#je vous en supplie
superiorkenshi · 1 year
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wolfsnape · 5 months
Je vais être une vieille aigrie mais normalement quand tu lis beaucoup ça améliore ton orthographe donc vraiment : le booktok, c'est pas possible de lire 250 livres par an et de pas savoir la différence entre un Infinitif et un participe passé 🙃🙃🙃🙃
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chaotictomtom · 3 months
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apprendre qu'un collectif de rap a fait un son anti RN qui s'appelle "no pasaran"
taper "no pasaran rap rn" dans youtube pour aller l'écouter
tomber d'abord sur 3 vidéos d'Europe1 qui démontent le truc
se rappeler que Bolloré détient Europe1 et qu'Europe1 a les moyens de payer pour que leurs vidéos s'affichent en premier malgré qu'elles aient moins de vues et d'engagement
soupirer, scroller, enfin trouver le clip
écouter le son (des bon trucs des mauvais trucs bref je trouve pas ça incroyable et souvent maladroit mais je salue l'initiative même si certains couplets sont atterrants)
lire les commentaires et se rendre compte que c'est rempli de réacs racistes et de bots probablement payés par le RN, se rendre compte une fois encore que la politique française est tellement manipulée par l'argent et les médias privatisés que finalement on ne puisse plus vraiment s'étonner de l'état des choses
soupirer, fermer youtube, se désoler.
rouvrir youtube, aller écouter Clément Viktorovitch.
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lolochaponnay · 23 days
Paul rentre d'un bar ivre mort et va se coucher à côté de sa femme. Lorsqu'il se réveil il se rend compte qu'il est face à Saint Pierre. - Paul tu es mort durant ton sommeil. - Qu..Quoi?! Je ne veux pas mourir moi, je vous en supplie ramener moi à la vie. - Il y a un moyen, nous pouvons te refaire revivre mais sous forme de poule. - Bon accord. Si c'est dans un poulailler proche de chez moi. Paul ressuscite donc sous forme de poule et se fait aborder par le coq du poulailler. - Alors comme ça c'est toi la nouvelle ? - Eh oui. Par contre j'ai une drôle de sensation dans mon ventre. - Tu as un œuf, ne me dit pas que tu n'as jamais pondu? Ne t'inquiètes pas, pousse et il va sortir tout seul. Alors Paul se met à pousser et l'oeuf sortit. À ce moment Paul fut emu par cette instant maternelle et décide d'en pondre un deuxième, puis un troisième. Mais au moment de sortir le troisième, il sent un grande claqué derrière sa tête suivit d'un cri: - Arrête de chier dans le lit!
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roserougefanee · 11 months
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* I beg you ! By all the gods of Humans ! Anyone have any info on the upcoming chapters of Sooner Or Later You're Gonna Be Mine ? I need a sequel ! I will die ! AAAAAAAAAA
* Je vous en supplie ! Par tous les dieux des Hommes ! Quelqu'un a des infos sur la suite de Sooner Or Later You're Gonna Be Mine ? J'ai besoin d'une suite ! Je vais mourir ! AAAAAAAAAA
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salut j'espère que vous allez bien j'adore vos histoires de lecteur shinobu x et je voulais vous demander si vous pouviez faire une histoire de lecteur shinobu x fem où kanae n'est pas mort et shinobu a son vrai caractère et que pendant l'histoire, shinobu et le lecteur sa rivale pour voir qui est le meilleur tueur de démons ou juste le meilleur dans l'ensemble, qu'ils se taquinent constamment mais que shinobu a toujours une longueur d'avance sur le lecteur et que d'une manière ou d'une autre ils finissent en couple à la fin (merci donc beaucoup si vous acceptez ma demande et sachez que vous êtes mon écrivain shinobu préféré <3)
You’re My (Sparring) Partner
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: I don’t know any French so I hope Google Translate didn’t let us down too bad. Quick plot introduction: Kanae lived, Shinobu’s her good ol’ grouchy self, and she and reader are always competing to see who is better. Some bumps in the path before they finally end up together because Shinobu is stubborn. Thank you for the request. Espérons que vous apprécierez! Word Count: 4,340
“I killed two demons last night.” (Y/n) shared with a bit of pride over breakfast that morning, subtlety looking over the rim of her cup at Shinobu as she drank, before putting the cup back down with a quiet click. “I made very clean cuts too, that’s what you said, right? Kanae-sama?”
A quiet laugh left Kanae’s lips before she nodded, “Yes, you certainly are improving. I’m very proud.”
Shinobu rolled her eyes, her teeth lightly grinding together before she added, “Well my record in one night is four. Two isn’t that impressive.”
“Oh yeah, well—“
“Shinobu, (Y/n), please no bickering at the table. It’s a little early to be playing this game, don’t you think?” Kanae sighed.
“It’s not a game, Neesan.” Shinobu refuted, matching (Y/n)’s glare.
This rivalry had been going on for years. Ever since Shinobu finally accepted that she wasn’t fit for Flower Breathing and decided to cultivate her own breathing style and (Y/n) had wormed her way in to train under Kanae as a Tsuguko, the spot that should have been Shinobu’s by all accounts. It had left the girl bitter and looking for just about any excuse to show (Y/n) how much better she was than her. Even now as a Hashira herself, she still hadn’t been able to quite let go of that initial disappointment and start a new chapter.
Of course, (Y/n) didn’t take Shinobu’s challenges sitting down. She had earned her spot within the Butterfly Estate, but the only one who remained unconvinced was the one person she wanted to impress almost more than the Flower Hashira herself.
Ever since (Y/n) had met Shinobu, she hadn’t thought of her as anything short of brilliant. She took every curve ball life had thrown her way and found a way to hit a home run every time. Not able to decapitate demons, she made a special poison that could kill them anyway. Not suited for the more mainstream breathing techniques, she created her own. Not to mention her speed and mastery over Total Concentration Breathing Constant was nothing to sneeze at either.
To be acknowledged and accepted by Shinobu was all she really wanted and she was willing to do anything to prove her worth. She would compete with Shinobu until she earned her respect.
“Yes, it’s a very serious matter, Master.” (Y/n) agreed, smirking at Shinobu’s scowl.
“Well then take it outside. You are making poor Kanao nervous and I’m sure the other girls don’t appreciate the hostility brewing between you two either.” Kanae said, motioning to the group of girls around the table who did indeed just wanted to eat their breakfast in peace.
“Fine.” Shinobu’s hands slapped against the table as she got up. “I could go for a spar, how about you? Or are you still too sleepy from being up past your bedtime?”
“I recall you waiting up to greet me last night. So I’m sure we have the same advantage.”
“As if I was waiting for you. I had questions for my sister about our medicinal ingredient supply shipments.”
They bickered and taunted each other, even nudging and shoving each other as they made their way out the door. Kanae gave another tired sigh.
“Why can’t those two just get along?”
Shinobu flung a wooden sword at (Y/n) who was luckily paying enough attention to catch it before it smacked her in the face and quick enough to immediately retaliate.
“Readysetgo!” Thwack!
It was a dirty tactic to begin a spar without allowing enough time to at least get in a proper starting stance, but Shinobu had anticipated the swipe and blocked it easily.
“Can’t even catch me off guard properly.” Shinobu taunted.
“Who said I trying to?” (Y/n) asked with faux innocence, blocking Shinobu’s counter strike, “I gave you fair warning. Did you feel like I was trying to catch you off guard? In that case, maybe I did catch you a bit off guard after all. My apologies.”
Shinobu sneered, then jumped back. With the weight behind Shinobu’s block gone, (Y/n) was suddenly pushing back against nothing but air. She stumbled forward as Shinobu advanced, turning sharply behind her, wooden sword already swinging towards its intended target.
(Y/n) had been burned by that little maneuver once before and she wasn’t going to give Shinobu the satisfaction of a second. She continued to fall forward, kicking her legs up into the air when her hands came in contact with the ground. She could feel the displacement of air roll over her back, Shinobu had followed through with her strike and missed!
With all the force (Y/n) could muster, she torpedoed on her palms, attempting to catch Shinobu’s face with her foot, but Shinobu quickly cocked her head to the side and dropped her sword to the ground so she could brace her hands at (Y/n)’s ankle and knee. With a smirk, she twisted (Y/n)’s leg, and kicked out (Y/n)’s arms from under her, forcing her to the ground completely.
Before (Y/n) could attempt to scramble to her feet, Shinobu planted her foot firmly to the center of her back.
“That was an entertaining little display.” Shinobu cooed. “Where did you pick that up from? Weird boar boy?”
“Just get off of me already.” (Y/n) groused, she attempted to hit Shinobu’s ankle, but was not quite flexible enough to do more than brush against the offending foot.
“I didn’t hear you say you concede.” Shinobu knelt down, one knee in the dirt by (Y/n)’s side, foot still on the disgruntled Tsuguko’s back. She cupped a hand around her ear and got in real close, “Say it nice and loud so I can hear you, okay?”
So humiliating! (Y/n) stormed through the mansion after her devastating defeat to lick her wounds in peace. Shinobu always seemed to be one step ahead of her! Of course she was a Hashira, more skilled and practiced than (Y/n) was, but as a Tsuguko to the Flower Hashira, she should be able to last more than five minutes with Shinobu in a spar!
“Hey, everything okay in there?” Kanae had knocked on the door, “I see Shinobu is gloating again.”
(Y/n) opened the door to let Kanae in. Then she flooped back down on her bed and sighed.
“Master, please don’t take this the wrong way, but can’t you train me any harder? Or at least teach me all of your sister’s weaknesses?”
Kanae giggled, taking a seat on the edge of (Y/n)’s bed, “I don’t think that would be very fair. She would be angry with me for weeks, maybe longer. She can sure hold a grudge. As for training, I can only teach you so much… especially now that I have these Mount Natagumo spider slayers that are in need of a rigorous medication program in order to return to normal. I just don’t have the time to train you any more strenuously than I already do.”
“Oh…” though (Y/n) was already laying flat against the bed, she somehow seemed to sink further with her mounting disappointment.
“But there is something we could possibly do while Shinobu and I work on healing the spider slayers.”
(Y/n) perked up a bit, “What?”
“Mitsuri, the new Love Hashira. We got to become aquatinted at the last meeting. She’s a very sweet girl. It would probably do you both some good to train together. It would give Mitsuri a jumpstart on teaching experience and you would get tutelage from another Hashira. Seems like a win-win, doesn’t it?”
“Can you really set that up, Kanae-sama?” (Y/n) was sitting up now, much more excited.
“I don’t see why not. I’ll write her a letter an ask her if she’s busy. She can stay with us for a couple of days and over see your training until the spider slayers are more obviously on the mend.”
“Thank you, Kanae-sama!”
Things might just start looking up! She’d show Shinobu just how strong she could become!
Mitsuri was very sweet, almost too sweet. If (Y/n) wasn’t such a well-disciplined Tsuguko, they wouldn’t have gotten anything done. But for as green of a Hashira as Mitsuri was, she was incredibly strong! Maybe even more so than Kanae. Her actual teaching could use work, but (Y/n) felt like she was learning a lot and it was only the first day of three that Mitsuri would be available. She was going to really give Shinobu a run for her money the next time they decided to cross swords. Speaking of,
“Kanroji-san, what are you doing here?” Shinobu had happened by an open door and heard (Y/n) laughing, looking up from the stack of patient files she had in her arms, she had not expected to find her sparring with Mitsuri of all people.
“Oh, hi Shinobu!” Mitsuri loosened her hold on (Y/n) to wave at Shinobu, “Kanae asked me to help pick up on (Y/n)’s training while you guys are working hard with all of your new patients. I’d say things are going pretty well so far!”
“Surprise attack!” (Y/n) tried to pull Mitsuri to the ground. Mitsuri bent forward a little bit, but mostly stood her ground.
“Hey!” Mitsuri giggled, quickly switching the hold to put (Y/n) on the ropes instead, tickling (Y/n)’s sides to make her laugh and beg for mercy.
Shinobu wasn’t sure what it was, but she was not a fan of this new development. (Y/n) never laughed with her like that when they sparred… and why would she! Shinobu didn’t give a damn beyond adding another win to the score board. But they did look like they were having fun… getting along so quickly after only just meeting too… ARGH!
“Try not to go too hard on (Y/n), Kanroji-san. She’s fragile.”
(Y/n) gave Shinobu an annoyed look, “I am not. Kanroji-san can be as rough with me as she needs to be if I’m ever going to be a Hashira one day too.”
“That’ll be the day, won’t it?” Shinobu grumbled.
“I’m sure you’ll make a great Hashira one day (Y/n)! It would be so nice to get to see you more often.” Mitsuri beamed.
“That would be great!”
“That would be great.” Shinobu mocked under her breath as she walked away, the sound of the other girls laughter grating against her ears.
When she re-entered the infirmary and slammed the papers down on the table, Kanae looked up and observed her sister.
“What has you all broody?”
“I’m not broody.”
“If you say so…”
Kanae refocused her attention to the wiggly spider slayer in her arms. It was hard getting them to swallow their medication without giving them her full attention.
“Why didn’t you ask me to help (Y/n) with her training?” Shinobu suddenly spoke up after a few minutes.
“Hm? I figured you would rather do literally anything else. Besides, you’re helping me take care of all these new patients… Did you want to help (Y/n)?”
“No.” Shinobu answered hurriedly. “I just don’t think she and Mitsuri are taking the training seriously is all.”
Kanae looked at Shinobu from the corner of her eye and took note of her disgruntled expression. Such a cute, pouty frown. Kanae moved in to the next patient, a smile growing across her face as a sense of clarity came over her. She wondered just how long her stubborn little sister could hold out before her jealousy overtakes her pride.
Apparently the very same day.
“Kanroji-san, her stance is all wrong, see?” Shinobu had butted in between the two of them after Kanae had sent her off to eat lunch, but of course she could not simply walk past Mitsuri and (Y/n) when she had noticed (Y/n) stance was so blatantly off-balance.
“Oh! I guess you’re right Shinobu.” Mitsuri agreed.
“Stand with your feet further apart.” Shinobu mumbled, kicking (Y/n)’s foot further out, then twisting (Y/n)’s waist and adjusting the way she held her arms up and her grip around the practice sword.
Honestly, (Y/n)‘s stance was perfectly acceptable without Shinobu’s knit picking, but Shinobu had to find some excuse to put space between (Y/n) and Mitsuri. Why that was? She didn’t dwell on an answer.
“There, you feel that pull?” Shinobu asked and (Y/n) blinked back to life, having had gone somewhere else as Shinobu had gently pushed her body into place.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, I feel it.”
Shinobu looked for every opportunity she could to step in. Only stopping when Kanae came looking for her and scolded her for letting Aoi’s lunch for her grow cold. She did end up eating with (Y/n) and Mitsuri though, which was good because… well, just because!
She squeezed between them at the table, getting gradually more annoyed as they talked over her head. She did manage to find one way to get (Y/n) to remember she was sitting right beside her.
“You have rice on your face.”
She reached out to brush her thumb over (Y/n)’s chin, coming away with a couple grains of rice.
(Y/n) blinked and subconsciously lifted her hand to her chin where her skin still tingled from Shinobu’s brief touch, “Oh… thanks.”
“You two are so cute!” Mitsuri sighed dreamily, “How long have you guys been together?”
Both (Y/n) and Shinobu’s heads snapped towards Mitsuri.
“We are not together!” They shouted in unison, startling Mitsuri.
“Ehh, really? I could have sworn… Just they way you two acted around each other today, I thought you might be a couple. I’m sorry if I made it awkward.”
“I’d rather cut off my own hands.” Shinobu scoffed, then she was startled by a heavy thump beside her as (Y/n)’s fists hit the table.
“Do you really have to go that far?” (Y/n) hissed, shooting up to her feet, “I’m so sorry the idea of being with me sounds so awful to you that you’d rather mutilate yourself. If you really hate me that much, then why don’t you leave me the fuck alone!”
“Well, you don’t exactly make it easy, do you?” Shinobu snapped back before she could think better of it, as was the risk being as hotheaded as she tended to be. She regretted it very soon after.
“All I ever wanted was for you to acknowledge me, to praise me just once instead of shooting me down. I thought competing with you was the only way to make you see me, but it only seemed to make things worse between us.”
She quickly rubbed beneath her eyes to catch any stupid tears that slipped over her resolve.
“Well, I know now that it will never happen so I’ll stay out of your way as long as you stay out of mine. And that means quit budging in on my training with Mitsuri!”
(Y/n) took Mitsuri by the arm and Mitsuri gave Shinobu an apologetic look, taking the rest of her plate with her as (Y/n) dragged her off.
“That probably couldn’t have gone worse if you tried.”
Shinobu snapped her attention to the other set of doors that lead outside. They slid open to reveal Kanae, who simply waltzed in as if she hadn’t been eavesdropping pretty much the whole time.
“What does it matter?” Shinobu spoke sharply, “I’ll finally have some peace around here.”
“You could have had a perfectly peaceful three days while Mitsuri was keeping her busy, but you couldn’t even last one without her.”
“Oh great, you thought we liked each other too, didn’t you?”
“If you would stop getting in your own way for a minute, you’d know it’s true. You two have always been trying to prove yourself to each other in some way, just not always the best way. Like it or not, you are each other’s drive to do better.”
Shinobu opened her mouth to argue, but Kanae have gave her a warning look before continuing on,
“I hope you two will realize your being silly and work this out before too long. If anyone here really needs peace from your overstayed rivalry, it’s me,” she teasingly ruffled Shinobu’s hair, “For now, I need your help back in the infirmary.”
With an annoyed grunt, Shinobu followed Kanae back to the infirmary. All the while she ranted within her mind. Everyone in this mansion was delusional. The only feelings she had for (Y/n) were ones of annoyance. But when she passed by the open door near the infirmary again and saw (Y/n) and Mitsuri cuddled up together in the grass, her heart betrayed her mind by pounding against her chest. Almost as if to burst right between her ribs and flop in the grass until it finally reached its destination. If Shinobu wouldn’t go to (Y/n), it would reach her on its own.
“Keep walking, Shinobu~” Kanae lightly warned, “If you want your peace, you must leave them be.”
Shinobu grit her teeth and continued off to the infirmary despite her heart’s protests. This is what she wanted, her heart would just have to deal with it.
The healing of the spider slayers was going much slower than anticipated. To Shinobu’s very much internal dismay, Kanae had asked Mitsuri if she could stay just a few days more, maybe a whole other week. For a moment, Shinobu thought things would finally go back to normal because Mitsuri simply couldn’t get anymore time away, but then Kanae suggested she take (Y/n) with her to keep training her until the spider slayers were closer to being cured.
To Shinobu’s dismay, both Mitsuri and (Y/n) found the idea favorable and the left together sometime that afternoon when Shinobu was busy making more stupid spider medicine.
“You seem to be grinding those herbs extra hard,” Kanae had noted, “I’m sorry, had I known you wanted to see them off, I would have come to get you, but you wouldn’t want to miss out on any peace and quiet, wouldn’t you?”
Damn her, Shinobu thought. It didn’t matter if she got to see (Y/n) off or not. She’d be back before she knew it, and in a way she was right, but not in the way she wanted to be.
Only two nights after (Y/n) had left with Mitsuri, she was being carried back in by the frantic Hashira that had taken her, bloody and unresponsive.
“I’m so sorry, Kanae!” Mitsuri cried, “I got distracted during the mission and didn’t notice right away that (Y/n) had been lured into an ambush pursuing a fleeing demon. She fought them off as long as she could before I could get to her, but… I feel awful! I didn’t know what to do, will she be okay?”
“Sit, Mitsuri,” Kanae soothed, “you got her here as fast as you could, that’s what matters. Let me take it from here—“
Shinobu pushed passed Kanae to (Y/n)’s cot, “This isn’t the time for talk, we need to get to work, now!” She demanded angrily.
“Shinobu,” Kanae warned, “if you want to help, you have to calm down. You won’t do her any good if you let your brashness cut corners.”
Shinobu continued to peer down at (Y/n)’s battered body and try as she might to quiet her boiling rage to a simmer, she could not. She was furious. Furious at the demons, even Kanae and Mitsuri to a lesser extent, but most of all she felt angry with herself. If she wasn’t so attached to her pride and stubbornness, maybe none of this would have happened. Maybe her last words to (Y/n) wouldn’t have been so harsh. What if she died before Shinobu could apologize?
“Shinobu, leave.” Kanae made the difficult call upon seeing her sister’s wide-eyed distress, but Shinobu shook her head, refusing to let go of (Y/n)’s hand.
Kanae exhaled sharply, there was no time for this. She wasn’t going to lose her Tsuguko because of her sister’s guilty hovering.
“Shinobu,” the harsh tone made Shinobu flinch, “out. I promise to let you back in once I’ve administered proper care. Mitsuri, take her out with you please.”
Shinobu numbly allowed Mitsuri to lead her away, keeping her eyes on (Y/n) until a Kakushi closed the door behind them. Unwilling to stray any further, Shinobu slid to the ground opposite the infirmary, and waited. Straining her hearing for any hint of what was going on beyond the door.
“You care about her a lot,” Mitsuri spoke up softly after a few long minutes of silence, “why haven’t you told her?”
If that wasn’t the million dollar question… Shinobu kept silent.
“Well, don’t worry. Kanae is going to get her all fixed up and then you can tell her all the things you wanted to say, okay?”
What did Mitsuri know? Shinobu thought bitterly. Shinobu saw that gash on her forehead, that deep wound in her belly, no one could say with one hundred percent certainty that (Y/n) would recover from this.
“You should practice what you want to say.” Mitsuri said, hoping to distract Shinobu from her dark thoughts, “I’ll talk through it with you, if you want. I’m rooting for you guys.”
Part of Shinobu wanted to tell Mitsuri to mind her own business, but she really did need the help if she was going to go through with this properly. So she took a deep breath, and took a step in the right direction.
When Kanae came out of the infirmary hours later, Shinobu and Mitsuri rocketed up from the floor and before they could bombard Kanae with questions, she held up her hands and said,
“She’s going to be okay. You can go see for yourselves.”
And when Shinobu rushed to (Y/n)’s side, she definitely did look better already. Blood washed away, wounds expertly stitched, clean bandages and clothes. Shinobu hunkered down in the chair by her bedside, scooting it as close to the bed as she could before taking (Y/n)’s hand and holding between her own.
Kanae smiled and shook her head. It was a very rude awakening, but at the very least Shinobu was heading in the right direction now. She went to rest knowing (Y/n) would be well looked after.
When (Y/n) awoke, the harsh light burned her eyes so she quickly shut them as soon as she opened them. Her body felt heavy and stiff. She couldn’t even wiggle her fingers. Well, none on her left hand anyway. She couldn’t remember the demons doing anything that would warrant a cast over her hand, but there was too much going on to process every injury fully, she imagined. It was weird how warm and sweaty the cast had made her hand though. It was a little uncomfortable.
(Y/n) tried to flip to her side instead of laying flat on her back, but found she was too weak to do it and groaned quietly. The ‘cast’ around her hand constricted in a light squeeze and a soft voice hushed her. Kanae, she assumed. Kanae must be with her, holding her hand. That made sense. Oh, her poor Master. It must have been hard to see her like that.
She tried to open her eyes again, blinking several times before she could even hold a squint. Though her vision was still a bit blurry, it was clearly not Kanae by her bedside. No, it was… was it really Shinobu?
“(Y/n), you’re awake.” Shinobu sounded so relieved that (Y/n) wasn’t so sure she had actually woken up.
“You’re holding my hand.” She blurted. No filter with her head injury apparently.
“Do you want me to stop?” Shinobu asked awkwardly, no bite whatsoever, nor true embarrassment at getting caught. She just seemed… shy, maybe a little uncertain.
“No… it’s fine.” Though she would have liked to air out her hand a little, she didn’t want to risk Shinobu getting offended and breaking whatever spell had come over her.
“I, I have a lot I need to say to you. Will you hear me out?”
Though (Y/n) was nervous, she nodded, managing to free her fingers to wrap them over Shinobu’s hand that cradled her own beneath the other. Shinobu took in a shaky breath, than began as she and Mitsuri had practiced.
One Month Later
“You aren’t back to full strength yet, don’t be so discouraged.” Shinobu spoke softly to (Y/n) as she helped her up from the cushy training room floor.
“But still,” (Y/n) pouted, hugging Shinobu and looking for further comfort once she was on her feet again, “I wanna beat you just once, is that so much to ask for?”
“Put those puppy eyes away. We both know you wouldn’t be satisfied if I just let you win.” Shinobu said, rubbing (Y/n)’s back.
“No, it would still be satisfying. The only real reason you won’t let me win is because you’re too proud of your flawless record of beating me to the ground.”
“Don’t say it like that.”
“But it’s truuue.” (Y/n) nuzzled her nose into Shinobu’s neck, making her laugh, “kiss me and make me feel better?”
“I guess I can give you that much.”
Shinobu coaxed (Y/n)’s face out of her neck with her hands on either side of her face and brought her in for kiss. She had only meant for it to be a short one, but (Y/n) had made it difficult to want to pull away, not that Shinobu really minded all that much. Not until she found herself suddenly pinned to the ground at least.
“I win!” (Y/n) grinned.
“No you don’t,” Shinobu frowned, “this wasn’t a match.”
“I didn’t actually say I forfeited, remember? This match is still on, baby!”
“Then my position still stands, you haven’t won anything yet,” Shinobu struggled against (Y/n)’s hold until she was nearly red in the face, but still she didn’t budge, “don’t you know cheaters never prosper?”
“All is fair in love and war, my dearest Shinobu.” (Y/n) giggled. “Are you gonna forfeit yet?”
Shinobu snuck her hands up (Y/n)’s back, making her shiver, she chuckled darkly, the same competitive glint in her eyes as always as she pulled the her girlfriend down to her lips.
“You wish.”
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sloubs · 1 month
si vous la voyez de chez vous je vous en supplie allez voir la lune comme elle est belle
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secicrexe · 26 days
chaque dimanche je brûle des bougies rouges, encore !
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je peux me battre dans une foule contre une foule entière, pour une petite lumière...
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j'ai le sourire d'une sorcière, pas de rimes, je vous en supplie, j'ai souffert...
Khalid EL Morabethi
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nayelleya · 4 months
La situation en Palestine devient de plus en plus difficile.
Une palestinienne est venue me demander de partager sa cagnotte (qui a été vérifiée par de nombreuses personnes) ici.
vraiment s'il vous plaît, si vous pouviez donner quelque chose sinon PARTAGER je vous en supplie. Je vois les vidéos de palestinien.nes tous les jours et ça me fend le cœur, je ne sais plus quoi faire.
Je n'oublie pas les autres peuples opprimés évidement.
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lady-de-mon-coeur · 1 year
Hello! Do you have ml fanfic recommendations? Well written english or French and ft romance? Thank you!
Hey there, lovely anon! If I get your ask right, you wanted romance-focused fic recs, didn’t you? So here you go.
First of all,
french recs
Juste un baiser by @mind3ll
Tout avait commencé par une innocente discussion entre Rose et Mylène, et qui aurait parfaitement pu n'avoir aucune conséquence. Du moins, jusqu'à ce que Chloé s'en mêle. Puis Alix. Puis Alya.
Et que la question de qui avait déjà embrassé quelqu'un se trouve soudain au centre de toutes les conversations.
Le battement d'ailes du Papillon by @miraculous-floconfettis
- Ladybug, viens vite, j'ai trouvé le repère du Papillon !
A l'autre bout du fil, le cœur de Ladybug manqua un battement. Chat Noir avait trouvé la tanière de leur ennemi ! Mais lorsque son coéquipier reprit la parole, les mots qu'il prononça lui glacèrent le sang.
- Viens le plus vite possible au manoir Agreste. Dépêche-toi, je t'en supplie.
A very accurate depiction of Adrien processing his trauma after finding out Hawk Moth’s true identity. Lots of hurt/comfort, fluff and Adrinette being a married couple without even realising it.
Trouve-moi si tu peux and Embrasse-moi si tu peux by @mind3ll
Adrien jubilait.
Il avait enfin l'opportunité de découvrir qui se cachait derrière l'identité de Ladybug.
Et en tout bien tout honneur, histoire de couronner le tout. Tout ça grâce à un petit jeu entre eux, un simple jeu qu'il avait initié sans trop y croire.
Détransformation de choc by Alixe
Un combat qui finit un peu brutalement, une relation qui peine à se mettre en place, un père qui s'en mêle... La vie de héros n'est pas toujours facile.
Doux chantage by Jade DeTour
Un soir, Chat Noir découvre le secret de l'identité de Ladybug ainsi que l'identité de celui qu'elle aime. Il demande trois rendez-vous en échange de son silence. Ladynoir, Marichat et Adrinette avec un peu de Ladrien.
Éclosion by ElinaLT
Marinette reçoit une fleur et une lettre, d'un mystérieux 'admirateur secret' comme l'appelle Alya. Elles cherchent désespérément de qui il pourrait s'agir... la découverte s'annonce pleine de surprises.
I never get tired of recommending this fic. It’s just so sweet and heartwarming. Please consider giving it a try, even if you’re not into Marichat.
I'll Guess Your Heart, If You Guess Mine by PurpleHeartsOne
When Chat Noir stumbles upon Marinette holding her kwami, Tikki, he finally figures out that his lady, the girl he loves, is none other than his classmate Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Marinette is terrified that he's figured out, and she's not ready to know who he really is, since she's a firm believer that their identities should be hidden and is scared of the consequences if their identities are revealed. As a compromise, Chat Noir decides to set up a deal, he'll give Marinette three chances to guess who he really is underneath the mask, and if she doesn't guess right, he won't reveal himself. But Chat Noir has full faith that his lady will be able to guess who he is.
A story about Chat Noir falling in love with who his lady is, and Marinette falling in love with Chat and easing her worries about the identity reveal.
A multi-chapter set in s4. A must-read imo.
It's You by @inner-sakura
She’d gone through this exact moment a million times in her head. Imagined dramatically declaring her love and having him passionately reciprocate. She’d spent hours picturing the way his green eyes would soften and warm as he too declared his undying love for her, before sweeping her off her feet and carrying her off into the sunset. The fantasy always ended this way, the two of them madly in love.
It never ended with Adrien gazing at her blankly, his face smooth and expressionless.
[AU where Marinette succeeds in confessing to Adrien after the events of Frozer, and everything devolves from there.]
Too much angst, hurt and comfort in this two-shot.
Kiss shy by @emsylcatac
Marinette was on a mission. Three weeks into an impromptu reveal, the same three weeks into a relationship with her partner. And yet, they still hadn’t kissed. She didn’t know how much more she could take.
So tonight, she would kiss him. Right on the mouth.
I just love these precious beans.
rumour has it by summerset
When Alya reveals to the class that Marinette kissed Chat Noir, Adrien is very confused. Why would Marinette lie about kissing him? He decides to take matters into his own hands, and make the rumour a reality.
A Timely Reveal by LiquifiedStars
Adrien realised that having kissed Marinette as Chat Noir was now causing him complications with his now Girlfriend. His attempt to reveal himself however is interrupted when a girl suddenly falls through a portal, and she looks curiously like him. Written for the Miraculous Fanworks Discord.
I know I recommended this fic too many times before and I’ll do it again. Just read it.
wax lips to wax lips by @ladyofthenoodle
Adrien has been struggling to make sense of Marinette for a long time now, but today is especially confusing. Between Nino’s panicked hedging and Marinette’s own verbal gymnastics, he feels like he’s been whipped around by Ladybug’s yo-yo and tied up in knots.
Still, he isn’t going to let some confusion get in the way of their friendship.
Even if things have just gotten really, really confusing.
(it's the statue scene, from Adrien's point of view!)
Seven Seconds by alvares715
Adrien finds a lost video on his phone.
Set in season four.
Episode “Felix” aftermath. Very angsty fic. Another one must-read imo.
Accidentally Not In Love by Lucid
Marinette confesses to Adrien and he rejects her. It takes him less than 24 hours to realize he's made a huge mistake.
Can't Help Falling For You by FelicisMagic18873
Ladybug decides to talk Chat out of his crush for her by making him realize that he might end up not liking who she was behind the mask. It decidedly goes out of hand pretty quickly.
Very sweet one-shot, you can literally feel Chat Noir’s love for Ladybug through the words.
Thank you for your ask, anon! Hope you found something to read. Happy reading!
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vicnormansstuff · 2 months
Tumblr media
Les collaborateurs de l'ennemi se sont emparés de vos cervelles d'oiseau. Ne les écoutez plus. Apprenez à les reconnaître et à les chasser de vous-mêmes, si vous en possédez encore la force. Le monstre est là, échoué sur nos côtes mais bien vivant. On vous adjure, et tout à l'heure encore le pape d'une chrétienté malade, d'ouvrir largement vos portes. Moi, je vous dis, je vous supplie, fermez-les, fermez-les vite, s'il en est encore temps ! Soyez durs, insensibles faites taire votre cœur mou […].
Jean Raspail, Le Camp des Saints, 1973.
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chaotictomtom · 5 months
y'a j. goodman dans 10 cloverfield lane!!!!....... saluuut bonjouuur hihihi giggles and kicks feet
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harpocrate · 2 months
Je vous en supplie, posez-vous, prenez un thé, un café, un chocolat, un kinder, peu importe et laissez-vous emporter, je vous promets que ça vaut le coup x600000. (et en général, allez voir la chaine de cet adorable être humain, il fait des vidéos d'une qualité rare)
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atchela-wander · 3 months
I'm currently doing a lot of "GO FCKING VOTE !!!" propaganda on Instagram for my fellow french froggies as the literal n*zis are back in town. Let me do it here as well.
On a les pires droitardés racistes, anti-feministes, anti-social et lgbt-phobe du pays littéralement aux portes du pouvoir. S'ils ont la majorité absolue lors des législatives on est TOUS dans la MERDE.
T'es pas racisé.e, pas LGBT, ou pas une femme, les luttes du genre Kanaky et Palestine ça t'en touche une sans te faire bouger l'autre, voir les quatre à la fois ? Bah t'es pas riche non plus. Donc s'ils roulent sur l'Assemblée Nationale on va avoir plus de lois pour restreindre nos droits et nos porte-monnaies. Source: leurs votes à l'Assemblée Nationale et leur programme claqué au sol.
Oh, t'es riche ? Gg à toi, mais saches qu'ils vont se faire une joie de détruire notre culture. Et oui, ils se targuent d'être les garants de la culture franco-française, la vraie. De ce fait, ils rejettent TOUT ce qui ne relève pas de la pure tradition, du patrimoine. C'est littéralement la mort de l'art. Bonus: ils s'en foutent de l'écologie. Encore une fois, il s'agirait de lire les programmes si tu ne vois vraiment rien de grave avec ces clowns. (J'avoue qu'à part ça et te dire que tu passerais pour une grosse merde auprès de 99% de la population je vois pas trop quoi d'autre te dire ptdrrr-)
Alors je vous en supplie, ALLEZ VOTER ! Vous pouvez même voter pour des centristes bizzares du genre de Macron, mais par pitié ne laissez aucun terrain au Rassemblement National et ses pairs.
Vous pouvez pas aller voter ? Faire une procuration ça prend moins d'une heure. Le temps de remplir un formulaire en ligne sur le site du gouvernement (maprocuration . gouv) et aller au commissariat avec votre carte d'identité pour faire valider la demande si vous n'avez pas d'identité numérique valide. J'ai juré que le plus long c'est de demander à la personne à qui vous voulez filer la procu si elle est ok. Et le trajet jusqu'au commico.
Donc voilà. Si mon arrière grand père s'est fait enfermé par les n*zis alors qu'il les combattait c'est pas pour qu'on remette le couvert avec eux de si tôt. Si mes grands parents espagnols et italiens ont fui le fascisme dans leurs pays c'est pas pour nous voir le subir ici et ça ne me donne franchement pas envie de refuser l'asile à d'autres personnes.
Pays de la liberté, de l'égalité et des droits de l'homme il paraît...
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lerefugedeluza · 2 months
Mon voisin du dessus qui a mis sa musique à fond + les enfants de la maison derrière mon immeuble qui crient dans leur jardin + ma voisine de palier qui hurle sur son chien lui même hurlant. Je vous en supplie faites-moi des dons pour que je puisse m'acheter une maison dans un coin perdu de la diagonale du vide.
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