#jealous demidorks
sodamnbored · 2 years
Octavian: Great idea making Percy Praetor. He already thinks he’s better than everyone just cause his father is Poseidon.
Reyna: He thinks he’s better than everyone? That’s rich, coming from the guy that walks into Senate every morning saying “Hello turd people”.
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Cassy at the beginning of Crossed
Cassy: [Needs to distract Leo] Where’s Damien when you need him?
Damien: [Rolls in on a neon skateboard with sunglasses and a juice box]
Damien: You called?
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acejasongrace · 6 years
I was tagged by the always lovely @demidorks! Thanks, Giu :)
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A - Age: 20
B - Birthplace: California, I don’t want to get more specific than that
C - Current time: 8:35 pm
D - Drink you last had: I stole a sip of my mom’s diet coke (I don’t even like diet coke)
E - Easiest person to talk to: my friends Zina and Grace
F - Favorite song: uhhh Wait For It from Hamilton?? Idk it changes
G - Grossest memory: Whatever it was I probably blocked it out because the only thing I can think of is that time my lizard pooped on me and that’s not really that bad
H - Horror yes or horror no: NO!!
I - In love?: whomst?
J - Jealous of people?: yeah
L - Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: pls walk by again come back i love you
M - Middle name: It begins with an S that’s all you need to know
N - Number of siblings: One sister
O - One wish: Financial stability
P - Person you called last: I facetimed Grace last night but an actual phone call was my sister
Q - Question you are always asked: “What you’re only five feet tall??”
R - Reason to smile: My dog
S - Song you sang last: I Write Sins Not Tragedies
T - Time you woke up: I think it was like 10:15?
U - Underwear color: black with polka dots
V - Vacation destination: Point Pleasant, West Virginia
W - Worst habit: Picking at my nails
X - X-rays: It’s been a long time but I’ve had a couple
Y - Your favorite food: fettuccine alfredo
Z - Zodiac sign: Cancer
I’m so bad at tagging people but here goes (sorry if I tag anyone that’s already gotten tagged!)
@maycastelllan @nlieco @femmereyna @biancangelo @hearthstoneblitz @girl-of-ink @grohver @cookiehoodie @xkurtwagner and uhh @floofykeith
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Rules : Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
I was tagged by @irf94 (thank you so much  😊,   but sorry for bad english, it’s not may first language)
Age : 14
Birthplace :  Barra Mansa, Brazil
Current time: 00:10
Easiest person to talk to: I think just my closest friends and my cousins
Drink you last had : Water
Grossest memory: I don’t have a special one because I’m pretty bad at remembering things and I couldn´t choose anyway
Horror yes or Horror no : No, I don’t like this stuff
In love? No
Jealous of people? A little
Ke$ha: Nah
Love at first sight or should I walk by again? It depends on the situation
Middle Name : Rodrigues
Numer of siblings : A little brother
One wish: Have all the books I want 
Person you called last : My dad
Question you are always asked: What are you doing? 
Reasons to smile: Sometimes when I’m on a bad mood or just a little sad, I remember that I still have a lot of books to read and beautiful songs to listen to
Song you last sang : .Havana, Camila Cabello)
Time you woke up : 6:10 am
Underwear color : yellow
Vacation Destination : probably the beach
Worst Habit : don’t even try to pay attention to some things
X-rays: Yes
Your favourite food : pasta
Zodiac sign : Aquarius
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c-oldasice · 8 years
Alphabet Tag
tagged by the bae @whygrover a - age: 18
b - birthplace: brazil
c- current time: 11:50am 
d - drink you last had: apple juice
e - easiest person to talk to: my best friend Otávio 
f - favourite song: Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas
g- grossest memory: my cat pooping in my room 
h - horror yes or horror no: TOTALLY NO!!! but I watch with friends cuz they make me 
i - in love? with fictional characters and band/group members 
j - jealous of people?: Yes ;-; 
k - killed someone?: in my dreams 
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again: LMAO walk by again so i can appreciate the view *winks* 
m - middle name: don't have it here 
n - number of siblings: 0 
o - one wish: to be enough to someone and FREE FOOD! 
p - person you called last: Dad 
q - question you’re always asked: are you okay? are you sad? how are you? 
r - reason to smile: @whygrover @demidorks @alexfierrno they are my friends *blushes and laughs* 
s - song you sang last: DON'T RECALL by KARD
t - time you woke up: 6:40am 
u - underwear colour: black and nude
v - vacation destination: Iceland
w - worst habit: procrastination
x - x-rays: idk but a lot? 
y - your favourite food: POTATO
z - zodiac sign: Aquarius i tag: @demidorks @nannie-starrison @spritecake @leo-otakuna @desthedemon
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housemartius · 8 years
thank u @demidorks for tagging me, ur a sweetheart <3
a - age: 22

b - birthplace: portugal

c- current time: 5.40 pm

d - drink you last had: water

e - easiest person to talk to: uhh idk

f - favourite song: rn? spring day by bts

g- grossest memory: being bullied when i was a teen

h - horror yes or horror no: depends

i - in love?: nope

j - jealous of people?: ye

k - killed someone?: nooo

l - love at first sight or should i walk by again: fhdks idk

m - middle name: je suis un tuga my dude, i have a lot of middle names

n - number of siblings: 1

o - one wish: financial stability

p - person you called last: a friend

q - question you’re always asked: “how do u get ur hair to be wavy like that”

r - reason to smile: my cats

s - song you sang last: the intro to ppg (90′s version tho)

t - time you woke up: 9.00 am

u - underwear colour: black

v - vacation destination: this year? northern portugal probably

w - worst habit: ...... smoking *sweats*

x - x-rays: one??

y - your favourite food: anything pasta

z - zodiac sign: aquarius/pisces cusp ayyy
not tagging anyone this time bc i’m feeling lazy lmao
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sodamnbored · 6 months
Reyna, entering the room: Alright Octavian, what do you want?
Octavian: I’ve asked you here today to further discuss your appointment of Percy Jackson as co-Praetor.
Reyna, sighing: We’ve already discussed it. Do we have a problem here?
Octavian, diplomatically: Let’s not call it a problem. Let’s call it an opportunity.
Octavian: To discuss a serious problem.
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sodamnbored · 2 years
Percy, crossing his arms: What was that?
Jason, snorting: Oh come on, you don’t actually think I was flirting with her, do you?
Percy, unhappily: Well it looked like you had less blood in your face. It had to go somewhere.
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sodamnbored · 3 years
Percy: I’m not the jealous type.
Jason: Then why did you just shout at Dakota?
Percy: Because he was holding your hand!
Jason: It was just a handshake!
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sodamnbored · 2 years
Dakota exasperated, finding Octavian dressed in Praetor gear: What are you doing?
Octavian: Well, we voted Jason in as Praetor after the Titan War, but now he’s gone AWOL. So I thought I’d accept the Praetorship on his behalf.
Dakota: I don’t think you know what behalf means.
Octavian, straightening his cape fastenings in the mirror: Of course I do, it’s a verb. As in I be-haffin’ it.
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sodamnbored · 3 years
Jason: *having an intelligent conversation with Annabeth about the quest*
Percy: *glaring at him across the table*
Jason, noticing him: I may be misinterpreting things Percy, but do you have a problem with me or something?
Percy, crossing his arms: I just think if you’re that hot, you should have the common decency to be a bit thick.
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sodamnbored · 2 years
Reyna: So, Percy will be our new Praetor and Jason’s replacement.
Octavian, snorting: I think the fuck not.
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sodamnbored · 3 years
Octavian, pulling her aside: I just wanna revisit our discussion about the new guy one more time. Are you sure you want to keep him around?
Reyna: I am. Do you have a problem with Percy?
Octavian, smiling: Percy’s great, I love the guy.
Octavian, diplomatically: But I’m not sure he’s a good fit for Camp Jupiter and New Rome.
Octavian, shrugging: And also, I’m not sure if I love the guy.
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sodamnbored · 2 years
Octavian: I can’t believe Percy beat me for Praetor.
Reyna, sympathetically: It was really close.
Octavian: Then I demand a recount!
Reyna: You know, it wasn’t that close actually.
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sodamnbored · 3 years
Scenario: Some guy (from either camp, really) is flirting with Percy and driving Jason insanely jealous.
Who do you think is most likely to be this guy? Especially if it’s not one of the seven?
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sodamnbored · 3 years
Octavian, addressing his cohort: So I didn’t get Praetor. The new guy got it. I won’t lie, that’s quite a disappointment.
Octavian: So, in response, I’ve decided to become the worst possible version of myself.
Octavian: Get your shit, we’re going to war.
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