#jonh seed
aoitakumi8148 · 3 months
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[Improving some of my gifs/gifsets these days] 𝟚 of 𝟛, 2024.
"No one believes death is coming until the moment it does. And most still refuse to believe it even then."
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐹𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇, 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐹𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎, 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝑒𝓅𝓊𝓉𝓎'𝓈 𝑔𝓊𝒾𝓁𝓉 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓇𝑒𝒷𝒾𝓇𝓉𝒽, 𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝐸𝒹𝑒𝓃, 𝐸𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝒮𝑒𝑒𝒹.
Any practical/theoretical significance of the game stands on these pillars, only them.
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heartstwowho · 4 years
Ok, Luke-warm take coming 20 years too late, but I love far cry 5; here you go: faith’s death in far cry 5 is the saddest death in the game. Even though both Jacob and John pull around my heart, faith’s hits differently. Here’s this young girl, broken, beat, and bloody. Her hand is reaching out to you, and she looks happy ( she kinda looks like she’s gonna take you into the bliss again, but your already in the bliss, so that can’t be it). You QUICKLY back away from her. Like, you know nothing good can come from being near, but she just looks so deafeated and disappointed after you do that; it just feels like there’s so much more there. Then of course, she dies, but god, for some reason that death stuck with me for the longest. She’s not lying to you or tricking you in this moment. She’s dying and she’s doing her god damn best to keep you close for some reason. While all the seeds have a “final reach”, faith is the only one who actively walks TOWARDS you. Not only because she CAN, there’s just.......so much more going on there. It’s so beautiful and says a lot about her character.
( don’t get me STARTED on the dialogue, there’s so much more to talk about there.)
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I also want to add (know that I am MORE clear of mind) that VERY little is actually known about faith. We get small snippets about who she was before the cult: drug addict, friends with Tracy, unsure of herself. Through a few pieces of dialogue and phone messages you can find in the Henbane; I have a vague idea of what faith’s character is supposed to be. I think she’s still lost. I know she has some dialogue where she said that Joseph “found her” and made her who she is, (” I put my faith inside of her and she became angelic”). I didn’t really buy that faith completely fell into Joseph's ideals the same way John or even Jacob did. Hell, most people have already guessed this too some degree, but faith seemed like she only stayed in the project because she knew what would happen if she tried to leave. I kinda got this impression that faith is a angry person, with little regard for other people, but she just REALLY wants to belong. She wants to be seen. And you, the deputy, are the first person who doesn’t seem to fall for all the lies. You actually see her, even if it’s just for a split second before she dies. That's what makes her walks toward you.
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jackmarvin · 5 years
A small funny clip about the cruelty of the MC in the Far Cry 5. "John, you were right"😀
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morana-bel-blog · 6 years
You are not going to regret
John Seed/Nick Rye. Maybe it`s R.
Note: Well, how you can see, it`s a fanfic :D I`m so sorry for that shit just because I`m sure there are a lot of mistakes after translation from russian to english. However, I tried really hard to make it so I just can`t not share it. Sorry bros :D And of yes, it's kind of a songfic. So, Starset - It has begun.
- Nothing could ever stop us from stealing our own place in the sun, - another's voice was sneeringly shaking beside Nick`s ear, and anger boiled harder, ready to splash out worse than any volcano. Rage covered his eyes with a red shroud disturbing him from vision and thinking. That thrilling part of his heart which people usually called the Demon on the left shoulder annoyingly whispered in his ear about the importance of exactly this fucking sectarian blood. He was stopped from irrational but so challenging wish to beat showboat`s muzzle by ropes which tightly tightened his wrists
    Nick didn't even make an afford to take cultists seriously when they came up to their county. Their strange Father with a funny hairdo, his insane and just scaring family in which they all crazy as hatters. Psychopaths’ kin. Mostly – John Seed in his pricy outfit and with a sly spark in his blue eyes. Ray couldn`t understands how that person could belong to a cult – he can`t stands any rules and slightly looks like a rebel. By the way, interest in cult disappeared quickly just because Nick had some things to do and problems without them. Fanatics are everywhere. However, not everywhere fanatics have guns…
   Everything changed in some weeks. Maybe months. Rye couldn`t say exactly in what moment countdown started. He just understood on someday that it`s time to see off and get away with Kim from all this shit and shoot up more this bastards for last. However, Kim didn`t support his decision and insisted on being in their native soil. All variants in one moment lead to one – war. So, Rye had to learn war art really fast, moreover fact that he has someone to protect from cultists pushed him and gave more and more force. Fear that he can lose his meaning of life in one moment makes him clench his weapon stronger. Nonetheless, how good he could be as a pilot, the army remained an army even if it was unorganized and not really big. Sectarians wasn`t just relentless and ruthless, but absolutely fearless like if they thought that death can`t come for their souls. Although, Nick was sure that it`s not true – he checked it out without any request as soon as possible. He personally stabbed a bullet or two in their empty noggins with abnormal pleasure sending them to their non-existent God. Maybe he will teach his stupid child not to mess with Nick-fucking-Rye. So if immortality of «God`s servants» pilot denied a million times he wasn`t so sure about Seed family. They looked down on everyone next to them like they are Gods trembled from the Heaven. Unfortunately, Nick is atheist. And that couldn`t save him from meeting the God who stayed right in front of him with his poisoned grin and weirdly shaped knife. Wish to check his lifespan becomes stronger by every second.
    Be caught in his own house was really humiliating and silly.  All he made it was tossing Kim in deputy`s hands and closed the door after their leaving trying not to draw the attention of his wife`s fierce shouting and gloomy military glance. Almost that's more important than his life. Almost they wouldn`t kill him. No, they`ll try to enlist him. And knows John - it`ll be better just to kill him immediately.
- But now everyone knows that fairytales aren`t found, - the younger Seed keeps ranting watching useless but desperate attempts to escape with sadistic enjoyment, - It`s written on the walls. It`s downs out in the air. Collapse is just around the corner.    
John squat down nearby him, squashing his knife and looking into his wild and beastly eyes.
- Go and fuck yourself, - Rye hissing, baring one`s teeth. Inquisitor smiles wider and topples him on the floor by pushing him lightly on his chest.
- Someday we will face the odds against us together, - he spreads his hands and set on his knees to touch Nick`s cheek, snuggle his hand to his face. Rye growls and John mentally compares him with a cougar which is cornered in a small cage and wore a collar. This comparison makes him grin again, - And we will run away from the Collapse. Together, like a big family, - he leans closer and Nick huddles on the floor with the hope that his native house will save him from every danger, - And then, after the world ends, we'll see how the seed of new world grows up from the ash. I want you to be with us at this moment. You and your wife... - Nick lost his temper and spit in his face with understanding what will this cocky liberty cost him. However, he was ready to do it for hundreds of times just to see this human astonishment in his nonhuman face and make him shut his mouth. Sometimes it's necessary to remember that he and his family are just humans, like Nick. Just little bit crazy fucking and deserves a gallows. The public gallows.
  Other`s thin fingers clenched around Nick`s neck immediately, and Rye feels cold coming from them. Rage flows him with the head and spits out with a dry suffocating cough. Everything floats in his eyes besides these fucking blue eyes.
- You are a fucking psychopath, - he hisses it with all anger he has, and his voice wheezing because of lack of oxygen which was decisively dislodged after John`s knee pushed right between his legs. At this moment Nick really wants to suffocate but damned Seed keeps him closely in the middle of life and death. Ray truly can`t understand, where is he. Feelings like he`s close to the hell.
- Well, well… - John`s voice whispered it close to his ear and Nick, trying to find the rest of his power somewhere inside, twitched again, wounded his wrists. Something has fallen atop on the second floor, then Nick hears sectarian`s dissatisfied voice but John doesn`t distract from Rye`s eyes like if he heard nothing. Nick really wants to kick his ass. Nick really wants to run away, - The longer you resist, the sicker it`ll be for you. All you need is just say "Yes".
     Nick suffocates but resists.
- You`re a fucking asshole.
He has powers only for swearing and evil sight right in Seed`s soul. However, his experience tells him that John Seed hasn`t got a soul. And fear. And an ability to take his freaking grin away at least for one minute, fuck.
     The knife balked near his shoulder and cut off the skin, getting into and carving meat from the flesh. Rye starts screaming mentally or out loud. At some moment it becomes not just hard but impossible to understand. Blade touches his skin again, now near the collarbone, and Nick bites his teeth not to shout up something he`ll regret about.
- You`re prideful, - John chuckles and confidently seats right between Nick`s legs. Rye tries to fetch away what caused new wound from collarbone to armpit, - And wrathful. And most of all - greedy, - Seed looks on curve cut with dissatisfaction like he`s an aesthete who can`t find a meaning in some expensive exhibit. Nick doesn`t think that he would be an icing on the cake in this exhibition but he deserved the youngest Seed`s attention. Even if he didn`t want it as much as he can, - And then, when the Collapse begins, only peeled will survive. I just wanna to help you, - he leans forward and weakly, occasionally touches his nose to his and Nick roars again, making Inquisitor laughs more.
- And what`s your sin, bastard? – He tilts his head and boldness helps him see clearly for a moment. Seed stops only for second raised his eyebrow with astonishment after what he stretches his neck and unhooks upper button on his showoff blue shirt.
     Scratched "Sloth" upper his collarbone catches the eye not right away. Firstly Nick noticed some tattoos, scars, and scratches and only then inscription which were half-closed by the cloth. John, as if he read his thoughts, unbutton next toggle and Nick grins with mistrust. Inquisitor and Sloth? Rye can`t believe this. The Wrath would suit him better.
- Can you see, Nick? - he talks calmly and without his grin, looks at him seriously, so Rye feels shook, - I could accept my sin and get rid of it. Get rid of despondency and depression after losing my brothers and after abuse from my family. I could give thanks to them. Because without them I wouldn`t have a chance to atone my sins and went to this new world.    
Rye calms down for a moment just thinking about it, trying to understand and repeat his words in the head. It doesn`t help.
- You`re sick.    
Inquisitor grins again after Nick`s phrase. Knife edge abuts to his chest, not cutting too deep and slowly moving down. Nick hopes that he doesn`t whine aloud.
- I know you want me to stop.  
 In blue eyes over against - condescension and rage, mockery and hatred, pride and fatigue. Nick can hear his phrases only partly, Seed`s fingers release his neck only occasionally. Oxygen becomes not a necessity but luxury.
- I`ll save you, Nick Rye. Without asking a permission.    
Nick coughs because of shook and lack of air. Fucking Seed push on the knife right above his belt.
- And then you`ll be grateful. You`ll thank me. And not only for one time.
     The blade doesn`t stop and tear the cloth of his jeans, and Rye feels himself on a hell`s chill and on an infernal heat when his blood blunder Inquisitor`s hands and floor, and, still hot, warm his bones and flesh. It cures his mind and poisonous it again. Nick gets lost in his own feelings; tries to pull his hand, to ask for help, but ropes compel him to fall back call to memory about who is now in front of him.
- Just say…    
His voice breaks off or Nick ceases to hear. Wounds itch, hurt, whine and just prevent living in exactly this moment. Nick sure that they`ll leave behind some white stitched strips on his tanned skin. Back of mind, he catches himself on thinking about how scars adorn men. Every man. Sight abuts in scratched "Sloth" in Inquisitor`s collarbone.
     John bends over newly, and Nick can feel his breath on his cheek. In contrast, he feels cold steel on his hip. That sucks. Short and heavy exhalation, then - a cough. It seems to Nick that Death himself is sitting right in front of him. And if John Seed isn`t immortal, Nick Rye won`t believe this.
- Yes.    
His voice is so worn out that he becomes afraid. Then, when the heaviness of another`s body pressures on the lungs and cols thin fingers unclenched, it scares him stronger. Algidity of the blade finally receding so Nick can concentrate on his pain which isn`t so terrible but suffocating not worse than John`s fingers.
- Yes, - he repeats it again and can`t understand why he made it, trying to prove it to himself. Or to John. Or to the whole world which decides to stop in this fucking moment when thoughts about Kim, about the deputy, about his daughter faded into the background. Only indistinct spot left. Solid and foggy, this spot leaves behind the only scorched field, empty and dead. Only these fucking blue eyes of the youngest of the Seed left. With dilated pupils, flashed with childlike joy. Only his strange knife left, all in Nick's blood. And his voice. Left in Rye's head, sowing on the subcortex of the brain. Nick was sure that this voice is with him till` the end of the line. This fucking goddamned voice.
- You are not going to regret. I promise.
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Looking for John x Rook/Deputy long burn fics!
Or one shits I honestly don’t mind :)
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ms-marysims · 4 years
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Jonh Seed Outfit
- original model by Ubisoft (from Far Cry 5) - fullbody category - HQ compatible - normal map include + tattoo (in 3 versions)
DOWNLOAD (on my Patreon)
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the-darklings · 5 years
oof you have no idea about how much it gives me joy that i'm not the only one that thinks that jonh seed is a beautiful disaster thot XD also, i need to smash him :--:
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starsandskies · 5 years
Find The Word Tag
Tagged by @rpgwarrior4824 ♥ Thank you!
From Can You Feel This? (Garrett Hawke/Female Inquisitor)
It hurt, it hurt too much; it hurt to have him in front of her knowing it wasn’t him, it hurt to hear his lifeless voice, and it hurt to face him, to face that abomination that smelled like him, that had his eyes, his hair, his smile.
From Can You Feel This? (Garrett Hawke/Female Inquisitor)
“What were you going to do, oh almighty Inquisitor?” He asked, approaching her. “You can’t kill me because I’m already dead, love. Because of you. I wonder how can you live with it?”
From All Night Long (Jonh Seed/Female Deputy)
He has to love her. That’s what Joseph asked him, and John is happy to oblige because he has done it from the very first moment he laid his eyes on her. But he thought he wasn’t worthy, so he hated her— he fought her instead, and now, he doesn’t even know how to do it.
From Liar, Liar (Reyes Vidal/Female Ryder)
Dee’s laughter filled the room, and he couldn’t help but laugh with her, thrilled to hear her happy. Her fingers curled around his wrists, and she pinned his hands above his head, playfully nipping at his bottom lip. “Not—so fast, Shena. Do you think I haven’t noticed?”
I couldn’t find any.
My words are: blue, water, pain, plea. And I’m tagging: @naromoreau, @outranks, @seedsplease, @johnathot-seed, @kenshi-vakarian7, @obvidalous, @amistrio, and anyone who wants to do this.
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demonlordcosnime · 5 years
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far cry 5 Cosnime Vs Jonh Seed by Cosnime
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altfire-archive · 7 years
dhosa’s journal highlights (pt. 1)
i only have ~6.6k words in her journal rn so here’s some fun stuff
From Last Seed, 18th
Met a fool (literally... jester getup and everything) on the side of the rode blathering about burying his mother and a broken wagon. Asked me to convince a farmer nearby to help. Nearly refused, 'til he promised gold. I'm awful low at the moment, of course, so I did the deed. Poor sod's wagon should be in working condition soon enough.
Too bad I stole the horse when he wasn't looking. Ha! A fool indeed. -D
From Last Seed, 21st
If I never see another damned wolf again, I could die happy. -D
Easy enough. Brynjolf  has given me another task - intimidate three townspeople who owe the Guild coin. I'm not usually one to take orders, but anything for coin, right? Ha! -D
Collected the 300 coin only to be paid in potions. There'd better be gold in my future or Brynjolf may discover he's got steel daggers in his, ha. -D
From Last Seed, 23rd
It was midnight when we finished up. Cave now lies devoid of life and valuables, as it was meant to.
"Ready to head back?"
Marcurio didn't answer immediately, stepping around the bandit camp directly outside the cave's entrance. "Must we? We could stay the night here."
"In the cold? I'd rather not. There's a bed at The Bee and Barb calling my name."
He leaned one arm against the structure holding the cooking pot over the fire. The fire's warmth was, admittedly, very nice. "We could always share body heat, if you grow too cold-" He paused. "I never got your name."
"First of all, in your dreams, mage." I snickered. "Second, it's Karra."
"Fair enough," he laughed. "Still, I'm not keen on walking all the way back to Riften in the cold and dark."
In the end I agreed, thoughts of my walk to Dawnstar fresh in my mind. The walk up here had taken hours - and that was when we were rested and the weather was fair.
So we sat around the fire, picking through whatever food the skooma traders had left us and downing quite a bit of mead. Inside the cave was a bar, complete with (now dead) gamblers and (now dead) pit wolves meant to fight.
Marcurio spun tale after tale of adventures (more like misadventures, with how much trouble he seems to get into, ha!) and continuously asked if I had any of my own. I told him of Erandur and Vaermina's skull of whatever in Dawnstar, but nothing more. Nothing of dragons and nothing outside of Skyrim.
"You know," he slurred, leaning heavily to the side and nearly toppling over, if I didn't shove him to the other side. "'Karra' doesn't fit you. 'S too soft."
"I've got other names," I said, and now I realize it may have been too much. "Went by 'Jonh' in part of Cyrodiil. And, er... 'Saadne' in another."
He cooed in excitement. "Ooh, a woman of many names. Exciting! No, mysterious. Oh, how I love a good mystery."
I yawned. "Well, I'll not sit here and let you pick me apart until you solve me. I'm going to rest. Touch me or my pack and you'll be dead before sunrise."
He laughed, but in a way I knew he took the threat seriously. Less a mockery and more an understanding, as if I were behaving just as expected. I'm a simple woman, what can I say.
From Last Seed, 25th
It's far past midnight but not yet dawn, so I've just met with Marcurio at the Inn for a drink.
"Long day?" he asked, ever-present smirk twitching.
I was - still am - soaking wet from the storm outside. "You could say that."
"Let me guess-" He took a long, meaningful look at my armor. I didn't know it was so recognizeable, but half the guards in Riften have pointed it out by now. "-thievery?"
"Would you believe me if I told you I was helping the needy at the temple of Mara?" I joked, twirling my ring absently. It's enchanted to aid in picking pockets, something I found in... was it Riverwood?
He barked a laugh, too-loud. Everything he does is too loud - I'd worry about my "reputation" being dampened by the rest of the customers here at the Inn being privvy to my... hobby, but it's so late none are here but the Argonian woman who runs the place and Sapphire, a fellow member of the guild.
"I wouldn't," he said. "Not for a second."
I shrugged. I told him what I was doing - improving my reputation so I could buy the house, then leaving for Whiterun. He insisted he come along - he doesn't often leave the Rift, I suppose.
When I asked if that were the reason, he faked offense. "Would you believe me if I told you I simply enjoy your company?"
I snorted. "I wouldn't. Not for a second."
From Last Seed, 28th
One would think the alchemist, of all people, would have health potions. Apparently one would be wrong! -D
Could I PLEASE go one day on the road without being attacked by someone sent to kill me? -D
"He said he'd hand it over if you cut him down."
"And he did."
"No, you just filched it off his corpse. Was that necessary?"
I shrugged. "Maybe not. Rather not take the chance. 'Sides, doesn't sound like there's anyone around to miss him."
Found the thief wrapped up in the web of a massive frostbite spider. Said something about knowing how the claw "works," and "fits together" with a door. Said I wouldn't believe what the Nords have hidden here.Color me intrigued. We'll push on. -D
From Last Seed, 29th
As I walked back toward Whiterun to report to the Jarl, reeling at the raw power I'd felt and at "Dragonborn," I heard- it HAD to be a Shout, but instead of coming from me or some draugr, it came from far away, echoing off the mountains. DO-VA-KIIN!
The Jarl says this was the Greybeards - masters of "the Way of the Voice" - calling to me, summoning me up to their mountaintop monastery. Then he said something about 7000 steps (SEVEN THOUSAND?) to the top, and all the day's events caught up to me at once.
I'm suddenly... very tired. Up all night at the barrow, then couldn't sleep at the Inn, then fighting a gods-damned DRAGON. If they expect me to head to High Hrothgar immediately, they are SORELY mistaken.
I'm renting a room with Marcurio at the Inn now. Thankfully this one isn't closed.
Tonight, rest. Tomorrow... I don't know. This Bleak Falls business wasn't supposed to last so long. I should be in Solitude by now.
It's just... well. Shaking down a corrupt lizard doesn't feel so important compared to everything else that's happened. Funny how killing a dragon puts things into perspective, ha.
From Heartfire, 2nd
Mercer knows where to find the traitor - Karliah. Apparently she murdered the last head of the Guild, and she's back where she did it, in some ruin. Mercer wants to meet me there as soon as possible.
I'm going to spend the day in Riften and leave Marcurio here when I leave tomorrow. I feel bad leaving him after our talk, but I can't bring him on Guild business. He's an outsider. -D
"Fine, I'll stay here," he said. "But only if I have access to Honeyside. And Stone."
"I'm taking Stone with me. Honeyside is fine, everything valuable is locked up." I paused. "No sleeping in my bed. And no strangers."
"And leave the Axe of Whiterun on the wall."
He laughed. "I'm not an unruly child, Karra."
"You had me fooled," I teased. I tested the weight of my daggers in my hands - I traded out my steel for Dwarven metal, my old ones sitting on the mantle. The new ones gleamed like stars in the firelight but the extra weight will take getting used to. "I should be gone. I'll be back in a day or two. If I'm gone longer than that, tell the Greybeards I died."
"I don't like you well enough to climb seven thousand steps, my dear," he said. "I could pay a courier to do it with your inheritance."
"Inheritance? If I die it'll be in the company of the a current Guild member and a former one. They'll strip me bare before my corpse hits stone."
"Fair enough." He paused, something like nervousness on his face. Never seen that before. "Good luck."
I nodded and was out the door without another word. Now, leaving the city. According to the marker Mercer put on my map, the ruin is further north than I've yet been. I'm... less than excited.
Nevertheless, I'm prepared to ride all night. -D
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sinhlyvixmen-blog · 6 years
Hiện rất nhiều người đang chăm lo tới Thuc pham chuc nang Tăng cường sức đề kháng, hệ miễn dịch cho trẻ với những nhận xét không giống nhau, chúng ta cùng điểm qua những chức năng của nó.
+ Childlife Total defense – thực phẩm công dụng tăng tốc miễn dịch có hạn kháng sinh hỗ trợ sự phát triển của hệ miễn dịch, tăng mạnh năng lực miễn dịch của cơ thể
Bổ sung vitamin và khoáng chất Childlife total defense - Tăng cường sức đề kháng, hệ miễn dịch cho trẻ
1, Giới thiệu sản phẩm + Hệ miễn dịch của trẻ con là gì? Hệ miễn dịch của trẻ nhỏ là 1 trong khối hệ thống các tế bào khá phức tạp, các tế bào này sẽ hỗ trợ bảo vệ con bạn khỏi các lý do gây bệnh như vi khuẩn, vi-rút và các nguyên nhân khác rất có thể ảnh hưởng tác động đến cơ thể. + Hệ miễn dịch của trẻ chưa tăng trưởng khá đầy đủ như của người lớn, dù rằng trẻ nhận được các kháng thể của mẹ từ khi còn trong bào thai và sau chính là qua nguồn sữa mẹ là đa số nhưng các kháng thể đó sẽ suy giảm chóng vánh . Điều đó khiến trẻ dễ bị tấn công bởi các vi trùng, vi rút và các nguyên nhân khác. + ChildLife Total Defense có công thức được cấu tạo từ các phần tử thoải mái và tự nhiên vô cùng đặc biệt như lá ô liu, cỏ St. John Wort, thông Ả Rập, chất chiết xuất từ hạt quả bưởi chum, chất tạo ngọt từ cây stevia, chất làm sệt gum Arabic, và các thành phần khác, có khả năng hỗ trợ hệ miễn dịch của cơ thể, cho người sử dụng sức đề kháng mạnh mẽ, chống lại bệnh tật, giúp giải độc và thanh nhiệt. + Chính vì vậy mà sử dụng ChildLife Total Defens đều hằng ngày sẽ giúp sự phát triển của hệ miễn dịch, tăng cường kỹ năng miễn dịch của khung hình là 1 điều thiết yếu giúp con bạn bạn cũng rất có khả năng có thể sâu sát sức khỏe và nâng tầm phát triển 1 cách toàn diện hơn. ChildLife Total Defens đặc biệt cần thiết vào những thời điểm trẻ có nguy cơ giao tiếp với nguồn bệnh, thời điểm dịch bệnh lây lan hay các quy trình tiến độ chuyển mùa. 2, Công dụng + Hỗ trợ hệ miễn dịch của cơ thể; Giúp thanh nhiệt, giải độc. 3, Thành phần + Lá oliu, cỏ St. Jonh Wort (hypericum perforatum), thông Ả Rập (Larch arabinoga- lacten), Kẽm gluconat, bạc. Nước tinh khiết, glyxerin, Axit Citric, chất chiết từ hạt quả bưởi chum, chất tạo ngọt chiết xuất từ cây stevia, chất làm sệt (gum Arabic), chất dữ gìn và bảo vệ (Socbat Kali). + Hạn sử dụng: 02 năm Tính từ lúc ngày sản xuất + Đối tượng sử dụng: - Trẻ từ 7 tháng tuổi tới 18 tuổi, có sức đề kháng kém, hay bị bệnh, bị ho. - Đối với trẻ dưới 2 tuổi cần tham vấn bác sĩ trước khi sử dụng. Cho trẻ uống bằng thìa, muỗng hợp vệ sinh. + Hướng dẫn sử dụng: - Trẻ từ 7-11 tháng: 2,5ml/lần, 3 lần/ngày. - Trẻ từ 1-12 tuổi: 5ml/lần, 3 lần/ngày. - Trẻ em từ 13 tuổi trở lên: 10ml/lần, 3 lần/ngày. + Lưu ý: Lắc đều trước khi sử dụng. Dùng liên đới hoặc pha với thức uống được ưa thích. + Quy cách: Chai 237ml + Giấy phép: 17195/2017/ATTP - XNCB Chi tiết các bạn về Childlife total defense - Tăng cường sức đề kháng, hệ miễn dịch cho trẻ: t���i trang web này
Bổ sung vitamin và khoáng chất Lite Fruit - Viên giảm cân chiết xuất từ trái cây
1, Giới thiệu sản phẩm + Muốn giảm cân thành công bạn không hề thiếu sự nỗ lực, lòng quyết tâm. Nhiều chị em muốn giảm cân nhưng mà rất nhanh bị hụt ý trí, từ bỏ giảm cân. Vậy thì lúc nào chị em mới giảm cân thành công? + Không cớ gì tập thể dục hay giảm cân theo thực đơn mà việc sử dụng thực phẩm chức năng giảm cân cũng cần có thời gian. Chị em đừng nên chỉ có vì thấp thỏm muốn nhanh lẹ chiếm dụng thân hình không lịch kịch mà đi sử dụng những viên giảm cân cấp tốc. Nó không hề mang đến cho chị em sự đáng tin cậy nào đâu nhé. + Với Lite Fruit sẽ giúp chị em tạo cảm xúc no, tinh giảm cảm xúc thèm ăn. Hỗ trợ các bước chuyển hóa mỡ, chuyển hóa chất béo, tăng cường trao đổi chất. Hỗ trợ tốt trong những liệu pháp giảm cân. 2, Công dụng - Viên uống giảm cân Lite Fruit giúp tạo cảm giác no, kiếm chế cơm thèm ăn của bạn. - Sản phẩm hỗ trỡ quá trình đốt cháy mỡ thừa, chặn lại tiến độ hấp thụ chất béo giúp cho bạn lấy lại vòng eo 1 cách một cách tự nhiên mà có vẻ như không cần đến sự ảnh hưởng của dao kéo. - Giảm được tình trạng chạy sệ do giảm cân, giúp các cơ bắp có thể trở nên săn chắc, khỏe mạnh. - Bạn sẽ không phải lo lắng tới những tác dụng phụ cũng giống như không thể cảm giác căng thẳng khi sử dụng sản phẩm. - Được chiết xuất từ các loại trái cây, Lite Friut còn bổ sung vitamin cho cơ thể khỏe mạnh, chống lại các nhân tố gây lão hóa. 3, Thành phần + Garcinia Cambogia, African Mango, Acai Berry, Chia Seed, Raspberry Ketone, Green Bean Coffee Extract, Green Tea Leaf Extract, Red Pepper, Fruit Extract. +Lite Fruit USA là một Một trong những sản phẩm hỗ trợ giảm cân được chiết xuất từ trái cây. Sản phẩm hỗ trợ bạn giảm nhanh từ 3 - 6kg tùy cơ địa một cách an toàn, không khiến hại đến sức khỏe. + Khi sử dụng dòng sản phẩm này, các bạn sẽ kiểm soát điều hành được các cơn thèm ăn của bản thân mình nhanh chóng, giúp ngăn chặn cấm đoán mỡ thừa tích tụ cũng như giúp đốt cháy mỡ thừa công dụng hơn.     + Hạn sử dụng: thời điểm từ ngày sản xuất + Đối tượng sử dụng: Người trên 18 tuổi có nhu cầu giảm cân + Hướng dẫn sử dụng: Uống ngày 2 lần, mỗi lần 1 viên, uống khoảng tầm 30 phút trước khi ăn. + Giấy phép: 6118/2016/ATTP-XNCB + Quy cách: Hộp 60 viên + Chống chỉ định: Không dùng cho phụ nữ có thai và cho con bú. Người có tiền sử bệnh tim mạch không nên dùng. Mặc dù các sản phẩm nêu trên có chức năng rất tốt mặc dù vậy Việc sử dụng TPCN Bổ sung vitamin và khoáng chất:ở đây là điều cần nghiên cứu trước khi sử dụng.
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crisicsgames · 6 years
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jackmarvin · 5 years
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NCAA Tournament | John Calipari criticizes Kentucky basketball bracket
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NCAA Tournament | John Calipari criticizes Kentucky basketball bracket
UK coach John Calipari breaks down NCAA Tournament bracket Jon Hale/Courier Journal
Kentucky celebrates their 2018 SEC Championship Sunday afternoon in St. Louis. March 11, 2018(Photo: Matt Stone, Courier Journal)
LEXINGTON, Ky. — Kentucky men’s basketball coach John Calipari rarely is pleased with his team’s NCAA Tournament bracket.
This year was no exception.
“I would have been shocked if we got a 4 seed,” Calipari said. “I would have been shocked. I would have been stunned. I always say, when you mis-seed somebody, you’re not hurting that person or his team. It’s who he plays, is who you hurt. Ask Wichita State. It is what it is.”
According to the seed list released by the NCAA, UK was the top No. 5 seed in the bracket. Arizona, a team Kentucky could face if it wins its first-round game against Davidson, was the last No. 4 seed.
Still, Calipari was not buying his team, Arizona or Davidson was seeded correctly.
“How did (Arizona) drop to a 4?” Calipari asked reporters. “Didn’t they win their tournament? Did Davidson win their tournament? Did Virginia win their tournament? Oh wow. Did we win our tournament? Wow.”
MORE: 4 things about Kentucky basketball’s potential NCAA Tournament path to the Final Four
MORE: Kentucky basketball will play Davidson in the NCAA Tournament South region
The answer to each of those questions was yes, further enforcing Calipari’s long-held belief the Southeastern Conference Tournament is of little benefit to his team.
UK beat two tournament teams — No. 9 seed Alabama and No. 3 seed Tennessee — in St. Louis on the way to the SEC Tournament title. Those two victories gave Kentucky five quadrant one victories on its NCAA team sheet. The Wildcats had not lost to a team ranked outside the RPI top 100 this season.
Despite Calipari’s protests, Kentucky, Arizona and Davidson were each placed on the seed line projected by BracketMatrix.com, which averages more than 80 online bracket projections.
“We knew it would be a tough journey,” Kentucky redshirt freshman guard Hamidou Diallo said. “We knew we’d have to play some great teams.”
Calipari also poked fun at the committee sending Kentucky to Boise, Idaho, for its first weekend, but pod locations are assigned to the top four seeds based on geographic proximity in descending order down the seed list. Since each pod hosts two of the top 20 seeds and so many of the top teams this year are located in the eastern half of the country, the four and five pods were all but guaranteed to be placed in Boise and San Diego this year.
“I don’t expect anything different,” Calipari said. “Today they asked me, ‘What do you think?’ I thought we’d probably be a 12 and playing (the play-in game) in Dayton unless they have something in Anchorage (Alaska). If they could throw us in Anchorage they’d probably do that. But it’s all right.”
UK will travel to Idaho on Tuesday and play its first game Thursday. Calipari has frequently complained about the Sunday-Thursday turnaround between the SEC Tournament final and first NCAA Tournament games.
“If we’re lucky enough, and we get to the second round; we’d have to be lucky — that’s five games in eight days,” Calipari said.
The fact that UK athletic director Mitch Barnhart sits on the NCAA selection committee was no deterrent to Calipari’s conspiracy theory.
Barnhart cannot participate in discussions about Kentucky, and Calipari postulated the athletic director was probably as surprised as anyone when he saw UK’s bracket.
“It is what it is,” Calipari said. “They’re not going to make it easy for us.”
By the time Calipari had met with his team Sunday following the bracket reveal, he apparently had imparted a more nuanced message for them to relay.
“It’s a tough bracket,” sophomore forward Wenyen Gabriel said. “But then again, it’s March. You’ve gotta play a tough game every day and just focus on the game at hand.”
Jon Hale: [email protected]; Twitter: @JonHale_CJ. Support strong local journalism by subscribing today: www.courier-journal.com/jonh.
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numbersbythebook · 7 years
40 and Torah, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Water
written by Will Schumaker
Each letter in the Hebrew alphabet has a meaning.  Each letter also has a gematria tied to that letter.  The meaning of the letter also is tied to the gematria number assigned to it.
An easy example is the 12th letter, lamed.  It means to teach and has a gematria of 30.  Jesus began His ministry at age 30.  A priest had to be 30 to perform his duties.  30 was the age one had to attain to in order to teach.
Numbers 4:3 From thirty years old and upward even until fifty years old, all that enter into the host, to do the work in the tabernacle of the congregation.
This post is about the 13th letter, mem, and its gematria of 40.
The letter mem symbolizes water and the sea of torah, knowledge and wisdom.
In my previous post I stated Torah = Jesus = Water.
Although Jesus is hidden throughout the 39 old testament books, He is born into the world in book 40 of the bible.  So Jesus is manifest in book 40 and 40 is tied to torah.
In book 40 Jesus says He came to fully show us what Torah is.
Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
Recall Torah is a “Tree of Life”.
Proverbs 3:18 She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.
This is verse 40-the first mention of the tree of life.
Geesisn 2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil
So Jesus=40=tree of life=torah=water.
The 40th chapter of the Bible is about Joseph interpreting the dream for the butler and the baker.  The butler is restored to his position after 3 days and the baker is not after 3 days.  This is seen by many as symbolic of the work of Christ on the cross for 3 days.  What is it about the butler and his restoration?
Butler is H8248= שקה shaqah {shaw-kaw'} a primitive root; TWOT - 2452; v AV - drink 43, water 17, butler 9, cupbearer 3, misc 1; 74 1) to give to drink, irrigate, drink, water, cause to drink water 1a) (Hiphil) 1a1) to water, irrigate 1a2) to water, give drink to 1b) (Pual) to be watered 1c) (Niphal) variant
The butler is the one who gives the water-or torah.
Recall Jesus made the Torah sweet again.
Exodus 15:25 And he cried unto the LORD; and the LORD shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved them,
Jesus of course calls wants to give us living water.
Jonh 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.
The Father calls Himself the fountain of living waters.
Jeremiah 2:13 For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water
Jesus was tested for 40 days and he defended Himself with the Torah.
Moses came down from the mount with the 10 commandments after 40 days.
Jonah preached for 40 days.
A flood of waters came down for 40 days and nights.  Those waters lifted up the ark.
Isaac married Rebekah at 40 years old.
Rebekah met the servant at a well of course signifying the torah.
The first verse with a word with a gematria of 40 according to bible wheel is
Genesis 11:30 But Sarai was barren; she had no child.
The second verse with a word with a gematria of 40 is
Gen 17:17 Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?
Isaac, the promised seed by faith, and not by works, Ishmael, is tied to the number 40.
The Israelites wandered in the wilderness 40 yrs.  Moses, symbolic of torah, was not allowed to lead them over into the promised land.  Joshua a type of Christ and Torah led them over.  What is the difference, they are both torah?
Moses was a picture of us trying to follow the torah and fulfill the requirement on our own.  Jesus showed us following torah is about the heart and became our righteousness for us.  We have crossed over into the promised land and have been given the Holy Spirit and now we should be the light and follow torah with the strength of the Holy Spirit.
The tree of life is guarded by the Cherubim with the flaming sword.  The Cherubim is the Holy Spirit and the flaming sword is the sword of the spirit or the word of God.
Genesis 3:24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
Ephesians 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
This is a picture of us being convicted by the Holy Spirit through the word of God and attaining eternal life
The first time G5204 water is mentioned in the 40th book is
Matthew 3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:
John is baptizing with water, torah.
Strong’s G40 = Holy
The Holy Spirit or Cherubim is guarding the tree of life
Fire is the word of God or Torah
Jeremiah 5:14 Wherefore thus saith the LORD God of hosts, Because ye speak this word, behold, I will make my words in thy mouth fire, and this people wood, and it shall devour them.
Jeremiah 23:29 Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?
Jesus is baptizing us with the Cherubim holding the flaming sword
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davetrull · 7 years
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"Success each day should be measured by the seeds sown, not the harvest reaped." - Jonh C. Maxwell
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