going to create a distraction,” “A distraction? No.” Jaskier yanks his arm out of her grasp. “Look, I’m perfectly safe here. They’ve been lovely.” “They kidnapped you!” “My family kidnapped me. The Kaer Morhen Pack just had me foisted upon them.” “If you’re going to escape, I wouldn’t go down the north side of the mountain,” a voice calls. “Coën saw a bear down that way yesterday.” Jaskier turns to see Renfri sitting on a fence nearby, eating an apple. Priscilla, much to his shock, reaches under her jacket and pulls a handgun out, pointing it directly at Renfri. “Don’t come any closer,” she says in a voice that only shakes a little. “This is loaded with silver bullets.” Renfri carves another piece of apple and pops it in her mouth. “That’s not going to do you much good, since your safety’s on.” Priscilla curses and fumbles with the weapon. “No, here.” Renfri leaps down from the fence, takes the gun from Priscilla, turns off the safety, and returns to where she was just sitting before Jaskier and Priscilla even register what just happened. Looking between them expectantly, she adds, “You can continue threatening me now. That was adorable.” Priscilla’s mouth falls open. “Does this mean you and Geralt are splitting up?” Renfri asks Jaskier. “No!” Jaskier steps between Priscilla and Renfri. He’s ninety percent sure Priscilla won’t shoot, but he doesn’t want to take the chance. “Listen, Pris, I’m sorry I didn’t write, but—” In the distance, there’s an explosion, followed by the sound of shouting. “I think that was the distraction,” Renfri says mildly. Jaskier looks up at the sky. “Fuck.”
WIP Ask Game
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the-sera · 5 days
Make a poll of your favourite female characters ( no limits - as many or as little as you want ) and see which your followers like the most !
Tagged by @ninanirina
I tag @cheezriz @run2thesky @thescarlettsoldier @perpetual-panic @thedragonagelesbian
@mmm-trashbasket @mightyjoke @alright-to-drive @winduphathe @pholcidae3
I also tag everyone who sees it and wants to do it. Feel free to tag me as the person who tagged you 💕
(These are in no particular order. There may be others that deserve spots there more than others, but at the moment this feels right.)
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thedemonofcat · 10 months
One evening, a collection of unfamiliar individuals receives invitations to join a seance in what's claimed to be the most haunted house. The group comprises...
Geralt Rivia, a recently returned soldier from the war, harbours skepticism towards the supernatural but yearns to communicate with his deceased fiancée, Renfri.
Yennefer Vengerberg, a psychic medium, can converse with the deceased, yet seeking a more dramatic flair, she resorts to employing tricks and cons to earn a living.
Jaskier, a musician reluctant to disclose his full name, maintains a mysterious affiliation with the ancient houses.
Ciri Riannon, a determined young reporter, is set on debunking the existence of ghosts. Having lost her parents early in life, she adamantly rejects belief in anything supernatural.
Vesemir Morhen, the custodian of the residence, harbours little hospitality towards the guests.
Triss Merigold, a physician employed for unforeseen circumstances.
As the haunting proves authentic, the narrative unfolds, and the group becomes ensnared in a house where the true purpose of their presence begins to emerge. Together, they strive to endure the night.
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axratsffxivwrite · 19 days
FFXIV Write Day 6 - Halcyon (Dented Memory)
Even the North End had not been spared. 
Marsil sprawled amidst the rubble of his childhood home, staring up at the night sky above. Bereft of lanterns and lamps, the stars seemed so much brighter, so full of colors and patterns. Normally, he would only see such detail while out on a hunt, but here, now… 
There was a bittersweet beauty to the view that he just couldn’t shake. 
All around him were reminders of a calmer time. Patterns in ruined pieces of stone, scraps of Garlean decor amidst the crumbling Dalmascan architecture. When restlessness overtook him, he began to pick through the stones, seeking anything worth salvaging. Anything worth keeping. 
Every muscle in his body ached, his aether long since spent, but sitting still had never quite been his style. Beneath a fragment of the parlor wall, he found shattered glass and a cracked wooden palette. A dented metal case gleamed in the starlight and he picked it up, prying open the twisted medal to reveal a set of brushes of various sizes and shapes, still pristine amidst the destruction. 
Marsil crouched down, closing the case once more. 
Everything felt numb. He had no more grief to grieve, no more hurt to suffer. He simply felt… numb. The realization that he would likely never see his niece again was right there, at the back of his mind, and yet… it felt so foreign, so dulled, that he could not even begin to acknowledge it. 
Everything hurt. 
Nothing hurt. 
He wished he spent more time watching her paint, more time telling her his hunt stories. 
Maybe if he had invited her into his inner circle, he would still have one surrogate sibling at his side. 
Or maybe she, like Amelia, like Rostam, like Ruga and Turzag, like Renfri, like Frelic, like everyone, would be buried somewhere beneath the rubble, with no salvation, no rescue, no life. 
He thought back to the last time he had talked to his niece, how the bells passed them by as they caught up on weeks of busy lives. He thought about her son, his little nephew, how he was nearly too big for his mother to hold. 
He thought about his clan, about the days and nights spent on the hunt and on the run. Breakfasts at the pub and dinners around the campfire. 
He thought about all the things he lost to this uprising, to this vain attempt at liberation. All the tavern songs and long roads. Their fight had never been easy nor kind, but compared to the destruction that surrounded him now, the memories felt downright halcyon. 
He looked to the dented case in his hand once more, that remnant of a better day, a happier memory, and let out a quiet, choked sob. 
Once, a naive, frustrated young man had strayed into Lowtown seeking nothing more than freedom and acceptance where it had been denied to him. Now, he sat amidst the rubble and wondered if such things were even possible. If he could ever truly have peace again. 
He tucked the case beneath his arm and slowly rose back to his feet. With a numb sense of resignation, he turned to walk away. 
Maybe they could win. Maybe they could liberate Dalmasca. Maybe the cost would eventually be worth the prize. 
Maybe one day he wouldn’t feel so haunted by the ghosts of better days.
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laurikarauchscat · 3 months
Pavetta and Geralt for the character ask!
How I feel about this character
I love her! Not nearly as much as I love Emhyr and Ciri, but I think, about as much as I love Geralt. She's tragic and mysterious, and her story is such a big part of what makes Emhyr and Ciri who they are!
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Emhyr. That is about it, to be honest. When she features in my imagination, it's usually as daughter/wife/mother/ghost upon the narrative.
@traumschwinge writes Emhyr/Pavetta/Geralt beautifully, and I love those stories;
Non romantic otp
also Emhyr. Hear me out! Sometimes I imagine her and Emhyr planning out the whole betrothal debacle together as partners in crime. Emhyr wants his curse broken, Pavetta wants to never, ever marry any of the men her mother throws at her - in thse scenarios I imagine them having a platonic partnership after Ciri is born that involves Pavetta getting to spend her days unbothered and reading (occasionally seeing to their one demon child) while Emhyr gets to politic and sleep around (and raise their demon child).
Unpopular opinion
I don't like how people occasionally centre the dispute between her and Calanthe on her femininity. The issue between her and calanthe was NOT her being more "girly" than Calanthe wanted her to be. It was more about the classic "How to be a good parent when you rule a country and you know your kid is not suited to inherit from you" situation.
Thing that I wish would be canon
A clear answer as to what the fuck happened on that boat!!
How I feel about this character
I love him! I spent a good year obsessed with him to the same degree I'm obsessed with Emhyr now. Then he got dethroned... Still love him tho.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Geralt's history is always important to me. The main relationships that should haunt him, but that I'm not super interested in: Bittersweet and painfull? - Geralt/Renfri. Occasional pity fuck? - Geralt/Triss. Unbridalled Passion? - Geralt/Yennefer.
then of course he ends up with: Geralt/Emhyr
Non romantic otp
Ciri, Dandelion, and Regis
Unpopular opinion
Only person this man bottoms for is Yennefer (totally will support people who write other things tho! I'm not into fandom thought policing)
Thing that I wish would be canon
Emralt :-]
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femslashfictournament · 8 months
Femslash Fic Tournament, Round 1.3
walking with the lady Ship: Dani Clayton/Jamie Taylor Fandom: The Haunting of Bly Manor Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27264748 Summary: Every movie, every book, every story about the horrors of letting in the ghosts has prepared Dani for the constant state of alarm. The panic. The discomfort of the situation.
Not a single goddamn one told her how stupid it would be.
No propaganda submitted
The Fall in Naples Ship: Katya/Sofia Fandom: Goncharov (1973) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43294680 Summary: Katya wants Sofia to look at her the way Katya looks at Sofia. The thing is, they do things different in Italy.
“Nemesis. A goddess.” Sofia’s mouth twisted. “Because Narcissus was unkind to those who fell in love with him, she made him know what it was like to see him every day and not be able to touch him. He saw himself in the water, but every time he reached for his reflection, it disappeared.”
“A tragedy, then.” Katya gathered two more bundles of the flowers. “But we can touch him now, yes? Maybe he has learned mercy.”
Should be called Catastrofia. Also, I couldn't not submit the two and this fic is one of my recent faves (I can't put my hands on the old ones, strangely) /unreality
love songs for motherless girls Ship: Yennefer of Venderberg/Renfri Fandom: The Witcher Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28428267 Summary: “You said,” Yennefer repeated slowly, “the girl in the woods was my destiny.”
Renfri shrugged, a curl falling over her naked shoulder. “I’m a girl,” she said, “and I’m in the woods.”
"Even if you fancy yourself a soothsayer, you should know that destiny has no hold on me," Yennefer said, her eyes falling to sweep of Renfri’s shoulder blades, thinking, unbidden, of the wings of a bird. "I won’t go chasing your nocturnal fables.”
"What would you do?" Renfri laughed, "cut down the stars that dare defy you?"
No propaganda submitted
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bloodofthefates · 1 year
' so that was a bold-faced lie! ' @ renfri.
Renfri possessed little patience even on a good day, but any good will she held for the bard out of respect for Geralt waned as he continued to open his mouth in defiance of her command for him to shut up already. She had not cultivated a reputation of murder and violence only  to be seen as understanding and benevolent, but Jaskier was truly testing her and the urge to reach for the hilt of her weapon was growing stronger the more she heard the sound of his voice getting shriller in opposition. “It wouldn’t have been a lie if you’d just kept your damned trap shut!” She reminded him, firing a glare in his direction with her feet firmly planted in a prepared fighting stance and dominant hand ghosting the familiar handle of her side arm dagger. “It would have been the truth if you could’ve stopped talking for five minutes!” She frowned at him, snapping at him with the clamp of her teeth like a caged and untamed wild animal. It should have been a simple con job, enough of a diversion for the sloppy drunks assembled in the tavern around them ignorant and a few coins lighter a piece. Jaskier’s recognizable face among the local population and relative fame however and the subsequent list of disgruntled lovers he’d left behind without warning in his wake had drawn more attention to them than she’d anticipated. “I don’t care where your cock has or hasn’t been Bard, only that we’re now outnumbered twelve men to two and unless you have a sword hiding in that lute or care to part with it, get behind me. Now.” Renfri commanded, no longer asking for compliance as she drew her weapon and sidestepped to put herself between Jaskier and the closest armed patron with the entire room going silent and all eyes on Renfri with her blade drawn.
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peregrinesorceress · 3 years
Haunting!Renfri AU, as created by my lovely friend Dukaan and I at a very late hour.
After Blaviken, Renfri becomes bound to Geralt, and by extension, anyone he is close to. She is less a vengeful ghost, and more extremely annoying. She can partially manifest herself at times, specially to pick things up or move things around. She also has a nasty habit of slapping people’s asses. Geralt, Jaskier, Yennefer- no one, save Ciri, is safe from a ghostly ass slap.
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llycaons · 3 years
yeah it just makes me sad when a character is like prophesied to be evil or grows up under horrific circumstances and has violence inflicted on them continously or from a young age and they become villains at least become villainized and then die because I gues they were evil the entire time and that's all that's waiting for people who don't act perfectly in situations of exreme duress! like give them a chance! people have a right to be angry about how they've been treated and it's not fair to judge the choices they made in their situation against choices characters with vastly better options make. like I'm not saying all characters with sad backstories should get a free pass to be like, horrible people who ruin lives but they should have a chance you know...they should be able to make that choice... media that try to make villains like that just fall flat for me it's just such a cruel and fatalistic and poorly written narrative
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roughentumble · 3 years
ok wait geralt who's haunted.
from the moment he meets jaskier, one of the first things he bothers to say is "im haunted." and jaskier thinks he's joking, until theyre asleep one night, curled up together on a too small inn bed. jaskier isnt sure what wakes him, but theres a prickling on the back of his neck, and he looks up with wide eyes to realize that there's a knife pressed to geralt's throat. it hovers in the air, all on its own. geralt's head is turned to face the room, and he seems unnaturally calm. he reaches up, and tenderly wraps his fingers around the handle of the knife. "i know." he says gently into the empty space, speaking to something jaskier cant see or hear. "i'll let you. but not in front of him, ren. he's just a bard, he's never seen that before. let me have the knife." it shakes violently, then after a long moment falls into his hand. he murmurs thank you, then sets it on the night stand and turns over as if to fall back asleep.
"what the hell was that?" jaskier asks, voice trembling, and geralt gazes at him impassively.
"told you. im haunted." he says casually.
"but youre a witcher," jaskier replies, incredulous, "why dont you do anything about it?"
when geralt meets his eyes, his face looks... empty. "because i earned it."
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
HMMM the only yellow i have is from my witcher wip fic but it’s from a scene that i think I ended up rewriting?? so it won’t actually appear in the fic oops
“For magic, why else?” Yennefer shoots back, running her hand over some sunshine yellow fabric that looks soft. “They say dragon heartstrings have… powerful properties. They were used in old fertility rituals.”
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the-third-bard · 4 years
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Hhh i lov her
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badolmen · 4 years
Necromancer!Jaskier is good and all but as an alternative/addition I raise you:
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madefate-a · 5 years
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       As she turns the knife over and over in her hands, the length of its steel blade catches the flickering light from the fire, painting it in shifting bands of orange and shadow. Renfri watches it, idly, lips open as if peaceful in their silence until she huffs -- a quiet sound. 
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       ❛ I might just kill for a decent ale, ❜ she says, easy and almost glittering with a deeply beset humor. 
// ( open & renfri. ) 
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julek · 2 years
Pls tell me more about the Morgue AU, if you want to !
Because I very much love it and would adore more details ?
(And a question, are they in an Open Relationship (because Poisen from a Husband) ? )
jaskier can't die and they don't know why but they're not questioning the gods right now
the first time he resurrected he frowned so hard his face was stuck like that for a week
he was brought to geralt's table the second time he died (spoiler alert: he didn't)
geralt's mortuary & funeral home services are loosely based on the chilling adventures of sabrina
when he's not busy Dying and Coming Back, jaskier works in a small bookstore & café downtown
geralt is very into the occult and has acquired many books from jaskier's store
(he's a nerd)
when geralt and his brothers were younger, vesemir would tell them ghost stories and would recall the events of what he liked to call "Surges"
(he was very dramatic) (geralt is partially sure he haunts the building still)
geralt & lambert are in what they call 'The Business of Death' while eskel, sensibly, takes care of his farm
(lambert works as an animal embalmer and is a crappy medium on the side)
geralt thinks the fluorescent lights of the mortuary do wonders for his complexion
(he's wrong) (jaskier hates those lights) (he's been bugging geralt to get warm lighting for ages)
they're not sure if jaskier ages like a normal person does. they still celebrate every birthday (at least 4 times a year because he's Like That)
and because he's Like That, jaskier often celebrates his New Birth with a small get-together (not everyone knows about his state of being a Death Cheater, as geralt so affectionately refers to him)
geralt's two cats, roach and renfri, may also be death cheaters. or cockroaches. or something. nothing has ever killed them and nothing ever will, he thinks
yen is the owner of the bakery they both like so much ;) and her daughter ciri is often the one to knock on geralt's door and deliver their pastries
and, regarding your question: i think they could be in some sort of an open relationship arrangement! jaskier has a lot of love to give but geralt is his family, his endgame, his home. (also give it up for demisexual geralt!)
(how did i make it so sappy)
thank you for the question!! i really love this au and could talk about it forever, probably :)
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