#jesus koch
polkadotpatterson · 7 days
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Moist Talkers as text posts, part 21! Art by HetreaSky!
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thehallstara · 2 years
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got to make a playlist about jesús koch, tyler violet and mclaughlin scorpler for @polyboros as part of @waveridden's blaseball fanmix exchange!!! tracklist and annotations under the cut.
Laugh Track – Ben Hopkins
The Art of Letting You Go – Ewan J. Phillips
Peeling/Heaven – Jemima Coulter
Unchained Melody – Lykke Li
Neon God – KAYE
Keep Your Name – Dirty Projectors
Eyes on Fire – Blue Foundation
Almost Close – Blegh
Throwing Stones – Paula Cole
Paradigms – Sam Fender
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just-about-nothing · 1 year
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tragically if this wasn’t a mercatus center production i’d probably enjoy it. but as is i can’t trust a goddamn word outta his mouth
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bitterkarella · 4 months
Midnight Pals: Fat People
James H Longmore: after yesterday's incident, I'd like to offer a full and complete apology to the humorless scolds of the woke mob Franz Kafka: Kafka: well, good Kafka: see that it doesn't happen again!
Longmore: look, this story about joe's unwanted penis is just a light-hearted comedic jaunt! Kafka: booo! Longmore: [wiping sweat from brow] jeez tough crowd Longmore: better switch gears Longmore: hey how about a story about gross fatties?
Longmore: i have another story too Longmore: it's a terrifying descent into the depraved world of feederism Longmore: cuz there's nothing scarier Longmore: than a fat person Longmore: steve knows what i'm talking about Stephen King: he's right!
Poe: wow, these stories are kinda problematic! Poe: you're really kinda othering to trans and fat people Longmore: well, i am originally English Poe: oh yeah ok, that scans
Longmore: there's this guy called… the feeder Longmore: and they call him that because he Longmore: get ready for it Longmore: feeds people King: oh shit! oh wow! that is terrifying! King: i thought i was prepared but i was not prepared
King: i think King: i think i need to sit down for a minute Poe: are you going to be ok, steve? King: yeah, i'm King: yeah King: i just need a minute King: phew King: my heart is racing
Barker: how is this possible? Barker: Stephen king - master of the macabre! - scared of fat people! King: look, it's not that strange King: a lot of people are scared of fat people Barker: Barker: no i don't think that's true Barker: think this is a you thing, steve
King: well, think about it King: if you see a clown walking around outside of a circus, that would be pretty scary right? Barker: ok right King: now imagine if you saw a fat person walking around on the street, like it was normal or something-
King: it's just not healthy, you see King: that's why scientists invented the weight loss pill that makes you shit yourself to death from Meg Elison's story "Please Don't Invent the Weight Loss Pill that Makes You Shit Yourself to Death" Meg Elison: Elison: I am going to murder you
Longmore: so the feeder has a whole facility full of women that he feeds Longmore: until they gain weight Longmore: they're called gainers Longmore: stop me if i'm going too fast for you
Longmore: ok so imagine a fat woman Longmore: just the fattest woman ever Longmore: just so huge beyond belief, absolutely gargantuan Longmore: like the size of the entire planet Longmore: like 464 pounds King: holy shit guys this is the scariest story I've ever heard! King: i am legit shaking!
Longmore: so this guy is feeding a fat woman a stack of pizzas Longmore: and the pizzas are all Longmore: [falsetto voice] heeeey you should eat us! we're delicious! Longmore: [falsetto] we're pizza! look at us! we want to be eaten! Longmore: [falsetto] we're gonna be so sad if you don't eat us Dean Koontz: oh no i hope the pizza gets eaten!
Joe Koch: this sucks Koch: the pizza should speak in an Italian accent Barker: yes Poe: no don't say that joe!! Lovecraft: oh jesus Lovecraft: oh god Lovecraft: [sweats] oh jesus
Koch: the disc of cracked dough, crimson gore as red as god's menstrual flow, hissing fleshy tentacles of mozzarella, pale as the broken spirals of the universe, splayed open in a tattered furl of the anal fistulas of sundried tomatoes Poe: oh max you should like this, you like pizza Max Booth III: why does everyone keep saying that
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Organized Christian religions do not endorse Republikkkan fascists. Individuals might but the churches as whole do not. Evangelicals are the only ones and that is because they are for-profit. G.W. Bush, while working on his dad’s presidential campaign, began the practice of paying off evangelical ministers to preach in favor of Republikkkans.
Evangelicals are not an organized religion with a hierarchy, charter, or mission statement. Each local church is separate from the others. Anyone can appoint themselves minister without any training or education and open their own church. The church minister or pastor decides what he/she will preach. They rely mainly on Old Testament fire and brimstone, because it is better known and appeals to the poorly educated, and completely ignore the New Testament with it’s more progressive messages about peace and tolerance.
People who belong to mainstream denominations will refer to themselves as Lutherans, Methodists, Catholics, etc. Since Evangelicals do not belong to an established denomination they simply refer to themselves as Christians. Many of them were poached from established denominations because they were too ignorant to know there was a difference or because they like the lack of restrictions on actually being expected to follow the teachings of Jesus. Evangelicals often church shop and will join the closest evangelical church or the one with the most popular pastor. Televangelist charlatans are self-appointed evangelical ministers who grew their local church into a mega church. Often these televangelists, like Pat Robertson, we’re booted out of mainstream religions because they are kooks and grifters.
Evangelicals despise Obama/Biden because their administration took evangelical tax exempt status away over them actively campaigning in political races. When G.W. Bush was governor of Texas he began the practice of farming out state social services to evangelical churches, the non-governmental organizations (NGO’s).
Southern Baptists are similar to the evangelicals but are organized. They are well know for rogue parishes attacking lgbt and boycotting Disney for decades. During the Trump years they voted on dis-allowing racism, bigotry, and fascism. The vote was close but they barely managed to vote no and release a statement saying those things were against the teachings of Jesus. Southern Baptists number over 16 million, which isn’t much, making them the largest single group supporting Republikkkans in the old Confederacy. Their numbers are dwindling and their support for Republikkkans is dwindling as the younger members are rejecting the bigotry of their parents. This has been highlighted by student protests at Liberty University where the students repeatedly denounce the University leadership’s support for Trump and the other Republikkkan MAGAts.
It’s worth noting that whenever the Koch/Walton political machines buy a state legislature and turn a state red, or purple, the evangelicals filter in to that area. Depressed rural areas around the country are spouting evangelical and baptist churches like weeds. Wherever Republikkkan policies depress the local economy you can expect evangelicals to follow. The Deep South, Confederacy, Bible Belt, is no longer the base of Republikkkan infestation. Looking at politics maps you will see that only the West Coast and Northeast (minus Maine) are the only true blue states. The old rust belt/Mid-West has gone red and purple along with Pennsylvania. We are hopelessly outgunned. For decades the Koch and Walton families have been buying up state legislatures in order to control this country and have a majority in the House of Representatives. We have the numbers but are mainly based in cities which are gerrymandered.
Blue votes now only count in state-wide and national elections. The Electoral College is working against us and the Republikkkans are working on returning the right to choose a president to the House of Representatives as it was in the beginning before political parties. Despite our numbers we are on the verge of extinction. Since Reagan in 1980 we have been relying on the popularity of individual Democratic candidates for president or governor. Look the tidal wave of hate laws sweeping the country. We do not control the state legislatures and it is killing everything we want and deserve as a people. Koch/Walton knew they could create the country they wanted by buying relatively inexpensive state legislatures. This is why they have the vast network of political foundations writing laws for Republikkkans to submit as bills through criminal stooges like Cruz and McConnell to name a few. The Trump deregulation of railroads was written by Koch/Walton operatives. The abortion bills are written by them and the gun deregulation etc. We have nothing to match the Federalist Society which has taken over the Supreme Court. We have no ALEC which matches potential Republikkkan candidates with billionaire donors. We have nothing to match the NRA which is now controlled and funded by Putin to destabilize the US.
No matter how many times I or others beat this drum you’ll still shop at Walmart, but Koch products, and send your kids to Betsy DeVos charter schools. You can’t just go to a pride parade or BLM/antifa protest and Pat yourselves on the back. Those are great starting places but you must fight the right wing in its entirety. Voting out Trump wasn’t the end but rather the beginning. 2020 saw Trump rejected on a personal level but it did not see the rejection of MAGA which is thriving and lashing out in a bid to finish us off at this moment in time. If Ron DeSantis becomes President you’ll miss the days of Trump squandering his opportunities by engaging in petty bickering.
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thatsgay-writes · 2 years
It Takes Two To Tango Pt. 1
(Idk abt the title, fic has absolutely nothing to do with dancing)
This was low on my list of things to write but in lieu of Netflix being literally against anything that has a hint of (what they deem is) "too" much representation, I figured I should put it first.
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Request: There are two halos
Takes place after season 1.
"Alright I'm in." You say as you creep through the halls of the church. "Are we even sure this artifact is where you say it is? The Garden Tomb is a 20 minute walk from here and probably easier to get into." You say into your coms as you creep through the halls of the church. "I mean isn't this just like a rebuilt replica or been moved, I'm sure Jesus wasn't buried in the middle of a church." You continue your rant into the mic connected to your ear and can hear the tech guy groan at your questions. "It doesn't matter, even if the walls were rebuilt or redone what we need is in his tomb... And before you ask, no clearly not laid with him but under him."
You roll your eyes as you finally find the tomb. "You know I maybe agnostic but I feel like I'm going to hell for disturbing a tomb." "Like you haven't done that before." "Yeah well the tombs I usually disturb are undiscovered." You reply back to tech guy as you enter the tomb. "This area is ridiculously tiny but I'm inside."
"Alright, the artifact should be in the cement directly below his spine, now you can either blast it with small charges, make the news, and maybe destroy the artifact or you can drill it out." You take the backpack off that you had been wearing and pull out the small hand drill the tech guy had been talking about. "Usually I have no issue making the news but after seeing that video of nuns who can kick ass, I rather take my time." You slide the top of the tomb to the side and cover your face with your arm as dirt, dust, and dead people particles drift out. "Alright setting a timer for 10 minutes, that's when the next patrol comes in."
--- 5 Minutes Later ---
"Umm, Houston we have a problem." You say into your mic as you stare into the grave, eyes wide. "What? There's still a few minutes before the guards do a round." "Yeah this isn't about the guards. Whatever you have me unearthing is glowing." It's completely silent on the other end of your earpiece. "Hello?! It's glowing what do I do?" "The boss said keep going." You continue to drill as told and mumble to yourself as you do so. "Just keep drilling, just keep drilling, drilling... Not like there's some weird glowing thing that is getting brighter and brighter the closer I get..." Your inner dialogue pauses momentarily, "What exactly am I unearthing? I forgot to ask after seeing all those zeros."
"Based on what historians have been scarcely able to figure out, it's a literal halo." You keep drilling, "Like literal halo? Not Beyonce's "Halo"? And shouldn't this be on his head and not the middle of his back."
"60 seconds." Is all you hear in return and you know the tech guy is finally fed up with you. "Alright the halo has been unearthed, I am on route to the extract-- SHIT!" You cut yourself off as you grab the halo only to drop is when it burns your hand. You can immediately hear foots steps coming in your direction and you know if you don't act fast you would be surrounded.
For reference of the tomb/church layout:
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You grab a towel from your backpack and quickly grab the halo and throw it into your backpack. "Hot, hot,hot!" "The van is outside and waiting but we have picked on police radio that they will be arriving in 3 to 5 minutes, you need to move." You hear the tech guy say into your ear, nervousness clear in his voice. "I know, I know, trust me I have gotten out of worse issues than this." You throw your bag onto your back, still feeling heat from the halo through the layers, and grab your Heckler and Koch USP match pistols (iykyk) and run out the tomb. "Police will be here in 1 minute!" You hear as you run towards the exit of the church, ducking as you hear gunshots and return some of your own. You burst through the doors and dive into the back of the van, only for it to zoom off without letting you close the door.
You look back at the church that you just escaped from and feel your heart drop. "Guys we should give this back right now!" You tell the tech guy as you take the backpack off and hold it to your chest. "What, why would we do that? Think of the payday y/n." You shake your head, yes you love the money that you get in your line of work but you'd always value your life more. "Did you not see who was chasing me?" The tech guy shakes his head and rolls his eyes, "It doesn't matter now we're practically miles away, they wouldn't be able to catch up to us now."
"You don't understand man. Do you not watch the news? Those crazy ass nuns that fought people? They were following me!" Now you got the tech guys attention, but it was already too late. "What-" Was the last thing you heard besides the screeching of tire and the feeling of your body becoming weightless as your body lifted into the air.
And the sudden burning in your chest before everything turns black.
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bychertryntheatyr · 13 days
Gehen wir jetzt? - Wir können nicht. Wir warten auf Godot.
Und Bochum hat mich tatsächlich warten lassen. Die mehrfach verschobene Premiere hat mich ja erst hier hingebracht und dennoch hat sich der Beginn noch um 6 Minuten verzogen. Da wollten immer noch Menschen auf ihren Platz. Welch ein metastiöser Witz.
Anyways, die nächsten mehr als 3 Stunden sah ich nun Estragon und Vladimir, zur Abwechslung auch mit Pozzo und Lucky, stetig gegen die Laufrichtung der zweigeteilten Drehbühne schreiten. Mal um die Stelle zu halten, mal um auf sich zuzukommen, mal von sich weg. Immer weiter dreht sich der Teller. Immer weiter trommelt es im Takt aus der Nebelwand im Hintergrund. Hier haben sich drei Musiker*innen mit Schlagzeug, Synth und Posaune versteckt und das immerwährende Geschreite melodiös untermalt. Fantastisch. Mal nur seicht um den Takt zu halten, mal laut und kraftvoll um die Szene zu untermauern. Das Bühnenbild abgeschlossen von einer großen schwebenden Softbox, ungefähr so groß wie der innere Drehteller, die sich ganz langsam in ihrer Ausrichtung bewegt. So langsam, man merkt es erst wenn die Szene plötzlich anders ausgeleuchtet ist.
Sollen wir uns aufhängen? - Dann bekommen wir noch einen Steifen.
Ein bisschen Mitleid für Thymian und Rosmarin. Die beiden stehen immer noch in der Provinz und warten den nächsten Tag auf Godot. Zum Zeitvertreib wird über das Leben sinniert. Werden wir es bereuen werden? - Was denn? - Geboren zu sein. Godot ist immer noch nicht da. Welcher Evangelist lügt denn? - Worüber? - Nur in zweien wird von Zwei Gaunern erzählt die mit Jesus gekreuzigt wurden. Und nur in einer Geschichte wird einer der Beiden erlöst. Auch der Gedanke an den Selbstmord scheitert. Neben Godot ist kein Strick da. Und so stabil sieht der einzige Baum im Umkreis auch nicht aus. Ich finde einen Kurzen pro Godot wäre ein aushaltbares Trinkspiel.
Könnt ihr aufhören zu reden? Das macht ihn nervös.
Zur Auflockerung der Stimmung kommt Pozzo auf dem Rücken von Lucky hereingedreht/laufen. Ungefähr 500 Augenpaare schauen ca. 3 Minuten genau hin. Trägt Lucky einen farblich passenden Lendenschurz, oder gibt es gleich, die ganze Szene lang, einen Penis zu sehen? Es war dann doch der Lendenschurz... Ein bisschen Kinkshaming der beiden Wartenden, Lucky trägt einen festen Strick um seinen Hals, die Augen halb herausquillend und generell in der Erscheinung Halbtot, und Gerede von Pozzo er wolle Lucky auf dem Markt verkaufen, Es passiert gar nichts. -Langweilen Sie sich? - Gewiss. dürfen sich beide etwas aussuchen. Früher da konnte Lucky noch Tanzen, und Denken, ja sogar Rezitieren! Sein Getanze ist miserabel, aber das Denken. Der Monolog. Abgehakt. Schwerwiegend. Irgendwas über Gott. Und die Welt. In einzelnen. Silben. Silben. Die mit Pause. Nur noch Fragmente. Ihrer selbst. Sind. Sind dir die beiden Bekannt? - Ich tat so als würde ich Sie nicht kennen. Wo ist eigentlich Godot?
Die Pause geht 40 Minuten. Die Brezel hat kein Salz und der Rotwein schmeckt mir hier auch beim zweiten mal nicht.
Nachdem sich alle noch dagebliebenen, es gab nun einige Lücken im Saal, sich wieder versammelt haben, kamen unsere beiden slawischen Gewürze wieder auf der sich weiterhin drehenden Scheibe hinter der nun praktisch aufliegenden Softbox hervor. In Anzügen die mit Babypuder, genau wie die Bühne, getränkt waren. Hot Stuff. Ist das son Ding in Bochum? Ich werds bei Frankenstein und Fabian sehen. Es geht nun um einen Hund der vom Koch zu Brei verkloppt wird und von anderen Hunden beerdigt wird und auf dem Grabstein steht was von einem Hund der vom Koch zu Brei verkloppt wird und Crazy? I was crazy once!.. Aber beide sind sich einig Glücklich zu sein. Und was machen wir jetzt wo wir Glücklich sind? - Wir warten. Auf Godot. Nach einem Ausflug in ein Gebeinhaus, ich habs nicht ganz verstanden tbh, kommt die Frage auf, ob die beiden nicht gestern schon hier waren. Allerdings hat das Warten auf Godot immer noch Vorrang.
Ich bin Blind! - Vllt sieht er in die Zukunft?
Zum weiteren Zeitvertreib spielen bei beiden Pozzo und Lucky. Bloß weiß einer der beiden nicht wer das sein soll. Aber Anschnauzen passt gut zur Gesamtsituation. Speaking of D/s Pärchen. Die beidem kommen wieder auf die Bühne. Nur im Lendenschurz und nun beiderseind verwirrt. Hier folgt nun ein mehrminütiges auf der Stelle laufen. Im Takt und Synchron. Großartige Leistung. Irgendwo fiel der Satz Sippschaft vertreten in dieser Fuge wir zu unserem Leiden gefangen sind. Ich kann meine Notizen auch nicht so ganz zuordnen. Jedenfalls hing Pozzo ein fetter Sabberfaden aus dem Mundwinkel. Beide Halbtot, einer Blind, der andere Stumm, verlassen in bekannter Rollenverteilung nun die Bühne. Morgen nehm ich einen Strick mit. - Einen Strick? - Dann können wir uns aufhängen. Gehen wir dann jetzt? - Wir gehen. Doch Sie warten weiter auf Godot.
Vorhang. Klatschen. Jubel. Bravo.
So ungefähr 15 Minuten lang. Es sind seit Beginn der Vorstellung nun fast VIER STUNDEN vergangen. Ab zur Garderobe, Tasche holen. Meinen Zug zurück kann ich vergessen. Aber der Abend war als Saisonstart fantastisch!
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thegenealogy · 1 year
1 Chronicles 4: 21-23. "The Emissary."
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The Gematria for this section comes from Beth Ashbeah, the Linen Workers. Linen has to be growen, harvested, retted, then spun into fibers and then woven.
Linen garments are a sign of intense refinement. The Gematria says:
"Kabbalah changes the Bible. Decode the Bible. Hitler and Armageddon caused the codes to be hidden. Decode the Record and the world will become Shabbathai, the Bride of the King.
Use charisma to speak against the fake people and the pedophile, and a snake will be killed."
This obviously refers to the problem posed by the terrorists of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and their leader, Mitt Romney, who are by far the worst enemies of a global Shabbat since Hitler.
Once we decide to fully enforce laws prohibiting domestic terrorism and those against the Mormon's predilections for pedophilia and human trafficking, significant progress towards Shabbathai will be made.
This will require the closure of the Church for good along with the Republican Party and its support mechanisms lest the world once again fall prey to its rhetorics of violence, bigotry, anti-Semitism, homophobia and terracide.
21 The sons of Shelah "The Emissary" son of Judah:
Er the father of Lekah, Laadah the father of Mareshah and the clans of the linen workers at Beth Ashbea, 
er=the wild ass vs. the donkey that conveys Mashiach.
Lekah=goes forth
Laadah=talk widly
Mareshah=the summit
Beth Ashbea=house of the oath
22 Jokim, the men of Kozeba, and Joash and Saraph, who ruled in Moab and Jashubi Lehem. (These records are from ancient times.) 
Jokim=the Lord will raise up
Joash=Yah has grasped
Saraph=burning serpent
Moab=who is your father?
Jashubi Lehem=war is returning
23 They were the potters who lived at Netaim and Gederah; they stayed there and worked for the king.
The Gematria for this section comes from the word Shelah:
"There is an alarm. Cancer booms the meaning. The Hidden Code has changed. Changed, changed.
Decode Me, All of Me, I am the Beach by the Black Sea, I am the Egg and the Thigh, I am the Face. I am God."
The Torah Tantra for the above is:
"The antichrist goes forth and talks wildly in the House of the Oath. The Lord has seen, war has come and He and His Prophets will rise up against the Liar, and protect the Garden Behind the Wall."
God is speaking to directly to His prophets through the Gematria, the Burning Serpent, telling them the world must do something to protect this place, the Garden Behind the Wall, from the Republicans and their imp, Donald Trump, a liar who took and oath. He had lots of help in this effort and now our world is now turning on borrowed time.
The evidence of Trump's betrayal is in the movie the Widows. Someone has extensive footage regarding Barbara and David Green's theft of Blue State Digital telemarketing lists from the Clinton campaign and the role the Family Research Council and Senator Hawley played in it. To pretend Trump et al are not guilty and to allow them to survive is to Bear False Witness against God and this cannot be tolerated.
Joe Biden must prosecute the Trump Administration, the Republican Party, the Family Research Council, the Greens, Waltons, the Kochs, the Heritage Foundation the RNC and every lawmaker and page that knew what happened at Josh Hawley's house and said nothing or our government should no longer be considered sovereign over us.
Donald Trump is a War Criminal. If the Biden Administration refuses to prosecute him for his crimes, then President Biden also needs to be arrested. Tolerance of election fraud and despotism undermines the edifice of modern civilzation. Public Servants who understand and respect the importance of this will arrest Donald Trump and Joe Biden if necessary this very instant.
To "ret" the sins of the former generation away from the present and weave the future together as if all were linen workers is how freedom from corruption and apartheid called Shabbathai will last.
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leonstamatis · 2 years
for the blb fic meme: 3 4 5 8?
3. a fic that sold me on a character or ship
i'm sure i've hyped this fic before, but congrats, you're getting it again. kosmosxipo's "hobbs cain's wednesday night nightmare club" is precious. i had never really heard of (or at least hadn't dedicated time to thinking about) any of these three players prior to reading about them. richmond harrison i obviously knew, but hobbs and eugenia were strangers to me. and this so quickly and clearly painted all three of them and their group dynamic in such an endearing light that it remains a favorite of mine, utterly and completely. i love these little guys (gn).
4. a fic that defined a mechanic for me
hey have you read this little fic called the downswing, i think you'd really like it--
no, my actual honest answer here is, of course, hen waltztangocache's "black hole oral history project." famously, i never had any fucking clue what to do about the black hole whenever i had to include it in a fic. and hen's work here to show the myriad of ways it affects people, both good and bad, has been hugely influential in how i've viewed the mechanic at this point. i feel like every time i write about the black hole i'm trying to bring some of this energy into it. it's incredible. hen nailed it as per usual.
5. a fic that i’ve reread more than once
WOOF so many. i am a chronic rereader in many ways. here's one i actually haven't read in a while and am actually going to reread like, immediately: "carry all this broken bone" by crystallized is one of the like, seven fics? out there in the world? about dominic and andrew. and it is so heart-wrenching in so many ways, and it's one of those things where i have to be in the mood for heartbreak but. whenever i AM in that mood. it nails it. ykwim. great, great fic.
8. my favorite fic from the expansion era
fuck. i keep going to recommend one of yours and then remembering you're the one who asked this question. okay. here's one: "pinning your hopes on change in another" by paopuleaf operates on the idea that, when someone is holding a legendary item, they might perhaps be haunted by a legendary person who comes along with it. jesus koch is haunted by york silk, and until they put the fifth base down, he won't leave. it's so... augh. god. okay,,, thanks for the emotions,,,,
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mitchipedia · 2 years
Libertarians such as Peter Thiel dream of escaping society, and they’re tearing society apart to do it.
Hari Kunzru at Harpers:
If freedom is to be found through an exit from politics, then it follows that the degradation of the political process in all its forms—the integrity of the voting system, standards in public life, trust in institutions, the peaceful transfer of power—is a worthy project. If Thiel, the elite Stanford technocrat, is funding disruptive populists in American elections, it’s not necessarily because he believes in the wisdom of their policy prescriptions. They are the tribunes of the “unthinking demos.” If the masses want their Jesus and a few intellectuals to string up, it’s no skin off Charles Koch’s nose. Populism is useful to elite libertarians because applying centrifugal force to the political system creates exit opportunities. But for whom?
Fueled by the pandemic and the crypto boom, such exit schemes have multiplied. Bitcoiners look for an escape from financial oversight and transhumanists look to escape their bodies, while rich preppers design personal lifeboats to escape from social collapse. Some exit evangelists, such as the investor Balaji S. Srinivasan, are still touting the project of a new nation of “cloud first, land last.” Others are just making sure that in the great supermarket sweep of life, they get to fill their shopping carts before their neighbors do.
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polkadotpatterson · 8 months
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Moist Talkers as text posts, part 20! Art by HetreaSky!
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The scandalous stories told about the Unification Church in Korea and Japan
Miss Young Oon Kim was the first Unification Church missionary to the United States. She arrived in the midst of a raging snowstorm on January 4, 1959. She came as a student to the University of Oregon in Eugene but left school to live in a vacant house in Oakhill, a semi-rural settlement several miles east of Eugene to be near her three best contacts. The Oakhill group migrated several hundred miles down the coast to San Francisco in late 1960. There, they put energy into improving the Principle text, obtaining legal incorporation, purchasing a three-story building as a training center, and direct person-to-person witnessing. In July 1962, they opened up mission territory in surrounding Bay Area communities.
By the end of that year, the group had expanded to Los Angeles and Sacramento and grown to more than fifty members.
Doomsday Cult A Study of Conversion, Proselytization and Maintenance of Faith
by John Lofland University of Michigan
Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1966
pages 86-87
In 1961, one of the members [who spoke German, probably Peter Koch] meticulously assembled a handwritten mailing list of about 2,000 people.
Young Oon Kim advised that Koreans and Japanese be omitted. She said that students from these countries were likely to have heard the scandalous stories told about the Unification Church in that part of the world and thus were poor prospects in a missionary campaign.
Peter wanted to send a letter to each person, but one that would appear to be a personal communication. A form letter, printed on the cult’s multilith press, had such a personally typed appearance (if one did not look too closely and notice that the margins were justified). Peter signed each letter and hand addressed and personally stamped each envelope. The envelopes thus appeared to enclose personal greetings rather than to be bulk mail.
The letter itself was a masterpiece of studied ambiguity and covert presentation.
No religious language was used, nor was the “Divine Principle” mentioned. The only hint of millenarianism is the reference to the “event which will bring about great changes in this world within the very near future” and its “revolutionary effect.” Emphasizing solidarity, the letter is addressed to Peter Koch’s “fellow student” and states that he is “a foreign student as you are,” even though the thirty-five-year-old Peter was no longer a student.
There was some indecision as to whether to post them all at once or simply a few at a time. Kim advised that if they were sent all at once Peter would be swamped and unable to give adequate attention to each person. He should send a limited number at a time.
Peter began sending about a hundred letters a week. Still unemployed, he was always by the phone waiting to receive inquiries. Roughly 500 letters were sent out by mid-November. They produced many inquiring phone calls and many vague explanations in an attempt to get people to the apartment. Eight people appeared to be introduced to the DP. One of them, a Chinese graduate student in economics, became a convert.
The letters continued in December, only now at the rate of about 300 a week. Peter meticulously reported the final results in the cult’s newsletter:
I have sent letters to over 1,900 students from practically all countries of the world, but the results are not very impressive. Out of an estimated 150 students who called me on the telephone, thirty-six came to hear the cassette tape on the Divine Principle.
Pak Chung-hwa interviewed about Moon’s “SEX relays”
How “God’s Day” was established by Sun Myung Moon in 1968
Sun Myung Moon found guilty in 1955; started two year jail sentence
Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers
Sun Myung Moon’s Theology of the Fall, Tamar, Jesus and Mary
Ritual Sex in the Unification Church – Kirsti L. Nevalainen
Professor Eileen Barker: “It is said, and there seems to be a lot of evidence for this, that in the early days [Moon] had a lot of sexual relationships which were described as being part of some kind of religious, spiritual ritual. We are hearing stories over and over again about this. … the allegations from a lot of women and people, men as well as early followers, does seem to be pretty enormous. It is just not one person who has been making these claims.” January 7, 2013, BBC Radio 4
In 1984 Professor Eileen Barker wrote: “But the following year [1955] Moon was imprisoned again. The Unificationists say that this was on a trumped-up charge of draft evasion, but it has also been reported that he was charged with ‘injuring public morals’, or, according to another account, that ‘his indictment was initially draft dodging but was later changed to adultery and promiscuity.’ Similar rumours (which persist to this day in Korea)31 alleged that he was engaging in ritual sexual practices.
Note 31  In conversations with scores of non-Unificationist Koreans the first information I have been given about the Unification Church has, in almost every instance, been that Moon engages (or has engaged) in immoral sexual practices with his followers.”The Making of a Moonie: Brainwashing or Choice?  Eileen Barker   pp 42, 265
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schoje · 1 month
O Circuito Espetáculo de Natal com desfile e concerto foi um sucesso. O evento reuniu milhares de famílias que aproveitaram o domingo (03/12) para prestigiar a programação que integrou as atividades do Natal Encanto Itapema 2023. Pela primeira vez em Itapema, o desfile de natal trouxe para avenida a história de Jesus e personagens infantis dessa época do ano. Ao longo do percurso, na Avenida Nereu Ramos próximo a Praça da Paz, o público cantou e interagiu com os artistas. Em seguida, o concerto natalino emocionou a todos na Praça da Paz. O coro formado por cerca de 100 vozes, solistas e uma orquestra apresentaram ao público músicas natalinas e obras nacionais e internacionais, interpretadas em nova roupagem. “O Desfile de Natal e o Concerto foram mágicos! Que alegria ver muitas famílias participando deste momento de amor e confraternização. Que esse espírito natalino cheguem em todos os lares da nossa cidade”, afirmou a Prefeita Nilza Simas O “Circuito Espetáculo de Natal” é um projeto cultural realizado pela Maximus Produções Culturais, por meio do Programa de Incentivo à Cultura (PIC), do Governo do Estado de Santa Catarina, aprovado pela Fundação Catarinense de Cultura. O projeto conta com o incentivo da Tirol, Ceramfix, Celesc, Komprão Koch, Usimetal e Havan. Confira os proximos eventos da Programação do Natal Encanto 2023 Projeto Som e Sol – Especial de Natal Dia 09/12/2023 – a partir das 14h – Praça da Paz Espetáculo a Bela e a Fera e a Chegada do Papai Noel e abertura Oficial da Casinha do Papai Noel. Dia: 16/12/2023 – 20h – Praça da Paz Carreata de Natal Havan Dia 22/12/23 – 19h Local: Percurso nas principais ruas do Centro e Meia Praia Réveillon 2023/2024 Queima de Fogos de artifício na Orla da Praia do Centro e da Meia Praia  Data de inclusão 04/12/2023 10:33 Fonte: Itapema - SC
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Billionaire Influence: Rich Men & Their Sheep
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Individuals who have made a shit load of money are not necessarily wise by nature. There is, however, an all too ready willingness to believe in their superiority by the sheep-like members of our communities. Billionaire influence: Rich men and their sheep. Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Bloomberg, Charles Koch and the list could go on are some of the most influential billionaires of the 21C. The majority of us are content to shuffle along in life and follow the leader. ‘Working for the man’ means for many trading their integrity for a meagre amount of financial security. Crumbs from the trickledown effect of decades of neoliberalism. Once you have passed on your autonomy to another it is no stretch to follow their lead wherever they take you. This makes very wealthy people much more influential than their poorer counterparts.
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Brett Sayles at Pexels
Rich Men Ruling The Roost In Our Capitalist Economies
Poorly educated folk generally look up to the materially successful individuals around them. Their measuring criteria tends to be limited to the signs of wealth like amassed private property and positions of exalted status. Indeed, most of us are influenced by these things when displayed within our communities and circles of engagement. The main difference between college educated and non-college educated individuals is the breadth of knowledge brought to their lives and the marketplace. If all you know is your experience of the marketplace, then, it is limited to that measuring stick when evaluating the complexities of life.
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Populists Know The People Don’t Read Real History Books
The majority of modern Homo sapiens have a superficial understanding of history. Looking back and deeply into the past is not a generally popular past time. This makes it easier for populists to influence the political decisions of voters within democratic electorates. A perfect example of this is the anti-immigration shibboleth regularly brought out by populist politicians and parties. Blame the bad shit on the new arrivals who may look a bit different and possess strange customs. Billionaires have the money but in a democracy also require the popular vote to get their favoured economic policies over the line. Thus, the culture wars are rolled out to gain the support of the hoi poloi. The anti-woke campaigns which attack and fear monger illegal immigrants, refugees, non-whites, LGBTQI folk, and other demonised targets. In some countries this includes women and their reproductive health rights. Religions born in the Bronze Age cast their outdated shadow over 21C life in a bid to subjugate women and control their bodies. Have you noticed how women rarely play leadership roles within traditional religions? Talk of God, this elusive character who is highly susceptible to having words put into His mouth and has remained scientifically unproven for millennia, is never far from these power seeking groups. Christian Nationalism is a clear example of white skinned Americans twisting the Jesus story out of recognisable shape in their bid to exert control over others and the nation. Jesus of Nazareth did not lobby for political power or bear arms to threaten those in charge, according to the Bible I have read. These Christian Nationalist folk are not content to live by their own rules, no, they want to enforce their interpretation of religious commandments over everybody else. Why is that I wonder? Billionaires Backing Anti-Democratic Candidates Billionaire influence: Rich men and their sheep have reached an apogee in America. J.D. Vance, the Trump anointed VP, is a creature of PayPal billionaire Peter Thiel. The public are being sold a strange vision of a backward focused future. Libertarian freedom is championed by people like Thiel and seems to be about having the freedom to abuse democratic rights. White men who want to suppress the rights and independence of women have increased their power within the Republican party. Thiel has been a major donor to the GOP over recent years. Thiel, like Elon Musk, has become more anti-democratic over the decades and thus supports Donald Trump and his authoritarian bid for Presidential power in 2024. Bottom line is that rich people look out primarily for their own interests. The funny thing about having lots of money is that it can make you more paranoid about protecting it. Thiel attacks phantom demonised welfare recipients like single mothers as a blight on America. This has become a popular stance by some billionaires - to express open derision toward poorer people and blame their poverty on perceived character failings of the individual. This, of course, then, makes it more than okay to be exceedingly wealthy in the face of entrenched poverty within your country of residence. This is the new vision of the GOP and their Project 2025. Rich is good, poor is bad. If you are rich you are doing the right thing but if you are poor it is your own fault and you are doing something wrong. Welcome to America!
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Are You A Sheep Or Asleep At The Wheel? These billionaires and populist politicians like Trump don’t get to positions of power and influence by themselves. No, they are enabled by the sheep beneath their feet. White working class people, who toe the line within their little lives and are full of prejudicial biases against anyone different, make up the majority of enablers. Racists, misogynists, and homophobes are the foot soldiers of populist leaders promulgating hate and intolerance. There are exceptions to this general trend with some outliers supporting Trump from outside the main cohort. There are people of colour who so want to be white they financially exploit their racial identity like Clarence Thomas in swimming against the current. It can be very lucrative to become the poster child of the radical right. In addition, there are the millions merely asleep at the wheel, who pay scant attention to the political circus and vote, if they bother to vote at all, where the loudest voice leads them. Money talks in America. The great irony is that many new immigrants vote for the party that promotes keeping immigrants out. Those last in, often, want to lock the door behind them, it seems.
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Icons Of White American History A look back at some of the super wealthy individuals of America’s 20C past tells us a familiar story. Henry Ford was the entrepreneurial giant of the early motor car industry in the United States. Unfortunately, Ford became more and more intolerant in his views regarding his fellow human beings. Adolf Hitler had a framed picture of Henry Ford on his wall as an icon of antisemitism and what would become Nazism. Henry Ford and his sponsored Dearborn Independent newspaper would spread a poisonous false narrative about Jews and the Elders of Zion right across America. This has sown the seeds of conspiracy theory BS through generations of poorly educated Americans. Thomas Edison is another celebrated white Protestant American entrepreneurial inventor of the 20C who was involved in many of the major technological innovations of his time. History rings a few familiar bells doesn’t it? Edison’s involvement in the early US film industry saw The Birth Of A Nation by DW Griffith laud the Knights of The Ku Klux Klan via groundbreaking cinematography at the time in 1915. It has been described as the most racist film ever made. It traversed the stereotypical trope of its time of the Black male rapist and his deserving lynching by gallant KKK white men. This BS would pervade white American culture for decades to come as justification for the horrendous treatment of African Americans by vile whites. “The film is credited with reviving the racist KKK, who adopted it as a recruitment tool. “The Ku Klux Klan had been kind of a dead organisation by 1915, but when the film the KKK was refounded, capitalised on and in the 1920s became a massive organisation at the peak of nativist fervour in the United States,” says Paul McEwan.” (https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20150206-the-most-racist-movie-ever-made) “David Wark Griffith was born in La Grange, Kentucky, in 1875, the son of an ex-Confederate colonel. His father died when he was seven, and he later dropped out of high school to help support his family. After holding various jobs, he began a successful career as a theater actor. He wrote several plays and, on the advice of a colleague, sent some scenarios for one-reel films to the Edison Film Company and the Biograph Company.” (https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/birth-of-a-nation-opens)
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Abraham Lincoln was the last decent Republican President Stranger Than Fiction? Today, you can imagine Elon Musk and Peter Thiel defending the rights of such a film to be shown as an expression of free speech. All of these right wing radicals bemoaning cancel culture are blind or actually supportive of the dark messages being promulgated through such mass media presentations. Indeed, the role of fiction and entertainment in the lives and values of modern human beings is vastly under appreciated. I observed how closely we are all bound up with our recreational lives during the global pandemic when access to these was temporarily limited or restricted on the basis of public health policies preventing the spread of the virus. For many of us, our jobs are largely meaningless outside of the necessary income they provide. Instead, we find meaning and purpose in the games we play, entertainments we engage with and such like. Therefore, the messages sent out inside video games, movies, streaming shows, and other fictional mediums are hugely influential to our values in the 21C. Plus, in the secret governmental activities of today, where everything is classified, access to factual truths are restricted and limited for the majority of us. No wonder so many folk believe in batshit crazy stuff in the current era and are so susceptible to disinformation campaigns by nefarious players and populist politicians. Who controls the media? More billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Musk, and the corporations like National Amusements, Disney, Time Warner, Comcast, and News Corp. Every mainstream media thing you view is funnelled through the filters of these influential billionaires.
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Who Filters What You Are Watching? Some people talk about things like human free will and whether it actually exists. If you are one of the billions of sheep grazing in front of your screen the chances of getting any truly independent view of the world is zero. Billionaires are all about making money primarily but they can multitask by feeding you products that fit in with their ideology and charge you a fee at the same time. We live in a rentier economy where ‘user pays’ is the model and we all pay countless subscriptions, fees, and charges for whatever we use. The current cost of living crisis inspired by a high inflationary period following the global pandemic has seen corporations globally achieve record profits. The lack of competition in markets controlled by duopolies and oligopolies allows these dominant corporate players to set the prices without fear of consumer backlash. Companies have sewn up the so called free market by removing competition and governments have been complicit in this – bought off by campaign donations to elected politicians and parties. Meanwhile, we sheep make do on less of everything and direct our ire further down the food chain via downward envy. “While conservatives like to deride the "politics of envy", stoking downward envy has become a standard tactic of politicians and some sections of the media.” (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-08-05/lewis-and-woods-the-politics-of-downward-envy/5649898)  It is more attractive for weak people to punch down on those less fortunate than take on the bullies above them. Thus, we get poor white folk condemning poor black people and voting for the party that reduces taxes on the rich and is simultaneously cutting social welfare spending on the poor in areas where more African Americans live. Welcome to America.
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Manipulating The Masses Billionaire influence: Rich men and their sheep. The Musk’s and Thiel’s control their sheep by teasing out ambitions via aspirational politicking. Many Americans aspire to billionaire status, according to what we see and hear on social media. Weak leaders and populists employ the dropping of strategic breadcrumbs promising possibilities of advancement within their networks. Jostling for favour among the hoi poloi disunifies the many and weakens their resolve when it comes to negotiating deals and wages. This is one of the main reasons why billionaires discourage union membership within their workforces. Billionaires and pro-business  political parties invariably run PR campaigns against unions accusing their leadership of corruption and standover tactics disproportionately. Blue collar crime is always much more severely punished than any white collar crime within our societies. Rich men want to make ever more money and simultaneously pay their employees as little as possible. Our culture lauds the wealthy individual and neglects the community around them that actually makes their success possible. It is always the Steve Jobs and never the team around and below him. Sheep follow and lack the gumption to step out of line. Of course, the huge imbalance of power sees any rebellious sheep quickly taken out of the picture. Mutton sandwiches anyone? The Billionaire Disease & Its Roots In History If you study or read up on some ancient history about the Romans in particular you will come across the fact that extreme wealth was not celebrated at the highest level during the Republican Era. Indeed, it was looked down upon by the more virtuous Roman leaders in the senate. Physical courage within martial settings was regarded as the truly noble characteristic of Roman culture. Being born into a wealthy family or amassing large amounts of wealth was derided to some degree on this basis. This began to change with Julius Caesar buying favour to launch his power grab at the beginning of the Imperial Era and the mixed adventures of Crassus. More Roman governors, like Gaius Verres, would extract and loot as much wealth from their provinces as possible during their tenure. Private property and its tentacles would infect this once proud martial race. We take our laws from the ancient Romans and their culture has a deep association with our Western values. I think it was when our aristocracy stopped risking their lives in martial conflict and stayed at the rear of battles that the rot set in. Overt materialism replaced the virtuousness within our leaders. Billionaires became role models for our young rather than warriors who risked all for glory. I am not suggesting a return to martial valour as the determinate of greatness but merely plotting the rise of greed and materialism as a signifier of laudable behaviour. It has been a slippery slope ever since.
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In Conclusion If you find yourself on the populist bandwagon, somewhere down the back, perhaps ask yourself if you have considered the bigger picture? Will the blowhard up on the hustings really deliver on the many promises he is making? Will he deliver on the promise you heard him utter? The one that has its hooks into you. Populists invariably don’t deliver. That billionaire you admire what is he really going to do for you? Do you really think that you will get to share that stage with him? Billionaire influence is enabled by you. You can give it and you can withdraw it too. Take it from me things are not going to change that much and I can’t see the clock going backwards anytime soon. These billionaires are getting richer and richer. You and I are falling further and further behind. Maybe it is time to stand with us and demand an end to the financial exploitation of the working poor. That really rich guy is not going to do anything for you. Look at the evidence so far and stop listening to the BS. We are all a little old to be believing in fairy tales. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump. ©WordsForWeb Read the full article
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jonnyardor · 5 months
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Hab wieder Whatsapp
So, wir hatten einen Streit zwischen Brüdern, so wie Jakob und Esau, so wie Itachi und Sasuke und Spooky und Lil Spooky. In Allen Konflikten ging es um Familie und die Rolle die man in der Gruppe spielt.
Meine Frau war schwanger und ihr wart keine nette Schwiegerfamilie fur sie. Petra Solana ist ein Character aus Jane the Virgin, der spater netter zur Hauptperson wurd (das zeigt eig meine Hoffnung). Marta beklagt sich um die Gastfreundschaft und das Aufräumen, aber Jesus geht es um die wertvollen Sekunden, die man in tollen Gesprachen miteinander verbringt.
( Lukas 10,39- 42)
Auch nachdem wir von Schoolkoppel 2 ausgezogen sind, hatten wir bei anderen Probleme.
Itachi hat der Uchiha Familie anscheinend freiwillig geschadet, dann kam der Plot twist.
Esau wollte den Trickster Jakob vielleicht umbringen, dann kam die unerwartete Versohnung.
Spooky verandert sich zum freundlichen Koch fur Seine schwangere Frau, doch Caesar sah nicht die Reife und Maskulinitat in Spookys Abkehr von der Gewalt.
In Sister Act ist Whoopi Goldberg eine Ex-Kriminelle, die nun zu den Nonnen hält und eine von ihnen wurd. Meine Freundin Whoopi rappt feministischen rap. Und mein Bruder Aaron hatten meine Support als er sagte, dass die anderen "Aaronisten" waren. Aber als es gegen Jonathan gegen, und zwar wirklich Allen gegen Jonathan, sogar Nachbar wie Fabrice und Kacper als Schwager, waren gegen ihn, aber dann war Aaron nicht auf seiner Seite sondern dicke mit den Schwestern.
Du gehst doch zur schule und hörst genug Rap um diesel Lyrics ohne erklarung zu verstehen.
Ihr Alle wart hart und unmenschlich zu mir, doch ich bin es, der immer wieder auf euch zugegangen ist nachdem Streit, ohne dass ihr zeigt dass dass ihrbBock auf mich habt, euch hab ich meine Kinder gegeben, ohne dass es euch wichtig scheint, sie zu sehen, doch ihr Alle habt mir Yayas Schwangerschaft und anderen Events vorenthaltet und wollte mit mir umgehen wollt, als wäre nichts passiert und ich hatte uberreagiert. ohne Entschuldigung oder Eingstandnis dass ihr irgendetwas hättet anders machen konnen, ohne irgendetwas nettes zu mir und Bianka zu sagen, irgend eine kleinigkeit die Hoffnung gibt, dass Alle etwas daraus gelernt haben, dass es nicht okay ist wenn die Bluts Familie sich I'm stich lässt aber Freunde Alle Lasten teilen und Erfolge feiern.
Denn darf ich Alles alleine und MIT Freunden auf meine Art verarbeiten, ob in Gesprachen miteinander oder in meiner ehrlichen Kunst. Ich habe nicht gelogen und nichts ubertrieben. Siehe Galater 4:16.
Ich habe sogar viele details ausgelassen die zu schmerzhaft fur mich waren ,da ich die Songs selber immer wieder hore, weil es mir hilft die Vergangenheit zu akzeptieren . So bin ich nicht MIT euch aufgewachsen, aber Seit der pandemie ist das Alles was Bianka, Hector, Teddy und ich von euch kennen.
Hallo? Fabrice droht mir auf Papas Rasen, mich abzustechen, und chillt und Esst weiter MIT ihn am Tisch, als wäre nichts schlimmes passiert? Weil ich wohl Selbst dran schuld bin, was? Weil meine Verletzungen und mein Tod wohl eine Erleichterung fur euch waren? Weil du mit ihm hattest, was du an mir vermisst hast und ich uberflussig war?
Ich werde nie gabz verstehen, warum ihr so gehandelt habt. Aber so war es nun mal. Und wir konnen nicht mal ruhig bereden was war und wie es gemeinsam weiter geht. Denn ihr habt zugesehen wie wir Alles alleine stemmen, ob wir auf strasse sterben oder in die Hauptstadt ziehen. Ihr habt MIT eurer Nachlassigkeit Bianka nicht nur die Beziehungen geschadigt, sondern Teddy's Gesundheit, denn im ersten Jahr war er sehr oft krank seit der zweiten Woche wegen der Unterernahrung und Einsamkeit in der Schwangerschaft. Ihr seid ihr nur aus dem weg gegangen.
Und es ist toll dass du einen plan fur dein Berufaleben hast. Und toll dass du einen Freundin hast, die nett zu sein scheint. Aber sie Weiss sicher nicht was abgeht denn ihr macht Allen Leuten etwas vor, wenn es um Familie und Zusammenhalt geht. Hast du Papa schonbgesehen? Ich hab Lektionen aus seinem mund bekommen , die nur Seine Sohne wissen konnen. Keine Tochter, kein Fabrice . Wenn du sein Sohn bist, dann lass uns ab und zu Uber Papa reden als Manner, die von ihm lernen.
Wenn du weiter Tater Offer Umkehr machen willst, dann ohne mich. Aber wenn du reifen, heilen und wachsen willst, dann komme zu mir und zeig es mir MIT deinem Verhalten mir gegenuber.
Ich habe dir und meine anderen Geschwistern schon langst vergeben. Ich liebe dich.
Aber ich kann euch nicht mehr vertrauen wie vorher. Und ich stelle euch zur Rechnenschaft. So wie 2022 geht das nicht. Familie richtig oder gar nicht. Gott ist mein Verteidiger, so wie er Joseph und David erhoben hat, die auch keine Liebe von Geschwistern bekommen hatten.
Was mir passiert ist, ist also biblisch und keine Strafe von Gott.
Macht was ihr wollt, lebt MIT oder ohne mich. Aber Gott ist grecht und ich kann nachts wieder ruhig schlafen, weil der himmlische Friede in meiner Herzen ist, der Alle irdischen Sorgen auslöscht.
Röm 15,33 Gott aber, von dem aller Friede kommt, sei mit euch allen. Amen.
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ramrodd · 6 months
From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians, Part One (full documentary) ...
The premise that  Paul's Epistles are the  first writings of Christianity impoverishes the literature of the Bible, It  reduces the magnificent tapestry of the narrative to napkins in the trash at Mickey D's. Tertullian reports an intelligence report form Judea regarding the Christians impelled Tiberius to propose making Jesus a Roman god. Cornelius and Jesus shared a common ontology  as God  Fearers./ As a combat crazed Vietnam veteran, I share that ontology, When I confess to being a God Fearer, I am referring to Yaweh, Queen of Battle, She who must be obeyed,  it's why you go into the Airborne  This is what is missing from the Marxist interpretation of the Jesus Seminar, Pope Benedict's interpretation of Pauline Theology is a Marxist product of a Fascist dialectic, That is the Supply side of the Supply-Demand dynamic of Adam Smith economics. Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations defines Salt Water economics. Paul Krugman's  Peddling Prosperity is the leading edge of Salt Water economics as a dynamical process. As an example of applied Fresh Water economics, Marxism is to Adam Smith what Ayn Rand's Virtue of Selfishness is to Ethics. The Jesus Seminar is a Fresh Water  process, Jimmy Tabor has built his academic career in the quest for a public latrine where Jesus might have taken a shite, but we know for sure where Paul did. The face of the analog of the 12 hours AM/PM clock is a gift of the Mai Jesus help accelerate in the global culture, The 24 hour noon-noon clock and the Rose compass are essential tools of terrestrial navigation, I taught land navigation at Ft, Benning as an instructor in Introduction to Ranger Training,, Part of the practical metaphysics that let us stand on the moon, In the Wilderness, Jesus bet the Devil that he could convert Israel from the Temple Worship of the Whore of Babylon to Pauline Theology, Pauline Theology is the ethical basis for the Israeli Defense Force as an instrument of state. Paul was a faithful servant of both Moses and Jesus's version of the Shemah in Mark 13:29 - 31. Everything up to Jesus is a rough draft, Pauline Theology is the finished product. The IDF, Gal Gadot, Benny Gantz, and Tel Aviv is what Jesus was proposing for Isreal, And he bet the Devil he could do it by public debate, alone, The Devil bet He couldn't do it without feeing the 5000 and the 4000, without starting a new religion and performing some death defying stunt. Jesus wept because He knew He had lost the bet and the Cross was the pot. The Gospel of Peter is the oral testimony captured by scribes associated with the distribution of the Gospel of Mark out of Alexandria., of Pilate's lost euangelion immediately after the report of the Talking Cross was brought to him by the centurion and soldiers who were at the tomb and the witnesses to the Mark 16:8 ending of the Roman eye witness. This interpretation of Mark 15 is validated by the report of the Sopel of John that Mary Magdalene was at the tomb by herself because there were no other women when she got to Peter's safe house. John Mark is the youth with Peter, John Mark is the author of the Gospel of John and the publisher of the Gospel of Mark, He is the St, Mark entombed at St, Mark's in Venice, Italy, Matthew had access to Quelle after the Jerusalem Conference, as did Paul, Cornelius is the common denominator, when you throw in Peter, who received the substance of Pilate's euangelion from Cornelius off-stage in Acts 10,  The first 18 books of the New Testament represent the bibliogrpahy and  deliberate research plus the Septuagint that went into the composition of Gebrews as a formal intelligence finding by Theophilus and the bread and wine of the Apostle's Creed  that is represented by the Command Sergeant Major of the US Army, The thing is that the Koch brothers underwrite these liberal PBS programing because it spreads the moral confusion that the Koch brothers depend upon to advance their political ambitions, the hostile take-over of America for commercial Fascism. Fresh Water Free Market society like Haiti. That's what the Jesus Seminar is leaving out  
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