#jeez that was hard because I was like okay I kinda like these three but the rest??
paleangels13 · 2 years
Tagged by @mondscheinprinzessin and @rosalba-robi 💖
rules: list your top 5 favorites of your fics, what they're about, and why you're proud of them, then tag some fic authors to do the same!
I won't tag anyone because I don't know who's done it by now and who hasn't ^^"
Baby, if I let you in, I know I'll be falling
This is basically just about Aleksi visiting Robin for a hook up but there is a very obvious hint at idiots in love at the end ^-^
It was the first fic I wrote after I think 2 or 3 years and started my whole journey as a writer in this fandom so it holds a very special place in my heart ☺️ I also found my amazing beta-reader (@bc-sideblog) thanks to this fic and I wouldn't want to miss her 🥺🥺❤️ there is a whole universe created around this story btw, I just need to write it down eventually... Maybe ✨
Sharing is caring
Well, this is omegaverse and besically it's about Joonas getting into his heat on the tourbus and the others (all alphas) helping him get through it. There is some tenderness and actual love going on in the last part so it has some sweetness and feelings to it 🥺👀
This was the second biggest fic I've ever written and it was so, so much work which I totally underestimated but I'm super proud about actually finishing it and yeah. Also went completely out of my comfort zone with this because I never planned on writing omegaverse... :) (also btw really like the difference between each of the guys with Joonas and especially the interaction between Joonas and Niko in the end!)
After the battle
Fantasy au with the boy being... Well, who knows ✨👀 Tommi is a werebear but that's the only thing that's very safe just from reading the story :D And aside from that it's about them being involved in a battle where one of them gets injured and doesn't come back to their safe house immediately so there is some drama and angst in this.
I just really love this AU and I definitely want to explore this some more! I like the way I wrote this not jumping straight to the point but rather giving more and more hints throughout the story ^^" I was super fun to write and I love the whole group-dynamic in this 🥰
More beautiful than the night sky on New Year's Eve
Robin invites Aleksi to a NYE party and they have some stuff to talk about with some realization hitting in (cute ending!)
First fully "fluffy" fic I ever (?) wrote and I like the setting a lot and it's idiots in love and dude you two are so stupid 😭🤲🏻 please just get your shit together everyone can see you're on love 😔
When he comes home... (/the whole Toxic Series in general)
Well the one I specifically mentioned is what it says in the title... Aleksi coming home to Joonas and Rilla. It just isn't a happy reunion.
I like the atmosphere in this one I think? Like nothing actually happens but it's still super obvious that something is incredibly wrong and also Rilla 🥺 being there comforting Joonas and probably being the main reason why nothing happens 🥺
About the series in general I can just say that I'm kinda proud of the whole atmosphere I created in each of the 3 stories so far and idk... I really went out of my comfort zone with this one when it comes to actually writing something in this direction down and not just having the idea but being too...scared? of actually putting it into a fic. But I also had a hard time writing the first part because I didn't want to go into too much detail about what's happening but also didn't want to skip it all together so I had to find something in the middle which was tough. There is at least one more (maybe two) part coming for that one in case anyone cares 😅🙈
Bonus: I can feel you looking at me
Aleksi and Olli work at a...bar. And finally Aleksi gathers the courage to talk to Olli about some things he had noticed during the past few weeks (idiots in love but with a little...twist..??)
I like this and I can't tell y'all why. I just do. Also got to write this into a little different setting thanks to a certain someone but you'll get to read that in the next few days (I hope) 🥰
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soft-for-yoongi · 7 months
5 times BTS thought Jungkook was throwing up + the one time he actually is
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Sick: Jungkook
Caretaker: ot7, each have their individual sections
Tw: gagging, mentions of nausea, vom**, puking, dizziness
Word count: 1,469
Okay... here me out it's a little different from what I usually do, but please let me know what you think!! 🙏 oh and which member was your favourite?? 🤩
Jungkook looks adorable, Namjoon thinks as he snaps a photo of the youngest— asleep on the couch in his studio. It wasn't uncommon for the members to relax there, but Jungkook definitely does it the most. Just as Namjoon sends the photo to their group chat, Jungkook wakes with a groan. He stretches before a hand covers his mouth.
Namjoon looks at him, Jungkook's eyes are half lidded and hazy, hand on his month. Wait. Namjoon grabs the trash can under his desk, quickly holding it in front of Jungkook. The youngest takes the bin with a furrowed brow, then erupts with a sneeze, "HIHSH'Ew, ugh. Sorry." Jungkook mumbles, still sleepy. "What's this for?" He adds, lifting the bin slightly.
Namjoon looks at him blankly, "Oh, thank goodness, you're okay. I thought you were about to vomit," Namjoon laughs, half-heartedly because it has happened before, and you can never be too prepared. "Jeeze, hyung, you worry too much." Jungkook giggles.
Jin was peacefully cooking in the kitchen, making one of their go-to's, but still a favourite. The occasional member swings by sometimes to check in and help for a bit, which is why he wasn't surprised when the youngest walked into the kitchen. He opens the fridge and takes a water, taking a few swigs. A drop accidentally goes down the wrong hole, making Jungkook splutter and cough. He throws himself over the sink, coughing and spitting water into the drain.
Seokjin abandons the veggies he was cutting and starts rubbing Jungkook's back, "you okay, Jungkook-ah?" Seokjin said, concerned for the younger. Jungkook nodded and swallowed, recovering from his clumsy drinking. He exhaled, "I'm okay. I swallowed funny and it went down the wrong way." Jungkook wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, Jin still rubbing his spine.
"Christ, you scared me half to death! I thought you were being sick or something." Seokjin admits, dramatically holding his heart. Jungkook chuckled, realising the misunderstanding, "sorry, hyung. I'm fine, I promise." Jungkook replies, earning a sigh and fluffing of his hair from Seokjin.
Put Jungkook with his Hoseokie-hyung and there's bound to be chaos. They were originally practising together, but somehow, it turned into a pirouette competition? Hoseok went first, and he'd say he was pretty graceful, remembering to point his toes as he spun around. Jungkook's high-pitched laugh rang in the air as he held his phone up, recording Hoseok. "Aish!" He exclaimed, "wow, that was hard." Hoseok stopped spinning, after doing approximately 4 turns, again, pretty impressive if you ask him.
"Jungkookie, your turn!" Hoseok beams, quickly flipping out his phone and recording as Jungkook takes the spotlight. He spins in quick succession, one, two, three, four, five?? Jungkook laughs at the very Hoseok-like noises as he films. Jungkook slows down and ends up victorious with 7 turns. Woah, he's kinda dizzy though. Jungkook pants, hand on his knee and arm to his middle.
"Wahhh, Jungkookie!... Hey, you feeling okay?" Hoseok ends the video, jogging to the youngest. He places a hand on his back, heart dropping. "Yeah- just dizzy." Jungkook laughs, straightening up to look at his hyung. "Are you about to puke?" Hoseok blurts, eyes starting to scan for a rubbish bin. "What? No, gosh. I'm fine Hobi-hyung," Jungkook breaks into high-pitched laughter, soon joined by the elder.
Taehyung has an arm wrapped around Jungkook's shoulder, both sharing a blanket as they stare intently at the tv, playing an action movie. Taehyung knew the youngest loved them, but couldn't get as immersed as he could. Thus why when Jungkook made sniffly noises and put a hand over his mouth to stop from sobbing, Taehyung was very confused. And very worried. He had been paying attention and nothing too dramatically sad was happening (he thinks), so what's wrong with Jungkook???
"Jungkookie?" Taehyung holds Jungkook's cheek, body turned to face him. Jungkook looks towards his lap, a little embarrassed, his hand the only thing keeping him from audibly sobbing. "Are you getting sick or something? Your cheeks are pink." Taehyung worries, using his phone light to illuminate Jungkook's face. He sees the shaky fingers cupped over his mouth and assumes the worst. "Do you feel nauseous?" The singer questions.
Jungkook bubbles with a laugh, tears still coming out of his eyes. "I-I'm okay, Taehyungie-hyung." Jungkook uses his sleeve to wipe his eyes, blinking back a couple more and taking some deep breaths. "How are you not sad? Iron man died." Jungkook pouts, maybe Taehyung wasn't paying as much attention as he thought. "I was more worried about you. It looked like you were gonna be sick!" Taehyung frets, pulling the youngest into a hug to calm both himself and Jungkook.
Jungkook sqints at the toilet. It's shiny and looking better already! He'd noticed some dust and decided he'd do a good deed and clean the toilet. Pretty normal thing to do, if you ask Jungkook. Though, Yoongi didn't see it that way when he first walked into the bathroom. The bathroom was half lit and he'd taken his contacts out already. He scans the youngest, who's squated in front of the toilet.
"Kook?" Yoongi says, suddenly next to him and rubbing his back. He's on his toes, ready to grab some pepto or another member. The youngest turns around to look at the older, a confused look on his face. "Do you want some water?" Yoongi offers, wiping his eyes tiredly. Jungkook is still confused as to what his hyung is doing.
"I'm okay, hyung," Jungkook replies. He is enjoying having his back rubbed though, he will admit. "Have you been sick?" Yoongi asks, although the toilet does look oddly clean. "What? Hyung, I'm cleaning the toilet, not throwing up," Jungkook breaks into laughter, clapping his hands. "Oh my bad, good work Kook-ah." Yoongi smiles, "you had me worried."
Jimin looks over at the youngest from his position on the couch. Jungkook's face is puffy and he's got two pieces of toast in front of him. Plain toast. No butter, no jam, nothing. They've only got a recording session later this evening, so usually Jungkook works himself quite an impressive appetite even though it's only breakfast. He watches the youngest cringe with each bite, looking like he's zoning out.
He turns off his phone to pay more attention to Jungkook. He sees the younger's face twinge in discomfort or pain—he can't quite tell—and then move a hand under the table to place on his belly. Gotcha. Jimin's mood drops and he walks over to Jungkook, placing a hand on his back. Jungkook doesn't even resist the touch, not bothering to put up a facade as he pushes his plate away, resting his forehead on the table.
"Not feeling the best?" Jimin asks, "I feel sick." Jungkook replies and the dancer hums sympathetically. Jimin slides in the seat next to him, concern apparent on his face. "Kook, do you know what's upsetting you?" Jimin frowns worriedly. "I don't know, hyung... my stomach hurts." Jungkook says and then registers that these are all his tell-tale signs he's about to throw up. He moans at the realisation.
"Jungkook do you need me to bring the bin over?" Jimin stills his hand on Jungkook's back, able to hear the younger's stomach throwing a fit from where he's sitting. Jungkook lifts his head enough to give Jimin a nod. With haste, Jimin grabs the trash can from in the kitchen and brings it back. Jungkook takes the bin and lets it rest in his lap, staring at the meager contents and feeling his stomach churn unhappily.
Jimin can see goosebumps on Jungkook's arms and wishes relief for him so badly. Seeing the youngest pale and quiet, makes Jimin want to switch places with him. The weight of anticipation is soon ended when Jungkook coughs lightly and then breaks out into gags, bringing the bin right up to his face. "Deep breaths, Kook." Jimin says, worry etched onto his face.
Jungkook can only hiccup and release strained breaths, not quite what Jimin wants right now. "Hyung— I'm g-gonna throw up—" Jungkook whimpers, back arching into a 'c' as he retches productively. Jimin pats his back nervously, eyeing the bathroom door, considering relocating the sick maknae.
Gags fill Jungkook's ears and the smell of his previous toast is enough to make him go green in the face. Jungkook tries to focus on the hand on his back and the massaging of his neck but his stomach clearly has other plans. The organ squeezes harshly at every move Jungkook makes, forcing bill up his throat. "I hate this, hyung..." Jungkook mumbles, hugging the bin close.
"Yeah, being sick is no fun, it's a good thing you're healthy." Jimin kisses the singer's hair, "most of the time."
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topguncortez · 2 years
I put this in submit on accident but what if when out in public Mrs.Seresin is breastfeeding baby girl and someone does something to make the mrs uncomfortable or insecure and Jake and daggers defend her! Opposites attract world would be awesome! Thank you ❤️
it's all good! Just a reminder to all, my ask box is called "Attention to the talk" (it's a term we use in my unit when they want us to pay attention) Also, tweaking this just a tad so it's when Mrs. Seresin has Eli:)
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|| Masterlist || Opposites Attract Masterlist ||
It wasn't every day that Jake got to bring his kids to the hangar, but when he did get the chance, he was all smiles about it. Some members of the dagger squad had just come back from a small mission overseas. Jake had opted to sit this one out, seeing as Eli was only a couple months old. Y/N appreciated having Jake home, but was starting to grow a tad annoyed with him. Jake was kinda lost without Rooster, Bob, Phoenix and Coyote at his disposal.
Jake showed Alex and Ella around the hangar, showing them different parts of the planes, and showing them the maps. Alex was more interested in all of it than Ella was, which wasn't surprising. Y/N and Jake had talked before about how much Alex took after Jake in his interest in flying. It slightly terrified him that one day Alex could grow up to join the military, but also made him proud.
"You look happy," Rooster said, putting his arm around Y/N's shoulders.
"I am, currently child free right now," Y/N smiled and held her arms out, looking as she had no kids attached to them. Bob was holding Eli, and seemed to be catching him up as well, "I'm glad you guys are back. He made me watch Texas football."
"Oh no, you poor thing," Coyote joked and she rolled her eyes.
"Hey! How about we go to the beach. . . a little dog fight football?" Maverick suggested, holding up a football in his hands.
"Beach, Papa Mav!" Ella yelled and ran towards her 'papa'.
"Sounds like that's a yes, huh, Elles?" Maverick said, and picked up the three year old in his arms.
"You okay with that?" Jake asked, putting his arm around his wife, "I could use some sun, looking a pit bale."
"Oh jeez, anymore vitamin D and it all goes to your head," Y/N joked.
"Gotta soak past those hair products first," Bob quipped.
Jake and Y/N met the team down at the beach after they stopped by home to get the kids ready. Since the addition of Eli, it got a bit more challenging to get three Seresin kids ready to go anywhere, but they managed. Alex was six and could kind of get his own stuff together with supervision, and Ella was starting to do the same. Jake could handle the two older kids while Y/N focused on getting the baby ready.
Penny was sitting under an umbrella on the beach, and called Y/N over to sit next to her. She smiled at the older woman, as Alex and Ella engulfed her in a hug.
"Oh hi, babies," Penny smiled, "Amelia! Kids are here!"
"Millie!" Ella yelled as the teen walked out from the Hard Deck, "Momma can we go to the water?"
"Stay with Amelia and Alex, okay?" Y/N said, and Ella nodded with a smile. Y/N greeted Amelia, and then sent the three of them on their way.
"Look at him," Penny cooed, seeing the baby strapped to her chest, "Snug like a bug."
"You should see Jake wearing this thing," Y/N giggled, "He wasn't a fan of it with Alex, I think partially because he was just so little, but he fell in love with it and the wrap around one when we had Ella."
Y/N carefully sat down on the blanket next to Penny, then unstrapped the baby on her chest. Eli let out a soft cry at the loss of warmth from his mother, but was content once he was laid on his back and given a toy. Penny smiled at the two of them, before going back to watch the aviators play.
"What's the point of this?" Y/N said, looking up from her son, "Offense and defense at the same time?"
"No clue," Penny said, "Pete made it up when they came back for the uranium mission. I think they just use it as a chance to take their shirts off."
"I'm not complaining," Y/N giggled and Penny shot her a smirk.
"Hey, you just had that one," Penny laughed.
"Baby department is closed," Y/N said, "Three is enough for us. Ain't that right, Eli." She gently tickled her son's belly, getting a laugh from him.
Penny, Y/N and the kids stayed on the beach for awhile, until the older two were begging for a snack and something to drink. They sat on the deck of the Hard Deck still watching the aviators play and tackle each other in the sand.
Penny had gotten Alex and Ella chicken strips and fries. They both sat at the table outside with Y/N, watching their dad and uncles play. Eli had started to grow fussy, and Y/N knew that it was getting close to feeding time for him. She noticed some eyes drift over to her as Eli let out a loud cry.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Y/N said, listening to his cry, “You’re hungry aren’t you. I got you, baby boy,” Y/N grabbed a blanket from the diaper bag to cover herself. She tried her best to hush Eli while she got herself situated, pulling down the strap of her swim suit, “Shh, Eli, it’s okay.” It was hard to get Eli positioned right to latch with him moving around, but once she did, his cries ceased. She made sure the blanket was covering everything, as she sat back in her chair a bit.
"Do you really have to do that?" A man in a khaki uniform asked her. He had to be fresh out of flight school. He only had a silver bar on his uniform and a singular rack of ribbons.
“What?” Y/N asked softly, looking up at him. 
“That.” He said nodding to her feeding Eli, “It’s weird. They have bathrooms ya know."
“Oh,” Y/N heart fell into her stomach, and she suddenly felt very exposed, even though her chest and feeding son were covered, “I’m sorry, I can leave. Um, Alex, Ella, I'll be right-” Y/N started to gather her diaper bag and push off the couch when Jake and the dagger squad walked up on the deck. 
“What did you say to her?” Jake asked the young aviator who was still looking over at Y/N. 
“It’s okay, Jake,” Y/N said, trying to deescalate the situation. 
“No, what did you say?” Rooster asked. 
“I just asked her to go somewhere else,” The aviator, “Not everyone wants to see that.” 
“That?” Jake, raised his eyebrows and clenched his jaw, “That is completely natural for a woman to do for her child. It’s her body and she is doing what it is designed to do. Nobody else was bothered by it but you, so why the fuck are you trying to sexualize somethig so natural and innocent?” 
“I-I’m not.” 
“Then you’ll be okay if the mother of my son feeds him where she feels comfortable,” Jake said, and walked over to the empty seat next to her. He put his arm around Y/N, trying to make her feel more comfortable. Y/N settled into him, and he placed a kiss on her temple.
"You can leave now," Bob said, and the aviator got up from his spot quickly.
"Wait," Phoenix said, and the aviator stopped in his spot, "What's your name?"
"Lieutenant Correll, Stallion," He said.
"Thought so," Phoenix smirked, "Well, Stallion, you'll report to the hangar at zero five Monday morning. . . bring a toothbrush."
"Multiple, actually," Payback said, "My plane is a little dirty from the last mission."
"Bring a friend too," Coyote said. Lieutenant Correll gulped audibly, "Okay, now fucking leave." He scurried away from them quickly, running into Maverick as he walked down the steps of the deck.
“What did you do?” Maverick asked, walking over to the table full of his aviators.
“Nothing, he can just go fuck off,” Jake mumbled. 
“Jake,” Y/N sighed, “If you guys are uncomfortable with me breastfeeding Eli-” 
“None of us are uncomfortable by it, Y/N,” Rooster said, “It’s like a mom thing to do, ya know.” 
The team agreed and sat down in various chairs around the Seresin family. Y/N smiled at them and then looked down, seeing Eli slowly falling asleep against her chest. When she was done feeding, Phoenix helped her cover herself up, as Jake was burping Eli. Y/N let the daggers take the kids back to the water.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Y/N said, as she finished pumping. 
“Yes I did,” Jake answered, “I’m not going to let anyone make you feel uncomfortable for doing something totally natural. There are so many benefits with breastfeeding, there’s the vitamins, the skin to skin contact, the bonding, the-” 
“Okay, I know,” Y/N said, cutting him off with a smile, “This isn't my first go around with this. But thank you, daddy.” She smirked and Jake rolled his eyes, pulling her in for a kiss.
“It’s my job, mommy.”
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purplephantomwolf · 6 months
Love in Motion
Chapter One
Synopsis: Lydia gets a wrong number text from Lando Norris.
Note: This is not an accurate portrayal of how the real people in this act. I do not know them personally, so I will not be portraying them accurately.
Warnings for this chapter: None
Next chapter: Chapter Two
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April 4, 2022
     I sigh, turning my attention away from my organic chemistry professor to my laptop screen. I watch as the 20 best drivers in the world complete the last lap of the first race of the 2021 Formula 1 season. I just recently got into Formula 1, so I’m watching the 2021 season to get a feel for the sport. One of my best friends says the 2021 season is a great season to watch because of the fights between Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton. I silently cheer as my favourite driver, Lando Norris, finishes P4. I look up at the clock and see that it’s only 12:30. Still 35 minutes left of class, I think. I let out a little audible sigh, turning back to my laptop. I move on to watching qualifying for the first Italy grand prix of the 2021 season. I have just clicked play when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I grab it and see a text message from an unknown number. 
Unknown number: Did you make it home from the club okay?
Me: *One image attached* Considering I’m currently in a chemistry lecture, I think you may have been given the wrong number. I’m sorry.
     I send a picture of my view of my professor, laptop, and notes to the unknown number. 
Unknown number: Oh, thank you! I’m sorry for bothering you!
Unknown number: Hang on, are you watching Formula 1 while in lecture?
Me: It’s okay! Also, yes I am watching Formula 1 while in lecture. I’d rather be learning about Formula 1 than boring organic chemistry. Also, why are you texting someone about getting home from the club okay? It’s 12:30 pm?
Unknown number: It’s currently 2:30 am for me. I was attempting to text a girl I was talking to at the club, but it looks like she gave me the wrong number. 
Me: Oh, that makes sense. Wait, where are you that’s 14 hours ahead of me? Also, I’m sorry about the whole wrong number thing. That really sucks. Unless she gave you the wrong number cause you’re a creep. Then you deserve it. 
Unknown number: I’m currently in Melbourne, Australia. And I wasn’t being a creep! At least, I don’t think so. I hope not at least. I try my best to not be a creep. 
Me: Alright, that’s good. I doubt you were being a creep. And Australia? Jeez, that’s so far from me. I’m in Minnesota, United States.
Unknown number: That's only a little far from Australia. 
Me: Yeah, it’s going to be not fun to watch the F1 race this weekend, but staying up is so worth it to see the race live.
Unknown number: Big fan of the sport? 
Me: Yeah, I am. I just recently got into it, so I’m watching the 2021 season to learn everything I can. I’m also attempting to watch all the qualifying and races live.
Unknown number: Oh cool. That’s got to be tiring Considering most of the races are in Europe. Waking up early every day of the weekend must suck. 
Me: I mean, yeah. It kinda sucks, but it’s not too bad. I’m not waking up super early unless it’s races in places like Japan and Australia. The earliest I have to wake up is like 6 for other races. That’s not too bad though. 
Unknown number: Oh, that’s not too bad then! Which team do you support?
Me: Well, there’s not a specific team I really support. If I have to choose one, it would be Ferrari, probably followed by Red Bull. I support drivers more than I support teams really. 
Unknown number: Okay, then who are your top three drivers?
Me: That is a hard decision to make for 2 and 3. Lando Norris is for sure my number one driver, but I have like 5 drivers tied for second and then 5 tied for third. I made a tier list one time lol
Unknown number: Okay, so what’s the tier list then? I’m curious
Me: The people within each tier are in no particular order. So it goes 1. Norris 2. Verstappen, Leclerc, Gasly, Ricciardo, Sainz 3. Schumacher, Albon, Stroll, Vettel, Tsunoda 4. Bottas, Guanyu, Ocon, Russell, Hamilton 5. Latifi, Magnussen, Perez, Alonso
Unknown number: Hmm, interesting. So do you dislike tier 5 then?
Me: No, I don’t dislike any drivers. Unless you count past drivers *cough* Mazespin *cough* Tier 1 is my all time favourite. Tier 2 are ones I also support a bunch, but are not my all time favourite. Tier 3 are ones I support, but not much as tier 2. Tier 4 are ones I support some. Tier 5 are ones I don’t support at all. 
Unknown number: That’s a funny nickname for Mazepin. But why don’t you like him?
Me: I’m not sure. I just get a weird vibe from him. 
Unknown number: Interesting. But I get what you’re saying. Can I ask why Lando is your favourite? My favourite is Carlos. 
Me: Sure! Lando is my favourite because of his personality, humor, and how he speaks out about mental health. I really struggle with depression and anxiety, so having such a public figure speak out about it is amazing. Also helps that he’s got the boy next door charm. That’s definitely my type lol.
Unknown number: Ahh, okay! Those are good reasons to like him! Now, I feel weird talking to a nameless person. Can I ask you what your name is?
Me: My name is Lydia. Can I ask what your name is?
Unknown number: Lydia, that’s a pretty name. My name is Luke. 
Me: Nice to meet you, Luke. 
     I look up when I hear a commotion around me. I see that my classmates are packing their things and leaving. Wow, time really flew by talking to this stranger. I put my phone down and quickly pack my things. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and head out. I feel my phone vibrate with a text again. I see that it’s Luke again. 
Luke: Nice to meet you too, Lydia. 
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oh oh jeez oh no i have to decide what i'm normal about rn uhhh
It's hard because I don't wanna touch too much on plot points because this will be written as a fic eventually, doodles are one thing because they can be dubiously canon and silly but you know
okay okay a very important detail to me is that King in this au is like, a year or two younger then Siffrin and that is very important to the plot actually
(King will say it's one year, Siffrin will say it's two just to be annoying, neither of them actually know for sure and he refuses to choose a new birthday so it does get confusing.)
Anyway I have three main reasons for this
a) Siffrin is avoidant as heck about island stuff and King is... very desperate to know more about island stuff so they clash a little...
But King is also good at reading people and makes the choice to back down a bit when Siffrin panics when they first meet and because Siffrin's looking at like a poorly taken care of guy who's barely an adult and just as alone as they are...
I imagine Siffrin can cut a bit of slack when King takes it back near immediately... and King figures he'll be able to actually ask questions later once he builds up trust with Siffrin.
b) I want King redeemable, at least somewhat.
(got plan two endings because I think it's a coin flip on if King wants to be redeemed but that's a whole other thing.)
But King... is kinda an ass, ngl, he is condescending and stubborn and righteous... If he had age on Siffrin I genuinely do not think he would listen as well to them because he'd convince himself that he has more life experience or whatever.
Already has a "I know best" mentality, being older then Siffrin would make him obnoxious...
c) I think it's funny that King could be a 25ish year old simultaneously having the mental crisis and power trip of the century
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
Okay, how about this? Steve and the Reader broke up but they are babysitters to the Party. The kids pick up something going on between them and don't realize it until they find a torn up picture in each of your wallets. You keep Steve's half while he keeps yours. So, the kids try to find out what happened and get you guys back together. Basically, the Party Parent Traps you. Bonus if you can include the older teens (in an AU where no one dies). Heck, throw in Murray for couples counselling!
This is going to be so chaotic I can just imagine it! I am definitely including Murray too I’m dead just imagining all this 🤣 (peep the reference to the scene with him and Jancy when he can’t remember Steve’s name)
Also I’m pretending nothing else has happened yet since Steve got pulled into the Upside Down and got stuck there with the other three. Like the other events haven’t happened/haven’t occurred yet, just for reference.
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Code Red: Operation Love
Steve Harrington x Reader ft. The Party & Murray!
“Okay, why have you called us all here?” Eddie asked.
The room was packed with people.
Dustin was leading the meeting, the other younger teens sitting nearby him.
It was Mike who had called a Code Red to older sister Nancy, who gathered her boyfriend Jonathan, Robin and Eddie.
It was specifically instructed not to contact Steve or Y/N about this meeting.
“Yeah, you said it was a Code Red so I thought someone was dying or some shit,” Robin said.
“Imagine my disappointment when we arrived and everyone was okay,” Eddie quipped.
Nancy smacked his arm hard, leaving him wincing.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
“Yeah, we kinda figured it had to do with Steve and Y/N when you made it loud and clear not to invite them,” Jonathan said, giving his younger brother Will a pointed look.
“Hey, I just wanted to make sure you got the message,” Will said, holding his hands up in defense.
“We did,” Robin said wryly.
“ANYWAYS,” Dustin hollered over the chatter, “I called you because we have a problem.”
“A really big problem,” El nodded.
“And we need your help,” Mike said.
“So as you know,” Dustin began, “Steve met Y/N through us because they both are kinda our old babysitters although now friends.”
“Technically Y/N was the babysitter first,” Lucas added.
“Will you get to the point?” Eddie groaned.
“Okay, okay. Jeez. So demanding,” Dustin huffed.
“We think they broke up,” Max clarified.
Eyebrows raised, jaws dropped and interests were piqued.
“Shit. Really?” Eddie gasped.
“But why?” Nancy asked, just as confused.
“They were so cute together!” Robin frowned.
“Wait. How do you guys know this?” Jonathan asked, sitting forward, “What made you think they broke up?”
“Well, first, we thought they were in a fight,” Mike said.
“Because they were acting really weird,” Will added.
“Weird how?” Robin asked.
“They just seemed cold toward one another,” Max said.
“They would avoid each other too,” Dustin nodded, “Like if Steve was sitting next to someone on the couch and there was only one place left, Y/N would just stand.”
“They’ve never been like most annoyingly in love couples,” Lucas said, “Like they’re cute but they never would hang all over one another.”
“Yeah. They acted like normal, just…closer I guess?” El shrugged.
“I think what she means is that they were just really comfortable around each other,” Mike supplied and El nodded, confirming that’s what she meant.
“Now they’re like strangers,” Will frowned.
“Okay, I understand why that seems concerning,” Nancy said, “But maybe they’re just fighting? You don’t actually know that they broke up though.”
“We found this in Steve’s wallet,” Dustin said, holding up what looked to be like a Polaroid that had been torn in half.
“I can’t see that from here you butthead,” Eddie said, reaching out and grabbing it.
Only when he saw what it was did he gasp.
“Oh shit. Okay, I see what you mean.”
“What? Lemme see,” Robin said, snatching it from him.
It had clearly been a picture of both you and Steve. The jagged tear at the edge signified that it had been ripped down the middle. This half of the picture was of you, turned towards the tear in the photo, eyes bright and face caught in mid-laughter. You looked happy.
“Wait. You said you found this in Steve’s wallet?” Eddie asked.
“What were you doing in Steve’s wallet?” Nancy asked.
“Borrowing five dollars,” Dustin said plainly.
“Dumbass,” Lucas hit him upside the head, “That’s stealing not borrowing.”
“Not if I told him about it afterwards!” Dustin protested.
“Back to the matter at hand,” Max said, “We were wondering what happened to the other half.”
“The half with Steve in it?” Jonathan said.
The six younger kids nodded.
“We found this in Y/N’s wallet,” Will said, motioning to the other half of the picture that Max showed the others.
It was definitely the half of the same picture, the tears the biggest evidence. But also, Steve was looking towards the middle of the photo, where it had been split in two. The look of adoration and love in his gaze and smile was unmistakeable.
“What were you doing in Y/N’s wallet? “Borrowing” more money?” Robin smirked.
“No. This was pure detective work,” Dustin said seriously.
“So, clearly, something has happened,” Mike commented.
Eddie ran a hand over his jaw, looking over at the other three that had joined him on the couch.
“So how are we supposed to help?” he asked.
“We want to get them back together, but we’ll need your help,” Dustin said, seriously.
The four peered at each other before nodding.
“We can do that,” Nancy confirmed.
“What do you need us to do?” Robin asked.
“Well, first. We need to figure out what happened between them,” Max said.
“They won’t tell us,” El frowned.
“Believed me. We’ve tried,” Will huffed.
“They won’t say a word,” Lucas sighed.
Nancy and Jonathan exchanged wary, knowing glances, but it was Jonathan who spoke.
“We know just the person for that task.”
“You two are a cute couple,” the bearded man in front of you, smiled, clasping his hands in front of him.
“We’re not a couple,” you and Steve stammered hesitantly.
Steve cleared his through awkwardly.
“We uh, we actually broke up.”
“Semantics,” Murray said, waving his hand dismissively.
You were downright confused at why you were sitting here, with Steve with Murray Bauman in front of you two like some sort of love doctor.
Ah, shit. Was this some sort of intervention or counseling or something? Had the kids figured out that you two had broken up?
You and Steve hadn’t said anything in fear of upsetting them or disrupting the vibe with your petty drama.
But now, you were sitting in the Wheelers’ basement, in a chair across from Murray who was grinning at you both like a cat who’d swallowed a canary.
“So why did you break up if you’re both still crazy for one another?”
“Wha- Who said we were?” you protested, “Maybe things just fizzled out between us, you don’t know that.”
“Honey, I haven’t seen this amount of electricity between something since the last time I jump started my car,” he gave you a look.
You peered at Steve who was holding back a grin.
“So are we just in denial about this breakup or what?” Murray asked, leveling his gaze on both of you.
“No! I just-” you started.
“She’s the one who broke up with me,” Steve blurted.
You looked at him, jaw dropped.
Talk about being thrown under the bus.
“Ah. Did she now?”
Murray’s gaze was back on you.
“And why did you dump Scott?”
“Steve,” he corrected.
“Right, Steve. Why can’t I ever remember that?” he shook his head, “Anyways, why did we break up with Steve now?”
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” you scolded, folding your arms.
“Ugh, you kids exhaust me,” he rolled his eyes.
“We’re 20,” Steve said flatly.
“Exactly. You’re kids. Okay,” he sat forward, looking at both of you, “You want my advice?”
You noticed he didn’t pause long enough to give either you the opportunity to protest.
“You,” he said looking at Steve, “Need to stop giving up on what you want just because you think you don’t deserve it.”
“What? I-”
“And you,” Murray continued, as if Steve hadn’t spoken, “Need to stop running away from things that scare you.”
“How,” you laughed disbelievingly, “What makes you think I do?”
“You’re easy to read,” he deadpanned, “You’re the type when things get scary, you retreat to safety, too afraid to lose what you love, have, whatever because it’s easier to be scared.”
Ouch. He’d hit right on the dot.
“It’s a curse to see so clearly,” he sighed.
“I’m not scared,” you huffed a laugh.
Steve looked as unconvinced as Murray did.
“I’m not!” you protested, though even to your ears it sounded defensive.
“Ah, now that is a lie,” Murray pointed to you before turning to Steve.
“So why did you let her dump you?” Murray asked.
“Because I can’t change her mind,” Steve shrugged helplessly.
“Bullshit. You’re just as scared as she is.”
“No! I- she- uh we-”
“That’s what I thought,” he smiled smugly, sitting back in the chair.
“Look, if I were you two, I’d cut the bullshit and just fix whatever happened between you. Then get the fuck back together. Cause you’re just wasting time with this charade.”
He stood, grabbing the glass of whiskey he’d had but not touched the entire time, heading for the stairs.
“By the way,” he called, “I’ve been advised by the band of delinquents to lock the door behind me until you’re back together. They say to holler when you’re done. I’ll bill you for my time.”
With that, Murray was gone and the door shut behind me.
“Some therapy session,” Steve mumbled.
You chuckled.
“More like a brutally honest therapist telling you how it is with absolutely no bullshit.”
“I’ll say,” he shook his head.
You were quiet for a moment, but you were the first to speak.
“He was right, Steve. I was scared. It was a huge reason why I ended it.”
He turned in his chair, facing you.
“Scared of what, honey?”
Your heart melted at the term of endearment.
“You remember how it happened after the watergate situation and you and the others being stuck in the Upside Down?”
“Yeah,” he nodded.
“I was terrified, Steve,” you whispered, “I’m here on this side, finding out you got pulled into the Upside Down, attacked by bat creatures and then stuck there? I was an absolute mess.”
His face is grim as he takes your hands in his, thumbs stroking the backs of your hands.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about what if something happened to you. Or what if you died. When you finally made it back, instead of being the relieved girlfriend I should’ve been and supportive and comforting, I decided to end it. I was too afraid to have to go through situations like that again. So I ran.”
“Y/N,” he swallowed, “I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve to go through that.”
“But shockingly Murray’s right,” you laughed through your tears.
You had no idea when they’d started, but there they were.
“I ran away and you didn’t fight me because you believe I don’t deserve this. But we’re both wrong. We can’t fight what we feel can we?”
“I guess not,” he smiled, “Especially when we have the entire crew trying to get us back together.”
You smiled, resting your forehead against his.
“Be mine again?” you asked him softly.
He leaned forward, lips pressing to yours gently.
“Sweetheart, I’ve always been yours.”
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punsmaster69 · 4 months
"I'M NOT."
"you are."
"I'M NOT."
"you are."
"I'M N O T."
"you are."
"yuh huh."
"NUH UH!!"
me and frisk have spent the past hour trying to convince my brother that we skeletons have actually been robots this whole time.
it's so stupid and pointless, but we're in too deep to stop now. it's hilarious.
this started when we came home from hanging out with everyone at the park all day. he and frisk were ready to continue our night by playing games, but i'm definitely too tired for that.
"i'm all outta batteries for the day."
as a joke, frisk tossed a battery into each of my eyesockets. i sat up, like i was recharged.
"oh, thanks kid. just what i needed."
papyrus' slightly bewildered look told me i immediately had to lean into this as hard as possible.
"i do."
"Don't skeletons take batteries?"
"jeez, you don't even remember that we take 'em?"
"when's the last time you changed your batteries, bro?"
"You are."
"not fully. just partly."
"You definitely are, it's so obvious."
"i'm a robot."
"sounds exactly like what a robot would say."
"It's okay, Papyrus. We still accept you and Sans in your totally robotic glory."
"wow, you're getting weirdly defensive for someone who claims not to be a robot."
this continued on for....
far too long, but me and frisk were trying not to laugh our asses off the whole time.
not as convincing if you're saying it through giggles, y'know?
he zoomed around the house until he found another battery.
papyrus shot his hand forward to hold the battery in front of my face.
"i just got my batteries changed. don't need any more power."
i looked at the battery, pinched between his forefinger and thumb.
a battle was fought internally.
there's part of me willing to eat batteries for the bit, and the other part of me that tells me not to 𝗲𝗮𝘁 a 𝙗𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙮 over a joke.
"...you eat it."
". . ."
"you're a robot too. 𝘆𝗼𝘂 eat it."
"uhh... we have..."
"really good waterproofing."
sometimes, you gotta know when to throw in the towel.
that time is when it's approaching three in the morning, and the towel is realizing frisk fell asleep about an hour and thirty minutes ago.
"it was kinda funny tricking you for a while."
"i don't know, you s-"
frisk stirred when papyrus' voice got louder.
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americas1suiteheart · 11 months
I love your works! I was wondering if you could do a Kyle Broflovski x Reader preferably a gender neutral reader that's kind of a nerd and that has been friends with the main four since 3rd grade? Aged up characters of course. Thank you>_< ♡♡♡
Why yes of course I can, I hope you enjoy it!
(don't fucking read this if you somehow come across it please.)
[Kyle Broflovski x Nerdy! Reader]
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[Summary; Y/n's been friends with the boys since early primary school. Their best friend was Kyle and being that the two of them were the brains of the friend group, they were able to connect easily because of it.]
[Warnings; Some swearing, also the fact that its kinda really bad]
[Notes; All characters are aged up, Y/n and the rest are 16-17 years old in their Junior Year. Also, I wrote Kyle as a major overthhinker and I have no clue if it was right to do so💀]
"God why on earth do they make this shit so hard. Y/n, Kyle, can you help me with this?" Stan groans, putting his pencil down as he tiredly looks to the two of you.
You, Stan, and Kyle were all at Stan's house to study and do homework, but mostly so you and Kyle could help Stan if he needed it. Kenny had to work at his job and Cartman complained about not wanting to spend precious afterschool time just doing extra work, so it was just you three.
"You're really having trouble with that? Its simple algebra." Kyle looks at Stan, chuckling lightly.
"Oh come on, lay it easy on him, Kyle. His brain doesn't have the capacity to understand as quickly, its not his fault," you say jokingly.
"Just because you two nerds are in calculus already doesn't mean you get to talk all this shit." Stan groans once more.
"We're just kidding dude, of course we'll help," You get up from your spot on the bed next to Kyle and walk over to Stan's at the desk table. "Okay, what is it exactly that you need help with?"
"Uh, problems 8, 12, and 16. The rest of them I've already done but these three are hard," Stan points at the questions he's having trouble with and leans back into the chair.
"Okay, let's start with 16, that one is easier to do then the other ones. Alright, 'Write 2⁵= 32 in logarithmic form,' okay the 5 in the exponent itself is the logarithm, so you write that 5 down and then you should have 5 equals to log, bringing that 2 down to the base, and then putting the 32 right next to it. So after that you should get 5=log(2)32, did that make sense?" You explain as simply as you can.
"That makes so much more sense now! Is that how it is with 12 as well?" Stan exclaims happily.
As you continued helping Stan with his work, Kyle just watched. He felt a twinge of hurt and jealousy in his chest. 'They're so close to him, why can't they ever be that close to me? Do they like him? There's no way they like him, he has a girlfriend,' Kyle thoughts ran rampant as he zoned out staring at the two before being snapped out of his thoughts by Stan and you shaking him by the shoulder.
"Yo dude you okay? You spaced out for like 2 minutes, we've been trying to get your attention for ages now dude," Stan says taking his hand off of Kyle.
"Oh, um yeah I'm fine. Sorry about that I was thinking about something." Kyle turns red from embarrassment and looks to his side to try and hide his face.
"Alright man, but we need your help on the last thing. Y/n didn't understand it either so we figured you probably would," Stan said looking down at Kyle as he was standing up and Kyle was still on the bed.
"Yeah sure, what is it?" Kyle says walking to the desk to look at the problem on the worksheet that Stan is pointing to with his pencil. "Alright, let's see, 'write a quadratic equation that has the roots 2±4i ,' jeez dude, you sure you didn't sign up for an honors course in this class?" Kyle looks at Stan with his brows knitted together.
"I think we should just cheat and look it up on the internet, man." Stan says in defeat.
"No, no. We're not doing that we'll figure it out." You say taking a pencil and a spare piece of paper.
"Y/n, as much as I don't want to cheat either, I have no fucking clue what the answer to that could possibly be and neither do you, I think we should just look it up." Kyle puts a hand on your shoulder, a look of defeat on his face.
"No way, where's the fun in that? I'll figure it out just give me a bit." You turn away and begin writing the problem down on the other piece of blank paper.
Kyle admired your dedication to not stoop as low as to cheat but he knows your stubbornness wouldn't allow you to do anything else until you figured it out. He loved that about you but worried for your well-being because of it too.
"Can I at least help?" Kyle asks, leaning into your side as to get your attention a little better.
"Totally, but if you fall asleep or get bored I'm not going to urge you to help." You scooch over to make room for Kyle do he could sit in the chair with you to help.
"I'm gonna go get something to eat and watch tv, you two nerds can figure that out." Stan then exited his room and left the two of you alone.
You continued to work on it for the next 2 hours, you were almost done with the equation until you felt a weight on top of your head and heard light snores. You look at the clock on the desk to see its around 12 am now, Kyle had either fallen asleep from the work or the time.
Honestly, you were freaking out. You'd liked Kyle since you were a kid and the two of you had never been this close before, and you two were practically attached to the hip as kids.
You continued to finally finish the equation with Kyle literally sleeping on top of you without waking him but he evidently did as you shot up from your slumped position in happiness of finishing it.
Kyle shot up along with you, nearly falling off the shared seat.
You excitedly grab Kyle by the shoulders shaking him to be more awake, "Kyle I finished it! (x-2)^2+16=0 is the final answer!" You exclaim.
"Really? Holy shit you're righ, you finished it Y/n!" Kyle says as he looks at the now full piece of paper, filled with all the proper formulas.
"God can you guys be any louder? You're so lucky my parents aren't here right now, they would kick your guys' ass if they caught you being this loud at this time. You're lucky Shelly is out of the house too." Stan groggily says as he re-enters his room, walking towards the two of you.
"We figured it out, Stan!" You exclaimed as you shot up from the seat.
"You guys get excited over the stupidest shit. I'm assuming you two are staying tonight?" Stan plops down onto his bed in a tired manner.
"Yeah, if that's cool with you of course." Kyle gets up from the seat at Stan's desk and gets his phone which was still sitting on the bed.
"Yeah that's chill with me. You staying too Y/n?"
"Yeah sure, don't know the point of going home at this time around. Want me to get the blankets from downstairs while you get the extra mattress?" You ask Stan.
"Yeah, Kyle help me out with the mattress man," Stan gets up from his spot, motioning for the redhead to follow him.
[Pov change because this is important! Kyle's Pov;]
I follow Stan to his parents bedroom to get the extra mattress, once we're in there he suddenly stops me.
"So when are you finally going to tell Y/n you like them." Stan says in a sort of hushed voice.
"Soon, its just that, I mean I don't know dude what if I end up ruining our whole friendship by telling them? I don't want to risk that dude." I groan.
"You've been saying soon for 2 years now, I think you need to finally grow a pair and say something to them about it. Y/n isn't the type of person to completely cut you out of their life just because you told them you liked them." Stan says, getting the mattress out from under his parents bed as I help him.
"How about I make a deal with you, I'll tell Y/n if you tell Wendy you want her back so you can finally stop bugging me about it, hmm?"
I was just slightly annoyed, Stan can't say anything to rush me and about being a "pussy," because when he first told Wendy he liked her, he threw up on her.
"Fine. Tell them tonight and I'll do the same, unless you're gonna chicken out."
Tonight? He wants me to tell them tonight?
"What the fuck do you mean tell them tonight? Are you insane dude?" I look at Stan wide-eyed, helping him carry the mattress to his room.
Stan simply smirks at me in reply as he sees Y/n sitting on his bed.
I freeze for a second, hoping that they hadn't heard our conversation.
"You gonna just stand there man? Help me,"
"Shit, sorry dude I zoned out for a sec there. Yeah let me just,"
'That was embarrassing, did I just freeze up like that right there? God I feel like an idiot.'
I finish helping Stan put the mattress in his room and onto the floor right by his bed, Y/n then gets the blankets and pillows and places them down on the mattress nicely.
"Alright, I'm gonna go downstairs to the living room and finish up what I was watching before I was interrupted by you guys nerding out," Stan says, in a jokingly rude tone, as he gives me a wink as he walks out the room.
Shit, he wants me to tell them now? If all goes wrong I can just disappear forever, easy, right?
"So... Uh, what have you been up to lately?" I say dryly.
God why did I say that? I sound like an idiot.
"Nothing really, I think you forget I'm kind of a loser and the only people and interesting things I have going on in my life are you and the other boys, though mostly you to be honest," Y/n says, letting out a chuckle.
"I get that. Not too popular myself either,"
"Pshh, you? The Kyle Broflovski? Any kid would kill to be able to hang out with you. And the amount of chicks that like you is insane! Yet you turn them down everytime man, I don't know how you do it." Y/n jokingly says, nudging my shoulder playfully.
"All of those girls are practically all the same, plus I already have someone I'm interested in,"
Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why would you say it like that? You're terrible at dropping hints!
"Oh you do? Who is this lucky person?" Y/n sounded somewhat upset whilst saying it, why were they upset?
Shit, I screwed up, what if I just tell them now, or explain exactly them, maybe I could fix it.
"Well, they're smart, an absolute genius really, then they've got these beautiful e/c eyes and this h/c hair. But I've been friends with them for a while now so I'm a bit scared to say anything to them really." Am I being obvious enough? What if they don't catch on?
"Wow they sound amazing, I think you should definitely tell them, you're a real charmer so no doubt they'll feel the same for you man,"
I take a deep breath, am I really going to follow through with this? I'm in too deep now and it'd be easier to just do it now. "Y'know, I think you're right. Y/n, I really like you. Have for a while now, its eating me up inside everytime to think that if I don't say something anytime sooner someone else might beat me to you." I say keeping eye contact with them.
Y/n simply stayed quiet, I definitely fucked it up now, why the hell did I listen to Stan?
As I'm caught in my own thoughts rushing through my head, a pair of lips attaches themselves to mine suddenly.
I freeze for a second but almost instantly melt into the kiss, taking my shaky hand to caress Y/n's cheek, pulling them closer to me.
"Fucking finally, Jesus guys. But it would be great if you could not do that on my bed right now, I have plans with Wendy later tomorrow and I don't wanna be reminded of this mid hangout." Stan groans.
Me and Y/n immediately pull away and look at Stan standing at the doorway. I could feel the heat quickly rushing to my face and glance to see Y/n's is just as red as mine.
"But I am happy for you two really, glad you finally got the balls to tell them man." Stan says, shooing me and Y/n to get off of his bed.
"Alright, go to bed and don't do gross shit, I'll make you pressure wash that shit." Stan closes the light and me and Y/n lay on the spare mattress together.
This wasn't the first time me and Y/n had shared a bed but this time it felt more nerve wracking. Do I ask them if I can hold them? Should I hold them? Why do I want to hold them? I need to stop overthinking like this man.
You've already told them, they like you back too, just go for it.
I slowly wrap my arms around Y/n and they do the same.
"Goodnight, Kyle," Y/n says, their voice barely above a whisper.
"Goodnight, Y/n," I quietly reply back, placing a soft kiss on their head before drifting off to sleep.
I think this took me a good week or two to get to and I highly apologize for it, I'll admit that I lost a slight interest towards the end of it because it felt like this would've went on for ages. Anyways, again apologies for it taking so terribly long, I hope you enjoyed reading it though!
Send in your requests for stories! Look at my introduction to see if anything you like is something I'll write, and DM me for further questions!
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eternal-armin · 2 years
practice didn't go quite as planned, but eddie always has your back. no matter what. reader: neutral. i have fallen way too hard for this man, i am emotionally devastated to be honest. shoutout to all the athletes that are insecure or can't do everything perfectly because you are still incredible athletes. i really hope i captured the essence of this man ;;;
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if you messed up during practice, you could usually laugh it off. with a smile, a bright smile, accompanied by a little glimmer in your eyes. it was such a beautiful expression. but the danger came when you didn't have the energy to laugh it off, when you hit your quota for the day.
you don't smile. you don't laugh it off.
admittedly, you do something far worse; you internalize it. how the hell can't you master this footwork? why can't you do four steps correctly? how have you asked three times and still don't understand it?
today... was one of those days.
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the car ride back to eddie's trailer had a stifled, one-sided conversation. eddie asked how practice was, asked if you were hungry, talked about hellfire and his band. you responded to questions with a little smile, a nod, or a word. it felt worse not to give any real responses. you felt like shit all around.
maybe the best way to describe it was that you were a guest in your own body. the kind of guest which is uncomfortable with the house, pained and almost disgusted by how bad it creaks and shifts. and the actual host despises the place more than anyone ever could.
"so! how about we get, uh, takeout? for dinner?" eddie looked at you with a smile.
it didn't feel aimed at you, but you managed to return it. "yeah, sure. whatever you'd like is good." your criticisms even bit at the quiet level of your voice, barely audible above the music eddie was playing. you picked up your bag and got out of the car, unable to keep up your smile once you looked away from eddie.
your mind was swimming with everything but good thoughts.
you knew eddie found it strange. not that you always knew what you wanted to eat, of course you didn't. but you'd been dating for months and friends since kindergarten; he could read you like an open book.
he was good at keeping his cool, though. you wished you were the same.
"i'll keep it a surprise, then, rockstar," he cooed, and you cracked a short-lived little smile. you entered the trailer first, taking off your shoes at the door and slumping your bag against the wall.
"i'm gonna... uh, lay down for a minute. kinda tired." you did your best to modulate your voice, to sound perfectly fine. of course, the moment you stepped into his trailer, you wanted to cry.
"yeah, of course. whatever you need. d'you want me to order it now? or wait a bit till you're feelin' okay?" against your better judgment, you looked up at him. your heart ached, seeing how much care and admiration was in his eyes, the eyes that were looking only at you. that bright grin meant only for you. why couldn't you return his gaze? why couldn't you return his grin anymore?
"no. no, u-uh, you can order it now. i'll probably be fine by the time it's ready."
"probably? with your super-healing? jeez, practice must've been absolutely brutal today. what the fuck are your coaches on?"
"no, it wasn't a hard practice or anything," you mumbled, rubbing the inside of your elbow. "didn't sleep well last night so i was sluggish on the court, that's all. caught a ball to the head. so is it okay if i lie down?"
eddie looked at you for just a second longer before nodding. you weren't lying about the ball-to-head incident, he could tell that much, but you weren't telling the whole truth, either.
"of course you can, bunny! i'll call in the order."
even though the nickname was a joke, you had never felt more undeserving of it. you nodded, lacking the energy for a smile, dropping your gaze and heading to his room.
if you weren't already criticizing yourself to hell and back, now you felt terrible for how you had talked with eddie. barely able to meet his eyes with a voice like a kid who scraped their knee and was trying to act tough. you were such a coward. he was your boyfriend, out of all people you should be able to talk to him. but you couldn't, as with so much else in your life.
the moment the bedroom door closed behind you, your vision blurred. you collapsed onto the bed, greeted by a comfort you adored and desired most of the time. now it just felt so weird. laying in the bed of a stranger.
the only thing worse than crying, in your opinion, was having to cry silently. because there was someone on the other side you wanted to believe that you were okay.
it was so surprisingly hard to cry silently this time around. all you could think about was everything you had failed at.
how you couldn't even master four. steps. four steps and you couldn't do it? how could you ever call yourself an athlete or even a player if four steps got the better of you? how could eddie call you his bunny if you could barely manage to jump anymore? you were as deserving of that nickname as a snail.
you allowed yourself to be flooded with these thoughts, yet another mistake on your part, letting your body rest while achingly silent tears cascaded down your temples and wet the circles under your eyes. even though it hurt not to make a sound, it felt good to cry. it was an odd incentive to continue, the weight leaving your shoulders. a good cry sometimes was healthy. but still, you loathed how much of a crybaby you were being.
it was no surprise that you heard eddie knock on the door a few minutes later to a melody you didn't remember. the gentle hum of him ordering food had been silent for a few seconds.
mustering up whatever remaining strength you could, and swallowing the lump in your throat, you responded with the best "yeah?" you could.
why did you have to be so damn sensitive? why?
"may i come in?" eddie hummed in a sing-song sort of voice. as lively as he usually sounded, you could hear the worry lacing his tone.
you were a mess right now, but there was no way in hell you could turn him away. you harshly rubbed away your tears with the butt of your hand, taking a deep breath to try and steady yourself. "yeah, of course."
he poked his head in first. it was endlessly adorable, as it was every time. his grin disappeared once he saw you- more specifically, the fact that you were crying. you didn't meet his eyes.
"you doin' okay?..." he pressed his lips together for a second. "dumb question. i can see you aren't. yeah, dumb question, dumb as hell." eddie stepped inside, crouching next to the bed, as close to you as he could get. "well, first off, no one said any bullshit to you, right?" all of a sudden concern turned to a papa bear-esque protectiveness.
he knew how to make you smile.
"no, eddie. no one said anything to me." your voice was soft and hoarse. it was a far cry from the confident, at-ease voice you usually had. you turned onto your side, now facing him, but staring at the bed instead of hazarding a glance at eddie.
"ohhh, so you said it to yourself."
even after all these years, you were still surprised when he knew.
"from your silence, i take it i'm right on the money, honey." eddie's voice became a sweet mix of compassion and comfort. he knew how it felt to be insecure over shitty stuff and excessively beat yourself up over it. and just like you had done for him, he was determined to get you out of the funk of 'failure'.
you nodded slightly. he reached out and cupped your cheek. it was a greatly confusing gesture- on one hand, it brought you a level of comfort that made you want to cry happy tears. on the other hand, why did he care to do it?
"i'm gonna be straight with you. whatever voice is telling you that you did a shit job today, isn't worth a second of your time. i don't care what you think you failed at- which is nothing, by the way, you didn't fail at anything- you still tried, didn't you?" eddie spoke with such confidence it almost rubbed off on you.
"...i did try."
"that's my [y/n]." his eyes glittered with pride, same as his smile. he ran his thumb back and forth on your cheek, slowly, and you found yourself relaxing, heart beating to the rhythm he set. "you don't need to win every time, [y/n]- and you don't need to do it perfectly every time. perfect is bullshit, shortcake- it's okay to need to practice, it's okay to walk instead of run. you've got plenty of time to get better. and you're already damn talented! whether or not you can do everything doesn't detract from that. and that is a fact. alright?"
eddie's eyes never left yours, neither did they lose their care, their admiration, their love, and- odd only to you- their pride. it amazed you that he could still be proud of you after seeing you like this.
"thank you, eddie." and still hoarseness clung to your voice, but this time it didn't drag down the warmth in it. what more could you say?
well, you had so much you wanted to say. it was more like what more could you put into words.
"i'm always here for you, bunny!" seeing you happy again made the world seem brighter and more colorful. he rocked forward to press a chipper kiss to your lips, which you returned with a smile he could feel.
"also, also, don't even think about apologizing for anything, just- by the way. no apologies for the next 48 hours." lingering just a few centimeters away, eddie could read your mind clear as day. he still found it pretty.
"i... okay, fine, i won't." you exaggerated your defeat and your huff of a sigh, sharing a quiet chuckle with eddie.
"good. so, rockstar, d'you wanna come with me to pick up the grub? or do you wanna chill here with some fluffy blankets? i'm makin' it known now, if you stay back you're on movie duty."
honestly, either way it was a win-win.
"yeah, i could choose the movie, but i wanna watch what you wanna watch." besides, you really didn't want to be alone. it would be nice to go with him.
"holy shit, well aren't you just the most precious thing ever." pink dusted your cheeks from what he said- moreso the way he said it. this time, his voice softened. eddie certainly made you feel like the most precious thing ever, with his gaze and his compliments. his grin grew ever cheekier when he noticed your cheeks. not red from exercise, not red from frustrated crying, but red because he was teasing and praising you.
it was so cute.
you rubbed your eyes again, willing away the puffiness and tears that still managed to stick around. "makes two of us."
"damn right it does." eddie planted a kiss on your forehead. "wanna head out now? we could chill for a while and listen to music if we're early."
"that sounds nice. just, uh, maybe i should change out of my practice uniform before we go.."
"whatever you want, rockstar. i'll meet you outside." he pecked your lips a few times, each accented with a 'mwah', until you were giggling again. "love you."
"love you more."
"bull-shit, rockstar. said with lovvee."
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mrs-gauche · 1 year
So, I had planned to write a comment on the three published synopses of the upcoming comic series "The Missing" (first volume to release on January 25th btw!), but since @felassan​​ kinda beat me to it and already wrote amazingly detailed posts summing up everything and elaborating further on what I fail to put into words lol, I'm just gonna add my pointless ramblings poor two cents to it now, I guess. 😶
(Beware also of spoilers for Tevinter Nights, Absolution and the comics under the cut!)
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(Thanks Dark Horse btw, for already giving away half the plot with these, jeez 😂)
First off, when I first read the second synopsis, not gonna lie, I was genuinely surprised that Solas turned out to be the "former friend" in question. 😂 I know, it was kinda the obvious answer, but maybe that's why I wasn't really expecting it? I think the title also lead me a little astray here? Assuming that the title is actually referring to Solas.. Given the circumstances, referring to Solas as "missing" would be.. pretty funny and also more than a litte strange to me, actually? lol It would definitely raise a few questions here...
So, let us assume that the theory about the eight year timeskip since Trespasser turns out to be true. Have they (the Inquisition) been searching for Solas this entire time? And if that's the case, why is that so funny to me? 😂 (Especially considering the whole ending of Tevinter Nights, even though we can't really tell when exactly that last chaper took place.. Imagine they've been searching for him for the better part of a decade, and then he just pops up with a silly wig and a fake french accent at some tea house one day. lmaoo)
Furthermore, why is it *only* Varric and Harding that seem to be conducting this search? You would think that for something as crucial as finding the person that announced to destroy the world, there would be a few more people on this search than that? lol So, what's the rest of the remains of the Inquisition doing then? Are there several teams searching in different places maybe? To expand this search as far as possible? Maybe they're trying to keep a low profile by searching in teams of two, since it would reduce the risk of Solas finding out about what they're up to? I mean, wasn't that the whole reason for why they even said they needed to "find someone Solas doesn't know"/never sees coming at the end of Trespasser, to try and keep him in the dark about any efforts against him?
Also, speaking of Varric. Assuming that this story takes place after Absolution now, the ending of the series could explain why Varric left Kirkwall and his position as Viscount? Maybe, aside from trying to stop the obvious threat/end of the world, they are now desperate to seek help/information/any answers from Solas on what to do against the corruption of the Blight and the red lyrium spread? (Because if there's *anyone* who would know something, it's him right?) What does the state of the world look like in regards to the Blight and red lyrium in general after a potential eight year timeskip?
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Okay, so why would they be searching for Solas in the Deep Roads beneath Marnas Pell then? Honestly, when I read this the first time, my mind (as always lol) immediately went back to the red lyrium idol again. And no, I still don't believe that a single thing about the Bard's tale in Tevinter Nights actually happened (but that's just me). lol So, assuming this happens after the end of TN (and Solas isn’t already in possession of the idol like he claimed), he would still be searching for that flippin thing now, wherever it may be. (How could the idol end up in the Deep Roads beneath Tevinter you ask? No idea. 😂) But I also can't forget about the ominous "Hunt of the Fell Wolf" poem from the Jaws of Hakkon DLC that talks of a demon wolf (Solas?) in a "labyrinth of winding cave" (Deep Roads?) where there's an "idol that could prove the monster’s doom"(!! Coincidence?? I think NOT! lmao).
Btw, wouldn’t it be kinda funny though if Solas was searching for the idol now, while Varric who found the idol with Hawke in the first place, is now searching for Solas? lol
So, what's the plan here exactly? Assuming they would be successful, in which case Varric and Harding find Solas and then.... what? You're telling me Varric and Harding are gonna tie him up and talk him out of his endeavors? 😂 Single-handedly kill him? Torture him with tea? Spy on him? Reminisce about the Inquisition days? lol I honestly think it's more likely that they would try to talk to him, being former friends and all, unless they have some type of super secret weapon against him that we don't know about yet.
So what *would* Solas be doing in the Deep Roads beneath Marnas Pell? (Besides, you know, painting yet another teaser trailer thumbnail for YouTube. lol)
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(Our man has been procrastinating hard for the past eight years, painting as many Deep Roads cave walls as possible to avoid going through with his plans. lmao)
It's also worth to remember that a lot of Tevinter was actually build on the ruins of old Elvhenan, which could explain why there are still places with names like "Solas" to be found on the map. (And btw, what is it about this place that lead to it getting this name, anyway? I mean, that name practically guarantees for this place to become relevant in some form down the line in DA4, right? Especially since Solas' line about how he supposedly came from a "small village to the north" won't ever leave my mind and we all know that this man is always telling at least half the truth, so.. could he have been referring to the place literally called Solas, if that's his place of origin or would that be too much on the nose? 😂) Anyway, it definitely raises the question on how old some of these Deep Roads beneath Tevinter actually are and if there could be structures found beneath it that even precede them (like what we saw in The Descent)? And maybe that's part of the reason why Solas would go there..?
Anyway, since none of this actually seems to matter now, because as it turns out in synopsis two, apparently Solas wasn't there after all. 😂 Next stop is Vyrantium and an encounter with "deadly Antivan Crow assassins", which is interesting, since the last we heard of Vyrantium and crows, it was in the "The Wigmaker Job" in TN. Additionally, the cover of volume two features two characters that kinda look like the crows Teia and Viago!
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I'll be honest, I had completely forgotten that Teia and Viago even made an appearance in Deception. lol But the look does kinda match? So the question is, what lead Varric and Harding to go from the Deep Roads to Vyrantium and then to the Arlathan Forest?
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So, the Arlathan Forest. Again, please check out felassan’s post for more information, they’ve done a fantastic job to write down every important bit to know here. Much like Teia and Viago, it was also featured in both TN and one of the short stories “Ruins of Reality”. As were the characters Strife and Irelin! Could they be the mysterious “Veil Jumpers”? What even is a Veil Jumper, anyway (felassan gave some pretty cool speculations on this!)?
Former DA4 Creative Director Matthew Goldman made an interesting comment on a fanart once, that lead people to speculate that the group of people we've seen in a lot of concept art are called “Veilfire archer”?
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..Which does sound to be in the same vein as Veil Jumper, so could they all be part of the same group of people/an entirely new faction even?
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(Notice also the recurring background with the golden/autumn leaves. Reminds me of the leaves and branches seen on the (now removed) vinyl cover (showing the Black City *cough* Arlathan *cough*??).)
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And lastly, what is this "crucious stone" and how does it relate to literally anything? lol While felassan did speculate about a potential link to Latin/Tevene, someone else pointed out that "crucious" is literally Greek for "crucial". So.. plot crucial stone? lol As in, literally another MacGuffin? (Red lyrium idol, you're getting competition lol) The fact that it's Greek is interesting to me, given that we've been speculating for a while now that BioWare seems to take a lot of inspiration from Greek mythology for anything regarding the ancient elves. 👀 And since we *are* in the *Arlathan* forest here after all, maybe that's where the connection lies..?
People have also pointed out that, based on the track Varric and Harding have been taking so far, first Marnas Pell, then Vyrantium and now the Arlathan Forest...
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...assuming that, if they were to go further east, they would end up at the White Spire, which is why some people assume that this is where Solas has to be now. lol
I mean, anything is possible! We know next to nothing about the White Spire (not to be confused with the White Spire in Orlais btw lol), other than it's an Antivan mountain north of the city of Brynnlaw, so there is really nothing else to go on as to why Solas would even be there.. But considering how they are marketing this comic as a direct tie-in for DA4 and there’s still one volume to go (I think?).. Maybe we do end up knowing where Solas is at the end of this comic and this will segue directly into the beginning of DA4 somehow?
(I also want to mention that Rivain is also right next to the White Spire when going even further east. Rivain being also where the main base of a certain guild of treasure hunters is located. Lord of Fortune has been a very popular candidate for the potential next protagonist for a while now. Just saying... 👀)
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satanickpanick · 1 year
dialogue-based fic teaser :) this is my version of whatever went down inside the frozen locked room in DADDIES hq. finished fic coming soon! if you'd like to be tagged lmk
Willy fucking Stampler, Jesus fuck, paces and mutters for about three minutes before Lark starts really wanting to bash his head into the wall. Immobilized, he settles for yelling. “If you don’t shut the fuck up real fuckin’ quick I’ll fuckin’-”
Willy lunges, way too close and way losing his cool. “You’ll what? You’ll fuckin’ what, no, please, enlighten me, because last I checked, you can’t do jack shit!”
“I wonder why-”
“I should’ve killed you all when I-”
Sparrow, as per usual, pipes up just when things are getting fun, from where he has his back to Lark’s. “Back the fuck up-”
“-and maybe I wouldn’t be in this fuckin’ mess-”
“Guys!” TJ is just out of Lark’s sight, but he can picture the expression on his face pretty clearly- clearly enough that he shuts up. “Chill the fuck out, okay? We’re in this-” painfully- “together, right now, Jesus Christ, and the longer we’re stuck in here the worse it’s gonna get. It’s like…”
“Like Big Brother,” Grant offers.
“Whose big brother?”
“1984?” Willy rounds on Sparrow. “You haven’t read fuckin’ 1984?”
TJ blinks. “Yeah, like, with the ‘there are five fingers’ and shit, but that’s not-”
“No, no, the reality show, they lock a bunch of people in a house and by the end they all, like, hate each other.” Lark’s pretty sure Grant’s getting his strongest what the hell are you on look since the Habanero Incident of ‘31. Like, he’s on the edge of hysterics (which he is) about some fucking TV show. “It’s a thing! It’s been a thing for like forty years.”
“Oh my fucking God.”
“Marco likes it!”
“Oh? And how is Marco?”
“I dunno, Willy, how about you tell me? You’re the one who’s been out on the town stirring up a fuckin’ panic.”
“Stirring shit, more like.” Lark interjects.
“Endangering our kids,” TJ mentions.
“Seducing Nicky’s ex,” Sparrow adds. “While we clean up your mess.”
“Seducing? Jesus, I get it, you all hate me, what else is new. Can we go back to being productive? What the shit is crunchy and warm?”
“TJ.” God, Grant sounds like his mom sometimes. And the patented Carol Wilson Cut-It-Out Stare… Lark wheeze-laughs despite himself. They’re all just- ridiculous.
“That’s how Glenn fucking died, you wanna die?”
“I mean, kinda!” TJ makes a sound halfway between a laugh and the sound Lark imagines a dying baby moose would make.
“Same,” he replies reflexively, at the same time that Sparrow says, “Jeez, dude, do you need to talk to somebody- Lark, come on.”
“You come on.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.” Sparrow leans back, knocking his head against the back of Lark’s.
“That didn’t hurt.”
“Yeah it did, ‘cause of your fat head.”
“Maybe if yours wasn’t so damn hard.”
“Oh, for the love of God, I’m gonna die here.”
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raxistaicho · 1 year
Are we not Engaged? Part 4
Spoilers under the cut!
-Why won’t these people let me sleep T_T
-Alear’s room is quite pretty but ye gods that draft
-How does poor Framme keep ending up as the opponent in the arena, lol.
-Still on chapter 6
-Okay I need to try to continue the main story lol
-Alear Louis C: More of his spying on people. That said his odd philosophy surrounding his weird habit is interesting at least.
-Framme Chloe B: Oh this is literally just a continuation of the previous support scene. Chloe’s excitement over the bizarre eel sandwich was pretty cute.
-Alear Celine C: T E A. Also a weird legend about a spirit that drives off interlopers from Firene Castle with tricks. That said, Celine’s dedication and love for the peaceful nature of her kingdom is pretty endearing.
-Alear Chloe C: Chloe’s watching Alear sleep @,@ She apparently does this a lot. She wants to sleep in Alear’s room lol.
-Sommie is apparently “tall as a loaf of bread,” and weighs “2 peaches”. Okay.
-Finally continuing the story!
-Sparkle hair thief. She’s very bad at hiding. Oh, fake tears lol. Alfred falls for it, Alear seems unsure.
-Oh no it’s another boobie character.
-”Hiya Papiya” Yunaka is very annoying.
-Yunaka had the Emblem Ring it seems.
-”Holy Brocc-oly” jesus christ she’s just annoying.
-Oh okay she’s less bad when she’s not faking being cheerful.
-Micaiah has arrived :D Two of the best Lords were among the earliest Emblems.
-Micaiah can grant the ability to use staves. Those things she was famous for using in Radiant Dawn :p
-Hmm, it seems the attack has to do damage to poison. Louis stonks continue to climb.
-Etie’s grown str on 4 consecutive levels roflmao.
-Okay Yunaka’s actually quite good gameplay-wise.
-Chloe got MVP again. She had Sigurd this time so she spent a lot of time flying around and sniping people.
-Pretty good fog of war map, and those are often bad. The map was better-built around it than Chapter 3 of Three Houses was.
-Micaiah got Yunaka to turn her whole life around. She always was pretty incredible :p
-Alfred actually improving a bit seeing through Yunaka.
-Oh, Yunaka’s voice actress is Laura Post, knew she sounded familiar.
-Oh hey it’s Veyle again. She’s looking for her sibling. 100% it’s Alear.
-She’s carrying a red stone bearing Sombron’s sign roflmao.
-Alear bandaged Veyle’s leg, that’ll 100% identify her later. Also I notice Veyle has red and blue markings on her dress.
-Nosferatu, famously wielded by Micaiah XD
-I don’t know if I just got lucky, but it seems like cooking is BUSTED in this game. There’s way more to it than in Houses, too.
-Oh, so farm animals give you extra resource drops per map, very nice.
-Alfred Alear C: Alfred trained hard. Shame it doesn’t reflect in his use as a unit. He’s a bit eerily chummy.
-Celine Chloe C: Celine wants to go to a tea farm. They’re both sad about the war.
-Celine Jean C: She thanks him for the tea his town producers.
-Louis Chloe B: More bonding over spying on people, lol. Louis says he likes watching her because she makes a scene better.
-Alfred Yunaka C: Yunaka’s bugged that everyone’s accepted her so easily. She actually just seems bothered at the poor information control in Alear’s outfit.
-Anna paralogue time!
-She hid in a treasure chest wtf lol
-Oh jeez Anna looks terrible. Sad capitalist just can’t catch a break.
-Anna’s paralogue was super easy
-Vander Clanne C: Vander’s devoted and stuffy, Clanne’s bitter about running errands. Another SUPER short support.
-Alear Boucheron C: Alear’s stressed, Boucheron suggests stress-relief techniques.
-Etie Alfred C: These two are talking very awkwardly to each other but they’re not in-frame together, there’s a kinda split-screen dividing them lol. Where are they in relation to each other, I wonder. Oh, they were holding cups? The fuck, weighted tea cups??? That’s bizarre DBZ level shit.
-Skirmish time!
-That Sommie dislike T_T
-Alear Etie C: She’s super confident. That’s it.
-Chapter 7 time!
-Alear almost got sniped.
-Wait, how are Alear and co. “sneaking over the border” if Eve sent word ahead of them. Does Brodia not have soldiers watching over their border?
-Alcryst is a sensitive boi. I expect the people who disliked Bernie won’t treat him the same.
-Wait wait wait what the fuck they KNEW we were coming and just took a shot at people approaching without identifying them first?
-Lapis: This is the kingdom of warriors. If you can’t dodge one arrow, you’re not worthy to enter.
-Christ this fucking game went and got really stupid again.
-Oh my god, Lapis is still trying to pick a fight, this bitch is an idiot.
-Also “the weak feed the strong,” watch Edelgard detractors go “Hahah, Adrestia in shambles!”
-I take it back, Alcryst is the only sane man of this group and his retainers both suck.
-Alcryst needs a hug :(
-Ah, guess Roy’s up.
-Elusia took the bridge :U
-Oh hey it’s Hortensia.
-Oh my god, stop talking, Hortensia. Stop talking right now.
-Alcryst found his spine again \o/
-Hmm, Brodia’s been pushing around Elusia. Did Brodia push them into their current aggression?
-Jesus christ Rosado and Goldmary are both strong
-Hortsenia corrupted Lucina :(
-I do like the way defeated by retreating enemies go through the start of their death animation but recover into a normal low hp animation. That’s nifty.
-A gross old man keeps Lyn’s ring in his room? X_X
-One big problem I have is that the characters’ bond fragment post-battle quotes take precedent over normal ones, so characters I use in every battle are just always giving me canned dialogue.
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raineydays411 · 3 years
My fathers daughter
Tony Stark x daughter! reader
Summary: By all definitions you were a daddy’s girl. It’s been you and him since your mom left you both. But what happens when your both forced to face your past?
a/n: y’all know i can’t resist a good crossover
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If there had to be a face for daddys girl, you’d be the poster child. 
Ever since you came into Tony’s life, you and him have been attached by the hip.
You were with him through everything.
When he became Iron Man, when he joined the avengers, and even during civil war. Even though it hurt you to see your family be torn apart, you could never betray your father. Then again, you have to admit that you were happy that the avengers compromised and were able to get back together. Earning you a new family member in Bucky. You were happy. Happy with the life you have with your dad and avengers. 
Which is why your mother suddenly reappearing and demanding to be in your life kinda of peeved you off. 
Let’s start from the beginning. 
It started off with a gala. 
Some bougie charity event that rich assholes attend to donate large sums of money, not out of kindness, but only to show just how rich they are. You hated these types of events.  You hated the fake smiles and false interest in your life. All they wanted was to get close to your dad. They even try to set you up with their snobby stuck up kids. You hated it. 
And here you were, trying to find a way to get out of this boring conversation with some snob from Beverly hills. You can see your dad laughing at you from across the room. 
“You know, you look a lot like Mrs. Wayne.” He suddenly says, looking at you.
“Who?” You ask, suddenly paying attention.
“Mrs. Wayne, you know, Bruce Wayne's wife.”
You know who Bruce Wayne was. Your dad absolutely detestes the man. He never really told you why. He just said to never trust a Wayne. You also know that he’s Batman and his army of children are/were Robin. It was pretty obvious and rather easy to figure out. Then again, you were able to hack into the Bat computers main systems. They really need to update their firewalls. 
“Um no I didn’t know that he had a wife to be honest.” You reply, not really interested.
“You can pass as her daughter you know? She is very beautiful. As are you.” He says in a flirty tone. 
You roll your eyes, seeing your father finishing up a conversation and make your move, but then you hear 
“Oh look, there's the Wayne family right there.” 
Causing the attention to turn to the main entrance. There you saw Bruce Wayne. Tall, handsome, and charismatic. He was smiling, waving at the host. Next to him, his oldest son Dick. Another very handsome man, Tall with blue eyes and raven hair. Sending charming smiles to the crowds of women. Then Tim Drake, too focused on his phone to pay attention to the crowds, and finally Damian Wayne. A small boy with a sharp scowl. To his left, you can barely make out the form of his wife and his daughter, Cassandra Cain. You can also see Stephanie Brown chatting excitedly to Mrs. Wayne, who you still couldn’t see.
“Jeez, they brought the whole cavalry.” You mutter, looking at the star struck boy you were talking to.
You roll your eyes. The way people worship this family is strange. They act as if they are royalty or gods. You look at your father, expecting him to be making a sarcastic face or something. But that’s not what you saw. No, you saw a look on his face that you haven’t seen on his face ever. That’s when you walked up to him.
“Daddy...are you okay?” You asked cautiously.  He turned to you, shocked.
“Y/n!” He practically shouts, “ I’m okay, are you okay? We can leave right now if you’re not okay?” 
You frown in confusion, “ Umm yeah, I’m fine...”
“Good, Good. We’re going to leave now, this gala kinda blows. DOn’t you think?”
You can see his eyes dart to the Waynes to you. He looks...panicked. It was weird to you. Usually he keeps his cool during events like these. 
“Um sure..I just need to go to the restroom first” You say, seeing him nod. You walk off, shaking off the concern you have for your father. As you push through the crowds, you can hear them whisper as you passed. Something about Mrs. Wayne. 
You shake your head, “Can’t they talk about anything else??” 
Then you finally find the bathroom. You walk in, expecting it to be empty, only to be faced with Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown. They were chatting near the sinks as you walking into the stall. After doing your business, you walked out to the sink, going to wash your hands, but you saw Stephanie freeze, then nudge Cassandra. They both stared at you as you washed your hands and went to dry them. You give them a side eye, wondering why they were staring at you so hard. 
“Um hi?” You say carefully, the jump not expecting you to speak.
“Oh! Hello Im Stephanie and this is Cass” Stephanie says with a smile. “ You’re Y/n Stark right?”
“Uh yeah...Its nice to meet you dudes” You say quickly, already ready to walk out the restroom. 
“I’m sorry for staring, it’s just that...you look a lot like her mother” She says gesturing to Cassandra. 
You chuckle, “ Uh yeah so I’ve heard...hey I gotta go...”
“Oh right! Sorry heh” Stephanie laughs nervously, “It was great to meet you”
“Yeah” You agree half heartedly, “ You too”
And with that you go to find your father. You pass by the Wayne sons, only to see them take a double take when you pass them. 
“God that family is weird.” You mumble seeing your father talking to Bruce and his wife. He looked distressed and angry. You speed up, wanting to make sure your father doesn’t punch Bruce Wayne the way he looks like he's going to.
“Hey dad...um I’m ready to go.” You says with your back turned on the Waynes.
“Y/n..” Your dad says panic exploding on his face, “ Y/n sweetheart um...”
“Yn?” You hear a woman whisper.  You turn to see Bruce Wayne and...your mother. 
You remember the day she left. It was a sunny day. The kind of days that usually are in good memories and have happy endings. She was supposed to take you to the park so you can meet your dad there. You hardly saw her over the years, just every three months when she would come to the then Stark Tower to visit. But that say...that day was different. She had gotten a call, from who you don’t know, nut it seemed important. Because she left at that very moment and never came back. She never reached out, never called, texted or anything. Just radio silence. Your dad was heart broken.  He had hoped that one day she would move in with you and him, and you could be a family. He loved her with his whole heart, but she just didn’t love you both enough to stay. He was a mess after she left, and you picked up the pieces.
You were nine.
If it wasn’t for Pepper stepping in after witnessing one of his breakdowns, you don’t know what would’ve happened.
You stare at the woman who left you, who broke your fathers heart. Who broke your heart.
“Ms. Wayne.” you say curtly, taking pleasure in the way her face fell, “ Mr. Wayne, it’s lovely to see you again. If you’ll excuse me and my father, it seems like he’s not feeling too well.”
You weren’t lying, Tony looked like he was about to puke. His face was pale and he was kinda sweaty. So you wrapped your arm around him and lead him to the entrance, starting to pull out your phone to call Happy.
“Y/n wait!” Your mother cried out, pulling her arm away from Bruce and placing a hand in your shoulder. You jerked your shoulder out of her grasp.
“ Y/n, I know you’re mad at me” she starts, cringing when she hears you scoff, “ But wait a second. Let me look at you...my petal you’re so big.”
You turn and glare at her, “ Don’t call me that.”
“Oh Y/n, please—“You cut her off again.
“Hey i’m just going along with what you want. This is what you wanted right? No contact with us?”
You can see a crowd start to form around you, and you see the scattered Wayne’s push through it. They look at each other in confusion trying to understand how you seem to know their mother.
“ Of course that’s not what I wanted, oh petal I meant to call I just...” She trailed off
“Couldn’t be bothered?” you say harshly, “ I couldn’t care less. Just leave us alone. That should be easy for you.”
You feel your dad tug on your hand, and you turn to him. Eyes softening when you see the expression on his face.
“ Happys here kiddo.” He says softly. You nod and start to walk away. And you hear your mother protest, but you cut her off with a venomous,
“It was nice seeing you again Mom.”
and then you were gone. This time, leaving your mother behind and her confused husband and children.
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humancomedy · 2 years
Human Comedy: Humanity - 9
Nazuna: ...Phew. Great job, everyone~♪
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Location: Repayment Festival Stage (Ra*bits)
Nazuna: ...Phew. Great job, everyone~♪
That was a fantastic performance. There really isn't anything more I can teach you.
Mitsuru: Nii~chan, heeelp... The second the curtain fell, Hajime-chan broke down and started crying~!
Hajime: Hic...ghh... u-uuu...uweeeh...
Nazuna: Oh jeez, he's really crying like a baby... There, there, let it all out. The curtain's down, so the audience can't see you anymore.
Hajime: Uuu... Nii~chan...! Nii~chan, Nii~chan, Nii~chan!
Nazuna: Mhm. What's the matter, Hajime-chin?
Hajime: Hic... I'm so sorry for crying! Thank you so much for working so hard until the very end! From now to forever, Nii~chan will always be the ideal person I strive to be!
At home, I'm the oldest brother... So I always try my best to be the responsible one, to be a good kid...
But I came to Yumenosaki Academy, and I got my own Nii~chan.
It was such a relief, and I was so... happy, every single day! So, Nii~chan...
Uweeeh! Tomoya-kun~!
Tomoya: Why me!?
Man, you really can't help it, huh Hajime? There, there♪
You haven't changed at all when it comes to stuff like this... Wait, but you only used to cry like this when we were alone, so I guess you've actually changed a lot?
Thank you so much, Nii~chan.
You wouldn't guess it just by looking by him, but he likes to put up a front and act like a good kid, so he never does anything that might cause trouble or bother anyone.
But now, he's found a bunch of people that he’s comfortable enough around to show this side of himself, where he lets down his guard and cries his heart out…
I just think that's great for him.
I mean, I dunno if I'm qualified to say something like that...
But thank you, really. Mitsuru already said this on stage, but this is really all we need.
Just thanks. We don't need anything else.
Ahaha... I guess when it's not a play on stage, I'm the kinda guy who doesn't cry during times like this.
I just can't stop smiling for some reason~ Because I'm just so happy.
There's no reason for me to cry, so I'm smiling.
Nii~chan... Thanks for all your hard work, all these three years.
Mitsuru: Nii~chan Nii~chan! I love you, Nii~chan! Mwah mwah♪
Tomoya: What are you doing, Mitsuru...? It's our final performance, so we gotta show Nii~chan that we can be responsible and grown-up so that he won’t worry about us, y'know?
Mitsuru: But... But I'll miss him~! I know it's not like we won't get to see each other ever again, but...
But I'll still miss him...
Nii~chan, once you graduate, feel free to call me! I'll always be willing to run to you at the speed of light!
We might have to live far away from each other, but our hearts will always be together, forever and ever!
Just you wait! We'll become even more famous, and show up on TV aaall the time!
And even if we can't see your face, we'll wave at you with smiles on our faces!
When we do that, you should wave back too, Nii~chan! You should go, “Long time no see! How have you guys been doing? Are you working hard?”
With a gentle smile on your face, just like you always do...!
Tomoya: D-Don't start crying too, Mitsuru... M-Maybe I'm gonna cry too after all...
A-Anyway, before we mess this up! Nii~chan, we got you a present to celebrate your graduation! Please accept it...!
Nazuna: Ohhh? I mean, sure, but... We’re gonna get in the way of the next performers, so I think we should stop standing around here chatting and head backstage instead, okay~?
Repayment Festival isn't just for us, after all. Besides, this year was relatively smooth-sailing for me, anyway~...
I'm surprisingly feeling refreshed, like I don't have any regrets or unfinished business.
I feel like a mom who just successfully gave birth.
The good kid, the bad kid, the normal kid, every single one of you... You're all my precious darling children.
Grow up big and strong, and be wholesome and happy, Ra*bits~♪
Hajime: We will! Ahh~ my tears are finally starting to dry! My eyes feel so stiff, like they're starting to dry up...!
Anyway, Nii~chan! A bouquet for you, from all of us♪
Mitsuru: Go on, take it, Nii~chan! We all saved up money together to buy a big bouquet of flowers for you!
We let Hajime-chan choose all the flowers for us, since he’s the one who knows a bunch about flower language!
I put a whole lot of my feelings into these flowers! Decorate your home with 'em, Nii~chan♪
Hajime: Fufu. At first, I was worried that it might just be a waste of space for you, since live flowers would wilt...
But you don't seem like the type of person who likes pressed or dried flowers either.
We thought you'd prefer some fresh flowers that are full of life.
Tomoya: Mhm. And it feels like something you'd give on White Day, so it fits the occasion, doesn't it? And because it's that kind of season, we even got a little seasonal discount~♪
Nazuna: Ahaha. You didn't need to tell me that. We're not a weak unit constantly struggling with money anymore. ...Thanks, guys.
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Fufu. I'm getting a little shy, what with receiving flowers and all. It's so pretty~ and it smells so nice...♪
Ahh... What do I even do with all this happiness?
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thefanbasewhore · 3 years
Two idiots
Summary || Bucky is an idiot who gets captured during a mission, his girlfriend is an even bigger idiot and goes after him.
Warning/content || This is kinda goofy but kidnapping is a warning I guess? Reader gets a little roughed up.
Paring || Bucky Barnes x female reader (no use of y/n)
Not edited
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"Are you kidding me?" Bucky mumbles, head thumping against the metal pole as eyes narrow, watching one of his capturers shuffled in. Which is nothing out of the ordinary, except that trashing girl in his death grip.
Bucky's lips form an unpleased line, frustration shown in the way wrinkles form on the skin of his forehead. Her arms are tied behind her back, no doubt with the same, unbreakable one that burns his skin. She's trashing, fighting to get out of the man's hold but one of the hands tighten against her upper back and force her head forward.
At the very moment she notices her dark haired lover, relief is prominent along her features, a small breath released but she doesn't get much time because the large hand tightenings around her arm, bruises already starting to form as he pushes her forward.
"Ow! Don't be so rough asshole!" Bucky grimaces at her words, watching her face contort with pain. His top lip raises in a snarl, a warning to the man but he doesn't even take the time of day to look at Bucky.
"I thought I told you not to come." She doesn't even get time to reply, instead a small gasp falls from lips as an unexpected hand grips her hair and roughly brings her to her knees. He mentions for her to move over, to be back to back with Bucky before typing them together.
"Leave her alone asshole." Buck's jaw clenches with every word, the belly of muscles popping through showing his disapprovement of the way the man his touching his girl. "Don't be so rough with her."
He expects the stupid, cruel laugh but not the rather large knee cap to the face.
Bucky groans in pain as the skin of his bottom lip rips from the impact, the bitter, metallic tastes floods his mouth as he sucks it between his teeth to nurse the pain. He peers up at the man with a devilish smirk and spits the blood-salvia mixture right on his boots.
"Keep it up Soldat and your little girlfriend will get it." The warning is enough to make his blood run cold and head drop to the floor, not wanting to take the risk.
"Soldat? Bucky, what's going on?" The question is asked as soon as the room is cleared. Bucky feels slightly smaller finger tips reach for his own. Without a second thought he holds them, warming them between his own, a silent 'everything is going to be fine.'
"I told you not to come." Bucky breaks the silence, clearly annoyed, his tone does very little to hide it. Spitting the pooling blood onto the floor once again.
As a a response she rolls her eyes, feeling his fingers intertwine with her own. "It's been three days since you checked in, I knew something was wrong and here you are."
"I specifically told you before I left -."
"I know what you told me!" She sna and pulls her fingers away as irritation wrinkles the skin between her brows.
It's not visible, but Bucky pouts to himself, blindly reaching out to grasp her hands again. "I'm sorry Hun, I just don't want you near these people."
It's not that she's not capable, any other mission she would be his first choice, lover or not. It's the reasoning why, they want the Winter Soldier who is no longer. A part of his life he has promised to get far, far away from her.
"They called you Soldat."
"Not Hydra." Bucky mumbles as large thumb rubs soft circles into the palm of her hand. The heat of his body leaning against her, the suboccipital of his head using her shoulder for some kind of support. He's exhausted from holding himself up, legs ached to stand again. "But they want the Winter Soldier. Keep asking what the words are."
"How did they get you anyways?"
"Don't want to talk about it." Irritation is written across his features, in the way his forehead creases, smile lines dropping downward to follow the line of his pursed lips.
He waits as she struggles, shifting weight from her left to her right, pulling hands apart for the low chance her kidnapper managed to not tighten the zip tie all the way but there is no use.
"Honey, what makes you think If I, a super soldier couldn't get out of here, that you can?"
"Jeeze, you're a grump today." She murmurs as Bucky huffs, baby blues rolling at the comment. Shifting back and forth, pulling as hard as she could until the makeshift cuffs pull the hair on her arms.
"Stop, you're going to hurt yourself." Bucky's tone is sharp, gruff as he leans further against the pole, completely given up.
"Don't Tell me what to do." She argues, Bucky doesn't even have to see it to know she's sticking her tongue out at him.
"Real mature."
"Well you're being mean! I came here to help you --." She begins, but the sharp breath Bucky exhales shows frustration, shifting from hip to hip to relieve the soreness of his backside.
"I told you not to come, I told you three times."
"What was I supposed to do? Leave you here, like this?" Frustration clearly shown by the way her forehead wrinkles and bitting her bottom lip.
"God, you are so stubborn. What are we supposed to do now? These idiots don't know that you're not the winter soldier anymore." Despite feeling totally hopeless, her eyes run across the room, looking for something, anything to get them free.
"I tried telling them -."
"Wait, wait, they don't know you're the winter soldier anymore." The thought forms a smile on her lips, shifting a little closer to lean into Bucky.
"You just said that." Lack of sleep and food has made Bucky a little sluggish, weak but he's had worse.
"I love you to death, but when I get out of here I'm going to strangle you." Bucky snorts at her words,"I mean that I can say I know the words, given them to you and -."
"They'll untie me." A smile forms at the corner of his lips at the thought. His backside ached, body crunched over for days, he wanted nothing more then to stand.
"Bingo baby, when he comes back I'll tell him." She starts, "We should make noise and get someone's attention."
"God you are so fucking smart, why are you with me?"
"Buck, shut up." He can't help but chuckle, surprisingly clam despite the situation. With soft, circular motions finger tips touch her own, feeling every ridge that so uniquely defined. It's his own way of showing how much he's missed her; it's only been a few days but more then often thoughts of her fill his memory.
"I missed you."
"This isn't the time Buck, we need to get them in her-."
"You look beautiful."
A small smile fills the lines of her lips, bitting down of the fat of the bottom one as she looks down at the floor. "You can't even see me."
"Don't have to honey." The words are sweet and she wishes she could just turn around and kiss his dumb, stupid face with that lopsided grin until he speaks again, "you're the most beautiful girl in the world, even though you can't listen for shit -."
Before she could even comment the clicking of the door has the pair sitting straight as a smirk pulls on lips. "Show time babydoll, start crying."
"You start crying!"
"We have to make it believable! Cry and say that you know the words and the only way you'll give them up is they let you go." He's whisper yelling now as the foot steps clank the floor and every loud echo makes her visibly gringe.
"Okay, okay, shut up already, I am crying to concentrate!" Bucky squeezes his eyes shut, putting on his own little show.
A pair of black boots blur in front of her as false tears blur her vision. While he doesn't touch her, the man sinks to one knee, hovering only inches away. "Why are you crying girl?"
"I want to go home." Bucky has to hold in a laugh at the fake sob but manages to stay quiet. "Let me go, please, please."
The moment the words are muttered from the man's mouth, Bucky stiffens, the words effortlessly falling from his lips in German. "Ready to comply."
They don't suspect a think as one reaches over, knife in hand to cut the ropes. Bucky stands at attention, a lonely, dark void in his eyes.
One man observes him, despite how Bucky towers over him. "Soldat, kill her."
The way he stalks over, the darkness in his eyes is so believable that she even think there's a chance that the trigger words did work like intended. Bucky's fingers press against her jawline, angling her to look up. Bucky frowns suddenly, heading the voice behind him. "Kill her."
It all happens so fast, Bucky starts right into action, metal arm connecting with the man's face as blood drips onto the cement only inches away from her current position.
A roar rips from the other man's chest as he fully engages Bucky but with one swift movement Bucky's hand wraps around his throat, hearing gasping breath as Bucky slams him so hard into the ground it winds him.
One at a time they get up, time after time until they both manage to get the upper hand, pulling and pulling at both of his arms until Bucky gets so get up he lets out a grunt as he pushes both away with super human strength.
The problem is one of the men came tumbling right towards her, full body weight knocking her from her seated position into side lying but that's not what worried Bucky. The sound of her skull hitting the ground with such force, it makes him feel sick. With both men down, he hurries towards her.
"Ow." She hisses trying to pick herself up from the ground, the rough rope scratching her wrist. Hands bound behind her back aren't enough to lift her back up, no matter how hard she struggles.
"I gotcha, I gotcha." Bucky's hands find her shoulder, squeezing it affectionately once she's upright and pulling the ropes off with ease. Hands cup her cheeks with side to side motions, steel blues look over for an injury as angles her eyes to meet his own.
The light is suddenly so bright, a thick, white cast makes her wince and as a result squeezing her eyes shit. For a moment everything is gone, a sheet of black as sight disappears behind eyelids. The hand against the back of her head pulls her from a deep void, opening her eyes to a sight of a very, very worried Bucky. His hand is gently tapping against her cheek - to wake her nonetheless, concern laces his eyes, creates a wrinkle of confusion between dark brows.
His lips are moving but there's nothing to hear, he's watching her eyes fall hooded, all color draining as blood pressure starts to decline. It was too hard, she hit her head too hard.
"Honey, hey, hey look at me." It falls on deaf ears, fingers gently prod against the base of her skull, around the curve of her ears, looking for a wound, or even blood but there's nothing. A metal finger presses under her chin, begging falling eyes to give some sign of consciousness. "Does it hurt? Where does it hurt, babe?"
The groan of pain that leaves her lips is a small piece of relief, a hand reaches out to push the hair from frames the soft structure of her face. "Baby? God, are you okay? Can you hear me?"
"Mmmmm." The soft hand reaches out, up the distance of hair arm, over the muscular bulges of his arm before laying flat against the swell of his chest. The hand pushes, trying to create as much distance as possible. It was hard to breath, he was smothering her.
Bucky didn't let up, only pulled her closer until her forehead rest against his lateral clavicle, supporting all her body weight as a nose nuzzles into his chest. He lets out a breath of relief, one hand wrapped around the base of her back, rubbing soothing circles against the skin and the other curling into the base of her skull, with gentle fingers. "You scared me."
"'m fine, Buck."
"Your head sounded like a nut cracking on the pavement." He argues, still examinating for any blood or wound. "I know I call you peanut brain all the time but I was just kidding."
"You are the most annoying -." The words are cut short by a pair of dry, pink lips, lovingly pressing against her own. The full thickness of his bottom lip pressing between her own, long and sweet, filled with unspoken words; Thank goodness you're okay, I don't know what I would do without you.
Bucky pulls away, pressing her forehead against his chest, his arm wrapping around to coddle and away with her. It's mumbled under his breath, "You scared me, baby."
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
The Hero's Countdown | PJM (One)
Summary: Soulmates: The one you are bound to. In this world, you feel everything they feel. Their joy, their pain, everything. Once day you feel the most excruciating amount of pain only to find out your soulmate has died. What happens when the God’s of Time offer to turn back time so you can make things right and save your soulmates life?
Pairing: Jimin x Female reader
Genre: soulmates au, Gods au, fluff, smut, angst, crack
Word Count: 9.4k
Warnings: swearing, suicide, mentions of sex, oc is kinda a bitch
Notes: And the first chapter is finally here! Sorry it took so long!! I don’t know why I have been so nervous to post this…but It’s going to be a fun journey! Send an ask if you want to be added to a taglist or if you just want to chat:) (Remember this is all fictitious)
Taglist: @mawwnsterr @fancycollectormoon
© taestefully-in-luv
June 21
Pain. Excruciating pain. You feel it in your chest first, then the intense feeling travels from your beating heart to the tips of your fingers. You choke on air trying to compose yourself, but the pain is so unbelievably powerful that you struggle to catch your breath. Something’s wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Your hand goes to your chest, you pull at your shirt as you try to breathe and then suddenly it stops. Just like that. Something happened. Something happened to him.
Soulmates: Two people with the soul connection who feel they are linked on a soul level in a significant or extraordinary way. In this world that means the person you are bound to. When you meet you feel an incredibly intense pull of instant recognition and intense attraction followed by intense emotions. And you feel everything they feel. Their joy, their pain, just everything if it’s considered intense. Physically and emotionally. And that doesn’t stop until you officially “connect” with your partner. What does that even mean? Connect? Does that mean fucking? That sounds like it means fucking. It probably means fucking. You don’t believe in all this bullshit though. The universes predestined bullshit can kiss. Your. Ass.
You’ve learned the hard way that even destined soulmates can’t always make it work…and leaving it up to fate leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. So you ignore fate. You do the very opposite of what fate wants. Fate is strong though and very hard to ignore. It pulls you in the direction of your soulmate constantly—quite literally. Whenever you get the urge, like urge to do something—like out of nowhere get the idea to visit the new bookstore down the block…even though you don’t care for reading. Yeah, that’s a sign that fate is trying to work its magic but you resist that god damn urge and do your own thing. And that’s just one example.
Feeling all your soulmates feelings wouldn’t be so horrible if the man you are destined to be with wasn’t so god damn emotional. Fucking Park Jimin. Yes, you’re well aware who your soulmate is…how else do you know how to avoid him so perfectly? As much as you can at least…considering… But he doesn’t seek you out either—thankfully. But you know he wants to. You can quite literally feel it…his yearning is so powerful it makes you nauseas. But he agreed to stay away. So now you live your life however you please! You have an amazing job that you love, a fantastic group of friends and a hot man you sex up on the regular. Things are good!
The only thing that isn’t good is that you still haven’t bought Isabelle a gift for her birthday party tonight. You’re walking on the sidewalk back to work from getting a coffee on this breezy Monday afternoon when you are hit with realization that you are the worst best friend ever. She always goes above and beyond for your birthday but you can’t even think of a decent gift for her! You listen to the click clack of your heels hitting the pavement as your mind wanders…what could you possibly get her that she doesn’t already have?
You feel your phone buzzing and speak of the devil.
“Hello?” You bring the phone to your ear and your coffee to your lips.
“Please tell me you didn’t invite Julio to my birthday event? Because I just got a text from him asking if he needs to bring anything.” You hear your frazzled best friend on the other line.
“He’s my date tonight.” You say nonchalantly. “Come on, when you guys drink together you…kind of…get along.” You shrug even though she can’t see you.
“Good lord, y/n. You know I can’t stand him. I know he’s got “that good dick” but couldn’t we have went one night without him.” she whines into the phone and you chuckle.
“I’ll make sure he behaves.” You promise. “Now tell me,” you stop at a cross walk and wait for the little person to light up. “What the hell do you want for your birthday?”
“…classic y/n.” Isabelle sighs out, “Just do what you did last year and buy me yet another scarf for my collection.”
“Okay I’ve only bought you like three scarves.” You defend with a pout.
“Four actually, but okay.”
“I’ll just figure it out. See you tonight boo.”
“Fine, see you tonight.” And then you’re bringing the phone down and clicking the end button. Isabelle and Julio (your fuck buddy) don’t necessarily get along. They’re both too similar, you think. But neither will admit that. You’ve been seeing Julio for a few months now, it’s nothing serious of course. He has yet to meet his soulmate and you’re just totally against soulmates. So it makes for good sex.
You walk up to your building and take a deep breath, time to get back to work. You love your job, you really do. But you constantly put your job before your sanity. Because—
“Oh hey.”
Him. You felt him before you even saw him…that’s how strong the pull is. Fate is a funny thing. It brought you to this job, and it brought you to him. But instead of purposely choosing another path and avoiding him like the plague you chose to endure. Because you fucking love this job.
You write scripts for video games and it’s the most fulfilling thing in your life right now…yes even more fulfilling than Julio’s dick. But seeing him 5 days of the week and feeling how he yearns for you is really fucking your head up.
“I said don’t talk to me, remember?” you say with a tight smile. “Seeing you is hard enough.”
Jimin’s eyes soften as he looks at you and he offers an apologetic smile.
“Goodbye, y/n.” and he’s walking past you as he decides to take the stairs while your lazy ass waits for the elevator.
Pain. You feel his pain. And you wince at the overwhelming feeling. But you have to endure and move forward!
“Afternoon y/n.” Your boss comes up to you as you both wait for the elevator. “You got that new script ready for me?”
“Yes sir, I’ll bring it up to your desk before I leave work today.” You offer him one of your sweeter smiles and he brightens.
“Great!” he chuckles wholeheartedly and pats your back, then he’s walking forward once the elevator arrives.
You sigh out in relief that he didn’t question you further…because in truth, that script is not ready and you’re about to have to work your ass off for the rest of the day.
It’s pretty chilly for being an evening in the summer but hey, you won’t complain. It’s better than the blistering heat from a few days ago. You have the address on your phone for the restaurant you’re meeting Isabelle at for her birthday bash. The streets are busy as usual since the city never rests. You walk towards a group of people when you suddenly are hit with an intense feeling of…despair? God, it hurts. But it’s over just as quickly as it started. You compose yourself and continue walking…a few worried looks from strangers but you brush it off.
“She’s finally here!” Isabelle slurs out, “My best fucking friend bitches!”
“Oh my god who let her get drunk before dinner?” you ask, scratching the top of your head as Isabelle rushes to hug you.
“It’s my birthday, I can do what I want.” She drunkenly giggles. “Hurry, hurry.” She ushers you to take a seat and you do. You plop down in the spot next to her, setting your birthday bag down on the ground.
“Another scarf?” she teases, pointing at the bag.
“And if it is?”
“Then I’ll love it you predictable bitch.”
“Hey gorgeous.” You feel a pair of lips kissing your cheek and you know just who they belong to.
“Hi.” You breathe out, “just getting here?” you ask and Julio nods his head yes.
“I didn’t want to get here way earlier than you…I wouldn’t have a friend to hang out with.” He playfully pouts, “But you’re here now.”
“Yes, now you have a friend.” You wink.
You’re about to speak again when another wave of pain hits you. You throw a hand over your racing heart and breathe out heavily.
“Hey, you okay?” Julio rubs your back, “y/n?”
And then it disappears as quickly as it came…
“Yeah, yeah.” You gasp out, “Jeez, wow.” You whisper. “I’m fine.”
Julio gives you a look of concern before he’s nodding his head slowly and turning his body to grab a drink.
“If you say so.” He mumbles.
You try to shake off these strange feelings, and try to have a good time. Isabelle is throwing back drink after drink and after dinner you join her. You begin to loosen up, the alcohol working its drunken magic on you. Isabelle is dancing on a table as the restaurants staff tries their best to get her down, you just watch and laugh like a maniac.
Everything is going good, really good…until pain.
Pain. Excruciating pain. You feel it in your chest first, then the intense feeling travels from your beating heart to the tips of your fingers. You choke on air trying to compose yourself, but the pain is so unbelievably powerful that you struggle to catch your breath. Something’s wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Your hand goes to your chest, you pull at your shirt as you try to breathe and then suddenly it stops. Just like that. This wave felt like death itself. Something happened. Something happened to him.
“y/n? y/n?” You hear Julio call out for you desperately as you try to even out your breathing.
“Hey, you okay?” his voice sounds so distant, like he’s getting further and further away from you. “Get out of my way!” You now hear Isabelle’s voice, she’s pushing through the crowd that surrounds you. “I said, get out of my way!”
Then finally she’s at your side, you are heaving, you are struggling to breath. You feel your cheeks wet from the tears that managed to escape your eyes unknowingly.
What the fuck happened? What’s happening?
Finally, after several minutes of gasping for air, you manage to relax.
“What the hell happened? Are you okay?” Isabelle looks at you with worried eyes, her hand on your back as you straighten yourself.
“Isabelle…I think something happened.”
“It’s Jimin, I can feel it.”
Isabelle’s eyes widen and she nods her head in understanding. “Let’s get you home.”
“You have reached the voicemail box of…” you slam your phone down on your coffee table and sigh out in frustration. You have called Jimin maybe 10 times now but it just keeps going to voicemail. What the hell happened? Is he okay? This feels wrong, you feel wrong. You feel empty for some reason like someone stole your life away, like they sucked it right out of your body. You feel weak. You are barely able to move from the coffee table from how fucking weak you are.
You decide to call it a night, you will just confront Jimin at work tomorrow and ask what the hell happened. You drag your weak, weak body to your bed and try your hardest to fall asleep. But all you can think about is Jimin, he’s taking over your mind. Like, you can’t control it. You see images of him and images of his life, maybe you are just imagining it? But you’re sure these are images of his life…is that something soulmates can do? You toss and turn for hours, until finally you see the sky turn a dark blue and eventually the sun is rising.
You decide to just say fuck it, and get up. You’ll get to work early today. You have so much trouble getting ready, you feel ill. Like, a demon sucked you dry of your energy. But you endure because you really need to see Jimin today.
You grab a coffee on the way to work when you feel yourself being pulled into the direction of your office—Jimin must be there. You walk a little faster and when you finally reach the building you notice something is off. There’s groups of people gathered around the building and police officers inside, you walk in and see your boss talking to one of the officers.
“Oh y/n!” your boss calls out to you, his hand raised up to get your attention, and then he’s waving you over.
“Yes?” you look between him and the officer, “What’s up? What’s going on?”
“Did you know Park Jimin?” The officer gets straight to the point.
“I…do…” your eyes scan the inside of the building and you notice a couple of women that work in your office crying into each other’s arms.
“Do you know if something was going on his life? Something that could lead him to commit suicide?”
“C-Commit?” you look around the room again, you notice your boss looking antsy and the couple of women crying did happen to work in Jimin’s department.
“Yes mam, we understand this is difficult. But any information you have could be crucial. We need to make sure we can rule this out as suicide and not something more serious.”
“He loved his job.” Your boss cuts in nervously, “So it’s not because we didn’t treat him well or something…”
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, “Commit suicide?”
“We found Park Jimin’s body this morning in his apartment. Overdose it seems. His elderly neighbor usually brings him breakfast in the mornings and when he didn’t answer she got concerned. She was shocked to say the least.”
“He-He’s dead?” you blink at the officer repeatedly, “He died?” you are in a state of shock yourself. There’s no way…you just saw him yesterday…but…but those waves of pain you felt then that huge wave that felt like…death itself.
“I think you’re wrong.” You say, in a state of denial now. “Jimin was just here…I just saw him yesterday.”
“Time of death is some time last night.” The officer confirms. “That’s her!” you hear the voice of a woman scream out. “That’s that bitch!” you turn around in a daze, trying to find the source of the screams.
“You fucking bitch!” you see a woman charging at you, screaming at the top of her lungs with her finger pointed in your direction.
“M-Me?” you point at yourself in confusion.
“He just…why couldn’t you give him a chance?” The woman breaks down, falling to her knees in front of you. “You’re his soulmate for fucks sake. This is all your fault!” She cries out, defeated.
You stand here, confused as hell. He told people? And how is this your fault?
“H-He’s not gone.” You say weakly, your shock still very fresh. “I’ll call him.” you quickly grab your phone from your pocket and dial Jimin’s number.
“You have reached the voicemail box of….”
You gulp, trying again…
“You have reached the voicemail box of….”
And again.
“You have reached the voicemail box of….”
Fuck, why isn’t he answering? You start to panic now. You blink back growing tears, your body seems to be growing weaker and weaker.
“He’s just…”
“He’s dead!” she screams out, looking up into your eyes, her own eyes bubbled over with tears. “And it’s your fucking fault!”
The officer is helping the women off the floor and escorting her outside the building. You stand here in complete shock still, your body about to give out on you. There’s absolutely no way Jimin is dead. And there’s absolutely no way it’s your fault. Right?
Your limbs are so overwhelmingly heavy as you are draped over your sofa. You are unable to move. You can’t sleep, you can’t eat. You are unable to form sentences at this point, you feel drained. Completely drained. You still can’t believe the news. Jimin is gone. You don’t want to believe it but you do feel heartbroken…you feel so lost and empty and incomplete.
You close your eyes, hoping to drift off into a deep, deep sleep.
“We should let her sleep…”
“No! Girl needs to wake up and we need to get this show on the road!”
“What? The more time she sleeps the more time she wastes.”
“We literally control time we can let her sleep for 5 more minutes.”
“Exactly, we control it so you know how precious it is, Namjoon.”
You swear you hear voices but you’re too fucking tired to open your eyes, they sound so far away…
“Listen I’m only letting her have these 5 minutes because girl needs her beauty sleep. Do you see those horrible dark circles?”
“That’s what you’re concerned about?”
“Okay, she has like 30 seconds left and we are waking her ass up.”
“Hey! Hey!” your shoulders are getting fucking rocked as somebody tries to wake you. “Wakey Wakey, hands off snakey!”
“She doesn’t have a snakey dude.” You hear another voice.
You slowly begin to open your eyes when you see a man with his hands on your shoulders. You scream. You scream bloody murder.
“Hey, woah, woah!” The guy puts his hands up in surrender. “Not going to hurt you!”
“We’re just here to talk.” The other voice cuts in, you snap your head to the side and notice another man. You scramble on the sofa, getting into a defensive position as you scream again.
“Have ourself a screamer, don’t we?” the first man winks, “Huh? Huh?” he opens his arms wide and shakes his head around. “No? Tough crowd.”
“Who the hell are you two? Take what you want! Please just leave me alone!”
“We don’t want anything and leaving you alone isn’t something we can do.” The second man says, he sighs out and crosses his arms. “Look, we need to talk.”
“Oh!” the first man quirks a brow, “We don’t want to take anything…no offense, maybe a little offense, but your apartment isn’t that ni—”
“Jin, now is not the time.”
“What the fuck is happening?” you yell out, “Who are you two?”
“Right.” The first man says, “Introductions. Should we just say who we are or should we do our little number that you refuse to rehearse?”
“We aren’t singing as our intros, Jin.”
“Why not? So unfair, Tae and Hobi do it.
“They’re a special breed.” The second man releases a long breath, “I’m Namjoon.”
“And I’m Jin.”
“And we’re—”
“The Gods of Time!”
You blink at the two psychopaths in your living room with your mouth wide open. What the fuck?
“How did you two get in here?!” you ask, deciding to ignore their little introduction.
“Walked through the front door.”
“But it’s locked—“”
“No, like literally.” Jin states, “We walked through it. Because we’re you know, Gods.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Did you just tell a God to shut the fuck up?” Jin grins, “Brave girl.”
“We have an order of business.” Namjoon rolls his eyes at Jin, “We need to talk.”
“We aren’t talking until you tell me how you got in my apartment! And what you fucking want!”
“He told you already,” Namjoon sighs, “We walked through the front door and we want to talk.”
“You walked through? Because you’re Gods? Right, like I’m supposed to believe that.” You huff out and Jin lights up with an idea.
“Here.” He’s suddenly handing you a knife. “Stab me.”
“What the fuck?” You hold the knife in your hand, where did he even get a knife so quickly? “I’m not going to stab you!”
“Just do it!”
“Yeah, just do it.” Namjoon encourages you with a tired face.
“Come on just a little stabby wabby.” Jin sings, “Come on!”
“Fine!” you stick the knife in Jin’s leg and he starts screaming in agony.
“What the hell!!!! Why would you really stab me?!?!? Oh MY GOD?!!!”
“YOU TOLD ME TO?!?!” you stand up in panic, rushing to his leg and seeing if it’s something serious.
“YOU MANIAC!!!! YOU REALLY STABBED—” then he’s laughing hysterically as Namjoon just claps his hands with an unimpressed face.
“Great performance Jin, but can we get to the point?”
“Performance?” you stutter, “You’re not hurt?”
“No, I’m a God. You think a little human knife can hurt me?”
“Wait, wait, wait! You really are okay? I stabbed you! Oh my god,” you start spiraling, “I stabbed someone.” You whisper. “Oh my god. Are you okay? I am so sorry!”
“Once again, we are God’s.” Namjoon states matter of fact. “Human weapons do not hurt us.”
Your eyes widen in complete shock, you look between the two men and start shaking your head—spiraling even further.
“God’s? God’s of what?” you breathe out. “This is…this is impossible.”
“God’s of time.” Jin snaps his fingers, “and do we have an offer for you.”
“W-What offer?” you plop down on your couch, your face has gone pale. What the hell is happening?
“Your soulmate, Park Jimin…” Namjoon begins. “Committed suicide last night.”
“And full offense girly, but it’s sort of your fault.” Jin chimes in. You feel your entire body go weak again.
“But we want to offer you something. We will roll back time by one month. Giving you the opportunity to make things right and save his life.”
“Turn back time?” you mumble, “That’s impossible.”
You watch as Jin rolls his eyes and with his pointer finger he’s making small circles.
“Turn back time?” You mumble, “That’s impossible.”
Suddenly you’re hit with Déjà vu. “Wait, didn’t I just say that?”
Jin grins and making small circles with his pointer finger again.
“Wait, didn’t I just say that?”
Your eyes go comically wide. “Woah. How did you do that?”
“God’s of Time, it’s literally our specialty.” Namjoon says.
“This girl really don’t listen.” Jin sits down on the couch next to you and you try scooting away.
“Okay…say you really can turn back time…why one month? And why are you giving me this chance?”
“One month because that’s how long it will take to change Jimin’s mind. And because…” Namjoon’s eyes slide to the side…”We were sort of pressured into this.”
“By who?”
Ding Dong
“Great, they’re here.” Jin whines, “I was hoping we would have more time with the human by ourselves.”
“Who’s here?” you start to panic, “Who pressured you?”
“Pressure? That’s not very nice to say.” You hear a new voice and it startles you. “Hi there.” You look up to see two new bodies in your living room. “We are—”
“Great, they’re going to sing.” Namjoon sighs. “On with it then.”
“Taehyung and Hoseok!” They say as melodically as possible, “God’s of Fate!” You swear you can see flowers and hearts and stars surround them.
“And we are not happy with you!” Taehyung dramatically pouts while pointing at you, “We have set up such a nice life for you but you always do the opposite. You really hurt our feelings.” Hoseok smiles a huge ass smile, ultimately confusing you further.
“God’s of fate?” you stand up and shake your head frantically. “What’s happening? What’s happening?”
“If you would have followed our path—the natural path—then you and Jimin would be happily together right now.” Taehyung lightly scolds you.
“But instead…” Hoseok begins, “You did the opposite of what we wanted and now look what happened.” He says with a smile still. “You messed with the natural order of things.”
“You’re saying it’s my fault? That Jimin is…”
“Didn’t I literally say it was your fault?” Jin questions and Namjoon swats his arm. “It’s okay though girly, we are offering you a chance to fix this. You can save his life.”
“He’s right y/n.” Namjoon walks closer to you, “You can save his life.”
You can save Jimin? How is this even possible? Suddenly, you hear faint knocking on your front door.
“Oh man. They’re here.” Taehyung looks towards the door.
“Well, we knew they would show up.”
“Who? Who?” you ask, clearly not ready for more guests.
“May I?” Hoseok gestures towards the door, asking if he can open it. You just shrug at this point.
Hoseok walks to the door and swings it open, revealing two more men.
“Oh if it isn’t mister sunshine and sunshine Junior.” The shorter man says under his breath as he walks past Hoseok and Taehyung. Another man following closely behind.
“We actually like those nicknames.” Taehyung says with a smile. “But yes, what are you doing here?”
“You know why we’re here.” The taller man smirks. “We have a soul we don’t intend on returning.”
“Who the fuck are you two?” you grit out, clearly tired of everyone at this point.
“Yoongi.” The shorter man states like he’s bored.
“And I’m Jungkook.”
“Okay? And?”
“Introduce yourselves properly you fools!” Jin yells out.
“Right right.” Yoongi nods his head subtlety, “God’s of Death.”
Your eyes widen in terror. God’s of Death? “So you kill people? Oh my god…you killed Jimin…”
“Okay, one… we don’t kill people.” Yoongi states and Jungkook jumps in.
“But we do like it when they die.” He says with big doe eyes and Yoongi’s expression changes like the realization has hit him.
“Yes,” he admits. “We do like that.”
“Actually we love it.” Jungkook pipes in again.
“Yes, we do love it.” Yoongi comments nonchalantly.
“And two… Jimin offed himself, we just wait to retrieve his soul.”
“His soul is all we’re interested in.” Jungkook chuckles darkly. “That’s all.”
“Oh? Is that all?” Taehyung mutters underneath his breath.
“Can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on and why you all are in my apartment?”
“Damn girl, you really don’t listen.” Jin puts a hand on his hip.
Namjoon steps closer to you again and pats you on the back, urging you to take a seat.
“Taehyung and Hoseok are the God’s of fate, they want to bring you and Jimin together for your epic love or whatever…Jin and I may owe them a favor. So here we are, the God’s of Time…offering you a chance to turn back time and save Jimin’s life. But the God’s of Death over here…” he gestures towards Yoongi and Jungkook, Jungkook looks at you with a wink, “…don’t want that. They’re here to stop you so they can keep their soul like the soul hungry bastards they are.”
The other 5 men nod their heads in agreement as you look at each of them incredulously.
“And you expect me to believe this?” you wipe your sweaty palms on your pants and sigh out heavily, not believing a word.
“Should you stab me again?” Jin offers with a grin, showing you his little human knife you just stabbed him with earlier.
“What??” Jungkook slumps his shoulders, “Jin got stabbed and I missed it?” Jungkook frowns, “I always miss the good stuff…anyway, I vote you stab him again.”
“No!” you’re quick to yell out. “No more stabbing.”
Jungkook physically deflates once again, clearly disappointed.
“y/n…” Namjoon puts his hand on your shoulder, “Make your decision. Do you want to save Jimin or not?”
Of course you want to save Jimin…you don’t want someone you know dead, like come on. But what does it mean to save him?
“Follow our path.” Taehyung whispers to you, “The natural path.”
“You mean your predestined bullshit?” you spit out and Taehyung and Hoseok frown.
“It’s not bull…” then he whispers, “shit.”
“You can say cuss words sunshine junior.” Yoongi smirks, “come on, say ‘fuck’ just once.”
“No!” Taehyung whines
“Stop trying to make our Taehyungie do bad things!” Hoseok stands in front of Taehyung, defending him.
“I’ll say ‘fuck’.” Jungkook looks around the room raising his hand, offering his foul language.
“You already say it all the time, doesn’t count.” Yoongi rolls his eyes, “Get sunshine junior to say it though and I’ll give you 5 bucks.”
“Come on bro, say ‘fuck’ let me get 5 dollars.” Jungkook begs.
“Human money literally means nothing to us?” Jin questions.
“I still like to collect it.”
“Collecting souls isn’t enough?” Namjoon deadpans.
“I’m a collector, leave me alone.”
“More like a hoarder…” Yoongi cuts in, sighing out.
“Okay!” You stand, “Enough!”
“Finally, someone with some sense.” Namjoon says, “So are you taking us up on our offer? Going to save Jimin’s life?”
“Listen girly, take the offer. Be a hero. Because right now you’re technically the villain.” Jin says matter of fact, his hip poking out as his hand rests on it.
“Or live the life you want. It’s not your fault lover boy offed himself.” Yoongi walks closer to you. “He basically gave his soul for free.”
“You know Jimin was a good person…” Hoseok tells you, “You could feel it.”
You feel yourself grow guilty…this should be a no brainer right? You may not like the idea of soulmates but Jimin doesn’t deserve…this. He deserves to live.
“I’ll do it. I’ll make things right with Jimin, I’ll save his life.” Your firm voices echoes throughout the apartment and Jungkook scoffs.
“You think you can change his mind in a month? He’s set in stone, sweetheart.”
“One…gross, don’t call me sweetheart, and two, I can try.”
“Have fun trying with us by your side.” Yoongi states, a scowl taking over his face.
“She will have us buy her side as well.” Taehyung offers, “We will guide her every step of the way. You can rely on us, rely on fate.”
You roll your eyes, you don’t want any of these guys by your side.
“Is this your final decision?” Namjoon asks, he looks at you with a serious expression and you shudder.
“Did you hear that besties? Girl has made her final decision. Shall I do the honors?”
“Yeah, yeah. Go ahead. When you wake up y/n…it will be one month ago yesterday. Are you prepared for that?”
“Will I be aware?”
“Okay, I’m ready.”
“Remember you have 30 days to make things right.” Namjoon reminds you and you nod your head.
“Okay, here we go!” Jin spins in circles and you all watch him …it’s lasting for several seconds too long, you grow confused. Jin keeps twirling around, doing little curtseys and now he’s doing the fucking robot…until Namjoon stands up.
“For heaven’s sake.” He uses his finger to spin in circles and things start fading to black, time slowly turning backwards.
May 21
It’s morning. You check your phone and it’s around 7am on Friday, May 21st. What the actual hell. It worked? You went back in time, right? This isn’t just some really incredible, elaborate prank right?
“If you’re thinking if this really happened…it did.” You hear Namjoon speak up from across your room.
“And if you’re thinking ‘wow these two super handsome guys really did that?’ we did.” Jin says hovering over you in bed. You can’t help but yelp, still surprised of their presence.
“Why are you guys here still?”
“Oh honey, it’s not just us.” Jin says matter of fact.
“It’s us too!” Hoseok says cheerily.
“Hoseok and Taehyung too?” you question slowly, your eyes scanning the room.
“Please,” Taehyung throws a hand over his heart, “Call us Hobi and Tae.”
“It’s just you four—”
“You really need to go grocery shopping.” Jungkook walks in the room with an apple in his hand, he brings it to his mouth and takes a crunchy bite.
“And as expected of the human world, the TV is trash.” Yoongi walks in after him, throwing your remote on your bed.
“Why the hell is everyone still here?” you yell out, grabbing at your hair. “I thought I was on a solo mission now!”
“Oh baby girl, it’s not just you anymore” Jungkook smirks, taking another obnoxious bite of his apple—your apple.
“Okay, if I didn’t want to be called sweetheart what makes you think baby girl is gonna pass?”
“I don’t know, thought I’d give it a shot.” He shrugs.
“Anyway,” you roll your eyes. “What do you mean it’s not just me?”
“You insist on saving Jimin’s life…we insist on keeping his soul. We have opposing goals here.” Yoongi explains, a bored expression drawn on his face. “We are going to make sure you are not successful. We can only interfere so much though.”
“And we,” Hobi cuts in, “Are here to make sure you are successful. You see, we are here to guide you on your little journey.”
“Think of us as your friends.” Tae grins at you.
“Yeah, I’d rather not.” You deadpan.
“And you two?” You point at Namjoon and Jin. “What is your purpose?”
“To make sure you don’t fuck up, to put it simply.” Jin states. “You do that a lo—Ow!” Namjoon hits Jin in the gut.
“What Jin is trying to say is, we are giving you a total of 3 mess ups. Once you strike through all 3, you’re on your own. We won’t manipulate time any more for a human like you.”
“A human like me?”
“I just mean, a human in general.” He clarifies and you relax.
“Can others see you?” You ask, quite curious. This whole thing is curious actually. You have 6 God’s chilling in your room right now and you are surprisingly chiller than you thought you’d be.
“They will…” Hobi’s eyes slide to the side. “Listen,” he sways on his feet. “We are going to be spending a lot of time together this next month so let’s all get along.” He smiles that big ass smile and you roll your eyes.
“Yes, let’s all get along!” Tae chirps, “Except maybe not with these two.” He points at Yoongi and Jungkook. Jungkook narrows his eyes at Tae and slumps his shoulders.
“I’m gonna get you to say ‘fuck’ sunshine junior, mark my words.”
“Not likely.” Tae narrows his own eyes before he’s spinning on his heels to face you again happily. “y/n.” he sings out, “Our new companion!” Hobi joins in on his song, they both start humming and whistling and suddenly Hobi is rapping. It’s all too much, really.
“Yo yo yo, Jin is in the house too—OW!”
“Anyway,” Namjoon brings a small book from his pocket. “There’s rules. Just a couple.”
“Rules?” you mumble, “What rules?”
“Rule number 1,” Jin starts, “You can’t tell Jimin you’re aware of his suicidal thoughts—this can just have more negative effects. Keep his little secret.”
“And rule number 2,” Namjoon closes the little notebook. “You can’t tell anyone about us.” He gestures towards all 6 of them. “You have to swear on this book.”
“What happens if either of those things happen?” You ask.
“Oh they won’t girl.” Jin shakes his finger at you. “Once you swear on a God’s book…you are bound to secrecy. You will literally not be able to talk about it. Your mouth will physically shut.”
“Jin’s right.” Hobi says, “That’s the law of the God’s promises.”
“And you are promising to us.” Tae adds in.
“That’s just the way it is.” Yoongi comments nonchalantly as he picks at his nails.
“Fine, fine. I get it. I’ll swear on the book.” You get up from bed and walk towards Namjoon, you eye his little notebook and then you look at him incredulously.
“Book of the God’s my ass! You can buy this exact notebook from the dollar store!”
“I like human objects too.” He mumbles shyly, “But it is property of the God’s so…are you going to sign it or not?”
“Do I…do I have to like sign with my blood or some—”
“—Yes.” Jungkook says.
“No, no. Stop that Jungkook,” Namjoon pulls out a pen from his pocket. “Just a regular pen. Also probably from the dollar store you speak of.”
“Okay, I got it…” you grab the pen from him and sign your name to the paper. The notebook starts shining a bright gold, almost blinding you. Then the glow fades and you see your signature in gold letters.
“It is done.” Namjoon says, nodding at the others.
“We are going to be with you as much as possible.” Taehyung smiles at you, “So please take care of us.” He bows his head towards you and you wave him off.
“You guys do realize I still have to work right?”
“Oh,” Namjoon’s eyes slide to the side, “We are prepared for that.”
“How are you prepared for—”
You sit in your little cubicle in complete and utter shock, your jaw literally on the floor.
“And this is our new team of writers, editors, and soundtrack producers. They’ll be working on a new game that is still under wraps.” Your boss gestures towards 6 men. The same fucking 6 men that were just in your apartment. Can you even call them just men? They are God’s!
“Please introduce yourself to the rest of the staff.”
“Right, I am Namjoon in charge of writing along with my partner Jin—”
“Jin is me, yes hi. Call me Worldwide—Hey!” Namjoon swats Jin’s stomach. But Jin recovers quickly, blowing a kiss around the office.
“I’m Tae.” Tae brightly waves at everyone, “In charge of editing scripts. Please take care of me.”
“And I’m Hobi, also in charge of editing! Let’s get along everyone!”
“Yo. Names Yoongi.” He quietly says, waving like a shy child.
“I am Jungkook, I am single and I—”
“They’re in charge of soundtrack production.” Namjoon cuts in. “Nice to meet you all.”
The office starts to quietly applaud, nodding their heads in approval as you sit here with your jaw on the floor. There is no way…absolutely no way this is happening.
“Ah, y/n!” Your boss calls out for you, he’s already walking to your desk. “Namjoon here says you all know each other, so I would like for you to help get them get settled in.” The group of 6 men follow behind him. You look at Namjoon like he is absolutely insane.
“Help them how?” you ask quietly. “Like, show them where the coffee maker is? Oh, look. Its right over there.” You point to the left of you. “You’re welcome.”
“Oh y/n! You’re so funny!” Jin slaps his knee, “I need help with some formatting on the first script I have…apparently you know a thing or two about that.” He grins at you and you roll your eyes.
“Don’t worry…” Hobi begins, his eyes looking around the office. “We won’t just rely on you for help around here…ah! There he is!” Hobi nudges Tae shoulder. “Jimin!” he begins waving the man over.
Jimin looks around the office as if he isn’t the only one with that name. He points at himself and mouths ‘me?’ Hobi and Tae smile widely and nod their heads in unison as they wave him over.
“Yes?” Jimin walks up to you all, his eyes on you…he feels himself grow nervous. “Can I help you?”
“Actually yes.” Tae starts, “Boss man here says you’re an editor just like us, maybe you can show us the ropes.”
“Ah.” Jimin slowly nods his head with his mouth slightly open. “I see.” Then he is nervously looking at you again. “Is that okay? For us all to be working together?” he looks at you while asking this and you scoff.
“I don’t control your life Jimin, do what you want.” You spit out and Jin hits your arm.
“What she means to say is, yes of course we can all work together!” he sings.
You release a long breath, remembering you are on a mission. You muster the fakest smile you can and make eye contact with Jimin.
“Yes, that’s what I meant.” You continue to grin and Jimin scrunches his brows as he slowly nods his head again.
Hobi jumps in excitement and repeatedly hits Tae’s arm, like he just got an amazing idea.
“Why don’t we all go out tonight to celebrate?”
“What are we celebrating?” you deadpan but Jin hits your arm again and leans down to whisper in your ear.
“Remember…fate is guiding you. Do as they say.” He says through a tight lip smile.
“Yeah…” you find the energy to say, “Sounds fun…let’s do that.”
You hate this. You are only barely talking to Jimin but you can feel the pull intensify with every word you say to him and every word he speaks to you goes straight to your heart and your fucking vagina.
To call Jimin attractive is an understatement. He is beyond that…he is beyond handsome, beyond cute, beyond gorgeous and beyond sexy. He has a charming way about him, his sharp jawline, his smile with those full, full lips, his eyes. He is effortlessly beautiful…and it drives you absolutely insane.
You remember the first time you saw Jimin…love at first sight? Also an understatement.
He was blonde then. His hair swept across his forehead, you would almost think that was his natural color because it looked that god damn good on him. Now his hair is black and holy hell, it is also his color. But you might think any color is.
“Celebrate how?” Jimin speaks up, his eyes going to Hobi.
“Drinks!” Tae chimes in, “But only one because we all have to work in the morning.” He chuckles and the rest of the boys join in.
“I don’t believe in hangovers.” Jungkook says with his arms crossed over his chest, a smirk gracing his features.
“You literally had one like 3 days ago.” Yoongi comments, “You also said ‘I’m never drinking again’”
“That was a different Jungkook.” Jungkook snaps his fingers, “I’ve matured since then.”
“Yeah, right.” You laugh. “Also you guys realize tomorrow is Saturday…”
You actually laugh and the 7 boys snap their heads towards you and smile. All but Jimin…and kind of Yoongi.
“You can laugh!!!” Jin takes your hand and high fives himself with it. “Amazing.”
“And you laughed because of me!” Jungkook cheers. “God, I knew I was fucking hilarious.”
“Chill out, kid.” Yoongi shakes his head.
“Anyway,” you clear your throat. “There’s a bar in the building next to us. We can meet at 7.”
“Actually let’s meet right after work, we can all walk together.” Hobi looks at you knowingly and you roll your eyes.
“Right. Okay, after work then.”
“Sure…” Jimin says slowly, “I will meet you guys here then.” Then he’s taking one last look at you before walking away back to his side of the office.
“Are you guys fucking insane?!” You whisper shout towards the 6 gods. “You work here now?!”
“We have to keep an eye on you and make sure everything goes smoothly…” Tae pouts, he messes with his neck tie nervously. “I even bought these cool human clothes…I thought maybe you would notice.”
“Yeah, yeah. You look nice.” You gesture towards his body and you swear you can see puppy dog ears and tail wagging behind him from how happy he is.
“What about me? What about me?” Jin motions towards his own body as he winks at you.
“You? Fine you look nice too.”
Jungkook slowly walks in the middle of your circle and shows off his outfit to all of you, spinning in a few circles.
“And me baby girl?”
“Call me baby girl one more time and I swear I will kick—”
“Jeez, no need to be aggressive!” Jungkook puts his hands up in surrender. “I’ll take the L for now.”
“Namjoon, please say something as the only person here who is sane.” You turn to face Namjoon and he is looking down at his own outfit.
“Human clothes are so boring.” Is all he says.
You can’t help but groan…then you feel it. Eyes on you. Not just any eyes. His eyes. You follow the feeling until your eyes meet his, he immediately looks away and you feel a sense of guilt. Jimin is going to kill himself? And it’s supposedly your fault? Can you fix this? Can you change his mind? Can you save his life? Can you?
The bar is quiet, well it is only like 5pm. But you assume in the coming hours it will be booming thanks to it being a Friday night. You are seated between Tae and Hobi as they fill your mind with thoughts of Jimin while he is in the bathroom.
“Can’t you just feel how badly he wants to sit next to you? His jealousy that you’re between us?” Tae giggles. “I can’t technically feel his yearning like you can but dudes, it’s so obvious.”
“I get it, I get it.” You groan, “So what’s the plan?”
“Oh that? You are going to ask Jimin out on a date.”
“A d-date?!” you feel the heat rush to your cheeks, “Isn’t that a bit much?”
“Not at all…” Hobi takes a sip of his beer with a fucking straw. “Trust us.”
You’re really about to trust mister sunshine and sunshine junior? They are drinking their beers with straws. Fucking straws.
“ You don’t owe Jimin anything.” You hear Yoongi’s voice from behind you. “You don’t want to be here y/n. Why are you forcing yourself?”
“She just wanted to hang with me.” Jungkook nudges Tae out of his barstool seat and takes it.
“Heeeey…” Tae pouts as he is left standing, watching Jungkook take his chair. “I was sitting there.”
“Say ‘fuck’ and I’ll give it back.”
“You’re mean.”
“Anyway,” you cut them off before they can continue, “Why do you want his soul so bad? Aren’t there more souls out there?”
Yoongi for the first time curls his lips upwards and smirks at you.
“Jimin is a pure soul. It’s worth more. And he gave it for free, his own will. That much more worth it.”
“Pure soul?” You raise a brow, is Jimin really that perfect? You can’t help but scoff.
“He’s a really good person, y/n.” Hobi says softly, “You know you can feel that.”
He’s right. When you first met him and you had that instant recognition, you could feel just how good he is. It hurt even more, considering how things went…
“I have shots!!!!” Jin comes up to you 5 with a tray of shots, “As the kids say, I am trying to get lit!”
“Barely anyone says that anymore dude.” Jungkook frowns, “Which is unfortunate because it… was…lit...”
“Where’s Jimin?” Namjoon asks, grabbing a shot from the tray, he takes a sniff and fake gags.
“Jesus Christ, I told you anything but Tequila, Jin.”
“He’s in the bathroom…” you say, your head falling in your hand on the bar top. You stare at all the bottles on the shelves and wish you could drown yourself in each one.
“I’m back.” Jimin says from beside you and Jungkook.
It looks like he washed his face with cool water, his bangs slightly wet. He’s nervous, you can quite literally feel it…that’s how intense it is.
“Jimin…” you say his name and it sounds and feels so weird on your tongue, his head whips in your direction with wide eyes and he tilts his head to the side.
You two lock eyes, his gaze is intense. You can’t help but feel like you’re falling for some sort of spell as you stare at him. The pull between you two only grows…you find yourself leaning in closer to his direction before you’re shaking your head, clearing your throat and looking towards the other boys.
“Uh, there’s shots.” You point at the tray Jin is holding. “Let’s hurry up and take them.”
A few hours pass and your group is collectively drunk. Jimin seems to be the only somewhat sober one. Even Yoongi is shimmying to whatever song is playing! You look at Namjoon who is smiling at Jin as they talk to one another and you wave them over.
“I thought human things didn’t effect God’s? Why are you all so drunk?” you laugh, slurring your words.
“Alcohol is alcohol baybey!” Jin throws an arm around your neck as he continues to dance.
“Jin is right.” Namjoon points at him, “Alcohol is the same for us.”
You only nod in response as you eye the bar, Hobi and Tae are dancing with Jimin and he actually looks like he is enjoying himself. You stand from your stool and walk to the dance floor and join them, surprising Jimin.
“Came to hang out with the fun go—guys?!” Hobi moves his body expertly as he speaks.
“Just came to talk to Jimin…” you admit shyly and Hobi and Tae nod in understanding with their eyes wide.
“Good idea.” Tae yells out, “We will keep Yoongi and Jungkook distracted.”
“You want to talk to me?” Jimin says over the music, “Me?” he points at himself and you chuckle.
“Yes, you.” You reach down to grab his hand and fuck. You feel like you are being shot with electricity. “Uh,” you quickly drop his hand and gesture for him to follow you. “Come on.”
You and Jimin walk outside the bar, the night is a little chilly, even for May.
“What’s up?” Jimin asks nervously, he sways back and forth on his heels and you can feel his anxiety and it’s making you nauseas.
“Go on a date with me.” You blurt out.
Jimin is silent. His eyes harden as he stares at you and he breathes out roughly.
“You’re drunk.” He states.
“Don’t be difficult.” You begin, “Go on a date with—”
“You think I can’t feel it?” he asks quietly. “How much you…hate me…?”
You automatically get hit with a wave of guilt. He releases a few shaky breaths and continues. “You are forcing yourself…I don’t want to make you more uncomfortable around me.” He gives you a sad, soft smile and turns around to head back inside, leaving you out in the chilly May air.
“I thought you guys were fucking gods? I did what you told me and he fucking rejected me?!” you slur out angrily. Tae and Hobi exchange awkward glances before smiling for you.
“You have to put a lot of effort. Remember…you are working hard to change his whole mind. It isn’t going to be easy y/n. Even with us helping. We lead you on the right path but ultimately you humans do have free will.” Hobi says quietly, he looks around the bar to make sure no one can hear.
“And like Jungkook said…at this moment, Jimin is set in stone. It’s going to take some convincing.” Tae finishes. He messes with his neck tie some more before he is loosening it all the way. “And you better hurry to talk to him because he is with Yoongi and Jungkook. Who knows what nonsense they are feeding him!”
You look over your shoulder and Tae is right, Yoongi and Jungkook both have an arm draped over Jimin’s shoulders and chatting away. They both have sly smiles as Jimin nods his head in drunken concentration.
“Help me get rid of them…” you roll your eyes as you begin walking towards the God’s of death and their meal.
“You got it!” Hobi yells out brightly. “Let’s go TaeTae.” He grabs on to Tae’s arm and drags him towards the death gods. You follow closely behind eyeing Jimin carefully.
It’s a lovely spring day, the flowers are in bloom and the sky is blue with splashes of pink now that the sun is beginning to set. You finally found your dream job that you start in 2 weeks and an affordable apartment. It’s not thaaat much nicer than your previous place but still, an upgrade nonetheless.
Today you woke up feeling…different. Fuller, more whole. Something completely unexplainable. Once you stepped outside even the world looked more beautiful, colorful, vibrant. Your chest is warm and buzzing and you can’t help but fall in love with the feeling. What is going on?
You walk the streets in your restless city and you feel it. The pull. The pull is practically dragging you around without you totally realizing. You just walk the streets in a daze, the pull becomes more and more intense the closer you get to the main park downtown. You realize you don’t visit this park often which is such a shame because it is beautiful.
You stroll around, feeling yourself being pulled closer and closer to this gigantic tree in the center and then you feel your insides burst. Your eyes land on a figure, you can only see his back but you just know. He must feel it too because he is quickly turning his body around and facing you. His eyes find yours immediately and holy fuck.
You know him. As soon as your eyes meet you feel like you fucking know him. You feel yourself being drawn to him like there is spell you are both under. You don’t stop your feet from moving as you walk closer and closer. He only stares at you with wide eyes until his thick lips curve up into the most beautiful smile you have ever seen. Little did you know, this would be the only time you will see him smile like this.
Love at first sight? He is the most gorgeous human being you have ever had the pleasure of your eyes landing on. His blond hair swept over his forehead, his piercing eyes, his full lips, his entire figure. His beautiful, beautiful smile. He has charmed you. And it doesn’t help that you feel that instant attraction. That recognition and the intense, intense burst of love you feel.
But it is not your love that you are feeling. It is his. Because you feeling love for a someone you don’t actually know is impossible…that this is just some forced, predestined façade. And you are hit with the reality and the truth. You feel your insides turn from a gooey mess to hard. You feel yourself grow angry, you feel hatred grow within you and it must be intense because Jimin must feel it too. The way his smile drops and how his face goes pale. He takes a hesitant step away from you and looks at you with so much question. He feels how you loathe him.
You continue to look at Jimin as you walk closer and closer to him in the bar, Tae and Hobi pulling Yoongi and Jungkook off his body as you make your way over. Even walking closer and closer to him you feel all of your confusing feelings. You hate him yet you are drawn to him.
“Jimin.” You say his name, it comes out rough and breathless and he pinches his brows together.
“Yes?” he asks softly, he walks closer to you as well. “Is everything okay y/n?”
You swallow down your pride as you stare into his eyes. They look sad…empty even.
“Date…” you murmur. Jimin’s sad, empty eyes flash with a sliver a hope before they turn dark again.
“Why?” he finally asks…he walks just a bit closer to you and you step back, feeling suffocated. If he gets any closer you…
“I want to make things right.” You admit between a few breaths, “I want to get to know you.”
You aren’t lying, you do want to make things right. He doesn’t necessarily know what you mean but that’s okay. “I haven’t been the nicest to you but I want to change that.” You mumble.
“You want to know me?” he gulps, “You want to…spend time with me?” you can feel how nervous he is and you can’t help but chuckle just a bit.
“Coffee? We can start there.” You say, feeling your own nerves spiking. Who knew talking to your fucking soulmate could be this hard.
Jimin bites down on his thick bottom lip, his cheeks warming up as they turn a lovely shade of pink.
“Okay….” He says, trying to hide his growing smile “Coffee.”
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