#trauma mini breakdown
juanitasuniverse1144 · 3 months
Anyways, I have a tendency recently to traumatize some of my favorite characters.
TW: Mentions of abuse, DV, SA, CSA, Depression
Jacob: One of my favorite characters in the entire series. Goofy, batshit crazy, loves harder than life has fucked him over. Dad SA’ed him for 12 years, but he broke out of it and moved from London to America. I really try to show that there’s healing that needs to be done, and he is working on it in therapy.
Anna: Our ball of sunshine and adoration was kicked out of home at 16 for being trans 🏳️‍⚧️ Her parents never return.
Hazel: Big, strong Daddy Dom with a heart of gold. His little sister died of Leukemia at a really young age. He prefers to take care of medical stuff that can be done at home. It’s a comfort in a way.
Adam: Tiny authoritarian, unofficial top of the polycule, sadist, but really really fucking kind right to his core. Horrible depression, like the worst you can get.
Steven: AHHH I KNOW HE HAD TRAUMA BEFORE BUT AFTER HE LEFT BEACH CITY WITH NO FUCKING GUIDANCE AND BARELY ANY HUMAN SKILLS YOU JUST KNOW HE WAS GONNA WALK INTO A BAD SITUATION OKAY?!?? Allison Adams, his ex girlfriend, was quite possibly one of the most abusive (and she’s still around trying to make his life hell) partners I’ve ever written. I loathe writing about her, she makes me physically angry. Stevens still healing, but mostly moved on.
Alex: Had to stop his mom from icing herself after he blew up at her, call an ambulance and then has been feeling awful about it ever since. He’s long ago apologized profusely and his mom and him are on good terms. You don’t forget about something like that though.
But not everyone has significant trauma affecting their lives that I added. Connie’s is the same more or less, just at Jayhawk she got bullied for… well, being a nerd and no one believed her about anything she went through. Jasmin doesn’t have much trauma wise either.
I don’t know why I destroy my characters’ mental health? Maybe my mother is rubbing off on me 😂😂😂
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s0fti3w1tch · 11 months
CW: Implied Cult Trauma, Blood, Spiraling, Self-hate/Self-Blame
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Tentative Devotee Minisode: First Mission Mishap
further context is this + this!
Welcome back to Tentative Devotee :} Turns out the reason I couldn't release separated au poll stuff today was because I was working on this! My method of drawing comics has sort of changed and I'm having a rough go of getting back into it (+... yknow the personal stuff too.) Regardless. Enjoy this dip back into the comics. Please don't mind missing details or minor mistakes. The past two months have been a lot for me
Tentative Devotee AU Masterpost (To be updated again soon!)
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ukulele-hero · 2 years
Gideon grew up being neglected and abused and unloved and at the cusp of feeling loved by the only person she cared about, thought that person decided to reject her and toss out the memories of her rather than accept her greatest sacrifice and performance of that love, then harrow DIED without explaining anything and Gideon had to go live with Ianthe aka the queen of gaslight gatekeep girlboss who probably doubled down on how much harrow didn't care about her in the first place etc etc,
then she probably really leaned into having a parental figure for the first time in her whole life who happened to be the most powerful being in the universe who saw her as valuable and made her basically an unkillable war machine and went "oh ok so this is how people feel powerful, fuck all that sappy shit I don't need it anyway I'm the fucking daughter of GOD and if that doesn't fill the black hole of need in my soul nothing will"
then enter Nona with the soul of a person who can't lie and knows the truth in everyone and everything, who saw Gideon acting like a baby villain and went "oh shit that is literally the saddest person I've ever seen in my life even though she's acting like a huge dick, also in the raw vulnerable moment when she first saw my face she def wanted to be kissed by me"
ANYWAY this series is fucking me up and I literally can't wait for the next book
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MePad: MePhone4, this is the third time this week you’ve had a mental breakdown and it’s Monday.
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gretahayes · 1 year
DC should announce a Black Bat and Batgirl mini, with Nightwing as a guest star, and confirm Cass is there but keep what role she's playing a secret and the Batgirl a secret too. People will wonder who the Batgirl is, theorize on whether it's Steph or Tiffany or an old Batgirl brought back or a new one altogether, or if Cass is the Batgirl. They'll assume Cass is Black Bat but keep their minds open to the possibility of it being a new character talking up the mantle.
DC releases the series. It's Batgirl!Cass and Black Bat!Tim, and the only in-universe explanation given is "sibling bonding trip". This is not set in Gotham, it's set in Bludhaven where they bother Dick relentlessly. They nearly kill a man and almost drive Dick to a breakdown because of stress/worry every issue. Steph shows up sometimes to laugh at them. It's silly and sometimes they discuss their trauma and bring up therapy but decide they're too cool for it
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twstfanblog · 18 days
You know, the more I think about, the less surprising it is that "7-8 students overbloted" and more "How has NRC gone decades without an overblot?"
From my understanding, blot is a measure of magic mixing emotional pressure. And overbloting is basically bottled-up emotions finally exploding, yes? Between: - NRC is a prestigious magical academy, therefore drawing lots of magical talent - the students having such big egos it's pulling teeth to get them to willingly together - various past/present traumas, pressures, stress, etc - NRC is a boarding school, so this likely the first time most students have lived away from home How is overblot so rare? Judging from what we've seen, one would think a kid would snap and overblot once every 5 years or something, bare minimum
Anyway, what do you think?
Okay, this is gonna actually be a decently long ramble. Buckle end
So...We got two choices. Either Overblots ARE super rare, which story-wise I'm not entirely sure about either since there are seemingly 10,000 phantoms on ice in STYX. If all of those containment boxes have a phantom in them then that is a FUCK TON of overblots happening around the world at a pretty decent pace.
Overblots AREN'T super rare and plenty of mini-overblots happen that only have the phantoms being taken away with or without casualties.
It's kinda just storywise of the Twist boys just being very powerful teen mages who seem to have the most tragic backstories ever seen in the world and THAT'S why only now they're over-blotting. But even then, 7-8 seriously intense overblots like months apart on the same campus is still fucking weird...
But within my own canon (That I will really deep dive into in my Main story rewrite fic), is that the Overblots are being TRIGGERED BY CROWLEY.
We are a non-magical being, brought to NRC against our will with no idea how we actually got there or how to get home. Once we were rejected by the Dark Mirror and Crowley learns we're potentially not from this world at all, instead of like...handing us over to some type of authorities or even STYX...Crowley puts us in an abandoned, isolated building and tries to make us what is basically an indentured servant???
You can mainly just chalk that up to Crowley being an asshole. And you can even use that logic for the prologue and Book 1. But within my canon, Crowley is the mastermind triggering all these overblots for an end goal. Those were TESTS, to make sure that we can actually survive an overblot fight, and to make sure the chosen target can survive an overblot because OVERBLOTS ARE SUPPOSE TO BE FATAL.
Because from that point on, Crowley is the one throwing us at every issue that leads to an overblot. He puts us on the case for the Spelldrive accidents, he tells us to figure something out with Azul, (kind of a stretch) He has us feed the fire fairies in the cafeteria to be in Jamil's crosshairs, He just DECIDES we need to host the VDC team when literally anywhere else is better than Ramshackle (WE CANONICALLY DON'T HAVE RUNNING WATER AT THIS POINT????).
Book 6 didn't have much Crowley pushing us, but he was busy getting grilled by actual officials on WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING AT THIS SCHOOL????
Book 7...after literally having...no talk since the start of book 4 about us finding a way home...just comes out and says that he might of found us a way home??? Very...convenient since Malleus was on the verge of an emotional breakdown.
Plus just...how did Grim get into the school? Like Grim is a monster, that's a fact. NRC is on the top of an evil ass mountain, there's SOMETHING outside those gates and the school has some type of spell to keep whatever it is outside. But Grim manages to break in like twice? "Undetected?"
Even in the prologue, he had a mage stone collar PREPARED to accept Grim into the school as a student. He's like...weirdly prepared with a lot of shit.
Crowley is sus as fuck and he is the one causing all of these overblots
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whispangleblogger · 9 months
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I am not somebody that hops onto the "comic discourse" a lot. I usually prefer to talk things through with my friends and share opinions in private.
But since Tangle more or less got ignored so far i take the chance and talk a bit about her appearance in 64
She jumps in as a supportive character towards Whisper and helps her to prevent another breakdown. While yes, there was a scene in Urban Warfare that did the exact same thing, i feel like with issue 64 we finally see how strong of an impact this support actually has on the page. (I talk a bit more about Urban Warfare further down this post.) I don't even dare and call this bait (Edit: Not my words btw. i saw this used in another heated post. I personally never felt baited in any form. If anything, the girls relationship is one big highlight in these comics.) because it simply isn't. Here is a character that cares for her partner and also is uncomfortable with the whole situation to begin with. She has to decide where her priorities lie. Her reaction is to be expected to be focused on a trembling Whisper and all i can say is i'm glad we finally have a good depiction of that.
Tangle has the right to approach Whisper in ways i think no other character is able to, she earned it and it pretty much shows on this page. Softly taking down Whisper's mask and checking on her, the body language in these panels is chefs kiss. She's truly a bouncy girl, but it's good to see her being serious every now and then, i feel like it's a side of her that people usually tend to ignore. (And i really don't know why that is.) Evan Stanley does always an amazing job if it comes to showing Tangle in a different light or how she cares about her friends and loved ones. In regards about the current arc and even the last one, i feel like this post is a good chance to add my personal take to it as well, since it's been on my mind for a good while now. I feel like 64 finally makes a step into the right direction again.
To elaborate a little on that, i wasn't really a big fan of Urban Warfare, simply for the fact that it's pacing is all over the place. There were a lot of things that needed to be covered, to name a few: - new team building - Whisper's trauma - Lanolin introduced as a new character - a LOT of other teams jumping into the scene - the city itself all squeezed into a 5 book arc. One more book compared to a mini series that usually gives full focus to a set of chosen characters.
To make this clear, there are also good things in Urban Warfare as well but thanks to the fact how rushed the whole story felt in it's core it's a bit hard to enjoy the good bits as well...
Misadventures still deals with the same pacing problem and i believe that is where the real issue lies. As a reader/collector of the books and longtime fan of them, all i can say is:
I wish the comics would get their old, well cared, time for details back. Yes, a story like the Metal Virus was a long run but in the end it was a fantastic read. Mini arcs like Trial by Fire (Still one of my favorites), that focus on other things instead of the usual action, are also very important for character development and add a lot of depth to them. Endless Summer is a great example for such addition as well. These books provide insight into character interaction we usually don't see otherwise. Of course i have no idea how much SEGA is involved into everything if it comes to general decisions like how long one arc is supposed to last and when the next one should start.
(The next part is based on my personal taste, this has nothing to do with the general narrative of the books. I just want to share my thoughts about this since i really don't write them down a lot.)
As a little side note, i feel like Lanolin is a great character so far. Her stubborn and rule book like demeanor as a leader is refreshing to say the least. She also seems to be really close to how her creator ABT imagines her to be and i really appreciate that. But i can't help it and feel like her team dynamic with Tangle and Whisper comes of as rather… rocky ? On a combat level of things it works really good but on a friendship level it's somehow lacking atm. There is this boss and coworker relationship going on that feels more like real work. Obviously though she's new and needs more time to get better established. I guess we will see how this plays out in the future. I'm all in for a good or funny team dynamic but i also can't help it and feel like she works better as an addition to Jewel, running the restoration, the navigator typ that sends intel via com instead of a field combatant. Even if she proved she's good at close combat as well during her encounter with Whisper in 64. That being said, i am all open for surprises and more character development on her part. This is really just a "now" opinion and can easily change over time. I like the sheep, i really do.
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marvel headcanons
weirdly specific headcanons for my favorite characters,
some traits may not align with canon or popular fan opinions. these are just my opinions, to each their own !!
!! TW: s/h , ptsd , disability , neurodivergence , anxiety , depression , alcohol
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Gwen Stacy :
lesbian + non-binary
has a secret spider-girlfriend
obsessed with pop-tarts and tries them in every universe
spends her free time at the animal shelter petting dogs, the workers from many universes know her since they come by so often, and they always welcome her.
won’t admit it but secretly wants to be an english teacher when she grows up
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Peter Parker :
trans ftm + bisexual
his parents are rich lawyers who travel a lot, so he’s always lived with his Aunt, May. doesn’t have contact with his birth parents
has social anxiety and a severe anxiety disorder
has a soft spot for dalmations
in the process of filing for a psychiatric service dog for his panic attacks
has adhd
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Wanda Maximoff :
bisexual with a female preference
has a wife !!!
massive swiftie
has two twins and an adopted daughter
disability mom, billy has angelman syndrome and tommy has autism and epilepsy
in therapy to work on her trauma trigger responses ie. controllingness
has suffered with severe depression
loves loves loves dogs (has two goldendoodles, snowflake and rocky)
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Yelena Belova :
queer woman
convert jew, found herself in the religion and found a community through a support group for, and run by, woman in her synagogue.
absolutely in love with Kate Bishop
very protective over kate and shows her off to everyone
has a ptsd service dog named sasha, who helps with her flashbacks
has struggled with s/h, but is in therapy and getting better
has a very sexual relationship with kate and everyone in the compound steers clear of the hallway where kate and yelena’s rooms are
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Kate Bishop :
pansexual + demigirl
madly in love with Yelena Belova
super innocent but would do unholy things for her girlfriend
hates all dogs. except her dog, pizza-dog-lucky. lucky is different.
slight mommy issues
bottom asf , and a massive brat
super snarky but easily gets her feelings hurt
was homeschooled her whole life, and she never lost that childish energy
thinks her girlfriend’s protectiveness is cute, but loves to push against it to see yelena get all hot and bothered
always spends the holiday season with clint’s family (partially bec she loves them and partially to save on heating bills in the colder months)
spam posts every detail of her life on insta stories + makes mini-vlog reels 24/7
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Natasha Romanoff :
demiromantic + unlabeled
hates labels, she likes who she likes end of story.
has a massive soft spot for cats, and has 3 of her own, Tumeric, Spots, and Dart.
has a massive unrequited crush on wanda
she’s labeled as the “bed-hopper” by her friends for her string of serial hookups after she left the redroom, but she wants nothing more than to settle down with a wife and even more cats.
big mommy issues and that usually comes across in her relationships, as she seeks out (sometimes older) people with nurturing qualities.
battled alcoholism during the dark days in the blip from losing her sister, but she has an amazing therapist and is now sober
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Kamala Khan :
really into tarot
best friends with America Chaves and has a small gay crush on her
constantly gets in trouble with teachers for being too loud and talking in class
has inattentive adhd and always forgets to take her meds
has a very popular carol danvers x fem reader fanfic on A03 that she hides from her parents but she always neglects her homework to make sure she updates regularly for her readers
loves tacos
has sensory issues and gets sensory overload breakdowns due to sound and this can trigger her powers to go haywire while she’s overstimulated
her family puts a lot of pressure on marriage but she just wants to live in a house with america and spend the rest of their lives together reading fanfic and rewatching avengers movies
she kissed america once and they never talked about it again, though they both have hinted at wanting to do it again.
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iwozlegit · 1 year
|| 🍍• I want to know what happened to Knock Out after Predacons Rising.
I want to know if he did eventually gel with his new team family.
I want to know if he struggled with all the mushy Autobot rhetoric and kindness, and maybe fought against it.
I want to know if he was forced to shadow Ratchet as a sort of probation to make sure he wasn’t still “a naughtycon bad boy with the emperor of destruction on speed dial.”
I want to know if he found it morbidly insulting having been the Decepticons medical officer.
I want to know if anyone watched him stand awkwardly on the sidelines while they all caught up after a day rebuilding and working for a movie night and the like, and felt sympathetic towards him.
I want to know if anyone reached out to him on said sidelines and made sure to discreetly pay extra attention to him so he knew he was part of the group, even if he played his egotistical nonchalant character on steroids so no one would ever think he could possibly care about being alone.
I want to know if Knock Out was subconsciously grateful someone could see through him like Breakdown had.
I want to know if that made Knock Out feel guilty.
I want to know if he felt alone.
I want to know if this occasional niceness from someone new began to make him feel uncomfortable having been so long and having become so accustomed to the opposite.
I want to know if he eventually ever uncovered that it was Arachnid that killed Breakdown through accidental word-of-mouth.
I want to know if he was content with knowing, or felt a sudden need to seek revenge wherever she may have lain.
I want to know if anyone reached him in time before he did something stupid like embarking on a wayward bug hunt - that they shared a moment of painful wisdom and trauma with him that had defined their actions up until then.
I want to know if he broke down.
I want to know if anyone genuinely cared, and sat with him through it all as his nonchalant facade shattered and he mourned uncontrollably and unintentionally into their arms.
I want to know if he lashed out at them in doing so.
I want to know if, after a while of keeping his head down, and some well-earned trust, he eventually got to have some medical responsibility of his own.
I want to know if anyone held him a congratulations party for doing well with his new big job to show they cared.
I want to know if, following a successful medical stint, he moved away and went down the cosmetic surgery route again, and set up a specialised body shop.
I want to know if anyone also threw him a moving away party.
I want to know if his business’s catchphrase/tagline was: “Dedicated to turning you from a Breakdown to a Knock Out.”
I want to know if he set up a little body shop training academy which inadvertently created a new generation of mini Knock Out’s.
I want to know if one of them was known as Wildbreak.
I want to know if anyone became his regulars and spent deliberately longer with him chatting away until closing to make sure he was still doing ok.
I want to know if Knock Out came to realise he wanted them to stay longer than they did or could.
I want to know if he ever knew what said ‘Bot(s) were up to visiting him often but played coy because he didn’t know how to thank them…for believing in him and saving him when he didn’t know he needed saving…
But most importantly…I want to know if Knock Out was happy and found genuine happiness in a world without Breakdown <3
Ideas/headcanons ®️of @legitconcrusher
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If Ashley found a shrunk con, like fit in your Palm small what would she do with them ? What would the experience be for the con ?( I blame bittyformers/tinyformers tags for this question)
It would depend...
Ashlyn would most certainly not be picky. After all, she is a fan, a little trauma does little to erode the foundational love (one-sided as it is) she carries for these characters. A little mini-con? How can she not pick it up and give 'em a little SQUEEZE?
She would be collecting them like Pokemon.
Knockout would be a little... upset. How dare the grimy human touch him?!?! He can feel his finish eroding every nanosecond those oily digits make contact with his paint!
He'll cool down once the buffer comes out. It's a full-body massage now. The Doctor might even find himself enjoying his new state, the routine compliments, the ease of getting prime varieties of paint and polish, and, better yet, no one to scratch or dent his frame. It could almost be idyllic if it wasn't so pet-like. Yet, lounging in his microfiber blanket, suggesting new modifications to the toy mini race track, KO can't find it within himself to be too upset. Ashlyn for her part is rather diligent with his upkeep, relatively entertaining banter, and doesn't seem too hostile.
He could get used to this. Just until the process is reversed and he's free once more.
Breakdown is more confused than agitated. Ashlyn took one look at him, made a strange strangled noise, and plucked him up. Now he's here, wrapped like a burrito in a mattress nest as the human coos over him and plays monster truck rallies on the TV. It would almost be relaxing if not for the concerning focus in her eyes, the impressive assortment of bug spray and lighters, and the odd sentence she mutters every so often.
What does she mean he won't get torn apart for the third time? What does she mean the second happened when he was dead?!?! KO, please come pick up BD- he's scared.
Makeshift is the most proactive out of them all, fighting valiantly till he can't anymore or risk going into a forced stasis. He transforms in her hands, stabs, and slices as exposed flesh, his vocal processor glitching as his curses in Neocybex. It's not till Ashlyn starts bleeding that the Mech's joints lock up, mind flashing to a particularly sore memory as the warm fluid gets between his gears.
He's still frozen as he's gently washed in a basin, warm water soothing and his ruined arm treated with more consideration than even he's bothered to give the useless limb. Makeshift is still thinking as the human mutters, questions about how he's alive, apologizes for the injury, and promises if he hurts someone again. It's very confusing; an odd mixture of guilt and justification that seems dwarfed by his existence.
Ashlyn Moore promises to take responsibility for this discrepancy she's created in the timeline, and Makeshift feels both threatened and assured by it.
Starscream will be a shrieking mess. He will claw up everything he can get his servos on and insult everything he can think of. Which is a lot. He's entirely unprepared for how the organic snarks back at him, pointing out the height difference in a coldly factual way while she's also ensuring everything is Starscream-proof and comfortable. Including an assortment of cat posts arranged in a way that could almost mimic Vos's skylines.
It's not until he witnesses Ashlyn being, well Ashlyn, that Starscream finally shuts up. A human did that? THAT? That crater, those screaming wails, the sheer fear radiating off masked soldiers as they back away from the same organic that put a cat seat by the window for him?
The seeker can't help but smile, clawed digits and stoking the hand that protectively holds him like a supervillain with a favorite pet. If this is what she can do to MECH, how else can he use this nugget of chaos?
Megatron is shocked to be in this situation, but, similar to Starscream, he believes he can use our darling chaos goblin to his advantage.
That plan is quickly sidelined.
Ashlyn treats him relatively well, maybe a tiny part of her is hoping to change that rusted bucket's mind about the war, or at the very least, about humanity's perceived status as inconsequential. It would be nice not to have to worry about the giant alien in the sky raining down super weapons every other week, okay?
It quickly devolves into a rather obvious game of mental chess, one side with manipulation tactics, and the other with dubious philosophy and ethical questioning. Both sides prove adept at picking up the other's traps. Ashlyn knows what Megatron is, she knows how he works and is quick to call him out when he presents a logical fallacy or deviates into emotionally based evidence. Megatron is quick to pick apart her questions, dealing with even the Trolley problem with simplistic but probing ideas.
It turns into a game, and, eventually, a respectful friendship. There never going to agree, never going to be allies. Ashlyn is not going to let the Warlord go, and he is not going to stop a millennia-long war for a short-lived organic. But they can respect each other.
It's easy to respect a mind that works so similarly to your own.
Soundwave and Ashlyn just stare at each other. Eventually, the Survalince Officer is also added to the hoard. Ashlyn isn't quite sure what to do with him, the mech is a legitimate threat just by existing, but she can't leave him or mini Lazerbeak where they could get stepped on.
Totally not because it's freaking Soundwave and it plucking all the right cords of her fanatic heart to see him in a mini version.
In the end, Ashlyn starts walking around in a tin foil hat and makes a miniature Faraday cage. Hopefully, that keeps the con from hacking her phone.
Soundwaved takes this as a challenge and a vacation :)
Airachnid is found first by Jack. Solid willpower morphed whatever reality this drabble peers into, and Jackson Darby found the spider first. Lacking bug spray and a lighter to attach to it, the teen does the most sensible thing he can think of. He kicks her.
The sadist, six bonus legs and all, goes sailing through the air, her attempted threat cut short by her own teeny tiny squeal.
It's a mercy. Ashlyn would have just stepped on her.
JA332 dropped the final sugar cube onto the ground. Chuffing in a pleased manner as he wiped the few remaining granules from his armor, the little vehicon turned to gather the rest of his brethren to complete the ritual.
He'd prove the existence of Unicron's spawn today. The offering, and now a name ready to be chanted as his kin witnessed him summon the giant. Yes, JA332 would offer proof of what he witnessed so long ago today, and they'd command the giantess to grant them what they desired. Energon, territory, the death of the ants that kept trying to steal the offering sugar. Perhaps even a miracle would be done and ST3V3's true love would finally reciprocate so they didn't need to hear how amazing the Commander was every single vorn.
Yes, this could only end well.
(if you know, you know.)
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Bucktommy HC: Buck has a hard time talking about his past traumas since he is used to not be given space most of his prev. partners and Tommy sees that and is very patient and caring. So when Buck experiences that empathy and acceptance he has a mini breakdown, in a good way. in a "this is how it feels to have a good partner! i can't believe i finally have this!" way. Also, on a less serious note, he love playing with Tommy's loose curls, while Tommy loves giving his bad leg a good massage
oh angst!!!! and yes that's actually how I see both of them to each other. They are scared to open up, bu both are patient and caring and eventually they are each other's main support
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saaatela-blog · 3 months
Tony Stark, reborn as the son of the Bat.
Getting reborn into another universe was not the most absurd thing that has ever happened to Tony Stark. It wasn’t like he was downplaying it; the event was probably up there in the Top 15 craziest things that have ever happened to him. It just wasn’t that crazy considering everything else he has been through. Weirdly his name didn’t change that much in the jump between universes. Anthony Thomas Stark was close enough to the original, that Tony didn’t really mind that much.
Born to a single mother named Selina Stark… except that was apparently not her real name but an alias. Her real name had been Selina Kyle, she apparently had a falling out with Tony’s father, only to find out later that she was pregnant and decided to raise the child in secret by herself. All because she didn’t want Tony to end up like his father or something. Selina Kyle told Tony all of this while being high off anesthetic as Tony stitched up the three bullet wounds in her stomach.
Because Tony had woken up one night to find his mother bleeding on the floor of their apartment, having been shot three times by an overzealous museum security guard while trying to burglar said museum.
At first, newly seven-year-old Tony panicked. He panicked a lot, reaching never before seen levels of panic. Shaving off a few years of his newly gotten life type of panic. But then Tony had gotten his shit together and immediately began stemming the bleeding and trauma work. The newly washed carpets of their apartment were probably not the best place to work on saving his dying mother, but Tony didn’t really have much of a choice.
Once she was somewhat stable, Tony calmed from his panic somewhat and remembered he had built a mini Iron(child?)man in the closet of his room. It came in handy as Tony had it carry his mother to her bed, as he put on a voice changer to order more medical supplies to their apartment.
Being born with O negative blood proved very useful, though being only seven years old meant that Tony couldn’t really give Selina much of a transfusion. But it would have to be enough. And thank Thor, if he even existed in this universe, it was just enough.
Creating a health monitoring system out of scratch in a few hours was probably not Tony’s best work. Most of the materials were cannibalized from the mini-Ironman suit’s bio monitor and it was a rushed panicked job as Tony wanted to do something to tell him that his new mom was going to be okay. It was only when the first data on the monitor appeared, when Tony saw the expected brain activity and pulse, did he finally come down from his panic.
Everything was fine. No, it wasn’t, but it will be. The threat was gone, he needed to think about the next steps, make a plan for what would come next. And then he broke down. Instead of thinking about the future, Tony spent the rest of the night crying by his mother’s side. Which was great. It was just fine. Yeah, just one mini breakdown was fine. So, he could get it out of the way and not break down when he actually needed to do things.
Then one of the silent alarms on the roof triggered, and Tony did what Stark men did best. He got his shit together and put on the mini-Ironman suit. It had been cannibalized for parts not a few hours earlier, and it was pretty much just extra muscle and protection at this point. But that didn’t really matter. Putting on a large sweater and cargo pants over the suit for plausible deniability in the future, since apparently secret identities were a bigger thing here than back home, Tony grabbed the shotgun he had hidden from his mother in the attic. Since apparently seven-year-olds couldn’t own any guns. Dumb but whatever.
And that’s how Tony first met Batman, by pointing a ten gauge- 775 bore shotgun (that was more of a cannon due to the armor piercing round Tony had made for it) at him. It was not a happy first meeting.
First post on here, I don't know what I'm doing. From a prompt my sister gave me. Please be nice, because I will cry if your mean.
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akajustmerry · 2 years
it’s another ‘features i’m chuffed i wrote at work’ post, babes!
The Second Season Of ‘Russian Doll’ Is A Surreal Yet Tender Look At Integenerational Trauma - breaking down how ‘russian doll’ uses surrealism to explore intergenerational trauma. soft brag but my boss gave me a raise and cited this article as one of the reasons.
A Brief Breakdown Of The Holocaust Dismissal Controversy Surrounding ‘Stranger Things’ - explaining how the latest series of Stranger Things dismisses the Holocaust
How The Creators Of ‘True Colours’ Brought Traditional Language To The Contemporary Crime Drama - interview with the creators of ‘True Colours’ so-called Australia’s first bilingual drama series using Indigenous language
Freya The Walrus Is Sinking Boats And Living Up Her Hot Girl Summer - just a fun one about a walrus called Freya whose been sunbathing on boats in Oslo and thus, sinking them. i love her.
How A24 Became The Ultimate Film Cult - soft brag again, but this article caused a huge stir on film reddit and was number one on the main film sub so 🤷🏽
Piracy Is Back, Baby! Are Too Many Streaming Services To Blame? - in which i break down why media piracy is back on the rise and why its because there’s too many streaming services and we’re in a recession.
How ‘The Resort’ Uses An Old Motorola Razr To Craft It’s Perfectly Bonkers Mystery - mini feature on my obsession with the new mystery series, ‘the resort’ and how it has a 2006 motorola flip phone at its heart and how technology and memory are becoming inseperable. 
Breaking Down All The Sneaky Pop Culture References Hidden In ‘Stranger Things’ Season 4 - my favourite horror/scifi references in the latest season Stranger Things.
Reviiew: ‘Thor: Love And Thunder’ Is Joyful Chaos - i explain how I loved the way Thor 4 spoke to histories of Indigenous genocide, and also why I think this movie needed Loki.
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androidboy · 11 months
gf: how was your day? :)
me (riddled with sleep deprivation and trauma flashbacks, was so anxious all day i almost threw up): it was alright!
gf: just alright?
me (literally had a mini mental breakdown 10 minutes before she called): i was up late so i was just really tired haha :)
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gretahayes · 1 year
if the drakes bought the house next door to wayne manor earlier than in canon (when tim was four instead of when he was a teenager and janet was dead), there's no way they wouldn't have dropped tim off for babysitting once or twice. like, imagine. you're a young, newly-rich couple, and you have a strange son. you love him, but ever since that day at the circus, he's been...different. the therapist says there's nothing you can do about it, the trauma may stay with him forever, but your son is no longer sharp shards of shattered glass. he's healing. but he's still strange, and that's fine, because he's still your boy. and you stay with him as much as you can, but there's times you're busy and your husband's busy—not that you'd leave him with your little boy for an extended amount of time, not when he's just five—and you're both out of the house and this happens so rarely that it's too short-notice to get a sitter, but oh. brucie wayne and his butler and his son are next-door. wayne's harmless, his butler is competent and his son, still a boy, is both competent and kind. it's really a no-brainer, for you to leave him with them for a few hours, maybe overnight. they don't mind, and you thank them a thousand times and apologize a thousand more for the short notice, and you nudge your son who's been hiding behind your leg since you arrived, staring up at richard. and tim, little tim, looks at richard and bursts into tears. that takes a while to clear up, and tim doesn't elaborate past tears and clinging to you and richard interchangeably, but he does let go, and says he's fine, and you're running late, so with a kiss on the head from you and a ruffle of hair from your husband, you're both off.
and when you come back a few hours later, maybe it's nearing night and past your boy's bedtime or maybe it's the next morning, but when you pick him up and thank them about a thousand more times, he's happy. they give you a rundown of his day—they don't explain what the mini-breakdown was about, only richard knows and he's refusing to tell, but they say he was a delight and would be happy to babysit him again. tim doesn't explain the tears either, but he's happy and quietly says "i wanna stay again, if that's okay, i won't cry anymore" and well. you're not going to say no when the opportunity arises a few more times along the years, until tim's old enough for boarding school.
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What has me crying about Blake and Ruby is their moment in V8. Not only did Blake say she looked up to her and admire her, but after Ruby got KNOCKED OUT Blake was calling to her for help. O l ow lack of inner team bonding has been a thing ppl wished we had more of but Blake opening up to Ruby like that was so special. And then when Ruby struck the killing blow and smiled tiredly and said “I could hear you”.
It also goes to show that Ruby was lashing out and uses recent events. If Ruby were truly an awful person she would’ve said more personal things, brought up Raven or the Faunus or something. But she just said the first things she could that were a more recent and direct impact to her negative thoughts.
Also the idea any of them would drop Ruby after seeing this display is so stupid. And right after Yang said that Blake never gives up on ppl (that she cares about) even when they hurt her. THIS is an example of that. Ruby lashing out was starling and unsettling but bc Blake knows how Ruby usually is has known her for some time this is not like Adam or even when she was wary about Yang being too similar to him.
Like. Like it’s so Funny how people are reacting to Ruby this way when her entire mini breakdown bc I do believe she has more to say, it’s the fact that her feelings are pushed aside and there’s no time to think about her own shit and her fears are paved over with Happy Thoughts. Only responding to how the others react and not taking into account to WHAT Ruby is saying and WHY she might say it IS THE ENTIRE SCENE like. Listen it was rough but maybe ppl need to watch it again to get the message
It was Ruby lashing out of anger but there is a difference between anger and malice.
And the team knows that. It's why Blake backed away, it's why Yang didn't say anything harsher than "Hey!"
They know the difference because they've been there. Weiss, Blake, Yang they've all had a chance to process their traumas, to try to heal. Ruby hasn't. She's had to be the leader, the silver-eyed warrior, the smaller, more honest soul.
But when has she had a chance to be, Ruby?
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