#jason sancho
scaryscarecrows · 5 months
Jason gives Lemon a filthy look and adjusts the ice pack on his fingers. Lemon glares right back.
"Drop it doesn't mean chew faster," he grinds out. The teeth marks are still visible. They'll bruise. "Banana peels aren't fucking food. Your food is in your bowl! It's right there!"
She looks unimpressed. That makes two of them. He didn't ask for this. He'd been cooking, minding his own business, and she'd gotten a damn peel out of the trash! And then, when he did the responsible thing and tried to take it, had ignored his fingers and chomped faster. He'd gotten it, sure, but what the fuck?
"This is the worst injury I've had in two weeks, and that's including the bastard with the brick," he gripes. "Look what you did to me! Gaze upon your crime!"
He waves his injured fingers in front of her face. Lemon doesn't even have the good grace to look at them. Jason sighs and wraps them back in the cold pack.
"I'm not giving you any of my dinner," he warns. "And that's final."
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dear-galileo · 1 year
bitty batty baby vigilante crew
There were two kids up on the roof. They couldn’t have been older than ten, but frankly, they looked like babies. The boy had dark hair and a red jacket, while the girl was dressed in all purple with blond hair poking out from under her hood. Jason was pushing himself over the ledge before he could really think about it. What were two kids doing on a rooftop, in the middle of the night, in Gotham? the story of two kids conning their way across gotham, and (mostly) inadvertently into the batman family.
read on ao3!
20k words, gen, young tim and stephanie join the batfamily early
tim drake & stephanie drake & jason todd
written for the @batfam-big-bang! i worked with the ever lovely @kartsie, she made all of the wonderful wonderful art for this fic! heres one piece that she did, you will have to read the rest on ao3 to see more : P or go check her page out because im seriously obsessed with everything she does always
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It was a quiet, boring night in Gotham the first time Jason met them. He and B had separated when Catwoman had dropped in, leading a chase that Batman had charged into a bit too excitedly. Jason had cut out as soon as he possibly could have. He didn’t need to be present for whatever weird flirting rituals they had. 
There hadn’t been any recent break-outs in Gotham, and their most recent case had hit a dead end. Jason instead took this time to practice his rooftop jumping. Golden Boy was off on a mission from space, but before he had left, he had promised to take Jason jumping on the subways in Bludhaven, as long as Jason worked on his balance. This just meant that Jason had a justifiable reason to go soaring through Gotham.
He was in the process of reworking his mental map of the city, testing himself on which shortcuts on top of buildings led where. 
B had just radioed in and confirmed that he was still in pursuit of Catwoman, to which Jason jeered at him. 
If nothing interesting happened soon, he was going to go back to the manor. It was summer, which meant that B couldn’t make him go to bed at a “reasonable” time after patrol, which meant he could stay up all night in the library if he wanted to. Jason had just started reading Don Quixote, a story that Alfred had recommended to him. He was just at the part where Quixote had convinced Sancho to join him and—
There was someone on the roof across the street from Jason. He paused, standing up straight from his crouch. There were two someones on the rooftop. They were too small to be Batman and Catwoman, and even from here, he could tell that they weren’t wearing any sort of body armor. They looked… little.
He wouldn’t have seen them if one of the figures hadn’t stood up and done a cartwheel which had immediately caught his attention.  
Jason changed directions. His curiosity was piqued, and with B probably halfway across the city, Jason had the time. He had to use his grapple gun to cross the street, but soon enough he was peering over the edge.
There were two kids up on the roof. They couldn’t have been older than ten, but frankly, they looked like babies. The boy had dark hair and a red jacket, while the girl was dressed in all purple with blond hair poking out from under her hood. 
Jason was pushing himself over the ledge before he could really think about it. What were two kids doing on a rooftop, in the middle of the night, in Gotham?
He heard snippets of their conversation but nothing that was coherent enough to make sense.
They were so consumed in their discussion that they didn’t notice Jason until he was standing only a few feet away from them. 
He purposely let the rooftop gravel crunch under his feet, alerting the kids to his presence. 
They both jumped, the boy making a squeaking noise as the girl leapt into what looked like a defensive pose, slightly crouched in front of her friend.
“What are you two doing up here?” Jason asked, putting his hands on his hips. 
There was no way that he would ever be as scary or as intimidating as B, but he tried to put some force behind his words. Otherwise, no one would ever listen to him. 
When the kids didn’t answer, he took a moment to survey them a bit closer. The girl was wearing elbow pads, while the boy was wearing dingy jeans and light-up sneakers. He also was clutching a large fabric case to his chest and was staring at Jason with wide eyes. 
The girl also looked like she was snarling at him, but Jason decided to kindly ignore that for the time being. 
“Okay, let’s start with a different question. What are your names?” 
The boy and girl exchanged a brief look with each other. 
“I’m-” the boy started, but the girl stamped on his foot hard, making the next part of his statement die in a pained whimper. 
“He’s Shutter. I’m Spoiler. What do you want?” 
Jason took a double take; suddenly, it was all making sense, the cape, the elbow pads, and the dark hood that was pulled low on her face. Oh, God. 
“Please tell me you two aren’t teeny tiny vigilantes. I don’t get paid enough to deal with infant vigilantes. Where are your parents?” 
“Wait, does Batman actually pay you-” Once again, the boy- Shutter, apparently- was cut off by the girl, Spoiler, though this time when she stamped on his foot, he moved out of the way quickly enough. 
“We aren’t tiny! And that’s none of your business!” 
Her voice was high-pitched, but she was loud. They would be lucky if half of Gotham didn’t hear her. 
“Sure, yeah. Let’s make a deal. I won’t tell Batman about your little rooftop excursion, and you kiddies scoot along home.” 
“We don’t have to listen to you!” Spoiler puffed out her chest. Shutter tugged at her cape, holding the black case to his chest. Spoiler leant back just enough for Shutter to whisper something into her ear. “Fine,” she said after a moment. “You never saw us, alright? And don’t try to follow us either. We don’t trust weirdos in bright colors. You may be wearing pants now, but that’s not much of an upgrade.” 
Jason’s jaw dropped in shock. Before he could find a satisfactory comeback, as he was being roasted by a literal kindergartener, his comm clicked on. 
“Robin. Meet me at the Batmobile, or I will have to come to retrieve you.”
“Jeez, B, I know how to use my own legs. Give me a sec; I’m wrapping something up.” Jason sniped back, pressing at his earpiece. Batman’s only response was to grunt before the comms clicked off again. When Jason spun around, the rooftop was empty. There were no tiny vigilantes to be seen. 
Huh. At least that was the end of that. 
read the rest on my ao3!
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holymountdias · 2 years
Love triangle pt. 2
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Erling Haaland x (fem)reader x Jadon Sancho
Summary: A past relationship of yours broke you to the point that you weren't being yourself anymore, but what happens when your ex's best friend takes interest in you and he helps you take revenge ? Will it all just be a game for you or become more than friends ?
Word count: 4k
Notes: angst, a bit steamy (?), but lets say implied smut to be safe
PARTS: 1.0 2.0 3.0
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"Aaaand we are here" your friend cheerfully announces after parking the car right outside the club where Jason's party is taking place.
You let out a sigh before silently twisting your head to glance at the place where a line of people seems to be formed right outside the entrance, probably hoping to get a chance to be let inside or maybe Jadon invited them. Either way you don't recognize anybody from them and that makes you slightly anxious about how this whole thing is going to turn out for you.
"Stop overthinking about it, you are going inside, drink a bit, dance with whoever the fuck you want, preferably Jadon but that's just me" she mumbles teasingly the last part which makes you giggle a bit.
"...and have fun. You won't even have to try to do anything, except enjoy your time there and the douchebag will be fuming in jealousy with a full hard on." her encouraging words genuinely seceed to bring a smile on your face but you still can't help but drown in anxiousness.
Were you really ready to face him? What if he tried to talk to you or worse, what if he wasn't alone and you just ended up looking all stupid and pathetic..
A small frown made it on your face once the thought of him passed through your mind again.
It's been some time since you've last seen him and you are hesitant to know your reaction now that you are about to be in the same room as him, for the first time in a while.
The only positive thing from the whole situation is that you were both able to keep everything to yourselves or at least the part regarding your identity since last time it turned out that Erling tended to talk about his hookups with the other players in general, so at least you won't be getting any awkward looks from anybody you are familiar with.
"Are you sure you don't want to tag along?" you asked her with a slightly pleading expression, hoping that she would finally give in. You have been fighting her on this since the moment she made you abandon your bed nest, but apparently based on her words, it wasn't "her scene" or it wouldn't be appropriate cause it's for "higher class people". You tried reasoning with her, but at this point it only made you think that this was just her way of making you get out of your shell.
"Girl If it was your neighbor's birthday party we would already be inside, but it's Jadon fucking Sancho's event, the dude will think im some crazy fan or something. I can't just go inside with you just because you know me." You roll your eyes at her jokingly but decide not to argue about it anymore.
"Besides, you won't be all by yourself" she brings up teasingly and you only furrow your brows in confusion as you look at her with question in your eyes.
"Jadon will be a very much comforting company" she says while wiggling her brows, hinting at Jadon’s possible interest in you and you just shake you head in annoyance.
"I already told you; I'm not gonna fall for his shit. He is so close with Erling that I'm pretty sure he is no different than him when it comes to girls" you tell her seriously and she looks at you with a devilish smile in response.
"Then why not use him first?"
"I mean if your mind is so determined that you are going to end up being used, then why not use him first ?"
"Use him for what? Erling?" You asked her intrigued by her idea.
"Exactly, and the fact that they are best friends or whatever is going to make it even better for your, lets call it, revenge. His ex and his best friend flirting and being all over each other.....ohh that will be a blow below the waist if you ask me" You smirk while listening to her words and thinking it through.
There would be no harm in doing that right? I mean he is just a friend so he could help another friend out? Even if it was to make his best friend jealous.... it doesn't mean that he should know about it.
I can come up with some lame excuse I guess
“You got this, i will be one phone call away, but still make sure you don’t call too soon” she tells you before you finally open your door to get out of the car. After saying your last goodbyes, you start approaching the entrance of the luxury club. 
With your invitation on one hand you stand in front of a very intimidating bulky and tall man that seems to be guarding the entry of the place. His strong facial features hold a blank expression as he eyes you up and down, making you feel uneasy in a instant.
Nevertheless you attempt to distract yourself by playing with the edges your hair as you hand him the black envelope. Once he runs it over with his eyes for a good minute, he then steps aside to let you inside without giving you a second look.
A satin black dress was decorating your body, the cleavage hanging low, almost at the bottom of your chest with a high slit showing just the right amount of skin on the outside of your left thigh.
Damn should i have worn something less revealing ? What was that look for, am i overdressed or underdressed ?
You can’t even remember the last time you wore this dress and you must admit that when you looked at yourself in the mirror back at the house, a rapid wave of confidence overtook you, which ended up disappearing by the one single look this bodyguard just gave you…your mind filled with negativity right away and honestly that’s what it always has been like for you.
People’s looks always manage to steal every last bit of reassurance you have in yourself and you hate that for you but of course once upon a time Erling was the prince charming to make all those doubts go away.
 Fucking erling
Honestly fuck him, fuck everything about him, every moment he made you feel so good about yourself and every moment he made you believe you meant something for him. If you are going to see him tonight, you will make sure he has something to remember of you.
Tonight you will make sure its worth it for the both of you.
As you walk inside the club you are met with a huge dark area whose only form of lighting is those small spots on the roof that keep changing colors every minute or so. You can sense how the loud volume of the music is pounding against the walls causing your heart to ache with every beat of the songs. 
You walk through the swarm of bodies that is standing in your way, while you look around in search for a familiar face. The closer you reach the bar area the sooner enough, you are able to finally detect the same regular group of people you hang out with, in cases like this. The girls were sitting next to the bar and they all greet you warmly, once they take a notice of you, welcoming you in their conversation.
“Soo y/n how come that you brother hasn’t arrived yet?” one of the girls suddenly asks you, bringing all the attention back on you once again.
You haven’t really met this girl before so you don’t know what kind of relation she might have with Mason to ask about him straight up and out of the blue. No matter how many times some random girl will ask about your brother, you will never not feel weirded out or uncomfortable.
Its quite often that this happens, since your brother was quite the target for many of those girlies that wanted to be the next it couple or the next housewife of a famous footballer but oh God did it make you frustrated. And that was also another reason why you had trouble trusting others and creating close relationships; people would always try to manipulate you to get to your brother.
“He had a tight schedule so he couldn’t come” you bluntly reply as you take the last sip of your drink. However your answer didn’t quite satisfy the noisy redhead so she keeps on throwing questions, which only manages to annoy you further.
Sophia, Kai’s girlfriend senses your uncomfortableness and quickly comes in to your rescue, by cutting her out and saying something about ordering more drinks.
You mentally thank her and smirk to yourself after you glance at the redheads annoyed expression.
“Have you guys seen Jadon?, i haven’t wished him happy birthday yet”You then ask them.
“I only saw him like about an hour ago hanging out with some guys back where the sofa is but i can’t tell you for sure now.”
“He’s got a lot of people to entertain so he can be anywhere right now” two of the girls reply and you chuckle.
“Great, i will leave him a birthday card or something then” you joke, causing the rest of the group to laugh.
When they proceed to start a new conversation you excuse yourself, heading to the bathroom. After asking the bartender for directions, you finally find it and enter one of the stools
A minute right after you, you hear people laughing and talking while entering the bathroom and you right about to ignore them, when one of the names that is being mentioned catches your attention.
“So how did it go with Erling?” one voice asks
“I don’t know, we hooked up and it was perfect but he hasn’t called or texted since then and i don’t know what to do to get his attention back.” another voice says
“Oh damn it, is he a playing hard to get type of guy ? maybe you should text him first now”
“I did and the fucker hasn’t replied, i guess he only does one night stands”
Typical Erling Haaland, at least he didn’t lead her on for months
“Has he come yet?”
“Yeah he is sitting with some of the city guys at the back"
Your brain blanks after this last sentence, your thoughts working through the image of him sitting somewhere in the room next to you. You ignore any last hints of hesitancy are left in you and get ready to put your plan to work.
After you open the door to your stool and exit, making sure to ignore the stares from the girls next to you, you stop in front of the sink to wash your hands, running your fingers through your long locks to tame them down and back in place.
Once you have finished you exit the bathroom and find yourself in the loud room once again. A long sigh escapes your lips as your eyes shift in between the unfamiliar people around you but thankfully you won’t have to tire yourself any further.
“Here you are” A voice whispers next to your ear loud enough for you to hear through the club's music while a hand wraps itself around your waist, making your breath get caught in shock by the sudden presence behind you.
You quickly turn around to finally be met with the person you were searching for this whole time, Jadon Sancho. He hadn’t changed one bit since you last saw each other in person in one of his games.
His curly hair look freshly trimmed on the sides while he is wearing his usual style of clothing. A t-shirt with both his arms exposed showing off his long sleeve tattoos, a pair of jeans and of course the extra expensive chains around his neck while the flickering club lights in the dark room makes them shine.
“Heard you were looking for me” He speaks again with an evident smirk plastered on his handsome face while his eyes are traveling all over your appearance. His behaviour makes you blush a bit and you thank heavens for the low lightning in the room that hopefully helps out with covering it up. Nevertheless you can’t fail to notice how he still has his arm around you making the distance between you two very small.
“I wanted to wish you happy birthday” you tell him honestly with a curved smile onto your mouth before you lean into him to leave a slow kiss on his cheek with your arms moving around his neck.
His body automatically lowers down to you due to your height difference and you can feel how his arm tightens around your waist when your lips come in contact with his cheek. 
“Happy birthday Jadon” you whisper close to his ear after the kiss and when you finally lean back to look at him, his smirk has turned into a huge grin and his eyes are bored in to yours with interest.
“Can’t wait for my next birthday so that you can do that again” you laugh at his response.
“Shut up it was just a kiss on the cheek, besides i can give you that any day you want” your flirty answer makes him smirk and you can’t help but draw your lower lip between your teeth since his handsome face only gets nearer you, making you feel weak at the knees. 
You don’t know if its the alcohol is causing you to feel this way or something else. You are still definitely very much attracted to Jadon so that is playing its role for sure. However his questionable intentions had forced you to limit your excitement over him all this time and you honestly believed that you would be able to handle your plan like a pro, with no affects overall, but i guess it's going to be more complicated than that..
“Oh i will definitely hold you to that, after all you also owe me a birthday gift” you raise your eyebrows as the corners of your mouth twitched, almost making you laugh.
“Well then in that case, i will give the birthday boy whatever he wants” you dare to challenge him while you are looking up at him through your lashes. You notice how his gaze on you turns darker to the sound of your words; his hand suddenly cupping the side of your jaw to tilt your head upwards to him.
It’s as if everything slows down around you while his steady breaths brush against your skin and his eyes are staring right into yours; you can feel your mouth slightly opening due to the feeling of his touch on you.
“So you will say yes to everything i want for tonight?” he whispers to you and you nod in response, not really trusting your voice at this moment. He gives you a nod and his eyes shift to glance at your lips for a second before he slides his tongue across his mouth.
“Can i kiss you then?” 
“Yes” you immediately whisper back and he nods in response again before proceeding to lean into you.
“Yo Jadon” a voice comes up from behind you making Jadon pause. A light sigh of disappointment breaks through his lips before he lets his arms fall from your body. He is moving to now stand beside you with his arm resting possessively around your shoulder while you have also turned around to meet with the person that interrupted you. 
To your surprise your sight catches with the devil himself, Erling, among Jack and Rashford. 
The last two seem to be staring at the both of you with smirks on their faces looking all smug for the fact that they caught you almost kissing. Erling on the other hand only holds a sour expression on his face, with his jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed on his best friend and his cosy behaviour while being next to you. His eyes get to lock with yours only for a few seconds before shifting back on Jadon.
“Sorry for the interruption lovebirds but we are about to play some body-shots and we needed our birthday guy” Jack says 
“Yeah we are both playing” Jadon answers for you as well and you furrow your brows in confusion, twisting your body to look at him better, ready to interject but Erling beats you to it.
“She can’t play” all of you now turn your attention towards him, taken aback by his statement which you makes you scoff at him as you feel yourself slowly fuming in anger.
“Who the fuck are you to tell me what not to do?” you argued with him, folding your arms in front of your chest.
“I don’t think your brother would appreciate you doing this kind of stuff with his friends” his annoyed tone only hit more into your nerves. 
The audacity of this guy as if he has any right to speak about anyone else but himself. Deep down you already know that this is an act of jealousy and you are happy to make him feel so disturbed but his attitude was ridiculous. 
You actually are not sure if you were going to participate in the first play in this stupid game but his snarking remark immediately makes you change your mind. 
“And i don’t think that’s any of your business, i am my own person and an adult, i can do whatever i want” he can only keep glaring at you and you serve him back with a satisfied grin.
“Well the lady spoke so, shall we?” Marcus spoke up after a moment of silence and then you all make your way towards the bar where the group has gathered to play. 
“Alright guys after you pick your pair, you spin the bottle to choose the body part” Ben speaks up and everyone starts getting ready.
“You will be playing with me, right?” you hear Jadon close to your ear and you nod in response, while he is standing before you with his arms around you neck, almost hugging you from the back, so you take the chance to lean into his strong form as well and relax within his arms.
After everything is settled up, the game finally begins. You watch as each couple licks the salt off of their partner’s body before taking the shot and of course sucking the lime though their parters mouth.
Everyone looks so pumped from the sexual tension thats erupting through the game; shouting and encouraging everyone to make it as nastier as they can.
You start becoming a bit tense as your turn nears up and to your surprise Jadon is quick to notice it so he starts drawing patterns on your skin with his fingers in his effort to make you relax.
His gesture genuinely makes you smile so you decide to thank him with another kiss on his cheek but before you can see his reaction you have already shifted back to your original position but you get to hear a chuckle from him.
When its finally your turn, you move forward to spin the bottle which after a few seconds stops on the word stomach, while for Jadon lands on the word neck. 
Without wasting another second he removes his shirt and gets on top of the bar counter and proceeds to lay down on it to make the process easier for you. Everyone yells in satisfaction while you almost gawk at him not expecting this kind of boldness but it only makes you more excited. 
Not wanting to delay the game any more, you quickly get on top of the chair to stand on your knees; the new angle makes you come in sight with Jadon’s naked torso while he is gazing at you with a smirk on his face. 
You grin at him with as much confidence as you have, not wanting to let him see how intimated or affected he makes you feel on the inside. Soon enough you find yourself slowly licking a stripe across his stomach before you sprinkle the salt while someone else gives him the lemon. For the cherry on top and to cause some more reactions, you dare to balance the shot on top of his crotch. 
After you check on him one last time, you bend down once again to lick the salt from his stomach. An unpleasant sourness already invades your mouth but it is gone as soon as you lift up the shot with your mouth and drink it down on one go. In the end you hover over Jadon’s face to finally lick the cut piece of lemon from his mouth. 
You can’t concentrate on anything happening around you, your instincts completely focused around the feeling of Jadon’s lips barely touching with yours. The only thing that prevents you from actually kissing is that piece of fruit and you can’t help but curse at it in your head at this moment. 
You make a move to seperate yourself from him and the next thing you know his lips are on yours, the lemon completely gone this time, giving you both finally the space for your mouths to lock with each other. Your eyes are closed while Jadon takes the time to sensually suck on your lips and tongue, offering him to taste everything that entered your mouth from the body shot. 
You hear him groan one last time into the kiss before you decide to break it and move yourself to stand on your normal height. Jadon doesn’t wait another second before he brings himself to sit normally on the bar counter with his legs open and hanging from the counter. 
“Get on” he almost growls at you and you instantly comply, twisting your body to sit on the space between his thighs. You can feel your back coming in contact with his front and your body arches in reaction causing the man behind you to let out a quiet curse; but only you are able to hear it since the people around you keep cheering loudly for the both on you. 
“Tilt your head to the side baby” he whispers to you and you follow along without hesitation, your eyes close and your mind abandons all the control it has, completely giving in to the desires of the man behind you. His hands are gripping the side of your waist when you feel his wet tongue rolling down the side of your neck. You hold yourself back from moaning but you soon get interrupted by his voice again. 
“Put the lemon on those lips and hold the shot for me” he instructs you and your body automatically obeys. 
Once you are ready you feel his tongue on your neck licking off all the salt from your skin in a slow and sensual way. Next you raise your hand up to his face so that he can drink the shot before he grabs your chin to twist your head to the side. Your face meets with his and he instantly suck starts sucking on the piece of fruit between your swollen lips. 
Your senses are once more consumed by the light touch of his lips on yours and after a few seconds he finally pulls back to look at you as you take the chance to remove the lemon from your mouth. 
As soon as you have taken it out, your face is being forced towards him as he goes after your lips once again. His lips are softly sucking on yours while his tongue is teasing you at the entrance of you mouth. When you pull back from him, you open your eyes to look at him while his hand is softly caressing the side of your face.
“You know what they say; sit on my lap at parties and you will sit on my face in private” His bold words cause you to blush and laugh at the same time. While there were people around you staring at your heated interaction you both felt so wrapped up in your little moment that you didn’t seem to care.
“Well i’m sorry to break it to you but technically I'm not sitting on your lap” you respond and he nibbles on his lips while looking at you lustfully.
“You will later, don’t worry” his tone sounds serious and dark probably from how turned on he is, not bothering to hide his attraction towards you, not even in front of all this people and you can already feel your heart fluttering from that.
And to be honest that scares you a lot for what's coming.
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leoleolovesdc · 1 year
"The only thing Batman fears is something happening to Robin" "Father and son. Master and apprentice. Batman and Robin." "Nightwing is, in a sense, an older brother to Jason, in spirit if not in flesh." "There's a bit of Clark Kent to Jason Todd." "Don Quixote needed his Sancho Panza. Sherlock Holmes needed his Dr. Watson. And the Batman needs a Robin."
(Quotes from Batman Writers' Bible about a show that could've aired in the 80s, having it's main characters being Bruce Wayne and Jason Todd as Batman and Robin. This Bible was first drafted in 1984 and the final version was finished in 1988).
It's especially sad seeing this show that never came to be portraying such a good relationship between Bruce and Jason, a grumpy man and the only person who knew how to make him laugh; Seeing how they were constantly referred to as father and son just for now in 2000s-2020s people going back to saying that Batman and Robin aren't family. I love this show that never existed and I wish people remembered that these relationships were important.
Bruce and Jason having a good, healthy and parental bond back when he was still young isn't a symptom of fanon, it used to be the reality of those two. Sometimes I wonder how this show would have influenced comics and it's adaptations, if I can be a little bit hopeful, I would guess that it could have showed the way to more healthy writing and family dynamics in the Batman Mythos.
(Link for the Writers' Bible: http://www.criticalblast.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_image_full_node/public/field/image/Batman%20Writers%20Bible.pdf )
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racoonpookiedepartment · 11 months
Luis’s spooky surprise
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Happy Friday the 13th all! I make this because i miss Luis i not do proof read as this was only ramble for me please do enjoy!
Luis Serra x Male Reader (power bottom Luis)
You were on a trip with your Boyfriend luis and he said he had something planned for you. He didn't explain too much, all he said was that you were in for a Scream.
You didn't understand the reference but soon you did, Luis had set up a horror movie marathon for the two of you for the halloween season. A few movies passed and now you were on edge, every little creak in your rented out house made you jump and turn.
Luis responded to your little fears by holding you closer and giving you kisses. You were half way through a movie that especially scared you when Luis got up and went to the fridge, he cursed under his breath and grabbed the keys to your car.
“Sorry Sancho, forgot something I’ll be back in just a moment” he explained and gave you a kiss.
You sank into the couch and held the blanket closer to your chest, as much as you were embarrassed to admit. For a tall man, horror movies scares you. The moment in the movie that was paused happened to be even worse for you.
All things were going well until you started to doze off and wonder where Luis had gone off to, you sent him a few texts but they went unseen. You began to doze off again when your heart jumped at the house phone ringing.
You didn't even think the old thing worked but you ignored the ringing. It rang again and now the sound was getting annoying. You made your way to the kitchen and answered the phone
“Hello?” you ask
“Hello” the voice responded, it was a man's voice
“May I ask who I'm speaking to?” you asked, you notice a popping sound and realize luis had left popcorn on the stove, you fiddled with the popcorn and before the voice answered the previous question he had one of his own.
“Hey, what's that sound?” he asked
“Uh, just some popcorn” you reply
“Popcorn eh? I only eat popcorn when i go to the movies” he explained
“Same here, but i don't go too often” you added, you didn't understand why you continued the conversation but it took your mind off being alone in the middle of nowhere watching a horror movie.
“Not too often huh?” the man questioned
“Not too many movies worth watching you know?” you replied
“I see, say, do you like scary movies?” the voice asked
“Not really, they're just.. Not scary” you lied, the man scoffed
“What's so funny?” you questioned
“Nothing nothing, i just thought it was amusing” the man said, you notice a slight accent to the man and it was awfully familiar.
“Mind if I ask you something?” the man cut you off
“Sure” you reply, now suspicious of the mystery man on the phone
“How about some trivia eh? To lighten the mood?” he offered, you figured it was better than fiddling with popcorn and napping while waiting for Luis to come back with whatever he forgot.
“Let's go for it, what kind?” you ask
“Scary movie trivia, hows that sound?” he questioned
“Alright, let's do it” you accepted
“First question, Who's the killer on Halloween?” he asked, you had previously watched the original halloween with Luis so it was an easy answer
“Micheal Myers, too easy” you reply earning another scoff from the man
“Oh so cocky eh? How about some harder questions” he challenged
“Go for it” you accept, you were leaning on the kitchen counter now just eating popcorn and chatting with the mystery caller.
“Who’s the killer on Friday the 13th?” the man asked, the franchise name was familiar to you and you snapped while thinking
“Was it.. Freddy? Chucky? No.. Jason?” you reply
“That is correct! Good boy” the man complimented, it entirely caught you off guard and your legs shook a little
“What do you say?” you question
“I said that was correct! Nothing else” he replied, now you were getting more suspicious of the man
“Next question, this one will surely be easy” he cut you off again
“Alright, what is it?” you ask
“Which door am I at right now?” he asked, just as he finished the question there was a knock on one of the many doors in the house.
You snapped and looked around, it wasn't a close sound but a far one. The man stayed silent on the phone while waiting for an answer. You grabbed a knife and swiftly made your way around the home.
You felt a chilled breeze, a similar one you felt earlier that day when the basement door was open. You made your way down the stairs and just as you suspected, it was wide open.
“Ha ha very funny Luis, can you come back in now i'm getting tired” you exclaim
“Oh, i'm not luis” the man stated, you scoffed at his remark
“Yeah sure, ok you got your scare, can we finish the movie now?” you asked
“I told you, i'm not luis” he stated again
“Alright, then where's Luis? And how did you even know I was here?” you question, it was an uncomfortable silence before you heard and shuffled outside.
“One more question, who's this long haired man in your backyard?” he asked, you made your way towards the back door and peeked through. You just saw a shadow but when you turned on the light Luis was taped up to a chair.
“Okay this isn't funny Louis you can stop now” you state, getting annoyed now. There was silence as you stared at Luis, it was quite far away but you could tell he wasn't in good shape.
“Knock knock” the man said, and right after there was a knock at the front door. Now you started to doubt if it was really a joke or not, you opened the back door intending to run to luis
“I wouldn't do that if i were you” the man stated, now you were freaking out. You ran around the house making sure all the doors and windows were locked and made your way upstairs
“Ah, smart move Y/n” he stated, you stopped in your tracks seeing a shadow sprint past a window.
“How do you know my name?” you ask
“It was on your id of course, shouldn't leave your wallet lying around” he taunted
You backed up into your bedroom and locked the door, you realized the window in that room was left open and you swiftly locked it.
“Final question N/n, do you think i made it into the house before you could lock up?” he asked, before you could reply the closet door had burst open and a robed man pushed you down onto the bed.
He was wearing a ghost mask and gloves, you tried your best to struggle with the man but after a while he straddled you.
“Was a fun game eh?” the man asked
The man handcuffed you to the bedpost and stayed on top of you. You didn't say much as all you did was groan, you weren't sure if you were supposed to be afraid for your life or horny. He shoved a camera in your face and recorded your reaction, he started to grind himself on you as well.
“What's wrong boy? Scared?” he questioned, he tilted his head when he saw the lust in your eyes and felt the involuntary bucking
“Ah, needy boy aren't you? He questioned, he tugged at your shorts and pulled them off revealing your growing boner, he gently took it into his hand and stroked it
“You wanna put this in me don't you?” he questioned, he tilted his head
“Want me to suck this big hairy cock don't you boy?” he questioned, stroking harder to put emphasis on he’s words
He chuckled as you frantically nodded with your foggy eyes. The masked man titled his mask up and you observed his brown skin and his beard. Of course it was none other than Luis. his head bobbed for a while as he gently sucked on your dick, coming up every few sucks for some air before going back down. His head came off your cock with a wet pop and he slowly stroked you
“Ready for your next surprise?” he asked, you nodded again. You watched as the man stood over you and lifted up his costume revealing his hairy legs and slowly lowered himself onto you.
Luis was warm, and so very tight, it would be impossible not to moan at the feeling of him sucking you in. he bounced up and down groaning and giving you small praises
“Good boy.. Fucking me so ugh, hard” he spat out between groans
Luis’s own hard cock was bouncing up and down along with him being on you and the friction of it slapping against you forced him to cum
“Fuck! Good boy making me cum so hard” he complimented, he shifted around before getting comfortable and slowly grinding on you. He could tell from how your eyes almost rolled to back of your head that you were close
“Come on, be a good boy and cum for me” he encouraged, it didn't take long for you to start filling him up and he was loving every second of it
“Such a good boy cumming for me!” he groaned, he didn't stop riding you until you couldn't shoot anymore, even then he clenched one last time and slowly got up. He plopped onto you and panted,
“You're such a good boy, filled me up so good” he praised, he gave you a few kisses and snuggled up into you, still handcuffed.
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halesiarpg · 6 months
Reservas que no han podido hacerse:
honeyfreckled, Katheryn Winnick y Eva Green han sido reservadas. Niobe, Emilia Clarke ha sido reservada. Cerbero, Charlie Hunnam ha sido reservado. Achilles, Adelaide Kane ha sido reservada. Vinter, Katheryn Winnick han sido reservadas. Alistair Sutherland, Henry Cavill y Chris Hemsworth han sido reservados. Sus reservas fuera de hora no cuentan. En las normas se estipuló la hora y después de la publicación.
Mero, el Conde de Starhaven ha sido reservado. No ha especificado que puesto quiere. Vinter, el Conde de Folksvangr ha sido reservado.
Stephen Amell — Mein Henry Cavill — Draco Emilia Clarke — Mummy Scarlett Johansson — Lamasfox Matthew Daddario — White Emily Blunt — Ctma Collin O'Donoghue — Hook Daniel Sharman — Random Zane Phillips — Random Katheryn Winnick — Huntress Stefan Petrov — Kol Cody Christian — Raken Milana Vino — Lambrusco Danny Griffin — Mort Nick Bateman — Mort Robbie Amell — Strike Matthew Noszka — Lobo Christian Balic — Lobo Ruairi O'Connor — XVII Josha Stradowski — XVII Alyssa Sutherland — honeyfreckled Aleksandr Kuznetsov — Kratos Harris Dickinson — HD Bruna Marquezine — Gatito Ken Bek — Hairfire O. W. Skaaning — Wolf Regé-Jean Page — JXN Ivana Baquero — Achilles Lena Headey — Achilles Chris Hemsworth — Storm Richard Madden — Raid Charlie Hunnam — Killmotor Jensen Ackles — Maiden Adelaide Kane — Rose Liv Tyler — Monql Nikolaj Coster-Waldau — Alder Tom Hardy — Dirty Jason Isaacs — Unknow Chris Wood — Dark Tom Hopper — Dark Cillian Murphy — Pig Eva Green — Artemisa Ben Barnes — Wodan Loch Naess — Alopecia Rodolfo Sancho - Mero Nicholas Galitzine — Todoroki Michiel Huisman — Folklore Shawn Mendes — Cazasueños Dev Patel — Dovah Alan Ritchson — Alistair Sutherland Zach McGowan — Seeker Jessica Stam - Chrisara
Dunewind — Conde — JXN Folksvangr — Conde — Mein Navarys — Conde — Mummy Dagerfall — Conde — chocolatito Nebûrka — Cónsul — honeyfreckled Ebanoth — Conde — honeyfreckled Gyevar — Conde — Huntress Goldcrest — Conde — Achilles Eregion — Conde — Strike Starhaven — Conde — Dirty Gyevar — Cónsul — Ares
Disculpen los inconvenientes y la demora. Ahora aparecerán en las listas. Un saludo y estamos a vuestra disposición para lo que necesitéis.
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opiatemasses · 2 years
Normality or Reality?
Some believe that racism no longer exists, that the society we now live is post-racial or colour-blind. However, it is clear racism is an ongoing issue both here in the UK and globally. For example, 95% of young black British children have witnessed racism in school. According to Delgado et al. (2017) many people of colour choose not to speak out about it, as they feel it limits their futures. 
Because racism exists in society it also exists in sport. Black people do not have equal opportunities and do not receive similar rewards for equal or better performance when compared to their white counterparts. As a consequence, their desire for a successful career beyond sport or any other profession is dismal. 
Racial abuse does not just affect children, it affects adults, athletes, teachers, police officers, lawyers and so on. Anyone who is a person of colour can feel as though they are at a disadvantage because of the colour of their skin. It is something they face and challenge every single day. 
Examples of Racism in Everyday Life
It has been argued that race is a social construction.                       
Within the police force, at the end of March 2020, 92.7% of police officers were White, with only 7.3% identifying as BAME. Between April 2020 and March 2021 black people were over 3 times as likely to be arrested as white people. 
These statistics provide evidence to their reasonings of why they are at a disadvantage, simply because their skin is not white. Racism can occur anywhere and to anyone, what is important is that we are aware and report it to the police, or if you are at work to your workplace management. If you or someone you know is experiencing racial abuse you can report it here: https://www.report-it.org.uk
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Image credit: Getty Images https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-myth-of-systemic-police-racism-11591119883 
Defining Racism 
Racism in sport is defined as any form of discrimination against people based on race, ethnicity or nationality. This includes, and is not limited to, discriminatory acts, comments, policies and practices that exclude or hinder the ability of people of certain racial backgrounds to participate in sports. 
Racism In Sport 
Racism in sport is a reflection of wider prejudice and inequity that exists in both our societies and institutions. Athletes experience racial harassment on a regular basis, whether that be in person or online through social media. 
Racism has been found in sport for a long time in European sports, but this has intensified during major international sporting competitions where players of colour are put on centre stage and under pressure.   
In 2020 the men’s England football team lost to Italy in the UEFA Euro final.  Instead of admiring the skill of Italy’s goalkeeper or congratulating the fact England had succeeded in coming so far in the competition, three players – Bukayo Saka, Jason Sancho and Marcus Rashford – were subjected to floods of racist abuse. A tweet was published in response to this harassment encapsulates this phenomenon: “When you score, you’re English. When you miss, you’re an immigrant.” 
Furthermore, racism in sports can often have serious consequences for those subjected to it. Research has shown that in addition to physical and mental stress, athletes of colour often struggle with feelings of powerlessness, depression, and anxiety due to the constant discrimination they face during their sporting career. This can not only affect an athlete’s performance, but can also have lasting impacts on their mental health and well-being.
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Image credit: Reuters https://metro.co.uk/2021/07/12/euro-2020-england-players-bombarded-with-racist-abuse-14912944/
What is Being Done to Stop Racial Abuse?
There are several organisations working to combat racism in sport, which include:
The Institute for Sport and Social Justice
The Anti-Defamation League
The National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP)
Additionally, many professional sports leagues, such as the National Basketball Association (NBA) and Major League Soccer (MLS), have established policies and initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion in their leagues. 
‘Taking the Knee’ was a major movement - a globally recognisable protest against racism, but it was prohibited for football players to do this before every match. This was only just the beginning. If we are to make progress in combating racism in sport, it is important for everyone to take a stand and speak out against racism whenever they see it. 
Various important initiatives have been launched to tackle racism in sport, such as the #BritishAthletesUnite campaign across the UK, which aims to create a platform to end racism in sport. Initiatives such as this are important, as they provide education and awareness of racism in sport. 
Additionally, organisations like Kick It Out are taking action to fight racism through their campaigns, educational resources and alert system. This ensures those affected by racism are provided with support and the issue is addressed.
Below is a short video on the backlash players received by ‘taking the knee’ before games. 
What Can YOU Do?
Sports are a microcosm of society. So to end racism in sport we need to recognise that the idea that society is post-racial is wrong. We must also focus on eliminating racism in our wider communities. 
This includes actively supporting organisations and initiatives that promote equality and racial justice. Additionally, we must continue to have discussions about racism and engage with communities to create change. 
Finally, it's important to remember that sport should be accessible to all, regardless of race, gender, class, disability, etc. Encouraging diversity and inclusion and ensuring that everyone has a seat at the table is critical to creating a more equitable sporting environment.
Racism in sport is an issue that we must take seriously and address. We must take steps to ensure that all athletes, regardless of race, are given equal opportunities and treated with respect. This is our reality but let us not make it a normality. YOU can help end racism once and for all. We all need to do our part and take steps to ensure that all athletes, regardless of race, are given equal opportunities and treated with respect. We must also take steps to ensure that those who engage in racist behaviour are held accountable for their actions. Only then together will we be able to make progress in our fight against racism in sport and end racism once and for all. 
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
When Queen Elizabeth’s reign is threatened by ruthless familial betrayal and Spain’s invading army, she and her shrewd adviser must act to safeguard the lives of her people. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Elizabeth I, Queen of England: Cate Blanchett Sir Walter Raleigh: Clive Owen Sir Francis Walsingham: Geoffrey Rush Sir Christopher Hatton: Laurence Fox Amyas Paulet: Tom Hollander Elizabeth Throckmorton: Abbie Cornish Robert Reston: Rhys Ifans King Philip II of Spain: Jordi Mollà Mary, Queen of Scots: Samantha Morton Anthony Babington: Eddie Redmayne Calley: Adrian Scarborough William Walsingham: Adam Godley Archduke Charles: Christian Brassington Count Georg von Helfenstein: Robert Cambrinus Dr. John Dee: David Threlfall Spanish Minister: Vidal Sancho Ursula Walsingham: Kelly Hunter Lord Howard: John Shrapnel Torturer: Sam Spruell Cellarman: David Sterne Admiral Sir William Winter: David Robb Courtier: Jonathan Bailey Walsingham’s Servant: Steve Lately Woman with Baby: Kate Fleetwood Infanta Isabel of Spain: Aimee King Annette: Susan Lynch Mary Walsingham: Kristin Coulter Smith Queen Elizabeth’s Waiting Lady #1: Hayley Burroughs Queen Elizabeth’s Waiting Lady #2: Kirsty McKay Queen Elizabeth’s Waiting Lady #3: Lucia Ruck Keene Queen Elizabeth’s Waiting Lady #4: Lucienne Venisse-Back Laundry Woman: Elise McCave Margaret: Penelope McGhie First Court Lady: Coral Beed Second Court Lady: Rosalind Halstead Manteo: Steven Loton Wanchese: Martin Baron Walsingham’s Agent: David Armand Sir Francis Throckmorton: Steven Robertson Ramsey: Jeremy Barker Burton: George Innes Mary Walsingham: Kirstin Smith Old Throckmorton: Tim Preece Dance Master: Benjamin May Royal Servant: Glenn Doherty Dean of Peterborough: Chris Brailsford Executioner: Dave Legeno Spanish Archbishop: Antony Carrick Marriage Priest: John Atterbury First Spanish Officer: Alex Giannini Second Spanish Officer: Joe Ferrara Courtier: Alexander Barnes Courtier: Charles Bruce Courtier: Jeremy Cracknell Courtier: Benedict Green Courtier: Adam Smith Courtier: Simon Stratton Courtier: Crispin Swayne Mary Stuart’s Lady in Waiting: Kitty Fox Mary Stuart’s Lady in Waiting: Kate Lindesay Mary Stuart’s Lady in Waiting: Katherine Templar Courtier (uncredited): Morne Botes Young Boy (uncredited): Finn Morrell Tyger Salior (uncredited): Shane Nolan Film Crew: Screenplay: William Nicholson Director of Photography: Remi Adefarasin Editor: Jill Bilcock Original Music Composer: A.R. Rahman Original Music Composer: Craig Armstrong Set Decoration: Richard Roberts Stunts: Peter Pedrero Stunt Coordinator: Greg Powell Casting: Fiona Weir Stunts: Rob Inch Stunts: Andy Smart Additional Camera: David Worley Costume Design: Alexandra Byrne Supervising Sound Editor: Mark Auguste Production Design: Guy Hendrix Dyas Supervising Art Director: Frank Walsh Director: Shekhar Kapur Screenplay: Michael Hirst Editor: Andrew Haddock Art Direction: David Allday Set Costumer: Martin Chitty Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Steve Single Scenic Artist: Rohan Harris Stunts: Ray Nicholas Art Direction: Andy Thomson Art Direction: Jason Knox-Johnston Production Manager: Mark Mostyn Stunts: George Cottle Stunts: David Anders Stunts: Peter Miles Visual Effects Supervisor: John Lockwood Stunts: John Kearney Stunts: Paul Kennington Stunts: Nick Chopping Costume Supervisor: Suzi Turnbull Hairstylist: Morag Ross Art Direction: Phil Sims Music Editor: Tony Lewis ADR Recordist: Robert Edwards Stunt Double: Abbi Collins Script Supervisor: Angela Wharton ADR Editor: Tim Hands Art Direction: Christian Huband Visual Effects Supervisor: Richard Stammers Stunts: Rowley Irlam Assistant Art Director: Helen Xenopoulos Foley Artist: Mario Vaccaro Visual Effects Supervisor: Steve Street Property Master: David Balfour Greensman: Ian Whiteford Foley Editor: Andrew Neil Stunts: Gordon Seed Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Tim Cavagin Dialogue Editor: Sam Auguste Scenic Artist: James Gemmill Unit Publicist: Stacy Mann Camera Operator: Ben Wilson Visual Effects Editor: Aled Robinson Stunts: Paul Herbert Hairstylist: Do...
0 notes
tulypes · 5 months
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⭑i write smut, angust, fuffly (not always).
⭑i don't write for characters/people -18. please don't insist! besides being disgusting, it's a crime.
⭑i like writing naughty characters with slight character deviations. i always try to point out possible triggers at the beginning of stories.
⭑to request, send me an ask with the name of the person/character and a little of what you want to read. it doesn't have to be that detailed, but put some information so i can get an idea.
⭑i may not meet your expectations. i try to do my best, however, i'm not always creative.
⭑ i write in portuguese and english.
⭑ i don't write for neymar jr., memphis depay or pablo gavi.
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i write to:
⭑ players: jadon sancho, richard ríos, jude bellingham, virgil van dijk, rodrygo, levi colwill, benjamin pavard, xavi simons, toni kroos
⭑ dc comics: dick grayson, jason todd, roy harper
⭑ fast and furious: han lue, takashi (dk), rick yune, roman pierce, morimoto
⭑ surf: kanoa igarashi, gabriel medina, seth moniz
⭑ narcos: ramon arellano-felix, el mayo, amado carillo, barron, javier peña
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jbb3design · 2 years
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We lost a legend Sancho Man and Rest in Peace Jason Ben Trujillo! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5O6r1gCVA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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footballconfessions · 2 years
I find it unfair that Grealish, one of the poorest players ever, goes to Qatar and players like Tammy don't -
I really feel bad for Jason sancho cuz i think he's better than those 2
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latestupdates2022 · 2 years
Ex-Chelsea Star Believes Struggling Sancho Would Do Well At Arsenal
Ex-Chelsea Star Believes Struggling Sancho Would Do Well At Arsenal
Ex-Chelsea Star Believes Struggling Sancho Would Do Well At Arsenal Former Chelsea defender and talkSPORT host, Jason Cundy, believes Jadon Sancho would be a better player if he was playing for Arsenal, not Manchester United. Sancho arrived United in the summer of 2021 for a fee worth £73million and with the reputation of being one of the world’s most exciting talents. However since departing…
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View On WordPress
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badsanchoman69 · 2 years
MY LIFE MY STORY MY WAY .. If She Loves Me She Will Come.. TOMMOROW FRIDAY .. She Will Gain 0 . In Money But Gain A Whole Not More .. Because Love Is Not Money .. And If Not I Guess I'll Let Go And Leave In God's Hands .. For She Does Not Have Heart Or Respect For Herself Or For Me . . LOVE IS LOVE AND JULIE PALACIO . SO LAST CHANCE BEFORE I LEAVE .. THE FAMILY IS READY TO ROLL . AND HAVE SOME FUN .. ARE YOU DOWN OR NOT .. ?? 💙😂 POSITIVITY BRINGS POSITIVITY.. AND I AM A GIFT FROM GOD .. I WAS MADE TO LOVE .. .!! ONE LOVE ONE RACE ONE FAMILY ..
#Music #JasonBenTrujillo #Julie #TrueLoveAlways
#Family #JasonBenTrujillo #Love #GodLoveFamily
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oliver-starkk · 3 years
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our 3 lions 🦁🦁🦁
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footballcloud · 4 years
Familiar - Anyone You’d Like
Unlucky today baby, when do you think you'll be home? xxx
delivered - 17:58
read - 18:02
It was a familiar feeling for you. Being ignored. It'd begun to become the norm meaning that loneliness had also begun to seep in. His team had suffered a heavy defeat, something else that was also becoming familiar for him and that meant you spent a large proportion of your time with him feeling like you were treading on eggshells. Although, you spent very little time together anymore, so at least he spared you that feeling. It was past 2 o'clock in the morning when he arrived home, from the 3 o'clock kick off but he seemed to be arriving back later and later each week which meant you were at home by yourself for longer and longer each week with only your phone for company. God knows what he was doing between leaving the ground and getting home. Your friends back home didn't cheer you up on FaceTime the same way a night out did but those had been few and far between recently.
As soon as he arrived home, he dropped his rucksack with a heavy thud by the door and closed it behind him. Brushing past you, he drank quickly from a glass of water that you'd left out for him in the hope it'd settle him down. You watched him as he drank it with his back turned to you, contemplating whether you should break the silence to try and console him but risk getting your head bitten off if he hadn't calmed down yet, or leave him to simmer for a while and speak to him in the morning. It wasn't a rarity for the two of you to go for days without speaking to each other despite living under the same roof and sharing a bed. You were working or he was training, away with the team or on his Xbox.
"How are you feeling?"   You asked tentatively, being able to feel his anger radiating off him even with is back still turned to you. "Fucking fantastic thanks", he made a snide, sarcastic remark and wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve before refilling up his cup, "and don't tell me that bollocks about 'it's always better to talk things out', because not. You're the last person I want to speak to". He added abruptly, imitating your voice for a second or two before slamming his glass down on the kitchen worktop. His word stabbed through you like a knife in your back, but it was the last sentence that provided the fatal blow. It wasn't like you to lose it with him, you were definitely the calmer one out of the two, but even you were on the verge of losing it.
"If you don't want to talk to me now, when were you planning on speaking to me?" You raised your voice slightly as he turned round to face you and gave a pathetic shrug as if to say 'I don't know'. "Because if you're not planning on talking to me, then there's no point in me being here. You dragged me half way across the country for what? For you to ignore me, stay out until stupid hours of the morning and throw a tantrum like a child when I ask where you've been?" You snort scornfully, feeling your temper rising in your stomach but you didn't feel the need to suppress it given that's all you did around him.
"Jesus fucking Christ, lay off it will you? If it's so much of a chore to be here with me then go back home!" He folded his arms over his chest, vein pulsing prominently on the side of his neck which showed his heart rate pick up as his bit back at you. "Why can't you see the position that I'm in? Take yourself out of your stupid footballer bubble and see the bigger picture for a second. I've dropped everything for you to be here. Friends, family, degree, but you haven't even got the decency to acknowledge me!" You were somewhere between tears and about to erupt with anger. You needed to stop yourself from saying something you’d regret in a few hours time but there were some things that you needed to get off your chest because they’d be brewing in your head for a while. He’d certainly changed since he’d moved clubs, you weren’t sure if it was the bigger pay cheque, larger media following, heavier pressure on him from playing at a higher level or possibly a mixture of all of them - but he definitely wasn’t the same person you’d started dating almost three years ago now.
“All I see is someone being needy for attention”, he snarled which was the final straw for you so you took yourself off to the spare bedroom, not even able to look at him without his face making you distraught and a little teary, let alone share a bed with him. Your relationship had never been perfect, he’d blow hot and cold with you occasionally, dipping in and out of commitment without a second thought leaving you feeling like you were on the outside, never really knowing where you stood with him from time to time when he would give you the cold shoulder but cuddle you for a hour the next day. You weren’t perfect either, not being able to grasp how someone was so carefree, causing you to occasionally making a decision out of impulse rather than thinking through the consequences before hand, meaning an argument would escalate even more when he frustrated you. It was times like that when you had your biggest doubts. Lying in bed, staring at the ceiling for hours on end, trying to work out what you’d done to irritate him that time. The fact he was so carefree was beginning to become a reoccurring theme, possibly the root of the problem was that was he didn’t really care, or at least he acted like he didn’t. He was becoming inconsiderate and you were becoming tired of it.
The morning after wasn’t much better. The atmosphere was still heavy with tension that could you virtually cut with the knife you were buttering your toast with. He was across the kitchen from you, making a mug of tea with his back turned to you but you could tell from his posture alone that he was tired with his shoulders slumped. After last night’s fiasco, you’d learnt not to break the silence and get your head bitten off, you’d said all you felt you needed to without going too far and really doing some damage.
“Did you mean what you said last night?” He spoke, sleep evident in his voice as he threw the teabag in the bin. “Which bit?” You asked, not entirely sure as to which part if the argue argument he was picking at, there was quite a lot to go through. “When you were going on about the point in you being here?” He reminded of the events that’s you’d spent hours trying to block out your mind. You had two options: say yes and risk World War 3 taking place over the kitchen island or say no and bottle up your feelings again like you’d been doing for months. “Yeah... I did”, you confessed, chose the first options and watched his face sink. ‘Oh fuck’, you thought, ‘that wasn’t the answer he wanted’ - his emotions plastered on his face flung you into a world of guilt as he stared solemnly into his mug.
 “Would you go back home?” He asked, not breaking his gaze with his drink to make eye contact with you. You wanted him to know how you truly felt but without hurting him, even though he’d spent months unintentionally hurting you. “I’ve considered it”, you spilt to him, “only occasionally when I’m overthinking things. You know when your deep in thought in the middle of the night and everything seems a billion times worse than it actual is”, you added, trying to reason with him to soften the blow and being careful not to add insult to injury. Yet last night, thinking about it didn’t make it any worse, instead just putting things into perspective and you were seriously considering taking a break and going back home. “I don’t think either of us are in a state to talk about”, you watched him yawn as your eyelids felt heavy, the adrenalin rush from the argument clearly took a told on your quality of sleep.
“We can’t just keep brushing it under the carpet”, he said matter-of-factly as if he hadn’t been acting like a child 8 hours ago, he was hardly a martyr. “Why are you so desperate to talk now?” You impulsively blurted and then instantly regretted it. It sounded far more facetious than you intended whilst he lent against the kitchen island as you waited for his reaction. ‘Fucking hell’, you scolded yourself for being such a bitch, whilst your boyfriend stood opposite you - practically a ticking time bomb with the end result probably him throwing hands and storming off again, but on this occasion it was probably deserved after the snide comment.
“I can’t be under a roof with you knowing that your unhappy with me, something needs to change”, he took a sip of his tea and nodded calmly, changing the subject, not giving the reaction you expected but you certainly weren’t complaining. “Tell me, what is it specifically that you makes you unhappy because I can tell somethings wrong”, he made eye contact with you, with bags under his eyes and glaze behind them that told you he was upset too. “It’s the blowing hot and cold, staying out late, mood swings...”, your voice tailed off towards the end. You could’ve rambled on and listed a whole host of things that annoyed you but you didn’t want to overwhelm him given that sensitive conversations like that were few and far between.
“The team’s been struggling at the moment, you know I haven’t quite got the hang of a work - life balance yet. I try not to bring it all home to you, babe, I swear but sometimes I can’t help it”, he babbled on aimlessly for a bit but it was the nickname that softened you, making you relax in your seat and smile slightly. At least it had given you some clarity that it was nothing you’d done to upset him. “It’s fine, calm down we can work through it”, you reassured him as he started to get worked up about what he had and hadn’t been doing over the past few months, and whilst the situation hadn’t been ‘fine’ the fact he wasn’t totally oblivious to your feelings anyone made things better. The two of you sat in silence for a while, him sipping on his drink and you nibbling your toast which had gone cold by that point.
“You gonna eat that?” He asked, eyeing up the half eaten piece of toast on your plate. You just shook your head which he basically took as an invite to finish it for you. “I love you, you know that right?” He whispered and swallowed the toast before giving you a kiss on the side of your head, no doubt leaving toast crumbs there as well. You leaned your head on his shoulder for a few moments, enjoying the blissful silence between the two you that, for once, wasn’t awkward or tense.
“You know the first thing we can sort out?” You lifted your head and faced him, who nodded eagerly
“Your morning breath, go and clean your teeth”, you held your nose mockingly and pointed to the stairs, telling his to go to the bathroom. He furrowed his eyebrows in dismay and kissed your lips despite your resistance although it hadn’t being particularly strong given you’d had very little physical contact, that you were oh-so familiar with, it was definitely something you’d missed.
~ tell me who you imagined it with, hope you enjoyed it 💕
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tulypes · 5 months
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⭑escrevo smut, angust, fuffly (nem sempre)
⭑não escrevo para personagens/pessoas -18. por favor, não insista! além de ser nojento, é um crime.
⭑não escrevo conteúdos que tenham estupro, incesto, pedofilia ou qualquer fetiche nojento (ur*philia ou sc*tophilia).
⭑gosto de escrever personagens cafajestes com leves desvios de caráter. tento sinalizar sempre no início das histórias possíveis gatilhos.
⭑para solicitar, me mande uma ask trazendo o nome da pessoa/personagem e um pouco do que deseja ler. não precisa ser tão detalhado, mas coloque algumas informações para que eu possa ter uma ideia.
⭑talvez eu não atenda às suas expectativas. tento dar o meu máximo, porém, nem sempre estou com criatividade.
⭑ escrevo em português e inglês.
⭑ não escrevo para neymar jr., memphis depay ou pablo gavi.
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escrevo para:
⭑ futebol: jadon sancho, richard ríos, jude bellingham, virgil van dijk, rodrygo, levi colwill, benjamin pavard, xavi simons, toni kroos
⭑ dc comics: dick grayson, jason todd, roy harper,
⭑ velozes e furiosos: han lue, takashi (dk), rick yune, roman pierce, morimoto
⭑surf: kanoa igarashi, gabriel medina, seth moniz
⭑ narcos: ramon arellano-felix, el mayo, amado carillo, barron, javier peña
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