#jenny weathers
orangetalc · 1 year
goofing off during a work meeting
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behindthescreamz · 5 months
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promotional portraits of the cast of “scream 3” (2000)
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uwmspeccoll · 7 months
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It’s Fine Press Friday!
Today we will be discussing Weather Opinions, a book with quotations on various “weather subjects”, compiled and arranged by Jennie Day Haines, published in 1907. The book consists of a variety of passages and poetry associated with the weather of each month. Each month is accompanied by illustrations of the astrological sign associated with the month in the headers. Between the months, there are similar quotations about greater weather patterns or seasonal phenomena. Also included in the book is a color frontispiece made by printmaker Gordon Ross (1873-1946).
The book was printed on Normandy Vellum with typography by John Henry Nash (1871-1947) at the Tomoye Press in New York City; it was published by Paul Elder & Company. Nash worked on typography and book design with Paul Elder (1872-1948), who was in charge of the publication and selling of the books the two created until 1911, when the partners had a falling out and Nash left the Press.
Our copy is another gift from our friend Jerry Buff.
View more Fine Press Friday Posts.
– Sarah S., Special Collections Graduate Intern
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jenniehalen · 8 months
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Some autumn coziness featuring my OCs Eileen, Leyla and Reelith with some fluffy cat friends ^_^
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evilhorse · 10 months
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You will have a day of a hundred summers.
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jennycalendar · 23 days
my impulse decisions are apparently “get myself new shoes (that I need for work) and $30 worth of earrings”
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Gotta hand it (no pun intended) to Grendel's Mother.
Really who is doing it like her. Like you go up to this...Thing... that OVER A CENTURY OF SCHOLARSHIP hasn't be able to determine the species of, she's a human/troll/elf/dark elf/ogress/water spirit/mermaid/wolf mermaid/troll(the other kind)/troll-kin(seriously)/Generic Big Scary Monster/demon/ghost/dragon/shapeshifter/berserker/abstract concept, some people think she's the remnants of an ancient Germanic goddess, the only thing the text is clear about is that she's descended from Cain. she's like a hundred years old. you say "who or what the fuck are you" and she says "you can call me Dana, Jenny Greenteeth or SHE-WARRIOR BRIDE OF HELL, I don't know what I am so fuck you. I only care about one person anywhere ever and its the giant kid that I raised. dont ask who his dad is fuck you. he drinks blood he kills people if you fuck with him I'll kill you. if you fuck with me I'll kill you. I live in a giant secret cave full of treasures under a lake, I'm so fucking shiny, get out of my lake fuck you fuck you fuck you" and she's just the hottest MILF you've ever seen
...god I love her so much!!!
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raccoonrabies · 1 year
The blueyfication of Scream 4 characters
Warning : If you’re a kid seeing this, don’t go watch the movie. If you do i’m not responsible for any scare or nightmares.
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Cocker spaniel / Dachshund / Australian shepherd 
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Golden retriever / Corgi / Saluki
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German shepherd / English springer spaniel / Belgian malignois
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Labrador / Pomeranian / Doberman
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Beagle / Saint bernard / Papillon 
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Chow chow
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chefboiblobbies · 1 year
Because I cannot get over this scene.
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sapphireshorelines · 2 years
I remember another ruined moon-viewing, the year we took a boat on the night of the harvest full moon and sailed out over the lake of the Suma Temple. We put together a party, we had our refreshments in lacquered boxes, we set bravely out. But the margin of the lake was decorated brilliantly with electric lights in five colors. There was indeed a moon if one strained one’s eyes for it. So benumbed are we nowadays by electric lights that we have become utterly insensitive to the evils of excessive illumination.
Jun ‘ichirō Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows
We didn’t talk much. We just lay there and looked up at the stars.
“Too much light pollution,” he said.
“Too much light pollution,” I answered.
Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe
When electricity was first introduced to homes, there were letters to the newspapers about how it would undermine family togetherness. Now there would be no need to gather around a shared hearth, people fretted. In 1903, a famous psychologist worried that young people would lose their connection to dusk and its contemplative moments. Hahaha! (Except when was the last time I stood still because it was dusk?)
Jenny Offill, Weather
When I was a little boy Calcutta city was not so wakeful at night as it is now. Nowadays, as soon as the day of sunlight is over, the day of electric light begins. [...] The nerves of the city are throbbing still with the fever of thought which has burned all day in her brain. [...] But in those old times which we knew, when the day was over whatever business remained undone wrapped itself up in the black blanket of the night and went to sleep in the darkened ground-floor premises of the city. Outside the house the evening sky rqge quiet and mysterious. It was so still that we could hear, even in our own street, the shouts of the grooms from the carriages of those people of fashion who were returning from taking the air in Eden Gardens by the side of the Ganges.
Rabindranath Tagore, My Boyhood Days
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honeyviscera · 9 months
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nakedinashes · 1 year
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books cristina read in 2023: weather - jenny offill
“And then it is another day and another and another but I will not go on about this because no doubt you too have experienced time.”
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behindthescreamz · 6 months
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the cast of “scream 3” for a promotional photoshoot. (2000)
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You guys might be helping me build a fic, idk tho
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ronispadez · 1 year
A friend from years ago introduced me to Glass Beach so whenever I listen to a few of the songs, I think of them. But then I met one of my best friends in high school who also listened to them so now I think of her too. friendship and music are wonderful things
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evilhorse · 10 months
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They are a loathsome race and I planned on giving them very unpleasant weather.
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