#jedi educational corps
evilminji · 1 month
Waaaaait a fuckin second >.>
You know the Agricorps? Where Obi-Wan almost went?
Where generations of JEDI YOUNGLINGS who "aged out" may have gone, along with the OTHER Corps? Such as the Explorer corps? Who are probably off in Force knows where, poking at rocks, going "hmmmm, yes, it appears..... I am HELLA fuckin lost."???
THEY? Are not "jedi" as far as most people think of them.
JEDI are the whooshy swooshy dudes with the lightsabers, right? The KNIGHTS! Fancy robes and live in the temple.
J'onn, who is a farmer, that got assigned by... somebody? SOMEBODY after it all went to SHIT around here? Yeah, J'ONN isn't a JEDI! What the fuck are you talking about? He grows space yams.
Buuuuut you're wrong! Ain't'cha? J'onn sure fuckin IS a Jedi. He went to Jedi school. Grew up in the temple. Probably looks up one day, in the middle of the fields, as the force tells him "take the fucking jedi logo off your overalls NOW" and?
Whooop! Naked J'onn! Oh dear, lost his overalls in the compost heap. Unfortunate.
Time to gather the kids he's technically not allowed to have but no one ever checks on them so screw the rules! Honey! We gotta leave! Yeah, all of us!
Cause like???
Look me in the eyes. Look me in the FUCKING EYES. (o.o) (as I stare creepily into your soooul~) and tell me Papadapaline would even fuckin REMEMBER the Corps.
Sure, eventually, he might. If he finds the crumbled note he threw somewhere. But they're not "important" right? Not like the KNIGHTS. The WARRIORS, in his eyes.
Because? He is a SITH.
And the Sith value POWER.
Not education. Not agriculture. Exploration or hyperlane maintenance.
And HEALING? Medicine? Psssshhhhh. Only in so far as they can twist it! What use is the Corps to him? They are NOBODIES.
Buuuut? Funny thing about nobodies? They tend to be the most dangerous sort of all. The tiny spark. The well placed word. That one form filled JUST were you hoped it would not be. The Force LOVES nobodies. They are the butterflies that blow galaxies apart. Bend and reshape destinies. Steal somebody's stapler.
They are not Jedi, they are Corpsmen.
Order 66 wouldn't effect THEM.
@spidori @hypewinter @legitimatesatanspawn @babbling-babull @the-witchhunter @hdgnj @nerdpoe @mayfay
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lightsaber-dorphin · 5 months
Jedi Order Corps and Subdivisions
More of my worldbuilding for the inner structure of the Jedi Order. This time focusing on the Corps and the schools of thought/ roles within the Order.
Some of these are canon, others are my own creation. The Jedi consolidating to one temple on Coruscant during the Ruusan Reformation is canon, but I’ve taken my own liberties with it. Without further ado, lore!
Prior to the Ruusan Reformation, there were a number of independent denominations of the Jedi. Most of them merged into one order based in the Coruscant temple during what was called the Reunification.
Many denominations had different ideas of what a Jedi should be/ how they should use their powers. As a result, Jedi from certain traditions tended towards certain jobs within the reunified order. The corps and their branches formed as a result of certain traditions and teachings being passed down by Jedi who occupied certain roles.
The corps aren’t administrative divisions. Individual Jedi have their corps and branch affiliation listed on file as a marker of what they specialize in/ what they’re trained to do. Jedi are selected for missions based on their corps and the specifics of the mission, and answer to whichever body sent them on the mission. (see my Jedi Order Bureaucratic Structure)
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Reunified Jedi Order:
One permanent location on Coruscant
Wandering Jedi who are technically members of the Order & follow its precepts but don't answer to the Council
Individual members can and do have corps/ division affiliations, but the group as a whole doesn't have a corps/ division affiliation
Usually part of the Sentinels or EduCorps
People aren’t selected to be trained for these jobs it’s all volunteer work
A lot of people do it part-time or for short periods, but a few folks make it their permanent gig
Maintenance workers:
Sometimes someone says “what if instead of going on missions I patched all the holes in our drywall” and why would they stop them
Lots of part-time volunteers
Most are Sentinels, because their philosophy encourages learning random useful skills
Distribute supplies
The Order buys stuff in bulk and then Jedi pick it up from the quartermasters office
Jedi way of saying chef
Transport mechanics:
Do you know a Car Person? Imagine if they were a monk.
The most dedicated to preserving the Jedi way of life of any group in the Order
Without these unthanked warriors the Jedi Order would’ve been destroyed by late-stage capitalism
Most are Lore Keepers
Usually hired from the outside
Inspired by "Jedi Counsel” on ao3
Sometimes a Jedi goes to law school
Temple Guards:
Protect the temple and are its first responders
Based on the lore from "Nameless"
Very connected to the living force within the temple
A little spooky!
Education Corps:
Advance in rank via academic achievement
Maven is the title equivalent to Knight
Can have multiple padawans at one time (but usually don’t)
Lore Keepers:
Strongly believe in the importance of academics
Believe knowledge is the path to connection with the Force
Based on "The Librarian's Lineage"
Teaching is hugely important to the Jedi, and all Jedi teach & learn how to teach to some degree, but for Preceptors it’s their main focus
Like the MedCorps it has a lot of transfers
Normal Preceptors:
Classroom teachers
Have formal education training
Either work for the Department of Classes or the Department of Primary Classes
DoC and DoPC are roughly the same thing, except the DoPC is for the general education classes all Jedi take as children and the DoC is for elective and continuing education classes
Teach lightsaber classes
Have formal education training
Inspired by "Careless to Let It Fall" on ao3
Main differences are that there’s more than one & they take education classes
One lead crèchemaster and two-ish assistant crèchemasters per every 6-ish younglings
Formal training in early childhood education
Must serve as an assistant crèchemaster before being a lead crèchemaster
Assistant crèchemasters are from "aphelion" on ao3
Exploration Corps:
One-on-one apprenticeships
Rarely in the temple (unless they have a padawan, when they’re required to be there more often)
Usually have a bed in a communal room at the temple instead of their own apartment
Use Knight title. Yes this is sometimes confusing
Wandering explorers/ patrol the galaxy
Instead of responding to specific requests they visit places & are available if anyone wants their help
Specific purpose is to make sure the Jedi don’t neglect/ are unaware of certain parts of the galaxy just because it hasn’t requested Jedi aid in a while
Find potential Jedi and offer them a place in the Order
Bond with new initiates and ease their transition into the Order
Expertise in Force-temple ruins
An undead Sith~ sleeping in your bed. Who you gonna call? Ghost! Busters!
Work closely with the Lore Keepers
Most likely to become Wayfinders or leave the Order (by percentage not numbers)
“Former Jedi who got really interested in a niche of archaeology without many Force-related ruins” is a thing in the archaeology community
They can work on normal digs but the Senate won’t approve sending them/ use of Jedi funds
Medical Corps:
MedCorps padawans are very rare. Most members transfer in from another corps
Student healers from other corps have a healing mentor in charge of their healer training, separate from their lineage-master
Healer is the equivalent title to Knight. Healers-in-training are called Student Healers, no matter what their rank is
Knight Corps:
Knights being a fifth corps
This is the corps we see most in canon
One-on-one apprenticeships, Knight title
Focus on fighting abilities & lightsaber combat
Negotiators, ambassadors, diplomats
Focus on Force abilities
Focus on non-Jedi skills such as hacking
Considered a midpoint between Guardians and Consulars
Jedi spies
Answer to the High Council
Permanent/ long-term posting within a system
Agriculture Corps:
Focus on nature-related abilities
Grow most of the food for the Order
Very involved in disaster relief work
Rarely in the temple & usually have a bed in a communal room instead of a personal room
Have long-term postings & typically get settled there
Padawans are assigned to a group rather than an individual
Maven is the Knight-equivalent title
The chapter that inspired this whole project
Large-scale Force usage
Can revitalize uninhabitable areas
Use the Force to rapidly speed up regrowth, kickstart life on planets where there is none, etc.
Don’t believe in using the Force on the scale that Terraformers do
Use the Force to help individual plants grow, stave off rot and parasites, connect with animals, etc.
Creature specialists
Force-sensitive animal control
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thegreenlizard · 8 months
What makes a military genius
Obi-Wan recognises the most qualified person to lead his battalion is not himself but his commander and acts accordingly.
Could be the same AU as “Not Obi-Wan’s first slave uprising” (where Obi-Wan is presented with a battalion of slave soldiers, says please and thank you, and starts plotting how to take down the slavers).
Jedi are more like diplomats, spies, or special forces, where they have to achieve much with very little. Obi-Wan had learned to use his assets to their fullest, including—and often especially—sentient assets. Or, Obi-Wan recognises the most qualified person to lead his battalion is not himself but his commander, and acts accordingly.
I have this mental image of Obi-Wan meeting his commander and having a discussion, comparing their education and qualifications; recognising that while he’s willing to learn, his learning curve would happen at the expense of the lives of his men; and promptly reassigning duties. Cody ends up with effective command of the 212th; Obi-Wan’s combat role becomes a specialist and his non-combat role a combination of consultant (he does have applicable experience), Republic/Order attaché (slash shield/advocate for his men), and a professional banthashit processor (which allows Cody to do his job as effectively as possible). And that’s how the 212th ends up the most effective battalion in the GAR.
I love the MilitaryGenius!Obi-Wan trope, but soldiers the Jedi are not. This is one solution for how both could be true at the same time (in other words, gimme military genius!Cody). Obi-Wan has the strategic genius to recognise that he has what might be the finest army in the galaxy crippled by poor leadership—and the negotiator’s out of the box genius to figure out a solution for it. His by the book appearance is part an attempt to protect the good thing he has going on and part malicious compliance.
- Obi-Wan in full trooper armour.
- Obi-Wan in full armour is a trooper that doesn’t exist—the “Ghost” of the Ghost Company (i.e. his assigned company).
- I got thinking about different scenarios and when it would be more advantageous to have your Jedi look visibly Jedi for intimidation, distraction, or whatever—and when it would be more advantageous to hide him in plain sight in one of the identical sets of trooper armour. And I thought that if Cody had a Jedi who was willing to let Cody do whatever he wanted with him, that would definitely be one of the uses to make of him. You know, in addition to getting him wear armour, two birds one shot and all that jazz.
- Cody and Obi-Wan also discuss the possibility of making their arrangement public, making it known it’s a clone who’s effectively running the battalion. But for some political osik reason decide no.
- It probably so happens that the finest army in the galaxy is also compromised by the senate’s lengthy decision making process and poor logistics, but that comes later. Although it might already be apparent that some of it will become a problem—soldiers can’t function without support and logistics & I’m pretty sure not all pertinent support was included in the clone order (onboard ship mechanics yes, shipyards no). So you have a fighting force that *on paper* should be easily winning—and when it isn’t, you can blame the Jedi for something they have no power over.
- That being said, we never see what happens to the service corps during the war—they must be pressed into service as support personnel if the whole Order is drafted? So there are Jedi generals (the knights), but also navigators (Exploracorps), healers (MediCorps), supplying & feeding the army (Agricorps), etc. I wonder how much discontent it causes when those services are pressed to war and taken away from the populations they previously serviced? Probably poorer Outer Rim populations, furthering the divide between Core and Outer Rim worlds and pushing more Outer Rim worlds towards the Separatists, worsening the crisis.
- Eventually Obi-Wan’s experience from Melida/Daan comes in handy. Unfortunately, not his experience with leading troops, but his experience with total warfare and breakdown of infrastructure. That’s not something Cody was taught to expect—he was trained with the expectation of at least somewhat functional support. So Cody has a learning curve, but unexpectedly this is something his general knows.
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shadowmaat · 1 month
Jedi Service Corps
The Legends-fueled propaganda of "bad students get sent to the Agricorp/Services" has always bothered me. First of all, forcing kids into a career not of their choosing isn't the best way to encourage them to perform well.
The Services in general seem to get a bad rap, and TBH it's kind of bizarre to assume that every kid who winds up being taken in by the Jedi wants to grow up to be a cop. LOL!
There is so much untapped potential being ignored, and even within the four pseudo-canon branches there's a lot to explore.
Agriculture. Farmers Without Borders. LOL! It isn't just about growing plants, it's about analyzing trends, understanding ecosystems, geology, climatology, politics, etc. There's mechanical engineering so you know how to fix the machines that do the hardest labor (often illegally, given corporate software locks and so forth). Probably a lot of fiddly stuff with plant genetics, too, given similar issues with seed corporations.
Being Jedi, I'm sure they're also aware of the need to include "ornamental" plants to help with the emotional welfare of hurting/devastated populations.
Education. This field must be fucking wild. Sure, you have your future creche masters and archivists, but I imagine there are those who do public outreach, too, and go to schools to teach kids about what the Jedi do beyond waving laser swords. There's probably also a need for teachers in isolated/rural areas to help with basic things like reading, writing, and maths. Ditto areas devastated by wars and natural disasters, where kids need a safe distraction from trauma. I bet Educorp and Agricorp team up more often than people might think.
There's also the sheer variety of topics. Even something basic like history will have a wide net. Galactic history, region-specific, planetary, etc. And then there's the arts. Music, singing, dance, physical media, holo media, theatre, and so much more. There will be differences between species, understanding what they need to know, how they learn best, and what their aging process is like. Teachers to cover the full range of mortal maturity, from teaching toddlers to old-timers. And don't get me started on teaching "forbidden" topics in repressive communities.
Medical. LOL. Every. Single. Species. And often subtypes between them. So many specialists needed. And again, you probably have a number that specialize in helping in disaster areas. Hello, Educorp, let's help teach these people how to best care for themselves. Maybe Agricorp can help with showing folks how to purify their air and water. There must be SO many diseases, some of which have inoculations and so that don't. And again, figuring ways to smuggle medicine and supplies to those who need it despite the extortionist rates corporations charge. Repairing faulty equipment, finding work-arounds when the parts aren't there. Triage. Using the Force to help heal is all well and good, but sometimes they still have to get hands-on.
Even with non-emergency stuff, I imagine they're still kept busy. The idea of a Jedi "country doctor" settled in some remote area sounds delightful. Communities that get "lost" in the shuffle or otherwise overlooked. Veterinary medicine as a sub-specialty.
Jedi having a special "knack" for determining what's wrong with someone, finding early warning signs before it's too late, etc. Comforting the dying. Comforting the survivors. ALL the mental health stuff and neurodivergence.
Exploration. Jedi Starfleet. LOL! It isn't all about discovering new worlds, though. Sometimes it's rediscovering planets and cultures that have been forgotten. Charting new hyperlane routes and hoping the end doesn't pop you out in the middle of a star.
I betcha you could fold so many things into this one. Botany. Archaeology. Xenoanthropology. Medicine, of course, since new worlds/people means new poisons, venoms, and diseases. New or ancient languages? It'd help to have someone around who could work on translating. Diplomats to help you talk to people. Geologists. Zoologists. A bit of everything.
Sure, there'd be room for solo missions, but I imagine there'd be bigger ships that they'd launch from. A place to come back to so the brains can pore over everything you brought back and see what they can determine from it. And big ships (or any ships really) means pilots, engineers, general crew, logistics, and all those fun things.
Anyway, I can see plenty of room for additional corps, too, but of the ones that get mentioned in Legends there's still a huge playing field.
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obsessedlovers · 6 months
seeking for stars
(a tale of stars and sorrow part 1)
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Qui-Gon Jinn x female oc
- smut / +18
- bondage
- age gap
// "Feel, dont think.", I gasp, not able to do anything more than melt under him, his motions, his presence. //
"Master", i say, greeting the tall, calm man entering the archive. It's a quiet afternoon, my shift gets finally close to its end. The jedi slowly passes the endless rows of shelves, holding every memory of the universe.
His deep measured voice draws me in his direction. "I want to speak to your master Jocasta Nu." Just for a second, i blink, feeling overwhelmed by his capturing aura. "The master is on a mission, may i offer my help instead?"
The Jedi Temple Library is one of the most important places of research and knowledge in Coruscant and the whloe core worlds, often sought out by members of the Jedi Council. But only the masters work on these requests. I am part of the educational jedi service corps. But i was a jedi initiate, a poor one for sure.
Qui-Gon looks down on me, not unfriendy, rather inquiring. He is tall, way taller than me. His blue eyes fix me with a piercing gaze. "What's your name, apprentice?" "Riaye Chas, master."
"Riaye, show me where the holograms of the great hyperspace war are located." I nod, leading the older man through the library aisles. The archive rooms are vast and extensive, although i am learning for years now to be an archivist in the corps, i still get lost.
I feel a bit uncomfortable as the jedi master follows me, as if i could feel his glimpses burning on me. He is so close, his robe lightly touches me. As we finally come to the right corridor, i sense his intense feelings and determance.
Just as I'm about to show him the holograms, Qui-Gon steps towards me. I am pushed against the shelves. "Master-", I start off suprised. His long hair falls against my neck, even through his thick robe I can feel his muscles keeping me in place.
But its more than this. I can feel him slightly using the force, using it to stop me from moving, building a protective, sound-insulating field around us and the corridor.
My breathing speeds up. I look up into his eyes. "You're not good at hiding your feelings." He's so close that his beard softly brushes me. My heart races. "Do you want me to touch you?" I nod, too fast. He chuckles, already running his fingers under my robe, untying the laces.
Qui-Gon steps back, looking at my naked body. Than he lifts his hand, and suddenly the laces of my robe start lifting up from the ground, winding and tying one of my arms to my thigh, one behind my back.
Standing on one leg, feeling the tense grip of the strings slowly wraping around my breasts, exposing them to him. I feel my pussy clenching, waiting for him to fill her. Qui-Gon comes closer, glazing at his work, running his fingers over my tied up body.
He bends down, his lips kissing my skin, the strings cutting in it.
My legs started trembling. He forces himself into me, pushing into my throbbing parts. I cannot help but moan. My voice encourages him, he starts moving in me, slowly first but than harder. "You're so big master."
I am hardly standing, he holds me in position while pushing into me. His robe falls loosely from his shoulders, but he has barely taken off his clothes. I feel even more exposed.
Qui-Gon loosens the ties, the strings fall on the ground within one motion. My body trembles from the tension. The jedi master turns me, his hands on my hips. He takes me from behind, fucking me relentlessly.
I cannot hold on myself, his moans are so dark yet so soft. I tremble into one orgasm after another. I feel Qui-Gon using the force, pushing my buttons, pressing softly against the most sensitive spots as he thrusts into me.
I look into the corridors, fearing someone could stumble into this scene, into me, being fucked by a member of the Jedi Council. He seems to notice my fears as he utters his direction, aiming directly for my weak spot.
"Feel, dont think.", I gasp, not able to do anything more than melt under him, his motions, his presence.
I practicaly sink down, allowing him to pound even deeper into me. I can feel that he's close now, his aura flickers around him, stretching out until it nearly burns me. I am force sensitive, but I never really got to use it. Now, as Qui-Gon is so close, i feel the force soaking me, infusing me. I feel powerless and more powerfull than ever at the same time.
Qui-Gon increases his pace, his moans get restless, nearly desperate. I merely manage to take it, feeling overwhelmed by coming over and over again. The force reacts to him, it reaches out to me, my body, nearly burns me.
I clench around him, I feel his cock pulsating as his cum fills my pussy. My legs shake as its warmth runs down my legs. I look at him, unsure what to do.
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bolithesenate · 6 months
oh yes jedi being aggressively friendly is perfect, and any proper religious order should have lay members. most of those being random down on their luck people who got brought home by a jedi at some point and then never left....well, what of it?
the master probably thought it was just another baby rancor or something, but then it turned out to be a Whole Mandalorian. they are going to win the next round of 'you'll never believe what my padawan brought home' for sure.
(aaaaa i totally forgot about this in drafts again)
Anyways, yes!!!! Lay members in the jedi order for the win!!
Just some random cooks and artisans and teachers and people to help out in daily life (and be helped out in turn). People who can give an outside perspective on things or just people that were collected by Jedi indeed! Sometimes both!
Personal HC is that especially the Corps are FULL of them. people even send their totally non-fs kids there to get education in certain fields.
and yeah, the last Jedi to bring in a whole Mandalorian was Tarre Vizsla himself. so, u know, that's a platform to have for sure
(their Padawan claims this was for 'street cred', but they all know it was because Jedi are pathologically weak to Wet And Pathetic as character traits)
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jehanneargentee · 2 years
The Educational Corp (Educorp) shared two goals, the preservation of knowledge and the spread of education. The most visible members were the teachers on countless worlds but the Educorps also included archivists and lorekeepers in the Jedi Archives on Coruscant.
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battlekilt · 1 year
Your interpretation of Cody and Obi-wans relationship in parallel to Obi-wan and Anakins was something that never really crossed my mind. But now that you say it, it really is a fascinating view on them. I'd read a whole book about it.
In response to this post.
Funny you should say that, Anon. I am currently in the process of writing a rather sizable chunk of a fic, for the purposes of having a lot of it written before it starts going up, and the dynamic between these three are a key element. Though, I have a blorbo—Rex is the main character. These three? Though? They contain some of the most important relationships in his life, so that will be explored, a lot. Especially since the three of them play a large part in what drives the narrative.
I am glad you feel that way, specifically.
No matter what, Cody is, like all Clones, an incredibly young man. Even if we somehow set aside the fact that he was 'born' the year Obi-Wan became Anakin's master, which I don't think is entirely honest to wholly do, and focus on his physical development...
Cody is 'twenty-years' old when he meets Obi-Wan. Cody is functionally, in comparison, a 4-star General.
Let me elaborate further:
In the US Military, there are currently 17 active 4-Star Generals.
To quote Wiki:
There are currently 44 active-duty four-star officers in the uniformed services of the United States: 17 in the Army*, three in the Marine Corps, eight in the Navy, 11 in the Air Force*, two in the Space Force***, two in the Coast Guard, and one in the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. ARMY** and AF** are bold because it fits the scope of the 3rd System Army, with the 7th Sky Corps is nested within the System Army. Which, fits with the allegorical theme of the GAR being based on the US Military. The Air Force was a nested tactical corps within the US ARMY from its inception in 1933-35 (ask a military historian which date and start an argument), and became a separate and equal element in 1947.
One remarkable note is that the US Army has the most 4-star positions that it has had since WWII. But, I digress.
Much like the US Military is divided regionally, the GAR is divided into the major galactic sectors. Nearly all are under the command of a member of the Jedi High Council, and there were a 1–2 Admirals that were given command for brief periods. All were served by the highest rank achievable by a Clone—Marshal Commander.
That's our sunshine boy. One of the most powerful 12–15 Clones in the whole Grand Army of the Republic.
Under Cody's command, because let's be real, Obi-Wan is there to provide legitimacy, vibe-checks, and familiarity with the galaxy that Cody would not have—having grown up on an isolated world barely connected to the GFFA, there are 250,000 Clone Troopers, with a support personnel corps at about 4x–7x per Clone Trooper, and this is aside from Naval staff and any civilian personnel.
This puts the 3rd System at:
Low: 1,769,472 High: 2,359,296
Let's put this more in perspective.
The current US Military, combined:
Active Duty: 1.4M Total: 2.2M
Alone, the 3rd has more Clones than the Army Reserve, as of 2021. However, in total, would have more personal than the Active Duty on the low estimate, and the total (active+reserve) is still under the highest estimate for the 3rd System Army.
Cody's command is... massive. While I understand that this fits with the galactic scale, that is still... a lot for one person. Yes, I am going to stand by my assessment that Cody would have the most military responsibilities, even in comparison to Obi-Wan. General Kenobi does not have the training that Cody has been given.
Now, let's go into Training VS Experience. Training is the education received: NEARLY all US officers are required to have a higher education—a bachelors degree or above.
(Admittedly, this does get complicated).
To my knowledge, most have all been taught at one of the military schools—West Point, Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, etc. There are some senior military colleges that are also secondary higher academies that some O-10s may have come from. Sorry, I didn't get too far down this one. While there may be exceptions, for the most part... this is going to be typical.
Generals typically have over 20 years of military experience.
30 years.
Developmentally, Cody is a twenty-year-old. 20. 10 * 2. Half of 40.
The lowest commissioned rank in the Army is 2nd Lt. Statically, the average age for all commissioned officers is, on average, in their forties, though a good number of our 2LTs are in their thirties.
Generals are typically in their forties.
This means that Cody is younger than... any officer.
Experience? Life Experience? Outside of education, drills and simulations? None. According to Legends, the Kaminoans barely allowed the RepComm trainers to ever use LiveAmmo. Though, it would be reasonable that by the time Cody would have entered ARC training, he would have been exposed to life-fire practice.
No matter how hard his training was, it was not the same as life-experience in the field. This is where Obi-Wan, one of the few Jedi Masters who has worked with military operations with ANY comfort—which was still very little, really lends himself to his XO.
The Kaminoans are professionals at creating and building... well, professional militaries. They had the help of Jango Fett and other Mandalorian trainers to augment their training. However, for the most part, the Clones were trained using the methodology and educational paradigm the Kaminoans created—though, never on the same scale. This was pure professional military education on an industrial level.
Cody may have more training and knowledge than most four-star generals will have in their lifetime, all with the benefit of a wikipedia style swath of information, modern technology to impart that knowledge, and some pretty extensive stimulation. But, what is under Cody's pretty-little-military-cut head? All of it is knowledge that surpasses what most Generals will EVER dream, even if they just stayed in military education.
He is a ten-year-old in a twenty-year-old's body with the brain of AT LEAST two-life-times of military experience.
Impressive, huh?
But, Cody is still... not like you or I.
At the time of Cody's training, it is highly unlikely they left the Kaminoan starsystem. If they did, they did not engage with the galaxy at large. This is a bit like growing up Tatooine.
On the edge of the galaxy, with only the stars to stare up at.
Anakin grew up in a sea of sand. Cody grew up in a... world of seas.
Cody's life experience, the life experience you and I would take for granted, is nonexistent. He could lead an army better than our best Generals could hope for. But, what else has he known?
My parallels are that Obi-Wan purposefully encouraged Anakin to be a sassy menace. He wanted to break that slave-mentality. Luckily, Anakin already showed that he could become a spitfire, even when he was sweet little Ani.
Similarly, I characterize that Obi-Wan did the same for Cody.
Anakin's shackles were the explosive in his body, the ferocity of how slave culture was brutally enforced—fear. However, Anakin knew that he was a slave, and he knew enough of something more.
Cody's shackles are the indoctrination he received from the time of his birth. Unfortunately for fandom at large, Cody is... a much more obedient military man that I think many want to see him. Based on remnants of Legends and the retained canon, no Marshal Commander would be in their position were they not... very obedient—to militant POVs. In fact, in the Disney comics, Cody has... a rather brutal attitude towards deserters—
BTW, in a military, desertion is one of the worst offensive that could be committed against a soldier's oath, that which they swore themselves to... but more importantly... their fellow soldiers.
In contrast, Wolffe is much more forgiving, and advocates for their re-assimilation in the GAR; Cody... disagrees with the fact that the deserters are still alive, and believes they should still be executed by a firing squad.
In season 1, Slick—for whatever reason—becomes a rare voice to call out the circumstances of the Clones. Not only do Rex and Cody recoil at a brother betraying the GAR, the Jedi, and of course... the killing of brothers, but they also scoff at his assertion that they are slaves.
Cut becomes a critical introduction to the slow character development we see Rex go through; Cody unlikely goes through the same because that's just how stories like this work. Just the simple act of asking the questions he gave to Rex set the stage for what happened on Umbara, and even then, Rex struggled to show defiance.
BTW, Fives's actions are fulfilling the duties of an (active) ARC. They are supposed to be more independent, whereas a command-class Clone like Rex may be a trained ARC, but his duties as a CC**** would mean that his prime directive is the cohesion of the command, and to assist in the joint operation between the Clones and the Jedi.
Fast-forward to Order 66 and Cody doesn't hesitate. Yes, it is the chip. However, that was not how ROTS was scripted or filmed. I know this is getting Doylist, but it is relevant. At that time, the Clones knew what was going to happen. They knew that they would eventually turn on the Jedi. Through the story of TCW08, it changes to a Manchurian Candidate concept, and eventually evolves the story of the chips that we know today. As the Doylist context changed, it remains that Cody acted without any pause. This is in line because the highest priority Cody held was always loyalty to the Republic. Loyalty to the REPUBLIC—Not the Jedi, not his brothers, not General Kenobi. Just. The. Republic. A traitor to the Republic is worst than the Separatists.
When the order went out, Cody's brain heard:
Obi-Wan friend. Obi-Wan betrayed Republic. Kill General Kenobi. He is no friend to the Republic—thus—to Cody.
Makes sense to him, especially at the moment. This is conditioning. This is indoctrination. This is militantism in action. The chip wasn't really necessary... it was for the sake of the audience who didn't want to believe that the men we began to care about would ever do this 'willfully,' even though all that mental conditioning and indoctrination would mean that they didn't have a choice... even if they didn't have the chip.
Obviously, by the time you get to TBB, when some Clones begin to question that Manchurian voice in their head, Cody's rationale returns, and so does his critical thinking. We have Cody, a Clone depicted in recent comics with a militant intolerance towards desertion, going AWOL from the Empire—that is HUGE. Was this his fall from grace? His fall to what was his darkside? From one angle, yes. However, it was a fallback into grace, and I like to think that it goes back to two people: Obi-Wan and Rex. We'll continue to focus on Obi-Wan, though.
I like to think that it was the seeds of the Jedi finally germinated, and it was Obi-Wan that planted them within his dear Clone Commander.
Obi-Wan being a one former menace himself—you know, a young man who thought tying two lightsabers to the ends of a rope was a good idea—got himself stuffed into one of the dreaded Jedi Council armchairs. Great, now he HAS to be responsible.
Cody and Anakin are, in many ways, parallels, just not direct. They are often inversions of each other, and together they make a great foil for Obi-Wan in general.
The idea that Obi-Wan saw this INCREDIBLY accomplished, intelligent, "gifted-child" of a Clone Commander and thought... "How do I get him to be a menace?"
I love it. I feel like it is just the thing someone like Obi-Wan Kenobi would do. It makes sense that Obi-Wan would want to help Cody grow beyond the very narrow—but extensive—field of knowledge, all for the express purpose of watching the young man develop into a more rounded individual.
It is also very, very Jedi. It was always the Jedi that were the sole friends of the Clones. So, it makes sense to me that the Jedi would advocate for this sort of well-rounded development. And the Clones? They would sorely need that kind of encouragement.
The Clones were never supposed to have names. They Clones were not individuals. It was the Jedi who told them to paint their units colors. It was the Jedi who TOLD him to pick out names. In Legends, and I think it fits with the remaining printed canon, Cody was actually very apprehensive and skeptical about how much of a good idea it was for the Clones TO develop individuality.
Cody was not bred for the specific purpose of his role—not even for being a CC. (Sorry, fanon)
He was just another Clone. Maybe he got nurtured and natured into a better candidate for a command-class Clone, but in the end? He was randomly chosen. As clarified in recent apocrypha, Cody was just a Clone Captain in the 91st when Obi-Wan found him and was impressed by him.
What made "Just A Clone Captain Cody" stand-out to Obi-Wan? There's plenty of theories that can arise.
In my lore, Alpha-17 recommended Obi-Wan go check out "#2224 in Windu's battalion."
From Captain to Marshal Commander? AHHHH. Someone send help.
Imagine the fine-lined walked poor young Obi-Wan had with Anakin: a former rebellious ginger-child himself, he became a well-behaved rule minder under Qui-Gon. Now he has this older Padawan, who is also a former slave of one of the harshest slave planets we know of. He has to get Anakin to be self-expressive, learn how to act on his own self-agency—AND—he has to also... try and help Anakin assimilate into the Jedi Order.
Take Cody: ten years old, looks twenty, has the knowledge of several lifetimes lived by career military men, who has seen very little of the galaxy.
Keep in mind, Obi-Wan met Jango Fett. He knew just what kind of attitude could lurk under that stony face so like the others, even if he said, "Yes, sir," without hesitation, and followed his orders faithfully.
I don't think Obi-Wan would be able to help himself. It is part of the Jedi Culture to be a positive presence. Unlike Anakin did with the 501st, Obi-Wan purposefully kept himself removed from most Clones; his empathy made it too difficult to ensure their suffering and death, so distance kept him remotely functional. The only two Clones Obi-Wan accepted as friends had been Cody and Rex. Obviously, Rex is an Anakin problem. But, Cody? His young, cloned, new friend? Right there. Right there. That... Jedi compulsion, that ITCH they get, it would gnaw at him. He can't help many others.
The same could have been said for Anakin, who was just freed, but had nowhere else to go—little Ani had no one else. Obi-Wan didn't have the same responsibilities as a fresh Knight as he would as a Jedi Master. He could risk everything and leave the Order to train Anakin if the Jedi won't matriculate him. He risked everything to help this one little boy. Later? He wants to risk everything, again. But now, his everything doesn't belong to him anymore—not even enough to consider leaving the Order. Every Clone death is another slice across him, and even a thousand papercuts will get'cha.
But, he wants to help. He would want to help beyond vibe-checks, lightsaber wielding, crazy feats of Force-enchanted bravery.
He would want to help a person—Cody, the clone so often by his side—become a PERSON in his own right. A young man that everyone else has forgotten IS a young man. I doubt Obi-Wan would ever forget that, like he never forgot that Anakin was a young man.
So, there is that itch. That... Jedi need to just... reach out and help make the galaxy a better place for others. One Clone. Is that too much to ask? Can he be allowed to be a mentor for ONE Clone? If he helped this Clone become more than a faceless soldier, if he helped this Clone have more growth and life experience than just what he was given on Kamino, maybe... Maybe Obi-Wan can imagine that there will be a life after the war. To do that, he wants to help his new friend become a full person—in the hopes of the After the War.
Obi-Wan cannot save everyone. He cannot help everyone.
But maybe...
Maybe, JUST maybe, he can help this one Clone become more of a person, and far... far less of just another number.
Slavery is a hell of a thing, and it comes in many forms. But another face of slavery is indoctrination, which is ultimately the stripping away personhood, so they can be utilized as a tool—sound familiar? Yeah, me too.
I think, Obi-Wan would recognize this about the two young men he cares about. Yes, even Rex, but... this post is about Cody and Anakin.
I went on more about Cody than Anakin because... there's a lot of wonderful meta about Anakin, and I'm not confident enough to try and fill the same niche. I also have so much I could say about how I envision Anakin and Cody get along, and how it might be through Obi-Wan's eyes. I'll just say this: he thinks both his overgrown students are hilarious together, and his tickles him... Ginger. ;)
Anyway, I hope this post finds you, anon, and you get anything from it. At the time of this post, I only have one posted fic. While it doesn't go as deep into this meta, there are some elements in it to get a taste of this characterization/meta. When the bigger version of the AU goes up—who knows. It is currently at 270K+.
Thank you for the engagement!
EDIT: There are MORE points of comparison that I just... couldn't get to. Such as the earliest characterization notes we were given about Cody, right after ROTS came out. (Overly cautious, anxious, but highly competent—I love me some anxiety-riddled people with excess competency. My "Imposter Syndrome" Cody isn't going anywhere, and it helps him lineup with Anakin.)
Side-notes and additional commentary under the cut.
***We don't acknowledge "space force" in this house.
**** Yeah, no, Rex is a CC. I'll fite over this. He is labelled in far more apocrypha as a CC, and it just gets way too complicated to label him a CT when he is in a command-class position. This is one area of new canon I'm just... gonna ignore. I hc that Krell was being a jackass to Rex.
Note: Rex was always a CC until the Umbara episodes. When he was called CT-7567... it was a script terror. I'm ignoring that retcon. There's even books printed as late as 2021 that list him as CC.
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kalevalakryze · 11 months
Baylan Skoll was never chosen to be a padawan, in this essay I will...
(this is only going to look familiar to a handful of you)
Warning, long post below with excerpts + notes about "The Jedi Path" by Daniel Wallace
"Everybody thinks they know what a Jedi is-that we all serve in the Army of the Light and fight the Sith Lords, or that we're all lightsaber battlemasters and starfighter aces. It just isn't so. Jedi can serve the Republic in other ways too. The Jedi Service Corps is an honorable alternative for any graduating Initiate, and he or she should be proud to serve among its ranks. When most initiates hit early adolescence, they seek to pair up with Masters to begin their Padawanship apprenticeships. If you are not selected, then what? You can try again the following season, but eventually, the Temple Instructors may tell you that you've run out of chances-and then the Reassignment Council steps in. So I'm thinking there was just something Baylan couldn't get; Maybe even the connection to a Jedi Master, he just didn't seem like the kind of Jedi that should have been on the battlefront, he was more of a homebody Jedi, like Yoda, or even Jocasta Nu. Maybe, after failing so often, the Reassignment Council steps in, and I see him joining the Educational branch, staying at the temple to help teach and to help in the archives, one of these devouts of the pillar of knowledge. A Note in the Book From Palpatine: "I imprisoned the surviving Jedi Service Corps Members on Byss. Even the strongest were easy to turn to the dark side." Maybe Baylan was one of these survivors, and while it's clear he didn't go full dark, what did he have to do to survive? Knowing that the younglings he'd so caringly guided were lost to the Force, that the world he'd devoted himself to studying and understanding was gone, and that this new world was just dark, and it was an 'adapt or die' situation The Jedi Path section about the EduCorps: The Education Corps, or EduCorps, consists of Scholars, teachers, and archivists. All Jedi are expected to be teachers to some degree, but the EduCorps goes far beyond that. They work under the supervision of the Temple's Chief Librarian and spend most of their days cataloging and translating. So my thoughts here are, as an archivist who spends his days combing through Jedi Holocrons, he would hear about the Mother, or Abeloth, would read about these Mortis Gods and have an intimate understanding. And when the Jedi were killed, he could recall these stories, he was the last one alive who'd ever heard them from the holocrons, after all. He would be able to remember the powers these holocrons detailed the gods as having, would trust that if anyone could save their history, it would be them, but only the Mother sounds powerful enough to stop the Empire. Finding Shin was a mistake. He was no Master, after all. He'd been granted the rank of General in the republic like all the others, yet he didn't command an army, he worked in libraries and traveled to conquered/liberated worlds to read their texts and to enter their stories into the history of the republic. He goes to a planet in the expansion zone, and he meets a child, there are so few left in this world, no one for him to share his stories with, that when she displays force sensitivity, he takes her, just as the Jedi had done to younglings all those years ago. And he trains her, he gives her a Padawan's braid and he calls her Initiate, and when it's time for her Initiate Trials, he is happy to accept her as his Padawan, like no one had ever done for him. And Shin is so attentive and an amazing student, just like the younglings in the temple, but he cannot burden her with the knowledge of Abeloth. Does not want to ruin the perception he knew she was creating of the Jedi, but he also keeps her training limited, 'The old ways led them to ruin so we will create our own,' 'yes,master' etc etc
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radiofreederry · 1 year
As part of the restructuring of the New Republic's governmental structure initiated by Chief of State Leia Organa Solo, the Cabinet was established as a successor to the Ruling Council, which itself had replaced Alliance High Command in the days of the Rebellion. While nominally a part of the executive branch and serving at the pleasure of the Chief of State, in practice all cabinet members are drawn from the Senate and from the governing coalition. The Cabinet members are as follows:
Prime Minister: Cal Omas (Reform) of New Alderaan. The Prime Minister is responsible for much of the day-to-day governance of the Republic and primarily oversees domestic affairs. Also serves as the President of the Senate and the primary liaison between the Chief of State and that body. The Prime Minister also serves as the head of the Cabinet in the absence of the Chief of State - most Cabinet meetings regarding domestic policy occur without the Chief of State's presence.
Minister of Defense: Hera Syndulla (PPP) of Ryloth. Effectively second-in-command of the military, as the Chief of State is Commander-in-Chief. Coordinates military procurement and logistics, negotiates contracts with arms suppliers, and oversees the conduct of active campaigns in the absence of the Chief of State. Syndulla ascended to the role after Gial Ackbar was demoted to Minister Without Portfolio as part of the fallout of Mon Mothma's ouster.
Minister of Commerce: Drextar Pym (Liberal) of Excarga. Engages with the galactic business community and develops private-public partnerships, negotiating government contracts in various aspects of life while encouraging economic stimulation and growth.
Minister of Justice: Darial Anglethorn (PPP) of Beheboth. The liaison of the executive branch to the judicial branch. Coordinates government's counsel in pursuing legal cases of interest to the state. In extreme cases may argue for the government at the Supreme Court.
Minister of Foreign Relations: Elegos A'Kla (PPP) of Caamas. Coordinates the Republic Diplomatic Corps. Pursues cordial relations with affiliated states and friendly non-affiliate galactic factions, and negotiates treaties and armistices with hostile foreign powers. Also serves as the New Republic's official liaison with the New Jedi Order.
Minister of Security and Intelligence: Kerrithrarr (PPP) of Kashyyyk. Coordinates the New Republic's internal security forces and its intelligence community. Also serves as the chair of the Senate Committee on Intelligence.
Minister of Science and Technology: Rees Vera (Liberal) of Mikkia. Coordinates and engages with the New Republic's R&D apparatus to develop technologies with both military and civilian applications.
Minister of the Interior: Lassten Stonk (Liberal) of Ithor. Oversees state-controlled assets and natural resources as well as the budding Galactic Parks System, of which the Bail Organa Memoiral Garden was the first.
Minister of Labor: Garm Bel Iblis (PUP) of Corellia. The government's liaison with the labor movement and the unions. Oversees the Labor Relations Tribunal.
Minister of Health: Doman Beruss (PPP) of Illodia. Oversees the state-run healthcare being established under the Organa Solo administration, and also coordinates with healthcare companies for government contracts, including supplies of bacta and kolto.
Minister of Exchequer: Ponc Gavrisom (PPP) of Calibop. Oversees the Republic treasury and drafts the Chief of State's official budget proposals.
Minister of Education: Lanever Villecham (Liberal) of Tarsunt. Oversees the state's education system and establishes educational standards and essential curricula.
Minister of Transportation: Kordi Freemaker (PUP) of Nubia. Oversees galactic infrastructure, including hyperlane maintenance, and works to improve the Republic's growing public transportation systems.
Minister of Energy and Fuel: Jar Jar Binks (Liberal) of Naboo. Coordinates procurement of energy and fuel from private entities. Works closely with the Minister of the Interior in developing the Republic's public energy reserves.
Minister of Veterans Affairs: Jan Dodonna (PPP) of Commenor. Oversees pensions and services for veterans of the Galactic Civil War as well as the remaining clones of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Minister of Communications and Culture: Grelka Sorka (PPP) of Askaj. Oversees the infrastructure of the HoloNet, and promotes art and culture, especially such as is reparative to the many years of COMPNOR propaganda foisted upon the galaxy.
Minister of Food and Agriculture: Melana Koba (PUP) of Dowut. Coordinates with farmers, ranchers, and factory operators to regulate and secure the galactic food supply, as well as invest in advancements in agtech.
Minister of Housing and Development: Sala Mogag (PPP) of Duro. Coordinates public housing projects and regulates rents and mortgages across the Republic. Also invests in urban renewal projects on blighted worlds such as Taris.
Minister of Equalities: Boona Kalan (Federalist) of Taris. Oversees equalities and civil rights, as well as undoing the bigoted policies instituted by the Empire.
Minister Without Portfolio: Gial Ackbar (PPP) of Dac. Has no official office or purview since his demotion, but acts as an advisor to the Chief of State, particularly on military matters.
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slimy-eye · 2 years
Disability & The Jedi
I think a lot of people don’t quite realize just how diverse the Jedi are, from culture, to species, to language, and more. Many see the movies and automatically make the (incorrect) assumption that the life of a Jedi is one of battle, and that all Jedi are trained to fight. This is untrue, as there are multitudes of non-combat roles offered within the Jedi, from agriculture, to archivists, to healers, and social workers for specialized outreach programs, from navigators and diplomats, to educators, the Jedi have it all. They have more non-combat roles than they have combat roles!
Disability within the Jedi Order is not something that would cause particular concern. Physical disabilities, such as auto-immune diseases, or things like Diabetes, would be considerably easy to manage, and wouldn’t hinder a Jedi in any way. Healing force powers, such as Curato Salva, would practically cure such illnesses without the need for intensive medical care or frequent testing. As for those who’ve lost limbs, and even organs, highly advanced prosthetics exist to keep them on their feet no matter what their role in the Order might be. Those who find themselves blind (or born blind) can use abilities such as Force Sight to ensure that they are just as capable at ‘seeing’ as any other in the Order. 
Even developmental disabilities can find a place within the order in the many non-combat roles available. Combat is never required to be a Jedi. Jedi younglings choose the path of a padawan, and eventually, the Jedi Knight, if that is what they want. They are not forced to. They can instead choose to be farmers, ranchers, diplomats, healers, librarians, teachers, and so, so much more. 
It’s incredibly unfortunate that the movies only cared to show us the more combat oriented Jedi Knights, but I suppose the ‘action packed’ movies would be considerably less ‘action packed’ if they chose to focus upon Agricorps or one of the other service corps instead. So, we end up having to learn about the many, many, non-combat roles in other media, such as books. Which... is a shame.
Anyways, I just wanted to ramble about how delightful it is to know that anyone, regardless of who or what they are, or what they might be struggling with, can find a home within the Jedi Order. The Sith would kill such individuals like me, given their hard-on for dominating and murdering those they consider to be ‘weak’. The Jedi, however, protect and encourage their most vulnerable members, allowing them to find their own purpose, and life, within the Order. To the Jedi, everybody has worth and importance. Everybody is valuable.
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lightsaber-dorphin · 5 months
Jedi Order Bureaucratic Structure
I’ve been working for a while on worldbuilding the inner workings of the Jedi Order. Below is a flowchart of the administrative bodies, their duties, and any other admin bodies they oversee. More details on each below the cut.
These are different groups involved in running the Jedi Order. For different roles within the Jedi, see my Jedi Order Corps and Subdivisions.
Tumblr media
High Council: (Finance, bylaws, PR, major trials)
Determines the budget(s)
Relations with the Senate
Only body that can expel members
Librarian's Assembly: (Ensures knowledge is available to Jedi)
Fund academic researchers (many Jedi researchers work directly for the assembly)
Archives: (Run the Archives & research)
Host academic conferences
Protect important artifacts
Run basically directly by the Librarian's Assembly
Department of Classes: (Adult education)
Organize all classes that aren't geneds
Set criteria for certifications/ degrees
Help members get degrees from external organizations
Council of Reassignment: (Oversees transfers & is Jedi CPS)
New Initiate paperwork
Transfers between corps and/or branches
Helps members leave the Order
Checks the CoFK when necessary
Padawanship paperwork filed here (crèchemasters sign off, padawan signs off, check master for red flags/ not allowed to take apprentice, sometimes mind healer signs off)
Council of Justice: (Attourneys & internal justice system)
Try & punish cases committed by Jedi & internal to the Jedi Order
Mediate interpersonal disputes
Lawyers for the Order
Cannot expel members
Council of Outreach: (Manages outposts & patrols)
Assigns Jedi to satellite locations or watchfolk posts
Hires other outpost staff
Ships supplies to & from outposts
Tracks the locations of missions & sends Vanguards to areas that haven't been visited recently
Council of Temple Maintenance: (Oversees internal services and temple upkeep)
In charge of the cleaning droids
Coordinates trash & recycling with Coruscant government
Has the occasional member who can do specialized maintenance (ex. plumber, electrician)
Volunteers sign up to fix things
Hires outside contractors when there isn't a Jedi with the necessary skills
Assigns Jedi to living quarters
Interior decor
Delegates chores such as taking out the trash, mopping, dusting, etc.
Padawans and initiates are often assigned these chores as punishments
Kitchenmasters: (Mess halls)
Make & serve food in the mess halls
Label the food with which species can eat it
Order food supplies
Supervise initiate clans helping in the kitchens
Quartermasters: (Distribute supplies & manage finances)
Bulk-order supplies for the Order
Provide mission allotments
Desk operators help members pick up supplies
Transport Office: (Run the hangar bay & speeder pool)
Responsible for the Order's vehicles
Vehicles are checked in & out like a library for cars & ships
Hire external staff when there aren't enough Jedi
Temple Guard: (Security & emergency response)
Guard against exterior threats to the temple
Security during criminal situations
Really good at sensing danger to temple inhabitants
First responders (fire & police-- MedCorp handles EMS)
Change lightbulbs and smoke detector batteries
Odd jobs on behalf of the CoTM
Uses the lore by Adsecula in "Nameless"
Council of Reconciliation: (Central hub of Jedi outreach & diplomacy)
All aid requests go through them
Sets mission objectives
Approve or deny aid/ mission requests
Reviews behavior of Jedi on missions when there are issues
Mission Consignment: (Assign Jedi to approved missions)
Desk jockeys
Not officially divided by type of mission/ Jedi role needed, but missions will be passed to people who are more familiar with the experts required
Organizes specifics for missions such as transportation and housing
Council of First Knowledge: (Runs Initiate & Padawan dorms, clans, & childhood education)
Initiate clans members live together with their crèchemasters rotating out night shifts
Padawans & Senior Initiates live in individual rooms in designated halls with some crèchemasters living in each hall
Department of Seekers: (Regulates conduct of Seekers)
Create regulates for what Seekers can & cannot do & how they should act
Investigate reported misconduct by Seekers
Crèche: (Organizes care for Initiates)
Sort Initiates into clans
Run events/ field trips/ etc.
Set educational standards
see my post about Living Quarters in the Jedi Temple
Department of Primary Classes: (Classroom education for younglings)
Standard elementary school operation stuff
Provides the general education classes all Jedi take as younglings
Circle of Healers: (Sets certification requirements)
Certified to train medical professionals for a variety of degrees
Determines when Jedi have fulfilled requirements for medical certifications
Sets the qualifications for Force-specific medical degrees
Halls of Healing: (Healthcare within the Order & internal outreach)
Like a local hospital but also has general practitioners
IRB: (Reviews research for ethical concerns)
Institutional Review Board
"Under FDA regulations, an Institutional Review Board is group that has been formally designated to review and monitor biomedical research involving human subjects. In accordance with FDA regulations, an IRB has the authority to approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or disapprove research. This group review serves an important role in the protection of the rights and welfare of human research subjects."
IRB for the entire Order, not just the MedCorps
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trudemaethien · 1 year
AO3 First Lines
rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to AO3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics. (I have omitted some works for various reasons.)
open-tag from @nottonyharrison got me started and tag from @the-bees-patella got my ass in gear to finish, i just had to add the newest and delete the oldest 😊
“My Reserve Training Corps cadets are highly trained and perform on the same level as all you prestigious Republic Military Academy cadets, so if you think your education or credentials set you above, get that idea out of your head right now. We’re on the same team here, and that means no one gets special treatment.”
“Heyo, look what the tide washed up,” says a smugly cheerful voice Waxer had been worried he might never hear again. He whirls, legs tangling in the rungs of the bar stool in his haste.
At the unprecedented ID code on the incoming call, Kix sits up straight. “Commander Colt! To what do I owe the honor, sir?”
“Fi,” Ordo’s voice calls, as Fi passes his door, ajar as it usually isn’t. Fi stops in his tracks.
Maze only really came onto his radar after Dha Werda Verda. Ordo had complained about RGSOC obliquely before, generally, as regs or GAR bureaucracy. Jaing always thought it was a damn waste to stick an ARC into an office.
Etain’s feet touched down on Qiiluran soil once again, giving her the disconcerting sensation of homecoming, but a micron out of alignment.
“Lieutenant Law, Execute Order 66.”
Fox’s boot tapped the mosaic floor of the Jedi temple as he dismounted the speeder. All was still, tension strung, visibility low. He couldn’t hear any sounds of violence, so it was a fifty-fifty chance, they were either early enough or far too late.
“Are we going to have a problem here, gentlemen?” General Kenobi asks, looking between the two clone officers with a slight, amused smile.
Down on the lower levels, low enough that people didn’t ask too many questions, but still high enough to support a mostly human and humanoid population, there were places. Not approved, tourist-trap places like 79’s, which the public and all the surface knew about, but places that every brother knew, and plenty more people who knew but wouldn’t flap their lingual anatomy about.
tagging sans coercion: @elthadriel @kaasknot @chemicaljude @ionfusionpunk @hidingaway1995 @coinin
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cosmik-homo · 2 years
You didn't specify ocs :( so 2/3/4 for any?
Oh i was mostly there to spread your cool game around but hey. Let's do some Nawah stuff i've been thinking about Nawah a bit lately
2. What is their culture? + What is their relationship with their culture?Mostly Jedi but with strong dashes of pantoran. above all else Nawah is Me Making Some Kind Of Dyspraxic Point so I think they were only tracked as Note-Worthingly force sensitive at a later age- not nearly as old as Anakin, of course, but enough they have some memory of their first language and early social concepts, like family structure and Pantroan Gender. They deliberately seeked information and connection later in life- in a manner approved by the order- but mostly they see their heritage as pantoran and their Lived In Culture and values and stuff as Jedi, and are very invested in the Community aspects of temple life and the inter-generational bonding in it. For Pantoran stuff- there isn't much on wookiepedia for pantorans, they were made for the clone wars, but it does say their tattoos are about Lineage in an "almost feudalist ancient tradition"- and from Old Writings and I think while, again, as a Jedi nawah doesn't care much for that, blood family as a grouping, sometimes Family Names in our world developed out of roles, right, the tracking of your ancestors being about what kind of people they were and what they did in society, so some of Nawah's earlier tattoos point at their home and parents but in the last year of the war- the year their first class was graduating- they got tatoos about being an Educator/ Childcarer. Nurturer of future generation yknow. Also I based their head ornaments in some drawings on Riyo Chuchi's but Different and I think they have a cultural signifcance of Presentation but less, gender presentation and more Tempermment. Almost element. Probably with same ancient religious origin- wookiepedia says some pantorans worship and unnamed moon goddess- but mostly nowadays about, Vibe as a person.
this is a lot of the pantoran worldbuilding i did for them sdfgdgdsrg but they are very much culturally jedi. they're honestly a lot more into the code and into the Monkier areas of jedihood than some characters we see on screen.
4. What experiences shaped who they are? ough. definitely their crystal cave test, materializing their bond and oath to the force with their own kyber crystal calling to them, theirs?
... and then being hurt by that blade? irreversibly wounded by their own sword in their own hand?
...they chose to leave their blade behind when they got bumped from padawanhood to adjacent education corps. generally people there don't have sabers, but, the council wasn't going to take theirs away, they were not deemed dangerous or harmful with it, especially as long as Nawah was in the temple, and to jedi it is a very personal prized possesion. But Nawah didn't feel like keeping it. It was too bitter a reminder of what they were and werent, and besides, it would be so stained with blood if it could.
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variousfandoms · 1 year
Master Brosam Gumhutc and Padawan Kry’att Chrifai
New Jedi OCs
So, I have had these two floating around in my head for a while now. They are a master padawan pair, and a complete mess. I don’t even know if this is possible in cannon, but I find it funny. 
First up: Master Brosam Gumhutc 
Originally didn’t they want to be a Jedi Knight, instead they had a passion for museums and joined the educorps. During an internship at a museum, a heist is pulled off where the thieves in question are pulling a reverse Indiana Jones, returning stolen artifacts to their rightful people. Brosam gets pulled into this shenanigan ridden heist and starts to lose faith in the system. The system of academic integrity. 
They return to the Temple, become a padawan at like, 20, and learns to be a complete menace. They also start to learn how the insidious nature present in academia persist in other facets of society. They also find they really hate politicians, like, more than when they were a student. They are knighted some time in their 30′s and go off to help the galaxy, by doing crime. 
They meet up with the thieves who started them on this quest, and they stick around until they become part of the crew. They are more or less Leverage Galactic, with a special taste for returning stolen artifacts. Brosam rarely returns to the Temple, less due to any ideological differences, but because they forgot once, and now it’s been a really long time, and it’s just awkward now. 
At some point they do return to the Temple with a stack of reports that have been heavily edited to remove the massive number of crimes, and they meet my second OC. 
Padawan Kry’att Chrifai
Kry’att is famous in the creche for being very bad at the force. It’s a strange thing, but she struggles to actively manipulate the force. For all her trying doing, she struggles to conceptualize the force as active rather than passive. She is barely passing her classes but has nowhere else to go. Aimlessness coupled with anxiety isn’t a good thing, so the force steps in.
Brosam shows up to the Temple, drops of five years worth of reports and sees this mess of and initiate. Through the force they know this tiny child will be their padawan. They then text the crew, telling them they’re all about to be nibblings and they have no choice in this. 
All the messy padawan paperwork is done, and now we have a master padawan pair. 
Overall, Brosam is a good master. They are hyper aware they can’t teach Kry’att everything she needs and is open about relying on the crew to fill the gaps. When they can’t turn to the crew, they turn to the educorps. In between big jobs they do short stints with the various corps to round out Kry’att’s education. 
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irrfahrer · 4 years
Wookiepedia on the Jedi Service Corps
 Original Text from Here!
The Jedi Service Corps was an organization formed by the Council of Reassignment during the Old Republic era as an alternative to serving in the more traditional capacity of the Jedi Knights. Because it was run by the Jedi Order, the members of the Service Corps were all considered Jedi, though many of its members had failed to pass their Initiate Trials and therefore could not proceed in training at the Jedi academy. Between Younglings in the Jedi-Temple it was a great insult to be called a “good Farmer” as it would mean the Youngling would fail their Trials and would be send to one of the Service Corps branches-the  AgriCorps.
Overview: The Service Corps was considered an honorable alternative to serving in the Army of Light or the mainstream Order following the Ruusan Reformation and the defeat of the Dark Lords of the Sith. Organized under the Reassignment Council, the Corps was made up of four branches: the Agricultural Corps, the Medical Corps, the Educational Corps, and the Exploration Corps. Membership in each was voluntary and many ranking members of the Order joined, but if an Initiate had failed the Trials, the Council took care of assigning them based on different skills and requirements.
Serving the Galactic Republic in different ways than a Knight would, the Service Corps members were no less important in the Order and helped countless star systems throughout its history. Following centuries of involvement in galactic affairs, the Corps was disbanded in 19 BBY when the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, in truth the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious ordered that the Grand Army of the Republic slaughter all Jedi in the galaxy. While many were killed, many more were rounded up and taken to Byss by the Sith Lord-turned-Emperor for conversion training. Those who would not convert to the dark side were killed, while many did in fact pledge loyalty to the Sith.
When the Order was reestablished following the Galactic Civil War's conclusion, Grand Master Luke Skywalker opted not to rebuild the Corps; instead using information gathered from the ancient text, “The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force”, to blend its philosophies with that of the entire Order.
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