#jolly thinkers
jennay · 10 months
That's my Spot
An: Just some cute fluff no warnings.
Summary: Jolly and Reader keep running into each other at a local cafe.
If you want to be tagged in Jolly stuff let me know!i
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For a week, you had been caught in a silent flirtation. Every day, you would enter the coffee shop, plug in your laptop and phone, and order your usual drink.
He would be there, too, sitting by the cozy fireplace with a book in his hand. He had long, straight hair that fell down the sides of his cheeks and a black sweater with a band logo that gave him a rock star vibe. He always wore sunglasses when he came in but would take them off as soon as he opened his book.
You wondered what color his eyes were and what kind of books he liked to read. You also wondered what his name was and what he did for a living. Was he a student, a writer, a musician, or something else?
Sometimes, your eyes would meet and linger, but neither of you would say anything. You had work to do, and he had his reading. You wanted to talk to him, but you kept telling yourself that he was just a fellow coffee lover and only being friendly because you saw each other so often.
You didn't want to make a fool of yourself by approaching him and finding out he had a girlfriend, or worse, he wasn't interested in you. You were too shy to make the first move and hoped he would do it someday.
Out of the corner of your eye, you admired him. You thought stupid things like, how long did it take to grow his hair that long? Why did he always come in looking like a rock star? Why did he wear sunglasses inside until he started to read? What was his choice of drink, and who reads as much as he does?
You imagined he was a deep thinker, a passionate reader, a mysterious stranger. You wanted to know more about him but didn't know how to start a conversation.
You quietly giggle, hiding your face behind your laptop as you read your emails. The most silly part was he made you think all these things without even saying a word to you. He had a power over you, a magnetic attraction that drew you to him. You felt a flutter in your stomach every time you saw him and a warmth in your cheeks whenever he looked at you.
You stood up, leaving your things unattended; you'd been here so many times you weren't worried about people stealing your things. You'd been going here off and on for over a year. You were addicted to the atmosphere and how the Barista always knew your name. You loved that they could have your order going when they saw you. You mostly loved that you always got your seat by the window to watch everyone walking by; you were curious about their lives even if you'd never know.
"Vanilla Latte?" The Barista asks.
You nod your head, "Of course." You smile, "Can I have it iced today?"
He smiles widely, "Oh?" He questions, "We're switching things up I see. What's the occasion?"
You shrug your shoulders, "I just feel like being spontaneous. Maybe I'm sick." You joke. "That was a bad joke." You nervously laugh, "I don't have covid or anything like that." You take a deep breath, "I'm gonna stand over here in shame now." You shake your head, thoroughly embarrassed by your actions. You wondered if people could tell you didn't get out much. You heard snickering from where your mystery guy sat, but he dug his nose back in his book when you looked over. Cool. You thought you made an ass out of yourself, and people heard it.
The Barista calls your name, and you thank him for your drink. Your cheeks are red as you walk back to your spot; you hide your face in your laptop, never wanting to be seen again. You sip your iced vanilla latte and try to focus on your work, but you can't help stealing glances at him. You wonder if he thinks about you outside this place like you did about him.
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You returned to the café, as you did every weekday morning, following your unbreakable routine. Today, you skipped the coffee line. You skipped everything, even though you had planned on treating yourself to a latte as soon as your meeting was over.
You only had about five minutes to set up your laptop and join the online chat. You couldn't afford to be late, even though you desperately craved your caffeine fix.
You froze in your tracks, seeing him sitting at your table. The one by the window, with the power outlet and the cozy cushion. The one that you always occupied, without fail. The one that kept you sane in the midst of your hectic schedule.
You had difficulty adapting to change, and it was about to show. You didn't have time to confront him. You didn't have time to politely ask him to move, not that you would. You were not the type to cause a scene, and you didn't have any claim to the damn spot.
Instead, you settled for the table across from him, feeling panic as you tossed all your belongings on the table and hastily plugged your laptop in. You put your headphones on and press the speak button on your mic. "Yep, I'm ready when you guys are." You said in a rushed tone. "Go ahead whenever you're ready. I'll be in the background and let you know if I hear anything odd on the recording." You assured your coworker.
You tilted your head back, staring at the ceiling. You felt like a fool as you shifted your legs around; you even attempted to put your legs over the chair beside you and lean against the wall while you listened to them talk. You gave up on sitting comfortably. Your eyes met his, and you gave him a small smile, finally noticing that his eyes were a deep shade of brown. "Nope," you said. "It still sounds clear on this end."
You tap your fingers nervously on the table, feeling restless and annoyed by the people standing behind you and everyone who keeps passing you. It was distracting. You couldn't focus on the meeting, which was already boring enough. You wondered why you had to attend this online conference when you could have just watched the recording later. You had no interest in the topic and didn't know anyone else in the virtual room. You felt like you were wasting your time.
You put your hands in your lap and close your eyes, trying to ignore everything as you continue to listen. The speaker droned on and on, using jargon and acronyms that made no sense to you.
You wished you could mute him or, better yet, leave the meeting. But you had to stay because your boss expected you to. You sighed, hoping the session would end soon.
Your eyes snap open when you hear something set on your table. You stare down at the cup in front of you and see him walking back to his table.
You peek over your laptop to see him smile as he sits down again. You smile like a child, thankful for your gift. You mouth thank you to him and take a sip of your coffee; he knows your order.
It shouldn't feel as special as it did, but no one seemed to remember small details about you, and this was new.
He had never done anything like this before. He had never acknowledged you except for the occasional eye contact and nod. He had never spoken to you or even asked your name. He had never shown any sign that he noticed or cared about you.
But now, he had bought you a coffee. He had made a gesture that said he wanted to connect with you. He had made you feel something you hadn't felt in a long time. He had made you happy.
It's not until fifteen minutes later, when you're ending your meeting that you see writing on the cup, not just an order but something he'd written. "Sorry, I took your spot. Come sit with me?" You read the words, and your mouth slightly drops. Was this actually happening? Was he inviting you to join him? Was he interested in you? You bite your lip, hoping he'll be there when the meeting ends.
When the time comes, you take a deep breath, thankful to be done, and you see him still sitting there; this time, he's scrolling on his phone.
You feel excitement and nervousness as you decide to approach him. You quietly pack up your belongings and head towards him. You stop at the table before sitting and say, "Is it still ok if I sit?"
He looks up and smiles, his eyes sparkling. He nods and gestures for you to join him. "Of course, please sit. I've been waiting for you." He says, his voice warm and inviting.
You feel a glow in your chest when he smiles at you. He gently puts his hand out to introduce himself to you. "I'm Joakim, but my friends call me Jolly." He says, his name sounding exotic and charming.
You quickly notice his accent. You extend your hand and feel electricity when he touches it. "I'm y/n…and that's what everyone calls me." You say, trying to sound casual. You laugh nervously. "Thank you for the coffee."
His brown eyes watch you curiously as if he wants to know everything about you. "It's the least I could do for taking your spot." He says, his tone is playful and apologetic.
You shrug and smile. "It's ok, it's not like it has my name on it or anything." You say, pretending to be cool with it. You set your bag next to your feet. "But please don't make me sit over there again." You say, pointing to the noisy and crowded area where you had your meeting. You laugh, hoping he'll laugh with you.
He nods. "I promise I won't. I'll save this spot for you if you want." He says, his eyes twinkling. "Or better yet, why don't you sit with me next time? I'd love to have some company." He says, his voice lowering and his smile turning into a smirk. "You know we could even spend some time outside of the cafe together."
You feel your face heat up and your heart race. You bite your lip and look into his eyes. You see a hint of nervousness and a lot of interest.
You nod and smile back. "I'd like that."
You think this might be the beginning of something extraordinary. You think this is fate.
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animeyanderelover · 11 months
Hello, I see your ask box open! Can I ask for the Yandere Alphabet for Pairo (from HunterxHunter), Natsume Soseki, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Mori Ogai (from Bungo Strays Dog), Eto Yoshimura and Nagachika Hideyoshi (from Tokyo Ghoul)?
I forgot to remind you of this so forgive me but I only accept 4 letters and 4 characters for my Yandere Alphabet. I already asked you regarding the letters but I forgot to add the characters so I just chose from here...
@naeho @flaming-vulpix @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78
Tw:Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, isolation, manipulation, gaslighting, sadism, torture
Yandere Alphabet
Hideyoshi Nagachika
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Earnest-How intense and dangerous are they really?
🟡​Hide is a rather carefree and jolly individual and not only for show. From the cast of Tokyo Ghoul he's probably one of the most harmless as he has neither some deep trauma nor is he really possessive, sadistic or manipulative. What would be the scariest thing about him is probably his determination. If Hide sets his mind to something you better bet your arse that he'll do everything to reach the goal in his mind. The relationship he desires is from the point that he realizes his obsession his one and only desire and he'll do everything to eventually achieve this. What's also remarkable to note is that Hideyoshi is in for the long game if needed. Underneath that outgoing personality is a very smart observer and thinker which might make it easy for you to overlook that Hide is more of a meticulous planner that he may let on.
Ideals-What do they have in mind for the future?
🟡​Even with his long-term plans always in the back of his mind, Hide is more of a simple guy when it comes to the wishes for the future. He just wants to be happy with his darling and be with them until death tears the both of you apart. He doesn't put a lot of emphasis on marriage until the both of you are in your late twenties because he doesn't cave in easily to social pressure. If he can just see you laughing and smiling for the rest of your lives and know that he's the reason behind your happiness, he wouldn't ask for more. That is his goal from the very beginning and what is admirable is that it always stays his goal even with everything that happens to him throughout the years.
Mask-Do they change their behavior after falling in love with their darling? Do they act differently around them than around other people?
🟡​He's not changing his attitude around you as soon as he comes to realize his own feelings. He's always been a ball of sunshine around you. What does change though is the frequency he ends up seeing you afterwards. He suddenly starts popping up around you a lot more than what you'd consider coincidence and he does so because he is aware of his own feelings now. Yet the happy grin he always offers you and he encourages you a lot. At the same time he becomes more observant though as he has a bit of an obsessive streak going on. He's going to get your phone number now and you better answer his calls and messages within a certain amount of times or he'll get worried. Hideyoshi takes the behavior he shows everyone but increases it overall when he's now around you.
🟡As already mentioned, Hide shows every person he meets the same carefree and happy attitude. So there isn't a very gravid difference in how he acts around others and how he acts around his darling. It's just that around his darling he's just a tad bit more of all the things he usually is already. Just a bit more happier around you. Just a bit more prone to worry for you than for others. Hideyoshi is awfully social so perhaps it's good that he is so open, eager and funny when he interacts with others and takes you out on dates.​ As his crush obsession you get the special treatment from him obviously. The thing is that it doesn't look that strange to others because his tendencies are just very subtle in comparison to his friend.
Voice-If their darling asks them for something, would they give it to them? How much do they do in general for them?
🟡​Short answer would be yes. I see Hideyoshi as the guy who would in general do a lot for his darling. This includes spoiling them too because he has a case of lovesick infatuation at times. The poor guy has troubles saying no to his darling because puppy eyes and a bit of begging normally always manage to crack his weak determination to not give in to you so easily. Perhaps he has never really planned on ever denying you too much anyways. He's even putting in a lot of effort which brings us back to his previously mentioned determination. You want something? He'll make sure to get it for you and if he has to run through all of Tokyo to get you what you want. Just reward him with a smile and a kiss and all of it will be worth it.
🟡​Honestly, Hideyoshi does a lot for his darling. Not only will he always do his best to get his hands on whatever they ask him to fetch for them, he also does a lot of other things. He's probably the guy who buys you once a week a bouquet of flowers and lots of other small stuff like keychains and snacks but he also is the one who plans a lot of dates. He's just bubbling over with cool ideas he wants the both of you to try. From a very unique café in this area of Tokyo to a special restaurant on the other side of Tokyo to visiting Tokyo Tower together, to what else he can find. You get the idea that he just loves going outside with his s/o a lot and do funny and cool activities with them. He's working hard to be able to afford all of the needed money to visit each and every place he has in mind too, all in hopes of giving you a good time and something to remember fondly later on.
Eto Yoshimura
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Earnest-How intense and dangerous are they really?
🟩Eto is an 11 out of 10 if I'd have to give her a scale. Eto's darling is screwed because she's without a doubt one of the worst Yandere one could have. She's terribly sadistic, will definitely indulge in you every once in a while by biting you and taking bits of flesh from you and her sharp intuitions makes it very easy to torment you mentally and physically and she enjoys every second of it. Differently from people like Tsukiyama she never goes through an emotional change either as you're always perceived as a precious toy and plaything for her and she'll never stop seeing you as anything else. Eto has a hobby of playing mind games with you too which means that on certain days she might be a lot more nicer to you to lull you into a false sense of security only to crush you and torture you within the next minute. It messes with your mentality and she enjoys seeing you walking on eggshells around her, always paranoid when she'll snap again. Your fear is adorable~
Ideals-What do they have in mind for the future?
​🟩​You can't expect anything much from her as the future she envisions is pretty much everything she's doing with you already. You're an object and a possession so you'll be kept until she's either tired of you or you die. Honestly, Eto expects to grow tired of you but even after you've been severely broken by her games and torture, she still kind of wants to keep you around. It's utterly fascinating to her to feel that deeply for someone but she's keeping you all the more for that. She'll never let you go, she'll never let you die on her either. Your life is hers so she decides everything that's happening to you. Even when it's time for you to die and considering her twisted attachment, she doesn't plan to let you slip through her fingers anytime soon.
Mask-Do they change their behavior after falling in love with their darling? Do they act differently around them than around other people?
🟩​I'd say the shift in personalities would be the most jarring if you're human and knew her in her human identity as Sen Takatsuki. As Sen she's clumsy and her mind is all over the place which makes her seem as a really forgetful individual. She'd use that to her advantage though, luring you to her under the mask of being a playful although ditzy person only to pull the rug from under your feet as soon as she has you where she wants to have you. Because that's when she exposes her true colours to you and she has to say, the look of shock, fear and betrayal doesn't disappoint her in the slightest bit. That makes it all the more interesting to watch your reactions when she suddenly switches back to acting like Sen around you, to crush your hope and your willpower like this over and over again.
🟩​Under her human disguise she treats everyone the same who is unaware of her true identity. Even then her interest in you would spike though and she'd approach you with an almost cat-like curiosity. Behind the scenes she would already make sure to have other ghouls who she has manipulated to do her bidding follow you around and stalk you so that she can run into you more. Maybe the only advantage you have over other humans and even ghouls is that she would never mercilessly slaughter you. On the other hand, you're subjected to never-ending torture so perhaps you still have it worse. You're always going to be the one person she'd never get rid off as every other person is always someone she can and will slaughter if they would prove to be more useful dead than alive. That's a curse more than a blessing though as you're forever subjected to her twisted affection.
Voice-If their darling asks them for something, would they give it to them? How much do they do in general for them?
🟩Perhaps if you really beg for it, but even then there's no guarantee for her to do such a nice thing for you. You see, whilst you knew her as Sen small presents to court you weren't even that uncommon but it wasn't down out of chivalrous motives or even to fully capture your heart but merely to play with you to get you more comfortable around her. As Eto it isn't very likely for her to listen much to you at all. She does enjoy seeing you miserable and in agony so sometimes she might promise to consider a plead from you if you groval at her feet and beg enough. If you manage to amuse her enough, she might fulfill you a small request or two but it comes with the price of throwing away your pride and honor. Well, what can she say? Seeing you all pathetic and humiliated is such a cute sight to behold.​
🟩​To ensure that she can always enjoy seeing you put on such a miserable show of sobs and pleads in front of her, Eto can be exceptionally cruel. Normally you get the bare minimum to survive somewhat but it's never really enough to make you happy. Even bare necessities like water, food and even hygiene are kept low that it is never enough to fulfill you. If you want more, you always have to ask her for permission. Sometimes she's even cruel enough to deny you even that entirely unless you do exactly as she says. She's always exploring and using you for her own fun and your own thoughts and feelings are rarely considered.
Fukuzawa Yukichi
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Earnest-How intense and dangerous are they really?
⚪​I'd say that his darling is on a safer side because Fukuzawa actually acts like his age. He's fairly calm and composed and rarely someone who would let feelings interfere with his judgement. You're lucky to get a lucid man who is capable of feeling ashamed of his feelings. That aside though, the most problems this man will give you are all connected to his very protective tendencies. He's probably just a tiny bit paranoid because he's the president of the Armed Detective Agency but he won't interfere too much with your personal life unless something happens. The problem comes when something happens though because you'll quickly discover that he's not taking any risks when it comes to your safety. Suddenly the composed and calm man has this almost oppressing aura that makes him intimidating and leaves no room for arguments. Whilst I wouldn't label him as someone who would abuse his power, it's also worth mentioning that he can twist and bend the law a bit when he would deem it as necessary.
Ideals-What do they have in mind for the future?
⚪​He has a very classic idea of the future when it comes to his s/o. A marriage is 100% included in there, a really traditional one at that. He'd wait a few years before proposing though in order to work as much initial arguments out as possible in order to settle down peacefully with his darling later on. He wouldn't wait as long as Kunikida would though because I do think he might feel a bit pressured since he's already in his forties and not the youngest anymore. Otherwise he wouldn't have too many demands for the future, he just wants to protect and cherish his darling as much as he can. He's satisfied with the simple things in life with his s/o.
Mask-Do they change their behavior after falling in love with their darling? Do they act differently around them than around other people?
⚪He's trying to hide his feelings after he has realized his obsession with you. The reason for that is his inevitable feeling of shame and guilt so he tries to treat you like he treats his co-workers. With respect and patience but his normally so impeccable composure just crumbles around you slowly but surely. His eyes always peek over to you when you're close to him, if you touch him in any way he tenses up ever so slightly and in the worst case you elicit the hint of a pink blush out of him. Ultimately he's trying but failing to hide his growing feelings for you. Eventually you find Fukuzawa actually being the one who goes out of his way to engage in interactions with you as he suddenly seems to want to socialize with you a lot more than what you would have expected from a normally more reserved man as him.
​⚪The president of the Agency tries to keep it as subtle as possible but there's no denying it. If anyone would just observe him closely, they'd notice the differences before he decides to come as clean with his feelings as he is. One thing is the already mentioned awkwardness around you. He becomes more hyper-aware around you and more mindful of his words and actions, careful to keep his dignity intact in front of you. He doesn't want to embarrass himself even the slightest in front of you. Fukuzawa has also a staring problem around you and he doesn't even notice that until someone points it out to him. It isn't to the point where it's creepy but it's enough to be noticable for his subordinates. I do think in your presence he's trying to not come over as too stern and strict which is why people like Ranpo and Dazai often end up keeping you around if they want the president to not scold them in any way or form.
Voice-If their darling asks them for something, would they give it to them? How much do they do in general for them?
​⚪I'd say that it depends on what you ask him. Whilst Fukuzawa is someone who will always listen to what his darling has to say and listen to their opinions unless he's really on the brink of an emotional breakdown, he isn't someone who coddles and spoils his s/o actively. He sees a relationship as something where both parts give and take equally in their own ways to show that they appreciate each other. Considering that your comfort is really important to him, especially if you'd ask him for something because otherwise you'd be uncomfortable would he be very quick to try to soothe your unease. Small favors such as buying groceries or fixing something that has broken are also always things you can ask him to do and be sure that he will do it for you within the same day.
⚪Fukuzawa always makes sure to do enough for you to let you know that he cherishes you and loves you. It isn't to the point where it would overwhelm you or where he would carelessly buy everything for you but it is enough to let you know everyday that he adores you. Yukichi just cares a lot for your safety and your comfort, especially since he is aware of the risks that you're in due to being his significant other. A lot of people hold a grudge against the ADA and would want to see their downfall and you'd be the easiest target for them since you're his lover, especially if you possess no special gift. He might also have days where he is very busy in the Agency when something is going on. He doesn't spend much time with you during such times and tries to make it up to you afterwards. He feels a bit guilty for ignoring you for a bit even when he knows that you're not angry with him. You know how hard he works for the safety of the city after all.
Mori Ougai
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​​Earnest-How intense and dangerous are they really?
🍷​I'd wager that you would not want to end up as Mori's darling. Looking on how he's an experienced and cruel mafioso who just happens to be the boss too, any chance of escaping are very little. Mori has connections and subordinates all over the city and isn't afraid to break the rules and the law if he needs to do so which implies that he might just wreck a bit of havoc if you should ever do something as stupid as trying to escape or hide from him. The possibilites don't even end there which is even more terrifying because just like Fyodor, Mori isn't worried about personally messing with your life so that you have no choice but to rely on him if you don't want to learn how to survive on the streets. Considering that he can act very sappy around his darling, you sometimes forget who you have in front of you and whilst Mori is a fan of a bit of spunk in his darling, if you underestimate him and act up a bit too much, you'll be very quickly reminded just how dangerous this man really is.
Ideals-What do they have in mind for the future?
🍷Oh~He just wants to keep you for the rest of his life with him. After all the mafioso adores you in a very twisted and sick way​ and could never imagine not having you always right by his side. And that is really all that he desires for the future. To always have his sweet and gorgeous doll by his side so he can coddle, spoil and dote on them all he wants. He doesn't need your consent for any of that and to your great annoyance you discover that he actually adores it when you act a bit more spicy. He enjoys if you have a bit of fire inside of you. He can act uncannily excited around you when he demands you to put on the pretty clothes he bought for you or simply has you on his laps and dotes on you. It's so creepy when he acts like this.
Mask-Do they change their behavior after falling in love with their darling? Do they act differently around them than around other people?
🍷​If you meet him anywhere in public, it's very likely that you'll let yourself get fooled by his clumsy and worried exterior just like Atsushi. Who can blame you though, Mori is good in making himself appear like a goofy and sappy man when he's not currently acting as the boss of the Port Mafia. Yet even whilst he keeps you from being warily around him in his disguise, the difference in his behavior is still fairly obvious. Suddenly he is so clingy when he's with you and tries to delay your departure from him and Elise as much as possible, insisting that you accept the presents he buys you and begging you try on the clothes he bought you and wear them the next time you two meet. Even after the truth has been revealed, will he not stop acting like a clingy and sappy fool when with you. Now it's turned up to the point where it unsettles you and now you also know better than take him for a bit of a goofy idiot. You've seen what evilness hides under that pout.
🍷​It's pretty obvious but you get the Elise treatment from him but just a bit more intense than that. Around everyone else who knows him Mori is always in his role as the boss of the Port Mafia but only around Elise and you, especially around you, does he relapse. As soon as you're around, he can never fully resist to falter and keep his hands to himself. He always wants to touch you in some way when you're around and always has to dote on you somehow when you're with him. It's not something Mori seems to be able to stop himself from doing so even under the eyes of other members of the Port Mafia will he act like a sappy idiot which probably disturbs some whilst it annoys others. He never loses his face though because everyone knows just what he's capable of.
Voice-If their darling asks them for something, would they give it to them? How much do they do in general for them?
🍷​Just ask him for something and Mori will give you anything. He's showering you with everything one could ask for and even more. He's undeniably down bad for his darling and if they pout and beg a bit he literally can't stop himself. If you're acting all cute and mad when you want something, he's always cooing over you and your cuteness. It's a bit embarrassing and I'm sure Kouyou has scolded him quite a bit for his weak will when it comes to you. Sometimes Mori is being a bit mean though and denies you something you want on purpose for the sole reason for seeing you acting a bit mad and throwing a small tantrum. It's just adorable to watch you being upset and angry but don't worry, he'll stop teasing you soon and make it up to you. You can get anything from food to jewels to clothes from him as long as you know how to make his heart melt. Just don't expect him to ever give you your freedom back.
🍷​You know what? You don't even have to ask him really for any material stuff because most of the time, if not even all of the time, Mori does this on his own free will. He buys you everyday something and most of the time those gifts of his are cute clothes with all sorts of ribbons and adornments on them. Your life is basically that of a human-sized doll as you often feel like he's playing dollhouse with you and Elise and he loves every second of it. When it comes to the question of Mori doing much for you, in a way he does much for you if you let his excessive spoiling count. Unfortunately he does this without you even wanting it as he ultimately just does it for his own pleasure.
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ciceroskyrim · 2 years
are you aware that there is a skyrim sexy man poll happening rn? and are you aware of the fucking bullshit that cicero is losing??? —-> (skyrim incorrect quotes)
Cicero Cares Not For Physical Appearances. Cicero Is Quite Proud To Be An Acquired Taste, Enjoyed By Divergent Thinkers Who Wish For Their Lives To Contain A Hefty Dose Of Whimsy. Cicero Does Not Need To Be Sexy. Cicero Does Not Need To Be A Man, Honestly. Cicero Can Be Funny, Malicious, Silly, Dexterous, Versatile, Grotesque, Unlovely, Mischievous, Cunning, Poetic, Angular, Jolly, Smelly. If These Are Things You Enjoy, Cicero Can Be Those Things. That's What Being A Jester Is All About. That's Cicero.
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You might have gotten an ask like this before but I think it's unfair how snufkin often gets misrepresented in moomin media/fandom as either a deus ex machina type of wise traveler whos never wrong, or some sort of awkward teen who's "scared of socializing" could you perhaps analyze the nuances in his character?
I held off on answering this ask for a bit because Snufkin has honestly become such a nebulous character to me after a while that I barely have the motivation to properly discuss him. But now I've finally come to the right mindset to talk about his character;
Snufkin was... A few things in the books. A few very different things, actually.
His character is very notably different between the first half of the books (Comet in Moominland through Moominpappa's Memoirs) and the second half of the books (Moominsummer Madness through Moominvalley in November). These 2 eras of Snufkin make for an interesting character to ponder about even if he isn't as prominent as other characters (ironic, considering he's the first character anyone would know of when entering the fandom and is practically its figurehead)
Snufkin in his first era was... A very regular child with a much happier disposition, he tended to kick the shins of those who are about to say something they shouldn't and had very strange preferences and lifestyle but he was still very much a child unburdened by having to socialize or talk to people. He became quick friends with Moomintroll not because he exemplified an ideal that Moomintroll hoped for - but because he was so gosh-darn friendly and fun to be around.
He claimed himself a tramp and a poet when first meeting Moomintroll and Sniff and tried very dearly to be of help to them along the journey, even consoling Sniff when his plan to nab some garnets went awry, and he continues to be a good-natured fellow and a quick thinker throughout Finn Family Moomintroll. In Moominpappa's Memoirs he was absolutely mesmerized by the idea of his father and wanted to learn as much as he could about him, and arguably taking to idolizing him for both their similarities and simply how cool and punk he considered him.
Snufkin was also a story-teller throughout and contained more wisdom in his self than even some of the adults likely due to his traveling making him accumulate stories and practical knowledge that others wouldn't even think to explore.
Much of Snufkin's "tragedy" boils down to being orphaned so young that he didn't even imagine having parents of his own, thinking that he just came to existence in some basket one day and was found by some unknown "they", whoever they are, but that tragedy is quickly resolved as he reunites with his family in the epilogue of Moominpappa's Memoirs. He also took to traveling out of Moominvalley with great eagerness, it was more of a sudden decision and he didn't seem apologetic about it at all - he wanted so much to go somewhere new again, he was excited!
And it wasn't a goodbye forever, he promised to return in the spring when everyone was going to wake up. Perhaps he found that hibernation just wasn't for him and would rather take the lonely but exciting alternative, who knows! He's just a jolly little lad!
But then came Moominsummer Madness where we are presented with a more mature Snufkin, suddenly taking after his father with his smoking and anti-park terrorism but also after his mother with his care for an impossible amount of children. Although he didn't ring as excitable in tone as before, he still had conviction and a small sense of whimsy in him, he still cared deeply and wanted to be kind and it was almost too easy for him to take on a very parental role for the Woodies. He also still exhibited his greater knowledge of the world through knowing exactly what a play is and how it works.
We lack him in Moominland Midwinter, but he becomes a very romantic subject in Moomintroll's mind, reading his letter a bit too many times and imagining what it's like in the south - even declaring to go and meet him before the reality of winter hits him in the face. Those thoughts are very sporadic and short-lived however, as he has everything about the foreign land of Winter to worry about.
We then have the luxury of having 3 whole chapters mainly featuring Snufkin, The Spring Tune, The Last Dragon in the World and Cedric, all of which place him on the higher ground, whether as a philosophical authority or someone to be impressed. He's clearly depicted as a more closed-off character, much different than the younger Snufkin we knew in the first half of the series.
Where he was excited to make new friends who've stumbled onto his camp in Comet in Moominland, he's totally apprehensive of a Creep invading his space. Where he tried to help make Sniff feel better by looking on the bright side of things and relented when Sniff countered him with his real lament in Comet in Moominland, he lectures to him a story and is too stubborn to stop it when Sniff is clearly disinterested and keeps interjecting.
Finally, Moominvalley in November made him very... Restless in his need for isolation. He hated or atleast disliked these people he was stuck with without even knowing them properly, he freaks out at the sight of signs that only tell the name of Moominhouse and he felt watched by the others even in the safety of his tent. But he grew out of it, his main motif was his harmonica and he kept playing and playing and playing it throughout the book, he became an inspiration to the Fillyjonk, he was a partner in Mymble's act during the party, he helped the Hemulen sail his boat for the first time.
He learned to coexist with new people again. After a long time of getting too used to a family as understanding as the Moomins, he finally formed new bonds with new people, and when the snow came it was his time to depart as the second-to-last person left in the Valley, even if he never got to see the Moomins that time. Toft pondered if Snufkin understood that Toft was meant to be the only one to greet the Moomins upon their return, or even that he understood even more than that.
Snufkin is still a kind person through it all, an unwilling inspiration to others now too, but even when he's become so terribly closed off from others he still makes the choice to help and make the right choice in the end.
He's changed a great deal throughout the books, but his integrity remains all the same.
Snufkin in the comics, on the other hand...
Is just kind of there? For about... 4 comics out of the 21 that Tove made?
I mean, not to diminish him, he's still spoken about as though he's Moomintroll's best friend in The Conscientious Moomins but he lacks any stay them. In Moomin and the Brigands and Moomin in Family Life (literally the first 2 comics of the strip), he seems very similar to how he was in the first half of the books, he's very quirky and happy to lend a paw whenever he should. He spouts about using money to plant trees all Lorax-like and barely helps in Moomintroll and Sniff's endeavors (he's characterized as more of a nuisance in Brigands, really), and he becomes an object to impress for Moominpappa because of Moominpappa's emphasis on wanting exciting things to happen in the comics. Snufkin's still a wise guy but he left before we got much of him.
And then we have the Conscientious Moomins and Moomin and the Golden Tail where he's characterized more familiarly to anyone who's watched the 90s series, Moomintroll goes to him whenever he needs advice or to 'get away from it all', and he's super willing to help others with jobs even if he and his lifestyle doesn't fit into the conscientious life. In Golden Tail he keeps asking Moomintroll to fish with him and he becomes the one source of normalcy in the story before being torn away because Moomintroll's fame is interfering with even his friendships. Snufkin is characterized as a support mechanism in these comics.
He's very likeable as a character but like almost everyone else in the comics, he's Not That Deep, Bro.
I think the reason why Snufkin gets characterized as dues ex machina who solves problems most of the time is because those adaptations lean into him being The Smart One With Outside Knowledge a bit too hard, however when you look at the 90s series as a whole his characterization there is only seemingly not-good because the series has an overall problem of not letting its characters express themselves, and he gets involved in much more stories than he actually was in the source material so I could hazard a guess that the writers - based on not only Tove's Snufkin but also Lars' Snufkin which continued Contentious/Golden Tail Snufkin's characterization - would reason that since Snufkin was Like That in the comics then he could easily also be like that in their own stories.
Shin Mūmin made an egregious use of the Snufkin-ex-machina card because they aged him up and they reshaped him into a traveling and helpful loner archetype who knows what he's doing 99% of the time, however they did what the 90s series couldn't and actually made him emotional which very much saves his character in my eyes.
Moominvalley 2019 started Snufkin's character in Tales From Moominvalley aswell as Moominsummer Madness and that pretty much dictated his personality for the rest of the show. Because Moomintroll was meant to be a teenager who acted like he did in the comic alot, I could easily believe that the writers also trying to rein Snufkin in by making him more relatable or more like a real teenager. Perhaps they also wanted to stray from Snufkin's previous characterization as a deus-ex-machina character and Gary Sue by going into the other end of the spectrum, but given how Moominvalley2019 is with the rest of the cast... It ended up a little too much.
While I admit Snufkin is a very interesting character and I can see how he's good enough to be a fan favorite, I don't have any plans on delving into him much further when there's other things that interest me. As I said, he's become a nebulous character to me - and no matter how much I read or watch about him in the source and licensed material and get happy to see him, there's always going to be that half of my brain that keeps reminding me about his fans and how fanon has took hold of him that there's really nothing but indifference whenever I think about delving into his character.
I wrote most of this based on memory with some occasional checking so I may have gotten some things wrong, and even when I read or watch stuff with him in it, my attention usually goes to things other than him. It's not because of an inherent fault in his character, really, it's just a tragedy of the fandom tainting my enjoyment of him in general. So... Let this be my one full-length analysis of him.
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shakespearenews · 16 days
In a country that loves structure and regulations, Jolly is considered a rule breaker and an original thinker who takes risks. He loves Shakespeare as much as the Spice Girls, and he recently directed a popular French rock opera, “Starmania,” bombarding the audience with 600 strobe lights and drawing more than a million spectators during a nationwide tour.
He also directed and acted in a 24-hour production that brought together “Henry VI” and “Richard III” — 10 acts in one sitting. The theater put out pillows so spectators could nap.
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Tag List: @cheyfi @kingdomof-omens @daylightlvrs @blade-in-red @ladyveronikawrites @jay02bo @itsmrsfuentes @cncohshit
"Hey, it's Liv. I'm unable—”
I sighed harshly, locking my phone and tossing it on the bed with defeat. After I had snapped at Liv and hung up on her, I quickly realized that my actions weren't warranted and immediately called her back to apologize. She didn't answer; the phone simply went straight to voicemail, but I kept calling in hopes of getting ahold of her eventually.
It was late, and the unsettling fear of the worst continuously churned in my stomach, keeping me awake. No matter how many times I told myself that she was fine or how many times I tried those deep breathing exercises I had been taught, I couldn't seem to calm my erratic mind. I stared at the ceiling of my bunk for hours.
Since she had been struggling as of late, my biggest fear was that she was currently confiding in a bottle. Or worse, seeking comfort at the bar with the possibility of what happened with that guy occurring once again. It killed me to think about her in such a vulnerable state, not only because I was once again the cause of it, but because I wasn't there to help her through it. I wasn't there to make sure she was safe.
I grabbed my phone once again and rolled onto my side, opening my gallery to pictures of me and Liv. The first one that popped up was the one that Bryan took the very first day of tour, an inkling of a smile beginning to spread on my face as I took it in. Our eyes were clearly zeroed in on one another as we gazed at each other with such adoration, our grins wide as can be.
I remember how I felt at that very moment; so elated that she was simply there, and with the brightest smile on her face. It was as if there wasn't anyone else in the room. We were on the same wavelength, just focused on each other.
And the way she jumped on me the second I entered the green room afterwards? I felt like I had won it all—the show was impeccable, the boys and the rest of the crew were ecstatic, and Liv was happy. All I ever wanted in life was to be happy, to be successful, to have someone to be proud of me after all the self-doubt I went through. And there in my arms, I had it.
I sighed and flipped through countless other pictures of us together—goofy selfies over the years, candids of her with that prominent crinkle in her nose from laughing, our trip to Japan, our wedding photos. I could remember each and every moment that led up to these pictures being taken, and it made my chest tight and my heart sink with nostalgia.
Other than the picture Bryan took, when was the last time her smile was captured on camera? It used to be weekly, if not daily, and it became fewer and far between the more I delved into the music. I was spending less time with her, that much was obvious, and we weren't creating or capturing new memories because of that.
And because I had been paying such close attention to detail with the music, and ultimately forgetting plans with her time and time again, I lost the trust she had in me. It was no wonder that she, as an over-thinker, would come to the conclusion that I was purposely hiding my marriage from the public, as far-fetched as it was.
Losing her trust meant that I was losing her, and it was clear as day. I could feel it in my bones, I could feel it in my chest.
I did manage to get some sleep, as minimal and inadequate as it was, and I was having a slow start to my morning because of it. Folio was questioning my lack of enthusiasm, but Jolly and Nicholas knew to just let me be. They knew how I got when a show didn't go quite as planned, so with the equipment getting damaged and not working properly last night, they let me be—they weren't even aware of what happened between me and Olivia.
Nick sidled up beside me as I nonchalantly picked apart the bagel I snagged for a late breakfast. I could see him out of the corner of my eye staring at me, and I knew he was mulling over what to say to me.
"You gonna eat that bagel or just desecrate it?" he says after we sat in silence for some time. I shrugged, shoving a piece of it in my mouth to appease him. "What's up? You're not still upset about the show last night, are you?" I shook my head 'no', keeping my attention on the bagel in my hands. I rolled a bit of it between my thumb and index finger, watching the crumbs fall to the floor.
He sighs, taking the bread out of my hands and placing it on the table. I remained still, staring at my now empty hands for a minute before finally turning to look at my best friend. He sat there facing me, his elbow on his knee with his chin resting on his fist, quirking an eyebrow. "What's up?" he asks again. I shake my head once more with a shrug, standing to exit the conversation he was trying to elicit. I reached the door of the bus when he spoke up again, halting me in my tracks.
"Call her," is all he says. He knew something had happened. I closed my eyes and huffed. "I did. Her phone is off." "You're not trying hard enough. Call the bakery, she has no choice but to answer that phone." He walks over to me and claps me on my shoulder, giving me a reassuring squeeze. I look over at him and he gives me a gentle smile before hopping off the bus, allowing me to have the area to myself.
I gave myself an encouraging nod before returning to the couch with my phone in my hand. I don't know how I didn't think to call the bakery before, but Nick was right. This was the only other option that I had if her phone was off. I scrolled through my contacts, found the bakery, and hit 'call', silently praying she would answer.
It rang twice before a chipper voice, that clearly wasn't Liv's, picked up. "Thanks for calling Cakewalk on Sunset, this is Holly." "Hey, um," I cleared my throat, all of a sudden dry with apprehension. "Is Olivia available? It's her husband, Noah." "Oh, sure!" Holly confirms enthusiastically, "One sec." My stomach twisted as I waited, listening to the shuffling and muffled voices on the other end.
Why in the world was I so nervous to talk to my wife?
"Hello?" Liv's voice filters through the receiver, her tone flat. A pang hits my chest from her lack of warmth, but I try to cover my disappointment with a smile, hoping it will reach my voice. "Hey, love. I tried calling you, but your phone's been off." "Mmm, yeah," she mumbles. "I broke my phone last night. I'm getting a new one after work." "Oh," I mutter, frowning to myself. I didn't bother asking her how she broke it in hopes of avoiding another argument; it wasn't relevant. "You doing okay?"
She doesn't say anything, but I could picture her shrugging to herself. There was clattering on the other end, and I knew she was trying to keep busy for something to fill in the silence we sat in.
"Listen, I didn't like the way I spoke to you last night and immediately called you back to apologize. I was frustrated; our equipment was fucked up and the show didn't go well," I sighed, shaking my head. "I'm sorry for snapping at you and hanging up, Olivia. You didn't deserve that." "I'm sorry, too. I was foolish," she says quietly. "Yeah, just a little," I let out a short chuckle. "But it's just water under the bridge, yeah? We'll work through this like we always do." She hums in what I think is agreement. "Anyway, I just wanted to check in, make sure you're doing okay. Call me later when you get your new phone?" I tried to sound optimistic, hoping she'd return the positivity. "Sure, yeah." "Great," I smile sadly to myself when her voice remained dull. "Talk to you later, I love you." "Love you, too."
She never called me.
I felt like complete garbage, and I just wanted to get on the damn plane and land in Virginia already so I could rest. The last few days were rough on stage with how tight my chest was, not being able to project my vocals to the best of my ability. It was disappointing, even if the crowd still cheered and helped sing along with me.
I just hoped that the little break that we got would be enough to help me recover; it was only a matter of time before I started coughing. I could feel it building up in my lungs.
My flight had been delayed—what was supposed to be a direct flight got cut due to snow, having us land in Denver until they deemed it safe to land in Virginia. I knew Liv was disappointed when I called her during the impromptu layover to inform her of my late arrival. I hated telling her that I wasn't sure when I'd get there, but I'd be there, and I made sure she knew that before our call ended.
She sounded like she was not only defeated, but under the weather like I was. Her voice was hoarse, and I wished I were already there so I could take care of her—even if I felt like shit, too. She insisted she was fine, though, having her mother and Vic by her side, and that did ease my mind some.
After what seemed like the longest day of travel of my entire life, I found myself thanking the cab driver, shouldering my bag. I turned towards Olivia's childhood home; the entirety of the property was dark, and the only source of light was that of the Christmas tree shining through the front window.
I pursed my lips into a saddened smile—I was relieved to be here, but it was too late, and I knew she'd be disappointed since it wasn't the day of. I huffed, my breath floating in front of my face, illuminated by the colorful lights of the tree. It was now or never; I braved entering the home, my footsteps unbearably loud in the dead of night as I crunched through the snow.
I was thankful that the pin to the door was still the same as the last time we were here, entering the home quietly. I slipped my shoes off and used the flashlight on my phone to ease my way through, climbing the stairs as delicately as I could, careful not to make them creak under my weight. I found the bedroom we shared prior, cringing as the door groaned on its hinges when I opened it.
I spotted Liv sleeping soundly, burrowed into the blankets, and curled into herself. Setting my bag down, I grinned at the sight and gently moved the blankets so I could climb into bed with her. I take a minute to admire her, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. I grazed my fingertips down her cheek and sighed; she felt so soft but warmer than usual. She was either sick and running a fever or had been drinking and was flushed.
Either way, my heart sunk just a tad from it.
"I'm sorry," I whispered, mostly to myself. I kissed her forehead and wrapped an arm around her small frame. Just as I closed my eyes, she stirred ever-so-slightly, a tiny whine coming from her. "Me too," she mumbles, still half asleep. "For what, love?" I kept my voice low, rubbing circles in her upper back. "Everything," she sniffles, her voice cracking.
I sighed dejectedly as my heart dropped lower, knowing exactly what she meant. ‘Everything’ meant she had been drinking.
“I told you I’d be here, Liv,” I tell her gently, continuing to smooth my hand over her back. “I know,” she whimpers. “I’m sorry.” I hush her, now running my hand through her hair. “Enough of that. I’m here now, and we’re still going to celebrate Christmas, even if I’m a day late. Okay?” I feel her nod against my chest, but she remains quiet. “Would you like to open your present now? I have it here with me.”
Again, she remains silent, and I would’ve thought she had fallen back asleep if I didn’t know any better. I hated seeing her like this—the silent treatment was very unusual, and I almost wished she would cry. At least then I’d be able to tell what she was feeling and be able to console her. I couldn’t tell if she was sad, or angry, or simply just tired, and it was making my insides twine with uncertainty.
I huffed and gave her another firm kiss to her forehead before unraveling myself from her to retrieve my bag. I clicked on the light on the bedside table, pulled out her present and returned to my spot on the bed in a sitting position.
She looks up at me, her face contorting from the sudden brightness that now filled the room, and slowly rubs one of her eyes. I could now see how swollen her eyes were from crying, paired with mascara smudged down her rosy cheeks, and it filled me with sorrow.  
I smiled sadly at her and motioned my head towards the poorly wrapped rectangle in my lap, urging her to take it from my hands. She drops her hand from her face and takes her present, a tiny giggle coming from her as she observed my awful wrapping skills. She pushes herself into a sitting position and slowly rips the paper off, my heart pounding with anticipation of her reaction.
She unveils the canvas, and she gasps quietly, my heart filling with joy from the smile on her face as she observed what was in her hands. There were two navy blue hearts, each with their own star map; one had the date of our engagement, the other had the date of our wedding—each one showed how the stars aligned at those very moments. Those were two of the most important days of my life, and I wanted—no, needed—her to know that.
And like I knew she would, she started to tear up. But what started out as tears of joy and a little tremor of her lips quickly turned into a full-on breakdown.
She hangs her head, her dark hair blanketing her face as her shoulders shake with each sob. I quickly took the present from her and placed it on the nightstand, pulling her against my chest so I could hold her. She immediately buries her face into my chest while she fists my shirt, relentlessly crying.
“Olivia, please,” I begged, rubbing her back and swaying us gently. “What is going on, love?” I tried to soothe her, I tried to get her to talk to me, but as the minutes passed, I was left feeling more and more confused, more and more hopeless. “I-I’m sorry if my gift wasn’t what you wanted—” “No,” she chokes out, finally giving me some sort of an answer. “I-it’s everything that I wanted.” I shake my head in confusion as she picks her head up from my chest to look at me, tears still glistening in her eyes. “I’m not understanding, Olivia,” I inform her, cupping her cheek and swiping away the straggling tears. “What’s got you so upset, then?” “I’m scared,” she whimpers. I furrow my brows at her, “Scared of what?”
She closes her eyes and shakes her head at me, another sob slipping from her. She doesn’t say anything, and my chest tightens the longer we sat in silence, waiting. “Olivia,” I whispered to gain her attention, palming her face now with both hands. I tilt her head towards me, her eyes fluttering open and screaming with dismay. “What are you scared of, love?” There was this hesitancy as I watched her eyes search mine—I could feel her begging for forgiveness as the next word out of her mouth takes the breath straight out of my lungs.
|Chapter 12|
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marev-29 · 1 year
While I work on making the ref sheets, here I leave you all darlings with the concept arts of my interpretations of our beloved Welcome Home cast. Hope you enjoy them as much as I loved making them 💕.
First of we got out beloved star Wally Darling
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Next up we got our favorite goofball Barnaby B. Beagle
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Followed by the lovely husbands, our endearing mailman Eddie Dear and and our expert in butterflies Frank Frankly
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Resuming with our most joyous combo, our hyperactive rainbow of joy Julie Joyful and our rambunctious and adventurous fire-craker Sally Starlet
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Continuing with our most friendly and jolly expert in deals, the shopkeeper Howdy Pillar
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Resuming with our sweetest caretaker and most frantic over thinker Poppy Partridge
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And ending with our final but not least sweetheart, or most treasured shelter!
The lovely Home
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I'll be working on making them more cleaner reference sheets, tho it will take a hot minute since I don't have a tablet to make them faster digitally. I have to stay with the ol' traditional sketchbook :').
I do hope however that this doesn't keep you darlings from enjoying my art, hoping is not an eyesore to you guys
Wishing you a great day and a beautiful night to you all 💖
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Hetalia D&D 5e/Pathfinder 1e - Part 4 Western Europe 1
I did a thing yesterday. Got on ChatGPT (I know bad mun) and made rough NPCs for my Pathfinder 1e game. And I used every core character from Hetalia. So, I shared with 3 Hetalia fans I follow and was told to share all of them if I did all of them. Which I did. So here we go.
Race: Half-Elf Half-elves are known for their adaptability and charm, which suits Bavaria's friendly and sociable personality. They also have a rich cultural background, reflective of Bavaria’s heritage.
Bard (6)
Bards symbolize Bavaria's rich cultural history, love for music, and celebration of traditions like Oktoberfest. Their ability to inspire and entertain aligns well with Bavaria's convivial nature.
Bardic Performances can showcase Bavaria’s festive spirit. Focusing on the Masquerade or Soothing Performance bardic masterpieces is a perfect fit.
Rogue (2)
Rogues represent Bavaria’s cleverness and the sometimes mischievous nature of its people. Their knack for dealing with various social situations through deception or charm fits well.
Consider skill focus in Diplomacy, Bluff, and Perform to emphasize Bavaria's charm and ability to navigate social dynamics.
Ranger (2)
Rangers embody Bavaria’s connection to its beautiful landscapes, forests, and mountains. These classes can reflect aspects of the natural world and Bavaria’s outdoor traditions.
Additionally, choosing an urban ranger archetype can highlight Bavaria’s blend of nature and civilization.
Total Level: 10
Stat Recommendations:
Str: 12 (average physical strength for an adventurer)
Dex: 14 (helps in range attacks and rogue skills)
Con: 12 (slightly above average health)
Int: 10 (average intelligence; not primarily a thinker)
Wis: 10 (average; adaptable)
Cha: 18 (high charisma to reflect public friendliness and social skills)
Bard Skills: Perform, Diplomacy, Bluff, Sense Motive
Rogue Skills: Acrobatics, Stealth, Disable Device
Ranger Skills: Survival, Knowledge (Nature)
Negotiator (boosts Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks)
Inspire Courage (early bardic ability)
Dodge (provides an AC bonus; fits well with the rogue aspect)
Background and Personality:
Bavaria in Hetalia is often depicted as jolly, cheerful, and somewhat prideful of their culture. This NPC could be a traveling bard who enjoys sharing tales and music of the region, celebrating festivals, and fostering camaraderie among people. Perhaps they are on a mission to spread joy and unify differing factions through music and friendship, leveraging their skills in diplomacy to resolve conflicts amiably.
Musical Instrument (e.g., Lute or Flute)
Light Armor (to allow for mobility)
Rapier (a classic weapon for a finesse-oriented rogue)
Adventurer’s pack with festive decorations (for festivals and events)
Bulgaria NPC
Race: Human (Variant Human)
Variant Humans allow for additional versatility, reflecting Bulgaria's varied personality and industries.
Fighter (1-10 Levels)
As a proud nation with a rich warrior culture, Bulgaria can embody the Fighter class, showcasing skills with weapons and defensive tactics. He can be very competent in combat, reflecting a sense of martial pride.
Bard (1-10 Levels)
Bards in Pathfinder can represent art, music, and culture, which align well with Bulgaria's historical ties to folklore and storytelling. As a Bard, he can charm others and inspire allies, aligning with the more charismatic elements of his character.
Rogue (1-10 Levels)
Given Bulgaria's sometimes mischievous nature in the series, a few levels in Rogue can reflect stealthy skills, cunning tactics, and the ability to navigate social situations cleverly.
Suggested Build
Level Breakdown:
Fighter 5 / Bard 5 / Rogue 5 (Total Level 15)
Key Abilities:
Fighter: Focus on strength or dexterity, armor training, and combat feats (like Power Attack or Weapon Specialization).
Bard: Use Charisma for spellcasting to aid in diplomacy, perform skills related to singing/dancing, and use bardic performances for bonuses.
Rogue: Stealth, cunning action, and skills involving social interactions, ensuring he can either talk his way out of trouble or get the drop on foes.
Background & Personality Traits
Bulgaria is competitive and sometimes serious, but he can also show a humorous or light-hearted side. He has a strong connection to his culture and is known for pride in his folklore. His mix of abilities showcases strength in both martial prowess and social interactions while emphasizing the humorous but fierce nature of his character in Hetalia.
Sample Equipment
Fighter Gear: Heavy armor, a shield, and a versatile weapon (like a longsword).
Bard Implement: A lute or instrument representing Bulgarian music, along with various artisan tools for local crafts.
Rogue Tools: Thieves' tools and a cloak for stealth.
Roleplaying Tips
Emphasize Bulgaria's balance of seriousness in combat and playfulness in interactions. Use a mixture of combat prowess and charming conversations to create an engaging character that can fit various scenarios in your campaign.
Race: Human
Humans in Pathfinder are versatile and adaptable, which makes them a great fit for Genoa. Additionally, they gain a bonus feat at 1st level and extra skills, both of which represent the resilience and adaptability of Genoa.
Bard (3) - The bard represents Genoa's artistic flair and cultural importance, allowing her to inspire others, use her charm, and have a deep knowledge of her region's history and traditions.
Archetype: Cultured Performer (from The Ultimate Combat)
This archetype can emphasize her elegance and social skills, focusing on performing arts and diplomacy.
Oracle (4) - To portray Genoa's mysterious qualities and connection to deeper wisdom, an Oracle class can represent her foresight and knowledge of past and future world events that affect her people.
Mystery: History - This mystery gives her insights into events of importance and reflects her character's connection to her heritage.
Curse: Haunted - Symbolizes the struggles and lessons learned by her people throughout history.
Diplomat (6) - Choose the Diplomat prestige class from Ultimate Combat to emphasize her role in negotiations, alliances, and cultural exchanges. This class shows her ability to handle complex political situations and reflects her leadership capabilities.
Benefits include: Diplomacy skills, bonus to Diplomacy checks, and other abilities that aid in negotiations.
Level: Total Level: 13 (3 Bard + 4 Oracle + 6 Diplomat)
Key Abilities
High Charisma for bardic performances and diplomacy.
Wisdom for Oracle spells and abilities.
Skills: Diplomacy, Perform (sing), Knowledge (history), and Sense Motive.
Background and Personality Traits
Genoa is charming, artistic, and proud of her heritage. She would likely focus on benefitting her people through diplomacy, cultural exchange, and social engagements. She seeks to preserve her cultural identity while recognizing the importance of tradition and growth. Additionally, she is likely to have a friendly rivalry with other nations while maintaining diplomatic relations.
Sample Stat Block
Race: Human
Classes: Bard 3 / Oracle 4 / Diplomat 6
Abilities: (Point buy / standard array considerations)
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 18
Race: Half-Elf
Half-Elves are versatile and can blend the traits of both humans and elves, which suits Hesse's character and allows for a combination of abilities. They also receive a bonus to skill points, which can reflect Hesse’s diverse interests.
Classes Options:
Druid (1-3 levels):
Flavor: This class reflects Hesse's connection with nature and introverted personality. It allows him to have control over the natural world, summon animals, and use spells that reflect Hesse's love for peace and nature.
Key Features: Wild Shape, Nature Bond (Animal or Terrain), spells such as Entangle and Goodberry.
Rogue (2-3 levels):
Flavor: While Hesse may not be the most outgoing, he could have skills in stealth and observation, representing the subtleties of his character.
Key Features: Sneak Attack, Trapfinding, and a range of skills like Stealth and Perception for his introversion and perceptiveness.
Bard (3-4 levels):
Flavor: Bards can represent Hesse’s artistic side and provide social interaction through music. The Bard’s ability to influence emotions and charm others can tie into Hesse's personality.
Key Features: Bardic Performances, spellcasting (focusing on charm and nature-related spells), and versatile skills.
Example NPC Stat Block
Hesse CR: 5 Race: Half-Elf Classes: Druid 3 / Rogue 2 / Bard 2
Ability Scores (before racial modifiers):
Str: 10
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 13
Wis: 16
Cha: 14
Nature (Wis)
Stealth (Dex)
Perception (Wis)
Perform (Cha)
Diplomacy (Cha)
Survival (Wis)
Skill Focus (Nature)
Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Iron Will
Leather Armor
Druidic focus (perhaps a pendant featuring a natural symbol)
A magical instrument (such as a pan flute)
A selection of potions (healing, nature-related)
Personality Traits
Hesse is observant but often quiet, preferring to listen rather than speak.
He shows a deep love for the environment and often acts as a protector of nature.
Hesse may have a strong bond with wildlife, often communicating or collaborating with animals in his surroundings.
Roleplaying Tips
Emphasize Hesse's gentle and somewhat shy demeanor in conversations.
Use his knowledge of nature to provide insight or to guide others in the wilderness.
Allow him to use his bardic abilities to uplift and inspire even the most challenged characters during tough moments.
Knights Templar
Name: Sir Jean Lefevre (an original name inspired by the character)
Human (Varisian)
Traits: Varisians are known for their wanderlust and versatility. Their bonus to Dexterity and Charisma reflects the Knights Templar's agility and leadership.
Paladin (Divine Champion) (Levels 1-6, up to level 6)
Key Features: Divine Grace, Lay on Hands, Smite Evil, and a strong code of conduct that reflects the honor and chivalry of the Templars.
Paladin Code: Follow a strict code of conduct that emphasizes protection of the innocent, courage in battle, and devotion to their deity.
Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) (Levels 7-10, up to level 7)
Key Features: The Inquisitor showcases the Templar's role as militant protectors. They're skilled in combat and possess unique abilities for tracking and combating evil.
Judgment: They gain the ability to channel their divine energy for different enhancements to i.e. attack, damage, or gaining bonuses.
Warpriest (Battle Cleric) (Levels 11-15, up to level 5)
Key Features: A follow-up class for versatility, it allows for the combining of martial prowess with divine magic focused on combat.
Blessing: They gain the ability to bestow potent blessings upon themselves and allies, representing the Templar's role as both warriors and leaders of faith.
Final NPC Build:
Level: 15 (6 Paladin / 7 Inquisitor / 2 Warpriest)
Abilities and Skills:
Strength: High to reflect a strong combat capability.
Wisdom: Moderate to reflect their perception and ability to use divine spells.
Charisma: High to represent leadership and their divine grace in working with allies.
Weapon Focus (Longsword): A favored weapon for the Knights Templar.
Shield Proficiency: Essential for defending against attacks.
Combat Reflexes: To represent their defensive combat style.
Extra Lay on Hands (if using Paladin levels): To increase survivability.
Heavy Armor: Full plate armor adorned with Christian symbols.
Shield: A large shield with heraldic symbols.
Longsword: A finely crafted longsword for melee combat.
Holy Symbol: Relic representing their faith.
Sir Jean Lefevre is a noble and honorable knight from a distant land, devoted to their god and dedicated to eradicating evil. He wields both sword and faith with conviction, often seen leading charges against enemies of the realm. He advocates for peace and justice, making him a reliable ally for adventurers against dark forces.
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halodbethyname · 2 years
Planets Through the Houses Part 1
FIRST HOUSE: (the house of self, self expression, personal viewpoint, initiave, life direction.) energy of planets here are felt strongly, being so close to the ascendant, which represents our personal perspective on the world. Planets in the first also have an affect on ones appearance, though this is more thoroughly explained by sign placement as well as house and planet placement) this is a quick post and ive never really done a big post like this before (my lil 8h mercury is shy about sharing my insights) but as i move into my first house profection year, this feels like a great place to start, so here we go!
🌞THE SUN: in the first house, the sun endows an individual w/ great personal ambition and prowess. These are naturally upbeat people, and give off a sense of wisdom regarding the themes of the sign of the first house (i.e. libra sun+ rising- relationships/partnerships). 1h suns are confident, with natural leadership skills, but should work to employ rational thought in their decision makin process. Planning ahead can maximize the possible gains denoted by this placement.
🌕THE MOON: keyword: emotional. But thats not necessarily a bad thing! Individuals w natal first house moon are very expressive about their emotions, and will make it clear how they feel about something. This is one person whose emotions you don’t have to guess, given other chart factors are favorable to self expression. These natives can have a heavy concern for their own personal interests and emotions. They are advised to watch their tongue with others, as quick words can be damaging, even if they feel true. There is increased passion and positivity with this placement, but the lesson remains to listen before one reacts. Natives tend to have a youthful, jolly disposition, and are quite beautiful. They can grab the attention of the public.
🫧MERCURY: the thinker. There are few better ways to encapsulate this placement in words. They can seem consumed with their own thoughts and ideas to others, even coming off as self centered at times. These people are intellectual, and known for the communication and technical skills. The lesson here is to learn to consider others opinions to build on one’s own perspective.
🪷VENUS: the pretty one. Venus in the first is remarked for their noticeable beauty and grace, and others tend to find them very attractive. Venus in the first loves adornment (jewelry, self beautification, finery/fine clothing) and even has a tendency sometimes to detriment itself to achieve these things. Venus in the first can be an overspender in the pursuit of aesthetics, natives of this placement are urged to start a budget and work within it, the longevity of your finances will greatly benefitted. These natives are also quite romance/partnership focused, and in relationships, should take care to make careful relationship decisions if they are looking for a long term relationship.venus in the first adds a level of impulsivity to romantic matters.
💥MARS: two words: HIGH energy. (Mars in taurus and pisces are still affected but it is stronger w/ other signs.) ambition and drive characterize these natives, and they can seem to always be active. Those w/ this placement are encouraged to employ stategic thinking and patience to their willpower, to minimize accidents and maximize potential! With mars placed and aspected well, this is considered a lucky placement.
🌟JUPITER: creativity and confidence can come naturally to this placement, and others are drawn to their optimism and joviality. They adapt well to almost any social situation, fitting into the biggest of pictures. These natives are abundant w opportunities for self expression, and may become enraptured by their hobbies. They are encouraged to explore these hobbies, find new ones, and if possible, do some world travel and extra-cultural exploration. Risks taken can be very positive for these natives. (Check other chart factors before adhering to that one😂)
🪐SATURN: the greater malefic, people tend to hesitate with wide eyes when saturn comes up, and for good reason. Saturn does not play around. Saturn in the first can endow an individual w/ many responsibilities at an early age. Saturn repesents limitations/structure one must overcome or work within, and thus being in the first house, a native may struggle with self expression and exerting personal boundaries. That is the lesson here however, and the flipside to saturn energy is that those who can integrate this energy healthily almost always benefit greatly from their hard work, which saturn rewards.
🌬URANUS: the individual. One is enouraged to actively define oneself. This placement can be somewhat of a loner, feeling most comfortable with their own opinions and like minded individuals, but is ENCOURAGED to go out into the world and find new people/experiences. Uranus is the planet of shock factor, and brings completely unforseen surprises both good and bad. Uranus in the first is encouraged to socialize and exert their personal energy, but advised to think carefully about the things they discard from their life, as they are often want to return. The natives are often seen as being ahead of their time, and very unique as people. Last but by far not least, one is encourage to open up their perspective, allow the opinions of others to color your own and broaden your ideas, one cannot revolutionize if one cannot grow.
🌊NEPTUNE: the sensitive one. Neptune in the first can spend a lot of time questioning their perspective and desires, and it is best for them (in most cases) to allow this development to occur naturally without attempts to force it. One is encouraged to take good care of their mental health, possibly with therapy, and explore their spritiual side. Meditation can be beneficial. This native has the opportunity to discover endless creative development in their own talents and skill. Natives to this placement are generally attractive, with an elusive quality about them that generates curiosity around them.
🌪PLUTO: these people have a notable intensity, in their gaze, in their presence, in their passion. Pluto in the first gives strong willpower to the native, inherent ability to achieve one’s goals. Natives may have had several or many formative experiences as a child that drastically shaped them today. With this in mind, pluto in the first is encouraged to direct this great willpower into personal gain, where it will be most beneficial, as there is a tendency to use it instead for manipulative/controlling purposes against others. Try to avoid this, the potential here for personal gain is grand if one keeps the power they have in check and perspective.
Alrighty so there’s my first post! Im thinking about either doing a post on the ascendant through different signs, ORRRR continuing in this vein and doing planets through the second house next, lmk in the comments what youd like to hear about, even if it isnt these two!!
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the-trinket-witch · 10 months
💞 I hand you Carol and Kaeru
Ask Meme Here:
For Carol:
For such a studious, matronly type, I can see her being paired with Eugenio. Both are types that find themselves in paternal roles. Though, with Carol being older, I think Yuu could concede to being on the receiving end of paternal fretting after a couple back and forths. it'll be a different experience, for sure, but that wouldn't mean that Yuu would completely drop looking out for others and ribbing her into taking care of herself.
For Kaeru
My first thought was going to be Tidus, but honestly I think Lázaro might be an even better fit! Both seem like rather jolly guys, Every ship needs a musician, and while Laz seems to have a one-track mind for music, he's actually a rather resourceful, outta-the-box type thinker.
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rainisawriter · 11 months
Battle of Tokyo 🌸 Chatter {Mad Jesters}
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「Battle of Tokyo Masterlist」「back to Mad Jesters」
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🌸 CHARACTER NAME: Chatter チャツター
聡明かつ囗が達者な銃使い An intelligent, well-spoken gun-slinger
MAD JESTERSのムードメーカー。明るく元気で囗達者。頭の回転も速く、キレのいい話術を得意とする。表の顔は人気ネツト番組の司会者だが、裏の顔は怪盗団の「銃使い」。様々な銃器をユピーしては、景気よく乱射する。ー見能天気なようだが、意外としっかり者。いつも自分のチーム全体の未来を見据えて動く。
He is the mood maker of MAD JESTERS. He is bright, energetic, and a good liar. He is a fast thinker and a sharp talker. His public face is that of a popular online TV show host, but behind the scenes, he is a “gunslinger” for a group of phantom thieves. He shoots guns in a cheerful manner. He may seem carefree at first glance, but he is a surprisingly solid person. He always moves forward with an eye on the future of his team as a whole.
His motto is “be kind to girls” but he is a little too infatuated with them.
性格 (Character): 陽気でおしゃべり。 Jolly and talkative.
好きな色 (Favorite Color): 緑、蛍光色 Green, Fluorescent
好きな食ベ物 (Favorite Food): 蕎麦 Soba
好きな音楽 (Favorite Music): クラシツク Classical
好きな言葉 (Favorite Quote): ローマはー日にして成らず Rome was not built in a day
嫌いな言葉 (Disliked Words): うざい Annoying/Noisy
心躍ること (Exciting Things): 寺社仏閣巡り Touring shrines and temples
うんざりすること (Disgusting Things): 朝食が食べられなかったとき When he doesn’t get to eat breakfast
動物に例えるなら (If you were compared to an animal…): 猫 Cat
理想の人物像 (Ideal Person): 発言力と影響力のある人間 Outspoken and influential people
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pscottm · 1 month
Heath and Jimmy travel to Kentucky to attend a kind of Christian nationalist festival in the shadow of a six-story replica of Noah's Ark. The gathering brings together leading Christian nationalist thinkers from around the country to compare notes on how to turn America into a theocracy.
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madmanrambler · 1 year
I am trying to spook a small lizard off my car. My grandmother is watching, with patience but not patiently, as she needs to be taken to the doctor for a procedure. (It is not a surgery. Removing the port that once helped carry chemo drugs into her is not a surgery. It is not scary. I know it is not scary. She does as well. We ignore how we feel.) We are leaving 40 minutes before our arrival to a place that is 20 minutes away. (do not think about my father and how his chronic tardiness made me chronically early. I do not need to delve. It is simply written on me. I do not need to read it.)
I could simply leave the lizard, trust that he will run off as the car rumbles and begins to move. I do not want to risk this poor lizard being caught in something and hurting or dying. My grandmother knows this, which is why she is waiting with patience. I can't find the shock of green under my car anymore. (My favorite color is green. The lizard was a jolly green. I called lizards wizards when I was first learning words and grinned when I said it.) I eventually sigh and get up, unable to find him and aching from a workout the night before. I will have to trust the lizard made the right choice.
We drive in quiet. My music is set to random and played low enough I doubt my grandmother can hear more then white noise. (She is near deaf and refuses a cochlear implant. I have quietly wondered at how I would handle not being able to hear in the manner she can't. It would be survival, but I'm not sure how happily I would live without a cochlear.) We talk, occasionally discussing things. The city we're driving through, it's history and our memories of it. (Do not think about us moving.) We pass a basin that floods every major rain. It is flourishing with wild grass and beautiful trees that stand through floods. (We are moving in the end of the month. Everyone in the family is observing. I am the only one here the make decisions about the move. That does not mean I am the only one allowed opinions [do not think about the move right now] I have been grateful for advice, knowing it is all well intentioned).
We arrive at the appointment. Neither of us remembers the building. I argue that it was during a whirlwind of cancer treatments. She laughs and admits neither of us have ever had the head for remembering places. (We are 15 miles from the house. A massive distance for a small garden lizard. If the lizard is still aboard it has traveled so far, gone miles [do not think about the move] to places it has never seen before.)
I walk my grandmother up to the appointment. The practice has old fashioned chairs, all velvet and wide angled. My grandmother sits in one and sighs. I enjoy her enjoyment quietly. (This has always made our lives livable. This enjoyment of enjoyment. [When was the last time you enjoyed something purely and deeply |DO NOT THINK ABOUT THE MOVE| with your whole heart?] I are happy I can enjoy someone's enjoyment, regardless of how much this has asked of me.) You have to stay in the front while they take her back for the procedure (it is not a surgery, it will be totally fine.)
I sit, and I wait. My music keeps me company as best it can. Others walk in, and settle, and wait. They chat in other languages. (Will the new town have that pleasure of multiple cultures and languages and divergent thoughts all sharing in life? [Is this a safe place to think about the move? All alone. Don't think about it.] I hope I can find those that think differently, no matter how small the town.) I keep my music low, not to listen to their words but to their cadence, their emotions. The tones and colors of their life. The complexities of life that brings you to a vein specialist, all the good and bad.
I sit in this moment, and I think about poetry. About how I love to write it but rarely do. About how I constantly return to the image of my chest filling with blood from a leaking heart. Maybe I'm just a melodramatic little thinker, I think to myself. I curl up in the chair and think about poetry and life as I wait for my grandmother to exit. I suppose I should think about lunch too.
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Es ist Nacht und die Mäuse schlafen, nur ab und zu wacht mal eine auf, um zu sehen, oder der geliebte Käse noch da ist. Aber was soll das? Wer hat den Käse gestohlen? Wo ist der Käsedieb? Gemeinsam versuchen die Schlafmäuse ihn zu schnappen, doch wird es ihnen gelingen, oder kommt der Käsedieb unbehelligt davon?
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magdamarkowska · 7 years
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Illustrations made for the Bye-Bye Black Sheep game. 
Published by Jolly Thinkers
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houseofcuckoos · 5 years
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...This also includes “low sodium” olives as well! ~ @houseofcuckoos #houseofcuckoos #jolly #funny #thinker #meditation #laugh #comedy #sheep #metaphor #olives #instafunny https://www.instagram.com/p/B3pGktGJIcA/?igshid=jmgglikwkmwc
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