#jimin is a bit of a slytherin
Are You Sure?! Episode 4 observations
8.5/10 ☆
When will Army cancel Jimin and Jungkook? When will ot7 jikookers and vminers and vminkookers make call out posts for them? Jimin and Jungkook should express that all encompassing love for the entire members of their group all the time. Pointing out throughout the entire first day that Tedros is their guest or that they he should leave if he doesn't like it, that he's looking for attention or that AYS is their show, not for other people, was giving mean girls behavior. How is that nice? They love their guest but they're shading him. I think we should totally cancel Jikook!
But how the tables have turned once the kid that tagged along went to bed and the adults could play. Oh, we were back to Connecticut vibes once again. Which are basically the usual jikook vibes in where every little game needs to have a hint of flirtation (I wonder what Jimin would have done if Jungkook wouldn't have warned him about the glass part in the pool? Jimin was in slytherin mode the minute he took off his clothes).
From enganging in intricate rituals to touch each other (as always) to go through a long negotation over eating ramyeon or not (what's ppeuriri got to do with everything? I love their inside jokes and hate them at the same time. Let me in!!!! I was waiting for the bj brothers and when they deliver even some innuendos, it riles me up).
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I'm not a BL fan of regular watcher, but this looks like the beginning of one of those steamy scenes where they show them fuck on some balcony or in the pool. Just sayin'.
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Say yes and eat the damn ramyeon, Jungkook!
I like Jikook's nighttime routines. Although so far they have been quite tame, no drinking or other shenanigans. They do teeth brushing yoga or they cuddle up and talk about work and their schedules before bed. And there's no bed without Jimin's legs all over Jungkook (I'm sure he must be dreaming of those thighs at this point).
Can it get more domestic than Jungkook talking to his mother and her already knowing about their schedule?
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I have a feeling she and Jimin text each other regularly. Oh, if only they had filmed just a bit during their Chuseok weekend in Busan (I do assume Jimin went too, but 🤷‍♀️). I need to see Jimin with Jungkook's mother. She would dot on him and Jimin would be so respectful but shy and oh, I get all giddy just thinking about him. Busan boys, please visit your home town one day and share that with the world!
I refuse to accept the existence of Jimkook, sounds ugly, forced, it doesn't roll off the tongue. But Jikook? Yeah, that works. And they were in full jikook mode on the boat. That embarrassing CPR manouver by Jimin is yet another sign that they will remain that cringe couple. How did Tedros survive on that boat? No wonder he took a step back from all that up until the end.
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The entire afternoon on the boat really gave us a glimpse into their original plans and how once again, they just click. They never push it, they want to do the same things and they have fun. And we still got the cuddle and drawing whales out of clouds without that moment turning into something else.
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When Jimin is in top shape, without any other illness looming over their vacation, then we know we're in for some entertainment. He's much more engaging and laughs at everything while Jungkook is right there next to him, ready to joint whatever Jimin wants to do.
(Who would have thought that Tedros headbanging the first day would make him take a step back and allow them to do their own thing how they originally planned? I have lots to say about him, but for another post, there's too many nice things that happened and I focus on that at first)
And now, a few more highlights:
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What is this? Cutie Jiminie who can also get angry while stuffing his face with rice and noodles and chicken all at the same time? You are what you eat. Or whom 🤭
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Jungkook has always been an expert at such lines, how can Jimin still be surprised after a decade? That's what you get. You have the tattoed guy who's really into bikes and Jimin who is clearly into all that, but he's gotta take the lame lines too.
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slaaverin · 29 days
Ahhh 🫠
I believe Jimin said "I would go to the ocean while holding hands with Jungkook and starring at the beach"
He also said once he wanted to go on a date with him, that's done too.
Park Jimin's immediate crush was Jungkook, he waited for him a bit but then he really got everything he wanted 🤭 The perfect man in question:
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And now Jimin can even have the luxury of playing hard to get and flirting with him like crazy
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He knows what he's doing
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Such a slytherin our little Jiminie!
JK is really trying to impress with his compliments
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But is called "lame" ! Poor JK 🤭 he needs to step up his game 😂
Jimin even asked if they should do another trip, and apparently got what he wanted, bcs they went to Sapporo right after 🫠
I know Jungkook will always be there to deliver everything Jimin wants.
Jk was ready to cook him breakfast as soon as they woke up. Whenever Jimin asks, Jk cooks for him.
Jk takes care of him and even prays for him when he is sick
He protects him
He enlists with him in military
Jimin is spoiled as he should 👌🏻 he really won 😌
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seoul-bros · 1 month
Are you sure? Ep. 1
Jikook fitted so much into the very limited time they had available to them to make the show. The kayaking came at the end of a long day in which JK performed on GMA, they drove up to Connecticut, Jimin had a "not my style" gorgonzola burger for lunch, they bought matching clothes and were recognised by ARMY at the local sportswear store (we've still got it) and drank craft beer at High Nine Brewing. They did all that before they even got to the kayaking.
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Have to say the kayaking is one of my favourite bits of Episode 1. Remember this is before we know that Jimin has been battling a stomach bug all day. Seeing him here really drives home how determined he is that the filming should be a success, perhaps with the idea that they might then do more later on.
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JK jumping straight into the kayak without assistance, bounding with confidence, only to overturn before even leaving the dock.
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His ego is a little bruised but he handles it with good grace even with Slytherin Jimin enjoying this moment a little too much as he paddles smoothly away and sits watching birds and admiring the scenery from afar.
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I love it when the staff member points out Jimin to Jungkook and starts chuckling.
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It really must be non-stop amusement and endearment filming or even just being with these two. Remember this guy?
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Jungkook though has another idea. Who said Jimin was the only Slytherin in BTS?
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"Flip over" (do it for me, Jimin-ah) but he doesn't insist when Jimin gives him a hard no and they continue their kayaking with photos and a beautiful sunset over the water.
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Cr. to Busan Baes and others for original clips
Then it's a quick souvenir purchase before setting off for dinner a their cabin in the woods where everything goes very quickly down hill for Jimin. This definitely didn't turn out to be the first night together either of them had in mind.
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Post Date: 09/08/2024
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BPP what is your honest view on Jimin biases?
A lot of y'all are down bad for that man. Down something horrendous my goodness.
Not that I blame you though.
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Btw, I was watching fancams with friends again last night and we played this one:
How does he move the way he does? /gen. You can see the strength he infuses into every move, down to his fingertips when he dances.
Do you see that form?
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There are many dancers in k-pop who impress me, some I'd place in the best dancers globally, but Jimin is easily the top ranked in nearly every category IMO, no matter the context. He's a real artist. It's not in him to half-ass a performance, no matter his condition. He gives his all and that's something that both inspires and troubles me about him.
I don't even bias him and Jimin induces some insanity in me from time to time. It's just what he is. Nobody who pays attention to him can react normally to him, everyone gets drawn disproportionately to him. Imagine how tiring that must be for him to know sometimes. And no offense to Jimin biases but I genuinely believe you have to be a little bit off kilter to be able to commit to being chosen by him.
Because Jimin is the sort of person you need... space to love.
Jimin is..
Jimin uses whatever misalignment is in you, eases his way into you to fix that offset, remove that imbalance. The way he is... when you fall under his effect it's like he takes up space inside you. As though he deserves and will take nothing less. In my honest opinion that's one way I perceive him. But then you open your eyes and realize the man is the softest marshmallow, a kind and truly measured person with exceptional emotional and practical intelligence. A Slytherin to the bone, a living shape-shifter, so attuned and sensitive to everything.
And he doesn't really demand anything. He's just so loved people want to commit to supporting him. His charismatic idol persona is just as attractive as his naturally shy but mischievous personality off the clock. It really doesn't get much more perfect than this for any celebrity ever.
Like, sometimes I wonder if Jimin goes to bed at night fearing he might one day destroy k-pop. In real practical terms. I wonder if Jimin agonizes over the fact that he's the most dangerous person in the industry. Knowing him, he probably doesn't but it's still something that as I've said before, needs to be said.
(Between you and me, I think he's yet to come to terms with it. Poor lad.)
Anyway, Jimin biases are actually in love with the man and I'd like to present some evidence both as a self-confession, and in support.
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(Do you remember where you were the first time you noticed he has a dimple?)
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(His look for this shoot is criminally underrated. He had easily the best chic styling for any idol in 2021.)
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(Orange, yellow, and bright mustard are all good colours on him.)
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(Yeah.... he's something else.)
Alright, now that I've answered this one, that's enough of the Jimin bias asks for now. I'll be ignoring all the rest for the next while.
Remember to keep streaming. :)
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not-goldy · 11 months
Sometimes I wish Jimin stop being so secretive on cam and basically a wallflower. I wish he speaks up more and calls out BS immediately, especially during lives like JK/Tae or Joon does or is it because he doesn't get much wierd comments 🤔. Also stop being so fucking humble.. like sir you are a history maker, everything you release are organic hits, have a huge fanbase, your bdays are celebrated as Christmas day, why tf would you think you don't even deserve a music show win ?????? Own your success and skills please 🤧
And I also wish JK stop being so impulsive, saying and doing absolute dumbest things 🤧 sometimes he sounds like those cocky boys who will say they'll make you come thrice in a row and will climax within 2 seconds lol. He's so cocky; knows he's hot and his impact but at the same time he still don't know what he really needs. So I wish he becomes more mature and get his shit together asap
Maybe if they use share these qualities a bit with each other it will be fine lol. JK sharing some of his cockiness with Jimin so he can go 'yeah that me, Park Jimin' bitches 💅' and Jimin sharing some of his level headness with JK, so he can think before doing and saying some things 🥲
Idk how they are even navigating through their relationship when both are on opposite ends of attitude and lifestyles, like is that even possible ? Won't both parties get sick of each other soon? ... or maybe like you said JK is the freedom Jimin is craving for and Jimin is the leash JK very much needed 🤷‍♀️
Set me free was liberating for me and I think Jungkook too cos he stamped his approval on it like you could tell Jimin frustrates him sometimes with the kill them with kindness vibes he has going on.
And I know Jimin is not a push over too cos there's some really hard core ghettoness buried deep inside his slytherine heart- he is the master of self control cos I'll be getting canceled every second if I were him🥲🥲🥲
I'll be dropping mid night rants talking bout yall could never be me😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hash tag jealous
Hash tag up in your man's arms 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And he lowkey be shading too but we don't talk about that🥲
He's constantly trolling haters posting Jungkook shirtless, leaning on him kissing up on him daring yall to come for Kook if he's your mans💔💔💔💔
This literally him on these streets he eats and wink
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Shade is cool Jimin but throw the damn tree too🤣
They are both fascinating.
Oh lord not 2 seconds 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
You is going to hell for that😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Not gonna lie, I do enjoy his chaotic character most times. I'm big on diversity. If everyone acted the same way they'd be boring as hell plus I like my BTS a tad crackheads🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
JUNGKOOK'S a vibe. Not many idols like him. He be be tanking on the idol part sometimes- I don't think he even sees or thinks of himself as an idol😭😭🤣🤣
An idol is a whole personna carefully curated to appeal to an audience- when I tell you Jungkook ain't curating shit for no one and to please no one😭😭😭😭😭
Tell him to do aigoo I dare ya🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭
Sometimes I just play his memes and sleep. It's the new Netflix and chill for me.
Doesn't take himself too too serious, easy going non judgemental, quirky😭😭😭
And he is very relatable. We all don't say the right things all the time, or do the right things and overthink everything.
Some people don't find that attractive in Idols but I like it. That that I like that
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Im a bit of a crack head myself so.... anywho
For an idol, yea perhaps he could be a bit more controlled and polished but not too much cos then he'd lose relatability and seem outta touch.
Frankly I think they are both perfect as they are💀
I wouldn't change much but you are right they both could influence eachother a bit and they do TRUST. 💜
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curio-queries · 5 months
Run BTS: 058 | BTS Chef part 2
Original Air Date: 08 JAN 2019 Episode Length: 33:17 Total Parts: 2 YouTube English Subtitles: No Title Song: Idol
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Synopsis: Continuation of the previous part. The guys are now cooking their assigned dishes.
Production: This episode honestly feels too chaotic for me. The coverage is cramped and there are a lot of shots where the audience isn't really directed where to focus their eyes even with the audio cues. This is an easy one for the casual watcher to get lost in purely due to the production and not because of a complex concept.
Endearment: The guys themselves seem a bit affected by the chaos. They either don't get great screentime because they're focusing on the task at hand or it's hammed up (I'm looking at you RM and Hobi!)
Winner: RM, YG, JH
Loser: JM, V
Best Cheater: I'm so tempted to list RM and Hobi for getting EVERYONE to help them with their only assingment, but I think I'll actually choose Jimin and V for the salt in Suga's drink. Our wonderful little slytherin.
Member Moments:
RM: RM and Hobi starting off hot with thinking a salad spinner is a blender. bless their hearts
JN: Jin, thank goodness you were babysitting the 94z and stopped them from using the other team's pasta as garlic!
YG: Again, my favorite aspect of Yoongi's personality: his quiet confidence. he just does what he needs to and isn't bothered by the chaos around him.
JH: Hobi literally getting Jin to help them strip the basil leaves 🤣😂😆
JM: Jimin is absolutely demonstrating his competence this episode as well.
V: Ah, V waiting most of the episode for the water to boil.
JK: JK, ever the helpful maknae
Bonus Content: Great moments, explains quite a bit of what we only got hints of in the episode.
CQ Rank: 3
(CQ Eval Date: 26 MAR 2024)
Check out this post for my Masterlist of all episodes and descriptions of how I'm evaluating these.
Previous Episode: 057
Next Episode: 059
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 9
THE WARNINGS oh my god ooh ma gad im excited for this but im scared after last chapter
OH MY GOD HE IS WEARING THE SLUTTY GLASSES 😋🤤😩🥵 the smut is understandable
Uhm…not really, but do you have to? mood💀
ooh vampire books, she is trying to connect stuff i see u gurl
omg the tension is still there even after a week damn
If he messes up the little markings you put in there, you will personally end him. PERIODT
oops joon was here to study welp or is he?? 👀everything is sus here, its soo sad ........... i love it (jimin is such a slytherin for saying that xd)
Oh dear, really?” Namjoon gasps. hunty i can hear the fakeness through a screen and thats saying something
Don’t read this, it doesn’t make sense” oh so this is the one that might be true huh
This story however is claimed to be the babbling of a drunken person did jin make it haha
oh my god im cringing and dying please joon go away, get a stomachache or something and go to the toilet, let there be an earthquake, urgent phone call aaah😭😭
as if someone else was controlling it for a moment while your consciousness is still trapped inside and is trying to escape. But it can’t, so you have to do what your body tells you to do whilst panicking inside. no, but similar one is anxiety attack from the moment you woke up, your consciousness all confused cuz there is nothing to panic but ur body does anyways
list soo long, she wrote it down damn 😭😭
is joon genuinely shocked about the bite marks NO SHE TOUCHED HIS CANINES I-
my canines were really sharp when they were new, and i bit a girl cuz she accidentally choked me and there was 1 deep puncture and small puncture on her hand 😭😭thankfully it didnt get infected
holy shit now we dont know if he is lying or not
nah yall aint gonna study, its going to be jimin pt 2
Namjoon’s steps are silent another sign yall
holy crap, I literally can’t remember.” did joon do that, or is it all jimin and tae's "good night's sleep"?
im losing my mind seeing her losing her mind and joon just scaring both of us AAAAH
I thought you were a complete snob, but you are actually really sweet aHa aHa 😃
they just look a little intimidating. they do until u see them for more than a minute
“Oh ___, you are adorable im starting to think anyone saying this is weird
I’ve talked with you enough to know that your mind has enchanted me OH MY GOD AJBFQ XLAH;CWOUIRA he is not weird/scary and im not scared TAKE ME DADDY IM YOURS
STOP WE U APPEARED IN FRONT ME STOP LYING AAHAHHAHAJ she is having the same conversation again gosh aaah what power does that screaming have? shit its wednesday and she doesnt know fuck
im more confused and scared and pls just hang out 2seok and kook bye 😭😭😭😭😭
OH MY GOD HE IS WEARING THE SLUTTY GLASSES 😋🤤😩🥵 the smut is understandable
lmaoaooaoao ME FR jfjasdjf also a black turtleneck. the smut is understandable.
Uhm…not really, but do you have to? mood💀
fjdasjf me when men
ooh vampire books, she is trying to connect stuff i see u gurl
omg the tension is still there even after a week damn
akdfkasj me fr like he could get it so hard
oops joon was here to study welp or is he?? 👀everything is sus here, its soo sad ........... i love it (jimin is such a slytherin for saying that xd)
JDFJAJFS no but what was he doing there fr??
Oh dear, really?” Namjoon gasps. hunty i can hear the fakeness through a screen and thats saying something
JFJASDJF he is like *acts shocked* oh no
oh my god im cringing and dying please joon go away, get a stomachache or something and go to the toilet, let there be an earthquake, urgent phone call aaah😭😭
lmaoao the fear is understandable
as if someone else was controlling it for a moment while your consciousness is still trapped inside and is trying to escape. But it can’t, so you have to do what your body tells you to do whilst panicking inside. no, but similar one is anxiety attack from the moment you woke up, your consciousness all confused cuz there is nothing to panic but ur body does anyways
fun fact? i took inspo from my panic attacks JFAJDFJ help me god
list soo long, she wrote it down damn 😭😭
like she is so clever for that though
is joon genuinely shocked about the bite marks NO SHE TOUCHED HIS CANINES I-
"genuinely shocked" HAHHAHAH yes indeed very shocked indeed. also her touching his teeth is so funny like HFHADSHF
my canines were really sharp when they were new, and i bit a girl cuz she accidentally choked me and there was 1 deep puncture and small puncture on her hand 😭😭thankfully it didnt get infected
honestly deserved cause why is she at your neck?
holy crap, I literally can’t remember.” did joon do that, or is it all jimin and tae's "good night's sleep"?
mhmhmmh indeeed mmhmhmmh
im losing my mind seeing her losing her mind and joon just scaring both of us AAAAH
me fr
I thought you were a complete snob, but you are actually really sweet aHa aHa 😃
“Oh ___, you are adorable im starting to think anyone saying this is weird
NO BUT YOU AREN'T WRONG FOR THAT JFASJDFAJ imma stick with Yoongi who is rude af to us JFJADSFJ
I’ve talked with you enough to know that your mind has enchanted me OH MY GOD AJBFQ XLAH;CWOUIRA he is not weird/scary and im not scared TAKE ME DADDY IM YOURS
jfajdsjf felt.
BRO NO JOKE ME FR lmoaoa you losing your ass over the smut is so me like if he wasn't so weird about it, i'd be on my knees gobbling him up
STOP WE U APPEARED IN FRONT ME STOP LYING AAHAHHAHAJ she is having the same conversation again gosh aaah what power does that screaming have? shit its wednesday and she doesnt know fuck
im more confused and scared and pls just hang out 2seok and kook bye 😭😭😭😭😭
honestly?? she should really do that cause 😭
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chemicalpink · 2 years
A Yule Ball Celebration | PJM
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Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader
Genre/Rating: magical realism-ish, Harry Potter AU-ish (i say ish bc i took a lot of creative freedom with it), fluff, hurt/comfort, exes to lovers, PG17
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: strong language, breakup, 
Summary: Park Jimin shines so bright, he often brings a bit of darkness into the lives’ of the people he cares about. There’s nothing that can’t be talked about over winter holidays and a heartfelt gift tho.
A/N: Done for @hobeemin in light of @bangtansecretsantasanta HELLO BEEZY! I’m Sugarplum! I hope you enjoy this little piece and it brings a bit of warmth to you in light of this cold winter! 
There is nearly nothing that Park Jimin’s presence wouldn’t alter around campus, the sole mention of his name would spark humongous interest in everyone’s eyes–not that you could really blame them for it. There was just something otherworldly and ethereal about the guy.  From the perfectly timed skip in his step to the way that his cloak seemed to dance around him in thin air, the way the light caught onto his platinum locks and how his head gets thrown back as a humorous laugh catches in the back of his throat. 
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“Morning” the whole place opens up for him as if entranced, the melodious tone of his voice laced with the royal sentiment of the green tone in his robes, Jimin had an aura to him that made him as enticing as lethal as he was– that, you would know– being top tier in class ever since he joined Hogwarts, raised inside a pureblood family, the man was on top of his game as a Dark Arts specialist as soon as he turned 20, now, three years later, he remains as Slytherin’s favourite prefect down the line, continuing his legacy up to the college division. 
Winter at Hogwarts had always proved to be on the lonely side as most students got to go home once finals were out, some of them– mostly college peers– were seen around the dormitories up until Christmas Eve when they would leave to celebrate outside the campus. You never really were one to pass the holidays outside of campus, rather preferring to enjoy the quiet and calmness that the school was able to provide during the season, even more so after your family had moved overseas and made it just a tad bit more difficult for you to visit them and be back on time for the new semester.  
“Promise to call if you change your mind?” your friend says as you stand by the entrance with her, it had just started to snow that morning, painting the campus white, fairy lights decorating its entirety. 
You roll your eyes at your friend’s concern laced in her words– the thought of leaving you behind during this time seemed unfathomable to her “I’ll be fine, don’t worry about it”
“I’ll leave a space for you on the table!”
She’s mostly down the street, drowned out by the snow around you as you yell out a faint “Tell your mother I say hi!”
Christmas Eve remains by far the most eerily quiet day on-site– except for the ghostly party that can be heard coming from the walls– it has been years into it, enough for the kitchen to have you a special meal prepared even as the staff has left for the day, which never fails to put a smile to your face. 
The heat is blaring inside the library, opposite to the starched white floor-length mirrors that peek to the gardens outside, even in the almost pitch black sky, fire crackling as background noise as you opt to facetime your mother. 
“I was really hoping to see you this year-round, Y/N” there’s understanding in her voice even if her eyes get a bit glassy as she lets her facade slip when she lifts your little brother up to her hip. You really can’t blame the sentiment of hers as you watch the background from her side, your whole family gathered up, smiles on their faces as they get ready for dinner; out of the corner of your eye, you don’t fail to catch the empty seat that has been reserved for you at the table. Your brother starts to stir impatiently and your mother sparks a laugh, trying to keep it lighthearted for your sake  “Especially this little guy, he’s soon to be all grown up and sent off to school!” 
There’s a distinct sparkle in the kid’s eyes as he peers through the screen, grabby hands and all, babbling out barely a word that has your heart skipping a beat “Mimi! Mimi!” 
Your mind instantly begins racing as your mother opts to try and change the subject– even if the mere syllable had already brought back the memories of last Christmas, a trip home with your family and the person who you had thought would be by your side for just a little longer. It was hard enough to explain to your parents that you were dating Park Jimin in the first place back when you were in high school, almost freshly dispatched to Hogwarts – a sweethearts for life type of love story, or so was the word that got around as the two of you grew stronger up to college– it was even harder to explain how seven years after, it had all ended. The news never got around to the youngest in the family– not that he would even grasp the idea of what a breakup was supposed to be. 
You were different to Park Jimin in more ways than anyone could count, it was surprising how you couldn’t see the impending downfall right from the beginning. There was just something supreme and ulterior that had always seemed to move Jimin forward, opinionated and charismatic, always in the spotlight, a star that shone brightly on his own, while you remained as the moon that was set to orbit around him, a shared spark of his that pushed you into an unwelcomed limelight as his determination to keep moving forward increased. 
“Well, you can’t just expect me to decline!”
“You’ve had your taste of fame, Park, this would be your third year as prefect, assisting head of house, teaching assistant, student council president” “Am I missing any other title? When will you actually have time to own up to the title of being my fiancé? Huh? Or is that also getting relegated for another year?”
“We are not kids anymore Y/N, those titles actually mean something to me, to my family’s legacy”
You scruff out a harsh laugh “So us getting married like we planned is not as important? Is it got nothing to do with your ‘family legacy’? I call bullshit Jimin”
“You’re just jealous about everything I’ve been able to achieve while you still get your head wrapped up in fairytales of a better world, feeding yourself lies of getting to change the way that the world works around here, Y/N” you can almost physically feel your heart breaking at his words, the insecurities of it all suffocating you as you think back to all those times he had seemingly encouraged you towards what he considered an unattainable dream, even as his face now remains stoic as ever “For all of ours sakes I hope you fucking prove me wrong Y/N, on your own”
Your mother’s voice bring you back to the present as she keeps her eyes locked on her screen “I thought you said the campus was empty”
“It is” your mother points her finger to your back at the same time as a little mop of hair appears on the screen again screaming delightfully.
“Hey buddy! Happy holidays Mrs. Y/N!” 
“Same to you Jimin, I’ll uh- better catch up with your father Y/N! Love you!
The screen was off before you even got a chance to consider your surroundings, stuck with letting the silence seep through for whatever reason Jimin had stayed back for the holidays and on top of it decided to approach you so abruptly. Words weren’t really needed after knowing each other for so long, even after the two of you fell from grace, which is no surprise when he materialises a gift box from thin air, red ribbon perked on top of the golden wrap around it. Your hands are shaking as you take the present from him, a smile on his lips, along with a faint blush that you can’t really tell if it’s from the heated room or not. 
Your voice is small even if you expected it not to be, the memories and the feelings all rushing back “I never got around to buying you anything”
“Y/N I’m not gifting you something expecting something in return, that’s- that’s not how it works”
“Well yes but-”
“We broke up at the beginning of the year, I don’t expect you to consider me in your Christmas presents list, I just happened to see this and it made me think of you” his eyes never stop following your hand’s movements as you unwrap the present, there’s a spark in his eyes that you hadn’t seen in so long as he sees your smile as you lock your eyes with his, fingers tracing the cover of one of the rarest books he used to always call fairytales– almost impossible to recover, you aren’t even sure you want to know exactly how he did it in order to place the first magical-mundane peace treaty manifesto in your very own hands.
“Thank you”
The light in the room seems to dim, the fire crackling louder, you even become aware of how close the two of you had made yourselves sit in the heat of the moment, knees touching, his eyes shyly glancing at your lips as a million possibilities run through your head– you can’t really be surprised at the magnetic pull he still holds over you as your breath fans over his mouth, a shy and tender moment of vulnerability in between  “Why did we ever grow apart, Jimin?”
He closes his eyes as his hand comes up to cup your cheek, a million sparkles run through your body and you guess, you had always understood the mysticism behind Park Jimin “Sometimes people shine brighter when you admire them from apart and don’t let them burn you, Y/N”
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
How delulu are you for the BTS members: ranked list or bulleted reasons.
Also, you're awesome and I hope that every time you use a vending machine, the universe gives you an extra snack. <3
that is borderline the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, nonnie. i hope you always get an abundance of bag fries.
here is your requested ranking:
jeon jungkook — self explanatory. i'm doing horrendous and i'm doing it publicly which is just... sad. the most pathetic anyone has ever been.
min yoongi — i just want to hold his hand and talk about architecture and interior design with him which is arguably less weird than whatever shit i think about jungkook, but. you know. still delulu. and then the d-day tour happened and i feel like i've been some degree of comatose since february. this has only been toned down bc he's dragging his bf around everywhere and reminding me how off-limits he is.
kim namjoon — i haven't forgotten about him being a slut in that turtleneck and i never will. something in my dna got altered that day.
kim seokjin — i am mostly normal about him just bc he is my comfort person but then sometimes he posts a shirtless pic on instagram and there's no containing me. kim seokjin i am in your walls never forget.
jung hoseok — idk man. 3-5 are tied. hobi with the painted nails and long hair at lolla exuding absolute monster cock energy? kill me.
kim taehyung — anyone who says they aren't even a little bit delulu over him is lying. the aries moon energy he exudes is just......... i need me a man who will threaten to shoot someone with a poison dart to defend my honor.
park jimin — listen. i know what you're thinking. jewel how could you rank jimin last have you seen him. yes, i have seen him. i have also seen his chaotic slytherin libra gremlin energy and let me tell you, me and park jimin are the same person. we would fight. he would pull my hair. not in the sexy way. i love him and he's a beautiful ethereal gender god but i need to have some degree of self-preservation here.
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You explained it so very well here. I get jungkook's irritation by constantly getting babied by this big fandom (wish that could change) but he also has to understand that a part of the fandom has seen him grow from like 15-16 years to 26 years now so they do see him as a younger boy than other members. And the fandom also needs to understand that he's grown up and for someone that age it is frustrating when you hear it again and again. Idt the image is gonna change suddenly but hope people work on it (the fandom).
Tbh i never got the choreo for my time like i always think that it does not suit the lyrics of the songs. Good thing many don't know korean so when you hear the song with that music without knowing the lyrics it sounds a sexy song and not some deep meaning song.
Won't comment on seven and 3D cause that's not my cup of tea so yeah
I hope he does realises that there's better way to form the image he wants to form infact I'll say it will be just like how he wants if he actually releases songs like his other solo songs. I love all of his solo songs. He's a great artist, capable of alot of things. A seven one time is fine but a 3D in a row is mehhh. Those lyrics definitely won't give you the image you want it but your own songs like swy, my time, euphoria, decalcomania etc.
We honestly don't have a problem with fun loving songs but if you gonna throw "i wanna fk you" kind of lyrics every two sentence then....
And yes he does loves it when someone calls him cool and sexy. I have been noticing it since like two years now cause he's been mentioning that he wants to get compliment as cool from two years now.
Then there's jimin like you call him cute and he'll fold cutely and will act more like cutie pattootie.
Tbh, it's not just about him growing up in front of us (even if not in real time). Fandoms like this naturally have jealous and possessive fans, and some fans are less than mature about it. Him being babied is partially the result of him being the maknae, but there are other factors. If RM and Suga were the ones caught smoking it wouldn't be an issue, and a dating "scandal" wouldn't be as big of a deal, so it's always worse for Jungkook, but fans reacting badly to normal stuff is just part of being an idol. That's why Jungkook's plan to look more "mature" so fans see him that way is flawed. Suga has a "rougher" image so he can "get away" with more, but he's also less popular. The maknae line's considerable popularity over the hyung line's more than half the reason why things are always worse for them. It goes beyond having an innocent image.
The thing with Jimin, though, is that he's always been "cutie, sexy, lovely". His cuteness is also sexy. Jimin is the cutest, but his resting face is serious and mature. He's always been very thoughtful, flirty, sometimes savage, and headcanoned a Slytherin. Jimin was never babied like Jungkook. He likes being called cute and leans into it, but he knows fans are always losing it over him being sexy and calling him hot. His duality is well know and he isn't at all defined or limited by being the number 1 cutie - there's power in being cute and Jimin likes that power and uses it to his advantage (to tease and please the fans). It's also different with Jimin because in the beginning he acted a bit tough and manly, and shared how freeing it was to just be himself and drop the act. To him being cute and babied is funny and flattering, though when fans take it too far he sets them straight. It's different from Jungkook because he wasn't forced to rip his shirt off on stage as a 17 or 18 year old rookie like Jimin, who developed a reputation for being sexy...
I'm too tired for my reply to be coherent, but thanks for the ask!
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minisugakoobies · 2 years
If you had to cast all of the members in a reboot of Daria, who would they be?
Bloobs, you brilliant butterfly, what a great question. Let's dive in. 💕
Daria - I went back and forth on this one for a while. Daria's sharp. She recognizes just how ridiculous existing is. She's deeply sarcastic and cynical. I was torn between Yoongi and Jin for Daria, but I think ultimately Jin's too animated (lol) for this character. So Yoongi it is.
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Jane - So that freed Jin up to be Jane. Think about it: they're both very independent and very confident. Jane's just as witty and cutting as Daria but she's a lot louder about it. Plus, Jane and Jin are both the babies of their families. Also, they know how to rock a red blazer.
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Quinn - Jimin. First thought best thought. Jimin's every bit as pretty as Quinn. He's also just as shrewd. One of the things I love about Quinn is how everyone underestimates her. But beneath that shiny veneer is a scheming mind, always calculating the best way to become the queen bee at school. We all know Jimin's a Slytherin. He's also a Quinn.
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Kevin - Jungkook. I'm sorry, babe. 🤣 Kevin's not a bad guy (from what I remember), he's just not the brightest. He's a big dumb jock overflowing with energy and excitement and the desire to WIN. Please understand, I don't think Jungkook is dumb! But I think he could very easily slip into this role. (I know this gif isn't him playing football but like… look at him go 🤣)
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Jodie - Had to be Namjoon. Overachiever, smart as fuck, determined to accomplish every goal she sets for herself. But also feels a lot of pressure to live up to her high standards. Even though she and Daria sometimes disagree, they still have tremendous respect for one another.
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Trent - Come on. Taehyung, right? The dark hair and gravelly voice. A true visionary, devoted to his art. Always in his own world, but also easily distracted. Someone Daria would be drawn to even if it would never work.
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Helen Morgendorffer - MILF HOBI I'M NOT EVEN SORRY
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chim-chim1310 · 1 year
we as a jimin nation doesn't talk enough about jimin's dark side. he's a slytherin you know. he's not always sunshine and rainbows. there's a reason he's one of the members that u wouldn't want to come across when he's mad MAD. he's an angel but he's not a saint and that's so human and sexy of him
come on jimin tell me your darkest and dirtiest secret
That is so true.
Like I said jimin rarely shares anything about his personal life. And I'm sure he has so many layers to his personality but we only see a little bit of it.
He's so mysterious it's soooo sexy.
Also I think I've said this before but from jimin's latest trip to NY, one of the people who were talking about jm and jk outings, they said jimin looks intimidating. I was like oh my god....
He seems to be the kindest human being on the earth until someone messes with him. Like he's good with you until you're good with him. But he also knows how to put you in your place if you wrong him. All members said that jimin is the scariest when angry. It's kinda hot ngl. I'm like yes sir put me in my place.
I'm pretty sure he's good in bed too😏...... Okay fine I'll shut up now. 🤭
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yoonia · 2 months
Hey Dia! I’d like to share more stuff I talked about in my last message (the seven deadly sins au) if it’s fine. Fair warning, I’m gonna send more than one ask related to this fic, so be on the lookout lol.
For Lust, I’ve been thinking about casting Taehyung. I do like Jimin being associated with the same sin but I thought of doing something different and just to make it less predictable (like with EANA). Also idk if I’m the only one but I feel like Tae and Jimin give different vibes when they’re depicted as the sin of lust, not that it’s bad of course. Idk how I can explain it though.
In this story, OC here feels lonely because everyone she knows is dating someone except her. The thing is though, she has a fear of commitment and intimacy (because trauma). So one night at a bar, OC meets Taehyung and sleeps with him that same night. And for a while, OC would regularly visit and spend time with him and the 2 of them would explore all kinds of kinks. But the problem is that their whole relationship revolves around sex and nothing else, (which is shallow and superficial obviously). But they both realize that eventually. For Taehyung, he realizes he’s never learned how to form genuine connections with ordinary humans (despite wandering the earth for several years). And for OC, she realizes she needs to love herself before loving others. She only wanted to “date” Taehyung because she felt left out and didn’t know (or see) her self worth. And she only likes the idea of being in love.
I came up with this storyline in particular because when I watched that one video I mentioned from my last message, it explains how lust stems from loneliness. And I just think that’s something a lot of people can relate to. I’m ngl, idk if it’s just me (or maybe I don’t have as wide as a variety with reading fics as I thought lol) but I haven’t really seen lot of fics out there with realistic portrayals of friends with benefits relationships (and the side effects). Ig I’m just curious what it would be like to write one that shows the more unhealthy sides of those kinds of relationships. Not that it’s bad to write fics the way you want to of course (I really hope it doesn’t sound like I’m shaming anybody’s writing btw)
I actually have a rough draft that’s in progress rn but nothing’s set it stone yet. I like what I’ve written so far though😊
I'm sorry I always so late getting back to you but OMG you need to write this 😭😭😭 for real. I love it!
(ps. I'm answering your asks separately so I can respond more coherently since my brain is running slow after I got sick lol)
I can totally see what you meant about Tae and Jimin having different vibes if you want to relate them with Lust. I think it's similar to how people always see Jimin as somewhat a Slytherin, as he seems to have this mischievous and darker side that can be completely unpredictable, which is why he seems to be the perfect candidate for Lust. But you know, seeing Taehyung's most recent..."endeavours" (the thirst traps he constantly threw at us ever since he started Instagram, his photoshoots, his most recent release), he does have this bad boy side of him that feels a bit more like a frat boy-ish vibe which, I can totally see as Lust.
You always have different twists with your ideas, so they're always awesome and I love reading through them.
Back to your idea, I think it's great to challenge yourself with writing in a darker theme. People are often afraid of delving into heavy topics like unhealthy relationships because they know that readers often dive into fiction work looking for happy endings as their form of escape, but there are others (like me, heh) who love reading these types of stories. Yes, writing toxic relationships, cheating, or types of relationships you mentioned above, often takes you a bit too close to reality as they happen in real life, but that's actually the beauty of writing, you know? Bringing real topics that we meet in life into a story so we can truly "feel" it. Sometimes, reading about pain can be cathartic and healing for some, which is why angst fics still have many readers.
What I love about your idea for this story is how it challenges your characters to grow as people and to test whether or not they can communicate with each other in the story. While your challenge would be about bringing all of this to life (which seems fun, tbh. I love challenges).
I say continue polishing your rough draft and let your your idea grow. The way you write in bullet points (the way you sent the ideas for EANA to me) was one of the ways I often do when I brainstorm ideas. You'll probably end up fixing some plotholes and filling up the scenes once you continue going with it.
(ps. 2. if you're still on my Patreon, you can use my writing practice sheets to organize your ideas. I have some more of these sheets coming soon so I hope they can help you with developing this idea--and others)
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not-goldy · 10 months
Goldy, this is coming from a place of respect, so please hear me out.
First of all, let us replace the word "victim" with "survivor." I think we can all agree that this is an appropriate word choice for Jimin.
And yes, Jimin is a survivor of harassment, stalking, homophobic slurs, death threats, misogyny, etc. And yes, he has more than once, indicated he feels safe with JK and depends on JK to protect him.
But JK hasn't done such a great job of protecting Jimin from any of this so far, has he?
What do I expect him to do, you ask? Exactly my point. How do people envision the muscle bunny will protect Jimin in the MS?
I get the idea that people are picturing Jimin surrounded by a group of homophobic assholes and JK fighting them off, one by one. But in this scenario, obviously Jimin would fight side-by-side with JK, and not just wilt in a corner. This is Jimin, right?
But we know it's much more likely that any threat (see the list above) will be much more insidious. JK may be brawnier than Jimin is, but is he cleverer? They aren't going to a deserted island, after all. Does JK have a better understanding of human relations, law, psychology, etc.? I mean, who is the Slytherin here?
And who is THE survivor? (Again, see list above.)
I'm sure there will be times when JK's courage and strength will help support Jimin in the months ahead. But there will be just as many times--perhaps more--when Jimin's courage and strength will help JK.
If people are going to make them a team/couple, can we please just make them an EQUAL one?
I want to be goofy and belt out I'm ah survivor I'm not gon give up, imma suhvaaavv keep on suhvaaavin
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This is the point my teacher yells at me to walk out the classroom 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Survivor is woke- describing Jimin as a Survivor is both powerful and optimistic however I'm uncomfortable with it especially since I feel he's still surviving these mofos every single day.
Also, I understand your pov however I do think there is such a thing as overly idealistic.
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Here's a few of my recent posts- in case my numerous posts went over heads- talking about individualizing Jimin, holding him to the same expectations we have of Jungkook, how he's equally supposed to be protecting Jungkook as JK should be protecting him and that it shouldn't be one sided.
So I think you preaching to the choir.
However, what we are talking about is a little bit deeper than that. More nuanced than that.
When we are talking about things Jimin, "survives" in this shit hole of a Fandom, I do not think it is in any way comparable to or EQUAL to that of his couple mate as you put it.
And that's just because they are disproportionately affected by certain things, Homophobia for one. While Jungkook may occasionally have misogynistic slurs hurled at him for "behaving feminine" Jimin is the one who is constantly being berated just because of his androgynous appearance- which he cannot help.
Yes they are partners, and equal if not we wouldn't insist on calling them a power couple, however it's just one of them that gets slutshamed and treated as if slut is his second name.
And just because we express worry over the things that affect one more than the other don't mean we are victimzing that person. I think people who keep spewing that narrative have lost it fr.
For instance, while they are equal, certainly we cannot say they received the same commercial support from their company or Fandom. Saying that does not take away the fact Jungkook is equally oppressed out in these streets.
On the topic of protection, I honestly don't think your assumptions about how JM is being perceived as being protected by Jk is accurate or what at all we mean when we talk about that we are happy they are enlisting together- does it make our shipper hearts glee? Absolutely. Do we want to dance on Graves? Oh honey yesssssssssssssssssszzzzzzzzzzzzzzah.
But do we think Jungkook is going to be his personal body guard in there swatting off homophobic flies- now ma'am. Let's be real. Jungkook is also a gay man. What makes you think we think Jimin will be receiving blows after bliw while JK goes unscathed- i mean God forbid it happens- but If Jungkook is queer doesn't it stand to reason we should be and are equally worried for him? Because he is not exempt from the scathing heats of homophobia?
However he's also not the one receiving death threats and threats to out him to the military now is he?
I think I- we- are well within our rights to express concerns about these matters. And I think objectively that is not victimizing Jimin. But to each their own.
If you've ever experienced homophobic violence, or "survived" anything in your life you'd understand how scary these things are.
Also when we speak of protection- I don't think it's necessary to swing the pendulum that far off. There's safety in numbers is all we are saying and I think that's objectively accurate too. Jungkook or whomever don't need to physically carry his frying pan around to protect Jimin or for Jimin to protect him.
I think every female in here can attest to the fact merely sharing your location or letting your uber driver know someone is waiting for you on the other end and will come looking for you if anything happens to you makes us feel safe and protected in certain situations.
I know a couple who liked to leave the stereo on to create the impression people were home to deter theives from breaking in when they were away.
Protection can be as psychological as is physical. Honestly you are giving male privilege if you can't relate to these things. Or if all you think about when we mention Protection is physical exertion of force or violence.
Jikook can be eachother's support blah blah blah in there or not- the point is it puts our minds at ease knowing Jimin is not going to be alone in there.
And I know you are not about to ask me why my concerns are for Jimin and not Jk- no. It's not because I think he can't defend himself. A. He's my bias and he gets emotional priority in certain situations. B. As I said, he receives the most homophobic/misogynistic attacks c. It's my page and I can do whatever I want.
And I think I speak for Mama Park and Mama Jeon when I say that we are happy Jimin will not be alone- he has family with him.
We are women. Our maternal instincts will always be to protect our babies 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
That said, Park Jimin I am not your mama I will fuck you given the chance. Be warned accordingly.
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curio-queries · 8 months
RUN BTS: THE ANALYTICS | Episodes 21-40
I don't know if this is interesting to very many of you but i've been having so much fun gathering this data. NERD! lol
Overall stats:
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I definitely was struggling to want to watch some of these for a bit there. I was yearning to get to some of the later episodes, but the last half of this batch really turned it around for me, and I was having a great time with the rewatch! My average personal rating has gone up along with the YT subs percentage and the average duration. I realized I'd forgotten to include the average part counter in the first analytics post, but it's here now.
Title Songs:
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No surprises here, we're in the trenches of the Blood Sweat & Tears Era for the show.
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LET'S GO J-HOPE!! I feel like Hobi is always overlooked when it comes to his performance on Run, but he's actually got some great wins. Jimin has been doing pretty great as well. Poor Yoongi, more about him in the losses section.
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I really wasn't expecting V to have such a big chunk. I'm having a vague thought that V usually only gets losses as part of a team and never on his own merit though...that would be some interesting data to look at...maybe for the end of the series evaluation...
Yoongi... bless your little heart. He always seems to actually be the one with the punishments when on a losing team that punishes only one. He definitely fulfilled some great punishments these episodes! So many BT21 costumes!
Best Cheater:
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No surprise that V still occupies a large chunk. Boy loves himself some chaos! I was beginning to wonder if we'd ever get Jimin on the list. I think this is what makes him such a good slytherin, we all know he's a devious lil thing but he absolutely knows when to hide it! Lol. Now we just wait for a Hobi cheating moment!
My favorite cheating moment this batch was definitely JK pushing JH in the photo zone game. No one actually berated JK for it and he was just so pleased with himself. Maknae privilege for sure!
See you at the end of ep 60 for another analytics post!
Check out this post for links to all of my Run BTS episode reviews and analytics posts.
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ineedacalicocat · 2 years
many jikookers are upset. I think this is the end of the ship. We have no content, taekook are always together and Jk is a fake friend. He only used Jimin but as soon as he had Tae back, he dumped Jimin away like a trash
Yes. Thats what im trying to say. Jungkook wasnt like this before. after 2018 he drastically changed especially now he is more like tae. And i think thats why they hang out a lot because they are alike. He used to be a nice guy. Maybe he still is but his behavior to me is very toxic. For example back in 2017 or 2016 ehen someone asked him to show his abs he would refuse and say this is too much. We shouldnt be doing this nuch to entertain people. But look now how he became like tae. Maybe he just grew up. But as i saw the new vlives. Its clear that they are not on the same terms with jm. Where jm values privacy and not giving too much details about their lives tae and jk are like trying so hard to tell everything. Its like they just wanna show more. They really want that attention. I think its because after 2016 jimin became sooo popular that he literally stole the stage and show for them. They didnt feel that attention and thats why especially tae is so insecure. When jm dyed his hair orange and danced to that song he became so popular that everyone ws mentioning him. Also in that fake love era his dance videos were the most watched ones. Especially one of them i guess reached like 150m. After that tae solos started to care about dance video views. I think they are hust like their solo stans. Always want that attention they couldnt get. Thats why i hate when people want validation from jk. Thats why i hate jikookers. They want them to be real so bad that they just dont see that they are not even friends. Jimin and jk are not on thr same page anymore. Im not talking about a romantic relationship. Jungkook used to be a nice guy when he hanged out with jm. But lately he seems a bit lost. Thats why haopens to tou when u hang out with tae actually snsjsj tae is so fake in my eyes man. He is like a slytherin.
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