mocha-tapioca · 2 years
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my genshin oc that i made back in january got the reboot she deserved <3333 utc is a bunch of info abt her!!! likes n rbs r appreciated n i hope u enjoy my little scrimblo ^^ sumeru deserves a hijabi chara
combat, talents, abilities
-        hydro staff (polearm + orb catalyst fusion) called “oasis”; other characters with this weapon primarily use it as a polearm, and only certain sumeru scholars know how to infuse the catalyst part into it to inflict the wet status
-        ^ base atk 43 at lvl 1/passive increases crit dmg by 22%. ability is called “deserted dream”: user’s elemental res. doubles (chances are 35%; increases with refinement rank), also increasing it for other party members by 75% (if 35% fails, this is guaranteed for the user; otherwise, this just applies to the other party members) for 20s. cooldown is 30s.
-        physical dps + enabling
-        charged attack has her stick the staff in the ground, jump up, and literally swing around it via the staff’s orb while physically kicking people; cause yk, why not?
-        normal attack has her (1) forward lunge (2) swipe arm, whacking w/ floating catalyst (3) spin in a 315 or smth, again whacking w catalyst (4) hold polearm upside down and use floating catalyst to vault upwards (5) bada bing bada boom use the staff as a hammer
-        holding the charged attack for over three seconds has her doing a plunging attack, using up abt 50% of her stamina but dealing 150% dmg
       wouldn’t it be funny if she rolled around on her staff while using it as a scooter
-        her skill “rainlight” summons small stars to fall down on opponents, dealing AoE hydro dmg and applying the wet status as the catalyst on amika’s staff glows to life. hp restored from the stars scales off amika’s elemental resonance. if combined with opponents affected by cryo or pyro, stars deal an additional 20% dmg at lvl 1 (70% when talent is maxed out), while electro opponents share damage taken every 2s. skill lasts for 15s/cd is 20s.
-        her burst “no longer luminous” has amika unlocking the catalyst from her staff, throwing it up in the air, and whacking it with her polearm baseball-style, summoning a giant black hole that pulls in nearby opponents and renders them immobile, dealing physical dmg over time. those that aren’t pulled in are affected by massive AoE hydro dmg, and any other elements that combine with the black hole deal an additional 25% in elemental dmg. requires 70 energy/cd is 18s.
-        her passive “all by myself!” reduces expedition time by 25%
-        constellation: stella stilanus
-        special dish is from jelebis: she turns them into heart and star shapes, adds powdered sugar at random, and puts a few tiny multicolored roshmalai around the plate. now restores 34% hp and an additional 700 hp every 5s!
-        amika was the granddaughter of great sage azar. his prodigious son had died and his daughter-in-law had disappeared, leaving him with a little girl at the gates of the akademiya. instead of treating her like an actual child, he had tried to raise her as the future great sage to take over his job after he died.
-        ... unfortunately for him, amika hated sitting still and kept breaking her akasha earpiece. seeing as her mother was from aaru village, azar had determined that this was why she was so... unruly. he'd have to quench that in order for her to truly take over his great work.
-        and in amika's opinion, it was as if she'd been damned to eternity. look, she TRIED enrolling in the akademiya, okay? it was just so... suffocating. nobody tried reaching out for help unless they wanted to be seen as weak. nobody attempted to get close to her with good intentions. nobody wanted to rebel against the ridiculous hierarchy based on pure nonsense. anyone that tried releasing themselves from this barrier would be exiled. amika wondered if she, too, would become as unloving as the scholars were. not that she loved anything, but living out of spite wasn't nice.
-        for a bunch of smart folks, the scholars at the akademiya sure were stupid.
-        she tried bringing it up with her grandfather with limited success, if any at all. he decided that instead of promoting her to great sage, he'd denounce her on the day of the jnagarbah. it was a solid punishment for the traitor he'd failed at raising.
-        amika overheard him talking about this plan with the other sages. she should have figured this would happen eventually. with a heavy heart and days of secretly packing and planning, jnagarbah day came.
-        the second azar came into her room to "crown her as the next sage", she'd already escaped. she carried a large bag on her person, the only contents being an orb and a boatload of sunsettias. quite a terrible pick, honestly, but she was a bit short on time.
-        with that, the ex-next sage had left sumeru city.
-        amika ran to the desert. knowing those dumb sages, they wouldn't dare set foot outside of sumeru city or even port ormos. it seemed like the perfect plan. she'd be all alone.
-        ... oh. she was alone.
-        this was a problem.
-        after three days of walking aimlessly and rationing her food to the best of her ability, she sat in the sand and weighed her options. should she go back and endure the sage's puppetry just like always? should she be left to die here? which would be less punishing? wouldn't it be embarrassing if someone found her dead in the sand?
-        before she could reach a conclusion to her whirlwind of thoughts, a foot nudged her knee. she looked up to see a blond man with elaborate clothing, who reached out a hand to her and scowled.
-        "you look like you're going to die out here. come on, i've got food."
-        it did seem like a good deal (especially considering how bad a newborn adventurer is at rationing). with only a nod, she accepted his offer. they went back to his camp and amika resolved to only stay there for the night. she wouldn't want to be a bother after all.
-        the blond man's name was kaveh. he'd been taking a break from studying in the akademiya in order to pursue his own interests, craft, trade, the works. amika found him being in the middle of the desert to be quite strange, but she figured to each their own. despite her self-promise to stay the night, she'd end up sticking around for over half a year as she learned the joy of having something to love. sketching.
-        she'd draw on the back of maps, within scrapped architectural designs, between the page margins of textbooks. every surface she could find would be covered in doodles, whether simple smiley faces or intricate patterns. it became a habit of kaveh's to lend her any design he was having trouble with to see what she could add to his half-baked ideas.
-        being a master blacksmith (his words, not hers) and possessing a vision, he also taught amika to fight. first with the orb catalyst she'd brought with her, then with a long steel beam he'd forged a polearm out of. as reward for mastering both, he'd fused her catalyst and polearm together, turning it into a staff that doubled as what the modern age would call a slingshot-shaped baseball bat. she adored it, carving both of their names into the staff with a sharp rock she'd found nearby. kaveh may have called it defamation, but she'd keep it as a memory for years to come.
-        when kaveh announced that his research was done and that he'd start heading back to the akademiya, amika was noticeably taken aback at first. "why go back?" she had asked, her eyes narrowed. "it's nothing more than a land doomed by the god that left them."
-        kaveh sighed. "like i said, my research is done. plus," he added with a smile, "i'd say you're just about ready." with that, he left in the morning.
-        a month after he'd left for sumeru city, amika had adjusted well to living on her own. she could ration her supplies like a seasoned adventurer, hunt and forage for food easily, and even set up a camp and cook. in her opinion, she may as well have been a veteran with how skilled she had become.
-        that didn't mean it stopped being lonely, though.
-        with kaveh gone, amika had gone back to being quieter. she didn't want to go back to sumeru city, that'd only cause bad memories to resurface. her problem out here was that there wasn't anyone to talk to in particular aside from the wind. not like it'd say anything back. she had a hydro vision, not an anemo one. from the stories she'd heard about their archon, he seemed like a fun guy to hang around. perhaps he'd be a nice companion. yet with each new day passing by of being around nobody whatsoever, it was definitely starting to take a toll on her.
-        and so, she asked the wind. whether out of desperation, exasperation, or the sheer lack of having affection, she'd never be able to tell. either way, the wind decided it was going to kick up a breeze, carry the petals of a sumeru rose with it and send the girl chasing after the petals.
-   ��    sumeru roses were rare around here... that had to be a sign, right?
-        laying her staff orb-down,she kicked it and planted her foot onto the side of the staff, steering the uniscooter through the desert and turning the sand she was riding on into dust. for periods of time, she'd switch between riding her staff and slinging it over her shoulder, running after the wind for a glimpse of something, anything, really.
-        nightfall came before she managed to catch up to the petals in a secluded tropical grove of sorts. hopping off her staff, she reached for the petals and grabbed a fistful of them, save for a single vibrant violet one that waltzed in the air before landing softly on the head of a boy seeming to be around her age slumbering against the base of a tree.
-        he looked like a porcelain doll. amika thought he was almost ethereal for a guy that looked totally out of place in a land like sumeru. sharp eyes, delicate facial features, dark hair that looked as soft as feathers. his clothes were of silk and another material amika couldn't recognize. next to him was a large disk with intricate details, almost brand new. she wondered if the dollface used it as a weapon. if it wasn't for his chest moving up and down rhythmically, she would have cursed the wind for leading her to a fragile corpse still frozen in time.
-        she approached hesitantly, crouching down as quietly as possible. extending a hand towards the boy, she plucked the petal from his head and sighed in relief... but as she turned to go back, a cold hand grabbed her wrist with lightning speed. her eyes darted back to the boy, whose eyelashes fluttered awake as his eyebrows furrowed.
-        "and what, may i ask," his voice was low, but clearly ticked off, "do you think you're doing?" the boy's eyes were almost like glass with how glazed over they seemed. a dull gray clouded them, almost lifeless.
-        she winced, but showed him the petal between her fingers. "easy there, dollface, i'm just grabbing a stray ingredient," she replied. "i'm making fish rolls for us." (she wasn't going to at first, but telling a stranger that she ran after a bunch of petals in the wind seemed really weird.)
-        "us?" he scoffed, but loosened his grip. amika pulled her hand back, rubbing at her now-red wrist. "you don't know me and i don't know you. how do i know you aren't here to kill me like everyone else?"
-        "i dunno who 'everyone else' is supposed to be, but to be quite frank with you, i'm just hungry." she stood up and scanned the landscape, her gaze landing upon an abandoned campsite. grinning, she rubbed her hands together and looked back at the boy at the tree, extending a hand out to him. "now get on your feet. you're going to help me cook over there."
-        "is that an order?"
-        "what am i, a god?" amika sighed, placing her other hand on her hip. "you're all skin and bones. i'm not letting you die of starvation out here."
-        he bit his lip, grumbling. "i don't need your pity--" he managed to get out before his stomach grumbled. after a beat or two, his shoulders slumped and he grabbed her wrist, letting her pull him up. "fine. your pity will be accepted just this once."
-        "it's not pity, pretty boy, it's just what feels right. plus," she added with a smirk, "any resistance will be met with the big circle thing over there turning into a plate." her smile widened at the look of abject horror on his face.
-        leading him to the campsite, she laid out their ingredients and started a fire underneath the pot. "what's your name, anyway?" she asked as she started chopping up the fish.
-        the boy, who had been put in charge of the rose petals, hummed softly. "i don't have one," he mumbled, his fingers brushing against the soft petals. "i'm just... a wanderer, i guess. they don't tend to have names."
-        "huh." a moment passed by. "i'm gonna call you 'dera'."
-        his gaze shifted to her, the wanderer's expression shifting to that of confusion. "you could have chosen anything else," he said, "and you land on that?"
-        she snickered in response. "okay, 'wandy'," she retorted.
-        "... on second thought, dera might be better."
-        within a half hour, they had made enough fish rolls to snack on. laying back against the tree, they sat in silence, the only sound coming from the gale breeze through the flora and the crunching of the rolls. swallowing one down, amika started to fiddle with the ribbons intertwining on her arm.
-        "so," she asked, "what are you doing here in the middle of nowhere?"
-        dera tilted his head, dull gray eyes locking with her own violet ones. "i could ask you the same thing," he said. despite there being nobody else around, he kept his voice quiet, soft. "you did ruin my nap, after all."
-        "please, you're just a light sleeper," amika retorted. "and like i said before, i lost the flower in the wind and had to get it back. then it led me to you." more fiddling, this time with the cuffs on her wrist. "your turn."
-        "like i said before, i'm a wanderer." he pinched the bridge of his nose at her blank expression. "hello? i'm a wanderer. i wander."
-        "ohhhh, that explains it."
-        he nodded, going back to staring at the landscape in front of him. "and via that wandering, i ended up here." his eyes closed, his blunt bangs shifting in the wind. "nobody around but me."
-        "and you've never, like..." the girl made some vague sort of gesture with her hands. "felt lonely or anything?"
-        the gray in his eyes darkened. "i don't experience useless emotions like that." he paused, resting a hand in the grass and grabbing a cluster in his hand. "rather," he added as an afterthought, "i'm not supposed to."
-        "it's okay if you do." she pulled a leg up to rest her head on her knee. "who said you couldn't?"
-        he looked away, but his grip on the grass cluster tightened. "that's not something for you to know."
-        ah, so there actually was someone. maybe someones. amika huffed, her fist balling up as her nails dug into her palm. "then they're as stupid and brain-dead as the akademiya scholars and sages."
-        "you don't seem to like them very much," dera remarked, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a half-amused, half-curious grin of sorts. letting go of the grass, he rested his hand on his thigh and started drumming his fingers absentmindedly.
-        she shrugged and sighed. "yeah, well..." her eyes lowered, her smile now bittersweet. "sometimes you're both not enough and too much at the same time for everyone you meet, y'know?"
-        dera's expression changed. "yeah," he breathed, "i do." without a word, he reached out and gently patted amika's shoulder, soothing both her and himself to an extent he'd rather not talk about. they stayed like that for a few minutes before he pulled the hood of her cloak over her face.
-        "get some rest," he muttered. "i'll gather the supplies. we leave in the morning."
-        "we?" a groggy amika raised her cloak hood just enough to make out his chin. "does this mean we're friends now?"
-        his nose scrunched up. "we aren't friends," he replied curtly. "we'll only travel together."
-        "this isn't a command, is it?"
-        a quick exhale from the wanderer. amika vaguely recognized it as some sort of laughter. "what am i, a god?" he said, then paused. he shook his head and raised the cloak's hood up just enough for her to see his face. his eyes looked more silver than gray. "it's an offer. one that an impulsive flower chaser like you will accept." he poked a finger into her forehead, eliciting her to suddenly tense from the lack of warmth.
-        "you don't know that," she grumbled, then added a "but you're not wrong" as she brushed his hand away, her scowl breaking into a smile as she pulled the hood back over her eyes. "goodnight, wanderer."
-        "goodnight, flower chaser."
-        and despite the wanderer's many vices against anyone he'd surrounded himself with before, he did have to admit it felt a little less lonely now.
-        maybe they could be less lonely together, at least.
-        hello / hey, i'm amika. let's see what sort of adventure we can find ourselves today. don't worry, you have me with you.
-        chat: sketching / oh, this? it's just a hobby of mine, nothing more. even so... i do enjoy it a lot, haha. it gave me something to do, even if i sort of overdid it. maybe someday i'll be able to share my littles scribbles and doodles with the world. i'd like that.
-        chat: oasis staff / when kaveh first made me this, i didn't expect it to be as useful as it really is. see, if you turn it upside down and nudge the orb a fair bit, just step onto the sides here and use the pole here as a way to steer... voila! a transportation... thingy!
-        when it rains / the pitter-patter noise is so calming to listen to... ah, no, i can't fall asleep!-        after it rains / oh, great. mud. this is fine. i'm not hating this.
-        when it snows / oh, this is definitely gonna blind me when it starts getting sunny later.
-        when the wind is blowing / oh, this breeze feels so nice! a sandstorm might kick up soon, though, so let's find shelter.
-        good morning / up and at 'em, huh? that's the spirit! let's head out.
-        good afternoon / how long do you think it would take to glide from the tallest cliff in the desert all the way to the bottom? ...don't be silly, people don't die from gliding for too long! i think.
-        good evening / the sky looks so pretty... i hope i get to see thousands of sunsets for as long as i'm alive.
-        good night / you did well today. make sure you don't stay up for too long, alright? get some rest.
-        about wanderer… / i'm proud to say that he and i are best buds! the longer you spend time with him, the more you come to realize that his snark and teasing are all with good intentions, even if he'll try to cover it up with some lame excuse. what a softie.
-        about kaveh… / kaveh's a pro at what he does. i have to thank him for taking me in and teaching me a bunch of stuff, like architecture and fighting and all that stuff. i wonder if he'll accept some padisarahs as a thank-you gift.
-        about al-haitham… / he doesn't look like it, but he's caused a fair bit of trouble for the sages. i envy his annoyance skills. when kaveh talks about him, he always talks like he's al-haitham's bitter housewife, haha.
-        about lisa… / the mondstadt mage, right? i caught a glimpse of her in an old photo when i was a kid. you could tell she still had a spark of something still left in her unlike the sages that are around today. maybe that's why she left.
-        about cyno… / the general mahamatra--wait, no, i think it's former--anyways, he interests me. i was always told the children of the desert were people to be avoided, but... i don't know if that applies to him. bad guys aren't punny.
-        about kazuha… / a lone samurai wandering through the islands of the land of thunder, with nothing but the animals, the water, and the breeze to accompany him. that's what a former scholar of the akademiya described him as. it paints such a vivid image in my head... for some reason, dera comes to mind, too. in a way, they seem a bit similar. i can't quite explain the connection, though.
- about tighnari... / despite his calm demeanor, he can get quite flustered if you touch his tail or ears, which is always why he tends to avoid it unless completely necessary... wait, he offered to lend you his tail?! when i did that, he scolded me for ages... man, i'm so jealous.
-        about us: camping / beyond anything else, an adventurer should know how to set up camp! it says so in the little handbook i got from miss katheryne!
-        about us: aranara / i've heard of the little lettuce hat creatures, but i've never been able to see them in person. the only visual source of information i trust is the picture books about them. if i squeezed one, would it squeak?
-        about the vision / from what i know about the visions, certain visions are assigned to those who embody the trait criteria that the archons stand for. the hydro archon is all about justice, which should mean i have some sort of sense of justice. i don't think my spite qualifies as justice, though. her reasoning will always remain unknown to me.
-        something to share / sometimes, i think about whether the great sage really saw me as a child or not. maybe i never meant anything more to him than a means to achieve immortality in spirit. does he regret his actions? i don't know and i don't intend on ever knowing. he's only my grandfather in blood.
-        interesting things: dreaming / most people in sumeru don't dream, save for the few that have faint flashes of them. ever since i broke my akasha terminal when i was six, i've been able to dream vividly, remembering everything that happens in them. some are good, some are bad, some are mundane little things. i try to enjoy every little one i can.
-        interesting things: dunyarzad / whenever i went on errands, i'd always see a beautiful girl gaze out her window. if neither of us were being monitored, we'd wave to each other and even have a quick conversation when we had the time. may she find happiness wherever she goes.
-        more about amika: I / i heard from someone still in sumeru city that after i ditched the sages, wanted posters were put up on the boards of port ormos and sumeru city. there wasn't a reward though, which might be why i haven't ran into someone interested in a reward.
-        more about amika: II / the sages are all corrupted beyond relief. their pursuit of knowledge caused the akademiya hierarchy to be born, which gave people with "more intellectual capability" enough leeway to straight-up harass others they don't deem as prodigious as them. people like that disgust me.
-        more about amika: III / the akademiya is a privilege nobody deserves. scholars should be encouraging towards their peers, not belittling them at any chance they get. i just wanted the opportunity to be recognized for my own achievements without someone else tying it to the sages, and yet... perhaps the dendro archon just doesn't favor me as much as the others.
-        more about amika: IV / if there's anything that always bothered me, it was how the scholars treated the desert people. condescendingly and mockingly, like they were idiots. i found out from the great sage that my mother had been from the desert as well. he spoke of her with nothing but venom in his voice. had the scholars found out i'm half-desertrian, would the harsh treatment and isolation i faced in the akademiya have changed?
-        more about amika: V / i think wandering with dera has really given me peace of mind. you know that feeling you get when someone you seem to have nothing in common with ends up sharing the pain you have, even if how that pain affects them isn't the same as you? it's like that with us, which might be why we're such good friends. i'm not enough and too much and perfect the way i am. i hope you find someone that lets you feel like that, too. take your time, traveller.
-        amika’s hobbies / i make a note to sketch anything i think i won't remember. i'd like to keep a memory as accurate as possible, but i'm not interested in being close to a perfectionist. besides, the whole point of a hobby is to be able to enjoy it.
-        amika’s troubles / hey, traveller, have you been to sumeru recently? has it changed at all since i left? i've been wanting to go back, but everytime i even think about, i end up panicking and my entire mind and body just shuts down on me. it's like i'm sick or something and i just... hate it, i hate it so much. i'm supposed to be okay, but it's like all my senses get so overwhelmed that i'm paralyzed... whatever this is, i hope it stops soon.
-        favourite food / the more flavor food has, the better it tastes. not to an overwhelming point, of course. it's best when the flavors balance each other out well enough so that you're able to enjoy each and every difference.
-        least favourite food / bland food is the worst taste ever, if mainly for the fact that there is no taste to begin with. rice is a prime example of this, since it's only tasty if you add something like curry or soup to it. what's the point in enjoying food if there's nothing to enjoy?
-        receiving a gift: I / everything's melting in my mouth... i could die happy!
-        receiving a gift: II / ooh, this isn't bad! i've gotta have this more often.
-        receiving a gift: III / oh, you shouldn't have... really, haha...
-        birthday / hey, hey, happy birthday! as a gift, i've prepared a special art piece of you. despite how ordinary it may look, there's a catch: it's made entirely out of flower petals! pretty amazing, huh? let's make sure next year's birthday is even better than this one, alright? only the best for the birthday traveller!
-        feelings about ascension: intro / i'm getting a major adrenaline rush!
-        feelings about ascension: building up / ooh, it's all tingly and stuff. like chills, but in a good way.
-        feelings about ascension: climax / if i jumped off a cliff before, i'd die immediately. but now... well, i'd probably still die, but the chances of me surviving are there now!
-        feelings about ascension: conclusion / maybe this is the closest i'll ever get to perfection. for once, i don't really mind it. if i can use this strength for something good, i'm willing to stay like this.
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Hi, Jelebi, I really liked that Arnav in the end didn’t need tangible proof of Khushi’s innocence and realized that he loved her regardless. When he was kidnapped and had time to think what do you think that his thought processes were because he did realize she was innocent? Although, his angry diatribe when Angeline tried to abort her baby made me think that there was still a part of him that deep down blamed her for Shyam’s obsession with her. We often say things in anger that we think deep.
Hello There!
Well I'm glad you liked that interpretation of Arnav's actions and you've actually done a lot of the analysis yourself.
There's no right way of analyzing IPK - everyone simply has their own take.
I believe that Arnav always knew there were inconsistencies, loopholes, a huge gap between what he knew was the truth and what Khushi was. There's her truth, Shyam's truth and the real truth. By kidnapping he has had enough processing time to realize he made a mistake by ignoring what Khushi said.
During the abortion time Arnav spills the ugliness he felt from the terrace sequence. He wasn't right - but it explains why a lot of the earlier marriage included Arnav punishing Khushi than Shyam.
Which, is sexist.
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nethajosh · 2 years
Tilapia Fish Cutting Skills / Jelebi Fish cutting and cleaning in Chenna...
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hungerpangzz · 2 years
5 Best Gifting options for your Loved One this Diwali
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Diwali is one of the best times to not just spread festive happiness to our loved ones and family, but it is also a great time to bring in smiles to the faces of your loved ones by choosing the right gifts. 
As and when the days near Diwali, one may keep the search on for the best gifting options online. Right from Ethnic clothes to Diwali gift boxes shopping for Dry fruits online makes festivals still brighter so that we are the first ones to choose something unique and different for our loved ones.
Here are the top 5 gifting options for your loved ones this Diwali. Brainstorm! and you may find this article interesting
Ethnic Clothes: 
We all know that Diwali is a time of the year when we prefer buying new clothes for us and our family. The very ritual of Naraka Chaturdashi marks the cleansing of the old and the welcome of the new. Starting from new spirits, new aspirations and of course trending new clothes. Why not understand what is the requirement of your loved ones which they have been looking for quite some time now? It can be a simple Kanjeevaram saree for mom, a Chikankari Kurtis for sister, a festive Dhoti for your dad or a trendy lehenga for your wife. Clothes are something which one can’t ignore or not accept as a gift! 
Snack box:
A combination of healthy snack boxes is what makes elders and kids happy at the same time. A mix of Dry fruits, HungerPangz Makhanas, Namkeens, Chivadas, Bhel, Chips, Hungerpangz Flavoured nuts, you name it and you will see the best of these Snack box options for gifting online. 
A time of the year filled with sweetness bringing into the lives of people sweet memories and good times. Nobody will deny sweetbox during Diwali because most of them will be anxious to know what is new in the box. May it be Laddos, Burfis, Kaju katlis, Jamoon, or Jelebis all of us enjoy assorted boxes of sweets. It’s a common sight to open the box and see a quick fight among the family members for picking up their favourite sweets!
Baklava sweet boxes are now trending and they offer unique sweets to their customers
Make your children happy with just a big pack of Celebration chocolates or huge Cadbury bars. We find the Diwali boxes with Best Dry fruits online in Bangalore these days with assorted Homemade chocolates too which are tastier than regular sweets. Some luxurious offerings like Ferra rocher or exotic chocolates can be a dream gift box your loved one would wish to accept during Diwali.
Dry fruits box:
Diwali is just incomplete without Dry Fruits and this is an all-time favourite gifting option for people of every age group. No one can say no to a healthy box of Dry fruits which takes one’s health a long way. 
People also buy dry fruits in bulk store them at home and offer them to guests. A few of them make DYI Dryfruit gifts from them, which are very cute to be offered to your family and friends. Many of the dry fruit-based sweets and Burfis smell from mom's kitchen and this is exactly what sets the festive mood to fire.
Search online for Dry fruit boxes and you would be mesmerized to see what the world has to offer. Right from assorted nuts, masala cashews, flavoured almonds, and pistachios, there is no end. Many websites offer options to customize your boxes and surprise your family. If you are looking for value for money in terms of quality and packing, do try shopping for Dry fruits online with brands like HungerPangz. This will add extra charm to your happiness this Diwali!
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ijustwant2eat · 4 years
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Jelebi 👅from Chef of India in Jersey City 🇮🇳 #dessert #indiandessert #indiandesserts #indianfood #sweet #treats #jelebi #jelebis (at Chef of India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2TqmSlsJ0/?igshid=1lhqk5if7p7ps
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chefmoonu · 3 years
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#jelebi . . . #travellermoonu #chefkolkata #chefmoonu #moonuandco #chefmoonuskitchen #instagramfood #instafood #restaurant #feedyoursoul #chefstalk #foodism #foodblogger #foodaddict #f52grams #food52 #calcutta #hungry #food #delicious #foodie #foodlovers #foodporn #spicy #foodgasm #foodpics #chef #cheflife (at কোলকাতা) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNhZyO5AIdB/?igshid=2o25dz3ohutr
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trulysoulfullyeats · 4 years
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I’m glad I found the recipe for this. Can’t wait to try it out. Whenever we visit Goa, we almost every time go to Margão specially to get these beauties as @dacunhanigel is a die hard fan of these... Posted @withregram • @lovebytes_2020 90’s Jalebi (Sugar candy/Honey candy) These are nostalgic candies which bring back our sweet childhood memories.As kids we called them ‘Jalebi’ ,this was the most relished sweet back then.I still remember buying these gems at our local village shop🥰🥰🥰 P.S - Still my favourite😋 ✨Recipe✨ ~Ingredients •1 cup maida •1 tbsp rawa •1 tbsp sugar •1 tsp active dry yeast •1/4 cup lukewarm water •Orange red food colour •Oil for deep frying ~For sugar syrup •1/2 cup sugar •1/4 cup water ~Method •In a mixing bowl add lukewarm water, sugar and mix well,add yeast mix and keep the bowl covered for 15 minutes (the mixture should become frothy) •To this add maida,rawa,food colour and start kneading to get a soft dough adding little water (knead for about 5 minutes) •Shape the dough into round, apply little oil and keep the dough to rest for 1 hour in a bowl, cover with a cling wrap •After 1 hour punch the dough gently and knead for sometime •Roll the dough out (slightly thick) and cut rings using a bottle cap, cut the inner ring using a smaller cap or a marker cap (swipe to see) •Prepare the sugar syrup and once it’s thick in consistency switch off the flame •Now heat oil for deep frying and fry the rings on a medium flame on both sides till done and immediately transfer them into the sugar syrup •Soak them in the syrup for 5 minutes and then remove them on a plate •Cool and store in an airtight container 🚫DO NOT REPOST WITHOUT PERMISSION OR UNLESS TAGGED🚫 #jelebi #indiansweets #indiancuisine #sweet #dessert #sugarcandy #honeycandy #thenmittai #mittai #goansweets #90ssweets #childhoodmemories #recipes #homemade #goa #goan #goanfood #goanfoodie #homecooking #lovecooking #cookingfun #lovebytes_2020 #instagoa #instafood (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGaO24TFv3K/?igshid=z2jegclqip24
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shutterproximity · 4 years
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#jelebi #indianfoodie #indiansnacks #indianstylefood #indianrecipes #indianfood #keralasweets #kerala #keralafood https://www.instagram.com/p/CBPHJq8spEH/?igshid=cjciduhlldj
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feninazman · 5 years
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Found a little bit of time to catch up with old Hyderabad friends 😊 the last time we met was almost 7 years ago in KL 🇲🇾 Thanks for the mini tour @kwasif2020 🤣 🇮🇳 #IIITHyderabad #Jelebi #GulabJamun #MangoLassi and such! 🤭 Oops! (at Tekka Little India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xVrS5BSKf/?igshid=qzso26hpw4lo
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jypsyvloggin · 5 years
The pupil of your eye can expand as much as 55% while looking at something you love. #jelebi #jalebi #sweet #indiansweets #instafood #dohafoodies #dohafoodbloggers #indianfood #lifeinqatar #instablogger ##picoftheday #yummie #jypsygourmet #doharestaurants (at Roti & Boti) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByOPT64hSaG/?igshid=1tpkmum5fopte
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Hii jelebi, hope u r doing well.
I read ur reply of the ask about 296 no episode. Arnav thought that his & anjali's life was happy before khushi. Later that night he stopped Khushi from leaving bcz he can't live without her😒. I mean what is this dichotomy!? he thought khushi made his sister's life unhappy which he couldn't tolerate but he didn't even allow her to go away. Then forced her to accept his gifts and asked her what has happened that Khushi behaved like that. Like seriously whenever arnav wants, he will accuse her and she has to act normal and if she didn't its her fault not arnav's!😤 If anjali's happiness was the most important thing for arnav than why he stopped khushi? For using her as a anger management toy!?Bcz If he can't live without her than why did he deliberately hurt her that way? He loved anjali more than Khushi(bcz for Anjali, Arnav hurts khushi multiple times) then why he stopped khushi from leaving when he knew that anjali's happiness was hampered by Khushi?
Sorry jelebi for roasting ur mind🙏🏻😐
(check this out for an important announcement on asks)
Hello Anon!
The dichotomy is in anger Arnav wants to inflict the pain and rage he's feeling on the person in front of him and he exactly knows what to use to hurt them.
He never meant to tell her that life was better without her. But for a flicker of second the thought did cross his mind that if Khushi was the catalyst to everything, her not being there would've hurt Anjali less - even if Anjali still lived in a lie.
He loves Khushi, he loves her beyond everything. But with situations people react differently.
Arnav is incredibly complex and it's difficult to understand his actions - especially after the big argument in that episode - because we don't have a single scene between the two that actually highlights the issue. So it's bad writing. There was never a need for Arnav to grovel, but if there was a scene where he truly apologizes - as he should've - and a serious talk between them pre Raksha Bandhan, then understanding him would've been easier.
Arnav is deliberate in hurting Khushi but he also banks on the fact that she'll always be there - which is toxic. He hurts people when he feels hurt and hence requires a LOT of therapy and help.
Ultimately he knows that Anjali is in trauma and her knowing about Shyam is the most important. But he was in a fit of anger and said things he shouldn't have.
I call it poor execution of the track itself because they never follow up to Arnav's words nor the promo where he said he'd fix things up and make her his wife.
He fixes nothing. Rather they get into a 24 hours challenge track - which is AMAZING out of context but problematic in context - and have them randomly come home and celebrate Raksha Bandhan.
Hope you have an amazing day,
- Jalebi
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mocha-tapioca · 3 years
info on amika haider (genshin oc, none of this is final!)
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combat, talents, abilities, weapon
-        hydro staff (polearm + orb catalyst fusion) called “Oasis”; other characters with this weapon primarily use it as a polearm, and only certain sumeru scholars know how to infuse the catalyst part into it to inflict the wet status
-        ^ base atk 43 at lvl 1/passive increases crit dmg by 22%. Ability is called “Deserted Dream”: user’s elemental res. Doubles (chances are 35%; increases with refinement rank), also increasing it for other party members by 75% (if 35% fails, this is guaranteed for the user; otherwise, this just applies to the other party members) for 20s. cooldown is 30s.
-        physical dps + enabling
-        charged attack has her stick the staff in the ground, jump up, and literally swing around it via the staff’s orb while physically kicking people; cause yk, why not?
-        normal attack has her (1) forward lunge (2) swipe arm, whacking w/ floating catalyst (3) spin in a 315 or smth, again whacking w catalyst (4) hold polearm upside down and use floating catalyst to vault upwards (5) bada bing bada boom use the staff as a hammer
-        holding the charged attack for over three seconds has her doing a plunging attack, using up abt 50% of her stamina but dealing 150% dmg
-        wouldn’t it be funny if she rolled around on her staff while using it as a scooter
-        her skill “Rainlight” summons small stars to fall down on opponents, dealing AoE hydro dmg and applying the wet status as the catalyst on amika’s staff glows to life. hp restored from the stars scales off amika’s elemental resonance. if combined with opponents affected by cryo or pyro, stars deal an additional 20% dmg at lvl 1 (70% when talent is maxed out), while electro opponents share damage taken every 2s. skill lasts for 15s/cd is 20s.
-        her burst “No Longer Luminous” has amika unlocking the catalyst from her staff, throwing it up in the air, and whacking it with her polearm baseball-style, summoning a giant black hole that pulls in nearby opponents and renders them immobile, dealing physical dmg over time. those that aren’t pulled in are affected by massive AoE hydro dmg, and any other elements that combine with the black hole deal an additional 25% in elemental dmg. requires 70 energy/cd is 18s.
-        her passive “All On My Own!” reduces expedition time by 25%
-        special dish is from jelebis: she turns them into heart and star shapes, adds powdered sugar at random, and puts a few tiny multicolored roshmalai around the plate. now restores 34% hp and an additional 700 hp every 5s!
-        voice actors uhhh cassandra lee morris for english, tomori kusunoki for jp, we’ll figure out the chinese and korean ones later
-        granddaughter of the most famous & revered scholar in sumeru; she hates it
-        like yeah she loves her family but also! scholarly duties are horrendously boring to her!!
-        as a descendant of a famous scholar, it’s hard to keep up his reputation when you just aren’t the logical and studious type
-        plus yk other reasons that will be explained later
-        so,, she ran away. obviously, news would spread but at least she would finally get to enjoy life away from books and quills and ink
-        the haiders are still looking for their daughter and want her to return home
-        buuut nope! gonna keep exploring the world man sorry
-        eventually she gets put on a missing person list in sumeru
-        as it turns out, she’s the newest stowaway aboard the crux fleet!
-        beidou found amika after she tried stealing food off the ship :)
-        needless to say that failed and amika got her butt kicked
-        but then beidou was like “ u look like ur this close to dying kid are u okay ” and amika raises a thumbs up and passes out
-        next thing yk she wakes up and is now a part of beidou’s crew!! woo!!!
-        when the traveller n paimon are tryna make their way to sumeru they go on beidou’s ship again and the second amika hears that they’re going there she PANICS
-        “ ohhh sumeru huh?? sumeru. uh. yeah mhm sumeruuuu great amazing cool okay bYE ”
-        so now she’s hiding from the traveller (with kazuha’s help; he got dragged into it lmao)
-        now you get to explore the ship while looking for amika :]
-        when you do find her, she tries hiding again except kazuha refuses to help her “ dAMMIT KAZU NO PLEASE ”
-        so she explains that she doesn’t wanna go back to sumeru with the excuse that she’s wanted (technically she is) and begs the traveller not to tell anyone where she is
-        unfortunately,, paimon’s a blabbermouth!! dammit paimon
-        they find out abt amika and her family via a scholar that’s lower ranking in sumeru’s hierarchy, and seek her out on the crux fleet
-        when they find her, she reveals the actual reason she left home. to escape the hierarchy
-        “ people don’t respect each other. instead of uniting over a shared interest of knowledge, they outcast the weak and praise the strong over nothing. there’s no fairness whatsoever to it, and being praised for not even doing the bare minimum? well, that’s even worse. ”
-        pov you see an actually serious amika and it is jarring
-        so alongside the traveller and other sumeru characters, they basically destroy the government :)
-        after the archon quest is over, she goes back to travelling on the crux fleet as per usual, but she stops by home once in a while to tell her tales of travelling and to visit her family
-        Hello (Formal) / Amika Haider, granddaughter of the revered Mikail Haider. Your presence is well-appreciated, honoured one. May the stars shine above you.
-        Hello (Informal): Hey! Amika here. If you ever need me, just say the word and I’ll be there… woahhh, that rhymed!
-        Chat: Drawing / I like sketching a lot. Used to doodle on all my paperwork, even though my tutor would get mad at me... but now that I’m on the Crux, I have more things to draw! Like… ooh, Yinxing looks really pretty right now. It’s decided, she’ll be my new muse!
-        Chat: Stories / When I wasn’t doing research or scholarly studies, I was permitted to write my own short little tales about whatever I wanted. They were all about the adventures I would go on when I was finally able to, and look! Here I am, finally having all those adventures. Maybe younger me was psychic or something?
-        When it Rains / Ahhh, I love this. All the pitter-pattering is… calming. The nice kind.
-        After it Rains / Hey, hey, look! There’s little rainbows in the puddles!
-        When it Snows / Coldcoldcoldcold… How does anyone function in this weather?!
-        Good Morning / Rise and shine! I’ve been up since around three in the morning. I know that’s probably a bit concerning, but on the ever-so-bright side, the sunrise was absolutely gorgeous! Next time, I’ll wake you up early to see it too!
-        Good Afternoon / What to do, what to do… ooh, what if we raced to see which one of us can stay gliding the longest? Wouldn’t that be so much fun? … what do you mean by “deadly” exactly?
-        Good Evening / Hey, hey, look up! Isn’t the sky just so pretty? All those colours mixed together and blended so they become one huge gradient up there… it makes me appreciate life even more now.
-        Good Night / I think today was really special. Well, all days are special, but this one too, y’know? Tomorrow’s gonna be special, too, and the day after that, and the day after that one, and… yeah, I’ll stop, I’m this close to passing out. Sweet dreams, honoured one.
-        About Beidou… / Beidou’s like a big sister or a cool aunt to me! Once I was having trouble with this one specific part while drawing the ship, and then Beidou came and told me all about the Crux so I could draw that one part and refine it so the whole drawing was even better! She and the rest of the crew take care of me… sometimes a bit too much, though that might be because of how much trouble I cause. But that’s okay, because they’re like a second family to me. Plus, who else would handle them when the adults all drank too much?
-         About Kazuha… / Kazuha is my best friend on the ship! He’s kind of quiet, but the second you try and approach him he spouts off poems and poems and poems! I think he’s really cool. Beidou says he’s a stowaway too, so I guess that’s why he tolerates me. He’s kind and patient, a bit guarded, but everyone has their secrets. He gets the bottom bunk of the cots while I get the top, and we share secret conversations in the middle of the night by writing on paper and using our Visions as night lights. For some reason, he seems to like them a lot— Visions, I mean. I wonder why…?
-        About Cyno… / If I’m being honest, he’s… really intimidating. I heard he’s really knowledgeable, but with how aloof and serious he is, it’s really hard to talk to him. Plus, he’s always out in the wild, never staying in one place! And the look he gave me when I tried to talk to him? I’m getting chills thinking about it… Maybe he’s a nice person, though?
-        About Takara… / I’ve been to Wangshu Inn a couple times, and I’ve seen him around. He seemed to be struggling a bit with some of the work, so I offered to lend a hand, but he denied it. I wonder if he’s doing okay now… might just invite him onboard the ship at some point, Beidou would like that. Ah, he had the same type of clothing style as Kazu, too… maybe they know each other. I could ask him about it, but Kazu has his secrets, and it’s best to respect those. Oh well, I’ll just see Takara next time we go to the inn!
-        About Asma… / She’s very pretty! I have a couple drawings of her. Her outfit is also really elegant, too. I heard from the other crew members that she didn’t worship any of the archons, though. It wasn’t even like a “the Archons never did anything for me” kind of thing, though she does carry around an Anemo vision. In fact, they said she worshipped an archon that didn’t exist for anyone but her! She’s interesting… wonder if I’ll ever see her again.
-        About Percy… / They came out of nowhere. No, seriously, we were about to set sail and all of a sudden they just popped behind me and said hi. It’s quite a way to scare someone, and I may have dropped a bunch of wood on my foot, but on the bright side, they’re quite nice and we hit it off very well! I’ll make a sign with a picture of them so the crew knows that they mean no harm. At least now, Percy doesn’t have to take the aerial route!
-        About Ethic… / Y’know, I didn’t think I’d be travelling around with an outlaw. They don’t talk much, but they’re a force to be reckoned with, especially when it comes to card games. They’ve got a total poker face, though you can’t really tell with that scarf over half their face. Of course, I haven’t the slightest clue why they put up with me, but I think me and Ethic are gonna be best buds. Of course, it’ll take a bit for them to warm up to me, but all friendships take time!
-        About Jules… / Hoo boy, where do I begin? Um, for one thing, he’s very strong. Able to wield a lance very well, for someone like him. While him being a Fatui and being on the run from the Fatui at the same time is somewhat concerning, we’re all pretty much on a wanted list, so I can’t complain much. However, the constant attempt to charm everybody he meets is a bit— dear, how do I put this— annoying? It sounds mean, but whenever he fails, and that’s half the time, he gets us into trouble.
-        About Fren… / Does— does anybody know where Fren even came from? Since Jules and Ethic are always fighting, I’m the only one able to babysit the kid, and… it’s kind of scary, on occasion. Once, it chided me for apparently “shedding the blood of Aiden” after beating a couple hilichurls. I don’t know who Aiden is. I am in fear. Also, okay, Fren is very cute and happy-go-lucky, yeah, but… why in the name of all the holy Archons does it have a gun?! I don’t think Fren is even from this world, honestly…
-        About Us: Sailing / All this fresh, non-sandy air does me wonders. It’s just me, the crew, and the open sea. Things are mostly peaceful around here, you should visit more often! When there’s a storm, though… mm. I don’t like them.
-        About Us: Journeys / I think everyone has a dream that keeps them going. I have exploring the world as mine, and you wanna find your sibling, and hey, look at me! I was able to achieve my dream. It takes a bit, but if my dream can come true, I’m sure yours will too. The journey isn’t always easy, but that just makes it all the more worth it in the end.
-        About the Vision / They say people with Hydro visions have a strong sense of moral justice and righteousness. I don’t think it’s true in my case, especially considering I left home, but… I’m still happy the Hydro Archon saw something in me. Thank you, faraway archon. I’ll visit you sometime, if I can.
-        Something to Share / Back at our family estate in Sumeru, a lot of the servants had to do really laborious jobs, all because of the stupid social ranking system. Whenever my family wasn’t around, I’d help them out as much as I could without anyone catching on to what I was doing… I hope I didn’t get caught on accident.
-        Interesting Things / Once, I headed up to Dragonspine to gather some new food for the sailors. The climate was so unnatural to me that I wound up with a raging fever for a solid two weeks… as it turns out, I don’t do well in really cold places.
-        More About Amika: I / If I’m being honest, I’d rather be part of Sumeru’s “peasantry” over being a noble. At least then, maybe it wouldn’t be so lonely… n-not that I’m complaining! Sometimes, I like being alone, especially when there’s paparazzi around. However, that doesn’t mean you can make friends often. So, uh… thanks for being here, Traveller.
-        More About Amika: II / I’m not a big fan of parties at all, especially if they’re for official events and whatnot. Everyone requires you to be pleasant and amicable, to laugh at jokes that aren’t even funny, to agree with their views. You get outcasted and looked down upon if you don’t follow the strict rules of society. You become the lowest of the low, cursed to serve others for the rest of your life… I hate it all.
-        More About Amika: III / Someday, they’ll trust me to gain control of the region, considering how much of a blind eye the Lesser Lord has turned to its’ people. I don’t know if I’m ready. I don’t want to be ready. I don’t wanna control the hierarchy! I just… ugh.
-        More About Amika: IV / I’ve always had in interest in people from places that are foreign to me. There isn’t a specific manner you have to act, and people don’t think you’re weird for having certain interests. Plus, it’s all just so pretty! There’s so many unique traits that everyone has, and I’d like to capture these moments as much as I can.
-        More About Amika: V / Someday, when I’ve had enough adventuring, I’ll settle back down in Sumeru. But! I want to live in a new Sumeru, one where everyone is treated equally. Where knowledge doesn’t mean power. I want to live in a Sumeru where people are happy. I think… we’re starting to get there, so I’m proud of Sumeru, but we’ve still got a bit to go, and I’m still waiting for that day. Plus, I’m not done adventuring yet. Come back in a whole lotta business days, thank you very much!
-        Amika’s Hobbies / Music has always been a guilty pleasure of mine. The perfect melody, a catchy rhythm, it’s just so captivating! I end up drumming my fingers to it a lot. The sea shanties are especially fun to sing along to.
-        Amika’s Troubles / I’d like to think I’m a good person, but… was it right to leave home? Maybe I’m just selfish to want to escape by myself. There’s still people suffering, the only thing that’s changed is the fact that a noble’s gone missing— gahhh, I bet the workload’s even higher for the servants! Is it really bad if I wanted to escape from it all? I don’t think I’ll ever know the answer to this…
-        Favourite Food / Mm, this is actually kind of hard… if I had to choose, though, it might be jelebis. I heard that they were like… “pretzels”, whatever those are, but they’re really sweet and… and now I’m hungry. Dang it, me.
-        Least Favourite Food / Mint. I hate it. Absolutely despise it, and it’s not even because of the spice kick! It kinda just… Blegh. Weird. Ew. No thank you. I’d eat a raw Jueyun Chili over anything with mint any day.
-        Birthday / Hey, Traveller, it’s the mostest special day of all: your birthday! See, I got to making a cake, and I was gonna sing “how old are you now” except I dunno how old you are, so— wait, you’re over five hundred?! Aw man, where am I supposed to get that many candles…? Y’know what, I’ll just give you the cake and a drawing. Unless… alright, let’s see if I can make five hundred more candles! Don’t worry, it’ll be fiiiine! … I think.
-        Feelings about Ascension: Intro / Woahhhhhh. It’s all tingly and cold, but also— waaah, adrenaline rush!! I’m all energized!!
-        Feelings about Ascension: Building Up / Stronger and faster and stronger and fasterandstrongerandfasterandstron— ow! Bit my tongue.
-        Feelings about Ascension: Climax / This power… it’s unlike anything I’ve felt before. If I’m strong enough, do you think I’ll be able to beat a huuuge Mitachurl barehanded?
-        Feelings about Ascension: Conclusion / Do the tingles usually last this long? Wow, okay, um… I’m powerful. And— and it’s in the good way, too. This was actually acquired fairly. Huh… I guess I’m pretty awesome, if I do say so myself! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go basically destroy the government.
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vapsi0w0 · 4 years
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thebanalone · 3 years
blease throw some jelebis over ambassador bridge for me!!
We don't throw... We catapult.
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shutterproximity · 4 years
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#jelebi #indianfoodie #indiansnacks #indianstylefood #indianrecipes #indianfood #keralasweets #kerala #keralafood https://www.instagram.com/p/CBPHJq8spEH/?igshid=1x8i5tbpittgp
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pithypepper · 5 years
It’s 10:54. I just watched a video tutorial on how to make jelebis, and now all I can think about is how I want to get up and make pancakes...
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I had a dream last night that my sister was opening a present from a family friend. He happens to be single and 5-yrs younger than me but I’m not really a fan of his. He’s not a bad guy, but there is some strangeness about him, and we are completely opposite in so many ways.
Anyway... in the dream she opened this gift which was a little decorative plaque-type thing with 1 Corinthians 13 on it. Even though she opened it, he said it was for me and told me some things he liked about me, then gave me a big hug. When I pulled away, he pulled me back in and buried his head in my neck.
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It’s not the first dream I’ve had where he has shown me affection, but it’s disconcerting and I don’t like it. Maybe these dreams happen just because he’s really the only single guy in the orbit of my life, and because he’s been embraced by my sister’s family like a long lost uncle?
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