#jonny when i get you
ithinkimfaking · 6 months
You're laughing. Jonny "I love killing characters" Sims is my favorite author and you're laughing.
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charlies-tma-blog · 1 month
just listened to tmagp 26. jonny. mr jonathan "terrible at coming up with names so i will have mc named the same as me and also like 5 michaels" sims. he heard us complaining about how he pronounced jared and gerard as if they were interchangeable and said : haha ok bet. and made this week’s statement about jarrod smith. the mix of dread and hysteria i felt when hearing that name in today’s episode… can we ever know peace
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anouchard · 14 days
So, there we have it!
Season One is complete (well ... ish). I've had an absolute riot playing Gwen, and it's been so lovely seeing your reactions every week.
To you: thank you for being the most enthusiastic, engaged, and earnest fandom I have ever encountered. Y'all are an absolute JOY.
To the entire team at RQ, to my gorgeous castmates, and to every single writer who worked on this one: thank you, and congratulations.
And to Gwendolyn Bouchard? Well ... Good Luck, Babe!
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finehs · 1 month
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It's difficult for you to say aloud, I know, so I won't ask you to. Rather, I would ask you to consider a proposal. Stay on permanently. 
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alientoastt · 7 days
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d'bill. you get it
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reegis · 8 months
hi since you have out on the brain and i wont be inflicting it on you here's a headcanon of mine:
after nastya leaves, aurora stops talking entirely
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lizard-queen-izzy · 6 months
"Jon and Martin are in the computers" I hear you, I hear you. So then walk with me. A lot of people quote Jon's "I will not become another damn mystery." when they discuss why him being trapped in the computer is tragic. But I think you are all missing the even more devastating quote and the episode it comes from.
“Supplemental. It looks like my posting on a few of the more tech-savvy boards appealing for statements has worked. While the incident itself seems ultimately inconsequential, I was able to convince Tessa to have a look at Gertrude’s laptop, claiming to have locked myself out,”
From MAG 65. And what is MAG 65? Tessa Winters' statement about Sergey Ushanka. The man who tried to upload his consciousness to a computer and got trapped in it.
"While the incident itself seems ultimately inconsequential" Jon, you truly cannot stop being a self-fulfilling prophecy, can you?
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acearchivist359 · 7 months
no thoughts head empty just
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underratedgrapeju1ce · 7 months
so you know how sam says "i want to know why they chose us, why they didnt choose me"
i wonder if the 'gifted kids program' was just this universe's jonahs way of getting a new archivist.
i wonder if this universes jon was in that gifted kids program.
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lostlavenderer · 7 months
I've gone through the stages of grief and accepted that, after all of us absolutely fucking losing it, I'm 100% sure this is the scenario that will play out in episode 8:
Colin: btw what was that about the email you asked about yesterday?
Sam: oh before you went crazy? Yeah I got one from a guy named Jon.
Colin: Jon?
Sam: Yeah, Jon Clarke from finances.
Colin: oh ok cool.
Alex: the magnus protocol is a podcast distributed by rusty quill and licensed under a crea—
*outro music*
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unsat-and-strange · 9 months
jonny d'villes heart ticks audibly. the crew can hear it during the few and far between quiet moments on board the aurora. it's so steady, tick tick tick, a reminder that he is there and they are all alive together, never speeding up or slowing down. sometimes they joke about using it as a metronome during practice.
jonnys heart ticks. he can hear it every waking moment. tick tick tick. it never slows down, even in the deepest sleep according to the rest of the crew. it never speeds up even when his blood is more adrenaline then actual blood, times when normal peoples hearts would be racing. whether he's laughing his ass off or terrified for his life (I guess old habits die hard?) it. never. speeds. up. sometimes it's fine, he can ignore it but there are days when the constant tick tick tick tick tick tick tick is too much. the days when he has to drown out the sound with gunfire and screams or music loud enough to make his ears bleed. some days even that barely cuts it and he debates putting a bullet in his head just to make it quiet for a few hours. the rest of the crew has gotten pretty good at recognizing those days, and they know how to help him get through them, just like he knows how to help his crew through their bad days. nastya will bring him into the near deafening engine room and theyll play with power tools until their hands are covered in grease and grit, or Tim will sit him down on a speaker and play the bass so loud the whole ship can feel it, or Marius and raphaella will tell him about unethical medical practices they've witnessed/performed or Brian will just hold him close until the rhythms of the metal man's body distract from the tick tick tick tick of his own heart. the constant tick of immortality is loud. jonny can't deny his luck in finding a crew that is almost always louder.
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personnotfound · 4 months
all these people talking about i'd be dark-alighed, id be eye-aligned, no bebe which one is gonna getcha
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sleepergeek42 · 4 months
magnus protocol 19 theory
BASICALLY REMOVING ANY RECORD OF CERTAIN INFORMATION IN A CERTAIN AREA?? "I propose that we enact the Protocol but limit it only to his laboratory, destroying his research and correspondence". Also Hooke was maybe about to discover how to stop/slow/cure the BUBONIC PLAGUE??? AND THEY USED THE PROTOCOL TO DESTROY THAT INFO???? "It was I who begged patience, certain as I was that my work on Micrographia might have rendered a remedy for that most awful plague."
... why do we think the magnus institute currently has no trace of papers anywhere
bonus theory: is the oiar's file work to recreate the institute's catalog/database??
@jonnywaistcoat when i get you -
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tabooi · 5 months
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Jonny Fines as The Scarecrow in Leicester Curve Theatre's production of The Wizard of Oz
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now it's morning you will look at..... the all of them.......
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cult-of-the-eye · 10 months
No honestly cause tma singlehandedly cured my writers block and gave me motivation to start writing again cause the descriptions are just so VIVID like it's story telling at its finest and I love love love the idea of people sitting down and thinking how do I scare people with my writing? How do I elicit that kind of fear? Like the bruised purple sky? The way they describe the worms? The way they describe silence, noise, texture, gore, smells, tastes, the way they make both darkness and the absence of darkbess creepy in different ways, it's just all so intriguing cause you can both see the beauty and the horror of it all
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