#judd x male reader
John Bendy boy(Bender) with a trans masc reader who comes out to him as trans and he’s like “I knew.” Turns out he had a feeling all along and you tell him your preferred name(let it be known that he will mess up ANYONE who deadnames you.)
Omg I love this idea! @screamfome Tysm for the request I appreciate it from the very bottom of my heart🫶🫶🫶 sorry if this is a little late, I got sick over the weekend😭
John Bender (The Breakfast Club) x transmasc reader
Disclaimers/warnings?: reader has fears of era-typical transphobia, I put like the tiniest sprinkle of angst in here w that. This is written from 2nd person btw. Also relationship between John and reader is platonic in this.
The creeping chill of winter had made its way into the November air. This thanksgiving break was a much needed one. School had already been dragging you down the moment the year started, so you were always happy when you could catch a break. You were practically in distress at the fact that you were going back to school tomorrow already.
Not only were you dreading this approaching Monday, you were dreading a meet up that you had planned. You’d been the one asking John to meet up, saying that you had something you wanted to talk about. You were the one who initiated it, so why were you tempted to chicken out now?
You couldn’t help but pace around the sidewalk outside the diner you’d told him to go to. If he was really your friend he wouldn’t mind, right? I mean, who would he tell? It’s not like anyone else could see past his intimidation tactics like you had, so it’s not like he would leave you for this. Right?
John was just about the closest friend you’d ever had in your life. The way he understood you was almost indescribable. You and him were one in the same sometimes, it was like you two shared brain cells. The same thought process, similar views on your classmates, the works. You didn’t know how you two did it, you just… worked.
You knew you were pretty much his only friend, so it’s not like he would abandon you. At least, you thought so.
As you paced around, your nerves grew worse. It was no big deal, all you had to do was just… tell him you were a man. Totally casual, not at all off-putting. You mumbled your spiel you’d lost sleep over reciting to yourself.
‘Hey John, guess what. I’m a boy… no. I’m a man- fuck, no. I’m a dude. Does that sound better…?’ This train of thought was going nowhere. You let out a frustrated sigh, stopping your nervous pacing to lean against the wall. You’d heard cold things were supposed to calm you down, but this air was doing nothing to help you.
It felt like what you’d planned was leaving your memory, breaking off in little pieces until you couldn’t remember any of it. You buried your face in your hands, groaning in exasperation. The more you let yourself think about it, the more you’d psych yourself out.
Just then, you felt a light shove to your shoulder. You stumbled away from the wall, spinning around to see none other than the reason for your unease. John stood in front of you with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall.
“Yo, jackass.” He flashed his signature smirk, something you’d grown accustomed to seeing over the years. You could never get past how white he managed to get his teeth, it was the first thing you’d notice about him. That and little jingle his belt chains made when he walked. Usually you could hear him before he even rounded a corner, he used to joke that you were ‘telekinetic, or some magic shit’. His words, not yours.
“Where’s mister spidey-senses today, huh? Is he on vacation, to the cape perhaps?” He talked in that snooty little rich girl voice he often did to mock this sophomore in your biology class.
“Alright, didn’t know we invited Claire to the function.” You rolled your eyes playfully at him. You turned around, motioning for him to follow you inside the diner. His belt chain jingled in time with the bell on the front door, soon being silenced by the shouting of a waitress telling you to ‘Sit wherever ya like!’. You promptly chose a booth all the way towards the back of the aisle, John following suite.
“All the way back here, huh? Not trying to pull something on me, right?” He laughed softly, leaning into the uncomfortable booth cushions.
He took his usual unruly position, slouching with no particular care for his posture or appearance. You took a more reserved position. Your arms were crossed on the table, your gaze was thrown out the window, staring at the fading sun in the distance. This was one of many sunsets you’d seen with John. That was a secret of his you’d kept; he loved to watch sunsets.
“It’s really pretty tonight, isn’t it?” You mumbled, not really expecting an answer out of him. You were sort of just avoiding what you knew you had to tell him.
“Mhm…” He turned from you to the window, replicating the way you crossed your arms. As you turned back to him, you felt a sudden wave of dread. The blank-mindedness hit you again, leaving you scrambling for any thought you could remember.
“So uh, Bender…” You hesitated. You knew you had to tell him, it was the entire point of you two meeting here. You’d figured he would want to sit down for this one.
“Mhm?” His eyes were still on the bleeding red and orange hues in the sky, seemingly absorbed in the sight. If he was distracted, maybe this wouldn’t be such a shock. You only hoped.
“So I um… I didn’t ask you to hang for no reason. Actually I kinda need to spill something pretty important.” You looked down at your hands, picking at your nails. One of them was uneven from the last session of nervous fidgeting you’d had while waiting for him outside.
“‘Sup? Shit, did your dog finally kick the bucket?” His expression was serious now. One of his favorite parts of going over to your house, besides getting out of his own, was getting to see your old German shepherd. You shook your head, laughing a bit at his assumption.
“No, missy is fine. I- um” Inconveniently, you were cut off by the waitress who had greeted you not even two minutes before. You were startled by the loud request for an order from the both of you, to which you quietly asked for just some coke. John said the same, just not as quiet (not to your surprise).
“So…” you started as soon as the waitress sped away to the back kitchen. You did a quick search of the tables in front of you, just to make sure nobody you knew, or anyone for that matter, was near your booth.
“So? C’mon, this ain’t junior high. Tell me your little secret already.” He settled back into his slouched position, keeping his arms crossed. You noticed that his look still remained a little serious, which did absolutely nothing to soothe your nerves.
“Okay, so it’s uh, pretty important. Just, whatever you do, don’t go telling anyone. Okay? I don’t care if you get mad or look at me like I’m a fuckin’ weirdo. Just… this stays between us, okay?” You reciprocated his stare, perhaps a bit more intensely. You needed him to know that this wasn’t a time for jokes. You wouldn’t be able to take it if he insulted you about this, or worse, brought it up to anyone.
“Well shit… you okay man?” He seemed worried. Which was odd for him, considering he tried to keep up as much of a carefree act as he could. He usually tried to act like he couldn’t give two shits about anyone, but when it came to you it was different.
“Yes, I’m fine. Just nervous, is all.” You paused, trying to recollect any memory of the little speech you had prepared in your head. It was still a bust, so you decided to just ad-lib it.
“Okay, fuck it. John I’m- look I know the way I look is, well, I guess butch-y? For lack of a better word. Okay, what if I told you that wasn’t dressin’ the way I do to be different or uh, make a statement or something.” You rambled on, not really knowing how to get to your point anymore. All your thoughts just jumbled into a big mess, and there wasn’t much you could do to sort it out.
“I guess the way I dress and reason I got my hair like this is because, um. I see myself as a man. A guy, a dude, whatever you wanna call it. Yeah, I know I don’t one hundred percent look the part, but that’s me. I’ve realized that that’s who I am.” You ran a hand through your hair, the nerves slightly wearing off as you got everything out.
Then you met John’s gaze and promptly began to panic. He wasn’t saying anything or making any motion, just staring at you. Your expression dropped as the weight of your words set it. His lack of words spurred on thoughts of your worst fears, and the possibility of them becoming a reality. You felt a tear prick the corner of your eye, immediately looking away from the embarrassment of it all. You usually weren’t one to cry, but this could warrant it.
As he saw your panic, his expression immediately changed from stoic to concerned. “Oh shit, no you’re fine. I promise, you’re fine. I mean…” He reached out to grab your arm, reassuring you that his reaction towards you wasn’t negative.
“I kinda knew already, I just didn’t think you’d ever say it.” He gave your forearm a gentle squeeze, trying to get you to look at him.
Upon hearing this, you turned back towards him. Your face held a mix of shock and relief, surprised he wouldn’t thought about you like that in the first place and relieved that he wasn’t looking at you like some freak.
“Wait really? I didn’t think I’d be so easy to read…” You muttered, taking a deep breath in to try to keep yourself from tearing up even more. “Shit, part of me was thinkin’ you’d be kickin’ my ass over this.” You confessed to him, laughing it off now that you knew things were okay.
“Nah, wouldn’t dream of it. Especially not you, you’re kind of my ride or die. You know that.” His words were calming your nerves. Your heart was still beating like crazy, but at least you weren’t walking out of this diner in hysterics.
“I mean hey,” he continued “I’ve got a gay cousin. You remember Tommy, right? Nobody in the family talks to him anymore, but I’ve visited a couple times. He’s doing okay on his own, but I’ve heard what it’s like for him. I would never, ever, do that to you. I couldn’t just up and stop talking to you, you kidding? And not to be dramatic here,” He paused for a moment, looking to be figuring out how to phrase things in his head.
“But you’re like, my guy. You’ve got my back when I know some of these sons-of-bitches only hang around me for the dope. You ain’t like that though, I think you can always see who I really am when nobody else does. It’s just weird, it’s like you know me better than I know myself sometimes.” The look in his eyes was one you didn’t see often. His rough exterior was gone, you could see his genuine self. It was nice when he was like this.
“But anyways, my point is I’m not letting anything change that.” He gave your arm one final pat before letting go, but he still kept that soft gaze on you. It was sort of weird, how sometimes he just knew what to say.
“Thank you, John.” You sighed contentedly, everything in your world was just about right now. “Well, I guess I should go over a few things then. You wouldn’t mind callin’ me something else, would you? I was kind of thinkin’ of a different name to try out.”
“Well shit, yeah.” John smiled at you. He seemed happy, and maybe a little excited about this. He’d always sort of seen you as someone like him in that aspect, so knowing that you were feeling more yourself made him happy. A thought came to him though, so he interrupted you for a moment. “Oh, and just know this. If anyone ever dares to fuck with you, you let me know. I'll knock some fuckin' lights out." He crossed his arms, giving you a smirk.
The waitress soon came back with your cokes, asking if either of you were going to order anything else. You shrugged at John, being both broke and not that hungry. So, much to your waitress's dismay, he said no. She sped off back to the front counter, grumbling about something or the other. You and John laughed it off, throwing around the idea of loitering just to piss her off.
You were glad you'd asked him to meet you here. Taking that chance was worth it.
Lmk if I made any typos or if you have any constructive criticism:D
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spaceratboy · 9 months
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Some sketches of my big mouth OC Jackson Edwards
Gonna post some fic snippets soon ✨️
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Hello! I am so happy to find someone who writes for the naturals!
Michael Townsend x Redding!Reader
Dean would not be happy. Like at all.
There would definitely be a, keep the door open rule.
And he would make it his personal mission to make sure you two aren't left alone for long.
He strikes me as an overprotective big bro
(also established reader plz)
michael townsend x redding!reader
hcs about being dean's little sister, also in the naturals program, & dating michael townsend. aka a recipe for disaster.
a/n: omg. ur mind. I LOVE THIS!!! i am a team michael girlie thru and thru so this is gonna be fun to write. tysm for the request and i love ur writings of dean and michael !!! i hope u dont mind i added some backstory, i tried to keep it to the point🤞
word count: 2.3k
warnings: none rlly?, suggestiveish content, some violence
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you and dean were close, probably closer than most siblings would admit they were to their brother or sister. being only a year younger than him made it easier to connect and relate to each other. 
because of the trauma brought on during childhood because of your serial killer father, you and dean were closer than ever. dean also became a lot more protective over you as the years passed by. 
dean had always been your protector since childhood — beating up anyone who bullied you, scaring off mean girls, bandaging up any cuts and bruises, etc. 
when the two of you started becoming more aware of your father’s horrendous acts, dean did his best to keep you out of it. he was the first to step for any torturous task your father asked of you, and was always quick to step in front of you in the presence of your dad. 
after the whole investigation and arrest of your father, you’d met agent briggs & sterling, who at the time were married. there he sat the two of you down to explain the two of you had a special trait that labeled you under the category ‘natural.’ dean’s gift being profiling while yours revolved around being a forensic analyst. 
it was difficult to comprehend, specially at a young age, but the both of you mutually agreed the best option was to go with agent briggs to join the beginning of the naturals program. 
you were brought to some sort of safe house, where you were ought to live for who knew however long. there you met an older man, whose name was judd hawkins. you found out he was the one going to watch over you and manage house tasks. 
after awhile, you were introduced to someone new, also natural. her name – lia zhang. 
she was a natural lie detector and at deception. you were a little wary of her at first, but then the three of you became close. 
however, she had always trusted dean more and was more best friends with him than you. 
a part of you felt left out, but you didn’t speak up in fear of being dramatic. it was enough lia was your friend you told yourself. 
not too long after another girl joined the small group, sloane tavish who was a natural statistician. 
she was quite weird and awkward, spewing the most random facts when she saw an opportunity, but you got along with her great. however, she was almost occupied in the basement doing experiments to be a friend to you in the traditional sense. 
you’d still hoped for a best friend of your own. and your wish got granted and brought to in the form of michael townsend, an emotion reader. 
though at first, he was like lia when he arrived, closed off and not very open to friendships. but eventually you all warmed up to each other. 
now that there was the presence of another male in the house, there was tension between the two. dean warned you to be weary around michael because he didnt trust him fully yet. 
however, michael saw to this and took the opportunity to come around you whenever he pleased. and dean would retaliate by telling michael to stay away, but this only encouraged him. 
you found him quite annoying at first, reading and calling out your emotions bluntly as casually as he says your name. but after awhile the two of you became very good friends. 
dean was more lenient as he got to know michael, but the two never became much of friends - more on a frenemies level.
you and michael connected over books, music, and learned more about each other. his mask started collapsing and you were able to open up the persona he tried so hard to hide. 
when him and lia started getting involved, you did your best not to care. you told yourself michael could be with who he wants, and him opening up to you didn't mean he liked you romantically. 
once cassie joined you guys, you and her became quick friends. you knew what it felt like to be left out, so you wanted to include her as much as you could. 
she helped you in realizing your feelings for michael. you hadn't ever let the thought cross your mind before, but after you confinded in cassie on your insecurity about lia and michael - it became clear. 
so you chicken out and spent time with michael less. it was lucky for you that being best friends with him meant you knew a few tricks to cover up your true emotions. but michael could tell something was off once you slowly distanced yourself. 
though your brother didn't mention it, you knew he was cheering on lia and michael if it meant you and michael disconnected. but he became occupied with cassie to get a chance to profile your reasoning for the distance. 
it came to a head when he cornered you one night, demanding an explanation. caught off guard, you let a crack of your true emotions reveal, and it was enough for michael to quickly pick up what it meant. 
you were utterly embarrassed and ready to face rejection, but he surprised you and instead kissed you. 
he admitted he had a fancy for you, as he put it. and the two of you began your relationship. 
you wanted to hide it for a bit because you knew dean would not approve whatsoever. but living with naturals meant there it was close to impossible to keep any secrets. lia was quick to catch on, and didn't waste a second in spreading it to the others.
the first thing dean did was punch michael in the face. it happened so abruptly, you both were in the living room then dean strided in angrily and just sucked punched your boyfriend. 
you immediately shouted at you brother for his overreaction, but dean kept throwing threats at michael to stay away from you . michael clutched his face, but wasn't faced - he was actually amused and just gave your brother a taunting smirk. 
you had to physically hold dean with all your might to prevent him from throwing another punch. 
dean's protectiveness only got worse from there. 
he watched the the two of you like a hawk. if he saw you close to one another, he would stand or sit between you both to divide you.
if you and michael went somewhere together, trust he was following closely behind. 
for instance, michael took you out to the movies for a date - going as far to rent the entire theater for you both. 
you leaned your head on michael at some point during the film, and that's when dean appeared from the seats behind you, and pushed your head off. 
you were startled so bad, the popcorn in your lap went flying.
dean consistently tried to tell you that michael was going to break your heart, he isn't the type to be serious, and that his past relationship with lia was proof of that. 
it was so much worse when he caught the two of you kissing or making out. 
he screamed to scare you two parts, physically separated the two of you, and he sometimes even tackled michael. 
you were completely embarrassed of your brother's actions, part of you feared it would actually scare your boyfriend away, but michael didn't care for dean's interference, he continued to be with you when and where ever he pleased. 
once cassie and dean got together, things cooled down a bit. she managed to get him to see a bit of reasoning. 
but dean still had a set of rules he expected you to follow. 
number one on the list was - if you and michael are alone in a room together, the door had to be open. especially if it was his room you were in. 
there was an incident that brought it on. 
you and michael frequently went up to his room for privacy to hang out. usually, you took naps, watched movies, researched a case, etc., although the both of you always just end up kissing on his bed. at this point, dean still could not believe the two of you were together. 
well, one afternoon the two of you were looking through interviews for a new case. then michael claimed he was desperately bored and needed to be entertained. you rolled your eyes at his antics and continued reading the transcripts. 
but then he slyly began kissing your neck, slowly pulling you away from the case and into the comfort of his bed. 
next thing you knew, you were under him, making out devoutly on his bed. no surprise that michael got what he wanted. 
his hands made it way under your shirt when dean came barging in, having an inquiry on the case you were supposed to be looking at. 
once he saw the position you two were in, he flipped out. yelling at michael to get off of you and threatening to kill him. you immediately sat up, composing yourself and tried to calm your brother down. michael was of no help, he just rolled his eyes at his outrage and said, "if your this angry at kissing, at hate to see your reaction to our other activities."
you threw a pillow at him, "not helping!"
everyone else ran into the room because of the loud commotion, much to your humiliation, thinking a something horrible had occurred.
lia was holding back a hard laugh, cassie tried to reel dean in, sloane threw in some statistics on sister and brother's best friend relations, judd had to break up michael and dean's fight, and agents briggs and sterling just stayed at their door annoyed by the whole event. 
you wanted to forget that whole event entirely, the thought enough makes you wanna cringe in shame. 
ever since then, dean has made it his sole purpose to ensure the door is always open; he even walks by the room every few hours, which he swears is just a coincidence. 
the only common subject that brings michael and dean together is you. it seems to be the only thing they agree on when it pertains to your well-being. 
they are quick to object to anything that would put you in danger.
lia had convinced you and cassie to go along with her to a college party, she claimed it would help you guys find more evidence for a lead on the case. she gave you guys some interesting clothing to fit the role. 
you three got in smoothly and split up to talk to possible suspects or witnesses. you talked to were able to talk with a few people, feigning curiosity. lia had been right, there was connections to the case at the party. 
you were talking with a guy who was as interesting as a brick, but he was unknowingly drunkenly babbling about possible useful information, so you acted interested, nodding along to his obnoxious story. 
but then he started getting handsy, trying to get you into his room, and you declined very clearly multiple times, but dude couldn't take the message. 
when you tried to walk away he grabbed your wrist harshly, calling you malicious names for leading him on. you were on the verge of calling for lia or cassie, when the drunk man was forcefully pulled away from you. 
you were then pushed behind someone protectively, and you recognized his back appearance; it was dean.
turning toward direction of where the drunk guy was pulled into, and there was your boyfriend, angrily holding the guy by the collar. 
"don't touch my girlfriend."
"girlfriend? dude, hate to break it to you, but she was all over me. practically whoring herself out since she's arrived."
michael wasted no time in throwing a fist to the guy's face for his remark. 
dean also look agitated at the guy's degradtion of you, and for the first time, looked satisfied at michael's actions. eventually, dean had to pull michael away from seriously injuring the guy, and drawing even more attention. 
cassie and lia made their way to you, surprised by the arrival of the guys, who looked pretty peeved at the fact you all three snuck out. 
wasting no time, you all were driven back home by michael; quietly making your way into the house to avoid alerting sterling and judd. 
lia and cassie were smart to quickly to make their way to their rooms, but you weren't so lucky; dean held your arm to stop you from escaping. 
you were used to dean's reprimands, and even the occasional chide from michael when you did something dangerously, but you knew you were in for it if both of them were ready to scold you. 
dean started it - rhetorically, asking what were you thinking, then went into his 'protective brother' rant you were too use to. then michael jumped in, saying you going along with a lia plan was never the best idea and that you should've at least told him to go along with you.
they even took turns having a go at how stupid the entire plan was. you never wanted them to go back to fighting more than now. 
why couldn't they have bonded over sports or games like normal people.
you tried to defend your side, saying you did find helpful information, but it fell deaf to their ears. 
you were watched like a hawk for week after that. dean even threatened to put a ankle monitor on you. michael was even amused at his threat. the jerks. 
dean and michael's small alliance quickly ended the moment michael made a indecent comment about you at dinner. 
in time, dean did start getting along with michael. he still liked to act protective, but you knew in his heart he trusted michael and knew he was a good man for you. 
but to this day, dean continues to glare at any pda you and michael share. 
god, you'd hate to see the day michael asks dean for his blessing. 
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bluebirdsboi · 10 months
9-1-1/9-1-1 Lone Star Masterlist | Last Updated: 11/26/23
Fluff = 🥰 | Angst = 😢 | Smut = 🥵| Hurt Comfort = 🩹 Platonic = 🤝 Headcanons = 📝 | ABC Headcanons = 👩‍🏫 | Oneshot = 📘 | Series = 📚 AU = 🌎 | Songfic = 🎵 Male Reader = 💙 | Gender Neutral Reader = 💜 | Female x Female = 💖 Story on hold = ✋ | Character on hold = 🔒
Carlos Reyes (Rafale Silva)
Coming soon...
Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz (Ryan Guzman)
Coming soon...
Evan "Buck" Buckley (Oliver Stark)
Coming soon...
Howard "Chimney" Han (Kenneth Choi)
Coming soon...
Judson "Judd" Ryder (Jim Patrick) | 🔒
Coming soon...
Ravi Panikkar (Anirudh Pisharody)
Coming soon...
Robert "Bobby" Nash (Peter Krause)
Coming soon...
Tyler Kennedy "TK" Strand (Ronen Rubinstein)
Coming soon...
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reareaotaku · 5 months
2023 Fanfic Wrap
[Yes, I stole this idea from @ agaypanic, because I liked the idea] ! Warning these are subject to change, but as of January 17, 2024, this is as accurate as I can get !
In 2023 alone, I published 104 fanfictions. I wrote the most for 'Scream' with over 15+ fics. My first fic of 2023 was Yandere! Nagisa Hazuki Headcanons on Feb. 22. My last fic was a Rodrick Heffley Headcanons on Dec. 13. * =NSFW
My Top 10 Fanfics of 2023
10. Sleeping Beauty [Billy Loomis x Reader] * Summary: Kinktober- Somnophilia 619 Notes 9. Judd Headcanons [Part 2] [Judd Birch x Reader] Summary: More Headcanons for Judd 640 Notes 8. Thick Thighs [Billy Loomis x Reader] * Summary: Kinktober- Thigh Riding 665 Notes 7. I Love You Like a Doll [Ryan! Ken x Reader] * Summary: Ken wants to please you 685 Notes 6. Call Me, Baby [Billy Loomis x Reader] * Summary: You got a call when being home alone and it turns into something much darker 754 Notes 5. Judd Headcanons [Part 1] [Judd Birch x Reader] Summary: Headcanons for Judd 953 Notes 4. [Tie] Rodrick Heffley Headcanons [Rodrick Heffley x Reader] Summary: Headcanons for Rodrick 1,408 Notes 4. [Tie] Let Me Put a Baby in You [Billy Loomis x Reader x Stu Macher] * Summary: Kinktober- Breeding Kink 1,408 Notes 3. Pleasurable Sin [Ryan! Ken x Reader] * Summary: Headcanons for if the Ken[s] had private[s] 1,515 Notes 2. You Are Mine [Wally Darling x Reader] Summary: Wally enjoys watching you as you watch him. And after years of watching you, he can't wait for you to join him and all his neighbors, but those pesky 'parents' or whatever you call them are still standing in his way. 1,601 Notes 1. Lovey Dovey Darling [Wally Darling x Reader] Summary: Drabble of Wally 1,681 Notes
My Worse Performing Fanfics of 2023
10. Death to Love [Nancy Thompson x Reader] Summary: Movie night w/ Nancy 35 Notes 9. Aged Up! Schroeder [Peanuts] Headcanons [Schroeder x Reader] Summary: Headcanons for Schroeder 34 Notes 8. [Tie] Maybe We Need a Break? [Male! Kim Possible x Reader] Summary: You 'break up' with Kim 31 Notes 8. [Tie] Dr. George Huang Headcanons [George Huang x Reader] Summary: Headcanons for George the shrink 31 Notes 7. Calvin Fischoeder Headcanons [Calvin Fischoeder x Wonder Warf Carney! Reader] Summary: Headcanons for Calvin 30 Notes 6. Harry the Lawyer [OC x Reader] Summary: Blurb for the Lawyer who's tired of your shenanigans 28 Notes 5. Reader is Captured [PPGZ x Reader] Summary: How Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup react to darling being captured 25 Notes 4. Chester Lake Headcanons [Chester Lake x Reader] Summary: Headcanons for Detective Lake 23 Notes 3. Sneaking Off w/ Zach [Zach Sandford x Reader] Summary: You sneak away with Zach, while everyone else smokes 18 Notes 2. A Scary Death [Part 3] [Hansel x Reader / Gretel x Reader] Summary: You meet a nice candy lady, but it seems she has other plans for you and your friends 14 Notes 1. Chance Furlong Headcanons [Chance Furlong x Reader] Summary: Headcanons for Chance Furlong 10 Notes
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
“can i go down on you?” For Hung!Wyatt Harris x Male Buckley reader?
Wyatt Harris x Male!reader
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You were making out with Wyatt in the bed of Judd's truck on top of a soft blanket and plush pillows. 
"Are you sure your dad would be cool with us fooling around in his truck?" You tease. 
"I told him I wanted to take you on a date under the stars, he even told me about this great spot on the trail so whatever he thinks we're doing is up to him," Wyatt laughs, playing with the hem of your shirt and gently touching your stomach. 
"Can I go down on you?" You ask in between kisses. 
"Um I don't know if that's a good idea," Wyatt says nervously, pulling away and sitting up in the bed. 
"I'm sorry, I know we just started dating, I don't mean to take things too fast," you apologize sitting up with him.
"No it's not too fast, I want to,  trust me I do but…" he mumbles.
"But what?" You ask confused.
"It's just that… the last person I was… intimate with… it didn't go so well," he says. 
"Whatever happened you can tell me Wyatt, I want us to be honest with each other about this stuff," you tell him.
"I'm just gonna say it," he says taking a deep breath, "they said I was too big." 
"Too- oh," you gulp, you could tell he was on the bigger side since he always had a bulge but you didn't think he would be so big that it was a problem.
"Yeah, they tried to give me a blowjob and they said it hurt their jaw so we never went any further than that," he confesses.
"Hey, if you don't want to we don't have to but… I would really like to try and make you feel good," you say, putting your hand on his thigh. 
Wyatt chuckles awkwardly but feels his erection growing.
"Are you sure?" He asks.
"Very," you nod. 
Wyatt gulps and unbuttons his pants, letting his half hard cock spring free. 
"Oh wow," you say, your eyes going wide.
He was big. 
"Maybe we shouldn't-" he says starting to pack his giant cock back into his pants but you stop him.
"Please don't," you say, kissing him gently. 
Your hand finds his cock, slowly stroking it.
He groans and with a few strokes he's fully hard, standing at a near 10 inches. 
"Is this okay," you ask and he's nodding, trying so hard not to moan.
The sky above you is full of stars, a nice chill in the air as you and Wyatt explore this new found Intimacy.
You look at Wyatt and he smiles so you dip your head down and swirl your tongue around the tip. 
He finally lets out the moan he's been holding in and you know you want to hear him make that sound again. 
Your hand continues to work the base, wrapping your lips around the tip and bobbing your head a few inches. 
"Oh my god," he blurts out.
His hand goes to your head, fingers tangling in your hair for assurance and you make your movements faster. 
Before you know it Wyatt is cumming in your mouth and moaning loud enough the whole trail could hear him.
"Oh shit I'm so sorry I've never finished that fast before," he says as you pull away, spitting out his cum over the side of the truck bed.
"It's okay," you say smiling, "it was hot." 
"It was?" He asks nervously. 
"Yeah and with some practice I'll be able to take a couple more inches," you grin. 
"You can't scare me away that easily Harris," you grin, "now… do you mind returning the favor or should I just go take care of myself in the bushes over there because I am extremely turned on right now."
"Oh no I can definitely help you with that," he laughs.
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samrsgyi · 1 year
My master list
One Chicago:
Chicago fire:
Kelly severide
Stella kidd
Sylvie Brett
Violet Mikami
Evan Hawkins
Blake gallo
Chicago PD:
Jay Halstead
Erin Lindsay
Kim burgess
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Hank voight
Hailey Upton
Chicago Med:
10 Cloverfield lane:
(No frank that bitch is disgusting)
Cloverfield Paradox:
Ava Hamilton
Mina Jensen
Ernst Schmidt
Life (2017)
9-1-1 Lone star:
TK( Male!Reader or GN!Reader, he's gay people)
Carlos(Male!Reader or GN!Reader)
Station 19:
Demon slayer:
A/n- FORGOT TO MENTION!!!!! For Chicago fire I will do Stellaride x reader any gender. It's gonna be poly remember I am taking requests. I could also do brettsey x reader. On Cloverfield poly relationship I could do Beth x Rob x reader. Jason x lily x reader
Hud x reader x Marlena. For demon slayer! (This one is not really poly but I'll give it a shot) Uzui x his wives and reader. Tankana x reader. ZenNezu x reader. AoIno x reader. I can make all these poly platonic or affectionate if only you guys want.
That's it. My hands hurt so bad.
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 2 years
Other Masterlist
Buck x Spencer (criminal minds) - Warnings: None that I can think of. Word Count: 824
911 Lone Star:
TK Strand
Judd Ryder:
Judd x trans male nephew reader - Word Count: 906 Warning: Transphobic parents, not sure if there’s anything else, give me a shout if you spot something
Carlos Reyes:
Carlos x sibling reader - warnings: home intruder, break in
Paul Strickland
Marjan Marwani
Mateo Charvez
Carlos x TK:
Tarlos trans son - Word Count: 898 Warning: She pronouns for reader at beginning as well as deadname (D/N), emotional - but in a happy, relieved sort of way.
Steve Rogers:
Steve x male reader - Warnings: Implied homophobic neighbours, mentions of death, mentions of difficulty dealing with death and disappearance, slight insecurities, the reader feels lonely. Word Count: 1027
Ship 1 - 100 followers celebration
Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes:
Bucky x male reader - Warnings: mentions of torture and what hydra did, etc.
Thor Odinson
Natasha Romanoff
Bruce Banner
Loki Laufyson
Peter Parker
Merlin (BBC):
A mysterious onion appears in the arc - Warnings: none.
Squad trip to Dublin - Warnings: none.
Nick Cutter
Stephen Hart:
Connor Temple
Abby Maitland
Nick x Stephen:
Dean Winchester:
You’re Perfect - Dean x trans male reader. Warnings:  mention that reader has insecurities, reader swears like twice, reader gets badly hurt. Word Count: 530
Sam Winchester
Umbrella Academy:
Luther Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves (platonic and familial requests only)
Ben Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreeves
Vampire Diaries Universe:
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Rebekah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
DC Emerson Kent
DI Joseph Chandler
Kent x Chandler:
Kent x Chandler - Warnings: none that I can think of, but if you see any, let me know! Word Count: 263
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thebaileybugle · 2 years
911 Lone Star Masterlist
🔥 = Smut
🐶 = Fluff
🥀 = Angst
💜 = Gender Neutral Reader
💙 = Male Reader
❤️ = Female Reader
🙏🏾 = Platonic
Marjan Mawani
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Grace Ryder ( her maiden name is Williams)
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Judd Ryder
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Owen Strand
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TK Strand
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Carlos Rayes
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Paul Strickland
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Mateo Chavez (Platonic unless requested, but no smut)
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Proud 💙🙏🏾🐶 (brother!reader)
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birdieop · 2 years
Give me some characters you'd like me to write for :]
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slytherbun · 2 years
character list
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note: i usually write as female reader but i’m now accepting male reader and gender neutral. <3
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↬ one chicago
─ jay halstead
─ adam ruzek
─ hailey upton
─ kevin atwater
─ kim burgess
— erin lindsay
— antonio dawson
─ kelly severide
─ matthew casey
─ leslie shay
─ sylvie brett
─ stella kid
─ violet mikami
─ evan hawkins
─ connor rhodes
─ ethan choi
↬ criminal minds
─ spencer reid
─ aaron hotchner
─ luke alvez
─ emily prentiss
─ jj jareau
─ derek morgan
─ penelope garcia
─ tyler green
─ elias volt
↬ wizarding world
─ draco malfoy
─ cedric diggory
─ theodore nott
─ remus lupin
─ sirius black
─ james potter
─ lily evans
─ sebastian sallow
↬ outer banks
─ jj maybank
─ rafe cameron
─ sarah cameron
─ pope heyward
─ john b
─ kiara carrera
↬ twilight
─ jasper hale
─ edward cullen
─ emmett cullen
─ charlie swan
↬ law & order - svu
─ rafael barba
─ sonny carisi
↬ 911 & 911 - lonestar
─ evan buckley
─ eddie diaz
─ tk strand
─ judson ryder
─ carlos reyes
─ owen strand
↬ stranger things
─ steve harrington
─ max mayfield
─ robin buckley
─ billy hargrove
─ eddie munson
─ jim hopper
─ mike wheeler
─ eleven/jane hopper
─ nancy wheeler
─ dustin henderson
─ lucas sinclair
─ will byers
↬ the rookie
─ tim bradford
─ lucy chen
─ angela lopez
─ wesley evers
─ john nolan
─ bailey nune
↬ the summer i turned pretty
─ jeremiah
─ conrad
─ steven
─ taylor
─ belly
↬ last of us part i & ii
─ joel miller
─ ellie williams
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─ matthew gray gubler
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poly with reader
warning: some ships can be mfm, fmf, ffm, mmf, fff, or mmm. please clarify when you request if you choose differently then my selection below.
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↬ one chicago poly
─ adam x kevin x reader
─ adam x kim x reader
─ jay x hailey x reader
─ jay x kim x reader
— jay x erin x reader
— kim x hailey x reader
─ kevin x kim x reader
— antonio x sylvie x reader
— jay x kelly x reader
─ matthew x kelly x reader
─ kelly x shay x reader
─ stella x kelly x reader
─ stella x sylvie x reader
─ violet x evan x reader
↬ criminal minds poly
─ spencer x aaron x reader
─ spencer x luke x reader
─ hotch x emily x reader
─ emily x jj x reader
─ penelope x luke x reader
─ spencer x aaron x luke x reader
─ penelope x tyler x reader
↬ wizarding world poly
─ draco x theo x reader
─ remus x sirius x reader
─ james x lily x reader
─ remus x sirius x james x reader
↬ outer banks poly
─ jj x rafe x reader
─ jj x pope x reader
─ jj x john b x reader
─ sarah x john b x reader
─ sarah x kiara x reader
─ jj x kiara x reader
↬ 911 & 911 - lonestar poly
─ evan x eddie x reader
─ tk x carlos x reader
─ judd x grace x reader
↬ stranger things poly
─ steve x robin x reader
─ steve x billy x reader
─ steve x eddie x reader
─ steve x nancy x reader
─ mike x eleven/jane x reader
─ nancy x robin x reader
─ max x eleven/jane x reader
─ max x lucas x reader
─ max x mike x reader
─ dustin x lucas x reader
─ will x mike x reader
↬ the rookie poly
─ tim x lucy x reader
─ angela x wesley x reader
─ john x bailey x reader
↬ the summer i turned pretty poly
─ jeremiah x conrad x reader
─ jeremiah x conrad x steven x reader
─ jeremiah x belly x reader
─ conrad x belly x reader
─ steven x taylor x reader
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coming soon
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
boyfriend vibes
warnings: cursing, sapnap being cute, unjustified hate for americanized greek food bc he’s a brat and silly (edit: he said he’s not picky but idc it’s lol)
tags: sapnap x gn!reader
words: don’t care idk it’s pretty short heh
A/N: you guys are getting fucking fed with two post in two days... slurp it up
let’s talk about boyfriend!sapnap
a topic that frequents my mind before i go to sleep
definitely the type to get bored and try on all your clothes no matter the size
“let’s be honest, these pants make my ass look fat”
and def uses your shampoo
maybe it reminds him of you, maybe it smells nice, maybe it suds so good he has to snap a soapy titty pic and send it to you
true to his name, he’s pretty sappy
has to have a part of his body on yours at all times when you’re together
watching TV? hand on your calf
out to dinner? arm around the back of your chair and just brushing your shoulder
baking cookies at 3 am? head on your shoulder, just resting comfortably
don’t even get me started on when you’re sleeping
he definitely likes being the little spoon
and honestly who doesn’t?!
he just likes being in your arms :.)
this dude bitches constantly about greek food in florida bc while he’s not generally pretty picky about it sometimes a gross food ruins his day
“this sucks, gyros aren’t supposed to have fucking lettuce” “king....chill” “i won’t fucking chill this sucks and i want to go home”
“it’s spahn-a-kopita not spOOnakopita you fucking carrot”
he enjoys nothing more on the weekends than laying outside on a picnic blanket and listening to music with you
florida is hot as fuck in the summer but he’ll suffer just to listen to you hum to his music and nod your head
makes him feel proud, honestly
you constantly are running your hand through his hair
tugging and smoothing it down back and forth
makes his cheeks red 0.0
one of his favorite things is getting ready with you
he watches you get ready in the mirror sitting on the (closed, dw) toilet and suggesting little details like jewelry or a shirt color
he’s also a fucking nerd about TV and movies
“did you know she was like 16 when he kissed her in the parking lot there?? pretty weird but it’s judd nelson so nobody cared i guess”
“omg that’s a reference to [blah blah blah nerd stuff]”
one time you tried to pick up one of his expensive mangas and he nearly flipped his shit
“i just dusted that babe!!” “i just wanted to look—” “okay look from afar and get your grubby little fingers off of it”
(idk why i’m writing him so fussy but he is a 20 year old male so)
he remembers all your birthdays, all your anniversaries, all your favorite foods, all your favorite colors and songs
he likes to show you how he cares
i get the vibe that his love language is acts of service
so he’ll buy a couple prints from your favorite movie and hang them up above your desk like “i thought it’d be a cute graphic wall :]”
maybe cook you your favorite comfort meal and make a cute little set up with candles and nice napkins
even if you two aren’t doing anything productive or necessarily important he always listens to what you have to say
definitely brings up interests you’ve told him about earlier bc he wants you to know he is listening and understanding
makes fun of your old instagram accounts and can’t even fathom why you decided that haircut was appropriate for eighth grade
his wallpaper is a picture of a selfie from your emo phase
“come on..... i love the bangs.”
both your lock screen and home screen are over-edited pictures of his minecraft skin crouching bc you know it he thinks it’s funny
one time he brought home flowers from publix and said “flowers for my flower ;)”
sappy piece of shit
A/N: ask or send me stuff!! requests, rants, anything. :D leave me some stuff in the comments too!
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Blood Hungry: Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill, fluff and angst
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated.
Feedback is gold, and it’s the only currency I take
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“The guy the kid described definitely sounds like a tweaker,” you say once you, Spencer, and the cops show back up at the police station.
“Pull the files of all the methamphetamine arrests in the past six months,” the sheriff asks of the deputy.
“Will do.”
“We should narrow the suspect list down according to the guy's residence. Crimes like these are always crimes of opportunity,” Spencer points out.
“So the first guy on our suspect list will live in the closest proximity to the victim.”
“Do you have a place where we can set up?”
“You can use Simpson's desk. He's out. You got a phone there and a computer. Meantime, I'm gonna narrow down that list,” Sheriff Hall says.
You and Spencer walk over to the desk, and you take a seat on the edge of it while Spencer sits on the actual chair.
“You know, that house was full of chaotic energy. I saw Annie walk around her house, and I felt Wally’s energy as well as both unsubs. One was violent and angry while the other was jittery and nervous. There was only one killer, and the other guy didn’t even know what he was doing.”
“That can help us when we determine who’s on our suspect list,” Spencer nods.
“Hey, you guys find anything?” Derek asks as he and Hotch enter the station.
“Yeah,” you nod.
“Y/N found an eyewitness. A little boy who saw someone in the driveway.”
“That's more than we got at Thompson's place,” Hotch shrugs.
“We got two suspects,” JJ and Elle make their way over to everyone else. “Judd Franklin and Domino Thacker.”
“Can I see them?” you ask, and JJ hands over the files.
Both men are equally suspicious, but Domino is the one who screams at you to catch him. You hand over the file to Derek who reads it.
“I know Domino. He's bad news. Serious tweaker. Cooks his own stuff,” Sheriff Hall butts in.
“Does he live near the crime scenes?” Elle asks.
“Almost directly between them.”
“Robbery, armed robbery, possession, and possession with intent. This guy's been hospitalized for overdoses and attempted suicide,” Derek reads.
“What do you think?” Hall asks.
“We need to find Domino,” you conclude.
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Derek and some burly cops went to get Domino which was the best idea they had. According to Derek, this guy ran and tried to fight back. However, due to his small stature and nervous outlook, he was easily caught and brought back to the station where Sheriff Hall placed him behind bars. This guy is wearing nothing but his underwear, so he was given a blanket due to him shivering like a Chihuahua.
“Hey, Hotch, I think it’s best if I talk to this guy. His energy is spiking in every direction, and I know I can make a connection with him easily.”
“Okay,” he nods.
Him, Derek, and Elle want to see this pan out, so they follow you to where the suspect is. From only one glance, you know this guy is the thief and not the killer. His energy matches the nervous energy you saw at the house. He is the one who robbed Annie, not killed her.
“I’m freezin’,” Domino complains as he scratches at his head.
You, Hotch, and Sheriff Hall are the only ones inside the cell while Derek and Elle are hanging outside of it.
“Domino, what were you doing at Annie Stuart’s house?” you ask gently.
“I didn't do nothin'. I got the flu. I'm sick is what I am,” he sniffles.
“We know you were there, boy,” Hall glares.
“Sheriff,” you whisper and shake your head when he looks at you.
“In the driveway. I was lookin' at that car, but I never stoled it. I was thinkin' about it, but I left. I seen that kid.”
“The blood found on the bottom of your boot is Annie Stuart's. The tread from the bottom of your boot is the same as the tread found all over the crime scene. Inside!” Elle yells.
“Elle, stop,” you snap and glare at her.
She is not helping this situation.
“Deputy. Coming out,” she sighs and leaves since she knows she won’t be of any help here.
“I didn't do nothin',” Domino whimpers.
“Domino,” you sigh and bend down so he doesn’t have to look up at you. “Look at yourself. You have a record and the blood of Annie all over you. How do you think that’s going to hold up in court? Think about that.”
“I... I… came back. I came back to her house. But he was leavin'.”
“Some dude, man. I don't know.”
“What was he wearing?” you ask.
“He had a hood. A black hood.”
“Domino, look at me,” you order gently, and he just shakes his head. “I’m not going to hurt you. No one is. I just want to talk to you. Come on, look at me.” He finally does and you can see just how scared he was. “You didn’t do this, did you?” He shakes his head. “Okay, if that’s true, then you gotta help us out here. Talk to me. You left. You saw him leave. Then what?”
“Went in and--and she's lying there. You know, um, I needed money real bad so... she was already like that.”
“She was like what?”
“You know, she was all cut up,” he starts to cry.
“She was all butchered up and you robbed her anyway?”
“It ain't right!” he yells, and you stand back up. This interview is done. “It ain't right! I'm sorry! It ain't right. Oh, god, forgive me. Oh, god... It ain't right! I'm sorry!”
“We’re done here,” you say to the Sheriff and Hotch.
It’s time that Domino is left alone to think about what he’s done. When you get to the main part of the station, you turn to the Sheriff.
“He didn't do it.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“He was pretty freaked out just thinking about what was done to Annie,” Derek points out.
“People pretend,” he shrugs.
“Anybody delusional enough to eviscerate Annie would not be lucid enough to recount it the way he did. Trust me, he didn’t do it. He robbed her, but that’s it.”
“Alright. I'll have him taken to detox and then I'm gonna arrest him for robbery.”
“In the meantime, I'd have your men canvass the neighborhood again to see if they saw a guy in a hooded sweatshirt,” Derek orders.
“Will do,” he nods.
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Once you and the team had a rough idea of what to look for, it was time to give the profile. Every single cop in the station gathered around to hear what your team had to say. According to Gideon, he discovered that the unsub is drinking and eating the blood and organs after placing them in round containers. It’s why there were bloody rings on the coffee table. You have enough to put together a profile.
“We are looking for a twenty to thirty-year-old male,” Hotch begins.
“The unsub engages in anthropophagy. It's a psychotic conviction that he must drink human blood and possibly eat human flesh,” you add.
“For Richard Rrenton Chase, the vampire killer, he drank his victims' blood because he believed that aliens had invaded his body and were slowly drinking his blood,” Spencer spits out facts only he would know.
However, you knew about this too.
“If he didn't get the blood he needed, he'd die. Anthropophagy suggests such an extreme level of psychosis and disorganization that he couldn't have ventured very far from home to commit these crimes. This guy lives or has lived in this town. He knows the territory.”
“You've all seen him,” Derek takes over. “Maybe at the ballpark or riding his bike home from the grocery store. He wasn't always a threat. He could have been your neighbor. He might have been your friend. We think something about his delusion is keeping him here in town.”
“So, we're gonna start at Annie’s house and we're gonna spread out there in quadrants. We're gonna eliminate all of his hiding places,” Hotch determines.
“Paul Thompson's funeral is this afternoon. A lot of his neighbors are gonna be there,” Sheriff Hall mentions.
“Then that’s where we start,” you nod.
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The funeral is in full service, and you’re scanning the area to see who might be at all suspicious. Most everyone is passing your tests, but there is one woman wearing a lacy black veil that raises a bunch of red flags. For some reason, she has a tint of that angry red energy you saw back at the house. There is something not right with her.
You go to mention this to Hotch who stands next to you when JJ and Elle walk over with a bunch of case files.
“So, we got some names of unsubs. Farrell Belvedere, twenty-three. He, uh, took a little too much LSD and flipped out in a Winn Dixie and tore up a cheese counter.”
“It’s not him,” you shake your head.
“Okay, show her Mark Ward. He's twenty-one with five counts of petty larceny. Attempted suicide, committed for a year, but now he's living back with his parents.”
“Nope,” you shake your head.
“The last one is Oley Maynor, twenty-five. He was institutionalized for severe manic-depression. He has violent mood swings. When he was eighteen, he got arrested for biting the heads off chickens.”
“He matches what I saw. It could be him, but it ain't the other two. I know it for sure,” you say.
“Gather as much information as you can about him,” Hotch orders.
“You got it,” you nod and leave with Elle.
Derek catches up with you and Elle to gather information on Oley, but you have one woman in mind. By the time you got debriefed, the funeral was over. The woman in the lacy veil was leaving, and you rushed over to her to see what she knows. You really want to get a feel about who she is and what she’s hiding because you know she’s hiding something.
“Ma’am, do you mind if we ask you a few questions?” you ask and flash her your badge.
“Of course, what do you need to know?”
“Do you know a man named Oley Maynor?”
“Of course. I just saw him the other day,” she nods without looking at you.
“You saw him where?” Derek asks.
“He was with his brother. In fact, I think it looked like they didn't want to be seen because he took Oley out of the car and went straight into his house.”
“When was this, Mrs. Mays?” Elle asks.
She must have known who this is because you didn’t know her name.
“Three days ago.”
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wanna be tagged? add yourself to this document! if your tag doesn’t work, find out why!
@averyhotchner​ @lets-be-gay-for-the-angel​ @fan-girl-97​ @paulaern​ @inkstainedwritergirl​ @estrela-rogers​ @abitchforjay​ @kwbaby24​ @redsalv20​ @joonie-centric​ @spencerreid-mgg​ @sixpencespencee​ @boygenius-reid​ @reidemandweep​ @prophecyflame​ @happynekochan1​
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bookclub4m · 3 years
Episode 120: The Design and Art of Books!
This episode we’re discussing what makes a good book cover: The Design and Art of Books! We talk about physically icky feeling books, hidden messages on (and under) book covers, the history of the book, women's pants, and more! Plus: We discuss whether we prefer hardcovers, trade paperbacks, or mass market paperbacks!
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | RJ Edwards
Books We Mentioned
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Tampa by Alissa Nutting
Made for Love by Alissa Nutting
Rotherweird by Andrew Caldecott
Cheap Toys #23 by Giz Medium (zine with sandpaper cover)
Get Fuzzy by Darby Donley
Earth Abides by George R. Stewart
X-Statix Omnibus by Peter Milligan, Mike Allred, and others
Wise Child by Monica Furlong
Juniper by Monica Furlong
The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin
Support Your Local Wizard by Diane Duane
Weetzie Bat series (This is the Witch Baby edition RJ likes)
Discworld series by Terry Pratchett
The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett
Pedro and Me: Friendship, Loss, and What I Learned by Judd Winick
Monstress series by Marjorie M. Liu and Sana Takeda
Animorphs series by K.A. Applegate
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
Hidden messages on the book cover
The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Cartoonist by Adrian Tomine
The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe by Alex White
Old Man's War by John Scalzi
Autonomous by Annalee Newitz
The Future of Another Timeline by Annalee Newitz
The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey
Magic for Liars by Sarah Gailey 
Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin
The Prey of Gods by Nicky Drayden
Links, Articles, and Things
Dust jacket (Wikipedia)
C.S. Richardson on Book Design, Clip 1
Nicole Caputo talks about her design process x Belletrist
Rotating book lectern
Marvel Comics reveals 20 amazing cosplay-based covers
Why Do So Many Book Covers Look the Same? Blame Getty Images
How readers can react to ‘Handbook’ ruckus (stolen cover art)
Meet the Online Vigilante Battling Heavy Metal Art Theft
2021 Book Cover Design Trends to Follow
8 Top Book Cover Design Trends for 2021 
Book Covers of Note, January 2021 
Variant cover (Wikipedia)
Valiant to Use Different Foils for Variant Cover for QUANTUM AND WOODY! #1
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) (Wikipedia)
ISO 6357 — Spine titles on books and other publications
Fore-Edge Paintings: Beauty on the Edge
Painting hidden in gilt edges of rare book
Fore-edge painting (Wikipedia)
Fore-Edge Paintings
The French Flap
Moleskine (Wikipedia) 
Blog Talk: Are Romance Book Covers Starting A New Design Trend?
At a Romance Cover Shoot, There’s No Such Thing As Too Much Wind Machine
How I Became A Romance Cover Model
Why so many book cover male models are headless….
With Romance Novels Booming, Beefcake Sells, but It Doesn’t Pay
New York Public Library collection of Russian bookjackets
Alcuin Society – Promoting interest in the book arts 
Ain’t That a Shame (2009 blog post by Justine Larbalestier about the whitewashed cover of the US edition of her book “Liar”)
Cover story: The curious case of a shared database
Link to our Pinterest page with all the covers
22 Winter Holiday Books by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour) Authors
Twelve Dates of Christmas by Rilzy Adams
A Christmas Parranda by Andrea Beatriz Arango
A Wedding One Christmas by Therese Beharrie
Royal Holiday by Jasmine Guillory
Seven Swans a' Shooting by Kyra Davis
Sweet on You: A Filipino Christmas Romance by Carla de Guzman
Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe by Melissa de la Cruz
Noelle The First by Nicole Falls
Kwanzaa Angel by by Shirley Hailstock
The Magic of Mistletoe by Carolyn Hector
Mangoes & Mistletoe by Adriana Herrera
Wrapped Up in You by Talia Hibbert
I'll Be Home for Christmas by Beverly Jenkins
Her Pretend Christmas Date by Jackie Lau
True Love for Christmas by D. Rose
A Mistletoe Murder: A Christmas Novella by Necole Ryse
An Aboriginal Carol by David Bouchard, Moses Beaver, & Susan Aglukark
A Treasury of African-American Christmas Stories by Bettye Collier-Thomas
A Christmas Story: Behind the Scenes of a Holiday Classic by Caseen Gaines
Kwanzaa: A Celebration of Family, Community and Culture by Maulana Karenga
Kwanzaa: Black Power and the Making of the African-American Holiday Tradition by Keith A. Mayes
Christmas Gif':  An Anthology of Christmas Poems, Songs and Stories Written By and About African-Americans by Charlemae Rollins, Joseph Rollins, and Ashley Bryan
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bemorecronch · 7 years
The Hand that Flannels Part 2 (Jared Kleinman X Male Reader)
WARNINGS: smmutttttt, gay as shit smut too. Swearing and breakfast club. Because a few people requested it. I don't write sequels a lot but I need more Male Reader stuff so this seemed like a good idea? You sat on the couch with Jared, admittedly closer than most platonic friends would be comfortable. You were watching Breakfast Club- or rather, you were pretending to watch Breakfast Club. All you'd thought about for two days was that kiss after the party; and what it could've lead to if it had the chance. You'd invited him to yours to educate him on how great 80’s movies were. He had started by making fun of what you'd refered to as a classic and it's cheesy acting, but as soon as Judd Nelson was being shouted at in the closet, he'd started getting into it. It was honestly more fun to watch him rather than the film itself, he was so expressive and excitable. It was embarrassingly a turn on for you as he bit his lip and raised his eyebrows at every emotional scene. It was during the sharing circle that he absentmindedly placed his hand in your leg; and once you both noticed there was an awkward pause. He glanced at you and you both let out a nervous laugh; “hey… Is this a date?” Jared whispered quietly and you looked away, “what?” Your voice goes higher than you intend to act surprised and Jared laughs, “you ask me round to your place, put on a movie and sit close to me… It feels like a date.” He sounds arrogant and if anything it just turns you on more. He's grinning and moves his hand further up, you can't physically look at him out of embarrassment. He leans in, “you're a little more nervous when your sober… Is this ok?” He was so close to your ear that the hairs on the back of your neck stand to attention. You turn to face him and your eyes flick briefly to his lips and you nod, “are you gonna kiss me?” You ask. He suddenly looks a little nervous as he slowly presses his lips against yours. It's soft and your heart jumps into your throat. You bring your hand to the back of his neck and his hand runs up your leg as you lean back and let him lye on top of you. He’s trying to be tender as his mouth opens and you let his tongue slip in. You feel his fingers tug up your shirt and you sit up to pull it over your head; face flushed as you lye shirtless under him. His eyes graze over you and start unbuttoning his top, sliding it off his shoulders and breaking away from him to kiss down his neck and chest. He grabs your chin and forces you to look up, “I've never been with a guy- with anyone before.” He admits into your ear. You shake your head, “it's ok. Honestly- if you're uncomfortable…” But he's kissing your earlobe and down your jaw, “no… I want… I want to…” His free hand reaches down and unbuttons your jeans and pulls them down. You squeeze your eyes shut, “J-Jared?” You're breathy and can feel yourself going lightheaded as his hand reaches under your boxers. As he strokes the tent forming in your pants you make a light guttural moan. You can feel him smiling and you almost twitch as he bites lightly, “are you sure that you've never done this?” You let out a breathy laugh and he lowers himself to your crotch, “I watch a lot of porn.” As soon as you go to make a snide comment he takes you in his mouth and you hum; pulling your own hair as your feel his lips around you. He finds his timing slow and teasing, his tongue gliding along the bottom of your shaft and sucking lightly. You whine incoherently as his hand creeps up your stomach to your chest and lightly scratch down. Muttering his name you buck your hips and he presses his hands into you to keep you down. He picks up speed and you start to become undone, grabbing at the sofa and his hair, pleading with him and not entirely being sure why. You look down to see him with his hand down his own pants, moving slowly on himself and you're breath stutters, “I could do that… If you like.” You're gasping and he just speeds up. You groan loudly and pull his hair, “Jared- let me… Do this for… Oh god… For you.” You're begging, but he's ignoring you, jerking himself off as you start to lose control. You're hips Buck again as all your senses diminish, “b-b-baby. I’m gonna…” You're almost shouting as you completely forget any inhibitions. You cum into his mouth and down his throat, not realising your ragged voice is calling his name until you stop. He swallows and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and sits up, still touching himself. You watch through hooded eyes before you move onto the floor in front of him to pull his shorts and boxers down, batting his hand away as you lick the base of his dick and start sucking intently. He lets out a high pitch moan through his teeth as he goes deeper in your mouth. “I- won't- last.” He's panting, and you look up to see his cheeks flushed and his glasses completely fogged over. He actually looks pretty adorable and as you try not to giggle you hum, sending vibrations up him and causing him to convulse. The head of his dick pushes against the back of your throat and you fight your gag reflex and his fists ball in your hair, whining as you pick up the pace. “Holy shit, baby.” He covers his face with his hands and you can hear him panting as the taste of precum hits, “I'm cumming.” He cried out, pulling your hair and squeezing his eyes closed as a jet of cum streamed into your mouth and burned the back of your throat. You wince a little as you swallow, pulling away from him and looking up at the wreck of a boy in front of you, sweating and still lightly convulsing. You sit next to him and wrap your arms around his stomach, “was that ok?” You ask quietly and he nods, “it was amazing- I mean, you were just…” He stares off into the distance looking for words and you chuckle, “you too.” You lean into each other and as you rest your head you hear him giggle. “What?” He wriggles his eyebrows “this was totally a date.” You snort and squeeze your arms around him. “And to think…” He continued, “I only came here to get my flannel back.” He tried to sound disinterested and you shove him, “you suck, Kleinman.” You laugh as he kisses you cheek, “apparently, so do you.”
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
Can we get Sfw abd NSFW hcs for Wyatt x Male Buckley reader? Like how they met and whatnot? And us meeting grace abd judd
Wyatt Harris x Male!reader
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● you're Buck and Maddies younger brother who moved out to Austin for college where you met Wyatt 
● you were a freshman and Wyatt was a high school senior taking a tour of the campus 
● he saw you in the food court and thought you were cute so he asked you to show him around away from his guided group
● he gave you his number and you kept in touch eventually asking him out 
● Judd and Grace immediately welcomed you into the family when Wyatt brought you over for dinner
● Judd "so you're related to that guy who came to Austin with the 118 to help with the fires" 
● "Yeah he told me your friend TK thought he was hitting on him"
● Wyatt "wait buck isn't bi?" 
● "Oh he's very bi he just hasn't pieced it together yet. He thinks having a crush on both Mulan and Shang as a kid was normal for straight guys and to be honest he was probably flirting with TK and not realizing it" 
● after meeting his family you take Wyatt to LA to meet your siblings 
● Buck had met him over video call multiple times but for Maddie it was the first time ever 
● she felt bad not being there for you when you were going through the new relationship excitement 
● "it's okay Mads, Buck had it covered" 
● "yeah I gave him lots of great advice, where to take Wyatt for the first date, to always be a gentleman, always use protection-"
● you and Maddie at the same time "Evan!" 
● "what?! Safe sex is important even if Wyatt can't get pregnant" 
● Wyatt snickering "what makes you think Y/N is the top?" 
● and you go red in the face
● speaking of, Wyatt is huge, like bigger than you've ever seen before even in porn
● the first time you see him naked it just flops out of his pants
● "Holy shit you're so big"
● "And I'm not even hard yet" 
● "You're not?!?"
● it takes you months to get just half of him in your mouth when you are giving him blowjobs 
● but you more than make up for it by using both your hands to work the base and balls 
● he always has super intense orgasms that way
● the first time he bottoms out while fucking you it's like you hit euphoria 
● but you need lots and lots of ice to help your aching ass afterwards 
● Wyatt is pretty vanilla 
● he's happy just having sex to begin with
● but whatever you want to try he's more than happy to give it a shot 
● and he does so very enthusiastically
● He's also very attentive to your needs 
● always asking if it feels good, if you want to keep going or want to stop, if you're close and if not what he can do to get you there
● "Wyatt I love you but for the love of God please just pound the shit out of me"
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