#joy kid of Hecate maybe ...
karda · 7 months
joy and madeline percy jackson au* brain explodes
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khonshu-mp · 1 year
❛ just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn’t mean they’re lost forever. ❜
From the Hero Sentence Starters (Not Accepting!)
Khonshu nodded, pulling her into his chest before sighing. His arms wrapped around her to keep her near. "I know...I just get worried." The god never spoke of his children, but for some reason, this year he was getting lonely and worried. Would he ever reconnect with his? It made him happy that Hecate was reconnecting with her daughters, but he wondered if he would ever feel that joy himself.
Khonshu wasn't the type of person to let things sit, stew and bubble over but these emotions were so sudden. He went from not caring about spawns to wanting nothing more than to spend time with his child (ren.) He wasn't sure what triggered it, maybe it was all the Gods who had kids. Khonshu also really really wanted to have a baby. However, he would never tell Hecate that.
"...I just want to see at least one of them... to know they're alive..."
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camp cretaceous kiddos but as greek demigods
i had lot of ideas so i kinda listed all the gods i think could be their godly parents but my personally hcs would be yasmina (nike), darius (hestia), sammy (aphrodite), kenji (hebe), ben (athena), and brooklyn (hephaestus)
yasmina - our speedster would definitely be hermes or ares due to her physical abilities, im not including athena because the show rarely focuses on her intelligence and ares kids deserve to be smart and not be classified as athena’s!! and if you want to be more accurate i would actually say nike since her kids are the fastest and at times roughest campers! i personally see nike but nemesis is also a good suggestion because her kids can be very loyal and it’s hard to earn their trust back once its broken (season one yasammy </3)
darius - hestia!! i know she doesn’t have children but maybe like a vestal virgin type beat yknow, rachel dare moment maybe, plus it matches with the show since he won a ticket to jw and didn’t buy his way into camp (or be a demigod in this case ;] ) and i see a lot of similarities like protector and warmth and i love hestia and i love darius idkk let me have this,, also i get aphrodite and iris vibes but im pretty sure im self projecting
sammy - im thinking demeter or aphrodite because how loving and family based she is! also demeter since she lives on farm and works well with animals! but im more towards aphrodite since she is very in touch with her and the people around her’s feelings
kenji - hebe maybe her kids focus on youthful joys so kenji’s party loving and carefree attitude would definitely fit in! i can also see poseidon due to his boat skills and he needs a different dad,, i could see nemesis (like barely but still) he is very loyal and cares deeply when one of camp fam is in trouble
ben - ares/athena leaning more towards athena since he focused on exit routes and what not (battle strategy kinda) back in season one and the typical ares personality doesn’t come out until season two
brooklyn - i personally want to say hephaestus! she’s very intelligent when it come to mechanics and technology and i can’t really imagine another godly parent except maybe aphrodite due to her very open and attention grabbing personality! also it’s doesn’t make much sense but hecate just cause B)
unsure if i’ll ever do it since i’ve been in an art runt but i want draw them as demigods soooo bad so maybeee expect fanart of this
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sepublic · 4 years
Sorry about the double ask so here's a fun idea, Emperor Belos wrote The Good Witch Azura books. Like he wrote them in his younger years before becoming a parasitic tyrant. - Pixel Anon
           That seems like it’d be the perfect opportunity to segue into a lesson about Death of the Author, which- Given Sense and Insensitivity, and how this show already discusses how fiction affects reality and connects with it… Would be VERY refreshing to see, especially as a moral that I don’t really see other kids’ shows exploring! I do recall OK KO bringing it up with the Hero Cards not representing Kappas, but the more the merrier. It’d also be fitting to discuss Death of the Author, and separating a work from a terrible creator- Given the show’s frequent references to Harry Potter, which has a rather infamous author…
           For neurodivergent kids who really get into hyperfixations and fandoms, which Luz and Amity basically are- It’d be fascinating to see them navigate this kind of twisted revelation! And it’d also force them to really re-examine The Good Witch Azura, because sometimes a work can’tbe separated from the harmful ideas of its creator, especially if it was made to transmit them… If Azura ever talks about dealing with ‘savages’, that’d be VERY sus and make matters a lot more complex. But then again, Azura also reconciles with Hecate, so it could be a matter of recognizing a work’s more problematic areas and criticizing them, while still enjoying it.
          And, this makes sense, as The Owl House really does convey that experience of engaging with media and fiction, and how it relates to real life… And how media and fiction CAN mean a lot to people, it’s perfectly valid for one’s hyperfixations to mean the world to them! It’s treated as objectively terrible for Luz to throw away her Azura book, and bar a few social misunderstandings, the Azura books have otherwise brought nothing but happiness for her and Amity, and even functioned as something for them to bond over!
          It’s perfectly okay for fiction to mean a lot to Luz, and she’s not being childish for wanting to hold on, to keep enjoying it- So it’d be an interesting discussion when Belos’ authorship is thrown into the mix, amidst potential problematic bits here or there. Then again, Luz is an ND-coded kid who continues to find solace in these stories, which would suggest that there isn’t anything there that would bother her- At least, nothing she’d have really noticed until someone pointed it out to her.
           Then there’s the appropriateness, of Belos’ own fantasy being what could’ve led to Luz being deluded in her own right, projecting fantasies and dreams onto reality, wanting to be a chosen one… It’d be an extension of the kind of harmful delusions and ideas he puts into others, tying it back all the way of Luz herself, prior to arriving on the Boiling Isles! It’d give us insight to Belos as someone who really gets people to believe in the idea of being special, of being chosen, specifically for the Emperor’s Coven… And how this could relate to HIS character, if he himself is also a victim of these kinds of issues. If Belos is Luz, in that she never learned to differentiate fantasy from reality, and felt entitled towards bringing her stories to life.
          Perhaps Belos isn’t REALLY chosen by the Titan, he just likes to think of himself as a Chosen One- Or he was, but others can also quality for this honor, which is something that aggravates Belos because it alludes to him not being more special than others. Because to Belos, it’s not enough to be unique and valid in your own way; You must be actively better than others, and the creation of the Emperor’s Coven above all reflects this. The belief that magic is a privilege, a luxury, something you must actively earn or be more worthy of than others for…
           It’s also an interesting contrast, as if Belos has also been influenced by his works, or his works are a reflection of that- Then it’d set him apart from Luz as someone who actively deludes himself. As someone who is voluntarily blind, and willfully ignorant- Just like Lilith, who was inspired by Belos and looked to him as a role model when she was younger. Even before becoming a parasitic tyrant, Belos was a dark reflection of Luz, subjecting others to fantasies and delusions… Maybe not initially maliciously nor willingly, maybe it was just him having fun like any author. But then this innocuous action became very dark in retrospect, as Belos and his ‘hobbies’ worsened and took on a more harmful role for the people of the Boiling Isles.
          I suppose it’s worth noting that Belos’ imagery invokes a lot of white, which is also seen with Azura’s predominantly white-and-purple robes… While Belos is white-and-gold. If Belos is a dark deconstruction of Luz’s assumption of a Chosen One narrative and fantasies, then maybe he’s also a deconstruction of Azura herself; And this of course suggests that he actively emulated his own creation. He’s artistic and a writer like Luz is, but it seems Belos got TOO convinced by how good he was, and couldn’t take constructive criticism- Which could be like King as an author in Sense and Insensitivity, up until he realizes that Luz’s input helped make him so great!
           Luz and Amity can still engage in fantasy and fiction, the show always lets them find joy in this… It’s just a matter of finding the distinction between the two and recognizing it. Fully indulging into fantasy is what could’ve led Luz to accepting Adegast’s illusions… But entirely rejecting is is the path that is the Reality Camp, which would’ve sucked the fun and joy out of Luz and turned her into a hollow, soulless imitation of herself. It’s okay to find comfort and media and even be inspired by it, to even take lessons from it; And while you should always prioritize listening to real life when it says otherwise, I think it’s worth observing that Luz’s quest to be a good person like Azura… Well, influences her to be kind!
          And it’s this desire to emulate Azura that influences Luz to learn magic, which creates yet another hyperfixation that brings the girl joy, and leads to her connecting with Eda and everyone else in the Boiling Isles in the first place by staying there! Perhaps Belos will contrast with Luz in that while he recognized media’s ability to make him feel happier, he ultimately used it as a crutch, a substitute for actual meaningful interaction and connection with other people- Thus creating the monster we see today. There could be the idea of finding role models, people you want to emulate- But also recognizing their flaws, where to criticize them, and not be like them. That could tie into how Eda is a teacher to Luz, but isn’t always right and excels by taking Luz’s feedback into consideration, instead of assuming she always knows better and will never be wrong.
           All in all, this is a fascinating idea Pixel Anon! Even if Belos has no literal connection to the Azura books, I am a big fan of the idea of him being a dark reflection to Luz… A Luz as we see her start out in the series, only to be a Luz who never learns the lessons we see her go through. Belos wanted to be a hero, a main character; But he never went through the actual arc and character development of one, and instead ended up as the static villain, the main antagonist who causes problems for actualheroes. If some characters become what they despise most by trying to avoid that, then perhaps Belos is someone who avoids becoming what he wanted to be, in his attempts to be like that.
          Whether or not media has played a role in Belos’ life has yet to be seen, but there is the idea of him having lived out a traditional ‘fantasy’ without realizing it as such, because to him this IS his reality- So it’s ironic then that Belos deludes himself while Luz doesn’t. Maybe it’s because of this, because Luz has that self-awareness to consider the divide between her fantasies and what reality actually is; Because she has an actual frame of reference for what fantasy and fiction is. Suddenly I’m reminded of that joke in Lost in Language, when Gary sees “Fiction-Fiction” because the Non part, the reminder of reality, was erased; And he has an existential crisis, wondering if any of his life was real…
          Imagine this being foreshadowing to BELOS, of all people, having an epiphany- Realizing that so much of his ‘reality’ was just his own fiction, that he questions what things were real and what things never were. Belos realizing he forgot to consider reality, and now he’s questioning everything he knows, if his arcane knowledge is all for naught if he can’t even distinguish facts from fantasy… etc. What is real and objective- What if all of his ‘Non-Fiction’ was simply just Fiction, and Luz the troublemaker must reveal this to Belos? I’m just imagining Luz very awkwardly cringing and navigating around Belos’ breakdown, but also sort of relating to his dilemma and helping him recover; At least for the sake of everyone else, because a reformed Belos makes life easier than a dead one.
          Plus, Luz is very compassionate in that sort of way… And while Belos’ radiance has blinded him for so long; Now, it’s Luz’s less harsh Light, which helps open his eyes and allow Belos to properly see the world around him. Eyes DO seem to be a major motif in the Boiling Isles, and with Belos, whose eyes need to be fixed by some palisman bile… If Belos’ light has blinded all, himself the first victim; Then Luz’s more Night-time, Star-oriented Light can bring a sunset to Belos’ shining era, for now the sun sets on his empire after all these years. And with the lights dimmed, Belos can appreciate the darkness around him as a contrast, and truly recognize things for what they are… And Luz can metaphorically open his eyes and mind.
          If Luz illuminates others to the truth of their situation and what they’re doing- Then maybe her final obstacle can be Belos… Alongside her mother Camila, when Luz reunites with her and reveals just how much happier she’s been in the Boiling Isles, instead of the Reality Camp that was actually going to hurt her. THAT would be an unusual parallel, Belos and Camila, as two significant adults in Luz’s life… Potentially ones who taught Luz everything she knew prior to Eda, with Camila providing social interactions to the girl, while Belos provides lessons through his Azura fiction and media. If Azura and Camila were all Luz knew and learned from, it’d be interesting for her to teach THEM something herself- Again, a continuation of that theme of the teacher having a lot to learn from the student, and not being so infallible and all-knowing themselves. Even a teacher like Eda can still enjoy the wide-eyed opportunity and curiosity to learn as a student, once more…
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colourful-void · 4 years
GUS THE OWL HOUSE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so the other day I was walking with my little sis around cause walking is fun and good and because I dont like it to be too quiet when im walking I asked her what would happen if Luz took the witch gang (Gus, Willow, and Amity to the human world for like a vacation/ trip thing (specifically over the halloween weekend because I love halloween) and I cANNOT stop thinking about it cause I gained s many headcanons from that convo and eventually im gonna put em into a fic or a master list but here's a couple I particularly like
 Everyone gets costumes!!!
Luz goes as Azura, and has every year since she was 9
Amity was going to go as something else but the second she heard Luz was going as Azura she chucked the other costume out the window (literally, it whacked Edric in the face) and went as Hecate
Gus gets a uniform for something (either fast food or a pet store it was up to debate) and everyone thinks he’s just an employee but when Luz asks he goes on an excited 10 minute explanation about how he’s an amazing hero form the human world who saved the entire realm from destruction. (it was the protagonist from a fiction book that he mistook for non fiction. Luz explains this but Gus keeps his costume anyway becasuse he likes iy)
Willow was the most uncertain, if it weren't for the fact she's actually a witch I'd say she goes as a witch, or maybe a fairy. whatever it is, its adorable and colourful.
All of them go trick or treating, chaperoned by Eda + King
Eda has a novelty hat or headband and a jacket as her outfit and yes I am projecting but you can’t stop me. 
King does not wear a costume, but he does go trick or treating.
King ‘scares’ everyone at the door and gets candy from ‘all who fear him
(read: all the adults think this toddler in a cubone costume is just precious and humor him.
Eda carries along a wagon and will not explain why.
turns out its for when King falls asleep about a half hour after they leave.
Luz, Gus, Willow, and Amity make their way around the neighbourhood and get enough candy to last them a while (or would’ve if king didn’t steal half and Hooty accidentally destroyed about a quarter in a freak accident)
Gus is the one who knocks on the doors and and rings the doorbells, and looks at everyones decorations. he’s having the time of his life. everyone thinks hes on a sugar high but he’s really just happy to be here.
the rest of the kids are happy to see him happy.
Luz is talking animatedly about her past trick o treating adventures to Amity, who is partially listening and partially just shrieking internally because Luz has been holding her hand for over an hour and they’re wearing matching costumes and she’s so cute and-
Willow is the only one who actually remembers to thank people at the door every time (half of the time Luz remembers but the other half she’s too busy talking
Willow’s just happy all her friends are happy, and goes back and forth between listening to Luz’s halloween stories and Gus’s sheer joy over blow up halloween decorations. 
thats not even everything, plus I haven't gotten to how they got there, bocsha’s thoughts on halloween, the other things they do there (featuring giraffes!) and so much more, I could talk about them forever please I love my children-
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the unseen one - 11
Pairing: Hades!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: fluff
A/N: eros and psyche is one of my favourite myths so i had to include it somewhere bc they’re so cute, they’re adorable, give them a trophy. enjoy xx
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(gif not mine, credit to the creator)
Days passed, hours fly whenever you’re confined to your own existence. James had been filled to the brim with work after Hecate decided to sulk and ignore his requests to do her actual job. He knew he could and should reprimand her, he was the King of the Underworld after all but he also knew Hecate to personally enjoy revenge and he could see her going straight to Zeus to tell him about Y/N. He knew what happened when Zeus set his eyes on a mortal, specially a pretty woman mortal and he was not about to see Y/N being harassed by Zeus and then attacked by Hera. He decided it was best if he just let her do her thing, at least until things died down. 
He was sleepless, tired of walking souls into their trials, their final resting place yet all he could think was about Valentines’ Day’s night with Y/N. He could still see her sunny, beautiful smile that sparked joy even in the angriest of Gods once he said he’d spend it with her. 
      - You have a visitor. - Hecate slammed his door open to warn him of someone coming in, not even caring about knocking or asking if it was alright for her to slam the door open. James rolled his eyes, sighting as he got up from his chair to see another god come into his office, none other than the god of love. Had Aphrodite sent Psyche on another beauty chase? He didn’t know, what he knew was that Eros only came down when something was needed. 
Eros was older than James, he had probably been around for longer than his own existence but he always looked like a perpetual young adult with his curled blonde locks and white clothing. In all honesty, Eros normally was one of the only gods who could get under his skin, having previously tried to steer him into the direction of a young woman back when his soul belonged to the mortal lands. 
     - You can go now, Hecate. - he gestured for the goddess to close the door, leaving him alone with Eros. - I thought death and love did not go hand in hand. 
     - Psyche said I owe you a favour because you defended her from Aphrodite. Trust me, I would not be here if it wasn’t for my wife. - Aphrodite hated Psyche with a passion. Not only had she been more worshipped than Aphrodite back when she was mortal but she had dared to marry her favourite son. Ever since, Aphrodite would constantly send Psyche into Persephone’s Groves to try and collect some flowers which would anger both Hecate and Demeter. James had taken upon himself to take Psyche under his wing and protect her from the goddess of beauty, not only because she was just a scared mortal who had turned into a goddess because of her lover but also because he thought that if he became friends with the woman Aphrodite hated, maybe she would leave him alone. - So you have a favour from me. 
     - What could I possibly want from you? You can tell Psyche that she doesn’t owe me any favours. - James wasn’t one to sell his services, much less punish someone for being helped. He definitely did not want to be in debt to one of Aphrodite’s sons, specially when Aphrodite was one to cash in all debts and was one of the smartest woman he’d ever met. 
      - Are you sure? It’s Valentines’ Day in a few weeks, you surely could deal with going up to the mortal realm like every other deity in the pantheon. - by every other deity he meant Zeus and Apollo as James had never heard of any other gods being particularly found of getting a mortal the easy way. 
      - Can’t leave the underworld during daylight. 
      - I can distract Apollo long enough for a day outside without anyone even noticing. - he suggested. - C’mon, it’s for my wife and she will not have you protect her from my mother for free. 
      - Can you really do that? - James raised an eyebrow at his proposal. He sure would love to spend a day away from the underworld, a day with her, specially Valentines. 
     - Considering how badly Apollo’s relationships go and how he is attracted to every single pretty mortal, it shouldn’t be too hard. Deal?
     - Zeus cannot know. - James was sure that if Zeus even dreamed that he was seeing a mortal and wildly ignoring his request of finding a goddess to become Queen of the Underworld, he would either try and do what he did with every single mortal woman or forcefully marry him to the first goddess who was willing. James did not know Persephone, but he’d be damned if someone sat on her precious throne without deserving it. 
     - Hiding stuff from Zeus is a hobby. - Eros replied, turning on his back, happy that his wife would be pleased. James on the other hand looked at the sunflower still sat on his desk, the faint memory of Y/N’s touch rushing through his mind. It didn’t matter that Hecate was mad at him and ready to riot, he could now spend a full day with her. 
Suddenly time flew by slower and slower each day but as promised, Eros had distracted Apollo from his duties around midday which allowed James to ascend into the mortal realm, the pale winter sun hitting his skin for the first time since forever. He relished in the small things that he hadn’t seen in ages, from the sound of people talking and laughing in the sun, the faint screaming of the children having fun mixed with the wind. The sounds of Brooklyn were still the same after all these years.
He knew Y/N worked close by in a kindergarten so it didn’t take him long enough to find it and find her. She was outside with most of the children, sat on a table far too small for her as she helped the toddlers make cards using various types of flowers and glittery materials. He knew it was probably weird to stare at her for so long but he couldn’t help but do so, watching her show her laugh what sounded like the music of muses, the light of the sun itself. It took about an hour for her to start to organise everything again as the kids went inside for lunch, an opportunity he took to approach her. 
      - Made any postcards for me, sweetness? - he asked softly, not to scare her. Y/N raised from the table, eyes darting from the mess she was cleaning the figure standing behind her. A smile formed on her laps as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her scent immediately invading his senses.
      - I thought we were meeting up tonight. - she loosened her hug so she could look at him. - What are you doing here? Did you get fired? Oh please tell you didn’t get fired.
     - Day off. I thought I could surprise you and maybe take you for lunch. - he pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. 
     - I would love some lunch, I just need to finish cleaning this up. - she pointed at the, what he believed to had been a pure white table, now completely covered with dried up glue, pen marks and glitter. 
     - I’ll help you out. - James grabbed one of the rags she was using to help her bring the table back to its white colour. It didn’t take too long and he quickly found himself helping her fold the table and bring it inside. - Where do you wanna go?
     - You know what? I want an egg sandwich, bodega style. 
     - That’s a breakfast food. 
     - Breakfast food is the best food. 
tag list: @philogrobizedvee​  @keithseabrook27 @inlovewith319
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unsaidellie · 4 years
Not everyone only doing hogwarts houses for the JATP characters!
Okay, I’ll be the one to do godly parents (Greek)
Julie: hm. The easy one to say would be Apollo, since he would totally be cool with a poly relationship with her mom and dad.... yeah, Apollo fits, she’s Reggie’s half sister.
Luke: here’s the deal: you would think he’d be an Apollo kid, but he’s def a Hermès kid. Vibes man
Reggie: Apollo. Plain and simple. Hermes kid vibe, which is how he becomes besties with Luke.
Alex: Aphrodite. It’s just his vibe. It’s where he can really accept himself as the way he is. (Lol but what if he was an Iris kid that would be great)
Flynn: oddly enough, I’m leaning towards Euterpe. She’s the goddess of lyrical poetry and Flynn likes to rap so... Idk maybe this is just me.
Carrie: easy thing to say would be Aphrodite. Actual answer would be Tephiscore, muse of dance.
Nick: hnnng I wanna say Apollo because he reminds me of will solace but....Euphrosyne. She’s the goddess of good cheer, joy, and mirth.
Caleb: Hecate. No need for explanation.
Willie: Roman demigod. He’s a child of Janus, which is how he met Caleb, since the two sometimes work hand in hand. Willie meets Alex when there is the need to be a joint quest between the two camps.
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ohmyhera · 5 years
Headcanon #7
Imagine these two’s first real Halloween together as a couple
•Okay I feel like the one who surprisingly goes all out for Halloween is Will
•Actually it’s the entire Apollo cabin + some of the Hecate kids, it all starts on October 1st
•Nico walks into the Apollo cabin to greet Will and is very confused by the sound of spooky scary skeletons playing
•There’s only a few of them there, why must it be so loud?
•Will just laughs at his boyfriends confused face and the other campers beg him to summon some skeletons
•Nico does and is even more confused when the Hecate kids make the skeletons start dancing
•A few days later Will realizes that Nico was genuinely confused about the whole thing and starts talking about how Halloween is coming up
•Now Nico doesn’t really know what Halloween is—the boy was raised in 1930’s Italy he was catholic for Pete’s sake—but he kinda just nods along anyways
•No one is better at picking out a liar than an Apollo kid so Will keeps pressing him about it until Nico fesses up to having no idea what the holiday is
•When it finally clicks Will has never felt more stupid in his life, of course Nico wouldn’t know about Halloween
•This sends Will on a frenzy to make sure Nico has the best Halloween ever
•While Nico is out on a mini quest he spends time decorating the Apollo Cabin with fake cobwebs and spiders—he’s already given Annabeth the warning to stay away—and by the time Nico comes back it’s completely Halloweenifed
• “So the orange and black are traditional colors?”
• “Exactly”
•He practically begs Chiron to let them use the tv so he can show Nico the joy of Disney channel original Halloween movies
• “So they’re twin witches, and they just so happen to meet on their birthday?”
• “Don’t judge Disney!”
•And Nico falls in love, they sit there all day swaddled up in blankets and Nico thinks he can actually get behind this holiday
•Until the ugly sweaters
•That is where he draws the line
• “Nico just wear the damn sweater!”
• “You’ll have to kill me first!”
• “Me and Thanatos are good buddies so that can be arranged!”
•Will works something out with Chiron and the other campers so that him and Nico’s duties can be covered because he has something special in mind
• “Must we visit Naomi for every holiday tesoro?”
• “We’re not visiting my mama this time baby, you’ll see”
•Of course they go to visit Naomi first. Whenever Will is in town it’s like her mom senses start tingling and she just knows he’s there. Call it a gift from Apollo.
•Now it’s all fun and games until Naomi and Nico start talking because the two are obsessed with each other and making fun of Will
•They sit on the couch and drink pumpkin spice coffee that Nico just had to try while looking over Will’s old Halloween photos
• “And this is the year he was the sun from the Teletubbies-“
• “Mama stop it!”
•Eventually Will makes up some bs excuse about being in town on demigod business and practically drags Nico from the house
•The two walk for an almost unorthodox amount of time until Nico spots a Ferris Wheel coming into view
• “Is this the reason why I’m not training our kids to rip each other’s heads off?”
• “I-I-yes? Do you like it?”
• “Oh Will, I love it!”
•Then Will has a different problem on his hands
•Nico is an absolute child when he’s left to free range
•He’s never seen the boy have so much energy and it’s actually mind boggling
•He also seems to be an adrenaline Junkie which would be all well and good if Will wasn’t a healer.
• “Baby I don’t think this ride is safe-“
• “I can’t hear you, I’m already in line”
•They finish out the afternoon early because he promised Chiron they’d be back by midnight and Nico needed to rest before they shadowtraveled back
•They ended up back at Naomi’s who’s already waiting with cups of apple cider ready to hear about their demigod business
•Will tried to lie, he really did. But Naomi knew and he immediately cracked under the pressure
•He instead took this as an opportunity to make fun of Nico
• “Mama you should’ve seen him-“
• “Will-“
•“He was off faster than a shotgun at the Kentucky derby!“
•Nico wanted to laugh but he couldn’t help but recognize how similar the two honestly were. They both clapped their hands and stomped their feet as they laughed, it was freaky. He thought Will favored Apollo but maybe it was actually Naomi?
•Once the laugh fest was through and the apple cider was gone, Will gave Nico a few Ambrosia tablets—invention curtesy of the Apollo cabin—and sent him straight upstairs to take a nap
•Naomi immediately grills him on the dark haired boy
• “You love this boy don’t you?”
•“I...Of course I do mama, he’s my boyfriend-“
• “You know what I mean Will”
• “...I’ll tell him when I’m ready”
•The two say their goodbye to Naomi and Will’s heart was pounding the entire way back—or maybe he still wasn’t used to shadow travel—but he would tell Nico
•Halloween finally rolled around and Will surprised Nico with matching skeleton onesies
• “I could make you a skeleton for free”
• “...Is that a threat?”
•The whole camp had gone to the extremes of calling activities off and handing out candy to the younger campers
•Nico was in awe at that
• “You mean I get to eat as much as I want?”
• “As much as you want baby, that’s the beauty in the holiday”
•Once the day was through they decided to go back to the the hades Cabin to turn in for the night
•He had planned to tell Nico but the dark haired beat him too
• “Will I um...I’ve been wanting to tell you that I...I feel very strongly about y-“
• “I love you too Nico, so much”
• “Oh thank gods”
•They spend the rest of the night eating candy and sharing scary stories. will wasn’t sure what he was getting into with this because Nico had stories
•Later in the night when Will was fast asleep Nico couldn’t help but think over the last month and smile
• “Mmyeah baby?”
• “I love Halloween”
A/n Hey guys I hope you liked this one! Sorry for the long wait, I’ve been real busy with school. If you guys want this in the form of a oneshot I’d actually love to write that because I had a lot of fun writing this one.
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pjobroadwayslut14 · 5 years
it was a real sunny afternoon at camp halfblood, and will was taking full advantage of this. he rounded up all of his kids and they decided to spend a couple hours at the arena. this definitely didn’t have anything to do with the fact that nico just happened to be training during this time. of course not. will didn’t have a shift at the infirmary that day so he had the whole day to spend with his group and his boyfriend. after about an hour of singing and laughing, will was sitting braiding the hair of a little daughter of hephaestus when she asked, “hey will?”. “yes dear?” he replied without a second thought. he loved calling his kids cute little pet names. “why did you pull nico away to the hades cabin from the campfire after he was done singing?”, she asked innocently. will was so shocked he turned beet red and accidentally dropped the braid. cursing under his breath, he picked it back up and tried to find where he left off. “um...we went to the hades cabin to uh, talk. yeah that’s it! we went to go talk about our day.”, he replied. he was proud of himself. there’s no way she’ll question furth-“you pulled him away awful quick. you must’ve had to talk to him really fast.”. gods why does he hang out with the smart ones. he was immediately mad at himself for thinking that. “um yeah! i had to tell him about my plans for today so we could meet up at the beach before dinner.”, he replied. she thought about this for a moment before saying,”that does seem pretty important. leo told me that you had to go to the hades cabin to,”swap spit”, she used finger quotes,”with nico. whatever that means.”, and with that she went back to playing with a dandelion. will almost fainted when she said that. he needed to have a talk with leo about corrupting young minds. and maybe break his arm while he was at it. while he was contemplating running away to camp jupiter, nico strolled over to will. “hey sunshine. what’s going on?” he said lovingly. “hey nico what does swapping spit mean?”, one of the hecate campers spoke up. nico turned beet red at this and said, “you’ll learn when you are older.”. will thought, this is why i love him. he always knows what to say. “but we wanna know now” an athena boy whined. “ok it’s when you and someone else trade stories.”, nico said nervously. “ohhh that sounds right.” he remarked. thankfully after that, they stopped asking questions and ran over to the dining hall for dinner. nico and will we’re telling each other about their day when they overheard the hephaestus girl from earlier talking to mr valdez himself. “hey leo! wanna swap spit with me?” she said brightly. leo was stunned for a moment, the quietest he’d ever been. then, in a moment of realization, he looked over at will and nico and burst out laughing. through tears of joy and laughter he managed, “d-did will and nico tell you that?”. she nodded carefully, as if she was afraid she did something wrong. he burst out into another fit of laughter again. “a-amity they lied to you. you know what it really means? it means they went to the hades cabin to make o-“, and leo was promptly cut off by a zombie arm coming out of the ground and grabbing his leg.
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lol i know i never post but i am having some thoughts. 
I really wanna put Swan Queen into the Worst Witch universe cuz I think it would be such a good fit. And I tried to find the parallels, you know, would Regina be Miss Hardbroom and Emma Miss Cackle or what? But it doesn’t work. 
There aren’t a lot of similarities between Emma and Miss Cackle other than them both being blonde, optimistic and having puppy dog eyes. One could maybe argue something about Headmistresses being similar to queens in reigning over a part of their world, but a school is not a country and Emma was never all that interested in being a queen after all.
There are more similarities between Regina and Miss Hardbroom, though. They are both snarky, extra and... “dark”. Closed off and hurting. I guess you could say they both became captives out of doing a foolish action primarily out of kindness (Regina saving Snow White, Joy giving Indigo Moon magic). They both made somewhat rash decisions to help others that led to terrible punishments. 
However, Regina also has a lot of that legacy shit going for her, and if Cora Mills existed in this universe, she would definitely be headmistress of a school (although ofc she would come from meager means and trick her way there) and pass that legacy down to Regina. So in this way, Regina is more like Ada than Hecate. 
As for Emma being like Hecate? Orphans? Is Hecate an orphan? I don’t know. But they both grew up super lonely, even if it had different outcomes. 
So none of those fit all that well. They fit a little but, but not exactly. To be honest Emma would maybe be most similar to Miss Drill. With the sporty and all (and penchant for sweets). 
But here’s the thing. I would LOVE to see Regina and Hecate interact. And tbh Regina and Ada. Emma and Ada would of course get along swimmingly, but I think Regina and Ada would for this sort of unlikely friendship. 
Would love to see Emma and Regina be teachers at the same magic school. And Regina is goddamn great with kids, and even though Emma can be pretty awkward around them, she is good and kind and sticks up for the little guy. So here is what I propose. Either we let Regina teach spell science (you know she’d love it, the little nerd. She might be more suited to potions but that position is Taken) and Emma join miss Drill in making the school more healthy and fit. Or she could teach about non-magic culture, seeing as she also didn’t know she was a witch until late. 
What if Miss Mills’ School of Magic was a day school the kids went to before they were old enough to go to Cackle’s or other academies? And it would still be a castle and there would of course be places for kids that didn’t have good home situations. And there would be a Granny’s Dining Hall. It would be near enough Cackle’s to promote maximum interaction (for fanfic purposes) and to help ease the students through the transition to a higher academy.  And then Hecate and Regina could commiserate over their ridiculous, heroic wives. 
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saltbroom · 5 years
S3 Meta: How the Joy Hardbroom Arc Could Have Worked Without the Confinement
I want to preface this by saying: I’m not a TV writer, and I don’t want to act like it’s an easy job in the slightest. All of this is very easy to fix with hindsight, and I have certain ideas about why the confinement was included narratively that I’ll get into, but looking at my problems with s3 and s2 to an extent, what has bothered me is the style of writing that places plot over characterization, and even actively hurts characterization in favor of the plot. Kids TV can get away with doing this, but I think the reason so many of us are so dissatisfied with how the show has gone is that s1 set a specific writing precedent where character arcs had a lot more weight, and the plot tended to be written around the characters rather than vice versa. That, however, is another post entirely. So let’s get into how I would have liked to see s3 change. There are a lot of things about s3 I liked, and I actually really like parts of Hecate’s backstory and the addition of Indigo to her story. Here, however, is how I would have liked to see it changed:
1. Joy is a child who thinks the code doesn’t apply to her. This can stay because I think that it’s an important aspect of this arc. It's also one of the first things Hecate mentions when she tells Mildred this story.
2. Joy meets Indigo Moon, they become best friends, they do everything together, Indigo can see her because she believes in magic, etc, etc
3.Joy never gets caught by the teachers and is never confined. 
4.The episode Finding Joy establishes that Indigo talked to Joy extensively about her family life. It's clear Indigo hasn't had it easy and likely lost her parents, then moved in with her extended family who she doesn't seem to think like her presence. I think it's heavily implied that she's a runaway child, since she would often live outside, even in the rain, despite the fact that she had an aunt and uncle who must have taken her in. Some more details about Indigo’s situation would have probably helped tbh. 
5. Joy feels tremendous sympathy for Indigo's situation (I’ve talked with people about this, but we know nothing of Hecate’s family and it’s entirely possible it wasn’t a good situation either, so maybe she feels a specific kinship with Indigo for that reason) Joy decides that because Indigo has nowhere to go (at least, no where she feels she belongs), and because Indigo can see magical people, she should come to Cackles. They could establish Joy knowing about a wishing star in the main office and plan for Indigo to sneak into school during half term (its established in Selection Day that students can stay over break to help the teachers which is what esme was doing) so that Joy can give her magic, and then maybe help her study over the break so Indigo can apply during Selection Day. This basically sets up the entire necessary plot without  Joy needing to be confined. It also establishes a good motive for Joy to give Indigo magic (because Indigo is her friend, she wants Indigo to feel like she belongs somewhere, and she wants her to have somewhere to physically stay)
In this case, Joy would be making a conscious decision to break the code for a reason she believes is totally justified. Imo this would make the consequences of her actions far more impactful and far more devastating. I honestly think the confinement was meant to add sympathy to Joy's decision, where rather than breaking the code out of a disregard for the rules and consequences, Joy is driven to break the rules through the magnitude of her loneliness and isolation. But to me, the tragedy of the situation should have come from the hubris: Joy has to learn the hard way the enormous price of not taking magic or rules seriously, even with good intentions, and this situation proceeds to inform the Hecate we know now and all of her motivations. Honestly, that’s still the tragedy of the situation to me, but the confinement has significantly overshadowed that aspect of it despite the fact that I really don’t think it’s what we’re meant to focus on.(For example, the entire Indigo tragedy is the basis of her arc this season, whereas the confinement is barely touched upon outside of Bad Magic and only brought up again when it’s being lifted. Narratively, it didn’t take a lot of president in the story, which makes me think the writers didn’t think of it as that big of a deal)
 I think this method also would have created a stronger parallel between her and Mildred. Mildred was on the fence about giving her mom magic until Hecate humiliated Julie in front of the school. While I still don't like that scene, I might have liked it a lot more if they let Mildred call Hecate out on it later, and brought it up in connection to the Indigo arc. Mildred says something along the lines of “If [Julie] doesn’t have magic, she’ll never fit in” while not directly the same situation, Mildred wanted her Mom to belong and knew that having magic was the only way to accomplish that. This could add a ton of weight and meaning to Hecate’s line in The Cackle Run; “The girl does not belong here. And she never will.”, Imagine hearing that if this was previously established, it would show how far she’s fallen in the tremendous care for Indigo she had as a girl. Something this season really needed with the constant parallels being drawn between Mildred and Joy’s actions, was an actual frank conversation between Hecate and Mildred, where Mildred brings up her motivations in giving Julie magic and how similar Joy's motivations were with Indigo, and use it as a way to call out Hecate's refusal to tell Indigo the truth. I think the dialogue would sound something like this:
"You told me you wanted Indigo to belong. I wanted my mum to belong too. Why can't you make Indigo feel like she belongs now?" 
I think this type of conversation could open up a lot of interesting avenues for Hecate's character arc, where she would have an internal battle over the years she spent suppressing her feelings about what she did to Indigo and her personal morality that she formed about breaking the code, vs. the reality in front of her, where keeping her identity from Indigo and refusing to move forward is detrimental for everyone, including herself. 
Basically, most of the events that happened with Indigo returning to Cackles and Hecate's reactions to them could have been the same. Plus they could have had an even more thought out conclusion to Hecate's self blame and guilt with her eventually accepting that 1) she was a child who made a mistake and 2) she needs to face up to her problems and fulfill her original motivation in giving Indigo magic; to give Indigo a place to belong. In concealing her identity and treating Indigo similarly to Mildred in s1, Hecate became another adult who let Indigo down, and while I love the scene where Hecate apologizes, I would have loved to see a more full-circle arc in terms of characterization. Hecate maintains the lessons she carried into adulthood about breaking the code but also forgives the child she used to be and fulfills her childhood wish for Indigo.
AND FINALLY, this wouldn't make her presence at Cackles problematic or paint the entire academy in a weirdly sinister light, which I seriously doubt was the actual intention when the confinement was written. I think functionally, the confinement was a means to an end in terms of moving the plot in a specific way, setting up the situation for Indigo to come to the academy, a way to add more tragedy to Hecate's background, and a symbolic way to show Hecate moving forward when she asks for it to be lifted to look for Indigo. Beyond that, there didn't seem to be a lot of thought put into what the actual ramifications of this would be for her as a character.
What do y’all think? Did I do ok? Discussion would be lovely, if you have thoughts or even disagreements hit me up.
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thesmallgay · 5 years
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None of my friends watch The Worst Witch but I need to rant so here are my questions/comments/ideas about HB and Pippa's relationship that season 3 has caused (also this is longer than I originally meant i'm so sorry):
1. Why does Pippa call HB "Hecate" if HB started going by that after Indigo Moon, HB said she ended her friendship with Pippa when Indy turned to stone???
Potential explanation: Pippa hears that HB prefers to be called Hecate now and respects that OR she and HB actually are friends for a little bit after the Indy incident and HB tells her she wants to go by Hecate. Also explains the Hiccup nickname, but I doubt HB would allow herself to have *joy* (ha) in her life so soon after
2. Why did Hecate end their friendship? Did she believe that the people she was close to would be in danger? Did she think she deserved to be in isolation?
HB says in season 1 that it was bc she thought Pippa didn't want to be friends with her. This could easily be a lie but in season 2 when they're arguing, HB says that Pippa always wanted to be better than her. There's a lot of tension, and honestly, hatred from both ends that doesn't just feel like heartbreak. The way they argue, it seems like HB truly believed that Pippa wanted to be better than HB. Maybe she lied to herself for so long that she started to believe it? Maybe they did hire Miss Broomhead (from the og series) to tutor her and maybe she used Pippa against her?
3. A theory on why HB didnt go to the broomstick display (I separate out friendship and broomstick display bc I think the broomstick display was either the first indication that she and Pippa were done, or the last - first if she immediately pulled away from Pippa, last if she slowly distanced herself)
I have 2 thoughts (though one of them doesnt make much sense). (i) the day the display happened was the day the Indy thing happened or perhaps the day she faced the Council. She doesn't confide in Pippa so Pippa just thinks she ditched but really HB is trying to protect her. Now this doesn't make sense bc HB gives Indy magic during break bc HB herself can't leave and I assume the broomstick display would happen during term. (ii) There is another level to the display competition that would require them to leave school grounds if they won (go to another school to compete or something). HB knows there's a chance they could win, and instead of having to explain to Pippa that she can't leave campus, HB decides to just forfeit. Having Pippa hate her is a bonus bc she thinks that she is holding Pippa back, esp if she is confined to the school. I think this theory relies on HB still being friends with Pippa (using the 2nd potential explanation for question 1)
4. If she and Pippa were bffs then shouldn't Pippa know that HB liked the nonmagic world? It's possible that HB even wouldve brought Pippa with her to the nonmagic world and introduced her to Indigo (I don't think Pippa wouldve minded breaking the rules for HB). If she knew though, Pippa most likely also knew about HB's punishment but I don't think she does based on my previous points.
5. Also, the scenes from HB in the nonmagic world showed Joy being like a real kid, having fun and messing around. She and Indy even made up naughty words to the school song (which btw when would that even happen), but when Pippa is talking to Mildred, she says HB always took everything too seriously which doesn't seem likely given what we've seen and what we know about HB's transformation into who she is now. Unless HB was only carefree in the nonmagical world? Didn't feel any pressures from anyone to succeed? Also, the silver dress comment from Pippa in season 2 implies that HB wasn't always like that ("that" being serious, dressed in black, didn't mind attention every now and then)
6. I also don't think Pippa and HB really talked between the spelling bee and modern witching workshops considering how surprised HB was. It definitely would be something they discussed if they had rekindled their friendship. But, HB does show a bit of familiarity by popping up to the roof to greet Pippa when she arrives. If they had missed each other that much though (per season 1), I definitely would think at least Pippa would make an effort to keep communicating with HB (HB would be too awkward and self conscious to know what to do i think)
I also think that the spelling bee wasnt the first time they saw each other in 30yrs bc Pippa calls HB stricter than ever or something like that. Perhaps she was strict as a kid (as we've said, unlikely), but I think it's more plausible that Pippa has seen adult HB being strict at Cackles before
7. Before they start arguing again in the modern witching ep, Pippa says HB looks angry, but also comments that she never could tell. So Pippa can't read HB very well? Doesn't that kinda go against the bffs thing? Idk about everyone else but my best friend knows what I'm thinking before even I know. Unless Pippa is referring to post-Indy HB who she really doesn't know?
It's all so confusing I'm starting to go in circles I think but someone please talk to me about the worst witch! Headcanons are welcome! I just want to make sense of it all (though it is just a kids show so perhaps there isnt any sense to it)
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minminxings · 6 years
Nine Percent as children of Greek god/goddesses/deities
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Son of Zeus. Was born to a mortal mother, but was raised to be a hero that he should be. Went through difficult labors just like his half-brother Hercles, but the same as the latter, succeeded and became a better person afterwards earning him the title of a HERO and securing his spot in the olympus once his mortal life ends. As expected, his death was a heroic one. It was said that on his death, the people of his kingdom wepth loudly it reached the Olympus. Zeus decided to make a constellation to honor him and to console his people.
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Son of the Muses. Coz what's better than having one mother? Of course having nine of them. Zhangjing was an unborn child of a well-known musician who unfortunately meet her doom while in her early days of pregnancy. The muses took pity on him and decided to take him as their own. They each took turns of carrying him in their wombs for a month until Euterpe, the muse of music, gave birth to him. Being carried in the womb of the muses gave him the ability of each of them. Abilities that he would showcase during feasts and parties held in Olympus.
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Son of Apollo. Being born from the god of the sun, divination, music, and medicine can be, well, taxing but having a kind father and an even kinder aunt and grandmother helps. He was taught archery and hunting at a young age and music the moment his father caught him playing with his lyre(he was 3, he still is anyways). He also learned about his father's duties and volunteered to do some of them such as helping the oracles. Now instead of riddles, cold jokes are uttered by confused oracles to equally confused askers.
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Son of Hestia. The self-sacrificing goddess of fire and homes made sure that his son would grow up to be most humble one in all of Olympus, and we can say that she has succeeded. Although the mother and son enjoys their humble and simple lives, they would not say no to festivities and parties held in Olympus. This would be Ziyi's chance to showcase his talent in music that would often leave deities in awe. They would then retreat back to their humble and quite life away from Olympus.
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Son of Aphrodite. It is inevitable for the goddess of love and beauty to produce beautiful offsprings. Zhengting enjoys the company of nymphs and would often be seen dancing around with them. But if he's not busy having fun with the nymphs, he'll be going around the world spreading love much like his brother Eros. But unlike his brother who would mindlessly strike people with his arrows, Zhengting would carefully match people up. Seeing people happily running to the sunset with their lovers makes him happy.
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Son of Hecate. Being the son of the goddess of witchcraft, made people fear and love him at the same time. On one hand, he's cold and scary exterior often makes people think that he is, well scary. But he also give off a warm aura that make people more comfortable around him. He took his mother's duty of aiding people during drastic changes and in comforting them during hard times (we're talking about how he comforted Ruibin and Bu Fan when they were in the verge of breaking down). He was known for being the quite boy who sits on the corner of the room at every party but can also be the life of the party is he wants.
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Son of Hermes. He may or may not have gotten his mischievious tendencies from his father. He once volunteered himself to send the messages his father was supposed to sent to the gods and deities to give his father a break. But 2 second attention span got bored in doing such serious job, so he thought that mixing the letters up would be funny. That is until Zeus received a love letter from Hades, Athena got an order letter from Hera and Hephaetus got a letter from Zeus asking his attendance in a court trial. Needless to say, Chengcheng was never allowed to go anywhere near his father's office ever again.
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Son of Artemis (and maybe the giant Orion, that's why he won't stop growing). Being the son to the goddess of hunt, archery and care of wild life allowed him to be around wild animals for most of his time. It would be to no surprise if he prefers the company of animals more than people. He's known for being the gentle boy with the kindest smile to ever grace the world. He also aids his mother in her duties, be it protecting the wild life or aiding in childbirth.
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Son of Athena. We all know that he is a smart kid (I aM vErY sMaRt), that is probably because his mother values his education very much. His mother read him literature until he can read it himself. He enjoys playing tactical games against his mother and would jump for joy whenever he would win(which is rare). During those occasions, he would ask his mother for rewards. One of which was to ride Pegasus.
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newbornbabygiraffe · 6 years
Searching for Persephone, Part One
There is something comforting in the sound of shrieking children.
High voices splitting the air, shrieks of delight that grate against the eardrum and tug at the corners of the mouth, sounds of life, of joy, of discovery. It can be alarming to the uninitiated, but those in the know can discern the sounds underneath it that render it safe: the squeal of metal against rusted metal, the tumbling of rocks, the thumps of small shoes against cheap plastic and old wood. The swing sets and gravel and play structures that make up a child’s kingdom. Demeter knows them all well.
Which is why she lets herself relax for a moment.
Just one moment.
Demeter is sitting on her favorite bench at her daughter’s favorite park, the one with the little field where the children like to pick weeds- sorry, wildflowers- and chase one another in endless circles, playing at nymphs and adventurers and queens. She knows this place like she knows every acre of her farmland, like she knows the sway of sun-bleached wheat right before harvest, like she knows the halls of the family home that her brother built with the insurance money when their father died. Demeter and her kid aren’t here alone; Hecate is sitting beside her, keeping an eye on the young ones she babysits for the rest of their sprawling family. She’s a second cousin (maybe a third? Or perhaps twice removed. Demeter can never remember), but their family has always treated everyone like brothers and sisters for better or for worse and Demeter trusts her with her life. Hell, she trusts Hecate with her daughter’s life.
So Demeter closes her eyes and lets her guard down for a moment.
Just one moment.
Demeter lets the sound of children playing roll over her as her back finally relaxes into the worn wood of her favorite park bench, in the shade of a large olive tree that gave scores of plump green olives every fall. She lets her worries slip away from her, the upcoming tasks for the harvest that will feed their small community in the coming months, the mistakes her ambitious brothers have made to piss their neighbors off, the pesticides locals kept using to damage the pollinators essential to her work. Demeter sets them all down on the bench beside her and closes her eyes. The shrill voices of children comfort her.
But she knows the difference between joy and terror.
And she knows her daughter’s voice.
Demeter’s eyes snap open when the cry reaches her ears, not one of joy, not one of flowers picked or adventures pursued, but one of sheer panic. She is off her favorite bench so quickly that the world threatens to spin around her. Demeter shakes off the vertigo, the hair she’s just a little too in love with the hack off whipping across her face as she frantically scans for her daughter.
“Demeter?” Hecate asks. Her eyes are wide, her fingers stilled on her knitting, her voice shaking slightly because she had heard it too.
There are children darting from attraction to attraction. Athena is kneeling with some new neighborhood kids, pointing up at the olive tree and explaining how it’ll grow fruit once it starts getting cold. Artemis is racing against a long-legged boy she’s beat a hundred times before. Calypso from next door is playing with the water fountain even though she’s been told not to time and time again.
Demeter looks and looks and looks, voices shrieking in her ears, rocks tumbling and crashing and world falling apart, until she feels Hecate’s hand on her arm. Demeter looks down at her second or third cousin possibly twice removed, her heart pounding in her chest.
“Where’s Persephone?”
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cosmic-llin · 6 years
tell me what you'd write for a worst witch/star trek crossover
Oooh, I’m not really a crossover person generally (it hurts my brain if the universes don’t fit together neatly) but I could totally see the staff and students of Cackle’s as a starship crew.
Like, obviously Ada is the captain and Hecate is the first officer, and I think Dimity would be the second officer and maybe also the pilot. She’s an amazing flyer but she’s also often the one making insightful points in the senior staff briefing.
Marigold is the science officer, and she’s super into the joy of discovery and exploration. She and Hecate complement each other really well because Hecate knows everything there is to know about Starfleet procedures and strategy and history, but Marigold is amazing at thinking outside the box when they’re in a tight corner.
Julie is the chief medical officer. Her sickbay is pretty informal but her team are extremely well trained and they snap into action in an emergency.
The kids are all cadets, there on a training rotation. I feel like Mildred is maybe a Bajoran? She has a lot of talent but her life experiences so far haven’t given her the opportunities her fellow cadets have had, so she struggles, but she’s clearly going to be brilliant someday.
Instead of being Ada’s twin, Agatha is her duplicate who was created in a transporter accident and is now always out to get Ada because she feels Ada got “their” life.
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Waffle Recap 9-13
Night 2 of 3 at the hotel this trip.Got in line insanely early because I was coming from Brooklyn and meeting Kae there (she was coming from work in the Financial District). Less than 10 minutes after I decided to just wait in line, a group of several kids showed up. I have to say, I am not loving some of these side effects bleeding over from the Shanghai show. I have noticed that people line up much earlier in the last several months.
First looped with Steph C.’s Danvers. I am not entirely sure why. It was one of those moments where I was truly just drawn to the character and followed my instincts. Steph has never disappointed when I have looped with her characters.
Before she exited the ballroom with Lady Macduff, she helped her off the floor and held her close but was sure that Lady Macduff was close and positioned/forced to watch sexy witch lay out a very passionate kiss on Macduff before leading her away. She gave a very subtle head nod toward the pair as to say “watch what is about to happen”. It was much clearer from an audience perspective than that detail has ever been before and it really laid the ground work for an emotionally complex character Steph spent the next hour portraying. 
As Lady Macduff stumbled up the stairs, I struggled to see Danvers hiding in the shadows. I knew where she was waiting but Steph used the corner and the light to almost perfectly blend into the shadows. She was almost completely invisible. It was astonishing.
The Danvers 1:1 was legitimately the best Danvers 1:1 I have ever gotten. She was intense, her delivery was perfect, her positioning throughout was spot on creating perfect visuals. I have never seen it flow quite as seamlessly as it did last night. Steph’s been a resident for a while now and her experience shows big time!
Her feelings of sympathy and love toward Duncan were fervent in every scene they had together. As he slept on the bed and she took his shirt, the audience could see the personal struggle she was grappling with. She sat on the end of the bed and threaded her hand through his shirt sleeve then cradled her neck and face as if it was Duncan holding her. It was a heartbreaking moment.
You could feel Danvers’ resentment in every scene with Lady Macduff and the milk. Step’s Danvers has no qualms with her relationship with the Macduffs. The hated as she wandered through their apartment was real. 
Her scene pre-ballroom with Lady Macbeth was once again hard to watch. Taylor’s Lady Macbeth is ruthless. The level of control and manipulativeness was uncomfortable to witness. At one point when Lady Macbeth sits down in the chair, Taylor at and crossed her legs but hiked up her dress as she did so that her legs were on display to mid thigh. Lady Macbeth exhibited clear controlling behavior using her sexuality to force Danvers hand in poisoning Duncan. She pulled Danvers close when she was indecisive putting Danvers hands on her lower back and hip. The way she pulled her close intimately before kissing her only to promptly leave when the poison was administered. The scene was played beautifully making it very emotionally challenging to watch. It makes you feel sympathy for a woman who takes the utmost joy in poisoning and tormenting a pregnant Lady Macduff. There are only a few truly innocent parties in the McKittrick but so many victims.
Adam Griffith’s Taxi is a bit of an intellectual dork and I love it! He is still sinister, make no mistake, but it is truly a new take on Taxi that is very interesting. Love the glasses!
Tori’s Hecate scares me. She is terrifying and I always feel like I am in trouble. I probably am.
Molly Griffin is a terrific dancer! Check her out- her bald witch is very good already.
I have a running fear that Hecate is going to throw me through a wall. I think it started when Tara Franklin’s Hecate pushed me up against a wall during Find My Ring. You all know exactly what I’m talking about if you ever had the 1:1. I am a bigger person. I think that being a bigger person who actors sometimes recognize often results in actors becoming rough with me. I am TOTALLY fine with this. I love a good physical, rough 1:1 or interaction. Go for it, I’m game. EXCEPT when it comes to this particular wall. I am positive that I will eventually be thrown into this wall so hard that the wall will give way and Hecate’s lair will be left in shambles. Like I said, this all stems from a time when Tara (who was the smallest Hecate know to man) pushed me up against this particular wall very hard and it shook (as it always does) and I heard several things falling/breaking on the other side of said wall. I am now totally convinced I this wall is going to give way eventually and Tori does nothing to quell those fears. She is exceptionally good at being intimidating and slamming me into walls. So I’m sorry to all the other people who don’t get 1:1′s after I destroy this wall one of these days. Hopefully, I will come out unscathed.
I watched the last 15 minutes of Danvers’ loop because Steph was that damn good last night and I couldn’t get enough. We headed down to the ballroom, she held my body in an incredibly intimidating way considering she is ½ my size then as we went to walk out together, applause erupted. Not a few people clapping like I have heard maybe once or twice (and I think it is weird then) but full on robust applause. It was still dark as we headed to the stairs but I could hear her burst out laughing which caused me to let out the laugh that I was barely holding onto. The audience tonight was having none of Macbeth apparently! Fuck that guy! It was so weird. I have never heard that level of excitement over the finale before. A first after 70+ shows.
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