#joe kindler
krakenator · 2 years
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Episode 1 of @snailcomiczs Thrilling Stuff went great and we spedrun the plot only a little bit
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joe-hills-said · 1 year
Kindler: "Two steps forward one step back is still a step forward."
Joe: That might be true, but it's a step forward covered in ants!
Hermitcraft 9 live, May 6 2023
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nakedcomedy · 5 years
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🎶 Jon Daly Kills It 🎶 Jon Daly is back with Colleen Green, Brett Morris & Joe Wong to form his Magic Sax Band!! 🎷 Comedy from Andy Kindler, Kurt Braunohler, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Blaine Capatch & Ayo Edebiri! WEDNESDAY 7/31 8p Doors 8:30p Show $10 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jon-daly-kills-it-with-andy-kindler-kurt-braunohler-mary-lynn-rajskub-tickets-62962055202 at The Satellite  1717 Silverlake Blvd, LA, CA 90026
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theculturedmarxist · 6 years
     By    Patrick Martin    
       3 December 2018  
Former President George H. W. Bush died late Friday at the age of 94. Born into a ruling class family of wealth and privilege, he lived a life a world away from the struggles and sufferings of the working class.
In his decades as a political representative of American imperialism, the most murderous and reactionary force on the planet, Bush helped insure that millions of people around the world did not have a chance to live the full and comfortable life he led. Instead, they were shot to death, bombed or otherwise annihilated by the armed forces of the United States, or starved, jailed or tortured by governments backed by the CIA and doing the bidding of Washington.
Few people in recent American history have had so long a record of “service” to the US ruling elite and its state machine. Few have participated in the crimes of American imperialism in so many ways: legislator, diplomat, CIA director, commander-in-chief. As a member of Congress for four years, 1967-71, Bush voted repeatedly to fund the war in Vietnam. As US ambassador to the United Nations, 1971-72, he was the public voice of the United States government, defending its crimes in Southeast Asia before a world audience. As US envoy to China in 1974-75, he carried out the Kissinger policy of wooing Chinese Stalinism as a counterweight to the USSR. As CIA director in 1975-76, he oversaw Operation Condor, the joint venture in the assassination of leftists conducted by the CIA and the US-backed military regimes in Chile, Argentina, Brazil and other Latin American countries.
While vice president in the Reagan administration (1981-1989), he was complicit in the terrorist “contra” war against Nicaragua and the death squad operations in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, in which hundreds of thousands died, as well as the dispatch of US troops to Lebanon, the invasion of Grenada and the bombing of Libya. In the first year of his presidency he ordered the invasion of Panama and in the final year the occupation of Somalia. In between came the greatest crime of all, the waging of the first Persian Gulf War, deliberately instigated by the Bush administration, in which hundreds of thousands of Iraqi conscripts were incinerated by US bombs and missiles.
Bush’s political record at home was less openly murderous but equally reactionary. He was a consummate political cynic. While his father Prescott Bush, a Wall Street banker and Republican senator from Connecticut, had been a social moderate, George H. W. Bush tailored his political positions to the reactionary climate of Texas in the period before the dismantling of Jim Crow segregation. In his first campaign for office, as the Republican candidate for US Senate in Texas in 1964, Bush ran as a Goldwaterite, opposing the 1964 Civil Rights Act as an infringement on freedom (to discriminate) and condemning the impending establishment of Medicare as “socialistic.” He later denounced “the militant Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.”
As chairman of the Republican National Committee in 1973-74, Bush defended Richard Nixon throughout the Watergate crisis. After memorably branding the supply-side policies advanced by Ronald Reagan as “voodoo economics,” during the contest for the 1980 Republican presidential nomination, Bush worked assiduously to become Reagan’s running mate. As vice president, he supported all the right-wing domestic measures of the Reagan administration, from the firing of the PATCO air traffic controllers in 1981 to the deregulation of business, cuts in social programs and tax reductions for the wealthy and big business.
In the 1988 presidential campaign, Bush pledged a “kindler, gentler” America, implicitly acknowledging the brutality of the Reagan administration’s onslaught on the poor and the working class. But his campaign unleashed the Willie Horton ad against his Democratic opponent Michael Dukakis, which used the image of a black convict who had committed rape and armed burglary during a weekend furlough from a Massachusetts prison to paint Dukakis as soft on crime. This brazen appeal to racism was part a deliberate effort to cement the gains of the Nixon-Reagan “southern strategy,” which recruited racist elements in that region, formerly dominated by the Democrats, and made it the stronghold of the Republican Party.
The Bush presidency carried forward right-wing policies in both foreign and domestic areas. Bush bailed out the savings & loan industry at taxpayer expense—his son Neil was a prominent executive of a failed S&L—while seeking to slash spending for domestic social programs. He suffered a political embarrassment when he inadvertently revealed his distance from the daily experiences of ordinary Americans by expressing surprise at the use of barcode readers in a supermarket.
In 1991, he nominated the ultra-rightist Clarence Thomas to the US Supreme Court to replace the retiring Thurgood Marshall. As he left office in January 1993, Bush issued pardons for Caspar Weinberger, Reagan’s secretary of defense, and five other officials who had been indicted or convicted for their roles in the Iran-Contra scandal.
But it was in foreign policy that his administration made its mark and established its “legacy” in the eyes of the American ruling elite. The Bush presidency coincided with the collapse of Stalinism, beginning in Eastern Europe in 1989 and culminating in the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991. Weekend obituaries hailed Bush for adroit management of the crisis, although in truth he had little to do beyond accepting the surrender of Soviet Stalinist leader Mikhail Gorbachev. His one distinctive contribution was the decision to back the reunification of Germany in 1990 over the objections of British Prime Minister Thatcher and French President Mitterrand, both of whom feared the consequences of the reemergence of Germany as a world power in the center of the continent.
The implications of the dissolution of the Soviet Union for world politics were laid bare in the crisis that erupted after Iraq’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait in August 1990. The Reagan administration had backed Saddam Hussein during the bloody Iran-Iraq War of 1980-88, and Bush continued this policy, even hinting in July 1990, through a US envoy, that the US was neutral on Saddam’s border clash with Kuwait, which was siphoning oil from Iraq’s Rumailah oilfield. Saddam seized Kuwait, but soon found himself caught in a trap, as hundreds of thousands of US and allied soldiers were mobilized to the Arabian Peninsula along with hundreds of warplanes and warships armed with cruise missiles.
When the war began in January 1991, it was a one-sided slaughter of the soldiers of a Third World country by the most powerful military force on the planet. But Bush decided not to expand the war by marching on Baghdad, in part because Saddam Hussein was still viewed as a counterweight against Iran, but even more because he was allied to the Soviet Union, whose existence provided a check on US military options that no longer existed by the time Bush’s son entered the White House ten years later.
The atmosphere in the George H. W. Bush White House during this time was one of imperialist triumphalism, summed up in Bush’s pledge to create a “New World Order.” Bush’s former defense secretary Richard Cheney, who was vice president under George W. Bush, gave a glimpse of this mood during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week” program on Sunday. Cheney recalled fondly the budget process of the George H. W. Bush administration when the president and his top aides set spending levels. “When it was time to put the budget together,” he said, “defense came first. We’d decide what the top line was going to be for defense, and I was free to go spend that. Then everybody else got what was left. That’s a great way to operate, if you’re secretary of defense.”
There was little truth about this record of reaction and militarism in the obituary published by the New York Times, which ran to 10,000 words, or the similar 6,000-word tribute in the Washington Post. The two leading US newspapers set the tone for the reverential media coverage, which will continue at full blast on cable television through Wednesday’s national day of mourning. This will be a day off for bankers, stock traders and capitalist politicians, but not for most workers, a class difference that is peculiarly appropriate for this particular dead president.
All sections of the US political establishment joined hands to sing the praises of George H. W. Bush. The Trump White House, whose occupant has made no secret of his hatred of the Bush family, released a statement hailing Bush’s leadership during the “peaceful and victorious conclusion of the Cold War,” adding, “ As president, he set the stage for the decades of prosperity that have followed.” Enrichment for Wall Street, of course, not the working class.
The Democrats were even more fervent in their declarations, in part seeking to contrast Bush with the current president, even as they seek “common ground” with Trump’s fascistic rants.
Former President Obama said that America “has lost a patriot and humble servant,” calling Bush’s life “a testament to the notion that public service is a noble, joyous calling.”
Former President Bill Clinton said in a statement that he considered Bush’s friendship “one of my life’s greatest gifts.” In an op-ed piece in the Washington Post, Clinton gushed: “He was an honorable, gracious and decent man who believed in the United States, our Constitution, our institutions and our shared future. And he believed in his duty to defend and strengthen them, in victory and defeat.”
Other Democrats chimed in: “He set the standard for decency,” said Thomas A. Daschle, the former Senate majority leader. Former Vice President Joe Biden described Bush as “decent, kind and welcoming.”
Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who entered Congress shortly before Bush became president, called him “a gentleman of the highest integrity and deepest patriotism,” and said it was a privilege to work with him. She added that Bush demonstrated “great humility, unwavering compassion, deep faith, and extraordinary kindness in and out of the political arena.”
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universojosp · 4 years
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Disfrutar de todas las temporadas en español latino. Para más contenido como este visita el canal de Telegram @universojosp​
Krypton es una serie de televisión de género dramático con elementos de aventura basada en los personajes de DC Comics creados por Jerry Siegel y Joe Shuster. Esta ficción de superhéroes se centra en la vida de los antepasados de Superman muchos años antes de que el Hombre de Acero nazca y sea enviado a la Tierra. Desarrollada por David S. Goyer (co-guionista de Batman v Superman: El Amanecer de la Justicia), esta serie se centra en la historia de Seg-El, un guerrero joven y atlético que tiene la misión de traer el honor de vuelta a la Casa de El, la cual se encuentra en una posición social vergonzosa. Además, Seg-El intenta defender a su querido planeta natal de un enemigo aún desconocido.
Además del abuelo del Hombre del Mañana, la serie también incluye a Val-El, abuelo de Seg, que ha desafiado a la muerte y es uno de los habitantes de Krypton que cree firmemente en la exploración espacial, detalle que se mantendrá en la familia con las próximas generaciones. Asimismo, la serie explora la relación entre los miembros de la Casa El y la familia Zod y presenta a personajes como Lyta Zod, una joven y bella guerrera; y Alura Zod, su madre.
Desde 2018 - 2019  | 42min. | Drama, Fantasía, Ciencia ficción
Dirigida por Damian Kindler, Cameron Welsh
Reparto Cameron Cuffe, Georgina Campbell, Shaun Sipos
Nacionalidad EE.UU.
Canal original SyFy US
Temporadas 2  | ver Tráiler 
También puedes disfruta de esta serie por Telegram Krypton
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10 Episodios
Emitida en SyFy US
Temporada producida en 2018
LISTA DE EPISODIOS (para ver online)
La casa de El 
La iniciativa de los sin rango 
La palabra de Rao 
La casa de Zod 
Guerras civiles 
Noche salvaje 
La zona fantasma
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10 Episodios
Emitida en SyFy US
Temporada producida en 2019
LISTA DE EPISODIOS (para ver online)
Años luz de casa 
Fantasma en el fuego 
Voluntad de poder 
Peligro cerca 
Un mejor ayer 
En Zod confiamos 
Zods y monstruos      
Luna de sangre 
El alfa y la omega 
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wildwechselmagazin · 5 years
Mark Prang Band - 15. Bühnenjubiläum im Doppelschlag!
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15 Jahre Mark Prang Band - Mark Prang in der Destille Kassel am 28.2.20. (c) Tina Schmidt (Kassel) Am vergangenen Wochenende feierte die Mark Prang Band, deren Bandleader Mark der Ww erst kürzlich interviewte, gleich zweimal ihr 15. Bühnenjubiläum. Los ging es am Freitag den 28.02.2020 in der Alt-Berliner Destille in Kassel, die Leute kamen in Massen und die Stimmung war grandios. Michael Young und Kirsten Kindler haben den Abend mit ihren rockigen Stimmen eingeläutet, bevor es mit der Mark Prang Band weiterging. Saxophonist Stefan Metz unterstützte die Veteranen mit seinem "Sexyphon". Auch Siggi Tacker (Drummer u.a. bei Ray Binder) war am Start und löste den etatmäßigen Trommler Larry Rosscoe für einige Titel am Schlagzeug ab. Anschließend betrat Michael Holderbusch die Bühne und begeisterte das Publikum vor allem mit einigen Joe Cocker-Titeln. Danach war 600 Pounds an der Reihe die das Publikum mit ihren rauen Stimmen und purem Rock begeisterten. Zum Abschluss sangen alle gemeinsam den Titel "Heroes" von David Bowie. Am Samstag den 29.02.2020 ging es in Reinhardshausen in Matzes Rockbar weiter. Volker Feige heizte das Publikum an mit seiner super Stimme und Titeln wie zb "Hands Myself". Anschließend waren Michael Margraf und Friends an der Reihe die u.a. eine wirklich schöne Version von "Sex on Fire" performten. Der Uli hat die Mark Prang Band bei einigen Titeln mit seiner Geige begleitet und mit wundervollen Klängen wirklich alle begeistert. Auch die Schlitzer Crazy Train waren mit von der Partie und komplettierten den rockigen Abend. Und auch hier gab es ein fröhliches Rudelsingen zum Abschluss, dieses Mal fiel die Wahl auf "Purple Rain" von Prince. Von Marks Mutter, Beate Prang, gab es noch eine extra Überraschung für die Band - natürlich in Form von Gesang. Und weil die Feste gefeiert werden müssen, wie sie fallen, spielt die Mark Prang Band am 30.04.2020 in Matzes Rockbar in Reinhardshausen. Das Geburtstagskind an diesem Tag ist dann die Rockbar selbst, die ihr 5-jähriges Bestehen feiert.   Weitere Konzert-Tipps für die Ww-Region Alle Konzerte der Region zeigen Read the full article
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pointofgeeks · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.pointofgeeks.com/krypton-trailer-adam-strange-braniac-and-time-travel-in-ambitious-new-look/
KRYPTON Trailer: Adam Strange, Braniac, and Time Travel, in Ambitious New Look
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One of the greatest challenges in storytelling is to subvert your audiences’ expectations. However, that same challenge also holds the largest reward when an ambitious creator can succeed in taking their story to even greater heights. With that being said, expectations couldn’t have been much lower for the SyFy Network’s upcoming TV show, Krypton. 
The upcoming television show, inspired by the pages of DC Comics and Superman, takes place generations before the birth of Kal-El/Clark Kent, aka Superman, on his home planet of Krypton. It follows the adventures of his grandfather, Seyg-El (Cameron Cuffe), as the untold story of the Man of Steel’s ancestor and the foundation that he left for the universe’s greatest superhero to be born. Krypton was created by David S. Goyer, the screenwriter behind Blade, Batman Begins, and Man of Steel. The series first season has a ten-episode run and premieres in two short months.
Recently, the show’s creators have begun to hint at the story and scope of the series, that despite the show’s setting in the past, will still incorporate many iconic characters and locations from DC Comics’ lore. The show tracks Seyg-El’s discovery that his grandson is destined to become a mythic hero due to a time traveler, Adam Strange (Shaun Sipos), who journeys to his planet to change the course of history. This sci-fi element will enable the show to incorporate characters from the both the present time and ones who live on far off planets. 
This is what Goyer had to say about the possibilities for the series at the show’s panel at the Television Critic’s Association:
“Since you can tell time travel is involved, what that means is history can be changed. What happens in this show could be very different than the backstory that most people know. It will affect what’s happening today. Because there’s a time travel element, we have a tremendous amount of free rein. Not that much is known about Kryptonian society in the comic books.”
It seems that the ambitions of the show are beyond what most have anticipated. The showrunners have already either confirmed or hinted at appearances from Braniac, Doomsday, and even the Green Lantern Corps. There may be no real limits to where the show can go. Now the biggest question will be if the SyFy channel can recapture the magic of unexpected hits like Battlestar Galactica and make Krypton a surprise sensation as well. It’s hard to say that this show is a lock, however it is worth a look… Check it out:
Official Synopsis:
Syfy’s Krypton, the much-anticipated Superman prequel set two generations before the destruction of the legendary Man of Steel’s home planet, will follow Superman’s grandfather — whose House of El was ostracized and shamed — as he fights to redeem his family’s honor and save his beloved world from chaos.
Krypton will be executive produced by David S. Goyer (Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, The Dark Knight trilogy) through his Phantom Four banner. Damian Kindler (Sleepy Hollow) will serve as executive producer/showrunner; Colm McCarthy (She Who Brings Gifts, Peaky Blinders) is set to direct and co-executive produce the pilot. The pilot teleplay and story is written by David S. Goyer & Ian Goldberg (Once Upon a Time, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles). Krypton will be produced by Warner Horizon Television and is based on characters created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, published by DC Comics.
Krypton premieres on March 21st on SyFy. 
What did you think of the new trailer for Krypton? Let us know on the comment boards, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! Share our stories by simply clicking your favorite social media below!
Source: SyFy
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joeboutte · 7 years
A new type of leader is emerging in Silicon Valley
Google's Sundar Pichai and Microsoft's Satya Nadella are archetypes of a kinder, gentler leader in tech.
Joe Boutte's insight:
Kindler, gentler leadership is not new, but it is refreshing.  Wishing all the emerging new leaders much success.
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wesonerdy · 7 years
Warner Bros. is bringing 20 series to San Diego Comic-Con next month, including faves like The Flash, Supergirl, and Supernatual! Take a look at the full #WBSDCC schedule below.
We are just a few weeks from this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, and Warner Bros. TV is helping us get even more excited by making a pretty creative reveal of the shows they’re bringing to SDCC 2017!
  PUPPIES!!! WB’s Puppy-Con 2017 is too adorbs! Who doesn’t love adorable puppies all dressed up to represent our fave WB shows?! *giggles* And now we know that WBTV is bringing 20 TV series to SDCC, promising to deliver the ultimate experience for fans with screenings, panel sessions, free autograph signings, and media appearances.
Series stars participating in all the Comic-Con action are fan favorites and new additions including: Arrow’s Stephen Amell; Black Lightning’s Cress Williams and China Anne McClain; DC’s Legends of Tomorrow’s Brandon Routh, Victor Garber and Caity Lotz; The Flash’s Grant Gustin; Gotham’s Ben McKenzie; The 100’s Eliza Taylor; iZOMBIE’s Rose McIver; Krypton’s Cameron Cuffe; Lucifer’s Tom Ellis; The Originals’ Joseph Morgan; Riverdale’s KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart, Camila Mendes and Cole Sprouse; and Supergirl’s Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood.
Starting on Wednesday’s Preview Night, there will be world-premiere pilot screening of midseason thriller Deception, exclusive video presentations of Krypton and Black Lightning, a brand-new hour-long episode of Teen Titans Go!, and an exclusive preview of Unikitty!.
Then between Thursday and Sunday there will be 21 panels, along with autograph signings and the Studio’s 2,400-square foot, multi-level booth (#4545). See below for more details and the full schedule!
6:00–10:00 p.m. Special Sneak Peek Screenings (Ballroom 20)
Deception: From Chuck co-creator Chris Fedak, the Blindspot creative team of Martin Gero, Greg Berlanti and Sarah Schechter, Emmy®-winning director David Nutter and renowned magician/puzzle creator David Kwong, Deception is a thrilling crime drama that combines FBI counter-espionage with the mysterious world of magic and misdirection. When his career is ruined by scandal, superstar magician Cameron Black (Jack Cutmore-Scott) has only one place to turn to practice his art of deception, illusion and influence — the FBI. Using every trick in the book and inventing new ones, he will help the government catch the world’s most elusive criminals while staging the biggest illusions of his career. Deception stars Jack Cutmore-Scott, Ilfenesh Hadera, Lenora Crichlow, Amaury Nolasco, Justin Chon, Laila Robins and Vinnie Jones. From Berlanti Productions and Quinn’s House in association with Warner Bros. Television, Deception premieres midseason on ABC.
Krypton: Set two generations before the destruction of the legendary Man of Steel’s home planet, Krypton follows Superman’s grandfather (Cameron Cuffe) — whose House of El was ostracized and shamed — as he fights to redeem his family’s honor and save his beloved world from chaos. Based on DC characters, Krypton is from Warner Horizon Scripted Television and is executive produced by David S. Goyer through his Phantom Four banner, along with Damian Kindler and Cameron Welsh. Krypton is based on characters created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, published by DC, and will debut in 2018 on SYFY.
Black Lightning: Jefferson Pierce (Cress Williams) is a man wrestling with a secret. As the father of two daughters and principal of a charter high school that also serves as a safe haven for young people in a neighborhood overrun by gang violence, he is a hero to his community. Nine years ago, Pierce was a hero of a different sort. Gifted with the superhuman power to harness and control electricity, he used those powers to keep his hometown streets safe as the masked vigilante Black Lightning. However, after too many nights with his life on the line, and seeing the effects of the damage and loss that his alter ego was inflicting on his family, he left his Super Hero days behind and settled into being a principal and a dad. Choosing to help his city without using his superpowers, he watched his daughters Anissa (Nafessa Williams) and Jennifer (China Anne McClain) grow into strong young women, even though his marriage to their mother, Lynn (Christine Adams), suffered. Almost a decade later, Pierce’s crime-fighting days are long behind him…or so he thought. But with crime and corruption spreading like wildfire, and those he cares about in the crosshairs of the menacing local gang The One Hundred, Black Lightning returns — to save not only his family, but also the soul of his community. Based on the characters from DC, Black Lightning is from Berlanti Productions and Akil Productions, in association with Warner Bros. Television, with executive producers Greg Berlanti, Salim Akil & Mara Brock Akil and Sarah Schechter. Black Lightning premieres midseason on The CW.
Teen Titans Go!: The Teen Titans are back at it again, in Teen Titans Go!, with all new comedic adventures both in and out of Titans Tower, and we’ll have you covered by screening a brand-new, hour-long episode. Based on characters from DC and produced by Warner Bros. Animation, Teen Titans Go! airs Fridays at 6/5c on Cartoon Network.
Unikitty!: Your favorite character from The LEGO® Movie now has her own show! Journey to a joyous kingdom full of sparkle matter, happy thoughts and the occasional rage-out in Unikitty!, an all-new animated series. As ruler of the kingdom, Unikitty has busy days full of royal responsibilities. Unikitty is most interested in making sure everyone is happy and ridding the kingdom of negativity, but don’t misunderstand her optimism — she is one kitty not to be crossed. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, Unikitty! is coming soon to Cartoon Network.
10:00–11:00 a.m. Teen Titans Go! Special One-Hour Episode and Q&A — New episode! New episode!! New episode!!! The Titans are back at it again with another fun-filled panel to kick off your Comic-Con weekend. And did we mention that we’ll be screening a brand-new episode? Join producers Michael Jelenic, Aaron Horvath, Pete Michail and members of the voice cast, including Greg Cipes, Tara Strong and Scott Menville, as they answer your questions and premiere a Titan-sized special one-hour episode. (Room 6A)
11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Unikitty! New Episode Premiere and Q&A — Your favorite character from The LEGO® Movie now has her own show! Journey to a joyous kingdom full of sparkle matter, happy thoughts and the occasional rage-out in Unikitty!, an all-new animated series. As ruler of the kingdom, Unikitty has busy days full of royal responsibilities. Unikitty is most interested in making sure everyone is happy and ridding the kingdom of negativity, but don’t misunderstand her optimism — she is one kitty not to be crossed. While she may be full of boundless energy and creativity, Unikitty is a force to be reckoned with if anyone gets in the way of spreading her positive vibes, especially if anyone makes her little brother and best friend, Puppycorn, sad. Also living in the castle are Dr. Fox, the resident scientist, and Unikitty’s trusty bodyguard, Hawkodile. Join producers Edward Skudder, Lynn Wang and members of the voice cast, including Eric Bauza, as they give a sneak peek of this new series and explain how Unikitty and her friends will make sure that every day is the happiest and most creative ever! (Room 6A)
12:30–1:30 p.m. Justice League Action Video Presentation and Q&A — Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman lead the DC Super Heroes against their most infamous foes in adventures packed with relentless thrills, fun and action in Justice League Action. Whether defending the Earth, facing invaders from space, or battling the bizarre forces of magic, the always-rotating team of Justice League heroes, are up to any challenge. Producers Jim Krieg and Butch Lukic will be joined by members of the voice cast, including Diedrich Bader, Jason J. Lewis, Rachel Kimsey, and voice director Wes Gleason to screen an all-new episode as well as participate in a Q&A. (Room 6A)
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
10:00–11:00 a.m. The Big Bang Theory Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Join The Big Bang Theory as the show returns to San Diego to take you inside the biggest moments of season 10 and behind the scenes of TVs #1 comedy for a special 10th anniversary panel! From the introduction of Penny’s family, to the baby, to that season finale moment that left fans hanging (What will Amy say?) — cast members Johnny Galecki, Kaley Cuoco, Kunal Nayyar, Mayim Bialik and Kevin Sussman will join producers and writers from the show for a lively discussion and special video presentation. (Hall H‪)
10:00–11:00 a.m. Young Justice Q&A — Young Justice is back! Do not miss the show’s triumphant return to Comic-Con as series producers Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti and key members of the creative team, including art director Phil Bourassa, will be on hand to answer your burning questions about the first two seasons of this beloved fan-favorite series and, if you’re lucky, you might learn a thing or two about the highly anticipated Young Justice: Outsiders. (Room 6BCF)
11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. iZOMBIE Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Everyone’s favorite Zom-Com-Rom-Dram is back! After the heart-stopping events of the iZOMBIE season finale, the secret is out: The public is no longer in the dark about the existence of zombies. With Seattle now under zombie control at the hands of Fillmore Graves, Ravi’s search for a cure and vaccine for zombie-ism is now more dire than ever. Be among the first to get the scoop on what’s in store for Liv and the gang in season four. Join us for a special video presentation followed by a Q&A with series stars Rose McIver, Malcolm Goodwin, Rahul Kohli, Robert Buckley, David Anders and Aly Michalka, as well as executive producers Rob Thomas and Diane Ruggiero-Wright. (Ballroom 20)
12:30–1:30 p.m. The 100 Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Following the surprising events of the season finale, join The 100 as the critically acclaimed series returns to San Diego for its annual appearance at Comic-Con. More than six years have passed since Praimfaya ravaged the planet, and killed most of the human race. As Clarke waits to hear from the group on the Ark, or in the bunker, a new mystery drops from the sky. Who is in the arriving ship, and are they friends or enemies? One thing is certain, Clarke is now the Grounder! Be among the first to find out what’s in store for season five. Join us for a special video presentation followed by a Q&A with series stars Eliza Taylor, Bob Morley, Marie Avgeropoulos, Lindsey Morgan, Christopher Larkin, Richard Harmon and executive producer Jason Rothenberg. (Ballroom 20)
3:15–4:00 p.m. [adult swim]: Mike Tyson Mysteries — It was a unanimous victory last time, but Iron Mike Tyson is taking on Comic-Con again and this rematch is sure to live up to all the hype. Currently in its third season of solving mysteries, the Mike Tyson Mystery Team has all-new episodes airing on Adult Swim. Join Mike Tyson, fellow voice cast member Rachel Ramras and producer Hugh Davidson for an exclusive look at upcoming episodes. (Indigo Ballroom)
6:00–7:00 p.m. People of Earth Premiere Episode Screening and Q&A — The TBS sci-fi comedy series People of Earth — from Emmy®-winning executive producers Conan O’Brien and Greg Daniels, and creator David Jenkins — brings an all-new season of less-than-perfect aliens, botched abductions and extraterrestrial investigation as Ozzie (Wyatt Cenac) and the StarCrossed group of alien “experiencers” living in the small town of Beacon, N.Y. continue their journey for truth. Complicating matters this season — both above and on Earth — is the arrival of a new alien on the spaceship as well as a smart and dedicated FBI investigator (Nasim Pedrad) who heads to Beacon on a mission to track down fugitive CEO Jonathan Walsh (Michael Cassidy). Join cast members Ana Gasteyer, Oscar Nunez, Michael Cassidy, Ken Hall, Björn Gustafsson and Nasim Pedrad, along with series creator/executive producer David Jenkins for an exclusive screening of the season two premiere episode followed by a Q&A discussion covering what’s next in this all-new season. (Room 6A)
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
‪11:00–11:45 p.m. Riverdale Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Following the shocking first season finale, don’t miss Riverdale when it returns to San Diego for its second appearance at Comic-Con! Join Archie and the gang as they dive into the secrets that continue to loom over what once looked like a quiet, sleepy town. The circumstances surrounding Fred’s shooting kick off the mystery of season two. Based on the characters from Archie Comics and produced by Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television, this one-hour drama is a bold, subversive take on the surreality of small-town life. Join us for a special video presentation followed by a Q&A with series stars KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart, Camila Mendes, Cole Sprouse, Madelaine Petsch, Ashleigh Murray, Casey Cott, Haley Law, Asha Bromfield and producers Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Sarah Schechter and Jon Goldwater. (Ballroom 20)
‪12:00–1:00 p.m. The Originals Special Video Presentation and Q&A — The Originals returns for a fifth season with more supernatural intrigue, romance and bloodshed in The Big Easy. Join executive producer Julie Plec and series stars Joseph Morgan, Daniel Gillies, Phoebe Tonkin, Charles Michael Davis, Yusuf Gatewood and Riley Voelkel for a special video presentation followed by a Q&A. (Indigo Ballroom)
‪1:15–1:45 p.m. Krypton Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Set two generations before the destruction of the legendary Man of Steel’s home planet, Krypton follows Superman’s grandfather (Cameron Cuffe) — whose House of El was ostracized and shamed — as he fights to redeem his family’s honor and save his beloved world from chaos. Join series star Cameron Cuffe and executive producers Damian Kindler and Cameron Welsh for a sneak peek at the upcoming series followed by an out-of-this-world Q&A. (Indigo Ballroom)
1:50–2:50 p.m. Lucifer Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Lucifer returns to San Diego to heat things up. The climactic events of the season finale left us wondering, where in the world is Lucifer and how did he get his wings back? Join the series stars Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Rachael Harris, Kevin Alejandro, Aimee Garcia, Tricia Helfer and executive producers Joe Henderson and Ildy Modrovich for a special video presentation and Q&A where they’ll discuss the sizzling second season and what’s in store for Lucifer in season three! (Indigo Ballroom)
2:50–3:50 p.m. Gotham Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Gotham’s origin story continues to unfold, and as the show enters its fourth season, the stakes will be higher than ever! With the Court of Owls decimated, the aftermath of the Tetch virus crippling the city, and every (surviving) villain in Gotham’s underworld jockeying for power, Jim Gordon and the GCPD will have their hands full. And that’s just the beginning! What threat does Ra’s al Ghul pose, and will Penguin regain his title as the King of Gotham? What new villains are in store for season four, and what does Bruce Wayne’s season finale reveal mean for Gotham City — and his ultimate destiny? Be among the first to see what’s in store for season four as Gotham returns to Comic-Con for a special video presentation, followed by a Q&A with series stars and producers. (Indigo Ballroom)
3:30–4:10 p.m. Supergirl Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Ridding National City of Queen Rhea and her Daxamite army was a major win for Supergirl, but one that came at a significant cost, as Kara was forced to sacrifice her budding relationship with Mon-El. When season three returns with all-new supercharged adventures this fall on The CW, Kara and team will come up against a new threat in the form of DC Worldkiller, Reign. Want to know more about Reign and what she has in store for the Girl of Steel? Join the series’ cast and creative team for a special video presentation, followed by a Q&A where they’ll discuss this hot topic and more! (Ballroom 20)
4:10–4:50 p.m. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Special Video Presentation and Q&A — After crash landing the Waverider in a version of 2017 Los Angeles where dinosaurs roam the streets and the skyline is adorned with London’s iconic Big Ben clock tower, the Legends were quick to realize that “we broke time.” Last year, the loveable band of misfit heroes traveled throughout the timeline fixing a series of Aberrations. This year, they’ll be turning the crazy up to 11, as a wave of Anachronisms turns History on its head, leaving the Legends responsible for piecing it back together. What is an Anachronism you ask? For the answer to that, and many other questions, join cast members Victor Garber, Brandon Routh, Dominic Purcell, Caity Lotz, Franz Drameh, Nick Zano, Maisie Richardson-Sellers and producers at their annual Comic-Con panel. (Ballroom 20)
4:15–5:15 p.m. Westworld Panel and Q&A — HBO’s Westworld concluded its critically acclaimed first season in December and is currently saddling up for season two. The series — created, executive produced and written by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy — is a dark odyssey about the dawn of artificial consciousness and the evolution of sin. Cast panelists include (in alphabetical order) Ben Barnes as Logan, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal as Armistice, Ed Harris as the Man in Black, Luke Hemsworth as Stubbs, James Marsden as Teddy, Thandie Newton as Maeve, Simon Quarterman as Lee Sizemore, Rodrigo Santoro as Hector, Angela Sarafyan as Clementine, Jimmi Simpson as William, Tessa Thompson as Charlotte Hale, Evan Rachel Wood as Dolores, Shannon Woodward as Elsie and Jeffrey Wright as Bernard/Arnold. The panel will be moderated by internationally renowned vocal artist/beatboxer/musician and comedian Reggie Watts. (Hall H)
4:50–5:10 p.m. Black Lightning Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Black Lightning makes its Comic-Con debut! Jefferson Pierce (Cress Williams) is a man wrestling with a secret. As the father of two daughters and principal of a charter high school that also serves as a safe haven for young people in a neighborhood overrun by gang violence, he is a hero to his community. Nine years ago, Pierce was a hero of a different sort. Gifted with the superhuman power to harness and control electricity, he used those powers to keep his hometown streets safe as the masked vigilante Black Lightning. However, after too many nights with his life on the line, and seeing the effects of the damage and loss that his alter ego was inflicting on his family, he left his Super Hero days behind and settled into being a principal and a dad. Choosing to help his city without using his superpowers, he watched his daughters Anissa (Nafessa Williams) and Jennifer (China Anne McClain) grow into strong young women, even though his marriage to their mother, Lynn (Christine Adams), suffered. Almost a decade later, Pierce’s crime-fighting days are long behind him…or so he thought. But with crime and corruption spreading like wildfire, and those he cares about in the crosshairs of the menacing local gang The One Hundred, Black Lightning returns — to save not only his family, but also the soul of his community. Join series stars Cress Williams, Nafessa Williams, China Anne McClain and Christine Adams, along with executive producers Salim Akil & Mara Brock Akil for an exclusive sneak peek at the upcoming series along with an electrifying Q&A session. (Ballroom 20)
5:10–5:50 p.m. The Flash Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Running up against an evil time remnant version of yourself is something no one should ever have to do, but that’s exactly what faced Barry Allen (aka The Flash) as he fought to save the life of fiancée Iris West from the God of Speed known as Savitar. Barry’s victory was short-lived, however, as an unbalanced Speed Force began to wreak havoc on Central City, forcing Barry to sacrifice himself for the greater good. With The Fastest Man Alive now trapped inside an extra-dimensional energy, and unknown dangers lurking in the shadows, it will be up to Team Flash to free Barry from his own personal Hell. Join cast members Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Tom Cavanagh, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes, Keiynan Lonsdale and producers of The CW’s highest-rated series at their annual Comic-Con panel, and be among the first to find out where things will pick up when season four returns this fall. (Ballroom 20)
5:50–6:30 p.m. Arrow Special Video Presentation and Q&A — With the future of the team left hanging in the balance, Arrow gave new definition to the phrase “blowing up the show.” The emotional showdown between Oliver Queen and Adrian Chase was the perfect conclusion to a stellar fifth season of The CW’s gritty DC Super Hero series. Now, the focus shifts to uncovering the fate of each and every member of Team Arrow. Could anyone have possibly survived an island-wide explosion, or has the book closed on them, as it has on Oliver’s five-year flashback story? Returning to San Diego Comic-Con for a sixth consecutive year, cast members Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, Willa Holland, Emily Bett Rickards, Paul Blackthorne, Katie Cassidy, Echo Kellum, Juliana Harkavy, Rick Gonzalez and producers will be on-hand for an eye-opening conversation about the upcoming season. (Ballroom 20)
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
10:30 –11:30 a.m. Supernatural Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Join the series’ stars and executive producers in Hall H to answer questions about the shocking events in last season’s intense two-part finale, as well as what’s in store for lucky season 13 of this exciting series! Fans will also be treated to an exclusive video presentation featuring series highlights of your favorite guys from Kansas, and maybe a surprise or two! (Hall H)
Courtesy of Warner Bros. TV, #WBSDCC
  *EXCITE* Which panels are you most looking forward to?
For additional information about WBTV’s SDCC plans along with real-time updates during the convention, follow on Twitter at @warnerbrostv (official hashtag #WBSDCC) and visit http://comiccon.thewb.com.
Also make sure you’re following the official Facebook pages and Twitter feeds for WBTVG series, talent, and producers: http://comiccon.thewb.com/wbtv-social-media-contacts/.
Warner Bros. TV Shares Comic-Con 2017 Line-Up (#WBSDCC) Warner Bros. is bringing 20 series to San Diego Comic-Con next month, including faves like The Flash…
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beautifulballad · 7 years
11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. iZOMBIE Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Everyone’s favorite Zom-Com-Rom-Dram is back! After the heart-stopping events of the iZOMBIEseason finale, the secret is out: The public is no longer in the dark about the existence of zombies. With Seattle now under zombie control at the hands of Fillmore Graves, Ravi’s search for a cure and vaccine for zombie-ism is now more dire than ever. Be among the first to get the scoop on what’s in store for Liv and the gang in season four. Join us for a special video presentation followed by a Q&A with series stars Rose McIver, Malcolm Goodwin, Rahul Kohli, Robert Buckley, David Anders and Aly Michalka, as well as executive producers Rob Thomas and Diane Ruggiero-Wright (Veronica Mars). From Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Spondoolie Productions and Warner Bros. Television and based upon characters created by Chris Roberson and Michael Allred for Vertigo from DC Entertainment, iZOMBIE returns midseason with all-new episodes on The CW. iZOMBIE: The Complete Third Season is available now on Digital and will be released on Blu-ray™ and DVD this fall. Become a fan of iZOMBIE on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/cwizombie, and follow the show on Twitter at @CWiZombie.  Ballroom 20
12:30–1:30 p.m. The 100 Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Following the surprising events of the season finale, join The 100 as the critically acclaimed series returns to San Diego for its annual appearance at Comic-Con. More than six years have passed since Praimfaya ravaged the planet, and killed most of the human race. As Clarke waits to hear from the group on the Ark, or in the bunker, a new mystery drops from the sky. Who is in the arriving ship, and are they friends or enemies? One thing is certain, Clarke is now the Grounder! Be among the first to find out what’s in store for season five. Join us for a special video presentation followed by a Q&A with series stars Eliza Taylor, Bob Morley, Marie Avgeropoulos, Lindsey Morgan, Christopher Larkin, Richard Harmon and executive producer Jason Rothenberg. From Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Alloy Entertainment and Warner Bros. Television, The 100 returns midseason with all-new episodes on The CW. The 100: The Complete Fourth Season is available now on Digital and will be released on Blu-ray™ and DVD on July 18. Become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CWThe100, and follow the show on Twitter at @CWThe100.  Ballroom 20
‪11:00–11:45 p.m. Riverdale Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Following the shocking first season finale, don’t miss Riverdale when it returns to San Diego for its second appearance at Comic-Con! Join Archie and the gang as they dive into the secrets that continue to loom over what once looked like a quiet, sleepy town. The circumstances surrounding Fred’s shooting kick off the mystery of season two. Based on the characters from Archie Comics and produced by Berlanti Productions (The Flash, Supergirl, Blindspot, Arrow, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow) in association with Warner Bros. Television, this one-hour drama is a bold, subversive take on the surreality of small-town life. Join us for a special video presentation followed by a Q&A with series stars KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart, Camila Mendes, Cole Sprouse, Madelaine Petsch, Ashleigh Murray, Casey Cott, Haley Law, Asha Bromfield and producers Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Sarah Schechter and Jon Goldwater. Riverdale’s season two premiere airs Wednesday, October 11, at 9/8c on The CW Riverdale: The Complete First Season is available now on Digital and will be released on Blu-ray™ and DVD on August 15. Become a fan on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CWRiverdale, and follow the show on Twitter at @CW_Riverdale.  Ballroom 20
‪12:00–1:00 p.m. The Originals Special Video Presentation and Q&A — The Originals returns for a fifth season with more supernatural intrigue, romance and bloodshed in The Big Easy. Join executive producer Julie Plec and series stars Joseph Morgan, Daniel Gillies, Phoebe Tonkin, Charles Michael Davis, Yusuf Gatewood and Riley Voelkelfor a special video presentation followed by a Q&A. From Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with My So-Called Company, Alloy Entertainment, Warner Bros. Television and CBS Television Studios, The Originals will air midseason on The CW. The Originals: The Complete Fourth Season is available now on Digital and will be released on Blu-ray™ and DVD on August 29. Become a fan of The Originals on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/cworiginals, and follow the show on Twitter at @cworiginals.  Indigo Ballroom
‪1:15–1:45 p.m. Krypton Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Set two generations before the destruction of the legendary Man of Steel’s home planet, Krypton follows Superman’s grandfather (Cameron Cuffe) — whose House of El was ostracized and shamed — as he fights to redeem his family’s honor and save his beloved world from chaos. Join series star Cameron Cuffe (The Halcyon, Florence Foster Jenkins) and executive producers Damian Kindler (Sleepy Hollow) and Cameron Welsh (Ash vs Evil Dead, Constantine) for a sneak peek at the upcoming series followed by an out-of-this-world Q&A. Based on DC characters, Krypton is from Warner Horizon Scripted Television and is executive produced by David S. Goyer (Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, The Dark Knight trilogy) through his Phantom Four banner, along with Damian Kindler and Cameron Welsh. Krypton is based on characters created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, published by DC, and will debut in 2018 on SYFY. Follow the show on Twitter at @KryptonSYFY.  Indigo Ballroom
1:50–2:50 p.m. Lucifer Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Lucifer returns to San Diego to heat things up. The climactic events of the season finale left us wondering, where in the world is Lucifer and how did he get his wings back? Join the series stars Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Rachael Harris, Kevin Alejandro, Aimee Garcia, Tricia Helferand executive producers Joe Henderson and Ildy Modrovich for a special video presentation and Q&A where they’ll discuss the sizzling second season and what’s in store for Lucifer in season three! From Jerry Bruckheimer Television in association with Warner Bros. Television and based upon characters created by Neal Gaiman, Sam Kieth and Mike Dringenberg for Vertigo from DC Entertainment, Lucifer returns for its third season on October 2, airing Mondays 8/7c on FOX. Lucifer: The Complete Second Season is available now on Digital and will be released on Blu-ray™ and DVD on August 22. Become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/LuciferonFOX, and follow the show on Twitter at @LuciferonFOX.  Indigo Ballroom
2:50–3:50 p.m. Gotham Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Gotham’s origin story continues to unfold, and as the show enters its fourth season, the stakes will be higher than ever! With the Court of Owls decimated, the aftermath of the Tetch virus crippling the city, and every (surviving) villain in Gotham’s underworld jockeying for power, Jim Gordon and the GCPD will have their hands full. And that’s just the beginning! What threat does Ra’s al Ghul pose, and will Penguin regain his title as the King of Gotham? What new villains are in store for season four, and what does Bruce Wayne’s season finale reveal mean for Gotham City — and his ultimate destiny? Be among the first to see what’s in store for season four as Gotham returns to Comic-Con for a special video presentation, followed by a Q&A with series stars and producers. From Warner Bros. Television, Gotham returns September 28 with all-new episodes on its new night, Thursdays at 8/7c on FOX. Gotham: The Complete Third Season is available now on Digital and will be released on Blu-ray™ and DVD on August 29. Become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/GOTHAMonFOX, and follow the show on Twitter at @Gotham.  Indigo Ballroom
3:30–4:10 p.m. Supergirl Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Ridding National City of Queen Rhea and her Daxamite army was a major win for Supergirl, but one that came at a significant cost, as Kara was forced to sacrifice her budding relationship with Mon-El. When season three returns with all-new supercharged adventures this fall on The CW, Kara and team will come up against a new threat in the form of DC Worldkiller, Reign. Want to know more about Reign and what she has in store for the Girl of Steel? Join the series’ cast and creative team for a special video presentation, followed by a Q&A where they’ll discuss this hot topic and more! From Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television, Supergirl’s third season will debut Monday, October 9, at 8/7c on The CW. Supergirl: The Complete Second Season is available now on Digital and will be released on Blu-ray™ and DVD on August 22. Become a fan on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/TheCWSupergirl, and follow the show on Twitter at @TheCWSupergirl.  Ballroom 20
4:10–4:50 p.m. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Special Video Presentation and Q&A — After crash landing the Waverider in a version of 2017 Los Angeles where dinosaurs roam the streets and the skyline is adorned with London’s iconic Big Ben clock tower, the Legends were quick to realize that “we broke time.” Last year, the loveable band of misfit heroes traveled throughout the timeline fixing a series of Aberrations. This year, they’ll be turning the crazy up to 11, as a wave of Anachronisms turns History on its head, leaving the Legends responsible for piecing it back together. What is an Anachronism you ask? For the answer to that, and many other questions, join cast members Victor Garber, Brandon Routh, Dominic Purcell, Caity Lotz, Franz Drameh, Nick Zano, Maisie Richardson-Sellers and producers at their annual Comic-Con panel. From Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow’s season premiere airs Tuesday, October 10, at 9/8c on The CW. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: The Complete Second Season is available now on Digital and will be released on Blu-ray™ and DVD on August 15. Become a fan of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CWLegendsofTomorrow, and follow the show on Twitter at @TheCW_Legends.  Ballroom 20
4:50–5:10 p.m. Black Lightning Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Black Lightning makes its Comic-Con debut! Jefferson Pierce (Cress Williams) is a man wrestling with a secret. As the father of two daughters and principal of a charter high school that also serves as a safe haven for young people in a neighborhood overrun by gang violence, he is a hero to his community. Nine years ago, Pierce was a hero of a different sort. Gifted with the superhuman power to harness and control electricity, he used those powers to keep his hometown streets safe as the masked vigilante Black Lightning. However, after too many nights with his life on the line, and seeing the effects of the damage and loss that his alter ego was inflicting on his family, he left his Super Hero days behind and settled into being a principal and a dad. Choosing to help his city without using his superpowers, he watched his daughters Anissa (Nafessa Williams) and Jennifer (China Anne McClain) grow into strong young women, even though his marriage to their mother, Lynn (Christine Adams), suffered. Almost a decade later, Pierce’s crime-fighting days are long behind him…or so he thought. But with crime and corruption spreading like wildfire, and those he cares about in the crosshairs of the menacing local gang The One Hundred, Black Lightning returns — to save not only his family, but also the soul of his community. Join series stars Cress Williams (Hart of Dixie, Friday Night Lights), Nafessa Williams (Twin Peaks), China Anne McClain (House of Payne) and Christine Adams (Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), along with executive producers Salim Akil & Mara Brock Akil (Being Mary Jane, The Game, Jumping the Broom, Girlfriends) for an exclusive sneak peek at the upcoming series along with an electrifying Q&A session. Based on the characters from DC, Black Lightning is from Berlanti Productions and Akil Productions, in association with Warner Bros. Television, with executive producers Greg Berlanti (Arrow, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, Supergirl), Salim & Mara Brock Akil, and Sarah Schechter (Arrow, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, Supergirl). Black Lightning premieres midseason on The CW. Become a fan of Black Lighting on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/CWBlackLightning, and follow the show on Twitter @BlackLightning.  Ballroom 20
5:10–5:50 p.m. The Flash Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Running up against an evil time remnant version of yourself is something no one should ever have to do, but that’s exactly what faced Barry Allen (aka The Flash) as he fought to save the life of fiancée Iris West from the God of Speed known as Savitar. Barry’s victory was short-lived, however, as an unbalanced Speed Force began to wreak havoc on Central City, forcing Barry to sacrifice himself for the greater good. With The Fastest Man Alive now trapped inside an extra-dimensional energy, and unknown dangers lurking in the shadows, it will be up to Team Flash to free Barry from his own personal Hell. Join cast members Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Tom Cavanagh, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes, Keiynan Lonsdale and producers of The CW’s highest-rated series at their annual Comic-Con panel, and be among the first to find out where things will pick up when season four returns this fall. From Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Berlanti Productions and Warner Bros. Television, The Flash season four premiere airs Tuesday, October 10, at 8/7c on The CW. The Flash: The Complete Third Season is available now on Digital and will be released on Blu-ray™ and DVD on September 5. Become a fan of The Flash on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CWTheFlash, and follow the show on Twitter at @CW_TheFlash.  Ballroom 20
5:50–6:30 p.m. Arrow Special Video Presentation and Q&A — With the future of the team left hanging in the balance, Arrow gave new definition to the phrase “blowing up the show.” The emotional showdown between Oliver Queen and Adrian Chase was the perfect conclusion to a stellar fifth season of The CW’s gritty DC Super Hero series. Now, the focus shifts to uncovering the fate of each and every member of Team Arrow. Could anyone have possibly survived an island-wide explosion, or has the book closed on them, as it has on Oliver’s five-year flashback story? Returning to San Diego Comic-Con for a sixth consecutive year, cast members Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, Willa Holland, Emily Bett Rickards, Paul Blackthorne, Katie Cassidy, Echo Kellum, Juliana Harkavy, Rick Gonzalez and producers will be on-hand for an eye-opening conversation about the upcoming season. From Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Berlanti Productions and Warner Bros. Television, Arrow’s season six premiere moves to its new night on  Thursday, October 12, at 9/8c on The CW. Arrow: The Complete Fifth Season is available now on Digital and will be released on Blu-ray™ and DVD on September 19. Become a fan of Arrow on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CWArrow, and follow the show on Twitter at @CW_Arrow.  Ballroom 20
10:30 –11:30 a.m. Supernatural Special Video Presentation and Q&A — Join the series’ stars and executive producers in Hall H to answer questions about the shocking events in last season’s intense two-part finale, as well as what’s in store for lucky season 13 of this exciting series! Fans will also be treated to an exclusive video presentation featuring series highlights of your favorite guys from Kansas, and maybe a surprise or two! The 13th season of Supernatural will return to Thursdays on October 12 in its new 8/7c time period on The CW. The series is produced by Kripke Enterprises Inc. in association with Warner Bros. Television. Become a fan of the show on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Supernatural, and follow the show on Twitter at @cw_spn.  Hall H
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nakedcomedy · 5 years
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#LA Are you screaming to the heavens wondering why there was no Jon Daly Kills It at the Satellite last night?? Well here's your 2 week reminder that this month's show is a) on WED 7/31 and b) OUR ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY SHOW!! Mark your calendar and get tix now to see #LA legends Andy Kindler, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Blaine Capatch, Kurt Braunohler & more come celebrate 1 year of ROCKIN’ with Jon Daly & the band!! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jon-daly-kills-it-with-andy-kindler-kurt-braunohler-mary-lynn-rajskub-tickets-62962055202
Tumblr media
🎶 Jon Daly Kills It 🎶 Jon Daly is back with Colleen Green, Brett Morris & Joe Wong to form his Magic Sax Band!! 🎷 Comedy from Andy Kindler, Kurt Braunohler, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Blaine Capatch & Ayo Edebiri! WEDNESDAY 7/31 8p Doors 8:30p Show $10 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jon-daly-kills-it-with-andy-kindler-kurt-braunohler-mary-lynn-rajskub-tickets-62962055202 at The Satellite 1717 Silverlake Blvd, LA, CA 90026
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lycommenc · 7 years
Oklahoma tries to defend NCAA gymnastics title at Chaifetz
http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/998553356941118 Oklahoma athletics director Joe Castiglione and head coach K.J. Kindler hold the trophy after the Sooners won the NCAA women's gymnastics ... April 14, 2017 at 08:05AM https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stltoday.com%2Fsports%2Fother%2Foklahoma-tries-to-defend-ncaa-gymnastics-title-at-chaifetz%2Farticle_7422c870-2000-5146-8e52-2d07794412a1.html&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHGI5Y2EyN2YyMDc1NGU2ZWM6Y29tOmVuOlVTOlI&usg=AFQjCNEBB56dtYI6OKovuY-BZKimSPwgbg from Consumer Credit Counseling in Oklahoma
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grandomegaminus · 8 years
2/16/17 playlist
hour 1
Double Image - “Rag-out” (Double Image, Inner City, 1977)
Steve Kindler - “Automatic Writing” (Automatic Writing, Global Pacific Records, 1985)
Kazumi Watanabe - “Tsuru-Kame Hinatango” (Mobo Club, Gramavision, 1985)
Joe Delia - “Ms. 45 Dance Party” (Ms. 45, Death Waltz Recording Company, 2014)
...<talk break>...
SFF - “Slow Motion” (Ticket To Everywhere, Brain, 1979)
Yan Tregger - "Strong Music” (Stories, Editions Montparnasse 2000, 1976)
Hugh Hopper - “The Lonely and the Sea” (Hopper Tunity Box, Compendium Records, 1977)
Jean Pierre Pouret - “Introduction Of Love” (Parties Fines [Comp.], Vadim, 2008)
Kraftwerk - “Spacelab” (The Man Machine, Capitol, 1978)
hour 2
Alien Radio - “Magnete” (Untitled, Dekorder, 2011)
Klaus Schulze - “Bayreuth Return” (Timewind, Brain, 1975)
...<talk break>...
Chromatics - “Mask” (Night Drive [Reissue], Italians Do It Better, 2010 [orig. 2007])
Steve Moore - "Enhanced Humanoid” (Brainstorm, Temporary Residence Limited, 2012)
Serge Blenner - “Phrase VIII” (La Vogue, Sky, 1980)
Marie Davidson - “La Femme Écarlate” (Adieu Au Dancefloor, Cititrax, 2016)
0 notes
wildwechselmagazin · 5 years
"I have a dream!" - Das Martin Luther King Chormusical in Kassel
Das Martin Luther King Chormusical bringt das Leben des Bürgerrechtlers auf die Bühne und erzählt spielerisch von seinem Kampf um Gleichberechtigung und Menschenrechte. | (c) Stiftung Creative Kirche „I have a dream“: Wer ist der Mann hinter diesem Satz? Mit seinem gewaltlosen Einsatz für Gleichberechtigung und Menschenrechte hat Martin Luther King gesellschaftliche Veränderungen in Gang gesetzt und viele inspiriert. Am 21. Mai wird die Geschichte dieser außergewöhnlichen Persönlichkeit beim Martin Luther King Chormusical in der Stadthalle Kassel erzählt. In einer Mischung aus Gospel, Rock’n’Roll, Motown und Pop erzählt das neue Chormusical die Geschichte des Baptistenpastors und Friedensnobelpreisträgers – in einer mitreißenden Show mit bewegenden Melodien und eindrücklichen Texten von Andreas Malessa, Hanjo Gäbler und Christoph Terbuyken. Präsentiert wird eine Aufführung mit Sängerinnen und Sängern aus Gemeinden der Region unter der Leitung von Manuel Schienke. Neben einem großen Chor wird das offizielle Solisten-Ensemble zu sehen sein. Ein Mega-Chor, Musicalsolisten der Extraklasse und eine Big-Band nehmen die Zuschauer beim Martin Luther King Chormusical klanglich mit in die 60er Jahre des vergangenen Jahrhunderts. Eine Zeit, die überraschend viele Parallelen zu unserer Gegenwart hat. Wer war Martin Luther King? Martin Luther King Jr. (* 15. Januar 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia als Michael King Jr.; † 4. April 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee) war ein US-amerikanischer Baptistenpastor und Bürgerrechtler. Er gilt als einer der herausragendsten Vertreter im gewaltfreien Kampf gegen Unterdrückung und soziale Ungerechtigkeit und war zwischen Mitte der 1950er und Mitte der 1960er Jahre der bekannteste Sprecher des Civil Rights Movement, der US-amerikanischen Bürgerrechtsbewegung der Afroamerikaner. Er propagierte den zivilen Ungehorsam als Mittel gegen die politische Praxis der Rassentrennung (Racial segregation) in den Südstaaten der USA mit religiösen Begründungen und nahm an entsprechenden Aktionen teil. Wesentlich durch Kings Einsatz und Wirkkraft ist das Civil Rights Movement zu einer Massenbewegung geworden, die schließlich erreicht hat, dass die Rassentrennung gesetzlich aufgehoben und das uneingeschränkte Wahlrecht für die schwarze Bevölkerung der US-Südstaaten eingeführt wurde. Wegen seines Engagements für soziale Gerechtigkeit erhielt er 1964 den Friedensnobelpreis. Am 4. April 1968 wurde King bei einem Attentat in Memphis erschossen. Quelle: Wikipedia Über den Veranstalter: Die Stiftung Creative Kirche ist eine selbständige kirchliche Stiftung innerhalb der Evangelischen Kirche von Westfalen. Aus einem Gospelprojekt entstanden, organisiert sie seit über 25 Jahren Gottesdienste, Workshops und Festivals. Sie veranstaltet gemeinsam mit anderen kirchlichen und weltlichen Partnern den Internationalen Gospelkirchentag. Dieses größte europäische Festival für Gospel findet alle zwei Jahre in Deutschland an wechselnden Orten statt; im Jahr 2020 wird Hannover der Veranstaltungsort des 10. Gospelkirchentages sein. Auch ist die Stiftung Creative Kirche Mitbegründerin der Evangelischen Pop-Akademie in Witten. In den Jahren 2010 bis 2012 produzierte die Creative Kirche das Pop-Oratorium „Die 10 Gebote“ von Michael Kunze und Dieter Falk, zunächst als Beitrag der Evangelischen Kirche Deutschlands (EKD) zum Kulturhauptstadtjahr im Ruhrgebiet. Insgesamt wirkten bei den Aufführungen dieses ersten Pop-Oratoriums der Stiftung 15.000 Sänger vor 150.000 Zuschauern mit. Am Folgeprojekt „Das Pop-Oratorium Luther“ beteiligten sich bei der Uraufführung am Reformationstag 2015 allein 3.000 Sänger vor 16.000 Zuschauern. Inzwischen wirkten hier bei mittlerweile 22 großen bundesweiten Aufführungen und zahlreichen Lokalaufführungen knapp 30.000 Sänger vor bislang 170.000 Zuschauern mit. Insgesamt haben schon mehr als 50.000 Menschen bei den Projekten der Stiftung Creative Kirche mitgesungen. Der Sitz der Stiftung Creative Kirche ist Witten. Quelle Pressetext: Stiftung Creative Kirche
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Donnerstag 21. Mai 2020 Martin Luther King Chormusical 19:30 Kassel Stadthalle Kassel / Kongress Palais Kassel  Typ: Musical   Weitere Veranstaltungen in Kassel:
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Dienstag 21. Januar 2020 Shake It - raus aus dem Alltag, rein in den Körper 17:30 Kassel Zentrum im Vorderen Westen e.V.  Typ: Workshop
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Dienstag 21. Januar 2020 Kostprobe: Candide 19:00 Kassel Staatstheater (Opernhaus)  Typ: Theater
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Dienstag 21. Januar 2020 Dancing Fever ABBA Tribute Show 19:30 Kassel Theater im Centrum (tic)  Typ: Theater
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Dienstag 21. Januar 2020 Konzert für das Klima ... gegen den Hunger • Roland Vossebrecker 19:30 Kassel Dock 4 (Deck 1)  Typ: Konzert
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Dienstag 21. Januar 2020 Martin Rütter • Freispruch! - AUSVERKAUFT 20:00 Kassel Stadthalle Kassel / Kongress Palais Kassel  Typ: Comedy Jetzt: Ticket kaufen
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Dienstag 21. Januar 2020 Kostprobe: Mein verwundetes Herz • Christina Weiser, Christina Thiessen und Jürgen Wink 20:15 Kassel tif - Theater im Fridericianum  Typ: Theater
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Mittwoch 22. Januar 2020 Jean-Philippe Kindler • Mensch ärgere Dich 19:00 Kassel Kulturzentrum Schlachthof KS  Typ: Konzert Jetzt: Ticket kaufen
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Mittwoch 22. Januar 2020 Weltrekordversuch! • Bob Wayne (USA) 19:00 Kassel Franz Ulrich  Typ: Konzert » Country,  Outlaw Country
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Mittwoch 22. Januar 2020 Kostprobe: Mephisto 19:30 Kassel Schauspielhaus  Typ: Theater
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Mittwoch 22. Januar 2020 Mephisto (Uraufführung) - Kostprobe 19:30 Kassel Staatstheater (Schauspielhaus) Kassel  Typ: Theater
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Mittwoch 22. Januar 2020 Schnack ör Die! • Micha-El Goehre, Ernie Fleetenkieker 20:00 Kassel Goldgrube Kassel  Typ: Poetry-Slam
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Mittwoch 22. Januar 2020 Alcuna Wilds 20:00 Kassel Sandershaus e.V.  Typ: Konzert » Triphop
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Donnerstag 23. Januar 2020 After Work 16:00 Kassel Joe's Garage Kassel  Typ: Party
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Donnerstag 23. Januar 2020 Karin Bender & The Reason 19:00 Kassel Kulturzentrum Schlachthof KS  Typ: Konzert » Singer/Songwriter Jetzt: Ticket kaufen
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Donnerstag 23. Januar 2020 City Comedy Club - Berhane and Friends • Berhane Berhane 20:00 Kassel Komödie  Typ: Comedy Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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wildwechselmagazin · 5 years
Neue Location in Kassel? In der Kölnischen Straße tut sich was!
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Hier soll ein neue Location in Kassel entstehen: Oberhalb der "Barena" in der Kölnischen Straße entsteht Gerüchten zufolge etwas! (Kassel) In Kassel sterben die alteingesessenen Clubs wie die Fliegen. In letzter Zeit mussten die Verluste des ARM und des Musiktheaters, beides jahrelange Institutionen unter ausgehfreudigen Musikliebhabern, beklagt werden. Auch der Ballsaal vom Hotel Reiss wird aktuell abgerissen. Momentan ist nur noch die Lolita Bar geöffnet - und was die aktuellen Besitzer des gesamten Geländes dort vorhaben, scheint unklar. Diesem Trend soll angeblich jetzt entgegengewirkt werden. Uns wurde zugetragen, dass sich in der Kölnischen Straße etwas tut... Spekulationen über neue Location in Kassel Spekuliert wurde zuletzt innerhalb der Kasseler Szene, u.a. dass Gemal Adem aka Jamo Black, der letzte Pächter der Wiese (Nachbar der Lolita Bar), als Mastermind vielleicht hinter dem neuen Lokal stecken könnte. Falls dem so sein sollte, hätte man geballte Musikkompetenz in den Laden. Vor gut zehn Jahren machte Jamo mit seiner KWU Connection rund um Kico und Pimf von sich reden und holte bereits namhafte Hip Hop-Acts nach Kassel. Auch die Wiese hatte für positives Aufsehen in der Kasseler Szene gesorgt.  Der neue Laden soll in der Kölnischen Straße oberhalb der jetzigen "Barena" liegen. Allerdings hat uns Gemal Adem auf Nachfrage mitgeteilt, dass er zwar aktuell auch an einem neuem Projekt arbeite, er aber rein "gar nichts" mit dem Objekt in der Kölnischen Straße zu tun hätte. Es bleibt also spannend, was dort entsteht und an welchem neuen Laden Gemal Adem tatsächlich gerade plant. Man sieht aber wieder einmal, dass Kassel auch nach dem Wegfall einiger alter Traditionsclubs, immer wieder neue Gastro-Ideen hervor bringt. Wir bleiben am Ball. Weitere Veranstaltungen in Kassel:
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Dienstag 21. Januar 2020 Shake It - raus aus dem Alltag, rein in den Körper 17:30 Kassel Zentrum im Vorderen Westen e.V.  Typ: Workshop
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Dienstag 21. Januar 2020 Kostprobe: Candide 19:00 Kassel Staatstheater (Opernhaus)  Typ: Theater
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Dienstag 21. Januar 2020 Dancing Fever ABBA Tribute Show 19:30 Kassel Theater im Centrum (tic)  Typ: Theater
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Dienstag 21. Januar 2020 Konzert für das Klima ... gegen den Hunger • Roland Vossebrecker 19:30 Kassel Dock 4 (Deck 1)  Typ: Konzert
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Dienstag 21. Januar 2020 Martin Rütter • Freispruch! - AUSVERKAUFT 20:00 Kassel Stadthalle Kassel / Kongress Palais Kassel  Typ: Comedy Jetzt: Ticket kaufen
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Dienstag 21. Januar 2020 Kostprobe: Mein verwundetes Herz • Christina Weiser, Christina Thiessen und Jürgen Wink 20:15 Kassel tif - Theater im Fridericianum  Typ: Theater
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Mittwoch 22. Januar 2020 Jean-Philippe Kindler • Mensch ärgere Dich 19:00 Kassel Kulturzentrum Schlachthof KS  Typ: Konzert Jetzt: Ticket kaufen
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Mittwoch 22. Januar 2020 Weltrekordversuch! • Bob Wayne (USA) 19:00 Kassel Franz Ulrich  Typ: Konzert » Country,  Outlaw Country
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Mittwoch 22. Januar 2020 Kostprobe: Mephisto 19:30 Kassel Schauspielhaus  Typ: Theater
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Mittwoch 22. Januar 2020 Mephisto (Uraufführung) - Kostprobe 19:30 Kassel Staatstheater (Schauspielhaus) Kassel  Typ: Theater
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Mittwoch 22. Januar 2020 Bob Wayne 20:00 Kassel Franz Ulrich  Typ: Konzert » Outlaw Country
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Mittwoch 22. Januar 2020 Schnack ör Die! • Micha-El Goehre, Ernie Fleetenkieker 20:00 Kassel Goldgrube Kassel  Typ: Poetry-Slam
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Mittwoch 22. Januar 2020 Alcuna Wilds 20:00 Kassel Sandershaus e.V.  Typ: Konzert » Triphop
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Donnerstag 23. Januar 2020 After Work 16:00 Kassel Joe's Garage Kassel  Typ: Party
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Donnerstag 23. Januar 2020 Karin Bender & The Reason 19:00 Kassel Kulturzentrum Schlachthof KS  Typ: Konzert » Singer/Songwriter Jetzt: Ticket kaufen Read the full article
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nakedcomedy · 5 years
#LA TOMORROW Jon Daly celebrates 1 year of KILLING IT at @thesatellitela-blog!! Don’t miss Jon, drum impresario Joe Wong, the new PHAT EARTH merch alongside a hilarious lineup! 8:30p hey tix now!!
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