#jerza week 2018
ship-ambrosia · 6 years
Jerza Week, Day 6
Sorry Day 6 is super late (Day 7 is almost halfway over, and I still haven't finished that prompt either so it will probably be up late as well). It's summer so I'm working a ton to save up for the coming year, my final year of undergrad.
This prompt may have been the most spontaneous, but it quickly became my favorite! It's also the longest, I think. But it's just a bunch of heartwarming, feel-good fluff. I mean, shouldn't "Homecoming" prompt that sort of thing?
Be sure to check out my Jellal-centric Heavens Bringer on AO3, and stay tune for when I post all these prompts in one place as well.
Summary: Guided by Erza, Jellal enters the Fairy Tail guild hall for the first time as one of its members.
Softly, Erza smiled to herself as she glanced toward the blue-haired man beside her, amused by the way he nervously fiddled with the ornate clover symbol pinned to his jacket. It was a reminder that all of this was real, that it was really happening, that Jellal truly had returned to the Ten Wizard Saints. That he was really joining Fairy Tail. That their confessions exchanged at his awardment party were real. She had never really seen Jellal look so uncomfortable, and it was rather adorable.
"For someone who's been a member of the Ten Wizard Saints, been on the Magic Council, led an independent guild, then been elected to the Ten Wizard Saints again, you seem surprisingly nervous about joining Fairy Tail," she giggled.
"And you appear to be enjoying it," he answered with a small smirk, once more removing the pin before quickly re-attaching it.
He had a point though, Erza hadn't felt so bubbly and playful in years. The last few years hadn't given her much time to laugh and smile, though. Especially from Tartaros and the disbandment of Fairy Tail, then they'd gone on to fight the Avatar cult before the Alvarez Empire invaded. But she knew exactly why she was so happy.
"Of course I am," she answered, turning to face him. "I'm enjoying all of this. I've been on cloud nine since the night of your ceremony. You're finally coming home to me... and to Fairy Tail."
Surprise flashed over Jellal's face as he listened to her words, before he closed his eyes for a moment and smiled in a way that could only be described as pure bliss. "You're right," he grabbed her hand and laced their fingers, gently tugging her toward him so he could plant a quick kiss on her. "This is my home."
Flustered nearly the same shade as her hair, Erza pulled Jellal into the guild hall finally. Everything was as it normally was; members scattered about, many of her friends clumped together at tables. People shouted their greetings and congratulations toward Jellal, as the members of Fairy Tail were nearly ecstatic in the prospect that they would have a member of the Ten Wizard Saints among their guild once more. They passed the table where Elfman, Lisanna, Laxus, Freed, Bickslow, and Evergreen were gathered around chatting, and Cana was seated on the table with her arms and legs wrapped around a barrel of beer as usual. Each and everyone of them greeted the couple, as most of Fairy Tail had known about Erza's feelings for the young man for years. Elfman cheerily proclaimed that Fairy Tail and the Ten Wizard Saints now had a 'real man' as part of their ranks, before being whacked on the arm by Evergreen sitting next to him.
Lisanna giggled at her brother and his girlfriend's antics before gesturing to the usual table at the back of the guild. "Mira already gave Meredy and Erik their guild marks. They're with the others back there, Jellal."
Erza watched as he visibly brightened at the mention of the two other former members of Crime Sorciere who had joined Fairy Tail alongside him. She found it incredibly sweet; not only his relationship with Meredy, in which the two had become not only partners over the years but truly like a brother and sister toward one another, but also how close Jellal had become with the dragon slayer, a former member of the Oracion Seis. She couldn't imagine that Jellal had ever expected to trust the other man so wholeheartedly even after Erik and his guildmates had joined Crime Sorciere, but Erza herself had witnessed the two in the middle of a fight before and it was incredibly inspiring to see such an unlikely friendship.
Before they even made their way to that table though, Erza led him to the bar. Mira, bless her demon-blooded, shipper soul, nearly glowed like a star at the sight of them together. She already had the mark-maker out for him in anticipation.
"Hi, Jellal!" She chirped. "I know you've already heard it a million times, but I want to formally welcome you to Fairy Tail! I also think it's worth mentioning that as a member of the Magic Council's Ten Wizard Saints, you'll automatically be counted among our S-class rank."
He nodded. "Thank you, Mirajane. It's good to see you again, as well."
"Now, where do you want your guild mark?"
After Jellal had decided upon his collarbone and removed his cloak in order for them to place it, a mischievous grin appeared on Mira's face that nearly frightened the newly-together couple.
"You know, I think you should place it on him, Erza!" Chirped the She-Demon, handing the marker to her friend, who immediately grew flustered once more.
"M-me?!" She stuttered, and nearly dropped it in her embarrassment.
Both women were surprised by a sudden loud chuckle, and found the source of it to be the young, blue-haired man beside them. Jellal's entire body shook with laughter, a deep, hearty chuckle that nearly caused Erza's heart to jump into her throat. She had never heard such laughter from him. It warmed her entire body to the same temperature as her cheeks.
"Lucy did warn me about the meddling that goes on with our love lives in this guild, but I still wasn't prepared for that," he admitted. "But I guess you already have the marker in your hands, Erza?"
She looked down and almost dropped it again. "Jellal, I don't-"
"I'm teasing you now, I'm sorry," he smiled at her again. "But I would appreciate you doing it. Because you're the reason any of this... any of what I've done from the moment I woke up under the Oracion Seis, was possible."
She blushed again, but quickly obliged Jellal's request. Unsurprisingly true to the words he had just spoken, his guild mark came out a deep scarlet.
Mira, nearly beside herself, could do nothing but squeak out another congratulations before rushing into the kitchen almost in tears. A moment later, Laxus walked by the two, mumbling that they'd broken the She-Demon and following after her.
"Yo, Erza! Jellal! Are you two done over there yet? Come join the celebration!" A familiar voice called to them.
Both turned to find Natsu on his face, summoning them from the table in the back. They had shoved as many people at the table as they could, and still some were being forced to stand. Lucy was seated beside her partner, Happy contently rested in her lap, while on her other side was Levy cradling Pantherlily and never without Gajeel standing too far behind. Gray, with his shirt unbuttoned, was leaning back in the chair on Natsu's other side, and to no one's surprise was Juvia glued to him; though no one mentioned it, no one missed the arm that the ice wizard had wrapped around her hip. Also gathered around were Wendy and Carla, and Lisanna had joined the group while Jellal was getting his mark.
The new ones at the table were obvious; Meredy was chatting with Juvia, with her new guild mark - the same shade of black as Gray's for another member of the Milkovich family - sat on her hip where it was shown off because of her cropped top. Next to her was the Poison Dragon Slayer formerly known as Cobra, Erik, who held a flustered Kinana so close she was nearly sitting on his lap. He had one sleeve rolled up to reveal, like nearly every other dragon slayer, he'd opted to get his guild's mark right where his arm connected to his shoulder.
"Jellal! You came!" Meredy exclaimed happily when she noticed the pair arrive at the table.
"'Bout time you showed up," Erik greeted him with a smug grin. "Gotta make an entrance like usual, eh?"
He snorted with more laughter. "Shut up, Erik."
"Look at that fancy little emblem there," Erik whistled. "Tell me I'm wrong, I dare you."
"You were at the ceremony too! You saw it there!" Meredy laughed.
"It's good to see the three of you fit in so quickly," Lucy said kindly, giggling softly at the banter between the three.
"I mean, we all had very personal ties to this guild," Meredy answered. "Erik won't admit it, but Kinana isn't the only reason he's here; just the biggest one."
His pixie-like girlfriend giggling now at his expense, the dragon slayer groaned. "Meredy!"
She only grinned more. "And we all know why Jellal suggested in the first place."
At this, all eyes in the table turned toward Erza. But her eyes were only on Jellal, as they had been nearly the entire time the two had been standing with the group. His dark green eyes were giving away how happy he was, no matter how much indignation he tried to fake. Everything about them joining Fairy Tail felt natural, as if it was the only place they had ever belonged. That's the sort of place it was; the members were a family, and it didn't matter when you joined, or when you left. Fairy Tail was always a home.
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sweetmemories2606 · 6 years
Jerza Week Day 4: Dreams
Good afternoon, everyone. Here we go with day 4.
Here's the info: 
Title: Our dreams came true.
Summary: While preparing for their daughter's 4th birthday, Jellal happens to ask Erza what her biggest dream is. Upon remembering everything she'd ever dreamed of, she realizes that they all came true.
Pairings: Jerza (family) and Gruvia (minor).
Timeline: This is set about 12 years after the ending of Fairy Tail.
Warnings: This is just pure FLUFF. Also, there's a flashback here with my newest Jerza Headcanon: the reason why Erza loves strawberry cake. 
Word Count: 1800 words.
Happy reading! 
(Oops, I totally forgot to credit the artists for the two bottom pictures. A million times sorry for that)
Here are the credits:
Jerza Wedding-Found on Pinterest, but submitted by NaLu-love on Fanpop
Jerza Family- Moonllita on Devinatart
                                            Our dreams came true
It was a quiet afternoon in the household of Jellal and Erza Fernandes. The two of them were cooking together, preparing a strawberry cake for the party that would be taking place the next day: their daughter's birthday.
Young Scarlet Fernandes would be turning 4 the following day and the two parents couldn't be happier. It had gone by so fast; it seemed like only yesterday he had been proposing to her on that sunny afternoon two years after the end of the war. Yet here they were, 10 years later, and so many things had changed.
They were discussing that while keeping a close eye on the two children who were outside playing with Gray and Juvia; the couple had agreed to keep an eye on them while Jellal and Erza got everything ready. Scarlet's older brother, Simon, was happily trying to catch the snowflakes Gray made fall while Scarlet and Juvia watched them, sitting on the grass. The water mage would eventually make it rain a bit, much to the child's delight.
The other couple was thankful for their help, knowing that they already had enough trouble taking care of their own three children; Mika, Silver and River; who were away on a trip with Lyon and Meredy.
 That was the whole reason why they'd managed to come help in the first place; as great parents as Gray and Juvia were, they couldn't watch over 5 children at once. Specially when those children were overly energetic and could use magic.
In any case, while they were watching their daughter and son play and finishing the cake, there was a moment when Jellal turned to his wife and asked "Tell me, Erza, what would you say is your biggest dream?"
 A nostalgic smile came upon her face as she considered the question.
Truth be told, she had had many dreams throughout life, the two of them did.
When they were children, they dreamed of being free.
"Tell me, do you think we'll ever be free?" Erza had asked her friends one day when they were sitting on the ground; Jellal played with her hair like he always loved to do, Simon staring at them while trying to hide his jealousy, Milliana was half asleep and Whally played with some rocks.
"I don't know, but I hope so." The latter had replied quickly while the others, except for Jellal, looked to the ground.
"It's starting to feel more like a distant dream." The brunette told them; her eyes were closed by she was clearly paying attention.
"I don't even remember what being free is like." Simon said, a sad look upon his face. He had been the first one to be brought to the Tower, when he'd been barely 5.
"I do. I remember playing in the grass and eating strawberry cake." Jellal said, letting go of Erza's hair and walking till he was in front of her.
"Your mom made you strawberry cake too?" She stared at him wide-eyed and he nodded, a smile upon his face.
"Yep. I remember it was delicious and I always wanted more." He replied happily.
"Now I want to have strawberry cake." Simon said, making the duo laugh.
"I'm sorry, Simon." Erza apologized gently and it wasn't long before he smiled.
"It's ok. It's nice to learn more about who you were before we came here." Jellal jumped in after that.
"I agree. I wish I could've known you before, Erza." He told the red head, making her blush a bit.
"Really?" She asked, wondering why he'd have wanted to.
"Of course! We would've had the most fun eating strawberry cake together. Ah, I wish you'd tasted my mom's cake; it was the best!" By then he had taking her hands in his and was swinging them excitedly.
"I wish I could've met you before too." Erza admitted, making his smile enlarge.
"It's no use wishing for things that are impossible." Whally reminded them, making her frown.
"Then how about we wish for something that might be possible?" Jellal added, as positive as ever.
"Like what?" Milliana asked, having opened her eyes and sat up against the rock where she'd been previously trying to sleep.
"Freedom." He replied simply.
"Do you really think that someday we'll be free?" Erza asked, curious and hopeful.
"Of course, Erza. I have no doubt about it." His reassurance was enough to keep hope alive in her heart, for she knew that he was possibly the most determined person she'd ever know.
"You two are just dreaming." Simon said, clearly jealous, though they didn't notice.
"Maybe. But I believe that dreams can come true if you work hard enough." Milliana replied.
"I hope so. I'd really like to get out of here." Erza said and Jellal took her hands once again while staring determinedly at her.
"When you do, Erza, can you promise me something?" She nodded, curious.
"What is it?" He smiled brightly before answering.
"Promise me that you'll eat lost of strawberry cake." And she did. In the years that followed her release from the Tower, Erza always kept his words close to heart and she tried to follow through as much as possible.
Then, as they grew older and finally realized their feelings, a new dream arose: The wish to be loved.
"Is there something you want to say?" Erza turned to look at him, eyebrows raised and face impassive, emotionless. She wouldn't allow him to see how much she was hurting or how his actions had affected her. Not even Jellal would be allowed to have power over her, at least to his knowledge.
"You know." He swallowed hard and she stared at him in confusion, having no idea what he was referring to.
"Know what?" He sighed deeply before closing the distance between them. Suddenly, he was close. Too close.
Her stubborn heart started beating faster with hope and she cursed it. Cursed herself for being so affected by him. She was Erza Scarlet, the strongest mage in Fairy Tail. This lovesick, scared, hopeful girl was nothing like her.
"You must know. Why else would you have confessed your feelings even after I asked you not to?" She was taken aback by his reply and stared at him open mouthed.
"Jellal…" She tried to say something, but nothing came out as his arms wrapped tightly around her waist and suddenly she was pressed against him, she could feel his heart beating now, just as wildly as hers. Her own arms wrapped around his neck as they stared intensely at each other.
"I'm sorry." He whispered gently, eyes avoiding hers. "Sorry I have avoided you, sorry I made you suffer for so long. I am truly sorry, Erza, for everything." Then he had finally said those three words she desperately wanted to hear. I love you.
Besides love, there was something else they had desperately needed. Something which Jellal had, at first, dreamed about, but later lost hope that he'd ever receive it: Forgiveness.
"I don't want you to think of me as someone who makes you comfortable, it's wrong. After everything I've done to you…" She interrupted him.
"How many times do I have to tell you that I forgive you? You have to let it go, Jellal, or else you'll never move on from your mistakes." He shook his head, still unwilling to accept it.
"I can't let it go, not when it haunts me all the time. The times that I hurt you, threatened to kill the people you love. I can't forgive myself." Her expression softened and she gently touched his cheek.
"Look at me." Erza commanded when he avoided her eyes. "You are not that person anymore. You've changed; I can see it clearly. You've become kind and loyal and I'm not the only one who thinks so. You need to focus on the person you've become instead of who you were before." He couldn't help it but to smile.
"You always know what to say, don't you?" He repeated the words he had said to her less than two weeks before, when they had encountered each other after 7 years of him believing her to be dead. Their conversation that day wasn't much different from this one. The difference was that they were both aware of their feelings now.
"That's still not true. I just see you for who you are and I'd like it if you did as well." Jellal sighed.
"That's not the problem here, Erza." That had her shaking her head and sighing.
"You idiot. I'll never understand why you refuse to accept my forgiveness." His response was obvious, repetitive, annoying.
"I don't deserve it." She knew he was broken, but so was she.
"Stop being so stubborn and just let me help you." He was shocked by her harshness, but Erza was determined. Even if he didn't love her, she wouldn't let him go. Not yet.
"You have to let me go. It's best for both of us if we stay away from each other." He said, as if reading her thoughts. She shook her head vigorously, her hands falling to his shoulders.
"No, it wouldn't. I can't let you go." She told him firmly and before she could stop herself, the words came out and everything changed. I love you.
Never had they imagined that some day all of their dreams would actually come true, yet here they were, happily married and with two beautiful children.
"Honestly, I don't think there's any big dream left." Erza looked back towards the gardens just as Juvia took Scarlet into her arms and kissed the little girl's forehead. "I already have everything I need." Jellal also smiled before wrapping his arms around her, bringing her closer for a soft kiss.
Life was finally good for them and peace ruled their hearts. They considered themselves to be the proof that, sometimes, dreams do actually come true.
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shcklesofsin-aa · 6 years
     The memories are faint but he can vaguely recall them; the small, cozy room bathing in the morning’s sunlight. Long, delicate fingers wrapped around his own smaller ones, guiding the paintbrush across the canvas in movements he would later attempt to reproduce. Wisps of cerulean. A laugh comparable to the most beautiful of melodies, a sound which never failed to awaken a strong sensation of belonging --- of home.
     He remembers paint pots, too. Lots of them, piled up or stocked on shelves, each of a different size and containing a different shade. It must have been quite a fascination for his younger self; at least, he supposes so. That, or perhaps it’s a mechanism of his brain clinging to the very few memories left of a childhood ripped from his grasp --- whether they were trivial or not.
     His mother, a painter by hobby, had taught him the name of every shade that had graced her palette; be it the lilac of the flowers, the shades of orange she loved to wear so much ( ------ tangerine, marigold, apricot... ) , the difference between the winter’s snow and the daisy’s petals. His young eye was trained to put a name on every color that surrounded him.
          Every single one.                          ------ The deep crimson of her blood, to this day, has yet to stop                                  haunting his mind.
     The flames had eaten vigorously everything he’d ever cherished, leaving him with nothing but tears streaking down his cheeks and an empty, aching hole in his heart. His mother left this world too soon and took with her the colors she had manipulated with ease.      Brilliant green grass was replaced by clouds of dust and burning hot concrete under his feet. The light blue sky was nothing more than a memory of peaceful days. Pale was his skin, dark was the blood trickling down the cuts ------ silver were the handcuffs clamped around his wrists.
     --------- And then, in an endless sea of monochrome… he had seen her. Frail, fragile, scorched knees and blessed with the most astounding shade of red he’d ever laid eyes on. Scarlet.
                                                            Erza Scarlet. 
     He gave her a last name while she gave him hope. With every smile, every laugh and every touch of hers, she managed to color his reality again --- as if she’d taken his late mother’s old paintbrush and restored her work.
               “------llal. Jellal!”
     His companion’s voice brings him back abruptly to reality. He opens his eyes and blinks; the sight of the hardware store’s shelves is the first one that greets him. He swears under his breath: the shelves are stocked with cans of colorful liquid.
          “Jellal, are you okay? You spaced out there.”
     The Heavenly Body mage whips around, his gaze meeting with Meredy’s green eyes. ‘Jade’, his subconscious whispers with the sound of a voice unheard for a long, long time. A shiver runs down his spine. “I’m---” 
     The whisper is slightly strangled. He inhales, exhales… “I’m fine. Let’s continue.”
     “Are you sure?” He hears the concern in her voice. He wishes he could reassure her --- but the lie gets stuck in his throat.
                                            “--- I won’t get distracted again, I promise.”
     She nods, still unconvinced.      Just before departing, his eyes stop on one of the cans atop the hightest shelf. Scarlet, the label says. It’s exactly the same shade as her locks.
                                    --------- He did choose well, after all.
A last smile is given before leaving the store, navy cape flowing behind him. 
     The life he’s been cursed with, he lives it as best as he can. The colors are back, but they’re faded; every single one of them but the bright, fiery hue of her hair.
Red has taken on many meanings in the span of his twenty-six years, as well as many shades.
                                                ------ but hers will always be his favourite.
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Nalu Week 2018 Prompts #3-4
Waking: To become roused from sleep; awake; awaken
Wicked: Mischievous or playfully malicious
This chapter was fun to write. There's a Jerza reference in here. I'm proud of myself for working it in. Thankfully I'm not as behind as I thought I was with writing this nalu week. I hope you guys enjoy the antics and shenanigans.
Bonus prompt, Prompts 1&2, Prompts 3&4
True to what Natsu had predicted, Erza and Gray were leaning over the bed he was sharing with Lucy. Gray had a smirk and Erza was stormy. "What are you—" Natsu hushed Erza and gestured to Lucy who was smiling in her sleep. Natsu gave a soft smile at the sight, seeing her look so peaceful and content.
"What are you two doing?" Erza asked quietly, but with no less disdain and anger.
Natsu completely unintentionally released a loud yawn. "Chill out Erza. We still have our clothes on and I'm not stupid enough to try anything in here with you two of all people." Natsu raised his eyebrows. "Unlike the time I found you and Jellal under the bleachers —" This time it was Erza's turn to shush him.
"If I leave you alone, you will not say a word about that to anyone," Erza whispered harshly.
"Fair enough, now let me go back to sleep. I need at least three more hours to recover from your driving," Natsu yawned again as Gray chuckled.
"Unfortunately, I agree with Natsu. Erza the sun is barely up," Gray reasoned. "We'll worry about food in a few more hours." With that taken care of, Natsu pulled Lucy to him and drifted back off to sleep.
Lucy woke several hours later, to see that only Erza was up. Her friend gave her a critical look, but thankfully didn't say anything. "Did you sleep well?" Erza asked as she filed her nails of all things. Lucy stretched, being mindful to not hit Natsu on the head.
"Yeah, we went stargazing last night and I fell asleep there." Lucy sighed, remembering the beauty of seeing the millions of stars shining above her with Natsu keeping her warm with his abnormally high body temperature. They had talked in whispers, about nothing in particular. It was so comfortable and she had felt so safe. Erza smiled.
"I'm glad you two are having fun together. The others had had bets placed years ago." Lucy laughed.
"I remember. Mira owed Cana two hundred jewels and she wouldn't give her any alcohol for a month." Erza and Lucy laughed together, reminiscing on when Natsu had asked Lucy out and the chaos and celebration that occurred in their friend group afterwards.
"Don't forget about how everyone reacted when you asked Jellal out," Lucy teased. "I liked how you slapped him after he told you he had a girlfriend." Jellal had said that to her face and after Erza slapped him she had kissed him. Lucy felt that that was their relationship in a nutshell. Not that hers and Natsu's were any different.
Natsu had awoken and accidentally punched Lucy in the head while he was stretching. Lucy yelped and fell to the ground. Natsu immediately snapped to attention and helped her back up, apologizing profusely all the while. "I'm so sorry Luce. I really didn't mean to." As he continually apologized Lucy held a finger to his mouth.
"It's ok Natsu, I'm not mad at you." He relaxed and looked around the cabin.
"Let's have s'mores ingredients for breakfast!"
"What about s'mores for breakfast?" Gray mumbled as he woke up. "That's actually a great idea. Nice thinking for once Natsu." Natsu scoffed and stuck out his tongue before heading over to the heap of chocolate bars, marshmallows, and graham crackers. He threw a chocolate bar at Gray, who was sitting up and gradually becoming aware of his surroundings.
"What the hell Natsu? What was that for?"
"Just wanted to make sure you were awake," Natsu cackled. Lucy laughed softly and Erza shook her head with affection showing in her eyes. "What are we doing after this?"
"I thought maybe we could go swimming in the lake," Lucy suggested.
"Yes!" Gray exclaimed. "I still need to beat Natsu at a swimming contest." Erza rolled her eyes at Gray's competitiveness.
"Leave the competition until after we've eaten," Erza ordered. They piped down immediately and contentedly munched on their s'mores ingredients. Natsu held a piece of chocolate in his hands until it started melting. Then he rubbed it on Lucy's nose. He burst out laughing at the expression on her face. She retaliated by moving her nose along his cheek, successfully smearing the chocolate across his face.
Gray was laughing as the two started to cover each other in chocolate, staining their clothes and getting tangled in their hair. "You two are such morons," Gray commented as they collapsed against each other laughing uncontrollably.
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no-longer-tainted · 5 years
WIP Week 2019 [Day 1]
Question:  What fandom would you love to revisit?
I would love to come back to K (Sarumi & MikoTotsu) or Fairy Tail (Jerza) someday! <3
Your oldest WIP:
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs Shipping: Soukoku [Chuuya Nakahara x Osamu Dazai] Notes: It’s a continuation to my already published Soulmate fic! [WIP: 27th Aug. 2018]
"It's already late," the carriage driver said with a shaky voice and tightened his grip around the reins. The almost full moon was clearly visible on the sky and it was already a few hours into the the cold winter night. "We should stop at the next town and take a rest in the next inn." 
To take a look outside, Chuuya put the curtain of the carriage away. Atsushi was right. It was probably for the best taking a break for today and the lights of the town were already in sight. "I agree." They were good in time anyway so no reason to stress them or the horses more than necessary. 
"I hope they have free rooms for us that late," Yosano brought up. She traveled with them because she was Dazai's personal doctor and he wouldn't let anyone else near him. Together with Atsushi as their driver for the carriage they were only four people. "Also we should hide the prince's face just in case." 
Dazai who was reading with the candle light up until now, closed his book and sighed. "It's horrible." 
"It's your job as future king to learn about other potential partners for the kingdom," Yosano lectured him and took the book away to put it in her small leather bag. 
Dazai pouted. "But it's cold. Why do I have to do this in the middle of winter?" Chuuya rolled his eyes. "Because summer would be too hot for your royal ass." 
Yosano suppressed a chuckle behind her hand and scolded Chuuya with a sharp glare for his words.
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NaMi Week 2018
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.... There's a lack of non-smutty NaMi art. I gotta fix that somehow. lol
A couple weeks back, someone asked when NaMi Week was. Surprisingly, or perhaps not, a NaMi Week has never been created before, at least to my knowledge. Despite bearing resemblance to Natza, but still possessing its own unique flavor, NaMi simply hasn't garnered a fanbase as big as Natza's. ... And believe me, that's weird to think about - Natza being "big" - because compared to Nalu, Jerza, Gruvia, and Gajevy... Natza fanbase is small.  Puny, sad to say.
Still, size of the fanbase aside, Natza's a good ship. NaMi, too. I imagine this won't reach too many people because of the ongoing anime and how minor the NaMi ship is, but I wanted to try organizing a week for NaMi fans. Natza has a week dedicated to it (at least in recent years). Nalu has several weeks dedicated to it (I assume several, anyway, because there's a "Naluween" Week coming up....). Why not NaMi? If you want to contribute with art/drabbles, or encourage others to do so, just reblog this and get the word out there. I'm setting the tentative date for the first week of November, just so it's kind of in close proximity to Natza Week but at the same time so that there's a few weeks in-between to give people time to catch their breath if they ship both Natza and NaMi and want to celebrate both ships.
As an organizer for ship weeks, I can only do so much. I'll give ya prompts and a week to celebrate the ship, but whether it's a successful week or not is entirely dependent on participation from anybody and everybody. Let's just enjoy NaMi, shall we? At least let your love for the ship show~ It's a pretty underrated ship.
Tentative Date: 11/01 - 11/07, 2018
Day One: Curiosity
Day Two: Fashion
Day Three: Cream
Day Four: Effervescent
Day Five: Friction
Day Six: Melody
Day Seven: Voyage
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mags-duranb · 6 years
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Some concept sketches for the second day of  Jerza Week 2018: “CrossOver AU”. Which of course I am a hell lot late because too busy and a bit behind on some commissions.
Can you blame me? Adult life is to blame.
Buuuut I am shaping this whole now humongous thing for Erza and Jellal (Jellal who is getting the full brunt of my experimentation because he is the hardest to draw) because I JUST LOVE THIS IDEA, I haven been loving it since the day I watched Winter Soldier and later on Civil War when Bucky replied to Steve that yeah, he was brainwashed and got no choices but still he was the one who commited the crimes with his own hands. He echoed Jellal’s reasoning and story in such a way that it keep with me since then, so here I am.
So I have now Steve/Erza and Bucky/Jellal dinamic with all the righteousness, brainwashing, villainy and heartbreak. The good guys not giving up their childhood friends and trying to save them, or stop them or to die along them. Ugh Steve, uuugh Erza and poor Jellal and Bucky, who got their lives and their selves ripped out of them to do shit they did not wanted, so yeah, i am sketching concepts to do this sort of comic? bunch of scenes? Winter Soldier and Civil War are giving a shit load of ideas because the writers (and also the ficwriters) worked better with the brainwashing and recovery thing that what Mashima did, so yay!. 
And now I am also stuck in MCU Cap America fic hell, sorry! x_D
So I am working bit by bit guys, I hope to surprise you!
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mermays98 · 6 years
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JERZA WEEK 2018 Day 2: Crossover AU The young mermaid, Princess Erza, from under the sea gazes off at the shore thinking of the human prince of the land beyond the waters, Prince Jellal, whom she has fallen in love with and longs to meet~ Here's a crossover I drew for Jerza week's day 2! Crossover: Fairy Tail and The Little Mermaid ❤️ Hope y'all like it! Happy Jerza week! 😊
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jerzaweek · 6 years
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It’s that time of the year again. That’s right, it’s time for our annual Jerza Week! We hope that this year is as fun filled and successful as the past years have been. As per usual, everyone is invited to participate in whichever way they choose, be it fanart, fanfiction, fanmixes, graphics, gifs - whatever is to your liking!
Below are a few guidelines to follow as well as the prompts for this year!
ღ Please remember to tag your NSFW! It’s common courtesy as not everyone is comfortable with seeing it. ღ Do not repost someone else’s work. We will not accept works that are not your own and you will be dealt with accordingly should you repost someone else’s work. ღ The list of prompts below are completely optional! You’re free to do whatever you like. The prompts are simply for guidance or to inspire people! ღ We accept late submissions! So you don’t have to worry about not being on time, we’ll accept them!
Please tag your contributions as #jerza week and please make sure it is tagged within the first five tags or else we will not see them!
June 5 - June 12 ღ Day 1 (June 5th): COLOURS ღ Day 2 (June 6th): CROSSOVER AU ღ Day 3 (June 7th): HAIRBRUSH ღ Day 4 (June 8th): DREAM ღ Day 5 (June 9th): SOULMATES ღ Day 6 (June 10th): HOMECOMING ღ Day 7 (June 11th): COMPLICATED Bonus Day, June 12 ღ Anything You Want! 
Furthermore, if you have any questions feel free to ask us! All contributions will be reblogged here! We look forward to seeing all the contributions and we hope you are happily anticipating this week as much as we are!
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evamagi · 7 years
Chapter 545, post-translation thoughts.
After reading the translation I seriously can’t discern anymore if I’m pissed or just plain baffled, tho I surely am sad that we didn’t get/aren’t gonna get anymore chapters to clarify some things.
First of all I am really pissed we didn’t get a panel with Gray and Juvia right after the war. I saw someone say this and I’m gonna reiterate it. Just a fuckin conversation would have been nice, that’s all we wanted. To see shit, literally, not for it to be happening in the background. We get this sorta “your body is mine, maybe”, one year after the war, and it’s just piss poor, even if it makes them canon - probably?. We kept getting these hints - Gray saying he’s gonna give her an answer after the war, saying he needs to apologise, and in the end we got basically none of that. With this kind of panel it’s like “they talked about it but it was in the one year you didn’t get to see, sorry”. Bullshit.
The Jerza treatment is just plain awful. “Since the pardon, Erza has been brushing her hair every day”? Really ? That’s it? That’s all we get? While sweet, it’s really not what I was hoping for. The build up this ship had, deserved a better conclusion. 
I will say this to anyone wanting to tell me to respect the author and be grateful and yada yada yada.
A. The author was the one that did the build up and hyped ships up with his twitter art. It is not outlandish of me to expect more after such hints were dropped over the years.
and B. It’s a free world. Mashima can write the story how he wants to and I can say anything I want about it. I can still love it and at the same time still be pissed by the ending it got. 
Does the ending make me wanna bang my head to my desk? Yes. Does it make me hate the story overall? No. 
I am simply disappointed in how it concluded some things, and I cannot stress this point more - things that had been hyped up by the author himself.
Moving on, the Zervis second ending is just plain bad. I can’t believe we got 5 FIVE FUCKIN PAGES DEDICATED TO THIS MESS. Honestly the second ending to Zervis is bull. Firstly, it’s not possible, as I said in a previous post, this is not how reincarnation works. If they died a year ago, they should be motherfuckin babies by now, not attending Lucy’s party. Secondly, it’s bad, honestly, it botches their story for me, I think the afterlife ending was quite good for them. I do not hate Zervis, I just think a second ending for them was highly unnecessary. 
Like way to make the most powerful dark wizard in history look like a fuckin fuckboi. Way to make the Fairy Tactician a plain Jane. Like, WHAT THE FUCK. They had ascended happy to the afterlife! That last panel with them hand in hand was beautiful! Fuckin the best ending they could have gotten, with the complicated mess they had been. There was NO NEED to add to that. 
They aren’t even Mavis and Zeref anymore, Arius and Mio? Really? The amount of space dedicated in the last chapter to this shit show of a second ending is baffling. I really REALLY don’t get why Mashima felt he had to do this.
Nalu is still all about the hints. We get hints with Gajeel saying “that’s why you like Anna-sensei” - she smells like Lucy. Natsu confirming, basically saying he likes Lucy, or at least how she smells. We get Lucy having her hopes up about what Natsu was gonna say/do “When people think you are gonna do something interesting...”. We get Natsu saying “It’s OK we’ll be together forever from now on” - meaning we don’t need to get there today. And the thing he wanted to say was that they can go on a 100 year quest. Yeah sure, ok. I get it. Nalu is not why I am pissed with the chapter. Their relationship is deep but it’s a real slow-burner.
I am pissed about the important Gruvia things happening off-page, I am upset about the Jerza build-up and subsequent poor ending not on par with the hype and I am extremely pissed about the Zervis that had no place there.
The other things are just plain funny and exactly what you would expect of the Fairy Tail manga. Laxus a sorta host, lol. Romeo not wanting to grow up like Macao and Wakaba. Sabretooth again with the eating contest. To name some things I found funny.
We got Kinabra canon, yeah that’s what really needed a clear cut ending Mashima.. /s Fuck Jerza amirite? We got a small panel dedicated to making Kinabra a sure thing but we couldn’t get at least the same for Jerza. Fuck development and build up.
It’s just hitting me that Naruto - that had way less romance overall in the actual manga, got way more confirmed ships at the end than Fairy Tail did - who had the author building at ships even outside the manga, with art and stuff. Sigh.
I am gonna miss Fairy Tail, really, I am. Make no mistake, I cried my eyes out that it ended. It’s what’s adding to me being so pissed about the end. Because this is it, it’s the end, we aren’t gonna get any more of it. 
Next week there will be no new chapter. This is where we leave off, and other conclusions - save for maybe filler in the 2018 anime (fingers crossed) - aren’t gonna be made by the author anymore. 
The chapter overall is HINTS, HINTS EVERYWHERE, that’s how I would describe it if someone asked me to be brief about it.
Welp, off to fanfiction I go to fill in the blanks and hopefully, praying to GOD, the anime will do Jerza better justice. Or who knows? If I pray hard enough maybe we get a 3rd movie about the 100 year quest. That’d be something.
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ship-ambrosia · 6 years
Jerza Week, Day 3
Hello everyone! I'm back with Day 3!! I skipped day 2 because I have an exam today that I studied for yesterday, and I wasn't totally inspired by that prompt. But it's okay now, because I am here!! (Become my bff if you get that reference plz)
Don't forget to check out my other Jellal and Erza fanfiction on AO3, Heavens Bringer!
Summary: Erza prepares for the day Jellal is reappointed as one of the Ten Wizard Saints.
The pace at which Erza brushed her long scarlet hair steadily increased, sitting in front of the vanity in her bedroom as her nerves set in. It didn't matter how much her friends encouraged her, or how much she might tell herself that the event this evening would be no big deal.
Any situation that involved Jellal was a big deal.
This party will be the first time I've seen Jellal since we fought Acnologia. What if he's not happy to see me? What if he's angry that I didn't try to do more in Crime Sorciere's favor before Queen Hisui pardoned them? What if he's actually found a fiancée after all this time? What if he laughs at me? Or if I just make him remember all the bad things that have happened over the years? I don't know what I'll even do if -
The frantic knock on her door suddenly frightened Erza, letting out a yelp and the ornate hairbrush she had been using flew out of her hand and clattered to the floor.
"Erza!" Called Bisca from the other side of the door. "Are you okay doll? Can I come in?"
She stared at the hairbrush on the floor for a moment before laughing quietly to herself. Erza bent over and placed it back on the vanity before going to the door and opening it to let her close friend in.
"I'm all right. Please come in," she stepped back to allow the sharpshooter mage in.
Bisca was dressed and ready for the party, wearing a beautiful velvet gown that hugged her curves without being too showy. As always, Erza was speechless by her friend's beauty. And after she'd already had a baby too! She was a superhuman.
Erza was distracted from her thoughts once again by the sound of Bisca's laughter.
"You look very stressed out, honey," she giggled. "And we all decided we'd meet in an hour to go together! You aren't even close to being ready!"
Erza begrudgingly agreed with Bisca; she was the one most adamant about going to the party, and yet she was too nervous to even be ready by the time they'd come to get her. She gave her friend a sheepish smile, and picked up the hairbrush once again.
Bisca put a hand on her hips, her ruby red lips playing up in a sympathetic smirk. "Lucy and I thought you might be like this. That's why I came to check on you."
She looked up from the floor as she slowly started to brush out her hair again. "Like what?"
"A bundle of nerves, darlin'! Your hands are practically shaking. You're famous for being punctual and on time for everything, yet we're about to go to a party celebrating Jellal, and you can't pull yourself together!" Bisca laughed again. "I've been there and done that, Erza! Alzack and I took forever to confess to one another! I know what love is like, and when you're unsure if they feel the same no matter how obvious it might be."
Erza paused mid-brush, her hands trembling. "I'm not known for being demure or gentle." She mumbled.
Her friend winked. "So don't! Be yourself! That's who Jellal cares about, after all!"
Bisca took the hairbrush from Erza, walking around to the scarlet-haired woman's backside and brushing her hair out herself. She quickly started to wrap it up, doing Erza's hair for her. For a swordswoman with normally steady hands, it was clear to Bisca that Erza would not be able to do her own updo.
"You know what I think?" She continued. "I think you should be yourself, and tell Jellal how you feel clear and simple tonight."
"What?!" Erza's eyes grew wide.
"You told me yourself about what happened before the Grand Magic Games," her friend's voice was light with amusement. "Jellal knows how you feel. It's clear to me that he feels the same. But he's just as nervous as you are, and you're right. You're bold and confident, Erza. You make the first move. And tonight is the perfect opportunity for it."
With a grin, Bisca finished her work; she'd given Erza an elegant, loose ponytail, but pulled the hair away from her face. Nervously, the scarlet-haired wizard touched her cheek beneath her artifical eye. Normally it didn't bother her but... when she doubted herself, it always became more of a problem for her. She tried to let her bangs fall back over it, but with a swipe of Bisca's hand she'd pinned them back in place.
"Uh uh uh," she scolded, waving her finger at Erza. "No hiding behind your hair for this. Jellal should be able to see all of you. Now come on, get changed so we can leave!"
Bashfully, Erza rose from the chair and looked at herself in the mirror once more before she re-equipped. Her body was surrounded in a blinding white light as she searched through space time for a gown to wear. Settling on a pretty purple one with straps that draped off her shoulder and a low back, she admired her reflection.
"Gorgeous," Bisca breathed from behind her.
Erza glanced over her shoulder to her. "It's difficult to think about, but thank you for the encouragement, Bisca. I needed it apparently."
"Hey, you weren't able to be there for my wedding, I'm definitely going to make sure yours happens, darlin'." The green-haired woman giggled once more, before opening the door for the both of them to leave.
The celebration was larger than she had ever imagined. Yes, Jellal's reappointment to the ranks of the Ten Wizard Saints was a wonderful, joyous occasion, but considering all that had occurred surrounding him the previous twenty years, she hadn't imagined so many wizards would support the decision. Erza had been in awe of Jellal all night. He looked particularly handsome during the crowning ceremony in which the emblem once again presented to him, bright and happier than she had seen of him in a long time.
Despite her conversation earlier with Bisca, Erza kept herself busy by babysitting her fellow mages and ensuring they did not ruin Jellal's night. She could not bring herself - no matter how much Bisca, or Lucy, or Levy, or Mira, Cana, even Juvia once (though she was promptly distracted by Gray a moment later) - to approach him. One look at Jellal across the room and she felt her legs turn to jelly. But as their gazes matched, she too, watched as Jellal coughed and averted his gaze. Around him, his Crime Sorciere guildmates, most of them former members of the Oracion Seis but also including Meredy, surrounded him and laughed.
When she saw Jellal start walking toward her, Erza's heart leapt into her throat.
"There we go," she heard Bisca mutter from somewhere in the crowd behind her. "Get 'im, girl."
"Good evening, Erza," the star of the party said to her. He offered a nervous smile. "You look beautiful tonight. And it's been too long since I've seen you."
She gave him a shaky nod. "Y-yes, you too. And well... congratulations, of course. I came to celebrate your reappointment, after all."
He cleared his throat. "Thank you."
"I'll be honest with you Jellal, I'm quite nervous to see you right now," she giggled softly. "But you seem to return the sentiment. Did you actually bring your fiancée here tonight, and worried she'll be upset to see me?"
Jellal chuckled. "You'll never let me live that down, will you?"
"Not a chance."
They stared at each other for a long time, before he reached out to take her hand. Jellal opened his mouth to say something, but was quickly interrupted by a loud outburst from Natsu and Gray.
"What did you say to me?!"
"I said that maybe if you stopped stuffing your mouth, you'd have time to breathe!"
"Bold words coming from a guy who's already down to his underwear!"
"What?! Oh come on, when did that happen?!"
Erza gasped, turning a new shade of red in embarrassment. "Boys! I can't believe they-!"
She turned to stop them, but Jellal grabbed her hand again. She whipped around to face him to find him smiling in amusement.
"Leave them, Erza. I suppose now is as good a time as any to get used to my new guildmates," his eyes sparkled darkly at the reveal.
She gasped, jerking away from him. "You're joining Fairy Tail?! When were you going to tell me?"
"Tonight seemed like a good night for a surprise. Erik, Meredy, and I will all be joining Fairy Tail," he rubbed the back of his neck. "You are happy, correct?"
"Of course I am!" She exclaimed. "Forgive me, I was just surprised."
"Let me add more to the mix then," he grabbed her hand for the third time, and pulled her closer to him. "You make me so nervous, Erza. I've gotten butterflies in my stomach since we were little when I looked at you and they've never gone away. I should never have pushed you away the way I did, because the thought of any other man with you drives me mad. I love you, Erza Scarlet, and I want us to finally be together."
Time slowed down around them as she took in his words. Erza closed her eyes and just nodded, when she felt so emotional that words would not come out. She was prepared to do what he had just done, confess; but she had not been prepared for him to do it first. She felt slow tears start to fall down her face.
"Yes, yes of course!" Erza gasped, throwing her arms around him. "I love you too, Jellal."
She heard him chuckling once more as his arms wrapped around her too, holding her close.
"You might be surprised to hear this, but I never actually had a fiancée."
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sweetmemories2606 · 6 years
Jerza Week Day 1: Colours
Hi, everyone. So, I've decided at the last minute to participate in Jerza Week 2018.
This couple has been my first Fairy Tail OTP, so I thought I might as well take some time to honor them as best as I can.
The original plan was to write really short prompts for each day, but as usual, I couldn't. Most of what I’ve written so far is falling between 1600-2600 words.
You can expect to find multiple plots for each day; such as pregnancy, proposal, family time and childhood flashbacks. All FLUFF, no worries.
I have also included Gray and Juvia (Gruvia) in many days since they're my favorite couple.
Anyways, here we go with Day 1: Colours
Happy Reading!
                                     It was the color of your hair
It was the color of your hair. Erza's heart tightened at these words and suddenly she felt the urge to cry.
She remembered that day so clearly, even though nearly a decade had passed since then. It would forever be engraved in her mind, because it was the first time that she'd smiled ever since being taken to the Tower Of Heaven.
It wasn't a special date or anything, but she always held it close to her heart because of what happened then. The memory wasn't faded like so many others, instead she could see it so clearly: Sitting on the floor, watching as Jellal and Whally conversed. Hearing them tell each other their full names before turning to her.
"So you're Erza what?" A sad smile had come upon her face.
"Nothing. That's all I've got; just plain old Erza." She remembered Jellal's face once he heard it; it was a mixture of shock and disbelief.
"Well, you gotta have a last name." He said it as if it was some rule and she couldn't help but to smile.
Then, all of sudden, he was behind her and holding onto her short red hair. Erza had been surprised, to say the least. She turned to him with a frown: "Hey, what's the big idea?"
Back then, she didn't like being touched by anyone; since usually it were the guards that grabbed her and took her to the outside of the tower so she could work on its construction. She had nightmares about it every night, but there was nothing she could do. She was a prisoner then, just as he was.
"Your hair's pretty, that's all." Jellal's kindness surprised her; it had been a while since someone actually said something nice to her. She'd gotten so used to the constant bossing and yelling coming from the guards that she'd forgotten what it was like to be complimented.
"You think so?" She'd asked him in disbelief and he smiled brightly.
"Of course." Then his eyes widened once the idea came. "I got it. How about we make your last name Scarlet?"
She'd thought about it, ignoring Whally's protests, and realized that she really enjoyed that idea. It would be nice to have a last name, to be recognized as an actual person. "I…like that a lot." She'd admitted, making Jellal's smile grow. "So now I'll be Erza Scarlet." She'd smiled then, while picking a lock of scarlet hair.
"That's perfect!" He had told her, nearly jumping with excitement. "Now I'll never forget your name. All I'll have to do is think about your pretty hair."
Erza watched Jellal being taken away by the Custody Enforcement Unit; he gave her one last soft smile that made her heart stop before entering the carriage and disappearing from her sight.
The knowledge that she would probably never see him again sinked in once he was gone and it was too much for her to bear. No matter how much he'd hurt her; the thought of this being the last time she would see him, when he didn't even remember his sins (or her), was too heartbreaking to even consider.
She wanted them to have a chance to reconnect; for him to have a chance to redeem himself and atone for his sins. He had wanted to do that after she convinced him to keep living, but now it didn't matter anymore.
He had been taken away and there was nothing else she could do. She had lost him, in a sense; and it hurt too much to think about that.
Ignoring her friend's concerned looks, Erza walked away, glad that they didn't attempt to follow her. Once she was finally alone by the edge of the cliff, she finally allowed the tears to fall.
The memory of the day Jellal had chosen her last name brought too many emotions she had tried to bury over the years.
Sadness. Regret. Comfort. Love. Because, no matter how much she'd tried to deny it over the years, Erza knew that she loved him. She understood that while they had started out as friends, after everything that happened, something had changed
Although, back then she'd been only a child, so she hadn't realized the true extents of her feelings for Jellal until they had met again during the Tower of Heaven incident.
More tears fell at the memory of that disaster and the terrible things he had done. Kidnapping her, having assassins attempt to eliminate her friends, killing Simon. Simon, who had fallen for her and ended up sacrificing his own life to save hers.
But Jellal hadn't been himself, Erza thought, he'd been possessed by darkness then and everything he did was because of that. That doesn't mean she had forgiven him, though, no matter who had been in control, he'd been the one to murder one of their closest friends.
But she also knew that he had potential to be good; the light inside of him shone brighter than ever while they fought against Midnight and Erza knew that he could follow the path of hope and life.
She knew that he could become someone worthy of her forgiveness; he had already taken the first step when he had nearly killed himself while thinking that it would be enough to take away her pain and sadness. He had proved that he could be better and she believed in him.
Belief. Hope. Faith. She couldn't let these emotions go. She needed to hold onto them, because only by doing so would she manage to keep moving forward.
So she dried her tears before her hands found her long scarlet hair and she held it between her fingers while smiling. Another memory came, this one of the day she joined Fairy Tail.
Erza recalled how, when it came to the choice of her guild mark's color, she didn't even need to think. Blue, because it reminded her of the sweet boy who had helped her, sacrificed himself for her and given her a chance even when he had been lost in darkness.
It represented the hope she had that someday, he would come back to the light. It was the color of your hair.
So, what did you think? Was this as sweet, angsty and emotional as I hoped
Stay tuned for chapter 2; we'll have NaLu, Gruvia and GaLe talking about Love and how much it can change someone; followed by plenty of Jerza flashbacks.
I wish you all a great day!
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ship-ambrosia · 6 years
Jerza Week, Day 5
This ones a little cheesy, but I hope you like it all the same!
Don't forget to check out my Jellal-centric Heavens Bringer on AO3!
Summary: When Fairy Tail learns that Jellal is the final key to unlock FACE, the stakes get higher; especially for Erza, who Tartaros kidnaps in an attempt to draw the former Magic Council member out of hiding. Sort of AU with Jellal.
Do you believe in fairy tales?
Do you believe in princes and dragons? Maidens locked in a tower, who sing beautifully and are so pure that animals flock to them? Do you believe in galiant knights in shining armor, mounted atop a noble white steed, wielding a legendary sword that has been passed down for generations? Do you believe in the evil stepmothers, the jealous witches, the "once upon a time"s and the "happily ever after"s? Do you believe in love? What about two people joined together by fate as soulmates? Do you believe then, that every story has a happy ending?
Your story doesn't get one. Your Fairy Tail cannot triumph here. Your princess fell in love with the dragon. Your jealous witch got the man of her dreams. When your beast turned to your side, he was accepted too quickly by his beauty. Everything about your fairy tale is wrong.
And you, the knight in shining armor, have failed to save your prince. He was darkness, and it will forever consume him. You, with your blades of light, you Titania Erza, who in her glory all look to. You made the wrong choice, and you shall forever pay for it.
Bring your prince of darkness here to me, so that we may activate FACE. When his blood spills, our plans will be complete. Scream louder, beg harder, keep crying. He will come. You believe in soulmates, I can feel it. You believe that you and Jellal are connected by fate. It's time to test that.
Soulmates. What a ridiculous idea. Just another sweet nonsense you amusing little humans created to fulfill your deepest desires.
Those were the words that Kyoka's curses had inflicted on her.
"You are wrong," He told the half-woman, half-hawklike demon that stood before a chained, defeated Erza. Her teeth were gritted. Her eyes were glazed over. Her tears mixed with blood and the room smelled of burned flesh.
"Oh?" The demon said, amused, turning toward him. "You came, did you not? Even in knowing we were searching for you to slay you, Jellal Fernandes?"
Jellal steadied himself for a fight, before utilizing his power to snap the chains that held the woman he loved back. "I came for Erza because for once, it was her who needed me. That is the only reason I am here."
"Then you have made a foolish mistake! My curse has taken away her sight, smell, hearing, taste, and feeling. She feels nothing! She will be of no help to you while you die!"
Extending her clawed fingers, Kyoka slashed at him. Bloodlust was in every word and pounding within her eyes. Jellal readied a magic spell to deflect the attack, when the demon let out a horrified shrill and bits of her clawed fingers fell to the floor. Erza held a blade in her hand, though her expression had not changed.
"Impossible!" The demon screeched furiously toward the scarlet-haired woman who was back on her feet. "You have lost already! How could she even tell she's holding a sword?"
"When I said you were wrong, I meant that when you said our fates were intertwined," Jellal acknowledged gruffly. "Erza continues to surprise me. Her strength is greater than my own, and her love for Fairy Tail vastly dwarves in comparison how she feels for me. I have nothing to do with where her story is going. But we are connected. I've known it since we were young. It's more than just how we might feel for one another... there is strength in our connection," he gave an arrogant smirk as Erza parried another set of attacks from Kyoka. "She's the reason I'm no longer the "prince of darkness" that you claim I am. And I know that I give her strength too. But she has her own story, a story about adventure, the true nature of Fairy Tail. The other fairy tales you mention, there is no place for them."
The demon, distracted by Jellal's speech and fighting off Erza while she had tried to kill him, looked up just in time to watch Jellal fire a beam of light magic directly at her. Succumbing to the wounds she had previously acquired in her fight with Erza, the attack finally defeated her.
Erza's senses returned to her instantaneously, the rush of stimulus hit her like a vehicle and she crumpled with a gasp. Jellal was at her side in an instant though, catching her before she could hit the ground. She recognized his arms around her immediately, but what too stunned by what had just happened, what she had accomplished, to speak any words.
His smile widened. The connection they shared, the strength that they gave one another time and time again... even he was convinced it was meant to be.
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sweetmemories2606 · 6 years
New Jerza Headcanon: the reason why Erza loves strawberry cake
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Good evening, people.
So, I was writing a prompt for Jerza Week 2018 (decided to join in at the last minute) and I think I just came up with the most adorable head-canon ever!
Seriously, I was laughing and almost jumping with joy after I thought of it and I really wanted to share it cause it’s so sweet!
Okay, so, you know how Erza loves strawberry cake, right? Well, I was writing a flashback to the Tower of Heaven and a reason for it just came to me.
In the following flashback, I have considered that Erza loves it so much and eats it all the time is because she made a promise to Jellal, who also adores it by the way, to have as much cake as possible once she was free.
So eating strawberry cake reminds her of him and their promise.
Here’s the flashback in case anyone’s interested:
"Tell me, do you think we'll ever be free?" Erza had asked her friends one day when they were sitting on the ground; Jellal played with her hair like he always loved to do, Simon staring at them while trying to hide his jealousy, Milliana was half asleep and Whally played with some rocks.
"I don't know, but I hope so." The latter had replied quickly while the others, except for Jellal, looked to the ground.
"It's starting to feel more like a distant dream." The brunette told them; her eyes were closed by she was clearly paying attention.
"I don't even remember what being free is like." Simon said, a sad look upon his face. He had been the first one to be brought to the Tower, when he'd been barely 5.
"I do. I remember playing in the grass and eating strawberry cake." Jellal said, letting go of Erza's hair and walking till he was in front of her.
"Your mom made you strawberry cake too?" She stared at him wide-eyed and he nodded, a smile upon his face.
"Yep. I remember it was delicious and I always wanted more." He replied happily.
"Now I want to have strawberry cake." Simon said, making the duo laugh.
"I'm sorry, Simon." Erza apologized gently and it wasn't long before he smiled.
"It's ok. It's nice to learn more about who you were before we came here." Jellal jumped in after that.
"I agree. I wish I could've known you before, Erza." He told the red head, making her blush a bit.
"Really?" She asked, wondering why he'd have wanted to.
"Of course! We would've had the most fun eating strawberry cake together. Ah, I wish you'd tasted my mom's cake; it was the best!" By then he had taking her hands in his and was swinging them excitedly.
"I wish I could've met you before too." Erza admitted, making his smile enlarge.
"It's no use wishing for things that are impossible." Whally reminded them, making her frown.
"Then how about we wish for something that might be possible?" Jellal added, as positive as ever.
"Like what?" Milliana asked, having opened her eyes and sat up against the rock where she'd been previously trying to sleep.
"Freedom." He replied simply.
"Do you really think that someday we'll be free?" Erza asked, curious and hopeful.
"Of course, Erza. I have no doubt about it." His reassurance was enough to keep hope alive in her heart, for she knew that he was possibly the most determined person she'd ever know.
"You two are just dreaming." Simon said, clearly jealous, though they didn't notice.
"Maybe. But I believe that dreams can come true if you work hard enough." Milliana replied.
"I hope so. I'd really like to get out of here." Erza said and Jellal took her hands once again while staring determinedly at her.
"When you do, Erza, can you promise me something?" She nodded, curious.
"What is it?" He smiled brightly before answering.
"Promise me that you'll eat as much strawberry cake as you can." And she did. In the years that followed her release from the Tower, Erza always kept his words close to heart and she tried to follow through as much as possible.
Isn’t it just the sweetest thing ever? I’m just loving writing Jerza, this week is reminding me why they were my first Fairy Tail OTP.
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ship-ambrosia · 6 years
Jerza Week, Day 7
This is late again too and I'm sorry! But I'm glad I got out a piece I loved and thank you to everyone who supported my works for this week! I was actually pretty nervous as I had never written Erza or Jellal much before this week. This one doesn't focus on their relationship as much, but Jellal's with my daughter for them. I think Jellal would make a great, loving father, but that he'd also have a lot of baggage that comes with the things he's done in the past.
Be sure to check out Heavens Bringer on AO3, and stay tune for my Jerza Week compilation.
Summary: Jellal and Erza's youngest daughter asks about her namesake, opening up old wounds and guilt for her father.
Jellal had never planned to keep the man he had been for all those years a secret from his children or those of his friends. What had happened to him was common knowledge across the continent, as well known as how strong a mage he was. The Tower of Heaven had hurt a lot of people; even some who hadn't been enslaved in the tower, such as Yukino or Kagura. Surely, his children would meet people one day who knew who he was and hated him, and he never wanted them to have to find out the things he had done from someone else.
Still, he had been caught off guard one day when his youngest daughter asked him about who she was named after.
"Well," Jellal started slowly, after he had guided six-year-old Simone Fernandes to the couch of the small home that he and Erza had bought shortly after she discovered her pregnancy with their older daughter. He scratched his chin, looking for the right words to say as his thoughts settled from the chaos they'd been thrown into when she asked. "What made you wonder?"
"Auntie Kagura mentioned it the last time I was with her and Auntie Millianna," she answered honestly, kicking her feet. "She said that I was very smart for my age, and that it reminded her exactly of my namesake. But when I asked her what she meant, she only told me to ask you, daddy."
Jellal let out a breath. The words had probably slipped out of Kagura's mouth out of joy, not bitterness. It was clearly a mistake, and she'd remedied it by telling Simone to ask him. Still, his stomach churned nauseously at the thought of his daughter's namesake. Yes, it had been years and years ago, and yes, he'd been brainwashed at the time, and yes, Erza, Millianna, even Kagura had forgiven him. But he still saw the man haunting his dreams, forever reminding him that he could never truly undo every trauma he had inflicted.
"You were named after a man named Simon Mikasuchi," he explained to her slowly, thinking out every word very carefully. "He is Aunt Kagura's older brother, and a very close friend to me and your mother."
Her eyes sparkled with interest. "How come I've never met him?"
"He... passed away. Some time ago, long before I even joined Fairy Tail."
"Oh, I'm sorry," Simone answered, and she was silent for a long time. Long enough that he thought the subject was over; until she spoke again. "What was he like?"
"Well, he was very strong; he was a wizard, too, just like your mother and I, and Aunt Kagura. He was loyal and protective, and extremely intelligent. And he was never easily fooled," Jellal chuckled a bit, thinking of the next thing he would say. "And he loved your mother just like I do. If he was still around, I might've had to fight him for her."
Simone giggled too, crawling into her father's lap and hugged him around the torso. "But you still would've won, right daddy?"
He brushed his fingers through her dark purple hair and nodded to himself. "Mmhm. No one loves your mother as much as I do. And besides, if she didn't pick me, then you and Scarlet would be someone else! You wouldn't want that, would you?"
Simone stuck out her tongue. "I wouldn't mind if Scarlet was someone else."
He laughed again as he gently scolded her for saying that about her sister, although on the inside he was cracking at the seams. Memories of that day flashed in his mind, sounds and voices and images that made his skin burn. He hugged Simone a little tighter, hoping his answers had satisfied her for now.
"What happened to him, daddy?"
Again, he never wanted to keep the things he had done a secret from Scarlet or Simone, but it felt wrong to tell his daughter at this age that he had once killed someone by his own hand, who had also meant a lot to him. Simone was extremely intelligent for her age, just like her sister, but he was certain that she wouldn't understand. She'd be afraid of her own father. He and Erza had only recently begun to explain the Tower of Heaven to Scarlet, who was three years older than Simone, and Jellal had just gotten to the part where he had been brainwashed. Even though Simone was too young, he didn't want to lie to her either.
"Simon was killed," he answered, cringing a little at his own words. They themselves brought so many dark memories swirling to the surface. "Someone else very close to your mother, they were not themselves and in a moment of dark madness they killed him."
His daughter was silent for a moment, frightening Jellal. She seemed to mull this information over as he spiraled further into his depressing memories.
At the end of the day, he had only ever confronted his feelings over the matter once. He had tried to atone for his actions by destroying the Nirvana with a self-destruction circle, or by fighting evil while part of Crime Sorciere. It had been enough for many others. Enough for Erza, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and everyone else in Fairy Tail, who had agreed to protecting him during the Grand Magic Games when he disguised himself as his Edolas counterpart, Jellal Mystogan; for the allies of the people that he and Meredy cared about, such as Lyon from Lamia Scale or Sting, Rogue, and Yukino of Sabertooth; for even Kagura and Millianna, both who had previously vowed to personally see to his death; for Sho and Wally too, who had been just as close to Simon as the rest of them; for the former members of the Oracion Seis, who had all suffered under his madness at the Tower of Heaven but yet had been inspired enough by his work to join Crime Sorciere, of which he was eternally grateful; for Queen Hisui, who knew of his crimes and yet pardoned him and the others for their efforts in bringing peace back to the kingdom and the Magic Council who had agreed with her and even eventually reappointed him to the Ten Wizard Saints.
"What happened to the person who killed Auntie Kagura's brother?"
Jellal couldn't help it, he avoided his daughter's gaze. "Your mother, and Aunt Kagura and Aunt Millianna forgave him. Because he tried very hard to make up for what he'd done, and they accepted it."
When Simone's small hand grabbed his, he looked up to her. And he realized in that moment that she was so intelligent for her age that she had figured it out without him telling her. She knew he, her father, was the one who had killed another man who loved her mother, the man that her parents had named her after.
"But he's not mad anymore, right daddy?" She asked softly, hugging him tightly again. "He's himself now right?"
"Yes, sweetheart."
"Then I think that he needs to forgive himself. If he isn't the same as before, I think Auntie Kagura's brother would want that too."
Jellal looked down at his young daughter once more while she buried her face against him. There was no doubt in his mind that she knew. Kagura was right, Simone was quiet but incredibly intelligent, just like the man he had once known. They had named her sister Scarlet Belserion Fernandes, and true to Erza's history and heritage, their eldest daughter was a magical prodigy. But Simone, Simone Mika Fernandes, took after both of her namesakes, her aunt and her brother. Jellal was proud of her intelligence. Surely she could grow up into a formidable mage all her own.
And maybe one day, for his little girl, he could finally do what everyone else had and forgive himself.
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sweetmemories2606 · 6 years
Jerza Songfic: All Of These Stars
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Hi, people.
I don't even know where this came from, seriously. I was supposed to write Unforgivable today, but then I listened to the amazing song All Of These Stars by Ed Sheeran and it just occurred to me how much it fits with Jellal and Erza.
The ideas just kept coming and I was like "I must write this now before I lose my mind".
I'm considering this the prompt for Jerza Week Day 7: Complicated, just because I couldn't think of anything for that one and I really wanted to finish it. 
Sorry this is so late!
Title: Everything Led Back To You
Pairings: Jerza (duh), Jellal & Ultear & Meredy friendship
Summary: After learning that Erza is dead, Jellal struggles with his conflicted feelings about it. Pain, sorrow, denial, hope, regret. It's an endless cycle that led no where and the question remained: would he ever manage to move on from Erza Scarlet? 
Timeline: This story is set during the seven years time-skip after the Tenrou Island Arc. 
WARNING: This is really angsty, so be prepared to get your hearts broken.
Word Count: 2200 words
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12973217/1/Everything-Led-Back-To-You
It's just another night
And I'm staring at the moon
I saw a shooting star
And thought of you
Jellal sighed while staring at the star filled sky. It was late; too late for him to be awake, but he couldn't sleep. He hadn't been able to do so ever since the news of Erza's apparent demise reached him.
"I'm so sorry, Jellal." He remembered Ultear's sincere apology after her and Meredy were forced to tell him the truth. He remembered the compassionate, understanding, sorrowful look upon her face.
But she didn't understand; she couldn't because she never loved someone as much as he loved Erza.
Or maybe she did, he thought, maybe the way she felt about sweet Meredy was similar to what he had felt about the red head.
Even so, she hadn't lost the person she loved most. She wasn't constantly haunted by nightmares of losing her all over again. She didn't need to try to go on after getting her heart broken in the cruelest of ways.
"Why did you have to go, Erza?" Jellal whispered, silent tears streaming down his face.
It had been a year now, since he learned it. Not a day would go by that his desperate heart didn't hope that it was all lies and she was okay.
He remembered her face so clearly. Those beautiful, giant brown eyes that were so warm and caring. The smile that he rarely got to see, but lit up his whole world. The unforgettable scarlet hair that he used to love running his fingers through.
He wished he could do it again. He wished he could go back in time, back when they were just two lost children trapped in a tower. When they were close friends, before he ruined everything.
Jellal frowned at the memory of the day he sent her away. It would never leave him; his sins were always there to remind him why he never deserved her.
Trying to shake the thought away, he looked once again towards the beautiful sky; just as a shooting star appeared.
I sang a lullaby
By the waterside and knew
If you were here,
I'd sing to you
He had never been one for songs; always too embarrassed to ever sing. However, when Erza asked him to sing to her on a rainy night when they were alone at the tower-he didn't even remember where the others had been-, Jellal hadn't hesitated.
He would've done anything for her; to make her feel better and so he obliged to her request.
After she lay down with her head on his lap, he began playing with her hair before humming a familiar tune. He didn't remember the song's name, but the melody would forever echo inside his mind.
It was their song, as Erza had called it, and the simple memory of singing to her brought a smile to his face.
You're on the other side
As the skyline splits in two
I'm miles away from seeing you
I can see the stars
From America
I wonder, do you see them, too?
He couldn't help himself from wondering if she might still be alive. Even after everyone had given up, he still refused to. Because he loved her too much, so the thought of her being dead was too heartbreaking to consider.
Even after Ultear had insisted time and time again that he would lose his mind if he kept looking for her, he still did. He looked everywhere; always searching for that familiar scarlet hair. But he never saw it again; the color seemed to have disappeared just as she did.
Every time he would stare into the night sky- it had become his newest favorite thing since he never managed to get a good night's sleep- he would wonder if perhaps, somewhere, Erza was looking at it too.
He wondered if they would ever see the same sky again or if it was just a faraway dream; an impossible hope that his heart needed to let go of. But he didn't, just as he didn't let go of her.
After all, letting go wasn't so easy and Jellal was stubborn as can be; so he refused to give up.
So open your eyes and see
The way our horizons meet
And all of the lights will lead
Into the night with me
He never forgot her words when they had met during the Oracion Seis incident. They were what kept him into the light, what gave him a reason to live even if all he had wanted was to die so that he could be with her.
You have a duty to stay alive. As much as he hated it, he kept following his duty. Kept trying to redeem himself so that he could be worthy of her when he saw her again.
But still, despite his stubbornness and hope, the question would still stab at his heart: would he ever see her again?
And I know these scars will bleed
But both of our hearts believe
All of these stars will guide us home
It hurt. Every single day. The memories, the constant reminders, it was all too much.
Now that they had returned, he couldn't stop thinking about the scars; both the ones he had inflicted upon her and the ones he carried himself.
Simon. Kind, protective and loving Simon. It was his greatest sin, one that he could never atone for.
And it killed him.
Jellal tried so had to make up for all the terrible things he had done, but the reminder that Simon's death could never be reversed left a hollow gap on his chest; a painful wound that would never heal.
There were many nights in which he would drown in self-hatred and sorrow; unable to forgive himself for murdering one of his oldest friends. Those were the worst times and he even tried to take his own life more than once; hoping it would make the hurt disappear.
Thankfully, Meredy and Ultear helped him get through it. They were always there for him; two amazing friends he didn't feel like he deserved.
Besides Erza, they were the only thing keeping him alive. Their comforting words, unwavering kindness and acceptance, endless attempts to distract his mind from the dark thoughts that threatened to destroy him.
He knew that they were hurting too, but they always pushed it aside and focused on him.
No words could describe how thankful Jellal was to them.
I can hear your heart
On the radio beat
They're playing 'Chasing Cars'
And I thought of us
He couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities, the what if's. His hopeful mind created many scenarios in which they might've been together. He imagined what a life with her would be like; a happy life.
He imagined being able to kiss her, touch her, love her.
In a world where he wasn't Jellal Fernandes, a convicted criminal that lived in the shadows, but instead just a man in love with an amazing woman.
He hated his cruel mind for coming up with all these thoughts and breaking his heart even more. Hated the smile that would appear when he imagined these impossible futures; the way his heart would beat so much faster when he thought of kissing Erza; the pain that would follow the reminder that it could never be.
A future that could never be. A hopeful dream he didn't want to wake up from.
Back to the time,
You were lying next to me
I looked across and fell in love
So I took your hand
Back through lamp lit streets I knew
Everything led back to you
Everything reminded him of her. It was like a curse, no matter how hard he may try, she would always be amongst his thoughts.
Whenever he saw anything that resembled red or brown, Jellal would remember her.
Even looking into Meredy's crimson eyes sometimes brought up memories of Erza; and he would have to avoid looking into them if he wanted to stay sane.
Because the memories drove him crazy. Good or bad, they were the main cause for his suffering. They were the only thing he had left of her and, while part of him wished to hold onto them; the other just wanted to forget.
Because remembering her hurt, way more than he could've imagined it would.
Everything just hurt. Being without her, imagining being with her, wondering if she was truly gone.
Everything had become so irritatingly complicated. But love is never simple; he had always known that.
It was an endless cycle of pain, sorrow, loss, regrets and possibilities. It didn't lead him anywhere and he knew Ultear and Meredy worried. Knew they wondered the same thing he always did: what would become of him? Would he ever manage to move on from Erza Scarlet?
You're the song my heart is
Beating to
So open your eyes and see
The way our horizons meet
And all of the lights will lead
Into the night with me
And I know these scars will bleed
But both of our hearts believe
All of these stars will guide us home
Even though he tried to reassure his companions that he would be fine and time was all his broken heart needed to heal, he doubted it.
Jellal knew that not even 100 years would erase the pain of losing her. If she was even lost, that was.
He was slowly losing himself; drowning in these conflicted feelings and memories. Trying to stay strong, to stay alive like he had promised her; but sometimes it was just too hard.
Sometimes he just wanted everything to stop, for the whole world to disappear into nothingness. Because as lonely as the emptiness was-he knew, he had felt it for a whole year while he was still imprisoned- it was still better than the overwhelming emotions that almost destroyed him.
He had been so close to finally giving up and letting himself go, when he heard the most joyous and impossible news: Erza was alive. She had been alive all this time, trapped on Tenrou Island.
At first, he hadn't wanted to believe it. Even after all those years wishing for her not to be gone, the notion that she might still be alive threatened his too unstable mind.
Jellal didn't want to hope anymore, he was tired of it. Years of dreaming and wishing had almost destroyed him and he knew that one more false hope might be the end.
So he was skeptical about it; ignoring Ultear and Meredy's happiness. He refused to believe that Erza was alive until he saw it with his own eyes.
And he did. Weeks later, he found her; and it was like time had stopped all of sudden.
He was frozen in shock, staring at the beautiful red head in disbelief. His heart beat faster than ever, so scared yet so full of hope and happiness. She was there, she was real.
Then she smiled, and it was all it took for him to completely break down. He was glad that there was no one else there, for he had arranged this meeting just between them.
Erza's smile turned into a frown as soon as he fell to his knees and started crying like the broken man he truly was. She worried, unaware of all the complicated feelings he had been struggling with.
Kneeling down by his side, she gently took him into her arms and held him like he had dreamed so many times. Her embrace was warm, comforting and he only cried harder.
It was everything he had wanted, everything he had needed.
She was everything. And he finally had her again and Jellal vowed that day to never let her go.
Even if she might hate him after what he had done, he wouldn't give up. He would become worthy of her so that someday they could share the future he had imagined.
A happy future. Once thought to be impossible, now much more than a fabrication.
It was okay to hope again because he had Erza and that was all he needed.
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