#jim copper
wewebaggit · 11 months
i love how ur bio says safe space for hopper haters bc too many ppl in this fandom are always like “whaaaaat!? but how can u not like jopper 🥺” when he is not only a full grown man who abuses his power and was horrible to Joyce in s3 but also his character itself is literally copaganda
and it’s concerning and so weird (but also unsurprising) that jopper is like… elevated as this god tier ship, even in queer spaces, when in reality it’s pretty mid and also why would I want to ship Joyce byers with a cop
Hey booksandpaperss!
I am a safe space for ALL HATING. But specifically Jim Copper hate simply because he is shown a lot of undeserved grace by the fandom and the writers.
Since it's now in vogue to hate on s3 I'll take this opportunity to escape being called a negative nancy for once and just a hatering hater. Here goes:
My hate for Hopper is not as a result of season 3 but in fact it began with s2. (s1 a wee bit) But truly honestly deeply since season 2.
Hopper in season 2
After giving up Eleven's location in the prior season, Hopper then out of the goodness of his heart (😒) starts leaving Eggos for El in a reverse HansEl and GretEl. The feral El now has a home. But is it a home? Or just another prison? Hopper leaves her alone in the cabin with nothing but a TV. And so El spends her days mindlessly going through all the shit the idiot box has to offer. The only time she's actively interested in the TV is when she wants to use the static to get into the void. Because she has been kept away from the ONE friend she made out of the lab. And let's bffr. It's Mike. She is looking for Mike. And Mike too is the only one thinking about her. Hopper keeping her away from him and lying and being nothing but and angy aggressive cop of a dad is supposed to make the audience feel.....wait what are we supposed to feel? Mad at Hopper? Cuz the end result was people hating on El rebelling against Hopper. And it is all because El's resolution at the end of the Lost Sister episode was......that she needed to go back to Hopper and her friends. However, again it is a point in time when Hopper's at the lab and in mortal danger.
So since we love deep dives and shit and developing lore around characters, would she have been compelled to return to Hopper were he just, idk sitting in his cabin or at the station or whatever. A lot of ST is just about characters deciding to do stuff when someone is in REAL DANGER™️ But specifically with Hopper, he only steps up as dad when El's in danger. Otherwise he's treating her as a pet, something Mike was wrongfully accused of.
The whole entire (almost) year that El was with Hopper we do not see a change in her personality. Her rage has worsened. Her vocabulary is still lacking. In spite of the word of the days. There's no female presence in her life. He neither recruited Joyce nor her aunt (though that would have been sus, agreed n yet would it have been any different seeing as El managed to do it alone.) She's been held hostage for her own good.
Hopper: You put us in danger.
El: You promise. I go. I never leave. Nothing ever happens.
And then he grounds her. Like she was living it up otherwise. (S2E4)
We know it was because this was El's story of rebellion and trying to find her identity and so the story does not have Hopper do these things. But that still means that the story chose for Hopper to not do these things. He is even shown apologising (meh. half assed like his foil Mike, but that's for later) for it towards the end. And yet, that's something that's rarely discussed in fandom circles while talking about Hopper.
Hopper in Season 3
Oh he proves he's a blackhole alright. Sucked Joyce's character development. He's only marginally improved letting Mike see her but beyond that it's still mostly the same. She still is under-socialised. Speaks like that. El herself seeks out Max. Joyce is still too busy being ungrateful (I know not the intent, but the execution nonetheless) she's still not leaving the cabin much and has some curfew. Again which is, well why is it there? Cuz she's been coolly gallivanting with Max at the mall and everywhere else without a problem.
He's a proper asshole to Mike and a bully. Who tf threatens murder to a 13 year old kid? Like between having a chat and threatening homicide, he could come up with ZERO options. He needs emotional laxatives that aren't just anger and bullying.
Hopper in season 3 is an unfunny comic relief. A man baby. A bully who uses his cop privileges. Who treats the woman he supposedly likes like shit. He was so mad about Joyce not meeting up with him despite her telling him the reason. I mean mister you did that with Eleven too and just expected her to understand. The juvenile hUmOUr and the macho man action scenes where he's outwitting trained Russian mercenaries (lmao) is a step down from the basement he was already in. Him treating Alexei like shit when he was the only one who could have helped them. Make it make sense. (Anti-Russia/USSR pro USA copaganda and nothing else)
Also beyond all of this I simply hate Hopper for taking away valuable screentime from the kids that this show is supposedly about but hasn't really been that for some time now. He's a white male war veteran cop who's a Hawkins native and was a popular kid in school too. So he's not even an outsider in terms of being the new man in town, let alone the shit that really matters.
Hopper in Season 4
Not dead enough.
Jopper throughout the show
Mid chemistry. Joyce is already a semi-absent mother but becomes entirely absent after Hopper's message from Russia. She has ZERO clue of what her kids are going through in Cali and then has the fucking audacity to walk out on them without even letting them know that she might not return. She also leaves the only responsible person in that household with the charge as if she ever took it. She is now been relegated to being the comic relief which is neither comical and far from a relief and Hopper's girlfriend. Every season she has proven to be right on the money with her instincts and every season everyone including Hopper question her as if she's the dumb one. Hello. Do you guys clear up your memory after every season? It's annoying and one note. Hopper is a jealous manbaby all of s3 and a fucking liar. "i shOuldn't hAVe seNt yOu the LeTteR" Bitch u did. You wanted out. Dasvidaniya! El's college fund. But you'll only need it if you make it through school 🤷‍♀️. WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN HOMESCHOOL HELLO. Though I do commend the subversion of the found family trope where both the adults are pathetic parents. Do love one of the main couples being failparents! (is that a thing? or are they pioneers?)
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pinkeoni · 1 year
Actually nightmare post-show scenario is Jopper stays in Hawkins to be cops
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beegswaz · 1 year
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awe Fuck yeah more trad Kon art
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agirlnamedbone · 1 year
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—Jim Harrison (In Search of Small Gods, 2010)
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muppet-facts · 2 years
Muppet Fact #419
It was originally planned that Caroll Spinney as Big Bird would fly on the Space Shuttle Challenger, but due to the size of the puppet, this was impossible to do.
There were also plans to have Big Bird's teddy bear, Radar, on the flight. However, that was abandoned in favor of having teacher Christa McAuliffe join the mission that would end with the destruction of the Challenger.
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At the Caroll Spinney Muppet Vault, Copper Pot pictures related this story.
"Big Bird Nearly Rode on the Disastrous Challenger Mission." Erin Blakemore. History. January 26, 2018.
"Big Bird almost rode the Challenger space shuttle, but his costume saved him." Rebecca Harrington. Business Insider. January 28, 2020.
I Am Big Bird. 2015.
"NASA Confirms Talks to Fly Big Bird on Doomed Shuttle Challenger." Alan Boyle. NBC News. May 4, 2015.
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'Tis Candy!
Rawmouth Written and Directed by Jeff Wiens
Watch Rawmouth on YouTube
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forensicated · 1 year
"If Rod Skase had one more point on the IQ scale he'd be a radish."
- Jim Carver (s11x37 - Learning Curve)
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batman-dc-imagines · 3 months
Hi!!!! May I please request the J squad (Gotham) separately with a reader who works at the police office and is kinda like their inside mole? Like they let them know plans to catch them and are also always willing to help them escape and stuff? THANK YOU ❤️
A/N: All jobs are associated with the GCPD. Slite nsfw on Jerome's end.
Gotham!Jerome Valeska
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Job: Police Officer
Oh you little tattletale.
He’s not too surprised by your efforts in trying to keep him from getting caught.
Hell practically half if not most of his followers are or used to be coppers before joining him.
You’re no exception.
Expect to get anonymous calls from him talking and asking about anything other than any more information on Gordon being on his tail or big plans the precinct has been working toward.
For example, one day he called you while on shift to just say, “When are ya gettin’ off cop doody?”.
He has a printed and digital copy of your work schedule.
As we see in Season 4,he has complete control over Arkhams guards and prisoners, even saying that he wants to make a show of his escape, further displaying the extent of his 'showman complex'.
 For the sake of the prompt, if he had any minor inconveniences with his little escape he wouldn’t turn down you assisting him in his plans.
Though do keep in mind his showman complex and that unless you want to be discovered as a traitor, you’ll need to discuss with him a plan where you won’t be seen as an accomplice.
He’ll leave little gifts for you on your desk mostly to show his appreciation for all that you’ve done for him.
How he gets them there, you’re not too sure.
If you don't care for his gifts, he'll offer other ways to show his appreciation. (I'm winking under the eyepatch)
Gotham!Jervis Tetch
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Job: Doctor
“Twinkle, twinkle, pretty doctor, how I long to unlock her. In this asylum, you shine with smite, but in my heart, you are my light.” (Yes, this is similar to him and Lee’s interaction.)
When he got sent to Arkham, there wasn’t much he was looking forward to.
Except getting back out on Gotham streets and getting revenge on James Gordon.
But when he meets you? Now there’s something to look forward to.
Once he realizes you’re on his side and help him escape the first time, expect to hear from him often.
Quite often in fact.
When he gets sent to Arkham a second time, doctor visits and check ups are a lot more fun now.
It’s like two kids in kindergarten, passing secret notes to one another while the teacher isn’t looking.
Some being about a plan for his escape while others are all laughs and giggles.
He is a gentleman when it comes to showing his gratitude for your assistance.
That is if he likes you of course.
Gotham!Jonathan Crane
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Job: Forensic science technician
When you first met, Jonathan didn’t trust you.
In fact he hated you.
Anyone associated with the GCPD and Jim Gordon, he hated.
He blamed you all for the death of his father.
It took a bit of time and patience for him to fully trust you.
Even when you started becoming a full time mole for him, he still kept you at an arms length.
No matter how often you’d update him on the GCPD and their plans, or Jim Gordon’s whereabouts, he’d just give a vague form of acknowledgment or confirmation in your words.
The only reason he started to put his whole trust in you was when you started showing interest in his experiments.
Especially his toxin.
He starts enjoying your company more when you start helping him perfect his toxin.
You both find out it comes in handy that you’re able to get information on your former colleagues' fears without any suspicion.
He’s able to find weak points in practically every police officer in the precinct.
He starts showing his gratitude for your help later on.
Though he does tend to act vague about it.
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rhinexstone · 11 months
Since human diets include lots of iron I imagine Vulcan diets have a “healthy” dose of copper. So it would only be about a month long trip before Jim would get copper poisoning because he’s too polite to turn down any Vulcan dish
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askmovieslate · 6 months
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Movie: This stupid body paint is uncomfortable.
Copper: Imagine how bad it must've been for poor Jim Carrey.
Movie: That's not a fair comparison. He's a consummate professional, and I review movies on Tumblr.
Copper: Well, you're at least trying your best.
Movie: Stop being so optimistic about everything!
Copper: Nah.
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jomiddlemarch · 2 months
That it alone is high fantastical
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“Oh, Mother, you’ll never guess! You’ll never guess in century of guessing!” Rilla cried out, sounding so much as she had as a little girl, for a moment, Anne could convince herself the War had never happened and that somewhere in Rainbow Valley, Walter sat writing a crown of sonnets in his leather-bound journal, his face dappled by the light, back braced against the bole of a birch tree, his grey eyes unfocused as he searched for his next word.
There was still a white stone in the graveyard. Shirley was in Toronto, having refused (albeit politely) to return to Glen St. Mary, much to Susan’s dismay, and Jem walked with a pronounced limp, his uneven gait announcing him as much as Mary’s voice.
There was a mystery there, Jem and Mary Vance, but Anne couldn’t see any way through it and Gilbert, lying beside her in bed, both of them tired but sleepless, told her not to try. Jem had seemed less removed, less falsely cheerful lately, and had begun talking about the medical course again, perhaps a specialty in obstetrics, a hospital practice. As far away from men dying in battle as he can get, Gilbert had observed and Anne had recalled Joyce’s little face, white as a mayflower blossom, and held her tongue.
Rilla, remarkably, given her exuberant entrance, had done the same in the absence of Anne’s response. Miss Oliver had left Ingleside some weeks ago, so there was no one to suggest Rilla either elaborate or calm herself, as her likeness to a whistling copper tea-kettle was increasingly pronounced.
“If I’ll never guess, dear, you must tell me,” Anne said. It was a relief that Rilla could still be the young girl she ought to be, for all that she wore Ken Ford’s diamond ring on her finger and was capable of a brisk, warm matronliness when it came to raising Jims, now reserved for the writing of letters to his new British stepmother and clucking over the missives she received.
“Faith Meredith has eloped!”
Anne did admit to herself she would never have guessed that, because for all her imagination, she wouldn’t have guessed something impossible.
“But, Rilla, Jem is with your father today, doing the Lowbridge rounds. Susan and I packed a lunch with plenty of pie for Dad and some of that flapjack Jem took to after being in England,” Anne said. He’d been in hospital in England, recovering from the injuries he’d sustained at the Front, in the prison camp, during his escape, none of which was spoken of. Only flapjack and stewed tea and how no cook in England was a patch on Susan and that you may tie to, uttered with some semblance of his old roguish humor.
“I didn’t say she married Jem, Mother!” Rilla exclaimed. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes were bright. She had a look of Gilbert at his most delighted about him, an expression Anne remembered from their childhood. Anne opened her mouth to speak but Rilla interrupted.
“It’s Bertie Shakespeare Drew! Faith Meredith is Mrs. Bertie Shakespeare!” Rilla said.
If Anne hadn’t already been sitting down, she would have, suddenly and gracelessly. As it was, the shirt she’d been mending fell from her lap.
“That’s—why, Rilla, are you sure?”
“I heard it directly from Mary Vance,” Rilla said, lifting a hand to stop Anne from speaking. “And Miss Cornelia Bryant. You know Miss Cornelia has no taste for gossip. Miss Cornelia’d heard it from Mrs. Meredith—”
“Poor Rosemary,” Anne said, before she could stop herself.
“Why poor Rosemary? I suppose they thought Faith and Jem would make a go of it, at least, perhaps Reverend Meredith and Mrs. Meredith did, but the War’s done funny things to people and Faith and Jem, they just didn’t fit any longer,” Rilla said. Sometimes, Anne felt Rilla reminded her of someone she couldn’t name and realized her youngest daughter spoke with the wisdom Anne’s own mother might have had. Plenty of folks in the Glen would find such a thought eerie, but Anne was comforted, for all that she ought to be the one offering a thoughtful explanation rather than receiving it.
“I suppose I meant the surprise, an elopement—”
“They must not have wanted to wait. Or were afraid someone would try to talk them out of it. Bertie’s mother maybe,” Rilla said.
Rosemary or her father, Anne thought. Jem, if he’d been given the chance, perhaps. Perhaps not, if Rilla was correct.
“Bertie Shakespeare Drew,” Anne said. “I remember when he was born. He’s just Jem’s age.”
“He’s not much like you remember him, Mother. He’s all tall and stalwart now and they say he’s going in for engineering, that he learned quite a bit in France, found he had a talent for that sort of thing. And his ears don’t stick out quite so much anymore,” Rilla said.
“There’re more things on heav’n and earth,” Anne said, mangling the quote a bit, fairly certain Rilla would not correct her. “D’you suppose Faith calls him Bertie? Or his full name—it’s quite a mouthful.”
Queenly Faith Meredith, the undisputed beauty of Glen St. Mary, who had a sense of humor but also a sense of herself as beyond any teasing, now to be Mrs. Bertie Shakespeare Drew. Anne smiled to herself and thought how Mary Vance would find a way to make Jem grin over it all. She’s lucky to get him, Mary would say, reversing the order the Glen would have assumed, and Mary, canny and unexpectedly kind, would have the right of it, perhaps.
Susan would be quite outraged and the pastry of her next pie might suffer for it, but Gilbert had always taken an unchristian glee in Susan’s outrage and wouldn’t mind the pastry being a bit heavier. It was still the best piecrust on Prince Edward Island, now that Mrs. Rachel Lynde was no longer living to give Susan a run for her money.
“Miss Cornelia said Faith was heard to call him Will, when she spoke to her parents. It’s after Shakespeare of course, and because he was so determined they marry,” Rilla said. 
“And because Faith wanted to,” Anne said. She wasn’t sure if she meant the elopement or the name, but it was all of a piece.
“Miss Cornelia said they’d gone to New York for their honeymoon and she hoped Faith didn’t come back with a bunch of silly Yankee airs but Mary and I didn’t think that was likely,” Rilla said, sitting down beside Anne, picking up the shirt and starting to sew.
“She didn’t come back from England any different, after all,” Rilla said.
“Except that she didn’t marry your brother,” Anne replied.
“D’you know, Mother, even without the War, I don’t think they’d ever have gone through with it, Faith and Jem,” Rilla said. “It was, how shall I put it, like a childhood fairy tale, the honorable knight and the maiden fair, all sorts of adventures they had in Rainbow Valley. They were always going to grow up. We all were.”
Not Walter, Anne’s heart said. Not Joyce.
“I’m glad of Ken’s name, anyway. And don’t worry, I wouldn’t elope for anything. I want our families around us, as many as we can get, even if we have to wait. We’re rather good at that,” Rilla said. She’d finished the one shirt and picked up another. She peered at it, frowned. “I can’t think what Dad does to his clothes—”
“I’ve made up a thousand stories to try to explain that and I still don’t think I’ve figured it out,” Anne said. “Some things, my darling girl, are beyond explanation.”
This one's for @freyafrida because I didn't manage to squeeze Faith/Bertie Shakespeare into my Jem/Mary fic...
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wewebaggit · 1 year
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Cuz fuck them kids. We can always make more. Let's go. Mmmuaaah mmmuaaah mmmuaaah mmmmmuaaaah.
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whumpshaped · 8 months
5. Favorite whump fic you've ever read?
it has to be sinner from @the-bloody-sadist . it ticks all the boxes for me. its just incredible writing and its so brutal and its just. chefs kiss. its rly rly good. if ur a bsd fan especially i highly recommend. (also forbidden blood from him is also incredible.)
but i will also never stop screaming about and MUST recommend:
kane & jim by @whumpsday
a taste of your own medicine by @oddsconvert
the devil's highway by @lonesome--hunter
in the woods somewhere by @knivestothroats
cat and mouse by @t0rture-me
traces by @whumping-in-the-wings
literally anything by @emmettnet (but especially the copper cross stuff dont look at me im simping)
once again literally anything by @quietly-by-myself
watch your step by @not-a-space-alien
a new beginning by @a-crumb-of-whump
and the rare bookseller by @oliversrarebooks
in no particular order honestly. like i cannot overstate how fucking fantastic all of these stories and fics are.
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usafphantom2 · 21 days
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An MIT study that’s the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that higher temperature increases the activity of phonons—waves of sound or heat—within the material, and these phonons interact with dislocations in the crystalline lattice in a way that limits their ability to slip and deform.
This proves what SR 71 fans already knew the titanium on the surface of the SR 71 became stronger after every flight.
The researchers shot the particles at samples of copper, titanium, and gold, and they expect their results should apply to other metals as well. They say their data provide the first direct experimental evidence for this anomalous thermal effect of increased strength with greater heat, although hints of such an effect had been reported before.
The surprising effect appears to result from the way the orderly arrays of atoms that make up the crystalline structure of metals move under different conditions, according to the researchers' analysis.
They show that there are three separate effects governing how metal deforms under stress, and while two of these follow the predicted trajectory of increasing deformation at higher temperatures, it is the third effect, called drag strengthening, that reverses its effect when the deformation rate crosses a certain threshold.
Beyond this crossover point, the higher temperature increases the activity of phonons—waves of sound or heat—within the material, and these phonons interact with dislocations in the crystalline lattice in a way that limits their ability to slip and deform. The effect increases with increased impact speed and temperature, Dowding says, so that "the faster you go, the less the dislocations are able to respond."
Of course, at some point the increased temperature will begin to melt the metal, and at that point the effect will reverse again and lead to softening. "There will be a limit" to this strengthening effect, Dowding says, "but we don't know what it is."
Thank you to Jim Zazas for sending me this article.
@Habubrats71 via X
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agirlnamedbone · 1 year
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—Jim Harrison (The Shape of the Journey, 2000)
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dk-thrive · 3 months
In each of my cells Dad and Mom are still doing their jobs. As always, Dad says yes, Mom no. I split the difference and feel deep sympathy for my children.
— Jim Harrison, in Braided Creek, A Conversation in Poetry, with Ted Kooser, Copper Canyon Press, 2003
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