#johnlock discord
Fully Set-Up Johnlock Discord Server up for Adoption
@theshopislocal said:
Hiya :). I had a question for you, [...] Around this time last year, I got back into Sherlock fandom (series four kinda killed my interest for a long time, but I got recced a Sherlock fic that got me back into it). Since I left Sherlock fandom, I’d gotten into others (Spn, Harry Potter, etc), and joined a couple of discord servers that were super fun and very helpful.
So I started looking round for a Johnlock discord server, and found basically nothing. The ones that existed weren’t very well organized, or weren’t maintained well, etc.
So I put together a server myself. Set everything up, even coded a Mrs Hudson bot to help out around the place. A couple people I knew from other servers joined, and we had a nice time for about a week or so, before I realized that I’d expended all of my gumption on the making of the server.
Turns out that, while I’m good at the technical side of things, I’m not really mod material.
So I’ve got a kitted out server, with custom bots and emojis and a broad range of channels, and, not to pat myself on the back, but it’s a pretty nice server—and I have no idea what to do with it.
I was hoping you might know of someone who is still active enough/interested in the fandom to adopt the server from me? Someone who would actually advertise and get people to join? Someone interested in doing the mod stuff that it turns out I’m terrible at? I’d be happy to stay on as tech support, and the Mrs Hudson bot runs on a dedicated server that only costs me $2 a month, so I’m happy to maintain her as well.
You seem like someone in the know in the current fandom, so I thought I’d ask. If you can think of anyone or you want an invite link to the server, let me know. Although, fair warning, the server has very few members and is currently very quiet :/.
[...] The Snape/Harry server I’m in has all these events and fun stuff and I’m just.. not really able to do all that, but I feel like the Johnlock fandom deserves a nice community server like that, if that makes any sense?
Thanks for your time.
Hi Lovely!!
First off, sorry again for putting this aside for so long... I haven't been having the best couple weeks, LOL.
Secondly, as we discussed, I would LOVE to have my own discord server, but here's the thing: I am Lazy™, and I just don't have the energy to run one full time and ensure Mods and stuff are sorted out, especially since I do have a full-time job on top of very little free time and running this blog, LOL. I'm not gonna lie, I am a lazy bitch, hahaha.
AND as I mentioned, I'm happy to put the callout for anyone interested in taking over a Discord server :) From what I see so far, you put SO MUCH work into the server, and it's very very nice!! I truly hope that it gets picked up by someone, I'd be sad to see your hard work put aside.
If anyone is interested, please contact @theshopislocal and they can provide you with more details! 💜🖤
Please reblog if you can to put more eyes on this :) As I said, it's a BEAUTIFUL server, and I would love for someone to be able to take over moderation duties from Lovely!
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fros-art · 2 months
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someone in the s&co patreon discord told me to draw this so uh. who am i to say no (it wasnt a request it was a command). john podcast watson you are down so so bad
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lizarin · 6 months
If anyone knows of an active Sherlock Holmes (all iterations, but right now I'm working with acd/granada to absolutely no one's suprise) fic/writing server, please let me know. I need people to talk to and bounce ideas off of. Also possibly a beta.
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4thelneyj0nes · 2 years
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I told myself id post more
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casbutt67lue · 5 days
[BICU]My discord is Lue#9108 in which I use mostly for rp. If you don't have discord I can chat with you here or on Skype.
[B] please be as active as much as possible as I'm online a lot.
This is for my rp availability. I'm in college and temporarily out of work so schedule will eventually change. (American central time)
TBD= To Be Determined
I am an owl. I'm likely to respond even if it's past midnight.
I understand you have a life.
Just let me know ok?
[BIU] I need to know if your 16+, triggers, and your Timezone before we start the rp. Plz and thx
[BIU] SHIPS I WILL RP IS SABRIEL AND DESTIEL see rest of rules fore more details
[B]Some up front rules
In all honesty I perfer Sabriel with destiel as a background ship
I strongly perfer Gabriel
Plz no one under 16 though... I'm awkward around those younger than 16
I have no triggers so please tell me yours
I like to rp with trauma and mental illness and abuse(s) but have it as a back-story thing or mention it happening if were doing a 'save me' rp so if that bothers you please tell me up front.
I perfer AUs if you are not up to date with the show. Less risk of spoiling.
I'm not fond of real scene or play by play season episode rp and will steer clear of it but like I will be happy to do a non related to a season hunter in the Bunker or travel from motel to motel hunt style if you insist to not have an AU.
Feel free to drop a suggestion for an AU or plot.
I have a theory I like to use in rps for Gabe and if your interested ask me and I'll send it.
If OCs are asked about I'd rather be comfortable roleplaying with you before I allow them. If I like your style in character I'll give you the green light and I'll be comfortable to introduce mine. But I'll of course ask you first.
Out of character use () // to talk to me
Don't use ** for action this is not a script
Defining between paragraphs/scenes/characters just double shift or use ~ or ** between paragraphs. Nothing to fancy. I'm pretty basic.
I'll try and mirror your replys but my starters are almost always longer than the rest of my replies.
1. What is your Timezone- Country and State or city (mine is central and live in America in the state of Alabama)
2. What is your Age (I'm 21) (just say 16+ if your uncomfortable saying but again I perfer you to at least be 16) but I normally do 18+ rps unless your under 18.
3. Literate or Semi lit, 3rd person only, I write like a book, no less than 3-5 sentences as a reply
4. I allow OCs but not to fond of ocxmain-character... Sorry. I'll allow it on certain occasions as long as we can have one of my main ships.
5. I can play any spn character good or bad
6. I will play John if we do a Johnlock crossover with spn (currently not looking)
7. I will play Crowley if we do a Good Omens ship crossover with spn and can also merge the Sherlock ship
8. Nothing sexual if your a minor
9. I have AU's planned if you don't have rp ideas.
10. I mainly ship Sabriel and Destiel but accept certain ones... see ships wiki and non insest lgbt+ ships (perfer gxg, nbxany, poly, gxb as a backround ship and mainly bxb as the main though)
11. None of my OC's are straight (but straight is ok)
12. I will allow main characters and OC's to have a romantic FLING NOT PERMANENT relationship if only needed for drama or a non main character and OC can be together.
13. No dating yourself. If two characters are both played by you they can't date unless you give me one of the characters to play
14. Straight characters and relationships are allowed but I perfer bxb or gxg or poly of a mix if needed
15. I can play your OC if needed and you can play mine if needed
16. I'm open for suggestions like topic change
17. Loki from Marvel is allowed and usally given to you, the other roleplayer, use him as you please but must have a relationship good or bad with Gabriel (I rather love Loki tbh. Not spn version much but mcu Loki. And I love it if you know Norse Myth version of Loki and combine him/her/them) NGL I usually turn Loki into a tired soccer mom or Gabe's best friend who keeps trying to get into his or his partners pants if we're not using my OCs I have for Loki specifically.
18. What season of spn are you on? cuz I've seen them all
19. I do time skips just tell me before doing a timeskip
20. If a rp gets boring say it is and we can change it, or I will if it gets dull
21. I perfer Gabriel and he will be involved in any way possible (unless you want him telling me ahead of time)
22. I ship Destiel, Sabriel mainly and will allow Crobby, megstiel occasionally, and others, just read the ships wiki, and never wincest. Ever.
23. What season are you on? I'm up to date.
24. I mainly rp with AUs and plots which I also have a wiki to
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ao3feed-johnlock · 2 years
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PYwIM5
by DiscordantWords
Sherlock Holmes is back from the dead. Things only get worse from there.
Words: 1148, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Sherlock (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mary Morstan, Mycroft Holmes
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mary Morstan/John Watson
Additional Tags: Post-Reichenbach, Alternate Season/Series 03, John Watson is a Mess, Mary Morstan is Not Nice, Bad Mary Morstan, Secrets, Lies, Pining, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sherlock Holmes Misses John Watson, Don't copy to another site
November 19, 2022 at 08:57PM
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Psyche-Locks: Based on Dr Wilson’s statement about the powerlessness of the law and Dr Sithe’s information about his unusual behaviour, I’d like to search some newspaper archives. Twelve years ago. Obituaries. Surname of “Wilson”.
"There are a lot of obituaries in the archives, almost too many to count." "Here's something that seems of interest..." "A Henry Wilson Jr. passed away in the month of August following an altercation at a private gambling establishment." "The article says that he is survived by his wife, who resides in Ireland, and his younger brother John." "Acquired the article."
Relevant ask
Check this page for credits
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ninasnakie · 5 months
First Fic!
Finally, after years of consuming Sherlock fanfics and fighting my writer's block, the spell was broken by the magical help of @totallysilvergirl (who was also generous enough to be my beta reader) and some of my fandom friends. I could finish a simple, short story and hope it can help with eventually finishing a couple of WIPs I had for years.
I finished the fic for the 2023 holiday gift exchange in a private discord server.Especial thanks to @aljedd, @deducibleholmes , @4thelneyj0nes, and other dear fan buddies for all the love and wonderful ideas.
Hope you enjoy. :)
@khorazir, @inevitably-johnlocked, @nic0tinepatch, @arwamachine, @lisbeth-kk, @topsyturvy-turtely, @adealiz,@petite-madame,@anotherwellkeptsecret,@meetinginsamarra , @calaisreno , @kitten-kin
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richiebrook · 7 months
Apparently, Omegle closed today
and that's a very big deal for me. I'm 31 years old and I first started roleplaying on Omegle when I was 19. Of course, I'd been on Omegle before, when I was 16-17 years old, just for shits and giggles, but once I got into fandoms and rp'ing I started spending every night and a lot of depression days(tm) on there. I don't think it's an overstatement when I say that I wrote hundreds of stories with strangers. I briefly wrote Johnlock, but soon moved onto MorMor and Severich, and mostly did a LOT of 00Q roleplays the past couple of years. As in a lot a lot.
Tonight, after a fun night out with my colleagues (as apparently I'm a grownup these days) I came home and did what I've been doing for the past 12 years - log onto Omegle to spin a fanfic story with a stranger.
But when I logged on just now, Omegle was no more. Call me dramatic, but this has been how I wind down almost every night for over a decade. I'm a little sad.
If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know. I'm old and I don't know about discord and what have you lol. I've been rp' ing 00Q for the past five-ish? years. I will do MorMor, Severich and even Milex. Hit me up?
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ho1mes · 5 days
Finding John Watson
It's been about 10 years and I am finally getting back into the fandom on this website, so I am looking for John roleplayers to get back into Johnlock RP with.
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I write advanced-literate, of any length from short paragraphs to multi-paragraphs. RP here on Tumblr or Discord for privacy. Please be 18+!
Favourite themes (include but are not limited to): - Friends to lovers - Post-Reichenbach or pre-Reichenbach/any timeline as long as no babysitting is involved - Both of them are in love but assume the other isn’t interested - And there was only one-bed trope - His Darkest Materials AU - Uni!lock
Sharing to engage with fellow fandom friends is greatly appreciated as I’d love to meet more of the community!
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4thelneyj0nes · 1 year
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The people (my friends) asked for a dogboy john to pair with catboy sherlock, so here he is.
Here are the discord friendly versions of these, that can be used as emojis. They’ve been slightly adjusted for better legibility from far away.
Sherlock (alt)
John (alt)
Feel free to use them in your servers, or as icons. Let me know if you do.
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0ooi · 7 months
I’ve been rping on omegle for literally ten years now, I’m so sad that I wasn’t able to reach out to anyone before the site went down. If you were on before and want to rp please message me! I generally text rp and I have ten years worth of prompts saved that you can pick through/I’m also interested in seeing yours!
My ships: sterek, destiel, hartwin, tomgreg, merthur, johnlock, 00q, hannigram, spideypool, stucky, stony, newmann - more but nothing else comes to mind atm. I’m good to play any character.
I’d love to start rebuilding the community please reach out <3 Also if anyone knows of any discord servers that are for RP/for omegle refugees please let me know!
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chaos-and-sparkles · 3 months
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Fic Commissions?
*puts on hat*
So yeah, after some nudging from my friends and bc I could really use the funds, I'm officially opening writing commissions!
For context, I go by Chaos_and_Sparkles on ao3, and you can find my fics here :D
How to Commission:
You can reach out to me for a commission by DMing me on Tumblr or via Discord (@star_rynight)!
We can discuss more about the details, and I can give an expected timeline.
Mention the word count range, fandom, ship, the prompt/idea you want, and the ao3 tags that would apply so I can get a feel of the story.
Since I'm juggling college, it can sometimes vary and may be up for discussion, but generally I will take up to two weeks to write the first 1k words, and a week per 1k words after that. I will however take twice as long for NSFW fics as I do for SFW fics (I'm asexual and sometimes sex-repulsed, so believe me when I say this is for the quality of the writing more than anything else).
I'll give regular updates, and snippets if you like, of the fic's progress
You'll have to pay half the amount upfront, and then I'll start working on the fic! Currently I only accept PayPal.
Once the fic is done, it'll be posted to my ao3, as a gift fic to you. If you want the fic sent privately and not posted, DM for further discussion.
$10 USD per 500 words for SFW
$12 USD per 500 words for NSFW
Fandoms and Fav Ships:
Spider-Verse (chaipunk and chaipunksong, occasional ghostflower and spiderdads)
Hamilton (jamilton and lams)
Good Omens (ineffable husbands, qpr ineffable husbands)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (glimbow and glitra)
Marvel (depends on my mood, I do enjoy some frostiron tho)
Sherlock (ACD canon and Sherlock and Co. specifically) (johnlock, qpr johnlock)
Encanto (no ships)
ATLA (all ships welcome)
JJK (Anime) (sukuita, itafushi, nobamaki and satosugu)
Assorted Disney Movies
Assorted DreamWorks Movies
Greek Mythology and Lore (patrochilles, persades, anything with odysseus)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (percabeth, solangelo)
These are just my favourite ships, ofc, I'm still up for writing others!
So... yeah! :D
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alectoperdita · 7 months
20 questions writer meme.
Thanks to @heyholmesletsgo for tagging me <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
178 (one is a podfic)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,761,591 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I'm mainly in YGO only now, but in the past, have written for Lucifer, Sherlock, Gundam Build Fighters, Sailor Moon, and a few other random fandoms
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The sum of our choices (Lucifer post-S3 canon-divergent AU)
Side Deck (YGO post-canon kaijou)
obvious things observed by nobody (also part of the same post-S3 Lucifer AU)
Confirmation Bias (Sherlock, post-Reichenbach Johnlock)
The tomorrows we'll never have (YGO Battle City canon-divergent AU with hints of kaijou and Priest Set/Jounouchi)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah, I usually try to. I've definitely fallen behind in the last few months, though. I'm sorry. I try to tackle it when I have energy, but it's a rare commodity and I use it to write usually.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
These are more open endings than specifically sad/tragic endings, but they could end up there because they're open. It's a toss-up between Chilled to my bone and the recent ficlet where Jounouchi was kidnapped by Hirutani.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them are fairly happy because I tend toward happy endings. But I can't really think of which is the happiest?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Somehow in the last two years, I morphed into being a majority smut writer. I'm still in the experimental phase, trying to write different kinds of kinks/tropes, but I feel more practiced at it compared to when I started. Overall, my preference is to try and use smut as a way to advance character/relationship development.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Yes. It's maybe not crazy per se, but some of them may feel discordant(?) in their source materials. Like I find it amusing to write crossovers between animes and Western live-action properties.
We do ourselves no favors is a Lucifer/YGO crossover casefic.
Going forth by day is an unfinished Sherlock/YGO crossover casefic.
Said the spider to the fly is a Sherlock/xxxHOLIC crossover ficlet.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sorta? The Horny Cinderella Incident was an idea workshopped between wahwahwashbear and myself. I wrote the prose for the
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Kaiba and Jounouchi forever 😍
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I try not to give up on WIPs, as it may take a few years but I eventually get back to them. But if I'm honest with myself, I'm probably never going to finish he lit a fire with icicles 😔.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmm... perhaps the smaller gestures characters might make that hint at their feelings?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue, especially in a way that distinguishes between characters via appropriate voice/cadence is something I generally struggle with. I also tend to be verbose even in dialogue, which means they require a lot of editing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Unless the point is for the reader to also not understand the dialogue, I prefer to not do that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sailor Moon
20. Favorite fic you've written?
It changes every once in a while but right now it might be Lure. 😈
Tagging @leechysmile, @arien-elensar, @worldendercharles, @chazz-is-a-zelda-fan, @bdeblueyes, @unfriendlyamazon, @kaijous, and any other writers that want to do this one. <3
(Give me permission to tag you on games here.)
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pollyplaytoy · 9 months
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I am looking for people to rp with. My current OTP is Good Omens but I do Johnlock and Destiel too!
I'm looking for 20+ I'm an old goose at 30....
I can write between 3-7 paragraphs. I'm mostly literate. I have off spelling at times and my grammar is a bit off but past that I'm really good!
I have 11 years experience and I LOVE plotting and sharing pictures and music and chit chatting and stuff about our RPs!
I normally use discord! I don't mind smut. I like all kinds of plots! If interested like this and I'll send ya n ask or JUST ADD ME. MY DISCORD IS ABOVE!
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mormorrp · 11 months
Looking for Mormor/ Johnlock Rp partner ⚠️⚠️
About me: 24 looking for 18+ partner.
My rps are usually NSFW and 18+
I write for any character.
Not a fan of omegaverse, character death, mpreg or incest.
Open to any AU’s or prompt.
I use discord, email or tumblr to rp. Pretty fast at responses, prefer paragraph form.
This whole A03 crash has sparked something in me and now i really miss this fandom and rps.
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