#jason's so used to being the leader he feels comfortable taking a backseat here
gutsybitsies · 1 year
more jason grace jason todd switcheroo!!
jason grace being in the batfam is interesting to think abt because he's a finely trained weapon, but he's a demigod trained for fighting monsters and other mythical beings. so he's not very used to fighting against the gadgetry of gotham heroes so in the beginning he's rather outmatched when he fights without his powers.
but also he has superpowers? he can summon lightning and winds and make a mean storm.
and that's only what bruce knows! so he's about to send jason grace off to the teen justice league dorms to learn more about his powers and jason's like "sure i guess, i guess that's my payment for asking you guys to help me back to my dimension"
and that's when alfred steps in because he can tell that jason grace absolutely does not feel like fighting crime. sure he'd do it, and he's very willing to help out these nice people that took him in. but grace is doing it out of a begrudging and instilled sense of duty, rather than a need to fight crime.
bruce is so floored by this realization (courtesy of alfred) that he then just shoves jason under his butler's wing instead and tells him no you don't need to fight if you don't want to. so jason makes trips to the justice league compounds to try and find his way back, but in the meantime he follows alfred around the manor and helps him out.
grace: Alfred is a professional butler and knows how to do things
grace: I'm not, so damian for fuck's sake stop getting so much dirt and blood on your suit.
grace: i bought a mat for the front door and the batcave, wipe your boots before coming in.
grace: you need to scrape food off of your plates BEFORE you put it in the sink-actually no, wash your own plates!
alfred: dear jason has been working so hard to help around the manor
someone: he's literally just ordering the batfam around to do chores
alfred: jason has taken so much off my plate, such a helpful young man.
damian, bleeding from multiple cuts with a sprained ankle and being barked at by jason to put his boots on the rack where it belongs
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g0ldengubler · 4 years
chapter one~one wild night
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(*gif made by recsbylotte*)
A/N: I'm so sorry this chapter is so long, but I had to get everything down, I was having too much fun with this concept. Also, please give a listen to the song Nauseous here so you get the full idea of where this story will go and if you like the song, check out Zubin's other songs as well! Highly suggest the song "Backseat" which also has Fantasy Camp! Ok, enjoy :)
Category: Smut
CW: light-ish smut, fingering, alcohol, weed (please smoke responsibly!)
Word Count: 3985
before you read | next chapter
"Great job everyone!" said Aaron Hotchner to his team.
Everyone in the BAU team gave a small round of applause on their jet, but yours was a bit louder than the rest. This was your first case and you worked so hard to solve it with the team to prove that you deserve to be with them. You wanted this job since you were a little girl. Jason Gideon was holding a class on the basics of profiling with his partner, David Rossi, and you and your dad went because you both loved watching 80's crime and law shows like "Murder, She Wrote" and "Matlock", and from the way your eyes would be glued to the tv, he knew that you wanted to be someone like Jessica Fletcher and her friends at Cabot Cove.
At one point, Gideon asked a question and you answered it right away, which took both of them back a bit, including your dad and everyone else in the room. A ten year old girl, understanding what was being said and not getting scared of the pictures that were shown. You were sure some of them thought of you crazy, but your dad was proud.
After the class, THE Jason Gideon and THE David Rossi came up to the two of you to talk. You were totally fangirling a bit because the two people you looked up to wanted to say how shocked but also kind of happy that someone so young was fascinated with this subject. Rossi told you several years later when you went to one of his book signings, that once you were old enough to give him a call and he'd set some things up to get you into the academy, and that's exactly what happened when you turned 21.
Because of your love of solving crime, you worked hard in school. So much so you were one of the top students. College was no different, and Rossi seemed to notice. He kept tabs on you from time to time to see how you were doing after you emailed him about doing well in high school and your first year of college. During your second year, Rossi asked if you could come to the BAU and talk with him and his coworker, Aaron, who was the team leader. They both agreed that you were incredible in your studies and saw a lot of potential in you. Your dream was starting to come true after accepting their invitation to the academy, and you could feel butterflies in your stomach.
Now you were 25, and Hotch had officially welcomed you to the team. As the ride back continued, you remembered how your first day went, even though it was only a few days ago. You met the team, and right away, you befriended the only one closer to your age, Dr.Spencer Reid. You remembered seeing his long hair and cardigan kind of melting together as he sat down at the round table and gave you a small wave. You didn't have many friends growing up, but he reminded you of your only friend back home, but that almost brought you to tears straight away, making you snap out of your daydreams.
You get up to have a glass of water. As your pouring, someone scares you from behind.
"Hey, Y/N!" A man's voice said.
You jumped which made you spill some water all over the place. "Spencer!"
"I am so sorry!" He chuckles as you both grabbed some paper towel to clean the counter, laughing at the incident.
You both go back to your seats, which were right next to each other on the couch. After meeting Spencer on your first day, Rossi told you that you two would get along perfectly. And you did. It made you feel comfortable right away and you pulling a...well, you, you were stuck to him like glue as a safety net. You used to think it was something every newbie did on their first day; try to find someone who you click with and stick with them until you got the ropes. Apparently, that was something people found annoying, and had you fired the first two jobs you got. With Spencer, however, he didn't mind it, which made you feel unsure but happy at the same time.
You and Spencer talked about the similarities you had and laughed at all the nerdy jokes you were making. At one point, another member of the team, Derek Morgan, had to throw a pillow at Spencer because he was laughing so loud and he was trying to sleep, which made even Hotch (who you guessed never even cracked a smile before) laugh a little bit.
"Boys, behave," Jj joked, not even looking up, "Or daddy's going to send you to your rooms when we get home."
"Ok, pLEASE don't say "daddy" ever again unless your at home." said Emily Prentiss, which made everyone laugh even harder.
You could tell that this team was more than just coworkers getting the job done, they were a family. And YOU were invited into this family. This was a feeling you always wanted: friends acting like a family.
30 Minutes Later
Finally you were back at the BAU. The case was stressful, and the flight back kinda made you tired, but your excitement and happiness were taking over rapidly. You usually fought those feelings because you felt emotions differently than others, and it always annoyed the people around you. Tonight was different, so you cut yourself some slack for once.
As you head back to your desks, Hotch spoke. "You guys deserve a break after that case. The heads of the BAU are giving us one month off. Get some rest and enjoy your vacation. Garcia invited us all to her place to celebrate but sadly Rossi and I are going to have to pass tonight. Jack has a big game tomorrow and I don't think the parents would be too pleased if their kid's coaches were hungover."
On cue, Penelope Garcia runs in with her bags. "Oh we're gonna have fun-to-night!"
"What exactly are we doing?" asked Emily.
"It's a surprise silly, but yes there will be alcohol of course." She then turns to you, walking up to go to elevator arm in arm.
"Y/N," she says, rambling to you how the team usually celebrates and what the plan was as you make your way to the elevator, "ok usually we'd go to our favorite restaurant or club or go to rossi's when we can but tonight I really want to celebrate the success on your first case!"
"Aww, Garcia!" you said as Morgan pressed the button, "Your so sweet. Thank you guys, seriously."
"Trust me, Y/N, this night is going to be one of the best nights ever!"
At Garcia’s Morgan sets the alcohol on the counter as everyone settles in. You sit on the couch with Spencer and Emily, getting a good look of Garcia's apartment. Purple walls with shiny (plastic) jewl's, cat toys filled most of the corners. Just as you saw the toys, a black cat jumps onto your lap making you jump a little.
"Aww, Sergio!" said Emily, "Thank you again Garcia for watching him for me while I go on cases."
"Are you kidding me? He's become a lovely roommate at the Garcia Gardens!" says Garcia as she brings over some bottles and glasses. She sets them down and begins to pour the Vodka shots.
"Garcia 'Gardens"? Jj asked.
"They both have G's, I don't know it seemed to work." They both laugh.
Morgan helps Garcia pass out the shots, getting ready for a toast. Everyone stands up, holding theirs shots a few inches away from their face.
"I would like to make a toast," said Garcia, "not just for the success of this case and because we have a month off, but to Y/N. She has done wonders this week, and I am so happy and grateful that you are now apart of our little family. To Y/N!"
"To Y/N!" Everyone cheered as they clinked their shot glasses.
You thought you were about to cry. You've never felt this much love in a room ever.
Everyone took their shots and sat back down. You look over at Spencer and laugh at the face he makes.
"God, I usually don't drink Vodka but that was an experience." he says.
"Oh c'mon," you said, "already gonna pussy out?"
"Now those were fighting words, Pretty Boy!" Morgan chuckled.
"Is that a challenge?" Spencer asks.
"Ok, I'm taking the shot glasses away because I know Spencer can get competitive and I don't want you to get sick." Garcia grabs the glasses from everyone's hand and walks to the kitchen, everyone giving a little whine about it.
"So what was that surprise you had for us?" you ask Garcia.
She walks in her room to grab something and came back with it behind her back.
"Before I say anything," she began, "I'm not forcing anyone to do anything they don't want to do and if no one wants to it's not a big deal."
Garcia takes her hands from behind her back to show what looked like vape pens. "Nicotine?" Emily asked.
"Noooo nonono," said Garcia, "That stuff is not good for anyone. They're weed...pens..." Garcia got quiet. You could understand why she got nervous, who knew if this would happen or not.
"Baby girl," said Morgan, "You are the last person I'd think of for this."
"Her parents were hippies, Morgan!" says Emily.
"Good point." He said.
"But now the question is, how?" you said.
"Well yeah, my parents were hippies. Both of my parents did before they got pregnant with me, but my dad would smoke when I was a kid. He would always do it before bed so he could actually fall asleep. He had horrible insomnia which he gave to me. A couple of months back, I couldn't sleep for the life of me. Nothing was wrong either for it to happen, but nothing could get me to fall asleep or if it did I acted the next day like I got up on the wrong side of the bed. So, I went to a doctor and got my green card and I've had peaceful nights of rest since. I thought, since we don't have to go into work for awhile, why not have some fun for one night?"
Everyone looked at each other, unsure but also kind of wanting to.
"This wouldn't be a problem with work, right?" asked Jj.
"Oh god, no, if we only do it tonight it'd be out of our system by then." said Reid.
Everyone was shocked hearing that coming from his mouth. "What? I had to do a research paper on the study of cannabis use in college."
You wanted to be the first to agree, but then you worried that it would be a bad look on you, the newbie.
"I'll give it a shot," said Emily, "It's only for one night and we have a lot more time off than we usually get, why the hell not?"
Slowly, everyone else agreed, including Spencer, who no one in the room thought in a million years he would. Garcia passes out the pens to everyone and told them how to use it. She said if we liked it, we could keep them for only certain situations where you absolutely needed it.
We all start taking 3 hits, which was the amount she said to take first. She explained how one time she took too many hits at once and greened out really bad.
Garcia turns on some music and we all sit around, drinking the very special drinks she made for us. The girls had vodka cocktails while the guys had whiskey. After a few minutes, you can start feeling it. Your body begins to tingle and your eyes started feeling heavy.
"How ya feeling, kid?" Morgan asks after several minutes. Spencer just sat there, looking at the ice cubes in his drink.
"Honestly, I've never felt this before. I don't know what I feel but it's nothing bad."
You giggle at his answer. It wasn't funny, and you knew that. Maybe you were giggling because seeing Spencer high was adorable.
"Ope, we have a giggler!" said Emily, but your giggling made everyone else giggle with you.
"Boy genius, you are too adorable!" said Garcia, who was sitting on Morgan's lap, her head on his shoulder.
You take more hits as the night goes on. At one point you had to stop because you were really baked. You've smoked before, so you knew your limit. You look over at Spencer again, but this time he was really sinked in the couch, looking up at the ceiling. What could that big brain be thinking in that now empty skull?
You were about to ask him but Garcia got up and grabbed an empty vodka bottle. "Who wants to play truth or dare?"
Everyone said they were in, except for Jj, who was already passed out in her chair.
"Damn, gone already?" Spencer says.
"You owe me five bucks tomorrow, Y/N" said Morgan. Earlier, you bet Morgan that Jj would stay up because he said she wouldn't. She tried her hardest, but sadly Morgan won. You move your head to Spencer's lap. You felt very cuddly for some reason, and Spencer was right next to you. He flinched a little, but then after a minute he started playing with your hair.
Garcia puts the empty bottle on the table and spins it. It lands on Emily. "Truth." she says.
"Have you ever made out with a girl?" asked Garcia.
"Are you kidding? Of course I have," she got quiet then murmured, "And I loved it."
"I knew it!" said Garcia.
Emily spins and it lands on Morgan. "Dare."
"I dare you to give Garcia a kiss! No making out, just a peck on the lips."
It happened, their banter had finally caught up with them. Derek and Penelope go in for the peck and once so they blushed.
Spencer was still playing with his hair. You looked up at him and saw something in his eye. Not literally, but there was something going on in his head. His eyes sparkled underneath the apartment lights. His mind must've been running all over the place thinking of something trippy, or maybe he suddenly wasn't thinking at all, letting his mind wonder to thoughts he never thought of before. The bottle was rarely spun to either of you, so you decided to talk softly.
"What are you thinking about, Spence?" you ask.
"I'm thinking about everything and nothing at once," he said, "It's hard to explain, like I'm thinking of things I wouldn't normally. Or at least not on a daily basis."
"What is tha-"
"Y/N! Truth or Dare?" said Garcia
"Umm...dare." you slurred. Were you really that fucked up right now?
Garcia thought for a moment, then as she looked at the two of you, a light bulb lit up in her head. "I dare you to take Spencer to my room, shut the door, and make out for 10 minutes!"
"What, are we still in high school?" you ask sarcastically.
"Be glad I didn't suggest 7 minutes in heaven. Poor boy is just so innocent!"
"Can you even get up, Pretty Boy?" Morgan asks as you lift your head from his lap and start to get up.
Spencer takes another vodka shot and a few more hits of his pen before getting up. After gaining his balance back, you take his hand and walk him to the bedroom. He shuts the door behind him and goes to lay on the bed. Arms stretched out on either side of him, he went back to staring at the ceiling.
"Wanna tell me what you're thinking about now?" you asked.
He said nothing. You then lay next to him, doing exactly what he was doing. Garcia had put glow in the dark stars all over the ceiling. They looked brighter than they would've have been to you. Your blurry vision made your tingles more intense as the lights played with your eyes. It was almost really trippy, but you felt so good.
"I've never felt like this before and usually we put people away because of weed, but for some reason, I feel at peace with everything.
"I'm sure if you got your green card, Hotch would be more understanding towards it. If not, Penelope would've been kicked off the team."
He placed his hand softly on your thigh. Spencer, you thought to yourself, she didn't say it was 7 minutes in heaven.
"We don't have to do this if you don't want to," you said, "We can just ramble about anything and tell them we did."
He then gets on top of you, holding your wrists down to the bed. "No, I want to. Unless you don't want to, but this is what I've been thinking about when I was playing with your hair."
You nod your head. You knew what he meant because you were thinking the exact same thing at that same time. When you met him, you didn't think of him in that way. But once everything kicked in that night, you felt yourself slipping into that 'what if'. You thought he was cute when he was giggling at you, and the way his fingers were in your hair, it was like you'd known each other for years.
Spencer's lips were quickly on yours. It felt like heaven, like he had done this before. You kiss him back, indulging in the sweet bliss. It was your time to return the favor, as you run your fingers through his hair. You were into guys with long hair, and Spencer seemed to fit the bill. But in no way were you catching feelings for him. He'll probably not remember this night at all, so why get your hopes up when he's doing this for the dare.
Suddenly, you felt his right grip let go of your wrist and slowly began to go down your body. It made you feel heat from the bottom of your stomach. You haven't felt like this in a long time, needing for someone's touch. You felt ready though, ready for that feeling again. The feeling of letting go and go forward in lust. He stopped, however, letting you know that he was asking if you wanted to continue without breaking away from your lips. You nod and a small quiet moan left your muffled lips, letting him know it was ok.
His hand continued to go down your body, feeling every curve he could. His fingers gently graced your tits and it sent shivers up your spine. Soon enough, you felt his fingers lightly rub the fabric that stood between him and your slit. His touch was so feather like you thought he was teasing you just to get you all worked up.
"I've hardly done anything to you and you're already so wet for me." He said through the kiss. You were shocked how his tone changed from sweet and innocent to dark and low. It kind of turned you on. Somehow, you went from being dared to just make out to what felt like was going into 7 minutes in heaven, except not in a closet.
He then continued to rub the fabric is circles as he broke the kiss. With the moon being your only source of light, you see the hunger in his eyes. He wants you and he wants you bad. He smiles as he moves the fabric over to the side and sticks his middle finger inside you, making you gasp at the entrance. His grin grew bigger as he really felt how wet you really were.
He sticks another finger in there and you let out a moan that you were trying to be soft about, but you were louder than you wanted to be. Spencer quickly covered your mouth with his hand, continuing to pleasure you. "Be quiet, angel," He whispered in your ear, "You don't want the others to know what we're doing, do you?" You shook your head. "Good girl, now tell me when you're close. I want you to cum all over my fingers."
You never thought of Spencer as the dominate type. He seemed so to himself and sweet. You thought he'd be more submissive. Maybe it was his cross faded brain talking, but this side of Spencer made you want more of him. You wanted so much more than his fingers. Your thoughts clouded you as you were reaching your climax.
"Spencer I'm close. I'm so close!" You quietly moaned.
"Hold it, angel. I want you to beg for me."
You couldn't hold it in anymore. "Please let me cum, PLEASE!" You begged.
"Cum for me, angel."
At that, you felt your whole body tense up and almost screamed at the pleasure, but knew to just whisper it and breathe heavily. He laughed with a bit of a growl, feeling you on all over his fingers. He was enjoying this, and you could tell by the tent in his pants. You wondered if you were going to help him out with that as your breathing began to go back to it's normal pattern. He gets off of you as the timer went off, and he stuck his fingers in his mouth, tasting yourself.
"Ok lovebirds, time's up!" you heard Morgan say.
You sit up from the bed as Spencer sat next to you. "We'll be right out!" You said, "Holy shit, Spence. I didn't think you had this side to you."
"Everyone does," he said, "I know I pull off this small and meak kind of person, but they don't know what I think about when I'm at home. Even sometimes at work when I'm stressed on a case. I'll just give myself a breather and let my mind wonder. I even-"
He stopped himself in his tracks, taking back what he was originally going to say. He stood up, pulling you up with him. Your faces were then really close together. "Now, tonight I won't have you touch me. We'll save that for another day ok?" You nod again. "What are you going to do about 'that'?" Pointing to the tent.
"I'm gonna take care of it in the bathroom. Now, we don't tell anyone about this. Especially Garcia."
"Yeah, it'd be a bit weird if she found out that you fingered me on her bed."
"Well that, and the fact that she can't keep a secret to herself for the life of her."
"Good to know." you said.
You did as planned and walked out, going your different ways. You headed back to the living room and joined the rest of your coworkers. You sat there and took more hits and more shots, hoping to pass out. You couldn't help but want to let your thoughts wonder on its own.
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edyacouky · 5 years
Stressful Week
Ok so I just wanted write a little something about this post 
Don’t know if I will write a “completed” story or just that or just some scene ...
Hope you will at least like what I give you (^ω^)
Read on AO3
Can be read on Tumblr : Next
“Hood is down. Almost scream Damian panicked in his communicator
-What happened Robin? Ask Bruce. Are you alright?
-It was Scarecrow. The clues were here to ambush here with him.”
Bruce almost swears. Only a voice sounded like Alfred in his head prevented him.
“You were shot with fear gaz.”
Not really a question. Crane is not strong enough to fight against a kitty so Red Hood and Robin. No, he uses his fear gas not only by sadistic but also because it is the only way he can win a fight.
“Not me. Only Red Hood.”
Bruce frowns. He want be relieved. Better have one of his sons compromised that two. But Jason always reacts badly to the gaz. And he was suppose wear a mask. How hard was he punching in the face so that it can’t protect him?
“Are you hurt? Did Hood have a concussion?
-No. No.”
A scream interrupt Damian. He gulps when continues:
“We realize it was Scarecrow too late. The gas was already release. He … I … I am sorry … I didn’t take a mask … I forgot mine was broken with the last Jo… Clown’s attack and I didn’t …
-Robin. Interrupt Bruce. You did nothing wrong.
-Yes I did!”
Despite Damian assure him he didn’t was infect by the gas, he really sound hysterical.
“I … He … he make me wear his mask …Father I …
-I am here in a few second, Robin. Breath and don’t come too close of Hood.”
When Jason is like that he can be dangerous.
“I am sorry about Scarecrow too …
-Everything is fine, Robin. Pennyone inform Red Robin and Batgirl. Breathe. I am here.”
Before exist the Batmobile, Bruce put his mask. He didn’t enter by the front door. Not taking the chance fails in an ambush despite how much he want hug his sons.
Fortunately, Damian was telling him the true. Scarecrow was gone. No one, except his sons and him, was there.
He comes near them calmly, for not threat Jason.
Jason is curled up on the floor, shaking violently. Shouting and panting. He seems unable to stop crying, making his breathing harder. For now, he didn’t seem see Bruce yet.
Damian didn’t listen to him and was seat beside Jason, holding his hand. With the strength he seems to put, it must be painful. But Damian still wear Jason’s mask so Bruce can’t tell if he was ok.
“I don’t know how calm him” Damian desperate
Bruce can’t help but smile. Damian tries to hide how good he is. Perhaps he is afraid of being rejected. But his son is deeply caring. Sometimes he wishes he wasn’t. He can’t forget that was what hurt his other children, what killed Jason.
“You did well, Robin. Come here now. I don’t want Jason hurt you while I inject him the antidote.
-I think we have to take the risk.”
He tries to let go Jason’s hand but it make Jason put more strength in his grip.
“Ok. We will have made sure you stay behind me.”
Bruce is sure that Damian rolled his eyes but said nothing.
Patiently, he comes near them. Watching as Jason react to his approach.
He must make a louder sound because Jason suddenly looks at him. At first, Bruce want take off the cowl but he knows it is a bad idea. Who knows who can watch them?
He gets ready in case Jason reacts violently and he has to use force to inject the antidote
And Jason reacts violently, but not the way he expects him to do.
His cries redoubled and he extended his other hand to Bruce.
“D… Dad … Please …”
His eyes were so full of despair and terrified. Bruce can see Jason when he was twelve years old and so lost and frightened by the world. Now he has just twenty years old.
Bruce removed his glove to allow Jason to feel it despite the scent blocker. He was hopping that scent Omega’s scent (can he hope enough to think his Dad’s scent?) will calm him enough.
Jason loved against his wrist without hesitation. It seems calm a little his nerves.
“Everything will be alright Hood. I will give you the antidote, ok? Keep breathing.
-Father … I don’t think he breathes at all. Damian whispered scared
-It would be alright.”
Bruce doesn’t lose any more time and take the syringe containing the antidote. Damian helps him by lowered Jason's armor top collar.
Because of the shot pain, Jason press more against Bruce’s wrist with a painful moan and he almost broke Bruce and Damian’s hand.
“It would be alright. Shh. Everything will be alright.”
The dosage doesn’t seem enough to completely cure Jason, but it was enough to calm him down. Finally he starts breathing correctly and his gaze became more lucid.
“Everything will be alright.”
While they carry Jason to the Batmobile, Alfred informed them of the latest events. Scarecrow has been arrested by Batgirl and Red Robin, Nightwing secure all the civil who were touched by the attack and Batwoman and Oracle succeed find the shipment, prevent the Crane’s plan to succeed.
Good. Bruce can focused on heal Jason.
Jason who refuses first to let him go when they arrive to the car.
“Hood, I need to drive and I can’t if you hold me.
-I can drive! Damian propose a little too joyful
-No.” Jason groans and take the little pup in his arms
It seems like Jason is more anxious having Damian out of his sight.
“What?! Father!
-Thank you for your sacrifice Robin.
In the car, Bruce takes away his mask and focused on the driving. On the backseat, Jason hugs Damian, trying to press his nose on Damian’s neck and groan when he can’t because of the mask.
“Stupide, useless alpha”. Damian groans and takes away Jason’s mask
Bruce is not sure but he thinks he saw Damian relax when Jason rubbed the top of Damian’s head with his cheek, like older pack member do with the pup.
He will not lie, not inside on his head. But sometimes he thinks Jason doesn’t see them as pack any more, he afraid that Damian doesn’t feeling like he belong with them. So seeing both of his sons like that, despite the circumstance warms his heart.
On the Batcave, with Damian’s collaboration, Jason let him be cured.
“Are you sure that the antidote really works? Jason asks to Bruce when he was more lucid. I don’t feel like it works.
True is Jason reek anxiety. Better than terror but he is still on the edge. If Alfred doesn’t bring some good sense, Damian will be in his arms.
“I will take a blood sample. Are you on medication?
-Just the contraceptive pill.”
Bruce raised an eyebrow.
“What? That doesn’t exist only for Omega you know?
-And you know that doesn’t properly testing?
-Like Omega’s.
-Ok point taken. Did you at most take the one makes by WE? Bruce ask while taking him his blood
-What exactly your enterprise doesn’t make?”
Bruce grins and start the analysis.
“Littlewing ! Dick yell. Little D ! Are you alright?
-I am fine.” Damian said when the Beta hugs him
He trade one bothering older brother for another. Damian sighs.
“Let me go now Grayson.”
Without listen to Damian’s complaint, Dick ask :
“And you, Jason?
-I am fine.
-He is lying. Antidote doesn’t seem work well.
-Fuck Demon Brat.”
As Damian expected, Dick let him after one long kiss in his forehead to go see properly Jason.
“What is mean the antidote doesn’t work?” Dick ask scenting Jason
Beta are maybe less sensitive to smell like Alpha and Omega but that doesn’t mean it is useless.
“It works. Jason tries to say. Just not good enough.
-God Littlewing ! You stink !
-Fuck you ! Jason yells while Damian laughs at him
-Are you sure you should be here? Maybe you will feel better on a room or in the kitchen with some tea.
-No he better stays here until we know exactly why the antidote doesn’t work. Who know what trigger can provoke a crisis.” Bruce answer
Dick and Jason roll their eyes and exchange an accomplice look at that.
“And it is for that I am still in the cave and not at home.” Jason said
Even if the last month Jason feels more comfortable with Bruce’s pack, he doesn’t feel at ease in the manor. For him, his home is with Roy, on Kory’s island or in their loft.
Shit, maybe now it isn’t the right time to think about the Omega. Suddenly he can’t help himself but worry if Roy is safe and sound.
What if one of Roy’s experimentation fails and explodes? What if one of their enemies attacks and he is not there to help him? What if Roy forgets to eat? What if he slips and broke his neck? What if …? What if …?
“God ! Jason, breathes. What happen? He stink fear more than one second before!”
Now, Dick is worry. Why Dick is worry? What happen? Did something bad happen? Is someone hurt?
“Jason ! Inhales.” Bruce order
Hearing the voice of the leader pack, but also the First Omega of the pack, Jason obeying without thinking.
“Now exhale. Good. Again. Inhale. Exhale.”
Bruce repeat the order until Jason doesn’t him to while Dick hugs again Damian who didn’t put down Jason’s mask.
“Sorry … sorry …
-That fine. You did nothing wrong. Just keep breathing, ok?”
Jason feeling tired nods and didn’t riposte when Bruce hug him. He feels better surrounded by Bruce’s scent.
Bips coming from the computer startled them. Jason coughed and shoved Bruce who let himself go to look at the results. Dick gently put his hand on Jason's shoulder.
“Oh. Bruce said surprised. You’re going on rut.
-What? Already? Which day is it? Jason said confused
-You don’t take a track of that?
-Well yeah … Normally but I was distracted lately. Wait. What does it have to do with that?
-The gas seems disrupt yours hormones.
-Beside my rut?”
Rut and heat don’t make alpha and omega mindless with only the desire to making children. They can still think, but their hormones messed with their attitude. For example, they cry more easily, yell for nothing, but it is true they can be hornier too.
And now on top of that, the gas fear messed his head making him anxious.
“The antidote works but whiles your rut you will still be anxious.
-You mean I have an all week where I panicked for everything? Jason ask irritated
-I think that more day pass calmer you will be.
-But I am compromise until my rut end?!”
Bruce’s silence tell enough.
Tadaam ! Hope you enjoy it  (〜^∇^)〜
Have a nice day !
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