#jj answers things
kazanskys-mitchell · 10 months
jj do you have an icemav headcanons???
thank u for asking cal i have so many (this isn’t even all of them i dont think)
- ice fell first, mav fell harder
- mav likes coffee, ice likes tea better but will drink coffee occasionally
- mav loves when ice pulls rank on him, it’s definitely a turn on for him
- ice was pining after mav SO HARD in the first movie and you can’t change my mind
- in the locker room after goose dies, i fully believe ice wanted to give mav a comforting hug but couldn’t bring himself to do it
- they both think that the other person is the better pilot but they’ll never say it out loud
- being the little spoon is ice’s favorite thing but he’ll never admit it
- mav will absolutely climb on the counters to get stuff out of kitchen cabinets. ice puts stuff on the top shelf just to spite him
- ice can cook, mav can bake
- ice will work through any sickness no matter how shitty he feels. mav will also, but then he’ll get so sick from overworking himself and make ice take care of him (and complain the whole time)
- mav has ridiculous pet names for ice, meanwhile ice sticks with the classic pet names for mav
- ice is always really gentle with mav (sexually and not) and mav loves it but also loves to be manhandled
- mav loves pda, he gets ice to love it too (it takes a while but he’s successful)
- i firmly believe that mav is a house husband and loves to do things around the house for ice
- mav is a horrible driver, therefore ice drives them everywhere
- as they get older, ice is silently insecure about himself once the grey hair starts to show, and mav is always reminding him how much he loves him (in more ways than one if yall know what i mean)
- mav calls ice “tommy” just for laughs because he knows it annoys ice
- they can’t sleep without each other
- mav wears his ring on his dog tags, and ice wears his on his finger
- ice loves to splurge and buy mav gifts whenever he can
i definitely have more but this is all i could think of rn
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kourtniwritesagain · 1 year
I was the one who asked for the criminal minds hc but the one person I was interested in hearing a hc for was Spencer Reid. I totally understand if it would be difficult to do because you’re not into the fandom anymore.
Oh I can totally do some hc's for Dr. Ticklish Beyond Reason Spencer Reid.
Spencer is obviously canonically ticklish on his torso (PRENTISS POKED HIM AND HE REACTED LIKE THE DORK HE IS, HE'S TICKLISH, DAMNIT). He's suuuuuuper ticklish on his ribs and hips. He's a super genius, and he always attempts to think his way out of being ticklish, but his brain short circuits every time he's tickled. He was rarely tickled as a child. He was extremely bullied in school, he roomed alone during college, and he never gave tickling a second thought when he entered adulthood.
Until he met Derek Morgan.
It was their second case, and it had gone pretty great, so the team was very happy and relaxed on the plane ride back to Virginia. JJ, Derek, and Emily were playfully poking and prodding one another. Emily and Derek ganged up on JJ, causing Spencer to blush furiously as he watched his new teammates tickle each other. Derek noticed, asked why he was blushing, to which Spencer just spluttered facts about torture. Not even being able to say the word tickling, though. Derek smirked, asking Spencer if he was ticklish. At Spencer's crazy red face, Derek then proceeded to use every variation of the word 'tickle.' Gideon then helpfully added that Spencer was indeed very ticklish, especially on his ribs. Spencer turned wide and betrayed eyes on Gideon, but could do nothing more as Derek decided to test that declaration.
Gideon had been spot on. Spencer was tickled nonstop for the rest of the flight. Hotch hadn't intervened at all, despite Spencer's pleads. Hotch had actually stated that this was a type of hazing he'd allow.
Spencer isn't a ler, but he playfully goose his teammates sides when he knows he can get away with it. Being the youngest on the team, and seriously just freaking adorable, Spencer is prone to being on the receiving end of many tickle attacks. Derek and Penelope being his two biggest attackers.
He'll never admit it (unless he's forced to), but Spencer actually loves being tickled. He's always so carefully put together, and he's used to having to fight for everything in his life. It's nice to lose control every so often.
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covertstrings · 3 months
answered meme ♡༉ ⟆ maggie w. jj ⟅ @misteriios asked ❛  i didn’t come for a fight.  ❜
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an annoyed sigh passed through maggie's lips at the sight of the other, arms folding defensively across her chest. she was always a bit standoffish when it came to him. he'd never actually given her a reason to dislike him as far as she could recall. maggie's reasons were superficial at best, and she knew that. they were just two people who were far too different from one another. "then what is it that you want?"
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inlovewithjemily · 3 months
Do you have a favourite criminal minds episode?
Oh I have lots! I love the character centric ones like Penelope, Derek, 200 and the entirety of the "Lauren" storyline. It's honestly hard to pick just one! I also love the episodes with Cat Adams in
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pleafyistired · 14 days
….Ah, Pleafy. There you are. I’ve been wondering about your lab here. Specifically… [they gesture to a large tube behind her] what or who the FUCK is that?
someone in our lab use she/her pronouns? aside from you obviously but youre refering to you with they/them pronouns. unless youre mindcontroling me to make me gesture behind you
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kiekiecarrera · 1 year
Ok but imagine this…. It’s the opening scene of season 4. It’s after the time jump. We start in the newly rebuilt chateau. John B looks into jj’s room where him and kie are making out on his bed. Jj shouts at John b and John b closes the door. He walks into the nicely made up living room that doesn’t have a pull out because there’s enough bedrooms for everyone now. He walks up to a picture of his dad and has a little moment with the picture again except this time it’s even sadder because we KNOW he’s dead now. He takes two beers out of the fridge and walks out to the porch where either pope and Cleo are sat up talking or they fell asleep out there the night before (I can’t decide) he walks past pope and does the hand shake and of course says hello to Cleo too and then he walks over to the hammock where Sarah is already waiting for him. He hands her one of the beers and they cuddle together on the hammock and everyone’s so happy now. It’s just a whole parallel from the first chateau scene in the pilot and it’s just showing how everything has changed and yet nothing has really changed at all 😭😭
okay but can they still have a pullout just for sentimental reasons?
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i would love to hear about the ollie and handler crack ship here’s a silly doodle as well
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Also this got my ass to design Ollie so:
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(Love him - Also redesigned Reggie for this too so thanks!!)
And idk if it's moreso a crackship or a rarepair that only works in an AU (HACKS up Starstruck), but Reggie's line of "...and I hope Ollie made it out too. I hope a lot of things." It's totally me reading into it but like,,,,I want them to talk because Ollie is not dead to me in my heart of hearts.
Maybe the only change is like Reggie taps into the communication on the radio in Hot Water instead of using the earpiece, so Ollie ends up hearing him also? And they end up getting along really well (with Reggie having to jump through a couple hoops to be like "haha what agency..."). There's an Agency base in the South-East coast of Australia and maybe the Agency ends up adopting him after he washes up on the shore with the escape pod (after HEAVY questioning).
Alas take a doodle of my own:
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Transcript (it's just canon lines):
Ollie: "She's being controlled, it's not her fault."
Reggie: "Agent, I have 0 experience dealing with giant security squids."
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two-of-tails · 4 months
Hello, fox. I've asked a few questions in the past, but I have come to wonder: what form do us asks take? The other fox, little Fox, has a small Fox robot.
that is unfortunately smaller than them, making my nickname somewhat... Awkward.
Do you have something similar? Or something else entirely?
Oh, well errr, this one is hard to explain. Most of the asks pop up around me like digital screens, some of the interactions are also… kind of digital. I honestly can’t explain it that well, that’s just how Tumblr works. Easy access and interaction system built in, right?
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navree · 2 years
When Rhaena told Jaehaerys that she always thought she was a Visenya and Alysanne was a Rhaenys, what did she meant? That’s an interesting parallel, given that she said it in a bad way (sadly) for herself.
(Beyond my personal view that Visenya was a lesbian and that Rhaena is also a lesbian in canon?)
There's the fact that a lot of Targaryens all throughout history have been trying to recreate the dynamic of the Conquerors and their concept of the dragon having three heads, and that this is a dynamic everyone in the family is hyper aware of and is always looking to repeat to see if they can match that sort of greatness, similar to the way good kings are always compared to Jaehaerys himself. There are also some parallels in the situations, such as birth order, with Rhaena being the eldest sister (and eldest child), Jaehaerys being the middle one and her only little brother following the deaths of Aegon and Viserys, and Alysanne being the youngest and the baby. There's also the fact that Jaehaerys is obviously married to Alysanne and had a productive and mostly happy marriage with her, and the generally accepted fact in Westeros that Aegon was only ever in love with Rhaenys and the dynamics of the Conquerors' relationship paralleling Rhaena and Jaehaerys and Alysanne in the vein of "one sister with her two little siblings, and then those youngers as two romantic/sexual partners".
I think it's important to remember the context that these words are said in. It's just after Elissa Farman stole the three dragon eggs (heavily implied to be the three that eventually end up in Dany's possession in the narrative proper) from Dragonstone and absconded to Essos, something that Jaehaerys is very mad about and more importantly, puts some blame on Rhaena for.
“What do you mean to do?” his sister Rhaena asked him. “What I must. What YOU must. Do not think to wash your hands of this, sweet sister. You wanted Dragonstone and I gave it to you, and you brought this woman there. This thief.”
So already, while he's primarily angered at Elissa for actually stealing the eggs, he also puts some of the onus on Rhaena for having put them in the position where this was possible (not entirely unwarranted tbf), and he's willing to take her to task over it even while discussing the primary goal of trying to get the eggs back. And it's when they're discussing that goal, and how Jaehaerys and Rhaena will fly to Essos to reclaim the eggs themselves if they have to, even if by force, that Rhaena says that line.
“No hatchlings can hope to stand against Vermithor and Dreamfyre.” “And Silverwing?” asked Rhaena. “Our sister—” “—had no part in this. I will not put her at risk.” The Queen in the East smiled then. “She is Rhaenys, and I am Visenya. I have never thought otherwise.”
The context here is that Rhaena points out the more logical choice, that they have three grand dragonriders in their family and that Alysanne could very easily participate in taking back any dragon eggs or newly hatched dragons from whatever Essosi noble Elissa sold them to. And before she's even done speaking, Jaehaerys cuts her off and explicitly says that he's not going to risk Alysanne's life for this, and implicitly prioritizing her safety over Rhaena's. Just as Aegon is remembered as having prioritized Rhaenys and his relationship with her over Visenya, to the point where his relationship with Visenya got actively worse when Rhaenys was out of the picture, Rhaena now sees Jaehaerys as prioritizing Alysanne over her, her safety over Rhaena's safety and her ability to live long over Rhaena actively flying into battle to fix a mistake that, while maybe somewhat her fault, is certainly not entirely her fault. And given the commonly accepted history, isn't that very-Aegon like, prioritizing the sister he loves over the sister who is only a sister (ignoring, of course, that both Rhaenys and Visenya flew into battle and fought in the air with their dragons and that Aegon certainly didn't treat Rhaenys as a princess in the tower but an active ruler alongside him and a worthy battle commander in both the Conquest and the First Dornish War before she died)?
And it's also important to note that the past as prologue is a significant factor in this. Out of all of Aenys's still living children, Rhaena's probably the one who has heard Rhaenys talked about the most. She was Aenys's first child and the one who had the most face time with Aegon, and it's explicitly stated in the text that Aegon spent a lot of time with her not just because she was his granddaughter but also because of who she reminded him of.
“It was written that King Aegon himself wept the first time his granddaughter was placed in his arms, and thereafter doted upon the child…mayhaps in some part because she reminded him of his lost queen, Rhaenys, in whose memory she had been named.”
Jaehaerys and Alysanne were both toddlers when Aegon died, but Rhaena was fourteen, and she spent a lot of time with Aegon. It's not impossible to imagine that she heard a lot about her namesake, both out of her own curious questioning and Aegon likely reminiscing. She's the only person living at this time who has likely heard firsthand just how much her grandparents loved each other and how devoted Aegon was to his younger sister, how much he missed her after she was dead. So looking at Jaehaerys's immediate dismissal of putting Alysanne in any danger, even if it put his other sister in more danger, out of his love and care for his wife, might have reminded Rhaena specifically of Aegon and how he'd talked about Rhaenys to Rhaena herself.
Rhaena's also got a lot of bias in the situation. She's just been, in her view, very cruelly betrayed by a woman she loves, after already having had to deal with a fair amount of tragedies in her life and is rapidly losing a lot of personal connections (again, Elissa betrayed her, she was never close with Androw and that's only gotten worse, Rhaella is a septa and therefore not close to her and certainly not living with her, Aerea practically straight up hates her at this point, Jaehaerys is putting blame on her for the entire dragon egg situation and thus pulling away as well). It's not unreasonable to assume that Rhaena felt unloved, as unloved as people hypothesize Visenya was, given how people assume that neither of her siblings ever felt any affection for her and also her son was kind of a monstrous psychopath. Rhaena comparing herself to Visenya isn't just her viewing the situation through a historical lens and going "ooh parallels", but also just her feeling alone and isolated in a dynamic with her siblings and comparing it to the one other dynamic that she could, casting herself in the negative role due to her own issues and her own burgeoning detachment from people. Alysanne is loved by the commons, loved by Jaehaerys, protected and considered precious and adored by her family, satisfied romantically and sexually and with a family; much like Rhaenys. Rhaena is alone and isolated and the odd one out in her remaining siblings, considered aloof and cold and austere, doesn't have a good relationship with the people and an increasingly negative reputation; much like Visenya. It's Rhaena's issues about herself and her circumstances bubbling up in this moment and being tacked onto an already existing relationship type that she's heard the most about, and is already incredibly famous.
In short, Rhaena isn't just looking at the objective parallels between them, but also adding on her own views, in a situation that was already emotionally fraught for her, and was doing so negatively due to her own problems with herself and the problems others are starting to have with her.
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personinthepalace · 1 year
You're so right. I love that mischief has gotten big enough to get huge stars involved but I would like to read/see 1 article about PPGW that isn't solely enamored with nph
Anon, I was just ranting about this with some people in the Mischief server haha. And I've been upset about this huge celebrity promotion ever since they first brought tptgw to broadway back in 2017.
Like yes it is cool that they could get huge names involved in their broadway shows. JJ Abrams became a producer and helped to bring tptgw to Broadway. But then literally all the interviews were about JJ Abrams. And of course the interviewers would ask him questions about Star Wars instead of focusing on Mischief Theatre or tptgw itself. We're seeing a similar trend now with Neil Patrick Harris (who btw has extended his run to May 7th). The promos and interviews are about him and not the actual show itself.
And yes I know the reason for these big names is to bring in audiences and thus revenue, but it is quite annoying that Mischief themselves are barely getting any recognition themselves. I guess part of the problem is that Mischief shows are ensemble shows so there are no "main leads" to send out and do all the promos like most shows have. But Hen, Shields, and Jon could easily be the ones doing the promotions since they are the writers and heads of the show and company respectively. They should be promoting themselves so that the general audience could get to know them by name instead of "those funny british people." Their established fanbase + bringing in a celeb can't be their only marketing strategy
Also with NPH, it has the added injury that he is replacing Harry Kershaw who originated the role. Mischief fans (like me) are going out of their way to see the show for the original cast (also I have a side rant about that but that's for another time haha) but end up getting NPH instead of Harry himself. If they announced this way beforehand then it would have been fine but this unexpected announcement came as quite a surprise. Harry has gotten the short hand of the stick already in the BBC special where they had David Suchet to play the role of the narrator
Though someone did suggest an interesting idea if Mischief wants to continue this stunt casting. Mischief could get some big name (some suggestions include Christian Borle and David Tennant) to play as themselves in ppgw each week (similar to David Suchet in the BBC special). So they get a monologue similar to Suchet but related to their own work But it is a mystery guest so that would make people want to go see the show just to see who they get. And then Harry has another role (he could reprise his role as BBC guy) and/or he continue playing the Narrator once a week.
But of course this is an idea I could get behind if they promoted it from the beginning and don't make it the sole focus of their advertising of the show
Anyway this has gotten way longer and rambly then I intended haha but in short yes the constant advertisement of the celebrity instead of Mischief themselves is VERY annoying
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thoughpoppiesblow · 3 months
Canadian spotted 🫵🏻
WRONG 😵‍💫 just had to watch my country’s presidential debate 😭😭
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kazanskys-mitchell · 10 months
hello! love your fics and all your work. your writing is greatly appreciated
but I’m curious
what’s some of your fave slimav headcannons?
they have a special spot in my heart so I wanna know headcannons if you wanna share!!!!
hello!! thank you, i’m so glad you enjoy my fics 🥹
here are some of my slimav headcanons for you!!
- slider bullied mav when they first met because he liked him, no one can change my mind
- slider will hold things up in the air where mav can’t reach them and mav always has to climb him in order to get said item. slider loves it and that’s why he keeps doing it
- they’re kinky mfs for SURE
- slider loves physical contact, whether it be cuddling, holding hands, even being out in public he HAS to be touching mav in some way
- slider will absolutely kick someone’s ass over mav. someone looks at mav the wrong way? better pray slider isn’t there
- both of them are possessive as FUCK
- mav wears slider’s clothes everywhere. doesn’t matter if it’s two or three sizes too big, he’s wearing it
- slider enables everything mav does. stealing a multimillion dollar plane? slider’s helping him
- slider’s a big teddy bear. mav always calls him that and he loves it
- sliders the big bad guard dog boyfriend in public but is a total sweetheart in private
- mav absolutely lays directly on top of slider always
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banbrotsu · 4 months
Thinking about how sorcerers work in the west, specifically the USA, and I think I'd probably use Hellboy, the BPRD and the Bureau of Control from the Remedy Studios games as a rough template. For one thing they're probably not called sorcerers but instead exorcists and vessels like Yuji would be called "sin eaters" going off an old tradition from the British Isles, mainly Wales, where a cake/biscuit would be made and placed upon the dead to soak up their sins and then a poor person was paid to eat the soul cake and absorb the dead person's sins so they can go to heaven. So the consumption of cursed objects is seen as an extension of that old tradition and vessels are treated both kinda like pariahs and also like they're doing a very selfless service to society.
The sorcerer community in America is probably one of the most diverse and disjointed since the country is so heavily populated by immigrants with no real incentive to seek each other out or tbh knowledge the others are even there half the time. But the two most organized factions would be the government's Department of Paranormal Investigation (name likely to change) and ofc, the Catholic Fucking Church. overall the Catholic Church has likely been the largest and most well organized group that employs sorcerers outside of Japan for like, centuries given their real world historical reach and power.
The set up in the USA doesn't really have anything like Jujutsu High and instead exorcists are usually just brought right under the wing of the government and removed from society to live at HQ/branch facilities or are being trained, managed and monitored by handlers as they live semi-normal lives. Generally whether they live on base or out in the world is decided by how inhuman they look (ex. panda or abe sapien ass lookin' guys) and how difficult they are to control (read: they were too strong to muscle into compliance so we had to let them stay in their own home). The Dept and Church have a fairly strained alliance since they have common goals but also a lot of differences and conflicting ones as well. This can get Very Interesting.
Financial compensation of exorcists is also very uh, iffy lol. The gov has very little interest in compensating exorcists, preferring to give them a small stipend and then cover their basic needs like room and board which makes the exorcists very dependent on them and unlikely to quit/defect. The dept is also very interested in experimentation. While the USA is pulling from many millennia old sorcerer traditions the Dept itself is actually very new and is thus very interested expanding their knowledge base and trying to increase the weaponization of cursed energy and curses. They've 100% tried to make like, cursed spirit super soldiers or whatever or like, cursed energy guns lol. These experiments have mixed success and have at times made things that will make life objectively worse for like, the whole world in the long run lol.
I'm still deciding on like, who are the "names to run away from" like Sukuna in the western sorcerer canon but I know one of them is definitely Faust who, while he was never known to be as powerful a fighter as Sukuna, was is regarded as one of the most knowledgeable jujutsu scholars to have ever lived, having made a deal with a cursed spirit and via this learned all kinds of mystical secrets. People will go to war to get their hands on the cursed artifacts he made but are even more covetous of his various tomes of arcane knowledge.
The Dept was only formally founded during WW2, mainly to combat Nazi use of the occult and curses but was a very scrappy and disorganized thing until they came into contact with the jujutsu sorcerers of Japan during the US occupation of the country after the war. A very tentative alliance was made between the two, mainly because Tengen was like "these guys are batshit and not in a good way" and wanted to keep an eye on them (this turned out to be a Very Wise Move later on).
In the same generation as Gojo and Co. the US gets their own special grade exorcist either like Ever or in Ages and are keen to try and make them stronger than Gojo because like... ofc that's how the US would handle this shit. Ofc they make it into an arms race lol. I'll get more into this when I write about that OC but this goes about as well as you'd think and hilariously eventually ends with that exorcist defecting to live in Japan.
RE: This shit and the whole thing to kidnap sorcerers in the manga — the reality is that even in real life the president is not 100% aware of all covert ops and what they do. The Dept is highly secretive and runs on a skeleton budget so they tend not to raise any alarms. They also likely gave up a few presidents ago about trying to get them to believe the whole "demons are real" thing and instead just pretend to be boring government agency #35348546583 to get all their shit thru. People like the president literally didn't know about curses until Kenjaku cropped up and the Dept didn't learn about Kenjaku's scheme until it was already getting underway. Bureaucracy at its finest.
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brendaonao3 · 1 year
Hey so since you posted a mission: impossible thing I'm just gonna ask you:
Which do you prefer out of Mission: Impossible 2 and Mission: Impossible 3?
Please feel free to ask me ANY Mission: Impossible questions you want!!! I'm not only a huge fan of the film franchise - THE best action film franchise of all time (I said what I said) - but I also love the TV series for the over the top crazy late 60s/early 70s vibes and total mindfucks. :D
Okay, so, having said that - I'm going to give an honest answer - but I need to lay a few caveats: 1) I LOVE LOVE LOVE John Woo - I think he's a brilliant director and I'm a huge fan of both his Hong Kong films and his Hollywood films. I fully believe he and Ridley Scott are the 2 greatest living directors.
2) I cannot STAND JJ Abrams. And not just for what he did to Star Wars. He did his damnedest to ruin Star TREK first - a franchise he knew nothing about (and man, you could tell) - all to GET the Star Wars gig, and then fucked that up too. And we won't even get into all of the ways he should never be allowed to direct action or write women (yes, I know about Alias - again, I said what I said) or try to work on anything other than weird indies.
That being said - much as it pains me to admit it - MI3 is objectively a better film. I love MI2 because it shows how broken Ethan was after MI1 and losing his entire team and getting betrayed by his old mentor (not to mention, the IMF) and how hard all of those blows made him, until he met Nyah and she cracked that hard shell open and gave him back his purpose. The end of MI2 also perfectly sets up MI3 in that loving Nyah allowed Ethan to be open to Julia.
But MI3 has the superior villain (PSH might be the best MI villain if I'm honest) and introduces Benji and is the first to show us the behind the scenes machinations of the IMF and is the first film to really show us just how deep and true Ethan and Luther's friendship has become and it's also the first film that gives us the full scope of Ethan's skill set - his ability to quickly read people, the languages, the improvisation, the ingenuity, all of his weapons skills, the way he can pivot and make a new plan on the fly, his ability to train people, and his absolute inability to believe a job cannot be done.
And, most importantly, MI3 gave us Julia. I mean, look, I love Ilsa with my entire heart and soul, but Julia is still my favorite character after Ethan, because her arc is just brilliant in the way she goes from clueless civilian to survivor to protector. And she's the only person who knows Ethan at his core, all parts of him.
So yeah, as much as I hate JJ, I have to give him props for MI3.
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inlovewithjemily · 11 days
With your name i assume your name is jemily
I know that doesn't make sense if I read. But that what my first thoughts were
Nope my name is DJ, Jemily is my favourite ship name from Criminal Minds, JJ and Emily Prentiss
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socksandbuttons · 10 months
I have one more question about the malarkey’s what did they do on there honey moon and sorry for asking a lot 🥺
Im not gonna lie, i dont know how to answer this actually. Its been 10ish years since I started that blog. I don't think I ever thought about that? (For any of them actually? Since most were already programmed to be spouses, it didn't need that really. Plus my own When Theyre Kids au)
Not an answer I can give you. So, thats up to you if you wanna make something up for them. I feel like they'd go hiking.
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