#jettwins x reader
pinkanonwrites · 8 months
TFA Jet Twins/Reader longpost!
I have SO MANY thoughts about the reader and the Jet Twins, and many many magnificent treats that my dear friend @archie-sunshine has drawn at my behest (begging). These are all pertaining to the Liason Reader in my fic Washrack Academy.
I can't make that more clear. They just both like the same reader and sometimes a gal just wants to be in a big bot sandwich, okay? If you've got some sort of grievance to air about that do it in MY ASKBOX instead of Archie's. He drew all these at my behest so don't go pitching a fit at him for sating my dark passenger.
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OKAY SO In my head both the twins are turbo-virgins. Neither of them got much chance to interface when they were construction drones and now even though they have a lot of fan-bots Sentinel keeps them on too tight a leash to go around slammin' and jammin'. So there's multiple levels of curiosity the more they learn about humans vis-à-vis the human reader.
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Jetfire is a lot more infatuated with the reader than his brother is. Jetstorm is just curious about humans, but Jetfire has a burgeoning crush. It's hell for him because either him or Jetstorm have to accompany the liason to the washracks to make sure no bots on base are putting them in danger when they're at their most vulnerable.
He's... handling it. Sort of.
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No worries, Jetfire. You'll get there.~
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Jetstorm on the other hand is really curious about interfacing with a human, not because he has any feelings for the reader (at first), but because he wants to be the first Cybertronian to interface with a human for clout. Jokes on him though because human pussy hits stupendously different and he gets infatuated about it.
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Also sidebar but I have an HC that skinny bots like the twins and Jazz who don't have any plating around their torsos/waists have metal mesh bodies for flexibility. Downside is if your wires get crossed your internal interface panel will retract without retracting the external metal mesh and you get a little jumpsuit boner. For my amusement.
Last but not least here's a few delicious pieces of all of them together. Jetfire is a bit more shy, Jetstorm is way more bold, but humans are tight and wet and crazy soft and they both get pussy drunk REALLY easily. Once they get a taste they can't get enough, skulking around the base like a pair of un-neutered cats looking for their liason beau.
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That's all for now! A NSFW sequel to Washrack Academy is on the horzion, I promise you. So my fellow Jet Twins enjoyers, keep an eye out! (Also LMK if you need captions for any of these pics, the lettering got compressed a bit so it may be harder to read.)
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
Hi! I wanted to ask if you could write the TFA autobots and elite guard reacting to finding a batmobile Bubby on earth?
Bubby was lose during the war and is the around the same age as Ratchet and Ultra magnus. And maybe have a little romance with Ratchet.
Thanks! :)
This is something new! Batmobile Buddy it is! One of the best detectives on Cybertron! If this isn't what you want, please let me know.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy who's alt mode is a Batmobile with Ratchet, Ultra Magnus, Optimus Prime, and the Jettwins
SFW, Platonic, slight romantic, Cybertronain reader
Buddy was one of Cybertrons best detectives during the war.
She was hailed with finding many lost Autobots and catching Decepticons off guard with her swiftness and skilled martial artistry.
She had some teaching from Master Yoketron but decided to leave the dojo to help High Command in the war.
Buddy met Ultra Magnus as his personal bodyguard.
The old one had taken leave to get repairs and some of the back up guards had been called into the draft.
Buddy was personally called after Magnus had heard of her reputation.
Even though the job was temporary Buddy took her job seriously in guarding Ultra Magnus.
They bonded during that time from the near-death situations to potential strategy plans suggested.
“Ultra Magnus.”--Buddy
“Buddy? What seems to be the trouble?”--Magnus
“If I may be so bold…”--Buddy
“You may.”--Magnus
“Is it wise to move the troops in this sector? We would be leaving this flank completely unguarded.”--Buddy
“We would need to take that risk.”--Magnus
“But there is also a chance that the assault team could come in. We have a refugee camp in that area, it will be vulnerable.”--Buddy
“Hmm… you are right. We will need to alert the troops at once.”--Magnus
“Absolutely, sir.”--Buddy
Magnus had offered Buddy a spot in the Elite Guard once the knew guard had arrived, but she politely declined in return for wanting to go back and do her detective work.
The two did stay in contact, especially once the number of hostages they were finding grew in numbers.
It was during one of these cases that Buddy met Ratchet.
Buddy had returned another group of Autobots to a nearby relief camp.
Buddy wanted to know the status of each patient admitted.
“How are they?”--Buddy
“Sweet Alpha Trion! Don’t you know better to scare a field tech?!”--Ratchet
“Sorry, I just wanted to know if the Autobots are okay.”--Buddy
“If you don’t mind waiting a couple of hours, then of course.”--Ratchet
A couple hours later, Ratchet is wrapping up everything up when he sees Buddy taking a nap on a chair nearby.
“You really waited here for all this time?”--Ratchet
Of course, so… do I have to wait more?”--Buddy
“Lucky you, I have all the reports. They are all going to be fine. Some better than others, but they’ll live.”--Ratchet
“That’s good. That’s good.”--Buddy
“Why did you wait?”--Ratchet
“I like to know whether my work was good or not.”--Buddy
“Really. Is that all?”--Ratchet
“You kids and you’re words.”--Ratchet
“Hey, I’m your age!”--Buddy
“You don’t act like it!”--Ratchet
“Hahahahahah!”—Buddy and Ratchet
That was where their friendship began.
The two kept in communication after Buddy left the camp.
They talked about their daily lives every now and then. There would be rare times when the two would be able to meet up in person.
Everything was fine.
Until Buddy went radio silent.
Ratchet had tried to reach Buddy multiple times, even going as far as picking up some favor from the higher ups.
No one had any notation on Buddy.
Timeskip to Earth
Optimus was tired.
He had been dealing with Sentinel’s attitude all day and now he had to babysit the Jettwins.
Sentinel had promised them to visit the Plant, but he had bailed out at the last minute… and Optimus was at the mercy of the twins ‘puppy dog’ optics.
When the three of them came into the dark Plant. A single light was turned on in the middle of the common room.
“Where are the others?”--Jetstorm
“Yes! Where? Bumblebee told us about this video game—”--Jetfire
“What?”—Jetfire and Jetstorm
“I just remember something… the Team is out on patrol.”--optimus
“Then why is there a light on.”--Jetfire
“That’s because… we aren’t alone.”—Optimus
Optimus grabs his axe while the twins power up.
The light flickered until it finally turned off.
None of them are ready for the sudden ambush. They thrashed around feeling kicks and chops to their armor before they felt stasis cuffs on their servos and pedes.
The lights turned on.
There was a stranger who looked like a Decepticon with their dark colored paint job, but the red Autobot badge begged to differ.
The bot came over to the Prime and looked at his Autobot badge then turned and saw the twins’ badges.
Silently the bot clicked a button.
The cuffs came loose.
“Sorry about that. You can’t be too careful now a days.”--Buddy
“Who are you?”--Optimus
“And how did you do that!”--Jetfire
“That was so cool!”--Jetstorm
“Do you have powers too?! What powers do you have?!”--Jettwins
“Woah, woah, woah calm, down kiddos. I’m a detective from the Autobot High Command. The names Buddy.”--Buddy
“Detective? How come I’ve never heard of you?”--OPtimus
“Special ops. I look out for the bots who suddenly go missing and no one wants to look for them. I’m the one they call to look for them or I find out and go looking for them.”--Buddy
“Who did you come looking for?”--Optimus
“I take it you’re Optimus Prime.”--Buddy
“I came to look for you and your team.”--Buddy
“Oh! Who called?”--Optimus
“… A dear friend of mine was on your team. I didn’t get a chance to tell him what happen on my pass assignment… I found out after some digging. Its hard to figure out space bridge engineering when you don’t know a lick about it.”--Buddy
“Who was your friend?”--Optimus
“A brilliant field tech named Ratchet.”--Buddy
“The Doc-Bot!?”--Jettwins
“You know him?”--Buddy
“He is our field tech along with our friend Sari.”--Optimus
“What’s a Sari?”—Buddy
That was when the rest of Team Prime had decided to show up.
Now it was understandable that the Team was on edge seeing a dark armored bot looming over the three Autobots on the ground.
But one of them quickly gets everyone to lower their weapons.
“Put those weapons down, that’s an Autobot!”--Ratchet
“An Autobot? They look like a Decepticon to me!”--Bumblebee
“Put it down!”--Ratchet
“You know them?”--Prowl
Buddy ran to Ratchet hugging new dents into him.
“Oh my—”--Prowl
“That bot did the impossible!”--Bulkhead
“She’s hugging Ratchet! And he’s hugging back!”--Bumblebee
“Shut it!”—Buddy and Ratchet
The two Autobot looking at each other before laughing.
“…Prime I’m scared.”--Bumblebee
“Me too—I mean don’t be rude.”--Optimus
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bones4thecats · 2 months
Jettwins x fembot jet reader, They both fall in love with the reader who is part of the Prime team
TFA! Jet-Twins w/ an S/O on Team Prime
Characters: POLY! Jetfire and Jetstorm (Transformers Animated) Requester: 🔥Anon A/N: Imma call you 🔥Anon since I use that emoji for Jetfire and wanna save the other emoji just in case! I do hope you like this, it was fun to write for these two goofballs <3 ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Nothing bad really ⚠️
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╚═════ Jetfire + Jetstorm ════════════════════════╝
🔥⛈️ When Jetfire and his brother came onto Earth for the first time, you were arriving with Sentinel, whom you found driving at a higher speed than normal in Detroit, and were shocked to see Optimus fighting a large mech
🔥⛈️ When Sentinel began to yell at Optimus, you stood up for him, yelling right back into the Elite Guard member's face
"Oh for crying out loud, Sentinel! If you're supposed to be a Prime, a mentor to many up-and-coming Autobot soldiers, you need to listen to others and not just that annoying voice in your processor! Listening to yourself alone is not a quality of an Autobot, it's a quality of a Decepticon!"
"How dare you call me a Decepticon!"
"How dare I?! How dare you treat the only Bot that you have left in your life, one of the rare few who ever truly cared about you, like a hunk of scrap metal?! You need to grow up and quit acting like a sparkling! It's pathetic."
🔥⛈️ The twins were shocked to see how quick Sentinel backed down when you began to get more and more angry. And the way you stood there and glared at their boss, one of the highest-ranking Primes of that time, and scolded him like how a Carrier or Sire would their own offspring
"Just- get out there and find that fugitive!" He barked at the two.
🔥⛈️ After the whole... Wasp-incident... you remained in contact with the twins, sending them some photos you would take around the city. Heck, sometimes you'd go for drives outside of the city with Sari and/or Prowl to get away from the business
🔥⛈️ They loved to look at the scenery of the planet you protected, and from time to time, they would try to get Sentinel to let them go back to Earth to 'check on you guys'. Yeah... Jazz always knew something else was on their mind, Sentinel on the other hand, not so much. He's pretty dumb when it comes to relationships
🔥⛈️ Anyways. They both struggle with certain things when you eventually enter a relationship with them.
He is much higher with his voice, meaning he yells more than his twin. So, if you are sensitive to loud noises, do tell him early on so he can tone himself down more often
Jetfire also has issues with his emotions, though it's more severe than his brothers. This was shown when Ironhide tried flirting with you and he went from a happy-go-lucky bot to a glaring and borderline-possessive one
Speaking of possessiveness, he has his moments. It's not severe like others like the Decepticons, but it does appear when he thinks your relationship may be in danger. Even the most arrogant have their doubts
Finally, his fire sometimes flares up when his anger gets out of control. And, unlike Jetstorm's winds, his are far more destructive, so, if he ever gets mad, keep your guard up in case of a metal-melting outburst
Like I said earlier, Jetfire may be the loudest twin, but Jetstorm is the more physically threatening despite their similarities. His wind is something he uses to his advantage, since he has to control such a strong energy, his strength is slightly better than Jetfire's
He may be more loose than Jetfire when it comes to your interactions, but he is also protective. One time, you were speaking to Sentinel when he almost blew a gasket, and when he nearly yelled at you, the flying Autobot glared, making the Prime stand down in slight fear
He knows you can handle yourself, but he feels the need to protect you. Sometimes it can seem like he was coddling, and whenever you brought this up to him, he would apologize, and you could tell it was sincere. His Decepticon CNA just messes with his processor like it does with Jetfire
Speaking of his CNA, he may be less showing when it comes to his dark thoughts, but make no mistake; he, much like his brother, would do anything to keep you safe. Nothing would be bad enough to keep their love safe
🔥⛈️ But, despite their flaws, the twins do prove to be good partners. They don't get jealous of one another badly, instead they just pout like sparklings until you pay them the same amount of attention as you did their sibling
🔥⛈️ Jetfire and Jetstorm also like to take you patrolling with them. While it may not be easy to handle, as they were rarely ever free after the Decepticon lock-up, since they were still looking up for any rogue signals, they would try making any time up for you
🔥⛈️ When you returned to Cybertron after getting the 'Cons locked away, you were appointed as a head in the Council, a Bot who would replace Longarm Prime, or rather Shockwave, and would lead the Cybertronian Intelligence unit
🔥⛈️ After taking that position, you managed to get Ratchet back into the medical field as a head medic, you got Bee and Bulkhead into the Elite Guard (though they still had to move up the ranks on their own), you helped attempt to repair the relationship between Optimus and Sentinel (with the help of Jazz), and you got Prowl to be marked down in the history data-pads as the hero that helped remove the threat of the Decepticons from Cybertron that he was
🔥⛈️ It was hard to adjust to such a ranking change and with the additional work that came with said position, but you proved to be very capable of it. And with your future sparkmates by your sides, you could handle any challenge you faced
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toomanybrainrots · 8 months
Since all ur requests exploded I hope it’s ok for me to re-request mine
I need more Jettwins content ngl I’m having ass balls brain rot rn so I need some Jettwins x GN!cybertroian reader
thx my dude
“Since all your asks exploded” yeah that sums it up. Ngl I rarely see any jettwins content so I’m glad to do this for you
This could be interpreted as platonic or romantic but I had romantic in mind when I wrote this and that might be obvious
TFA Jettwins with a Cybertronian Reader
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The Jettwins are always causing some amount of mischief
Either with you or without you, it doesn’t matter
But you sometimes end up being their babysitter(even though you’re far from responsible enough to actually be one)
Because of that, you have to pick up some of the pieces and destruction they left behind
Don’t worry, they make it up to you by hanging out with you and treating you
“Hey,” Jazz called out to you. At the sound of his voice, you looked up and turned around.
You had to force yourself to suppress a sigh as you immediately noticed the very recognizable faces of Jetstorm and Jetfire, limp and getting dragged by Jazz from behind
“I think these two belong to you” Jazz said as he dropped the jettwins by your pedes, and then turning on his pede and walking out.
Primus, give you patience.
You scold them whenever they do something too stupid
Which happens more than you think
But you still care for them(despite the amount of headaches they give you) and Primus help the one who ever hurts the jettwins
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eight-cats-in-a-box · 5 months
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random-fandom1984 · 6 months
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Request are open!
●Fluff ●Yandere ●Angst ●Crossovers ●Character x Reader ●Character x Character ●References to other fandoms ●Comfort ●Headcanons ●Reader/Character from one dimension/universe getting sent to a different one (tfp x tfa, trollhunters x zak storm, etc)
●others to be added
●NSFW ●Pedophilia ●Incest ●Certain sensitive topics (rape, abuse, etc) ●Other's OC's (I don't have the confidence to do that)
General: - Predacon! Reader in TFA
Optimus Prime - Wattpad Story: Deadly Voice - Yandere! TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Prowl Bumblebee Bulkhead Jazz Jettwins Ultra Magnus Megatron Starscream (+clones) Lugnut Blitzwing Blackarachnia/Elita-1 Grimlock Wreck-Gar Soundwave Longarm Prime/Shockwave - All It Takes Is A Potion to Show How Much I'm Obsessed With You Wasp/Waspinator
Optimus Prime - Yandere TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Arcee Cliffjumper Smokescreen Bumblebee - Bumblebee x SG! Cybertronian Reader Bulkhead Wheeljack Ultra Magnus Megatron - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Starscream - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Soundwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Shockwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Predaking - Decepticons Meets Sparklings 5t3v3(Steve) - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Knockout - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Breakdown - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Dreadwing - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Arachnid Unicron
Optimus - Sparklings Megatron - Sparklings Bumblebee - Sparklings Elita-1 - Sparklings Soundwave - Sparklings Shockwave - Sparklings Tarantulas - Sparklings Terrans(PLATONIC ONLY) Swindle Starscream
Optimus Prime - Calling Optimus Prime Dad Prowl Jazz Bumblebee Ratchet Megatron Starscream Skywarp Thundercracker Reflector Soundwave - Soundwave x Cybertronian Reader Part 1 Shockwave Grimlock Unicron Other Autobots and Decepticons
Optimus Primal Rattrap Rhinox Cheetor -His Sea Goddess (Cheetor x Cybertronian Reader with an Octopus alt-mode) Dinobot Megatron Tarantulas Waspinator
Bumblebee Sideswipe Strongarm Fix-it Grimlock Drift Steeljaw Thunderhoof Fracture Underbite Saberhorn
Orion Pax/Optimus Prime D-16/Megatron B-127/Bumblebee Elita-1 Starscream Soundwave Shockwave Sentinel Prime
Mk Mei Red Son Jin & Yin Spider Queen Azure Lion Macaque Sun Wukong Nezha Syntax Huntsman Goliath (Strong Spider) Peng Lady Bone Demon Not Mayor
Zak Storm (PLATONIC ONLY) Cece Crogar Clovis (PLATONIC ONLY) Caramba (PLATONIC ONLY) Calabrass (PLATONIC ONLY) Golden Bones
Angor Rot Gunmar Bular Aaarrrgghh Blinky (Blinkous) Nomura Draal Krel Tarron & Aja Tarron (PLATONIC ONLY) Varvatos Tronos Madu Zadra Zeron Alpha Nari Skrael Bellroc
Cookie Run Kingdom
Gingerbrave (PLATONIC ONLY) Wizard Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Strawberry Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Custard Cookie Ⅲ (PLATONIC ONLY) Chili Pepper Cookie Licorice Cookie Poison Mushroom Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Dark Choco Cookie Red Velvet Cookie Pomegranate Cookie Dark Enchantress Cookie Pure Vanilla Cookie White Lily Cookie Hollyberry Cookie Golden Cheese Cookie Dark Cacao Cookie Princess Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Knight Cookie (PLANTONIC ONLY) Caramel Arrow Cookie Crunchy Chip Cookie Affogato Cookie Captain Caviar Cookie Black Pearl Cookie/White Pearl Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie
Others to be added
Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake
Fionna Cake (PLATONIC ONLY) Gary Marshall Lee Scarab Prismo Simon (PLATONIC ONLY) Marceline (Vampireworld version) Bonnibell Bubblegum (Vampireworld version)
WHEN REQUESTING (More rules will be added later):
●Include the fact whether or not your request is platonic or romantic; If romantic, is Y/n or character in a relationship, and if not, who is the romantic interest(s)?
●Give me some of the plot of what you're thinking for your request. If you don't, and I don't know what you want it to be about, or I can't think of what to make up- Example:
Optimus x Reader. Angst. Reader is male.
I don't know what the plot should be, or what it should involve. Like, if it's good enough that I can think of what it could be, then yeah, sure, but that will be a rare chance with me. But if it's like this- Example:
Aaarrrgghh x Reader. Comfort. Basically, the reader has had a bad day at work/school, and the two of them just cuddle and enjoy the silence in each other's arms, slowly falling asleep.
Then I will be able to think of how it can go because you gave me what you want to include in your request, but now how, I will be able to get behind that.
● I can make the reader be based off of another character, like- Examples:
-Vox! Reader in Trollhunters
-Reader as Ratchet's little sister in Transformers: Generation 1
Anything! Whatever you want as long as it's allowed.
●If your request involves something that isn't allowed, then it will be ignored.
That's everything for now! Request away!
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rawmeknockout · 6 months
Hi! Can I get poly TFA Jettwins x human!reader? Just some general SFW headcanons, how it happened/affection/etc. (bonus points if reader verbally beats sentinel's ass because he gave their boys shit about dating an organic and they made fun of him cause he's bitchless) sorry if this breaks any rules/is too complex, have a nice day/night!
01 + Jetstorm for sure found you first, he has more game than Jetfire. He was zipping around the city, hot on the tail of Blitzwing. It was a bit too fortunate that no humans were in the way of danger, but that came to an end when Blitzwing zoomed past you just barely missing you with a wing. Jetstorm, moving too fast to stop or swerve, had no choice but to transform and lift you into his arms to avoid a collision. Good news, he was gentle when plucking you up and it wasn’t so bad of a takeoff for you. Bad news, he’s got an armful of a very cute squishy and the pounding of his spark isn’t due to the adrenaline of the chase. 😔
02 + Blitzwing gets away. Jetstorm hardly gets to introduce himself before he’s getting reprimanded by Sentinel through the comms. As much as he wants to stay and chat you up, much to the bewilderment of Jetfire, they have to return to base. He’s a pretty melancholy and distracted mech after that. It doesn't take long for his brother to catch on. You linger in his thoughts long after the scolding he gets from Sentinel.
03 + How fortuitous that he runs into you while patrolling! He's hard to understand with his thick accent and way of jumbling words, but the two of you are giggling and chatting each other up in such an embarrassing display of puppy love. Jetfire doesn't get it. Jetstorm is totally ignoring him and hasn't even introduced him yet! He's instantly miffed and put-off. From that moment, you start to monopolize Jetstorm's thoughts and time. It wouldn't be a problem, he's a diligent and obedient soldier, but Jetfire doesn't like that you've seemed to weasel you're way between them so quickly.
04 + Safe to say Jetfire doesn't exactly like you. He starts to resent you and hold every interaction against you. Of course, this is more passive aggressive and he tries to tone it down when Jetstorm is around because he knows it will only devolve into a fight between them. He just doesn't get it! How could one organic come between them so quickly! Any solo interactions with you are cold and filled with snippy, short remarks. It's hard to get anything from him other than he just generally dislikes your presence, which is weird because Jetstorm describes his brother as fun-loving and friendly.
05 + Bringing this up with Jetstorm doesn't result in much, because Jetfire just brushes off his brothers concerns and dismisses that anything is wrong or that he even treated you coldly. He just doesn't like organics okay? Sentinel says they spew acid or whatever. Of course, it's a weak defense and it only makes Jetstorm pry harder.
06 + That is, until Jetfire needs your help. It's not really that he could lean on you in a hard time, but he got to see a side of you that he wasn't privy to (which was his own fault). It's after a rather rough battle with the Earth-based maintenance crew. Even Optimus is looking worse for wear and Ratchet is swamped with injuries to treat, including his own. Jetfire actually made it out relatively unscathed, but he has a slowly leaking puncture in his side armor. It's fine, he can wait until Ratchet has treated his brother, but it stings and makes moving around rough. While you're waiting for Jetstorm to be treated, you're milling about in the main room of Optimus' base. It doesn't take you long to notice Jetfire isn't looking so hot, mostly because he's one of the only mechs you actually know, and you can tell just by how he's shifting around that he's uncomfortable. He's trying to fly under the radar right now until he can get treated, but totally misses you lingering closer because he's so focused on the other mechs in the base. You have no choice but the huff and bat his servos away from his injury, earning a startled yelp from him, before doing your best to pack the wound. You're no medic, especially not for a machine, but you at least know pressure eases bleeding. Jetfire hasn't been this close to you and especially hasn't had you care for him like this. You're gentle and quiet with him, soft squishy hands moving about his side, pressing sanitized mesh into the wound to stifle the leak.
07 + Uh oh. His spark just fluttered up into his intake while watching the stern press of your mouth as you work on his side. Who knew that an organic could make him feel so... Assured. He still feels the tingle of your skin on his armor hours after his wound has been treated. From then on his attitude towards you does a complete 180. He chatters nervously when you're around and will happily greet you if he sees you. This is the Jetfire that Jetstorm knows but he can tell that something is... Off.
08 + Jetfire isn't the type who can keep his feelings to himself. He's always lived loud and proud. Ad despite the fact you're his brother's partner, he can't live keeping something so important to himself, so Jetfire has to confess to you soon after he realizes how much he likes you. This is more a cause of stress for you than him, because Jetfire doesn't really think it through. You, on the other hand, worry this is only going to pull Jetstorm and Jetfire further apart. You already felt guilty for 'getting between' them. But when you explain it to Jetstorm he's... More playful. He thinks it's cute that Jetfire likes you. It makes sense, even, because he and Jetfire are so alike. Jetstorm can't hold it against his own brother that he ended up falling for you. I mean, look at you!
09 + It turns into a playful competition between them which is sort of how your three-way relationship grows. Your boys get to have fun one-upping each other and you get two boyfriends!
10 + Jetstorm is the romantic of the two: classic dates with lamp-light, energon treats, and high grade. Jetfire likes spur of the moment plans and doing something thrilling, the type to take you flying and do aerial tricks over the ocean to impress you. Unsurprisingly, they're both equally touchy and affectionate. They have a pretty close relationship where they could always be affectionate with each other so that reflects in how they interact with you, but, ya know, more amorously.
11 + You kissa da one mech then turn and kissa da other. Mamma mia.
12 + You never miss a chance to tell Sentinel where to stick his opinions. He often uses the twins as a means to exert authority, because power is something he so strongly clings to, to the point it feels like they're mere tools at his disposal. This really tends to chap your hide. Jetfire and Jetstorm consider you the 'coolest' for backtalking him the way you do.
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writeyouin · 11 months
Greetings! I would like to request something from wonderful you! How about a scenario with the Jettwins (you can choose if poly or not) were they have a bot-reader thats carrying their sparkling? Like from when they find out and when the Sparkling is 'born'. It would be hilarious if the Sparkling ended up being not one but two, twin sparklings and they're the most mischief little things in the world. Sentinel fears them. They know that. They use it as their advantage. Thank you for your time! :D
Poly-Jetfire & Jetstorm X Bot-Reader – Sparklings
A/N – For those of you who don’t know, a solar-cycle is 1 day, and a Deca-cycle is 10 days.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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“Not too fast.”
“Be going easy now.”
“Don’t try transforming.”
“Let me carry that.”
You sighed, giving up on the box that you were supposed to take to Sentinel’s office aboard the ship he now commanded in Magnus’ temporary absence. Jetstorm rushed in to grab it, grinning proudly and opening his mouth to add another comment about what you should or shouldn’t do now that you were carrying sparklings.
Jetfire, who had been just as bad, nodded sagely as you tuned them out, closing your optics for a moment while you vented out some air, trying to keep your composure.
Apparently, that was the wrong thing to do as Jetstorm threw the box down and both twins rushed to your side, holding on to you as if you keep you from falling.
“Are you okay?”
“Are you feeling the sick?”
“Are you needing a stasis nap?”
“Should we be calling the doctor-bot?”
“Careful brother, they might be missing the Earth climate.”
“Yes, that must be it!”
You held up your servos, “Alright, that’s enough.”
“Yes, enough for the solar-cycle,” Jetfire agreed.
Jetstorm nodded vigorously, “Yes, you will be needing a rest now.”
“Boys please,” You groaned, then when forced to look upon their concerned expressions, your face melted into a gentle smile as you held out a servo for each of them to hold, bringing the three of you into a small circle.
“Jetfire, Jetstorm, you know you are everything to me. You are the spark that powers me, the circuitry inside, the wind beneath my wings,” You concluded, borrowing an idiom from Earth.
“But you don’t have wings,” They said in unison, sharing a perplexed look.
You ignored their confusion, soldiering on. “I love you both very much, and I’m just as excited to be carrying your sparklings, but I need to be able to continue living my life, just like before.”
“But the Decepticons!” The twins cried out earnestly.
“Alright, almost like before. Look, if I promise I won’t fight any more Decepticons until after the Sparklings are born, but in return, you two have to let me do my other jobs, okay? If it all gets too much, I promise that I’ll ask you for help.”
Jetfire and Jetstorm took a minute to contemplate your request, then they nodded in unison.
“Okay,” Jetstorm kissed your cheek-plate, “We promise.”
“Ja,” Jetfire pressed a servo against your carrying chamber, aiming his promise at the two lifeforms inside. “Promise.”
You vented out some air in relief, “Thank you.”
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Throughout the remainder of your carrying term, Jetfire and Jetstorm kept their word, no longer treating you as if you were made from glass. They were still very attentive to your needs, bringing you extra energon rations, and ensuring that Sentinel was extra nice to you (primarily by playing Gorrila-warfare against him, Jetfire pranking him while Jetstorm rested, and vice versa if Sentinel ever acted less than nicely to you), but they also gave you space when you asked for it, and let you set the bar for what you could and couldn’t do.
Then, when it came time to birth the sparklings, the twins were glad to be part of a duo. How anyone could help their partner through birth alone was impossible for them to understand. While Jetstorm stayed with you in the Medical Bay, Jetfire transformed, flying stupidly fast to get the ship’s medical bot.
There was no argument as to who would get to stay, and who would go; they seemed to have worked that out among themselves beforehand. Then, when Jetfire returned with a shell-shocked doc-bot clinging onto the outside of his cockpit, the pair combined into Safeguard to hold your servo.
The birth was relatively standard as far as Cybertronian births went. There was little pain, and the doc-bot ensured that you were as comfortable as could be and that the sparklings were healthy. The one thing that nobody expected was that you weren’t carrying two sparklings like the preliminary scans had shown, but four; the other two hiding behind their siblings. They were considerably smaller, mini-bots by right.
For that alone, Safeguard disbanded, becoming Jetfire and Jetstorm so they could each hold one sparkling while you laid on the berth, holding the remaining two, one in each arm.
“This is incredible, brother,” Jetfire grinned ecstatically.
“That is being the understatement,” Jetstorm laughed.
“I cannot wait to be telling everybody, right (Y/N)!”
You didn’t reply, staying quiet as you looked from one sparkling to the other, your gaze darting around the room.
“(Y/N)?” The twins tried.
“What if…” You mused. “What if we didn’t tell people?”
“You do not want the people to know about our sparklings?” Jetfire said, his brow-plate furrowing in confusion.
“Just give it a few solar-cycles.”
Jetstorm looked down at the bronze sparkling in his arms, a perfect combination of his and Jetfire’s colours. “Why?”
“Think of it,” You said, your eyes aglow with mischief. “Tomorrow, Sentinel’s gonna come in, expecting two new sparklings on his ship, which he, as the Commanding Officer, has to oversee during the naming ceremony.”
The twins looked at each other, suddenly sharing your wicked grin. Yes, Sentinel would certainly be surprised.
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As it was, with Sentinel’s work as head of the ship, he was a great deal busier than expected, especially with new reports from Cybertron arriving, informing him of surges in Decepticon activity. Although he was supposed to come in the next solar-cycle, it was actually a Deca-cycle till he could make it to the naming ceremony.
In that time, the sparklings had grown very slightly, and though they couldn’t walk yet, they were proficient in crawling, and they had nice strong grips, allowing them to hold onto their creator of choice.
And so the day came, with you and the twins standing proudly at the ship’s helm, Jetfire and Jetstorm each holding a sparkling, with Jazz hidden behind a control panel, struggling to hold onto the other two sparklings as they tried to escape his grip and make their way over to you.
“Easy now nuts and bolts,” He said cheerfully, using the nicknames he’d provided them, upon having been let into the prank. “You’ll go to your creator’s soon, but just hold on for a few klicks. You may be nuts and bolts, but Sentinel’s nuts and dolts, and he’s gonna get the fright of his life.”
Jazz played a low lullaby from his speakers, soothing the tiny Cybertronians, who looked so much like you. He had hold of one mini-bot and one regular bot.
Finally, Sentinel graced you with his presence and he hurriedly began his speech, taking little notice of the sparklings. All he wanted was to be as far from the new twins as possible; if they were anything like their parental twins, or you, he wanted nothing to do with them.
“And so we mark their creation, yada, yada, yada,” Sentinel huffed half-heartedly, “In the name of Primus, and so on… Skipping past the long rites, I as Captain of this ship welcome the new Cybertronians to the universe. ”
He held out his hands for the first sparkling which Jetfire brought forward.
“We named him Crosswind.”
“Right, right, Crosswind, welcome to existence,” Sentinel said, rolling his optics.
As was custom, he had to keep hold of Crosswind while he was handed the other sparkling.
“And this is his sister, Delta.”
“Right, right, Delta’s alive too,” Sentinel gabbled in a downplayed greeting, hardly fulfilling his duty as Captain. “And now, you can take your glitches back.”
He held them out to you, but you frowned, “Hang on, aren’t you forgetting something?”
“No, I am not,” Sentinel seethed, “Now, take them back!”
“Oh you’re right,” You slapped your helm comically, “You’re not forgetting something, I am.”
At this point, Jazz snuck up behind Sentinel and placed the other two sparklings on his shoulders. They gripped on and the one on Sentinel’s left pawed at his face with a chubby servo, pulling at his mouth.
“WA IN UNCONS NAME S IS!” Sentinel garbled.
You supposed it was meant to be something along the lines of ‘What in Unicron’s name is this?!’ However, with your sparkling now trying to grab his glossa, it was much more difficult for him to say.
“These,” You answered triumphantly, holding back laughter while Jetfire and Jetstorm lost it behind you, their laughter crackling with static as they doubled over, holding onto one another for support, “are our other two boys. Throttle & Wing Walker.”
Sentinel, after regaining his composure hurried out a quick welcome and then practically hurled the sparklings at the three of you.
“Double the ship’s speed,” He ordered Jazz on the way out of the room. “I want them all on Cybertron and far, far away from me.”
And so it was that you held your sparklings and the twins having been brought into a group hug by them, as the seven of you made your way back home, ready to start your life as a new family.
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coffee-cupps · 4 years
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chrome-mind · 5 years
I’m a bit new to tumblr and don’t know whether your requests are open or not (if they’re not I’m sorry and understand) but could you do a tfa jettwins x deception reader?
Unlike other Autobots, the twins do not cower from one-on-one fights with fearsome Decepticon warriors, even if they had no chance of winning. For some reason, instead of being incredibly insulted by their lack of fear, this Decepticon found their bravery incredibly amusing and laughed aloud. Neither Jetfire or Jetstorm could tell if it was the standard contemptuous evil laugh all Decepticons had or something else. “Flying Autobots.” the Decepticon hummed curiously as Jetfire spun to deliver a blast of fire, displaying his aerial components. The soldier moved with only a couple wires singed, catching Jetstorm by the arm and lifting him off the ground by the limb while simultaneously dodging a strike that Jetfire had put a little too much power in to. When Jetfire fell over, they simply placed a pede on his back to keep him in place. “You Decepticon will be of the sorriest soon!” He exclaimed automatically. For a few frightening moments the Decepticon stayed silent, narrowing their red optics sharply.
The Warframe dropped Jetstorm and stepped back. The twins both made a noise of confusion. “There’s no sense in scrapping future comrades.” they said, as if discussing the weather. It was Jetstorm who laughed now “You must be of the crazy! We are Autobots!” The Decepticon smiled devilishly, like the cat who had caught the canary, “We’ll see.”
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writingtoomuchtrash · 5 years
Jettwins x Bot!Reader
The twins were two peas in a pod. Always wanting the same thing or doing the same thing. They fought together and slept together. Add another bot in the mix as they still won’t break up their bond. It was nice when another bot walked into their life.
Joining the Elite Guard was the best thing that ever happened to the two. Rather then working in construction, now they were off exploring the galaxy, helping with the Autobot cause. They didn’t expect to also get the chance to get to be with another bot. 
They were a package deal and the bot didn’t seem to mind it. The twins found the bot irresistible to be near. The bot didn’t seem to argue when both would take their side. When it came to confessing how both felt towards the bot, the twins were stuck. The bot was wonderful, always kind towards them. 
“What if they do not like us as we do to them?” Jetstorm paced in their hab suite. Jetfire sat on the berth thinking long and hard in silence. Jetstorm continued to ask questions to himself, panicking out loud. The twins were stuck trying to think of the right way to confess to that special bot.
A knock on the door caught them both on guard, optics wide with fear. Both of them stopped and stared, Jetstrom shutting up. Jetfire signaled for his brother to get the door as the other bot waited. Jetstorm cautiously walked up to it, open it to see SO waiting patiently for them.
“Hello SO! What you need?” Jetstorm asked. He thanked his broken english for covering the intense shaking in his voice. Well, maybe not covering it all the way as SO raised a brow.
“You and Jetfire asked me to come see you?” they chuckled. Scrap. They did. Both had asked the bot after their duties to come to their hab-suite. That’s why they were panicking.
“Oh yes! Forgotten! Please come in!” Jetstorm motioned for the bot to come into the room. They smiled, thanking him for the kind gesture. Jetfire was now standing, frame entirely tense. SO smiled at him and it took him a moment to smile back. The two were too nervous to act right.
“So, what’s got you two in a twist?” they laughed, turning to see both of them at the same time. Jetstorm joined his brother, motioning for him to take the lead. Jetfire glared at him. 
“Well SO, we be stuck on something. Brother and I have a hard time with decision.” Jetfire spoke. He elbowed Jetstorm to join him.
“Oh yes! We know you be very good at decisions!” Jetstorm nervously smiled.
“All right. How can I help?”
Both twins looked at each other, slowly making a plan to explain. Go straightforward? Jetfire pushed this while Jetstorm wanted to be more cautious. They both nodded in agreement before turning towards SO again.
“Help us be with you.” they said together. Both their frames straighten up as if they were saluting. SO blinked for a moment before laughing.
“That’s why you two have been so nervous?”
“Yes?” Jetfire raised a brow, confused why SO was laughing. Jetstorm shrugged his shoulders, no knowing either.
“You both are adorable.” their smile was sweet, making both their sparks flutter. “I’d love to help with your problem.”
Both of them smiled widely, rushing towards the bot. Both their bodies sandwiched theirs as they hugged tightly. The twins laughed, letting the nerves relax. SO tried their best to hug back, but it was too awkward to get anywhere.
“Thank you!” they said together. SO laughed again, happily standing in between the two. 
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gentleeclipsey · 4 years
Think I can get Yandere! Jettwins x famous human reader?
Hi Anon! I've never written yandere before, forgibv qwq and I'll use a humanoid character of mine because I'm useless and I tried
Penn was a kind guy. Generally speaking, he wasn't all that well known to many, sure, he was really well known around Detroit's underbelly, but only because he was in one of the up and coming bands that currently played in the underground.
Apparently, they'd come to a show once, it was in this old building somewhere inland maybe, he barely remembered now. They were a set of twins, thin, tall, thick accents. After the show his throat had gone bad, but he still talked to them when they approached.
They were taller by a mile and he barely registered half of what they were saying being completely wiped from a day of work and the gig, but he still listened and watched them as best he could before they had to leave for the night.
From then on he ran across them again at more shows, oddly enough. He ended up getting to know them, of course by what he thought were nicknames, as Fire and Storm. They were foreign, apparently new to the city, and traveled quite a lot.
Of course he only found out what that actually meant when he was one of the people caught in the crossfire of their giant mechanical friends, the Autobots and Decepticons.
He ended up getting snatched up by one of them and tossed to the other in a blur as the fight around them turned especially vicious.
At first he was freaked out a bit, yes, but after a while he got used to it, to them. He got used to their sorta superior Jazz, the others kept their distance naturally, especially the big blue one with the face like a doorstop.
So, now, he couldn't tell you what happened. He was hiding in the alleyways, sweating bullets as their thudding footsteps surrounded him. A set of twins, orange and blue, Jetfire and Jetstorm, marching the streets attempting to find their humanoid ward.
Apparently they'd found someone, they wanted to turn him like them, to keep him with them, but Penn didn't want that. Though, it wasn't really an option apparently.
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in1-nutshell · 9 months
How would TFA team and elite guard react to buddy children?
(Like for example: Buddy adopted some children)
Ooohhh! This is going to be fun! Since you did not specify which characters specifically, I will be picking them at random.
Hope you enjoy!
Optimus, Ratchet, Jazz, and the Jettwins reaction to single parent Human Buddy
SFW, platonic, familial, Human reader
Buddy was Sari's babysitter.
Well, her human babysitter. Professors Sumdac thought it was important to at least have another person in Sari's life that wasn't him or a robot.
And they were a great babysitter. They had the job roughly 3 years before the Autobots came to Detroit.
That was roughly the time they had recently adopted a set of baby triplets. They had opened their door one night and a classic wicker basket filled with the babies. The note on the basket simply said to take care of them. Buddy's original plan was to take them to Fanzone in the morning.
But Buddy had gotten attached to them.
Buddy explained their new situation to the Professor which was met with understanding and a pay raise with additional medical insurance.
Buddy's friends had noticed their sudden absences and tired look on their face. Everyone was getting worried. So, an intervention was called.
"Why is everyone here?"--Buddy
"It's an intervention kid."--Ratchet
"For who?"--Buddy
"For you! You've been so sleepy and tired recently."--Bumblebee
"Not to mention you missed our game tournament."--Sari
"The gaming--Oooh! I forgot to tell you guys!"--Buddy
"Forgot to tell us what?"--Optimus
"I'll show you guys tomorrow! Make sure to bring the Elie Guard if you guys want!"--Buddy
The next day Buddy came into the base with a baby carrier and two in the stroller.
To say everyone was surprised was an understatement.
Vietnam flashbacks to the first episode.
Optimus is surprised to find out that Buddy was taking care of new born children. Even more finding out they are triplets.
Twins are something that rarely happens on Cybertron. Even fewer after the war was over. Triplets were in a sense unheard of.
He is nervous to even touch the little ones. They looked so fragile and tiny! They were even smaller than Sari!
The babies on the other hand were enamored by the firetruck.
By the end of 15 minutes, Optimus had his servos with the triplets who were crawling around and hugging his digits.
He swears to protect these kids with his life.
"Gah!"--Baby 1
"Aw they like you Prime! Isn't that cute, wait are you crying?"--Buddy
Optimus sniffling and trying not to let the tears spill.
"...no-no... I'm fine..."--Optimus
At first Ratchet thinks the smaller humans are the equivalent of human minibots.
Then he finds out they are babies, he stops for a good couple of seconds.
Rebooting: Grampa mode activated.
As said before, it's rare to have twins on Cybertron. He had never seen triplets in all of his technical career.
He suddenly understands why Buddy has been acting the way they had for the past months. They were taking care of the kids.
Ratchet makes sure to brush up on his knowledge of babies to help Buddy out a bit. While Buddy takes a break or a much needed nap, he makes sure the kids are well taken care of.
"Aww. The Doc bot's gone soft!"--Bumblebee
"Hear that kiddo. That's the sound of a bot who's going to get strapped to the medical slab in 5 minutes if he doesn't quit."--Ratchet
"Bah!"--Baby 2
Jazz is floored by the amount of cuteness these babies are.
He totally gets why Buddy would be tired from these kids.
It's bad enough trying to keep track of the Jettwins and they are at least old enough to be here. Those babies still have a long way to go before even walking!
Jazz handles the babies with the utmost care. Makes sure that the babies are having fun while being safe.
The babies themselves are enamored by Jazz's voice. He is the to go bot for nap time. The babies fall asleep in record time.
"So these little guys are all related?"--Jazz
"Yeah they are."--Buddy
"I wish you luck then. If the Jettwins were hard enough now..."--Jazz
"...I know Jazz, I know..."--Buddy
Jetfire and Jetstorm
The twins are freaking out!
In a good way!
They've never seen another set of twins back on Cybertron, much less human twins.
Now they know that they know that there can be triplets!...
Jazz has to calm them down before they can hold the babies. And they have to promise Buddy that they will not use their powers around the babies.
The twins once they have the babies are uncharacteristically quiet and still. They take in the tiniest details of the babies and how each one differs from the other.
They promise each other to look after them, even when they get older. Siblings have to stay together. The triplets are now the twins siblings now. Buddy has two more robo kids to take care of.
"Buddy! It's my turn to get 1 but Jetfire isn't letting them go!"--Jetstorm
"Jetfire, listen to your brother and pass your siblings to him, gently."--Buddy
"Please! Just a little longer!"--Jetfire
"You either pass your siblings or they come with me and you have to go back to Sentinel."--Buddy
"Here brother!"--Jetfire
Somewhere on the Steelhaven.
"...Someone just insulted me..."--Sentinel
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Up Next List (10/1/19)
Requests are finally closed again and I’m pretty sure every single one of you wants me dead X_X After going through the “doubles” (aka similar requests, requests for sequels, etc.) here is the most current up next list! If he request has too many characters, I’ll pick which to fill. If you have not specified a continuity (and its not obvious which) I will pick which one. If you don’t see your request on here, it is likely because it violated the rules (for some reason there were so many requests that did not adhere to the request rules?) These will be filled in the order submitted! And as usual, commissions are always open! At the time of posting there are 4 commissions in line ♥
Thank you for playing! Thank you for being patient! I’m putting this under a “read more” because it’s long and took me over a half hour to list out.
Here we go:
tfp bots tiddy pillow
prowl admitting to feelings
cyberverse grimlock x human s/o
mtmte hoist crushing on human
cyberverse thundercracker x bot s/o
mtmte megs x romance writer s/o hcs
rid2015 grimlock x human s/o
swerve voyeur x human
brainstorm x human s/o oral
tfa blitzwing x s/o fluffy nsfw
swerve x bot s/o praise kink
mer!drift love at first sight
ratchet x s/o comfort smut
galvatron x bot s/o fluffy smut
mtmte rung/roddy/tfp op x s/o breeding kink
reader singing to swerve
megatron x s/o rough
mtmte mmegatron x s/o soft nsfw
tfp blitzwing/tfp soundwave x bot s/o heat kink
tfp wheeljack holoform date night
cyberverse top robot fails
roddymags nsfw
tfp starscream x bot s/o
cyclonus x bot s/o oral
swerve x bot s/o
mtmte megatron x bot s/o slow dance
tfp ratchet x bot reader medbay
tfp optimus cat 
scavengers saved by human
g1 merformers hcs
ll bots touching human
synthen tfp ratchet x s/o hcs
rung x s/o kisses
more selkie swerve
tfa blitzbee x s/o poly
ll bots thirsty tweets
whirl x bot s/o play fight
mer!drift x s/o rut
bayverse optimus x male s/o
bugformers swerve courting
tfa jazz/jettwins/blitzwing x angel s/o hcs
tfp megatron/op/mtmte ratchet x s/o who gets sick
cyberverse megatron camgirl
mer!drift/mer!roddy/mer!wing x male s/o poly
tfa bumblebee x bot s/o
ll liaison turned cybertronian
tfp mer!starscream/mer!knockout poly x male mer!s/o
swerve x s/o edging
whirl x s/o soft
mtmte bots boner hcs
^ different bots
^ scavengers
rid2015 x bot s/o nsfw
tfa prowl dom s/o
cyberverse/rid2015 grimlock x bot s/o sandwich
rodimus x biologist s/o hcs
mtmte dratchet courting human
tfa prowl zoo date
brainstorm x nautica x human nsfw
50s!au swerve x greaser
tfp ultra magnus jealous nsfw
cygate x s/o fluff
mtmte roddy/krok/fulcrum hcs
first aid heat sequel
bayverse ironhide/ratchet/optimus x bot s/o hcs
fort max x bot s/o heat kink
cyberverse bots x s/o
rescue bots x excon bot s/o 
waspinator tittyfuck
swerve x bot s/o oral
cyberverse grimlock x s/o dance
beeverse blitzwing hcs
swerve x reader lapsitting
tfa prowl/jettwins/jazz x s/o coming out hcs
tfa jetfire dommed by human
tfp ratchet x virgin reader
cyberverse soundwave x s/o
jazz x s/o romance
tfp bumblebee x human fluff
whirl standing up for reader
bugformers swerve/cygate x s/o
dragonformers mins x s/o
drift x bot s/o thigh fucking
fort max x thunderclash x bot s/o
cyberverse thunderbee fluff
waking holo roddy with a bj
tfp ratchet x s/o singing/guitar
mtmte megatron x s/o facesitting
mer!dratchet x s/o
thunderclash x s/o
shatter/dropkick x mech suit reader
roddy x bot s/o oral
mtmte megatron/rodimus x s/o conjunx ritual
tfa prowl/tfp arcee/knockout x s/o dance
mer!roddy x mer!s/o rut
rumble/frenzy hcs
rescue bots chase x chief burns
rodimus x s/o laugh hcs
skids soup kiss?
setting off fireworks w/ bots
rung x swerve platonics hcs
naga!tfp ratchet x s/o rut
tfp bots x s/o hip sway hcs
human frenzy dress up
megatron x bot s/o size kink
cyberverse megatron x s/o
roddy x s/o comfort nsfw
tfp ratchet receiving candle
tfp ratchet/mtmte drift/magnus x s/o w/ thick thighs
mtmte bots x s/o dress up
swerve x bot s/o breeding kink
tfp soundwave x mech suit s/o
tfp wheeljack aftercare hcs
ravage x s/o fluff
mins/mags x s/o size kink
prowl x s/o soft
roddy x excon bot s/o
rid2015 bumblebee x s/o oral
deadlock x decepticon s/o
tfp ratchet and smokescreen hcs
rung x bot s/o
cdrw x bot s/o
scavengers x bot s/o
cyberverse hot rod x bot s/o oral
naga!mtmte magnus x s/o rut
cyberverse grimlock altmode nsfw
mtmte bots x s/o scaredof loud sounds
fort max x bot s/o
tfa roddy showing off fir bot s/o
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waytoobsessed · 2 years
it is time
to watch random crap on youtube and work on the bee x reader canons i started earlier today (and try to figure out some hcs for jettwins)
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eight-cats-in-a-box · 4 months
Here's another poll bc I'm an indecisive bitch
IEYTD characters will have an Agent Phoenix insert instead of a nameless
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