#jontron discourse
fyeahjonjafari · 7 years
What Anti's wanted to hear vs. The truth. take it or leave it.
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So I just played Picture Perfect Boyfriend (the game by @stacysolddrawings​) and I love it, have fully fallen in love with one character by the name of Ashton... but I gotta admit he reminds me of Jontron (like in the best possible way)
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I’m not entirely sure why but now I like to imagine they have really similar personalities and senses of humour (and also he sounds like Jon in my head)
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graffyn-guy · 7 years
Genuine question on that post where you use the Shigeru gifs are you disagree with the OPs opinions on jontron himself or with his reviews cause it wasn’t specific enough in the post and I’m just wondering cause I’ve never liked his reviews even before he was revealed to be kind of an awe full person
I very much enjoy his content, and I believe he’s a good person. That “debate” thing a few months ago was hardly that. As I understand it, Destiny (the one Jon debated with) has a history of skewing his opponents’ words in order to make them sound like they’re “losing”. Let’s face it. Jon isn’t exactly a skilled debater, so it wasn’t very difficult for Destiny to manipulate him. Jon is the son of two immigrants (his mother is Hungarian-Croatian and his father is Persian), so I find it very difficult to believe he’s a white supremacist or anti-immigration. What he does make clear, however, is that he’s against over-immigration -a country taking in more refugees than it can reasonably sustain- and his statement about “people becoming a minority in their own country”, while easily misconstrued, is a fairly reasonable thing to worry about. Nobody wants their culture erased. And yes, as much as Tumblr doesn’t want it, “white people” have culture. 
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kittensinsocks24 · 7 years
I can't help but feel an inevitable "Separating the Art from the Artist" conversation is going to emerge about Jontron now that he is posting again.
I know the feeling. Like, I really wish I could, because his reviews have genuinely good comedic timing and snappy, fun editing but there’s just no way to go back after hearing that full debate. Hearing him say those things, fully knowing his twitter fans and youtube fans would see it. He wasn’t afraid to have them know this is who he was. Now, when I go back and watch those videos, it just feels fake, phony, a painted-on glaze covering up some downright nasty ideals. I wish I could turn my brain off and like his videos as their own separate entity but I just can’t make that division from Real Jon and Jokey Gamer Jon after he not only said those things with such confidence but in his same old jokey-joke funtime voice that wouldn’t be out of place on his own channel. 
If people can enjoy Jokey-Joke Gamer Jon as a separate persona, good for them. I understand wanting to still enjoy his jokes and videos. I just can’t do it anymore without remembering who he really is, and what that means. 
Doesn’t make me any better than them or them any better than me, it just means I can’t put the gross things he said aside for the sake of his content anymore.
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imtheperfectvoid · 8 years
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Fall of a Founder (2017) 
18 x 12 oil on canvas
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peribirb · 8 years
Pretty sure people are mad at JonTron because he sounds like a fucking white supremacist, not because he has “different opinions”
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braxxie-baby · 8 years
Reddit post listing some of the shit JonTron said on stream
Yeah he’s just fucking digging himself into a hole and planning on filling it back up with horse manure
Defending Jim Crow laws and saying the lack of them is what’s causing Muslim riots in countries without it
Actually saying “white genocide” is a thing and putting the boom of nazism on that
Demonizing immigration by saying “what’s so bad about white remaining a majority” and “no one wants to be a minority
Invalidating existing oppression in America
Take a read, babes, and witness this pit JonTron has created for himself. Disclaimer: If you still want to watch JonTron’s content, there’s no problem there. His content is great (most of the time) and I still watch it. He’s a bad person, not a bad content creator.
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d-the-hedgehog · 8 years
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2017, everyone.
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chikinan · 7 years
I don't know man, there's something poetic about talking shit about Jontron while eating at Wendy's
Me, as I stuffed an entire potato into my mouth
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If you’re not gonna buy a game just because your favorite person got fired from it (and for good reasons too!), you’re gaming for the wrong reasons.
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mattressfucker · 7 years
jontron: *says stupid shit but apologies for it later*
media: wow he's such a racist person and he deserves no remorse
manveer heir, lead gameplay designer for mass effect andromeda: *flat out racist and has made no apology for it*
media: *absolute silence*
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celticteddybear · 8 years
Jaques The Bird Deserves Better
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“You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
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pikaflute · 8 years
Roses are red Violets are blue Jontron is ugly And anyone who supports him is too
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imtheperfectvoid · 8 years
Can you fill me on what happened with jontron??? I'm really confused?
Hoo boy, anon, let’s get this shitshow a-rollin’
So once again, the malignant, tumor-like growth on the lower back of YouTube’s body, aka JonTron, has been really throwing himself into the fire more and more as of late, and while many people (like myself) aren’t really surprised that he is still as awful of a person as he’s always been, many people are shocked and appalled at just how much worse it’s gotten.
Here’s a quick recap of all the gross things he’s said thus far:
Completely disregarded the Women’s March and called everyone involved a “raving collectivist cultist”
Doesn’t seem to think rape is a big issue
Literally compared the MIA flag to the ISIS flag (yeah that actually happened, folks)
He is such a misogynist it hurts
This fuckin tweet in general is just amazingly ignorant on multiple levels
Doesn’t take anyone seriously who’s upset and rightly enraged by Trump’s presidency and those who support him and his racist, sexist, homophobic ideals
Now granted, this string of tweets started out as a huge shitshow on Jon’s part, but this one seemed to end rather maturely and nicely so this one isn’t a huge problem, but we should still probably look at it (plus I love my boy SpaceHamster throwing down to defend what’s right in a mature way. Seriously, watch his stuff. Jeff is gr9)
This whole stream with Sargon of Akkad, A NOTORIOUSLY RACIST AND SEXIST BIGOT, where Jon drops a lot of ignorant shit, including, but not limited to: women aren’t oppressed, abortion isn’t a right and the government shouldn’t fund “your mistakes”, compared Democrats to Hitler, says nobody should be worried about Trump as long as they’re an “obedient citizen”, etc. (I sadly had time stamps for all these but now I can’t find them, but if anyone is willing to find them and add them to this post, that’d be neat!)
And that’s just the receipts that I, personally, can pull for you at the moment, dear anon. However, if anyone else has things to add onto this list, please, by all means, make this a masterpost of why JonTron is awful.
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toasturbuns · 8 years
Game Grumps are not perfect
But do not compare Danny Avidan(who’s a fucking Jew) to JonTron because for one Danny is extremely proud of his Jewishness and any offensive jokes he may make he immediately apologizes for in almost every episode of GG and to compare him making jokes and apologizing for offensive content to an UNAPOLOGETIC WHITE NATIONALIST is extremely disrespectful and it erases the fact that Danny’s literally Jewish and he actually is a decent person. Not everyone can be flawlessly politically correct, no one is. Danny makes conscious effort and is nowhere near as bad as JonTron. Get that comparing JonTron to Danny shit off my dashboard.
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