chintadraws · 2 years
Yo, also @ghostly-shenanigans-in-progress here. Ok, I just realized something ironic with your latest Walker and Spectra’s relationship from their recent and epic family art you made. Both villains’ second-in-commands got names starting with “B”. Walker with Bullet, the merman guy from Public Enemies, and Spectra with Bertrand. I know it’s a weird thing to connect from that art but it’s funny to realize for the moment.
Makes me wonder if those two lackeys get confused whenever Spectra, Walker or their kids call their names from a distant/mumble given that comparison but I doubt it. Still funny to imagine though.
That is an interesting connection! I don't know if they'd get confused for the other, I don't think Bertrand sticks around Spectra much after she marries Walker, but I know Bullet does love Coyote and Dante and often visits them and babysits them sometimes. Dante and Bullet like to compare their fangs and Coyote treats Bullet's tail like a fun slide or napping spot. uwu
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nickfoo · 3 years
You know what for the heck of it and because I’m very curious what are your headcanons you have for Bege, Chiffon, Pez and the rest of the fire tanker crew. If your interested in sharing that is?
Welcome back!
And as for my head canons….whew you might want to strap in because I have quite a few. I’ll try to list what I can think of at the moment.
( I’ll put a read more because this might be long )
- Grew up ultimately orphaned in the crime ridden West Blue. Left the home for boys he was at when he was a young age after punching a nun teacher and joined gangs and lived off the street.
- While his childhood certainly wasn’t pleasant, it’s not the reason why even as a young boy, Bege was a trouble child. Most likely had CD- symptoms including aggressive behavior, delinquent behavior, deceitful behavior, destructive behavior and lack of empathy. This also accounts for the whole cutting off animals heads thing he use to do.
- Was a natural during his time in the mob. He quickly excelled in the ranks and got closer to the bosses. There he saw the finer lives and decorum the bosses could afford, along with their reach of influence in the West Blue underworld. This made him break off into his own family, and the rest is history from there.
- When he first met Chiffon it was love at first sight. Despite the fact that he would have said that such a thing was completely and utter bullshit. It was a very confusing time for him, as he didn’t expect to have any feelings for the woman Big Mom would have chosen for him to marry - Bege rarely had any feelings for anything or anyone else at all. Part of Beges attraction to Chiffon is her strength and that she challenges him on his own nature.
- While after the 2 yrs of marrying Chiffon and having Pez has managed to teach him empathy 101, he is very self aware he is not a good person. This causes him occasional internal conflict as he honestly feels he doesn’t deserve a woman as kind as Chiffon. Part of his not denying his poor moral standing is he is a very ‘what you see is what you get’ kind of person concerning himself. He won’t hide or feel ashamed for what he is or what he’s done.
- While he has improved, Bege still has mental disorders that border on psychopathic and sociopathic behavior. ( both tend to be umbrellaed terms ) These disorders are life long, often stem from CD and don’t just go away. He tries to keep himself in check and when he can’t, his crew and family help him ground himself again.
- Bege reads to Pez every night before he sleeps. Bege gave up harder swears ( fuck, bitch ect. ) to clean up his example of speaking for Pez. Despite Pez being far too young, he tries to teach him about chess.
- Other tidbits- Bege dose not like being touched by others unless he knows them very well. He is very particular on certain matters of presentability, order and cleanliness. He isn’t so good at talking about more personal matters. Bad at feelings lol. Absolutely hates being bored.
- When she first met Bege she was off put about him being older and shorter than her. She had also heard the rumors Big Mom was giving her away to a cold blooded, violent man and feared for her own life.
- She fell for Bege because in the end, he treated her with the love and care she had never received from her own family ( besides Lola ) in her life. Despite being royalty, she was only treated as such by Bege and his men.
- Chiffon was initially more quiet and timid until she married Bege and began to spend more time among him and his crew. It allowed her to really become herself.
- In their relationship, it is surely Chiffon who takes the lead. However on certain circumstances, Bege and Chiffon have a silent agreement that it is best for Bege to step in and take command. She often gets her way and Bege is happy to give it to her. ( this also stems to their -AHEM- more intimate relationship )
- Found Bege’s devil fruit to be one of the more unique types she’s seen. She can tell the small differences from when Bege is manifested inside his castle rather than using his real body outside. She once touched the purple smoke-like stuff he uses to manifest and it felt similar to the fog that comes out from dry ice machines.
- The strongest metal in the world could bend around the patience she has for her husband.
- Chiffon selects the books for Bege to read to Pez. She makes sure they’re appropriate for a child Pez age
- She is the head chef of the Fire Tank kitchen
- Was chosen as Bege’s advisor due to his genuinely less cold demeanor and way of thinking. Bege wanted someone who would give him an opinion different than his own on matters
- Has suggested anger management techniques and grounding techniques to his captain
- He designed the Fire Tank logo with the fused T and F that he has tattooed on himself. He is very proud of it.
- paints his nails ( as they are black in the manga and the anime is a coward for not following suit )
- is the one of the better chess players in the crew and Bege is trying to teach him to be a better opponent at the game
Gotti and the Fire Tank Crew:
- They take being uncles to young Pez very seriously. Pez is loved by them all.
- The crew sometimes spy or over hear Bege and Chiffon flirting or being sweet to one another. It’s more like soap opera entertainment for them, plus they like to know their Boss is still very much in love with the Ma’dam. They think she’s good for him.
- Loyal to a fault. Particularly after Bege started treating them well, they certainly love him more than fear him now. ( Still fear him tho lol )
( that’s all I can think of for now. )
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Apparently, Walker had kids before he died. Issue is Danny found this out once he encountered his son, who is part of the GIWs. Unlike his co-workers, he is actually competent and extremely effective as an agent much to Danny’s dismay.
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nastyburger · 4 years
Don’t want to be rude for requesting late into this but I do want to add an au or regular verse idea of Walker’s children, probably a son, works for the GIW in the current timeline. Yet, prior to that Walker’s family and Maddie’s family were very close to each other especially after the events of Walker’s death. So, they’re still in connection despite Maddie moving up north later in life. So, the idea of Danny meeting his mother’s childhood friend then freaking out momentarily when this man sounds exactly like some southern warden he knows. The fun part here is that he becomes an ally for Danny once he realizes that he’s Phantom. And if Danny asks why, he’d tell Danny, “Son, I lost the most important man in my entire life. I never ever want the same kind of thing to happen for your mother. God, she’d skin me alive if I did.” Which Danny laughs upon hearing that part, but appreciates the sediment. Though, the moment Danny asks about who that man was that’s likely when he realizes the similarities between him and Walker are more than just a coincidence. Also Walker’s daughter is a lawyer and she and Aunt Alicia are besties. (Sorry for the length of this, hope you enjoy it and have a great day!)
i wasnt really taking aus or whatever people were just sending them, thats nice though
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dailudannos · 4 years
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Man goes UwU, his bf goes full ballistic cuddling mode
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goodfish-bowl · 3 years
I follow you because your a cool dude with great Hcs/ideas for DP content and etc.
Wicked. It’s nice to see that sometimes when I send my bastard thoughts into the digitalized void, sometimes another being crosses their path.
Really appreciate it!
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constellaj · 4 years
What’s your thoughts/ideas for Bullet in this reboot? Alongside Walker, he’s one of my favorite characters and the most interesting one from the show to me (so much so that I did my first ghost analysis on him and his backstory). So, I love hearing others thoughts on him and so far I’ve been loving what you had in stored for most of the characters in your reboot.
hi bullet and walker are married and thats a fact. moving on
walker/bullet would have a special flashback episode centered mostly on walker but with bullet too when they were humans in the wild west. @crystalfloe and i havent sussed out all the details yet but they *do* hunt ghosts. bullet eventually joins the navy, shipwrecks a little, becomes a pirate, maybe crashes in the bermuda triangle, who knows. he gets killed by a ghost/abducted into the ghost zone while walker’s still a human fighting ghosts. he has to desperately find walker bc ghost society is more aggressive than bullet can handle, but walkers like “ah! a ghost!” so bullet has to convince him that like. hey bro its just me. its just m. its j
also bullet said fuck authority figures so while he helps walker a lot whenever he thinks walker goes too far he like, cuts that man down a lot. specifically when it comes to danny walker will be like “put the child in jail” and bullet will correctly say “but its past his bedtime.” and basically be the 1 brain cell walker actually has
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coffeecakecafe · 5 years
What if Danny’s electric core could interact with radio waves? He doesn’t mess with it or anything but he literally connect and play music to any nearby radio station in Amityville. He’s like a walking radio if he stays connected and it’s similar to that scene in Lilo & Stich when they play the record player when he found out and showed his friends or Jazz when she knew about his double life.
I’m stuck somewhere between Sam using him as an AM radio and the exact opposite concept where his voice keeps coming through nearby radios like the spirit box on buzzfeed unsolved
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girzapata6 · 5 years
Ok, big question who do you think is the most evil ff2 medic, Dr. Schadenfreude, Nightmare Medic, Cybormedic, or some other that I didn’t list?
Hmmm... This is kinda hard, cuz these dudes are pretty evil. But I guess Nightmare Medic takes the crown. Principally because he's a demon freak, and... He's also very creepy lol
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Who’s a character you would rewrite first in a DP reboot? (This is also @ghostly-shenanigans-in-progress)
I guess I'd start off with the main characters like Danny, Sam & Tucker. Though technically guess I started with Sidney pointdexter. Thanks for asking💖
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infamouslydorky · 5 years
How are you?
I’m alright. mostly tired. that’s nothing new though
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-anything and everything about the heavy
-demoman is of scottish nobility
-engineer has 11phds and his name is dell, which may be a pun
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that kinda skipped over me as a kid ngl. i know of it via osmosis because of friends, if anything
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sandwiches. unironically. i frequently get comments on my triple-decker during lunch at work
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that’s kind of you to do. thank you :D
I’m doing alright
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i could see spy being frollo
maybe scout being a scrawny gaston
heavy- shan yu (mulan)
demoman- the horned king (the black cauldron)
pyro- phantom blot (mickey villain)
engineer- alameda slim (home on the range) or commander rourke (atlantis)
medic- hades?
soldier- kronk?
sniper- the hunter that killed bambi’s mom
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based off of this Hc “ Dib and Gaz once put a bunch of magnets on their dad’s robot arms to see if they would stick. They did and it was hilarious to watch the sheer utter confusion their dad had upon waking up from his nap and having a most of the refrigerator magnets stuck to his lab coat sleeves/gloves. “ by jj-inc20xx i didn’t have enough time to do shading > - <
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nickfoo · 3 years
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Vito, Gotti, or any of the fire tank crew members when people ask about their past with Bege before their pirate careers.
Gosh, I can picture this exact dialogue occurring. It’s very fitting!
A bit off topic, but the double parking thing gets my every time. Though the One Piece world doesn’t have cars, I’d bet the West Blue mafia groups would’ve used them. They’d be those older 1930s 1940s models too, which are just so aesthetically pleasing to me. (Also I laugh at the situations that could occur with cars. Bege has enough space in the castle to keep one or two on him. It would be v useful. Some of the straw hats who can’t drive or have never seen a vehicle, Bege’s guys helping them. …God, it would be a test of Bege’s patience to teach Luffy to drive…. )
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The reason Walker didn’t show up in Ulimate Enemy was because he got obliterated by Dan Phantom during the beginning of his rampage. Walker was the only ghost who had the guts to try and stop him the moment it happened. Though, underestimating the kid’s power during their last encounter was what lead to his demise in the end.
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Hey, if you can see this and are interested for in-depth analyses on your fav underrated or obscure Danny Phantom ghosts, try following here! I’m trying to separate or at least lessen my accumulation of DP stuff on my main, @jj-inc20xx , with this side blog here so I hope you guys will be interested in checking this here sideblog out!
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dailudannos · 4 years
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Wow bro,, hit me in the feels there
Edit: Sawyer has green eyes, BJ has red eyes :)
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