#jedi school
askbensolo · 4 months
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Ask Ben Solo
What’s up, HoloNet! The name’s Ben. Currently 23 years old. I’m the only son of an Alderaanian princess and a Corellian scoundrel, and I have an adopted sister named Rey.
I started this blog when I was fifteen and afraid of becoming a Jedi. To make things worse, I started hearing voices in my head…voices that turned out to be someone who wanted to control me. Luckily, my friends and family got involved, and Snoke seems to have backed off.
I did make friends with some of Uncle Luke’s Jedi students, but I ended up attending the University of Naboo (Go Shaaks!) and got my degree in Journalism, since I’ve always been interested in writing, history, and politics. (Scroll back enough, and you’ll see my cringe pro-Imperial phase from back in the day. Yikes.)
I stayed on Naboo after graduation, and now I write for The Chommell Sector Daily. In my free time I lift weights, write poetry, and fight with people online.
Ask me a question!
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Run by @luke-shywalker Est. 2016
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Fannie’s Blog: @fanniepentarra
Amalia’s Blog: @mal-is-tall
(Their blogs are dead because they're lame, but maybe if we bother them enough they'll come back)
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Inktober 2016
Posts by Character
Mom: My mother, also known as Senator Leia Organa, also known as Space Mom, also known as Don't Mess With Her. Tough as nails. Also has nice nails.
Dad: My father, also known as Han Solo (or scruffy-looking nerfherder). Isn’t as cool as you think he is, but makes up for it with heart.
Rey: My adopted sister, also known as "Kid". Ten years younger than me. Originally from Jakku. Eats faster than anyone I’ve ever seen.
Uncle Luke: My uncle, also known as Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Is a cinnamon roll.
Ren the Bantha of Indeterminate Gender or Origin: My stuffed bantha friend. Not much can be known about this humble beast, but they are fiercely loyal.
Threepio: My mom's protocol droid. Has foregone enough memory wipes to pass as sentient. Best ignored.
Artoo: Luke’s beeping trash can. Extremely rude.
Chewie: My dad’s best pal. Gives great hugs. Don’t play holochess with him.
Lumpy: Chewie’s son. About my age in Wookiee years.
Darth Vader: My grandfather. It's complicated.
Fannie: One of Luke's Jedi students, who has since graduated. Twi'lek. My bestie when we were teens. Mom friend.
Amalia: One of Luke's Jedi students, who has since dropped out. Massive Togruta girl. Frenemy.
Treeso: My roommate from college. Gungan. Solid dude.
Sweeper: My archnemesis: the cleaning droid at work that keeps eating my paper notes.
Ugly Raisin Men Who Have Invaded My Mind With the Force
Snoke: Enough said.
Story Events
The Long Night: (2/25/16 - 4/2/16) In which I woke up from a nightmare and couldn’t sleep.
Space Braces: (5/16/16 - 12/7/2017) In which I got braces.
Get Out of My Head: (8/4/16 - 8/28/16) In which Mom left for a diplomatic mission and left me at home with my dad, and I was consumed by fear and darkness.
The Visit: (10/6/16 - 11/5/16) In which Uncle Luke came to visit us.
Sixteen!: (12/3/16 - 12/11/16) In which I turned sixteen.
Life Day 21 ABY: (12/25/16 - 12/26/16) Life Day!
The Impending Future: (9/10/17 - 9/29/17) In which I had an existential crisis about Mom wanting me to become a Jedi, and I discovered Snoke.
Seventeen!: (12/3/17 - 12/11/17) In which I turned seventeen.
Life Day 22 ABY: (12/25/17 - 12/26/17) Life Day!
A Week With Luke: (12/21/17 - 1/7/18) In which my mom made me spend a week at Luke’s Jedi school.
An Awkward Situation: (4/26/18 - 7/15/18) In which I thought my best friend Fannie was going to ask me out. Like, on a date.
About Amalia: (7/16/18 - 8/7/18) In which I accidentally started a chain of rumors about Amalia, Luke’s mysterious and hardest-to-get-along-with student.
The New Roommate: (4/24/24 - current) In which my roommate Treeso moves out and I have to find someone to take over his lease.
Recurring Tags Below
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movietimegirl · 10 months
Ben: Well, well, looks who's back. It's the short kid.
Grogu: I know you bully me because you feel insecure. I hope you find a better way to express your inner pain and anguish. Have a nice day!
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Summary: Leia called someone through the force during a fight with the First Order. She knew Rey and Ben who came back to the light side with the help of Rey would need the extra help. That's what her twin brother Luke, had told her before his death.
Finding out who it is would Ben accept the fact that the person who his mother had called was his lost love who he left behind the night he became Kylo Ren. The person he spent seven years trying to find. Ben wasn't the only one who turned to the dark side. Ben Solo x OC
Chapter Four 
It was the sound of beeping that woke her up.
She slowly opened her eyes to see the window of her craft cracked, groaning as she felt her head pounding. She looked around and let out a gasp when she noticed she had crashed while trying to follow Ben.
"Ben" she whispered to herself.
Opening up the X-wing, she unstrap the seat belt and jumped out of the craft. She shivered as the cool air of the night rushed through her. Rubbing her bare arms while looking around she turned around to her craft. She looked at the gps screen and cursed under her breath as the screen was blank and shattered. It was broken. She couldn't contact anyone or even find out where she had crashed.
She grabbed her lightsaber from her belt and ignited it. It was getting darker as every minute passed. The two moons up in the dark sky gave her little light. The yellow lightsaber came to life letting her see her surroundings. She walked through the forest. The thin leafless branches looked like it was trying to reach for her. She looked down and saw snow beneath her.
'No wonder it's so cold.' she thought to herself. She froze when a harsh wind flew at her.
She took a deep breath when she saw her breath in the air. She knew she had to find shelter quickly if not she would freeze to death. She walked away from the craft slowly looking around. She knew she had to be alert, she didn't know where she was or what's ahead. She ignored the pain as the cold air has started to get to her. She brought her hand to her forehand trying to ease some of the pain. Her eyes widen at the sight of blood on her hand.
She took another deep breath and stood her ground. She made the decision to walk further.
She walked with her lightsaber in one hand. The weapon hummed in her hand.
She gasped when she saw something run ahead from her. The dark figure hid behind the large trees. Shivering, she raised her lightsaber towards the tree.
"Who's there?" She yelled out.
"Ben." She quietly called out when she didn't hear a response.
Still no response she continued to walk. Unaware of the man behind her. He stared at her for a moment before following her again. He frowned at her the state she was in. He could see the blood stains on her brown Jedi clothes. Her bare arms were red from the cold weather. Her face was almost turning the same color as her hair. He felt that she was sad. Alone. The only light near her was her yellow saber.
"Come out." She yelled. He took a step back when she spoke. She couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following her.
"I feel your presence." Lilian said looking behind her shoulder then ahead.
'She is strong with the force.' The man smiled to himself. He walked out from behind the trees and saw she immediately raised her saber at him at the sight of him.
Lilian frowned as a blonde man came out of the dark and stared at her. He was handsome, skin was pale like the snow that had just fallen. His blonde hair stopped by his shoulders. His blue eyes stared harshly at her. He wore black robes along with a dark cloak.
"Hello, child." The man's voice was smooth.
"Who are you?" She asked as he walked towards her.
"Who are you?" He asked, raising a brow as he stood in front of the tip of her saber. She pressed her lips in a thin lip. He wasn't afraid. He stood in front of her weapon like it was nothing.
"Well?" He asked.
"Lilian." The man nodded at her as he looked up and down at her.
Lilian walked backwards from him, giving him some distance. He was glad to see she was following his moves as he walked around. She was being alert. Guarded.
'Smart.' He told himself as Lilian stared at him. He could see she was about to collapse. The cold had finally gotten to her and he knew the crash had hurt her arm. Her arm shook as she held the saber with one hand.
"Are you lost, child? Trying to find someone?" He said and grinned as Lilian's eyes widened.
He knew why she was here. He just wanted to see what would be her response.
"I'm searching for a person. His name is Ben." Lilian said as she turned off her saber. The man looked at her and he could see her chin trembling. Tears were welling up in her eyes.
"Where am I?" Lilian asked.
"On Hoth. Just the outer rim, though." He said looking around then ahead. He could see the snow was about to fall again.
"If you went further, you would have died. There's nothing out there. The trees die out here." Lilian followed his graze behind her. She didn't notice that the trees stopped at the spot they were at. Ahead was completely dark, she could see the snow was starting to fall ahead.
"Have you seen someone come through here? I'm looking for my friend." She looked at him.
"It's important. He's hurt. I have to find him."
'Weak.' He mumbled to himself and raised his hand out towards her.
"Sleep." He said loudly and Lilian came crashing down to the ground.
He looked down at her weapon and used the force to bring her saber to him. He looked at the silver and gold weapon. He clipped it on his belt next to his. He walked towards Lilian, crouching down to her staring at her for a moment.
"You look just like her." He said running a finger down her cheek. He picked Lilian up in his arms and walked in the dark.
Making his way inside his craft hidden behind the mountains. He allows the medical droids to mends her wounds. He watches behind the window as the droids worked on her.
"Sir, do we change her?" A droid asked making its way to the man.
"Yes, burn those filthy Jedi clothes." The man said not taking his eyes from her. The man walked away when the droids started to cut her clothes.
He stood in front of her and raised a hand towards her.
"Wake up." He said walking away to a leather chair far cross the bed.
Lilian opened her eyes and quickly sat. She found herself in a bed. She looked around and saw she was inside of a room.
"I see you are awake, child." Lilian looked ahead and saw the man sitting near a fireplace. She looked down at herself and saw she was wearing a black nightgown. She immediately covered her self with her arms.
"Did you.."
"No. The droids did." He said as he crossed his legs over and leaned back on the leather chair.
"Who are you?"
Lilian asked as she got out of the bed and walked towards him. The man pointed at the chair near him.
Lilian frowned at him.
"I'll tell you who I am but sit down. You fainted when we met. I don't want you fainting again."
Lilian looked at him, she doesn't remember fainting. She just remembered the man raising his head and then blank.
She sat down with a sigh. He smiled.
"I'm Mercury, child. I'm here to be your master."
"Yes, you will be my apprentice." Lilian's eyes widened at him.
"I already have one. Master Skywalker. I am his Padawan." She told him.
"Where is he, then? Mmm...he hasn't come to find you. You've been asleep for days, child. No one has come looking for you." He said looking at her wondering if she knew he was lying about the days. Lilian looked at him in shocked.
'It couldn't be.' she thought to herself. She felt something off with him. Something she felt before.
He was a sith.
"I'm offering you a chance, child. A chance to be stronger. To be wiser. To have everything you want." Lilian stood you quickly making him glare at her.
"Never. I sense the dark in you." Lilian said looking around for a way out.
"Hey!" The man yelled causing her to jump as he stood up. She looked up as he walked towards her. She was frozen in place. The man looked down at her and bit his bottom lip.
"Lillian, I know why you crashed. Trying to find your boyfriend, Ben Solo." He said as he tucked her hair behind her ear.
"I read your mind while you were passed out." He says to her. Lilian finches when he brings his hand to her cheek. His fingers were icy cold.
"I saw everything. I know who you are, child. The granddaughter of the Jedi knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You are so strong. You just need a teacher."
"I have one already." She told him.
"Luke is weak. He tried to kill his nephew. That's what Ben showed you before he left you."
"Left you. Left you like trash." Lilian looked away at his words.
"Used you." He said as he brought his hand down to her neck. He smiled to himself as he saw her flushed reaction.
"Get your hand off of me." He grins at her as she snaps at him.
He kept remembering what he saw in her mind. He saw Lilian with Ben. She was riding him, he can hear Ben moaning as Lilian rode his cock slowly. He sees her bringing Ben's hand to her neck and tells him to choke her.
"You like it though." He said and Lilian's slaps his hand away. He walks away just a couple of feet.
"What else did you see?" She asked.
"Everything. Your life. Your childhood. The temple burning to the ground. I also saw your future. You were destined for great things. You just need the right teacher. All you have to do is join me. Come to the dark side and I will show how to fully possess the force."
"Never." Lilian spitted out to him causing him to sigh.
"What do you have left?" He asked her as he shrugged his shoulders.
"You have no family. Your parents are dead. You're alone."
"I'm not." Lilian answered him.
"Yes, you are because the moment Leia and Han find out that their son is missing they will accuse you. I mean, come on..."He said pointing a finger at her.
Lilian frowned at his words. Leia asked Lilian to watch over him before she left with Ben with Luke.
"You were supposed to look out for him. They will hate you, child. They would want nothing to do with you. I mean, think about it. It wasn't hard for Ben to leave you. He left you behind in the mess he made. He left you behind with all those dead bodies." He said as tears rose from her eyes. Lilian stared at the ground as Mercury spoke.
"Ben doesn't love you." He said walking towards her and lifting her chin to look at him.
"If he did, why would he leave you?" He questioned looking deep into her eyes.
"Let me show you the way. The darkness isn't such a bad thing, child." He told her as he caressed her wet cheek with his thumb.
"He left." She stated, making him nod.
"He did. Left you aside like you were nothing. I saw it here." He said tapping her forehead.
"I saw how you got on your knees and begged for him to stay." He whispered as he wiped her tears off her face.
"Leave me alone, Lilian. He said to you." Mercury repeated the words Ben told her. He took her hand and led her back to the seat.
"Let me teach you, child. Let me show the dark side. Never have to be alone. Never have to be afraid. You will be strong. You will be wise. You will learn how to survive."
Mercury gently pushed Lilian down to the chair and kneel in front of her. He placed his hand on her knees and looked at her.
"I know you felt the dark in you one time." Lilian shook her head and looked away.
"Don't lie to yourself. You went in the dark for a moment and you liked it. Luke saw it. The boy you almost killed saw it too."
"I didn't mean it. I didn't want to. I just got so mad." Lilian said looking down at her lap.
"Andrew was so mean to me. We were training and he said hurtful things to me. I never told Ben. Luke made me keep it a secret." Lillian said. She froze when Mercury grabbed her hands. She looked up at him.
"I almost killed him. Luke yelled at me. I had never seen him so mad before." She mumbled.
"You liked it though? The power?" Lilian stood silent at his question and he grinned.
"It's ok to like it. To feel powerful. Not to feel so weak." He said.
"You are just a whore. Ben's whore." The brunette haired boy whispered to Lillian as he walked towards her. Lilian looked over her shoulder and saw Luke a few feet away talking to his other students.
"I heard your parents killed themselves because they didn't want you. No one wants you. Ben only wants you to warm up his bed. He's another freak just like you." Andrew said, igniting his saber with a grin. The blue saber waved in front of Andrew.
"Shut up." Lilian said with a frown as she gripped her saber in her hand.
"Freak. Whore and freak. Good thing mommy and daddy are dead." He whispered harshly as Luke made his way to them.
"Lilian and Andrew, you may begin." Luke said with a nod. Andrew grinned as he waved his saber in his hand and aimed at Lilian. Lighting her own weapon she aimed at him. Just as Andrew was about to strike. Lilian slammed her own weapon against him. He backed away, shocked at her strength. Before she knew it Andrew was choking. He dropped down on his knees, gasping for air.
"LILLIAN!" Luke yelled as Andrew's face turned red.
"It's ok." Mercury said, wiping her tears.
"Join me, child. Join me and I'll show what you are truly capable of."
"What about Ben?" She asked.
"Ben is nothing now. He left you." Lilian looked at him and nodded.
After a few months since meeting with Mercury. Lilian trained with him. He showed her the path of the darkness and she welcomed it. She noticed the difference between his teaching and Luke's teaching.
Mercury was brutal. There were days when Lilian couldn't get up from bed because of the bruising. She would end up with a black eye or a bruised rib. Not only was he teaching about the force but he taught her how to fight.
He taught her about surviving. He showed her things that she thought she would never do. When Lilian presented Mercury with her new saber, he praised her.
"Child, I am truly happy with your progress." Lilian smiled up at her master.
"I sense confidence. I sense no regret. I'm proud of you." He told her looking down at her as their craft landed.
"Now. I must ask you this." He tells her as they walk down the ramp to an open field.
"Yes, master?" She follows him.
He had taken her to a different planet. They stared at the green field. The mountain stood out in the background. Mercury looked over his shoulder as he stared at her.
"If I take you on a mission will you follow my every order? Even if it may seem crazy?" Lilian raised her brows at him.
"Lilian, did you know the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural?" He asked with a soft voice. Repeating the same question his master asked him once many years ago.
"I heard tales of it before." She answered him.
He nods at her. "This mission will show you that. I just need you to trust me and do everything I say. Can you do that?"
Lilian stared at the man before her. For the first time Mercury was being soft. His blue eyes stared her, it made her feel some type of way.
Lilian had started to look up at him as a fatherly figure these past few months. Mercury slowly looked away from her.
"What made you become a sith?"
Mercury looked up from his book and looked at Lilian. Training had just finished and they were sitting near the fireplace. They stayed in an underground safe house on Hoth.
Lilian had a blanket over her shoulder as she sat on the chair across from him. Mercury shut his book and placed it on the coffee table near him.
"My father was one and his father before him. Then I became one.
"Did your father train you?" Lilian asked.
Mercury stared at her as she spoke. He looked at the nasty cut on her lip. He couldn't help but feel a bit ashamed. They were training, doing hand to hand combat. He had used the force on her and hit her. He was surprised when she got up and raised her hands into a fighting position.
"No, my father died when I was a child. He was killed."
"What?!" Lilian asked.
"Is the person who killed him still alive?" She asked him quickly. He was a bit shocked at her reaction.
"I'm afraid so." He responded to her as he saw her up from her chair. She let the wool blanket drop to the floor as she stood in front of him.
"Why don't we find this person and kill them, Master?"
Mercury smiled at her question. He brings his hand to his mouth to cover his smile. She was naïve and hopeful.
"I'm strong enough now. I can help you." She told him kneeling in front of him. The crackling wood of the fireplace was the only thing heard. He stood silent. Thinking about it even though he knew it wasn't possible.
"You would help me? You will kill someone for me?" Mercury asked softly as he placed his hands on his lap.
'You look just like her. So beautiful. So strong.' He thinks to himself as he stares at Lilian. He feels his chest tighten at her smile.
'Just like her, Lilian.' He wanted to tell her. Tell her everything but he knew he had a job to do.
"Of course, I will." She told him.
"I am forever in your debt, Master. You found me when I was alone. You found me when I was left alone by someone who I thought loved me. If you haven't found me and take me under your wing. I would have been dead." Mercury let out a sinister smile as he stared at the scenery in front of him.
"I will follow your order." Mercury let his smile drop as he turned towards her.
"Good. Now shall we?" He said, tilting his head to the side making her smile.
She brings her saber in front of her and ignites it. The double bladed red saber roared to life.
Mercury grinned then he took his own saber out in front of her.
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fanniepentarra · 2 days
Promise I won't take too much of your time here, but I'm curious. How's your jedi training like? What do you do everyday? Anything you really like about it? Do you have one of those long glow sticks?
Oh, that’s quite alright—take up as much of my time as you’d like! It’s fun getting to share about my life. :)
My years at Luke’s school were such a sweet time for me, and I look back very fondly on them. I was there from the time I was eight years old, up until age nineteen. (I am twenty-two now—my goodness, how time has flown!)
I lived at Luke’s academy, and grew up there. Not every student does. It tends to be those with difficult family backgrounds, or, perhaps, no family at all. I would go back to Ryloth to visit my family a few times during the year, and I did miss my mother and sisters often…but, I think Luke’s school was a much better environment for me to develop.
Thus, Luke’s school was indeed school, but, for me, it was also my home, and my family. Oh goodness, the friends I had there—Meliko, my mentor, so sweet and wise; Rakkhi, who was also Twi’leki, but a much different sort of man from my father and my half-brothers—Char, who was always so silly and a troublemaker, but has since matured so incredibly that I am shocked whenever I see him—Luz, what a sweetheart—and Deirak…oh, Deirak…
Oh dear, I’m rambling; let me get back on track!
Our training consisted of a few different components: group lessons with Master Luke, one-on-one lessons with Master Luke, mentor-apprentice relationships among ourselves, and times of individual meditation and reflection. These were scheduled throughout the week, and we had recreational time on weekends. We also ate meals together, and we were each responsible for preparing meals (as well as other duties, like cleaning communal spaces) on a daily rotation. Sometimes, there were days when the kitchen team ended up being all boys. I love my brothers in the Force—but, I’m afraid the food did tend to be worse then.
What does it mean to be a Jedi? Mind, spirit, heart, body. All of these must be attuned to the Force. Our involuntary emotions are tied to the light and dark side of the Force, as are each of our conscious thoughts, decisions, and actions. The Force flows through our bodies—through our flesh and blood. We learned to still our minds, to observe our emotions and let them go, to feel compassion and love for others and to love ourselves in humility, to practice physical discipline and experience balance and wholeness in the body. The dark side of the Force comes naturally; the light must be cultivated. Nurtured. Learned, and encouraged. In the most difficult of internal struggles, it must simply be chosen out of obedience. It must be chosen out of the knowledge of what is right, rather than caving to one’s deepest desires.
This is what it means to be a Jedi.
I think what I liked most about Jedi training was how much it transformed me for the better. I always knew the Force was there when I was young, even if I didn’t have the words for it. But when I was a child, I was angry and volatile and determined to fight. Yet, with time, the light altered me—made me a new person, so to speak. And, though I still struggle at times, I am so different now—peace, gentleness, and compassion live at my core.
A long glow stick! Well, that’s certainly one way to describe a lightsaber! Yes, I do have one. I built it when I was fourteen. My kyber crystal is pale blue. I have rarely found myself in combat, but I do carry it with me wherever I go. Sometimes, I ignite it during meditation, and hold it upright in my hands, and listen to the low hum, feel the subtle vibration of the hilt… It’s soothing to me. Yes, it is a weapon, but it is also something else—a sort of…talisman, I suppose.
Now that I am no longer a student at Luke’s school, it is a little harder to be a Jedi, I think. The Jedi of old remained closely connected to the Jedi Temple and the Jedi Order their entire lives, even after completing their training. I do go back to Luke’s school monthly, and I remain close with my classmates and with Master Luke. But here on Ryloth, I feel alone a lot. My colleagues at the anti-slavery organization I work at share my passion for justice and freedom for Twi’leki women. They know I am a Jedi, and often they say “may the Force be with you” to me, to be polite. But…they do not really understand, which is difficult.
…Ben does not really understand, either. I have been struggling with this. But, that is a separate topic, and one I’ve not been able to think through very clearly.
Sweet friend, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to reminisce! I am always happy to answer questions, and I apologize for how extremely late my answer has come to you. I do hope you are doing well, wherever you may be!
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stealingpotatoes · 8 months
in another universe, cal kestis and caleb dume/kanan jarrus would’ve been best friends. and everyday i mourn what star wars took from us
YES!!! and one of those universes is my rebel survivor au which you've given me a wonderful excuse to draw more of:
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(commission info // kofi support!)
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bon-sides-sw · 1 month
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Cal's account Pt1
Part 2
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fellthemarvelous · 4 months
It pisses me off to see the way some Star Wars fans are so dismissive of Reva, Third Sister.
She's complex. She's interesting. She's clever. She's intelligent. She's strategic. She's conflicted. She's traumatized. She's scared. She's angry. She's a survivor.
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The Obi-Wan Kenobi series literally opens with her and her friends watching one of her Jedi mentors get gunned down by clone troopers during Order 66.
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She was a FUCKING CHILD!!! They were in the middle of a lesson when the clones walked in and started shooting everyone!! These were Anakin Skywalker's troopers and they were executing every single Jedi around them.
These children had NO idea what was going on. They were scared and they tried to run to safety.
We remember this scene from Revenge of the Sith and we all immediately knew what it meant.
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These are the same bodies that Obi-Wan Kenobi found when he and Yoda returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant after having to kill so many of Anakin's clone troopers just to survive.
These are children that the Jedi Council wasn't there to save.
Palpatine snuffed out the light of the Jedi in one swift act of terrorism and then blamed the Jedi for their own genocide after taking over the entire galaxy.
And in times of war, the weakest among everyone always suffer the most.
This is what Reva, Jedi youngling, remembers most about the end of the Clone Wars.
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Anakin Skywalker, hero of the Clone Wars and former padawan of the great Obi-Wan Kenobi, murdered all of her friends and injured her.
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She had to play dead amongst the dead bodies of her friends, and that's how she survived. She witnessed Anakin Skywalker murder all the Jedi in the temple with no one there to stop him because the other Jedi Masters were being executed in a war they had never wanted to enter into in the first place.
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She blames herself for not being able to save her friends because she wasn't strong enough to fight back. No youngling was ever going to be strong enough to stand against Anakin Skywalker. She wanted revenge against Anakin Skywalker, and she was just as desperate to get to Obi-Wan Kenobi as he was. She wanted to kill Anakin Skywalker just as badly as Darth Vader wanted to kill Obi-Wan.
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She was alone in a galaxy that tortured and executed surviving Jedi. She spent ten years plotting her revenge against Anakin. She was angry at Obi-Wan for not being there to stop Anakin, and rightfully so.
The Republic fell. Reva and her friends were left unprotected. She was the only person she relied on because everyone else failed her. She was only a child when she lost everyone.
And it's clear she was conflicted by her role as an Inquisitor. She doesn't have the training the other Inquisitors do because she volunteered to be an Inquisitor while all the others were tortured and terrorized into falling to the dark side. She only wanted access to Anakin so she could get justice for what he did to her and her family.
Unlike Anakin, Reva couldn't find it in herself to harm a child. She was seeking revenge solely against Anakin Skywalker. Luke and Leia are the same age she was when she watched her friends and family die in front of her.
Yes, she was prepared to torture Leia, but she consistently hesitated, and when Tala walked in, Reva turned away. She stopped. Yeah she was mad, but she didn't have to go through with it. She'd already planted a tracker on Lola. She was already planning on allowing them to escape so she could locate their secret base. She just needed to bait Obi-Wan. Her plan worked perfectly, and she didn't even have to hurt this child who was annoying the shit out of her (not realizing she was dealing with Anakin Skywalker's offspring).
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She went to Tatooine to kill Luke, but she couldn't. She hunted him down without bothering to kill Owen or Beru. She only cared about one thing. Getting justice for what happened to everyone she had been unable to save at the end of the war. She was only a child, and when she realized she was about to kill a defenseless child just to get revenge, she couldn't do it. She saw her face when she looked down at Luke and cried when she realized she couldn't do it.
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She was so horrified by what she had been prepared to do and returned him to Owen and Beru alive. She fell to her knees and sobbed because she thought she failed her family in the end.
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Obi-Wan was there for her this time. He reminded her that by showing mercy, she was giving her friends and family peace. She was not going to become the monster that Anakin Skywalker was.
Obi-Wan helped her and reminded her that she gets to decide who she wants to be from this point forward. She refused to become Anakin Skywalker, and a weight was finally starting to be lifted from her shoulders. A weight she had been carrying for ten long years.
She did what she thought she had to just to survive. She had only been a child with no guidance because everyone she loved died. She survived by joining the ranks of the enemy so she could plot her revenge. Obi-Wan showed her mercy at the moment she needed it most. He wasn't angry with her. He was compassionate. She survived Order 66 just like he did, but she had been defenseless when they were thrust into a galaxy that tortured and killed Force sensitive individuals and those who helped them. He had failed Reva during Order 66, and he wasn't going to fail her this time.
She is getting a second chance at finding her path in life despite the bad things she did. Everyone deserves a second chance. She was robbed of her childhood and had to grow up overnight. She had to learn how to survive. And that's exactly what she did. Just not in the way she expected.
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comebackali · 1 year
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Obi-wan immediately after he and Siri rescue Ferus from being kidnapped: Why doesn't Ferus smile at me when I walk in a room like Anakin does? Why doesn't Ferus tease me and make snarky quips like Anakin does? I miss Anakin so much, I need to find him right now immediately, I sure do hate being separated from him.
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evil-swedenish · 1 year
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Oh boy…
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rooksunday · 1 month
thinking about the narrative of clones “being made for the jedi” and there has to be a nonzero number of them that take the idea of ‘okay fine who is the diametric opposite of the jedi because stuff that’ and that’s how the lost battalion become the most fervent sith-sniffer-outerers in the galaxy. just turn up at dooku’s doorstep like, hi hello we’re your army let’s smush those jedi xoxo
and otoh this is playing into his master’s plan! wonderful discord!
otoh now he has two thousand badly socialised ten year olds tromping around his house and gardens what are you— would you put that DOWN— that’s not the right fork would you— okay everybody new plan, it’s time for the fine sith art of sitting very quietly while daddy deals with his headache okay
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order 66 was NOT a genocide. you can only genocide people & cultures, you can’t genocide a systemically deified super-religion that wants everyone in existence to either agree with them & exist their way or burn in hell for eternity. any decent ppl who went down with the purge forfeit their lives down the drain along with their family, home & very sense of self. they. had. it. fucking. coming.
from an indigenous person, fuck y’all for even comparing order 66 to genocide & talking all over survivors of real genocides to save face for your evangelical faith & the people you think are good guys. you are not about to disrespect the continent-sized OCEANS of blood that make up our ancestors & loved ones who were lost to real genocide. fuck off.
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askbensolo · 1 month
Journal Entry #44: one stayed, one swayed, one strayed
So I may have made a mistake. Amalia and I had planned a holocall to catch up (because I suck at replying to messages), and...I asked if she wanted to see Fannie, too. Since she’s here and everything.
I knew Amalia hadn’t spoken to Fannie or Luke for a long time. But they always ask me how she’s doing, since I’m the only one she still talks to. They clearly still care about her, even if she doesn’t think so. I don’t know—I just figured I’d ask.
And much to my surprise…she agreed. As long as I was going to be there, she said.
And you know what? It actually started out okay. Like I said…Amalia’s a lot more mellow now. She’s still herself, in the same way that I’m still me despite not being an emo boi anymore—but she does seem to care about people more, and there’s just more light in her eyes when she engages with you.
There was some chit-chat between me and Fannie and Amalia about what we’ve all been up to. I was feeling really proud of Mal. I know she’s got some issues with the Jedi and everything, and it must have taken a lot for her to be willing to talk to Fannie again.
What I don’t understand, is that Fannie must have known that too. So...I was shocked when Fannie just...went for the throat, and asked Amalia if she still didn't want to be a Jedi.
I think I mentioned to you how Amalia has developed some different beliefs on the Force. She thinks the Force must be a person rather than a thing. Like…some sort of divine spiritual being, I guess. And again, I say: don’t ask me about that stuff—not my lane, buddy. I just live here.
All I know is, she seems happier this way, thinking of the Force as someone who cares about her, and I thought Fannie would be happy for her, too. I mean…I am. But...she wasn't.
“Amalia…the Force isn’t a person,” Fannie said, sounding confused. “The Jedi have never believed the Force is a person.”
“Well, that’s why I’m not a Jedi,” said Amalia.
“The Jedi have passed down their ancient knowledge and wisdom for centuries. Do you really think they were all incorrect?”
“The Jedi have also passed down many mistakes and corrupt practices,” Amalia countered. “They were incorrect in that. Who’s to say there weren’t other things they got wrong? Or things that got twisted along the way? The Jedi were mortal. The Force is not. I follow the Force now, Fannie. Not the Jedi.”
“The Jedi do follow the Force,” Fannie argued. “The Jedi Order, despite its failings, has been a firm foundation for many years for all who would follow the Force—”
“All? Or just those with a high enough Force sensitivity?” Amalia asked.
“Well, yes, I suppose the life of a Jedi is specifically for those with a special ability to sense the Force, like you and I,” Fannie conceded, “but isn’t that all the more reason why you should have stayed? You were given a gift. It seems a shame to waste it."
"You just said someone gave me a gift," pressed Amalia. "Who did, if not a person?"
You know me. I’m all for debating the esoteric. But I was starting to get a little stressed about them fighting. One of them was a good friend because she shared my darker sense of humor and the feeling of being kind of an outcast. And one of them I was kinda hoping would be my girlfriend soon.
"Okay, ladies, break it up," I said. "I mean, come on. Who can really know anything about the Force for sure?"
"Every one of us can, if we seek to know the Force," said Amalia, with the urgency of one sharing a profound revelation.
"The Jedi know the Force," said Fannie, with the zeal of one defending a sacred institution. "They have studied it for generations."
"Why don't you guys just accept that you, you know, each see things a little differently, and move on?" I suggested, with the pragmatism of one who’d given up trying to understand the galaxy a long time ago. "It seems to be working out great for each of you, even if you guys believe different things. And who knows, maybe both of you are kind of right."
Amazingly enough, then they both turned on me.
"We can't both be right, Solo," Amalia said. "Our beliefs about the Force are pretty mutually exclusive."
"There is only one truth," agreed Fannie. "Your eyes couldn't be brown and blue at the same time."
"Well, what if I had one eye that was brown, and one eye that was blue, and each of you were sitting on either side of me—" I started to say, but as clever as I thought this little parable was, it did not go over well with the girls.
"Oh please. Not that 'blind men and the bantha' crap," Amalia groaned.
"There would still be only one truth—that you had a brown eye and a blue eye, rather than fully brown or fully blue—and both of us would be wrong," Fannie said.
"Okaaay," I said, "but you'd still both be half right—"
"Which would still make us both wrong," Amalia said.
"Look, is it really that important what the Force is or isn't like?" I asked impatiently.
"Yes!" Fannie and Amalia said at the same time.
"The Force is the giver of all life, watching over us, working all events toward our good, loving us despite our darkness, giving us the will and the strength to do what's right," said Amalia. "I didn't know how to have hope or joy or love for myself or anyone else, until I discovered that the Force made me on purpose and gives a damn about me."
"The Force is the energy that flows through each of us and every living creature, and in the influence we wield over the world, whether for good or evil," said Fannie. “If you are not in tune with it, you are not in tune with yourself or others or the rest of nature.”
"The Force is out there, sure, but I don't see why it's so worth bothering about," I said. “Seems like it kinda just does what it wants. I mean, it doesn’t seem to want anything to do with me. And if I’m honest? I don’t really want anything to do with it, either.”
Fannie and Amalia both stared at me, frustrated. I didn't understand why they thought I was so wrong. I was the only one here not trying to get everyone else to change their mind. I was totally okay with Amalia believing what she wanted to and Fannie believing what she wanted to as long as I could believe what I wanted to and somehow that made me the bad guy?
We were all quiet for a bit, until Fannie broke the silence.
“I don’t understand,” she said, shaking her head. “We all learned the same things from Master Luke. All three of us.”
Amalia and I exchanged glances.
“Well...I just don’t think that what Luke taught was true,” Amalia said, her words brusque, but her tone uncharacteristically gentle. “Not because he’s a liar. Because he’s misguided. I think he learned and taught an incorrect understanding of the Force.”
“I just don’t really care what’s true because my life is just work and rent and whatever little time I get to myself to have fun, and the last time I was interested in the Force I got super abused and manipulated,” I said.
“But we used to all accept the same things as truth,” said Fannie. "I just...don't know what's different."
“We were younger then. People change as they grow up. Not everyone believes the same things at twenty-five that they did at fifteen,” Amalia said.
“I’ve sure changed a lot. Not just regarding the Force, but all over,” I said.
Fannie sighed, and started to look a little sad. And then...I felt an impression brush up against the outside of my mind—it was the three of us, at Luke's school: Amalia and I a little smaller than we were right now and Fannie exactly the same size, hair and lekku and montrals all a little shorter—the three of us, dressed in Jedi robes, Fannie's with the ruffles she'd sewn on, mine plain and rough and ugly, Amalia's with the sleeves cut short—sitting in the grass and comparing notes scrawled from lessons with Uncle Luke—discussing the light side of the Force and the dark, meditating together—Amalia and I goofing off while Fannie tried in vain to reel us back in—Fannie and I teaming up to talk Amalia away from the deep end when she was losing her mind—me watching in absolute jealousy while Fannie and Amalia sparred—Fannie's saber against the saber that was once Amalia's but now sat sadly on a special shelf in my uncle's office—Amalia had no idea how often I'd caught Luke gazing wistfully at it, back when I used to still meet with him for counseling—
All that in a flash, and then I turned and looked and saw it all in Fannie’s eyes, and my heart felt heavy for her. And I realized that...letting Amalia and I go our own way was a sort of bitter loss for Fan, a source of grief that I couldn’t really understand—but I could feel it—an anchor dragging her below the surface—my friend, the girl I loved, the girl with the great big heart like an open wound, the girl who yearned for the galaxy to make sense.
I put my arm around her shoulder without really thinking about it, and brushed the backs of my fingers against her cheek to comfort her. And gave her a little nudge like, hey, things are okay, I’m still here, right?
“Oh my frick,” said Amalia, who I’d temporarily forgotten about, in a tone of voice like she was witnessing the eighth wonder of the galaxy. “I had to see it to believe it. But I just saw it, and I still don’t know if I believe it.”
Fannie and I looked at each other uncomfortably. We hadn’t been planning to tell her. Or anyone, really. Not for a while. But acting close with each other had just become sort of natural to us. I withdrew my arm and Fannie scooted ever-so-slightly further away from me.
Amalia shook her head. “I mean. Look. Sure. You guys are kind of cute, not gonna lie. But I’m just gonna say it: you two shouldn’t be together.”
I was stunned. That was really so not her business.
“Okay. Cool. Who asked you?” I replied, more than a little annoyed.
“Nobody, but you know that I always say what I think, just like you do, Ben,” she said. “Think about the whole conversation we’ve just had. I mean. Do you guys not see how incompatible your worldviews are? Do you not think you’re gonna have issues down the line trying to reconcile your values?”
I looked at Fannie, almost afraid she’d agree. But she looked upset, and not agreeable in the least, and I felt better. I turned back to Amalia's hologram.
“We have a lot of differences, yeah. But we’re willing to work through them and accept each other as we are, and that’s that,” I said stiffly.
“Ben’s been through a lot,” said Fannie. “I can forgive that he has trouble connecting with the Force.”
“Hey, I’ve been through a lot, too!” said Amalia. “But I still believe in something. I believe in something, Fannie—he doesn’t believe in anything. And he doesn’t have trouble connecting with the Force—that man is sprinting in the opposite direction as fast as he freaking can.”
“Hey, I said I believe in the Force,” I said defensively. “It’s pretty hard not to, when people can use it to make things float and stuff.”
“And he’s Luke’s own nephew, for goodness’ sake!” Fannie said.
“He's also the grandson of one of the biggest Sith Lords who ever lived. But I don’t think it really matters who he’s related to, or if he believes the Force exists, if he doesn’t care,” said Amalia. “Be honest with yourself, Fannie. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone who doesn’t have a purpose and doesn’t know why he’s alive, except to make money and have fun?”
“Listen, Mal,” I said. “Not all of us are cut out for seeing the grand scope of some cosmic order and imagining we have a part in it. Some of us just wanna live our lives—”
But Fannie interrupted me.
“You’re jealous, Amalia,” she said, unusually nasty, unusually venomous. We both stared at her. “You’re jealous. You’re jealous! You liked him, too. I know you did. And you’re jealous that he chose me.”
That seemed to hit kind of a nerve with Amalia. I’m not sure why. Either it was true…or it was so untrue that it pissed her off to even hear the idea suggested. She raised her brow and sucked in her cheeks and blinked a little, as if to say…well, damn, alrighty then.
“…Okay,” she said, sounding less-than-friendly, but less-than-frigid. “Weeell. That sounds like a great place to call it quits. Nice talking with you both, and I wish y’all the best. Talk to you later, Ben. And, Fannie…good luck.” And then she signed off, before I could even say anything.
I looked at Fan desperately, hoping we could have some kind of debrief, but…she stood up with a huff and stormed off too.
Geez. Three things that are complicated: 1) religion, 2) growing up, and 3) girls.
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Lawyering through fandoms: Impossibility in contract law
When you become a Jedi, you have to give up all attachments as part of the Code. This includes romance as that is an attachment to your partner, which is why Anakin Skywalker kept his marriage to Padme Amidala a secret.
Under contract law, a party can raise an impossibility defense when an unforeseen event occurs after the contract is made which makes performance impossible. If this happens, impossibility can be used to excuse non-performance (basically, you don’t have to abide by the terms of the contract anymore).
Now, let’s say the Jedi Code is the contract you sign when you become a Jedi and the no-attachments rule is one of the terms. Well…Vader and the Empire destroyed the Jedi Order. Vader’s actions were unforeseeable since who the fuck expected Anakin to just wipe everyone out. Thus, we can say that anyone who signed up to be a Jedi no longer has to be bound by the Code since performance is impossible.
So, when this happens with Cal Kestis and Merrin:
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Cal is all good since he has an impossibility defense, just in case some Jedi veteran asshat sues him by claiming he’s gone against the Jedi Code. In fact, Cal even says that the Order is gone and he’s not bound to the Code anymore.
(There, I justified Merrical on a legal basis LOL)
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fanniepentarra · 3 days
hi! i know that i can never become a jedi, because of my lack of sensitivity to the force, but my parents had a baby recently! a little sister! she feels... different. in a good way, of course! do you think one day, she'll be a jedi? if she tries?
Oh my goodness! How wonderful! Your sister must be a sweet little young lady by now! :)
Yes, your sister could absolutely become a Jedi! To be sensitive to the Force is a very special gift.
While it’s true that some of us lived at the academy during our training, such as Amalia and I, it is not a requirement. Your sister is welcome to stay at home with your parents, and travel to the Jedi school for her teaching. :)
Dear one, even if you are not Force-sensitive, I hope you know the Force remains with you, too! You may not be able to feel it, but you choose the light side of the Force whenever you choose to do what is right.
Ah—it troubles me that I don’t know if you will ever see this message, dear friend! I do so hope that you, your parents, and your sister are well.
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bon-sides-sw · 7 months
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More Uni Au
But this time is Cal's private school
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jewishcissiekj · 7 months
why is this Jedi Quest: The School of Fear Japanese cover by Tsuyoshi Nagano so cunty
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