#jr honeycutt
coffinpal · 2 years
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I made a space arc for rottmnt because they didnt get one and i was robbed >:(
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phoebepheebsphibs · 4 months
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 28: Touch and Go
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Dr. Chaplin walks into the Operation Room, accompanied by two men.
Dr. Timothy and Dr. Finn are speaking quietly, mumbling over a poor test subject that didn't survive their most recent mutation experiments.
"...I thought that the addition of his blood would have worked..." Timothy bemoans to his coworker.
"Perhaps the miracle we're looking for is not in the blood as it is now, but how it was before we changed it... There must be some secret we're missing--"
"Ahem," Chaplin says as he arrives. "I do hope I'm not interrupting anything."
"Ah, Dr. Chaplin!" Abigail Finn exclaims, turning around and pasting an anxious smile across her face. "N-no, no, of course not..."
Abigail notices the two men standing behind him. One is almost seven feet tall by the looks of it, the other is bordering five feet. The taller man is the size of a bull, thick and heavy and absolutely rippling with muscles. The shorter man is thin as a rail, slicked-back greasy hair and a thin wiry mustache that almost makes him look like a mouse or a rat. The two men look like night and day, but both wear very expensive suits and ties which do not match either man's personalities.
"...Who're the guests?" Abigail asks curiously.
"These are Mr. Touch and Mr. Go. They are some... shall we say, 'men for hire' that I've employed to assist in the recapture of our lost experiment from Project Venus."
"Mikey," Dr. Timothy nods. "Good. What are their qualifications?"
"Stunning accuracy," Chaplin lists off. "Mr. Touch has enhanced strength and Mr. Go has enhanced speed. They were members of a special program designed to create super soldiers several years ago. Before then they were mercenaries for hire."
"Mercenaries, eh?" Timothy says with a soft grimace. "I'm not sure..."
"A merc doesn't know how to handle with care," Abigail interjects. "The TCRI want Mikey back in pristine condition."
"As I mentioned, stunning accuracy for these two. They've never once failed a mission, as far as the records go."
Mr. Touch cracks his knuckles loudly.
"Now now, gentlemen. These two are some of our most esteemed scientists here at the TCRI and EPF Labs. Whatever they say is law. Just ask Jeff," Dr. Chaplin jokes, gesturing to an empty cage in the distance. "Oh. Hm. Where's Jeff?"
"In a jar," Dr. Timothy grumbles. "I'm studying his brain."
"Ah! Well, there you go, gentlemen. I'm sure you all will have a wonderful time procuring the lost experiment again. And boys, play nicely with the mutant target or you'll be helping Dr. Timothy here with his brain studies. And Timothy, Finn, be polite and patient with these fine men or else we might not be getting anyone else to help us recover Mikey..."
Dr. Chaplin leaves the room in silence. Abigail grunts with irritation before plastering another smile on her face and directing the two men to a computer.
"This won't be easy for you. Mikey was designed to be the perfect genetic weapon. He also has enhanced strength, speed, agility, plus some other quirks. I'll print you out a list..."
"M'sure we can handle him," Mr. Touch chuckles. "I've yet to wrastle with a critter that can outmatch my muscle."
"Don't get cocky," Abigail snaps. "And don't hurt him. We want him perfectly intact and alive."
"Don't worry, we'll retrieve your little pet," Mr. Go snickers. "Where is it, anyway?"
"Last we saw, he was hiding out in the sewers --"
"With extra mutants," Timothy interrupts. "which we will pay extra for the capture of."
"How much we talkin'?" Mr. Go asks, a smile creeping onto his thin face.
"How much were you promised for the capture of Mikey?" Timothy questions.
"75 grand," Mr. Touch states.
"I'll personally pay you $50,000 for each mutant you can capture," Timothy promises. "Though, the price will be reduced for any major injuries I find."
"Only 50?" Mr. Touch grumbles.
"They aren't nearly as genetically advanced as Mikey is, so they should be simpler to capture. But an extra 50,000 for any extra mutants you can find isn't that bad, now is it? We have confirmation of at least two mutants that are with him, so that would be $100,000 guaranteed. We could all use a little extra spending money here and there, couldn't we?"
"Done deal," they reply.
"Wonderful. Now, what will you be requiring for your endeavours? Any weapons, traps, something to carry the subjects in I'd assume?"
"Might as well show us whatchya got," Mr. Go says.
Abigail groans in irritation as Timothy leads the two men away, muttering to herself as he shows them all their experimental gadgets.
"I can't believe him... He has no authorization to make that call. Though, it would be helpful to have extra mutants for our tests... In the end, I guess it doesn't really matter; the goal is still the same. So long as they can find Mikey and we can continue the work..."
Abigail walks away to catch up with the men.
From the far back of the room, John Bishop walks out.
Hmm. This isn't good...
Maybe he should follow along for now, see what happens...
Doctors Timothy and Finn show the two mercenaries the tranquilizer darts they have, the frost guns, nets, communication devices, trackers, etc. They show them Mikey's last known location and give the images of the human teen and the mutant brother. Mr. Touch and Mr. Go roam the room, choosing the items they'll need like children choosing which sweets they want the most from a candy store.
Bishop doesn't have much time. He slinks around to the exit and rushes to Honeycutt's labs, calling him as he runs into the elevators.
"Professor Zayton Honey--"
"Hey doc it's me how are ya that's great I was wondering if I could borrow any gear you might have?"
The line is silent.
"Oh, this is Bishop by the way."
"Um... yes, well I figured... How's your mother--"
"Forget that for now, do you have any gear I can use?!"
"W-why do you need my gear?"
"Chaplin brought in two thugs to detain Mikey and the others that are protecting him," Bishop whispers. "Timothy and Finn are showing them the weapons they have. I'm going to tail them to keep them from getting him. Now, do you or don't you have anything I can use?"
"U-uh, m-m-maybe. How close are you?"
The elevator doors open and Bishop runs out to Honeycutt's office.
"Just about to open your door."
"Oh! Well, yes, um, I think I have something you might be able to use --"
Bishop swings the door open and runs in, causing Prof. Honeycutt to jump in fright.
"Agh! John! You're here! You weren't kidding --"
"I need whatever you can give me now," Bishop states frantically. "They could leave the lab at any point and I need to stay close."
"But John -- well, you know me, I'd prefer to stay out of it --"
"You are staying out of it, I just need something to defend myself and keep Mikey safe."
"Oh well... Yes, yes, of course! Um, there are a f-few prototypes on the table over, over there!" Honeycutt stutters. "A-are you looking for lethal, or semi-lethal?"
"Anything," Bishop says quickly. "I'd rather not hurt anyone, but they're enhanced so I might have to go fully lethal."
"Enhanced?" Honeycutt says with a nervous swallow.
"No time to explain," Bishop says as he looks over the table and grabs a futuristic-looking pistol. "What does this do?"
"Oh! That's my jelly-gun!" Honeycutt says with a soft and nervous chuckle. "It's one of the non-lethals, but it hasn't been tested yet--"
"It l-liquifies your bones."
"...And this is a non-lethal weapon?"
"T-the effect isn't permanent," Honeycutt stammers. "I-it's meant to be a stunner, t-to incapacitate!"
"How do you know the effects aren't permanent if you haven't tested it yet?" Bishop asks warily.
"...I'll handle it with caution, then."
Bishop gently places the 'jelly-gun' in a holster.
"What else do you have?" he asks, picking up a series of miniature grenades.
"Those are my noise-makers, you pull the pin and have five seconds before it will emit a high-pitched ringing that causes disorientation and bleeding from the ears if you stand within a ten yard radius."
"Mm. Handle with caution?"
"Handle with caution."
Bishop pushes the noise grenades into a pocket of a satchel Honeycutt hands him as he continues to go through the tech, grabbing what looks good and intact. A net launcher, a harpoon launcher/grappling gun, and a gun that actually does shoot a jelly-like substance which hardens instantly.
"Anything else you can offer me?"
"This," Honeycutt says, handing Bishop a small device that resembles a portable dvd player. "It works like a sonar detector, scanning your surroundings and comparing them to satellite images to create a map of the area around you within a 50 mile radius. It will detect any creatures, bodies of water, or large obstacles within that radius as well."
"Thanks, this should really come in handy," Bishop says quickly. "I have to get going. Do you need all this stuff back, or...?"
"If you can," Honeycutt sighs. "But honestly I'm more worried about you coming back. You're going to go fight two enhanced mercenaries? Even if you can beat them --"
"Your faith in me is astounding, by the way..." Bishop grumbles.
"-- Even if you can beat them, Chaplin or Timothy will discover your involvement, won't they? What do you think they'll do to you then?"
"Well, I guess I'll just have to do my best to not get caught and not get dead."
Honeycutt stutters nervously after hearing the word 'dead'. He tries to respond and air his concerns, but Bishop runs out quickly to catch up with Mr. Touch and Mr. Go.
Bishop watches the two men from a distance, catching up to them just as they leave the building. They follow the tracker's last coordinates to an alley out of sight. Mr. Go checks to make sure it's all clear before Mr. Touch reaches down and pulls the manhole cover off the sewer entrance.
Okay, so he's a little stronger than most people, nothing to be worried about --
Mr. Touch throws the heavy cast iron covering like it's a cheap plastic frisby, sending it flying off into the wall where it gets lodged in between the bricks.
...Okay, so he's exceptionally strong. No biggie. Just... don't get too close.
Mr. Go descends first, Mr. Touch following after. Bishop waits a few moments before running after them into the alley. He peers down into the sewer. Mr. Go has already made it to the bottom, but Mr. Touch is only a third of the way down. Bishop backs away before they can see him, and goes to the next alley over, entering the sewers from there.
Bishop slides down the ladder quickly, and peeks around the corner. The two men are walking down the halls by the water's edge. Bishop continues to tail them, staying at a safe distance as they look around for evidence of Mikey or his family. Bishop spends the time following them wondering what kinds of experiments they would perform on Mikey's brothers if they could get their hands on them. What kinds on horrors they would put Mikey through again. What they'll do to Bishop if they discover his treachery...
After several minutes, they come to the last tracked location of Mikey -- the lair.
Bishop watches as the men leave their tools and tech outside the electric barrier and step through the invisible fence. Mr. Go takes a deep breath before zooming away.
Yeah, so he's quick. Saw that one coming.
Mr. Touch waits for his partner, tapping his foot against the stone floor impatiently. Mr. Go comes back out a second later, readjusting his suit and tie which had gotten windblown.
"It's all clear. The place is totally empty."
The two men walk inside, forced to leave their weapons behind the EMP barrier so they don't get fried.
Bishop gets an idea...
He quietly creeps up -- leaving his own bag of gadgets behind -- and places the weapons on the inside of the EMP barrier. One by one, each device flickers with sparks before going kaput. Once his task is complete, he quickly rushes back to his hiding spot and waits for the mercs' return.
After about twenty minutes, the two walk out.
"...they packed what they could and ran. The muties could be anywhere by now!"
"You think they knew we were coming?" Mr. Go wonders aloud.
"Probably. That computer room looked pretty high tech."
"But that doesn't explain how they managed to get out so quickly. Chaplin only just had us come in today, and there's been no chatter on the EPF net about our arrival."
"So, whaddya thinkin'?" Mr. Touch asks.
"I suspect that the Earth Protection Force might not be as 'protected' as they think. There must be a mole."
Bishop's breath gets caught in his throat. He can't let them find him out!
Yet another reason he has to stop them.
"I bet they'll pay us extra if we can find the traitor," Mr. Touch chuckles.
"But in the meantime, let's find that mutie. Remember what we're actually being paid for," Mr. Go reminds him.
"Well, can you track him from here?"
"What do you take me for, an amateur? Of course I can. Grab the gear and we'll head out."
Mr. Touch gathers up all the supplies, and the two walk away. Bishop gives chase.
Mr. Go leads them down the tunnels until they reach a wrecked cave-in. Mr. Touch is kind enough to clear the way for them, revealing what Bishop can only assume was Mikey's previous home before something terrible happened. Claw marks and long gashes across the painted walls prove his theory.
A large, gaping hole resides in the floor, tunneling down to a secret hidden world. Bishop's mouth drops in shock.
"...What'chya wanna bet he's down there?" Mr. Go asks with a snicker.
"What even is it, one of them secret societies?"
"Who cares, as long as we find what we're looking for!"
The two men jump down into the hole. Bishop watches them descend.
....Maybe he'll look for stairs.
It takes a few hours, but Bishop finally makes his way down safely. He finds the two mercenaries wandering the streets of this underground city, checking everyone and everywhere for Mikey.
Bishop is in awe of how many mutants there are down here! It's crazy! And Timothy offered to pay extra for any they brought back...
This whole community could be in danger!
Fortunately, the two men are focused on looking for Mikey. That's what they're really being paid for. Dissatisfied by the masses in the street square, the two leave towards a series of larger buildings in the distance.
He stays just out of sight of the Mr. Touch and Mr. Go as he goes after them. As he tails them, Bishop tries to stay focused on the two villains rather than get distracted by this otherworldly society. He feels so out of place surrounded by these monsters, mythical beasts, and magical creatures. People that resemble animals or aliens or dragons or some mix between the three walk around and watch him like he's the freak.
Maybe he is, down here... Huh.
Well, that's some existential identity crisis he'll have to go through later.
Mr. Touch and Mr. Go arrive at a building with a strange rainbow aurora borealis surrounding the area behind it. Mr. Go surveys the area with super speed before coming back and nodding to Mr. Touch.
"He's here."
"Positive?" Mr. Touch asks.
"Gotta be. That other mutie turtle Dr. Timothy showed us is here, so he must be, too."
Other turtle mutant... What did that kid call him... Leo? Leo! Wait, so they are here? Then where's Mikey?
"Do we get the extra mutants first or what?"
"No, he's busy with a bigger freak right now."
"I can take 'em both," Mr. Touch chuckles. "It'd be like bending a couple o' twigs..."
"Fine, but be discreet about it. Here, use one of the gadgets that lab nerd gave us -- Wait, what the --?!"
The two men try to activate what looks like a gas bomb, but nothing happens.
"This thing's defective! All this junk is defective!" Mr. Go growls.
"I can still take 'em both, you know that," Mr. Touch says, cracking his knuckles.
"It's almost like this guy wants to fight," Bishop thinks aloud. "What a charmer..."
"And where are we supposed to keep them once we capture them? You gotta think!" Mr. Go scolds. "Besides, they are also superpowered! One of them can do portals, and that second one I saw was almost as big as you! My guess is he has enhanced strength, too... And even if we did overpower them, they're out in the middle of everything, everyone can see us! And we have no real sighting of that Mikey mutant. Let's play it cool for now and get them later. AFTER we find Mikey."
Mr. Touch groans loudly.
"Fine. But I want that extra pay."
"And we'll get it, don't worry. By the end of the day, our biggest worry is going to be finding fatter wallets!" Mr. Go snickers. "Now let's find that freak show..."
Bishop swallows nervously. He hasn't met Mikey's brothers yet, not officially. But if they're anything like that human kid, then they would assume that he's a villain because he works for the EPF.
Just more people he has to avoid...
John Bishop runs after the two mercenaries before stopping in his tracks and awing at the strange area around him. A large opening surrounded by rainbow mist reveals a tropical paradise and a beach.
Huh. Okay. Not what he was expecting, but... yeah. Beach. Why not?
Bishop wishes he'd brought some shorts or something to help with the heat of the tropics, but sighs in resignation as he runs after the two men...
Casey is tanning on the beach chair just outside of the portal. He takes in a deep breath and heaves a relaxed sigh...
He's never been on vacation before.
Heck, he's pretty sure he's never relaxed before!
It's a new experience, and he's not totally convinced he's got the knack of it yet, but he's learning. Splinter has been giving him pointers.
Casey smiles at the warmth of the sun on his skin. It's so hot, he's abandoned his cloak and armour and jumpsuit in favour of a pair of Donnie's board shorts and a t-shirt. He feels a little exposed, but he's getting used to it.
He wonders if Sensei would have been sunning with him if he had made it. And Donatello would have loved the sun on his soft shell. Master Michelangelo would probably be building sandcastles or drawing images in the sand. He's not sure what Raphael would be doing, but he assumes that he'd be enjoy the safety and wonder and happiness with his brothers...
Casey sighs. He wishes Sensei could have at least enjoyed one day in the sun again... He hates that he can enjoy this while his whole family was left to die in the apocalypse. It isn't fair, it doesn't seem right.
Aaaaaaaand Casey just ruined the relaxation. Dang it. As mentioned before, he's not the best at this.
CJ sits up and sighs angrily. Why can't he just move on? Let go? It's what Leo wants. He can't talk about his life with anyone here, so he might as well just leave it behind and start fresh! Why can't... he...
CJ notices two strangely disproportionate men sneaking around the hotel. They're pretty well hidden, but after a lifetime in a warzone where one wrong step could literally kill you, Casey Jones Jr. has become something of an expert at spotting hidden danger or people sneaking around.
He wonders what these two creeps are up to...
Three. Three creeps. There's a third guy following them... Wait, isn't that Agent Bishop?!
What is going on?? Are they looking for Mikey?
That has to be the reason. But who are those two guys? And why didn't Bishop come with them? Is he spying on them?
Well, he's not letting him do this alone! Casey may not be an expert on vacations, but he knows a secret mission when he sees one. He's coming along!
Casey grabs his grappling hook gloves and follows after them.
Bishop watches as the two men slither about, staying behind shrubbery and beach umbrellas that decorate the lot. They double check to make sure they don't draw any attention to themselves, then slink around the corner of the portal and vanish behind it's barrier. He tiptoes up to it and peers around the corner. Mr. Go is zooming across the beachside as Mr. Touch tries to use the fried tech again.
"What are you doing here?" a voice whispers behind him.
Bishop swings around and almost suckerpunches the kid behind him.
Fortunately, the teenager has good reflexes and ducks ahead of his punch, grabbing Bishop's arm and stopping him mid-punch.
"Kid?!" Bishop whisper-shouts. "What are -- where did -- Nevermind. Go away, before they see you --"
"But what are you doing here?" he whispers back. "My family's on vacation!"
"Is that really wise?" Bishop questions. "I did tell you what the EPF and TCRI were up to."
"Well, we're laying low. Like you said."
"At a resort?"
"Hey, it's not like the EPF knew about this place before!"
Bishop sighs.
"Look kid, I'd love to catch up and debate on whether a tropical getaway counts as 'laying low' and stuff, but I'm tailing these two bounty hunters --"
"Bounty hunters? Are they after Mikey?" the teenager asks.
"What do you think?" Bishop growls in response.
He turns back to watch the two men. Mr. Go skids to a halt after searching the area and pours sand out of his shoes as he complains to Mr. Touch about the conditions. Mr. Touch complains about the faulty tech they were given. They both end up arguing.
"Where is Mikey, anyways?" Bishop asks.
"Dunno," the teen replies. "He went out into the jungle to explore."
"You really think letting a kid go alone in the jungle is a good idea?"
The teen stares at him deadpan before raising an eyebrow.
"You have seen Mikey, right?"
"Fair enough," Bishop groans. "Look, I'm gonna go after them, you --"
"I'm coming with you!" he interrupts.
"Look kid --"
"My name is Casey."
"Look, Casey, I'm sure you're a cool kid with a good head on your shoulders, but this is a stealth mission. And this mission is already tough enough without having to worry about keeping you safe as well. It will go better if I'm alone --"
"Have you ever practiced guerilla warfare in a jungle before?" Casey challenges. "Or fought against superpowered individuals? Have you ever had to build a water purification device from scratch so you can drink your own bodily fluids while trekking across dangerous, monster-infested terrains??"
"Have you?" Bishop challenges back.
"You have no idea what I grew up in," Casey responds low. "Now let's go. Mikey should be deep in the jungle by this point, so we better hurry if we want some extra time to lay a few traps..."
Bishop tries to fight back, but the kid has already zip-lined into the brushes several meters away. Casey turns back and calls out to him.
"You coming or what?"
Bishop groans. He really shouldn't have yelled like that... Oh well. This'll be interesting.
Casey makes his way through the bushes and fauna, Bishop following close behind.
"Kid! Hey, kid, wait up!"
"Do you want me to slow down, or shouldn't you hurry up?" Casey shouts back.
Bishop grumbles under his breath as he runs up to the teenager.
"Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do here, but --"
"And I appreciate what you're doing too, Commander Bishop -- uh, Agent Bishop. But this is my family we're talking about! And I'm not going to just sit back and act like I don't know what I'm doing when I do. I know you think I'm just a kid, but I've literally been training my entire life for situations like this. To be honest, this is a lot more mild than what I'm used to dealing with."
"...Where exactly did you say you grew up, again?" Bishop asks.
"Actually, not far from here," Casey chuckles. "But that's another story... So, looking at these tracks, Mikey made it to the center of the island somewhere around two hours ago."
Bishop's eyes widen behind his thick glasses.
"How can you tell?"
"Math, mostly," he says with a shrug. "You measure the size of his feet and the distance between each footprint and calculate the speed from there."
"But two hours ago?"
"I made an estimate based on when I saw him last and compounded with the fact that these plants he crushed underfoot show clear signs of recent decay --"
"Geez kid, you're like a walking science study!" Bishop sighs as he walks ahead and follows the trail as he reaches into his satchel.
"You can thank my Uncle 'Tello for that," Casey smiles. "What are you doing?"
"Honeycutt gave me this sonar tracker," Bishop explains. "I wanted to wait on using it until we were in a more secluded area."
Casey looks around at the jungle they're traipsing through.
"...I'd say this works!"
"I'd say so too," Bishop chuckles as he activates the device and scans the area around them. "Where did this jungle even come from, anyways?"
"It's a portal. It leads from the back lot of the hotel to a random undiscovered island."
"So, we're not actually in the United States anymore?" Bishop asks, raising an eyebrow. "Interesting. How does it work?"
"There's a device by the portal that can change the location if needed, for storms and stuff. But mostly it runs on magic energy, if I understand it right."
Bishop nods, pretending that it makes perfect sense. Magic, portals, underground monster hotels. Sure. Why not.
He taps a few buttons on the sonar, and several dots appear on the screen. Two in the center, two to the far left, and one straight ahead.
"Hey, would ya look at that! It really works!"
"So, those two are the bounty hunters," Casey says, peering over Bishop's arm to look at the device. "And up ahead is Mikey!"
"I guess your tracking skills really are on point," Bishop compliments. "Nice work, kid."
Casey smiles as he leads the way to Mikey.
"So, what do we do about those two guys searching for Mikey?"
"I have some other toys the Doc leant me," Bisop states, reaching into his pouch. "These should work well enough against them... though, they haven't been tested yet."
"Well, as my Sensei used to say, 'No time like the present!'"
"Aaaaaalright then, we'll find where they are and set up a few traps to drive them away."
The duo travel in the direction of the two mercenaries, following the sonar tracker. After half an hour of hiking, they finally find them. Mr. Touch is demolishing the trees as he looks around angrily for their mark. Mr. Go is watching from behind him.
"Are you done with your little tantrum yet?" he hisses.
"I'm doing all the work here, in case you haven't noticed!" Touch roars back. "It's a deserted island! He could be anywhere! And also in case you haven't noticed, all our tech is busted up!"
"Well, it shouldn't be as big of a problem as you're making it," Mr. Go groans. "After all, this is us we're talking about. It can't be that difficult!"
"Well, we've never worked in the fricken jungle before!"
"Pssh, as if that should stop us..."
The two men argue a bit about where to go and what to do. Bishop takes Casey back a step to discuss their own plans.
"So, kid... didn't you say something about guerilla warfare?"
Casey Jr. smiles deviously.
Bishop and Casey quickly set up a series of traps, digging large holes and cover them with debris and plants. Casey creates a snare trap and Bishop makes a tripwire. Soon enough, their plan is complete.
"Okay Casey," Bishop says as he takes his jacket off, the heat starting to get to him. "Here's the plan: your tracking skills are better than mine, so you find Mikey and get him out of here while I take care of the meathead and the beanpole."
"Wait, are you sure?" Casey asks.
"Not really. But I don't want you or Mikey to get hurt --"
CJ groans loudly.
"Dude, I already told you --"
Bishop quickly shushes him.
"I don't want you near the fight, you could get hurt."
"I know, I know; you think I'm just a kid and I can't defend myself, but I'm pretty sure I already proved how I can --"
"You did prove yourself," Bishop interrupts him. "But that doesn't change the fact that I don't want you getting hurt or getting involved in this anymore than you already are."
The agent sighs. He takes his glasses off to show Casey how serious he is as he tries to explain.
"...Look..... Mikey was designed to be a living weapon for the EPF. He was given the DNA of several predators, violent species, and compliant genes from species that worked in groups or families so he would be sure to follow orders. He was trained day in and day out to kill, fight, and problem solve. Do you think that's the life he wanted?"
Casey freezes, eyes wide.
"Or do you think he deserves a chance to just be a kid?"
CJ looks away sadly. He can tell where this is going. Bishop takes a breath before he continues.
"Listen kid, I have no doubt that you could keep him safe all on your own, but both you and Mikey are just kids. That doesn't mean you can't do incredible things and save the world, but it means that you shouldn't have to. For now, that's my responsibility as the adult. I think you kids have been through more than enough, and it's time you get back to being kids. Or am I wrong?"
Casey sighs again.
"...Okay, point taken. Fine. I'll get Mikey to safety and warn the others... You take care of the two bounty hunters."
Bishop nods with a smile. He watches as Casey darts off into the forest to get Mikey. He turns back and treks towards the two villains.
Casey runs into the jungle, backtracking until he finds sight of Mikey's trail again. He follows, using his grappling hook like a rope swing, going from tree to tree to tree...
An old recollection of his Sensei calling him 'Tarzan' comes to mind. He smiles at the memory.
After ten to fifteen minutes, Casey finally catches up to Mikey, sitting in a tree as he munches on some wild mangoes he happened to find.
"Mikey! Mikey, hey!" CJ calls out.
Mikey looks down and smiles at him, mouth full to the brim of delicious ripe fruit. He waves.
"Hiiiiiii!" he calls out, though it's a barely intelligible, muffled slur of sounds.
"Hi," CJ calls back, climbing up quickly. "Hey, so not to alarm you or anything, but we gotta get outta here. Like now."
Mikey swallows loudly and tilts his head in curiosity.
"Just, um..."
Casey looks at Mikey.
He's not the warrior he would be in the future. He's not a stone-cold master of magic who occasionally liked to goof off when he wasn't being all mystical and mysterious. He's not the last brother left standing for Casey's Sensei, the last reminder of hope and love. He's not forced to stay positive and optimistic, even when the entire resistance has been laid to waste and he has to sacrifice his own life in order to save them. To save him.
He isn't 'Master Michelangelo'.
He's Mikey.
And Bishop is right. Mikey's just a kid.
A kid who shouldn't have to worry about looking over his shoulder constantly, wondering if someone is coming after him or if he's safe, or his family is safe. He's a kid who should be running across the water and having splash wars with his brothers, should be sunbathing on the beach with his father, should be sitting in a tree eating fruit and enjoying life like it was meant to be enjoyed.
"...Uuuuummm, y-your brothers wanted you to come back to the resort! They, uh... didn't know where you'd gotten to! They got kinda worried."
"Brothers worried for me?" Mikey asks with concern.
"Yeah! So, we gotta go let them know you're okay!"
"Oh, okay!" Mikey says with a nod. "Mikey understand. Let's go!"
Casey follows Mikey down the tree --just a tad bit slower than him, though.
"Race you back?" Mikey asks with a smile, already crouched and ready to run.
CJ smiles.
"You're on!"
The two run, Casey using his grappling hooks to his advantage as Mikey books it through the jungle. He hopes they don't attract the wrong kind of attention, but their speed should be helpful... He wonders if Bishop is finished with his job yet.
Bishop watches from behind a tree, waiting a few minutes to give Casey time to find Mikey. Just a little longer...
The two men start walking. Bishop checks the sonar and sees they're walking towards Mikey's direction. He has to act now.
He grabs a noisemaker and pulls the pin before throwing it at the two. It lands in front of Mr. Touch, who leans down and blinks at it.
"...What the hey?"
"What is it?" Mr. Go asks, stepping around him.
"Looks like a toy or --"
A loud, ear-piercing screeeeeeeeeeeeech sounds off, shattering the air around them and causing a soundwave to blast around them, knocking them all to the ground. Bishop grips his own ears and yells in pain, though the cries are lost in the deafening blast. He gets up and starts running, looking back to see Mr. Touch drop the device and clutch his bleeding ears. Mr. Go stumbles backwards before running away as fast as he can. Bishop watches as Mr. Touch slams his foot down onto the orb, crushing it instantly and silencing it. Bishop's ears are ringing as he runs. Mr. Touch shakes his head around before he sees Bishop running and gives chase.
"WHAT??" Bishop yells back, ears still ringing.
Mr. Touch bellows as he runs after him, following the agent to his set traps. The meathead gets closer... closer..... he reaches out to grab his shirt collar...
Mr. Touch's feet drag over a tripwire, activating the net-launcher. The wiry snare wraps around him and causes him to faceplant. Bishop nearly pauses to cheer at the trap's success before Mr. Touch shreds the net to pieces, simply by flexing his arm muscles. Bishop keeps running.
He jumps over one of the traps he set and watches as Mr. Touch yipes and falls down into the freshly-dug ditch. Bishop carefully pulls out the 'jelly-gun' and aims.
"Sorry in advance, I really hope that this isn't permanent..."
Bishop is thrown off his feet when something slams into him. He groans as he picks himself back up.
"And just what do you think you're doing?" Mr. Go asks snidely as he leans down.
"...My job, nothing personal," Bishop responds quickly, swinging his foot around to trip up Mr. Go.
But he's gone before Bishop can even get his foot up.
He does a quick spin before looking around in shock, trying to find where Mr. Go went --
Bishop is kicked in the gut as the speedster rams into his chest and dashes away unseen. Bishop gasps for air and clutches his stomach as he slowly gets to his knees. He's dropped the jelly-gun! He scrambles as he searches for it. He drags his fingers across the ground, looking for the futuristic weapon on the tall grass and weeds... he notices a vibrating sensation from the ground, slowly getting stronger.
Bishop jumps out of the way before Mr. Go can knock into him again.
He gets an idea.
Bishop places himself into position and waits. He can feel the ground vibrate under Mr. Go's stampeding feet. Wait for it... wait for it...
He can see a blur coming at him. Bishop gets ready...
Mr. Go runs at him. Bishop reaches into the satchel and pulls out the other jelly gun, blasting a great mess of red goop at the ground. Mr. Go runs through it with great speed, his shoes getting caught in the ooze. He trips through it, falling onto his hands as the jelly hardens quickly.
"Hey! What's going on here?! What is this gunk??"
Bishop heaves a sigh of relief. It's short lived.
"Oh, you think you're clever, huh?" Mr. Go laughs haughtily. "Well, we'll just see about that!"
Mr. Go's body vibrates so quickly that he almost becomes invisible. The quick-hardening goop starts to crack, and he's free. The speedster suddenly blurs past Bishop, unable to stop. He gets another interesting idea...
Bishop whistles at him.
"Hey, knockoff of the Flash! You missed me!" he taunts.
Mr. Go runs back at him, a blur as he comes back for round 2. Bishop pulls a special gun out and points it at the mercenary. Mr. Go immediately runs in a different direction, which Bishop expected. He aims again. Mr. Go runs in another direction. Bishop aims one more time, and of course, Mr. Go goes in a new direction. Bishop smiles. He's too close to change course, and he was worried about the wrong kind of redirection. He's right where Bishop wants him.
Just as Mr. Go is about to run into him, Bishop aims the gun above his head and fires. A long cable cord shoots out from the weapon and snags onto a branch high above him. Bishop is pulled away, and Mr. Go runs straight underneath him and over the hidden tripwire. Mr. Go sees the trap too late and is snagged, a rope wraps around his ankles and pulls him up into the air.
Mr. Go's flails upside down, sputtering and yelling protests. The jelly-gun drops from his jacket pocket. He stole it when he ran past him! Bishop jumps down from his place amongst the branches and grabs at the weapon, trying not to pull the trigger until he can actually hold it steady.
"Y-you meddling inferior!" Mr. Go screams. "You ridiculous turncoat! You--"
"Please, please, save all your compliments until the show is over," Bishop says with a laugh, holding his ribs. "You had a pretty good run, not gonna lie."
Bishop shudders.
"Ugh, that pun was terrible. Is this what I've become? A guy with pad jokes and witty one-liners? I thought I was better than that..."
"Hurry up and get me down from here!" Mr. Go snaps.
"What makes you think I'd actually let you down?" Bishop questions.
"He wasn't talking to you, punk," Mr. Touch growls from behind him.
Bishop manages to duck just before Mr. Touch can break his skull open with his fists.
He yipes as he rolls to the side, dodging another blow and careful to avoid the traps he's set up. Mr. Touch is not so careful. His feet crack against the tripwires and set off the snares and springtraps, though none of them have any effect on the giant muscle man.
"Now would probably be a good time for you to run, little man," Mr. Touch chuckles with a low voice.
"I might just take you your advice on that," Bishop heaves. "But first --"
He points the jelly-gun at the giant man, who raises a fist to pound Bishop flat. The gun fires, a green light beams on Mr. Touch's fist and forearm. They go numb and limp, falling flat and flabby against his side. Mr. Touch roars angrily.
"What did ya do to me?!" he screams, flinging his other fist at Bishop.
The agent dodges it, the ground beside him cracking and splitting from the brute force used. Mr. Touch roars again and swings his floppy arm at Bishop. Despite the lack of bones, the strength is still there and Bishop is flung several meters back before rolling across the ground and hitting a tree.
Bishop gasps for air as the wind is knocked out of him. He struggles to lift himself up, coughing and hacking as his back cracks with each movement.
He looks up in time to see Mr. Touch yank the rope holding Mr. Go, setting him free. Bishop has to act fast... Casey is counting on him. Honeycutt is relying on him. That whole society under New York is in danger if these mercs get out. Mikey deserves better.
Bishop grabs one of the noisemakers and pulls the pin. Mr. Go lunges forwards. Bishop throws the device at him. He realizes in time what it is and runs in the opposite direction. The noisemaker grenade goes off, and another shockwave of sound takes out everything above four feet. Bishop ducks for cover as he covers his ears. Mr. Go is blown away by the shockwave, soaring straight into Mr. Touch.
Bishop takes the jelly-gun and aims once again. He shoots at Mr. Go's legs. Mr. Go falls. He shoots again at Mr. Touch's other arm. It becomes wobbly and liquified. But Bishop can't stay here for much longer. He limps away, regaining a little speed with every excruciating step.
He's not sure exactly how long the jelly-gun effects will last. But he'd rather not find out.
After running several meters away, he can hear the device deactivate. Touch probably destroyed it.
Bishop pulls out the sonar device and checks it. It was damaged in the fight. The screen is cracked, and it glitches every few seconds, but from what he can tell Mikey and Casey made it back to the resort. Bishop just has to find his way out of the jungle...
He keeps running, though there's a pain in his side and his head is still buzzing. He hears something crashing behind him.
Mr. Touch and Mr. Go are following close behind.
He looks back and sees Mr. Touch carrying Mr. Go over his shoulders. They aren't as fast as he is, but with his injuries he'll never outrun them...
But he has to try. Bishop pulls out the jelly-gun and fires, hoping to temporarily liquify more of the two mercenaries.
The gun squirts out a train of goop behind him. Wrong gun! But at least it serves its purpose; Mr. Touch trips and falls face-first into the slime, which hardens overtop of him. He shouts and screams, flapping his jelly arms around as he tries to get himself free.
Bishop keeps running.
Leo is laying out on the beach chair by the hotel. He loves the ingenuity of this place. If you get the right angle, you can have all the warmth and brightness of the sun shining on you without the actual sun getting in your eyes. At first, he was a bit hesitant to trust this place (after the events of that other resort he has sworn never to speak of again). But this place is a certified heaven!
Leonardo exhales with utter satisfaction. It's been a pretty rough couple of days... he needs this.
Unfortunately, Leo is pulled out of his relaxation mode when a weight is suddenly and mercilessly slammed onto him. He gasps, eyes nearly popping out of his head as Mikey jumps up into his lap at top speed.
"I win!" Mikey cheers.
Casey jogs up behind with and laughs, somewhat out of breath.
"You certainly did," he gasps, panting and sweating. "Phew! That was fast, Mikey..."
"What the -- *wheeze* -- what the heck is -- *wheeze* -- happening?!" Leo hacks, coughing loudly as Mikey sits proudly on his chest.
"Mikey won race!"
"Great. I'm so very proud of you. My ribs will never be the same again."
"Is Leo not worried anymore?" Mikey asks, leaning close to inspect his face and sniff him.
"Worried? Like, about my lungs collapsing, maybe?"
"Oh, sorry," Mikey chuckles nervously as he gently climbs off of him.
"It's fine, I'm getting used to it by now," Leo groans, his body re-inflating with air. "I mean, this is like the third or fourth time this has happened..."
"But Mikey is here! So no more worries," his little brother says with a smile.
"Uh, yeah," Leo answers with a nod. "No one is worried anymore. Whatever that means."
"Oh, uhhhhh Leo, you and I need to have a quick talk about.... something," Casey says.
Leo gets the hint immediately, despite the lack of mind meld.
"Hey Mikey, why don't you go find Donnie and help him build his sandcastles? He indubitably said something about probably needing your help and creative expertise. He said he was going to be getting supplies at the Hotel front desk..."
Mikey nods with a smile and a chirping laugh as he runs off to find Dee. Leon waits until he's out of sight before turning to CJ.
"Okay, so what's up?"
"So... no need to panic or freak out or anything, buuuuuuut there may or may not be a few bounty hunters searching for Mikey right now..."
"WHAT?!" Leo shouts, grabbing Casey by the shoulders and shaking him. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, BOUNTY HUNTERS?!"
"I-I said no n-n-need to pa-a-a-nic!" Casey yells back, his voice wobbling as he's rocked back and forth. "Co-ou-uld you ple-e-e-ea-se st-o-o-p sha-a-k-i-i-ing me-e-e-e??"
"What bounty hunters are looking for Mikey? Where are they?" Leo demands.
"Oh don't worry, they're probably nowhere near here!"
Leo and CJ both look back at the beach's serene and peaceful shores to see Agent John Bishop, running out of the jungle as fast as he can. Soon enough, a man the size of a baby elephant carrying another man resembling an overcooked noodle with a ratstache barrel out of the bushes and run after him.
"CASEY, CLOSE THE PORTAL!" Bishop yells at the top of his lungs as he rushes for the hotel. "CLOSE THE PORTAL, NOW! CLOSE IT!"
Casey yells in fright and drags Leo to the box by the rainbow's edge.
"How do we close it?!" Casey demands, examining the device.
"How should I kow?!" Leo yells back.
"Uh, you deal in portals all the time?!"
"That's my ninpo, I don't actually know how they work! I don't understand magic or mystics or --"
"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" Bishop shouts. "HURRY!!"
"Do you know what to do or not?!" Casey shouts.
"NO! How would I know what to do?! Draxum would probably, but I have no idea where he is --"
"Well, try something! Anything! Maybe you can do something with your ninpo?"
"Fine! Get the device open!"
Casey jimmies the box's lid open and starts messing with the wires and other pieces inside before uncovering the mystic power source, an aurora flooding the air around him.
Leo runs to his beach chair and grabs his swords, throwing one at the machine and vanishing for a second before reappearing besides CJ. Leo stabs one of the katanas into the device and starts swinging it around in the rainbow light that spills.
Leon's markings start glowing, and the aurora turns blue.
"Don't change it yet, Bishop is still out there!" Casey pleads, running to watch the portal.
"ERRGH, MAKE UP YOUR MINDS!" Leo yells angrily, straining to keep the portal from glitching as the overwhelming power starts to spark across his arms. "Ow! Hurry up!"
Casey stops just outside of the portal and calls out to Bishop.
"They're catching up!"
Bishop grabs the last noisemaker grenade, pulls the pin, and throws it back at the two mercenaries. It smacks right into Mr. Touch's face, getting lodged in his mouth before he screams and spits it out, jumping out of the way before a loud screeching shockwave sends them all flying.
Bishop goes tumbling through the portal before faceplanting onto the ground beside Casey. The shockwave knocks Leo down, the sword crashing against the device and closing the portal just as the two mercenaries try to reach out for it.
The beach scene swipes away, a new view of a new island taking it's place.
Bishop pants and heaves on the ground by CJ, looking over his shoulder shakily before his arms give out and he rolls onto his back.
"...That was the worst. I think my back is now in the shape of the letter 'S'. Thanks, kid..."
"Did... did we just banish two dudes to live alone on a lost tropical island in the middle of nowhere?" Casey whispers.
"Looks that way. But I'm sure they'll be fine..."
"So, you must be Agent Bishop, huh?" Leo asks skeptically, leaning over the young man.
"What's left of him," Bishop chuckles. "Ow, my body... and you're Leo, correct?"
"That is classified information," the slider growls, crossing his arms.
"Nice to meet you," Bishop groans as he slowly sits up and gets to his feet.
"Wish I could say the same."
Casey smacks Leo's arm.
"What??" Leo asks incredulously. "Look dude, I know you trust him, but I don't know him, and he works for the people that tortured Mikey. I'm sorry, but he hasn't exactly earned my trust just yet."
"I get it," Bishop responds, cracking his back in pain. "I really do. And for the record, I don't work for the EPF anymore. What they're doing is wrong, in every sense, and it needs to end. I'm working to make things right. And hopefully, this --" he gestures to the new portal "-- helps to prove it?"
Leo sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Maybe. We'll see."
"Fair enough, I guess. Casey," Bishop turns to the human teen and claps him on the shoulder. "Nice work. Don't be a stranger. You still have my number, as well as Honeycutt's. If you ever need anything, let me know."
Casey smiles proudly and nods.
"Well, I think that might be everything, so I should get going..."
"Here, let me help you with that!" Leo says with a snarky smile, his sword slashing the air and creating a portal beneath Agent Bishop, causing him to fall through.
He lands in a pile of trash bags on the city streets of NYC with a soft yelp followed by disorientation. The confusion quickly dissipates once he gets his bearings, and he cleans himself off before heading to the EPF building.
He makes his way into the compound somehow without drawing attention, and quietly goes back up to Honeycutt's office. He knocks this time rather than bust in like earlier this morning.
"Coming!" the professor calls out before answering the door. "Oh! John! You're back... are you alright?"
Bishop hands the jelly-gun and cracked sonar device to the old man.
"...Tech works great, doc..... But, uh... I broke the tracker. A-and the noisemakers, those are gone too."
Honeycutt looks Bishop over before giving an exasperated sigh.
"I don't care about the tracker or the tech. Get in here, you look like crap."
Bishop heaves a heavy sigh himself and relaxes. He tumbles onto the old man, who leads him into the lab to help take care of his injuries.
"Have you been to the hospital?" Honeycutt asks.
"No.... too risky."
"Your entire back is bruised."
"But nothing's broken, right?"
Honeycutt looks him over and nods.
"But I'm no doctor on the human condition," he reminds him. "I just know tech. John, you should really go to a hospital or ER or --"
"If I go to a doctor, then the EPF will hear about it. They'll ask questions. That's bad. So... just some painkillers and ointment for now will do, thanks."
Honeycutt rolls his eyes.
"...You need to be more careful, you know."
"Yeah, I know. But someone needs to do this job..."
Honeycutt grumbles angrily.
"Are you mad at me, doc?" Bishop asks, as the old man starts to bandage his ribs.
"No, no... I just... why can't you stay out of this whole business for a bit? Take a break?"
Bishop turns around and stares at him.
"...Are you worried? About me?"
"Well... yes. I'm a frail old man and a worrywart at heart, so of course I get anxious about secret missions and dangerous weapons and evil mercenaries! And, at the risk of sounding even more pathetic than I realize I already am, I don't exactly have... a lot of friends here..."
Bishop blinks.
"So yes, worry about you, John. I don't want to lose the only person I can trust in this place. I'm... I'm honestly scared. I'm a grown man and I'm scared. I should be considering retirement plans, but instead I wake up and wonder if this'll be the day I get drawn and quartered by my coworkers. Or worse, what will happen if you get drawn and quartered."
Bishop sighs.
"Okay. I'm sorry for worrying you. But this is important, and if I don't do it..."
"Then maybe someone else will," Honeycutt offers. "You aren't the only hero around, John!"
"No, maybe not. But I know who will have to step up for Mikey and his family, and it isn't fair to ask them to fight like that. They're just kids, Doc. And I need to make things right. For all of my mistakes."
Prof. Honeycutt sighs.
"...You're right. But... what if something happens to you?"
Bishop shrugs.
"I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it."
"Let's hope that never happens..." Honeycutt mutters to himself as he helps to treat the injuries.
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And when you are young, they assume you know nothing
By SilverShadow1
“I won’t lie and say it’s easy.”
“Few things in life are. I’ve found what counts most is being easy on ourselves.”
Gus doesn’t believe in labels; he believes in fucking.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
The employees of an independent music store learn about each other as they try anything to stop the store being absorbed by a large chain. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Joe Reaves: Anthony LaPaglia Rex Manning: Maxwell Caulfield Jane: Debi Mazar Lucas: Rory Cochrane A.J.: Johnny Whitworth Debra: Robin Tunney Gina: Renée Zellweger Marc: Ethan Embry Berko: Coyote Shivers Warren: Brendan Sexton III Corey Mason: Liv Tyler Eddie: James ‘Kimo’ Wills Mitchell Beck: Ben Bode Croupier: Gary Bolen Woman at Craps Table: Kimber Sissons High Roller: Tony Zaar Reporter: Patt Noday Kathy: Julia Deane Autograph Girl: Kessia Embry Cop #1: Michele Seidman Cop #2: Diana Taylor Cop #3: Bernard Granger Cop #4: Michael Harding Lead Singer: Dave Brockie Flower Delivery Guy: Kawan Rojanatavorn Roulette Table Man: Corey Joshua Taylor Ballet Dancer: Melissa Caulfield Veronica: Lara Travis Film Crew: Director: Allan Moyle Screenplay: Carol Heikkinen Editor: Michael Chandler Production Design: Peter Jamison Art Direction: John Huke Set Decoration: Linda Spheeris Costume Design: Susan Lyall Producer: Tony Ludwig Producer: Arnon Milchan Producer: Michael G. Nathanson Producer: Alan Riche Co-Producer: Paul Kurta First Assistant Director: Joel Segal Second Assistant Director: Philip A. Patterson Camera Operator: Mitchell Amundsen Steadicam Operator: Rick Raphael First Assistant Camera: John Verardi Second Assistant Camera: Ken Hudson “B” Camera Operator: Jeff Moore Still Photographer: Jim Bridges Second Unit Director of Photography: Carolyn Chen Director of Photography: Walt Lloyd Casting: Gail Levin Music Supervisor: Mitchell Leib Negative Cutter: Mo Henry Color Timer: Bob Putynkowski Music Consultant: Karen Glauber Music Editor: Sally Boldt Supervising Sound Editor: Randle Akerson Sound Effects Editor: Joe Earle Sound Effects Editor: Linda Keim Sound Effects Editor: David M. Horton Dialogue Editor: Adam Sawelson Dialogue Editor: Benjamin Beardwood Assistant Sound Editor: Jonathan Phillips Assistant Sound Editor: Bill Ward ADR Supervisor: Linda Folk ADR Editor: Sukey Fontelieu ADR Mixer: Dean Drabin ADR Mixer: Paul J. Zydel ADR Mixer: Christina Tucker ADR Voice Casting: Barbara Harris Foley Supervisor: David Horton Jr. Foley Mixer: Brian Ruberg Foley Artist: Sarah Monat Foley Artist: Robin Harlan Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Gary Alexander Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Don Digirolamo Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Scott Ganary Dolby Consultant: Douglas Greenfield Dialogue Coach: Naomi Joy Todd Craft Service: Theresa Honeycutt Transportation Coordinator: William “Bill” Pitts Transportation Captain: Jeff Long Construction Coordinator: Jeffrey Schlatter Construction Foreman: Ralph Woollaston Location Manager: Mary Weisgerber Meyer Location Manager: Molly Allen Casting Associate: Tricia Tomey Stunt Coordinator: Jery Hewitt Key Makeup Artist: Jeff Goodwin First Assistant Makeup Artist: Rick Pour Key Hair Stylist: Aaron F. Quarles First Assistant Hairstylist: Lizz Scalice Costume Supervisor: Carolyn Greco Costumer: Sevilla Granger Special Effects Coordinator: Greg Hull Sound Mixer: Douglas Axtell Boom Operator: Robert Maxfield Key Grip: Randy Tambling Best Boy Grip: Dennis Zoppe Dolly Grip: Rufus Granger Jr. Dolly Grip: Clarence Brown Gaffer: George Ball Rigging Gaffer: Scott Graves Production Coordinator: Cynthia Streit Assistant Production Coordinator: Amy Chance Script Supervisor: Annie Welles Second Second Assistant Director: Stefania Girolami Goodwin Unit Publicist: Alex L. Worman Production Accountant: Karen Eisenstadt Assistant Accountant: Rick Baer Property Master: Robert Beck Assistant Property Master: Beth Giles Assistant Art Director: John Frick Set Designer: Evelyne Barbier Set Designer: Tim Eckel Set Designer: Alan Hook Set Dresser: Colleen Broderick Art Department Coordinator: Susan Agnoff First Assistant “B” Camera: Joe D’Alessandro First Assistant Editor: Thomas J. Nordberg Assistant Editor: Pamela Jule Yuen Movie Reviews: Filipe Manuel Neto: **An animated film, full of rebellion and energy.** Remember the stores that sold...
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maricopa-az-first · 2 years
Maricopa, AZ, Is A Beautiful Place.
Maricopa, AZ, is a beautiful place to get your home. So if you live in Arizona or outside this state and you’re considering moving to the Grand Canyon State, this historical town of Maricopa is a perfect location. You’ll be enthralled by the fascinating facts and highlights that make Maricopa a beautiful place. Among the reasons why I love Maricopa, AZ, are affordable living and employment opportunities. Finding a home in Maricopa is cool because the cost is lower than in Phoenix and other locations. There are also new construction homes for sale in Maricopa. Then the employment opportunities are a lot. It’s the home of major employers like Volkswagen Group of America Inc. and more.
Appliance repair in Maricopa, AZ
If you’re looking for appliance repair in Maricopa, AZ, Felix Appliance Heating & Air is the best to book. You can book your appointment for the time that works best for you or schedule a repair. They’ll diagnose and explain the issue and perform the repair for your heating and cooling system. Afterward, you can relax knowing that you’ve found the best service provider in the area. Felix Appliance Heating & Air is the No. 1. Appliance repair company; everything is taken care of, whether minor or major. Plus, you can choose the lowest price match offer and get a flexible scheduling time; upfront pricing is provided, and technicians are always on time. For inquiries, call (480)-406-7487.
AC repair in Maricopa, AZ
You’ll know if you need AC repair in Maricopa, AZ. There are signs that show that AC repair is not the only thing needed, but replacement. You may need an air conditioning replacement if the unit is old, it runs inefficiently, needs repair more often, and requires costly fixes. In this situation, you can replace your air conditioning system. So to get your problem solved, Felix Appliance Heating & Air is the No. 1 technician to call. It’s the No.1 air conditioning installation company in Maricopa, AZ. This technician offers a precise air conditioning solution to your problem. So, whether your system needs repair or you may need an air conditioning replacement or installation, the technicians from Felix Appliance are the most trusted and the most reliable. For service requests, you can contact (480)-406-7487.
Copper Sky in Maricopa, AZ
Copper Sky in Maricopa, AZ, is a beautiful location. It’s five acres and has a maximum depth of 13 feet. This complex is perfect for sporting, fitness, leisure, and recreational destination. This expansive recreational development location provides a fantastic place for people who want to have fun. It offers state-of-the-art equipment, grand green, and exceptional programs designed to enhance Maricopa's residents' quality of life. So if you want to have fun with your kids, you’ll have a great day at Copper Sky. I love this place and am just really happy with the fun that Copper Sky provides.
Maricopa council approves the final plat for the 536-unit apartment project.
I read from the Rose Law Group Reporter that the Maricopa council approved the final plat for the 536-unit apartment project. This is going to be the biggest apartment community that was approved unanimously by the City Council. The final plat apartments in Maricopa splits the initial parcel to five for phasing of the project northeast of the North Porter Road at the Maricopa Casa Grande Highway, east of Walmart. I like that it features 536 units, making it the biggest 14-apartment project with some planning and zoning commission or the City Council approval. Next is the 348-unit Flatz 520 from Loma Road and State Route 238. I like this development because it will help its residents. Read more.
Link to maps
Copper Sky 44345 M.L.K. Jr. Blvd, Maricopa, AZ 85138, United States Head north on N John Wayne Pkwy/N Maricopa Rd toward W Bowlin Rd 1.2 mi Turn right onto Honeycutt Rd 1.9 mi Turn left onto N Porter Rd 0.4 mi Turn right onto W Homestead Dr 1.0 mi Turn left onto W Robbins Dr 207 ft Turn left onto N Danielle Ave Destination will be on the left 66 ft Felix Appliance Heating & Air 20871 N Danielle Ave, Maricopa, AZ 85138, United States
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gameosity · 5 years
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Game in a Minute: Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar
Related Post Game in a Minute Ep 84: Majesty: For the Realm News Round-up 10/6/14 Edition Jess’s Fav Five Kickstarters of the Week 9/1/17 Don’t Panic! Save Christmas With These Last ...
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
The Loud House Reviews: The Cow-Pie Kid and Saved by the Spell
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Welcome back Loudiacs.. I .. don’t know what the fandom calls themselves. And given I dont’ know anyone personally in the fandom and the going into the tag is like living in a living nightmare.. it’s easier to keep workshopping a name till either someone tells me or I find one that sounds right. Loudites.. there we go that didn’t take long. Point is we’re back in The Loud House, In The Loud House for the first regular coverage, i.e. when I cover a show as It comes out of the season. And I was lucky enough to actually see the episode same day this time and with a promo that at least gives me images to work with, so yeah, i’m pretty pumped. And not just because I can cross this one off because SOMEBODY has a birthday tommorow.. no not me, that was last month. 
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There ya go. But yeah the show’s back. I’m excited, your excited, i’m scared because nick dosen’t give a clear schedule out ahead of time so i’m left wondering when one’s going to pop up and when to get it on my schedule now I have one... it’s a good time. Seriously though Nick needs to get their scheduling in order. So i’m happy to be back, your happy to have me here, but probably not happy to have spoilers so let’s take this under the cut and we can talk about cow pies, magic, and ... how this block is weirdly almost all lincoln episodes. 
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The Cow-Pie Kid:  Yeah.. this was the only bit from cow pie kid I could find. Tons of stuff to mine from for saved by the spell. Nothing for that one. Weird.  Anyways our story opens with Lynn’s baseball team, who we’ve met before.. and include friends who have played other sports with her and that guy she had a crush on for all of five minutes because the writers kinda forgot L is for Love happened for anyone but Luna and Luann. 
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Okay look MOST of the love intrests introduced there were not great and while Lincoln needs one NOW, at the time he really did not as the Ronnie Anne thing had not, and still has not, been properly resolved. Still vastly prefer him with Stella and her with Sid, i’m just saying closure would be nice.  Look i’m getting off topic point is one besides Sam, who was great out of the gate and not just for being gay.. though that was a lot of it, and Benny, whose objectively a really sweet kid and damn likeable. Luaggie shippers feel free to boo me, I understand.. dosen’t change my mind or the fact Poly exists to fix that. I mean why not both I ask you.  Besides them, we had Chazz, a loveable chubby guy who Leni was into and worked at clothing store and knew his fashion stuff. and was charmed by her romantic gesture. He just seemd sweet and it was implied via background stuff they were still dating.. but he hasnt’ shown up since despite her working AT the mall and that being her main arc for the last two seasons. 
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Just why? What’s wrong with the chubby fashion boy? Why? Did they decide they had too many romance arcs.. at exactly two? I get focusing on sam, because duh, and because that was awesome.. but you’ve had 2 full seasons since then and again Leni and him now work in the same location if not the same store, which in itself is a plot. I don’t ask much from you show.. well okay I do but let me clarify I don’t ask much from you that you could actually do: I know i’m never getting my a diffrent world style spinoff with lori and bobby. I know Zach is going nowhere and i’m just going to have to get over it, I will not, but I DO know you could include chaz and just won’t. So do that at least. I will put up with several more seasons of Zach if it means this adorable love story continues. It’s even easy enough to pick up this late: they are both stupid. Work with that. Gah... coach if you’d please. 
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Thanks coach. Okay so one tangent later we’re back to the episode. Point is her team is loosing even though Lynn’s the captain now, and while she’s perfectly encouraging it’s not winning games. Lynn is understandably dejected in the car not helped by the sports commentor guys from the game... commenting about it on the radio...
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I mean.. I get sports can have dry spots and all that but who covers a middle school basketball team on the radio that isn’t the middle school radio station. I mean I genuinely can’t decide which is more sad... a radio personality doing a children’s baseball game on his own show, or having so much trouble getting one that he’s apperaing on the middle school radio show. And I COULD say it’s just a guest spot but he’s talking like he knows what’s going on intmatiley> Did his daughter ask him to? I mean I know radio’s fallen pretty far but I dind’t think it was that much in the basement. Do a podcast at least man. 
Okay before I go on another Tangent point is Lynn feels it’s her fault as Captain.. which granted whoever the coach is should be .. but it genuinely looks like they don’t HAVE a coach. Maybe they had to sack him to pay for the newly refrubished av department? I dunno. Point is she feels bad and Lynn Sr vows to cheer her up.. before stopping for farm fresh eggs. Which.. yeah can’t blame him. He’s a cook, and Liam’s family likely has good prices. He can buy for both home and restraunt at once. I mean he has a van and only one occupant at the moment. Don’t judge him.  But this little detour DOES help Lynn’s mood. Her problem is the team lacks a decent pitcher, since Lynn herself was banned for throwing one at a heckling goat. The Lawsuit is ongoing and that made me laugh a lot. But Lynn finds Happy Gilmore style that Liam.. has a really great arm. Granted instead of actuall balls it’s with cowpies because this series really loves a shit joke, hence the title and the new nickname for liam, the cow pie kid.. but compared to some of the series toilet humor it’s a lot less in your face. But with Liam being so good Lynn can’t help but sign him to the team and Liam being a sweetie pie is happy to agree.  I have.. not hid even for a second how much I liked Liam or wanted him, and Stella, to show up outside of Lincoln episodes more often, or even get his own again. That day.. has come. Not only does LIam now have a roll entirely outside his friend group, but this episode’s about him and Lynn together.. not in that way.. yet. Someday.. Point is my boy is in the spotlight and I could not be happier.   And thankfully.. Lynn’s at her best. What I feared would be an episode about her overtraining him and making him not enjoy the game, htat old chesnut instead.. she just genuinely helps mentor him. She’s tough but fair as she helps him get his aim right as he’s used to firing Cow Pie’s, so the weight distrbution is off. So she helps train him and .. it’s really cute honestly, with her genuinely helping him and showing a softer side and later realizing she had him thinking about it too hard and just having him not think.. and going by instinct naturally works for a carefree and easygoing guy like liam. Wouldn’t be suprised if he went ultra instinct eventually.. but that’s for another episode. They also have a pig pile together.. which sounds bad but is just pigs piling on liam and lynn gladly gets on top of the pigs and god that sounds worse. next scnee. 
So Liam gets ahead and becomes the star pitcher for the zanarkand abes.. I mean the Royal Woods Kangaroos, and they just keep wining and wining and wining. Their like glomgold: all they do is win... but probably with less attempted corpse dancing. Problem is as we see during the montage Liam’s arm is slowly but surley getting cramped and while he wins hte next game.. his arm gives out from noodle arm. The good news is with rest, he can fix it, as her injury prone friend Paula, whose somehow allowed to play with crutches despite ALL the legal and moral issues that raises explains. but they don’t have days to rest it. So insane plans it is!  So Lynn goes to her sisters for herlp..specifically lisa int he hopes her mad science can either fix his pain or turn him into the hulk. Neither happens.. yet. I mean LIam is so sweet if he IS a hulk, we won’t know yet. But the green door will.. it always knows. IT ALWAYS KNOWS.  Lynn bemonas her luck.. before Lucy appears!
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I JUST said last month when reviewing 11 louds a leapin that I missed the duo of her and lynn and lo and behold here we are. While we dno’t get much of the two fo them, it is still nice to see Lynn suprised by her scares and Lucy trying to use the dark arts to heal his pain.. which actually works. Lucy’s upgraded from wants to be a witch to full witch. 
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So yeah her dark magic works and now Liam is fine just fine as the championship game approaches. Until naturally it isn’t. While Lucy STOPPED the pain, she didn’t make anything better, just numbed it so Liam’s arm’s pretty bad and Lisa suggests there’s a 70 perfecnt chance he’ll wreck it if he does so.. and while Lynn is naturlaly, given one of her main traits is asshole, ready to risk that.. she realizes she can’t. Rusty is on her team following her orders.. and no matter how good a W feels.. she can’t trade in someone’s health for one. Honestly bettter than most sports managers ngl. So Paula subs in and misses, loosing them the game.. but Lynn. takes it in stride, having realized she can win next year and having finally realized what being the leader REALLY means. She can work on paula’s curve, give Liam a break, and win next time... which she’ll have because time dosen’t work normally in this show’s dimension and a solid timeline is just a pipedream, so she probably has another year of being 14 to redo this and has become aware of it. I’m scared and excited for what that means.  Liam celebrates with a pig pile of two and we get a REALLY fucking cute shot of the two being happy and what not before a pig jumps on them still though.. yeah I ship it now. Liam taps into the space where I thought a black void of misery and douchebaggery was but ti turns out is in fact a heart, something few can do with Lynn and Lynn can protect him form bullies and is perfectly suited for his rough hewn farmboy styles. Point is their cut.e And so was this episode. IT was a really nice return to the series and it was again REALLY fucking great to see one of Lincoln’s firend,s and one of the GOOD ones at that, get a starring roll without him. HOpefully this keeps up and hopefully we see more of these two. 
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Saved by the Spell:
RUSTY SPOKES IS TRASH (Ring) I don’t have a saved by the spell font that’ll have to do. Point is he is but before we get to Rusty being Rusty, Lincoln is doing magic tricks at the table. 
Point is he’s excited to do it at the talent show. The next day his friends discuss doing something to make them look cool to everyone. WHich.. kids. i’ll level with you. You. are. NERDS. As a massive one in both size and nerdiness myself, there’s nothing wrong with that. 2/3 of you are lovely people. You’ll be fine. But you are geeks, and should be proud of that.. not so proud you evolve into an incel or it’s adjacent form of assholes mind you, but still proud of who you are. You are never going to be that cool by trying to appeal to everyone. Just be yourslef and the cool comes naturaly. Like kool aid, which is naturally made by milking the Kool Aid man. Be you. 
But instead they decide to do a dance routine which..  let’s face it.. is probably just this spread across 6 people...
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Point is maybe don’t do that. Also when Clyde does a dorky but endearing dance and says their going to shake their groove things, Rusty pipes in with “But cool”... and while sadly not as glorious as EVERYONE looking enitrely done with him like last time we saw this tool, Clyde clearly still does while the rest of hte Lincrew have no idea what the hell he’s on. I think their just.. numb to his stupidity and ego at this point.  But when Lincoln shows off his magic they all hide him, fearing that magic.. is well for younger kids and this won’t play so well. Which isn’t an invalid fear: this is middle school and from personal experince, middle school can be hell.. and also one of hte best years of my life which shows the vast gulf between the two schools I was in but was also not the point. the point is kids can be cruel and maybe don’t do this. But lincoln gonna do it anyway because he has confidence.. and frankly given there was an ENTIRE episode about being yourself instead of putting on an asshole suit of armor to avoid being hurt, which Lynn finally took off again last episode, he’s right.. but the rest of them all feel THEIR ALL GOING TO LAUGH AT YOU. and since they don’t know if he has latent psychic powers or not can’t risk him getting pigs blood dumped on him so they plan to find some way to trick him out of it.. Clyde of course gets his stomach in nots because he’s not good with schemes or lying ot his best friend, both of which this is and requires. 
Also Stella’s in the lead, as she should be. And she helps as her positive attudie makes what their doing come off as it should: KINDA douchey, but not intentionally so, they just worry about hteir freind getting pummled.. possibly by his own sister but now sh’es possibly with Liam that’s probably not as much of a worry. Or Chandler but frankly he’s going to do that no matter what.. and is probably getting his ass kicked himself by older kids who won’t toldeate his bs, so your clear. But their fears while a bit unfounded are understandable and well inteitoned if misguided, as we don’t know LIncoln’s act at this point or how well it’d go over with a mostly tweenager crowd, who can be the best as we’ve seen in recent tv.. or aboslutel monsters.. same deal. You either get Luz or you get BOscha, the inbetween is rare. 
So cue our usual setup of a bunch of attempts to do something in a row, but like I said while i’m not a fan of reptition if it’s done well enough it works and with it’s rather sizeable supporting cast , LIncoln and Friends episodes usdually do make it work. In this case it does as each of the sensational 6, lincoln and clyde asid,e try their hand at it. Liam, being the golden child, just has the most direct and obvious route: swipe his magic stuff.. and runs off without letting them talk it out but unlike Rusty in the next attempt, his plan was actually viable.. he just gets tangled up in the scarves and taps out.  Rusty is next ....and his idea is to.. show lincoln his killer dance moves to convince him normally. 
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Yup pretty much that. And somehow out of the four plans, RUSTY’S is the only one that dosen’t bring up any serious moral quandries. I know i’m shocked too. He just thinks his moves will do it when no they won’t, please stop it hurts to watch and I can’t turn the fuck away. This is my job you redheaded kanker sore! Gah it thankfully ends and is unsurisingly unsuccesful. 
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Also unsuprisingly, i’ve been waiting since i got that image to use it on Rusty. And as a third dollop of unsuprise I did not have to force it in any way shape or form. Point is it’s Zach’s turn as during the last two he’s been pushing really hard to use some form of brainwashing on his friend.. yes .. really. 
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Thought Rusty would be the first loud house character to get that one but hey if the shoe fits. Seriously I thought rusty was the creep among them but at least you know.. altering someone’s throughts to suit your own isn’t his go to move. Being excetsivly cocky and coming on too strong is but still better to take THAT out of the Zach Morris playbook than “brainwash people into dooing whatever you say because tha’ts not creeptagious.” And unsurpsingly it does not work.. on Lincoln it woroks on Meyrl for some reason. Thankfully it dosen’t though just.. Zach needs no power epsiecally over the mind. 
So UNSUPRSINGLY, Stella has the working plnan.. and also unsuprisingly the last three just did theres by running off, running off and shouting the loudest. Again somehow Rusty is NO LONGER the most obnoxious one of the group. Zach won that title this episode. He’s still the most pathetic.. but i’m the most done with Zach who adds nothing to the dynamic or the planet or anything and I wish would just go away. Your home planet needs you. 
But yeah Stella has the winning idea: pretending to be “Yodel Boy”, a student who was humilated at a talent show last year, proving sh’es not only a decent actress (I mean it’s obvious i’ts stella in a wig, padding and lederhosen, but points for the accent being okay and hey she’s in middle school), but also the smartest of them. Only one of those is a suprise. It works and Lincoln agrees. 
So the night of the talent show they’ve caught him up to speed and prepare to celebrate, only for clyd eto open the wrong locker and reveal the yodel boy suit. WHy it was in there instead of at Stella’s house where this wouldn’t happen?
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But yeah the cat’s out of the bag and lincoln leaves, depressed his friends think that little of him and lied to him. Which.. yeah completely fair. They tried talking to him, it did not work.. they shoudl’ve just left it at that. It would’ve SUCKED if he got bullied true, but it was his choice to go out there and take a risk and do what he loves. As someone whose constnatly self concious and had to fight to start writing like i’m doing now, I envy that kind of youthful confidence and thus wholly support him. 
And finally.. so do his friends. Realizing they’ve been kinda crappy, they introduce lincoln instead and work as his assitants.. and.. it works. Stella gets sawn in half, Zach gets astounded by a card trick, and Liam wears a bunny outfit which is just.. precious. Good boy. Best boy. It’s a huge hit.. and we also get to seesome of the new background kids including one with pink hair who looks kinda nb. I’m just saying one of you should take a crack at them, they seem nice. But for now our heroes are haield as heroes, and the other 5 apologize to lincon and they do their now cemented and fucking adorable group hug. Happy ending to a pretty great episode, with decent gags, a good relatable plot, and Rusty being just the right amoutn of obnoxious. Good stuff.  So that does it for this week. If you liked this review like or reblog it, check out my other work and come back later today for some duck content. and every week once the show returns. Until the next rainbow, it’s been a pleasure. 
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Queer as Folk on Peacock, from UCP
The Peacock series will be set in New Orleans and will follow a diverse group of friends whose lives are transformed in the aftermath of a tragedy.
 The core friend group/regulars:
Devin Way (Grey’s Anatomy) as Brodie, a charming and sometimes chaotic commitment-phobe who finds a reason to stay in New Orleans after tragedy rocks his community. This description sounds most like Brian Kinney in Showtime’s version.
Fin Argus (Clouds, The Gifted) as Mingus, a cocky high schooler whose confidence belies his lack of real-world experience. This description sounds most like Justin Taylor in Showtime’s version.
Jesse James Keitel (Big Sky) as Ruthie, a trans, semi-reformed party girl who is struggling to grow up. This description sounds most like Emmett Honeycutt in Showtime’s version.
Candace Grace, CG (Acts of Crime) as Shar, a non-binary professor navigating the rocky transition from punk to parenthood. This description sounds most like Ben Bruckner or Lindsay Peterson in Showtime’s version.
Johnny Sibilly (Pose, Hacks) as Noah, a successful lawyer who is not as put together as he seems. This description sounds most like Ted Schmidt or Melanie Marcus in Showtime’s version.
Ryan O’Connell (Special) as Julian, a pop culture nerd with cerebral palsy who is more than ready for some independence. This description sounds most like Michael Novotny in Showtime’s version. O’Connell will also serve as co-executive producer and a writer of the series.
Kim Cattrall (Sex in the City) as Brenda, a martini-soaked, high-society Southern debutant with trailer park roots in the series, in a recurring guest star role.
Eric Graise as Marvin, a jaded barfly who DNGAF about your problems.
Juliette Lewis as Judy, a single mom who is more of a friend than a parent to her teenage son.
Armand Fields as Bussy, the reigning drag queen and matriarch of the local scene.
Chris Renfro as Daddius, a fun-loving hedonist who is always the life of the party.
Sachin Bhatt as Ali, a charming and empathetic sex worker.
Ed Begley Jr. as Winston, an emotionally distant father.
Benito Skinner as Jack Cole Jordan, a self-aggrandizing influencer.
Lukas Gage (White Lotus) as Eric, a personal trainer.
Megan Stalter (Hacks) as aspiring singer Meg.
Olli Haaskivi as George, a friend from the mall.
Calvin Seabrooks as Taylor, a reluctant dinner party guest. 
Articles: Series Order; Grace, Sibilly, Way, and Argus; Lewis, Begley, and assorted; Keitel; O’Connell; Cattrall; Gage, Slater, Haaskivi, and Seabrooks
It is a reboot of Russell T. Davies’ series, which starred Aidan Gillen, Charlie Hunnam and Craig Kelly as three gay men living in Manchester. A U.S. remake, set in Pittsburgh, also aired on Showtime from 1999 to 2005, starring Gale Harold, Randy Harrison, and Hal Sparks.
Stephen Dunn created the reboot and will write and exec produce, as well as direct the pilot episode.
* please note OP was a fan of the Showtime series and is excited for the reboot; please refrain from negativity about either on this post
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biographyset · 3 years
Duane Lee Chapman Jr. Biography – Reality TV Star
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The reality tv star is recognized as the legendary TV personality Duane Lee Chapman‘s son. He has received international acclaim from his several bounty hunting shows. Moreover, Chapman Sr. was convicted of first-degree murder before his ascent to fame.
But unlike his celeb dad, Chapman Jr. prefers to lead a private life. So, what is he doing now; let’s learn in this biography.
Duane Jr. Was Born From Duane’s First Marriage With La Fonda
The media person was born on January 21, 1973, in America. His parents raised him in Pampas, Texas.
Duane Lee Chapman Jr.’s mother, La Fonda Sue Honeycutt, is the first wife of Chapman Sr. However, she has remained in the shadows since her divorce from her ex-husband. Read More 
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thecomicon · 5 years
Mondo And Restoration Games Bring You New Tabletop Game Unmatched For GenCon
Mondo And Restoration Games Bring You New Tabletop Game Unmatched For GenCon
Unmatched: Battle of Legends, Vol. 1 ($40), Robin Hood vs. Bigfoot ($25), and Bruce Lee ($15). Designed by Rob Daviau, JR Honeycutt, and Justin D. Jacobson. Art by Oliver Barrett. Pre-Orders open August 1st at 9 AM (CT). Expected to Ship in September 2019. Ships Worldwide.
Why Mondo would announce a tabletop game they’ll have for GenConwhile all the hullabaloo of SDCC is happening is anyone’s…
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phoebepheebsphibs · 21 days
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 47/Epilogue: Mikey Done Good
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
It has been a month since Mikey's second rescue from the TCRI.
The lair is bright again. There is laughter again. Everyone smiles and jokes and has fun again.
It's a home again.
Casey Jones Jr. smiles as he works to tidy up the lair, moving the empty and flattened cardboard boxes over to a side tunnel so they can be placed in a dumpster later. Usually, none of them mind the clutter or the mess from moving, but they're having guests over tonight and Casey wants to make a good impression.
Speaking of, CJ gets a notif from the security system that April has arrived. She waltzes in moment later, smiling brightly.
"Whattup, family!" she yells loudly, announcing her arrival to all who didn't get the notification. "It's your favourite person! Apriiiiiiiiiiiiil O'Neil!!"
CJ rolls his eyes as Donatello and S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.2.0 come out to greet her.
"Hey, April!" Donnie responds, quickly fistbumping her in greeting. "How was class?"
"Pretty good. My report got an A, so I'd think I'm a shoo-in for the competitive writing finals this year. I heard the winners get to intern for Channel 6!"
Donnie rolls his eyes and smiles.
"You always did like the news."
"Congrats, bromigo!" S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.2.0 cheers, activating a few streamers and confetti, much to Casey's annoyance at having to clean the hall again.
"Where's everybody else?" April asks, glancing up and down the halls.
"Raph is still getting the dining room set up," Donnie says. "And Mikey's making dinner."
"Mikey is?" April asks, eyes wide, yet nowhere near as wide as her smile. "He's cooking again?"
"We've been practicing a few recipes," Casey announces proudly. "He felt confident enough to try making some of the food tonight."
"Lemme guess... pizza?" April chuckles as she follows the others into the living room to help Raphael set up. "I can't wait for another Mikey original! So, is everybody coming tonight?"
"My mom said she'll be here in a bit," Casey answers as he starts wiping down the table for the fourth time. "Agent Bishop and Honeycutt will be arriving within the next fifteen minutes, I think."
"Pops and Draxum are still waiting for Leo to wrap up his appointment. They're cuttin' it close, but Leo promised to be on time," Raph says as he carries a stack of plates into the room. "Which means he'll be fashionably late again."
Donnie sneers.
"You'd think a guy who can make portals to any place on earth would understand how to be punctual."
"I still can't believe it's been a month," April awes. "Everything flew by so fast!"
"And it doesn't help that the one day at the TCRI felt like a whole week," Raph groans. "Hey, who's in charge of silverware?"
"I got it," Casey offers, running into the kitchen and returning a moment later with the cutlery. "So, Mikey made pizza, Raph made breadsticks, and I made salad."
"I brought mini shish kabobs and dip," April offers, holding up a tupperware with grilled veggies on skewers.
"Sounds great! Mom mentioned bringing brownies..." Casey recalls, "Bishop and the Professor offered to pick up drinks, and Master Splinter and the Baron said they'd grab some Yokai hors d'oeuvre from the Hidden City vendors. So I think we'll be good!"
The group continue to set up the dinner table just as three more guests enter from the subway tunnel.
"I HAVE ARRIVED!!!" Cassandra yells loudly, waving her hockey stick around like a crazed chimpanzee as she runs.
Cass rushes forwards and wraps her arms around CJ as tightly as she can. He reciprocates with a laugh.
"ᴡᴇ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟꜱᴏ ᴀʀʀɪᴠᴇᴅ," Fugitoid remarks as he and Bishop walk in next, "ʙᴜᴛ ᴇʟᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ꜱᴏ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴄᴀʟᴍᴇʀ ᴍᴀɴɴᴇʀ."
"Hey, Professor!" Casey greets with a smile. "You're looking good. New upgrades?"
"ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏʀ ɴᴏᴛɪᴄɪɴɢ. ᴅᴏɴᴀᴛᴇʟʟᴏ ʜᴀꜱ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴇxᴛʀᴇᴍᴇʟʏ ʜᴇʟᴘꜰᴜʟ ᴛʜᴇꜱᴇ ᴘᴀꜱᴛ ꜰᴇᴡ ᴡᴇᴇᴋꜱ…"
"Anything for a fan of my work," Dee jokes. "And you've brought drinks. Any flavourless juice?"
"Sorry, just sodas," Bishop says, holding up a few grocery bags filled with large liters of name brand seltzers.
"We can't expect you to be perfect all the time," Donnie grumbles.
"Where's Mikey?" Bishop asks.
"If he heard Cass's war cry, then he should be here any second --"
Almost on cue, Mikey comes bounding out of the kitchen at full speed, pouncing at Cass and zipping around her waist and shoulders in excitement like a hyped-up cat. He eventually perches just above her shoulders, chirping excitedly and giving her a noogie. She laughs as she reaches up and pulls him down, matching his energy and nooging him right back.
Mikey laughs before releasing his hold on her and running over to Bishop and Fugitoid, reacting much more calmly and rising to stand on two legs for them.
"Hi, guys!" he says, a smile growing across his doughy and flour-caked face.
"ꜱᴏ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ, ᴍɪᴋᴇʏ!" Fugitoid greets. "ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴡᴇʟʟ."
"Thanks! I'm all patched up now, see?" Mikey says as he enthusiastically shows off the large scars on his abdomen and neck. "My only complaint is the physical therapy's boring; but it is helping me to get back into my old hobbies!"
"I see you've taken up cooking?" Bishop asks, pulling a small chunk of sticky dough off Mikey's face.
"Oh, yeah. Whoops! I got a little carried away... but the pizza should be done in a while! Just enough time to talk about stuff and wait for the rest to get here! We can catch up!"
"Yeah, how's it going with the whole TCRI business?" Casey asks as he takes the brownies and sodas into the kitchen, the rest following after him and Mikey.
"Going really well," Bishop nods with a smile. "Which is surprising, considering everything. You'd think an evil corporation would try to hide their misdeeds, but what with all the leadership gone, everyone's turning on each other and revealing the truth!"
"Seriously?" Raph asks, eyes wide. "That's awesome!"
"Why haven't we heard anything about it on the news?" April asks.
"I doubt the local police will let any kind of news about a failed government study get in the public eye," Bishop sighs. "But they're handling it pretty well. Most scientists want to plea bargain, and from what I've heard the TCRI will be completely and permanently shut down within the next few days. Not just the sites stationed in NYC, but all over the globe! Then there's proceedings, court hearings, lawsuits from disgruntled employees for harassment, assault, and unfair work environments, just to name a few."
"Sounds like you have your hands full!" April laughs, moving aside as Mikey skirts behind her to retrieve a bottle of tomato sauce for the pizza.
"ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ!" Fugitoid chimes in. "ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴄʀɪ ɪɴ ꜱʜᴀᴍʙʟᴇꜱ, ᴛʜᴇ ᴜɴɪᴛᴇᴅ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴇꜱ ɢᴏᴠᴇʀɴᴍᴇɴᴛ ɪꜱ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ɴᴇᴡ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ!"
"And that's where you two come in, hm?" Donnie asks with a smirk.
"I think it's time we rebuilt the Earth Protection Force from the ground up," Bishop nods. "Make it the way it was supposed to be. Something we can actually rely on."
Mikey smiles brightly at the agent as he shreds the cheese over the pizza dough and tomato paste. Though in his distraction, he accidentally spreads the cheese onto the countertop rather than the pizza itself. He hastily scoops up the cheese and sprinkles it back wherever it looks needed.
"Well, you're perfect for the job!" Casey beams.
"And I know a few girl scouts who would be VERY EXCITED to help!" Cass exclaims, forgetting her inside voice for a moment.
"I'll take that under consideration," Bishop responds with a roll of his eyes. "I could use some extra help. There are a lot of bad guys out there..."
"Speaking of," Raph slides in, clearing his throat. "Any updates on a certain 'you know who' and her location?"
"Abigail Finn is still incognito," Bishop sighs. "Though, Donatello's facial tracking system and security measures have helped us to keep a few tabs on her. But she's staying discreet, keeping a low profile and avoiding anything illegal. Which is good."
"Just give me a reason to annihilate her," Donnie whispers to himself. "Or to at least let me go semi-lethal..."
"Have you made any attempts to arrest her?" Casey asks.
"We... considered it," Bishop sighs. "But we felt that it would be better to let it slide. If we did make any attempts, you can bet she'd try to twist the truth and reveal everything she knows about you guys."
"So essentially, you're at a stalemate," Casey grumbles.
"Pretty much. We know dirt on her, she knows dirt on us. So long as we stay out of each others' ways, we're fine."
"ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʜᴇʀ. ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ? ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ?" Fugitoid asks.
"Mostly helpin' with recovery," Raph answers. "In different ways."
"ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴏᴡ ɪꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴄᴏᴠᴇʀʏ ɢᴏɪɴɢ, ᴍɪᴄʜᴇʟᴀɴɢᴇʟᴏ?"
Mikey sighs as he shoves the pizza into the oven. Not a begrudging sigh, but more of a 'where do I start' kind of sigh.
"Well... it's been a lot. First was the whole bedridden thing. Then the physical therapy started. Case was a HUGE help with that, he's an expert on it! And after that... it was a mix of stuff. My memory's gotten better, thanks to Draxum's mystic goop. He said by the rate I'm healing at, all my memories should be back by the end of the month!"
"ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅꜱ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ!" Fugitoid remarks, though the 'mystic goop' comment flies right over his head.
"Yeah... but it's not always easy," Mikey admits. "I have some bad days, a few relapses. Sometimes I still forget names and call one of my brothers by their life-colour instead. Sometimes I talk in the third person instead of the first. Some days I can't talk at all! Walking is... still wacky and tough to get used to. I'm comfortable doing both two legs and four, but I'm faster on four. My vision still acts up, but I've learned to control it a bit better. Dee and I have been training it to shift on command instead of in reaction to light! All in all, adjusting is weird."
"I bet," Bishop nods.
"Wildest thing -- pun intended -- is the whole 'animalistic traits' junk that happens. Like, I still don't get some social cues?" Mikey admits. "Like most people shake hands, but I'll smell or sniff a person first. Most people hug, I climb on them and wrap my whole body around them like a snake. I'll growl if I'm angry. Sometimes I bite when I get startled. Stuff like that."
"Don't forget that one week where you kept making nests all over the lair and storing food in your room," Donnie chimes in.
"I'm just glad you haven't tried to mark your territory or anything," Raph jokes.
Mikey gives him a joking side-glare before continuing.
"Well anyways, it's been weird and confusing but I'm doing a lot better now. I'm really happy again! Which, I'll be honest... surprises me sometimes. The nightmares aren't as constant. They happen, and sometimes I wake up and I don't know where I am. But my family's there to help whenever. I didn't think I'd be this happy this much for a long time... But here we are!"
April starts tearing up out of joy and goes to hug Mikey, who laughs and hugs her back.
"ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴏɴ ᴀɴʏ ᴍɪꜱꜱɪᴏɴꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ ʏᴇᴛ?" Fugitoid wonders.
"One or two," Mikey shrugs. "Though Raph would rather I wait a little longer. I'm kinda glad I kept the mutations, they really help with tracking and stuff -- and the looks on the villains' faces when I start climbing the walls is priceless!" Mikey cackles.
"ᴀɴᴅ… ᴛʜᴇ ɪɴᴛʀᴜꜱɪᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛꜱ?"
"Not as bad," Mikey explains. "Practically gone. Sure, Instinct pops up every once in a while. He really likes to talk during fights and junk. But Raph's been helping me out with him."
Raphael smiles proudly at the mention.
"Therapy's been good too," Mikey continues. "It helps to just... talk it out with someone."
"You've been doing therapy?" Bishop asks in pleasant surprise. "With who? A human therapist?"
"Actually, there's a Yokai clinic in the Hidden City," Mikey smiles. "Draxum recommended it to Leo, and Leo recommend it to all of us."
"Ohhhh, so is that the appointment Casey mentioned?" April asks.
"Yeah," Mikey says with a grin. "I'm really happy that Leo took the initiative to go, that was huge for him. And he's doing a lot better, too!"
Mikey continues to explain their experiences with their therapists as he works with the pizza, pulling it from the oven and sprinkling garlic and herbs into the crust before setting it back in for a few more minutes...
"Leo's therapist has been giving him tips on how to improve his mental health, gain more self-worth, and deal with his own intrusive thoughts. He said I'd like talking to them, so I went in for a sort of trial run. It was... a little awkward at first. The initial couple of sessions were just us getting to know each other and my therapist asking about my family and some hobbies, which I kinda didn't expect at first? I guess I figured that we'd jump right into the issue... But the more we talked, the closer we got and the easier it was for me to open up about my traumas and problems. So, uh, there's that!"
Mikey chuckles as he checks on the pizza again. Five more minutes, maybe... He sighs as he leaps onto the kitchen counter and perches there.
"So, I guess this is our new normal," April notes. "Everything seems to be all wrapped up for the most part."
"Except for one thing," Cassandra grumbles. "The blue turtle and his fathers aren't here yet! I want to eat the pizza already!!"
"It's not even out of the oven," Raph scolds.
"Uh-huh, suuuuuuure," April jokes.
"When is Leo getting back, though?" Mikey asks.
"By my calculations, he'll be here in the next three minutes," Donnie declares. "My tracker says he and Papa and Draxum just left the Yokai clinic and should be getting their contributions for dinner right about now."
"Great! They'll arrive just in time for the pizza..."
The group continue talking about whatever they can until Leonardo's portal illuminates the outer room. Warm welcomes, questions on how the session went, how Leo's doing, what Draxum has been up to, and so on until everyone decides that they are starving and sit themselves down for dinner.
The group catch Leo up to the discussion through the salad and appetizers. He huffs at the mention of Dr. Finn. Draxum catches the others up on the recent finishes to his home and how Huginn and Muninn have come back to work for him again.
Fugitoid pretends to eat the food, which causes Casey Jones to snort his soda through his nose and the entire table laughs, even John Bishop.
Mikey uses his mutated tongue to snag an hors d'oeuvre off of Leo's plate when he isn't looking. Splinter sees and snickers loudly, which alerts Leo to Mikey's second and third attempts.
The pizza comes out a few minutes later, hot and ready. The crust is a bit warped and has strange knots, the cheese is mismatched and looks odd, and the toppings are strangely arranged. It's the wackiest-looking flatbread the world has ever seen.
Yet when each guest takes a bite, they are wonderfully surprised. It is quite possibly the most delicious pizza in the world, despite its flaws and outward appearance.
"Mikey, you made this?" Leo asks with shock as he chows down on the slice.
Mikey nods as he eats his own cheesy triangle.
"Wow, dude! This tastes awesome!"
Mikey's smile stretches across his face as Leo pats him on the back.
"You did good, Mikey! You did really good."
The End.
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meeplegamers · 6 years
(Spoiler Free) Betrayal Legacy from Avalon Hill Games - Review
(Spoiler Free) Betrayal Legacy from Avalon Hill Games – Review
If you’re looking for a great Halloween or ghost story type game this is a really good one. 
Steve Mayne Tweet
Publisher: Avalon Hill Games Designer: Rob Daviau Designer: Noah Cohen Designer: JR Honeycutt Designer: Ryan Miller Designer: Brian Neff Designer: Andrew Veen Artist: Scott Okumura Artist: Ben Oliver Game Type: Narrative, exploration, dice rolling, hidden traitor Initial…
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cardboardedison · 6 years
While an understanding of logic, personal motivation, incentives, and information management is important in design, all of it dies without being able to understand how something makes somebody else feel. Empathy >>>>> Intelligence.
JR Honeycutt
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gameosity · 6 years
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und100 · 3 years
[Test] Unmatched, Robin des bois vs Bigfoot
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2 joueurs
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Rob Daviau, Justin D.Jacobson, JR Honeycutt
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9 ans
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Oliver Barrett
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20 minutes
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affrontements, placement, cartes
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22€50 chez
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et dans
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Unmatched, Robin des bois vs Bigfoot Voici la deuxième boite de la gamme Unmatched. Cette nouvelle boite ne contient que deux personnages : Robin des bois et Bigfoot, encore des personnages issus d'univers bien différents. Ces personnages sont bien sûr compatibles avec les autres boites et le mélange est tout à fait possible. On retrouve donc avec plaisir la même mécanique et le même sustème de jeu, avec deux autres personnages et un nouveau plateau réversible.
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- 1 Livret de règles - 2 Figurines ( Bigfoot et Robin des Bois ) - 5 Jetons Acolyte - 3 Compteurs Sant�� - 62 Cartes (63x88mm) - 1 Plateau recto verso
Comment on joue à Unmatched ?
On commence pas choisir son champ de bataille (le plateau est recto verso). Chaque joueur choisit un héro et prend tout le matériel le concernant (cartes, jetons, compteurs). Chaque joueur mélange son deck et pioche 5 cartes. On place les héros sur les emplacement de départ et les acolytes où on veut dans la même zone (case partageant la même couleur). On règle les compteurs sur le nombre des points de vie de départ de chaque héro et éventuellement de chaque acolyte. On est déjà prêt à jouer ! A son tour, chaque jouer DOIT effectuer 2 actions (on peut effectuer deux fois la même) : - Manœuvre : Le joueur DOIT piocher une carte et PEUT déplacer son héro et ses acolytes d'un nombre de cases comprise entre 0 le le maximum de mouvement. On peut booster la valeur de déplacement en défaussant une carte et en y appliquant sa valeur de boost. - Stratagème : Le joueur joue une carte stratagème, applique son effet et la défausse. - Attaque : Le joueur joue secrètement une carte d'attaque, puis le défenseur peut jouer secrètement une carte de défense. Une attaque peut être à distance (dans la même zone) ou au corps à corps à corps (case adjacente) ; chaque héro/acolyte ne peut attaquer qu'à distance ou qu'au corps à corps. Chaque joueur révèle ses cartes, on déduit la valeur de défense à la valeur d'attaque. Si cette dernière est plus élevée, le résultat et à déduire des points de vie du défenseur. Si un combattant arrive à 0 point de vie, il est éliminé. Veuillez noter que certaines cartes sont des cartes d'attaque uniquement, d'autres de défense uniquement et enfin, certaines sont polyvalentes (attaque ou défense). Veuillez noter aussi que certaines cartes peuvent être utilisées par tous les combattants, d'autres uniquement par le héros ou encore uniquement par les acolytes. Tous les héros ont un pouvoir passif ou non qui rend le jeu encore plus asymétrique. Il n'y a aucun moyen de récupérer les cartes défaussées. Quand une pioche est épuisée, la partie continue, mais les combattants du joueur concerné perdent deux points de vie à chaque fois qu'il doit piocher. Inutile de vous dire que si cela arrive, la fin de partie arrive très vite avec la défaite du joueur qui n'a plus de carte. Dès qu'un héros est descendu à 0 point de vie, le joueur adverse gagne immédiatement, même s'il reste des acolytes sur le champs de bataille. https://youtu.be/XduXW9NA3VY - Faire se combattre des personnages d'univers très différents - La mise en place hyper rapide - L'encrage de figurines - L'asymétrie des personnages - Les deux champs de bataille différents - Des tours nerveux et rapides - Le jeu demande de se creuser la tête pour établir une stratégie viable - La gestion de la main et du deck - Des plateaux plus petits qui imposent la confrontation rapide... - ...Qui ne convient pas à une partie à plus que deux - ... Qui désavantage les personnages à distance - Les cartes spécifiques à un acolyte qui deviennent quasi "mortes" quand celui ci est éliminé - Difficile de s'assurer de l'équilibrage des personnages
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J'aime bien le design d'Unmatched. Si les illustrations ont un parti pris et ne plairont pas à tout le monde, l'illustrateur a choisi de représenter de manière agressive les personnages même s'ils ne le sont pas à la base. Alice est dotée d'un gros couteau de cuisine dont je ne me rappelle pas la présence dans le conte original. Le personnage que j'aime le moins, graphiquement parlant, est sans doute Arthur, affublé d'une armure légère de type plutôt orientale, j'aurais préféré un grand chevalier en armure lourde. A part cela, on reconnaît bien les personnages et les acolytes sont bien choisis. Le plateau champs de bataille est fonctionnel mais la couleur des cases nuit un peu à l'immersion, rien de rédhibitoire, les auteurs ont choisit la lisibilité plutôt que l'immersion, c'est tout à leur honneur. L'iconographie d'Unmatched est claire et explicite, on ne confond pas les icônes et on les retient facilement. Les figurines sont assez jolies, même si le détails des visages n'est pas très élevé et un encrage noir a été appliqué. Les peintres remercieront cette initiative qui permettra d'accentuer les ombrages. Les peintres ne remercieront pas en revanche le manque de détails sur les visages. D'une manière générale, Unmatched est un joli jeu, bien designé et qui donne envie de jouer. Le design de cette boite me plait autant que pour la précédente avec des couleurs de la nature (vert et marron)
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Qualité du matériel
La qualité du matériel fourni dans Unmatched est bonne compte tenu du prix du titre. Les figurines sont de bonne qualité, ni trop rigides ni trop molles, elles n'ont pas l'air fragiles. Les cartes sont d'une épaisseur convenables mais n'ont pas le linen finish et les compteurs en carton sont de bonne qualité. Ils sont ni trop serrés ni trop lâches, ils tournent bien et ne glissent pas. Les jetons acolytes sont en plastique imprimé, ils sont de bonne qualité (j'aurais cependant aimé des figurines, même si cela aurait monté le prix de la boite). Enfin le plateau est de la bonne épaisseur et se déplie correctement. Dans l'ensemble le titre donne une impression de qualité et de durabilité.
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Il n'y a pas vraiment de thème dans Unmatched. Ou plutôt, il mélange plein de thèmes différents, c'est le principe des mashup. Pour cette boite, on fait s'affronter Robin des bois et Bigfoot, deux personnages forestiers mais très différents. Robin des Bois est un personnage fictif, héros légendaire et archétypal du Moyen Âge anglais. D'abord sujet d'une tradition orale, il devient un personnage littéraire au 14ième siècle, avec des œuvres telles que Piers plowman (« Pierre le Laboureur ») de William Langland, puis le héros de diverses gestes du 15ième siècle telles que The Lytell Geste of Robin Hood. Selon la légende, telle qu'elle est répandue aujourd’hui, Robin des Bois était un brigand au grand cœur qui vivait caché dans la forêt de Sherwood et de Barnsdale. Habile braconnier, mais aussi défenseur avec ses nombreux compagnons des pauvres et des opprimés, il détroussait les riches au profit des pauvres ou rendait au peuple l'argent des impôts prélevés, selon les idéaux des auteurs. La première mention de Robehod ou Hobbehod date de 1228 dans un document judiciaire : un parchemin recense un Robinhood mis en prison pour non-paiement d'une dette ou d'une amende. La majorité des références datent de la fin du 13ième siècle : entre 1261 et 1300 en Angleterre, on retrouve pas moins de huit références à un certain Rabunhod. Au début du 14ième siècle, des ballades populaires célèbrent les aventures de Robin des Bois, notamment d'un Robin, chef d'une équipe de lutteurs qui apparaît lors des fêtes paroissiales. Il est dès lors suffisamment connu dans la tradition orale pour apparaître dans la littérature : la première mention manuscrite d'une œuvre littéraire de Robin des Bois se trouve dans Pierre le laboureur (Piers Plowman) de William Langland (1377), où Sloth, un prêtre paresseux, déclare : « Je connais des rimes de Robin des Bois. » Trois ans plus tard, le chroniqueur écossais Jean de Fordun écrit que le personnage de Robin des Bois dans les ballades « plaît mieux que tous les autres. » Au cours du 15ième siècle se forge la légende de Robin des Bois dans plusieurs ballades qui s'étoffent : A Gest of Robyn Hode (La geste de Robin des Bois) est un conte enfantin, compilation de plusieurs poèmes du 14ième siècle, qui le présente comme un hors-la-loi au grand cœur, affrontant un système corrompu avec son arc long (arme ignoble au sens étymologique du terme) ; Robin et le moine, histoire sanglante dans laquelle il détrousse les riches pour son propre compte et tue des gens avec flegme ; Robin et le potier, conte comique dans lequel il berne le shérif de Nottingham grâce à la femme de ce dernier ; Gest présente une version complète de l’histoire de Robin des Bois (avec les personnages du bûcheron Petit Jean et de Stuteley, chef du groupe de paysans que Robin a sauvé de la potence). Des historiens marxistes comme Rodney Hilton en ont fait le symbole de la révolte paysanne alors que Robin des Bois apparaît dans ces textes plutôt comme un yeoman. D'après les recherches de Laurence Belingard, maître de conférence en histoire anglaise à l'université d'Avignon, le personnage décrit dans certaines ballades populaires n'a rien à voir avec l'image du noble justicier mais plutôt comme un paysan parfois cruel et violent. Elle note par exemple des passages où le héros décapite un moine, ou d'autres où il décapite un enfant. Le Bigfoot ou Sasquatch est une créature légendaire qui vivrait au Canada et aux États-Unis. La multiplication des témoignages pourrait laisser penser qu'il ne s'agirait pas d'un individu, mais de plusieurs hypothétiques créatures. Le nom Bigfoot (« grand pied » en anglais) lui a été donné par les premiers colons lors de la conquête de l'Ouest, du fait de sa grande taille présumée et surtout des empreintes gigantesques qu'il laisserait après son passage. Cet être humanoïde occuperait principalement les grandes chaînes de montagnes (Adirondacks, Rocheuses, et Appalaches) ainsi que les régions très boisées et faiblement peuplées par l'homme (les Everglades). Le nom sasquatch vient du halkomelem sésq̓əc, « géant velu» Le terme amérindien « sasquatch » est plus utilisé au Canada, en particulier en Alberta et dans les chaînes de montagne, tandis qu'aux États-Unis et en Europe le terme « bigfoot » lui est préféré. Ces êtres sont généralement décrits comme étant des hominidés. L'absence persistante de preuve matérielle de son existence conduit toutefois la plupart des scientifiques à les considérer comme relevant du folklore.
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C'est le point fort d'Unmatched ! La mécanique est assez simple, mais elle rend le jeu nerveux, tendu, on sent bien le duel à mort. Il va falloir user et abuser de ruses, de stratagèmes et de fourberies pour arriver à bout de votre adversaire. Le jeu est jouable jusqu'à 4, mais clairement, il a été pensé pour deux, c'est dans cette configuration que tout sa substantifique moelle est accessible. Mélangeant un jeu de cartes et un jeu de figurine, le mashup ne se fait pas qu'au niveau du thème, mais bel et bien au niveau de la mécanique aussi. Ce qui est vraiment top, c'est bien sûr l'asymétrie très forte du titre. En effet, chaque personnage se joue totalement différemment et les stratégies que vous mettrez en place dépendent de votre avatar. Certains héros sont plus offensifs, d'autres s'appuient sur le mouvement ou bien la défense, bref il y en a pour tous les goûts. Si vous ajoutez à cela les autres boites contenant d'autres héros, le roaster devient vraiment impressionnant et hyper diversifié. La question qui me turlupine néanmoins c'est l'équilibrage des personnages. Je dois vous avouer que je n'ai ni le recul, ni les compétences pour émettre un avis sur la question. Ce que je peux vous dire, c'est qu'après une rapide recherche sur internet, le nombre de classements portant sur la puissance des personnage me met dans un doute affreux sur ce fameux équilibre. Une méta peut donc se mettre en place. Ce que je peux vous dire avec certitude néanmoins c'est qu'un personnage dit "faible" mais bien joué l'emportera systématiquement sur un personnage "puissant" mal joué. Ce que j'ai beaucoup aimé dans Unmatched c'est les cartes qui ne sont jouables que par le héros ou que par les acolytes. Je trouve que c'est une excellente idée, avec le bémol qu'elles deviennent "mortes" quand l'utilisateur n'est plus sur le terrain. L'impossibilité de récupérer les cartes défaussées, donne un timer à la partie, et oblige les joueurs à bien gérer leur main et surtout leur deck. Car perdre 2 points de vies sur tous les combattants à chaque fois qu'on ne peut pas piocher une carte, c'est vite mortel. Ça vous tue instantanément des acolytes à 1 PV (comme les harpies) et ça vous tue un héros en 3 tours. Heureusement, si vous avez prévu le coup, vous pouvez jouer plusieurs tours sans avoir à piocher, mais quand même, souvent, cela sonne le glas de votre partie. Imaginez, vous vous retrouvez sans acolytes, sans pioche et avec que des cartes acolytes, vous pouvez abandonner immédiatement. Alors bien sûr, il y a du hasard dans Unmatched. Déjà la pioche : vous aurez, ou pas, les cartes qu'il vous faut quand il vous les faut. Heureusement, grâce à une stratégie habile, vous arriverez à limiter ce hasard, et c'est tout l'enjeu du titre. Les pouvoirs personnels des héros vous y aideront à coup sûr et les utiliser à bon escient sera la clef de la victoire. Globalement, Unmatched est un jeu d’escarmouche tactique hyper nerveux dans lequel les joueurs jouent coups pour coups et les victoires se font souvent à la Pyrrhus. Les deux personnages fournis ont une mécanique à la fois semblables et très différentes. Robin des bois est un combattant à distance qui doit se déplacer beaucoup e se cachant derrière 4 acolytes, tandis que Bigfoot est un bourrin au corp à corps mais qui est basé sur le déplacement également, avec un acolyte qui peut servir de leurre ou de bouclier. Je ne rentrerais pas de le débat de la métagame et je ne vous dirais donc pas s'ils sont forts ou pas, mais les deux ont une mécanique fort intéressante à mon goût.
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Simplicité des règles
Les règles de Unmatched en elles mêmes sont très simples : on effectue deux actions qui peuvent être les mêmes et c'est au tour de l'autre. Tout le reste est expliqué de manière claire sur les cartes (qu'on prendre soin de lire au début de la partie pour identifier le style du personnage). Le livret de règles est très bien fait et tout est expliqué clairement. Unmatched est donc un bon portail d'entrée pour ce type de jeu. Read the full article
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NASA’s Decision for S.L.S. Moon Rocket: Test Again, or Prepare for Launch?
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A critical piece of NASA’s giant moon rocket is in good shape even after a test firing on Saturday was abruptly cut short after just over a minute, space agency officials said on Tuesday.
The officials said it was too early to say whether the test — simulating the firing of the four engines for eight minutes during an ascent to orbit — would need to be repeated. If engineers determine they have learned enough and can skip a second test, NASA would proceed to shipping the booster stage of what is called the Space Launch System to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
“It’s premature right now to say which direction we’ll go,” John Shannon, the program manager for the rocket at Boeing, said during a news conference on Tuesday. Boeing built the booster, which is often referred to as the core stage.
An uncrewed test launch is currently scheduled for November, and Kathy Lueders, the associate administrator for human exploration and operations at NASA, did not rule out the possibility that the launch of the rocket, known as the Space Launch System, would still occur in 2021. The program is years behind schedule and has cost billions of dollars to get this far. Each rocket could cost $2 billion to launch and can only be used once.
The early shutdown of the engines was caused by low hydraulic pressure in a component called the auxiliary power unit. Because the booster stage in the test is the same one that would be launched into space, engineers were particularly careful to make sure it would not be damaged during the test. If the same thing had occurred during a flight, the engines would not have been shut down.
“We would have continued to fly after encountering the condition that we saw on the test,” said John Honeycutt, the program manager for the rocket program at NASA.
Another problem that occurred during the test — what was described as a “major component failure” on one of the engines — turned out to be an issue with a sensor that did not play a part in the test shutdown. Inspections afterward indicated that all four engines were in good shape.
However, NASA and Boeing engineers now face two less-than-perfect options. They could repeat the test — perhaps a shorter one — to collect the remaining data. But there is always a risk that something will go wrong during a test. Or the engineers could decide that they have enough information and move it to Florida.
“This is our flight core stage,” Ms. Lueders said. “So you have to understand what’s the risk of exposing the flight core stage to another round of tests.”
For Jim Bridenstine, the NASA administrator, Tuesday was his last full day on the job. He will step down on Wednesday when President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. is inaugurated.
Unlike the turmoil in the final days of many corners of President Trump’s administration, Mr. Bridenstine emphasized the importance of continuity and said NASA had the support of both Republicans and Democrats.
“It should never be partisan,” Mr. Bridenstine said. “It should always be uniting. It should bring people together for science and discovery and exploration.”
Mr. Trump did not always agree, at times taking inaccurate swipes at the Obama administration’s space policy while his administration set a goal of having astronauts return to the moon by 2024. But that seemed out of reach even before Mr. Trump lost re-election, as Congress did not provide as much financing as requested for the development of the landers to take astronauts to the lunar surface.
Mr. Bridenstine said NASA was figuring out whether the Trump administration’s plans needed to be adjusted.
“I have no doubt that the amazing people at NASA are going to present a range of options for our return to the moon that the next administration can fully buy into and support,” he said.
Mr. Biden has not yet named whom he will nominate to be the next NASA administrator, but Mr. Bridenstine pledged support.
“Now I get I get to watch it as a taxpayer, and not as the head of the agency,” he said. “But I will be watching with great interest and certainly cheering for you all along the way.”
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