#this is essentially a huge conspiracy theory
creature-wizard · 9 months
What advice would you give to someone new to witchcraft or curious about starting their journey?
Quite a bit, I hope you don't mind a long post!
Make sure your ingredients and stuff aren't toxic to you or your pets. Essential oils, certain stones, many herbs, and so on can be extremely harmful if used improperly.
If you're going to use candles, research candle and fire safety.
Certain mystical practices/views can potentially create issues with certain mental illnesses. EG, anxiety can make you prone to thinking everything is a sign. OCD can make you prone to worrying whether you've offended the gods/spirits. This doesn't mean you shouldn't practice, it just means that you should be aware of how your mental illnesses impact your beliefs and thoughts.
Nothing is absolutely essential. Anyone who tells you that there's some item or herb you must have is probably trying to sell you something.
Aesthetic is cool and also useful for getting into the right headspace.
There are many models and theories of magic. Some people are very certain that their model is the One True Model, but there's always going to be someone whose own experience says otherwise.
Magical practitioners of the past improvised and made it up as they went along, too. (I say "magical practitioners" because very few of them would have actually called themselves "witches.")
Be aware that you're going to run into a lot of pseudohistory. The witch cult hypothesis had a huge influence on the modern witchcraft movement, and some people still cling to it. There's a lot of people still claiming that Christmas and Easter were stolen from pagans. Many people anachronistically project modern magical models onto the past. Some people believe this because it's just what they heard somewhere; some people believe it because they're conspiracy theorists. You can't entirely avoid it, but you can learn to recognize it. YouTube channels like Angela's Symposium, ReligionForBreakfast, and ESOTERICA are great places to start learning about actual religious and occult history.
You can also get better at recognizing conspiracy theories by learning their most common tropes. I wrote about them in this post and this post.
The whole concept of cultural appropriation isn't about policing what people do, and anyone who tries to use it that way is being a dick. It's about respecting marginalized cultures' boundaries and not depriving them of money, goods, etc. See this post for more information.
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penguinkyun · 6 months
chapter 146 review
i feel a little insane about this chapter. alright not just a bit a lot oh my god we are so back everyone 
before we begin, due to the nature of this chapter including himekawa airi, csa and child abuse along with a murder suicide are going to be mentioned so if you do not feel upto engaging please click off and take care of yourself
lets start with the filming scenes then. so we start with airi trying to reassert control and get into hikaru's head by telling him taiki was his son (horrifying) and how he would return to her because no one would love him (can i strangle her can i please please i really fucking want to this absolute-). this is the lead up to what is essentially the turning point in kamiki's life and hkai relationship: the uehara-himekawa murder suicide.
its so incredibly fucked that right after hikaru asks ai if she'll love him forever (as a direct response to airi manipulating him) she doesnt outright say yes (but she admitted she was trying to be honest and that is such a huge step forward for her) and when he tells uehara, the murder suicide happens. its a string of events very heavily culminating in an absolutely horrible situation for kamiki to find himself in. you can see from that panel of kamiki screaming that he absolutely did not mean for that to happen and it weighs on him. and speaking of weights…the Cut 156: Importance of Life comes right after the scene of the uehara-himekawa murder suicide. doesn't that name sound very Very similar to a certain dialogue? 
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honestly its this similarity that has me tentatively putting out an incredibly batshit theory that for some reason, before filming and the final script was produced, aqua and kamiki met and something in that conversation caused a noticeable shift in how kamiki was portrayed in film. because for a film meant to murder someone, its oddly sympathetic isn't it? even to the point ai herself becomes a little less sympathetic. almost like it isn't kamiki's sole responsibility (although he was definitely involved) of the murder of ai and that someone else was pulling the strings as well cough secret villain kaburagi-. 
the shift is obvious in how frill calls it an extremely spiteful script…but once the final script is produced, both mem and kana point out that there is some kindness in the work, and that its difficult to say whether there is hatred or not. very shrimptresting. 
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this is also backed up by…how exactly did aqua know all of this? i doubt kamiki would've told anyone else except maybe ai, and the only person who would know all of this down to the exact detail is kamiki himself. 
right this is becoming a full conspiracy theory that deserves its own post so lets move on 
anyway this chapter was so good for hikaru-ruby and ai-aqua parallels because hikaru nearly begging ai to say she loves him and will stay forever is incredibly reminiscent of ruby asking aqua if sensei still likes her and not letting him go out of fear he'd disappear if she did so and how both ai and aqua deflect awkwardly in those conversations out of discomfort with the question being presented to them and out of a desire to not outright lie to kamiki and ruby respectively
sidenote: goddamn the acting in this chapter. frill deserves several many awards for this film
sidenote sidenote: in movie!kamiki flopping onto ai was so adorable askjfsks ruby flopped the same way onto ai (in the bath scene in the volume extra)
and before we get to the next section let me just- 
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kana nation we are so fucking back. 
this really is the start of aqua opening up!!! finally. i wonder what shift caused this given how intent he was on Never Telling Anyone but man am i so happy its happening. aqua being happy for the first time in quite a while like…how many chapters has it been? he's happy for 0.6 seconds!!! he giggled!!! im so happy aqua is actually happy askhfsks
aqua also now has a specific wry smile when talking about his mental health (just like ai has a very specific suffocating smile when shes trying to deflect)
kana’s response to this is honestly incredibly in character in that expression of concern she has seconds before she decides to keep the status quo of bickering esque dialogue that she has with aqua (likely trying not the overwhelm him) but very clearly expressing that she doesn’t want aqua to die and extracting the promise from him that he wouldn’t do so. then proceeding to act extra silly to try and cheer him up. kana i love you
aqua dropping the “i find myself happy when im with you” inhales. please excuse me while i go scream into the void. aquakana lets fucking goooooo. and kana quietly saying it back when aqua leaves? auuuuuughhhh
and finally, the real star of this chapter: KAMIKI’S BACK WITH THE MILK THIS IS NOT A DRILL HES BACK
so many things are interesting about these last few panels because at first i thought ruby was at ai’s grave but on a closer look she’s actually at a shrine? hm. for whom i wonder. did crow girl finally get fed up and tell her to give reverence akfsjsks. 
thing is, i don't think ruby’s in danger. because back in the chapter where kamiki debuted (c.72) he…never actually expresses any hatred or dislike towards her? honestly its rather reads like he’s proud of her and also nino apparently confirmed to kamiki that she wasn’t like ai so if that is his actual motive she’s not in danger of being killed for that. akamengo are the real antagonists of this series for the break next week fr. don’t you love oshi no ko our favourite biweekly manga
so this is an interesting ground for a father-daughter conversation isn’t it? 
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joesalw · 8 months
I just read this and now I feel like I need to read this book 🤪😅
"My only conspiracy theory is that the "englishness" aura of folklore specifically happened when she got her hands on Joe' great grandfather journals during the pandemic and connected with him on a spiritual level.I read his biography, William had a mental breakdown, ran away to the countryside and composed a symphony staring at his pre raphealites paintings, folklore is in the same category of shit you spill when you're living with a secret Rossetti collection in isolation. Essentially they were ghost-hunting.
The book is available for free on Internet Archive, it's called "The Innumerable Dance: the life and work of william alwyn"It's hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time, it starts with the biographer talking to doreen - HUGE composer and his second wife - clearly putting William on a pedestal and then cut to his son (Joe's Grandpa):"Well, no. Actually, he was lazy. And a cunt. Lowkey attention whore. Too delulu to recognize both of his wives were way better than him" and "Doreen was the worst thing to happen to me in WWII. She's also a simp" - not in a misogynistic way, because they were in somewhat good terms, very matter-of-factly.It's hard to explain but every single person depicted is borderline unhinged and funny. Joe's dad makes an appearance but it's more in a "jim staring at the camera in disbelief like it's the office". William's mom Ada forced him to go into music very early on, she was also a witch and would do séances.Then you read William's journal passages and he such a mess?After reading, I do start to wonder if Joe being those levels of guarded comes from his entire generational trauma already being in public domain"
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margareth-lv · 1 year
🖐🏻 Five Ws 🖐🏻
When a project starts to get complicated it's time go to back to the fundamentals and ask five basic questions for getting the complete story on a subject.
According to the principle of the Five Ws, a report can only be considered complete if it answers five questions starting with an interrogative word:
Who is it about?
What happened?
When did it take place?
Where did it take place?
Why did it happen?
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Let's play British pupils aged between 7 and 14 years. Let's ust ask ourselves the most elementary questions. Let's try to itemize our fandom stuff.
Caitriona Mary Balfe.
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[Assume that Sam Roland Heughan's participation in the project is negligible 😉]
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... was suffering from a severe bloating after the delivery of her 'first son'. Her postpartum belly has been constantly growing instead of decreasing in size.
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[October 28; November 4; November 9; November 15/19?, November 29; December 5, 2021 and January 12, 2022]
And as I am a huge fan of conspiracy theories, I allow myself to ask an additional, tricky question: why this beauty shot of January 12, 2022 was deleted from its original Instagram account?
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Between October 2021 and January 2022. Let me repeat it clearly: the situation as at January 12, 2022 was as shown below.
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All over the globe, in Europe and in the US.
Why Oh Why 😉
Ooh why, Why did you have to lie Cause I felt the trust start to die Why oh why When I still love you It's so hard to say goodbye.
Although there is no doubt that some intellectual progress has been made, the fact is that a few essential questions still remain unanswered.
[June 2, 2023]
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pigeonflavouredcake · 2 years
The Dangers of Delusion
A lot of people on tiktok and tumblr and other spiritual spaces are seeing a HUGE rise in conspiracy theories and and persecution complexes. This isn't just in right wing spaces this is everywhere; I think with late stage capitalism fucking us over more than ever more and more people are turning to conspiracy theories and delusions to keep themselves in some sense of control but it is melting their brains in the process.
I'm going to ask y'all to read/write about conspiracy theories and psychosis for your own sake so you can recognise it better.
Here's what I've written in my own grimoire, my references will be at the bottom. If anything I've written happens to be incorrect please correct me, otherwise take this in and share it however you can.
Conspiracy theories relate to the government, or secret religious groups behind them, elaborate murder plots and “think of the children'' arguments. Most spiritual/religious conspiracy theories are ableist/racist/antisemitic. The origin for many modern conspiracy theories peddled today came about from a series of antisemitic propaganda called Protocols of The Elders of Zion (1903) -though documented records of antisemitism go as far back as the medieval times.
This fraudulent document made reports of secret meetings of Zionists, Jews, and Freemasons making plans to disrupt Christian civilisation and replace it with their own socialist government. The propaganda forged conspiracies like the shadow government, and blood libels (the murder of Christian children and using their blood in religious rituals) and that Jews were behind it all. Many of these conspiracy theories were also untilised in the satanic panic of the 60's to 80's. (Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2022)
An example of the dangers of antisemitism in today's times would be the website Gaia who promotes spiritual wellness and yoga lessons alongside sci-fi and antisemetic conspiracy theories including the existence of reptilians, cryptids, Atlantis, and secret deep space technology. The reptilian conspiracy theory is a subsect of the shadow government conspiracy that evolved from Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Gaia's website features this introduction on their page titled Cabal:
“Powerful elites won’t disclose strategic deception or historical disinformation when it comes to the New World Order. From the Freemasons to the Illuminati, there are countless conspiracy theories tied to these top secret societies. But what is the truth? A mass consciousness shift looms as we expose shadow governments, mysterious organisations, new-age technologies, evidence of UFOs, and cover-ups that will change everything…” (Gaia.com)
Common Spiritual Conspiracy Theories (Nichols, I. (Wendigoon). 2022)
-5D Ascension: Pseudoscientific
-Alien abductions: Outer space, existential
-Archons/ancient aliens secretly run the universe and feed off negative energy: Pseudoscientific, antisemetic
-Atlantis (covered in a previous post): Pseudoscientific, antisemetic
-Cryptids/Cryptozoology: Pseudoscientific
-Essential oils cure everything: Pseudoscientific, medicinal
-Life is a simulation: Existential
-Qanon: Political, racist, antisemetic
-Secret Satanic rituals/cabal: Political, antisemetic
-Starseeds/indigo children: Pseudoscientific, outer space, ableist
Antisemetic Stereotypes/Propaganda
-Characters with exaggerated noses, greasy hair, black eyes, speaking with their hands (goblins)
-Money oriented, greedy, thieving personalities
-Secretly running the world in a cabal or shadow government
-Sacrificing children/christians to satan/drinking their blood
-Aliens created ancient architecture (like the pyramids) as opposed to the people of colour from those countries
-The Jewish god is actually the king of archons/satan and created reptilians by mating with humans for world domination (Reptilians include: political leaders, monarchs and Jewish people)
Another important thing to learn is recognising the difference between a spiritual experience and potential psychosis.
According to the NHS, Psychosis is a form of mental health issue where a person loses contact with reality. This can manifest in hallucinations, delusions and confused and disturbed thoughts. Causes can range from other mental illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorders or severe depression, traumatic events such as childbirth, or drug and alcohol abuse. These symptoms can also occur in isolated smaller cases during periods of stress.
Hallucinations are sensory experiences that do not exist outside a person’s mind. A common hallucination is hearing your name being called or seeing colours, shapes or people that aren’t there. A hallucination can also be feeling touched when no one is there, or smelling something no one else can smell or tasting something when there’s nothing in your mouth.
Hallucinations are the most common isolated experience that can occur due to stress, sleep deprivation, hallucinogenic drugs or some prescribed medications.
A delusion is considered an unshakeable belief in something untrue that doesn’t line up with reality. There are two main types of delusions:
Persecutory: The belief that an individual or organisation is making plans to hurt or kill them (think big pharma and covid vaccine micro chips or the Christian persecution complex).
Grandiose: The belief that a person has power and authority (for example, the person may say they are the messiah/chosen one, poses secret powers or psychic abilities or special connections to political figures or deities) (Legg, T. J. Bruise, C. 2017)
People experiencing a psychotic episode are often unaware that their experiences don’t align with reality which may lead them to periods of high anxiety and further isolation.
Disturbed Thoughts
Confused or disturbed thoughts include rapid or constant speech, disturbed speech that switches from one topic to another mid sentence or abrupt pauses in conversations.
If you are concerned you or a loved one may be experiencing symptoms of psychosis seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. The Mental Health Act (1983) covers the assessment and treatment for people with mental health issues and states that a person can only be compulsorily admitted if the mental issue/disorder is of the appropriate degree to be admitted or if the issue puts themselves or other people’s safety at risk. This act also states that you can be treated against your will however certain major treatments like brain surgery can not be done without clear consent.
-The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2022). Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Britannica.com [Webpage]
-Gaia (DNA) Cabal: Powerful elites won’t disclose strategic deception or historical disinformation when it comes to the New World Order. Gai.com [Webpage]
-Nichols, I. (Wendigoon). (2022). The Conspiracy Theory Iceberg. Youtube.com [Video]
-NHS (2019). Mental Health Conditions: Psychosis: Symptoms - Psychosis. nhs.co.uk [Webpage]
-Legg, T. J. Bruise, C. (2017). Delusions of Grandeur: How to Spot Them. healthline.com [Webpage]
-Legislation.gov.uk (DNA). Mental Health Act 1983. legislation.gov.uk [Webpage]
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the-interidiot · 2 months
I LOVE your headcanons and can’t wait to read more of them!
Meet the Robinsons headcanons P2 - Fritz and his Kids.
[Possible trigger warning for self deprecating behavior/words. Also, unrelated but I LOVE feedback/responses! If you have anything to add or comment on a reblog, pls do!!!!]
Fritz suffers from generalized anxiety, separation anxiety, and dyslexia.
He’s never broken a bone, and Gaston occasionally tries to push him into dangerous situation on purpose to probe him to break one.
⬆️ This is out of love. The Framaguccis have the very solid belief injury builds character.
Fritz is HUGE on grooming. He isn’t a clean freak, but he is the kind of guy to own seven shampoos and frequently buy everyone else bathing stuff.
Fritz is the only person in the house in denial about that doll being real. The doll is, by the way, not real.
‘Petunia’ was carved by Fritz, and while doing so he cut off multiple of his fingers, and the stitches are very visible on his puppeting hand if he ever takes the doll off.
Fritz is ambidextrous, as are BOTH his children.
Tallulah and Laszlo are both trans, MTF and FTM respectively.
Tallulah stays up until 4am watching conspiracy theory videos and then randomly blurts stuff about cryptids at breakfast.
She claims she hates any energy drink because caffeine is a blight on the world, but consumes about 7 cups of coffee an hour.
The other Robinsons literally hide the pot past noon, and it’s saying a LOT if a Robinson cuts you off something.
Tallulah is the only person from her side of the family who isn’t neurodivergent at all.
She makes all the Halloween costumes in August and then waits impatiently for Halloween (and Summerween, because this family celebrates that 100%).
She loves short haired dogs and cats. HATES anything that sheds, unfortunately including the family dog.
Laszlo is autistic, I have covered this before.
He also suffers from sensory based OCD, which is only shared with Wilbur in the rest of the family.
Laszlo has nightmares but always forgets what they’re about.
Hes EXTREMELY intelligent, but has the attention span of a toddler and prefers painting over inventing.
He can’t cook. There is a sticky note on all the appliances he isn’t allowed to use, which include but are not limited to: The oven, the stove, the toaster, the coffee maker, the toaster over, the air fryer, the dishwasher, and the second sink.
Laszlo cannot draw people for shit without the gun, but he is WEIRDLY good an animals. He probably had a fursona growing up.
Laszlo had blue hair growing up and looked a little homeless with how ratty he dressed. He was also into anime. (Have any of you seen NPMD? Teenage Laszlo is essentially just Richard Lipshitz from that musical.)
Laszlo, unlike his sister LOVES large, fluffy dogs - the bigger the better.
Laszlo uses his goggles as a comfort object and will panic without them.
‘Petunia’ has pads installed in her hands to soften blows on Fritz. Art added this out of genuine concern Fritz was using the doll for self deprecating purposes.
‘Petunia’ has a time out box, curtesy of everyone else.
Essentially everybody but Laszlo looks for any excuse to get that doll away from Fritz. Bud is the nicest about it, not at all trying to stop Fritz from having her, but not acknowledging ‘Petunia’ when possible.
Laszlo sometimes takes the doll when Fritz is asleep and stares at it in the middle of the night.
He doesn’t remember his mom.
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squids-comics · 9 months
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So I just finished Loki, and I think I know where the MCU is going. This is going to sound like a wild conspiracy theory, but if it happens, Avengers 5 and 6 will make Endgame look tiny in comparison.
Spoilers ahead for any and all Kang related developments, as well as some Spider-Man stuff.
The groundwork so far:
Loki season one ended with the reveal of He Who Remains, a variant of Kang the Conqueror who stopped all the other Kang variants from existing by erasing the multiverse. He did this to prevent a war between the Kang variants that would cause all universes to explode or something. Ominous and spooky!
He dies and the multiverse happens, meaning the Kang war is going to happen, and it's going to happen soon.
Then Spider-Man no way home happened and Spidey and Dr Strange messed around in the multiverse. We'll come back to this.
Now I thought the show What If? was supposed to offer a teaser for the Kang War.
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For those of you who skipped it, What If? takes us on a trip through the multiverse, showing us new takes on beloved characters. These included Peggy Carter but as a super soldier, Dr Strange but as an eldritch horror, and Thor but as a frat bro.
I figured the Kang War would follow our typical MCU cast that we all know and love and then these guys swoop in and help stop the bad guys in a big climactic moment, like the "on your left" in Endgame. I don't think that's the case anymore. And it's all thanks to one small line of dialogue at the very end of Loki season 2.
At the very end of Loki season 2, the TVA is restructured to be on the lookout for variants of Kang. One of the workers said a variant was sighted near the 616 branch. That is the single line that made everything click.
For those unaware (like I was when I first heard the line, I did a bit of research before writing all this out!), the MCU used to be branch 199999 of the multiverse, but has recently been renamed to branch 616. 616 is also the branch of the main comic universe, which essentially separates the two multiverses indefinitely. But that is actually a genius move, one that lets the films build their own multiverse without needing to worry about prior lore from the comics. And What If? is only a small sampling of what that multiverse has to offer.
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No Way Home! I told you we'd come back to it. This one film has been the biggest project to flesh out the MCU multiverse. We all thought it was fan service, but we couldn't see the big picture yet.
The climax of the film involves the Spider-Man from Sam Raimi's Spider-Man films and the Spider-Man from the Amazing Spider-Man films coming into the MCU 616 universe to help MCU Spidey fight his villains. This explicitly connects these three franchises into the same multiverse! But it doesn't stop there! The end credits scene (as well as Morbius' end credits scene) connected it to Sony's Venom-verse! That's four franchises that the Kang War can pull from, but it's going to be even bigger!!
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There's one small throwaway line in Across the Spider-Verse that connects the Spider-Verse films to the MCU. Miguel O'Hara complains about the various things going wrong across the Spider-Verse, including "Dr Strange and that nerdy kid from Earth 199999". Earth 199999 is the old name for the MCU. Miguel is upset over the events of No Way Home.
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We could see some (or all) of these Spideys could show up in the Kang War. Tell me that wouldn't be way cooler than anything Endgame did!
I don't think it will stop there either! I remember one project really stood out to me when they were announcing their phase five and six plans for the MCU.
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The first X-Men project in the MCU, and it's a continuation of a thirty year old cartoon. Plus, they greenlit it for a second season before the first was even released. X-Men are the fourth best selling single issue comic series of all time (behind Spider-Man, Batman, and Superman), making them a huge IP. Making their first project in the MCU something as niche as this feels like a slight misstep. Unless, this project is aiming to tie the original cartoon into the multiverse, letting these versions of the X-Men fight in the Kang War. I guess we'll find out when the show debuts in a few months.
There's also one more thing that they could possibly tie in, that I don't think they will.
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I don't think they'll actually do it, but it would be really really funny if they did.
(Also Insomniac's Spider-Man games complicate this whole thing a lot, but I've already wrote way too much so I'll cover that in a future post if this one does well)
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vetinarivimesy · 1 year
Gargh I genuinely wish I liked this show more - I like the returning characters, I loved all the intriguing hints of new lore stuff, aesthetically it looked fantastic... The casting was mostly perfection. I could even (mostly) put aside my increasing annoyance at post-Lucas-Star War's increasingly negative stance on the jedi that seems to be influenced by the fans who were adults when the Prequels/90s films came out who insist that those films were all about how the jedi were evil actually, when... No seriously those films were aimed at 12 year olds how did the very basic genocide is bad actually message fly over their heads so collectively?
​But ye gods I really felt the whole, Filoni's been working on 20 minute episodes his whole career with this one. 
I think the thing that properly tipped me over from, I'm enjoying this show, but it's frequently frustrating, because I am unfortunately a fan with opinions... into no, this thing is just frustrating as the finale rolled to its extremely predictable end that he'd not so much done an Empire ending, as promised, yet again, to answer the questions he'd been posing throughout next time... Only next time is hardly guaranteed, as sadly epitomised by the waste of Ray Stephenson's rather intriguing character - let alone the way both Claudia Black and Wes Chatham were essentially one step above being glorified extras.
Eh I liked Mando S3 and even BoBF I adored Andor and Kenobi - I'm hardly impartial. I even quite like Ahsoka for what it was, rather than allowing my sheer annoyance at what it wasn't get me too enraged at all the George Lucas never implied that moments with his worldbuilding - stated very publicly to be the opposite to Filoni's takes several times.
I loved the new galaxy, the Purrgils, getting to see the Rebels gang again, most of the Baylan and Shin stuff and Claudia Black getting to be a terrifying Nightmother, the Kintsugi troopers, and the extremely blatant Stargate type worldbuilding can I copy your homework stuff. Even Huyang in live action, as frustrating as the constant jedi-negging by proxy was... Ezra was perfect. Love the little crab people and seeing Chopper, as toned down for live action as he was.
But Filoni, Dave, Hat-Man, please, if you're going to do glacial and epic mysteries that end on an Empire style cliffhanger at least give us some reassurance that you have a plan and know how all the plot-threads are going to go? And that your worldbuilding is in fact internally consistent actually and not just based on vibes with some degree of yeah this does have coherence... The occassional utterly incoherent aside, for you to go oh yeah, the New Republic are all fucking terrible actually, as bad as the space nazis actually, moments were not reassuring. And in the hands of a different writer I'd have been fascinated by the Sabine getting the force stuff... But I really sincerely do not trust you with this.
You keep leaving extremely important character and worldbuilding moments off-screen, not even summed up, just stated in a sentence then rapidly glossed over. With excruciating lengths of time given to portentious dialogue and incoherent ramblings about how the jedi deserved their own genocide actually.
No? Too much to ask? One and a half plot-threads proved too much to keep spinning..?
Of which, admittedly James SA Corey/David Abraham/Ty Franck you are not you could barely keep one plot thread going coherently let alone the half-dozen or so they kept spinning all the way through.
Actually, no, you know what. Fuck it. This has annoyed me enough that I am going to go off and watch Wes Chatham not be utterly wasted in a glorified extra role, in a sci-fi series featuring mysterious rings and huge conspiracy theories by corporate and fascistic government powers alike fuelled by greed and capriciousness but above all about humanity overcoming.
At least that one doesn't flanderise its own characters and worldbuilding for the rule of cool, and the at times seemingly glacial (but not actually) very deliberately paced plot actually serves a purpose that comes together into something spectacular.
Its that or Farscape to wash the bad taste out. But that's another property heavy on the evil space fascists who never quite seem to get an in-universe comeuppance.
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gallifreyandistress · 5 months
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Antonio got a tad bit silly. hehe. A bit of "offensive" lore from my alt-histoty universe. i translated it trough a translator, so it sucks, srrrry. "Vivaldi is a clearly mentally unhealthy person. promoting conspiracy theories and believing that everyone in the world has been " distorted", since the passing of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi. Being one of those entities that were closer to Father Jamal (Jamal was the one who created Earth.), Father Muammar (the one, who created the society) and Mother Mabrouka (the mother of this Universe herself) - they can live forever without changing appearance. (although in the beginning, in the Archean Eon, they did not have that appearance.), he witnessed the death of both of them. After that, he decided to create the "Nabi". A system that allowed him to see all of humanity. And then, it dawned on him that all humans are rotten, and everything must be turned into Archean eon once again. as those who followed the path of Jamalism. including Antonio himself believe"
Father Jamal looks like a huge paint-white mass that hides under a huge robe and a white turban wrapped around his face to cover it. (tldr: he's literally a huge colorless fat blob, yay.)
And if awakened, gets somewhat... apocalyptic. The first thing that happens is that humans are completely "dumbed down". Their minds shut down and they're not just like animals, basically they're like huge amoebas. But despite the brain death, people are alive. After that, it takes a week-long process, something akin to melting.
People are essentially melting back into the primordial soup from which they came.
And that's what the Jamalists worship. For them, it's the purest existance ya'll. :p
please just ban me from this website.
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creature-wizard · 1 year
(I am asking this genuinely and in a good faith, I just want to understand things)
So, there is a big list of tropes of antisemitic conspiracies that people advice to look for to notice said conspiracies even when they try to pass as something different. And while I totally get how most of them tie in with antisemitism or originate from it, I feel like some of them are too vague, and basically just general anxieties of population. I am talking about things like secret plots to get political power, destruction of traditions (you know what it means), organisation of civilian unrests, brainwashing, so on. I see around me how those tropes are used against other groups of people, and I don't mean against obvious stand-ins for Jews, I mean communists, priesthood of specific branches of Christian church, neighbouring states (to organize consolidation with current ruling class obv), and other people whom conspiracy theorists genuinely want to target. Just because they are convenient tropes to build outrage-provoking narrative around, or at least that's how I interpret it. (All examples are from last week, so it's a common thing at least here)
So when they are listed as what to look for in specifically antisemitic conspiracies, is it done because it's better to overreact and they are more often used this way, is it because there is a huge chance that due to existing culture there is a huge chance that someone will try to tie antisemitism to initially unrelated conspiracy, or some other option that I am missing?
You're correct that a lot of this stuff is just general anxieties. The thing is that we live in a culture that has specific narratives to contextualize our anxieties in, and those narratives are mostly antisemitic.
Even when the conspiracy theories appear to be targeting gentiles, you'll usually find them tied into antisemitism somewhere - EG, communism is blamed on Jews all the time, and transgender is currently blamed on Jews whom they claim are secretly Satanists.
When it comes to conspiracy theories about the Catholic Church being created to hide the truth from people, you'll generally only have to ask "created by whom?" to see the antisemitism pop out. They basically never answer "by the Roman government." They more often blame it on a vague and nebulous group of early Christians, whom they essentially claim were conspiring to spread Jewish patriarchy, because (according to them), Judaism itself was a conspiracy to suppress the divine feminine or something. Some will cut out the middleman entirely, and claim that the Catholic Church was founded by Jews.
And you're also right about conspiracy theories that weren't initially antisemitic becoming antisemitic. Like the Tartaria conspiracy theory had nothing to do with Jews for all of a minute before antisemitic conspiracy theorists incorporated it into their belief system and made it antisemitic.
I hope this answers your question, anon!
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askdisspair · 1 year
Hey ikkan why do some people call you Quinn in some magazines and media is that a fake name ?? Warabi what does mashup mean
ikkan: oh yeah, we got this one a lot. warabi’s is way easier to explain.
warabi: ugh, it’s kind of embarrassing, though. i used to go by mashup really early in my music career. an alias of sorts, i guess. some people still call me that, and it’s kinda funny. i don’t mind, though.
ikkan: quinn is a very long story. essentially, it was a nickname given to me by friends years ago, for….some reason, i actually can’t remember the story behind it. a few people picked up on it, and either used it to go along with the joke, or because they were somehow convinced that was my real name. it’s not, by the way, my real name is in fact ikkan.
warabi: i remember there was this huge debacle back in…december, i think. it was a relatively small thing before then, but the media started getting really confused as to what the whole deal was, which is what popularised the whole thing. it was really funny to watch, honestly.
ikkan: we still go through old videos and articles to listen to the conspiracy theories about our secret identities when we get bored.
warabi: we do. some people think we’re spies.
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cyberfaer13 · 2 years
MK-Ultra Mind Control
I’m aware that essentially the entire conspiracy theory community knows about MK-Ultra but I’m going to give a brief description of what it is before I jump into my theory.
For those who don’t know, or just want more detail, MK-Ultra was an experiment lead by the CIA in the 1950's to the 1960's. During the early time of the Cold War, the CIA believed that the communists had developed a form of human mind control and were also intent on figuring out how they could control the thoughts and actions of humans. They thought that maybe they could accomplish this goal with the use of drugs, though this was not the only method used. Their mission was utlimately unsuccesful in the end and so they shut the project down. Or, well, they at least told the public that they shot the project down.
MK-Ultra experiments were mainly carried out on prisoners, but they also did quite a few at research centres with volunteers from the general public. During these experiments, people would be given extremely high doses of psychadelic drugs, electroshock therapy and paralytics. Some of the subjects were aware that it was a study and others were blindly tested. Many lives were lost during these experiments.
Now, you're probably thinking, how could such a huge experiment not be shut down? Especially with the laws on human experimentation, the fact that psychadelic drugs are illegal and electroshock therapy is extremely outdated?
I see your point. However, I believe that this wasn't the first time people attempted to weaponize the human mind by attempting to control it. And in my opinion, it certainly will not be the last.
Many of you may also know about the Nazi Medical Experiments during WW2. German physicists carried out horrific experiments on prisoners, always without consent. There was a physician - Dr Kurt Plötner - who worked in the concentration camps. He believed that he could "eliminate the will of the person examined" with the use of Mescaline - a psychotic alkaloid that naturally occurs in the Mexican peyote cactus. This was the main drug used for these experiments. After experimenting on 30 inmates, Plötner decided that Mescaline was "too unreliable" to be effective for this usage as it worked sometimes and other times, it didn't.
We have now established that mind control experiments have occured at least twice in the last hundred years of our history. But what if I told you it is still happening?
In 2013, when Barack Obama was President, he announced to the public the concept of something named the BRAIN Initiative. The project initials for BRAIN mean "Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies". There is a theory that the White House BRAIN Initiative is attempting to unlock the secrets of mind control with nanobots in some form or fashion, though as of right now, there is no evidence that this has been successful.
I do not believe we currently have the technology for mind control. However, we have many different kinds of technology that have similar purposes, so I strongly believe we are not far off unlocking the secrets of controlling the human brain.
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ms-cellanies · 2 years
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182 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
ALITO, GORSUCH, KAVANAUGH & CONEY BARRETT MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE SUPREME COURT.  They owe their positions to The Federalist Society but they are supposed to uphold the U.S. Constitution.
215 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
I stumbled upon this & thought it was quite interesting.  There were stronger restrictions on guns in the “Old West” than the world we’re living in now.  The article even mentions that the understanding of the 2nd Amendment was nothing like what we’ve been dealing with since Scalia & the other RepubliKKKans on the Supreme Court made up their own interpretation.
221 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
Johnson’s comments are the most batshit crazy yet.  Could he be suffering from brain damage?  Seriously just read this statement he made on Sept. 11th:
“ On Sunday Johnson suggested to Levin that liberals, Democrats, and anyone on “the left” as he put it, do not have an inherent right to participate in American life on an equal footing as Republicans.”
236 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
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327 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
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Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories
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For the fourth blog post, I am going to discuss one of the most popular outer space conspiracy theories – That the moon landing in 1969 was fake. Americans stepping foot on the moon has been one of America’s greatest achievements to date, however that achievement has been questioned by many. All arguments claiming that NASA faked the moon landing have all been debunked but there are still some people that believe the moon landing was faked. One reason many have come to this theory is due to the USSR taking commanding lead in the space race.
Let’s discuss a brief history of how this theory came to be. Through the years, there have been many wars and competition. After World War II came to an end, another war erupted – the Cold War. This rivalry was between the United States and the communist Soviet Union. Soldiers in the United States and the Soviet Union did not go into battle during the Cold War. However, the two nations antagonized each other through weapon buildup, an espionage – the use of spies, propaganda, and military coalitions. During the Cold War, many events did occur, the Korean War, the creation of NATO, the Berlin Crisis, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Vietnam War. Another huge event to happen during that time was the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union. 
The Space race was essentially just a giant competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. During the Cold War, the two nations competed in every arena – including space. It began in October 1957 when the Soviets launched Sputnik I, The World’s first artificial satellite into space. The successful launch created fear and chaos among the American public. The Soviet Union then launched Sputnik II, this one carrying a dog named Laika. Sputnik III and even Lunik III, to photograph the dark side of the moon, were also launched. All of Russia’s success would cause the creation of NASA. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration was created for aerospace research and the space program. Their first objective was to launch a manned vehicle into Earth’s orbit. However, the Soviets took the lead again in the space race when they sent Yuri Gagaruin, and he successfully became the first man to enter the Earth’s orbit. Over a year later in 1962, the Americans were successful in sending John Glenn and he became the first American to enter the Earth’s orbit. 
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All this history is what led up to the famous moon landing conspiracy theory. After the successful mission accomplished by John Glenn, The United States President at the time, John F. Kennedy, announced the Apollo Program. This program pledged to put a man on the moon. Now that we have gone over the history that led up to this theory, let’s discuss the facts. The United States and the Soviet Union were in a constant rivalry that lasted almost five decades. The Soviets at the time were “winning” the Cold War when they had success in sending the first artificial satellite into space. They had even more success with sending the first dog into space and sending the first man into Earth’s orbit. The United States was very nervous about all this success. However, with the Soviets taking the lead in the Space Race, the United States still ended up winning when they did the unthinkable – sending men to the moon. Now many were very proud of this achievement, but others were not convinced that it really happened.
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A lot of people believe the moon landing was faked so that the United States could “win” the space race by sending men to the moon first. Others claim the moon landing was faked due to their being no stars in any of the Apollo pictures. However, this was due to the manned mission to the moon being during in the sunny daytime. Any stars would not be seen at the time. Another claim that the moon landing was faked was because in the videos from the Apollo mission, the flag planted on the moon was waving. They claim the flag would have not been on the moon since there is no breeze on the moon. However, this was also debunked as it was waving because when the astronauts were planting it, they had to rotate the pole back and forth to plant the flagpole into the lunar soil, causing the flag to ripple back and forth. 
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Until we return to the moon again, there will also be theories and claims that the moon landing never actually occurred in 1969. However, from the Apollo missions there are over 8,000 publicly available pictures, hours of videos, and audio recording of the Apollo missions. We even have a moon rock the astronauts brought back to Earth. These rocks brought back have also been verified as lunar by labs around the globe. One final coup de grace in the moon landing being faked conspiracy is when Apollo 11 crew went to the moon, they installed an instrument that allows us to reflect lasers from it to allow us to measure the distance to the moon. If the moon landings were faked, we would not be able to do this.After reading all of this, do you still believe the moon landing was faked and the NASA program created one of the biggest conspiracy theories known to man today? Or do you believe we were successful in sending men to the moon?
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sunsetconcert · 2 years
Am currently writing a long Conspiracy Theory Fanfic (Long Story) and came to the realisation that the Southern Church probably took a HUGE hit immediately after the Battle of Eagle and Lion in the 700s
Like, contextualising what *actually happens* in the Battle of Eagle and Lion is fucking insane
Imagine if Italy and Canada went to war, and when Canada won, the Pope said “Okay, we are moving the Vatican to Quebec”. Like, that’s ESSENTIALLY what happened to Adrestia and Faerghus
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culttvblog · 6 months
Dead Head: Anything for England
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The second episode of Dead Head takes us into the show's depiction of the upper circle of hell, as depicted in the upper classes of England. This takes the form of Hugo, the MI5 man, taking Eddie into the dreaded countryside and rubbing up against the upper classes.
Something I'm only noticing on repeated viewings of this show is that it is very heavily culturally coded, and I think possibly one of the things some viewers may miss is that what is depicted here is not actually the upper classes at all. This is explicitly stated in the DVD commentary when the writer, Howard Brenton, states that the show was intended to depict the decline of the upper classes into Hooray Henrys, a decline which I suppose has culminated in people like Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak. However this decline is visible in the show without the need for the commentary or me to tell you, because Britain is such a highly stratified society where slight changes of pronunciation and taste can indicate huge social differences. At one point Hugo (Simon Callow) tells Eddie (Denis Lawson) that he is 'top drawer'. This is how we all know that he isn't top drawer at all, and this isn't made explicit at all. If you're actually out of the top drawer you would never feel the need to tell anyone; far from sheer wealth or status, the actual top drawer has something else, and you can tell it immediately. It also doesn't need to announce itself.
So there is a theme in this circle of hell that the ruling classes are well into their decline, and the sheer corruption of the powerful echelons of society is much of the theme of this episode, including that the brutal murder of a girl (by someone very high up ) must be covered up at the expense of a Tory-voting commoner.
The show takes an interesting approach to the murder, which may or may not be a criticism, which is that most of the show is spent on the other themes of city vs country, poor vs rich, and only abou ten minutes is spent actually explaining the point of the 'Jack the Ripper' theme of the show at all. Hugo explains the whole thing to Eddie over dinner between the 10 and 20 minute points of this episode, and now I put it like that I think this is a valid criticism, that the Jack the Ripper theme is too easily forgotten in the show. So here it is in case you missed it: someone very high up has committed a whole lot of sexual offences and murdered a young woman, and that this death is being elaborately covered up by the establishment, using Eddie as their Patsy. Eddie has been chosen because the perpetrator of the crima also happens to be sleeping with Eddie's ex-wife, which is intended to give him a motivation for this. (Of course this picks up on the ongoing conspiracy theories that a member of the royal family was Jack the Ripper and sets Eddie up to be betrayed by the one thing he holds most dear). This is why the disembodied head of the woman was planted on him by MI5. As I say this paragraph is the entire essential plot of this show shorn of all the other themes, and you could be forgiven for missing it completely.
Otherwise the show accurately portrays the Yuppie/Hooray Henry culture of the 1980s. It then cleverly gives us yet another inexplicable event right at the end.
Once again, I'm really appreciating this show with the more effort I spend on it, as it's multi-layered and some of the more intelligent television from any time.
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