#jesus fucking christ at least we're gonna get somewhere now
lamanwasright · 2 years
So I made a brief guide to mormonism for my therapist and it goes through all the points tscc meets on the bite model and we met today for the first time since I sent it over and she went "no wonder therapy wasn't working for you, CBT just makes everything worse when you have a background like yours".
WORSE????? You're telling me that the past two YEARS I've been in therapy we've been doing the wrong kind??? And THAT'S why we haven't gotten anywhere??????
So uh if anyone else is in therapy and has to put up with CBT bullshit that isn't working it might be worth asking your therapist if you can switch tactics. And like this isn't me going "my therapist says it's bad don't do CBT" if it works for you fantastic, keep at it your therapist knows you best but if therapy isn't doing much for you that might be why
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 6 months
Okay I literally never do this but episode 7 was so good I gotta do an episode review.
Spoilers ahead obviously
First things out of the way: FUCK FUCK WHY IS SHE HERE FUCK OH MY GOD JESUS CHRIST. When she slammed Mark into that crater I legit began hyperventilating (albeit very lightly). I was so not ready for her to show up and oh my god, the terror conveyed in Zazie's voice acting was legit. That fight scene absolutely kicked ass though, I got hyped as hell when Mark dropped that "no". Now that she's in the show I really hope she doesn't garner any fans because WOW they are gonna be in for a shock. And lastly FUCK YEAH ALLEN KICK HER ASS.
The breakup scene was fantastic. The episode focusing on so much of their relationship kinda made it clear something was gonna happen but when Mark changed up his schedule for her I was like "oh that's really nice" and then she showed up. As I said that was all fantastic, from Cecil's panicking to Amber's terror the presentation was great. Although now that they're broken up, I really hope they go somewhere else with Amber that isn't... that storyline.
REX IS THE GOAT. I love how he just tells Mark "pick a day and we'll cover for you". An absolute bro for sure, I'm loving his character arc. Can't wait for everyone to learn his origin and be like "oh shit" like after Eve's special. Speaking of which, do ya think we're gonna get a Rex-focused special about his origin like we did Eve?
Donald talking Rick down from the ledge and learning about himself in doing so was fantastic. We stan Donald. And man, am I glad they replaced Justin. Like, I know they had to after his actions came to light but also if I'm being honest I despised Rick's voice. Justin was good for silly characters but if I had to listen to him try to do the emotional segments I would've pulled a Rick (sanchez) and put my head in a lazer.
Still don't like Immortal's sad arc. Don't get me wrong, they're doing an awesome job with everything post Kate's "death" but the fact that we literally never saw anything more of their relationship than a shower fuck kinda makes it hard to feel anything when he talks about how sad he is.
Last but not least, OH SHIT OH FUCK IT'S HIM IT'S... *checks notes* Langstrom Sleazy...?
Look I'm sorry I like Angstrom and that end reveal was AWESOME and I am so scared and excited for what's definitely gonna be the plot of season 3 but also I can never remember his fucking name for the life of me and I have no idea why.
Anyway with Anissa here at least that means Thragg's not far behind. Hell we might see him next episode what with the whole prison thing.
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meraki-yao · 1 year
Hi! Thank you for reflagging my little rwrb ask game. Here are some numbers as another thank you and because I’m a little bit curious :)
1, 2, 11, 12 and 16 💜
Feel free to ignore the ones you don’t feel like answering, if there are some! 
First and foremost thank you so much for making this ask game!!! and also thank you for asking me!!! Writing this was really fun :D
What was your introduction to Red, White and Royal Blue? How did you become aware of it, what was your first impression of it?
It was completely coincidental. The day the trailer came out it popped up on my recommendation, and I was intrigued so I watched it, and then I couldn't stop watching it. I swear, within like, three days, I watched it at least 30 times, and I ran to get the book two days later
My first impression after watching the trailer for the first time was that it looks a little cliche, like something I'd find on Ao3, but it also looks like a genuinely fun and delightful movie, and I think I would have a really good time watching it. And I did!
2. Team Alex or Team Henry? (I know you love them both equally but choose anyway. OR choose depending of the circumstances. Like, "I’d go shopping with Alex but I’d marry Henry. Or I’d hug Alex but I’d go karaoke with Henry. I don’t know. Try something.)
I love both boys in both universes/mediums in different ways, but I'd say I personally relate a lot more to Henry, particularly movie Henry
11. Choose your prison. Would you rather live in a royal palace or in the White House? 
If we're talking about the buildings themselves, I'd say the palace, mostly because I grew up with fairy tales and I like that regal, medieval/classical/romantic aesthetic.
12. Share one of your unpopular opinions about the book and/or the movie.
Ooo, this is gonna be a slightly longer one. I was thinking about making a full post on this but I might as well just answer it here.
This has to do with the bonus chapter: I didn't really like it? Or more accurately, it made me feel kind of... disappointed or sad. With all due respect to Casey of course.
It took some time but I came to terms with Alex wanting to work in smaller law firms, especially after talking to my law student friends. My issue is Henry's abdication.
It's just, so much of the original book is about making history, about being in a prominent position AND being gay. Henry keeps track of gay monarchs, and they tend to have to hide or give up something one way or another: King James I had to commission the translation of the bible and sort of... lie about his relationship (I'm technically not religious, but I did read the bible a lot as a kid, and I really don't think the relationship between Jesus Christ and John, namely teacher and disciple is comparable to a very, very homoerotic relationship), and King Edward II (Yes there are two gay kings in Henry's name) had to exile his lover. So to have Henry finally be a royal who can keep both his title and his love would be historical, just as they said they wanted. Henry can step back from royal duties without stepping down: irl Princess Beatrice while still a working royal, had a full-time job in 2017 and split her time between New York and London. Henry could have done something like that. I understand that in the book the royal family is a lot stricter, rigid, and overall awful than in both real life and the portrayal of the movie, but I thought that with Princess Catherine coming back to take charge at the end, things would improve, fixing the system instead of going "fuck the system". Also this might be because of certain things happening in my life right now, but I'm kind of sick of seeing stories where you have to choose one, instead of coming to a compromise. You don't get all the good, you don't get all the bad, you find somewhere in between, and that's okay.
Plus given the more benevolent portrayal of Henry's family, especially his grandfather in the movie (I wrote a whole essay about it), if we get a movie sequel, I really don't want Henry to abdicate, and it also makes less sense.
But then Casey posted a story about their thoughts when writing the bonus chapter, about the boys taking a break from making history, not giving up; preserving their flame instead of letting it burn so hard that it burns out. That made me wonder if my perspective and opinion on the bonus chapter are affected by me being young.
16- Pick a line and/or a quote for each:
-You have to sell the book/movie to someone who doesn't know anything about it.
Bith "But you're the one who decided to put your dick into the heir of the British throne!"
yeah I think that summarizing the initial selling point pretty well
-The quote that makes you the most emotional.
Romance/ Love wise:
Book: the entire fucking list, but also "give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. there's so much of you." (I started sobbing when I read it)
Movie: "I'll break the sound barrier for you. "
Lines that make me emotional for personal reasons:
Book: "I honestly have never thought I deserved to choose. But you treat me like I do."
Movie: "But Henry, Nothing will ever happen to you."
(I feel like just from that you could tell what my personal issue is lmao)
-A quote/line that could be a life lesson to you.
Both: "Sometimes you just gotta jump, and hope you're not standing on a cliff."
This was so much fun! Again thank you for sending in the numbers, and if anyone else wants to ask me (the list is here!) please do!
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jbird-the-manwich · 1 year
jesus christ, that was NOT clear from your post. being condescending isnt helping you come off any better, literally did not know about offline ways to do it.
anyone who had examined my blog in the least, or my tags I mention on my ai posts with any sort of interest in critically examining the things I say and defining for themselves missing context with an intent to learn more about a topic that illicits in them a kneejerk utterance.... would've simply not come off like such a dumbass. rather than simply repeating an ECHO of .... the last thing they heard on social media??? (much like an untrained ai, or a conservative, tbh) to someone far, far, far more well versed in your chosen just-for-popularity-based-entirely-in-anti-intellectualism-ass-factually irrellevent guilt trip, you could've shut the fuck up for free and examined and LEARNED. FOR FREE. ENOUGH. ON MY LITTLE TUMBLR. To not make that mistake. Think a second for how much nicer the world would be if only people who had verified their statements to be true and correct for the context EVER. FUCKING. SPOKE.
You'd've learn that I don't use chatgpt, chatgpt is not smart enough to hold me, I use bard, and when something smarter comes along, ill know about that before you do too, especially if you don't change the way you verify statements THAT YOU MAKE WITHOUT BEING INVITED ANYWHERE. You'd also know I'm a right fun sort if you're not an ECHO.
so uhhhh that's still on you. for not knowing shit about what you talk about. As I had said. And approaching me on FIRST INTERACT with some kinda fun fact im supposed to be new to. Why? You think smart people are a myth? We're out here. And we're tired.
And hey I'm not just a sexy hacker I'm also a witch so here's a fun spell my followers have seen but you probably don't know:
Take, to a stream running north, the entire basket of my fucks,
and commit them to the waters;
I'm also a hillbilly. so a traditional hillbilly greeting, for you, and people who do like you when they could've bothered to learn something about anything, or anybody, BEFORE THEY SPOKE:
Fuck off somewhere, and when you get there, do better, asshat. The shit is embarassing. I don't owe you civility when you're showing up for the thrill of making *me* look stupid. I can smell my own inbox bro. I'm not dumb.
And anyway about the environment:
no. Cuz you didn't fuckin ask you just assume shit. It's a right several.
See? Now we're learning.
This is so fun for me you people don't even know. I'm gonna make everyone who shows up on my porch either LAUGH or GET SMARTER and if you show up with dumb shit.... *You're* the joke.
Thanks for stopping by. ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Flying Tigers | William Guarnere x m!reader
@satan-incarnate-666 asked: "You're the only one who smokes, so cough it up and let me have one" guarnere x m!reader
summary: a rude awakening is the last thing a tired pilot needs, but at least you do have your boyfriend there with you.
tws: swearing, smoking, physical violence, fighting
Training at night always kicked your ass, from eight in the evening until two in the morning, you would be up in the air with the other pilots, practicing tactics for dogfights and emergency landings, making sure that the specialised equipment made for those who wore dastars actually worked, it was exhausting; so when you were rudely awoken at five hundred hours by Sobel screaming at Easy Company, you weren't exactly happy about it.
You dragged yourself out of Perveen's office, already missing the chair you had been sleeping in, and you tugged his coat over his shoulders so that he wouldn't get cold, and brushed off the cigarette ash that had somehow gotten on the back of his dastar, before you dared to trudge outside; you shivered, and grumbled as you made your way over to where Easy Company were.
You were surprised to see that Sobel had gone running, but given his last run-in with the RAF, you couldn't say you were exactly clueless as to why; you and Abdul did ensure that Sobel would never scream at pilots again, and had given him a nice little scar on the corner of his mouth to make sure of it. You smiled to yourself as you made your way around, stopping every now and then to talk to Christensen, Winters, Nixon; you didn't stop for long, not until you caught Guarnere napping against a jeep.
You kicked his foot, and squatted down in front of him with a grin. "Morning, sunshine."
"Jesus Christ," he mumbled, pulling himself up a little as he yawned, his eyes watering as he stretched. "Hi, baby."
"Hey, sweetheart," you dared to move to sit beside him, slapping the back of your hand against his chest. "You're the only one who smokes, so cough it up and let me have one."
Guarnere did as you had told him, giving you his cigarettes and his lighter. "You're a loving boyfriend, y'know that, right?"
You shrugged, tilting your head back and taking a long drag. "You'd be a knobhead, too, if you were just dozing off and then got fucking woken by some American prick screaming."
"Fair point," he nodded. "Did you sleep in Perveen's office again?"
You nodded slowly, mumbling as you threw your leg over his. "Where else am I gonna sleep?"
"With me," he offered with a shrug and a smile. "Winters would give you clearance. You could share my bed."
You scoffed, shaking your head as you dared to stare out at the vast fields; between the Easy Company share and the RAF share were the planes. Hawkers. Spitfires. Yours was the most obvious, a hawker hurricane painted with a roaring tiger; somewhere on its underbelly was the word Gonorrhea.
"No offense, but you lot are too loud for me," you laughed softly. "You're good guys, most of you, but fuck me, you make way too much noise."
Guarnere nodded, putting his head on your shoulder and stealing a quick drag from the cigarette. "I could sleep in Perveen's office with you... where is he?"
"Asleep at his desk," you admitted. "He was out there with us all night, he's fucking knackered."
"So are you," he pointed out. "You've been out every night, (y/n)."
"It's the RAF," you laughed softly. "We're not exactly known for taking days off."
Guarnere didn't exactly like it, the fact that you were all so exhausted and so run down, but at the same time, he knew there was nothing to be done about it; the fighting cocks would fly again. You had to be trained properly, thoroughly, you had to be prepared for everything and anything that could happen. Dogfights. Loss of fuel. Running out of ammo. Wings getting clipped. It was no wonder they had you out there day and night until you couldn't take any more.
"If it makes you feel better," he reached into his pocket, and pulled out a couple of almost broken biscuits. "Swiped these from Sobel."
You smiled, taking one and nodding. "Sorry for being a shitty boyfriend a minute ago... I'm just... I'm fucking tired, Bill."
"I'll get you some coffee," he said softly. "It might help."
"Thank you," you said softly, taking his hand and giving it a quick kiss. "It does mean a lot, y'know."
Guarnere got up, dusting his trousers off as he stretched and let out another yawn. "I remember how you like it, don't worry."
You smiled, nodding at him as you made yourself comfortable again, folding your arms across your chest and letting the cigarette dangle from your lips; but just as you were about to doze off again, Sobel just had to come waltzing over.
"Do you think it's acceptable to distract my men?"
"They're not your men," you mumbled. "They're Winters' boys... and as far as I recall, this is RAF land, and you're only borrowing it, sonny Jim."
Sobel glared at you, narrowing his eyes as he clenched his jaw. "Leave Guarnere alone, he's got a job to do, and if he can't do it because of some... some farm boy-"
You got up, pinned him to the jeep, and held him by the collar as you wrapped your hand around his throat. "You wanna say that again? You wanna fucking insult me again?"
"You're assaulting an officer!" He yelled.
You scoffed, shaking your head as you let out a quiet yawn. "You insulted an officer first... besides. I'm RAF. This is our turf. Not yours... you wanna get Mohinder involved? Let him know that you insulted one of his boys? You wanna see how that turns out?"
A few of the members of Easy Company, including Winters, glanced over, but didn't do anything about it; their dislike of Sobel was more than enough to get them to turn a blind eye, but considering the fact that you were RAF, and virtually untouchable on your own turf, they didn't exactly feel bad about turning the other cheek.
"Better yet," you smiled. "How about I call Perveen over? He's got a kukri that's just begging to be used."
Sobel glared at you. "You wouldn't dare."
"You wanna bet?" You put a little more pressure on his throat. "You wanna see just how close me and my boys are? We can show you our teamwork if you want, I just gotta let 'em know and call 'em over."
He surrendered, and after making sure he knew how lowly you thought of him, you let him go, letting him scamper away as you returned to your comfy little spot at the side of the jeep; you lit another cigarette, and folded your arms across your chest as you waited for Guarnere to return, and when he did, he gave you a confused look as he handed you your coffee.
"Why is Sobel crying?"
You shrugged, daring to crack a smile. "I might have made sure he knows where he is in the food chain."
Guarnere chuckled as he sat down beside you. "You sure your squadron is the cocks and not the tigers?"
Tilting your head back, you let out a bark of laughter; it had been a while since Guarnere had heard you laugh like that, and if he was honest, he had missed it all too much. "Maybe... you know the rule, though, you don't fuck with the RAF."
"I do," he grinned, nudging your shoulder gently.
"Yeah, but you're just a wind up merchant," you laughed softly this time, shaking your head fondly. "Gonorrhea."
"Shut it, Cock," Guarnere scoffed. "Drink your damn coffee."
You took a swig from it, and hummed in approval. "It's not perfect, but it's close enough... thank you, sunshine."
"I'll get you proper Philly coffee one day," he told you with a broad smile. "Tiger."
"Don't fucking start with the Philadelphia coffee," you begged playfully. "Say... I got the afternoon free, and now Sobel knows he can't do shit towards pilots... you wanna take a nap in Perveen's office with me?"
Guarnere nodded. "Sure... three o'clock?"
"That'd be great," you hummed, leaning your head on his shoulder as you licked your lips. "Also, do me a favour."
"Grow your scruff out again," you teased gently. "You looks cute all scruffy."
if you liked this fic, REBLOG IT - you SHOULD reblog it; spam likers WILL be blocked. as will blogs that refuse to reblog or to give feedback. if you don't wanna reblog, then you'll get blocked; reblogging is the BARE MINIMUM. don't just "like", REBLOG
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incorrecttwoset · 4 years
Lesson time with Dani:
I think the lesson we all learned here today is that I probably shouldn't look down on kpop too much. But then, I have listened to a lot of vocaloid and read along with the lyrics which get pretty intense sometimes. I would give examples but Prof. Nic has gone through many a phase and I cannot remember all of them. (And some i dont want to remember)
So, lets get on with the... songs? Pieces? Lyrics? Shall we?
1. Opera: Verdi - La Travita, Aria: Sempre Libera (Always Free), Character: Violetta. Lol i seriously thought that this was a pop song I havent heard of. But when i realized how this game was gonna go, aka when they revealed that it was opera and a translation thing, i stepped up my guessing game. But like SERIOUSLY THOOOOO. Who could've known? (Probably the singer or a person who actually understands the language) But damn son. Quiz-sama ain't playin aROUND.
2. Pop: Arianna Grande - Imagine. When i read the lyrics, i knew iMMEDIATELY. Why wouldn't I when I live with a sister who blared this fucking sing day in and out. (No offense sis, no offense Arianna) But like, when i saw that Twoset thought this was an opera? Oh bOI. Thank goodness I'm great at controlling my reactions. Because fam, I would've laughed my ass off in disbelief like what the fuck. I'd understand Brett's ignorance but Eddy too? Damn. (Brett's lofi intensifies)
3. Pop: Billie Eilish - . I honestly thought that this was like- okay, my thought process had phases. First sentence I thought "okay this sounds like that one Arianna Grande song." When I got to the "set fire" part, I thought "adele?" And then when i read "burn", i thought "is this that really old song? The "and im gonna let it burn burn burn" thing?" As you can see, all my song guesses were wrong. At least I got the genre. And like me, the bois were learning. (Cue that bear grylls meme)
4. Opera: Tchaikovsky- Eugene Onegin, Aria: Ya lyublyu vas, Olga (I love you, Olga), Character: Lensky. Like what Eddy said, this one's pretty obvious. Also, "I can see why people like opera now. I'm getting old." "Why yes, I do love opera as well." I say, a not legally an adult person. But like, seriously tho. Opera is good. Granted, I havent listened to a lot and to be frank the only opera I've listened to all the way is the Magic Flute but like- its good stuff. Only thing I want is to be able to appreciate it better. (Also check out Patricia Janeckova's recording of the Doll Song. I love it, its wonderful)
5. Opera: Donizetti - Lucia di Lammermoor, Aria: Il Dolce Suono (The Sweet Sound), Character: Lucia. I'll admit that Eddy's singing threw me off a lil but I guessed opera. With... not a lot of conviction. Sounded like something Lana del Rey would write okay.
6. Opera: Mozart - Don Giovanni, Aria: Madamina, il catalogo e questo (Dear lady, this is the list), Character: Leporello. I thought that this was either some really obscure rap, or weird opera. I couldn't decide so I just let it play out. When I saw it was opera, I was confused. Then, I wasn't because I saw that Mozart wrote it. I swear, Mozart would make a killing as a rapper or some kind of foulmouthed idol if he was born in modern times. Also, small Edwina and Brettany cameo!!!!!
7. Opera: Bizet - Carmen, Aria: Tout Doux, Moniseur (Softly, Sir), Character: Carmen. Honestly, by this point of the video (when I watched it for the first time) I was just straight guessing opera. Although, if the lyrics were rephrased, this line could fit in perfectly somewhere in a pop song. And also, I did not expect the dRAMATICNESS of the singing when they played that excerpt. Like, wOW OKAY. I mean it makes sense for Carmen as a character... and the language they used it in... and the style of opera... okay I really can't say anything about the extraness can I?
8. Pop: Billie Eilish - No time to die. I knew it was pop. (Rhyme scheme and lyric pattern and subject matter too predictable babey) But the fact that it was by Billie Eilish was what confused me. Idky, but them lyrics givin me Taylor Swift vibes. Or Lana del Rey vibes if you slow it down and make it "dreamy".
9. KPOP: Blackpink - Kill this love. This one was sUUUUUPER ambiguous to me. It was very eloquent and poetic in a sense. But then it also gave out pop vibes. I couldn't answer though I leaned more towards opera. But when i saw that it was Blackpink's Kill this love? My brain melted out my ears. I mEAN ITS IN KOREAN ITS A TRANSLATION THING. That still doesn't excuse the fact that im very- aSDFGHJKL about it.
10. Opera: Dvorak - Rusalka, Aria: Mesicku na nebi hublokem (Song to the moon), Character: Rusalka. This one was very obviously opera to me. But dem kpop lyrics threw me for a loop man! I went opera but yall, I was dOUBTING.
11. Pop: Charlie Puth - Attention. Was there really any need to guess this one? Although, if you've never been exposed to pop music and are hearing them for the first time then thats okay. We're all learning.
12. Opera: Mozart - Cosi Fan Tutte (All Women Do It), Aria: In Uomini in Soldati (In men, in soldiers), Character - Despina. I sincerely thought that this was a really obscure rap. And I wasn't surprised when it said that Mozart wrote this opera. (His creepy smiling face tho...)
13. Pop: Justin Bieber - Sorry. Like I said in number 11, was there really any need to guess. And Brett's (albeit braindead) singing of Super Junior's Sorry Sorry is- aUGHCK MY STAN HEART. I WAS ALREADY SLAUGHTERED BY HIM WEARING THE VIOLIN BUTTON UP AND HIS ADORABLENESS AND HIS DADDYNESS OTHER NON ADORABLE QUALITIES. Ughhhhh. Jesus christ i really have to simp for Brett in each of these posts huh?
14. Pop: Taylor Swift - Delicate. I thought that this was fOR SURE an Arianna Grande song. Because of that one song with the sleep thing. But ugh, Eddy's assumption of the song was just too good not to be mentioned. (And also because i need to fill these paragraphs but like- dat voice dow) And oh gOD SEEING THEM LAUGH TOGETHER AND VIBE LIKE THAT? IM- wow look I just died of blood loss.
15. KPOP: BTS - On. Brett picking opera and falling off his chair is me. Quiz-sama. Mercy. Mercy pLEASE. Dude, translated kpop is intense.
Also editor-san was on fIRE TONIGHT. The sass was very string today. Fuck, i LOVE IT. Wait. Holy shit I just realized something. Editor-san, subtitler-san, and quiz-sama. The holy trinity of subtle twoset humor and behind the screen action. The cast is huge and i am a simp for all of them.
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
i have followed your advice and listened to what well isn't exactly happy but at least upbeat music yesterday and for a bit it picked up my mood so thank you for putting that idea in my head and also for sending love ❤
i believe in you and your tea obsession too i'm sure you can still manage 73 cups
KHSKDMSLDKXJD sure love i'll just hack your webcam i mean seeing you sounds better than seeing kiernan shipka anyway
love that for you, you deserve nice days 💕 hope you managed some work over the weekend. ooh alright noted i'll refrain from asking about your cl*sses again it is very understandable to not want to talk about them. i have the same thing when someone asks me about my bachelor thesis so yeah i get it
thank you for indulging me i like planning hypothetical weddings or just generally planning things though i too really don't want an actual one. ooh i remember we talked about this a little before and you had a very pretty red dress in mind. so i guess a fitting colour scheme for everything would be red and white with maybe black accentuations. i would like to wear either sth like lisa gaskarth's wedding dress or sth resembling alex' suit (i was already in love with her dress but then i watched their wedding video and now i can't chose between both their outfits bc i love them) early fall is perfect it's the best season (with spring but less bugs so literally perfect) helen's gotta play some kind of important part bc i found your blog bc of her and also just bc she's helen. a tea station. bella Your Mind. this is why we're getting married. oh and i would like to have tulips somewhere please. i can't wait to see your 20 sth weddings truly love that for you 🙈
reasonable answer about the hand/nose kisses however have you considered the cuteness of someone peppering kisses over their significant others face and in that nose kisses being included. for example imagine let's say lashton in the morning. ashton is up bc i imagine him to be the weird kind of person that wakes up early just because and he decides to be a bother and startes just randomly kissing luke wherever he can to wake him up and then luke grumpily wakes up and demands proper kisses and to continue to be a little teasing bitch ashton refuses to kiss him on the mouth at first and instead kisses his nose. it is cute in my head. though hand kisses are unmatched actually so i don't even know why i'm arguing for the nose kisses. also i'm fairly sure i must have read this concept in some fic and am plagiarising it my sincerest apologies i did not mean to copy whoever wrote sth like this before. god my brain is weird af today i'm gonna go to sleep. good night, love you very much and hope you're well 💕 -fiancee
oh nice!!!!! i’m glad it worked for a little bit at least. what songs did you listen to i’m curious to know
dfkjgdfmj thank you tbh i’m not doing super well i have days with no tea but then i have like four cups in a day so like? i have no idea. also though, i just realized we are more than halfway through this month?? how the fuck?? is that possible??? jesus christ didnt february JUST start. what is going on
fgkgjkdfj okay cool deal, you don’t ask about my classes and i won’t ask about your thesis
!!!!!!! omg okay yes i STRONGLY support these fashion choices also dgfkhljdlmj OF COURSE helen has to be an essential part you’re so right alright well @calumcest no pressure but what role would you like in my and fiancee’s wedding, weigh in <3 as for tulips i am ABSOLUTELY down they are super pretty this is so CUTE!!!! fiancee i love this wedding so much on vibes alone i cant wait for it to not happen
mmmmmm but that’s not nose kisses then, that’s just. kisses. thats just general kisses. also that sounds like a prompt from one of those lists and also vaguely familiar but tbh maybe it’s just a General Brand of Fluff don’t worry about it ldkfjgkdfj (not to be like you’re probably thinking of one of my fics but that made me think of the disconnected one so? maybe that??)
anyway! i am well! thank you! love you <3
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Jac & Amelia
Jac: what did you do that for Amelia: What? Jac: the presents Amelia: I had to go 🎁🛍 for my parents and it took like 10 minutes Jac: you went to three different shops, at least Amelia: yeah because what else was I going to do before they picked me back up Jac: study for your theory Jac: be one Amelia: 🥱 Jac: I ain't got you nothing Amelia: I don't want anything Jac: then that's a present in itself, I guess Amelia: yeah, you getting another from me by taking the out you were just given Jac: it was already 3-1 do you really have to add to your score Amelia: Always Jac: 🙄 Jac: were you invited then Amelia: to? Jac: Is' party Amelia: Yeah Amelia: but I don't know if it was by Is or her mum Amelia: or if we're talked enough that she'd really want me there Jac: yeah Jac: interesting choice, on her part Amelia: If I get there and her mum engineered it or it's obvious Is doesn't want me around I'll just give her the 🎁 and go Jac: you're going? Amelia: I have the 💌 I think I have to Jac: unlucky then Amelia: don't worry, I won't insist that you're my date Amelia: as a favour Jac: to her, so that's not another gift to me Amelia: it definitely is Amelia: you don't want to go Jac: wasn't invited Jac: but I do have somewhere better to be, which is unlucky for you Amelia: I'm not inviting you or mourning the loss of not having you with me Jac: well I was going to invite you to a party that wouldn't be sad as shit Jac: but if that's how you feel then alright Amelia: no you weren't Jac: Why would I say I was if I weren't, weirdo Jac: you know those really cool twins in 6th, Nat and Vee? Amelia: because I've already said I have to go to Is' and I don't really want to and you want to make me feel even worse Amelia: here's what I could've won Jac: Rude Jac: At Christmas, you have to tell the truth Jac: I thought you might wanna come and stare at them Jac: that's all Amelia: my parents literally lied to me about 🎅 for 8 years so no, you don't Amelia: and I don't know who you mean Jac: you can't lie about myths Jac: he could be real, they can't confirm nor deny Jac: anyway, yes you do Jac: Vee especially is pretty gay looking, she's Bi, I think Jac: [sends her these gals pictures] Amelia: if there's mistletoe I'll come Amelia: after I've been to Is' Jac: they throw really good parties, so I've been informed Jac: don't waste too much time then Amelia: okay Jac: I knew you'd like her Amelia: you sound like a really creepy mastermind in a lair Jac: I do live below ground now so Amelia: you can be mole, I'll be rat Jac: I suppose you've just been as insulting to yourself Amelia: 😂 Amelia: I'd have bought you that 📖 too but I know you've already read it Jac: It's good to have as many classics under your belt as possible Amelia: How did you know I'd like her? Jac: I've got eyes, don't need to be a huge gay Amelia: you just need to be hugely 🥴 Jac: Nah, I fucked their brother Amelia: I meant to 'like' anyone, I don't want or need to know that Jac: 🤷 Amelia: I'm serious Jac: Alright whatever Jac: and it's not true anyway, if it was I wouldn't be in this fucking mess would I Amelia: what mess? Amelia: you're going to need to be more specific Jac: ha ha Jac: if I only liked people when I was wasted, literally would not be here having this conversation Amelia: you're having this conversation because you can't bring yourself to say thanks for the gifts, Amelia Jac: If you expected a thank you, you wouldn't have given them to me Jac: if Sav was still here, this wouldn't be happening at all, is the point Amelia: we're dancing around it, that's okay, I'm a good dancer Jac: you aren't that good, humblebrag Amelia: at Christmas, you have to tell the truth, supposedly Jac: what, your ego is big but not big enough to deal? 😏 Amelia: giving me a compliment won't cause you to immediately wither and die, I'm sorry Jac: Precisely why I'd never bother, my dear Amelia: you've done enough anyway Jac: have I Amelia: I'll get loads at the parties Jac: cocky Amelia: I'm thinking they can't all be unwanted ones, naïve or optimistic if anything Jac: probably Jac: least you won't have to help Isabelle blow out her candles Amelia: if her mum made the cake they'll probably be lopsided and a 🔥 hazard Jac: true Jac: they usually tasted pretty good though Amelia: true Amelia: I'll stay for some Jac: don't offer to get me a party bag then Amelia: I'll just do it, whether you say you want one or not Jac: gift giving is your top love language, I get it Amelia: I just know you, that's all Jac: you know that I'm fat, is it Amelia: oh please Amelia: I'm not giving you a compliment that easily or obviously Jac: I'm probably not in the mood to work for it Amelia: 🤷 Jac: 🥱 Amelia: if you've got something better to do, go do it Jac: getting ready for the party, aren't I Jac: avoiding my family Amelia: right Jac: everything's always an ulterior motive with you Amelia: no it's not Jac: why can't we just have a conversation then Jac: we've done worse Amelia: because you're not in the mood evidently Jac: you're the one that's got fuck all to say Amelia: everything's always my fault with you Jac: I'm bored and you're doing nothing about it Amelia: that isn't my first priority Jac: then I'll find someone who's it is Amelia: okay Jac: 👏 Amelia: Sav's not here, remember Jac: don't bother coming to this party Jac: and if you show anyway, don't bother coming to find me Amelia: It wasn't about you, it's about the hosts Jac: I invited you, not them Amelia: and now you've uninvited me so same difference Jac: doesn't magically mean you're wanted Jac: I'm not gonna just turn up at Isabelle's house Amelia: I'm used to the feeling by now, so again, it's not going to bother me Jac: you're all being extra infuriating today Jac: jesus christ Amelia: yeah well Amelia: I don't know what to say to Is or to do Jac: you can't do anything Jac: but she's literally the most forgiving person to doormat degrees Jac: you'll barely have to say anything and she'll happy cry Amelia: Please come Jac: She won't wanna see me Amelia: re-read what you wrote before that Jac: it's different Jac: I'm not going to make her be my friend and forgive me, just because I know she would Jac: you didn't do anything wrong, really Amelia: I walked away, that's worse than anything you did Jac: it really isn't Jac: I'm too drunk now even if Jac: I'd only be a bitch by accident if not on purpose Amelia: at least wait for me then Amelia: we can go to the other party together Jac: Jesses got a show tonight Amelia: I know, I was invited to that too Amelia: everyone is Jac: not me Jac: I can't be here when they're leaving or everyone will try to force me and I'll die Jac: Jude is bad enough Amelia: Go to my 🏠 no ones there Jac: where are your parents Amelia: some dinner party thing Jac: alright Jac: thanks Amelia: I'll be back to get you after Is' Amelia: and my parents won't get back until we've left Jac: I can be gone before you, I just don't want to be here Jac: and Jude owes you her life so you can cash that in whenever you want Amelia: I don't want you to go without me or before me Jac: as long as it's for the right reasons Amelia: what are they? Jac: you know Jac: I'm just saying, if you're just saying that because you think I need to be on suicide watch or something too then I'll just have to hit you instead Amelia: I'm saying it because nobody shows up to cool parties early Jac: okay Jac: I'll wait Amelia: if you go through my 🎨 I'll be the one hitting you Jac: you shouldn't have said that Jac: but alright Jac: your parents are going to think I'm robbing you if they come back Jac: your mum better not get one of her famous migraines Amelia: I'm in danger of that if anyone is, don't worry Amelia: and it's clients of my dad's so she can't Amelia: he needs the 💸 Jac: take a nurofen and shut the fuck up 🐠 Jac: gotcha Amelia: 😂 Amelia: it's beyond unfair that she pretends to get them and I actually do Jac: it's because you're gay Jac: [that article 'cos it's true lmao] Amelia: oh my god Jac: actual proof of punishment from god or something else, you decide 🤔 Amelia: shhh Jac: oh, I'm sorry, is it your head Jac: I'll be quiet Amelia: no exorcist-ish apologies tonight will do fine Amelia: the dark room is being supplied Jac: at least you got one Jac: Jess is probably still waiting Amelia: he can hold his breath for a really long time 🏊🏼 Jac: helps with the singing Amelia: the show'll be online right? Amelia: I totally want to see it Jac: no doubt Jac: everything is Amelia: yeah, I figured Amelia: does that girl who's like obsessed with him still help him edit or did he finally pick up on her weirdness? Jac: I think she's still around Jac: I don't really ask Amelia: she's intense Jac: I hadn't really noticed but yeah Jac: I guess she is Amelia: maybe that's because I'm gay too Amelia: I could solve crimes Jac: no because it's only 'cos I was so into Sav that I don't know anything about it Amelia: that makes sense, I was so into you that I know too much about it Jac: that's not about me Jac: sounds like part-timer energy tbh Amelia: he's your brother Amelia: in your ⚪ Jac: if you say so Jac: maybe you're obsessed with him and you want rid of the competition Amelia: 🤢 Amelia: I'd more likely be obsessed with her and he's the competition so no because he's still living if not breathing while he holds his breath Jac: well I'm not even sure she exists now Jac: this is all some fantasy in your 🧠 Amelia: 👻 editor! Jac: ha 🤓 Amelia: 😎 Jac: yeah, I'll forward that to Vee, you'll be so in Amelia: you can't because I already wanna die Amelia: I'm so underdressed for this Amelia: everyone's 👗 Jac: what are you wearing, excuse the creep line Amelia: 😏 Amelia: but literally 👖 Jac: oh Amelia Jac: I've got more on to come sit at yours alone Amelia: it's because I'm gay, isn't it? 😕 Jac: yes but you always have been Jac: I doubt Is was expecting you to put on a party frock Amelia: she did say she liked my birthday one and that does haunt me Jac: well I think she was in a state of shock Jac: for good reason, as we all were Jac: myself not included, of course Amelia: 👧🏻 Amelia: thanks to my mum for everything Jac: cold ears for christmas Amelia: ear muffs gay or beanie gay? a fun quiz Jac: you want to be beanie but you're ear muffs Amelia: true Amelia: you're oversized scarf Jac: blanket but make it fashion Jac: duh Amelia: 🤗 Jac: Is is those massive felt hats everyone wears in Autumn Amelia: that's so accurate Jac: I know Jac: it's what I'm going to use my Psychology degree for Amelia: 😉 Amelia: what else is all that debt good for Jac: builds character Amelia: her 👗 is great though Amelia: I wouldn't but she won't be devastated that she did Jac: yeah? Amelia: Yeah Amelia: unlike me she doesn't seem to be having a really shit time Jac: has she talked to you? Amelia: not yet Jac: that's rude Amelia: Obviously she's said hi and thanked me for coming but I assumed that isn't what you meant Amelia: do you think I should leave? Jac: who's there Jac: is Kiersten with the braces Amelia: how did you guess? Jac: 'cos she's wanted to be mates with Is for ages but she thinks I'm stuck up Amelia: THAT'S rude Jac: she probably heard me and Savannah talking about her in Chemistry Jac: so she's got grounds Jac: who else, Gemma with the frizzy hair, Paige who told on you that time and got you your first detention... Amelia: Okay, before I tip this drink subtly over her, what did you say? Amelia: yeah and yeah Jac: it would've been Sav she overheard Jac: I'm quiet Amelia: and she's 📢👄 Amelia: sound probably really carries in Sligo Jac: I think she's got a boyfriend already Amelia: of course she will have Amelia: what else is she going to do at Catholic school when she isn't doing homework Jac: don't Amelia: I'm sorry Amelia: it's this, being here, I shouldn't have Jac: I don't think you can just leave though Jac: she probably doesn't want to talk talk like right now and ruin her party Jac: at least say you will, book in and a coffee in or something Amelia: it's not just that, it's too weird Amelia: there's like no place for me Jac: she's moved on hasn't she Amelia: yeah Jac: I shouldn't have made you walk away from her Amelia: you didn't Jac: I still feel like I did though Amelia: well whatever way you want to look at it, she's got new friends now Jac: so do you Jac: or could still Jac: Jess said everyone knows what your ex was like Amelia: he could've warned me Jac: I told him so Amelia: it doesn't matter, I don't have the energy Amelia: like you said, I should study more for my theory Jac: if it's any consolation, I am totally alone, and not just literally right now Amelia: you've got me, excuse you Jac: no, not friends, remember Amelia: ugh, fine Amelia: what are you doing though? Jac: I was about to ask if your parents were still as militant with their drink stash Jac: idk how they kept such a close eye on levels, crazy Amelia: they are but I'll be taking the risk and the punishment when I get there so feel free to start without me Amelia: as long as you don't get too drunk to go Jac: doubt they're so cool they need bouncers Amelia: I mean, I'll give you a 🐷y back or hold your hair but if you're 😪 there isn't much I can do Jac: 😇 Jac: me, you, you decide Amelia: me, clearly Jac: 🙄 Jac: braceface would HATE you Amelia: she can join in with Paige who's blatantly whispering about me Jac: she's the biggest goody-two-shoes Jac: she'd thrive in catholic school Amelia: She'll be plotting how to get me in trouble with Is' mum since school's out and there's no looming detention for me Amelia: I know how to make that really easy for her Jac: you'd think she was 7 not 17 Jac: what are you gonna do? Amelia: shut her up, the same way I always do Jac: don't, come here instead Amelia: but she's so annoying Jac: I know she is but I want you Jac: so come here before I change my mind Amelia: okay Jac: okay Jac: make sure you tell her you'll talk to her later Amelia: I did Amelia: 😇 Jac: good girl Amelia: I didn't get any 🎂 though Jac: I'd make you one Jac: but I might burn your house down so Jac: I have an idea though 💡 Amelia: what is it? Jac: hang on Amelia: no, I'll start 🏃 Jac: ta-da Amelia: 😳 Amelia: thanks for not telling me that's what you looked like when I was talking about being underdressed earlier Amelia: and for having that 💡 so I don't care anymore Jac: you always look perfect anyway, it doesn't matter what you wear Amelia: you do Jac: you too Jac: and you won't feel underdressed when you undress me Amelia: I look 😍 but I'm fine with it Amelia: as long as my parents don't get back before me Jac: I'm quiet, remember Jac: it's fine Amelia: it's not you I'm worried about Amelia: but I'm not that worried Jac: 😍 Jac: you're so adorable but also so hot Jac: it's rude Amelia: says you Amelia: you're the rudest person ever if that's the criteria Jac: oh no, Kiersten was right Amelia: she can have that one thing Jac: only if I can have you Amelia: there's no if Amelia: you have me Jac: good Jac: I need you, you know Amelia: I need you more, not because you love a competition, although if you do want to get competitive about it, that's cool too Jac: We can make it into a competition but what would I win? Amelia: 🤔 Jac: I can't think, I want to see you too badly Amelia: I get it, trust me Jac: You're the prettiest Amelia: no, I'm not Amelia: but I do love you the most Jac: don't be mean to yourself Jac: 😣 Amelia: sorry Jac: I can make you believe me, don't worry Amelia: I'm not worried about that either, I know you can Jac: you don't need to worry about anything Jac: not now Amelia: not now Amelia: I promise Jac: 😇 Amelia: 🥰 Jac: have you got a headache? Amelia: you don't need to worry either Amelia: not about me Jac: I just wanna know if I need to make that go away first before letting you touch me Amelia: I do have a headache but I would literally come back from the dead to see you so Jac: 🥰 Jac: still means I get to go first 😈 Amelia: 😇 if anything Jac: see what you think when we're waking up your neighbours Amelia: I'll be thinking the same thing because nothing's changing my mind about you but okay they'll probably think 😈👹👻👺 Jac: I've never heard you, properly Jac: either we have to be quiet or it's too loud to hear anything Amelia: but you know how hard I find trying to be quiet Jac: I wanna hear everything Amelia: you won't want me to 🤫🤐 once you have though Jac: yeah? Amelia: we'll have to find new places Jac: or I'll work out ways to make you louder at parties Amelia: okay Jac: only okay? Amelia: emphatically Amelia: like ! Amelia: like that's the best idea I've ever heard Jac: my nerdy baby Amelia: well now I don't want to correct it to 😎 Amelia: you win Jac: 😄 Jac: come here and be my prize Amelia: [will let you show up gal cos why not you've been running like a needy gay and it's not that far] Jac: [enjoy hens 'cos this is gonna be intense] Amelia: [the softness and love never lasts soz ladies] Amelia: [more importantly soz to these neighbours] Jac: [💔] Jac: [but love that lmao] Amelia: [thank god her parents aren't coming back yet because there is no being quiet if their lives depended on it now] Amelia: [I had an idea that while Jac is getting ready because even if she doesn't change her outfit she'll probably wanna fix her makeup etc whereas Amelia isn't wearing any she should start a new portrait, this time of them doing something intimate but not saucy lol because 1. that's gay 2. they're at her house so all her art stuff is right there 3. she can make it fit whatever vague af prompt she was given for holiday homework] Jac: [that's a good idea, I won't Katy Perry spoil it rudely, but just like, it better be vague enough that everyone in Art won't be 👀 lmao] Amelia: [don't worry gal we won't out you but actually those Katy Perry dramatics would be a good idea to remember if we ever want them to have a big row haha] Jac: [there is always time lmao, though for tonight I think it's easy enough to have the level of drama we want because like this all happens but then you're not allowed to be together at the party like you aren't even friends still so it's like the base level of getting along at a party vibes, which would obvs be upsetting every time, poor Amelia] Amelia: [agreed we'll keep it in our back pocket for later because tonight has enough going on, like literally every time you have moments like this and then she pushes you away after would be 💔] Jac: [let the fun commence] Amelia: [we all know she's kissing that girl under the mistletoe but is there anything else you want to happen] Jac: [I've got a picture to post in jealousy to that but nothing is gonna actually happen on her end, just pretending luvs, as for other party goings on, literally anything could, she's probably gonna blank their brother which will probably give Amelia that false hope] Amelia: [love that by which I mean hate that lol cos she's already got false hope from Jac inviting her to the party instead of just going on her own] Jac: [I know, the gag is it isn't really false hope but like it still is 'cos we aren't coming out at this party obvs lol, even if they can be more friendly 'cos it's not their year or their usual crowd] Amelia: [I like that because it's a less messy and more friendly vibe even though it means it'll hurt more the next party they go too that won't be like that/when shit hits the fan in like 2 days because of Savannah's love life] Jac: [just waiting for that confirmation hens, bit rude to ruin xmas but there we go] Amelia: [how dare you Savannah you know blocking someone means nothing because you have blatantly also stalked Jac to see what she's doing] Jac: [oh gals, i hope you think some boy is buying her channel] Amelia: [oh she do and that's one of many reasons we're getting with this boy now after hinting all month] Jac: [sorry to dis man but nah] Amelia: [he's not a sweetie like Ty we don't stan] Jac: [when you said one time that he reminded her of Jac LMAOOO] Amelia: [nobody is having a good 2 years is the point but I am DECEASED] Jac: [this is true, you're all going through it, that's the point] Amelia: [Sienna and Is are the only ones thriving] Jac: [god bless lol] Amelia: [can we say they go back to Amelia's after this party and then Jac has to sneak past her parents in the AM for the lols or is that too friendly, like the spare room does exist and I feel like she doesn't wanna go home after missing Jesse's gig] Jac: [yeah, I feel like tonight we would because the family drama is more than the amelia drama rn so we're not gonna turn down the spare room, it will be amusing and also, less funny, can worry the fam some more about where we are, ahh the joys] Amelia: [soz JJ soz everyone but I shall cackle because it's probably more like the afternoon when they wake up so Amelia's parents are just there living their vanilla life] Jac: [hope you don't use your spare room as a dressing room or something babes lollollol] Amelia: [they're just casually eating lunch while Jac tiptoes away] Jac: [oh god bless, at least you did have normal clothes to change into and you won't be in your hoe outfit to walk of shame] Amelia: [or have to borrow clothes off Amelia like this is awks but] Jac: [still a prepared bitch even at our lowest] Amelia: [virgo energy] Jac: [we can skip to them if you like, now we've got the energy of the night] Amelia: [fine by me boo] Jac: did your parents see me Jac: or hear Amelia: No, I captured all of their attention with that loud explanation of my 🎨 Jac: can put it on the fridge Jac: 👍 Amelia: not until it gets graded Jac: it's an As only appliance, gotcha Amelia: 😂 yeah that's why looks nothing like a gallery Jac: even imagining the sound of a 🎻 rn is making my head wanna burst open Amelia: if you're going to keep checking it, turn your phone brightness down Jac: why would I be Amelia: I'm such a great conversationalist Jac: so I hear Amelia: 😏 Jac: don't 😏 @ me Amelia: *😉 Jac: idiot Jac: how was she then Amelia: who? Jac: don't who at me either, you know who Amelia: okay but I don't know what you expect me to say Jac: then I don't need to check my phone, thanks for saving me Jac: and as I gave her to you, that makes us 2-4 Jac: I'll even the score later Amelia: you didn't give her to me, you gave yourself to me Amelia: and I gave her my number Jac: cute Amelia: why do you want to hear this? Jac: It's a while back to mine, even catching the bus Jac: got time to kill and nothing to kill it with Amelia: you should read the 📖 I gave you once the 🤯💊 kick in Jac: I doubt I'll have time with the bollocking I'll be getting once I finally get back Amelia: probably not Jac: looks like Jess' show is online though Jac: no one phantom'd him so there you go, there's your entertainment 'til she texts you Amelia: she might not Jac: yeah right Amelia: parties make everyone 😍🥰😘 Jac: she's definitely full time gay Jac: not gonna pretend she don't know you now Amelia: no, you were right the first time about her being bi Jac: same thing Amelia: it isn't Jac: when you're fucking her, it'll feel the same Amelia: it was just a 💋 Amelia: I don't even know if that'll happen again Jac: do you want it to Amelia: I don't know Amelia: why I do and why I don't are the same reason Jac: sounds confusing Amelia: Yeah Jac: couldn't be me Amelia: like I said, what do you expect me to say? Jac: nothing you haven't Amelia: you're not the only one 🤯 you know Jac: don't moan Jac: go outside Jac: fresh air helps Amelia: you're repeating advice my dad already gave Amelia: at least he's asking for 🛒🍌🥚🥕🍞🧀🍅 Jac: what the fuck is he making Amelia: that's not the full list Amelia: artistic licence if anything Jac: 🙄 Jac: not really A for effort Amelia: you're going to start marking me now, are you? Jac: maybe Amelia: okay Jac: it's cold Amelia: is that why you wanted me to go outside? Jac: to freeze to death or confirm that statement? Jac: neither seems worth it, so no Amelia: how far away are you? I don't have a blanket scarf but I can bring you something Jac: no Jac: you're right, Is' dress was quite nice Amelia: I'm right about you not needing to freeze to death too Jac: says you Amelia: it doesn't have to be like this Jac: like what, an Irish winter? Amelia: you're as stubborn as an Irish winter Jac: artsy Amelia: I'm supposed to be the dramatic one as well Jac: I'm not going to die of consumption on the bus home Jac: you're still the dramatic one, you can mope about how I won't accept help if you like Amelia: and you're getting the wrong kind of inspiration from the classics you've read Jac: have I spoiled the ending of this book? Jac: I'll pass it on, like Amelia: I'm not telling you the ending, read it Jac: you want me to write a book report so you can grade me too? Amelia: 😂 maybe Jac: 🤓 Amelia: ❌ Amelia: and it's not moping, it's caring Jac: no one asked you to either way Amelia: it's really cold Jac: the bus has heating, it's only gonna be a few minutes wait, then I can run back Amelia: I could wait with you Jac: why would you do that Jac: obviously not Amelia: because you're right about fresh air Amelia: and it might  🌨⛄️ Jac: then go to the park with all the other little kids Amelia: you want to know what kissing her was like, it was the opposite of this Jac: talking would get in the way of it Amelia: that's not what I mean and you know it's not Jac: I don't care what you meant Jac: I'm not threatened by Violet McLaughlin Amelia: it's not about her Jac: not for me it ain't Amelia: you make everything 10x harder than it needs to be Jac: if you can't cope Jac: then you don't need to worry about that, because we're not friends Amelia: for fuck's sake Jac: just go Jac: the supermarket is gonna be full of frantic people fighting over sprouts Amelia: if we're not friends there's literally no reason for me to make things that easy for you Amelia: so no Jac: we're not friends so I'll happily tell you to fuck off if you come anywhere near this bus stop Amelia: you either want me to 🛒 or you don't Jac: for god sake Jac: can your parents not take you Amelia: the whole point is he wants me to get out Jac: could he not come with so you don't go do some more reckless shit Jac: lazy parenting, tbh Amelia: he doesn't know about most of the reckless shit I do Jac: 🙄 case in point Jac: but don't worry, I won't call yours Amelia: it doesn't matter to me if you do Jac: I'm not interested enough to get you in trouble Amelia: unlike you I talk, it's no challenge for me to say whatever they need to hear Jac: you want an easy life Jac: I don't Amelia: I want a fucking life Jac: and the dramatics, right on cue Amelia: right Jac: you want a life, go do something about it Amelia: I already told you I'm not leaving Jac: we all will before you know it Jac: then we'll have no reason to stay in contact Amelia: we'll always have a reason Jac: How is it that Is has got it before you? Jac: she didn't need either of us at her party Amelia: I'm not Is, and guess what, I'm not Savannah either Jac: Yeah, you're not Amelia: they're gone and I'm not going anywhere, keep tipping your hourglass over and pretending like it'll be any different any time soon Jac: oh, fuck you Amelia: the bus stop is way too public for you Jac: you're not funny Amelia: it's not a laugh out loud kind of moment Jac: don't come here, get the next bus Amelia: I'm not going to, I've got 🎨 to finish Jac: Good Jac: because I would have to slap you even if it is a hate crime Amelia: you'd try Jac: I'm not fucking bragging, I wouldn't know what else to do Jac: I don't, these days Amelia: me either, I would still stop you though Jac: maybe Amelia: try it Jac: I'm not saying I want to either Jac: just leave me alone Amelia: no Jac: I'll leave you alone Amelia: that's never been what I want Jac: then it can be a threat Amelia: yeah, and it existed ages before you bothered to say it Amelia: it's all I think about already Jac: You knew what this was before it started Amelia: and? Amelia: I still know what it is Amelia: that doesn't mean it's okay Jac: then you should say no Amelia: You knew how I felt before this started Amelia: I can't Jac: and I'm committed to being a shit person Jac: I can handle that, if you can't then you have to address it Jac: I'm not doing it for you Amelia: I got that, you're not doing anything for me today Amelia: in the cold light of Jac: That's how it's been from the start Jac: it's not changing Amelia: it did change, last night was different Amelia: for a bit Jac: you just want that to be true Amelia: you just want to keep lying and gaslighting Amelia: I'm not stupid Jac: I was so drunk I can barely remember any of it Amelia: no you weren't because if you had been there would be nothing to remember Amelia: nothing would have happened Jac: you don't like being accused of things, neither do I Amelia: the predatory lesbian angle is tired, that's all Amelia: so am I Jac: I didn't wake you Jac: your parents dancing 'round the kitchen like this is a rom-com did Amelia: I know that Amelia: and you knew what my parents are like when you decided to sleep in the guest room Amelia: maybe 🧔👩🏻👧🏻 is their rom-com Jac: needs must Amelia: exactly Jac: I didn't say shit about your parents Amelia: we're not fighting about them Amelia: why would you? Jac: Then can you get to your point Jac: because this is tiring, and unnecessary, agreed Amelia: I've made them Amelia: points multiple Jac: Cool, bye then Amelia: 👋 Amelia: I've got no interest in dating Savannah Moore Jac: That's good, she's straight and gone Amelia: you sounded just like her Amelia: everything she said to you, repeated more or less word for word to me Jac: So? Jac: and you don't know what she said to me, you weren't there, you have no idea Amelia: so goodbye then Amelia: you told me, remember, that she said how beautiful you were etc Amelia: you're becoming an echo Jac: It isn't the same Amelia: she hurt you because everything she said didn't mean that she wanted to kiss you, be with you, any of the things you wanted Amelia: this is the same for me Amelia: you'll never kiss me how Violet did, you won't even take my fucking coat when it's about to snow Jac: it's different because she's fucking straight and you know I'm not Jac: but if that isn't enough for you then yeah Jac: bye Amelia: I know loads of things but how can it be enough when you spend have the time trying to make me doubt them Amelia: half* Jac: There's nothing I can or will do about that Amelia: you could be honest with me Jac: I have been, for fuck's sake Amelia: no, you lie to hurt me, that's literally the opposite Jac: No, I've told you loads of things, things I haven't told anyone else, and you admit that because you know them Jac: what you want, Amelia, is for me to come out and declare my love for you Jac: and I have never, ever, said I would do that Amelia: what I want, is you Amelia: not the person you're pretending to be to everyone else Jac: If I could be that person still, don't you think I would Jac: I'd do it for me, not you Jac: it's like I'm dead Jac: there isn't a switch where I can just bring that me back, she's gone Amelia: sometimes you are, so even if there's no switch, there has to be something Amelia: I'm not that crazy and you're not that dead Jac: well if you work it out, let me know Amelia: obviously Jac: It's not the same Jac: you can say it's fucked Jac: but you aren't being led on Amelia: okay Amelia: I'm sorry Jac: it's fine Amelia: it's not, I know you don't want to talk about her Jac: it's not how you think it was Jac: no one else would get it Amelia: it's between you and her Amelia: I don't have to get it Jac: yeah Amelia: has the 🚌 come yet? Jac: I'm going to town instead Jac: I'll buy a cheap coat, don't worry Jac: but work is open 'til Christmas eve, and they didn't expect me to work after term-time, but I'm gonna go offer Amelia: did the 🤯💊 really work that well? Jac: I think it was the cold more Jac: and I still don't wanna be there yet Jac: you know how big a thing Christmas is with my family, everyone will be coming over from wherever the fuck they reside, it's too much Amelia: yeah Amelia: at least your uni app will benefit Jac: and my pockets Jac: no presents really means I could save up Amelia: not if you spend all your money on coats Amelia: I'll bring you one, I'm serious Amelia: to work or wherever you are now Jac: likewise if you waste all your time on me, your 🎨 will never get finished Amelia: my 🎨 is technically a bigger waste of time Amelia: and when I go to uni I won't have any time for it anyway Jac: but still, a really good grade will help you get there, even if the subject isn't totally relevant Amelia: I'm already getting a good grade in that subject Amelia: are you out of excuses why I shouldn't help you now or what? Jac: Ugh Jac: you're so stubborn, it's rich you're trying to have a go at me for it Amelia: you're just annoyed that I'm giving you something else, but it's a borrow Amelia: I'm not 🤶🏻 Jac: maybe God can be a woman but Santa categorically is not Jac: what does his wife even do? Amelia: discipline the elves because he's a soft touch, obviously Amelia: are you still at the bus stop then? Jac: no, the bus came, but they're pretty regular, even from yours 🏡 Jac: assuming they'll have me for this shift...you can meet me whenever you get to this part of town, they're really good at giving breaks Amelia: I'm familiar with the bus schedule, my parents don't drive me EVERYWHERE, just a lot of places Amelia: okay then Jac: you're an only child, it'd be weird if you weren't a bit spoilt Amelia: it would mean I was an accident but I'm literally the opposite so Jac: n'awh Amelia: at least they cherish me Amelia: you literally do the opposite Jac: 😂 Jac: you aren't a miracle in general you know, only to them Amelia: rude Jac: sometimes you have to hear these harsh truths Amelia: ear muff gay remember Amelia: you'll have to sign it Jac: [video saying something offensive that Amelia should remember lol] Amelia: 😂 Jac: 😏 Amelia: Jess doesn't deserve all the free advertising he'll be getting on this bus ride but I'm not going back for my 🎧 Jac: You're so common Amelia: after what you just signed Amelia: hypocritical Jac: unless someone has their 👀s on your screen, I'm fine Amelia: or on you as you did it Amelia: which they probably did Jac: this bus is packed Jac: fucking Christmas Amelia: people look at you, it doesn't matter where or who else is around Jac: you make it sound like I'm something special Jac: people look at you too Amelia: it's not the same Amelia: people are usually looking at me because I'm doing something I'm not supposed to Jac: nah, it is Amelia: 😳🚏 Jac: you'd notice if you weren't so busy looking at me Amelia: if that's the criteria I don't want to notice Jac: such a line Amelia: No, you're SO nice to look at, is a line Jac: I know you're too much of a 🤓 to ever think you're smooth Amelia: I haven't got the misplaced confidence of a teenage boy, if that's what you mean Jac: you aren't your ex, yeah Amelia: I fucking hope not Jac: all the girls I've seen you go for Jac: have really dark hair Amelia: I guess Jac: and are ethnically ambiguous, but like, more noticably than I am Amelia: where are you going with this? Jac: it's just what I've noticed Jac: you have a type but it isn't me Amelia: or you are my type and they're not Jac: I knew you'd say that Amelia: because it's true Jac: saying I defy all types would be more of a line Jac: so I'll believe you Amelia: Do you want to get ☕ with me? Jac: I can't Jac: like, genuinely Jac: we got up late, now I'm here begging for work, I better actually do some Amelia: okay, I'll bring it to you Amelia: and there'll probably be loads of people from school everywhere anyway Jac: yeah Jac: loads of people in our year reckon they're trying the pubs Christmas eve Jac: as if half of them look serve-able Amelia: are you going to go? Jac: I don't think so Jac: it's just for the brag of getting in and getting served, they're especially militant this time of year Jac: easier ways to get drunk we use every other day of the year Amelia: true Amelia: but you do love a competition Amelia: and a brag Jac: if I wanted to get served that bad, I'd go to my granda's Jac: I dunno Jac: are you gonna go? Amelia: I doubt my mum will let me break tradition for that Jac: of course Amelia: though I should probably go see your great grandad before they notice how much of their drinks cabinet we raided Jac: 😬 Jac: can't exactly break my no present rule to buy them a bottle or two Amelia: that'd be offensive, you won't break it for me Jac: spoilt brat 😂 Amelia: we missed a really good show 🎸🎵 Jac: I can't believe you're listening to it out loud Amelia: of course you can Amelia: it's exactly the kind of thing I'd do Jac: I'd be so embarrassed Jac: I'd move Amelia: if you were here I'd be able to steal your 🎧 Amelia: you never forget anything Jac: it's not hard Amelia: I was rushing Jac: you just really wanted a ☕ right Amelia: why else Jac: indeed Amelia: I can't believe how hard creepy editor is going with some of these close ups Amelia: it's really ruining it for me Jac: disgusting Jac: I won't be tuning in Amelia: if only it was so easy for you to avoid him in person, right? Jac: it's pretty easy Jac: though unfortunately he keeps all his music crap downstairs so Amelia: have I ever mentioned how great it is being an only child? Jac: 😒 Jac: fuck off Amelia: 😂 Amelia: I'm going in the wrong direction to Jac: I punched the wrong sibling though Amelia: what? Jac: not close enough to clock the concealer 👎 job editor Amelia: you did that? Jac: yeah Amelia: what happened? Jac: he tried to stop me going out Amelia: why? Jac: 'cos he's an idiot Amelia: okay Jac: I didn't think he'd actually try to stop me Amelia: it doesn't seem like something he'd usually do Jac: everyone's stressed Jac: obviously Amelia: has he tried to stop you since? Jac: I think we've mutually done our best to ignore each other Jac: it was a while ago, actually Jac: after your birthday Jac: time is weird Amelia: Jac Amelia: that was ages ago Jac: not THAT long ago Jac: what's your point? Amelia: I don't know Amelia: I feel stressed now Jac: why, you didn't punch him Jac: or make me Amelia: 😕 Jac: Come on Jac: calm down Amelia: this bus doesn't have a calming atmosphere Jac: how many screaming kids Amelia: they're the majority Jac: ew Jac: I have too many cousins Amelia: me too and I don't have hardly any in comparison Jac: I'm dreading it Jac: xmas Amelia: I wish we could just skip it Jac: same Amelia: my parents think I'm oblivious to the fact they're planning to use their New Year's party to set me up with someone Jac: that's cute Jac: how have they even found another gay for you Amelia: they've found more than one, it'll be a speed dating event with my entire extended family in attendance Amelia: that's not cute Jac: no, it's not, it's weird Jac: but I was trying to be polite Amelia: you're nicer to my parents than you are to me Jac: you'd have a go at me if I weren't Amelia: 🤔 Jac: what are you 🤔 about Amelia: if I should have a go at you for acting like I have a go at you all the time Jac: go ahead and answer your own question Jac: then you'll have a go at me for making you have a go at me over whether or not you're always having a go at me Amelia: 😣 Jac: 😏 Amelia: am I? Jac: just now Jac: but I treat you like shit so if you weren't it'd be more damning Jac: not before Amelia: oh great Jac: what do you mean? Amelia: I mean what I just said, I'm thrilled to hear that Jac: 🤨 Jac: okay Amelia: Where do you want me to meet you? Jac: I'll come out Jac: you remember where it is, my work Amelia: Yeah Amelia: I only have a couple of stops left Jac: I thought you were getting me coffee Amelia: there's a place right near there, I remember that too Jac: fair enough Jac: carry on Amelia: I'm not THAT hopeless at geography Jac: your memory is decent, you can have that Amelia: thanks Jac: don't mention it Amelia: 🤫🤐 Jac: I'll pay you back, for the coffee Jac: can't afford any more gifts from you Amelia: feel free to put the money in my coat pocket when give it back Jac: good idea Amelia: maybe I'll find something else I had no idea was in there when I do the search Jac: knowing you Amelia: yeah, a miracle, we all know ✨ Amelia: next year I'll just get you one big 🎁 Amelia: then we can have ☕ together Jac: if you pull 🥖🐟 out of your pocket, that's gonna seem more disgusting than miraculous Jac: at least next year, we'll both be able to drive Jac: and this will all be that much closer to being over Amelia: I'll actually know what I'm doing with my gap year if buts and maybes, that'll be weirder Jac: will it be backpacking in Thailand or building orphanages in Africa Amelia: my parents would still prefer 🥖🐟 Amelia: so if they get their way it'll be neither and nothing Jac: if you're gonna do it you have to do it properly Jac: or it's just a waste of time Amelia: the entire point is to waste more time after 🎓 and before 🤓💻📝 Amelia: it's a stalling tactic Jac: 🙄 Amelia: 😏 Jac: you're gonna be 2 years older than half your class by the time you get there Amelia: so? Amelia: it's not a speed dating event either Jac: so they're all going to seem really immature Amelia: boys always are Amelia: I've coped with that all through school Jac: Uni is about not dealing with that Jac: having a fresh start Amelia: exactly, I'll be there to 🤓💻📝 Jac: yeah right Amelia: not much of a fresh start otherwise Jac: exactly, you aren't going to have a personality overhaul in a year or two Amelia: 😂 Amelia: I'm thrilled you don't think 💔 has changed me Jac: only for the worse, obviously Amelia: you sound like my mum now Amelia: she's texting me 'please don't act like this when your grandparents arrive tomorrow' Amelia: like what? 🤶🏻 okay Jac: ooh, no 🥛🍪 for you Amelia: 🥺 Jac: you'll be fine Jac: just don't ruin christmas by being gay Amelia: that was last year's drama Jac: precisely why you don't need to go for 2 Amelia: why I'd find a new way to ruin it if I was going to Jac: 👍 Amelia: it was Is who copied you, I'm fine with letting you do your own thing Jac: they'll be too busy to care Jac: and not talking isn't ruining anything Jac: enough loudmouths running about Amelia: if you leave it at that Jac: what else would I do, shit in the christmas pudding Amelia: punch one of your other family members Amelia: just an idea I pulled out of nowhere though Jac: only if they get in my way Jac: which they're unlikely to do now Amelia: Jude isn't Amelia: getting in your way is her number 1 skill Jac: and mine happens to be avoiding her Amelia: it's in the top 10, I don't think I'd put it first Jac: I've managed not to punch anyone since Jac: it's fine Amelia: you were threatening to hit me not long ago Amelia: but alright Jac: because you were threatening to get in my space Jac: everyone just needs to leave me alone when I tell them to Jac: it's not hard Amelia: it's my fault, that's really what you're going with? Jac: yes Jac: you were going to get in my face when I explicitly warned you not to Jac: I didn't just attack you, and I didn't just attack Jess Amelia: okay Jac: fuck's sake Jac: it's alright for you all to push me and ignore my boundaries Amelia: because I can't keep up with what your boundaries are Jac: no, you just think you can push through them Amelia: no, you keep moving close to me and then away Jac: and you only accept one of those Amelia: so do you Jac: whatever Jac: this is pointless Amelia: any time I try to do anything that looks remotely like moving on, you know exactly what you do, so don't pretend this is all me Jac: I weren't talking about that Amelia: no, you were talking about how much you want me to fuck off Amelia: come outside and I can Jac: [does] Amelia: [we giving her this coat and coffee like okay bye as if we didn't come all this way/have anywhere else to be, oh gal] Jac: [kissing her on the cheek like we would've done without thinking as friends but now it's a big deal, but then running like bye] Amelia: [we're all dying and running away nbd]
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 85 Xs1)
"Day 12: Chicago"
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Considering how intoxicated they got all day and night yesterday, it's surprising that Luna and Colson are awake before any kind of knock hits their hotel room door. It's probably because of the uncomfortable, tangled positions they'd found themselves in from last night.
Getting comfortable at the top of the bed, they snuggle together. Colson running his fingers through her golden hair as they talk about different things. He wants to fly his tattoo guy out to meet them in Kansas City on Thursday.
"Think it'll hurt?" Colson asks Luna about the head tattoo he wants.
"Hmmmmph...." Luna giggles to herself.
Remembering the pain, Luna touches the back of her head. Just above the divit that slopes into her neck, at the very base of her skull, about three fingers wide and long, she has the replica of an old CA license plate tattooed there. Instead of numbers, it has the word WARD, like a vanity plate. A registration sticker sits expiring in the bottom right corner on June of 1999. The hidden piece is the only ink Luna has for her mother.
Known as Lizard or Izzy. Patti and Robert never named their daughter. The forgotten baby was named by a nun in the orphanage she was raised in. Never being adopted and always a ward of the state, Luna's mother's name legally became Elizabeth Ann Ward. Patti feeling immense guilt when her daughter contacted her regarding her grandchild, she legally changed Luna's name as soon as she adopted her after Izzy's death. The marking being the first tattoo Luna ever got. Never forgetting her true home. Or that first sense of insatiable pain. Always keeping her hair long, only three other people know that she has it. One of them being the artist. Colson isn't one and neither is her grandmother. Having gotten it done the summer she turned 14yrs old with Jackson and Opie, the undercut grew out just enough by time she'd come home to NY. That wasn't the only first for Luna in The Summer of 2005. That same year, Jackson got his first bike, teaching her how to ride and handle a gun. It was also the first time Luna ever had sex. Popping her cherry with Jackson on a warm late July night. It had been a wild summer filled with surprises, love and rebellion. Luna gaining and losing many different things in those three months. Springing into action a long series of events.
"YEAH. On the back of your skull? You're gonna feel that vibration through your teeth, eyes, ears... It's gonna hurt like a Motherfucker." Luna says with a smile playing on her lips.
"Shit, I didn't think of it like that..." Colson admits, not noticing Luna's detail.
"You'll be fine. Don't act like you don't like a little pain." Luna lifts up, biting his lip.
"Mmm... " Colson pulls Luna into him.
Kissing her deeply, Luna feels her body flush. Pushing up and climbing on top of him, she pins him down against the bed. Lightly biting along his neck. Each one a little harder as she makes her way to his nipples. Making Colson laugh and squirm as she drags her hands down his body as she bites his tattooed sides and stomach.
Holding his hard dick and excited eyes, Luna licks the bottom of him from base to tip with her wide, sopping tongue. Keeping his eyes in place with her antagonizing blue, Colson groans out. She gives him a wicked smile and a devious look before she lightly squeezes his cock and sinks her teeth into the meat of his thigh. Hard but not too hard.
"Ahh!! You fucking bitch!" He jerks. Laughing, while grabbing her. Colson carefully lifting and flipping Luna on to her back. "I'm gonna fuck you up!" He claims as she giggles.
Holding her down, with one large hand planted in the middle of her chest with a long arm, Colson slips his tongue up through the warm folds of Luna's pussy. Tasting peaches, he smiles before biting her back on her thigh.
"Motherfucker!!" Luna shrieks
Colson throws both of her legs over his shoulders. Coming back up to her face, he presses his tongue into her mouth. Aggressively kissing her as he holds her down.
Enjoying his dominance, Luna finds his cock with her hands. Grabbing it, she shifts her hips as she guides him inside. Pulling his blonde hair back, making him groan out as he starts to fuck her.
"Jesus FUCKING Christ, Loons!!" Colson growls into her ear, as he pulls out of her grasp to gnaw on her neck.
Luna claws the tops his arms, keeping her left leg straight. Her right leg grips his neck, curve of her foot resting perfectly on the back of his head. Driving into her deeply. Colson and Luna buck against each other hard as their teeth nip and hands grab at each other's bodies.
"Fuck. Oh, Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, FUUUUCK MEEEE!!!" Luna cries as Colson happily follows directions.
Making them both cum. Dropping her legs from his shoulders, Colson stays between them. Laying on Luna's right collarbone. He can see the bandage for her gunshot wound.
"Fuck..." His stomach churns as he looks in the other direction. Hating everything about it.
"Do you need a dress?" Colson pops his head up after a moment.
"A dress?" Luna asks, confused.
"Yeah... For the wedding. Shit. I guess you need two, hunh? He moves off of her to lay on his side.
"Awww..." Luna kisses his sweet lips. "Yeah... I uh, I don't know yet. I have an idea of what I want... But... I don't know... You?" She asks.
They haven't made any solid plans regarding either event. The only thing in place is their word, a twisted guitar string, an already scheduled festival and an almost dual residency for one of them. All with the idea of being legally married sometime next month.
"Don't you dress me?" Colson honestly asks her.
"Are you fucking five?" Luna asks him with a gnarly look. "Am I supposed to dress you?" She gives him a terrified look.
Both of them laugh, neither knowing what the fuck they're doing. THIS is gonna be a hot mess, they agree.
"We need help." Luna admits. "At least for after TownHall... We can wing EstFest."
Colson agrees with her again. They want to have a gathering afterwards at The Cleveland House for those who attend the small ceremony.
Wrapping his arm around Luna, pulling her into his chest, Colson kisses her head.
"We're getten' married, Kitten." He hums into into the top of her head.
Luna smiles, resting deeper into him. A wave of euphoria washing over her. A happy Yup escaping her lips. Neither of them ever expecting this in their lifetime. Colson a forever player. Luna thinking her heart was broken.
Hearing the knock, they get up. Burning and banging it out again in the shower. Luna snorting Percocets as Colson rails his own Adderalls.
Passing joints back and forth as they get dressed. Colson in loose grey pants and a Metallica shirt. Luna in all black skinnies and a tank.
Sliding on her red Vans, she pulls on the red baseball hat and her leather. Colson slapping her ass as she yelps walking out the door.
Colson's playing a sold out show at the Aragon Ballroom tonight.
As The Crew and Tech finish setting up, Luna and everyone hangs out in the parking lot. Most of them boarding around. All of them burning.
Luna stops as she feels her phone ring. It's her grandmother. Leaning up against the wall, Luna takes it.
"Hey Mom-Mom..." She greets Patti.
Patti asks Luna how the tour's going. Luna telling her Wild, like any other. Her Mom-Mom always appreciating Luna's candidness. They go on to touch base that Luna spoke to her therapist, Kylie, last week. She reassures her grandma that she did and will this week also. With that Patti cuts to the chase. She wants Luna to do her a favor. Luna hates her grandmother's favors.
"Seriously, Mom-mom?" Luna sighs with annoyance.
Patti wants her to fly out to NY next Tuesday and appear on Ellen. Always thinking her connections are the right move for her granddaughter's career. It's exactly how Luna ended up on Riot Records.
"What if Ash isn't available?" Luna tries to wiggle out of it.
Her grandmother pisses her off when she tells her that's Just Fine, Ellen wants to interview her, not Ashley.
"What the FUCK, Mom-mom? You know I don't like doing interviews. And on fucking daytime TV. You gotta stop doing this shit to me, Man. Did I not just flip shit in my room over feeling too looked at.....? You fucking suck right now....." Luna complains.
Pressing on Patti tells her it's good exposure for Nightmare and her cause. That Luna knows Ellen as a family friend and that she won't cross any boundaries. Sometimes she can be an old dick.
"Yeah. Clearly you've never watched her show." Luna angrily retorts. "I'll do this one, but Mom-Mom, that's IT. DO NOT commit me to anything else before asking me first." Pressing it even further, Luna throws in a zinger. "What did you always tell me?... Hm? Not to ASSUME anything... because it makes an Ass outta You and Me.... Next time, I'm gonna say No and you're gonna be mad when you look like an Asshole." Luna tells the older woman.
Blowing Luna's threats off, her grandmother tells her to watch her for the producers phone call and that she'll see her when she gets home. They exchange I Love Yous and GoodByes before hanging up. Still leaning against the wall, Luna grabs her skateboard and looks down. Thinking about her conversation with her grandmother.
"This is fucking bullshit.... I don't wanna fucking go on TV.... Ahhhhh!!!" Her brain screams. "Ash better be able to fucking come."
Calling Ashley, she can't. She'll be in Europe somewhere with Dom. Luna zones out of the conversation once she doesn't hear what she wants.
"MOTHERFUCKER.." Is all she can think.
Colson had noticed when Luna had first stopped skating. Looking over at her again, he stops himself. Holding his board, he watches her. She seems irritated by whoever's on the phone.
"Nobody better be fucking with her." He thinks, dropping his deck to skate over to Luna. "And it better not be fucking Tommy.... Or Jackson..." Colson can feel a fire lighting in his belly.
"What's up, Kitten?" He asks.
Gliding up to her, as he stops. One foot on his board, the other on the ground. Letting her's rest against her leg as wraps his long arms around her body.
"My fucking grandmom booked me on Ellen next Tuesday and Ash can't go with me." Luna complains into his chest.
"Shit? Again without asking?" Colson pulls her out of his chest.
"Yeah..." Luna sighs.
"Come're." Colson tells her.
They both let their boards go as he lifts her up. Luna wraps her arms and legs around his naked upper body. Burying her face into his neck. Inhaling his sweet aroma. The mixture of coffee, weed and his deodorant makes her nipples hard.
"I fucking hate when she does this." She whines.
"I know, Kitten." Colson comforts her as he kisses the side of her hat. "You just performing or you gotta sit down too?" He asks.
"I gotta sit dooowwn..." Luna continues to pout.
Colson can't help but chuckle. Luna tells him to Shut Up as her phone rings again. It's another NY number.
Sliding off of him, she takes the call as he skates off. Giving her a minute. It's the producers from The Ellen Show. They want Luna to perform Nightmare and THAT Type along with an interview. Luna agrees to all but THAT Type. She refuses to continue fueling this Bleta flame. Guaranteeing she'll have something for two sets, Luna unhappily hangs up.
"And now I gotta write a whole new FUCKING song...." Luna thinks, annoyed.
Flipping her deck over she goes to find Sam. She's rail sliding, ollieing and skating around the parking lot with Colson, Rook and Baze. Luna decides against saying anything at the moment. Choosing to rip her emotions out using the trucks beneath her feet instead.
Inside the ballroom, Colson goes over last minute specifics with Tech before he hits a light rehearsal with The Band.
They don't really need it, but they like to check the acoustics in new venues. Watching from SideStage, Colson asks Luna if she wants to try out What I Got.
"Yeah, why not? I wanna play lead on this one though." Luna says, tossing off her hat with her leather.
Walking over, she picks up a guitar and slides the strap over her shoulder. Striking it. She begins to play a different song with her own lyrics.
🎶Luna's 26yrs old🎶
🎶But Tuesday🎶
🎶She'll be a whore🎶
🎶Even though she already🎶
🎶It's fucking the wrong way🎶
Luna stares at Colson as she snarls at the next lyrics. She's still pissed at her grandmother.
🎶Don't be afraid🎶
🎶In the quickness🎶
🎶You get laid🎶
🎶For your family🎶
🎶Get paid🎶
🎶It's the Fucking wrong way🎶
Letting the guitar hang off of her, Luna sighs. Arms rests on the Fender. The 30s and time help Luna not notice the light pain in her shoulder. Colson walks over and kisses her forehead.
"I don't think that's really a duet, Kitty." He says with a small smile.
"I know..." Luna sighs again. "I'm just frustrated. I gotta come up with a second song by Tuesday."
Leaning the top of her her head into his chest as the instrument separates them. He rubs her back asking her Why. Understanding when she explains not wanting to use THAT Type.
"What about the one you sent me? Brooklyn Bitch?" He asks, lifting her face by the chin.
Looking up at him she says No, pulling away. Hands flittering in frustration. She'd have to change too many things and it's the complete opposite tone and message of Nightmare. Whatever it is, it needs to send it's own independent, strong musical statement. Another reason she doesn't want to use THAT Type, it's negative as all hell towards women and so far removed from Luna's platform. She needs something new. Something to hold hands with Nightmare. Sighing again, she places her head back against Colson's bare chest.
"Wanna put figuring out a cover on hold for a sec? So you can write this one?" He asks.
Looking up again, she asks If He Minds. Shaking his head, Colson leans down to kiss Luna. Lifting the guitar from around her neck.
"Come on... Lemme get you high, Baby Girl." He smirks.
Slapping her ass. He grabs one cheek, holding it tightly as they walk across stage.
Rolling her eyes, she feels her pussy swell from his grasp. Luna loves the way he man handles her sometimes, even distracted.
"I fucking hate when you call me that." She complains.
There is ONE person who calls Luna Baby Girl and they're the highest on her shit list.
Sitting on one of the couches on The Bus, Colson fires Luna up a joint. Handing it to her, he lights his own. Slouching down, Luna hits it as she kicks off her Vans. Swinging herself around, Luna lays back on the couch as she places her legs across his lap.
Colson slips her socks off and starts rubbing her slender feet. Pressing his large thumbs into her balls and high arches. Both still getting high. Luna closes her eyes, running her left foot over Colson's semi until he can't stand it anymore. Fully hard, he looks over at her asking Yeah to her smirk and shrug.
"YEAH!!" Colson shouts as he pounces on her.
Tickling and kissing her all over, Luna wiggles and laughs as they try to undress each other. Scooching all over the couch. Colson pulls her skinny jeans off and throws them across The Bus.
"Was that really necessary?" Luna laughs.
"Yes." Colson confirms as he dives back on to her.
Kissing and teasing each other, they wrestle around on the couch. Luna squirms too far off it, taking them both down onto the floor with a THUD.
With more space to control her, Colson bites Luna's neck as he dips his cock inside of her. Luna thrusts her hips up into him as she moans out in pleasure. They're tongues play in each other's mouths as they move their bodies together. Pulling back, Colson grins down at Luna.
"Told you I'd fuck you on the floor." He smirks.
"You motherfucker!" Luna bursts.
Gripping his waist with the leg wrapped around it, Luna pushes off with her right. She rolls them over using her right arm as leverage and left for force. Popping his dick back inside of herself once she's on top, she pulls up her right knee to protect her new crab. Dropping her hips and left leg, Luna pushes Colson all the way inside of her. Pressing on his chest with her hands, she rocks her hips in a titled circle.
"Who's fucking who on the floor now, C!" Luna taunts his groans.
"You're such a fucking biitchh..." He growls, enjoying her pussy controlling his cock.
"Yeah. But you love this fucking BITCH, don't you?" Luna provokes Colson while riding him faster. "Don't you."
Colson grips her hips tighter with a loud Yes. Bucking hard against him, they're both on the verge of cumming.
"Say it." She demands.
"I FUCKING LOVE YOU, YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" Colson shouts as Luna fucks him with authority.
"FUCK YEAH, YOU DO!!" She cries out before they both cum. "Holy Fuck balls, Bunny...."
Luna pants, dangling her head backwards as she leans her hands on his thighs. Still grinding into him. Colson admires her heaving chest and enjoys her warm pussy and soft moans.
She's startled when he comes flying up, wrapping his arms around Luna's body when he hears The Bus doors open. Quickly tucking her inside of him, she's not sure what's going on until she hears his firm YO.
Next comes a "Bullet? What the fuck, DUDE? Why... You know what.... Get the fuck out, I'll be talk to you in a minute." Colson says to whomever walked onto The Bus.
"Who the hell was that?" Luna asks once he releases her.
Colson runs his hands through her hair. Pulling her in for another kiss.
"My boy, Bullet... Come on, let's get dressed. I'll introduce you." He tells her before he kisses her again.
"MY MAN!!" Colson exclaims dapping and hugging a large bald man.
The guy is HUGE. Benny and Colson are the same height but Benny's got an easy 150lbs on Colson. This dude that Luna's watching, has at least another three inches on them both. An easy fifty pounds if not more of solid muscle on Benny. He's not huge, this man is a mountain.
"Kitten!" Colson catches her attention. "This is Bullet. Bullet, meet Luna Smith, THAT Brooklyn Bitch. And as of next month my fucking WIFE." He grins with pride.
"Hi!" Luna gives the man a bright smile as she shakes his hand. "How do you guys know each other?" She asks.
Colson explains how Bullet is his other bodyguard.
"Ooohh... They called in you cause of OUR reckless asses." Luna calls him right out, putting two and two together.
"Naaahhhh..." Bullet shakes his head with a smirk.
"Mhhm... Well, at least we greeted you with a fucking bang-bang." She snarks, making Colson and Bullet erupt into laughter. "I gotta start working on this song. Catch you in a bit?" Luna asks as she kisses Colson.
He nods in agreement, kissing her back as she tells Bullet It's A Pleasure. Heading off to find Sam.
"Imma like this one..... She's a little pistol." Bullet thinks of his first impression of Luna. Noticing how Kells had stopped to cover her tattooed body when he walked in on them. He'd never done that before with any other female Bullet's walked in on him with. Just kept on fucking. "If she is what they say she is, I guess I'd wanna keep that ass to myself too." He muses to himself. Acknowledging that Kells's Girl is not only sassy but STACKED as he watches her walk away.
🎶Did we ask//You for It//When we begged//Was it nice//While we were//Asking for It//Did we beg you twice🎶
Luna's in Colson's dressing room, sitting on the floor with her guitar, notebook, a joint and a pen. She's trying to write a new song. Wanting the same message as Nightmare, but melodic wise is trying to return to her roots. That raw energy. She doesn't want any mixing done. Just to run it straight through. That hard hitting garage feel.
"FUCK.... I'm so glad Sam's already here. I need a fucking bassist..... There's no way I'm pulling Tim in for this....." She thinks as a pain shoots through her heart.
Luna's original band, Dysfunctional Baggage consisted of four members. Luna on lead guitar and vocals. Justin on rhythm guitar and back up vocals. Sam, obviously being the drummer and Tim, Justin's bestfriend, their bassist. They had formed in 2011. Playing local NYC spots. Doing small East Coast tours. None of them wanting to be famous, having only the need to create music. And they did. A lot. The Band cut four albums on their own before they disbanded in 2015. Justin and Tim's addictions overshadowing their work. That's when Patti pushed Luna onto Riot Records as a solo artist. Locking her into a four year, three record contract. Sam had stuck with Luna as an unsigned artist, not wanting to be pigeonholed but still create with her friend. Having lost Justin within the first year of her contract, the three records sound nothing like Luna. They're very dark and bluesy instead of energetic and empowering. Justin's suicide never going public but Luna's words making it abundantly clear to their fans. It had wreaked her. Had she not been forced to create, she probably would've lost her music also.
Ashleigh pops her head in.
"You're on in 15, Loon." She informs her.
"FUCK! Okay. Thanks Ash." Luna responds.
Looking at her mess on the floor, she doesn't have time to clean it up. Pulling her clothes off, she dresses for The Stage. Throwing on a corset, booty shorts, thigh highs with a garter, a random flannel and knee high boots.
Keeping her hair loose, she pulls on her leather before heading out to perform with Colson.
"God DAMN!!!" Colson's mind flashes as he takes Luna's hand, leading her from the piano. "Imma fuck the shit outta that ass TONIGHT." He thinks as he raps to her.
Bouncing around the stage together, playing off one another, Colson feels his dick growing hard as Luna snakes around him. He pulls her into him. Poking her lower back with his raging cock. Reminding her of LA.
🎶Let me paint the picture. Counter in the kitchen. Taking all your clothes off. Findin' my religion. You're my pretty little vixen and I'm the voice inside your head. That keeps telling you to listen to all the bad things I say🎶
They hit the chorus together. How they want each other forever. Throwing their arms up as they laugh and sing about tattooing each other on their bodies to take each other wherever.
The Band exploding around them with lights and smoke. The crowd going wild when Luna grabs Colson's chin. Belting the last chords.
🎶I'm all in🎶
🎶There is no maybe🎶
Colson grabs her ass, pulling her into him for a strong kiss. Their bodies ripping chords on his guitar between them.
"I love you." Colson whispers to her, whipping her around to face the crowd, he holds her against him. Arm around her neck. "Give it up for my soon-to-be Bride, THAT BROOKLYN FUCKING BITCH!!!!" He screams.
Luna grins and shakes her head. Thanking the crowd as Colson kisses her cheek and releases her.
"Kill em, Bunny." She tells him before trotting OffStage.
That's exactly what he does for the next 45mins. Jumping into the crowd, climbing up random shit, performing his fucking heart out.
Luna doesn't bother to head back to the dressing room. Standing in between Sam and Ashleigh, she hits the bottle one hands her. Then a joint from the other. Singing along with them, enjoying the rest of the show.
"Thank you, Chicago!!! You were fucking sick!!!" Colson shouts before coming OffStage after encoring Sail.
Luna throws up a Bye to Ashleigh and a confused Sam as he tosses her over his shoulder. It's a scene her and Ashleigh know all to well.
"Get that shit off, NOW." Colson demands after setting Luna back down on her feet.
"What 'chou do before me?" She asks as she strips.
"There is no before YOU." He tells her as he scoops her up.
Sliding himself inside of her, Colson presses Luna up against the dressing room door. Sucking all over her neck as he bounces her off of his dick.
Luna cums for him easily with the way he talks to her and the way his cock treats her. Her walls gripping him tight, she makes him cum with her.
Sitting down on the couch, Colson's still inside Luna as she rests her head against his bare chest and neck. Quietly enjoying each other for a moment.
"What do you wanna do tonight?" He finally asks her.
Lifting up, she grins. "Same thing we do every night, Pinky.... Take over the fucking world."
Colson laughs out an I Love You before flipping her into her back and fucking her again on the couch.
With a school bag full of liquor, drugs and toys, that's exactly what they do. Take over the fucking world as Colson, Luna, Sam, Baze, Rook and Slim rip their boards around DownTown Chicago.
"I didn't know you grind!!!" Luna grins as Slim cruises beside her.
"Bitch, black men do everything!" He laughs.
"Shut the fuck up." Luna tells him with a grin and a shake of the head "Why your bitch ass never come out with us before then, hunh?"
"Cuz I do what I WANT!!!" He laughs mimicking Luna as he pushes off to gain more speed.
"Why wanna be like me???" She teases him, gaining her own speed and sailing past him.
Stopping abruptly, Luna yells "SAMMMMMYYYY!!!"
She's found a park. It may be gated but Luna found a park. The Boys watch as Luna tosses her board and bag over the fence. Next goes Sam's board. Luna's almost up the fence as she reaches down to help her girl.
"I guess we're going to the park..." Colson shrugs after watching The Girls disappear. "Heads up!!!" He yells before tossing his board over to them.
Following suit, Colson and The Boys hop the fence too.
Inside the park, Luna and Sam climb up the jungle gym. Sam finding and sliding down the slide first. Luna going down sideways calling for Squish The Lemon. Everyone one running towards her. Rook and Sam take one set of steps as Slim and Baze find others, running across the jungle gym to the slide. Colson beats them all when he climbs up the side. It only takes Colson's weight to knock Luna off.
Scrambling back up to the top, they hoot and holler as they slide and slam into each other. Knocking each of them to the ground. Luna's stuck between Baze and Rook as Slim comes tumbling down against Sam. It's Colson's force that sends Baze and Luna flying into the air. Both hit the ground laughing.
"YOU WIN!!!!" Luna calls out, not bothering to get up off of the warm summer ground.
"Lezzzzz goooo!!" Sam shouts, pulling her up and towards the swings.
Luna LOVES to swing. It's the ultimate childhood release for her. The six of them all grab a swing, pumping their legs hard as they breeze through the air. Flying high.
"On three, who can make it farthest!!" Baze shouts out the challenge.
Dipping into the air faster as they glide, Baze calls ONE! TWO! THREEEEEE!!!! Sending them all flying into the night sky. Surprisingly, they all land on their feet. Colson winning having lept the farthest. Slim a close second.
"Guess white men can jump." Luna sticks her tongue out at Slim before she grabs Sam's hands and runs off.
Jumping onto the Merry-Go-Round. She calls The Boys over. Slim and Rook jump on with them as Colson and Baze do the hard work of pushing. Running around full force multiple times, they jump on too. Colson grabbing ahold of Luna and a bar as The World spins around them. Laughing as the warm summer air whizzes by them.
All of them lay back, dizzy as the sky starts to move slower. Passing the bottle and multiple joints amongst them.
"Is this the shit you do when you guys disappear??" Slim asks as he hits a joint, enjoying the childishness of the night.
Colson, Luna, Rook and Baze erupt into laughter. Yes. Yes it is.
"I Cone-Fought Loons in Detroit!!" Rook laughs. "I bet I'm the only person in The World who's whooped her ass!!" He states to the others laughter and Luna's Fuck You.
"What fun shit you got in the bag tonight, Looney?" Colson asks.
"Ahhhh... Idk. I think I have a football!!" She pops up off the metal toy.
Digging through her bag, she pulls out a Nerf football to everyone's excitement.
"WORD!!" Slim shouts, jumping up as Luna tosses it to him. "Colson gets Luna so I get Sam..." He starts picking teams.
"Aight.... I get Rookie." Colson agrees, popping up too, pulling Luna up with him.
"What the fuck, yo!?" Baze asks as last pick.
"You wit me Truck, let's rock these Fools!!" Slim reassures him.
Picking goal lines, they can't agree on touch or tackle. The Boys calling touch while The Girls holler Fuck That, Tackle. Colson declaring tackle it is.
They run a couple plays. Luna and Sam displaying that not only can they catch a football but each can also spiral one. Running around competitively against each other, Luna tackles Sam with no thought. Stopping their fourth down.
"FUCKING LUNATIC!!!!" Rook screams in excitement.
If you haven't realized yet, Luna and Rook are tiny people best friends. Both adoring and finding each other hilarious.
They're in the middle of another play when they see lights and hear a Hey.. What Are You Kids Doin'!? Grabbing their boards and Luna's bag all six of them haul ass. Tossing their shit over the fence as they all escape.
Laughing hysterically as they shoot off into the Chicago night. Rounding a few blocks, they slow down. Colson firing up a joint as Baze does too. Luna pulling the bottle of whiskey back out of her bag. They cruise back to the Aragon as they continue to enjoy each other, passing joints and the bottle between them as they continue to get fucked up. Slim happy he came out.
"Wait. We're outta fucking alcohol???" Luna asks once they're back on The Bus. "How is that possible!??"
It's 2A. There is NO WAY they're hitting the road dry.
"Hold The FUCKING Bus." She directs Colson. "Let's go." She states grabbing Ashleigh and Sam's hands.
Chicago is the joint you wanna be in if you need alcohol late night. After a short search, Ashleigh finds a package store only three blocks away. With the bottle of Jameson still in her bag, Luna demands Ashleigh down it. She needs to be on their level.
Always the responsible one, Ashleigh doesn't mind when Luna demands she cut loose. Pouring the last eighth of the bottle down her throat.
Linking arms, The Girls laugh as they burn a joint trying to follow Ashleigh's GPS. They only get lost for fifteen minutes.
Relieved, giddy and drunk, Ashleigh, Luna and Sam drop to their knees in the whiskey aisle. Praising the Liquor Gods. Not caring who's around.
Each grabbing three handles. Six whiskeys and three tequilas. They head to the counter. Sam and Luna losing their shit when Ashleigh mistakes a Captain Morgan cut out for a person. She's drunk.
"We gotta get you out more, Boo." Luna laughs, throwing her arm around her.
After paying, they stumble down the street. Ducking their heads together as they laugh.
"Take me with yooou next time... I'm so tired of being the Moooooommmm... I had so much fun just being fucked up with you the other day." Ashleigh slurs.
"I got you, Sugar." Luna beams, wrapping her arm around Ashleigh's swinging waist.
They're a block away from the venue, when they're approched by four men.
"What do we have here???" One asks as they circle The Girls.
Word limit ( 1 of 2 )
To be continued......
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Buster & Rio
Buster: Cheers for ruining my birthday, like Rio: What are you on about? Buster: I'm not typing with my voice so I know I didn't slur on that Rio: Yeah, but you're chatting shit Buster: Am I fuck Buster: What did you come for? Rio: Your sister invited me Rio: as it's her birthday too Buster: She ain't even fucking invited Buster: It's my party not hers Rio: You're unreal Rio: neither of us wants to be at your shitty party Rio: which was lame before I got here and we'll be gone as soon as we can so calm down Buster: Then get out Buster: Neither of you are wanted here Rio: 😥 Rio: Like I said, go when we're ready Rio: Ignore us and have a fabulous evening Buster: Like I said, you're ruining it Rio: I don't really care Rio: I'm here to make sure Nancy has a good time, not you Buster: Yeah 'cause she's really gonna have a good time here Buster: You're unreal Rio: Are you thick? Rio: YOU stole her guestlist so she HAS to be here 'til your parents are satisfied Rio: you only have yourself to blame so don't cry at me Buster: Are you thick? My parents aren't. They know Nance ain't got no mates & what's happening here Rio: Take it up with them then Rio: Literally not my problem Buster: I'm taking it up with you Buster: 'Cause you & her being here are my problem Rio: She's your fucking sister Buster: Exactly Rio: You can't just pretend she doesn't exist Buster: What I can't have is one night where I don't have to beat up some cunt for trying to straighten her out, apparently Buster: Whether it's my birthday or not Rio: Sorry she's not hideous and your friends have no self-control Rio: not really an us problem though so Buster: Your nice act has vanished totally by now then, yeah? Rio: I'm not going to be nice to you when you're being a spoilt baby Buster: Literally has never stopped you before Rio: No saint Rio: sometimes it's easier to ignore, when you're not being a total twat Buster: That'll be why you're dressed like such a whore Buster: Did you want me to ignore that? Rio: Obviously Rio: Not for you or this shitshow is it Buster: It's for my sister then? Buster: Cute Rio: You're so fucking messed up Buster: It's a party Buster: That's the point Rio: Mm enjoy Buster: Do you want a line before you fuck off? Rio: Seriously? Buster: What can I say? Host with the most Rio: Fuck off Rio: I'd sooner die than be drug buddies with you after how you've just spoken to me and about your sister Buster: I didn't offer it off my body, calm down Rio: Regardless, I don't want to go anywhere with you Rio: if I want some, I'll get my own Buster: I weren't offering to hold your hand, babe Buster: You're a big girl now Buster: It's there if you want it, end of discussion Rio: Yeah, just hand it over in front of your 'rents Rio: fucking genius Buster: My bathroom's set up already you fucking amateur Buster: You know the way Rio: Bye Buster: For now Rio: Easy enough to avoid until we're gone Buster: You've had years of practice but there's still no calling it that Rio: How many lines of you had Rio: the shit you're spewing rn Rio: take a break Buster: Catch up Buster: It'd be more fun Rio: There's no chance of having fun here Rio: tah Buster: Maybe you'd at least be able to keep up if you caught up though that'd be fun for me Rio: I told you Rio: I don't care if you have a shit time Rio: sorry 'bout it Buster: Tell yourself how much you don't care a few more times Rio: I'm telling you Rio: fucking spoilt brat, don't see no actual 👑 and fuck you anyway even if there was, golden boy Buster: I don't believe you Buster: You don't believe you Rio: As thrilling as talking in circles with you is Buster: Fuck me was the only part that was real there, babe Buster: That's your circle Buster: We always come back to it Rio: YOU do Rio: your favourite topic of conversation Buster: What do you wanna talk about? My sister some more Buster: Jesus Rio: We don't need to talk at all Rio: sure my name was in the card from the fam, yeah Buster: & yet we are & we do Rio: You started it Buster: Yeah Buster: I own that Rio: Nothing to be proud Rio: of Buster: I've got plenty more shit I can be Buster: It's alright Rio: Where Buster: I'll show you Buster: Come here Rio: Yeah, that's happening Buster: Then don't ask stupid questions Rio: Not stupid just because you don't have a better answer than that Buster: I don't need a better answer than that Buster: Not for you Rio: Love that cop-out Rio: so convenient Buster: I know you do Rio: 😂 Buster: Just go Rio: Stop talking to me Buster: Stop showing up at my birthday parties Rio: Awh diddums Buster: I'm serious Rio: Ooh Buster: She invited you, you didn't have to come Rio: I like Nancy Rio: she's family Rio: why wouldn't I Buster: Then meet her somewhere else Buster: Wherever the fuck you're meant to be going Rio: Than her house? Rio: You ain't special Rio: where do you think I'm gonna stay, hotel by myself Buster: Her room isn't next to mine like yours is next to whichever one of your siblings drew that straw Buster: I don't have to see you then Buster: I'm only seeing you now 'cause you want me to Rio: Oh my God Rio: actually dellusional Rio: Halloween came first, kid Rio: or you really out here thinking the world is celebrating Buster: One day maybe Buster: For now, nah Rio: 🙄 Rio: Then get a grip and get over it Buster: Get a grip on what & get over what? Buster: That you still love me or my sister don't Rio: Jesus Rio: you got the nerve when you uninvited her from her own birthday Rio: you know she don't even wanna be here so it was an empty gesture and you still couldn't be nice about it Buster: I didn't say it weren't mutual Buster: She's weak & that ain't my problem or my fault Rio: Oh, I didn't know I was speaking to the fucking ubermensch here Rio: nothing like some german philosophy to bring out the cunt in a white boy, cool Buster: 😂 Rio: Seriously, quote some Rand at me so I can just write you off the christmas card list now Buster: 'The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.' Rio: Thanks Rio: now we can give up this pretense once and for all Buster: I aim to please, babe Buster: Never let it be said you don't get what you want Rio: No one's ever said that Rio: 'cos you ain't the only person in the world who matters, Bateman Buster: That'd be so much more impressive if you meant it, Golden girl Rio: You're ridiculous Buster: So are you Rio: At least I'm not you Buster: If that'd make me you in this scenario then I'm glad too, like Rio: Everyone knows how glad you are to be you Rio: no need to go over that again Buster: & Everyone knows you want them to think you love yourself almost as much Buster: Shame you don't Rio: You're gonna psychoanalyze me now? Rio: glad the sessions are going well for you but that's a really annoying rookie habit Buster: I don't need to, you're obvious to even a casual fucking observer, like Buster: Give up that pretense if you're bothering to leave any behind Rio: Oh yeah, I'm whoring it up 'cos I'm desperate for validation and esteem from any cunt who'll give it Rio: Good one, Freud, such a hot take Buster: Not what I said Rio: Exactly what you meant Rio: worry 'bout yourself, I'm doing just fine Buster: I don't reckon you've ever had any idea exactly what I mean Buster: Probably don't try & start now Rio: That galaxy brain, whoever could compete Rio: I'm not trying, you're boring Buster: It ain't even that, you wanna deliberately misunderstand Rio: Yeah, love that Rio: blame me when you literally called me it Rio: gaslight some other bitch Buster: One day you're gonna stop fighting this if not me Buster: But yeah, there are plenty of other girls til then Rio: Fighting what Buster: Not today then, is it? Buster: Alright Rio: Wouldn't want to ruin your big day more than I already have Rio: how rude Buster: You've already shown up uninvited without a gift, taking all my spotlight, how much more out of order are you trying to be? Rio: Yeah, knew you loved it Rio: but protest some more, right Buster: What am I meant to love? Rio: Me ruining your life, apparently Buster: If that's apparent to you, you're fucked in more ways than I can start to try & analyze babe Rio: Again, you said it Rio: the drama is real Buster: & you said I was chatting shit Buster: So which is it? Rio: You are but you can believe and love the bullshit still Rio: hasn't stopped you before Buster: You wish Buster: But you don't get one, it's all me Rio: Thought you didn't need them Buster: I don't Buster: Maybe I want it Buster: Part of wanting everything, like Rio: Mhmm Buster: What do you want? Rio: I don't get one Buster: Doesn't mean you can't still want one Rio: You know you have to keep it secret or it don't come true, yeah Rio: that's wish law #1 Buster: What are you the fucking wish police? Buster: Come on Rio: Why do you wanna know Rio: got no ideas for when its time to blow out the candles or Buster: Christ, forget I fucking asked the question if you're gonna be such a pussy about it Rio: I will Rio: Nosy Buster: Better than boring Buster: Or scared Buster: If you don't ask, you don't get Rio: and sometimes, you still won't get Rio: there's a gift for you Buster: Cheers Buster: I'll wrap that bullshit back up for Nance, she'll take it wholeheartedly Buster: I always get what I want though Rio: Obviously not Buster: Where? Rio: Where to start Rio: [time to be properly chatting to that lad] Buster: [Oh good, time to be 😒 but also on the girl that you're meant to be about] Rio: [least you gotta go now so Nancy doesn't kill you, in a bit lads] Buster: [Leave him kissing & dancing & drinking & drunk taking] Buster: [drug* what] Rio: [idk what they're doing, maybe I'll look but let's assume it's cool] Buster: [lowkey anything's better than this] Rio: [soz rich kid party is not a mood] Buster: [it's really not & we all know it, him included even this early on] Buster: [later obvs] Buster: Where's Nance? Rio: She wanted to go bed and chill Rio: I'm not tired yet so Buster: Didn't ask for an update on your mood Rio: Not a mood but alright Rio: you got your answer as well Buster: & you got my point so calm the fuck down Rio: I'm chilling Buster: Good for you Rio: I'm not in your way so leave it Buster: You are in my way so leave though Rio: How am I Buster: How aren't you? Buster: We've been over it Rio: You're still getting attention, you're fine Buster: Fuck fine Buster: You're out of excuses, it ain't about giving my sister a good time anymore, so go, like Rio: I'm not going Rio: like him that much I'll go get a drink and you can slip back in, alright Buster: Shut up Rio: Exactly, you're being stupid Rio: you don't need everyone's undivided do you Rio: just hers, like Buster: You don't need to be here Buster: But you are Rio: 'cos I can Rio: I'm not hiding in your sister's room 'cos you're in a mood for some reason Buster: Some reason Buster: You know what the reason is Rio: Of course, I've 'ruined' your birthday Buster: You're still trying to Buster: Put my fucking mates down, yeah? Rio: Nah Rio: I'm over here trying to have a conversation Rio: not about you Buster: & you don't reckon he's gonna have a convo with me about it when you're done Buster: I don't wanna hear it Rio: Tell him to shut up Rio: What do you want me to tell you Buster: I'm telling you to shut up Buster: Before I have to tell him Rio: You don't tell me what to do or not Rio: if you reckon you got that kinda power over your friends go ahead Buster: Then tell yourself not to do it Buster: Fucking hell Rio: What Rio: Oh my God Buster: [is just fuming bitch like he's gotta go hit something probably excuse him] Rio: [just chatting to this lad oh girl] Buster: [when that girl he's with has probably gone to find him, oh girl x 2] Rio: [awkward, how this party going from bad to worse] Buster: [#hisinfluence] Buster: [When he probably shouted at her or told her to fuck off or something in private so then they gotta make up & everyone's gotta see it ew teens] Rio: [when you're lowkey disgusted] Buster: [aren't we all babe, at least she'd be cuter than most of the girls because one he was most bothered about/could have had something if he wasn't such a fake bitch] ] Rio: [take this lad to the garden for a hot sec 'cos don't need to be seeing this] Buster: [you brought that on yourself boy] Rio: [not gonna make you lose your v in the garden though bit rude, least they'd have guest rooms] Buster: [& a hot tub just saying] Rio: [potential] Rio: [boy should post a selfie rn 'cos duh you'd wanna brag] Buster: [that's so real] Buster: [Let's say Buster comes to have a word with said lad like just gonna pull him away and be like can you not bitch] Rio: Really Buster: Really Rio: Are you trying to be my dad Rio: what the hell Buster: You told me to have a word Buster: Just giving you what you want again, babe Rio: I thought you had some sense Rio: and enough pride to not Rio: fucking hell Buster: Back at you, Cavante Rio: What Rio: he's cute Rio: and the least annoying person at this party Rio: you should know, he's your friend Buster: Whatever you say Rio: Thanks for realizing that Buster: That you're full of shit Buster: Yeah, I did ages ago Rio: How am I Buster: Get some standards & get out of my party, like Rio: Easy Rio: [hit up that hot tub] Buster: [oh joy, I love that for us all] Rio: [when you're wearing a swimsuit basically so you good] Buster: [almost like she planned it] Rio: [at least it's died down enough you ain't gonna be the biggest spectacle ever] Buster: [don't need people filming you thanks] Rio: [chloe would sneaky rat] Buster: [girl you are the worst] Rio: [at least you gonna be looking good n doing but rude] Buster: [and at least it weren't the lad who filmed it & he's actually alright] Rio: [been a hater since day 1 i lol] Buster: [you put a baby in that boy, have a word with yourself] Rio: [yikes] Rio: [how we getting rid of this boy though 'cos he's gonna wanna stay and they ain't sleeping sleeping together 'cos too intimate not for you soz and also baze would find you in the morning and you'd be in the deepest of shit so?] Buster: [Maybe Chloe posts the vid & of course it gets to him really fast & when he sees it he's like THE PARTY'S OVER and kicks everyone out but he can't kick Rio out obvs] Rio: [sounds real, when you're just there like oh fuck] Buster: [when you go to your room in a huff slammed door and all like excuse you for not doing a Chris Ramsey drunk clean up tbh] Rio: Do you know who posted it Buster: Some girl Buster: Ask Nance Buster: [Because I feel like Chlo would have got one of her friends to do her dirty work cos sneaky rat who don't wanna get in trouble /get backlash cos she already likes Buster lbr] Rio: I'll just get it taken down Rio: doesn't matter really Buster: Good luck Rio: It's illegal, no one will want their name attached to that Rio: no one with any sense, I'll just remind them Buster: If they had any sense they wouldn't have posted it Buster: Clearly Rio: Yeah well Buster: Yeah well it's already been sent around everywhere anyway Rio: So what? Buster: So like I said, good luck erasing that Rio: I was just asking if you knew Buster: & I already told you Rio: Yeah thanks Rio: big help Buster: You didn't help yourself, that ain't my fault Rio: I'm not asking for your opinion Rio: it's your party, you should know who it was Buster: You wanted Nance to be included, let her figure it out Rio: She's sleeping Rio: and I'd rather not Buster: She's online Buster: So I doubt that Rio: Well I don't want to talk to her Buster: Well I don't wanna talk to you Buster: & I also don't care if you wanna talk to her or not Rio: I'm not trying to talk just find out Rio: how hard can it be Buster: Easy Buster: So easy that you don't need my help Rio: They're your cunty friends Buster: So's your new boyfriend Buster: Ask him Rio: Oh yeah, that'd be fun Rio: fuck sake Buster: Not my problem Rio: I hate you Buster: So what? Rio: So what I said Buster: Hate me then Buster: I'm not about to lose sleep over it Rio: I do Buster: You're not talking to Nance, I can read Buster: No need to repeat yourself, like Rio: Why can't you do this one thing Rio: I'm not asking you to care Buster: Why should I? Buster: I told you to leave my mates alone & you wouldn't Rio: So I deserved that to happen? Buster: If you're stupid enough not to fuck behind a locked door then yeah Rio: Fine Buster: Goodnight Rio: Right Buster: [time skip to the next day when everyone's talking about the vid & his mate is loving the attention or at least pretending to] Rio: Give me your postcode Rio: need to call a cab Buster: [Does] Rio: Tah Rio: If you're parents ask, I've gone home already Buster: Not me they'd ask Buster: I didn't invite you here Rio: Whatever Rio: You know the story now Buster: Whatever Buster: I'm inundated with loads of stories already, I ain't got time for yours Rio: 💔 Rio: Truly Rio: poor boy Buster: 'Course you are Rio: Nah Rio: I'm over it Rio: you should try it Buster: You should try not telling me what to do Rio: You should try not being so boring Buster: Says you Rio: That's the word you're using this morning Rio: makes a change Rio: just when I'd got used to my old title Buster: Get over that too Rio: S'alright Rio: don't need you when there's plenty other people dying for the chance to call me it Buster: 💔 truly Buster: Poor you Rio: Do I sound bothered? Rio: Keep up Rio: but don't, you aren't invited Buster: I'm not listening Buster: Keep up Rio: Too busy with the other stories? Rio: Cute Buster: It ain't cute Buster: None of it Rio: Leave your review in the comments Buster: Fuck off Rio: Go on Rio: give us something to laugh about Buster: Go on & fuck off Buster: How else do you want me to say it? Rio: Going, aren't I Rio: so touchy Buster: For someone who hates me, you're so chatty Rio: I told you, you're funny Rio: Hilarious, even Buster: I've told you, I aim to please Buster: Enjoy yourself Rio: Not the only one Buster: The only one who's funny though Rio: Not going to talk to him Rio: so I'm not too 💔 Buster: Lucky you Rio: Know you like him Rio: not exclusive and I'll be gone soon so don't be too jealous Buster: Shut up Buster: He's a cunt with a big mouth who I have to see every weekday until we graduate Buster: So cheers Rio: Lucky you Buster: Yeah Buster: I'm going out, try not to fuck anyone else & have it filmed before you leave Buster: Unless I don't know them Rio: Make no promises Rio: least of all to you Buster: I'm not too 💔 don't worry Buster: Doubt you could keep one Rio: Yeah right Buster: Right Buster: Don't hurry back, I won't have another birthday for you to ruin for ages now Rio: You still think this was in any way about you? Buster: For me, it's about me Buster: My birthday was fucked Rio: I don't feel sorry for you Buster: I don't give a shit Buster: & I also didn't ask Rio: That's ALL you're doing Rio: boohoo Rio: I'm glad it was ruined Rio: happy accident Buster: Be glad then Rio: Awh thanks Rio: so sweet Buster: So welcome Rio: 💕 Rio: Oh, you won't speak to your sister will you? Know you usually don't bother Buster: Do you not think before you type? Rio: Don't think before I do anything Rio: Obviously Rio: don't tell her where I've gone, she'll actually give a shit and I don't need that Buster: Obviously Rio: Thanks Rio: got some use Buster: Not doing it for you Buster: But yeah, go ahead & reap the benefits Rio: You think she hasn't seen it? Rio: Or actually tried to help already Rio: She's the decent one, remember Buster: I never said it was for her either Buster: I don't want to talk to her, it's that simple Rio: Can always rely on you to be simple Buster: Hilarious Rio: I already said you were, babe Buster: I was saying you are Buster: Except I wasn't Buster: Simple, yeah? Rio: More bullshit from you Rio: not so much simple as expected Buster: What can I say? You had enough disappointment in the hot tub Buster: No need for me to add to it Rio: That ain't what you saw, or heard Buster: What do you care, you're over it Rio: Changing bullshit for outright lying Rio: You're better than that Buster: Who says? Rio: You, constantly Rio: usually Buster: & You say I'm chatting shit Rio: You're the best, aren't you? Rio: Or that's another lie Buster: Obviously Rio: To which bit Buster: Take it however you like Rio: Suddenly being generous Buster: That don't count as generosity unless you count ending this convo as that Rio: Nah Rio: Entertain me 'til I get there Buster: That wouldn't be generosity either Rio: Host with the most, you said Buster: That was last night Buster: & you didn't take me up on it then Rio: I am now Buster: Well it's not an offer I'm extending now Buster: Unlucky Rio: Come on Buster: Nah Rio: Pussy Buster: That's the best you can do? Rio: You said you don't wanna find out Buster: Now you're choosing to care about what I want Buster: Bullshit Rio: Not gonna do it just because I want to Rio: not that bitch Buster: & You're calling me a pussy Rio: You want me to jump you? Rio: The kind of preference that needs a safeword and you don't wanna talk so Buster: 😂 Rio: Such a joker today Buster: Laugh or cry, yeah? Rio: Nothing to cry about Rio: still got to make your wish, yeah Buster: Still according to you, I am Rio: Why else Buster: What? Rio: Why else wouldn't you take me up on it Buster: Why would I take you up on anything? Rio: You can't pretend this with me Buster: You ain't special, babe Buster: & I can do anything Rio: Bullshit Buster: Which part are you wishing weren't true? Rio: Didn't get a wish, don't need one Buster: Don't stop you wanting one though, does it? Rio: You're the only one who's gonna regret it Rio: like I said, pussy Buster: Like I said, nah Rio: And I told you, you can't lie to me Buster: I'm not Rio: Whatever Rio: I'm here so you can go bore someone else Rio: great chat Buster: Nice try on the sarcasm Buster: I thought you weren't gonna bother Rio: Obviously what you're into Buster: Cute Buster: But it'd take more than that for me to be into you Rio: You're so bad at this Buster: Stop trying to prolong it then Rio: Someone's got to teach you Rio: like old times Buster: You didn't teach me fuck all Rio: 😂 Buster: The only thing that I've ever learned from being around you is that I shouldn't drink brandy Rio: Yeah, and it's been how long since you ignored that lesson Rio: Hopeless Buster: Good thing I don't need hope then Rio: You know what you need Rio: so do I Buster: & You think I'm bad at this Rio: If you ever wanna stop being boring and bored, let me know Buster: If you're ever capable of being the solution to my boredom, I will Rio: Awh, but you don't need solutions to your perfect life, yeah golden boy? Buster: Being bored doesn't take the shine off my life, babe Buster: Name someone our age who isn't Rio: You're always gonna be bored Buster: & If I am, you won't be the solution Rio: You ain't looking Rio: wanna be prom king forever Rio: ain't fun and it ain't real but what's that matter to you Buster: What's it matter to you? Rio: I give a shit Rio: I can own it Buster: No you don't Rio: Do though Buster: Bullshit Buster: If you gave a single fuck about me you wouldn't fuck my friend at my birthday & make me see & hear about it Rio: I didn't think you would Buster: Even if there wasn't a video he was always gonna brag about it Buster: Come on Rio: That wasn't why I did it Buster: I don't care why you did it Rio: You can't say I don't care based on that Rio: is all I'm saying Buster: Yeah I can Rio: Alright but it's not true Buster: It is Rio: You wish it was Buster: Why would I wish for that? Rio: Easier Buster: Fuck that Rio: I'm sorry Rio: alright Buster: No, it ain't, 'cause you being sorry or saying it don't change anything Rio: They'll stop talking about it soon Buster: & Then it'll be like it didn't happen, yeah? Buster: Shut up Rio: Yeah, basically Buster: Nah, basically he was the least cunty of my friends & now he ain't anymore Buster: So cheers Rio: You can still be mates Rio: he'll get over it too Buster: I can't fucking look at him Buster: Try again Rio: You too Rio: come on Buster: Come on, what? Get some new mates so you can fuck them as well Rio: No like Rio: just forget about it Rio: don't think about it Buster: Yeah sure Rio: I said sorry Rio: it doesn't need to be this big thing Buster: It can be whatever the fuck you want, for you Rio: I'm Rio: just trying to help Buster: Don't Rio: I'm going, alright Rio: I can't do any more for you than that then, yeah? Rio: You hate me so just keep telling everyone that and they'll know you don't care Buster: I said, don't Buster: Even if I needed your advice, which let's face it I never fucking will, I ain't asking Rio: Let me do something Buster: Too late to start asking for my permission, babe Rio: Buster Buster: You can't use my name against me either, you ain't my mum Rio: I'm not trying to Buster: I know what you're trying to do Rio: I just wanna put it right Buster: How shit for you that you can't then Buster: You'll have to just want Rio: Fine Rio: spite yourself Buster: You think this is my loss? Nah Rio: Nah, you don't get to chat that when I ruined your birthday and took your bestest mate Rio: you don't get to have it both ways so how do you want it Buster: I get to have it any way I want, how haven't you figured that out yet, like Buster: I'll have another birthday in a year & some new mates you can fuck by then too probably Buster: Have another go then if you fancy it Rio: Because it's not true Rio: How fucking fragile is your throne if all it takes is one person who doesn't buy into your bullshit to come in and it's all gone Rio: you've got fuck all and it's sad and I do feel bad for you, really bad Buster: Cute Rio: Not even a little bit Buster: You said it Buster: Go whore around your own postcode for a while & we'll reconvene at the next family gathering I get dragged to Rio: Get some help Rio: Seriously Buster: Go work for the Samaritan's or some shit, you've really found a calling, like Rio: Thanks Buster: I'll catch you on the other end of a phone line then Buster: Clearly Rio: That's not funny Buster: I ain't laughing Rio: Stop it Buster: But if I keep going, I can offer you an apology and we'll be even, yeah? Rio: Say what you like about me Rio: you always have Rio: I don't need one Buster: Good Buster: I'd hate to keep you waiting on it Rio: This isn't about me Buster: Well it ain't about me Buster: You don't fucking know me Rio: They do, do they Buster: Irrelevant Rio: Do you enjoy it Buster: Obviously Buster: Can't you tell? Rio: You don't want me to tell you what I can tell Rio: not repeating myself, am I Buster: Doesn't normally stop you Rio: Well, I'm trying Rio: not afraid to admit it either Buster: Good for you Rio: What happened Buster: Do you wanna be any less vague? Rio: To you Buster: Really cleared things up, cheers Rio: You know what I mean Rio: and you probably have ideas too Rio: you can tell me Buster: Why would or should I though? Rio: What do you have to lose Buster: What the fuck is there to gain? Rio: Find out Buster: Nice try Rio: What do I gain Buster: Answers Buster: That's generally what people want when they ask a question Rio: Nah Buster: Then stop asking Rio: No Buster: Good talk, babe Buster: Cheers Rio: One day Rio: You'll actually do it and you'll actually mean it Buster: Yeah but not with or for you Rio: I don't care who it's with Buster: One day you'll actually mean that Rio: More likely than you finding anyone here to talk to Buster: I don't want to talk to anyone here Rio: I know Buster: Don't worry about my odds then Rio: I will Rio: because you need to Buster: I don't Rio: Yes you do Buster: Stop chatting shit at me Buster: You call me out for it enough Rio: You know why Buster: Do I? Rio: Yes Buster: No Rio: You do but we don't have to talk about that now Buster: You haven't shut up about anything else Buster: Might as well Rio: You know it ain't the right time Buster: Like a right time exists Rio: Maybe not Buster: A maybe is ridiculous, even for you Rio: Probably Rio: oh well Buster: Are we done? Buster: I'm not pissing about with your one word answers Rio: Defensive 'cos you're not giving even that Rio: but sure, if you want Buster: I can be offensive if you'd rather Rio: How you usually do Rio: Not going to bring up your stamina right now but well Buster: Understandable, like I said, not gonna rub it in your face about the hot tub disappointment Rio: Is it helpful to reckon it was shit Rio: Genuinely Buster: It's honest Buster: But if you wanna pretend otherwise, go ahead, like Rio: Why are we talking about it? Buster: It's the right time for it Rio: Okay Rio: let's talk about it then Buster: I've said everything I've got to say Rio: Seriously? Rio: You can do better Buster: I'm flattered that you feel the need to say so, again Rio: Come on Rio: Already said, no apology needed Rio: so go for it Buster: Okay now it makes sense, you get off on it Rio: Yeah Rio: That'll be it Buster: Why you keep trying to make me angry, yeah Rio: Yeah Rio: was the plan all along Buster: It's the plan now regardless Rio: Okay Buster: Okay for you Rio: More than okay Rio: apparently Buster: It would be if I'd play along properly Buster: Sadly, I'm not aiming to please that hard Rio: Shame Buster: Again, for you, yeah Rio: I know Rio: but I don't care about you, do I? Buster: Not enough, no Rio: Just wanna make you angry Buster: Apparently Rio: Yep Rio: so angry Buster: Don't worry, it ain't too difficult Buster: Even someone as nice & polite as you can manage Rio: Yeah Rio: I ain't special, am I Buster: Not to me Rio: Say it Buster: What? Rio: Say I'm not special to you Buster: It's already there in black & white Buster: You're not my sister either, you can read Rio: Please Buster: Why? Rio: Because it gets me off, right Rio: why else Buster: 'Cause I'm not interested in doing that Buster: Try again Rio: Why? Rio: however I get you to say it, end results the same Buster: No it's not Buster: Whatever I say, you know how I fucking feel Rio: If you say it enough we might both believe it Buster: That's the lie of the day Buster: Well done Rio: Try my best Buster: Try harder & do better Rio: I can't Buster: Bullshit Rio: Not today Buster: Why not? It's a day same as any other, yeah? Rio: No Rio: I saw you Rio: that's different Buster: Barely Buster: & you barely saw me last night either Rio: It was still Rio: different Rio: still true Buster: I'm not gonna be your excuse for why you feel shit Rio: You know that's not what I'm saying Buster: That's what not trying is & you said you can't 'cause of me Buster: So that is what you're saying Rio: it's not an excuse, I know what I did Rio: but it still hurts it's still shit Buster: I'm not gonna feel sorry for you either Rio: I know Rio: that's the worst bit Buster: How the fuck did you think this was gonna play out? Rio: I didn't think Rio: and I didn't think someone would film it and make sure everyone saw Buster: You obviously did think Buster: You made a choice Rio: What, the choice to get with some cute lad at a party Rio: plenty of people were doing the same, you were Buster: It wasn't a random party or a random lad Buster: You can say it wasn't about me as much as you want but Buster: You made a choice that you knew would affect me Rio: And I've been making choices all morning to try and do anything to make it alright Rio: why do they could for shit and that one is everything Buster: 'Cause you can't unfuck him Buster: I can't unsee or unhear everything I have since Rio: then you have to stop Rio: you know Rio: it has to be you, if I can't do anything now, if I've made my choice Buster: Alright Rio: Okay? Buster: Easy Rio: I hope it is Rio: for you Buster: Everything's easy for me, babe Buster: Remember Rio: No Rio: but good Buster: Anything else? Rio: I'm actually going home now so you don't have to lie to your fam about it Buster: I wasn't planning to Rio: Alright Rio: Bye Buster: See you around when there's no other choice Rio: Not as hard to avoid each other still as we pretended before Rio: plenty been doing it just fine for years Buster: It's never been hard to avoid you, I just didn't wanna Rio: I know Buster: Unknow it Buster: Or at least pretend, like Rio: I told you Rio: I'll try Buster: You tell me loads of things Buster: 99% of 'em bullshit Rio: That's us Buster: There ain't an us, that's the point Rio: Was, then Buster: Fuck the past, it's gone Rio: Yeah Buster: Consider that kid dead & buried Rio: You can't make me Buster: Watch me Rio: No, I can't Buster: Don't be a pussy Rio: I can't watch this Rio: but that suits you fine too Buster: It only hurts if you let it Buster: That suits me fine too Rio: I don't have a choice in that Buster: Yeah you do Rio: No Buster: Seriously Rio: Seriously, I don't Rio: I meant it Rio: you have to stop it Rio: I can't do this Buster: I already said I will Buster: Consider it done Rio: Thank you Buster: Don't Buster: We ain't doing each other favours Buster: Whatever I do or don't is for me Rio: It helps me regardless so just take it alright Buster: I won't Rio: Buster Rio: Please stop replying now Buster: [does because ultimately always gonna give her what he thinks she wants]
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Bea & Buster
Bea: Why are you not here? Buster: I decided to stay Bea: And how is it that was something you reckoned you could just decide Bea: We've been over this, and you're only allowed to visit on the assurance you keep doing what you're meant to, when you're meant to Buster: I am doing what I'm meant to Buster: But cheers for the concern Bea: You're meant to be at School Bea: how many times are you going to make me repeat myself of this when it's not up for discussion Buster: There's no need to repeat yourself Buster: I've sorted things with school same as before Bea: You're so close to finishing you just need to get this done Bea: Do it right, there's no point phoning it in because you won't get into the Unis you want so if you're not gonna put the effort in now Bea: Don't bother at all Buster: I'm doing what I need to do, I've already told you Buster: I don't enjoy repeating myself either, like Bea: I fail to see how you have the time Bea: You're clearly distracted or you wouldn't be there Buster: There's a thing called multi-tasking, you should try it Bea: Do not talk to me like that Bea: This isn't negotiable Bea: Next flight home Buster: I know it's not Buster: I'm staying here Bea: You're not Bea: For God's sake, you know this is pathetic, don't you Buster: I know that's what you think Bea: It really is, you're not capable of going five minutes without seeing each other Buster: I'm not actually that fucking selfish it might surprise you to realise Buster: How are you this detached from everything that's going on here right now? Bea: Edie always goes missing Bea: Is it reasonable or practical for us to drop our lives every time she does? No Buster: Jesus Bea: What? Bea: It's not that I'm not sympathetic but how do you expect to help by being there Buster: You have no idea how much is on her shoulders, do you? Bea: Who's? Buster: Rio's Bea: I'm sure there is Bea: there is on everyone's but you've got your own to deal with Buster: No I don't Buster: Like I said, school is sorted Bea: How can I trust what you say Bea: I'll be seeing for myself how sorted it actually is Buster: I keep my word, I always have Buster: That should be enough Bea: No, you keep everything from us Bea: You don't say where you are, what you're doing Bea: and still you expect us to not only be fine with it but believe it too Buster: That isn't fair, I've kept things from you 'cause I've had to Buster: Same as I'm doing what I have to do now Bea: Just because we aren't going to agree with or say yes to every decision you make isn't reason to behave like this Bea: that's immature, how do you expect to be taken seriously? Buster: I'm not a child Buster: And this isn't about you Bea: No, you aren't Bea: Stop behaving like one Buster: Stop treating me like one Bea: How can I Bea: You're giving me no reason not to, and ample to see how we've given you too much freedom Buster: I know what I'm doing Buster: There's your reason Bea: You think you do but you aren't thinking bigger picture Buster: You raised me, you should know what I'm capable of Bea: Can you not just be normal and do what you're bloody told for once in your life Buster: Don't tell me I'm not normal Buster: And again, you raised me, so don't expect no challenge to your authority like Buster: You're lucky enough that Nance goes along with what you say Bea: Well Bea: I'm trying to get you to do what's right for you Buster: I am, mum Buster: Believe it or don't Bea: I don't Buster: Why? Buster: What more do you want from me? Bea: It isn't going to happen Buster: What? Bea: You aren't going to stop all this, are you Bea: So, do what you want, I wash my hands of you Buster: Come on Buster: It doesn't have to be like this Buster: You said you wanted me to be happy Bea: I do but it isn't as easy as that Bea: accepting this Buster: I don't see what's so difficult Bea: You wouldn't, you're not a parent Bea: You have an idea of what you want for your kids Bea: and obviously, this wasn't it Buster: What the fuck am I doing that's so wrong? Buster: I'm getting the best grades, I'll be able to get into any uni I want Buster: I'm in love, I'm happy Buster: What's the problem? Bea: It's too soon, you're too young Bea: Never mind the unavoidable fact she's your cousin Buster: It's not and I'm not Buster: But at least we've got to the real issue Bea: Yes it is, do you see anyone else getting engaged at your age Buster: We're not anyone else, we're us Bea: You can't know what you want for the rest of your life at this age, it's ridiculous Buster: Why can't I? You did Buster: Christ, what difference does it make if I get married now or in 10 years Bea: No I didn't Bea: just because it worked out that way doesn't mean I did Bea: at least you'll have lived some life Buster: We're gonna do it together Buster: That's what we want Bea: And you're fine paying for her, are you? Buster: I don't pay for her, she pays for herself Bea: It's not a sustainable career is it Buster: Not that it's any of your business but she's got career plans beyond this Bea: No, of course not Bea: it's never my business Bea: it's only my money you're wasting Buster: Are we really gonna do this? Buster: You're gonna tell me how to spend now Buster: What do you want a fucking spreadsheet of my expenses? Bea: Yeah Bea: That's actually reasonable Buster: Get Nancy's and then we'll talk Bea: Don't try and make this about your sister Bea: she's actually going to school Bea: and she has less reason to want to be there Buster: If we're doing this then it is about her too Buster: There's not one rule for me and another for my sister, like Bea: Fine Bea: It's irrelevant, we didn't raise either of you to be entitled brats Buster: Then stop treating me like I am Buster: I'm not a kid wasting my pocket money on sweets Bea: Just on countless flights, engagement rings you don't need Bea: I could go on Buster: I literally do need a ring to be engaged, it's kind of the point Bea: You don't need to be engaged Buster: I don't need to still be in school or go to uni either Buster: But I want to Bea: You do if you want to get anywhere in life Bea: so no, not the same thing but nice try Buster: Why can't you see that I need her too? Buster: She's as important to be Buster: More Bea: I'm not saying you can't be together Bea: do you have to do this Buster: Yes Bea: Why Bea: It makes no difference Buster: It does to me Buster: And you wouldn't say that to Nance if she still wasn't allowed to get gay married Bea: Don't make the comparison Bea: You aren't opressed, either of you Bea: Christ Buster: Nobody wants us to be together Buster: It's not that different Bea: I'm just asking you to not get married Bea: this very second Bea: I don't know why that's so much to ask, apparently Buster: 'Cause you only want that in the hopes that I'll change my mind Bea: And I'm not planning to fund an entire wedding for you Bea: Just cool it down, you said you would Buster: When have I ever said that? Bea: You aren't earning, and you're not going to be earning for years yet Buster: Jesus Buster: You didn't care when I was spending all my money on champagne and coke, did you? Buster: Don't make this about money when it clearly isn't Bea: Obviously, I didn't know because no Bea: I would not be happy about that either Buster: I've made so many mistakes and now that I'm finally doing what's right for me you wanna treat it like it's somehow the worst one Bea: How could it be right Bea: I just don't see it Buster: How can it be wrong to love someone who loves you as much Buster: To be happy and build a life that you actually want Bea: I don't know Bea: Just for God's sake Bea: give people more time Buster: I stayed away from her for years for the sake of everyone else Buster: Why should I? Bea: Because no one knew that Bea: I've not had years to process this Buster: It doesn't matter Buster: They can take all the time they want to get used to us being together Buster: They'll have forever if they need it Bea: Right Bea: Well if that's how it is, I have nothing to add Buster: Fine Buster: Good talk, mum Bea: What did you expect Buster: Honestly, nothing Buster: Exactly this Bea: Good, then I'm the only one that's disappointed Buster: Oh no, I'm very disappointed, just not surprised Bea: What would you like me to do Bea: Honestly Buster: At least trust me and accept this if you can't be happy for me Bea: It's your life now Bea: you'll do what you want with it Bea: regardless Buster: Yeah but I still want you in it Bea: Whatever for? Buster: 'Cause you're my mum Buster: For one thing Bea: Oh yeah? Bea: Only when it suits you Buster: Don't Bea: Why not Bea: it's the truth of the matter Buster: No it's not Bea: Well that's how it seems Buster: Do you actually think any of this is how I want things to be? Buster: Christ Bea: Then do something about it Buster: I can't tell you things 'cause you don't support me Bea: You want unconditional support then go somewhere else Bea: You're not getting it when you're wrong Buster: All I want is for you not to make me feel like a failure for no fucking reason Bea: We'll see when you get your results Buster: Are you gonna apologise then? Bea: No Buster: Then why would I bother showing them to you Bea: This conversation is ridiculous Buster: 'Cause you're being ridiculous Buster: You want me to focus on school on the one hand, but on the other you're gonna force me into getting a job 'cause money is apparently such an issue all of a sudden Bea: The issue is how you're spending it and your time Bea: Do you understand how hard law school is going to be? Bea: You aren't going to have time for all this Buster: I'm spending both how I need to Buster: You have no idea about law school, you haven't done it Buster: All you're doing is underestimating me Buster: To try and split us up Bea: I know how hard it is Bea: I don't need firsthand experience Buster: Well, I don't need you to tel me how hard it is, or is going to be Bea: You don't want to be told Bea: Anything Buster: I don't wanna hear your self serving bullshit, no Bea: That's rich Buster: It suits you to tell me how hard shit might be 'cause you don't wanna hear anything about how much easier she makes things for me Bea: Well I'm sure it's very nice not going to School, yeah Buster: Fuck this Bea: That's about right Buster: For good reason Bea: Goodbye, Buster Buster: Whatever Bea: Mature Bea: Well done Buster: Nothing I do now is gonna impress you Buster: Forget it Bea: I don't need to be impressed Buster: Act like it then Bea: Don't ever tell me what to do Buster: Why would I? I've wasted my breath enough for one conversation Bea: Try 18 years down the drain then you can talk to me about disappointment, kid Buster: Say how you really feel, mum Buster: Fucking hell Buster: You know what, don't bother any more Buster: Just stay out of my life and then you won't have to feel anything Bea: I've tried being nice with you, I've tried trusting you Bea: None of it has worked Buster: Don't give up your day job if that's what you reckon Bea: Oh yeah, I'm such a horrible mother Buster: You don't know how to trust me, that's what I'm saying Bea: Trust gets you nowhere Buster: Bullshit Buster: Nothing I do is ever gonna be good enough, that's the real issue here Buster: If I wasn't with Rio you'd find something else to pick a hole in Bea: That's not true Buster: Yeah it is Buster: You love it when I fuck up 'cause it proves you right Buster: That's why you're hoping this is another mistake Buster: Unlucky Bea: Why would I want that Bea: what exactly do I get out of being right? Buster: 'Cause you know I'll come running to you Buster: Just like I did with the Chlo thing Bea: Please Bea: I have enough to be getting on with in my own life Buster: Good thing I don't need you then, yeah? Bea: If only that were remotely true Buster: Don't worry, I'll make it happen for you Buster: Starting now, like Bea: Like you said, I don't trust you Buster: So don't Buster: It's still happening, just like me getting married is Buster: We're done here Bea: Good luck Buster: I don't want or need that from you Bea: Nonetheless Buster: Bye mum
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Rio & Buster
Rio: I miss you so much Buster: I miss you too Buster: More than I knew I would Rio: Won't take that too personally, babe 😜 Rio: but seriously, before it was like, this was normal and you being here was the novelty but then I got used to being together everyday Buster: We spoiled ourselves, babe. I wasn't mad about it at the time but like Rio: I know Rio: 😔 Buster: I've been in such a mood since you left, it's a good thing my dad is barely here Rio: Baby Rio: has he spoke to you about any of it yet Buster: Yeah but you can guess how it went without me having to tell you, I'm sure Buster: In essence he's glad to have his house back Buster: Used to only having girls of mine around for the night, like Rio: Yeah, I mean Rio: can't blame him Rio: even if I'd rather be there still but Buster: I reckon Indie was a bit much for him, me and Nance weren't ever like that Buster: No offense to the kid meant Rio: Such 👼s Buster: You know Buster: Golden boy for a reason, babe Buster: Do all my sinning out of doors Rio: Ain't nobody been indoors to tell her init Buster: I told him the score Buster: There won't be any drama if she comes back again Rio: It's alright Rio: She needs to get back to normal here now Rio: Same, I guess Buster: How is it over there? Tell me Rio: Honestly I've just been trying to hide in my room Rio: 'cos once one of them knows they all will Rio: such a bombardment Buster: Yeah Buster: Gotta do it while you can 'cause once the birthdays and shit start there'll be no chance Buster: Is Indie staying with you or what? Rio: Ugh Rio: don't remind me Rio: and the baby, she's late so vague hysteria setting in Rio: Yeah, thank fuck Buster: I don't envy you at all Buster: Anything I can do to distract you, you know I will Rio: You better Rio: putting that in the vows 😉 Buster: Yeah? What else you gonna say? Rio: Spoilers Rio: You know you cutest when you blush Buster: You're cutest when you just wake up and I'm mad I don't get to see that now Rio: I'll send you all the #iwokeuplikedis selfies you want Buster: Don't tease me, babe Buster: Don't say it if you're playing Rio: 'Course I'm not Rio: even if I'm gonna work my angles and lighting to my advantage still Rio: my prerogative, can't have you getting 😬 Buster: Shut up Rio: Wish you could make me Buster: Christ, me too Buster: I already wanna come see you Rio: When is your next break? Buster: Not soon enough Rio: I can always come back Rio: for a weekend or something Rio: I'll get a hotel, like, don't worry Unc Buster: We'll figure it out Buster: I do have a reading week coming up soon so as long as I study too Rio: Yeah, I don't wanna distract you further Rio: I mean I do but also Buster: Gotta meet the fam's newest addition, there's my excuse Rio: Take pics for me Rio: you know I ain't being allowed in with flowers Buster: That's what my sister's for Buster: I'll bring you flowers instead Rio: Stop being cute Buster: I know that ain't what you want Rio: But it makes me miss you more Buster: I need you to miss me Buster: 'Cause I gotta miss you Rio: Trust me, I do Buster: How did we do this for so long before? Buster: Seriously Rio: I don't know Rio: Shouldn't have put a 💍 on it Buster: Shhh Rio: Maybe I wait to drop the bomb when this baby finally gets here Rio: distraction is our best friend Buster: Good luck, babe Buster: Unless she's born tomorrow I reckon its unlikely Buster: Unless you're gonna take the ring off Rio: Get Drew back 'round to fuck it outta her Buster: Not a mental image I need, cheers babe Rio: Alright, curry it is then Buster: I reckon my aunt fucking Drew again is more likely Buster: But you know Rio: Damn Rio: Too real Buster: Fuck thinking about either of them Buster: How's the job hunt going? Rio: Not gone out yet Rio: I know, I know Rio: I'm moping Buster: Baby Rio: I will Rio: but Buster: What can I do to motivate you? Tell me Rio: 😏 Buster: Come on Buster: Use your words Rio: Ugh Rio: I love it when you talk to me like that Buster: I mean it Buster: No more moping Rio: I promise Rio: I'm gonna make you proud of me Buster: I know you will Buster: I already am but shhh 'cause I'm doing tough love right now Rio: 🤤 Buster: I dread to think how much privacy you don't have Buster: It's not even hot it's just annoying Rio: Idk, being a moody cow since I got back has kept everyone keeping distance Rio: not saying you were right or anything Buster: You can say it Rio: It definitely has its perks Buster: Yeah Rio: but cuddling with you right now in this bed would definitely be appreciated Buster: You in mine would be even better 'cause I know we'd be alone for hours yet Rio: The things we could achieve in that time Rio: No slacking there, that would motivate me Buster: It'd distract me shamelessly but I wouldn't be mad about it Rio: I could crack the whip too Rio: it's not like you've actually fallen behind, right? Buster: Nah 'cause not 😇 Buster: course* Rio: Bit hypocritical coming from us but like, calm down then? Getting mad n stressed about things that haven't even happened Buster: 😂 Rio: We've got shit handled, right baby? Buster: Always Rio: Good Rio: Getting my 'fuck everyone else' mentality set for when the inevitable Buster: If you need any tips, like Buster: Borrow my 👑 Rio: 😏 I know, my baby invented that shit Buster: Probably my parents but we don't need to tell anyone that Buster: Least of all them Rio: I mean, obviously gonna need the reminder that they should be our biggest fans but Rio: I don't wanna be the messenger on that one 💀 Buster: I'll do it Buster: Not giving a fuck, remember Rio: I'll remember you always, babe Buster: Don't Buster: You're so cute Rio: I love you, you know Rio: no matter what any of 'em want to say, can't be changed Buster: I love you so fucking much Buster: And I'm gonna marry you one day even if nobody else turns up to the ceremony and its just us Rio: Good Rio: Me too, I actually don't care Rio: I do but if anyone's trying to make it a choice then I'm choosing you over keeping them happy because you matter more Buster: Exactly Rio: I wonder if Edie will turn up when the baby's here Buster: I doubt she'll bring gifts and claim she was guided by a star, like Rio: Alright Rio: true but don't kill my hope out the gate like that Rio: I'm hoping morbid curiosity gets the better of her if nothing else Buster: Sorry, babe Rio: One person I would've liked to see when I walked in the door Rio: soz everyone else Buster: They can't fault you for that even if they might want to for some other shit Rio: Even if she's probably gonna swing on sight, like Buster: I reckon that's a given Buster: But I also know you can handle it Rio: Not like I have a choice, if she hates me she does but it's preferrable to this Buster: You can't still believe she actually hates you Rio: Of course she does Rio: I tried to bone her Da, in her eyes Rio: she had a fucked enough head re. all things him and I made it worse Buster: She loves you, that's why it hurts her Buster: If she hated you she'd be here fronting it out Rio: If only it were that simple, babe Buster: Come on Buster: I ain't saying that's all it is but it's part of it Buster: And its what's gonna let you fix it Rio: Whatever it is Rio: I just wish she'd come back for the others Buster: She ain't gonna stay away for ever Rio: Good luck Buster: Watch her roll in when we all least expect it Rio: I get why she pisses Indie off so much Rio: like, I also get why she does what she does but fucking hell Buster: Yeah Rio: Distract me Rio: I don't wanna think about this anymore either Buster: Think about me Buster: [sends gym selfies] Rio: Thanks baby Rio: the amount that actually helps is telling 😂 Buster: Course it does Buster: I did a heavy work out like Rio: I can tell Rio: Jesus, you're hot Buster: I had to distract myself too Buster: I had so many dreams about you I didn't even wanna move Rio: Gotta take those frustrations out somewhere, right? Rio: Where I'm going wrong, I'm still laying here so frustrated Buster: Well you could work out Buster: Or Buster: Work it out another way Rio: Will you show me how Rio: I need your help Buster: Poor baby Buster: 'Course I will Rio: Seriously Rio: I'm in such a state without you daddy Buster: I bet you are Rio: [Video] See? Rio: I can't do this without you Buster: You really have gotten yourself into a mess haven't you, angel Buster: What are we gonna do with you? Rio: I don't know, what are you gonna do to me, daddy? Buster: I'm about the hands on approach so we're gonna have to get yours out of the way first of all Buster: Need you to focus on me and what I'm trying to teach you Rio: [Pic to show she's done it] Rio: I'm so ready to listen and learn Buster: Good Buster: No half measures, yeah? Rio: No half measures Buster: You're so well behaved Rio: Does that make you happy, daddy? Am I doing a good job? Buster: See me after class for that extra credit Buster: Earning that A* easily Rio: You're such a good teacher Buster: What you gonna have waiting on my desk for me to say thanks? Rio: If I say me will you get mad, sir? Rio: I just wanna show you how much I appreciate all that you've taught me in person Buster: Do you think I should be mad at you? Buster: It sounds like you are just trying to be good Rio: Really good Buster: Okay then start slow, you've gotta be patient, babe I know it's hard Rio: Take me time, I remember Rio: but it feels so good, I want more Buster: I know you do but trust me Rio: I do Rio: you know what's best for me, you always make me feel better Buster: And if I was there I'd be worshiping every inch of you, wouldn't I? That's what you need to do Rio: If you could convince me to get up from off my knees Rio: You want me to make all the noises I would if you were here, baby? Buster: We both know I have in it in me to be that persuasive Buster: Slow but intense, yeah? Buster: Give it everything you've got, vocals included Rio: Okay Rio: Fuck Buster: One finger is all you're allowed first, don't be rushing through this Rio: but daddy Buster: You can add more when you I say you can Buster: You're here to learn, right? Rio: Yes, sir Rio: Sorry, sir Rio: Please can I spank myself, just once, because I deserve it Buster: Okay, you are being good enough Rio: I won't leave any marks Rio: because it's yours and only you're allowed to do that Buster: Well remembered Rio: How could I forget Rio: I can still feel that lesson Buster: I wish we could go over it again anyway Buster: Soon though Rio: You promise? Buster: I swear, baby Buster: You know I need you Rio: Does it hurt for you too, daddy? Buster: So badly Rio: Me too Rio: it's the kinda hurt only you can make better Buster: I'm right here, baby Buster: I know what you need Buster: You can do it, no more teasing, I promise Rio: Yeah? Rio: Please can you make yourself cum with me so I can imagine you're doing it inside me Rio: that's what I need Buster: Together, yeah? Buster: I want that too Rio: You've got me so close Buster: [sends pics] Buster: Look how you've got me Rio: 😻 Rio: Why aren't you inside of me right now Buster: Close your eyes and I am Rio: Are you using the toy I got you? Buster: You know it, babe Rio: Good Rio: Fuck I'm making so much noise Buster: Me too Buster: I can't stop Rio: Don't stop Rio: Lose control for me Buster: Jesus Rio: Tell me how good it feels Buster: It's so fucking Buster: My god Rio: So soft and tight 'round your thick cock yeah? Rio: Almost like the real thing Buster: Nothing makes me feel as good as you but Rio: 'Course not Rio: it's like we were made for each other you feel so right Buster: We were baby Buster: That's why I don't want anyone else however long I have to wait for you Rio: Keep talking like that Rio: I'm gonna cum for you Buster: I love you and I'll always love you Rio: Oh my God Rio: Buster Buster: Just me and you forever, Rio Buster: That's all we need Rio: For fucking ever Rio: I'm going to marry you Buster: Fuck Rio: I love you so fucking much Buster: I can't stop thinking about that ring on your finger while you're fucking yourself for me Rio: Baby Rio: You like seeing that I'm yours? Buster: I love it Buster: I love you Rio: You're so good you're so good Buster: It's you babe, all of it Rio: You're mine, aren't you? Buster: I'm yours, Rio Rio: Shit Rio: It feels so strong, I'm scared to let this out Rio: I won't have any control Buster: Lose control for me too, baby Rio: For you Buster: Just for me Rio: No one else exists for me Rio: it's always been you, Buster Buster: Tell me again Rio: You're the only one I've ever wanted Buster: Oh fuck Rio: I'd always think about you, anyone else I'd been with Rio: even if I tried to stop myself, I couldn't help it, my brain always went there, back to you Buster: I know Buster: I felt it too you know that, yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: you wanted me so bad Buster: The only girl I did want Rio: It drove me insane thinking I would never get to have you Rio: more than that kiss Buster: I'd get to have you every night but not like this Buster: Not real enough Rio: That's so fucking hot Rio: I wanna make every fantasy you had about me whilst you were fucking yourself real Buster: Only if I can for you too Buster: I'll never forget what it was like to first touch you or taste you Buster: I thought I'd die Buster: I'd have been happy to Buster: 'Cause that's what heaven is. You are Rio: You're literally perfection, a dream come to life Rio: I feel so lucky I get to spend my life with you Buster: Baby Rio: Yes? Buster: I just Buster: I don't have any words left Rio: Then stop talking and cum for me Rio: I know you need to, moan for me Buster: I have to Buster: It's so loud but I don't care Rio: Let them know who you belong to baby, who got you like this Buster: I'll get over being able to say your name like this Buster: As much as I need to Buster: never* (thats hilarious me just changing the meaning with my typos like) Rio: You don't need to, it's my favourite sound Rio: I intend to make you make it every day Buster: Promise? Rio: Promise Rio: You're so beautiful, Buster, you know that Buster: You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen Buster: Not just girl, anything Rio: I know you mean that Rio: and I love you Buster: I really fucking love you Rio: I can't wait to be your wife Buster: Soon, baby Rio: Yeah? Tell me about it Buster: I'm gonna make you happier than you ever reckoned you could feel Buster: Give you everything Rio: Yes baby Buster: And I'll wear a ring too and everyone will know that I belong as much to you as you do to me Buster: We won't have to be apart again ever Rio: You're making me cum, oh fuck please I feel like I'm gonna pass out this is so fucking good, don't stop Buster: I'm gonna make you cum every day, as many times as I can Buster: I won't ever stop Rio: I'm begging you fuck every hole I have they all belong to you every inch of me is yours forever Buster: Jesus fucking Christ Buster: Please Rio: Oh God Daddy I'm sucking on my fingers because I taste so sweet Rio: I wish they were yours and I wish you could taste me too Buster: If I don't stop moaning soon my voice is gonna go I want you to know that Buster: and God, I just want you Rio: I'm sorry daddy I'm just such a dirty little whore for you Buster: Cum for me now Buster: Cum with me Rio: I've never been this loud Buster: You're so fucking hot Rio: It really is all for you Buster: Tell me Rio: Everything I do is to turn you on Rio: to make you want me Rio: so you'll fuck me so good like you do and make me cum over and over and over Buster: Babe you're so Buster: I can't Rio: Good can't? Buster: The best Rio: That's alright then Buster: Never stop Rio: I promise babe Buster: You're so perfect Buster: Fuck me Rio: Soon Buster: I can't wait to be with you all the time Buster: I'm gonna buy us a house and fuck you in every square inch Rio: That's all I want Buster: All our neighbours are gonna know us Buster: If you think you're being loud right now, you aren't Buster: Not compared to how its gonna be Rio: Fuck, baby Rio: I might die Rio: every time I think you can't make me cum any more than you have you prove me wrong Buster: I know that's how you wanna go Buster: We can go together Buster: Starting right here Rio: As far as death pacts go, pretty fucking sexy Rio: suck it, Romeo and Juliet Buster: The only way my competitive streak will have it Rio: Works for me Rio: not up for living without you really, if we're taking it to this morbid place Buster: You don't have to Buster: I'm not going anywhere Buster: Not without you Rio: Keep this on the downlow though, babe, the engagement is enough for 'em to handle Buster: If what's mine is yours then that includes my life Buster: Technically Rio: Interesting, like to see you argue it in court for some black widow Rio: not just 'cos you'd be hot and I gotta keep my eye on her Buster: I know you would Rio: Just very interested in the judicial system, thanks Buster: Okay, babe Rio: 😒 Buster: When I get to uni I'll take you to library Buster: You'll love it Buster: Once I get started reading from those law books then you'll properly understand what horny feels like, right? Rio: Mmm Rio: Shut up 😣 Buster: You're so cute Rio: I can't help it Rio: I like seeing you get passionate about things Rio: and you're very persuasive, as you mentioned Buster: I really am gonna fuck you all over that campus Rio: 🤤 Rio: Better than joining a wanky society Buster: Better than anything they could offer me, honestly Buster: You know how you make me feel Rio: Leave that off the personal statement though Rio: Probably be into it, love some self-confidence for a chance Buster: It's gotten me this far, like Rio: Can't say better than that, I reckon Buster: Exactly Rio: Who else can say they're fucking me? Buster: Cunts can try and say it but I'd call bullshit Buster: You're mine Rio: Yep Rio: Totally yours Buster: I know a lot of things are shit right now and I probably shouldn't say this but I'm really happy Rio: I feel it too Rio: usually feeling happy just feels stupid like bitch wait and see but even though I know some things are bad now and there's potentially more to come Rio: it still feels right Buster: Yeah Buster: Like whatever happens I don't have to handle it on my own so it won't be that bad anyway Rio: You don't have to, ever again Rio: that's a serious vow Buster: I'll make the same one to you Buster: Right fucking now Buster: Whatever you need babe, whenever Rio: I know Rio: it feels good, doesn't it Buster: Literally the best Buster: I've always told myself I can do anything, like you've met my parents, kind of a given, but I properly believe it when I'm with you Rio: Good Rio: 'cos you can Buster: You too, angel Rio: I feel it Rio: I'm not saying I've got everything worked out magically but Rio: I actually do believe you Buster: Good, 'cause I said I'd motivate you Buster: I'm not trying to fail at it Rio: I reckon you're good 😏 Rio: add another win to the tally, like Buster: Will do Buster: But if we're keeping score don't forget to add your own points Rio: Oh yeah? How'd I do in the end? Buster: I've never cum so hard or so much without you actually being here before Rio: I'll take it Rio: 'til we're back together, like Buster: It makes missing you a little bit easier Buster: For today at least Rio: Yeah Rio: you know I'm always here Rio: we'll get through it Buster: Yeah Buster: I know you are and we will Rio: You'll be done before you know it Rio: we should go away, in the summer Buster: Great idea Buster: Especially now we can acknowledge we're in the same place together, like Rio: 😂 Rio: I worry how none of them could piece that shit together Buster: They didn't wanna Buster: Simple as Rio: Can't relate Rio: too nosy for that Buster: You're the only one who can get away with telling me what to do though Buster: If any of the rest of the fam tried it they know what'd happen so Buster: Even when it ain't something as important as this Rio: Yeah Rio: I promise to only use my power for good Rio: mostly Buster: I was gonna say Buster: Please be bad sometimes, like Rio: Good for us Rio: same thing Buster: Yeah Buster: Do I need to use my powers of sending a fancy fruit basket to your fam for what they just heard from your room? Rio: 😳 Rio: Send me one too for sustenance because I can never leave this room again now Buster: Poor baby Buster: I'll send you everything you could possibly need Buster: and add some earplugs for the rest of them Rio: So thoughtful Buster: Who's actually home? Like how much damage control are we talking about? Rio: Can't say I checked before starting Rio: idek, hopefully they were all very busy somewhere else Buster: I'll cross my fingers for you, babe Rio: Whatever Rio: it was too good to feel too bad about Buster: No argument there Buster: Someone could have literally walked in and I wouldn't have been able to stop Rio: Shh don't say that Rio: Gonna turn me on all over again Buster: Sorry but its true Rio: Not that sorry Rio: Add it to the fantasies list Buster: Noted Buster: I should shower, the state of me Rio: I should join you Rio: Video chat? Buster: You're full of good ideas, aren't you? Rio: It's been said
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Buster & Rio
Buster: I can hear Nancy crying Buster: Mum and dad are between here and London somewhere Rio: Oh no Rio: I'd leave her to it Rio: I could text her to put out feelers but, she probably won't be ready to talk to anyone Rio: maybe just put a brew on in a few ☕ Buster: Yeah Buster: If I want it thrown at my head Rio: Who's offended by a cup of tea Rio: don't need to offer a digestive and a chat with it, like Buster: Anyone who knows me 'cause when have I ever offered Buster: She's not an idiot Buster: Even if she reckons she can get away with pretending I don't hear her Rio: Alright Rio: probably do pretend then, if that's what she wants Buster: Or just kick the door in, how I want Rio: She'll talk to Junior if there's anything drastic, trust me Rio: they talk about everything Buster: Come over Buster: She'll talk to you Rio: Be a bit suspect, like hey heard you were in your feelings Rio: she wouldn't like to think you're talking about her Buster: Fuck that Buster: Someone needs to Buster: Something's up, obviously Rio: Buster Rio: it's alright Rio: she'll talk about it when she wants to Rio: she's not an idiot, yeah? if it was serious she'd reach out Buster: No she wouldn't Buster: She never does Buster: Come on Rio: Neither would you Rio: but would you be alright if everyone just rolled up on you, even with good intentions Rio: just hang tight, yeah Buster: We aren't talking about me Rio: No but Rio: I've text her, okay Rio: I'll let you know Buster: Will you, or will I have to make you tell me like usual Rio: I'll tell you Rio: We aren't talking about me Buster: Fine Rio: Don't worry, yeah? Buster: I ain't Rio: You are Rio: or why would you be talking to me rn Buster: 'Cause Buster: I knew you'd know what to do Rio: Yeah, well, had enough experience by now Rio: sorry there's not much you can do Buster: Not like she wants me to anyway Buster: So whatever Rio: Be weird if she did on this one Rio: gotta sort that kinda thing yourself Buster: Yeah Buster: Come over then. Not for her Rio: I can't Buster: I can lock my door too, like Buster: She's not gonna see you Rio: You can still hear her though, so she'd hear me Buster: I'll drive us somewhere else then Rio: You've changed your mind then Buster: What? Rio: Now you want to, we're just gonna forget it happened, yeah? Buster: Do you wanna sort this or not? Rio: Yeah Rio: So, tell me what we're doing Buster: I don't know, we'll just find somewhere to go, like Rio: Right, are you planning on talking when we get there or what? Buster: Are you? Rio: I'm trying to talk to you now, like Buster: Like it's rocket science Buster: Do you love me or don't you? Rio: Why do I have to be the one to put myself out there Rio: I said it first before, you know Buster: Yeah? Buster: I didn't know Rio: No Rio: Well, I did Buster: Alright. Did you mean it? Rio: Are you gonna stop if I get it wrong? Buster: Rio Buster: Just tell me the truth Rio: Of course I meant it Buster: Seriously Rio: Please don't take the piss out of me right now Rio: Yes, seriously Buster: I'm not Buster: It's just a headfuck Rio: Trust me, I know Rio: I didn't intend for it to happen Buster: I know, but it did Rio: Sorry about it, like Rio: it isn't ideal for me either really Buster: I never said I was sorry Rio: Didn't need to Rio: literally ran away Rio: get it, like but Buster: Fuck off Buster: I was surprised, don't get offended, like Rio: That's putting it lightly Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Besides the point now Rio: but there you go Buster: It's not Buster: Jesus I'm trying here Rio: You don't have to say anything but Rio: I ain't gonna sit here and pour my heart out for no reason, like Buster: Don't be an idiot Rio: Don't call me an idiot Buster: Don't act like one Buster: I already told you I'm not sorry and I meant what I said Buster: I fucking love you, alright? Rio: I swear to God if you're just saying that 'cos I did.. Buster: Fuck you Buster: I love you Rio: You're such an idiot Rio: but I love you Buster: I must be 'cause I've never said it before and now I've said it Christ knows how many times to you Rio: just the three, if you're worried about your score Rio: you've never said it before? Buster: No Buster: Why would I? Rio: I dunno, thought you would've had at least one proper girlfriend Buster: Shut up Buster: I don't do girlfriends Rio: Should've guessed Rio: not keeping that close an eye on your love life before 😜 Buster: Could've fooled me Buster: You're usually such a know it all Buster: And obsessed with me, like Rio: You shut up Rio: insufferable, honestly Buster: Make me Rio: Are you still coming to get me Rio: 'cos I will Buster: Yeah Buster: I've missed you Rio: Me too Rio: sorry I fucked up your plans Rio: did you still go Buster: Don't Buster: I fucked them up Buster: I nearly called you so many times, I'm sorry Rio: It's alright I wouldn't have even been mad if you didn't Rio: just don't stop talking to me again, okay Rio: whatever you wanna say Buster: I won't Buster: Promise Rio: Good Buster: Let's get a room, yeah? No chance of the Spanish weather but it'll still be hot Rio: Okay 😍 Rio: Did I mention I missed you? Buster: Yeah but say it again Rio: I really fucking missed you Buster: How long do you need to be ready to go? Rio: I want to tell you to come now 'cos I want you Rio: but actually, look a state so Rio: give me half an hour to sort this Buster: I'll be right here Buster: I just promised not to stop chatting to you, like Rio: You're alright 😂 not demanding constant and total attention literal 😉 Rio: but I like it Buster: No takebacks, Cavante. A promise is a promise Buster: If you wanted to dictate terms you should've sooner Rio: Love it when you talk law Rio: such a nerd Buster: Fuck off Buster: You're a nerd Rio: Ha very mature 😂 not to mention how Buster: Well, maybe I wanna go back to when we were kids Buster: Do it all again Rio: Baby Rio: You're so cute Buster: You're beautiful Rio: You're gonna kill me Buster: I haven't even started yet, babe Rio: Yeah? Buster: I'm not just taking you to a hotel for the parallel Buster: We're gonna need that Do Not Disturb sign Rio: You know Rio: especially 'cos I gotta keep telling you how much I missed you and you can't stop chatting Rio: up all night 😏 sorry about it Buster: Especially 'cause I'm gonna fuck you with my tongue until you tell me how me how much you love me Buster: If we're up all night that'll be your fault Rio: 😫 Rio: DADDY Rio: Definitely all your fault but I'll figure out a way to get payback Buster: Yeah? Buster: We'll see Rio: You will Rio: just for you Buster: You spoil me, babe Rio: Only what you deserve Buster: You usually make me earn it Buster: You've really missed me, yeah? Rio: Too much Rio: It ain't even funny how long it felt Buster: I won't laugh at you Buster: Or do that again Rio: I thought that was it Buster: I'm sorry Rio: It ain't so you don't have to be Buster: But I am Buster: I hate when you're upset Rio: I'm happy now Rio: you make me so happy baby Buster: Good Buster: Hearing Nance set me off thinking about you Rio: You're so good Rio: wish you'd let people see Buster: I'm not Buster: But I wanna be for you Rio: Are too Buster: Shut up Buster: Are you ready yet or what? Rio: So impatient Rio: unaccounting for the levels of tragic, moping 'round my house like a teen all over again Buster: You reckon you've seen me impatient, but it'll be nothing compared to when I get you in the car Rio: What I'm secretly hoping for 😈 Buster: Don't keep it secret Buster: I wanna hear all about it Rio: I just wanna feel exactly how hard you've missed me Buster: You will Rio: Don't pull up to the house though, I'll come to the top of the lane Rio: unless you wanna have an improtu catch up with the fam 🙄 Buster: As much as I'd not have to drive this turned on, I'd rather not have them kill the mood for me Rio: honestly Rio: or have to think up a decent excuse why you're even picking me up Buster: I mean, I've already thrown my sister under the bus to start a convo with you, like Rio: I know you care too, babe Rio: At the dangerous point of horny where I basically don't care Rio: sorry lads Rio: you've all seen him, don't act surprised Buster: Keep my secrets, babe Buster: Me too Buster: And it's always gonna be more dangerous for me Rio: 'Course Rio: why's that then? Buster: I know I only have to look at you to see how much you want me but nobody else needs to be in the know whereas anyone can literally see how hard you make me Buster: Playing with unfair odds here, like Rio: Awh baby 😂 Rio: I'd bring it up with God for you but we ain't on speaking terms now Buster: If you wanna talk to yourself don't feel the need to do it on my behalf, babe 😂 Buster: While you're there ask Santa what he's bringing us Rio: Oi Rio: Already shaken my faith don't be cheeky Buster: Answered your prayers you mean Rio: Yeah, obviously, you in a groupchat with my priest or what? Rio: in confessional like, what was that? slow down, gotta type it out Buster: If there's a god you should believe in it's me for how often I can make you cum Buster: He's not making you feel that good, is he Rio: That is blasphemy Rio: as well as unnecessary advice Rio: I'm already there, like Buster: Yeah? Buster: Good Buster: 'Cause you know I'll worship you anytime, like Rio: ANY time, yeah? Rio: Good to know Buster: 'Course Buster: Not some fucking amateur that you've fallen for here Rio: Thank God Rio: oops, there I go again Buster: 😏 Buster: I have that effect, he'll understand, forgiving sort so I've heard Rio: Idiot Rio: Better start 🙏 he is Buster: I'd rather wait until I'm with you to get on my knees Buster: More worthwhile, like Rio: 😳 Rio: Not going to complain Rio: you know I only want you to get down on 'em for me really Buster: God's a bit free with his love, ain't he? Not gonna work for me as a jealous type Rio: Well he is love Rio: it's complicated Rio: stick with me Rio: even I ain't that much of a headfuck Buster: 😂 Buster: And I don't need to be in competition for favourite son, cheers Rio: When's the last time YOU died for our sins, babe? Rio: Sort it out Buster: The French call an orgasm a little death so Buster: Died for yours plenty of times Rio: Full of useful information, you 🤓 Rio: so dramatic Rio: the french, and you, like Buster: What can I say? That's the kind of education you've just gotta pay for Buster: And you love it Rio: Investment worth having, clearly 😜 Rio: Maybe Buster: You'll see when I'm investing my 💰💰💰 Buster: Really love me then Rio: Why else would I be here? 😏🙄 Buster: Exactly Rio: More palatable story, lbr Rio: in it for the 💳 duh Buster: Until someone questions why you ain't just with my dad, like Rio: Duh, so loyal Rio: him, not me Buster: 😂 Rio: also not drew about things, like 😬 Buster: At least he's blocked now so I don't have to smash his face in Rio: Seriously Rio: he was so creepy Buster: is Buster: You know he ain't changed just 'cause he's being denied seeing your posts Rio: Nah, 'course Rio: Just think, he was probably pissed at the pub, can't be as bad as I remember it Buster: Babe Buster: Don't start Rio: I don't wanna start drama, that's the thing Buster: Fuck that Buster: You know if he tries to start any more I'll finish it Buster: I swear to you Rio: Well, I'm sure he won't so let's not think about it Buster: Normally I'd argue but all my focus is on you right now anyway Buster: I can't think about anything or anybody else Rio: Not gonna apologise for it Buster: I don't need you to Buster: Just tell me you're ready to be picked up Rio: 👍 Rio: Been ready AGES what you talkin' about Buster: 🙄 Buster: Well, I'm nearly there and I don't see you, babe Rio: 🙊 Rio: Putting my shoes on, honest Buster: 'Course Buster: Anyone would think you'd wanna get us caught or me ending up with a worse fate leaving me and this car hanging around the 24 Rio: Well, if you're gonna be rude about my ends 🖕 Rio: good 🍀 to yas Rio: 😂 Buster: Hilarious Rio: Be nice or I'm not coming out to play Buster: I just complimented your sense of humor Buster: That is nice Rio: Hmm Rio: Say it like you mean it, babe Buster: Come out and I'll be even nicer Buster: I mean that Rio: 🤤 Rio: These shoes are not made for running but I need the height Buster: How far have you got? I'll carry you Rio: SHUT UP I'D DIE Buster: I'm not gonna drop you, baby Buster: You'd be fine Rio: I MEAN I'D MELT STOP Buster: That's not giving me much incentive to stop Rio: I just Rio: how'd you get so cute seriously Buster: Genetics Rio: Nah Rio: I mean, obviously Rio: but how you are Rio: and you've not had a girlfriend, why?? Rio: denying the world Buster: I'm how I am 'cause of you Buster: Shame you can't take the credit, like but Buster: I love you Rio: I love you Rio: also, I see you Buster: Good Buster: Get in the car Rio: If I make you ask one more time do you promise to be extra not nice? Buster: Well, I was about to say please but Rio: Good to know I can push you further baby Buster: Come and do it then Buster: I need you to Rio: 💋
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Buster & Rio
Buster: did you find her? Rio: Yeah, and with minimal damage, thank fuck Rio: she's sleeping it off now Buster: Good Buster: You should try and get some yourself too, like Rio: Alright, Dad 😜 Rio: I'm good, wasn't as wrecked as you Buster: Fuck off Buster: And you wonder why I ain't polite like you supposedly are Rio: Jokes, grumpy Rio: need an extra 5 yourself, I reckon Buster: Hilarious Buster: I've got coffee I'm fine Rio: I mean, glad to hear you're not starting your day with some lines, babe Buster: Setting such high standards for me, Cavante Buster: Cheers Rio: Idk, that student life init Rio: can't tell me half your class don't reckon they're leo in wolf of wallstreet...boys, please Buster: 😂 Buster: You're right I can't tell you that Rio: See, right AND funny, me Rio: finally getting it Buster: Behave Buster: Just 'cause you saved my night doesn't mean I like you that much Rio: Not all heroes wear capes, McKenna Rio: but I ain't expecting a fruit basket or a thank you note from the desk of Rio: politeness don't gotta extend that far, so you're alright Buster: Ain't that the truth. Might be hungover but I have vivid memories of what you wore last night and a cape doesn't come close Buster: What do you want then, babe? Rio: Good Rio: 'cos a dress like that is not going to waste and it's been insta'd now so gotta wait at least a calendar month if I need to bring it out for someone more appreciative Rio: Ain't that just the question Buster: You reckon there's someone who can compete with me? 😂 You do have jokes Buster: Yeah. So tell me Rio: In appreciation of me? Hmm Rio: Probably not, nah, you are pretty obsessed 😉 Rio: I don't need paying Buster: At anything, babe Buster: Get real Rio: Not the Olympics, babe Rio: I am real Buster: And stupid Buster: shut up Rio: How am I stupid? Rio: And don't tell me to shut up Buster: Don't try and wind me up and I won't Rio: I wasn't even but no surprise it's so easy to push all your buttons Buster: Whatever Buster: Calling out your own lack of skill there, babe Buster: No need to do yourself down this early Rio: Funny Rio: you're the one out here wanting to pay so obviously not Buster: I got cash burning holes, it ain't personal Rio: What a problem to have Rio: I'll make sure not to be offended then Buster: Be how you want Rio: I ain't got time to be mad tbh Rio: Nothing personal, of course, but bigger fish to fry Buster: I'll leave you to it then, yeah? Rio: If you like Rio: fuck knows when Drew'll show up though Buster: Let me know when he does Rio: Sure Rio: gonna need to get in line, like Buster: I'm used to blagging my way to the front, don't worry about it Rio: 😂 Rio: Fuck knows I ain't got a much better plan myself Buster: 'Course Buster: 'Cause it's the best plan, like Buster: 😂 Rio: 🙄😏 Rio: you can help Indie bury the body then, great minds again, like Buster: Yeah Buster: might give her the wrong idea though, you're the hero, it ain't me Rio: Who held her hair back and made her tea and toast Rio: think we're alright, babe Rio: know you truly think you're irresistible Buster: Don't think, I know Buster: And so do you Rio: Whatever you say, boy Buster: What so you need to be told again already, or just shown? Rio: You offering? Buster: You saying you ain't too busy now all of a sudden? Rio: I told you he ain't back yet Buster: Nah you said you dunno when he will be Rio: Pedantic Buster: Could be dramatic if he comes back when I'm making myself at home Buster: That's all Rio: That's a fun euphemism Rio: Gonna write that one down Rio: What would he say? Hey, I'm the only one allowed to do fucked up shit with her! Buster: Don't Buster: It's not funny Rio: Trust me, I know Buster: Fucking hell Buster: Do you really reckon he'll show his face again any time soon? Rio: Probably Rio: Idk, 'less he's trying to do worse this time and straight up ghost all 3 of his kids Rio: Where's he gonna go? Buster: What a cunt Buster: You gonna re-arrange XS for Indie? Rio: Yeah deffo Rio: doubt it'll be tonight but not that hard to sort, know 'em all Buster: Good Buster: Not like she's got anywhere else to go but getting out of her head is the next best thing Rio: Not the message I'm tryna send her, like but 😂 Rio: thank fuck Jay's concept of the bottle is still 🍼 eh Rio: how is she Buster: Christ, don't Buster: but yeah she's alright Rio: Bless Buster: [Sends pics of Jay] Rio: 😍 Buster: Not saying my kid's cuter than yours but like Buster: I can imagine how hungover Indie is Rio: I won't do her like that and take a pic Rio: the friendship back off Buster: I'll check her snap later I'm sure she'll provide her own proof anyway Rio: Awh Rio: She'll be well buzzin' Buster: Belated birthday gift Rio: Won't brag that mine was better or nothing Buster: I wasn't trying to take the gold there Buster: She loves me enough as is Rio: and I meant your gift for me Rio: competitiveness getting the better of you always Buster: Well yeah 'cause that goes without saying Rio: You're cute Buster: Fuck off Rio: aww baby Buster: Rio Buster: Behave Rio: Make me Buster: If I come over there you know I won't want you to Rio: I know Rio: no followthrough 😉 Buster: If that's how you want it I'll make you behave like an 😇 Rio: You know exactly how I want it Buster: But I want you to ask nicely Rio: If I do you promise you'll come see me Rio: too much teasing Buster: I won't be able to resist, will I Buster: If you do Rio: Good because you've got me this way Rio: so I need you to be the one to make me cum Rio: Pretty please Buster: I need to have you all to myself though Buster: Let me take you somewhere Rio: Where though Buster: I don't care as long as Indie ain't there Rio: Alright, not going to argue with you because I'm desperate for you Rio: just make it happen Buster: I'll drive until you tell me to stop, babe Buster: No teasing Rio: I don't know if I'm capable of telling you to stop Rio: goes against everything i want Buster: Fuck Buster: You're making it hard to care if Indie's around Rio: She's slept through worse Rio: you'll have to get creative if you wanna keep me quiet though Buster: You know I don't want you quiet Rio: Then keep talking Rio: Hear me from there Buster: Rio Rio: Yes baby/ Buster: I can't get enough of you Rio: I know Rio: I feel it too Buster: such a headfuck Buster: I can't stop thinking about you Rio: Yeah Rio: but whatever, right? Buster: it's your fault Buster: you're so hot Rio: You can blame me as long as you don't stop fucking me Buster: I can't until you're screaming for me and won't when you beg me Buster: I want you that badly Rio: Buster Rio: Come over now Buster: On my way Rio: Jesus Rio: what the fuck did i do with myself before you Buster: didn't know what you were missing, like Buster: but you don't have to wait for me now if you can't Rio: You want me to touch myself? Buster: Considerate, I know Rio: I'll record it Rio: only fair, it's all for you Buster: yeah? Buster: you're so fucking good Rio: gotta keep up with you yeah Buster: I could say the same to you, babe Rio: Don't do bad between us Buster: Yeah we do, bad in the best way though Rio: Agreed Buster: Steady on, sounded almost like you can stand me then Rio: Let's not get carried away Buster: I'll turn around and leave then shall I, 'cause I was gonna tell you to open the door and let me get very carried away like Rio: Don't Rio: Coming Buster: You will be Rio: Nerd
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Indie had a good night out that didn't result in me holding back her hair Rio: Am I dreaming??? Buster: Gotta be Rio: Yeah forreal Rio: Can call be a Mum all you like though, 'cos think she's got a proper lil boyfriend and I am so proud 😜 Buster: Thought you two didn't do hubbys Rio: Not as a rule but she's defs 😍 Rio: So cute Buster: While it lasts Rio: Oosh, pessimist this morning, are we? Rio: Was gonna ask how you were but ??? Buster: I'm being real. It's Indie Buster: And she's learnt from you Rio: She's 17, would you like her to have a marriage under her belt already Rio: and why you being a cunt about me for? Buster: I'm not Buster: I'm saying, she doesn't need to get wifed up at 17 like Buster: And she won't Buster: He's just one in a line, she had a crush on me, remember? What makes this lad special? Rio: Alright Rio: She can still enjoy it whilst it lasts, nah? Rio: So can I 🤷 Rio: Don't worry, I know she still has time for you, like, your ego can chill Buster: Never said otherwise Buster: You're the one throwing your congrats around for her and her new man Buster: Making it something it ain't and won't be Rio: And we get to the real issue here Rio: Look, I don't have expectations, alright? You don't need to worry, I'm not Chlo about it like, Jesus Rio: Give me some credit Buster: Fuck off Buster: I already know what expectations you've got. Understood like Rio: Do you? 'Cos you are deffo reading something wrong here Buster: I'm not an idiot Rio: Again, didn't say you were Rio: But I don't know where the fuck this has come from Buster: Then you're the stupid one Buster: Come on, Rio Rio: That's what it is Rio: I'm not clever enough for you? Did one of your arrogant law school friends see us the other night and now you've gotta ditch me and pray third times a charm with Erin? Rio: Fuck, I didn't know you were an ACTUAL snob, Buster Buster: Fuck you Buster: I'm not making this that easy for you Buster: If you want out get a better excuse, babe Rio: You're the one that's saying all this! Buster: Don't act like you don't know what's pissing me off Rio: I actually fucking don't Rio: Not a mindreader, yeah? Buster: Finally admitting it Buster: Usually reckon you know it all, yeah? Rio: Don't be a twat Rio: Just tell me Rio: I can handle it Buster: Last night Rio: What? Rio: You didn't like it? Buster: You know I did Buster: That's not the problem Rio: What then? It can't happen again? Rio: I thought we were past this Buster: We're clearly not in the same place Buster: Or headspace whatever Buster: I told you to stay. What the fuck Rio: But you don't have to Rio: Don't feel you have to, you know Rio: I get it Buster: No you don't Buster: I didn't do it for that Rio: You've just got out of a thing, and you've been fucked over and tied down unwittingly before that Rio: I'm not trying to be that, you don't have to pretend with me Rio: You want what you want and that's okay Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: Something wrong with your hearing this morning or do you just not wanna hear this Rio: I wanna hear but you ain't saying shit Buster: Cause you're too busy doing it for me like Buster: I'm trying to tell you what I want Buster: Christ Rio: Tell me Rio: Alright, I'm listening Buster: Yeah? Cause you didn't last night Rio: I didn't think you meant it Rio: not meant to hold people to what they say during sex, figure that rule extended to right after, like Buster: I reckoned we were past saying shit we don't mean Buster: I wanted you here with me Buster: I fucking still do Rio: Oh Buster: Tell me what you want Buster: Cause if I'm wasting my time I wanna know Rio: You know I want you Rio: I just feel stupid now Buster: I know you wanna fuck me Buster: I need to know if you wanna stay around after Rio: I do Rio: I thought you knew that too Rio: but I was thinking that's the opposite of what you wanted so I was just ignoring that side of it to keep you happy Rio: Pathetic, I'm aware Buster: How could you think that? Buster: You're the smart one like Rio: It sounds stupider now than it felt Rio: You can't blame me, like, you did just try and chuck me again Rio: its not like its ancient history Buster: I didn't Buster: I told you it wasn't about us Buster: And it's not like I wanted Erin Rio: I know, I get why you did it, 'course I do Rio: but it still woulda ended it, like Buster: But it wouldn't have been what I wanted Buster: You know I want you Rio: but I don't always know how Rio: you don't either, I know like Rio: we've not really said..ever Buster: Tell me now Rio: I want to be with you Rio: Basically all the time Rio: and not just because I wanna fuck you all the time either Rio: Still true but Rio: I do like you too Buster: Good Buster: I've told you so many times before that we're the same Buster: Need to start hearing me, babe Rio: I might just start Rio: Maybe Buster: Yeah? Buster: I wish Buster: I thought you knew what the bracelet meant like Rio: I know what it meant to me Rio: I don't know, I guess I'm scared to read into things you say and do, case I get it wrong and get fucked up over it Rio: Call me a pussy if you want Buster: I won't Buster: I get it Buster: But I'm not Drew and I'm never trying to give you mixed messages Buster: You can trust Rio: Okay Rio: I do Rio: in almost every way Rio: and I want to with the rest too Buster: Okay Buster: I know I've fucked up a lot but I'm not gonna do that any more, as best as I can swear to it Buster: You're too important to me like Rio: I'm not going anywhere Rio: I'm sorry I left Buster: I can't blame you Buster: I was gonna leave you, like it or not Buster: I'm sick of trying to fight this Buster: I care about you Rio: You're just trying to do what's right, be a good person, I'm not going to fault you that Rio: but you are good already Rio: you know that, right? Buster: All I know is if this is wrong then I'll be wrong. Fucking gladly. It doesn't feel like it to me, never has Rio: Me either Rio: Its only knowing what everyone else will think Rio: but it feels right to me, for me Buster: Yeah Buster: I don't care what anyone else thinks, just what you think Rio: Do you mean that? Buster: I do Buster: I wanna give you what you want, if we're fucking or not Rio: I wish I could claim you Buster: You already have Buster: I've not felt like this for anyone else Rio: Me either Rio: I didn't think I was capable honestly Buster: Proved you wrong, babe Buster: I wanna take you out. A meal or whatever. Not like we're sneaking around in the fucking dark Rio: I'd like that Rio: I told Indie Rio: Don't be mad, swear she won't tell anyone, she knew there was someone and I didn't want to say that was anyone but you Buster: Fuck Buster: What did she say? I don't want to fuck things up between you and her Rio: She was obviously taken aback at first Rio: but she is genuinely okay with it Rio: even happy for me Rio: gutted to have missed out herself, like but you know Buster: You're not just telling me what I wanna hear, are you? Buster: Minus that last part Rio: No Rio: For real, swear on my life Rio: I was headfucked too Buster: Maybe if we ever tell anyone else they won't be as headfucked themselves as we reckoned Buster: I don't know but it's good to think about Rio: Yeah, we don't wanna get too cocky too soon Rio: even if that's your speciality Rio: but maybe the world wouldn't implode? hm Buster: I'm well mad you said that before I could Buster: My MO Buster: Did you mean what you said about claiming me? Cause I have an idea Rio: Sorry to ruin your fun, babe Rio: Of course Rio: Hit me Buster: Well you're wearing something for me, I should too, yeah? Buster: Let's shop Rio: Yeah? Rio: Never turning down a shopping spree Rio: Let's do this Buster: Maybe I'll get you something too Buster: If you behave Buster: No clues if I mean good or bad Rio: Lucky I'm so great at both Rio: and I always work out what you want Buster: Yeah Buster: And lucky for me when you model it that's entirely for my benefit Buster: We both win Rio: 😍 Rio: Feels good being a winner again Rio: Especially with you Rio: but just know if we're buying lingerie you're helping me try on and take off in the changing rooms okay Buster: Just know then we might not make it to purchasing anything Buster: And don't blame me if we get kicked out Rio joined the chat 8 hours ago Rio: 🤷 I don't mind Rio: we're treating you, already got mine Buster: But we're meant to both be winning like Rio: We still will be, trust Rio: or we can behave and be really boring if you're feeling it Buster: I like you, yeah, but I ain't that whipped cheers Buster: 😂 Rio: If you think that's what I'm gon' be cracking the whip for, you're mistaken hun 😏 Buster: Valid, you can't be distracting me in lectures one minute and telling me to behave the next Buster: When do you wanna head out spending? Rio: Oh, can't I now? Rio: Bold assumption Rio: I'm ready whenever you are, not got anything on 'til my shift tonight Buster: On my way then Buster: Fuck it Rio: Yay Rio: Just need to get changed Rio: not gon' let me in the good stores like Rio: not on my pretty woman clapback best today Buster: I look so good it won't matter what you wear Buster: Other than to me 'course Buster: So take your time Rio: 😂 Rio: Boy bye Rio: I got my fans, how dare Buster: I know but I'm trying not to think about it Buster: Got jealous enough already Rio: Yeah? Rio: That mean you don't wanna head up the club, like? 😏 Buster: What do you think? Rio: 💋 Rio: I only want you, the rest just pay my bills, babe Buster: Too late to kick it old school and set you up like you're my mistress all expenses paid Buster: Flat set up to have you all to myself sounds good though Rio: Feminism fucked me on that one, yeah Rio: at least you got the dubo place to yourself basically all the time Buster: Thank fuck Buster: It's hard enough sneaking around when we've got somewhere to go Buster: If I couldn't see you as much like Buster: Fuck Rio: Rich boy perks paying off as per 😉 Rio: but nah, I feel that too, too hard Rio: like Indie knows now but she don't need a show still Buster: Much as she'd like catching one of my performances Buster: Don't need to make your friendship that weird Rio: 🙄 thought you didn't do performances? Buster: Maybe Buster: Maybe not Rio: Hmpf Rio: who you been performing for if not me boy Buster: Gonna dole that fake shit out to my exes Buster: You know you don't make me feel like you Rio: Damn, you're too smooth Rio: see how we got in this trouble Rio: can't be blamed Buster: Can't lie Buster: You gotta handle the truth Rio: Okay, only if you can handle all this Rio: [sends pics, more cutesy than usual but still hot obvs] Buster: Doing my best like Buster: Always trying to make me die at the wheel Rio: No Rio: I'm not Buster: 🤞 🍀 Rio: Seen more lively morgues than this joint tonight 💀 Rio: Entertain me? Buster: Course Buster: I could always do it in person you know Buster: Try not to get too jealous of your customers Rio: As much of a tryhard as you are, babe- 😘 Rio: Better boozers about, trust Rio: Looking for new jobs rn like, soz, know y'all all miss me Buster: Takes one to know one, babe Buster: Fucking feminism making you pay your own bills Buster: Keep getting reminders of it today like Rio: 🖕 Rio: Gotta try hard to get these tight old fuckers to part with the tips, like Rio: If only we'd known what we were fighting for, eh ladies? 😂 Rio: but it's all good, 'cos the only reminder all my new shit is giving me is of us definitely getting caught by that shop assistant but we were throwing too much 💸 around for her to do anything about it Buster: And you looked so hot in all of it Buster: Can't blame her for wanting to get a front row Rio: Glad you think so baby, the good shit is for your eyes only Rio: Don't need potential investors knowing I can already afford that shit shh 🤫🤭 Rio: as long as she abides by look but don't touch, I'm cool Buster: Nah for my eyes only you said Buster: It's well shit you have to work tonight Rio: Obviously not her, weren't feeling her that hard, like, even tho she was werkin' what she had for the commission but whaddya reckon on threesomes? Rio: Yeah, proper shit ever having to leave the bed init 💔 Rio: Fucking rest of the world, leave us alone for a bit Buster: You know how I feel about sharing Buster: Depends if who you're thinking of is worth it like Buster: Yeah Buster: Since you mentioned it, guess who's blowing my phone up and making me wish even harder you were here Rio: No, good Rio: I feel the same Rio: Done it before but Rio: can we keep it just you and me please Rio: Didn't leave it at the bitchy comment then? Not the entertainment I was after but, always happy to oblige isn't she Buster: You know I only want you Buster: It's more than fine with me if you feel the same Buster: My fault for thinking how bored I was, yeah? Can't lie though I was hoping we'd distract each other Buster: Maybe she sensed it. Still trying to cockblock after all this time Rio: You make me feel so special 😇 Rio: Lbr, who's competing with me, good luck hoe 😉😂 Rio: She's like anti-viagra, her mission in life to bring down the vibe and your hard on 😒 Rio: Got an idea but what bullshit she chatting Buster: Easiest thing I've ever done and you know I'm a lazy, entitled brat so long list Buster: Or me. Honestly. What lad? Fuck that Buster: Yeah. How did I ever get her pregnant? Never wanted anyone less like Buster: She's trying to say that I'm failing Jay 'cause I went shopping once without buying out half the shops for her. Please Rio: Looks like we stuck being the baddest for now then Rio: Hard job but someone's gotta, yeah? Rio: I don't even know, genuine, unless you were packing lil' blue pills for some reason Rio: 😑 She's the one out here already trying to buy love Rio: who's the real failure, hun Buster: I can't even blame coke 'cause I didn't take any far as I remember Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: She's pissing me off already Buster: Acting like Jay's boring her like Rio: Who could be bored with their own child? Rio: Soz real babies don't come with as many fun features as your dollies, like...the fuck? Buster: She's like a kid herself Buster: Her parents do everything and she has the nerve to act like I'm the one not pulling my weight Buster: I take the piss a lot with mine like, but I don't dump Jay on them as well Rio: Having a kid SHOULD grow you up but it don't always Rio: seen it with a lot of people I went to School with, all about the drama STILL, like they ain't got mouths to feed Rio: You're a good Dad, that's why Rio: No one can say otherwise Buster: Now who's making who feel special Rio: You should know Rio: and she ain't gonna tell you unless you marry her dumb ass so Buster: And that ain't never happening Buster: I'd rather the shotgun blew my head off Rio: 😂 Rio: No one is gunning for that one but her Rio: If you reckoned you were gonna do that next to make things right, I'd have to lock you up for your own sake, not even selfish, like Buster: I'd let you, not even selfishly, though it'd be fucking hot like Buster: Looks like I might get to see Jay soon though 🍀🤞 Rio: 😳🤤😍 Don't need to be given any more ideas about what I wanna do to you but I'll take 'em Rio: No way! See, cocky for a reason, gotta admit like Rio: How have you managed that? So happy Buster: It didn't take much, she has a life of her own, don't you know?! 😒 Buster: It obviously takes an age to prepare for a girls spa trip like Rio: Unsurprised Rio: but give a shit, she can spa 'til she shrivels up, like Rio: she's got so big like Rio: Jay, not Chlo Rio: not going for low hanging fruit bitchiness Buster: You ain't wrong on either count, but lot of other shit I can slag her off for before that Buster: Chlo's well thrilled Jay can say more words, gotta get those insta vids uploaded often enough that people think you care Rio: Absolutely, so not on brand to be a shit Mum Rio: cute though Rio: the fam will be buzzing to get to see her again Buster: Yeah Buster: I won't blame you if you don't wanna see me as much like Buster: Baby can be a mood killer Rio: Don't be daft Rio: It will be a bit weird for me compared to the rest but what else is new there? Rio: I still love her, like Buster: Suppose we'll have to find our rhythm with it 'cause when the other one gets here I'll have to hit the ground running from day 1 Buster: No excuse to be part time other than the ma hating me like Rio: Are you ready? Buster: Gotta be Rio: True Rio: At least this time the Ma isn't insane Buster: Thank christ Buster: Next time I might get one I actually like. Third time lucky and shit Rio: That's the plan, is it? Rio: You blatantly just want a male heir Buster: 'Course Buster: Do the world a favor creating a mini me Buster: Jay's already beautiful like Rio: Such a joker, McKenna Rio: though no kidding on that score Buster: Not asking you to volunteer to make me one, babe Buster: It's fine Rio: Obviously Rio: But you make 2 by accident and all of a sudden you're picking out names and potential mamas Buster: What can I say? So good at being a dad it'd be a crime to stop Rio: 🙄 I can't with you boy 😂 Buster: You love it Buster: I know you miss me Rio: Miss you more when you're a one-man sperm bank 😜 Rio: I do though, this shift could not drag any harder Buster: What time do you finish? Rio: last orders 12.30 but I'm closing 'cos the boss man cba Rio: come help if you like Buster: Only if you're offering me a lock in Buster: Honestly though, I can. Don't have anything on at uni until the afternoon Rio: I'm offering you a nightcap, think on, boyo Rio: Good, then we've got 'til then Rio: let's make it worth it Buster: Course Buster: The sooner I get my assignments done the sooner I can go get Jay too so gonna need you to motivate me Buster: I'm sure you've got plenty of ideas Rio: Absolutely, best study buddy you ever had Rio: Gotta be a hotshot lawyer or I'm out, like Buster: Yeah? Buster: I'd give you a week until you missed me too bad Rio: Channel that confidence into your work and you won't have to find out the hard way 😏 Buster: Well played Rio: I'll take my bow and reward when you're done tah Buster: But I know you ain't working hard enough for it yet Rio: Firm but fair Rio: such a DILF 😜 Buster: You're trying to joke but it's true Buster: We're parent goals here, ma 😜 Rio: I tell you you're daddy all the time Rio: No surprises here Buster: But I ain't gonna be mad that you said it again Rio: Now you're really gonna have to work harder to have me screaming that Buster: Nah, it's easily done Rio: Wish you'd come and prove it, babe Buster: I know Buster: But I'll make it worth it when I get there Rio: Same Rio: I'll let you focus for now though Rio: Good girl, see? Buster: I'd rather you let me distract us both Buster: Slow enough night that I could have you on the bar or I'd just have to hide behind it like? Rio: Baby Rio: You're killing me Rio: soz that pint was all head, something on my mind Buster: You're just trying to reciprocate, giving head while you're getting it Buster: They're welcome Rio: Be here now Buster: I don't want you to lose your job, babe Buster: Hot as it is to make you lose control Rio: I do Rio: Fuck this job and fuck me Buster: Gladly Buster: When's your break, that'd be a compromise worth making, yeah? Rio: I'm head tonight so I'll just take it Rio: we should wait though, right? you get some work done, I'll try too and then closing will be all the better Buster: You're right Rio: Standard Buster: If you get any more cocky I won't be getting any work done Rio: Sorry, you're too damn fun to distract Rio: Easy, too Buster: Shut up Buster: It's your fault Buster: Making me and my game look weak Buster: Thank Christ this all a secret Buster: And I have an idea how to level the playing field Rio: Your rep is safe Rio: Only I know how whipped you really are, s'how I like it too Rio: Yeah? Intrigued, maybe Buster: Take your break, babe. Touch yourself and think about me Buster: You'll be as weak as me Buster: And left wanting more too Rio: Done and done Rio: My fingers will do until your tongue can replace 'em and finish the job properly Rio: You want me to show you or is thinking about it enough already? Buster: Proof or it didn't happen Buster: And you can't hold me to anything if not Rio: you really want to get out of your job here? ow 💔 Rio: [10 mins later, said video] Rio: Will that convince you I need you? Buster: It's a start Buster: a fucking good one Rio: Well, I'm beyond ready for you Buster: I'm beyond regretting telling you to keep your job so there's your answer Buster: I've never wanted someone more instead of less as time goes on Buster: Until you Rio: I know Rio: I'm addicted to you Buster: I'd say sorry but I'm not Rio: Don't care, just keep giving me my fix and I'm happy Buster: I'm not about to stop, don't worry Buster: My family might be around more once Jay is though so thank christ Indie's on side Rio: Yeah, fair Rio: I'm not that much of a selfish cow Rio: That's your time with her, see me when you can, like Buster: I want time with you too and I'll make it Buster: Besides, who better to help me with a baby than the greatest ma I know Rio: I'd like that Buster: Yeah? Buster: I know it's a lot, but you're both important to me Rio: I'm ready Rio: Promise Buster: I love you Buster: So fucking much Rio: I love you too Buster: Tell me again when I see you and I'll know you mean it Buster: Don't want you to just feel like you have to say it back 'cause Rio: I will Rio: You'll see Rio: I've wanted to say that for a while now Buster: Sorry for beating you to it, but me too Rio: I'm glad, I was too scared, what if I never Buster: I'd still know Buster: I was shitting myself too though, not said it before Buster: I'm glad I have now Rio: Good, 'cos I'm gonna make you say it 'til you don't mean it no more Rio: feels too good Buster: I'm not gonna stop meaning it. Good luck Rio: I love you, Buster Buster: I love you too, Rio Buster: Get used to it like Rio: Don't know if I can Rio: its crazy Buster: I reckon you can do pretty much anything if you want it bad enough Buster: And I know you want this Rio: You really think that? Rio: I wanna do great things with you Buster: 'Course Buster: I don't fall in love with just anyone Buster: How could we not? We're both unbeatable like Buster: Together. Who else has a chance? Rio: Yeah Rio: Was never gonna be anyone else, I've known that for a while too Rio: I'm just so relieved to finally know for certain you feel it too Buster: Sorry to keep you waiting Buster: Always doing that Rio: Nah, I'd rather you were sure than say it too soon and regret it later Rio: and I've done my fair sure of making you wait so we're even on that one Buster: Not surprised. You're on my level all the time Buster: I didn't reckon I could be this happy. Don't get me wrong, I love being a dad and I wouldn't change it, but it doesn't always make me feel great Buster: You do Rio: Understandable, its a hard, thankless (most the time) fucking job, sure any of the 'rents would be happy to shout that at you like you don't know yourself Rio: but Jay is the best, and your other girl will be too, 'cos you're their Dad Buster: I actually believe that coming from you Buster: You make me feel like I'm not all just bullshit ego or whatever and could properly do something good Rio: Good Rio: 'cos you can and you will Rio: and Imma be right there with you Buster: I don't know how you started believing in me and not my bullshit but I ain't mad Rio: I told you, not as good an actor as people have you believing, sorry to burst ya bubble but not Rio: people didn't get to know the real you because it was too hard for 'em to bother Rio: I ain't never been afraid of a challenge, you know this Buster: Yeah Buster: Reckon you'll have to get me in front of the camera and let me work on that Buster: Keep the secret safe Rio: Now I know you're just saying that to make me happy 😏 Buster: I wanna make you so fucking happy Buster: Trust me Rio: I do Rio: We're gonna have it all Buster: Can I get you fired if I promise to find you a new job? Buster: 'Cause fucking hell Buster: I've gotta see you Rio: You have to Rio: Got big plans and they don't involve this place, but they definitely do you Buster: Fuck it then Buster: Nothing to stop me unless there's anyone there you don't want to see this Rio: I couldn't care less about anyone that ain't you right now Rio: You know I wanna claim you Buster: Good Buster: I'll be right there
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Hear you're gonna be a Daddy Rio: Congrats Buster: Cheers Buster: Who told you? Rio: Nance Rio: but everyone knows, its splashed all over socials Rio: expect the too-late family intervention to be knocking on your door any moment now Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: Course it is Rio: She didn't tell you? That's fucked Buster: She is. In the head like Buster: What did Nance say? Rio: Yeah, I told you, you knew. Still impregnated her so that's your shout. Rio: Fucking hell, you want me to sum that up in a sentence? She's Rio: furious and so fucking devestated, how could you? Buster: Don't fucking start. You've told me a lot of things Buster: Yeah well. I didn't plan it Buster: Can't take it back though, can I, so she'll have to handle it Rio: Couldn't take just one on board, no? Rio: Yeah no doubt that was all her, you've obviously not got the brains 'cos you fell right into it Rio: Fucking idiot Rio: Looks like it Rio: What the hell are YOU going to do? Buster: Tell me something I don't know, babe Buster: Fucked if I've got anything mapped out Buster: Nothing I can do, me and her ain't talking Rio: Don't act dumber than you are 'cos you're feeling sorry for yourself Rio: Chained to her for life, well done Rio: Better think of a way to make that bearable fast, and a way to talk to her Rio: or what? you not going to see your kid? Buster: She doesn't wanna talk to me since I said I don't want a kid Buster: And that's how I want it since she's dropped me into a load more convos I've gotta have, like with my parents and sister Rio: Well, a baby won't just be swept under the rug Rio: Jesus Buster: I know that Buster: Fucking hell Rio: Why the fuck didn't you wear a condom? Buster: She told me she was on the pill and I went with it Buster: Didn't have one anyway Rio: Wow Rio: Its textbook Rio: Make a fucking PSA seriously Buster: Shut up Buster: I didn't go out looking to fuck Buster: I don't even remember doing it Buster: Barely Rio: Oh my God Rio: Well, lucky for you, Chloe has a permanent reminder cooking Buster: If it's mine Buster: We'll see Rio: Oh its yours Rio: Without a doubt Rio: You think you're that lucky? Get a grip, fast Rio: Your accident, not hers, remember? Buster: What are you saying? Rio: I'm saying, Buster Rio: she basically targeted you Rio: She's obsessed with you, or something, this is exactly what she wants Rio: You, forever and ever Buster: Bullshit Buster: Why ruin her own life that's fucked Rio: 'Cos what she wants is a hubby and lots of babies to play house and dress up forever Rio: You only have to look at her to know socialite/yummy mummy is all she wants on her fucking CV Buster: She's never choose me for that Buster: She knows I'd never put a ring on it, I don't even like her Rio: She's clearly more than a bit fucking delusional! Rio: I'm not saying normal girls go 'round doing shit like this Rio: She probably thinks she can mould you and you're good looking clay, that's all she needed Buster: Nah, that's too farfetched Buster: It was an accident that's all Rio: Whatever Rio: Believe that Rio: You'll still end up having to deal, mark my words Buster: Whatever Buster: Can you just tell Nance to take my calls? Rio: I'm not going to make her do that Rio: Not 'til she's ready Buster: Come on Buster: I'm asking you nicely and everything Rio: This isn't a joke Rio: She hates Chloe, she made her life hell so much so she had to leave her Home, which you fucking know, knew Rio: and you still did it Rio: Have fun talking your way out of that one when she answers Buster: I'm not laughing Buster: But I'm not about to fucking cry over ancient history either Buster: Not like she was a one woman hate squad Buster: Yeah it was shit but come on Buster: School's nearly over anyway Rio: It isn't ancient history Rio: and it won't go away when School's out Rio: its trauma she's going to have to carry 'round, unpack and deal with, all 'cos of that cunt Rio: who now has an invite back into her life thanks to you Buster: You're being well dramatic now Buster: It was some names and shit Buster: None of us want her around Rio: You best hope for your sake that I find out you don't actually know the full extent Rio: or I'll fucking kill you myself Buster: Big talk, babe Buster: Be pissed off at me all you want but don't make this into a Nancy crusade Rio: What else would this be about? Rio: You wanna ruin your life? Fine but you didn't have to do it with her Buster: You know what Rio: Why would it be about that? Buster: Look, it was a mistake, yeah? I've made plenty of others Buster: That night included Rio: Well, none of those have resulted in a fucking life Rio: Get a clue Buster: Don't talk to me like I don't know that Buster: This is happening to me Rio: Then act like it! Rio: What are you even doing right now Buster: Talking to you Buster: You started the convo like, you should know Rio: By all means, piss off Rio: Not if you're just gonna sit around with your thumb up your arse like you ain't got a clue Buster: I'm waiting for my mum and dad to get home from work so I can have the convo she's forced me into Buster: What would you have me do? Rio: Act like you give a shit Rio: about this, about your sister, about your fucking self Buster: How am I meant to do that over a keyboard Buster: You want me to call you crying or what? Rio: Just drop the fucking act Rio: Yeah, I wanted to check if you were alright too but you know what, fuck it Rio: Better luck smashing my head against a brick wall Buster: All I've done since she told me is give a shit Buster: I've spent all my time trying to talk sense into her about not having this kid Buster: For her fucking sake as much as mine Buster: You think you're the only one smashing your head against the bricks, fuck you Rio: There's no way she'll get rid, is there? Rio: Fuck Buster: No Buster: And I'm shitting myself about it Buster: Happy now? Rio: No Rio: Obviously not, Buster Rio: What are you going to do about Uni? How are you going to do that Buster: I'm still going Buster: She's not gonna want me around on my terms only hers Buster: She'll probably stop me seeing the kid unless I marry her or some shit if what you're saying's right Buster: So it won't matter Rio: You should still try Rio: Don't you want to? Buster: I don't want a kid with her. A kid that'll hate me 'cause it's mum's a fucking headcase Rio: I know you don't but its going to exist regardless if she's going ahead Rio: That's gonna be a fact, even if it shouldn't be like Rio: If you go, you have to commit to it, okay Rio: Or it fucks the kid up Buster: Fuck Buster: I don't want to be like Edie's dad Buster: Around but not Rio: That's what I'm saying Rio: Either way, this is a huge fucking commitment Rio: and I know it isn't fair its being forced upon you but it is, okay? It is Rio: so you have to do SOMETHING Rio: the alternative doesn't bear thinking about Buster: I'm gonna have to get into a London uni Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Shouldn't be an issue for you, should it? Buster: Obviously not Buster: I just had somewhere else in my head Rio: That's shit Rio: Doubt you're getting Chlo outta Chelsea Buster: Yeah Buster: Fuck knows how I'm even getting her back on side never mind anything else Buster: I can't be with her for the kid that never works Rio: No but you've got to at least be able to talk to her Rio: You have rights, no matter how insane she is Rio: If you wanna see your kid, she can't stop you Buster: And she can't stop my parents either Buster: No chance they'll not wanna stick their noses in like Rio: Never Rio: Even though they're going to kill you for making them grandparents, ruining their rep, like Buster: Fucking hell Buster: Can't wait for them to get back Buster: Rio Buster: Fuck it. Never mind Rio: What? Buster: Tell me you don't hate me, yeah? Buster: Everyone else is gonna and I can take that but Rio: I don't hate you, Buster Rio: and no one else is going to Rio: not forever Rio: Nance might for a bit and your parents will definitely be livid for a while too but Rio: you were right about one thing amidst your bullshit, they will have to get over it Buster: Okay Buster: Christ, I wish you were here Buster: I know I shouldn't say it Rio: Yeah Rio: Deal with one mistake at a time, right? Rio: Don't get overambitious about it Buster: Yeah Buster: Sorry Rio: For what? Buster: You know what for Rio: Its alright Rio: Can't be helped Buster: Will you tell Nance I am? Nothing else if you don't want Rio: Yeah Rio: Do my best Buster: Cheers Rio: Any time Buster: You're not just chatting shit when you say that Rio: Nah Rio: Don't make a habit of it unlike you, like Rio: You know I mean it Buster: It'd be fair if you said it to shut me up Rio: Gave up hope of that ages ago Rio: Always chatting, you, McKenna Buster: Says you, babe Buster: You admitted yourself you're as bad like Rio: This isn't about me and my flaws Rio: Thank fuck Buster: It could be Buster: Come over Rio: Don't be daft Rio: I'll hop on a plane, you put on the kettle, yeah? Buster: why not Rio: You know why Rio: Not going to solve anything, is it Buster: I don't care Buster: Everything's fucked anyway Rio: Well I do Rio: and I don't want to be another fucked up thing for your pile of mistakes Buster: You know that's not what you are Rio: That's all it can be Rio: Us Rio: We're not allowed Buster: Like I said, I don't care Buster: I know you don't either Rio: You will when you come to your senses Buster: What have I got to lose? Rio: You want to find out? Buster: Yeah Buster: You know I do Rio: No Rio: Not now Rio: Like this Buster: Then what? You said yourself none of this is going away for me Rio: When you're head's less fucked Rio: when you've got a clue whether you're coming or going Buster: You're making excuses Buster: I know what I want Rio: Stop Rio: You're making it hard to do what I have to Buster: Make me Buster: Tell me you don't want the same thing I do Rio: I told you, not like this Rio: When all you've got on your mind is this bullshit Rio: You just think its going to distract you but it won't Buster: It's not all i've had on my mind Buster: You're not the distraction this bullshit was Rio: Buster Rio: You're not thinking right Buster: Good Buster: We weren't that night either Rio: That shouldn't have Rio: We shouldn't have Buster: Don't Rio: I'm not saying I didn't want it to Rio: you know I did Rio: but why have we been avoiding each other since Buster: Like you said, I'm an idiot Rio: Now you're just trying to say what I wanna hear lol Buster: it's still legit though Rio: I don't know what you want me to do Buster: yeah you do Rio: Alright but Rio: I can't like this Rio: I can't stop thinking about her and you Buster: I swear I don't remember fuck all about it Buster: You don't need to Rio: That doesn't change the fact it happened, like Buster: I know Buster: But forget, I can't now like, but you can Rio: How can I? You're having a kid Rio: I can't just turn a blind eye Buster: Think of her as virgin mary like Rio: You're very unfunny Rio: I hope you know Buster: So you keep saying Rio: You keep proving me right, joker Buster: About a lot of shit, yeah? Buster: Whatever. You love being right Rio: Yeah Rio: and you aim to please, right? Buster: Yeah Buster: You'd know that if you come over Rio: Smooth Buster: Call me then. I won't even touch you. Won't be able to Rio: Alright Rio: Only 'cos no one else will answer your calls, like Rio: No other reason Buster: If you say so, babe
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