#jason switcharoo
gutsybitsies · 1 year
a genie: i can bring jason back to life
dick grayson, slamming the button repeatedly: BRING. HIM. BACK!!!!!
*a wild jason grace appears*
batfam: wtf
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lizardpersonyknow · 6 months
It's so incredibly funny to me that somehow some people think Tim is a boring straightlace and Jason is deranged and unhinged
Like Jason at his worst is a murderous crime lord who also has a moral conscience, protects children and sex workers, works to make the worst parts of Gotham safer and wants to know that his dad cares
Tim at his worst on the other hand.... Rampant murder with NO morals, becomes Batman and uses the gun that killed Bruce's parents, dictator, takes over like half of America, goes back in time like a couple times to tell his younger self that this is their inevitable end just to fuck with HIMSELF
Jason at his best is the happy robin, loves school, cares for sex workers becomes a crime lord to help make sure the people who are addicted aren't being given toxic shit
Tim at his best is entirely unhinged, stalking Batman and Robin through the streets, blackmailing Batman, all the young justice shenanigans, creating a fake uncle to avoid adoption, beefing with a like 9 year old (deserved imo 9 year olds are MEAN), lies to everyone including batman and take pride in it
Like besties one is exponentially more of a black sheep and it isn't the drug lord, it's the heroic sidekick of batman
Yes Jason is still out on the streets wildin and feral but I don't think people give enough credit to how normal he is for his background
Yes Tim is CEO but he's also been 17 for years and probably has taken cocaine to see what it felt like
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I deserve financial compensation every time I have to read a post that posits that Jason is actually the good big brother that's there for his siblings and Dick is the big mean golden child that can do whatever he wants and turns his siblings away when they need help. I'd have like a gajillion dollars now.
This bothers me so much specifically because it's the exact opposite of canon, in Dick's case anyway. Ain't nobody going to Jason for help in the first place. I really can't get past the backwards logic of it all. No, the utter lack of logic. Like it's the Exact Opposite.... The Exact Opposite!!! How did you come to this conclusion???
Well, I mean, I know- you don't read the comics AND you take everything at face value. I get it, when I first entered the fandom- the way people talk about Dick and Jason and Tim and Damian? They'd have you believe that Jason and Tim were delivered to Earth by angels with a chorus singing in the heavens and a light following them everywhere their delicate, innocent feet went. Everything they do is either Justified or Morally Correct. Nothing is Ever Their Fault. They deserve your sympathy and awe, and nothing short of worship is an attack on their character. They'd have you believe that Dick is a Monster, that Everything is his fault, that he's an inherently bad and selfish person because He Tried but He Didn't Devote Himself Entirely to Jason and Tim and Thats Bad and He Deserves To Be Punished For It and that Damian is a Demon, that he's always going to make the choice that serves himself and hurts others, that even though he's a 10 year old boy with a complicated, abusive upbringing, Everything is His Fault Entirely and He Doesn't Deserve Understanding or Mercy.
That's what you see and hear when you enter this fandom. And unless you actually read the comics or do the research by looking through blogs with meta commentary on the comics (with panels provided) or interact with fan media that is based on the comics And Not The Fanon- this is the false opinion that remains.
It drives me crazy that people refuse to engage with the actual canon of something they claim to be a fan of. What are you a fan of if you have no idea what you're talking about? It drives me crazy, because theres so much of this fanon content, you have to literally dig and dig and dig and dig and dig and dig to find the truth. And the truth is so Unbelievably, Undeniably
Not That.
In fact, in most cases whatever you read- the opposite is what actually happened. Or what you read is Entirely Made Up to make one character, (Dick and Damian), look bad in order to prop up the other character, (Jason and Tim). Then people get angry when you point that out, for ruining 'the fun' or their false perception of their fave character. Well I'm angry for having to do it in the first place.
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sseomtada · 5 months
being [ruben dias]
a stunning revelation only drives you and ruben closer.
warnings: 18+ | wc: 6212 | 7/8
You shook off your surprise after a beat to give her a hug.
“I had to come and see you at some point.” She squeezed your shoulders. “You haven’t been back in months.”
It was difficult to not feel a bit guilty. Prior to moving to Manchester and because your office wasn’t even half an hour away from your home, you’d frequently go back to visit her. Even though things had been going pretty much nonstop in your new city, you could’ve at least made a weekend trip to drop by.
“I’m sorry, I know Jason must be driving you crazy with his antics.” You tried to joke to lighten the mood.
“Maluco…he misses you too.” Her head shook.
You wheeled the bag she’d brought along with her inside and told her to make herself comfortable. The way your blood was rushing and your heartbeat was pounding felt like you were in danger of passing out.
Your only option was to let her in. What else could you do? Be vague about the situation and tell her to come back later because you had some male company over? Judging by the looks of her, she was fresh from the airport. Also important to note was that your mom definitely expected to stay with you during however long her visit was, so she didn’t have a hotel reservation lined up either.
What would you do about Ruben? Your eyes darted to your phone on the coffee table. If you could distract her for a while, maybe you could successfully sneak him out of here without her noticing. It wouldn’t be the first time you and him had to complete such a mission.
“I’ll put on some of that tea you like.” You swiped the device and took it with you to the kitchen.
Luckily, due to your inability to have dishes lingering around, the two plates and glasses you’d used for dinner had already been thrown into the dishwasher. His shoes were also tucked into the cabinet by your doorway. What other evidence of him…
You bit down on a gasp, eyes widening to turn back to your living room. Where the fuck was his shirt? It wasn’t on the sofa where your mom was sitting as far as you could see. Though it could be tangled in the blanket at the other end. You said a silent prayer that she didn’t get too chilly and worked on brewing her tea even faster to prevent that.
In the meantime, you cracked open your phone to see that Ruben had already sent you a message.
Is that your mom…?
Yes 😭
You jumped at the sound of a faint notification pin. With a deep breath, you steeled your nerves as much as possible. If anything, she’d probably assume it was your device going off and not think anything was awry.
We’re gonna have to whip out Project Switcharoo. You remember it?
Of course, I invented it.
Despite the absolute absurdity of the situation, you managed to crack a smile. Ruben was always a respectful and upstanding person. When two teenagers were in love, though, it was hard to accept things like not having boys in your room after dark.
He came up with a plan that was like the classic method of pickpocketing - a bait and switch scenario. For tonight’s occasion, it would look something like this. While she was occupied, he would sneak his way up to your guest bathroom to clear out the bedroom. You’d then take her to your room to show her around, pulling her to the window where the doorway wasn’t visible and allowing him to swiftly make a break for it.
Don’t forget to fix the bed.
Got it. What about my shirt?
You might have to steal one of my hoodies.
The kettle whistled, starting the timer on your mission. Once the tea was fixed and he saw you cross over from the kitchen to the living room, he’d start making his way to phase one. You did up her cup just the way she liked it, took another steadying breath and made your way over.
“You usually hate taking night flights, why didn’t you come earlier?” Your hands shook slightly as you handed her the beverage.
She took a slow sip of her tea, gaze not meeting yours. The fine hairs on the back of your neck stood up. Having lived with your mom for most of your life, you could automatically tell when something was off.
From you saw her at the door and she didn’t greet you half as excitedly as she did on phone calls, you felt it. You tried to battle that notion by rationalizing that you were being extra paranoid because she’d shown up during literally the last moment you’d want her to. It was impossible to ignore now, especially given how long she was taking to answer your question.
“Is everything okay?” You could feel your throat swelling.
“That’s what I came to ask you.” She finally spoke.
Your mom sighed and rested the cup of tea onto the side table. She reached into her purse to pull out her phone. This wasn’t an impromptu drop by driven by your extended absence after all. You knew what it was - an intervention.
Her screen lit up your view as she slid the device onto your lap. There was a screenshot of an Instagram post and in it was a photo of you and Ruben. It was taken on the night of the Nike launch party. You flipped to the next image in her folder. Someone with crazy zoom had caught you two walking towards his car at City’s training grounds.
There were no words. Your mind first went to the conversation Ruben and you had earlier about how much media attention he got, the fact that there was already news out there concerning you two. It was unnerving to actually be staring at the proof of that.
Then came the guilt. The last thing you wanted was for her to find out through the grapevine that you were back together with him. Whether she’d come across it by chance, was sent the post or actively went looking for it didn’t matter. You should’ve been the one to break the news.
And lastly, fear. Her flying out here as soon as she found out meant that she was absolutely not pleased and potentially worried about the state of your mental health. She couldn’t be blamed for that. Any mother that saw their daughter go through what you did after the breakup would have the same reaction to seeing you with the man that put you there.
“Ruben and I are dating again.” You admitted. “We talked it over and decided to give things a chance.”
Your mom scoffed. “See, this is why I had to come. Do you hear yourself? You’re, what, dating him? After everything he put you through?”
Although you anticipated her being upset, you didn’t expect the backlash to be this severe. It honestly took you by surprise. You gave her back her phone and stood, needing some distance from the anger she was radiating.
“I don’t expect you to be happy about it. All I ask is that you trust me and my decision, and not belittle either.” Your voice was even despite everything you felt.
She spoke to you as if you were some thoughtless, naive child. God knows you didn’t just take him back without considering every outcome, especially the worse case scenario. If shit went badly between you two again, you were ready to take accountability.
“I do trust you.” Her tone was less combative. “But do I trust your decision? I can’t…you’ve never been able to think straight when it came to that boy.”
It felt like you’d been punched in the gut. You didn’t think it was unreasonable of you to ask for her not to act as if you were being trivial. The fact that she was speaking to you like you were still the same person that you were seven years ago was hurtful, and quite frankly, insulting.
“My mind is as clear as it’s ever been.” You sighed, growing resigned with this conversation.
She wasn’t though, “No, it isn’t. If you had any common sense left, you wouldn’t be caught dead with him!”
“Mom-“ Your gasp was cut short.
With the unexpected, heated exchange, you’d forgotten all about Ruben still being in the apartment. That was until he made his was out of hiding, clearly having overheard it all. Thankfully he had found your pile of oversized hoodies to cover up. You didn’t know how many more insults you could take tonight.
“I’m sorry.” Ruben made his presence known. “We - I should’ve reached out to you first.”
Your mom spun slowly to look at him. It was a searing, scrutinizing leer that even had you shivering. You’d never seen her take in anyone that way. To his credit, he didn’t cower beneath her glare. He looked like he was ready to accept whatever vitriol she had for him.
“This is exactly what I mean.” She laughed ruefully, pointing between you two.
You were about to tell her to stop when he shook his head.
“Was this your plan all along?” Her question was directed at him. “Were you lying when you promised me you’d-“
Ruben’s eyes were wide with shock and…something you couldn’t quite place. It appeared to be worry, but not for himself. The way she stopped short of her barrage didn’t sit well with you either.
You watched as they seemed to have some nonverbal exchange. At that point, it became obvious that something had happened between them. Something you didn’t know about. Did she confront him after the break up? What promise was she talking about?
“What’s going on?” You asked Ruben directly.
He became a man that was visibly torn, eyes darting between yours and your mom’s. The decision of whether or not he should say anything weighed heavy on his conscience.
You turned to her instead, “Mom, what are you talking about?”
Instead of being met with all the fire you faced before, she bore a similar downcast demeanor as him. Her head hung as she placed her hands to her waist. It was a telltale sign that whatever you were about to find out wasn’t going to look good on her part.
“I’ll leave you two to talk.” Ruben made his way to leave. “When you’re ready, call me.”
Your head was spinning with how much had happened in such a short period of time. How did your night go from tickle fights, to cooking up an escape plan and now to being on the verge of hearing about a conversation kept hidden from you for nearly a decade?
She sat back down on the sofa, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do the same. Instead, you found yourself pacing back and forth while your mom quietly worked through whatever was eating away at her.
“Please just…tell me.” You couldn’t stomach the silence anymore.
Her voice was barely audible as she finally confessed, “The reason Ruben broke up with you is because I asked him to.”
september 15th 2017
He was brimming with excitement. All of the sacrifices he’d made, every second of commitment, it was all coming into fruition. His coach told him after practice that he was going to debut for the first team during the match tomorrow.
The first person he wanted to tell was you. You’d been by his side since the literal beginning, when his dream of becoming a footballer was just that - a fantasy. Having you in his life made a journey that broke so many others more than tolerable. He trained and played with your support always at the forefront of his mind.
Ruben bounded his way up the steps to your place and stopped short. Your mom stood with her back facing him, a trail of smoke floating into the air. That was new. Or maybe it was an old habit she indulged in from time to time. When she became aware of being there, the cigarette landed under her shoe.
“I’ve been caught,” Her teeth flashed. “Don’t tell Y/N.”
“Your secret is safe with me.” His fingers zipped across his lips.
She nodded in appreciation. There was clearly something on her mind. He knew that life hadn’t been the easiest for her or you and couldn’t imagine how lonely it must’ve been sometimes. That was why he made himself available to help out as much as he could’ve, if only to lessen the burdens a bit.
“Does she ever talk about her father?” The question she asked confirmed his suspicion.
You never brought him up, in fact. Given that, he didn’t feel as if it was his place to pry. Ruben had heard through the grapevine of neighborhood gossips about his absence and how you didn’t even know who he was.
“She doesn’t.” He replied.
Your mom looked up at the sky, “That’s understandable. You see…”
Ruben found himself listening to the missing pieces that not even you knew. She told him about how they’d met when she was sixteen and that she immediately fell for him - a young, budding football star.
It wasn’t because she was getting attention from someone so coveted, but because he actually saw her the way she’d always craved to be seen. So when he moved to a new team in another country to further pursue his career, she followed along.
She left everything behind. Her family, friends and education. Her dream became seeing his come true. When it did, they were both in the happiest stage of their relationship. And then at nineteen, she found out that she was pregnant with you.
The life she wanted was all coming into place. She thought the next step would be welcoming their baby, getting married and maybe having a few more to fill up their home. What she got instead was abandonment. He didn’t want any of that, or you.
Her parents had warned her that it would happen, but she casted their concerns aside as unfair judgment on his part. They didn’t see her like he did. Moving back in with them after what had happened wasn’t possible given the way they’d left things.
“I see so much of myself in her.” Your mom smiled. “She looks at you the same way I used to look at her dad.” Ruben understood why she was telling him all of this. It was obvious that she was scared you were following the same path and would end up in the same predicament. He didn’t take any offense to her perhaps believing that he was capable of doing the same thing.
“I love her, a lot.” His cheeks rose quickly. “More than I ever knew was possible.”
When he used to think about love, he always tried to rationalize it - to make it make sense. It was only after he realized that he felt that towards you that he came to know the emotion was something that couldn’t be explained. Even saying those words didn’t feel like enough to encompass the spectrum of moments that all combined to make him experience what could only be verbally express in such a limited capacity.
“That’s good because it means you’ll do anything for her.” She nodded.
“Yeah, I would.” He breathed. See, where was the rationale behind something like that?
“I need you to break up with her. She’s too dependent on you and it’ll ruin her in the long run.”
If words could render him speechless and knock him off his feet, those were the ones that would be able to do so. He couldn’t quite believe that was what she said at first. His mind instantly went into denial mode, because surely she was joking. When he stared back at unflinching eyes, he knew that she was being dead serious.
“I…can’t do that, respectfully.” Ruben shook his head.
You might see him in a light that sometimes is admittedly pressuring, making him wonder if he could live up to be that man you painted him out to be in your mind. That didn’t worry him though. If anything, he wanted to keep trying to prove to himself, and you, that he could be.
Beside that, you were strong in your own right. He’d never met anyone who took advantage of every little opportunity they received and made the most out of them. Even in your darkest moments, he saw the determination in you to not want to quit. You inspired him.
“I’m not going to stand by and watch her destroy herself like I did. You’re the only one who can prevent that.” He saw that same persistence in the gaze he got. “The choice is yours. Will it be you or me?”
Ruben thought he understood what this conversation was about in the beginning, but he’d read it all wrong. He only now grasped that she was giving him an ultimatum of sorts. One where there was no real decision for him to make, it was a catch 22.
If he didn’t break up with you, then your mom would abandon you just like your father did to you both. He would have to live with knowing that he was the reason why you had no blood ties left in your life, a notion that was breaking him even in hypotheticals.
Since he quickly realized that he had no choice, he began to reframe it in a way that didn’t hurt as much. The only loser in this situation would be him. You’d be hurt at first, maybe devastated, but you’d have people around you to help you through it. He would just have to figure out a way to deal with his own pain, perhaps starting with taking solace in knowing that he didn’t rob you of your only family.
“Promise me you’ll do the right thing.” Your mom looked back at him as she approached the door.
She lingered there until the words begrudgingly left his lips, “I promise.”
o presente
Everything burned.
Your eyes and nose, your heart itself. Sure, you’d experienced heartbreak before but it was child’s play compared to what was wreaking havoc in your soul - betrayal. Never in a million years did you ever expect the reason behind your breakup to be your own mother.
The person sitting in front of you crying tears of her own was a foreign entity. You failed to recognize the woman that baked you cakes, taught you dance routines and held you at your lowest.
How could she do that to you? Did she think that forcing Ruben to do something so cruel was the way to express the deep love she supposedly had for you? Or was it some fucked up trauma response to the past she never dealt with?
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Your mom sniffed. “I regret all the pain I caused because of that night.”
What you were going through now felt a thousand, a million times worse than then. There was no denial to turn to for even a second of hope. This ugly, soul crushing truth bared its jagged teeth and was ripping away your flesh.
“It shouldn’t have happened, but I can’t take it back.” She continued. “All I could’ve done was to be there for you to help you through it, praying that you came out stronger and you did.”
“Are you serious? How could you even think that was right?” You sobbed.
It was all loud and clear to you. She regretted putting you through hell, but she didn’t regret actually doing it. Despite watching you break down for weeks, she still believed that what she made him do somehow helped you. She wasn’t sorry that she did it, she was sorry that she got caught - that you finally found out the truth.
“I-“ You bit your lip to suppress another snivel. “I need some space. You can stay here tonight, but I want you gone tomorrow.”
The most messed up part was that saying those words hurt you even more. Even though she was the one who put you both in this situation, you felt like the bad guy for asserting a rightful boundary. Those blissful memories you had of her hadn’t suddenly evaporated into nothing.
You took your phone and keys, and left her in your apartment. An aching uncertainty hung over your head. You were unsure how long you’d need before you could even look at her again without feeling such overwhelming disappointment.
Aki’s blanket slipped from her head as soon as she took in the state of you stood in her doorway. It had to be deja vu all over for her again, how many times have you done this? Why was life continuously throwing blow after blow at your gut?
“Do you have any whiskey?” Your inquiry sprang her into action.
She shuffled over to the kitchen and brought out one of her biggest bottles along with two glasses. You didn’t have the stomach anymore for straight liquor, but you’d needed it to calm the raging sea of emotions.
Her eyes were wiped clean of any traces of slumber once she joined you on the sofa. You immediately poured two fingers and threw it back. And then doubled that.
“Woah, let’s…get to the part where you tell me what brought this on before you black out.” Aki pulled the bottle towards her.
“Seven years ago, my mother made Ruben promise he’d break up with me.” You laughed humorlessly.
It was weird watching her expression go through several shifts within the span of a few seconds. That must’ve been what you looked like from the other perspective too once you found out.
She topped up and threw back her own glass before asking you to shed light on that very stupefying statement. You filled her in starting from the pretext. All about your mom’s past and what your dad did to her.
How she told Ruben all of this on the night prior to issuing him a task so abhorrent that you still were coming to grips with fathoming it. Aki appeared to be just as woeful as you were upon the discovery.
Similar to this wound being repeatedly ripped open for you, it was for her. Your mother was like a her second one. So many days and nights were filled with the three of you laughing, dancing and crying together. She spent so much time lamenting Ruben, more than you by far, for what he’d done. And just as you were now, she felt guilty for it.
“I feel like I’ve brought so much chaos into your life and I’m sorry for it all.” You sipped the alcohol slower this time.
“Don’t do that.” Aki objected. “None of this is your fault. I’m sorry that she did this to you, Y/N. God, I can’t imagine how you feel right now.”
She pulled you in. You were so sick of crying, but you couldn’t stop yourself. Tears flowed hot and fresh, especially when you felt her own sobs racking through her body. You patted her back, lips trembling as you fought the urge to apologize again.
There was nothing to say. You were all victims of one person’s action born of insecurity. It fucking sucked, but there wasn’t much either of you could do about it now. All that was left was for you to be there for one another, to work through the pile of shit you’d been handed until you could see the ground again.
Tumblr media
When you woke up the following day, you found that your request had been met. Your apartment was free and clear as you learned via text. Boarding my flight back. Again, I’m sorry Y/N.
You weren’t in the mood to unpack all of that again right now. The first thing you did was change into some workout clothes to head to the gym for a run. While the activity didn’t entirely clear your mind, your focus did find itself pulled more in the direction of your burning muscles than your stormy mind.
After you showered, you threw a bagel in the toaster and hopped into the shower. You forced yourself to munch on that in between massive gulps of water. The whiskey was fighting back and paired with the emotional exhaustion you felt, it was best to take the day off.
Aki and Cindy told you not to worry about work, they’d hold down the fort. You were more grateful towards them now than you’d ever been. Just don’t drink the last of my favorite coffee pods, you warned in the group chat.
You reclined onto your sofa and put on a random mix of recommended YouTube videos. No media would provide the distraction you truly needed, but it was nice to have some background noise. The cushion under your head wasn’t laying the way you wanted to, so you adjusted and felt the obstruction.
It was Ruben’s shirt. The one you had on was replaced with his before you curled up. Your mind couldn’t help but wonder what this meant now for you and him. Of course, you still wanted to be with Ruben. How did it impact him though?
He must’ve been back in that same headspace he was in when they had that exchange. Was he wondering whether or not she had issued the same choice to you after he left? Even though she didn’t and you were holding off on communicating with her for a while, you didn’t want him to think that you were giving up on a relationship with your mom because of him.
You weren’t completely shutting her out of your life, but at the current moment, you just couldn’t see how you would ever trust her again. The relationship you had with her would never be the same, and fault solely rested on her part.
You couldn’t imagine how awful this whole thing must’ve been for him. He sacrificed being with you and the way others looked at him. Even when he gave you the supposed reason he’d broken up with you, he still protected her. You wanted to be so angry at him for doing that, but it was no fairer than the order he’d received from your mom.
Ruben had never changed. He remained the person you knew that put the wellbeing of those he loved often above his own, the person who shielded them from pain - even if it meant inflicting some and becoming the one they hated. It was all so unfair to him and you refused to spend a second longer without letting him know that.
“Can I come over?” You asked after he picked up on the first ring.
“Yeah.” His voice was rough.
As soon as you crossed his threshold, you launched yourself at him and hugged him tight. He was stunned at first, but your embrace was returned with the same magnitude. You buried your face deep into his chest.
“I’m sorry.” Your tone was muted.
“Don’t apologize.” Ruben stroked your hair. “I’m the one who’s sorry. I-“
You shushed him. His response was expected, you knew that he was going to tell you not to apologize and that it wasn’t your fault but his. There was nothing he could’ve done about the situation, you didn’t blame him.
“I’m saying that because you deserve to hear it.” You looked into his eyes. “No one should have to be put through that and carry the burden of it for so long.”
Ruben didn’t fight you on that because you both know that you were right. He placed his chin on top of your head again and held you for a moment longer before he pulled you to sit down with him.
“So, you know everything?” His index finger drew circles on your knee.
You nodded, “I do.”
“Is there anything else you want to ask me?” Ruben left the door open.
A lot had actually crossed your mind while you were left reeling from the whole ordeal. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the answers to the things you needed to hear most. There was one thing though.
“What changed?” You bit your lip. “Why did you try to get me back now and not before then?”
The message he’d sent you asking if your number was still the same could’ve came a year, or two, maybe even three ago. You were curious as to what made him want to throw caution to the wind after all this time.
“I tried holding on to the promise I’d made…even when it felt like I was suffocating. It was easy, sometimes, because I justified going along with it through telling myself that I’d chosen the lesser of two evils.” Ruben expressed. “When I moved here, the distance made things somewhat bearable - knowing that there was no chance I’d run into you.”
“Until you nearly did.” A grin flashed across your face as you recalled that rainy evening.
“It all came flooding back to me then.” He smiled too. “Everything that you were to me, everything that you were supposed to be. I felt like I would go mad if I kept ignoring what you meant and still mean to me. I had to at least try.”
If this was a movie, you’d think fate was behind your reunion. Even in reality that was kind of hard to deny. What were the chances that he would see you randomly on the street, or be a part of your first project in some way? Whatever was in charge pulling the strings behind the scenes was more determined than either of you to bring you both here today.
“I’ve got to say, that was a massive gamble on your part.” You cupped his cheek.
Timing was everything. When you thought about it, had he reached out to you via message prior to you seeing him in person, you didn’t think you’d receive it well. The cards had to be played very specifically for you to end up at this moment.
“Not to me. I told you, I loved you then and I never stopped.” Ruben stroked your ear. “I love you, Y/N.”
After everything that you’d been through together, hearing him say those words impacted you on a completely different level. They’d always meant so much, but now they contained it all - the entirety of your shared history. Him choosing you from the very first day you’d met, doing the same even when it meant breaking your heart and again as he fought to get you back.
Your brows met, eyes welling as you told him, “I love you too.”
The way he kissed you struck in a whole new way as well. It was adoration unobstructed and unrestrained. His lips moving over and between yours exhibited just how free he felt with the burden of a long kept secret no longer weighing him down.
Every touch was completed with the utmost undertaking. Ruben’s hand splayed over your thighs and stomach, flattening, digging into your skin. Desperate not to miss a single inch. He removed his shirt from your frame and lied you down.
You willed your heavy eyes to stay focused on him, your fingers disappearing into his thick hair. So beautiful, he kissed your navel. So perfect, his teeth grazed your hip bone. All mine, hips lips closed around the skin of your inner thigh.
What came next left the task of keeping him in your sights impossible. Your hand pressed into the cushion, back arching as you writhed beneath his skillful mouth that claimed your cunt. He held you sturdily, one hand caressing your lower back and the other pressing down on your abdomen.
It didn’t take much for you to come undone for him. He knew every direction and angle to take with his tongue to leave you drifting away. Like the anchor he was, Ruben didn’t let you float off too far.
His body molded to yours, heat becoming your own. You always found yourself wanting him endlessly, but that compulsion was stronger than ever. Still, you forced that hunger to subside for as long as possible to indulge in all that he was.
You traced his brow with your thumb and let your finger trail down until it met his lips. The curve of them were reverently memorized to the point where you were certain that you could recreate their image in clay with uncanny accuracy.
Ruben slid a hand between your legs to make your mouth fall open with a moan. It was what he wanted, to have your tongue accessible to his. They moved in tandem that built with intensity the more you shook and whined under his digits circling your clit.
His forehead pressed to yours as he looked down the narrow gap between your bodies. You followed suit and swallowed deeply at the sight. He had you glistening, swollen with readiness while his cock twitched achingly.
When he moved to touch it, your wrist caught him. Let me, you breathed. Your fingers wrapped around his thick, firm shaft and tugged upwards. His drawn out groan floated into your mouth, a slight hiss sucking it back as you swiped your thumb over the opening in his sensitive tip.
You were losing against yourself again. Just as you could no longer force your eyes to remain open, you could no longer hold back the need to have him inside you. Your hips angled, legs spreading even wider for his body to rest flush against yours.
As soon as you’d lined him up with your entrance, his hips pressed forward. You curled one arm around his shoulder and cupped the back of his head with the next. No adjustment was necessary, you ground into him eagerly . A call that was instantly answered.
Ruben thrusted into you deep, testing his limits. When he found that there was none - your legs locking around his waist, eyes rolling back and neck baring itself to him - he withdrew until almost completely out of you and did it again. And again. And again.
Don’t stop.
You like that?
Yes, please, more…
He gave it to you just as you wished. Long, hard, unrelenting strokes that breached your cervix. Tides were moving in quickly, threatening to whisk you away for a blinding moment. You were determined to take as much as you could before they could do so.
Your legs dropped, feet digging into the sofa. You used them for momentum to bring your hips to meet his drives, cunt consuming his cock in its entirety. The point you craved to reached had finally been met - where the pleasure was so overbearing that your mind began playing tricks on you to make you believe it was a fantasy.
But you knew it was real. Even as you succumbed to the waves that dragged you under, you knew you hadn’t imagined it. The cries that ripped their way from your throat and his praises told you so. Ruben’s face buried deep into your neck and his cock twitching as it filled you let you know that you’d climbed that impossible mountain.
In the stillness that followed, you begged him to stay. Your foot ran down the back of his muscled calf and your hands massaged his back while he caged you in his strong arms. For once, there were no afterthoughts.
You didn’t catch your mind wandering off to unknowns and what ifs. A sense of peace shrouded you just like his body was. Whatever tomorrow or the distant future brought no longer filled you with worry or fear. No matter what came along, you were at ease.
All you focused on was what was going on right now. Ruben’s chest rising and falling at a steady pace that matched your own, his hips still joined to yours, the feeling of his lips forming a smile against your cheek.
That was everything you needed.
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Book 6, Episode 1: Startouched Analysis/Commentary
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Gotta love how it opens with Ripples in the water reflecting the stars. Go read the short stories if you don't know what I'm talking about.
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Aaravos hesitates before crumbling Viren which is the funniest shit to me. This hurts more though, having seen the whole season.
Gotta love how Terry basically said Viren just ran away to go die like an angsty teen.
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He got a new son to orphan les goooo
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I find the framing of this pretty interesting. Viren is still in the dark while Claudia is standing in the light. You'd think it'd be the other way around. Perhaps it symbolizes how he has come to terms with his dark side, and is going to face it. While he leaves Claudia who, hopefully, can still be redeemed. Because ultimately this isn't her fault, it's his. He's the dark one.
At first I thought it was cruel for Viren to leave Claudia, but I've come to a realization. Claudia is better off without him. He is the reason she's done all this, and nothing will change if she keeps having to save him. She needs to let go. I'm not sure if this was intentional on Viren's part, but he made the right choice nonetheless.
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Man, what is it with this show and blindfolds? So far they have showed up in Harrow's little flashback speech, on the Celestial elves, and here. Is this anything??
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I was expecting to be annoyed by the baitlings' presence in this season, but they didn't actually get in the way much. Glad the writers read the room. They were mostly just used to fill the comic relief void that soren has left.
Also, I love how Jason Simpson still managed to weasel his way into the High Council through Barius, since Viren isn't exactly, yk, in that position.
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THE TABLE, CALLUM. THE TABLE!!!! Bro really be like "it's remarkably easy to buy a Novablade in central Starscraper."
Also, the way Rayla says "pearl" sounds like "peril."
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They play Aaravos's little motif-melody-thingy throughout this scene. Yk, from I See You and Follow my Lead. Glad to cross that off my bingo card.
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You can't see it here but the eye-movements in this scene are great. I think the animation and lighting really shine in this season. Pun intended.
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Barius doing some casual baking at like 1 AM or something. Bro got insomnia /j. I mean, who are these for? They don't have fridges so they can't save em for long. Maybe Callum got him some sorta magical fridge. Or- wait- maybe they do have, like, a primitive fridge. Was that a thing? Oh actually, maybe Callum and Rayla just go to bed early. Lmfao
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And there we have it, the first Viren-Callum parallel of the season. Just like episode 1 of season 1, he barges into the King's bedroom.
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Alright, so. Other than this line being hilarious, I'm thinking the frustrating switcharoo that turns the latter half of the season into a bloodbath happened here. Was pretty foolish of Callum to think the pearl would be safe with him on his way out.
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Ezran is saddened by everyone's departure. I'm not sure why, but it's worth noting.
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They pretty much have her say "my dad is gone" just so that using this clip as a trailer wouldn't spoil anything lmao. I've been waiting to say that since Wondercon.
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And now Claudia is the one leaving, as she steps out of the purifying light of the setting sun. Everyone, please give Terry a round of applause for continuing to love her despite this.
And now for the credits:
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These are similar. Opeli is from the credits of this episode, and Harrow, from the credits of one from Season 2.
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We need this to be a shirt.
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Ahhh so Aaravos isn't the only Startouch elf with a star on their chest. I might be a little late to noticing that. Idk.
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One last thing. Is it just me or is the outro song a little different? Music people, help me. I must know.
But yeah, banger episode, banger season, banger show. Imma be doin' these for all the season 6 episodes. At this rate, they will all have more words than Fallout Equestria. /j
Alright, time to take my meds. 💀
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demigodpolls · 2 months
alternatively, which switcharoo would have changed the story in the most interesting/drastic way?
feel free to explain your answer!
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my-pjo-stuff · 1 month
For the Great PJO Ask Analysis Event:
You've got a topic in PJO you'd like for me to analyze?
Presentations of immortality, including the gods' offer to Percy of immortality and how that could have changed the series.
Want to share YOUR analysis of stuff with me and my followers?
Luke and Percy being two sides of the same coin is somewhat true. In the context of their backgrounds: both come from poor home life but one has a support system and the other doesn't. Adding on to that, Luke has experienced the gods' parenting, though not to it's extreme, while Percy hasn't. Their traits prevent them being paralleled - though Luke will sacrifice those he loves for the world and Percy won't - the two don't really share that much in common. Percy sees the way demigods live in Cabin 11 and does nothing: he only does something after Luke has done something which highlights that they aren't the same: Percy is not active while Luke is - arguments that Percy would overthrow the gods is moot. Furthermore, Luke is a son of Hermes - arguably forgettable compared to Percy Jackson, a son of Poseidon.
Want to hear my take or shares yours of different characters and aspects of the PJO universe?
Jason Grace: differences between Roman and Greek demigods and the potential of the character - he's considered the Roman version of Percy which strips him of his own character: setting up a constant comparison.
All the mythologies associated with strong ancient civilisations (Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Norse) are settled in the United States rather than their own countries, if possible.
Also, if possible, the way historical events such as World War Two is presented as a fight between Poseidon, Hades and Zeus's kids and how that would reframe the conflict.
Thank you so much for the ask! Let's get into it ^^ Presentations of immortality, including the gods' offer to Percy of immortality and how that could have changed the series.
>mhnm, interesting question! As I have understood it the immortality (and existence) or the gods stem from human believe in them. So I don't think that the gods are immortal in the sense that they will "never die"- but more in the sense that they will never die as long as humans still remember them. In the way that their life is tied to human knowledge of them.
And I also think that that's how other pantheons work in terms of immortality. As for when mortals become "gods" or "immortal"- I honestly assume that the gods share a bit of their "power" with them? Like, okay- let us take the example of Percy becoming a god. Obviously there aren't any myths or stories about him for the humans to remember. So instead of his life being bound to the memory of him as a person, I think Percy's life as a god would be bound to the memory of the Greek pantheon as a whole. In terms oh how the story would go with Percy being a god....I'm not sure? Like, I'm not going to lie- I'm still stuck at The Lost Hero and anything beyond that I know I have heard from fan discussion and stuff like that. But as far as I'm aware Hera did a whole switcharoo with Jason and Percy between a roman camp and Camp Halfblood to get them to get along???? I think with Percy being a god that (obviously) wouldn't have happened to him. Instead, I think Hera would have picked someone like Annabeth to serve as a leader for Camp Halfblood. Otherwise I assume it would have gone the relative same?
Luke and Percy being two sides of the same coin is somewhat true. In the context of their backgrounds (....)
Now I'm not gonna lie, I think you've done a pretty good job of analyzing that itself already. As I see it Percy is simply a Luke who wasn't failed by the system. Fact is that, despite what others may believe, Percy has a rather privileged life for a demigod. Not only is he a child of the big three, he has also immense power. He receives help from the gods relatively often compared to other demigods and Poseidon pays IMMENSE attention to him if you compare Percy to other demigods. He had a great and loving mortal parent willing to do anything for him and received special attention from Chiron. He never really had to deal with failing a quest or any major injury leaving any scars. Meanwhile on the other hand you have someone like Luke. His mother went insane when he was 9, he had to live on the streets for years before getting to camp and immediately losing his best friend. Not only was his mortal parent unavailable all his life- his godly parent Hermes wasn't really there for him either despite him claiming that Luke was his favorite. He was immediately dumped into the Hermes cabin which we know is overcrowded to the point of kids having to sleep on the floor, you can imagine that living conditions like that aren't really great compared to Percy's roomy cabin 3. Chiron never really teached or helped Luke like he did Percy, instead Luke took over extra responsibility for other campers and as an instructor. He doesn't really have any fancy powers like Percy, the one quest he had he failed and came out off with a scar. You can't assume he got any real support after that, considering how Luke talked about the time after his quest. At the end of the day, the two of them are a perfect reflection of how the system uplifts one but destroys the other. While Luke was robbed of any semblance of childhood or innocence Percy was allowed to keep his. Those failed by such a system are always a lot easier to radicalize, we can see it in irl too over and over again. Kronos contacted Luke at a time where he had already seen ass the bad things, while having been locked out from the "good" parts. He was completely isolated from the gods and Chiron and had a rightful anger and wish for justice.
He would have been an exceptionally easy target for anyone to radicalize as long as they promised him a realistic chance at justice. Kronos was just there to snatch him up.
Jason Grace: differences between Roman and Greek demigods and the potential of the character
Again I'm stuck at The Lost Hero so I might not be well equipped at handling this question. I'll come back to this when I read further ahead- tho idk when that'll happen. Sorry T-T All the mythologies associated with strong ancient civilisations (Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Norse) are settled in the United States rather than their own countries, if possible.
To be for real, I think that really was just a plot device of Rick to have everything play in the US- which personally I do not like. While I get how it is easier to write for your own country, having those pantheons settle in their original countries would have given us GREAT chances to explore more locations. It could have also served to introduce kids to other cultures and to have representation for "lesser know" countries! The issue of how they travel could have been solved pretty easily considering the existence of gods. Maybe demigods get a blessing form Hermes that allows them to travel to important locations between countries. Or we have things like those pearls from TLT where they teleport you to specific places. I just think it's a bit of a waste having them all stay in the US, especially since it also seems that most demigods are from the US. Wouldn't it have been cool to see demigods from different countries interact? Ancient Greece could have become the "common language" for those demigods to communicate in at Camp!
Also, if possible, the way historical events such as World War Two is presented as a fight between Poseidon, Hades and Zeus's kids and how that would reframe the conflict. Now I will be for real here and say I ignored that for a reason I know VERY well. Because I hate it. In real life there were multiple events and factors playing into the rise of the NSDAP (Nazi Party) and the subsequent start of WW2. Some being the economic society of Germany at the time, the result of WW1, old prejudices and many many more.
Having WW2 "just" be a conflict between the demigods of the Big Three diminishes all that, instead just boiling all these complicated reasoning down to "the gods and/or their kids fought again"
I sort of... diminishes the guilt of the german civilian population who, despite what anyone may tell you, still largely supported and voted for Hitler and his policies. Was everyone a Nazi wanting to murder everyone else? No. But they certainly applauded them. With WW2 suddenly just being a Big Three kid conflict it's almost like the german civilians didn't have any other choice but to go down that path, yk? The gods made the pact because "Big Three kids were too powerfull" That directly implies the fact that Hitler being a child of Hades had some direct effect on his success in Germany (couldn't be the war since, yk- he lost those) Not to mention that it also implies that the fight against the Third Reich for the allies isn't really a fight for freedom anymore- or at least not fully anymore, since it states pretty clearly that it was also a fight between them as children of the Big Three. I dislike it in general how Rick tends to make famous people who achieved great things be demigods, as it implies that they couldn't have done what they did if it weren't for their godly heritage.
Not only do I find this genuinely disrespectful at times, it can also set a dangerous status quo where younger kids could start to assume that such feats simply aren't.....realistic for a "normal" mortal. Which frankly said isn't true. Once Rick decided that the whole WW2 thing was just an excuse for the pact to keep the real reason hidden, I would have preferred it if it had been revealed that it all was a lie. I.E the leaders having been Big Three Kids also being a lie to keep the story up. I mean Rick didn't have the whole book planned out and didn't really refer to it after scrapping it. There would be no reason to hold onto it as canon!
Especially since it means that canonically two of your characters are blood relatives of Hitler himself which- yikes.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Please accept these fish bones I... acquired...
What if Danny's portal accident happened at the same time Jason was put into the Lazarus pit, enter Ghost Zone shenanigans, and Jason is the one to come out of the portal while Danny comes out of the pit. A switched at resurrection au if you will
A good ol switcharoo? I might’ve done something akin to this in one of my prompts but I’m currently on mobile so it’d take a tad more effort than it’s worth to find it. Something with Jason just appearin out of the ghost portal.
I like this a LOT!
Danny gasps for air trying desperately to get out of the Lazarus Water. He’s confused, in pain, and screaming in pure agony.
Jason though… you gotta understand. In the comics, (or ones I’ve read for that matter) the pit makes you insane. The cost of life is making your mental state degrade. Jason appears out of the portal and is NOT doing well
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sqoiler · 4 years
things to make the heroes of olympus series better:
piper has memories of being in love with jason but quickly gets uncomfortable when she realizes they’re fake
jason and leo fall in love organically throughout the events of the lost hero
piper and reyna epic greek/roman forbidden romance complete with sending secret letters and iris messages and their relationship is the slow build stretched across the whole series a la percabeth in pjo
instead of being about the giants and gaia it’s about the building tension between the greeks and romans and they wanna go to war while the seven have to prevent that which is why there was the jason/percy switcharoo
frank sees tiny 13 year old hazel and decides to be her big brother. he basically adopts her as his younger sister and then nico shows up and frank’s like GREAT HERE’S ANOTHER BROTHER FOR ME
grover is there
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gutsybitsies · 1 year
more jason grace jason todd switcheroo!!
jason grace being in the batfam is interesting to think abt because he's a finely trained weapon, but he's a demigod trained for fighting monsters and other mythical beings. so he's not very used to fighting against the gadgetry of gotham heroes so in the beginning he's rather outmatched when he fights without his powers.
but also he has superpowers? he can summon lightning and winds and make a mean storm.
and that's only what bruce knows! so he's about to send jason grace off to the teen justice league dorms to learn more about his powers and jason's like "sure i guess, i guess that's my payment for asking you guys to help me back to my dimension"
and that's when alfred steps in because he can tell that jason grace absolutely does not feel like fighting crime. sure he'd do it, and he's very willing to help out these nice people that took him in. but grace is doing it out of a begrudging and instilled sense of duty, rather than a need to fight crime.
bruce is so floored by this realization (courtesy of alfred) that he then just shoves jason under his butler's wing instead and tells him no you don't need to fight if you don't want to. so jason makes trips to the justice league compounds to try and find his way back, but in the meantime he follows alfred around the manor and helps him out.
grace: Alfred is a professional butler and knows how to do things
grace: I'm not, so damian for fuck's sake stop getting so much dirt and blood on your suit.
grace: i bought a mat for the front door and the batcave, wipe your boots before coming in.
grace: you need to scrape food off of your plates BEFORE you put it in the sink-actually no, wash your own plates!
alfred: dear jason has been working so hard to help around the manor
someone: he's literally just ordering the batfam around to do chores
alfred: jason has taken so much off my plate, such a helpful young man.
damian, bleeding from multiple cuts with a sprained ankle and being barked at by jason to put his boots on the rack where it belongs
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
hey phoe! I wanna know ur opinion on smth if you'll allow it. So I have heard (and vibed with) the whole discourse that Jason is pretty bi-coded as a character, esp with the whole 'too roman to be greek' and 'too greek to be roman' thing in the series, and I was wondering what your thoughts on that were since you've shipped Jason with guys and girls both
You’re always free to ask my opinions! Gives me chances to ramble! ;D
Mmmmmmmmh. How do I put this...?
I support the headcanon that he’s bi. I myself headcanon him to be bi. But I don’t think there’s a canon foundation of him being bi-coded.
I like the potential bromances he has with Nico and with Percy and I’m down for interpreting both as romantic to fit my fic, but in the canon text, it’s very much... friendship. I also don’t know about using the Roman/Greek line as a metaphor for being bisexual when it was quite literally about him being both Greek and Roman; Riordan put him and Percy into a switcharoo sitation to break down the barriers of Greco-Roman separation.
It‘s been a while since I read HoO and... not a lot of it stuck because it was a bad book-series, so I can only go by memory and nothing I remember about him really came off as him showing interest in men, or giving off major bi-vibes.
And particularly with you calling this not headcanons or theories, but “discourse”, I gotta say: I think that today’s fandom is not very good at separating canons from headcanons and often runs the course of “I am projecting my sexuality onto this character and I like seeing them as representation, therefore they are factually that sexuality and it’s x-phobic that it’s not more explicit”. Just because you like something doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s canon - or that it has to be canon.
Way too many people in fandom act entitled to their headcanons being canon; be that people who ship two canon straight best friends and scream “queerbaiting” just because their ship didn’t become canon, not because it’s actual queerbaiting, or people acting like it’s lesbophobic that the canon straight girl is dating a guy, just because they think she “gives off” vibes. That’s your headcanon and that’s fine; don’t try to act like someone took something from you just because the straight characters who have been straight all along are... still straight.
And in this case, I really don’t see where there’s an actual, solid foundation in the canon text to provide evidence for him to be bi-coded. I’d need to see some actual scenes/quotes from the book that are used as real arguments to make a better call because, as I mentioned, it’s been a while.
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saiiboat · 3 years
all the emojis for ms g except the mbti one
OHOHOHO you give me too much power, anon
pronouns: She/her, maybe they/them on occasion.
gender: trans woman
orientation: bisexual
zodiac: i dont know zodiacs but i think she would be born in november. she likes the cold.
otp: i have a fic where shes married to her retconned husband, if that counts
-i do believe in qpr prime force tho. they arent explicitly together, but after everything theyve been through, there isnt really any words to describe how much they mean to eachother. jason is still alive. fuck you, condifiction
all of my ships with this character: retconned husband pat gilbert, qpr prime force
brotp: her and harlem canonically go to disco parties together. i think thats awesome.
notp: i personally dont think she would get romantically involved with harlem. just cant see the two of them together, at least not without jason. once again, jason never died. fuck you, condifiction
crossover ship i like: never thought about this before but imagine power couple gillion and miss G. this is my himbo fish husband who could kill god. this is my incredible wife who can lift 200 tons. i think that would be neat. in reality, though, gillion would probably want to kill her for being essentially big government LMAO
crossover non-ship i like: i think it would be terrifying if she met professor eliana from mythborne.
au i'd like to see them in: a funky little switcharoo. in all seriousness, i think prime force get corrupted by their powers and become more and more eldritch au would be super cool. im a sucker for those
angsty headcanon: after jason died (no he didnt), she threw herself into her work and training herself to be better. maybe if she had been more prepared, maybe if she was better, stronger, she could have saved him. when harlem puts together the prime defenders, she thinks that shes grown enough as a hero to be able to protect them. (spoiler alert: she can't)
happy headcanon: oh i dont have many of those. oh. uhhh. ms g and harlem live together in the WATCH sattelite base. she isnt the best at cooking, but harlem makes pancakes or french toast or eggs and she turns on the coffee, and for a short moment of their day theyre able to be at peace. they arent always able to fit it into their schedules, but they do their best.
silly headcanon: her first name is Leia. if charlie slimecicle ever says that she has a first name other than leia, i wont listen. if he says that she does have a first name, and it is leia, i will be very, very scared.
food headcanon: she works almost constantly, so she doesnt have much time for anything more than quick meals, but she really enjoys coffe and pumpkin bread.
domestic headcanon: before jason died, the prime force would do movie nights and watch old films. their favorite was Forest Gump. Jason and Harlem cried.
Badass headcanon: she once killed a man with her bare hands for threatening a child.
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Hush Little Baby - fic
Characters: Diana Prince, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Lois Lane, babies Jon and Damian Summary: What a sight. Batman and Superman - The World’s Finest, and toughest, and scariest - holding their infant sons. A/N: mumble-mumble AU where Jon was born and Damian was found not long after, still as a baby, just slightly older. Since this is in the past, it’s pre-Tim and later Batfam, and pre-any Jason sadness. Jason’s probably 13 or whatever, and Dick’s like 18 or 19. They’re in the Watchtower, and this is the first time all outside direct family is meeting each other’s babies. This plotless garbage, I just wanted to write about baby super sons.
“This is...something.” Diana hummed in amusement. There was joy too, though. The most absolute joy you could ever feel, she thought, this sight in front of her. “This wasn’t...planned, was it?”
Clark laughed, but Bruce frowned, and the babies in their arms both just stared curiously up at them.
“Absolutely not.” Lois cackled from the sofa nearby. “But oh my god, this could not be more perfect. Or more hilarious.”
Bruce, somehow, was able to frown even deeper as he glanced at Clark. “Your wife is less than helpful, I hope you know.”
Clark just shrugged, and leaned down to rub his nose against his son’s.
“Names?” Diana asked as she came closer, sat against the table in front of her friends. “Tell me they aren’t Bruce jr. and Clark jr. I won’t allow my godsons to have such embarrassments forced upon them.”
“Who said you were either of their godmother?” Bruce hummed haughtily. Diana just stared pointedly at him, unperturbed.
“Aunt, then. But I shall decide later.”
“Jonathan.” Clark answered the original question. “Jonathan Samuel Kent.”
Jonathan giggled. Diana turned expectantly towards Bruce.
“...Damian.” Bruce whispered, glancing down at his own baby, six or so months older than Jon. “I...Talia didn’t mention a middle name. So I...I don’t know his.”
Damian stared upwards like he was waiting. Bruce smiled softly down at him, running a hand over his head. Damian grinned almost-toothlessly at him.
“Not all people have middle names. I don’t.” Diana tried to soothe the sadness she knew was budding in Bruce’s soul. She reached out, grasping the babies’ hands, one by one. “Hello Jonathan. Hello Damian. I am so honored to meet you both.”
Jon giggled again. Damian just stared at her for a second, before reaching out his hand in demand for hers. When she offered it, he clung to her finger like he owned it. Jon clapped in victory.
“They are precious.” Diana decided. “They are the most precious beings I’ve ever seen in my life.”
“We think so too.” Lois chimed proudly.
“What do your other children think?” Diana asked Bruce thoughtfully.
“I don’t think Dick’s ever been more in love so fast in his life.” Bruce chuckled. “Jason is...coming around.”
“Kara too.” Clark agreed warmly. “She’s already trying to teach him Kryptonian.”
“Ka!” Jon cooed, as if he knew. “Ka! Ka!”
“Kara thinks he’s trying to say her name. She’s very smug about it, that her cousin’s son’s first words will be about her.” Lois laughed, shooting her husband an amused look. Clark visibly pouted.
“We’re working on that.” He added.
“You’re both welcome to join our betting pool.” Lois winked towards Diana and grinned at Bruce. “Don’t worry honey, my money’s still on a last minute switcharoo to Kal.”
“See what I deal with?” Clark grumbled to Bruce. Bruce smiled, but his eyes were still sad as they stared down at his son. At his baby.
“…It’s alright, Bruce.” Diana whispered. “He’s safe now.”
“But he wasn’t.” Bruce countered. “He wasn’t. She had my baby and she didn’t tell me.“
“Then I thank the gods that you found him.” Diana said simply. “The damage could have been much worse.”
“Any damage at all is bad enough.” Bruce lamented. Damian continued to stare up at him with big, curious eyes. “Because he’s just a baby.”
Silence, then. Silence beyond the contented gurgling of Jon. Damian just watched, shoving his fist in his mouth.
“Because he’s my baby.” Bruce breathed. “Oh my god, I have a baby.”
“And you will raise him with all the grace and wisdom as you’ve raised the others.” Diana promised, gently grasping Bruce’s wrist. “You have him now. Your family has him now.”
“He’s gonna grow up happy and loved and safe, Bruce.” Clark murmured. “And if you need help, Lois and I will be there. We’ll help you. We can all help each other. We’ll raise Damian and Jon together. How does that sound?”
Bruce smiled, just a little. Damian tilted his head and gurgled. Jon giggled at nothing.
“That’d be nice.” Bruce whispered almost nostalgically. “Then the boys would never be alone, no matter what.”
“Not that they ever would be, regardless.” Diana chimed, holding her arms out to both men, a silent request for the babies. “They have me, and the entire rest of the League, along with their own families.”
As Clark and Bruce glanced at each other, Lois came over, carefully plucking Jon up and placing him in one of Diana’s arms. Then, without asking, she took Damian from Bruce too, putting him in Diana’s other arm.
Diana immediately stood and turned away, rocking the boys gently and humming a soft lullaby.
“You are beautiful, my sweet nephews.” She whispered. Damian reached for her hair. “Your parents are strong, compassionate people, and I want you both to know how much they all adore you so.”
Jon made a noise, almost like he was saying “wha?!” and Lois laughed out loud.
“And you are strong.” Diana continued, bouncing her nose off Damian’s already closed fist. “You two will be heroes greater than the Justice League in its entirety. There will be stories and songs and art made in your honor, and for the goodness you shall spread, both on this planet and beyond the stars.”
“But no pressure or anything, right Diana?” Clark snorted. Even Bruce cracked a smile at that.
“None.” She returned seriously, still weaving around the room. No more words were said, and the adults just watched as the boys slowly began to fall asleep in her arms.
“…Diana.” Bruce half scolded after a few more minutes. “You know you’ll have to give them back eventually, right?”
“...Perhaps.” She said slyly, with a wicked grin. “Perhaps not.”
And neither Bruce nor Clark got the chance to counter her, before the door to the room slammed open, and in rushed not only Jason and Dick, but a few of Dick’s Titan friends as well.
The Titans remained at the door, though, respectfully, yet eagerly, patient. Jason did not do the same, eyes darting around the room until he spotted Diana, rushing up to her side to stare down at his brother. Dick came a little slower after him.
Damian, for once, did not stir at the commotion. Neither did Jon. Both remained blissfully dozing in Diana’s strong arms.
“Has he said anything yet?” Jason asked excitedly.
“Jason.” Bruce sighed fondly. “I told you. He’s only nine months old. He can’t talk yet.”
“And I told you that Talia said he was smart.” Jason countered, even as Dick rubbed his hair playfully. “So you never know, B.”
“His first word is not going to be Jason.” Dick laughed. “Or shit.”
“Well it sure as hell isn’t going to be your name, Dick.“ Jason smirked back. He glanced up at Diana with a hint of puppy eyes, before gently reaching up for Damian himself.
Diana handed him over, and Jason instantly cradled him to his chest protectively. Damian’s eyes blinked open sleepily, and Jason immediately kissed his forehead, rocking him like an expert.
“Coming around, huh, Bruce?” Lois muttered knowingly. Bruce grinned sheepishly.
Dick lingered at Diana’s side for a moment, before turning towards Clark and Lois. “May I?”
The Kents both nodded.
Dick grinned widely as he reached for little Jon, mimicking Jason’s gentleness.
“Man, he is the perfect mix of both of you.” Dick breathed in awe. Jon gurgled and reached for his nose. “You got real damn lucky in the gene pool, kid. You know that?”
“I apologize in advance.” Bruce hummed with a lopsided grin. “If you thought he visited you too much before, Clark...you’ll never be rid of him now.”
“A ‘nuisance’ we’ll be happy to have.” Lois confirmed. “And I hope he’ll bring his little brothers with him more often than not.”
“As soon as everything with Talia is settled, and I don’t think he’s in danger from Ra’s or the League.” Bruce murmured softly. “Then Damian can be down there as often as you want him to be.”
“And Jason.” Lois chimed. “I didn’t just mean the baby.”
“If you need help with that, Bruce, I’m here for you, one hundred percent. I won’t let Talia take him away from you.” Clark swore. He glanced to the boys, and couldn’t help his grin. Asked again: “…They love him already, huh?”
“Adore him, absolutely.” Bruce corrected wistfully. “Jon too, since the moment I told them about him.”
Clark grinned proudly, as Lois sat on the arm of his chair. He quickly put an arm around her hips, squeezing her gently. “How’d we get so lucky, Bruce?”
He watched with his own smile as Dick and Jason got close. As Damian suddenly whined and reached out, found Jon’s own waving fist and clung to it, cooing. As Dick and Jason glanced at each other, then their friends, laughing and holding the babies even closer together.
“I have no earthly idea, Clark.”
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baby-batboys · 7 years
Dating Tim Drake Includes:
A/N: So consider this official proof I have no self-control what-so-ever. This is a bit bulky and long, but I have a lot of feelings about Red Robin and his luscious, luscious hair. Like....his hair is like the Nightwing Butt of hair; Top notch hair.
If the Batfamily is known for one thing, it’s their inability to express emotion enough to hold someone down. I mean, look at Babs and Dick skirting around the bush for years and don’t even get me started on the whole Dick-Kori-Jason thing. And oh god, Bruce and Selina?
But if one thing breaks that tradition, it’s Tim. Sure, between cases there may not be time to go on eharmony dates and look for the love of your life, but with Tim, once he’s yours, that’s it. No take-backs or returns. Tim is a robin that mates for life. Once he loves you, he’ll always love you.
Also, out of all the bat boys, he’s the one who seems most domestic. Everyone assumes it would be Dick, even Alfred, but seriously Dick runs about in Disco outfits. Domestic my ass.
With Tim, it’s all about late nights working, coffee in the morning, sleepy kisses and quiet talks.
He’s a workaholic. By nature, he is. When you living in the shadow of two of the best Boy Wonders, how could you not be? We all know he stays up all night, at his laptop, searching for that one little crack in the firewall to get the data or info he needs. It’s as if he has the willpower to work for three days straight, but not the damn sense to ask if he should.
That’s the deal with him, not only does he mate for life, but you will be 60% of his sense and impulse control. The other 40% is Alfred.
There will be many nights where you have to slide him out of his chair and get him to come to bed. He hates leaving his work unfinished, but he loves the feeling of your hands sliding around his neck, the feeling of being nuzzled into, and the soft sound of your voice saying ‘Tim, come to bed.’
He can never say no to you.
You help him. And he loves it. Maybe you switch his Monster Energy to Red Bull, then to coffee, then to decaf (without him knowing of course). Maybe you make sure his uniform is always ready. Maybe you patch him up and run your hands through his hair until he’s fast asleep. Each and every time, he commits it to memory and decides to thank you one day for it.
But don’t actually do the ‘coffee-decaf-switcharoo’ on him. Don’t. He can taste the difference. He can tell decaf by the smell alone. Don’t.
His kisses are either full on make-out or badly-aimed, sideways kisses when he doesn’t want to look away from a screen. Most of the time they’re interrupted because Kon is always there.
You have your own special ringtone in his phone. Its of ‘Rockin’ Robin’ by the Jackson Five. Yes, the others make fun.
His favorite dates are cafe dates. Coffee, quiet nooks to work in, slight background chit-chat, and knowing you’re there.
Your favorite dates are dragging him ‘someplace special’ only for it to be the nearest Red Robin’s restaurant.
A perk of dating Tim: you get to wear The Cowl.
One time he almost hit you with his bo-staff because he woke up to find you eating out the manor fridge whilst wearing his cowl. (You’re lucky it was him. Last time, Jason pulled a gun on you. Why does he even keep a gun in his pajama pants???)
His favorite way to be with you is you sitting between his legs, his laptop on your lap. He’ll type away and work his magic, swatting at your fingers playfully when you sneakily try to pull up sponegbob in a new tab.
At night, he’s slightly thankful that he’s not like Dick or Jason. He doesn’t have to be as hands on, he doesn’t have to be out there with guns. Sometimes, he realizes how lucky he is that he can do so much behind a screen and not in front of a madman with a gun, because that means he’s safer. That means he can come home to you.
BROTHERS. Tim is basically the middle kid, with Dick and Jason being pretty close in age, so his brothers are always around. Big Bro Dick is so proud, Jason is impressed, and Damian is astonished.
Damian will constantly ask how you can stand ‘Drake’ for so long.
The best thing about Tim is he his like a warm place. He’s like home. Easy to find with arms wide open.
Even if that ‘home’ argues for thirty minutes against going to bed, then drools all over your shoulder when he does.
If you’re with Tim, he’s with you for life. And that includes the coffee, the hard-work, the all the ‘Red-Robin, yummmm’ puns.
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charhopewell · 4 years
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Small switcharoo for tomorrow!! Western Fusion- Trio will be on first from 2PM-5PM and then Jason Wylde with Strangeland Gone Wylde will be from 5:30PM-8:30PM. They’re just switching time slots!! Then of course the Backroads Band from 8pm-12am!! #livemusic #countrymusic #goodtimecharlis #goodtimecharlischandleraz #chandlersbest https://www.instagram.com/p/CFBHM5zn0LP/?igshid=rpln64n8qjoz
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