yoyoruggie · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland Octavinelle trio
“what if you just recently got broken up with your partner and you decide to go to Mostro Lounge to get a drink, but you’re like very sensitive and sad over the breakup and end up crying? Would they care? Would they just ask if you’re ok? Or will they just ask for how you’ll pay? Idk man just read this I’m desperate”
there are no OC mentions or Y/N’s neither
Recently, I had broken up with my partner. I really thought they were the one, but they ended up telling me they didn’t really enjoy my company, that I wasn’t the best person out there and they just couldn’t see me romantically because I was too plain, boring and just stupid in general. That they didn’t like me to even begin with, they would just feel like a bad person if they were to turn me down. So they went out with me, upon hearing the news, I drowned myself in tears and practically stuck to my bed in despair.
I felt horrible, but the one time I decided to at least go out, I wanted to get something to drink. Something to get my mind off it, but I couldn’t necessarily get off school ground to go somewhere, since we were literally on an island and I was too lazy to even get up in the first place. I decided to visit the infamous Mostro lounge, and there’s where I was greeted with an extremely tall waiter whom was like 6’3? I assumed it was one of the leech twins because that’s how tall they are apparently.
They asked me for my order, I told them my order then they left. “Can you believe it? I bagged this hottie recently and gosh, I hit the jackpot with this one! She’s a total cutie, and she’s actually kind!” They continued to brag about their girlfriend to their friend and I just felt the urge to cry, I don’t know why I was an actual crybaby when it came to people talking about their happy couple lives or stuff like that, but maybe I was just salty that other people are happy and I’m not.
Just like I mentioned, I began to cry. I tried to choke back the tears but they fell out one after another, and I noticed the waiter from before approaching with what I had ordered. Also with his twin brother, but my eyes were too blurry and watery to even notice there were two of them. I just assumed it were my blurry eyes multiplying them, so I just ignored them and continued to cry. The two arrived at my table and just stood there in shock and confusion, the older one placed the drink down whilst the other twin put down the food I ordered.
The two stared at each other before deciding to just stand there in silence, “psstt— jade you’ve dealt with this before! you do something about it, plus I don’t feel like fighting right now, I’m tooooo tired for that.” From who I assumed was called Floyd whisper shouted to their twin brother, and the other one stood there staring at me. I was embarrassed at what I was doing, I was not supposed to show myself to the world like this, this was not supposed to be my first impression but here I am.
Jade and Floyd ended up leaving, to what seemed to be a VIP room. I ended up eating my food with tears steaming down my cheeks, the people around me just assumed the food was that good and ordered more. Then, more people approached my table. It was the twins from earlier and another guy, he’s who I assumed was Azul Ashengrotto aka the mafia boss of this establishment. “Alright.. um, will you be paying with card or cash?” I slowly swallowed the drink that was in my mouth before looking at him. My eyes were red and another tear dropped from my eyes, I’m pretty sure I looked fucking ugly but that’s not the point.
I mumbled out a quiet but loud enough to be heard ‘card’. Azul grinned before accepting my card and went to do the process, I sniffled a few more before stopping. “Hey man, you ok? Honestly I’ve never seen a human cry this much, your parents die or something?” Floyd looked at me, bending down and hovering his face around mine. Jade just snorted and told his brother that it was disrespectful to ask such things. Then Azul came back, “Your card declined, would you—“ he didn’t get to finish his sentence before I slammed my wallet onto the table, and placed it near him, I raised my head to make eye contact with Azul, “just- take what you *sniff* need..”
he did exactly as I told and I immediately left, the food and drinks were pretty good.. but the lack of space was just not it, at least give me a few moments to calm down. I’m definitely not coming here if I’m in a depressive mood.
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yoyoruggie · 2 years
What if Ace and Deuce had to babysit a kid who was constantly being targeted by assassins, debt collectors, loan sharks, everyone, and they fight back in the most scariest ways possible.
TW: explosives and murder
They didn’t understand what they were running for at first, mc had started running all of a sudden and so they joined in. The kid they were babysitting was extremely weird and quiet, they had an extremely cute fashion option, though the words that came out of their vocabulary weren’t so cute as them. At some point Deuce looked back and noticed a horde of men in black suits running straight at them. Ace shrieked at that and tried to pick up mc since they were running pretty slow and considering the fact that they were probably about to DIE if they went slow, though mc stopped him from doing so and grabbed something inside their bag, a grenade.
They took the coil off the grenade and threw it behind them, straight at the men in the back and a loud explosion blew behind them.
what. the. fuck.
he’ll stop functioning for three whole days (which managed to stop at three days due to riddle) would’ve lasted a week
when he went back home, he told his older brother all about it and he didn’t believe a single word that came out of Ace’s mouth
he never saw that kid again
ranted about it in a discord vent server
he isn’t babysitting again,
fuck Crowley AND the shit he makes them do.
he won’t register what just happened
sure he was exposed to violent stuff at a young age but not throwing grenades at people??
he got over it faster than ace
still worried though
that kid was hella cool though, he’ll give them that
but still where’s the explanation to the EXPLOSIVES JUST LYING AROUND THEIR KIDDY BAG??
they’re like in kindergarten what are they doing
“What did you do in Night Raven College, Deuce?”
“Oh nothing really, saw a kid murder a crowd.”
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yoyoruggie · 2 years
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Behind the closet door, an anemo vision was handed to you.
summary: in which heizou is given a case to solve, it being potential human trafficking, but there was no other way to investigate, then to lure in the suspects into luring him into the crime scene. Then he’ll investigate and get the criminals behind bars. If no evidence is found by the end of the year, his title as a detective and reputation will be taken away.
Heizou x fem!reader || part two || / 2/?
warnings; human trafficking, non-con (not written but implied) dark themes, cannibalism, x reader, female body implied for the reader
Just as Heizou woke up, he was met with a man staring straight into his eyes. He yelped and his fist almost met with his face until he realized that he couldn’t do any of that until there was solid evidence, so he retreated. “Welcome to the entertainment district, ay? You’re going to love it here. You won’t have to do dishes like you females always do.. you’ll just sell your body and make us profit, Eh?” Heizou felt himself glare at the man, what a sexist and disgusting man, but then again he had to act fearful, just like they told him to do so. This should be clear evidence, but then again, he has to find written proof, and much more than just words.
He stopped listening to the man after all of that, he was led to a room and a bunch of girls were all inside. “Just wait here, then we’ll assign you a room with either a man or female, okay?.” Then, the man left. Just as he left, the girl’s in the room began to crowd Heizou. “Oh! Another one?! You look so young..!” One cried out, holding his cheek and rubbing it softly in a way to comfort him. “Where am I?” Heizou asked, then another one spoke up.
“We’re at the entertainment district, or at least that’s what they call it. Most of us were trafficked hear about.. maybe years ago? But, that doesn’t really matter. Out of all the days you had to arrive, it seems you arrived at the perfect time. All of us in here are going to escape today, we’ll get you out as well, we promise!” A small teenage girl grinned, around the age of sixteen. She had long black hair that was straight, perfectly straight. She was as pale as a ghost, and she was covered in small hickeys around her body, bruises around her inner thighs. Wait.. inner thighs? Heizou broke out of his mind and noticed that most of the women in the room were halfway naked, just small pieces of obviously sexualized clothing kept them covered.
He broke out in a small blush which he managed to hide by looking down, making it seem as if he were to cry. “T..thank you.” He muttered out in a fake high pitched voice, a small chuckle emitted from one of the women in the crowd.
“Alright, before these filthy men get their dirty hands on you, we’ll leave.”
“Ah- now?!”
Just as he was about to reply back, the women in the room were scrambling to leave through the open window. One snatched his hand and turned to jump out of the window with the rest, sure Heizou was glad they were escaping and were finally going to see the outside after so long, but there were many bad things about it, they’re stranded in the middle of nowhere, to make it worse he hadn’t even gotten a single clue to the case! But then again, I guess showing up in Inazuma with a bunch of missing women would count as evidence, right?
Just as he was lost in thought, he noticed all the women had already left, and the one holding his hand didn’t leave, instead was with him. He was confused just as they were, their e/c eyes were dull and had little to no light, but then it started shining as it met with his own. “Oh. My. God!” They shrieked, squeezing his hand even tighter, he was even more confused since they were just beginning to get all happy and joyful.
“You’re Shikanoin Heizou! That one detective back in Inazuma!” Heizou’s eyes widened as he snatched his hand back and propped it onto their mouth. Shushing them, “How do you know that?”
“mmm.. mm! Mmmmmm!” they replied back, Heizou looked completely offended.
“My makeup is NOT bad, you’re just mad.”
“Mmmm! Mmm— mhmm!”
“What’s your problem?!”
Heizou and F/n kept on going at it for a while, until they burst out giggling. Well, rather f/n giggled. “Well? What’re you gonna do?” Heizou hesitated on telling the master plan to f/n, despite being pretty close at this point. “..ah. Not sure if I should tell you butttttt-“
The two were instantly interrupted when they heard loud and heavy footsteps approaching, instantly the unknown person rushed to sit Heizou down on the fluffy chair and immediately wiped the makeup off. Heizou panicked, they’d know who he was instantly due to his face being splattered around the local newspaper in Inazuma! He couldn’t afford to have his cover blown instantly on the first day, he struggled against their hold but the worrying look on their face told him enough.
Soon enough, the door burst open revealing two men at the door, they rushed inside instantly and glared at the two, well more specifically at f/n. “You! You helped those females escape! You.. little..” f/n shuddered, before backing behind Heizou, “I..I didn’t, I swear! I just got her-“ she was interrupted when one of the men lunged straight at her and grabbed her by the hair, in which she attempted to fight back, all Heizou did was watch, which there really wasn’t anything he could do.
“You’re coming with us, maybe a little punishment will make you understand.” F/n cried loudly, struggling in their arms, begging for mercy, tears dropping down her cheeks, crying out to the men and Heizou. “Hei! Hei! Please! Don’t let them take me! Please! Hei!” It hurt his heart to watch the girl get dragged away, the man then slammed the door shut and he was left in darkness and silence. Heizou instantly grabbed ahold of his kimono and gripped onto it with such force to leave it crumbled. He clearly heard the screaming, the thrashing and cries of the girl but he did little no to nothing to help, he was just there.
He stood up, and exited the room instantly and there he saw the same group of women whom had early escaped back in the hallways. They had looks of shock and fear, some were even crying. He inhaled and exhaled, just as he was about to question them, they began moving to the outside, he noticed a Kamera on the counter nearby (which he stole and captured a few photos of the missing women and the suspects faces) and he took a while to figure out where to hide them since he had no pockets, no nothing.. until he remembered he had a lot of hair, he debated for a while until he gave up and place the small photos he captured in his hair. He hid it pretty well, luckily. Then, he asked for directions (the women obviously) to the main office, he assumed all the written proof would be in the office.
He had to be quick before anything happened to the anybody. The cries of the women taunted him, they kept repeating and replaying in his mind and it was beginning to haunt him. Before rushing inside the office, he snuck a few glances to the outside and noticed all the men and women were gathered around. The women in the center and the men on the sidelines, watching. He entered the office as quickly and silently as he could manage, inside was.. something he was not expecting.
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yoyoruggie · 2 years
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Behind the closet door, an anemo vision was handed to you.
in which heizou is given a case to solve, it being potential human trafficking, but there was no other way to investigate, then to lure in the suspects into luring him into the crime scene. Then he’ll investigate and get the criminals behind bars. If no evidence is found by the end of the year, his title as a detective and reputation will be taken away.
heizou shikanoin x fem!reader| part one of the series|1/? | https://heizouobsession.tumblr.com/post/685627971262971904/behind-the-closet-door-an-anemo-vision-was-handed <-part two (idk if this works I’m still new give me a while lol)
warnings; human trafficking, non-con (not written but implied) dark themes, cannibalism, x reader, female body implied for the reader
“Hm? A new case, please do tell me about it.” Heizou propped himself up on the cushion chair, and turned to stare at the person in front of him. Slowly opening an eye and straightening their back after bowing down for a while, they opened their mouth to speak. “Well, this case is an odd one, we can’t form an investigation because the people are far too stubborn to let us do so, even with violence they won’t back down…” heizou hummed, waiting for them to finish what they were saying. “Ahem.. ah, the case is about possible human trafficking and sex trafficking. Young women from the age of 13 to 22 suddenly went missing throughout this year. We were handed this case due to the amount of suspicion, gratefully we have you in our team, we hope to have you assist us with the case.” Heizou stood up and grabbed the paper they were holding before overlooking it.
“See.. normally I would take this case and get to the bottom of it, but you’ve said they don’t allow investigation. How am I supposed to investigate? Plus, it should count suspicious about not letting us investigate in the first place.” Heizou replied, letting out a distressed sigh. “Ah! Yes, I was just getting to that. Heizou Shikanoin,” Heizou gulped at the sudden use of his full name. “We will have you dressing up as a woman, and allowing yourself to be taken by them, then you will begin the investigation yourself.”
Heizou took a step back, then pointed to himself. “Me? Dressing up as a woman? But wouldn’t that be too obvious?”
The person sighed, “Look Mr. Shikanoin, I admire you greatly, and you are probably the first person I’ve ever looked up to in my entire life-“
“Well.. that’s great to hea-“
“But you’re the most feminine looking man I’ve ever seen.”
Just like that, Heizou felt his world falling apart. Him? Feminine looking? No way! He was never called a woman his entire life! Everyone obviously referred to him as a guy!
“Okay.. sorry that was too harsh. You aren’t THAT feminine looking, but the people probably will think you’re a female at first sight and abduct you. You’re the only person we can hand this case over too! Everyone else actually looks masculine with those big muscles and all, and the other woman workers are far too busy to help handle the case! Mr. Shikanoin, this is the only time I’ll ever beg for your help!”
Heizou looked away for a while, until he turned to stare at them. He opened his mouth to mutter out a response to them, whilst the other person waiting anxiously. “I’ll do it. But, there was one more thing I wanted to ask…”
“Ask away!”
Heizou whispered to the person in the room, “If something were to happen like not being able to finish the case, or let the people get away.. what would happen?”
“This won’t happen to you, since you’re the greatest detective! But, the price to pay would be losing your job and reputation. This job is extremely dangerous and has the hands of the missing women’s lives on your hands, and the families would not be happy. To make it worse, you have a time limit, we have gotten a few clues, and if you haven’t solved this case by the end of the year, all the women will be dead.” Heizou knew that would be the price to pay, but he knew it must be done. He has to return them back to their families, he has to let the families spend holidays, birthdays and events with their daughters again. As the greatest detective in Inazuma, he has to bring them back. “I’ll take the job, and I’ll get it done by the end of the year. Expect everyone to back alive.”
Heizou had his hair taken out of the small hair tie, and rather in a feminine manner. The hair band he had in his hair was shaped and moved to look like a ribbon, a big portion of his back hair was separated into two. The ‘ribbon’ held one part of his hair in a small pigtail, and another ribbon held the other pigtail on the other side of his head upwards. One of his colleagues looked at Heizou and instantly burst out laughing, “pfft- AHAHAHA! You- HEIZOU?!” Heizou was by far embarrassed, he would give them the beating of their life for making fun of them, but then again he’d ruin the look he worked so hard to maintain.
He slipped on a pink kimono, it wasn’t bright hot pink but rather a light-ish pink color with a few strands of white, the strands of white led up to what seemed to be a flower. The white strands were actually the skinny body of the flower that bloomed throughout the kimono, it was a beauty and it fit Heizou perfectly, (embarrassingly). When he finished it was time, he went outside to the darkest time of the hour. It was of course, a festival night to celebrate.. good fortune? He wasn’t necessarily sure, but he knew it was the start of the year and he was going to miss a lot. He turned to look at his chest, then he noticed the padded kimono, and just as he looked down he turned back up instantly.
He sighed occasionally, he just hoped nobody would notice it was him underneath the gallons of what happened to be makeup. Then, just like the person told him, he felt somebody forcefully touch him, and hold him against the brick ball. He had to make out a struggling woman, he couldn’t make them suspicious. Then, they forced a cloth over his mouth and nose hoping to make them unconscious. Heizou has a talent of being able to hold his breath for over three minutes due to countless training, but then again, he had to keep them under the expression that he was defenseless.
Even though he was expecting this and was already prepared for it, he couldn’t help but feel bad over the poor women who had to experience this not expecting this to happen to them. He knew these emotions were strong, but if he allowed them to keep up he would mess up the case and all those lives he swore to protect and bring back to their families would be gone. This is why he swore to bring justice to the families, to the women and everyone who had to experience this.
Just as he pretended to go unconscious, the grip on the unknown man grew softer. Then, he was carried off to somewhere in the dark, he kept one eye lid halfway open, making it look as if he was still unconscious but in reality, still being able to see where exactly he was going. Then, he was carried onto some type of cart, he was thrown onto the cart harshly and covered by heavy things to keep him hidden, it took everything in him not to groan out it pain. He continued this act for exactly hours, until he arrived into a new part of Inazuma he hadn’t ever seen. Something that seemed to be a hidden underground place, an entertainment district.
Of course, the suspects were everywhere to be found. The victims on the other hand were also found, but dressed in rather explicit clothing. This was the dark reality everyone had gone through, he knew it visibly. He felt uncomfortable and nauseous, which is why he had to close his eyes now, they were just arriving to his new ‘home’. He will bring justice to the women here, the criminals behind this are not coming out un-charged.
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yoyoruggie · 2 years
what is everyone’s obsession with making Xingqiu, and Chongyun literal pedos.. and making them do incest shit?? And every single one of y’all are eating that shit up like there’s no tomorrow.. some of y’all are clearly sick in the head if you enjoy INCEST and PEDOPHILIC stuff. Go seek a therapist, disrespectfully.. thanks!
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yoyoruggie · 2 years
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Resurrecting the dead.
(Not a bungo stray dogs spoiler just an alternative universe)
We sat down in a circle, the circle included of six people, well- seven including me. It consisted of, Ranpo, Akutagawa, Chuuya, Kenji, Kyouka, atsushi and me, with dazai in the middle. Dazai had died a while back actually, and we dug up his corpse because we just felt like it. I mean, THE dazai Osamu isn’t genuinely dead right?
That isn’t the point, dazai lies in the middle with salt poured over him. “Is he buttered up?” Kenji nods quickly, “of course! We have to make him look fabulous for his resurrection after all!” Everyone giggles a little bit. And so, the ceremony began. We began chanting different words from a language we didn’t understand and Dazai began floating. Atsushi peaked open his eyes and witnessed him floating in the air and shrieked.
“Holy shit! It’s working!” Dazai twitched as he floated in the air, giving him life. We all opened our eyes and watched as the brunette began to open his eyes, and scream. “SHUT THE FUCK UP DAZAI!” Chuuya yelled out, but soon after he yelled, his eyes rolled back and he fell unconscious.
Akutagawa was quick to touch his neck, checking for a pulse. “He’s dead.”
“Oh my GOD! This is like the tenth time!”
“can you shut up and chant? Dazai’s never gonna reach the afterlife if this shit fails again.” Kyouka muttered out, atsushi turned to look at her with wide eyes.
the chants continued but even louder and dazai didn’t stop screaming. Chuuya was fucking DEAD, Kenji was CRYING, AND AKUTAGAWA KEPT A BLANK FACE WHILE ALL OF THIS HAPPENED?? Dazai stopped screaming and literally bent his spine??? Then he fell back onto the ground, (onto Chuuya’s dead body) and a loud crack was heard.
There goes chuuya’s neck! Cause it’s out place, god damn.
“WHY DID YOU GUYS BRING ME BACK?! I literally was reincarnated as a hot babe, and was dating women and men for the first time! You guys suck!” Dazai cried out
“Dazai-San go fuck yourself.”
then, chuuya woke up.
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yoyoruggie · 2 years
new roomates
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← {5} 
i've rewritten this like 5 times and im finally happy with it, now to work on part 6 <3
summary: as you finish shopping for sustenance, you return to a home full of chaos before settling down for the night, and then finding out a certain someone is having sleep issues
characters: zhongli, venti, kaeya, diluc, albedo, klee, ayato, kazuha, thoma, childe, xiao, itto, aether
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The last stop on your grocery shopping trip was a boba tea shop, not only to pick out Thoma's recommendation for Ayato's tastes, but also to bring everyone some drinks as a nice surprise.
You had been to this specific place quite a lot, maybe it was because of the quality of the tea, or the atmosphere of the quaint shop.
You placed your order swiftly, the cashier a bit overwhelmed by the sheer amount of drinks. Thoma picked out a nice booth to sit in as you wait for your food, and you all sat in cheerful conversation.
"Order for y/n! Order for y/n!"
"Allow me." Diluc excused himself as he walked to the counter, grabbing the three cartons of drinks and carefully balancing them.
Diluc hummed as he pulled a small sliver of paper out of a carton, throwing it mindlessly behind him. As you and the boys walked out you caught a glimpse of it.
Was that a phone number?
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You and the boy's had your hands full of groceries and boba, and the only way to get in was to knock on the door. You stood by it as you knocked your forehead against it rhythmically, hearing the panicked conversation and walking between those indoors.
"Who is it? Y/n?" Itto yelled out from behind the door.
"Yes, it's me!" You lifted your head as he opened the door.
"Woah there, let me take some of this off your hands." Itto reached forwards for a few grocery bags, and Ayato--who was now leaning over to see you from behind the door--took one cup of boba with a soft smile, retreating back into the apartment.
"Welcome home, darling."
"Wow what's this?" Itto questioned as he rummaged through the grocery bags.
"Can you move so we can put the groceries away? My arms are tired, Itto-" he moved aside as you and the others walked in, "-I mean I walked up like 5 flights of stairs with these bags and all because the elevator was taking too long, I mean come on what else does the elevator have to do? Service other people? That's so stupid!"
"I whole heartedly agree there." Kaeya butt in as he took the last of the bags off of your hands, everyone setting them down carefully on the island.
"Phew, we got quite a bit of food, should last a while." Thoma remarked with his hands on his hips as he looked over the piles of food in front of him.
"We did, I'll have to call my dad tomorrow to explain why I've spent so much today." You nervously laughed as you began to unpack the groceries, arms still a bit sore--but hey, they worked.
"Allow me to assist you." Kazuha had entered the room at some point, you weren't sure when, but he swiftly walked behind you to help you unpack.
A few others began to assist you as you directed them where to put the groceries--in the pantry, in the fridge, freezer, etc.
You loaded the dishwasher with your new dishes, explaining the dishwasher to a few of the curious minds around you.
"It's automatic, it shoots out water through these thingies and then opens the soap dispenser to clean the dishes, and then boom, good as new!"
The rest of the night went off without a hitch, you and the boys all sat around on the floor and ordered pizza, chatting and laughing the night away. You also introduced them to T.V. shows on your laptop, which several of them immediately became invested in.
"Marcus and Jenny are obviously perfect matches, if this turns out false I'm going to flip out." You spoke passionately as the pair went into the truth booth, scanning to see if they're a match (show: Are You the One?).
"Exactly! Their connection is so deep and they have so much in common, I mean come on they like the same music." Venti was just as passionate as he laid on his stomach next to you.
"I dunno, Marcus kind of has somethin with Jackie."
"Shut up Itto!" You and Venti both glared daggers at him, and he promptly started whimpering.
"This is quite the interesting show prompt. Do they ever get all the beams?" Zhongli was sitting politely behind you and Venti.
"I haven't seen the whole season, I don't really know." You smiled, then glancing towards Thoma. "Oh, but in the last season there was this guy who reminded me of you, Thoma! He was always cleaning and cooking and was so nice."
"I'm glad you think of me as nice," He chuckled lightly as he leaned his forearm on Ayato's shoulder to get a better look at the laptop screen, "though I can do a lot more than just cook and clean."
"Everyone, please, I can't hear it." Aether sighed, a tsunami of quiet apologies flooding the room.
The screen turned red as it was revealed that Marcus and Jenny weren't matches, you and Venti groaned as Itto laughed--but a quick (light) slap to his shoulder certainly shut him up.
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The night came to an end and you helped the boys make themselves comfortable by giving them spare blankets and pillows, Klee slept on the beanbag in the corner of your room and Gnocchi slept right next to her. It was so cute you had to take a picture of them, after everyone went back to Tevyat the pictures you had would become your prized possessions.
You glanced at the night light you left on for Klee as you cuddled up to your blankets more, unable to fall asleep as you continued to think about the day you've had. Waking up to people in your home, going to the store with your favorite Tevyat men, watching a stupid dating show with two archons brushing against you. It was a wild day, and it made you smile.
You sighed as you turned over towards the door, dreading the day they had to go. They couldn't really stay, surely there was some sort of balance between universes right? What if they slowly start dying? Or Tevyat gets sick because they're gone? What if the universe explodes-
"Hey, are you awake?" A voice came from behind the door, slowly opening it once they heard you shuffle around in bed, "I can't sleep."
"Who's there?"
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just to let you know, the next part of new roomates will be a headcannon style scenario for each of the boys coming into your room, unable to sleep. just so you have more options of which route to go down. it's not the end of new roomates, and its only one of several headcannon style scenarios to come!
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taglist: @suzuyamitsuki @atsukawolfcat @snekeyes @chocogi @rmiyuki @moemoesenpai @thisistemporarie @lemonboy011 @mich-cola @chifuzzy @koroktsuya @narinchan @beaniedoodz @coatabyss @koi-chairowo @summerdazed @thedivinepriestress @crispynutduck @g6nyyyu @karmawonders @artificial-heartache @zyphyrr @lexneedscoffee @albedosimp @sleepyserene @nocturne-sketches @shine-potati @abyssmal-skies @the-kaida-family @suqar-wxffles @justaxiaosimp @blue-ish-day @uniquenicefangirl @inlustris-is-slowly-dying @simpforpenelope @blankfornow @sxftpancakes @peach @galacticmei @wonderlace19 @rollingranpo @fatametoo @wildenda @nhinxsworld @fangirlinindia @bajirairyy @nishayuro @shindrakeon15 @stormysamurott @peachy-kenn @lumpywolf @sharieb
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yoyoruggie · 3 years
sexting with them
feat.: Dazai Osamu, Chūya Nakahara, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Atsushi Nakajima, Fyodor Dostoevsky
warnings: nsfw content
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DAZAI loves it when you send him a picture of your tits during the day or when you text him just how much you miss his cock, though he'll degrade you cruelly for being this needy. He doesn't really care if someone from the ADA notices how hard he's getting just from staring at his phone - if he disappears into a bathroom to get himself off, it's nobody's business.
Honestly, DAZAI is a horrible tease. His nudes are mostly dick pics - which are pretty hot in itself -, but he also has clips of him fucking you he took some days ago which he sends you at the most random times just to mess with you. It might just be unfortunate timing, but you're pretty sure it's evil intent that he mostly texts you when you're busy.
[new message from Dazai 😐💗: mp4.file attached] “God, belladonna, you're so naughty for sending me such a picture of you. You know how much I love your tits~; look how hard I am for you.”
- “wish i was there so you could fuck me instead of your hand, Dazai :(”
[new message from Dazai 😐💗] “Oh? Who says I'd fuck a dirty whore like you? I'd rather use your mouth to get off. :)”
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The second CHŪYA receives a video of you spreading your dripping cunt open on your own fingers while he's in a PM meeting, he's blushing, his cheeks red. Still, it's not like he's not enjoying it - he just quickly has to excuse himself first before he's texting you something teasing, a smirk curling his lips. He also loves getting pics of you wearing a new set of lingerie he bought you.
The nudes CHŪYA sends you are surprisingly aesthetic; good lighting is important to him, even if it's solely for a dick pic. He also loves to show his muscles off, especially after he worked out and his body is glistening with sweat, and another favourite activity of his is to text you exactly what he wants to do to you later that day.
[new message from Chūya 🥰] “fuck doll, i can't stop thinking about you right now. want your lips around my cock so fucking bad”
- “oh? why don't you show me how much you want me? 😽”
[new message from Chūya 🥰: jpg.file attached] “i'll show you just how much i missed your cunt around my dick by the time i get home, babe. gonna have you moaning and sobbing while i bend you over the dinner table.”
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Honestly, AKUTAGAWA isn't used to receiving nudes, so when you send him a picture of yourself in nothing but a pair of lacey panties, he most likely drops his phone out of pure shock. After the initial surprise, he slowly warms up to you sending him lewd pictures. If he's not on an important mission, he quickly makes his way over to your location to fuck you since you'd otherwise be on his mind all day.
While AKUTAGAWA is still embarrassed by the concept of sexting, he does try his best. He is, however, horribly blunt - while he doesn't send you nudes, he simply texts you every time he's feeling needy.
[new message from Aku 🥺🧡] “I really want to fuck your throat right now.”
- “you're so blunt LOL but can't blame you, i've been thinking of your dick all day. i'm so wet already” [jpg.file attached]
[new message from Aku 🥺🧡] “I'm coming over.”
- aren't you like 50min away?? 👨‍🦯”
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At the beginning of your relationship, ATSUSHI had no idea that sexting was a thing - however, he was quick to take a liking to it. Whenever you send him a picture of yourself sprawled out on his bed wearing nothing but one of his shirts, your inner thighs wet with your own arousal, he blushes and hides his phone against his chest, scared that someone is going to see. He definitely hurries home.
ATSUSHI was shy to send you nudes at first, but now he's regularly doing it whenever he feels particularly needy. It's usually blurry pictures and videos of him thrusting into his own hand in a bathroom or storage room, his cock flushed and leaking precum, and, god, despite the bad quality, his desperate groans and whines are enough to get you wet in an instant.
[new message from Atsushi 🐯💗: mp4.file attached] “pls baby i need you so bad, im so hard for you :( 💗 wish i could come home sooner”
- “i miss you!! i'm even wearing your shirt rn while getting off, you sound so hot-” [picture attached]
[new message from Atsushi 🐯💗] “miss you too 🥺 god you look so pretty like that!! i can't wait to fuck you later 🥰”
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While FYODOR has rather traditional values, he's not opposed to receiving sexts or nudes. He's not one to lose control of his own urges quickly, so even if he's watching a video of you grinding against a pillow while whining his name with no reaction but a tiny smirk on his face, he certainly enjoys them.
FYODOR prefers sending you explicit texts of what he wants to do to you over nudes, though he doesn't mind pictures either. His go-to are pics of him grabbing his hard dick through his trousers and, god, those are your favourites as well because they really are so hot. He also enjoys making you beg for him and his cock over text.
[new message from Fyodor 🤨: jpg.file attached] “I can't help but think about how much less excruciating this meeting would be if you'd be sitting on my lap and warming my dick, dear.”
- “i miss you fyo :( wish my fingers inside of me were yours rn, 'm so close but it's just not enough”
[new message from Fyodor 🤨:] “Oh? I don't recall giving you permission to get yourself off. I believe this calls for a proper punishment once I get home, hm? I hadn't originally thought about spanking you today, but I don't mind spontaneity.”
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yoyoruggie · 3 years
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Pov: You’re receiving the best dick in your life but Atsushi trauma dumps mid away inside you
this has *smut* but like not much cause I’m not experienced at writing, oh yeah this was meant to be comedy.
the character I’m using isn’t a female nor a male, just space. idk how to say this but it has a hole ?? idk bro it just doesn’t use any pronouns
You remember clutching onto the pillow with force as crocodile tears rolled down your face from the overstimulation, and being bare naked in front of Atsushi, and him taking you in an instant. Him pushing his whole length into you, as he let out a few groans from the amount of pleasure. Overloaded with the amount of pleasure and pain all together, he enters in and out, you tightening around him and his sweet talk.. until he began to speak.
“You suck me in so well.. not like how I used to suck in my breath as my orphanage director attempted to drown me to death..”
and.. the other occasion!
“you taste so well..I remember those times my orphanage director used to starve me for days..”
right.. the bondage situation!
“Ah.. this feels so much better then when the orphanage director used to chain me to the wall for weeks!”
oh! the ‘I’m sorry I’m not good at this talk” when he’s blowing your back out
“I’m sorry! I don’t think I’m good enough for this!” Atsushi whimpers as he obliterates your fucking hole.
Sometimes…. I wish Atsushi didn’t start talking about his trauma mid way into sex..
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yoyoruggie · 3 years
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Pov: you literally die in front of venti but you resurrect a second later
trigger warning: blood and lmao DEATH IG??
Oh how could this have happened? He had only looked away for a few minutes, and you were on low health, as it showed in front of his eyes. A sight enough to leave him traumatized, he’d already lost his friend, he can’t bare to loose you too. How can he call himself an archon if he can’t even protect one single person?
He already fended off the monsters, he held you close in his arms, tightening some cloth against your bloody wound, far too big to even fit your body. He gagged, tears threatening to spill. ‘Don’t go’, is what he said. But before you can tell him your goodbyes, you had already faded and disintegrated into ashes. He felt the urge to throw up, what had just happened?
But before he knew it, he had began to cry. Tears flew down his face, he couldn’t contain his cries in pain either. He cried, and cried until his voice ran dry. Until…
“Eh.. hey venti.”
You .. resurrected
“Y/n what the actual fuck?”
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yoyoruggie · 3 years
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“Until the day we meet again, I shall stand here.”
Yumeno Kyusaku (Q) x gender neutral!reader
angst | platonic love | no comfort | part one of the small series
(I haven’t necessarily found any hints about Q’s past life before the port mafia, so this is my own head cannon)
Two young children played in lake happily, without anyone there to interrupt their fun. Two children held each other close during the winter, two ten year olds made a pinky promise to each other on the other’s birthday. “Q? Where are you going?” Y/n mumbled, rubbing their eyes, barely have woken up from their nap, stared at the pre-teen that was halfway out the door. Q had turned around, facing Y/n. “Nowhere, really! I’m just going to this.. mafia place??” Y/n didn’t understand what Q was talking about, after all, they weren’t necessarily educated about the outside world. “Okay! hm- ah wait! Don’t leave yet, let me get something!” Y/n sprung up from the coach and ran to their bedroom.
Coming out the door with two coats, one big one and a small one. “For the person taking you, and for you! It’ll get cold!” Q grinned, before thanking them. Bidding a small goodbye to Q, before Q turned to leave with the tall man, Y/n grabbed onto his hand. “Hey! Do you promise you’ll be back?”
“Promise!it’s going to be cold today, so yeah! I promise!”Y/n whispered a small, ‘okay’ as Q walked far, and far away until they too were out of sight. Y/n smiled, turning around to net the warm cabin, until noticing, yet another person inside the building that wasn’t only them. They held a pistol, Y/n shrieked, but before they knew it, the unknown showered y/n in their own blood, bullets ripping apart their clothing and skin. A bloodbath, although, Y/n didn’t feel a thing. They soon fell to the ground, and they weren’t even aware of it. With a loud thud, their soul and life faded away from their rotting corpse.
Pitiful indeed, a young child at the age of six, their life was torn away due to the mistake they weren’t even guilt of. They weren’t even aware of it, an oblivious child indeed.
Everyday, I await by the small lake near our old cabin, awaiting for their visit. Till the day they’ll come back, who knows when Q will finally come back home? Splash, the water had no affect on me. It didn’t wet my hand, instead it passed through my hand. I snatched my hand back in fear, just what was that?
I want to sleep. I really should.
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yoyoruggie · 3 years
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This image is my mental health
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yoyoruggie · 3 years
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Cooking with Solomon!
“Red Velvet!l”
Genre: humor, comedy
Your favorite time of the day, making cake or desserts for the angels and humans to enjoy. But this time, Solomon volunteered to help, of course without any knowledge of his ‘good’ cooking, you accepted. You were in charge of making cupcakes, and Solomon was in charge of making the red velvet cake.
You worked fast, Solomon always worked fast for these type of things. So you both had no problem getting the work done, Simeon and Luke watched and waited for the results outside of the kitchen. And finally, both pastries were finished. I showed my pastry I had prepared, and Luke visibly enjoyed it.
Solomon took his out, and we all stared at it. With fear, terror and disappointment. I was the first to open my mouth, “did you make vanilla cake instead of red velvet?” He shook his head, “No! I did the exact thing the book told me to do.”
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yoyoruggie · 3 years
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This meme but it’s a oneshot
Pairing: Ranpo Edogawa x reader
Warnings: none
Genre: humor, comedy, for the laughs and giggles.
It was a normal afternoon in the agency.
Dazai was getting chocked, everyone was a chaotic disaster.
The Tanizaki siblings were at it again, Yosano is traumatizing (healing) patients, and Kenji is Kenji.
“Do you see this shit Ranpo-San?”
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yoyoruggie · 3 years
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Pairing: obey me!Asmodeus x gn!reader
genre: angst -no comfort -
Warnings: spoilers for obey me lesson 16
Asmodeus remembers watching from afar on how every demon once passed by. They were always talking with their friends, their chatter and laughter. Although Asmodeus is quite famous himself, a well known demon, the type to have many friends, he didn’t necessarily have any. He could’ve just walked up to people and immediately made friends, but it seemed to him as if they avoided him for some reason. Each time he tried to interact, they always flee at the end, or they break out blushing and end up fainting from his beauty.
That was, until mc came. They didn’t faint, nor flee. They looked at him as if he was a normal person, like everyone else. They didn’t treat him differently, and he enjoyed the small attention they gave him. Whenever it was talking, compliments, or going to the spa, he treasured it deeply. Asmodeus wasn’t sure of what he felt when he was around you, surely you were just an exchange student. Until he finally understood he was in love with you, he enjoyed every single moment you spent together.
He confessed, you accepted. Your life was perfect, or so he thought. Until the drama began, Lucifer.. belphegor, Beel.. when he found out about making pacts with the brothers, he thought, maybe all that time spent together was all just to free Belphegor? I mean, he wasn’t entirely upset about it, you made pacts with everyone just to free his younger brother, but then again.. we’re all those kisses and moments spent together, fake? Those photos, those memories, were they all just for play?
He felt hurt, but he wouldn’t dare doubt his lover. Then, yet again, he always had a bit of doubt. Although, what he didn’t necessarily expect was for your dead body to lay on Mammon’s hands. You laid half dead, your body reeked of blood. You were unconscious, possibly dead by now, he could see the claw marks on your neck, belphegor’s hand prints around your neck from being strangled. You weren’t breathing, there was no sign of life inside of you. That’s what scared him the most, but yet he didn’t move an inch from his exact position, he was far too afraid to move.
He had tears running down his soft reddened face, his chest was tight, it was squeezing against him. It was difficult to breathe, he gasped, before he knew it, he was full on sobbing. The fear of loosing a loved one, he’s had that despair feeling since the celestial realm. Ever since the fall, since he began the student council, the avatar of lust, it’s been that fear dragging him around like a rag doll. You, were a loved one. Asmodeus knew you weren’t granted, he didn’t take you for granted, he treated you like his lover, a decent person. You were both lovers, and you kept it a secret from everyone in campus. So, when he saw your dead body in Mammon’s arms, he could only feel that same despair feeling he felt in the celestial realm. He managed to move, he passed by the small crowd (his brothers), and the loud laughter of belphegor.
Upon the closer sight of your lifeless body, he crouched down, to face your resting face. Your non-breathing face, your bloodied, cold, beautiful face. You looked so peaceful despite the disaster, Asmodeus placed his had on your bloodied cheek. “Mammon. They aren’t.. actually dead, are they?..” Asmodeus mumbled, he was in denial there was no way you were actually dead. Mammon didn’t reply back, mammon’s lips parted but there were no words for Asmodeus to hear. Only his whimpers, that confirmed it, you really were dead.
Asmodeus couldn’t stop his loud whimpers, and those non-stopping tears that rolled down gracefully onto mc’s corpse. “ASMODEUS! YOU DIDNT ACTUALLY FALL IN LOVE WITH A HUMAN, DID YOU?” Asmodeus didn’t reply any further, he coldly glared at his younger brother with anger, and betrayal. He wanted to speak up, but no words came out, only choked sobs in pain. His clothing was getting soaked in his lover’s blood, the strong scent of blood began to disgust him.
Months, years had passed since that incident. Yet, the smell of blood never faded away.
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yoyoruggie · 3 years
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Rolling mc
What if the obey me characters had a mc that had a serious problem with rolling down the stairs?
genre: comedy + crack
short story
ft: the obey me brothers (excluding belphegor)
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(Not a head cannon, it’s a mini oneshot)
It was a normal morning down in hell, everyone had just finished eating their breakfast. Now they were headed towards their first class, mc and the brothers walked down the stairs. Mc decided to walk first, but since they didn’t want to be late, they hurried down the endless stairs, without holding onto the rail.
Lucifer tried to warn mc but it seemed as if his protest wasn’t heard, mc missed a step and rolled down the steps. The nearby demons passing by made way, but none attempted to help. When they reached the last step, they let us a groan in pain. Everyone else hurried to check if mc was alright, but Lucifer was already given the wounded mc a lecture. “Mc! Are you alright?!” Mammon shouted as he crouched down to help mc back up.
“don’t you ever think they do that on purpose at some point?” Asmodeus casually said, mc just smiled in return. “I don’t, I guess the staircase has some type of grudge against gay people.” Leviathan seemed to like the last sentence since he giggled a little bit before returning to his casual look.
Mc got up (with the help of mammon) and waved goodbye to them as they themselves walked towards their class. Not before falling right over again, a twisted ankle was the cause of this. “oh.” Beelzebub pointed at mc, “do you think it’s a curse?”
“Definitely not.” Lucifer was quick to respond.
“What are you doing.. with mc, mammon?” Leviathan asks, clearly confused on why Mammon was carrying you, princess style. “No reason.” Mammon replied, as they walked down the stairs.
It’s like this everyday, mammon had to make sure his human doesn’t hurt themselves anymore.
Mammon claims to say that the reason why they keep falling is because of solomon
Satan thinks it’s time to build an elevator into the school
Asmodeus doesn’t know what to say.. man you should be in a wheelchair by now if you’ve been falling down those stairs
Leviathan would hold mc’s hand if he wasn’t so nervous around them
Lucifer actually holds mc’s hand now when they go down the stairs
At some point, Beel gets dragged down with mc
belphegor… why?
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yoyoruggie · 3 years
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this art warms my heart <3 ///
For the first time, I’ll be publishing obey me/genshin/bsd head cannons, ON TUMBLR!!
If this is cringe, bad or just badly written, don’t hesitate to degrade me! (I don’t have a degrading kink, i promise)
Im still working out this app, I’m not sure how tags even work yet, but goodluck for me… yay.
anyways obey me imagines here!
What if the Obey Me Characters have a mc that is literally Dazai Osamu themselves?
Characters included: Mammon, Asmodeus, Beel, Simeon, and Diavolo
x gender neutral!Mc
WARNINGS: suicide mentions and ooc (?)
Mammon would panic, a lot.
I mean, it’s not everyday in which your partner attempts killing themselves at unexpected times..
He’s never made much of an effort to find out more about you, he only knows a few simple things
but he’s never asked you about your past.
When you try dying and you’re in his presence, HE will literally hurry to stop you.
If you’ve never seen Mammon be quick at making decisions, now you have.
He isn’t sure on how he feels when you tease him, he likes it at times, but hates it sometimes.
please don’t die..
he denies your double suicide requests 99% of the time.
please seek therapy
when things go horribly wrong, he begins to rethink your offer.
He hates being stressed, but now when you entered his life, stress is raised to at least 50% when you’re around.
Asmo keeps watch of you, at some point he ends up following you everywhere just to make sure you don’t die.
You’re a human, and you’re fragile.
The amount of failed attempts are enough to shock him.
He’s concerned about you, he fears that someday it’ll actually be successful.
He clings onto you, a lot
he finds you very pretty, but why would you waste it?
he doesn’t understand your personality at all, but it’s fun when you give into his urges and play along.
“Darling~ what are you doiNG— WAIT DONT USE THAT AS A WEAPON?!”
he’s seen you before, once he went to the human world and met you.
You were on a hill finding mushrooms, and he was starving. He asked for some, since he didn’t have any food on him. You asked him if he wanted to die with you, he was so hungry to the point where he didn’t even understand, so he nodded.
worst mistake.
doesn’t trust you at all
fears that someday you’ll kill him in his sleep
excuses himself when asked to keep watch of you
“I’m eating, so I can’t keep watch.”
So you’re the new exchange studen…
Why are you hanging from a chandelier?
Simeon now interacts with the demon brothers more often just to see how you’re doing
An absolute beauty, why waste it?
Definitely enjoys your praise
but your loudness isn’t pleasant to his soft ears.
“Hey Lucifer?.. the exchange student is hanging from your chandelier..”
shocked when Lucifer says it’s the norm.
he already knew about your exotic.. behavior.
but he already knows everything about you.
maybe that’s why he finds you interesting?
you’re good buddies, especially when it comes to having fun.
Diavolo enjoys your company, when it’s not the time for suicide.
partner in crime
enjoys teaching you tricks, and you teaching him things from the human world
when you introduced slang to him, Barbatos swore that one day he would strange you with his own hands
Diavolo accidentally agreed to your double suicide request one time.
“Yep!..wait- I was just- NO”
edit: I feel so loved
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