#jeith fluff
alluraswifey · 6 months
Here ya go my chaos gremlins some Shiro,Adam and Keith fluff:
Adam:Shiro…Keith’s up again…
Shiro:It’s your turn…
Adam:No it’s not…*Keith screams*
Shiro:Keith!*rushes to his room*
Adam:Wait up-Keith?!
Meanwhile in Keith’s room:
Keith:*Having a night terror* No…no…pls..NO!
Keith:*Shoots out of bed*Shiro..?!
Adam:*Rushing in* Keith ..Hunny you ok?
Keith:*Starts crying*I..
Shiro:*Cuddling him*Shhhh…it’s ok it was just a dream..
Adam*Cuddling Keith as well* Was it a dream about you dad?
Shiro:*Picks Keith up* C’mon bud..
*Shiro takes Keith to his and Adam’s room and they all cuddle for the night*
*𝘚𝘕𝘐𝘍𝘍* 𝘈𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦.
*After Shiro and Adam get reunited*
Adam:*Sniffing* Where’s Keith..?
Shiro:Over there.*Points*
Adam:That’s him?!
Shiro:Heh yeah..
Keith:*Sees them* Dad! *Runs over and tackles him in a hug*
Shiro:Keith you’re gonna crush him..!
Keith:*Crying* Shut up!
Pidge:*Taking pictures*
#3 Disclaimer:This contains Jeith!
*After Shiro and Adam get reunited and there on the Atlas*
Adam:Soo Keith James huh?
Adam:*Chuckles* Your just like Shiro before he confessed to me.
Keith:*Head in hands*Really..?
*James walks up to them*
James:Hey Keith! Sargent (𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵..?) Adam! *He salutes)
Adam:James you don’t have to call me that.
James:Oh uh right! Anyway could a talk to Keith uh alone…!
Adam:Of course *evil grin* Keith ill be in mine and Shiros room if u need me *winks*
Keith:*Mad blushin* So uh…everything ok?
James:Uh yes! It’s just I..I mean …umm ..oh god umm…*Kissing Keith*
Keith:*More and blushing*
Keith:I’m guessing you like me…
James:Yes..are you mad..?
Keith:No I like you to please be my boyfriend…*As Red as a tomato*
James:*Blushing* Oml yes!Ofc!
Keith:Ok I gtg rq I’ll see u later…
*Busts into Shiros and Adam’s room*
Adam:*Happy Spanish noises*
Shiro:That’s great Keith but now I gotta kill him.
Keith: Wait what?
Shiro:*Running out the room* JAMESSSSS-
Adam:So cute.
𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘭𝘰𝘭
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theprodigypenguin · 6 years
That’s the Tea
Pairings: Jeith/Jaith (James Griffin and Keith Kogane)
Day three of @jamesandkeith week: Earth/Sky/Space
Notes: When Jeith week gives you an Earth prompt, you write about a fluffy day out date on Earth! This was fun to write and I like how it came out a LOT better than the last one I wrote. Not to mention I feel as if the title is very much warranted~ Enjoy!
Day One / Day Two / Day Three / Day Four / Day Five / Day Six / Day Seven / Day Eight
Ratings/Warnings: fluff, soft jeith, date, first love, cute~
Read it on Ao3 as well!
His hair had been tediously pushed back with water acting as gel, but it didn't look right. James reached over to the hand towel and dried off the drops, brushing it straight. Nope, that didn't look right either. Pushed behind his ears, absolutely not. He took a few menial minutes to braid the side, and muffled a scream into the folded up hand towel before tearing it out of the knot and ruffling both hands through it.
This was happening, it was scheduled and planned and it was actually happening. James went through his check list obsessively in the days leading up to his first task, shoving the paper into Kinkade's hands and asking him to review it thoroughly like he was a professor grading a thesis.
Ryan had taken one look at the paper before his face sagged in disbelief, handing it back with a tiny shake of his head, "This is why no one sat with you in chemistry class."
Firstly, that was rude, James liked being organized, that was nothing to be bagged on about! Second, now he had no one to turn to for confirmation that his list was an accurate representation of how a first date was supposed to play out.
So he had to just run with it and hope for the best.
He found a cart florist on one of his peace missions through the newly rebuilt Plaht City and purchased a bouquet of white Gardenias, because according to Ina, they signified a secret love, and James didn't want to be too overbearing in his courting. He then picked up a small box of chocolates, because everyone liked chocolates, and set about finding the object of his affections.
Even after he found him though, James got cold feet all of three times. It wasn't his fault, he just couldn't seem to find the right moment. The honored Black Paladin was just... never alone long enough to propose an outing, and God knew if James were to ask Keith out when his team was around, they'd somehow weasel their way into it, and they'd never be able to enjoy one on one time.
James knew this because his team was the same God damn way.
The first time he found Keith, he was standing in the hall with Shiro and the Galra named Krolia (James heard rushing water in his ears when he remembered Keith introducing her as his mother), who was holding out a tablet. They seemed to be discussing something important, considering three leaders of three important factions had come together to converse.
James, being leader if the MFE's (though they always teased him "yea you're not the leader" in good fun, they were still his squadron), figured he had a right to pop himself into the conversation, that he would be welcomed as another leader, but the idea of trying to court Keith with A) Commander Shirogane watching and worse B) his fucking alien mother probably judging him, made him feel woozy.
So he backed away and decided to wait for another opportunity.
His second chance was when he found Keith eating alone in the mess hall. He was pleased to see he was actually eating, as he hadn't seen him eat much at all since he woke up from his coma, and also smug that the hall was entirely empty aside from the paladin. It was the perfect chance, but when James tried to walk forward, Lance showed up from the door across the room, and James jerked behind the wall with a soft curse.
Of course HE just had to show up, face brightening as he sauntered over to Keith and sat himself down across from him. As if he had a right to get that close to Keith. Okay, maybe James was thinking irrationally from jealousy, and misplaced jealousy at that, but he couldn't help being annoyed that this idiot had foiled his plans.
He shuffled away dejected, not noticing when Keith cast a glance over his shoulder back towards the door, a frown on his lips.
"Are you listening, man?"
"... yea..."
Third times a charm, but it was a bad luck charm, so James should've known. He shuffled his feet down the hall, looked up to see Keith standing with Matt Holt, and just huffed through his nose before continuing on his way, looking for a trashcan to dump his stupid to-do list in.
He passed them, but they didn't stop talking or show they'd heard him approach at all, which was the perfect unspoken insult to add salt into his wounds, but he had turned the corner by the time he actually heard their voices.
"Just remember you're not alone, Keith, and there are people who would miss you, people who would mourn you, if you were to do something like you did on Naxzela."
"It took you a while to bring it up again, I actually figured you'd forgotten."
"I'm not gonna forget when a team member tries to sacrifice himself."
"I get it, you don't have to worry so much about me. That was a long time ago, I'm different now."
"Yea, well, color me suspicious, but I'm still gonna worry. Just look... things are different now. It's not just Shiro who's there for you anymore. You have me, my parents and Pidge, the other Paladins, your mom and the rest of the blades. That's more than you've ever had before, and all of them care about you."
"More than I ever thought I'd get, that's for sure..."
James felt dizzy as he continued down the hall, wondering what the hell Naxzela was, what Matt meant by that "sacrifice" thing, which didn't sound too great. The tone of their voices had him reaching into his pocket and clinging to the list he'd folded up and stowed away, locking his jaw.
Having friends, having family, was more than Keith ever thought he would get. It was basic necessity to at least have friends, and Keith never allowed himself to even wash in the fantasy of having such things.
James wasn't giving up. Keith deserved more, so much more, and James was going to provide all of it.
It was past midnight, the Gardenias were starting to wilt and James was pretty sure the box of chocolates had melted. He should've been in bed, but he was searching the halls for one last chance. One he found in the abandoned training area.
Keith was sitting on a bench in sweats and a sleeveless shirt, hunched over with his hair tied back and watching as he wrapped bandages around his own knuckles. It was late to be training or working out, but James had no right to scold him when he did the same things.
Especially if he couldn't sleep.
"Hey," he called out to Keith, who paused in his wrapping but didn't raise his head, "You're up... early."
Keith hummed and continued his work, having assessed who was in the room, not like he thought it would be anyone else.
"Couldn't sleep."
"Yea, no problem. I mean yea, problem, but I mean, I do this too when I can't sleep."
"That why you're here?" Keith asked, taking one end of the towel around his neck and patting away the sweat on his face.
James cleared his throat to choke down the knot that had formed there and looked down at the sorry excuse for a bouquet. Now that he was there, alone with Keith, suddenly he could feel his palms start to sweat.
What was he even doing? What were the odds of this going in his favor? Keith, he'd always been an enigma, someone James was incapable of predicting. He was like the sun, if you looked at him too long you'd get blinded, either from his sheer talent and capability, or from the spit fire decking you in the face. The latter was most likely to happen, and had happened before. James had seen it happen to other people, and it had happened to him.
He could almost feel the phantom ache in his jaw still.
This affection, James realized, had been building in his chest for years now. Ever since high school when Keith dominated at the Garrison's flight simulation, to test the abilities of possible recruits. Keith had always been nothing much, a shadow at the back of the room, someone who talked so little that people started rumors he was brain dead.
Then he burst from that emo shell and showed something he was talented at, showed their whole class that he could succeed at something. James would be lying if he said he hadn't been impressed, that someone who'd never shown promise before had suddenly revealed himself to be a prodigy.
Unfortunately, stealing a car right after showed that he still had a long, long way to go. Even if James thought stealing a car was pretty cool, it was still against the rules; and kind of illegal, which was really bad.
Yet even with that bit of red marker on Keith's ledger, James still found himself falling hard. Or, maybe that wasn't the right way to describe it, because he didn't even realize his affections until later in the Garrison.
He didn't realize it until Keith was gone, which was ironic and cruel in every way possible. That he came to the conclusion he was in love only after he'd lost his chance.
Or so he thought, but here Keith was again, safe after the strain of war, returned fresh from the crushing nothingness of space and an intergalactic war he had no responsibility to fight in; and he was like a daydream coming true.
Keith was different. Still quiet, still as unapproachable as ever, yet there was a maturity to him that he didn't used to have. He'd mellowed out, he was a seasoned pilot, a warrior. He was calm and defined and, God, he was even better, and James wanted him even more.
"Hello?" Keith called, waving a hand to get James' attention, as he'd been silently staring at Keith for a few solid minutes.
His face burned and he swallowed thickly, clearing his throat and hesitated, pulling out the Gardenias from behind his back and presenting them. A few white petals shook loose of the bouquet, drifting through the air and settling on the floor, a few catching on Keith's sweatpants, more in his hair, and the speckles of white stuck in his black hair like snowfall or stars.
Keith appeared fully taken aback, lifting his hands up as if trying to catch the petals, gaping at the few that settled in his palms before lifting his surprised eyes to James, who was glaring at him. It wasn't the best expression, it wasn't soft or adoring, but it was so entirely James.
Keith was someone to respect, to strive to be like in skill and prowess. Asking him out was a challenge that James was walking into head on. This was a stand down between two of the best pilots in the Garrison, and James had no intentions of backing down. It was a test of wills.
For a long time Keith just stared directly at the flowers, before his brow curved and he lifted his gaze to James, "What?"
"They're for you. As a gift," James said simply, and Keith lifted his hands higher, hesitated visibly, and finally reached out to take the bouquet.
His fingers brushed the back of James' hand, clammy and warm from his workout, and James had to hold his breath to keep from making a strange noise.
"What are... what's it for?" Keith asked, holding the flowers carefully, "Oh. You're thanking me or something?"
"Huh?" James uttered, cradling the back of his hand, and Keith looked at him again.
"You're not the first person to give me flowers in thanks for aiding in the war," then looked away just in time to not see James' face crunch up in annoyance, "All of us have gotten gifts and flowers, gift baskets. I, uh... don't really keep any of them, but... I guess I could hunt down a vase or something."
James still didn't know how this conversation had taken such a left turn, so he ended up just murmuring, "Huh?" again.
Keith shrugged, lifting a hand to delicately touch one of the soft flower petals, "I don't really have any use for it all, so I give it to the other paladins or my mom. It's not like I pilot the Black Lion for glory, that kind of thing makes me... uncomfortable. So... but I mean, thank you. You're the last person I expected to thank me, so I'll try to take care of them."
"Wha- no!" James stepped closer, "That's not what this is, moron! I'm not thanking you! I mean I am, thank you, but that's not what the flowers are for!"
Keith blinked before his face drew in and he scowled, "Well what the hell are they for, then?"
"Well if you were smarter you'd realize I'm trying to ask you out!" James snapped out the response, and Keith's face contorted into an expression of stunned disbelief.
It took James a minute to comprehend he'd blurted that, while his original plan was to softly offer a day out. It was done now, though, so he huffed through his nose and yanked the small box of chocolates from his pocket, handing it to Keith, who reached out cautiously to take it.
"Are you free Wednesday? Go out with me."
Keith opened his mouth, nothing came out, so he closed it and looked down at the flowers. It seemed he was having an internal struggle with himself, clearing his throat a few times and touching the petals a second time.
"Uh, I don't...," he stopped, and his eyes became faraway, before his cheeks became softly flushed, "This Wednesday?"
The way he'd started to speak, the hesitance in his voice, made James think he was going to say no, and he was preparing for the rejection. The rejection that didn't come. Keith definitely looked nervous or out of his comfort zone, but instead of saying no, he asked for a specification.
"Yea, this Wednesday."
Then there was another moment of silence, until Keith's body relaxed substantially, and he shrugged loosely, "Yea, sure."
"Really?" James asked, "Wait, really?"
"You'll go out with me?"
Keith shrugged again, "Yea."
"Okay," James held his hands out, "I just want to be clear, you do know that this is a date, right? Like we're going out, on a date."
"That's sort of what I figured."
"And you're okay with that?"
"Why not?" Keith glanced over at James before looking down again, "It's not like I hate you."
That might've been the best thing he could have said, that he didn't hate James, and it was those words that had him so excited the following Wednesday as he fixed his hair in the bathroom mirror.
Dressed as casually as he could without seeming like he was trying too hard, in a simple white tshirt with a maroon over shirt buttoned up, the collar folded down. Blue jeans held with a brown belt and his boots. He figured he looked pretty good, and gave himself a thumb up in the mirror.
"I'll be back late," he said when he went back into his dorm room, picking up his coat and wallet, "Don't wait up for me."
"I won't," was Kinkade's easy reply, and James cast him a narrow eyed look at where he was sitting with a book.
No time to call him out on it, though, since it was almost time to meet Keith out in the garage. James had his Garrison dune car keys in his hand, expecting to drive them like the gentleman he was.
He was throwing his keys up and catching them, his other hand in his pocket and his coat hanging over his arm. When he caught sight of Keith waiting, though, he fumbled for his keys, which seemed to fall through his hand and hit the ground with a clang.
James figured he'd been the only one worrying over his appearance, but it legitimately appeared as if Keith had put thought into his outfit. He'd never seen the paladin in casual dress, only ever his cadet uniform and paladin armor.
Now, he was wearing a black short sleeved shirt, skinny black jeans, boots that reached his knees and were accented with red colors, his hair tied back and goggles hanging around his neck. A black leather jacket was draped over the handlebars of the hoverbike he was leaning against, holding an orange phone up, but he lifted his eyes when he heard James drop his keys.
They stared at each other for a long time, long enough for James to see Keith's ears turn pink and drop his eyes, turning.
"Uh, oh, yea," James ducked down and grabbed his keys, freezing when he stood straighter to watch Keith grab the jacket and pull it on, throwing one leg over the hoverbike, "Wha-what are you doing? I was going to drive us."
"Yea, but...," Keith shrugged, "It's been a while since I drove one of these. Is it okay?"
"Yea, no worries," James said, his voice cracking, feeling his heart jump in his chest when Keith held out a second pair of goggles.
"Here, and hold on."
James had sat himself down behind Keith and pulled the goggles on before he felt himself almost ask "to what", but stopped himself, hands hovering over Keith's waist.
He didn't grab him at first, just listened to the sound of the engine turning, jerking back as it started forward. That's when he grabbed Keith, out of necessity so he wouldn't fall off (that would've been very attractive), not that he didn't think about holding him around the waist almost all the time.
It was nice, really nice. Keith was warm, his waist was slim, but James could feel muscle beneath his hands, exercising incredible self control by not stroking his fingers along those muscles. He really wanted to, but that was moving too fast.
This was their first date, and it might not even go well. It was likely that Keith would get mad at him halfway through the day and ditch him in Plaht, forcing James to walk all the way back to the Garrison, thus ending any possible relationship that could be between them.
So because he wanted this, whatever it was, to last, he just held on as loosely as he could, keeping just enough grip on Keith so he didn't roll backwards off the back of the bike. Again, an absolutely wonderful start to their date.
Plaht City was bustling when they drove into it, as it normally was these days. Alien refugees and human citizens who'd survived the war had built up a coexisting community, the first alien settlement on earth to symbolize their alliance with other planets.
There were booths of food, earth food that James was familiar with, and alien foods that he wrinkled his nose at, though Keith seemed familiar enough with it all, even pointing at a few remarkably strange looking items and naming them for James.
"That tastes like a pomegranate, but a little spicy. That one tastes like chicken. Hunk really likes that, and Lance likes that because he says it tastes like garlic knots. Aren't garlic knots just garlic bread? I asked him and he got offended. Yelled at me in Spanish and huffed off."
James nodded his head furiously at everything, even though he only understood a fraction of what Keith was saying, while the other half of the time he was just dumbstruck that Keith was talking at all. He still held himself around James somewhat cautiously, like he was treading on thin ice, or figured any side tossed statement could put them on tense terms, but he was talking.
And he seemed to be enjoying himself, which had been one of James' initial concerns. That Keith would be bored, lose interest, or that he'd assume James was trying to get something out of him when all he wanted was a connection, to see Keith loosen up around him.
The day went well, neither started an argument, James didn't even feel like he was being put on the spot or challenged. The only time he felt a spark of their former rivalry was when they had lunch. They argued for a bit about who would buy food, but after a bit, Keith seemed to calm down and relent, arms folding stubbornly across his chest and looking James dead in the eye.
"If you buy, I get to pick what to eat."
James agreed, but didn't have any idea of how big a mistake he'd made until they sat down and Keith revealed his chosen cuisine, which appeared to be some unnatural alien meat with a side of... fruit, maybe.
"What is this?" James asked, sitting across from Keith, who was already using a toothpick to stab into cubes of space meat, dipping them in some kind of unnamed and clearly not earth born sauce that was green and way too thick, like mashed up caterpillar or something.
"It's meat," was his clear answer, holding out the cube he'd been just about ready to eat, "Here, try. It's good."
"Right, and what animal did it come from?"
Keith looked at the cube of meat, lips in a pout, "Well, who cares?" it sounded like a question and that was certainly suspicious, "While we were travelling, we learned to just not question it. So long as it tastes edible and nutritious, we ate it. Plus, Hunk can cook really well and make anything taste good," he held the cube closer to James' face, right against his lips, "Just taste it."
James grit his teeth and stared down at the cube of meat, slowly taking it from Keith and sniffing it. It smelt the barest bit like teriyaki chicken, so he took a tiny bite. His suspicions were confirmed, it absolutely tasted like a blend of pastrami and chicken doused in honey and teriyaki sauce. Honestly it was amazing, so James stuck the whole thing into his mouth and shrugged with his hands.
Keith grinned, and James felt entirely too pleased with himself for bringing that expression, but at the same time, the smile looked smug. It wasn't until they were finished that Keith actually revealed what they'd eaten was meat from some kind of giant space bug found on Olkarion. James nearly threw up, until he reminded himself how honestly delicious it had been. So he ate a bug, so what? No one could say he was a coward now at least.
"My turn," James decided, because although he was okay with eating a bug, he still felt the need to one up Keith, if only for fun.
He was holding out two chilled to-go cups with straws stuck through the tops, and Keith squinted at them suspiciously as he took one, "What's this?"
"Tea," James answered, one hand propped against his hip and looking far too satisfied in himself, "Milk tea to be specific. It's good. Never had it?" Keith shook his head, and James smiled his own smug smile, "Good, this should be fun then."
Keith just hummed, staring at his tea. He was quiet for a long time as James enjoyed his own drink without hesitation, turning his head back and forth slowly. They had taken a seat on a bench just off to the side of the pathway, so they could both see the aliens and humans walking by, shopping or just enjoying their day. James was enjoying it, that was for sure. It had been simple and predictable, but even following his list had been a good idea.
First he and Keith walked the full length of the booth street. No cars or vehicles drove on the street, because it was lined with booths and stands of food and useless junk, knickknacks from both earth and alien planets. It was remarkable to watch, how Keith could easily converse with the alien refugees, but at the same time had issues communicating with the other people from earth. As if he felt more at home talking to races he wasn't part of.
It was sad that he felt so out of place there, on the planet where he was born, and more at home with aliens who had purple skin, or eyebrows that grew out above their temples and twitched like antennae. James hoped that, maybe with his influence, and the influence of acceptance at the Garrison, that Keith could start to feel more open and at home there.
"Hey," the silence was broken by Keith, who was mixing the tea he had yet to taste with his straw, "Can I... maybe ask you something?"
James shrugged, "Sure."
"... why'd you ask me out?" Keith held the cup in both his hands, propping it against his knees and staring down, "Are you trying to make up for something? Or did someone set you up?"
"What? No, jeeze, what kind of asshole do you think I am?" James questioned with a huff, tensing and looking away, "I asked you out because I wanted to."
"What for?" Keith questioned again, and James sighed heavily, leaning back.
"Jeeze, do I need a reason?"
Keith's shoulders seemed to sag, "Guess I was hoping you did. I mean, I haven't really been out of the Garrison much aside from before when we went on missions, and the medics haven't even cleared me for active duty, so I figured getting out and walking around would be the best I can get until I'm allowed to fly again," he set the cup down on the bench beside him, "Sorry, I guess maybe I took advantage of you, but if this didn't mean anything I shouldn't feel as bad," James opened his mouth as if to speak, but Keith beat him to it, shoulders hunching, "Weird, though, because I do still feel bad. So... sorry."
"I asked you out because I like you, Keith," James said stiffly, "We just won a three year war that killed a third of the population, a war that almost fucking killed you, and me, and a lot of other people, so fuck it. You know what, I asked you out because I like you and I've liked you since high school, okay? I've liked you for years, even when you punched me, and I figured this was my last chance to tell you. I thought I lost my chance when you left the Garrison and disappeared into space, then again when you and your lion fell and... I thought you were dead for a while until Shirogane told us everyone was okay. So I figured this was my last chance. I didn't ask you out from pity, or because you're some hot shot and I was trying to weasel my way into your life for status, or whatever else you may assume. I liked you when you were an obnoxious punk ass brat who couldn't follow rules for shit, and now that you're back, even though you've actually changed a lot, I still like you. Okay? There, I said it."
He folded his arms, a slight scowl on his lips. It was remarkable, honestly, how easy it was to actually get the words out once he'd started. It was like another challenge against Keith, who could confess first. Not that Keith felt any similar feelings, clearly he only agreed to go out with James because he wasn't medically allowed to do much else. Still, that just made James worry more.
"Are you feeling okay?" he tested, and Keith hesitated, "I mean, are you hurting at all? We've been walking around a lot, and I... guess I got so excited I forgot you were only recently let out of the hospital."
"I feel fine," Keith said, lifting a hand to rub at his head, "I, um... I never knew you felt that way."
"Well, I never told you," James mumbled, arms still folded, head bowed and knee bouncing, "Honestly, back then, what would you even have said?"
"Good point," Keith said softly, "I would've just gotten mad at you, more likely than not. I would've thought you were lying or making fun of me or something."
"Yea... and what about now?"
Keith pulled at the edges of his gloves, "I still sort of think you're lying or at least crazy, but... you've changed too. I don't think you'd make light of this kind of thing, especially after a war. Which means... you're probably being truthful in saying you like me, but it's still kind of hard to grasp."
"You don't think you're likable?"
"Not really," Keith sighed out, reaching over to pick up his tea again, stabbing the straw against the bottom of it with hollow thudding sounds, "I mean, no one really seemed to like me before. Then again I never did try to impress anyone back then... and you still liked me anyway, huh?"
"Yea, I guess I did, and still do," James leaned back, head tilting to look up at the sky, "Quite the mess of a crush, I certainly know how to pick 'em."
Keith snorted, holding the cup higher, keeping his head bowed, clinging to the sides of the to-go cup so tightly that drops of condensation dripped down the backs of his fingers. He was silent for a long time, just sitting there, lost in thought before finding the words and opening his mouth.
"I never thought about... having a relationship before. I was sort of busy surviving on my own, but... this was really fun, today. Getting out of the Garrison, talking to familiar faces, seeing your reaction when you ate that food," one corner of his lips curled up, "I guess it was kind of cute. So..."
"So...," James' voice cracked subtly, and he lifted a fist and coughed into it, "I wasn't cute."
"So maybe this would be nice to try," Keith finished, sitting straighter, and James could almost feel the way his mood changed from shy and cautious to tight and determined, that aura he used to echo when he was younger and ready for a fight, "This with us, whatever it is, I want to try it."
"So... that means you like me back or..."
Keith tensed again, lips pressing into a tight line, "I... don't know. I don't know what it's supposed to feel like to... like someone... but I'm having fun, and I don't really feel pressured, and it's easy to be myself around you, so... if I don't like you, why do I feel so comfortable?"
"Pain meds?" James offered, and Keith swayed to the side with a roll of his eyes.
"Just take the fucking compliment, ass."
"Drink your fucking tea already."
James didn't know why he felt so happy. He didn't expect Keith to flat out confess to him, or accept his feelings right away, but the fact he actually wanted to try and maintain this relationship said a lot. He liked James enough to try, and that was so much more than James had ever expected. It made him happy.
"So... um...," James looked over at Keith again to see him hunched over, one hand clinging to his cup, his other arm wrapped around his chest to cling to his upper arm, "I guess... step one of this is being honest about stuff?"
"Sure, I guess. Why?"
"I, uh... kind of lied?" Keith's voice choked a little, and he cleared his throat, "I actually don't feel that great right now. Walking around all day, my head kind of hurts. I'm okay, just sore."
"Oh," James breathed, "I'm sorry, I should've noticed something was up. We should head back to the Garrison so you can rest."
"We still have a few hours of sunlight left, don't we?" Keith asked, sitting straighter again, "I can handle a tiny headache, so I want to spend some more time just with you."
James felt his cheeks burn, but he just smiled crookedly, "Sure... but let's sit here until you're feeling a bit better. Seriously, drink," he waved at the cup, "It's good, and it's healthy. Try it."
Keith huffed through his nose and nodded, lifting the cup, "So I guess this means we're officially dating, right?"
James choked on his own tea, but nodded furiously like it was the best idea he'd ever heard, "Yea, yea! We can come back to Plaht on our days off whenever you're feeling okay, and if you're feeling kind of sick, we can just stay at the Garrison. I'll fill you in on the years you missed."
"Yea, I'd like to hear it," Keith agreed, taking a sip of tea as James continued to talk.
"Cool then, I'll tell you about the MFE's, and how I completely obliterated all your sim scores, and-," he paused when Keith jerked forward, pulling the cup away and slapping a hand over his mouth, eyes wide.
James immediately reached over to grab his shoulder and steady him, "Hey, easy. What happened, did you drink too fast? Are you choking?"
Keith just turned to face James, gaping at him with wide eyes, slowly pulling his hand away and opening his mouth to let small black pearl shaped spheres fall out. Then he looked at the cup of tea, and James snorted, leaning back with a gut busting laugh.
"What the fuck...?"
"Keith oh my god!"
"What the fuck was that? Why is there a solid in my fucking liquid?"
"I-it's bubble tea!" James reached over to settle his hands over Keith's, "Those are tapioca pearls! They're good!"
"The fuck kind of tea did you just give me?!"
"Isn't it good, though?!"
"I don't know!"
The rest of the day was slow and peaceful, relaxing in the best way. They walked from bench to bench, buying drinks and snacks. James kept a close eye on Keith as they walked, making a note of his body language and the way he walked. Whenever it seemed like he was slowing or staggering his pace, James suggested they sit down, picking up food and water, at one point picking up something that the alien called a healing herb which he boiled in water and offered to James. When he mentioned it was for Keith, the alien excitedly shoved the cup into his hands.
"It's free! Anything to help the paladin's of Voltron!"
James took that as a good thing, and forced Keith to drink every drop, despite the cringe on his face, "This tastes like shit. I prefer the bubble tea."
"Shut up and drink, it's supposed to help."
Keith mumbled and clung to the cup with both hands, hiding the red tint to his cheeks by burying his face in the rising steam. He wasn't used to being cared for like this by anyone aside from Krolia, so it was somewhat overwhelming, and embarrassing. It definitely showed how much he cared, though. He certainly hadn't been lying about his crush, if his actions meant anything.
"Why are you making me drink gross medicine anyway?"
"I just don't want you to be uncomfortable or in pain."
Yea, Keith figured he'd say that, but he wanted to hear it for himself either way. It made it easier to stomach the bitter flavor. He didn't want to worry James any more than he already had, after all.
They decided to head back home when the sun finally started to settle in the distance. Keith was wobbling on his feet but trying to hide it, so James shed his own coat and draped it around the paladin's shoulders on their way back to the hoverbike.
"I'll drive us back," he decided, not leaving any room for argument as he held his hand out for the keys, which Keith sleepily offered to him, "Hold onto me, okay? Try not to fall asleep or fall off."
Unlike James, who'd been uneasy about clinging to Keith while riding, Keith wound his arms unabashedly around James' waist, hiding his face between his shoulder blades and mumbling a thank you before the engine started. James concentrated as well as he could on the road despite having Keith's arms around him, and when they got home, he had to help Keith off the bike, seeing as he was falling asleep where he sat.
"Geeze you're losing energy pretty fast."
"I'm fine," Keith rubbed at his eyes, but James stayed close to him.
"Need help getting back to your dorm?"
"Hm... I should say yes, shouldn't I?"
"Unless you wanna fall asleep on the way there? Probably."
"Mm, fine."
"Come on," James stepped in front of Keith and crouched down, waiting for Keith to fall against him before standing up, hooking his arms under Keith's knees to keep him steady, "Hold onto me, don't fall off."
"Right," Keith agreed, arms wrapping around James' neck, silent as they walked towards the Garrison.
It was dark out, everyone was either sleeping or tucked into their dorms, so there was no one in the hallways as James carried Keith towards his dorm room. They were both relatively silent, until Keith tugged on his sleeve.
"Thanks," James tensed and paused in his steps, so Keith continued quickly, "I mean... I never thought I'd miss earth before, and I didn't miss earth, I really didn't. I didn't even plan on ever coming back, I had nothing here to come back to. I found my mom in space, I found another home with the blades, and the paladins didn't need me for a long time, until...," he stopped, hesitating, squeezing James around the shoulders, "This was a really fun day, though. Having an earth date with you... was fun. I'd like to go on another with you sometime. I want more reasons to stay on earth."
James chewed the inside of his cheek, nodding and continuing to walk, "Sounds fun, but before that, take care of yourself. Sleep, recover. It's like you're suffering from hypersomnia, with how tired you keep getting and how quickly. Promise you'll take a day off, yea? Just to sleep."
Keith seemed to consider it before nodding against James' neck, "Okay. Only if you buy me more of that tea."
James snorted, "Is that all you want?"
"Yea. I liked it. It's weird, but not bad."
"Okay then," James chuckled, "I'll get you more tea. All the tea you want," Keith's breathing had evened out, signalling he'd fallen asleep, and James smiled softly to himself, "I'll take care of you however I can. If buying tea is what helps, I'll do it. Sleep well."
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hazelnatcoffee · 5 years
if you ever want to be in love
chapter 5/?, jeith, Keith pov, P I N I N G, wingman Shiro, fighting the system, etc
“Nothing, I just think there’s more to what we do than how useful someone can be at it.”
“You make things harder than they need to be, Griffin.”
“I’m not the one who’s always pissing Sablan off, Kogane.”
He glances at James, and James looks back, eyes crinkling further.
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petalsandpurity · 5 years
Me: I should get some coursework done today
Also me: writes ten pages of fic instead
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zonerobotnik · 6 years
Day 1 - Confessions
James has something to tell Keith, a secret he’s been hiding for years. --
“Do you remember how we met?” Keith Kogane glanced up at James Griffin as he took a bite of his sandwich. “...Uhm...I nearly jumped off a building?” “Don't talk with your mouth full. And it's before that.” James grinned. Keith shrugged and shook his head. “Guess not.” James sighed. “The zoo?” Keith blinked and blushed. “Oh...oh. Right. Oh, man, I got hit by a flashback of it during those two years with my mom and everything, and I still forgot. You pulled me away from the lion pen!” “What is it with you and lions?” James smirked at him. “I have no idea.” Keith laughed. “Speaking of which, I was going to take Black for a fly after breakfast. Join me?” “Who am I to refuse an invitation from the Black Paladin himself?” James picked up his own sandwich and took a bite. “So, why did you bring up the past, anyway?” Keith asked. “I wanted to tell you something.” James admitted. “Something I didn't tell you before.” “Yeah?” Keith glanced around the mostly-empty mess hall. “That was the day I fell in love with you.” James said softly. Keith blinked, taking in what he said, and then his face went pink. “James! We were EIGHT!” He set down his sandwich. “THAT LONG?!” “Yes.” James said seriously. “That long. I spent that long holding back my feelings for you, because I didn't know how you'd react. I waited for you to make the first move.” Keith glanced around the room awkwardly, realizing people were wondering why he'd yelled. “I...you...wow. I...I would not have been able to...” “When was it for you?” James asked. “...The way you stared at me before running up to stop me from jumping off the roof.” Keith blushed, glancing away. “We were ten.” “And it took you until the Garrison to finally admit it.” James chuckled. “We're both idiots.” He slipped his hand into Keith's and kissed his cheek. “Come on, let's go for a flight.” Keith nodded and got up, following him out of the mess hall, ignoring the staring onlookers. – “I still can't believe it took us until the Garrison to admit we liked each other.” Keith sighed as he leaned back in the Black Lion's seat. “All that pent up aggression...” “We had some tender moments too, though. Remember our first group project?” James asked, reaching around the back of the chair to place his hand on Keith's shoulder. “Your parents were pretty overwhelming.” Keith nodded. “And your music choice was surprising.” “I could've done worse than The Moody Blues and Queen.” James chuckled. “Now I'm thinking of that one song you played. 89?” Keith looked up at him. “'39?” James corrected. “Hey, our situation isn't that bad.” “I'm thinking more about how Allura probably is never going to see anyone she knew before her long 10,000 year sleep ever again.” Keith said glumly. James leaned in and kissed him. “Let her worry about that. If she wants to talk about it, she will. She seems happy with her Altean friends Romelle and Coran, though. And she's made many new friends since she woke up.” Keith smiled. “I've made a lot of friends, too. I'm sorry I forgot about you.” “Eh, it was years, you were distracted, and you had that other cadet, McClain, pestering you. Plus, you had Shiro. I'll forgive you for forgetting about me, since you came back to me when you got back.” James ruffled his hair. “Now, let's go set down by the shack and make some new memories.” Keith grinned and flew the Black Lion over to his family's shack. “I just realized I haven't brought mom back here since we got back.” “Let's hope she didn't go here ahead of us.” James remarked as they set down. They stepped out of the Black Lion's mouth and headed inside. It looked just as when Keith left it, with a few exceptions that looked like James had visited after he'd left, looked around for any trace of where he'd long and then went home. “Home sweet home.” Keith said, sighing. James unfastened his jacket. “Let's make some memories.” He wrapped his arms around Keith's waist and kissed his cheek with a smile. Keith blushed. “Gosh, you've gotten bold since I left.” “I've changed a little.” James slipped his jacket off his shoulders and Keith admired his muscles that weren't hidden at all by the sleeveless black shirt underneath. “Yeah...yeah, you have.” He breathed, reaching to unfasten his armor. Yes, he most certainly had. Keith was eager to actually take his time getting to know every change, End
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kiskisbellart · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James Griffin/Keith (Voltron) Characters: Keith (Voltron), James Griffin (Voltron), Keith's Wolf (Voltron) Additional Tags: Jealousy, Fluff, wolf - Freeform, Spooning Series: Part 5 of Jeith Week (2018) Summary:
James get's jealous of Kosmo...
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ao3-feedshance · 4 years
Resort Trip
by Dear_queers
The Voltron modelling company invites the Galaxy Glamour modelling company on their annual resort trip. Shenanigans ensue.
Words: 1742, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Shance Model AU
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Matt Holt, Romelle (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), James Griffin (Voltron), Ryan Kinkade, Ina Leifsdottir, Nadia Rizavi, Iverson (Voltron), Curtis (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron)
Relationships: Lance/Shiro (Voltron), James Griffin/Keith (Voltron), Allura/Lotor (Voltron), Matt Holt/Romelle, Coran/Mitch Iverson
Additional Tags: Day At The Beach, jaith - Freeform, Jeith - Freeform, shance, Lotora, romatt, Alternate Universe - Fashion & Models, I'm so bad at tagging, the garrison people are there, but they don't talk much, because I forget about them a lot, Surfing, surfer! Lance, soft, Fluff, maybe some smut? later on?, haven't decided yet
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/24806107
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ofsteelandstardust · 5 years
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I’m a HUGE multishipper so it’s hard for me to choose an OTP. It’s especially hard with all of my OCs because I ship them with just about anyone LMAO. When it comes to my canon muses I really like Gren/Soren and Gren/Amaya. I also like James/Ryan (or really any MFE pilot LMAO - or multiple MFE pilots because being poly is a thing), James/Keith. Over on my Matt blog (starssurvivor) I really like matt/keith, matt/shiro, matt/james, etc. I wasn’t kidding when I said I have a lot of ships LMAO.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Muns & muses must be 18+  I really do a mixture of fluff and angst. Friendships that slowly become more romantic is a preferred way of shipping for me. Or we can do pre established stuff if we plot first. Sometimes I’ll write heavy make out scenes/ suggestive stuff. Blatant NSFW is rare because I’m grey-asexual and when it comes to intercourse my knowledge is minimal and I’m not good at writing it. NSFW is really only for partners of mine that I’ve known for a while and know to be 18+ (typically said partners tell me their exact age or have 18+ 20+, etc in their about pages). DUE TO MY EXPERIENCES AS AN EMOTIONAL ABUSE SURVIVOR, ANY UNHEALTHY SHIPS OR SHIPS BETWEEN ENEMIES MUST BE HEAVILY PLOTTED FOR THE SAKE OF MY MENTAL HEALTH. THANKS. 
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
I’m not too picky (as long as both of them are adults of course). I’d say 10 years max, maybe 15 with some heavy plotting first. Otherwise my preference for age gaps is 2-5ish years. 
Are you selective when shipping?
yes and no??? I’m not overly selective unless you try to force me to ship something I haven’t expressed much interest in or nag me to do sex threads when we barely know each other (for instance I have had people message me LITERALLY SAYING: “can I do a nsfw thread with your male muse?” if u don’t know his name he’s not gonna have sex with you, sorry). I do have a preference for shipping muses with people from the same fandom just bc it tends to be easier for all involved. I am open to crossovers though.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Anything with muses still clothed I consider suggestive, hence I tag it as #suggestive. Any naked interactions between muses is considered NSFW and tagged as #mature. If heavy make outs also involve a lot of consensual butt grabbing or stuff like that I’m usually more inclined to tag that as #mature. 
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
I love OCs. So OCs and canon muses alike tbh
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
kinda yes and no??? like if u flirt I’ll flirt back but if you want anything more than flirting you’re gonna have to ask me bc I’m very dense & dumb
How often do you like to ship?
Pretty much anytime I find a muse/mun approachable and likeable my muses typically end up catching feels. So like 95% of the time LMAO.
Are you multiship?
Yes. Give me all the love. Especially poly ships. Poly ships are under appreciated. 
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
I just do whatever??? IDK I like ships but I typically don’t do much than flirt bc I am shy.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
I For the sake of simplicity I’m just gonna talk about Voltron. Jeith(Jaith), Sheith, James/Matt, the MFEs x each other, Thace/Ulaz, shiro/keith/matt, ryan/james, hunk/romelle, pretty much any ship imaginable lmao
Finally, how does one ship with you?
 I, like my muses, are bad at picking up on subtle hints of attraction.HMU by DMing me or replying to me, etc. I don’t bite. I promise.
Tagged by:  stolen from @silentpiilot
Tagging: the cute person reading this UwU
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bella notte
read it on the AO3 at bella notte
by galacticlions
it’s james’ birthday and he thinks his friends and boyfriend forgot about it
(implied masturbation lmao)
Words: 1611, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 22 of jaith
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James Griffin (Voltron), Keith (Voltron)
Relationships: James Griffin/Keith (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Birthday, jaith - Freeform, Jeith - Freeform, Voltron, Fluff, james is really in love, keith shows him the universe
read it on the AO3 at bella notte
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galrafloofandlove · 6 years
The beauty in a little relaxation: Jaith, 1.5k. A lot of fluff.
For @Sweetpoetrymeme for the @jeith-exchange!
Keith is upset.
James isn't an idiot, and he isn't easily swayed by his boyfriend's lies of being “just fine” either. 
It's quite easy to tell, really. From the way he storms out of meetings the second they're dismissed, or the way he bumps into innocent cadets without even muttering a “sorry”.
James is too busy to do much about it- he wants to help his boyfriend, sure, but he's still an MFE. Iverson always wants them to train, Sam insists on teaching safety measures over and over again, and Veronica is scolding them for slacking off at least a little bit.
They're both stressed, in truth.
It isn't until James finds Keith on his datapad, looking over mission briefings at two am that he decides he has to take a stand.
Coutiune reading on A03
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jamesandkeith · 6 years
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: James Griffin/Keith (Voltron) Characters: James Griffin (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), James Griffin's father Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff? In second chapter., Angst and Fluff, Songfic, Twoshot Series: Part 2 of Jaith/Jeith Song Fics Summary:
James is a closeted panicked gay and has daddy issues. Keith isn't making it easier.
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hazelnatcoffee · 6 years
just my soul responding | 9.7k, post s7, sheith, obligatory sickfic
It would be funny if Keith wasn't out for two days. Shiro is pale when he asks, paler when Griffin answers, and he's halfway to going for the doctor before Keith has his wrist in an iron grip. There's no telling which one the action shocks more, but he settles on Griffin when the pilot starts backing out in Shiro's stead.
"I'm- gonna be okay," Keith says, haltingly. "Right?"
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kyraensui · 6 years
I finally overcame writer’s block for Phantom Hearts Ch.6. I swear I’ve been staring at for hours on how to proceed.
Christmas is next week so I might drop in one or two holiday-related fluff fic for Jeith and Keitor. 💕
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jeithiscanonking · 6 years
Jeith Angst HCs
[NSFW themes discussed]
💋 James and Keith are totally hate fucking
Their fucks are pretty rough and quick, no sweet, sappy shit. Keith usually takes control- often riding James the way he wishes, but sometimes when he’s looking to be dominated, James brings out his Authority Kink.
Does James make Keith beg and whine? Does he make Keith call him “Sir”? Yes, of course he does.
💋James actually has unresolved feelings for Keith since pre-kerb OOF
💋Their relationship is summed up by most of Blackbear songs- James has noticed this bcs he’s always jamming to Blackbear.
💋They’re both very stiff and cold towards each other outside the bedroom- mostly because James is ashamed of what they do in secret and Keith.....he’s just awkward.
💋Keith loves James too but he himself doesn’t know how to interpret what he feels. Keith just mistakes the emotion for hate.
💋James gets antsy when Keith is around.
His friends have noticed how bitter and salty his behaviour suddenly becomes as soon as a certain raven haired boy enters the area where James is. It’s like Keith has the ability to antagonise (unintentionally?) James without even speaking or looking at him. It’s his presence. His vibes.
At least that’s what Ina concludes, anyway.
💋Keith has a strict no-marking rule- which James hates but respects and follows. He has accidentally left marks once or twice, but always at the hip or where it’s not obvious.
💋Keith marks James- but not with love(hate?) bites. Rather, with his lipstick. He smears James’ face, and collar, and bedsheets-
Of course, this only happens behind closed doors.
💋Usually, James room is where it’s at 👀
💋Immediately after sex, Keith disappears. He just clothes himself up and leaves. James is left empty every time. But he pretends to not care because duh what a stupid reason to be upset over, it’s not like they’re in a relationship or anything
💋James has a big misconception that Keith is crushing on Shiro. Yes, he HAD been but then Adam happened and Keith’s pretty much over it but James is still under the impression that every time they fuck Keith thinks about Shiro.
He doesn’t.
💋James just wants to be in a relationship with Keith but it seems so impossible and it makes him so sad. He wants to be Keith’s boyfriend. He wants to hold him. Call him his. Oh God he’s hopelessly addicted to the ravenette and it’s not helping his case of Deny All Feelings.
💋But Keith’s “IDGAF” attitude really starts to tear James apart, limb by limb
💋Keith is only keeping up the “IDGAF” attitude to deny his OWN feelings. They’re both in denial? Help these bOIS??
💋Denial makes Keith all the more antsy.
When James tries to take things slow during sex later on in their relationship because he wants to savour the moment and pretend they’re in a relationship Keith BLOWS and asks him to hurry the fuck up and not be so slow.
💋Truth is Keith wants to marry this idiotic fuck but he hates Keith way too much to want that.
💋No yall just need to sit down and talk it out please get married 😭😭
Kssksk hope yall liked that shit. I’ll be making a fluff headcanon list as soon as possible. Jeith is currently my top OTP. Like,,,Sheith will own me forever but Jeith is really testing my loyalty out here.
This is actually how I imagine their relationship to be before the fluff begins. With Jeith, it will always be Angst before it turns into fluff. That’s how it will go. Always. And after fluff that’s all it will be- fluff.happiness. Softness. Jeith will be endgame in almost all the scenarios in my head I can’t stand to let one ship sink while I sail the other sksksksk IS THAT WEIRD
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ao3feed-shatt · 6 years
It’s Not Gay If It’s In Space.
read it on ao3 at http://bit.ly/2CbeFBu by demiboy_demon
by demiboy_demon
Klance! Jaith! Adashi! Shatt! Romellura! This fanfiction contains fluff, angst, and AUs. Be prepared for over explained gay jokes, slightly smutty scenes (nothing too over PG13), and whole lot of cringe.
Words: 1278, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: vld - Fandom, Voltron - Fandom, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Keith Kogane, Lotor, Lance McClain, Pidge Gunderson, katie holt, Hunk Garret, Romelle, Allura (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Adam Voltron, Shiro, Shiro (Voltron)
Relationships: Klance - Relationship, jaith, jeith, Lotora - Relationship, Heith - Relationship, romellura - Relationship, Shadam - Relationship, adashi - Relationship, Shatt - Relationship, miro - Relationship
read it on ao3 at http://bit.ly/2CbeFBu
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damnspacebois · 6 years
Second of my @voltronbingo fluff fills for my 1.5k follower celebration! Sorry for taking so long with this, I clearly got distracted by life. @kroliasgirl prompted: “Keith and James are stuck babysitting Iverson's 4-year-old niece, who turns out to be a lot more of a terror than he or her mother says she is.” And so I’ve now crossed babysitting off my list.
post-s7 jeith | humour | word count: 517
“Kogane, come in. Kogane? Wher–?”
“Shush!” comes the reply almost instantly, and then James’ boyfriend is materialising as if from nowhere. There’s a shifty look in his eyes, a wariness that James relates to on a spiritual level and is more than appropriate for the situation. But before he can say anything, Keith is cutting him off again with a, “Where is she?”
“Don’t know,” James replies swiftly.
Keith swears.
“How did we get stuck with this?” he mutters as he grabs James by the wrist and practically drags him into the nearby closet. At James’ scandalised look, he merely grunts, “Strategy meeting,” before shutting the door behind them and launching into an explanation of how to tackle the issue of the wayward four-year-old that Iverson had left in their care for the afternoon. The one that had disappeared ten minutes after being dropped off despite their best efforts.
James is instantly distracted from the matter at hand, though. It’s a hazard relative to being in a dark closet with his boyfriend basically pressed against him, which is – well, unfortunate is the wrong word, but it is unfortunate when he is supposed to be concentrating on something else. Something important. Like the missing four-year-old.
At the same time though … who would blame him for getting a little distracted? Keith is hot, and its apparent to anyone with half a brain. Years in space have done the man well, toning the muscles that he’d had before into something just that little bit thicker and adding a few inches onto his height. His lips are kissably soft and his hair is just … wrow. He’s got that dark and mysterious air about him too, effortlessly attractive without trying like some sort of tortured old-school rock ’n roll singer, and he’d had it before, sure, but now it’s just ten times worse. The whole schtick is just a bit annoying, actually, because half the time he doesn’t realise that he’s distracting to the general population and that makes him even hotter to James’ already loud monkey brain.
The monkey brain that is currently murmuring, “Hmmmm nice,” as Keith gets through a plan of attack that goes through one of James’ ears and out the other. If Keith looked any less … Keith … he might be concerned by his lack of attention, but as it was, James is far too busy watching Keith’s mouth to care.
His inattention must show on his face, though, because the next thing he knows, Keith is frowning and waving a hand in front of his nose, a vaguely concerned, “James?” falling from his lips.
“Huh?” James says with all the intelligence of a stunned mullet.
Keith’s eyes narrow.
“Focus,” he whispers, his voice harsh as all concern leaves him. “We need to be focused. We don’t know where she is, or when she’ll–”
But it’s too late.
Demonic laughter drains the blood from their faces. The closet door swings open with all the force of a hurricane. And suddenly they are faced with the very horror they had been avoiding.
Prompt Me! |  ko-fi 
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