Hi Ladies. Hope you’re having a good week! I have a question about popular writers I haven’t seen around in a while. Did @Jayhawk-writes and her friend @teddyshoney leave the fandom? If so, they are missed. Thanks for responding.
I haven’t seen anything by @jayhawk-writes for a long time, and @teddyshoney for over a year. Hope they are reading this and know their work is appreciated, and hope they will return soon.
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“We will continue to remember him and tell stories about him and laugh at memories. And when tears leak out of our eyes, that just means we had love left for him we didn’t get to give him. Our tears can carry that love to him, wherever he is.”
@jayhawk-writes in "Nine" (Chapter 1: The Vial)
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kaleldobrev · 10 months
Old Man
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader Summary: Dean never had a problem with the age gap between you two; not until now any way Word Count: 3.4k Warnings: Age Gap, Cursing (13x), Sexual Innuendos, Dean talking bad about himself, Frat guys giving Y/N the disrespect she doesn’t deserve Authors Note: Me and Jensen have a 17-year age gap – what’s your age gap? | This came out A LOT longer than I expected | I don’t know how to write frat guys xD | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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You and Dean pulled up in front of a gas station; needing to stop for gas and maybe a few snacks before the two of you continued your almost four-hour long journey back to the Bunker. You and Dean had just spent the weekend in Lawrence, due to the very rare occurrence that there were no cases. You had told Dean that even though you’d been living at the Bunker with him and Sam for the past couple of years, you had never once been to Lawrence even though you could have easily made a day trip out of it. With that being said, Dean was more than happy to take you and show you around, reminiscing about some of the things that he remembered doing all those years ago back when he was four; back before everything. But that’s not all the trip was, you had done some other things too; like visiting the Biodiversity Institute and Natural History Museum – which was considered to be one of the best museums in the entire state of Kansas, along with Grinter Farms – who prided themselves on their sunflower photo-ops. You enjoyed both places immensely, and were happy that Dean did too, even if he wasn’t initially keen on going to either place at first.
“I’m gonna grab us some snacks while you do the pump.” You said, grabbing your wallet from the glove compartment. Once you closed it and before you exited the car, you looked over at Dean, who was currently giving you the most serious look on his face. “What?”
“You already know what I’m going to say Sweetheart.” His tone sounding just as serious as his facial expression had looked. 
“Pie.” You said in unison.
“Cherry or apple?” You asked, the two of you getting out of the car at the same time.
“Like you have to ask.” Dean stated, opening up the fuel cap.
“Just making sure Dean. I mean, I don’t want to come out with apple when you really wanted cherry.” Your comment earned a slight chuckle from him.
“I’ll be getting some cherry pie later, don’t you worry.” He winked.
“I don’t think that applies to me anymore.” You smirked.
“We can always pretend.” He started fueling Baby just then. 
“Now that’s a roleplay idea I can get behind.” You winked at him before making your way into the store.
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As soon as you walked into the store to grab some snacks for the two of you – one of which needed to be pie; a car pulled up the next pump over with a group of about four men who all appeared to be from the University of Kansas solely based on their Jayhawks apparel. “I don’t know dude. I’m pretty sure that chick was into me.” One of the men said, causing the one that he was talking to, to roll his eyes.
“No dude. She was into me. She was giving me the old fuck me eyes. Did you not see that? Or were you too busy looking at her ass?” He laughed. It was the other guy’s turn to roll his eyes.
“Can you blame me? You could bounce a quarter off that thing.” The young man replied.
“Hell yeah you could!” The other one agreed, giving each other a high five. 
There was a part of Dean that found their conversation funny because he had remembered when he was like that; but it hadn’t been for some time. Yes, there were times when he was still like that, but it was solely reserved for one woman: and that woman was you.
“Check out that piece of ass in the store there.” Another one of the men who hadn’t talked before was talking now. His comment caused Dean to turn in their direction and then back into the store. There was no other person that they could be talking about but you, as you were the only person in there besides the clerk behind the counter; and Dean was pretty sure they weren’t talking about the balding clerk.
“Bet she’s a good fuck.” One of the men said. Oh you have no idea. Dean thought to himself. 
“I’ll bet you thirty bucks that I can convince her to have sex with me.” The first guy said, the one that had noticed you in the first place.
“Dude, there’s no fucking way she’d have sex with you.” The next guy said. “Look at her! She’s way out of your league. Plus, even if you could pull her, where are the two of you gonna do it uh? The dirty gas station bathroom?” 
“Sure why not? I bet she wouldn’t mind it at all.” He winked. His comment caused Dean to chuckle a little to himself, knowing how wrong that guy was. You and Dean have had sex in a variety of different places, but never a gas station bathroom. “Dean, as much as I love you, I’m not fucking in a gas station bathroom. That’s honestly my only limitation.” You once told him. “So, Waffle House bathroom is okay then?” He joked back, causing you to give him a playful smack on the arm from his remark. 
“Dude, she’s not gonna give you the time of day. She needs a real man. And that ain’t you.” The man started walking around to the other side of the pump and started making his way toward the store. You ain’t a real man dude. Dean thought to himself. None of them were what he would call a man, only boys pretending to be.
“Watch and learn boys!” The guy said using his most charismatic voice. Dean wasn’t worried at all; he knew that you would never give the guy the time of day. You two had been together for the last couple of years, and the group of quote on quote men weren’t remotely your type in the slightest. Dean had seen pictures of your previous exes or have worked cases with them before. All your previous exes besides about one were all hunters; not varsity jock looking guys, and that’s what those guys were.
“Hey kid, I wouldn’t if I were you.” Dean finally chimed in. At first, he wasn’t even going to say anything. He had almost wanted to see the boy come back out the store with the look of utter embarrassment on his face when you had rejected him; which he knew was going to happen. But the jealous side of him won in that moment. He knew that you were more than capable of handling yourself – you were one of the best hunters he’d ever seen or worked with. He’d seen you get hit on plenty of times either when you two went to the bar together or while working a case; but those men never seemed like threats to him. But this time, this time felt different for him.
“I’m sorry?” The guy questioned.
“I said, I wouldn’t if I were you.” Dean said, his voice a bit more stern than usual.
“What’s it to you?” The guy asked, giving a slight snort.
“She’s going to reject you buddy. Trust me.” Dean finished filling the car up and put the pump back in its place. “Just trying to save you the embarrassment in front of your buddies here.”
“Oh yeah? Why do you say that?” The guy turned to look at you. You were currently standing at the counter laughing, probably at something the clerk had just said with two apple pie containers in your hands. Although Dean couldn’t hear your laugh, the sound of it echoed in his brain. God, he loved the sound of your laugh.
“That piece of ass” Dean began to say, hating using the words that they had used to describe you, “is my girlfriend.” Dean smirked. He had hoped that his usual tactic would work like it had done in the past. In the past, whenever Dean was with a woman; regardless if she was his girlfriend or not, the minute he said the word girlfriend to another guy that was hitting on his girlfriend, date, etc. the guy would usually back off, not wanting to get into any trouble. But his usual tactic didn’t work, it had simply just made the guy laugh.
“Your girlfriend?” The man laughed again. “Yeah, okay Old Man.” 
“Old, Old Man?” Dean was caught off guard. No one had ever really called him an old man before; the only one who ever did it was Claire, but she was the exception, because she was basically family to him.
“Yeah. What are you? Like 50?” The guy behind him chimed in.
Dean turned around. “50? You think I’m 50? I’m 42 dude.” Yet more laughter from the men.
“Close enough.” The man that was close to the store said. At that moment Dean had saw you wave goodbye to the clerk and started to head out toward the door. The man looked at you, and then eyed his buddies, making his way toward Dean. “Listen, tell her that if she wants someone that can keep it up without the use of meds and doesn’t go to bed before 6, to give me a call.” The guy said, giving Dean’s shoulder a slight pat before going into the car with his other three buddies.
Dean started to take out his gun just as the guy in the driver’s seat started the engine. Before he could fully take out his gun you were standing next to him, two boxes of pie in your hands and a slight look of worry on your face. “Can I shoot them?” He asked you. 
“Not in public.” You responded, handing him one of the boxes. “What did they say to you?” You were curious, and you had every right to be. Even though you were accustomed to Dean pulling out his gun, you were confused as to why he had wanted to pull it out in that moment, especially since you were pretty sure that the men in the car weren’t any kind of monsters.
“Nothing.” Dean was quick to respond, but his response sounded angry, almost hurt.
“It didn’t look like nothing. Especially since you asked if you could shoot them.” Dean handed you back the box of pie that you had just given him, causing you to give him an even more worried look.
“Can we just leave?” His voice was panicked now, maybe with a small hint of embarrassment.
“Yeah.” Was all you said as the two of you got into Baby.
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There was a strong silence between the two of you, and it wasn’t the comfortable kind like you were used to. That was one of the things that you had loved most about Dean; that you and him didn’t constantly need to fill the silence with talking. It was something that you enjoyed because your past boyfriends always needed to have some kind of conversation going because they hated the silence. “Y/N, can I ask you something?”
“Always.” You turned your attention to Dean.
“Am I…Am I old?” He asked. His eyes flicked in your direction and then back onto the road.
“Old?” You asked, not sure if you had heard him right. Him asking if he was old was something that had caught you off guard.
“Yeah. Am I old?” He repeated again.
“Did those guys back there say you were old Dean?” This conversation topic was something that Dean would have never brought up, not unless someone had specifically said something to him. The last time he had this conversation with you was because Claire had jokingly called him an Old Man.
“You didn’t answer the question.” Dean stated. You were positive that’s what it was.
“No. You’re not old Dean. I don’t even know why you would think that.” You knew why he would think that; you were pretty sure that the men back at the gas station had said something to him about it. But you didn’t know why they would have said something to him.
“Those guys back at the gas station called me…Old Man.” His voice sounded slightly defeated, like he was embarrassed even though he had no reason to be. “I caught those assholes looking at you, making comments.” He turned to face you for a slight moment before looking back at the road, his knuckles started to turn white as his grip tightened on the steering wheel. “They were trying to make a bet about who would be able to pick you up. When I confronted them about it, telling them that you were my girlfriend, that’s when they laughed and called me an old man.”
“Dean –” You began to say, but he cut you off before you could finish.
“Sweetheart, I know you could have handled that yourself. You have a black belt in three different martial arts and you don’t take any kind of shit from anyone. Hell, a part of me had wanted to see you embarrass the guy because I know for a fact that he isn’t your type but…he was your age.” He was your age. 
“Well, you’re not old. It’s not like you’re 90 Dean. You’re 42. That’s still young.” You stated, putting your hand on his thigh, a small gesture that you knew he loved. You had hoped that your comment would make him feel slightly better.
“I’m not young Sweetheart, you are. I got like 15 years on you.” His response made your face drop.
“That’s never been a problem for you before. I mean, it’s not like I’m 17 Dean, I’m three years shy of 30.” When you first met Dean, it was roughly five years ago when you were 22 and he was 37. Initially when you had first met him, you had figured that the two of you would be nothing more than just friends due to the semi-massive age difference that there was between the two of you, despite the fact that you did find him attractive. For the first couple of years that you knew him, you didn’t try to pursue anything; and neither did he, although the two of you had similar feelings. Dean had figured that you wouldn’t want to be with someone his age, and you thought that he didn’t want to be with someone your age. It wasn’t until Cas said something and both of you almost dying on a hunt that caused you two to realize that maybe you should give it a shot – and you’ve been together ever since.
“Exactly. You’re three years shy of 30. I’m far, far past that. You know what I was doing at 30? Trying to stop the Apocalypse. When I was 30, you were still in high school. You weren’t even on my radar back then.” 
“Would have been pretty good jailbait though.” You joked.
“Not funny.” He responded.
“I’m not laughing.” You said back.
“Can I ask you another question?” His knuckles were still white against the steering wheel. 
“Of course.” What else could you possibly say?
“Why me? Why out of all the guys you could possibly be with, that are your own age, that you actively choose to be with me? I mean, I know I drink too much, I have way, way too many screws loose, I’ve been to Hell, Purgatory, been possessed more times than I can count, I have major trust issues, PTSD.” He looked over at you again. “The list goes on and on. I’m all kinds of fucked up Sweetheart.” Your heart sank at Dean’s comments. You hated more than anything when he talked bad about himself, because there was no reason for him to do that. 
“Pull over.” Was all you said.
Dean looked at you with a confused expression. “What?”
“Did I stutter? I said pull over.” Your voice was stern now, but it made Dean pull over on the side of the road.
“Dean, the fact that you even have to ask me why I’m with you shows me that you don’t actually realize or understand the reasons why I love you. You’re right, I could be with someone my own age. But you know what? I don’t want to. I’ve dated people my age, and they honestly suck. Hunters or not, men my age or even a year or two older have no fucking clue what they want in life. The only thing they’re positive about is wanting to fuck anything that has a pulse and gaslight women.” You let out a frustrated sigh. “My parents used to tell me, ‘not all men,’ and I knew that. You may have a slight case of alcoholism –”
“A slight case?” Dean interrupted, raising an eyebrow. He thought you saying that he only had a slight case of alcoholism was a tad too generous.
You pointed a finger at him. “Don’t interrupt me.” Dean put up his hands in defeat. “As I was saying. You may have a slight case of alcoholism, are insanely prone to nightmares, get angry more often than you probably should, enjoy murder every now and then, have been to Hell and Purgatory and back, but wanna know something? I’ll take all of that, gladly! Because you are honestly the best man I could ever ask for. Yes, you have some flaws, but who doesn’t? I mean look at me for example.” You went into your jacket and pulled out your hunting knife. “I’m someone who brings a hunting knife wherever they go like it’s a security blanket. No normal person does that Dean.”
“As you should. You need to be prepared at a moments notice.” He agreed.
“Exactly! No sane person would agree with me.” You said, putting back your hunting knife.
“Y/N, are you saying that part of the reason you’re with me is because I’m not sane?” He raised an eyebrow. He’s been called crazy or insane more times than he could count, so this wasn’t particularly newsworthy for him.
“I was thinking more…cautious.” You shrugged. “I mean…No, cautious isn’t the right word. You are cautious but…” You were really trying to come up with the right word to tell Dean, and you could feel it on the tip of your tongue. “What I’m trying to say is, any other guy would be freaked the fuck out if they saw me walking around with a hunting knife in my jacket. You? You couldn’t give two fucks. And you wanna know something else? I’ve worked with a lot of hunters over the years before I met up with you and Sam, who just looked at me and laughed because of my age, thinking that I don’t know the difference between rock salt and holy water.” You took one of his hands in yours intertwining your fingers. “You, not including Sam of course, accepted me as someone that actually knows a thing or two about hunting despite my age. You treated me like your equal. Hunter or not.”
You treated me like your equal. Your words rang in Dean’s mind. “Of course I treat you like my equal Sweetheart. What man wouldn’t? ‘Sides those other hunters and the Jayhawks spirit squad back there.” He chuckled, and you let out a small laugh too.
“Exactly. You’re a feminist icon.” You smiled.
“A feminist icon uh? Who knew?” Dean finally smiled.
“In all seriousness, I could give a rat’s ass about your age. You treat me right and my parents love you. What else could I possibly ask for?” You gave his hand a slight squeeze as you shot him another smile, but a softer one this time.
“Still amazed that your parents love me.” He said, starting to lean in closer to you.
“You treat their daughter right. That’s all they care about.” You confessed. When you had first told your parents about Dean, one of the first things they asked is if he was treating you right, they never asked about his age. And when they had met him, they still never commented on that fact, even when he wasn’t in the room.
He caressed your face. “I really am lucky to have you.” He smiled and leaned in fully to kiss you. “I love you so much.”
You smiled. “I love you more.”
He let out a slight chuckle. “Show off.”
“Always.” You responded, leaning in to kiss him again.
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datshitrandom · 10 months
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redheadgleek || AO3 jayhawk-writes || AO3 ~ FF.net  bowtiesandboatshoesfic || AO3 🔒  1908jmd || AO3 gleefuldarrencrissfan || AO3 ~ FF.net  merinelsa || AO3  very-kurtious || AO3  honeysucklepink || AO3 🔒 nineofhearts4 || AO3 ~ FF.net  porcelainandthehobbit || AO3 slipping-through-my-fingertips || AO3 darriness || AO3 gleekto || AO3 kurtswish || AO3 kurtsascot || AO3 fallevs || AO3 scatterthestars || AO3 catcat-85  || AO3 annepi-blog || AO3 20xbetterthanu || AO3 flowerfan2 || AO3 MadAs_AHatter || AO3
kellyb321 || AO3 AlexaCardew || AO3 verseau_87 || AO3 darrencrissish || AO3 wardo2796 || AO3 Novoklaine || AO3 LonelyBeth || AO3 cayli || AO3 norahdevore || AO3 DireDyre || AO3 bittersweetly || AO3 jackabelle73 || AO3 rebwrites || AO3 Canttalkgrounded || AO3
[PART 1]
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The Roulette is back, Peeps!
Hey! I'm sorry for my hiatus. Life was keeping my head closing to the underwater level, but I think I'm finally getting back to the shallow end on life's ocean. LOL. I've decided that we will continue with the Roulette, but I'm going to try to pace myself this time. We will write two prompts this year We will try to keep both stories at ten chapters or less. Here are the prompts:
Story 1- written from March-May- Published in June
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I DO - prompted by @grlnxtdr30
story prompt -Wedding Planner Kurt and Best Man Blaine have to work together to keep a wedding between feuding families from turning into a brawl while fighting off the advances of the bridesmaids and the Groom's handsy gay cousin.
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9. -Kurt is an employee at Hummel Tire and Lube, and they're short handed. Burt hires Blaine as an extra set of hands, but he and Kurt do not hit it off. Co workers Klaine. Enemies to Lovers. We will be writing this story from July through September. We will publish in October.
If you signed up back in June of last year, expect to hear from me soon. If you aren't able to participate, I get it. No worries. It's my bad because I let life get so crazy. Just let me know if you are still up for this or not.
If you missed the signups, you are in luck. I'm attaching a new form. If you signed up before, please fill it out again to make sure that I have up to date info. Please fill out the form BY FEBRUARY 4, 2023
@grlnxtdr30 @blurglesmurfklaine @justgleekout @klaineccfanficlibrary @calliopemelpomene @esperantoauthor @gleekto @hazelandglasz @jayhawk-writes @lady-divine-writes @redheadgleek @roxymusicandlayers @xbeautifulunseenx @notyourdayrdream @imthederpyfox @catcat-85 @andersonswalsh @little-escapist @lilyvandersteen @1908jmd @forabeatofadrum @jayne89 @datshitrandom @snarkyhag @nobodywhocancomfortme
Please reblog this. I can't wait to have you all onboard. Let's write the hell out of some Klaine fic.
Oh, for those who haven't read The Prom-US, I put the link here.
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dustedmagazine · 1 month
Choo Choo La Rouge — The Sunshine State (Kiam)
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Choo Choo La Rouge is like the cicadas, emerging once a generation or so from hibernation to make a racket. Their first album, Wall to Wall, landed in my mail box at the dawn of the aughts, just as I was getting started writing about music. It had a banger called “People Are Yelling,” that much I remember. The rest is lost to history.Eight years later, Choo Choo La Rouge dropped Black Clouds, and then, again, a long pause. Now the band — which includes Vincent Scorziello on the mic and guitar, Chris Lynch on bass and vocals and sometime Jon Langmead on drums — has returned, the sound not much altered from twang-tinged aughts indie. You picture them pushing out of the loamy soil, cocking an antenna to take in the changed landscape and picking right back up where they left off with their song.
Not that that’s a bad thing, necessarily. The opener, “Hell Is Future Fire,” slinks on tautened bass vamp, unfurls in meaty guitar-driven climax.It takes flight in well-tuned harmonies and lets loose a judicious guitar solo made of long bent notes and wailing vibrato. There’s not a loose connection in the whole thing, and the words are wry and eccentric. “I don’t care about consequences, my conscious is retired,” sings Scorziello in a sly sidewinding way. “Come and burn with me today, tomorrow we might have to pay, tomorrow is so far away.” The track gets a boost from some background vocals, from label head (and long-time Langmead collaborator) Jennifer O’Connor and her partner Amy Bezunartea.
Choo Choo la Rouge mixes power blast rock with arch literacy, as on “Release” with its punching riffs that clear, suddenly, for wry self-deprecation. A rockabilly guitar bursts forth at the bridge, struts its stuff and falls quiet. “Look What You Done” is another energized rave-up, flaring and wailing in sharp one-two bursts. But other cuts veer towardscountripolitan wit, as in the swirling, psych-tinged “I Wish that I Could Be,” which could be a Jayhawks song.
All of which is to say that Choo Choo la Rouge is quite good at an art form that’s been more or less abandoned, the tight bristly indie rock anthems played on real instruments by regular guys without much ornamentation. A song called “The Seventies Are Still Ringing In My Ears,” kind of sums it up. The music is super solid and comforting to listeners above a certain age, but it sounds like the band has been sleeping since the last one. And why not? What good has happened since 2009 anyway? 
Jennifer Kelly
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juanitasuniverse1144 · 2 months
Anyways, I have a tendency recently to traumatize some of my favorite characters.
TW: Mentions of abuse, DV, SA, CSA, Depression
Jacob: One of my favorite characters in the entire series. Goofy, batshit crazy, loves harder than life has fucked him over. Dad SA’ed him for 12 years, but he broke out of it and moved from London to America. I really try to show that there’s healing that needs to be done, and he is working on it in therapy.
Anna: Our ball of sunshine and adoration was kicked out of home at 16 for being trans 🏳️‍⚧️ Her parents never return.
Hazel: Big, strong Daddy Dom with a heart of gold. His little sister died of Leukemia at a really young age. He prefers to take care of medical stuff that can be done at home. It’s a comfort in a way.
Adam: Tiny authoritarian, unofficial top of the polycule, sadist, but really really fucking kind right to his core. Horrible depression, like the worst you can get.
Steven: AHHH I KNOW HE HAD TRAUMA BEFORE BUT AFTER HE LEFT BEACH CITY WITH NO FUCKING GUIDANCE AND BARELY ANY HUMAN SKILLS YOU JUST KNOW HE WAS GONNA WALK INTO A BAD SITUATION OKAY?!?? Allison Adams, his ex girlfriend, was quite possibly one of the most abusive (and she’s still around trying to make his life hell) partners I’ve ever written. I loathe writing about her, she makes me physically angry. Stevens still healing, but mostly moved on.
Alex: Had to stop his mom from icing herself after he blew up at her, call an ambulance and then has been feeling awful about it ever since. He’s long ago apologized profusely and his mom and him are on good terms. You don’t forget about something like that though.
But not everyone has significant trauma affecting their lives that I added. Connie’s is the same more or less, just at Jayhawk she got bullied for… well, being a nerd and no one believed her about anything she went through. Jasmin doesn’t have much trauma wise either.
I don’t know why I destroy my characters’ mental health? Maybe my mother is rubbing off on me 😂😂😂
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jayhawk-writes · 2 years
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Klaine 3-2-1 Prompt Bang Fic: Can’t Sleep
Author: @jayhawk-writes​
Artist: @gleefulpoppet​
Prompt Provided by: @nineofhearts4​
Pairing(s): Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel/Carole Hudson
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 8,685
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carol Hudson, Blaine’s Moms, Finn Hudson, Brief mention of a few Warblers, Brief mention of Karofsky
Summary: Kurt and Blaine have been friends since the first day they met. Both of them have feelings for each other, though neither of them is willing to risk their friendship to explore those feelings. Years after they became friends, one little text message changes everything.
Genre/Tropes: Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Roommates
Warnings: none
Author’s Notes: Thank you so much to @nineofhearts4 for the prompt, to @gleefulpoppet for the always amazing artwork, and to @teddyshoney​ for editing. Once I started writing this, I couldn’t stop and wrote the whole first draft in one sitting. 
You can find Can’t Sleep HERE on AO3!
***More photos under the cut.***
More artwork of Blaine’s condo put together by the amazing @gleefulpoppet
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teddyshoney · 2 years
So, I created a project for the Glee Anniversary Appreciation Week. I originally began this with the intent that I would just do something quick for each day. And in my usual style, I did way too much and thusly wrote an almost 5k story with 26 photos.
This project fulfills the prompt from Day 1, which was "fave season or era." This story and accompanying photos all focus on Season 3 of the show.
Many thanks to my lovely friend @jayhawk-writes for editing this story this morning!
Story Title: Kurt Hummel's Magical Senior Year
Summary: Kurt and Blaine are heading to Kurt's 10-year class reunion. At least, Blaine thinks they are. When he's finished laying their daughter down for a nap, he heads off to check on Kurt and discovers him sitting on his bed in his childhood bedroom, flipping through a book. Taking a seat behind him, they decide to take a quick walk down memory lane together.
Read it on AO3.
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hkvoyage · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ♥️
You’re asking me to choose from my babies? I love them all!  Here are five fics I’m most proud of. 
Westerville Abbey Verse
Blaine is the second son of the earl of Westerville, and is considered the spare heir. After his 18th birthday, he attends the London Season to fulfill his duty of finding a wife. He soon realizes he is more attracted to the new footman. Kurt, who has just arrived at Westerville Abbey to work alongside his father, becomes equally as smitten with the earl’s youngest son. Will Blaine and Kurt be able to overcome their class differences in 1910s England? Will their forbidden love survive WW1? A Downton Abbey inspired historical Klaine AU.
The Seduction 
Venetian Blaine arrives at Carnival’s masquerade ball, looking for his next conquest. His reputation as a lover is legendary, and no one can resist him. Virgin Kurt captures his attention, but seducing him will require careful planning. As they spend time together, will Blaine be able to carry out his plan successfully? A historical Klaine AU set in 18th-century Venice.
Rocking Horse Ranch 
Kurt has been working hard all year, and has earned a well-deserved break. He joins his family for the Christmas and New Year holidays at Rocking Horse Ranch, just north of New York City. The all-inclusive resort has plenty of outdoor and indoor activities along with evening entertainment. It boasts that it has something for everyone. Little does Kurt know that it also has someone for everyone. Holiday maker!Kurt and activities staff!Blaine. A Klaine AU meeting. Written for Grlnxtdr29’s Klaine Christmas Eve Challenge and the Klaine Advent Challenge.
Butterfly Wings
A fashion blog started at University launched Blaine Anderson’s fortune and fame. As Vogue’s new editor-in-chief, he is struggling to find an original angle for an upcoming issue. Kurt Hummel has recently arrived in New York City after finishing high school, and is having no luck building a musical theater career, so he decides to explore another passion of his: fashion. He applies for an internship at Vogue, and Isabelle sees in him the perfect fresh face to liven up the magazine, and convinces him to try out as a model. Kurt meets Blaine, and in spite of their 10-year age difference, sparks fly. Can they overcome misunderstandings and sabotage to find their happily-ever-after? Klaine model AU.
The Ghost Kitchen 
At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, Kurt lived in Lima with his father. Two years later, he returned to New York City. As he needed money to pay for rent and food, he got a job in a booming industry: food delivery. His first delivery order was a pick-up from Warbler Food Enterprises. Little did he know he would meet a cute chef there that would turn his world upside down.
tagging @lilyvandersteen, @grlnxtdr30, @gleefuldarrencrissfan, @gleefulpoppet @teddyshoney, @jayhawk-writes, and anyone who wants to parcipate.
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Hiii can you recommend any long fast burn stories?
I suggest you check out our love at first sight and Soulmate!Klaine tags because a lot of the fics recs have a fast burn. Here are a few to get you started. I’m also shamelessly recommending one of my own fics that I finished posting last weekend. After writing a lot of slow burns, you can now call me the fast-build queen now! - HKVoyage
Blackbird Body Art by @gleefulpoppet
AU. Kurt owns one of the most sought after body art shops in all of New York. Blaine is celebrating a fresh start and wants to mark the occasion in ink. After two months of waiting for an opening and weeks of searching for the perfect design, he has an appointment at 11 AM. The only problem? New York is having what is being hailed as “The Great Deluge,” it hasn’t rained this much in recorded history.
No Cape? No Tights? No Problem! by agent.girlsname
Kurt is almost mugged as he is walking home late one night when he is saved by a dapper young man called Blaine. It's love at first sight and the pair start dating. What Kurt doesn't know is that he's dating New York's most charming superhero and neither of them are prepared for what's ahead...
Domus Civita by @jayhawk-writes
While on vacation to a city he's never been to, Kurt Hummel finds himself in a place that he recognized from his dreams. The person he always sees in those dreams is there, too, and they spot him and ask, “Is it really you?”
It Only Took an Hour by @teddyshoney
Kurt's been set up on a blind date at a bar that he hates. And the blind date is a no-show. There is this really cute boy that walks in, though, and Kurt can't stop watching him dance and flirt. The whole story takes place over the course of an hour with the exception of the prologue.
Nashville! by @hkvoyage
Kurt lands the lead role in a new musical, but it flops during the previews. However, his performance captivates Nashville’s newest country music sensation. They share an instant connection and it grows deeper as they get to know each other. Will Kurt be able to save the musical and keep the man of his dreams? An AU meeting featuring country singer!Blaine and Broadway!Kurt.
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jayhawksofficial · 1 year
Random Archival Dig 11 (3-23-23)
More from The Jayhawks Archive HERE
Compilation Special Edition - part 2
Jayhawks music has appeared on a number of compilations over the years dating all the way back to 1986. These releases have included many radio station live session collections, promo samplers, some totally random concoctions and even a few film soundtracks.
By 1994, the soundtrack album boom was in full effect. Releases like the highly successful Singles soundtrack in 1992 showed that there was gold in these particular hills, so the rush was on for artists to get in on the action.
The Jayhawks first stab was with Blown Away, a mostly forgotten 1994 action thriller starring Jeff Bridges, Tommy Lee Jones and Forest Whitaker, where they shared a soundtrack CD with a haphazard mish mash of artists like U2, Big Head Todd and the Monsters, The Pogues and Aretha Franklin. The Jayhawks contribution was “Darling Today,” a catchy little number with an infectious Karen Grotberg piano lick that has never appeared on any Jayhawks studio album.
Blown Away soundtrack album
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Aside from the Blown Away soundtrack, “Darling Today” showed up on two 1995 European releases: as a b-side of the “Blue” CD single and on the bonus disc of a deluxe 2CD version of Tomorrow the Green Grass.
1995 European CD single
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1995 European 2CD deluxe version of Tomorrow the Green Grass
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It was also released on a promo 7 inch single in 2009 and was collected on the rarities disc of the Music From the North Country Anthology from the same year.“
2009 promo 7-inch single
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2009 Music From The North Country Anthology
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Darling Today” has been performed live, but very rarely, making only a few appearances in Jayhawks setlists in 1993, 1995 and 2011.
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The 2001 film Monsters Ball made quite a splash that year, winning many accolades and a Best Actress Oscar for Halle Berry (the film also starred Billy Bob Thornton and Heath Ledger). The soundtrack album that was released featured mostly original instrumental music done by Asche and Spencer, a Minneapolis-based team specializing in such things. Half of Asche and Spencer just happened to be Thad Spencer, who drummed for The Jayhawks in the late 80s, including on the Blue Earth album. After leaving The Jayhawks, Spencer opened a commercial recording studio in downtown Minneapolis, which soon led to his soundtrack work. This studio, by the way, was the location of the first Mystery Demos session in early 1992.
The Jayhawks contribution to the Monsters Ball soundtrack was “I’m Your Man,” an original Gary Louris composition that was demo-ed in 2001 in the early stages of the long pre-production period for Rainy Day Music. “I’m Your Man” is exclusive to this release and there are no known live performances.
Monster's Ball soundtrack album
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Here’s a CDR liner from a May 2001 demo collection with an early version of “I’m Your Man.”
Other interesting tidbits from this collection: -- Two future Rainy Day Music songs, “You Look So Young” and “Angel Eyes” (aka “Angelyne”). -- Two RDM bonus tracks, "Fools on Parade" and “Say Your Prayers.” Full band versions of both songs were included on the 2CD deluxe version of RDM in 2003. -- Two songs performed live by The Jayhawks in 2001/2, “In the Canyon” (a 2001 live version was included on the 2014 RDM reissue) and “This World is Crazy” (a co-write with Jessi Alexander, who released her own version on her 2005 Honeysuckle Sweet album). -- Several songs that remain unreleased.
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I posted 278 times in 2022
That's 58 more posts than 2021!
18 posts created (6%)
260 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 83 of my posts in 2022
#klaine fanfiction - 19 posts
#ff quotes - 16 posts
#to read - 16 posts
#gleefulpoppet - 13 posts
#chris colfer - 13 posts
#fic rec - 11 posts
#the land of stories - 7 posts
#tlos - 7 posts
#since sense sensory - 5 posts
#klaine fanfic - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 83 characters
#getting to know each other by talking instead of physical attraction is so precious
My Top Posts in 2022:
“I think and I think and I think, I've thought myself out of happiness one million times, but never once into it.”
iknowitainteasy in "Little numbers" (Chapter 5)
4 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
"...the air of the close space between them crackled with promise, and the smell of the future, it was hauntingly beautiful and his bare skin prickled at the thought of unspoken words."
lostinfictionalworlds (@fictionallylost) in "When The Time Is Right" (Chapter 10)
6 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
“We will continue to remember him and tell stories about him and laugh at memories. And when tears leak out of our eyes, that just means we had love left for him we didn’t get to give him. Our tears can carry that love to him, wherever he is.”
@jayhawk-writes in "Nine" (Chapter 1: The Vial)
6 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
Thunder rumbles through the otherwise silent streets. It cracks and booms continuously, never stopping to rest in its applause of the lightning that dances its bright fanfare against the early morning sky. The relentless rain that beats against the windows is their accompaniment.
@gleefulpoppet in "Blackbird Body Art" (Chapter 7: I've Found You at Last)
13 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“There’s all sorts of love, Cousin Blaine. The love of a married couple is public, but there are other loves that are more private. What I’ve learned is that no kind of love is wrong. Hate of our fellow man is what we should be worried about.”
@hkvoyage "Westerville Abbey" (Chapter 11: Uncle Hiram's Companion)
18 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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gleefulpoppet · 2 years
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Klaine 3-2-1 Prompt Bang Fic: Can’t Sleep
Author: @jayhawk-writes​
Artist: @gleefulpoppet​
Prompt Provided by: @nineofhearts4​
Pairing(s): Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel/Carole Hudson
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 8,685
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carol Hudson, Blaine’s Moms, Finn Hudson, Brief mention of a few Warblers, Brief mention of Karofsky
Summary: Kurt and Blaine have been friends since the first day they met. Both of them have feelings for each other, though neither of them is willing to risk their friendship to explore those feelings. Years after they became friends, one little text message changes everything.
Genre/Tropes: Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Roommates
Warnings: none
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13uswntimagines · 2 years
What do you write beside Uswnt x ufc/football and stuff hope that makes sense
Georgia 👍👍👍👍
Go dawgs!!!
I used to write for Fifth Harmony, WWE and Demi Lovato, but not so much.
I’m not really an Alabama or a Georgia fan, but my team sucks at football and does not have a good track record with the NFL… go Jayhawks.
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feelyourrush · 2 months
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:✿ 。 ana || 26 || this is my fanfic-writing blog! i'm not the best at writing ff but still love it, it's my roots, i'm feelin' my oats. in 2024 we are out with the self-judgment and harsh self-criticism, and we're just gonna write whatever we wanna write. :✿ 。
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my faves !! i like so many things it's hard to list, so this is just scraping the very top. so call this... my faves, to name a few.
— k-pop twice, newjeans, blackpink, itzy, red velvet, lightsum, rocket punch, le sserafim, h1-key, nmixx, day6
— biases chaeyoung (twice), danielle (newjeans), lisa (blackpink), chaeryeong (itzy), seulgi (reve), chaewon (le ss), riina (h1-key), lily (nmixx), wonpil (day6)
— shows the gentlemen, the walking dead, sons of anarchy, the office, kim's convenience, the punisher
— sports cincinnati bengals, kansas jayhawks men's basketball, san antonio spurs, lsu tigers football
— crushes matt lillard, josh hutcherson, joe burrow, jon bernthal, charlie hunnam, pablo schreiber (i am the white man's whore)
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blogroll: @anahilation @laurenlaveras ( rp account by request! )
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