#jonathan joestar fanfiction
bexalert · 1 year
Jojo characters reactions to you being hurt
(Jonathan, Joseph, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Dio)
(mentions of violence)
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Jonathan Joestar:
• Since he can heal, he’s not too worried
• But he’s still freaking out a bit inside.
• He’s SUCH a gentleman
• “Are you alright? Here, let me carry you.”
• Even if you’re fine, this man is watching you like a hawk.
• He just doesn’t want to lose anyone else :(
• If it’s a more severe injury, broken limb, stab wound, etc. He’s more jittery
• Like if you’re visibly in pain he’s gonna feel awful.
• “Please don’t cry- it ok. I’m here.”
• If he can’t be there, he’s gonna have Speedwagon or Baron watching you.
• He’ll fight for your honor 😤
• He’ll just do to your attacker what they did for you
• And a little bit more 🤭🤏
• But he’s still honorable! So he won’t go too far
• He knows you’re capable he’s just really worried and paranoid.
• He just cares so much :(
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Joseph Joestar:
• He’ s gonna be making jokes
• Not because he doesn’t care, he just wants to make you feel better
• He’s so confident it’s almost annoying
• “Don’t worry, Joseph Joestar is here!”
• *wink*
• But if someone did this to you, you best believe Joseph is messing them up.
• “You made a big mistake hurting Y/N!”
• It’s gonna be night and day
• He’s so gentle and nice with you
• And then he’s beating someone half to death
• If it’s a more severe injury, he’s PISSED
• Tells Caesar or Lisa Lisa to watch you while he murders someone
• Skipping the witty quip
• Just going straight into destroying them
• He’s gonna be a lot nicer if you’re genuinely hurt
• Doesn’t want to make jokes if it’s more serious
• “Everything’s gonna be alright, Y/N.”
• He’s not leaving your side
• If medicine isn’t making you feel better, he will.
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Jotaro Kujo:
• If silent but deadly was a person
• He’s not even gonna have to fight whoever hurt you
• He’s just gonna walk up to them and they’re already on their knees apologizing
• “Don’t apologize to me.”
• Now they’re desperately apologizing to you, and you’re confused cuz it’s just a scrapped knee.
• You’ll have to tell Jotaro that you’re ok and it’s not a big deal.
• Cuz at this point you feel bad for this random guy
• But if it’s a severe injury
• This person is fucked
• He’ll make sure you’re ok, and leave you with one of the other Stardust Crusaders
• And then Star Platinum is killing someone
• And Jotaro is just glaring
• You are not leaving his line of sight
• “Are you ok?”
• You won’t notice, but he’s gonna be hyper aware of what you’re doing
• Helicopter parenting
• He’s gonna make sure you’re happy and safe.
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Noriaki Kakyoin:
• He’s very worried
• If it’s something small, he’s probably not gonna go after whoever did it
• He’s just gonna make sure you’re ok.
• “Are you hurt? Let me see, I’ll help.”
• He’ll patch you up, and you’ll go on about your day
• But if it’s a worse injury
• He’s FREAKING out
• His eyes are going all wide and he’s gonna go straight to you.
• If it’s an easier enemy, he’ll stay with you and have Hierophant Green get them, or vice versa
• But if it’s another stand user, he’ll leave you with the Stardust Crusaders and destroy them 🥰
• He’s making it quick, cuz he just wants to make sure you’re ok
• He feels guilty that he couldn’t keep you from getting hurt
• He doesn’t want to seem clingy, but he’s gonna stay right by you’re side
• “I’m sorry you got hurt. I won’t let it happen again.”
• And he means that
• He’s going to keep you safe
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Dio Brando:
• oh boy
• You gotta try and calm him down
• Like you’re frantically trying to convince him not to kill this poor dude
• “How dare they touch you?!”
• If you’re able to convince him to leave the guy alone, his mood will be soured, and you won’t hear the end of it.
• But eventually he’ll let it go
• If you’re seriously injured, however, he’s not letting it go.
• He’s going to take his time and make them suffer.
• He’ll have one of his lackeys take him away, and make sure you’re fine.
• If you’re not, he’ll get you the best care
• And he WILL make this person suffer
• “They will not get away with doing this to you, believe me.”
• He’ll do to them what they did to you, but tenfold.
• And he’s gonna be clingy, but will deny it
• He’s gonna act like he’s on top of you 24/7 for your sake
• But he was actually just really worried
• He knows that he has many enemies, and doesn’t want you involved
• He’s not gonna forget about it for a while.
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dailygeorgejoestarii · 2 months
If George Joestar II had a part.
I used some elements from JORGE JOESTAR
Part Name: Valiant AceFighter
George Joestar II - Main JoJo (obviously)
Speedwagon - Plays a similar role like Part 2.
Erina - Same like Speedwagon
Steven Motorize - Main JoBro (He's from JORGE JOESTAR)
Mario Zeppeli - Half Mentor/Half JoBro who starts off as an antagonist
Penelope De La Rosa - Another JoBro (Like Steven, she's from JORGE JOESTAR)
Toby - An oc who plays the kid role like Poco, Smokey, Anne, Hayato, and Emporio.
Tsukumojuku Kato - The serious JoBro who hangs out with Mario and George. (Like Steven and Penelope, he's from JORGE JOESTAR)
Straizo - A Mentor
Tonpetty - The Main Mentor
Major Slade - The Superior Officer who killed George II in the og timeline, he's the main villain but a twist villain so the reader would think he's an ally at first.
There’s also some minor and side villains here and there but I have yet to name them.
Characters that would be mentioned but not in the story:
Jonathan Joestar
Will Zeppeli
George Joestar I
Danny (Mentioned indirectly likely)
Will Zeppeli's father
Dio Brando
Opening: TBA
Ending: Roundabout (Just like Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency)
Still a bit a work in progress but I just decided to just spread what's in my mind.
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paintsplash1712 · 7 months
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So I read this really good Jojo Eyes of Heaven Rewrite and I got inspired by a certain scene in chapter 3 and decided to draw my own version of Joanna from the description. The fic is called ‘I ain’t a doll, this ain’t a dollhouse’ by @vaurelias it’s so good I definitely recommend.
Situated in the middle of a smaller, more cluttered room before him was a beautiful woman with a light tan complexion. She sat seemingly lifeless on a rocking chair. A waterfall of midnight hair cascaded down her large frame. A gaudy wedding ring sat on her ring finger. She wore a form fitting deep blue dress with a v-neck that stretched down to her navel. The neckline was not to show off her body, but to make room for the large golden arrow lodged deep in her chest. Large, thorned lavender vines sprouted and writhed from the wound like a nest of bagworms to span the entire floor. They covered every surface in the room like a web.
Details of my process and version without background under the cut:
Though I took some liberties with the description of Joanna’s dress because I thought Dio would go for something more over the top then actually sexy (just look at his stupid outfit in part 3) so I went for something that was revealing but also something I could see coming from the 80s. I found a similar looking dress on Pinterest and immediately chose it as the dress.
I also wanted some flower or vine imagery around her legs so I gave her shoes inspired by Ashlynn Ella from Ever After High but with roses on the front as Dio in part 3 is surrounded by roses throughout the story. I also gave her a choker with a heart on it as a reference to Dio’s headband, and to show he sees her as his thing or his doll (ha) also kept it green so it looked out of place on purpose.
Also I know the text said the arrow is stuck in Joanna’s chest but I tried to follow that description but with the POV I wanted it wouldn’t have been possible for me to draw the arrow that way without it looking awful so she’s holding it in the art. Also very proud of myself for doing the arrow head’s details because before actually doing it I thought it’d be impossible with how detailed it looked. Yay, me!
Also just wanted to say I hate doing backgrounds, that’s why it’s not super detailed but hey, good thing Dio’s mansion is always shadowy and dark so I didn’t need to worry as much. But here’s a version of Joanna on her own, I really like it.
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stoicchicken · 29 days
Can anyone help me find this specific fanfic?
It was a Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure part 5 fanfic on ao3, it was a college au where Giorno started college, Jonathan and Dio were his parents but it was a complicated thing. A few more specific details for anyone who might remember it: Diego was Giorno’s cousin and had orders from Dio to report back on how he was doing, Giorno met Josuke and Jolyne and they got along well, sex pistols were birds, and Abbacchio were roomates and Dio pissed him off the first day.
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sebaztianlovesgeek · 10 months
(don't read if you don't want to be spoiled for Black Butler or JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part 1)
The best thing about being both a black butler AND a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fan is because of the potential the 2 stories have in a crossover fan fiction.
Think about it, JoJo's part 1 (Phantom Blood) and the first few arcs of Black Butler take place IN THE EXACT SAME YEAR (1888), they also take place in the same country and the same city and they both have sort of the same supernatural and horror elements in it.
Not to mention in both stories there's a part where the characters are on a happy boat cruise and suddenly a bunch of zombies start attacking them.
I think the only thing that drives these 2 universes apart is the fact that Jack The Ripper is different in both stories. In Black Butler he (or she) is both Madame Red and Grell working together, in JoJo's he's just a random dude who later is turned into a zombie by Dio (and then is killed within like 5 minutes lol).
But I guess that can just be excused by saying Dio found the wrong Jack the Ripper and just found a random guy who coincidentally also killed prostitutes, and meanwhile Grell and Madame Red were doing their own thing.
I'm honestly very confused why I barely see any JoJo's x Black Butler fan fiction, I'm not sure if it's me just not looking hard enough or if not many JoJo fans are also fans of Black Butler or vice versa. I've met some people who are both JoJo and Black Butler fans (mostly online since where I come from, anime and manga, especially less popular stories like Black Butler, aren't well known) but most of the time when I meet someone who is a fan of one of these, it's just the one and not both.
Anyways, I'd also just love to see the interactions between the Black Butler and JoJo characters. I know a lot of the characters in JoJo's part 1 are less memorable than those in other parts, the only really memorable characters are JoJo, Dio, Speedwagon and Zeppeli, and sometimes people can remember Erina, Poco, Dire and Straizo but they usually only remember the first 4.
(I actually like a lot of the Phantom Blood characters, and despite it being one of my least favourite JoJo parts I still like it, I love the aesthetic of it, plus if Phantom Blood never happened we would have never gotten better parts like Stardust Crusaders or Diamond Is Unbreakable.)
Black Butler, meanwhile, has a wide range of amazing and memorable characters, though this is probably because Black Butler is a lot longer than JoJo's part 1 for obvious reasons:
Phantom blood was the first part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and is the shortest part, in the anime only being 9 episodes long while most parts are 20-40 episodes long, JoJo's is a story told through different parts which usually take place years and eras apart, every part also often takes place in different countries and every part the main character (or as the JoJo fandom knows them as... The JoJo's) changes because each part is the story of someone descendant of the Joestar family.
So therefore in each part we mostly get new characters and only a few reoccurring ones.
Black Butler was designed to only be told within one whole big story line, with the same main characters, therefore we'd be seeing the same characters every arc, the story mostly takes place in one main setting (London city, England) but on occasion the settings can change:
Like when Ciel and Sebastian joined the circus and left the city, the anime only version when they went to Paris, the emerald witch arc which takes place in Germany, we also sometimes get flashbacks to other countries like India.
So how would the Black Butler and JoJo's characters interact?
This question can be interpreted in many ways depending on how you see the characters from both stories.
Ciel and Jonathan are quite similar, they're both rich nobles who live in Victorian era London, their parents died, their mansion burned to the ground, their brother is an antagonist in their story. Heck they both even have blue hair (well in the anime for JoJo's at least because apparently in the manga Jonathan's hair is brown).
Personality wise though, Jonathan and Ciel are very different. Jonathan is a kind, loyal gentleman who just wants to protect his friends, family and the innocent, meanwhile Ciel has experienced a lot of trauma from a young age, his family was killed, he was kidnapped, abused, watched his twin brother die, made a deal with a demon who only wants his soul and so much more I could write a whole other post on.
Because of this trauma Ciel, despite being 12-14 is a cold, miserable, depressed and sometimes a bit cruel.
Of course Jonathan went through a lot trauma during Phantom Blood but since most of it didn't happen when he was a child, him and Ciel react to their traumatic pasts differently.
Jonathan would probably want Ciel to open up to him, but Ciel just isn't having it, this could lead to some interesting dialogue between the 2 protagonists because of how similar but also different they are character and personality wise.
What about other characters, more evil characters such as Dio and Sebastian?
Now I don't think these 2 would get along, because since in my mind Ciel would be an ally to Jonathan, Dio would want to be rid of him as well, so Sebastian would have to protect Ciel at all costs.
However, these 2 are both supernatural creatures (Sebastian being a demon and Dio being a vampire) so they'd probably like.. I dunno tease each other when fighting? Like they wouldn't just be yelling angrily at each other they'd make fun of each other.
(okay maybe Dio would yell angrily if he starts to lose because in Phantom Blood he's a bit of a manchild compared to him in Stardust Crusaders in my opinion, I don't hate Dio, he's in fact my favourite JoJo's character ever but we can definitely see how his character developed after all the mistakes he made in Phantom Blood)
Sebastian probably knows about the existence of vampires, the mask, hamon and the pillar men, he's existed for thousands of years afterall, possibly since time began itself, heck he may have even been friends with some pillar men.
I don't think demons are affected by hamon, since hamon comes from the sun and we see Sebastian and other demon characters are definitely NOT affected by the sun unlike vampires.
Undertaker and Grell would probably both be interested in Dio, for different reasons.
Grell would probably be attracted to Dio romantically and sexually, because...
1: she's a simp
2: Dio is canonically very charismatic and handsome which is why he literally has so many servants and minions in part 3
Dio would probably be annoyed by Grell, but Grell is a fairly useful and strong character with her being a grim reaper and her thirst for blood, so he'd probably manipulate her and just try to put up with Grell being an obnoxious fangirl
Undertaker would probably be interested in Dio's ability to turn people into zombies, I don't think he'd want to join Dio's side but he'd probably do it anyways for his own gain. He wants more knowledge on the cinematic records, he may even kill one of the zombies to see what their cinematic records are like, if they ended when they became a zombie or if they continue since they're neither dead or alive. Undertaker also wants to get inspiration for his own bizarre dolls and how to make them more life like.
The grim reapers in general probably also know about vampires and hamon (though I'm not sure if they'd know about the history with the stone masks and pillar men) and would probably treat them the same way they treat demons, obnoxious creatures who interfere with soul collection.
You're probably wondering "But vampires and demons are not the same, the reason the grim reapers hate demons is because they eat souls, and therefore don't let the grim reapers collect them. Vampires don't eat souls, they drink blood"
Well I feel like when vampires turn people into zombies, it sort of corrupts both of the cinematic records and the soul, the zombies still have records and a soul, but after being turned they're just broken and not worthy of the reaper's time unless it's for experimental reasons when it comes to characters like Undertaker.
I feel like if Black Butler and Phantom Blood were to ever have a spin off crossover anime show (which definitely will NEVER happen because they're both owned by different companies and both Hirohiko Araki and Yana Toboso probably wouldn't have an interest in that, but pretend we're in an alternative time line where Araki and Toboso's works are owned by the same companies and they are both very interested in each others works and have all the legal rights to make a crossover series) It would definitely be a lot longer than Phantom Blood, not as long as Black Butler is but probably about 20 episodes+ , I'm not sure how many seasons or arcs there would be, but I'm guessing 1 or 2 seasons and a few arcs.
So I'm guessing they would be in Japan specifically, in other countries? Well despite me coming from the same country as Jonathan and Ciel (England) both Black Butler and JoJo's are sadly not that popular here, it's a pain in the arse trying to find merchandise for both animes even in anime based shops, the most I usually find of them is manga, and even then they usually don't even have majority of the volumes.
Would it be popular? Well JoJo's and Black Butler in Japan are rather popular (JoJo's is definitely a lot MORE popular with some describing it as around the same amount of popularity as Star Wars does in the West in Japan, but Black Butler is fairly popular as well, I'm guessing JoJo's is more popular because it's been around since the mid 80's and Black Butler has been around since the mid-late 2000's)
I just think this whole concept is really cool and I'll probably talk about it a lot
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jortsjoestar · 1 year
Jonathanerina Week Day 1
Title: “this is the moment of just letting go"
Prompt: Day 1 (Convalescence/Star-Crossed/Reunion/Face-Sitting)
Rating: E
Summary: "Peace had never tasted so sweet."
Warnings/Tags: NSFT (exactly as it says in the prompt tbh), post-Windknight's battle, the softest reunion
AO3 Link: Here!
It's @jonathanerinaweek Day 1 and we're out with a bang! (literally) It's been a while since I've really posted on here so it's refreshing to do a bit of a tumblr-only event to kind of dust off my blog. Regardless, I hope you enjoy and look forward to some of our content yet to come :3c
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stretch-time · 1 year
here have this *throws this at you*
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foxydivaxx · 1 year
Dio Brando: Kamen Rider Anax
This was inspired by a RP thread I did on Twitter with one Homelander account.
10 Years Ago:
He coughs up blood as he lies on the ground helpless. Why did he let his guard down? Why was he so trustful of all these people?! He should have seen the warning signs that they would all betray him at some point. Especially that filthy snake Homelander. Hanging around with that bastard and watching him do the shit that he does should have been a warning sign to him. After all, this was why the many Gods of the Universe punished him in the first place.
Tears well up in his eyes as he reminisces about his life. All this lust for power and attention goes back to the one fundamental thing that he truly lacked, something he truly desired but never got. Love. He just wanted love and wanted to be desired by everyone because the people around him then made him feel otherwise.
His Stand, The World was no longer with him because the Gods decided to deny him of it. The last parting blow to the man once known as DIO. 
"Everything will b alright."
He looks up to see a tall raven haired woman with porcelain skin dressed in a black Lolita dress staring down at him in pity with those innocent blue eyes of hers. "What do you want?!" He manages to spit out in anger.
The woman does not flinch at his reaction. "I desire to help. I have seen what those deceitful souls have done to you. I have also seen what has transpired in your life, both past and present. A new lease of life is necessary." Bending down, she places a hand on his forehead and before he realized it, he finds himself in a room in a place he does not recognize. He also notices that the woman was nowhere to be seen.
He gets up and stares at himself in the mirror and gasps. His appearance had changed completely. Gone was the crazy vampire look and instead, he looked more human. His hair was a lot shorter, albeit slightly mousy and messy. His skin looked tan and he wore plain clothes as well. He also had his natural green eyes back. Was that woman a Goddess?  
He notices an ID card nearby and reads the name on it: Dimitri Diamandis. "Why does that name sound familiar?" Still, he has no time to ponder about this new development. He just grabs whatever he needs and head out of the door.
10 Years Later
Dio sighs to himself as he heads back home. He was tired after a long day at the office. He was a lawyer, just as he was meant to be. Strange indeed but perhaps this is what his life was meant to be if he did not get so greedy and ambitious. Power corrupts absolutely. Those were the words of his own mother prior to her death. If only he had heeded her warnings. Maybe the Brando genes were tainted. At least he thought that way until he met his kids, Giorno in particular. 
Sadness overwhelms him. He lost a lot of great things all because he got greedy and lazy. And also because he allowed that parasite Homelander into his life. "That bastard." he mutters to himself.
"This just in. Vought International is announcing the Desire Grand Prix which is a special Grand Prix which is holding next month. More details shall be revealed shortly." Upon hearing this announcement via the big screen in the town square in Istanbul, Dio clenches his fist. This is it. I shall enter this tournament with one mission and one mission only: to get vengeance on every single last bitch that betrayed me, especially Homelander and Joseph. Revenge was best served cold.
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fanfictionatic · 2 years
Part 5 of NanoWrimo hell
Pairing: vampire!Jonathan x werewolf!reader
Description: You find a strange man by the river
Warnings: gore, blood drinking, zombies, vampires, werewolves, Dio being a dick, unedited work
You sit down next to the river, looking over the man who entered your territory. He seems to be badly injured and ripped apart with blood flowing down his extremely pale skin.
You approach his unconscious form, prodding him lightly with your muzzle. You quickly recoil and growl. Something about him smells wrong. Like he isn’t supposed to be alive anymore but something in him is just barely keeping him from decaying.
Never the less, you look him over again and let out a small whine. Even if he was strange, it felt wrong to just leave him here to die. You weren’t sure if either of you were safe out in the open and under the light of the full moon. You didn’t know what attacked him or if it was coming back.
You manage to carefully maneuver the large blue haired man onto your back as you take off through the forest and into the night. Luckily your den wasn’t very far from where you had found him, which would make this more simple.
After you finally get through the wooden door that sealed off the entrance to a tunnel in the Stone Mountain, you shed your wolf form and close it, letting the man gently fall to the ground.
You started gathering up some of your supplies that you use to treat wounds, going over to check what your guest needs. He starts to stir slightly and you realize that he’s waking up.
You freeze up when you realize that his eyes are an unnatural bright red. This was far beyond a human. No wonder his scent was so off. You had made a mistake bringing one of them here and now you would surely die for it.
The being turns to look at you before speaking in a surprisingly soft voice.
“Where am I…?”
You relax and start patching him up. Perhaps you had misjudged him. He didn’t seem very threatening now that he was fully awake.
“You are in my home. I’m y/n I found you injured and brought you here to treat your wounds. Might I ask who you are?”
“My name is Jonathan Joestar. Although I’m afraid you have caught me at a rather unfortunate time.”
You give him a puzzled look.
“The Joestars are supposed to be a well off pack of humans, are they not? You sir do not appear to be very human.”
You see him frown and you suddenly feel your heart sink a bit. Was that the wrong thing to say?
“You’re right. I am no longer a mortal man. You see, my brother has cursed me into being a wicked thing like himself. And my father is no more…”
You put a hand on his shoulder soothingly.
“You are no monster. At least, not to me anyway. The two of us are not so different. And you seem like a kind man.”
He smiles at this and you can feel your tail wagging behind you at the fact that you managed to cheer him up.
“I always have been fond of dogs. And you’re right. I should not give up hope just yet.”
He suddenly sits up yet again catching you off guard. How had he healed this quickly?! Certainly most ordinary creatures could not pull off such a thing.
“Thank you for all you have done y/n. I must go find Dio and out a stop to him.”
“Wait. Let me come with you. I am quite fierce in combat and you look like a fellow who can use all the help he can get with your brother.”
Once you were sure that Jonathan was completely healed, two two of you set off, bounding over the snow. While Jonathan was very well built and a normal wolf would struggle to carry him, you were much larger and you were very far from what could possibly be considered a normal wolf. You were not only able to carry Jonathan, but you were able to carry your bags as well.
You stop a good distance away from what looks like an elegant manor. The same scent that Jonathan had was here too, but it was almost overwhelming. If Jonathan had the constant smell of a fresh corpse, than this entire area smelled like a freshly dug graveyard.
It was crawling with the dead and not all of them was as intact as your friend happened to be. You could see a few putrid guards wandering the area even this far out. Jonathan also took notice of this and drew the sword that was strapped to his back.
“Let me take care of this y/n. Although, you might not want to watch.”
“I’m capable of assisting you Jonathan. And besides, I have seen far more gore in my time than these creatures that we are about to put out of their misery.”
With that, the two of you lunged at the guards. It was hard to tell what was going on because of the amount of slashing and tearing that was happening, but after a few minutes the struggle had ended and you were stepping out of a puddle of sludge that had been inside one of their bodies while you noticed Jonathan doing something odd.
He seemed to have cut into the guts of one of them, almost hurrying his head inside of the open cavity. This was one of the more human looking ones that had yet to decay. It was another creature like Jonathan.
You finally take his advice and look away, but the act does little good since you can still hear the sounds of drinking and slurping coming from behind you. You trusted him though and knew there had to be a good reason for such a thing.
After a while, the noises finally stop and you turn back around. Jonathan is using a cloth from his pocket to wipe the blood off of his mouth and hands, licking his lips every now and then and letting you see his fangs poke out just slightly. He has a disgusted and slightly disappointed look on his face.
“I am truest sorry I lost control of myself Y/N. I have not fed in days and I suppose I let it get the better of me. I always have struggled with dining politely even before the change.”
You sigh and step over to him, nuzzling his arm.
“It’s fine. You were just being resourceful. I can’t fault you for that and I might have done the same thing if I too had a diet of blood.”
He laughs and pets your head. It feels pleasant and you unconsciously lean against him wanting more.
“You are quite the kind and forgiving person yourself. And your fur is very soft.”
“It is isn’t it? Although I think you’re the first man I’ve met that didn’t have any qualms about petting a werewolf.”
The two of you continued on, taking out any guards that were needed along the way. Luckily Jonathan didn’t need to feed again after slaying the first vampire, so there weren’t anymore gruesome scenes resembling the battle when you first arrived.
Eventually, you made your way to the largest room in the manor. You couldn’t see where they were lurking, but you knew that the room was filled to the brim with more creatures. You could definitely smell them here.
The only obvious person beside Jonathan and yourself was a man standing near the window. He had blond hair and was dressed very elegantly, setting him apart clearly as some kind of wealthy individual of high status complete with an over the top cape.
You aren’t sure why, but you can sense something foul about him that makes drinking blood from a corpse’s stomach look like a normal every day act with nothing off about it. You find yourself lowly growling at him.
He turns around and you can tell he is a vampire. From his time yes. Jonathan draws his sword as the two of you approach cautiously.
“Jonathan, have you come to finally submit to me and declare loyalty? And on the back of one of those mutts none the less. Of course you would have one as a pet. Tell me, did you find it to replace the one you lost?”
You snarl and have to keep yourself from attacking him on the spot.
“I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself Mr.Brando.”
He chuckles mockingly as Jonathan runs his hand along the back of your head to calm you down. It works and you are able to regain your composure.
“So you can. It your arrival amuses me. I wonder, can a wolf be turned? I am curious of finding out the answer after I take you from your owner.”
“That’s enough Dio!”
Jonathan’s voice chimed in as the other vampire stepped closer.
“Y/n, I doubt he’ll hear us out. But I had to give him the chance. He is still a brother to me after all.”
You nod and prepare yourself, but before you can life a paw or finger, the whole ceiling seems to suddenly fall down all around you. You finally realize where the other vampires were. They were on the ceiling and there was practically a swarm of them
“Keep them off of me while I go to him. You’re strong enough to fight them off.”
“Alright. Just be careful. Your brother is a vile man Jonathan. No good can come from showing him any mercy.”
You run off and start to slash through anything unfriendly that moves. Every now and then one of the zombies or vampires would try to grab at least bite you, but you were far too quick for them, weaving and ducking to get out of their grasps as you ripped out their throats and left them unmoving messes. A wolf’s fangs would act as well as any other wooden stake so they wouldn’t be getting back up any time soon.
When you had finished off the mess, you were left panting and exhausted. And to your horror, you could see the sun starting to rise in the distance.
Jonathan and Dio were still fighting, Dio seeming to have the upper hand as he was currently ripping off your friend’s head from his body while uttering some taunt that you couldn’t make out but would no doubt make you want to claw in his face.
So that’s exactly what you would do. You needed to finish this quickly. Both of you were running out of time and you had heard of what happened to vampires when dawn broke.
Seeing an opportunity, you run at Dio from behind, tackling him to the stone floor next to his current opponent and starting to go at him with everything you could.
You feel a splitting pain in your middle as claws sink into your flesh. You can feel yourself being drained, becoming weak as you slump over. Dio smirks up at you, his red eyes glinting with cruelty as he slowly takes your life.
“Know your place. If you can’t serve as a test subject for me than you’re of no use. A vicious dog should always be properly put down when it causes issues.”
You whimper and try to weakly struggle, but it doesn’t help. Fighting the vampire army took too much out of you. But you were still glad you could help Jonathan one last time. He really did seem like a good man.
A sword suddenly breaks you out of your thoughts as it impales the horrid man under you. Both you and Dio exchange confused looks before it pulls out of him, temporarily killing him. Although you’re unsure if he is true gone for good.
“Y/N! Are you alright? Did he harm you?!”
You roll off of Dio’s body and turn around to face Jonathan again.
“I’ll make it. Jonathan, you have to get out of here. This room has an enormous window and the sun will be up any moment now. If you’re caught out here like there you surely won’t make it.”
“Right then. But we can’t stay here. There might still be a few left and were in no condition to do battle any longer. Can you walk?”
You shake your head. You couldn’t even get your body to stand up.
“That’s alright. Turn back into a human and I’ll carry you back.”
You do as he says and he lifts both you and the bags up with his head still hanging slightly off his neck. You knew he looked strong, but you had still underestimated him. When he had offered to carry the bags before you had declined but now you knew you had been foolish to do so.
You lean into his cold chest and smile. You were sure it must have been very warm to do so when he was still human. It was still pleasant all the same.
“Let’s head back to my den. I’ll sew your head back on.”
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m00dysunflower · 2 years
Heart of a Joestar- Rated M
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Jonathan offered a smile of encouragement. “You’re a Joestar, it’s just our nature to protect the innocent.”
“I’m only one in name though,” he quietly scoffed. “Brandos are crass and conniving, weak to their vices, always ready to take something that doesn’t belong to us; you saw Diego at my wedding, he tried to steal Erina plenty of times for a dance, right in front of you and then stole seven bottles of champagne.”
“Okay, but that was kind of funny, you must admit,” Jonathan chuckled at the memory. “You’re less like Dario than you think you realize.”
Dio looked away, sighing, if there was one thing Jonathan was good at, it was always being nice to him no matter how badly he was treated in turn.
Aka, if Dio's mom had lived.
[See full tags on AO3]
I've been feeling sentimental because of Stone Ocean ending. Though I've completed many a fic since starting this one, it was still my first fic since becoming a fan of Jojo. Phantom Blood is near and so very dear to my heart. It's crazy to see how far I've come with my writing. I do plan on writing a sequel with their kids one day. For now, enjoy my first JJBA fic!
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Jonathan Joestar, Dio Brando, Danny (JoJo: Phantom Blood), George Joestar I (JoJo: Phantom Blood) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Role Reversal, Angst, mentioned dog attack Summary:
Phantom Blood first meeting except it's Jonathan who sucks AU
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mrsrosejoestar · 2 years
Don’t think I’ve ever shared this so here ;3
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the-lupine-sojourner · 5 months
Meet Alicia Grace Speedwagon (was Hughes before she married)!
Welcome to my Jojo's OCs!
First up is my Phantom Blood OC, Alicia!
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Here's a picture I made on an avatar maker!
And I did write a bio for her, which I used to make the picture.
Name: Alicia Grace Speedwagon (Was Hughes before she married)
Species: Human
Age at the start of Phantom Blood: The same age as Dio, so I think 13.
Height when she’s done growing: 5’6.5
Hair: Dark brown, curly, down to her shoulders. She usually keeps it in a bun when working, but will have it in a half-up style when out on the town. 
Eyes: Ocean blue with forest green flecks throughout. 
Skin: Somewhat pale, but not terribly so. Freckles over the face and down to the shoulders. 
Build: Slender, but fairly strong. Nimble and capable. 
Outfits: Alicia wears a maid outfit when working. When not working, she wears a victorian blouse with a green and brown plaid vest over it as well as a brown skirt with buttons down the front. She has a few other vests and skirts, one set more formal and one more casual set for when she visits Ogre Alley on charity business. When it’s cold, she wears a dark blue cloak with brown fur trim. She also typically wears shin-high boots even while working, with a warmer, fur-lined pair for winter.
Abilities: Has some medical knowledge, but not much. No Hamon abilities whatsoever, though she is curious about it, asking Jonathan all about it. Speedwagon teaches her a little bit of self-defense when she starts going to Ogre Alley.
Personality: Friendly, kind, but not naive. Sharp wit when she wants it, and a good judge of character. Independent and capable. Would do about anything for her friends and loved ones.
Occupation: Maid for the Joestar family. 
Misc: Her father is William Hughes, the Joestar’s cook. She was taught by Mrs. Pendleton, going to the Pendleton house every school-day from about 6 years old to 15 years old, then Dr. Pendleton took his family to India and Mr. Joestar offered her a job as a maid and she accepted. She also starts bringing extra food and blankets from the Joestar estate to Ogre Alley every two weeks. That’s where she meets Robert Speedwagon and he begins to act as her bodyguard, slowly falling for her in the process. She falls for him too along the way.
Hope you guys like her!
Last thing is that the Maid in the Manor tag is for the fanfiction I'm going to post and the Bizarre Adventures of the Secondary Characters is the collection of all these fics. I got one for each part, so stay tuned!
Lemme know what y'all think of her! I'll be making posts of my other OCs, btw.
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cleverusernameh · 7 months
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hey guys, remember that idea i mentioned a month ago? well, i've finally executed it! today, i'll be uploading the first video in my wof x jjba speedpaints, and we'll see where this goes. i decided to start with using my version of shizuka joestar in order to test the waters because if i immediately started with jonathan or giorno and then stopped posting for a while, people would say "hey, i thought this was a serialized thing! where's the rest of them?"
the video is scheduled to go up in about an hour or so, so i'll drop the link to the video here. i don't know if it'll work if it's still privated, but if not, just look for a video with the thumbnail above. https://youtu.be/4KILve4ZREc
and yeah. oh, and in the tags i said "next time: dan vs. fanfiction", so here's an excerpt of the "Dan Vs. Fanfiction" fanfiction I made:
[slow zoom on DAN and MR. MUMBLES intently watching Dan's tiny TV set]
ANNOUNCER: Marylin Beth has been hiding a deadly secret! How will Ronald react? Tune in next time for... "The Lies of a Spy!"
[cut to Dan, petting Mr. Mumbles] DAN: Wow, what a great episode. I can hardly wait for next Wednesday.
[Mr. Mumbles hops off Dan's lap as he heaves a thick, black laptop onto the cardboard box he's been using as a coffee table. Dan types up the title of the show and some dramatic stings play as we zoom in on the word CANCELLED in all the headlines] DAN, angrily: WHAT? CANCELLED? But, who would cancel a show on such a dramatic ending?
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so, yeah, see y'all again soon as i slowly become a more active tumblr user and make a venmo account against my will, lol.
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misswisawisa · 7 months
Hi, I'm Liz! Obviously I love Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, but I also love literature, creative writing, and baking. I've been reading and writing fanfiction since I was 13 years old and I don't think that will ever change.
Here are some other places you can find me:
Archive of Our Own
Buy me a coffee!
Fanfiction Masterlist:
you drew stars around my scars (WIP) - JotaWife, multichapter, 83,413 words
there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear (Complete) - Joseph Joestar x Suzi Quatro, multichapter, 36,466 words
everyone can start again, not from love, but through revenge (Complete) - Jonathan Joestar x Dio Brando x Erina Pendleton, collection of prompts for JonaDioEri Week 2022, 12,877 words
you make loving fun (Complete) - Jotaro Kujo x Jotawife x Noriaki Kakyoin, collection of prompts for JotaMariKak Week 2022, 9,874 words
don't you weep, oh, your kisses still taste sweet (Complete) - Bruno Bucellati x Trish Una, collection of prompts for BruTrish Week 2022, 7,892 words
gold dust woman (Complete) - JotaWife, collection of prompts for Jotawife Week 2023, 9,181 words
in the cracks of light i dreamed of you (On Hiatus until reschedule announcement) - Jonathan Joestar x Erina Pendleton, collection of prompts for JonathanErina Week 2023, 3,014 words
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stretch-time · 1 year
I just realized that the ao3 fic is locked because of the ai ao3 thing going on
Here's for guests!!!
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