#jean moreau headcanon
stick-ball · 10 months
saw a hc about jean moreau being hyper sexual especially post-ravens. thoughts? feelings?
thoughts AND feelings! Oh the joy of being given a chance for a hot second to discuss this. You came to the right place my love. ❤️
Trigger and age warning : rape, sex connected trauma, dissociation, psychological abuse, controlling relationships, discussion of sexual acts.
Okay so, being hyper sexual. You know who does that in the books? Andrew actually. I know some might look at me weirdly rn like, 'what the hell are you talking about, he doesn't let anyone touch him'. Yeah, that's true! But that doesnt take away from the knee jerk reaction. (I'm sorry I know this isn't exactly what you asked but I need to discuss andrew first, and that has a lot to do with jean, bear with me).
Andrew finds a partner that he can to some limit trust (leverage, deals, careful observation, "training" them to behave how he tells them) to follow his instructions, which gives him a sense of control. They can fuck, but it's him who's doing it. It's him who's touching, kissing ect. The other person, of course if they consent, get to partake but not create the experience. It's one of the very, very valid scenarios of hyper sexuality as a responce to rape. He is rewriting every poisoned nerve ending in his body. He doesn't actually get off from the sex. For his own release he needs privacy, as shown in the books. Andrew's problem can be, that due to his truly inhumane trauma he can fall into the mindset of defining his sense of self through sex. It's an action and he's a tool in this scenario. Then again, We circle back to control, which is also a key feature of his decisions and protectiveness. Taking total control of the situation which used to be utterly outside of it, with no way out of it. Rewriting it, giving the traumatic experience a positive ending, hell an ending - when, and as suddenly as he might want it to end, is the motivator here. I think what he finds satisfying in terms of sex, not control, is giving sexual consent to his partners and, which he finds just as important, them giving it to him. Because it wasn't given to him. It's a way of building trust.
The motivations sound pretty nice, even if heartbreaking, don't they? Seem uplifting? The problem is, even if in good faith, this process can be very harmful, trauma surviviors mention that (at least ones I discussed it with personally) it feels good, but in the long run it does what this type of coping mechanism always does to your brain (similiar reactions can be seen for different traumas), which is hurt it. It's a form of desensitisation that limits your brain's ability to percieve the situation. It's hard to rewrite and leads to hot and cold kind of reactions, so yeah, having a relationship with a capital R is, difficult. That's what I always understood as Nora saying they are never actually okay (andrew and neil). Or at least partly understood it as.
Okay, so this cleared a couple things up. Now JEAN. Jean and Andrew share some factors of their trauma. While not treated as such, Jean was technically fostered by the Moriyamas, and well, Andrew's experiences with being fostered are faaaaar from what it's supposed to be as well. The difference is in Andrew's situation everyone tried to pretend the horror is not happening, there must have been a lot of manipulation and coercion and just plain fucking gaslighting in these houses. Its hard to talk about but I can imagine some of these monsters wanted him to act like he is enjoying it, and thats just out if the emotional range of dealing with for anyone. Jean knew he's in a trap from day one. Moreover, when it comes to the rape's he was victim of it was ordered by Riko to be done by others. That's a different level of fucked up. What's even more important as distinction here is he stopped, when Jean stopped reacting and fighting it. Because what Riko wanted wasn't violation, that was the tool. He wanted to psychologically break him. When the fish stops flailing on the cat stops pushing it around.
And Riko was constant, his modus operandi was regular, and the psychological torture was the motivator behind most of his "conditioning" of Jean. This is a situation where the abuse has a cause for the victim. It sounds sick and I don't agree with it, but it's a game in their mind. In the books we can see that he learned how to limit the amount of attention Riko gave him and as we know he is not confrontational like Andrew with his problems. And yeah I don't mention Neil as confrontational here bcs he has conditioned himself to run from everything and say he's fine to everything so..., sometimes it erupts frk mit but that's not exactly the same, its a last resort.
Circling back, I think Jean is more likely to be sex repulsed. For him sex, which was a form of punishment, is a cause of anxiety. Sexual tension is easy to mix up with nervous tension because of a feeling of losing control of the situation. That's why if we do get romance in the new book, I am putting my money on it being very messy from his pov. The magical thing about trauma responces though, is that they're not black and white, and someone who is sex repulsed might also seek an ending to their anxieties through it. Yet, it's ts a bit of an opposite motivation to the one Andrew has. When Andrew thinks of himself as a tool, Jean is more likely to think of himself as an object. There's a difference. While Andrew wants to take control, Jean is more likely to use it as either a way to retraumatise himself - so his version of hypersexuality would include less control and more roughness and violence, actually trying to rile the partner up. It might stemm for him from low self worth or be a way of letting out his angers and frustrations. It's not that he is used to being hurt, it's that he doesn't expect anything different. I also think he is more likely to have problems with opening up in therapy. Where Andrew is active Jean is passive, and the opposite. The upside is he might actually be more likely to communicate emotionally than through rules and laws, it will take longer, but be a smoother transition, because more people understand it than Andrew's way of building relationships.
Hope this anwser satisfies you, I'm sorry if I got a bit carried away. 😅
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walkingcorpse03 · 2 years
my day be so fine then suddenly i think about jean moreau slowly learning that he doesn’t need to have his guard up 24/7 around the trojans and i start crying
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chronically-peach · 2 years
Headcanon that Kevin loves I Can Do Better by Avril Lavigne. It’s the perfect post Riko song and I can see him working out to it. It’s upbeat but angsty enough that it would relate to the queen of being broody and it’s just a big fuck you song. The timeline works out pretty well for it too.
Sorry I don’t make the rules, Kevin is an Avril Lavigne fan and would absolutely have The Best Damn Thing on CD.
Bonus: Jean would listen to When You’re Gone and think about Kevin.
Bonus 2: Hot is 100% an Andreil song. I can see Andrew listening to it in the car when he’s alone.
Bonus 3: Keep Holding On is for all of the foxes and also Jean with the Trojans.
tldr: The Best Damn Thing by Avril Lavigne is All for the Game core.
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linecrosser · 5 months
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so, i saw This Post by @moreau29 and... yes. all the yes. headcanon accepted.
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hyperboleigh91 · 2 months
Kevin going to California to help Jean with his first ever interview, and the interviewer(s) being really horrible to Jean and Kevin absolutely losing his shit over it on live TV.
And Jean sitting there with his mouth hanging open, watching Kevin, who was supposed to always be the perfect public face for Exy, throw all of that out the window because Kevin will be damned if people mistreat Jean on his watch ever again.
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adamsrcnan · 5 months
i can't believe i'm living in a reality where a book about jean transferring to usc Actually exists and that it's called "the sunshine court" and that jean calls jeremy "captain sunshine" and they both drool over each other in secret but like it's so obvious at the same time, and jean lives with cat and laila and shares a room with jeremy, and jean was actually in love with kevin, and he and neil are essentially friends, and jean had a little sister that he loved and missed. like it's been 2 weeks and i still can't believe it's real
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photosynthesislover · 11 days
When Neil goes pro he ends up in Jean's team and they're roommates. The first day Jean text Andrew "package received" with a picture of Neil in their apartment and Andrew answers "take care of him". Neil still misses Andrew, his last year of college was hell but now Jean's with him and he's feeling a bit better.
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johnsinclairlover · 3 months
neil can definitely speak french in a canadian accent and he uses it exclusively to piss jean off
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kevinsdsy · 4 months
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the trojans social media au (pt. 13): i’m fighting for my life trying to keep coming up with new parts i fear we’re going to see a decline in parts soon
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parasocialqueen · 5 months
saw someone say that Jean’s number 29 for the Trojans is Kevin’s number and Renee’s number put together and I have not been the same since
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stick-ball · 10 months
I was asked to write some of my sad headcanons on Jean and Kevin's relationship by @thelittlelostgraycat so here we go:
The first thing that comes to mind when I think about this dynamic is this really silly scenario. Doing grocery shopping, you have this great idea. You're going to make crepes for breakfast the next day. It's the weekend after a really long week, and you're feeling like having something nice, you know. So you stock up on all the ingredients. But then when it comes to it you stayed up late that night, binging your currently favourite series, and you get up later than usual and you're not really in the mood to stand in front of the pan for half an hour before you get to eat something. So, dismayed or not, you kill off the hunger with something quick and easy and get on with the day's plans. Then the next week comes and since you work long hours obviously you don't have the time for it either. By the time you remember, you really wanted to eat pancakes some time has passed. But you're excited again because that's what we are like with the things we love. The joy is always there even when we aren't doing those things. So you go take the pan out, the flour and bowl. You open the fridge and see you only have one egg left. That's a problem. You forgot to stock up, but well. It's still possible to make pancakes with one egg. You'll just have thinner batter. Then you get lit the milk and here's the problem, it expired. The dismay is pretty monumental for such a small tragedy. You taste it, just to make sure, and yeah, it's terrible you feel like retching. And the thing is, you could still make the pancakes. You could run to the store, but it was never really about being hungry. It was about the sentiment, and now you remember how if you made them in the first place, this wouldn't happen, and you wasted a whole carton of milk on a fancy you couldn't even commit to.
And that's how I see Kevin and Jean. It's love and it's sentiment and it's something really deep. But when push comes to shove it's always too little, too late. Too little words said, an apology wasted on a cold argument. Too much hassle, too much risk, too much grief if it goes wrong. Let's leave things as they are. It's not good but it'd stable. Too little time, between Riko and training and the dreams of freedom and illusions of grandour and the pain, all that pain and gore. It all ends up coming first.
But there's love, and I don't necessarily mean it as romantic love, although it could be. There's love, there's a whole language built around it. It's words of affirmation in a language no one else can understand. It's small tokens of care, small enough not to be put to an end by someone else, but meaningful enough to make the heart soar like they can touch the blue sky above the tomb they grew up in. It's stolen moments of peace, because both their hearts are for once free of worry when it's just the two of them together - noone there to harm them, noone to make them watch as the other suffers. It's time spent practising, not because they aren't good enough, but because when it's them they can freely love the sport they play. It's a shoulder to lean on and a body that keeps you warm, and that will never take more what you offer it.
But it's always too little and too late to grow into something defined. It's a safe chrysalis that makes the caterpillar endure, but there's no surety, no promises. As much as the chrysalis helps, the caterpillar transform, thr butterfly has to break out of it to fly. So no, it's not enough to last.
They care deeply for each other, but Kevin leaves Jean in the Nest. And Jean could hate him, could resent him, but he doesn't - because he understands when you have a chance you need to take it because life is cruel and it doesn't smile at you twice. He understands that he would probably do the same. It still hurts.
I think Kevin doesn't have many regrets bigger than leaving Jean behind. He still does it, though. But if he didn't, the story wouldn't happen. If he didn't, the whole chain reaction would not be set in motion, so he can't fix it, but he can be better from there on. He starts by getting Jean to a place as far from the Nest as humanly possible. In the hands of the person he holds in the highest esteem.
And that's fear, but that's also love.
Jean's new Jersey number is a 29 for both Kevin and Renee. So I think he understands, I think he doesn't hold a grudge. He starts to pick up his phone and sometimes even calls him himself, even if to trashtalk the team he knows Kevin is also watching play back in his dorm in Palmetto right now.
So they couldn't commit to it then, when there was nothing to lean on. But would it really be too little too late?
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my-smial · 3 months
Hello hello. I have come with random The Sunshine Court language headcanons for Jean Moreau, because I cannot stop thinking about him.
Neil picks up on Jean's discomfort with speaking French at higher than a whisper and eventually decides to use Nicky's desensitization tactics about it. He ropes in Kevin, and the two of them will not stop yelling at him in French until Jean stops flinching whenever he hears it.
Neil lived in Montreal for 8 months; when he wants to get under Jean's skin, he switches to a strong Québécois accent and Jean acts like his ears are getting burned off.
Jeremy and a little Cat and Laila start learning French, mostly "picked up a tourist phrasebook at the library" level. It's 2008, they don't even have Duolingo. It's years and years before Jean deigns to actually speak French to him, but Jeremy eventually figures out that if he pronounces a phrase badly enough, Jean will correct him out of shear pain. Jean probably picks up that Jeremy knows more than he's letting on when he makes a comment in one of Jean and Kevin's conversations.
The most unlikely, but I find it fun: Jean's family is old money enough that they actually still speak the local Provençal language of southeast France. Jean mostly speaks standard French, but his parents ensured that he can carry a conversation in Provençal out of some twisted disdain for Paris as a power center. Evidence: this is also the kind of person who would name their child Jean-Yves, lmao, a name that was most popular in the 1960s.
Matching with 4, growing up speaking French, Provençal, and English in a massive port city means that Jean can get through a few phrases in most western Mediterranean languages. In addition, being raised as the theoretical heir to a smuggling empire meant he had to learn enough languages to "not get ripped off," as his father would say. He says he speaks 3 languages, because he's fluent in 3 (and it's common to consider Provençal just a backwards dialect, not a full language). But he can also understand random bits of Italian, Spanish, and Algerian Arabic. Some he learned formally, some he picked up from other kids while playing little league exy.
When he gets comfortable on the Trojan's court, he starts yelling back sometimes when little multilingual groups form and chatter, and every time he demonstrates a new language the Trojans lose their shit. Jean has his typical disdain for their excitement; his childhood exy court sounded exactly like this and he doesn't get why they're so impressed.
They keep pulling the "sorry, he doesn't speak English" trick to get annoying fans and reporters off their back for a long time after it should have stopped working. He's given full interviews, come on. Use your brain.
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feelingthedisaster · 5 months
random aftg headcanons
dan gets a video camara and starts filming the foxes. years later, she founds all the tapes and makes a compilation
matt gives the freshman a brooklyn 99 style introduction of everyone
kevin chews gum, like, a lot. gum 24/7. its either mint or watermelon flavoured
the foxes give wymack a "n1 coach" mug for father's day one year. he pretends he is annoyed but he uses it everyday
jean likes to draw
kevin starts getting grey hairs at like 28 (wymack's genes)
renee knows how to tatto and she is actually pretty good, but doesnt do them often.
+she gave allison a butterfly tattoo on her shoulder
later in life, aaron gets a lot of people asking him for autographs thinking he is andrew. he just says "sorry, wrong twin" except when it's a little kid asking, only then he pretends he is andrew, he even learnt his signature
cat goes full gay panic when laila calls her catalina or cata, laila knows it so she does it on purpose
even though kevin prefers and mostly plays left-handed, sometimes he will just switch hands mid-games. like, "you thought you could mark me? sorry pal" and changes hands. it drives his opponements insane. they get used to him playing right-handed, he just switches back to his left. every defense player and coach hates him for that.
king mirrors andrew and sir mirrors neil
andrew and king have staring contents. king sits in the kitchen counter and andrew has to cook but doesnt want to move her so they stare at each other for entire minutes in complete silence. (king loses and leaves on her own to the couch). this happens more often than one would think
the cats LOVE neil's lap, specially sir. neil cant sit without getting a cat on his lap almost inmediately
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walkingcorpse03 · 6 months
“aftg fans when they talk about the same scene over and over” “how many times are you gonna bring this back up” “we already had discourse over this” who sucked all the whimsical joy out of you bro
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hyperboleigh91 · 2 months
Wymack informing the USC coaches that if they want any of Jean's files, they're gonna have to go to EAU unannounced and demand them.
One of the coaches doing exactly that, and it turns out the nurse that Jean assumed had some hostility/irritation towards him actually kept extremely detailed records of everything Jean experienced because he knew it was wrong.
That nurse going missing because once he handed the records over, he ran for the hills.
The USC coaches realizing that there was something extremely sinister happening at EAU and trying to decide how they should handle it.
(I want Wymack and the other coaches to take down the Moriyamas or something, and I feel like Jean could be the key to that)
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dysfunctionalcreature · 7 months
my kevandreil centered aftg headcanons in no particular order:
(disclaimer I have not reread the books in a while so my memory of canon is a little foggy)
Kevin has an (undiagnosed) severe anxiety disorder
Kevin scratches and picks at the skin of his hands (in particular his left hand) when he's anxious
Andrew will headbutt Neil and Kevin to show affection, and depending on Andrew's mood the headbutts will range from oh so very very gentle, to nearly migraine causing
Neil will hold Kevin's hands when he's stressed to stop him from picking at his skin
Andrew likes to pull Kevin down and cup his cheeks (in particular the cheek with the tattoo) and just stare at him
When they all share a bed and spoon, Andrew is the big spoon, Kevin is in the middle, and Neil is the little spoon
When Andrew is wanting to be affectionate but not that physical he will just hold onto the fronts of Neil's or Kevin's shirt
Andrew and Kevin have bonded over the similar traumas that they have acquired from foster care and The Nest
Neil and Kevin have bonded over they're shared traumas in The Nest
Kevin has weekly calls (in french) with Jean once he's with the Trojans, sometimes Neil will join the call for a bit to say hi to Jean
Kevin can and will do the most adorable and tragic pouts (big watery green eyes, bottom lip trembling) whenever he doesn't get what he wants, and sometimes that even works to convince Andrew to do something "boring"
Andrew and Neil are both very supportive of Kevin getting sober once he decides he wants to and they help him as much as they can
Andrew and Neil time: sitting on the roof together smoking. Neil and Kevin time: watching and analyzing and obsessing over exy games together. Andrew and Kevin time: just resting together in silence while Andrew holds onto Kevin
Andrew will often let Kevin lay his head in his lap, especially when Kevin's very stressed/upset about something
Kevin has extreme separation anxiety with Andrew
Neil and Andrew like watching true crime shows together, sometimes Kevin will sit with them but if he does he'll tune out to the show and read one of his nerdy books
Andrew will often pet Kevin's hair when he's resting his head in Andrew's lap
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