gibs-bangalore · 1 year
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How to Sound And robust in the 21st Century Job Market | GIBS Bangalore - Best BSchool in Bangalore
To maintain your competitiveness in the job market, always make it a point to master new skills. You may sign up for professional courses, learn how to use new software, go to webinars, workshops, or training sessions, or you could receive on-the-job training. Professional expertise might help you stand out from other job applicants.
Want to Stay competative in Corporate Job Market. Stay Connect with Us: Know More About College: www.gibs.edu.in Apply Now: https://admission.gibsbschool.com/
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Dear neurodivergent people of Tumblr,
I need your advice.
I'm autistic with ADHD and I need to start earning money soon. But I know I won't make it in a typical shift 9-5 job. It would make my nervous system too overwhelmed and I would end with a severe depression (it happened back during school times). Also I'm not able to focus for that long.
Can you recommend any auadhd friendly jobs and careers? How do you earn money? How to find an autism-friendly job? Can you share any advice? Is it hard to make it in a typical office? Is it possible to enjoy your hobbies and passions even after an exhausting work day? Is the IT sector really autism-friendly?
I'm really lost and depressed. For now my family supports me financially but it won't last forever.
I appreciate any piece of advice 🌱
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gradschoolstyle · 4 months
A big old round up of shirts that go under blazers
It’s academic job market season, which means you might be wearing blazers, and in need of tops that go nicely with a suit! Here are some good options Continue reading Untitled
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View On WordPress
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jobshorn-01 · 4 months
Hi Recruiters,
Are you Hiring? JobsHorn – Register and post a job
Registration Link: https://lnkd.in/g_CEX5JE
JobsHorn is a Great Platform for Recruiters to Post their Requirements and find the Suitable Candidates for your clients in real time by simply posting your Job.
Jobseekers register for FREE and apply for jobs. Best FREE job posting and hiring platform. Register your business for FREE and post jobs for FREE.
Requirement Link: https://lnkd.in/gD7CakEM
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emotionalechoes · 7 months
Yes, i’m in tears
i love how one interview went really well and it seemed like this time it was going to lead to something positive but I got ghosted again, applying to hundreds of jobs, doing stupid test, only to get ghosted, with no follow up, and if you do get an interview? well you’re ghosted.
Broke with no job, applied to 100+ jobs with the hope of getting hired only to get ghosted, gotta love it. 🥰💕
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headsupcorporation · 8 months
Best HR Recruitment Strategies and Hiring Process
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Best HR Recruitment Strategies and Hiring Process at headsup Corporation are meticulously crafted to identify and onboard top talent efficiently. We begin by defining clear job roles and requirements, followed by targeted job postings on diverse platforms.
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transportbranche · 1 year
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ipbinstitute · 4 days
Why is unemployment on the rise?
In this video, our Founder & MD of the Institute of Professional Banking (IPB) shares his insights and experiences on the key factors contributing to this growing issue and what can be done to address it.
Watch to gain a deeper understanding and discover potential solutions.
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educationalcourses · 4 days
Top Online Courses to Boost Your Career in 2024
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Top Courses to Learn in 2024 for a High-Paying Career
The job market is constantly shifting and evolving, driven by technological advancements. If you want to increase your earning potential and shape the world of tomorrow, investing in the right skills is essential.
The demand for specific skills is rising significantly due to technological advancements, economic shifts, and global trends. Identifying and learning these skills can enhance your career and provide significant advantages. This blog explores the best skills to learn in 2024.
Whether you’re just starting, looking to switch careers, or aiming to level up your current role, understanding which skills are in demand and why can be a game changer in your professional journey with Uniathena
The Importance of Acquiring New Skills
In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving job market, continuously learning new skills is crucial. For professionals aiming to stay relevant and competitive, learning new skills is not just an option but a necessity. Technological advancements and global economic shifts are transforming industries, making today’s job roles and skills potentially obsolete tomorrow.
Staying up-to-date requires proactive learning and self-improvement. The benefits of acquiring new skills extend beyond securing a job to include better job performance, greater potential for career advancement, and easier navigation of new or unexpected career paths. Adaptation and overcoming challenges require a robust set of varied skills, making continuous learning essential. Additionally, continuous learning fosters curiosity and growth, which are invaluable in both work and life.
Top Online Courses to Upgrade Your Skills in 2024
In today’s rapidly changing job market, staying ahead means investing in future skills. Here are some top online courses to consider for upgrading your skills:
1. Diploma in Data Analytics
Diploma in Data Analytics remains pivotal amid the growing data-driven decision-making landscape. This course equips you with tools and techniques to turn data into actionable insights that drive business success. The self-paced, free-to-learn course lets you control your Data Analytics learning journey. Upon successful completion, you can enhance your resume with a Blockchain-Verified Certification.
2. Executive Diploma in Machine Learning
As artificial intelligence reshapes industries, knowledge in Machine Learning becomes indispensable. This course explores how Machine Learning revolutionizes decision-making. You’ll gain skills to find insights in your data, optimize operations, and gain a competitive edge. This self-paced course allows you to learn Machine Learning concepts in 2–3 weeks and boost your career potential with a Blockchain-Verified Certification.
3. MBA Essentials with Artificial Intelligence
Integrating AI into business management, the MBA Essentials with Artificial Intelligence course is a pioneering program for future business leaders. This course helps you gain a strategic edge by exploring core business areas (Marketing, HR, Operations, Finance) infused with AI. You’ll learn essential business skills, understand AI basics, and use tools like PESTEL, SWOT, Ansoff Matrix, and Lean Management. This self-paced course allows you to learn at your own pace over 3–4 weeks. Upon completion, you will earn a certification from Acacia University Professional Development (AUPD), a testament to your dedication and growth.
Technology evolves at an incredible pace, demanding continuous skill development. Our Diploma in Data Analytics, Executive Diploma in Machine Learning, and MBA Essentials with Artificial Intelligence offer great paths to advancement. These courses unlock the knowledge and skills you need to excel in the future, transforming your career trajectory and boosting your professional value for future technological advances. Whether you seek to learn Data, innovate with Machine Learning, or lead the AI-integrated business world, these online courses will equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in 2024 and beyond.
Why Botswana People Should Take These Courses
Botswana is experiencing significant economic growth and development, particularly in sectors like finance, mining, and information technology. To remain competitive and capitalize on these opportunities, professionals in Botswana need to acquire advanced skills that are in high demand globally. With skills in Data Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI, they can access higher-paying jobs and leadership positions both locally and internationally. 
Bonus Points
Learn to translate complex data insights into clear, compelling narratives.
Develop skills to work effectively alongside AI systems, utilizing their strengths for optimal results.
Embrace continuous learning and adaptability to new tools and technologies.
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shahmdfahim33 · 17 days
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Hey, I am Shah Md Fahim Faysal. I am Professional Resume Writer. I have 10 years of experience of CV writing.
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bizessenceaustralia · 22 days
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Ever wondered how staffing agencies seem to pull top talent out of thin air? The truth is, it is not magic, it is strategic sourcing!
Job boards are just one piece of the puzzle. At Bizessence, we go beyond the boards to find the perfect fit for your team.
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Bridging the skills gap is a continuous journey, crucial for staying competitive in today's job market. Insights from Sumit Sarabhai, our Chief Business Officer at Spectrum Talent Management, shed light on strategies to navigate emerging job trends and make informed career choices.
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Nursing Job Opportunities and Challenges
Nursing offers diverse job opportunities and presents unique challenges. Explore the current landscape, including emerging trends and potential hurdles in the profession. Gain insights into how to navigate these aspects successfully. Read more at:https://www.scribd.com/document/728302228/Nursing-Job-Opportunities-and-Challenges/ #NursingJobs #Healthcare #CareerOpportunities #JobMarket
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The Importance of Career Coaching in Today's Competitive Job Market
Career coaching is essential in today's competitive job market. It helps individuals navigate career paths, enhance skills, and achieve professional goals. Learn how coaching can make a difference in your career journey. Read more:https://post.news/@/janjacobs/2fp3H9kiw3koBYrjwOYWjCUBJyg/ #CareerCoaching #ProfessionalDevelopment #CareerGrowth #JobMarket
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morpheusindia · 1 month
Exploring Non-Traditional Career Paths: Alternative Routes to Success
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With advice from Morpheus Consulting, traditional career pathways are no longer the only means of success in today's quickly changing employment market. 
People are looking more and more into non-traditional professional pathways since they present special chances for success, fulfillment, and progress. Let's investigate the opportunities presented by a few different paths to achievement.
1. Freelancing and Contract Work:
Flexibility, independence, and the chance to work on a variety of projects for different clients are all benefits of freelancing. 
Freelancers may now access a worldwide network of clients and prospects thanks to the growth of online platforms and digital markets, which enables them to pursue prosperous professions at their own pace.
2. Entrepreneurship and Startups:
Through entrepreneurship, one can transform creative concepts into profitable ventures. When hopeful business owners have access to tools like crowdsourcing, incubators, and accelerators, they can start their projects with low entry barriers. 
Taking up entrepreneurship enables people to follow their passions, make a significant contribution, and become financially independent.
3. Remote Work and Digital Nomadism:
People can operate remotely from any location in the world, escaping the confines of typical office environments. Digital nomads live a nomadic lifestyle, using technology to work from anywhere and see the world at their own pace.
Flexibility, work-life balance, and the opportunity to create a lifestyle that suits individual objectives and tastes are all benefits of working remotely.
4. The Gig Economy and Side Hustles:
A vast array of temporary, flexible jobs, ranging from food delivery and ride-sharing to freelance writing and virtual help, are included in the gig economy. 
Through side gigs, people can follow their passions, add to their income, and develop useful skills that they can use outside of their day jobs. Accepting the gig economy might lead to new prospects and a variety of revenue sources.
In conclusion, non-traditional career paths provide an alternate path to success that enables people to follow their own unique career goals and set their own trajectory with the assistance of Morpheus Consulting. 
Investigating non-traditional career routes can result in new chances for advancement, creativity, and personal fulfillment as the workplace continues to change.
For more Recruitment / Placement / HR / Consultancy services, connect with Morpheus Consulting:
📞: (+91) 8376986986
🌐: www.mhc.co.in
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