primalmuckygoop · 1 year
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As the sun reached its zenith at midday, the still air was split by the sound of fervent knocking. You hardly expected unannounced visitors during the hottest time of day, so far from town, where rut-crossed roads gave up after the first small arroyo. Still, the knocking wasn't letting up and you were half afraid if the knocks got any harder latillas would start falling out of the ceiling. So with a cautious stride, you strode from the old pine chair next to your empty fireplace towards the door, and unlatched the lock. Squinting in the harsh afternoon light, you saw the face looking up at you.
Blue. It was Blue.
Beads and teeth were strung around their neck on a simple twine, and their red body was swaddled in a threadbare striped jorongo. Still looking up at you with piercing yellow eyes, a hawk's stare in a mannish face, the visitor spoke--
《¿Tienes agua?》
It was a soft voice from a strange mouth, like wind rustling through tule stands. You blinked slowly, before shutting the door behind you and fumbling around for a tin cup before deciding that might be too small. So you hefted your abuela's olla out from where you'd stashed it below your ristras. Grunting slightly, you brought the clay jar out through the door and set it gently down with a hollow sloshing. No comment from your visitor, yet for a moment things began to feel...unfocused. Seconds stretched like syrup in the hot air, each breath in felt like an eternity, and each exhale was the lifetime of universes. Then blessed relief as the world snapped back into focus and you stumbled a half-step backwards towards your door and looked down where amidst scattered bones and feathers in the dust were old silver pesetas glinting up. You lurched forwards, grabbing the coins up before shakily latching the door behind you.
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amiguiz · 1 year
Dice Gil que en su camino hacia Xalapa, Maximiliano paró en el jardín Lecuona, en Banderilla, donde almorzó usando su propia vajilla, la cual dejó ahí al retirarse. Y que esa vajilla fue malbaratada, más de un siglo después, por uno de los descendientes Lecuona, ya no entendí si tercera o cuarta generación.
También dice que en Banderilla, ya en los años setenta, tuvo lugar una versión local del baile de los 41, esto es: una redada en la que él estuvo a punto de extraviar su jorongo salteño (sobre esto no encuentro más información).
También dice que uno de sus primeros trabajos como maestro fue en Mozomboa, con una plaza que compró, y que de ahí, de ese lugar calurosísimo, recuerda a un maestro culón que se asomaba a la ventana a coquetear con los albañiles.
También mencionó a dos viejillos locos, mejor dicho, a varios pares de viejillos locos, unos que se aventaban los orines de sus bacinicas.
Todo esto fue ayer (la recreación, o sea, la plática sucedió ayer, que es como decir que los sucesos del mundo revivieron montentáneamente) y ya se me olvidó casi todo. Tendría que haberlo escrito de inmediato, pero estaba metida en un libro de Natalia García Freire. El viernes le vuelvo a preguntar a Gil, a ver si hay chance, para rellenar los huecos.
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thefourthhexgirl · 2 years
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A long blanket-like shawl/cloak, often brightly colored and fringed at the ends, worn in Mexico, especially by men. The term serape is for the rectangular blanket (no openings), though in more recent years it can also be used to refer to a very soft rectangular blanket with an opening in the middle for one’s head, similar to a poncho called gabán, or jorongo in Mexico. Modern variations of some serapes are made with matching hoods for head covering. The length varies, but front and back normally reach knee height on an average person. The serape is thought to have its forebears in garments worn in the region near Chiautempan and Contla, Tlacxcala. During the Colonial period, it was taken to northern New Spain where it was adapted to the climate and the motifs changed. 
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theoloscience · 9 months
El Jorongo de Adviento. Reflexión basada en las lecturas del Lunes de la Tercera Semana de Adviento. Por Abba Jimmy ( Theoloscience ).
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elliepassmore · 1 year
Before the Devil Knows You’re Here release!
1836, Wisconsin. Catalina lives with her pa and brother in a ramshackle cabin on the edge of the wilderness. Mamá died years ago, and the harsh winters have brought the family to the brink of starvation. Catalina has replaced her poet's soul with an unyielding determination to keep Pa and her brother alive, period. When Pa takes suddenly ill, Catalina tries everything to revive him. But as soon as the illness claims him, a strange man appears—a man covered in bark, leaves growing from his head, and sap dripping from his eyes. Before Catalina can stop him, he scoops up her brother and disappears, leaving behind a bird with crimson wings. She can’t let this man—if that’s what he is—have her brother. With no idea where they’ve gone, she grabs Pa’s knife and Mamá’s jorongo and follows the bird. Along the way, she finds help from a young lumberjack, who has his own reasons for hunting the Man of Sap. As their journey takes them deeper into the woods, they encounter strange beasts and tormented spirits who share secrets of the past. The more they uncover about the Man of Sap, the more they learn how deeply Catalina’s fate is entwined with his, planted long ago in cursed seeds.
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Barks & Noble
This is the perfect read for spooky season! It’s got Faustian bargains, Gothic themes, and folkloric people and creatures. The book has similar vibes to those regional American gothic posts, with cornfields and orchards and small rural towns. There’s a lot of symbolism in the story, from the apples to the poetry Catalina writes.
The story also focuses a lot on family. Catalina has a deep connection with her late mother and shares her love of poetry. She’s also willing to do anything for her younger brother, including diving into the mystical world of the American ‘wilderness.’
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For more in-depth opinions, check out my review!
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lycantherous · 1 year
jorongo go swishy And masculine gender euphoria 🤌🤌
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shyfrog-says · 2 years
I would love to learn about queer the history and culture of people other than white americans, from people other than white americans.
But whenever I go looking for it, all I see is people talking about how queer culture is so white americanized, and then NO FURTHER DISCUSSION.
No "queer culture has been pretty white americanized, so here are some people and events in queer history that aren't white and american," just "omg queer culture is so white and so american."
I happen to be white and american. I don't know what queer culture is like for anyone else but me because I'm just not a social person, but I would LOVE to learn. Seriously.
I can research history and people, but I can't research YOUR life experiences. I want to hear about what queer culture looks like for you, and I want you to share and to help make queer culture less white-american-centric.
I generally don't trust my own research skills, I trust people more, but here is someone I learned about from just a couple minutes of research:
Isabel Vargas Lizano, better known as Chavela Vargas, was a Costa Rican musician born on April 17th, 1919, who performed largely in Mexico. Her performances were unique as she did mostly what were considered masculine songs and wore what was considered masculine clothing - more specifically, a jorongo. For much of her professional career, her attraction to women was "a fairly open secret," as she had relationships with a few women throughout her lifetime and refused to change the pronouns in her songs. Throughout her life, she suffered from alienation - from her own family - and alcoholism. In that time, she released over 80 albums, including "Noche de Bohemia" (her first) in 1961 and "Corridos de la revolución" in 1970. In 2002, she released her autobiography, "Y si quieres saber de mi pasado" (And if you want to know about my past), in which she officially came out as homosexual. She passed away in Cuernavaca, Mexico on August 5th, 2012 at the age of 93 months after releasing her final album, "Luna grande."
I skipped and paraphrased a lot - if you would like to know more about her (if you don't already know, considering she's actually pretty damn famous, so I'm surprised I'm only learning about her today) please read this article:
I am not as proficient in research as some on the internet, so I'm afraid I can't speak for this site's credibility.
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juarezesdeporte · 2 years
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Doha., lunes, 28 de noviembre,  2022.-Su imagen aparece en cada partido de la Selección Mexicana, en los eventos de patrocinadores y hasta en los anuncios con los que una compañía promociona sus servicios telefónicos en Qatar.
Con su inconfundible jorongo en forma de la bandera nacional, el chihuahuense Héctor Chávez Ramírez, mejor conocido como "Caramelo", se autodenomina el fan número uno del Tricolor.
Presume una presencia ininterrumpida en Mundiales desde 1986. No obstante, en esta Copa del Mundo ha tenido que lidiar como nunca con las suspicacias por el origen de los recursos para costear los casi 500 juegos apoyando al Tri alrededor del orbe.
Reforma posee las actas constitutivas de cuatro empresas en las que Héctor Chávez Ramírez aparece como accionista: Desarrolladora de Centros Comerciales Especializados SA de CV; Antoro, Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada de Capital Variable; Deportiva El Rejón SA de CV y Operal SA de CV.
Entrevistado en Doha, en el marco de uno de los partidos de la Selección Mexicana, "Caramelo" sólo reconoció su actual participación accionaria en las dos primeras, dedicadas a la construcción y venta de bienes inmuebles comerciales.
"Siempre ha habido un cuestionamiento sobre a qué se dedica el 'Caramelo', ahí están mis registros y empresas. Si alguien duda, lo puede checar, no tengo ningún problema, igual hasta hacemos negocio", respondió.
Desarrolladora de Centros Comerciales Especializados fue constituida el 5 de marzo de 2002 ante el Registro Público de Comercio. Es un negocio familiar, con otros tres Chávez Ramírez y una persona apellidada Ramírez Ríos como accionistas.
Otra empresa, Antoro, se constituyó el 23 de agosto de 2019 y "Caramelo" aparece como gerente general y socio mayoritario, ya que el valor de sus acciones representa el 98 por ciento de la compañía.
Deportiva El Rejón, constituida en marzo de 2008 y que Chávez Ramírez no reconoce pese a que sus datos personales coinciden y a que existe un socio en común con otras empresas, tiene como objeto social la impartición de clases de futbol por la escuela del club Barcelona. Operal, por su parte, se enfocaba en el negocio de alimentos, mas no tiene más movimientos desde 1994.
Chávez Ramírez, nacido en Chihuahua el 15 de diciembre de 1962, insiste que quien nada debe, nada teme, y que es tan reconocido que hasta Grupo Modelo o ahora Vodafone lo buscan para sus campañas.
"El que se estén diciendo algunas cosas no me tiene en absoluta preocupación", lanzó.
Alcanza la fama
Héctor Chávez Ramírez, mejor conocido como "Caramelo", llega a tardar hasta cuatro horas para ingresar a los estadios en Qatar. El llamado fan número uno de la Selección Mexicana es interceptado por otros aficionados que le piden selfies, un saludo en video y hasta participar en transmisiones en vivo.
Sólo que en Qatar el "Caramelo" se ha enfrentado a un escenario desconocido. Mientras encara las sospechas por el origen de sus recursos, por primera vez fue tendencia negativa en Twitter luego de que el periodista Fernando Schwartz lo describiera como un oportunista que cansa mucho.
"¿Cómo te va a doler cuando tienes aquí personas que están esperando una fotografía contigo? Te lo juro, ¡eh! Duré 4 horas para entrar al estadio", dijo a CANCHA.
"No tengo idea de dónde venga el motivo. Puedo decir que yo estoy aquí como he estado en los últimos nueve Mundiales, es mi décimo Mundial".
En una charla con ESPN, comentó que gana entre 60 mil y 400 mil pesos mensuales.
Insistió en que costea sus viajes con las ganancias de sus empresas y que es tan sólida su imagen que incluso en algún momento Grupo Modelo, Coca Cola, Adidas o ahora Vodafone en Qatar lo han buscado para sus promocionales.
"Después de 36 años, como un aficionado incondicional de la Selección, te ponen algunos contratos de marcas exclusivas que te quieren como figura porque te analizan. Hay empresas cerveceras en México que ahorita me tienen contratado. Sabes que para que alguien utilice tu imagen, primero te hacen un estudio de quién eres y a qué te dedicas", comentó.
"Yo no me dedico a vender mi imagen, este es un producto de la casualidad, yo me dedico a los bienes raíces y en algún momento a la joyería".
En todos lados
En noviembre de 2019, "Caramelo" dio la nota por su recorrido: el día 14 vio en Brasil la Semifinal del Mundial Sub 17 entre México y Países Bajos, el 15 ya estaba en Panamá para el duelo de Nations League, regresó a Brasil para acudir el domingo 17 a la Final mundialista entre el Tricolor y la Verdeamarela, antes de viajar a Toluca para acudir el 19 de noviembre al juego de la Selección Mayor contra Bermudas.
Las empresas
Los negocios de Héctor Chávez Ramírez "Caramelo":
> Desarrolladora de Centros Comerciales Especializados S. A. de C. V.
Objeto social: Compra, venta, arrendamiento, fraccionamiento, relotificación, construcción y urbanización de terrenos e inmuebles de cualquier índole.
Constitución de Sociedad ante el RPC: 5 de marzo de 2002
> Antoro, Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada de Capital Variable
Objeto social: Compra, venta, arrendamiento, subarrendamiento, administración y comercio en general de bienes inmuebles.
Constitución de Sociedad ante el RPC: 23 de agosto de 2019
> Deportiva El Rejón S. A. de C. V.
Objeto social: Impartir clases de futbol por la escuela del club Barcelona, así como la organización de torneos, inclusive nocturnos, durante los fines de semana para niños y jóvenes.
Constitución de Sociedad ante el RPC: 12 de marzo de 2008
> Operal S. A. de C. V.
Objeto social: Compra, venta, carnes, verduras, refrescos en lata, abarrotes desechables, químicos, artículos de limpieza.
Constitución de Sociedad ante el RPC: 10 de marzo de 1994
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christasclothes · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Serape Leather Backpack.
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calzadoadomicilio · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Mexican Gaban Cape Poncho Reversible unisex.
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jacoboalonso · 3 years
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De la serie "Periplos" Poncho intervenido con patrón de diseño textil realizado a partir de la ruta del tren "La Bestia" utilizado por los migrantes para llegar a Estados Unidos. --- Intervened poncho with a textile design pattern made from the route of the "La Bestia" train used by migrants to reach the United States . . . #periplo #migrant #Migration #textile #fiber #fiberart #poncho #chipiturco #jorongo #textilesculpture #sculpture #ContemporarySculpture #wereableart #arteportable #pretaporter #labestia (en Morelia, Michoacán, México.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CX70dUssc9L/?utm_medium=tumblr
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maryjo-83blog · 3 years
Jorongo tejido a mano esta disponible para su entrega, si te gusta escribeme.
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tejonrojo · 5 years
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"La sirena" appliqué bordado a mano sobre camiseta. #numexicana #lasirena #sarape #zarape #jorongo #serape #mermaid #lovemexico #hechoenyucatan https://www.instagram.com/p/B3LIJ3bgADL/?igshid=1d67nk3ow065s
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shi-gu · 8 years
Donaji & the Magical Poncho is here!
Subtitles available in: english, español, 日本語字幕 During winter, the cold wind called Iztlacoliuhqui, who causes havoc with his tempest at the top of the mountains, is feared by everyone but a little fearless girl named Donaji, whose bravery will make their encounter something unavoidable, decided by fate. Finally it is here as promised! Took over a year to finish, between school and this being the first time I work together with voice actors and a musician. It's been a challenging but rewarding experience. -Music was made by my friend Arnór Bragi Jóhannsson -Kusunoki Nosuku helped me check and correct the japanese subtitles. [About the story] I wrote Donaji's story back in 2011 for a school project and designed the main characters shortly after for another assignment. In 2014, I adapted it into an animated interactive e-book for a contest I didn't win, after which I tried to find a way for it to get published at an editorial, but it didn't work out. Then in December 2015 I began to work on the animated film version, recycling the original interactive animation's clips and adding whole new sequences. And now, in 2017 Donaji finally debuts in her original story as a protagonist! This story is related to my previous film: Black Feathers (2013) This story will continue in the form of a webcomic, in which both characters, Donaji and Itzcacalotl (from Black Feathers) meet each other and set on to a great adventure in Mesoamerica. You can see a teaser for it after the credits in this animation. I've been looking forward to this moment for so long that now I don't know what to say about it, so without further ado... Enjoy and hope you like it! © 2011-2017 Camilo Moncada Lozano All rights reserved
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mardeamooor · 8 years
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I’ll be honest with you, the altar my aunt and I used to set up was kind of small, we used to put most of the decoration in my mom’s grave, but Imelda??? She puts a lot of food and drink to make sure everybody have something to take with them. It makes me feel bad, just a little, what if I never put enough food for my relatives? I’m sure they’ll have plenty now, but maybes a little bit more won’t hurt anyone. And more flowers, we need more flowers!! And probably another level.
Since I live with Imelda the visits to el panteón are way shorter than the usual, around this time of the year the wheater is very cold, not the best for my wife and my baby, and I don’t like to leave them alone for long periods of time. But that’s not excuse to don’t talk with my mom and tell her how everything’s going on! I wonder if she would like Imelda, but I’m pretty sure she would, she always wanted to see me happy, and there’s no doubt she makes me the happiest man alive!
Anyway, I have to go and get more cempasúchil! And my jorongo, probably. There’s a lot to say and very little time!
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