#jasper voice: i love it
rainymoodlet · 7 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[ New Faces and Old Friends ]
Part 2 of 4
@jaigny @akitasimblr @softietrait @2013trait (@wastelandwhisperer @yikessims @wormsimblr )
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baileythebean · 27 days
For anyone curious, here are the Ramshackle OC voice claims so far (and some vids if you wanna know what that sounds like) ((FULL VERSION!!))
Bailey - He/They (my OC) -
Wanderer (Genshin Impact)
Chongyun (Genshin Impact)
Finn Hollis - He/She (belonging to @ask-finn-hollis/@thesilliestofallqueers) -
a mix of
Yanfei (Genshin Impact)
Yuuki Mishima (Persona 5)
Flynn - He/She/They (belonging to @ask-a-snobby-fencer/@vv4loe)
-Adora (She-ra) !BUT MORE MASCULINE!
Sora Wickerman - He/Him (Belonging to @ask-sora-wickerman)
-Mio (Umibe no Entranger)
Jasper - He/Him (belonging to @ask-the-richest-scrap-ever/@schnozzlebozzle) - Jax (The Amazing Digital Circus) - Hunter (The Owl House)
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My hyper-specific type when it comes to otome guys:
- Absolutely pathetic - Cannot speak to a girl normally to save his life - Tries to be calm/aloof, but turns tsundere when flustered enough - A good and pure man at heart, yet does some questionable things - ...Little Red Riding Hood???
#heart fragment#taisho x alice#otome#doofenshmirtz voice: if i had a nickel for every time i fell in love with a video game guy heavily associated to little red riding hood...#..i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice!#i made this post basically as a way to announce i played heart fragment recently. and uh. it's REALLY GOOD#i probably do love clive the most (and i was immediately interested/biased considering his similarities to Red) but...#the rest of the cast is great too! I ADORE shannon and i am beyond ready to figure out what jasper's deal is#and honestly i'm into the mystery and the strained family relationship aspects too. just great writing all around even beyond the romances#this is one of Those Games that messes with you and the more you play it the more it sneaks new creepy stuff in#whatever the hell is going on with inigo in the dreams is unsettling. and i love it.#but seriously i'd recommend this to any otome fan and ESPECIALLY taiali fans considering the similarities go far beyond just this#you like fairy tales? you like exploring psychological issues and trauma? this is the game for you#also you can date guys AND girls which is a rare treat! again - i LOVE shannon. i just... love clive even more#but to be fair i think the hangup is that no matter what you're very close and friendly with shannon#so even if you don't romance her you still have a great relationship with her regardless#meanwhile with clive he's starting as a stranger and you basically have to be a jerk to him or blow him off which hurts my heart#and also clive seems to fall kind of fast and hard for you so the relationship developing in a romantic direction just feels. right IMO#i can accept being just besties with shannon (even though I definitely still love her romance outcomes)#but it pains me to spurn clive's affections#on an unrelated note i do intend to post my thoughts (basically a review) of winter's wish: spirits of edo#but i want to finish getting the sorrow endings for CGs and lore which means a second run through several routes
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
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Don’t you agree? @joelsgeetar
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roseyjustice · 2 years
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Dan has a pretty singing voice 💖
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ttimecode · 1 year
i still think the idea of jasper's voiceclaim being sonic is so silly but i love it so much....can you imagine that man going "gotta go fast"
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ratsovereignity · 2 years
yep! bought the 5-book set for the summer holidays and it was a fantastic choice because a fantasy of the scale of asoiaf really helps with the escapism, I've been lost in the sauce all holiday, pondering things and whatnot, and IMMENSELY enjoying it. I'm insane and extremely annoying now etc etc I have like 40 reblogs in drafts that I'm rationing out slowly to not get on people's nerves
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juliandevorakshonkers · 6 months
how my conversation with hestia just went basically
me: hey hestia sorry I haven’t been practicing much but I feel up to it again!!
hestia: don’t worry my child it is ok :)
me: thank you my lady I appreciate it, I want to do stuff for Yule! Do you want me to bake anything?
hestia before I even finish that sentence: COOKIES
me: uhmmm haha you want me to bake cookies?
hestia: YES PLEASE
me: ok haha I can do that! Do you have any crystals you want?
hestia, once again before I finish the sentence: RED JASPER
me: uhhh?? Red jasper? Are you sure? It’s not really associated with you I don’t think-
hestia: thank you :D
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adiraargent · 5 months
In a world full of boys, he's a gentleman <3
Synopsis: the Slytherin boys and the 'gentleman' things they do Warnings: None :) Characters: Mattheo Riddle, Theodore Nott, Tom Riddle, Blaise Zabini, Jasper Rowle
This is Part 1 :)
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Mattheo Riddle: opening doors for you
"Hey there, my love," Mattheo greeted, flashing a grin as he held the door open for you. You rolled your eyes playfully at the endearment, a fond smile tugging at your lips as you looked up at your boyfriend.
"Always the gentleman, huh?" you teased, stepping through the door of the Slytherin common room as he held open with a light chuckle.
"Hey, gotta treat my girl right," he replied, trailing behind and falling into step beside you. He nudged you gently with his elbow, his laid-back demeanor effortlessly charming.
He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head. His lips lingered for a moment, and you couldn't help but blush at the tenderness of the gesture. "You're my everything," he whispered, his voice filled with genuine adoration.
Whether they were heading to class, grabbing a bite to eat, or just strolling through the castle halls, Mattheo made it a point to hold doors open for you. It wasn't a grand gesture, just a simple act of courtesy, but it spoke volumes about his thoughtfulness.
"You spoil me too much, you know that?" you remarked with a grin, as Mattheo held the door of his dorm for you.
He chuckled, his eyes sparkling with affection. "Can't help it. You deserve the world," he shrugged, following you inside. He wrapped his arms around your waist, playfully throwing you on the bed before snuggling up next to you, holding you tightly against his chest.
Their laughter filled the air as they chatted about anything and everything, discussing everything from stupid things their friends had done recently to their favourite movies. Mattheo listened intently, his eyes lighting up as they shared their stories.
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Theodore Nott: Holds your face with both hands when kissing you
"Hey," Theodore greeted softly, his fingers trailing gently along your jawline before cupping your face tenderly, drawing you into a sweet kiss. His touch was always gentle, his palms cradling your cheeks as if you were the most precious thing in his world.
"Hi," you whispered against his lips, smiling as he leaned in to press another soft kiss, his touch grounding and comforting.
"Did you have a good day?" Theodore asked, his thumb brushing lightly over your cheek as he held your face in his hands.
"Mmm, it was alright. Nothing compared to this though," you replied, your voice softening as he leaned in for another kiss, his touch sending a shiver down your spine.
He pulled back slightly, his hands still cupping your face, his eyes filled with warmth as he gazed at you. "You always make everything better."
"You too," you said, feeling a surge of affection as his touch lingered, his fingers tracing delicate patterns along your skin.
"Can I just kiss you forever?" he murmured, his forehead resting against yours, his touch never leaving your face.
"That sounds like a plan," you chuckled, enjoying the feeling of his hands on your cheeks, grounding you in the moment.
As he leaned in for another kiss, his hands framed your face once more, holding you gently but firmly, his touch sending a rush of warmth through you. Each kiss felt like a silent declaration of his love and care, his hands a constant reassurance that you were cherished.
"Promise me something," he said softly, his gaze intense as he held your face in his hands, his touch so tender it made your heart flutter.
"Anything," you replied, feeling a rush of emotion at the sincerity in his eyes.
"Promise you'll never forget how much you mean to me," he whispered, his hands trembling ever so slightly against your skin.
"I promise," you said, your voice barely above a whisper, overwhelmed by the depth of his feelings.
Theodore smiled, his touch becoming even more gentle, as if he was memorizing every contour of your face. "I love you," he murmured, his lips brushing against yours in a feather-light kiss.
"I love you too," you replied, feeling a surge of emotion as his hands cradled your face.
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Tom Riddle: Subtle things to make sure you don't get hurt
In the midst of a quiet classroom, Tom and you sat side by side, the ambiance filled with the hushed tones of a lecture. You were unconsciously fiddling with your quill as your tired eyes lingered on the teacher, doing your best to listen to whatever he was saying.
A small sigh slipt from your lips as your dropped your quill, the small object rolling under your desk. As you leaned down to retrieve your quill, Tom subtly shifted, his hand discreetly finding its place at the edge of the desk, ensuring you wouldn't hit your head upon rising.
"Thanks love," you whispered, meeting his eyes for a fleeting moment, noticing the faint blush that graced his cheeks as he quickly looked away.
"Wouldn't want you getting hurt," he murmured, his voice barely audible, trying to cloak his concern with an air of indifference as his eyes went back to the teacher.
"I appreciate it," you replied softly, a small smile playing on your lips, acknowledging his unspoken worry.
Throughout the class, the subtle ways Tom looked out for you were apparent. Whether adjusting his posture to prevent you from bumping elbows or discreetly sliding a book closer to your reach, his actions spoke louder than his reserved words.
As the lesson progressed, you dropped a parchment, and before you could react, Tom swiftly picked it up without a word, his gaze briefly meeting yours with a hint of concern before retreating into his usual stoic demeanor.
"Thanks," you said, your voice warm with gratitude, feeling the corners of his lips twitch into the faintest hint of a smile before he composed himself.
"Merlin you're an idiot," he mumbled under his breath, a small smile twitching on the corner of his lips. He loved you, and he did his best to show it. To some, these may just seem like small gestures, but to you, these acts meant everything.
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Blaise Zabini: Looking after you while you are sick
"Blaise, I think I'm dying," you groaned, your voice muffled by the mountain of blankets you'd buried yourself under. The room echoed with your misery, and you could practically feel Blaise's amused gaze on you.
"Quite the melodrama you've got going on there," he chuckled, entering the room with a tray in hand.
You peeked out from under the blankets, giving him a weak glare. "This is not melodrama. I'm genuinely dying. I might need to write my will."
He raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Last I checked, you're broke. And if you're going to die, at least wait until you've cleaned up the mess in the bathroom."
You shot him a scowl before returning to your cocoon of misery. "I'll have you know that this is a serious illness. I even got Pansy to get me a book from the library so I can read about my symptoms."
He set the tray on the bedside table, glancing at you with a mix of amusement and skepticism. "And let me guess, according to Dr. know it all, you have a rare tropical disease only found in the depths of the Amazon rainforest?"
"No, it says I have a severe case of man flu," you deadpanned, voice muffled by the blankets.
Blaise burst into laughter. "Man flu? Really?"
You shot him a glare from under the covers.
He shook his head, still chuckling. "Ok, ok. I come bearing gifts to nurse you back to health."
He lifted the tray to reveal a steaming bowl of soup and a cup of hot tea. Your eyes lit up, and you managed to sit up, sniffling pathetically.
"Ah, the healing powers of chicken soup," he declared dramatically, handing you the bowl.
You took it gratefully, inhaling the comforting aroma. "You're the best, you know that?"
"I try," he said with a wink, settling onto the bed beside you. "Now, eat up. We can't have you wasting away on my watch."
As you sipped the soup, Blaise watched you with a soft smile. "Feeling a bit better already?"
You nodded, the warmth of the soup soothing both your throat and your mood. "Maybe I won't die today after all."
He chuckled, running a hand through your hair. "Good to know. I was planning on having a quiet night in, not attending a funeral."
You swatted him playfully, earning a smirk from Blaise. "You're lucky I'm too weak to defend myself properly."
"Consider it a mercy on my part," he teased, taking a sip of his own tea.
As the night wore on, Blaise stayed by your side, occasionally offering more soup, fetching tissues, and regaling you with stories to keep your mind off your misery.
"You're surprisingly good at this whole nurse thing," you admitted, snuggling into the blankets.
He grinned, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Well, when the patient is you, it's almost enjoyable."
You rolled your eyes, but a small smile played on your lips. "I must be really sick for you to admit that."
He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. "Maybe you're just bringing out my softer side."
You sighed dramatically. "I never signed up for a softer Blaise Zabini."
"Too late now," he replied with a smirk, holding you a little tighter. "You're stuck with me, even if I have to nurse you back to health every now and then."
You leaned into his embrace, feeling grateful for the care and comfort he provided. "I suppose I can live with that."
And as you drifted off to sleep, wrapped in blankets and the warmth of Blaise's presence, you couldn't help but feel that maybe being sick wasn't so bad after all, especially when you had someone like him to take care of you.
(This is my favourite for sure)
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Jasper Rowle: Doing your shoelaces
The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting a soft golden glow into the room as you and Jasper sat comfortably on a bench in Hogsmede just of to the side of Zonko's, enjoying a leisurely stroll that had turned into a serene moment of shared silence.
"Oops," you pouted, looking down at your untied shoelaces, a small sigh falling from your lips as you went to go and tie your laces.
"I've got it darlin'," Jasper said with a gentle smile, bending down on one knee before her.
"Jasper, you really don't have to," you protested, a faint blush gracing your cheeks at the unexpected gesture.
He shook his head with a grin, his fingers deftly working on your shoelaces. "I've got it, can't have my girl tripping on her own shoelaces, can I?"
You chuckled softly, unable to hide your affectionate smile as you watched him tie the laces with care. "You're too good to me, you know that?"
He glanced up at her with a warm smile. "'Just don't want you getting hurt."
As he finished, he ran his thumb over your knee softly a few times before standing up and placing a gentle kiss on the top of your head, causing your heart to flutter. The simple act filled you with warmth and adoration.
"Thank you," you murmured, touched by his gesture.
"Anytime, my love."
Their fingers intertwined as they resumed their stroll through Hogsmede, the cool breeze carrying the faint scent of baked goods, more than likely from a stall near by. The world seemed to slow down around them as they walked hand in hand, enjoying each other's company.
Hi all! This is my first post, hope you enjoyed it :) I take requests for many different fandoms and characters <3
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lethbrigadier · 1 year
my foster kitten making a distress cry cause i put her in the middle of the floor feat. my cat like ‘what the fuck do you want ME to do about it?’
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It Couple || Young!Coriolanus Snow x Capitol!reader
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GIF by @youremyvioleta and divider by @firefly-graphics
Summary: just you and Coryo being the it couple at the academy 🤭
Warnings: fem!reader, idk if there’s anything else
Wc: 691
A/n: pls send thru fic requests for Tom!!!!
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In the bustling halls of the Academy, you, the epitome of popularity, gracefully navigate the sea of admiring glances. You weren't particularly sure what factor of you made you so popular, maybe it was your kindness, looks, money, name? Whatever the reason may be you liked to bask in it, not in the cocky manner.
Your perfectly coordinated and confident demeanor were enough to turn any mundane day into a spectacle worth watching. Coriolanus Snow, the charming heartthrob of the academy, with his disheveled yet effortlessly handsome appearance, awaited you by your locker.
As he caught sight of you, a charming smile graced his lips, and he fell into step beside you. "Good morning, my love," Coryo said, his voice a velvet murmur that sent shivers down your spine. "Good morning, Coryo," your replied with a playful smirk, your eyes meeting his as you exchange a knowing look.
The chemistry between you was undeniable, and it added an extra layer of glamour to the 'it couple' status you both held. The title for it really came from a joke by Clemmie at the cafeteria as fellow students from younger years would shamelessly stare at you and Coryo doing such simple things, which in that case, was simply walking to your table.
From that day forward, the title flourished and spread around the academy. Instead of referring to you and Coryo in the context of you being together, they referred the two of you as the 'it couple'. It was quite undisputed, turning heads and sparking envy among your peers.
As you and Coriolanus walk side by side through the halls of the academy, whispers of admiration trail in your wake. Your relationship with Snow was the talk of the academy, maybe even the Capitol due to your high statuses. The two of you becoming a symbol of perfection, setting the standard for others to emulate.
"Snow and Y/l/n, they're practically royalty around here,' a hushed voice echoed from a cluster of students, "I wish I could be in their group for projects, It's like a ticket to instant success,' another voice chimed in.
Meanwhile, Coriolanus slid his arm around you waist, pulling you in a little closer with a smirk on his lips. "Do you see the way everyone's looking at us," he remarked, his eyes glinting with a mixture of pride and mischief.
It was undeniable that Coryo loved the attention. Even before the two of you started dating he would get attention, but now, it was different. "You just love the attention, don't you?" You teased, leaning into his touch.
He chuckled, a low, melodic sound that resonated through the hallway. "Guilty as charged. But it's even better when I get to share it with you, dove." Coryo purrs, his grip on your waist tightening as you giggle.
The day unfolded with the usual whirlwind of the classes, but it was during the partnered projects that your unity truly shone. In the lab, you and Coriolanus blended intellect and charm seamlessly, leaving your classmates in awe.
"How do they nail it every time," Io Jasper sighs making those around her chuckle, as they agree after seeing the elaborate model you and Coriolanus crafted. Coriolanus, known for his silver-tongued wit, had a way of making even the most tedious assignments feel like a delightful escapade.
Most, if not, all of the Academy's social events became your stage without you giving it much thought, and you and Coriolanus were the headline act. A grand ball celebrating the academy's founding anniversary was the the definition of lavish.
Dressed in a gorgeous dress that rivaled the stars, you walk into Heavensbee hall, your arm linked with Coriolanus. People around the entrance elicit gasps as the spotlight found the two of you.
Arachne rolls her eyes, observing the two of you with a group of friends. "How do they manage to look flawless all the time?" she comments, shaking her head. "It's nauseating." She finishes, tilting her head back to savor a sip of posca. Clemensia chuckles softly, "Well, there's a reason they're known as the 'it couple,'" she says, shrugging casually.
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demetris-cocksleeve · 4 months
"Jasper teaching Y/n how to ride him"
I ask, with all the love in my dirty, perverted heart. Fix it.
I ain't even gonna ask anonymously, because you know who it's gonna be.
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(A/n: Your wish is my command~ (aka I'm lowkey scared of your wrath))
(Not proofread)
Word Count: 1,832
Summary- It's only fair that the cowbody gets cowgirled (Alternatively: TIME TO EAT, SLUTS🚨)
Warnings: Inexperienced reader, Creampie, Jasper calls reader "Darling," "Doll," and "Sugar" (I think there's one more, but I can't be bothered to scroll through and find it.) (It's not a missed warning - It's simply a surprise cunt throbber) (...sorry...)
Age Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
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(This specific gif is a lil inside joke, dont worry abt it lol)
Jasper Whitlock x Fem! Reader: Most Dangerous Game
Hands are everywhere- his hair, your jaw, his chest, your ass. Every touch makes as he moves from one place to another sets a trail of fire in its wake.
The kiss breaks with a gasp as Jasper's knee bullies its way between your legs, forcing you on tiptoe. The firm muscle bypasses the fabric of your skirt and presses against your barely clothed pussy in a way that sends your vision swimming. Even through your panties, the rough texture of his pants creates an addictive friction that causes you to chase more - rocking your hips down experimentally rewards you with even more of that coarse deliciousness and pulls a deep moan from you.
He wastes no time as you grind against his thigh, moving his lips to the hollow of your throat, licking and sucking at the area until red blooms across your skin in an intricate pattern of possession. Your hands desperately fumble to grasp anything they can, eventually ending up fisted in his hair. A warning growl rumbles deep in his chest as you tug on the soft blonde strands. Your proximity forces the vibrations through your own chest, weakening your knees.
Jasper presses closer, keeping you upright. His mouth finds its way back to yours as his hand comes up to your neck - fingers pressing into your pulse point as he tilts your head back to deepen the kiss. He eagerly drinks up your sighs as your lips continue to meet in a battle of teeth and tongue; it's becoming less of a kiss as the heat between you increases, but it doesn't matter. Not when you can feel just how hard he is against your stomach.
He all but swallows your keen when he flexes his thigh. Your hips stutter when your clit rubs against the denim; a cry of his name leaves you without thinking at the stimulation. Another, more vicious growl rips through you both as he yanks you away from the wall and walks backwards towards your bed. His lips never leave yours as he falls backwards, pulling you into his lap.
"The things you do to me, Darlin'..." Jasper mumbles into the kiss.
The new position forces his hard cock to press against you and you can't help but press down harder. The pressure causes your head to drop against his shoulder; causes your jaw to drop as Jasper's hands slip to your hips, rocking you firmly against him.
You can tell he knows exactly when your throbbing cunt pulses out even more slick: you can hear his sharp inhale as it pairs with the way his fingers dip tighter into your flesh.
"I want you to ride me, Doll. Can you do that for me?"
It's only then that your movements halt. Freezing like a deer in headlights, you look at him with your mouth slightly agape. Neither of you are strangers to sex - hell, once Jasper got confident enough to let loose around you, there was a month when you were damn near fucking like rabbits. But of all the ways he's taken you, you've never been the one to be on top.
What if you're bad at it? How would you ever get over that?
"Darling," Jasper's voice cuts through your thoughts, definitely feeling your emotional turmoil. "What's wrong? Talk to me, Sugar." His golden eyes bore into you with a different intensity than before. His once heated gaze now only harbors concern as his thumbs rub gentle circles on your waist.
“It's nothing…” you mutter moving in to nose at his neck, pressing small kisses along the column in an attempt to bring the mood back.
His grip on you shifts, pulling you back a respectable distance to read your face. “Tell me what's wrong, or we're stopping right now, Darlin’."
Oh. Serious voice… As the realization that there's no avoiding voicing your insecurity if you want to get railed - which you do -, your face starts to heat, embarrassment flooding your veins.
Ever the patient man, Jasper waits for you to find the least embarrassing combination of words.
“I've never-” God, your face feels like it could smelt iron right now… “I've never rode anyone; I, um, I don't know how…”
Your voice falters to a whisper, but you know he heard you.
A grin starts to cut its way across his face, leaving you to balk. You know he isn't about to laugh in the face of your anxiety right now.
“You know what- forget I said anything.” you mumble, moving to get up only to be unceremoniously yanked back down.
“Where do you think you're going, Sugar?” Jasper chuckles, ducking his head to try to meet your gaze.
Ever the avoider, you look to the side, opting to pout about it since you can't storm out to the room all dramatic like you wanted. One of his hands comes up to brush some of your hair you were hiding behind.
“I'll teach you.”
Your eyes snap to his finally as the heat in your face starts to creep down your neck. “What?” You choke out.
“I said I'll teach you how to ride,” Jasper says, the humor in his eyes underlined with something darker- hungrier.
Your mouth goes dry from the intensity in them. Gulping, all you can do is nod, words failing you for a different reason this time.
“Yeah?” He hums. “My pretty baby wants to learn to ride me?”
His hands trail down to your skirt, slipping under the hem to trace the elastic of your panties. “Why don't you take these off, Sugar…”
His voice may be gentle, but you know a command when you hear it.
You slide off his lap, standing on shaky legs as you slide the thin fabric down.
“Skirt and shirt too. I want to watch my cock disappear in you while you grind those hips against me.”
You'd be lying if you said that didn't make something sinful twist inside you.
Once all the offending fabric is gone, you take a deep breath. Right now this is nothing new for you. You've been naked in front of Jasper countless times, this is fine.
His eyes never leave you as he works on his jeans - unbuttoning and unzipping them before shoving them down his thighs along with his boxers. He curls two fingers to beckon you closer, other hand leisurely stroking himself, smearing his precum along the shaft.
Settling yourself back in his lap, you slightly fumble, trying to steady yourself. Back in new territory.
“Easy…” Jasper soothes, holding your waist. He stops fisting himself in favor of manhandling you into position.
Your knees are spread to rest just away from his legs, and your hips angled above him by the time he is done adjusting you. One of his hands slips down once more to line up with your slit.
“Drop yourself, Darlin’. Slowly,” he guides. “Once the tip is in, roll your hips forward as you move further down.”
And so you do. Steadily, you push yourself down and forward as his cock slips further and further into your waiting quim. Within seconds, your hips meet his and he sits comfortably to the hilt inside you.
“That's it,” Jasper mumbles, hands lightly stroking your sides. “Can you lift back up and repeat that same motion for me, Sugar?”
“Yeah…” you breathe. This isn't hard, you think, lifting yourself up, not hard at all. Your hands steady you against his shoulders as you rock back down.
Jasper's head falls back with a heavy breath through his nose. “Fuck.”
You still. Did you already do something wrong? You're only two bounces in- are you really that bad at taking direction?
“You're doing great, baby, but if you keep clenching around me like that, I'm not gonna last,” Jasper chuckles, gripping your hips to force you to move again.
And just like that, he once again soothes your nerves. Perks of knowing the ins and outs of emotion, you guess.
So, you start your movements again, allowing his hands to go back to simply encouraging you. As you move, you find yourself growing more and more confident - adding in a few circles along with your roll forward, spreading your knees to take him deeper - the noises your experiments draw from Jasper have your eyes slipping shut and your head lolling forward to rest against his cool collar.
As you ride, you can feel to need for more steadily creeping up to you, forcing your hips to move faster, for you to grind your clit against him as you chase your release.
“Goddamn it-” Jasper hisses, burying his nose in your hair as he inhales your scent. “You're a fucking natural, Darlin’. C’mon, Sweetness, cum for me.”
A soft whimper falls from your lips at the praise, your face heating as you nuzzle further into him. Your thighs are starting to burn, but the ache in your pussy, the pure need to cum, outweighs any discomfort in your trembling legs as you start to slam yourself harder and more desperately onto his solid length.
You can feel your release. It's right there; dipping in and out of sight in a twisted game of desire, but you'll be damned if you lose.
You clamp down on Jasper, the sudden tightness causing even more of the delicious friction you're craving. The deep rumble that drags from Jasper's chest only pushes you closer, more and more noises drip from your lips as you all but ravage the man beneath you.
“Come on, Darlin’, give it to me- let me see how pretty you look creamin' all over my cock.”
You hips give a final jerk forward when his thumb meets you clit, the swollen nerves throbbing at the sudden shock of cold. With a sharp cry of his name, you cum.
Your nails dig into his arms as you rock against him, trying to prolong your high as long as possible. Not that you could stop if you wanted to - Jasper's hands are back to forcing your hips down, chasing his own release.
His hips have started to jerk up into you, meeting you movement for movement as he draw closer and closer to his own climax. Rambled praises have started to fall from him as he holds you tight. From mumbling about how beautiful you are sitting atop him, to growling out about how good your pulsing cunt feels.
The world's most dangerous game. And you've won.
Just at your limit, right before the stimulation becomes too much, Jasper finally empties himself into your heat. You though his growls before rumbled you, but the absolute animalistic sound that rips out of his chest as he loses himself in you uproots your very being. The knowledge that you can bring such a powerful creature, *the* Apex predator to such euphoria - the fact that such a magnificent being has allowed you to share in this game - has you shuddering in his hold.
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junkdrawerfics · 1 year
Simple Moment
I love Jasper Hale more than most things in my life.
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Summary: Just a cute, fluffy moment with Jasper and his human, the reader. Mostly Bella and Alice talking about the two of you.
Word Count: 702
Warnings: None! Just fluff!
“So that’s Jasper’s girlfriend?” Bella asks Alice as they watch a familiar looking girl stride up to said vampire. She waggles her hand in front of the blond’s face, snapping him out of whatever thoughts he was stuck in. A small smile slips onto Bella’s lips as she watches him grin and murmur some greeting.
“Yep, that’s (Y/n),” Alice replies, smiling along fondly, “We met her just a year ago. She’s Jasper’s singer, like you’re Edward’s.”
Bella’s brows shoot up at this, “She’s human?” She knew that Jasper didn’t have complete control of his instincts yet, so the fact that he could be around someone whose blood is so tempting to him seems implausible. Yet there you are, pressing into his side with an adoring smile.
“Crazy huh?” Alice giggles at the gobsmacked look on her friend’s face, “Trust me, it wasn’t pretty at first. Jasper had to stay home for weeks because he couldn’t control himself at school.”
A question hangs on the tip of her tongue, but Bella keeps it to herself. It’s none of her business how they eventually came together, she imagines it might have been something similar to her and Edward’s story. Her curious eyes dart over to Jasper and the girl again. They’re settled down on the roots of a nearby tree, talking and smiling at each other. The softness of the moment strikes her. Had she ever seen the vampire look so carefree? Especially around a human?
“They’re cute, aren’t they?” The ravenette murmurs with a far away look, “She’ll be like us one day too, I’ve seen it, and they look so happy. She’s the one that helps him learn control. He’s even the one who changes her, I think. That part was still a little unclear.”
Bella looks at her with a smile, “It’s so cool that you’ve seen all of that.”
Alice shrugs but her smile betrays the pride she feels for her gift, “It has come to me over the months, not all together, you know. I’m just so happy he has someone now.”
Both look over at the couple again, fondness and genuine joy rolling off of them.
Jasper smiles slightly, eyes darting over to the pair.
“What is it?” You ask, glancing around the blonde to see his sister and the new girl staring at the two of you. A dark blush is quick to cover your face, which you hide in his shoulder.
Jasper chuckles lightly, pressing an adoring kiss to the crown of your head, “No worries, darlin’, they’re happy you’re here.”
You peak up at him with a small, teasing grin, “Really? And how do you feel, huh?”
The blonde raises an eyebrow at you, one of his oh so charming smirks pulling at the corner of his lips, “Why, it’s a pleasure to have you by my side, ma’am.”
Your teasing smile melts into a sigh and you bury your face back into his shoulder. Just his voice alone sets free a flock of butterflies in your chest. You’re probably as red as a tomato again.
“Don’t call me ma’am, makes me feel old,” you grumble to try and hide just how flustered his words made you feel.
“My apologies,” you can hear the grin in his voice, “...ma’am.”
You punch him in the side, knowing all too well that it won’t actually hurt him, but at least the intention is there. Jasper just chuckles again and pulls away to look at your bright face.
“I’m just teasin’ darlin’,” he hums, “You get riled up so easy.”
“You’re so mean.” You pout, scrunching your nose up at him.
The vampire only grins and leans close to press his cold lips against your forehead. Eyes fluttering closed, you take a moment to just savor the feeling. You never want it to go away. You never want him to go away.
“I love you, Jasper,” you mumble as you tuck back into his side.
He pulls you close, enveloped in your scent but so stricken with the genuine emotions rolling off you that it doesn’t even seem to bother him.
“I love you too, darlin’.” The words are soft, spoken so only you will hear him.
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volturissideslut · 7 months
Can you pretty please make a japer hale/Cullen one where if he saw his human mate crying and what he would do. He's my biggest comfort character and I would appreciate it so dearly but, if not that is completely okay I promise you. 🫶
Ps. I love you're writing I read you're page when I'm feeling down and just through out the day. It brings me comfort and happiness I appreciate you as a person in this world of ours. You are amazing and you are doing an amazing and lovely job.
𝕵𝖆𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖊
"Darlin'?" his country accent rings out through your dark and empty room,his vampire eyes easily letting him locate you hurried in the covers on your bed where you sniffle quietly.
He watches in the reflection of your mirror as you squeeze your eyes shut, almost af if it would hide you from the world. If he wasn't so worried about you right now he'd chuckle at the sincerity and childishness at it.
"Bad day, Darlin?" he tries again, and you hum back in response - unable to get your voice to work right now.
At that, he's kicking off his shoes and climbing into bed with you, turning your lamp on as he goes so you can see him. Her pulls you close to him and holds you tight.
"want to talk about it?"
You shake your head no.
"want me to use my gift?"
You hesitate, but ultimately shake your head no.
"... want me to leave?"
You shake your head no.
His thumb rubs soothing circles into your side and the sniffles die down eventually. "I'll let you have tonight, but I want you to talk to me tomorrow. Is that okay, sugar?" his accent becomes a bit thicker in the vulnerable moment.
You nod, turning over and hugging him tightly. Face buried in his neck and arms holding him tight, you mumble a small "thank you, Jasper" before you fall asleep in his icy warm embrace.
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00-jammy-00 · 7 days
Hi! 🌙 anon here!! Don't worry it's totally okay I make mistakes like that all the time too :D
I don't remember what I said exactly but I remember I said something like a Yandere kidnaps a transmasc Y/n and teases his clit and gets him cock drunk. With like an aphrodisiac and constantly being needy for the Yandere type thing? Perhaps overstim and multiple orgasms? I'm sorry I forget (●//▽//●)
Also side note, I typed out this ask and accidentally deleted it instead of sending it too--so clearly this is an easy mistake to make!
Alrighty, love your blog and the masterpieces you write! And I know I didn't say this last time but your pfp is so cute I love it
Yan!Kidnapper [Cock-drunk Reader Scenario]
Yan!Kidnapper x GN! Reader
Content warning - Yandere themes, THIS IS SMUT, He’s your kidnapper so mentioned kidnapping, mean yan, spanking (once), slight choking (once), he loves your nipples, psycho yan, he’s just a jerk
A/N - thank you so much for resubmitting your ask 🌙 anon <3 As you said in your second ask, I don’t write for anything other than GN reader so I’ve just adjusted your ask to that xo. This Yan is actually a little sneak peak of a new oc I’ll be adding soon. This is also my first time writing full smut so sorry if it’s not the best 🙏
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“For fucks sake [Reader], you got to keep still baby.” Jasper grunted, rubbing his tip against your hole before pulling it away once more. His grin only grew when he heard a whine slip from your lips. “Such a little slut for me, yeah? Your hole is trying to suck me in.” He chuckled, leaning his head lower to tug on one of your nipples with his teeth.
Your lovely kidnapper of a few months had decided it was a good idea to buy that viral sex chocolate or whatever the fuck he had seen on TikTok. It obviously did the trick because you were currently panting and whining just from the feel of his cock near you. “Christ babe, if you keep moving I’m going to tie you up.” He hissed, bringing a hand down on your ass in hopes it’ll stop you from fucking moving.
He ran a hand through his hair, trying to hold himself back from just pounding you. Last time he did that, you bitched about it for so long. He blew some cold air on your nipple and laughed mockingly when you squirmed. “Do you want my cock? You want me to fuck you? Thought you said I was insane and shit?” He grinned, giving a rough tug to your already puffy nipples. “If you say please, I’ll give you what you want.”
He rubbed his cock head up and down your entrance at a teasingly slow pace. Up, down, up, down, up, down. You couldn’t take it anymore! When he finally heard that magic word tumble out of your mouth he eagerly slammed into you in one go, relishing in the sound you made. He grabbed onto your hips with a bruising grip and started to thrust, making sure to hit that special spot that made you scream.
“Fuck! You’re so tight! Such a pretty whore for me.” Jasper groaned, lifting your legs over his head. He pressed a kiss to your ankle before nipping at it with a smirk. “Might cum just from looking at your face. You’re making such cute faces at me babe.” He slid his hand up and gripped your throat, giving it a small squeeze before giving your nipple a sloppy kiss. “Keep squeezing me [Reader]. Fuck yeah, that’s it!” He grunted though his voice became slightly whiny as he picked up his pace.
“Gonna cum in your pretty hole, yeah? You like that?” He wiped some saliva from your chin before sticking two of his fingers in your mouth. He began to push them in and out at the same pace of his thrusts, eyes lighting up when your eyes rolled back into your head. “Look at you, going all dumb on my cock.” He cooed mockingly, moving his hands back down to your hips. “I’m about to cum so hold still, okay?” He murmured, pressing a loving kiss to your temple before thrusting quicker.
With a final moan, he came inside you. He was panting, eyes gone hazy before he snapped out of it and kissed your forehead. “You were so good for me, gonna clean you up now, don’t worry.” He hummed, pulling out and moving to the bathroom. While he ran a bath, he couldn’t stop the giddy smile from spreading across his face. Jasper finally fucking had you, you were his, fully. He wasn’t going to let you go, never, especially after you enjoyed having sex with him so much!
Likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated, requests are open <3
please do not copy, repost or translate any of my works on other platforms without my permission.
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imthatqueerkid · 2 years
Heaven forbid gay people do anything
#got reported for swearing under my breathe in a xc race#nooooo dont get mad when you think you hear your abusive fathers voice :((( its so disrespectful to the schoooooooollllll#shut uppppp#do you know how many people i heard swear in our race today? pretty much *every person within earshot*#but of course im the only one who gets told off#jasper jasper perfect golden child told *themself* to eff off under their breath at a race the day before their shitty dads birthday and#its a big disappointment oh jasper youre such a good kid am i? youre such a good student am i really?? jasper we would have never expected#this from you why because im a good person? good people arent real. why because im nice? nice people say fuck. because im just so sweet and#kind and such a good kid SHUT UP I KNOW IM GOOD I KNOW I KNOW DONT UOU SEE THAT YOU DID THIS TO ME? JASPER WHY DID YOU SWEAR FOR FUCKS SAKE#WHY DID YOU THROW ME INTO A RACE WITH NO GOD DAMN TRAINING????#noooo jasper dont swear we dont tolerate that nobody on our team would *ever* ill just be conviently absent when your teammates say fuck#and when literally everyone else says fuck#noooo jasper dont cry why are you crying whats wrong with you? when my little siater got triggered you did nothing. when i got triggered yo#u did nothing just left me to pace around thank god my mother was there thank god my team loves me thank god i stopped caring about#being last a long time ago thank god we didn't lose this race i hardky walked i am so angry and im incapable of dealing with it.#anyway#jasper vents#from the couch#this is your sign not to do xc and to flip your local shitty Republicans off
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