#jesus is the life
aniah-who · 2 months
There is a constant war at play in the spirit realm for our soul— life doesn’t just end when we draw our last breath. Heaven is for real just as much as hell is and eternity awaits us on the other side of this life. It’s completely up to us to decide where we’ll spend forever because God has given us free will: will we choose life— a heart that is completely surrendered to Jesus— or will we choose death— the temporary pleasures of our flesh and the shallow satisfactions of sin?
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Ezekiel 33:11-12 | NLT
11 As surely as I live, says the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of wicked people. I only want them to turn from their wicked ways so they can live. Turn! Turn from your wickedness, O people of Israel! Why should you die?
12 “Son of man, give your people this message: The righteous behavior of righteous people will not save them if they turn to sin, nor will the wicked behavior of wicked people destroy them if they repent and turn from their sins.
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iamnotcoolenough · 5 months
You say that believing in Jesus is enough, and that's all you need. But you're still selfish, you say, and we all are, its the "I am" sin we are born with. There's really only one way to fix it, not stop sinning but to correct and stop sinning so often. That is to know the bible to know the word, to know what Jesus taught. It says in the bible to deny yourself and pick up your cross daily and follow Jesus. You have the opportunity to know Jesus and follow him and build a relationship while ur alive.
Most people don't like/ read the bible because it convicts us of our selfish nature. It bruises the ego. And so we convince ourselves it's corrupted or it's used to enslave us or it's full of hate and anything else that will get you to turn away from it.
I was watching this video the other day, and it made so much sense. This woman said, " When I first read the bible, I didn't like it, nor did I really understand it. And throughout, I would ask the pastor questions. And when I finally finished it I told him that I didn't understand it. He said to me that based on your questions, you asked through your reading, and you were looking for yourself in this book. Go back, read it again, and this time look for God. So I did, and that's when I fell in love with God." Not her exact quote, but pretty much the same. And I think that's the biggest issue. People look for themselves when they should look for God. And that will help with our selfish "I am" nature."
Side note this is from a text message to someone in my life. And thought maybe someone here could benifit from the same advice I'm trying to give them.
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mind-controlled · 9 months
God (of the bible) is the only way to true spiritual enlightenment and freedom
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firstjesus · 2 years
yes depression is real, but so is God.
depression, all hopelessness. helplessness. the agony of sorrow. not feeling like myself. the feeling of never measuring up. the disappointment. the buildup of frustration. the weariness. the unknown tears. the spiral of negativity. the dark cloud was over me. the weight was heavy.
It was all there, but the weight of God’s marvelous glory and Spirit was more.
The safest place to be was just on my knees.
All I could give was my “be still” and let the tears fall, all I had was my weaknesses to give you.
Yet you took that and used it for Your glory. That in the midst of our deepest pains you are present. you were there carrying me and grace each day you gave me.
Depression may be real, but so are you. You are more higher, than our seemingly great thoughts.
Your ways are not my ways.
Your thoughts are not thoughts.
For your ways are greater than my own.
For your thoughts are higher than my own.
Isaiah 55:11
Keep humbling yourself before Him, keep going to your secret place even when you don’t feel his presence near. Keep praying, even with just being still and acknowledging Him. He is close to you.
He is more than feelings, God is a reality.
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jesusislight2023 · 2 years
✝️❤️🕊️ #JesusChrist #JesusIsLord #JesusIsKing #HolyBible #TheWordOfGOD #KJV #KingJamesBible #NewKingJamesVersion #TheHolySpirit #JesusIsTheWayTheTruthAndTheLife #JesusSaves #JesusLovesYouAndMe #JesusLovesYou #InJesusMightyName #Amen
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an-unanonymous-messenger · 59 minutes
We continue with our walk through Jesus' message of Him being the Way and the Truth and the Life, analysing what He really meant. Today we study what Jesus meant by being the Truth.
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noknowshame · 2 years
why is religious Christmas imagery all so joyful and pleasant? where is the inherent horror of the birth of Christ? A mother is handed her newborn child, wailing and innocent. Her hands come away sticky. Red. Simply by giving her son life she has already killed him. He is doomed from the beginning. Her love will not save him from suffering. Because the thing cradled in her arms is not a baby, it is a sacrifice: born amongst the other bleating animals whose blood will one day be spilled in the name of what demands it. the night is silent with anticipation. Mary, did you know? That your womb was also a grave?
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empireofthestates · 3 months
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What You Need to Know about Project 2025
The GOP's Radical Plans for America's Future
graphics from @/pinballwizardess on tiktok
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alakuhfuckingzam · 8 months
the v's are so funny to me. they own some of the biggest media companies in hell. they're a bunch of upstarts who have the patience of a toddler. only one of them can deal with the others shit at a time like they're playing the worst game of rock paper scissors ever. they call each other pet names. they're hells worst polycule. they're somehow the least and most efficient business partners ever. they're some of the most impulsive people on the cast. they manipulate each other constantly. they're a moth, a tv, and a clown. one of them is shown to be so much worse than the other two. i think they'd kill each other if they were allowed too. they lean on each other so heavily they'd knock over the leaning tower of piza. ive never seen three cunts try so hard in my life.
like what is wrong with them i want to put them in a terrarium and observe them with a magnifying glass.
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willowcrowned · 1 month
in europe and made the fatal mistake of trying to order nachos at a restaurant and look. europeans. I say this with all the love in my heart. but what exactly do you think nachos are
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wordswithloveee · 3 months
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iamnotcoolenough · 5 months
Snakes they gain entry through cracks or holes in the house foundations.
The enemy is a snake for a reason. It comes for our weaknesses. Our weaknesses are our cracks. That is why we must build our house on the rock, the rock being Jesus and Jesus being the word made flesh. We must be vigilant to the enemy's attacks. We must deny ourselves every day and pick up our crosses and follow Jesus. He is the way the truth and the life. And if we focus on him, nothing else matters, not the words of the enemy, not our weaknesses, not the world and not the problems in the world. If we just live for the Lord and let him take over and guide us, everything will be alright. He loves us.
Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Let him work through you. Be in the world and not of it.
Heh I hope that makes sense.
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
So much of Garak as a person starts to make sense once you know his childhood was a fucking gothic novel. His main playground was a graveyard and he'd play pretend by perfoming improv eulogies to an imagined audience. For a long time his main touchstone for most important figures from recent history is 'oh yeah I know about that guy my dad buried him. great flower arrangements for that one'. He finds out later his 'parents' are actually a brother and sister who had to get married to avoid the utter shame and social devastation of having a child born out of wedlock, and they live in the basement of his biological father's house. (the madwoman in the attic vs. the tiny elim in the basement.) His biological father calls himself his uncle and locks him in a closet whenever he fails to live up to his insane and unpredictable expectations and everyone just has to act like that's normal and expected, and his will hangs over everything at all times, unseen but always felt keener than anything else. The father who actually raised him grows the world's most beautiful (and as it turns out, most poisonous) orchids and keeps the mask of a god hidden in a box in his work shed. Everyone in the house is choking down secrets like it's the only air they know how to breathe anymore.
What I'm saying is that right from the get-go this guy never had the faintest shot at turning out normal, so I'm glad that by middle age he's found a way to get a bit silly with it as he continues to be deeply deeply not normal about anything ever <3
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firstjesus · 2 years
Jesus, the Lord is coming soon, please let’s remember that and live each day like if it would be our last.
And if you don’t know Him yet, know that He came down to earth as the Son of God, Son of Man to ransom us, man and woman from our sins and from hell itself. God does not want anyone to perish in their sins, He loved us enough that He would give His one and only Son Jesus, that whoever that places their faith in Him and humbly turns and repents from their sins will be saved! God made a way, now it’s our turn to receive it.
Don’t lose the opportunity of salvation if it is given by God as a free gift out of the richness of His love and grace
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jesusislight2023 · 2 years
✝️❤️🕊️ #JesusChrist #JesusIsLord #JesusIsKing #HolyBible #TheWordOfGOD #KJV #KingJamesBible #NewKingJamesVersion #TheHolySpirit #JesusIsTheWayTheTruthAndTheLife #JesusSaves #JesusLovesYouAndMe #JesusLovesYou #InJesusMightyName #Amen
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