#juli hc
za0mbie · 2 months
The arm gradient has grown on me!! Mayhaps I'll draw it more often :]
also!! some appleblossom from a twt poll of pairs I don't care for haha /lh
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boymachinegirl · 1 year
i love eddie i wish post offices were real
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hold on. i just wanted to see their height difference and. and hold on-
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ill probably clean this up & do the other neighbors but ohhhhh my god. hes SMALL!!!!!! TWELVE! APPLES! (bg Home included to see if Barnaby would be able to fit through the front door. nope<3)
#im imagining barnaby leaning against home's roof while home repeatedly hits him with the side window#(it does nothing)#ANYWAY SO YEAH WALLY TINY. SMALL MAN#since the only info we have on heights is that wally is 3ft (twelve apples) and julie/sally are just a smidge taller than him#then frank/eddie are 4 ft#and then howdy/barnaby/poppy are all 7-8 ft#since theyre a bit vaguer im currently hc-ing that barnaby is the shortest at 7'9 while poppy is a solid 8 ft and howdy is between them#that still leaves barnaby as an absolute BEHEMOTH#scribble salad#welcome home#welcome home puppet show#welcome home fanart#okay. okay okay okay im so anormal about this#because i fucking Love height differences ok#whether its platonic or romantic or WHATEVER I AM WEAK TO IT. ITS MY FAVORITE THING#just a big person and their little guy. a little person and their big guy. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#barnaby can hold wally like a ferret. wally can probably hide under barnaby's fluffy ears. im losing it#also the character heights are probably different than the physical puppet heights#since in the official art they all seem to have consistent size/height differences that slightly contradict their heights#which makes sense!! the big guys have walkarounds And live hands to keep em in frame with the smaller guys after all#(unless that info is a lie and there Are no different puppets bc theyre all alive and autonomous maybe but also hmmm Thinking)#still. wally is. so small#also its gonna amuse me when humans come into play#bc its like oh no!!! the puppets are all 3-4 ft tall! so tiny and vulnerable!#and then barnaby & howdy & poppy show up-#they could absolutely wreck humans. like fuck dude. theyre Huge.#id shit. just saying. if a near-8-ft-tall four armed four legged caterpillar man showed up id Pass Away On the Spot#i would say No Thanks and then Die Instantly#great now im picturing julie screeching THEY CANT STOP US ALL and then the smaller puppets swarm a person#so true queen <3 they Cant stop you all <3 especially when you have a huge fuckoff dog backing yall up
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elis-corner · 8 months
Soda Tabs
‘So… What am I meant to do with this?’ Grian cocked his head to the side, bringing the trinket you had just handed him closer to his face. To the best of his knowledge, it was merely a soda tab—nothing extraordinary or worth anything. Although, he had to admit its metallic shimmer was quite admirable.
‘You collect soda tabs with the fulcrum intact and give them to someone, normally a partner,’ you explained. You pointed to the point where the tab would normally be connected to a can by. ‘They give them back to you in exchange for a kiss.’
Grian lowered his hand, flipping the tab in the air with a satisfying click each time it landed atop his nail. His eyes made a beeline for yours, holding your gaze for a long moment before saying, ‘So… if I give this back to you…?’ Your head tilted backwards slightly in order to give him a nod of confirmation, but the moment he caught the direction you were moving your head he tossed it back at you. ‘Well?’
His wings surround you in a familiar embrace, shielding the world’s view of you as your lips meet.
|------{ }------|
‘Grian I… I don’t think I want to know how you got so many in the space of a week…’
‘Building the back of your base requires a lot of fuel, you know!’
‘Three hundred and thirty eight cans though?’ You stare at the pile of soda tabs lying in front of you. ‘It’s the shimmer. Birds can’t resist shiny things,’ you tease.
Grian shrugged. ‘Nor can I resist you.’
‘Charming, bird boy.’ Your eyes wander back up to meet his once again. Sighing, you accept your fate. ‘Pucker up, Buttercup.’
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i-like-eyes · 1 year
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Babe what’s wrong you haven’t touched the puppets on your plate
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People on tiktok liked these
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stellarspecter · 11 months
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jatp discord profiles – template by @seaoftr
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dumpsterf11re · 5 months
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FINALLY made a good ref for calamity. only up to arc 2 right now because..... thats how far i am LMAO
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celebrating their s/o’s birthday ; full ensemble
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requested by ; anonymous (27/05/23)
fandom(s) ; welcome home
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; barnaby b beagle, eddie dear, frank frankly, howdy pillar, julie joyful, poppy partridge, sally starlet, wally darling
outline ; “since it's my birthday today-though it'll probably be long past when you answer this lol-could i have headcanons for the welcome home squad doing something for it? i figure that headcanons would be easier to do for everyone, but you can write it out story-wise if you want. if you only want to do some of them, wally, frank, sally, and howdy is fine. thank you and have a good day!”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
barnaby b beagle
he’s a strong believer in ‘birthday bumps’ and will start the day by making sure you get your share
before bringing you some breakfast in bed, of course
he gets you a number of gag gifts as well as genuine presents and cards — but what those gags are depends on your boundaries and such (e.g. if sudden movements and loud sounds genuinely scare you then he won’t get you a pop up box or screamer)
hosts a small get together with by your friends and facilitates an all out prank war that’s based around your humour — doing everything he can throughout the day to keep you laughing and smiling
eventually everyone leaves and you sit down for your evening meal and that’s when he hands you his actual birthday card for you
of course there are puns scattered here and there, but it’s written so genuinely and it’s so sweet that you end up tearing up and tackling him with a hug
you end the day with your sides hurting from laugher and your heart full to bursting and you couldn’t have hoped for a better birthday
eddie dear
eddie unfortunately doesn’t get to wake you up on your birthday as his rounds have him out and about until about 9 — and your neighbour, julie, had already woken you up at 8 to give you the presents she’d prepared and give you (some very gentle) birthday bumps
he gets home around the same time that frank stops by to give you your gift so you all sit down and have a chat over a fresh cup of tea/coffee — with the others eventually joining you to share in good drink and sweet foods
it’s a good laugh and he can see the joy and appreciation in your eyes as your loved ones celebrate you and you open your remaining cards and gifts in the middle of this makeshift gathering
they all stay for a little while after that, leaving at around 1 as they had other responsibilities, leaving you and eddie alone for the first time that day
he hands you his main gift: a handmade scrapbook featuring photos and letters you’d sent to each other over the course of your relationship so far with little captions in his neatest handwriting noting down when each date happened
it’s cheesy and sentimental and incredibly fitting of him, but still you tear up and spend a good hour or so cuddling
then, to cap off the day, you go for a walk around the neighbourhood and into the surrounding woodlands
enjoying the beautiful weather and fresh air and good company as you talk about anything and everything
what a lovely end to a lovely birthday
frank frankly
frank takes a much more domestic approach to celebrating your birthday and will spend it comfortable indoors
he prepped your gift and card months in advance — having managed to get the complete collection of your favourite books from their original printing run after literal years of searching
and he was incredibly proud of himself for it — unbelievably excited to see your reaction when you finally saw what he’d gotten you
he lets you have a lay-in whilst he makes you your favourite breakfast before waking you up quite late and giving you your card
it’s simple but sweet and you share a kiss before you go down to eat
good food, good company, good conversation
and, once you were finished, good gifts and good cards
you were due to celebrate with the rest of your loved ones the next day but they’d dropped off their presents in advance
and you appreciated each and every one
then came your partner’s present and frank was anxiously watching as you tore open the wrapping paper
and you saw it and you gasped and you cried — a good cry, though
it’s such a sweet and thoughtful gesture that you couldn’t not tear up and, after placing them to one side, you pulled him into a hug and thanked him for your wonderful gift
what an amazing birthday you were due to have
howdy pillar
howdy actually takes the afternoon off to spend it with you — he needs to go in during the morning but he manages to close at noon
and he walks into your home with his arms filled with your favourite flowers, a personalised stuffed animal, a bag filled with presents and cards and a bag of your favourite take out for lunch
you eat whilst opening your gifts and cards with the radio on in the background, just enjoying each other’s company and the rare chance to spend a quiet afternoon together
the other neighbours had stopped by earlier in the morning to send their regards and gifts so you didn’t have anything to interrupt and ruin the moment
your flowers were put in a vase and displayed on the windowsill alongside your cards
then, after putting everything away and throwing away all of the rubbish, you decide to have a calm evening in
playing a new board game that had been delivered to the store — and winning despite all of howdy’s best efforts
dancing around the house — being spun and dipped and toss as you laugh and squeal
making your evening meal together and trying to keep up with howdy’s four handed mastery of the art of cooking
eating your favourite meal together and exchanging gossip that you’d heard earlier in the day
and ending the day sat on the porch, cuddled into your boyfriend’s side as you watch the sunset and smile at the conclusion of a birthday well spent
julie joyful
to describe the celebration in one word: colourful
she starts the day by shaking you awake, kissing you good morning and dragging you downstairs to open your presents because she’s terrible at keeping secrets
she watches you open them and is arguably more excited than you as she does — but she quickly busies herself by making you a cup of tea/coffee and some breakfast
then you eat together and chat and then she hands you her last gift and tells you to go and get changed
it’s a beautiful set of clothing, the fanciest you’ve ever owned, and then she does both of your hair and you spend the rest of the day going between your neighbour’s houses
celebrating with friends until your cheeks hurt and your legs ache and you’re just about awake enough to stumble back home arm-in-arm
ready to be greeted by her family, who help you celebrate the rainbow monster way — with lots of colours and lots of affection and lots of good food
and by the end of the night (or, rather, the beginning of the next day) when you’re finally drifting off to sleep you know that you’ll be looking back on this birthday with a particular fondness — and you can’t wait to spend the rest of your birthdays with julie by your side
poppy partridge
she memorised the recipes to all of your favourite foods and desserts and started practising them months beforehand
then on your actual birthday she woke you up with a selection of your favourite breakfast foods (and a peck to the cheek, of course)
next came a long chat as you enjoyed your breakfast in bed before you went to get dressed and she prepped the presents and cards you were sent by friends and family
she put on a vhs of your favourite movie in the background whilst you made your way through them — taking them off of your hands to arrange/wash/fold them and put them away to save you the trouble
the rest of the day is pretty standard, honestly
the neighbours stop by for lunch (another selection of some of your favourite dishes) and chat and hand over their presents
and after they leave you and poppy have a low-key afternoon
spending the day in your comfiest clothes, cuddling on the settee and reading and completing a puzzle that eddie and frank gifted you
and finishing the day with another favourite food of yours — dancing in the kitchen when she was cooking
it was calm and intimate and comfortable
you wouldn’t have had it any other way
sally starlet
this girl is nothing if not dramatic, so she naturally roped all of your loved ones into her plan to make your first birthday with her the most spectacular one yet
interviews your closest friends and family members to organise gifts and cards and transport — making sure that everyone was on the same page
then, on your actual birthday she was sure to keep things low-key at first
waking you up with a kiss and a cuddle, going downstairs to make you breakfast whilst you opened the neighbours’ gifts and cards
everything was very chill and affectionate and intimate — until 12pm exactly when her plan came into action and everyone showed up
friends and family with arms filled with food and gifts singing happy birthday to you as they filtered into the home
half doing a bang up job of decorating your shared home whilst the others absolutely spoiled you with affection and compliments
you could solidly say that she’d succeeded in surprising you
and when the food started to get plated up and you sat in a room with your loved ones, you found yourself smiling at sally and being thankful for having someone as charmingly dramatic in your life to do all of this just for you
wally darling
on a spectrum from high key to intimate celebrations, wally falls somewhere in the middle
like he won’t arrange a massive party but he also won’t force you to spend the whole day with him inside of home
it’s likely going to end up being a split day
the morning (6-12pm) is spent with just the two of you, with home waking you up early to open your presents whilst wally watches on and celebrates you
the afternoon (12-6pm) being spent going between your neighbours’ houses to celebrate as a collective
and ending the day with a sleepover at whoever’s home you’re closest with
that way you get a little bit of everything
poppy’s cooking that leaves you wanting more
eddie’s craftiness that gives you cards and gifts that are so charming and handmade that you tear up
julie’s attentiveness and insistence on making you look as fabulous as possible
frank’s genuine and honest approach to gifts and cards that has you grinning and pulling him into a side hug
barnaby’s endless humour that leaves you with straining cheeks and burning lungs and aching sides
sally’s dramatics and ability to make a celebration so impactful and unique that it stays with you forever
howdy’s cheerful disposition and willingness to help you with whatever whenever you ask — including tossing you up into the air to replace the standard birthday bumps
and wally’s endless affection for you — which he channeled into your gift: a painting of you through his eyes, one that wasn’t necessarily true to your physical appearance but that highlighted the aspects of you that made him fall in love with you
an exercise in perspective that made your eyes well up and your heart soar
you really couldn’t have asked for a more impactful gift to cap off your birthday, nor for better company to have spent it with
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abbywith3as · 1 year
How Welcome Home characters would react if you asked them to hold your drink:
Wally: He does not respond. He just stares at the drink. Then, suddenly the drink vanishes from your hand. You make a mental note not to ask him to hold your drink ever again.
Barnaby: “Sure, neighbor” He says, and takes your drink. You walk away, but out of the corner of your eye you see him juggling it, along with 4 or 5 other drinks. Your drink is as good as lost.
Julie: She’s really excited that you’re trusting her with this responsibility. She waves to you as you glance back to see if she is still holding it. But then someone asks her to play a party game and she has put it down. You pick your drink up. She notices and says “I’m sorry, I was distracted”. “No worries” You say through gritted teeth.
Frank Frankly: “Okay” He says as you hand the drink to him. You take it back from him, however, as he doesn’t seem too happy about holding it.
Eddie Dear: He happily agrees, but after you hand it to him he starts talking and talking and talking and you weren’t planning to have a conversation you just wanted to put your drink down for a second and now he won’t stop talking.
Howdy Pillar: With so many hands, you’d think he’d be the perfect person to hold a drink for you. But that actually makes him the worst person. You see, with so many drinks in each hand he doesn’t know whose is whose and after you give him your drink he immediately takes a sip before frantically apologizing and offering to get you another one, along with a fresh apple from his orchard.
Sally Starlet: “Never fear, the great and talented Sally Starlet is here and she won’t let you down!
She lets you down. As she pumps her fist in the air to add a dramatic flourish, your drink flies out of her hand and across the room, splashing an unlucky guest in the face.
Poppy Partridge: You thought about approaching her, but as she sees you walk toward her she immediately starts crying so you decide to go ask someone else.
Home: You didn’t even ask them. You were talking to someone else and then all of a sudden you hear “BANG! CLACK! CREAK”
In conclusion, do not trust any Welcome Home character with your drink.
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quicksilverdaisyday · 4 months
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baldintegra · 5 months
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ultrakill stuff mostly from twt
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bbreaddog · 8 months
It’s sad headcanon hours Reggie’s parents being “one fight away from a divorce” is the default status of their marriage, where they threaten divorce all the time but never follow through and Reggie is constantly torn between trying to somehow fix their marriage for them (even though it’s very much not his responsibility) and just handing them the divorce papers himself
Of course, he never ends up getting the chance to do either
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sweetstarart · 1 year
Welcome home house interior headcanons!!!
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Home looks mostly normal but in every single room something is missing (The kitchen only has one chair, the bathroom has no mirror etc.)
Their indoor walls are the same color as their outside walls and their wooden floors are the same color as the door
Many of Wally's furniture has eyes however they are not alive most of the time
Sometimes Home uses them as an extra pair of eyes
Their favorite piece of furniture is a sofa with eyes at the arms
This sofa can walk if home so chooses!
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, almost every floor in the house is made of mattresses!
Everywhere is a cozy place to sleep accept the bathroom
All the rooms are decorated with adorable dog themed stuff and accented with clown and dog stuff (horns, balls, prank stuff, chew toys etc.)
There's food hidden in every room 👀
Barnaby would rather you take your shoes off the door so there's less dirt and mud on the mattresses but he won't rly enforce it. He'll say "Take your shoes off, or dont!" And never mention it again
Sleeps in a rly big dog bed that has a pattern that looks like ketchup (i drew his room before but I wanted to mention it bc it was fun to make ^^)
His bathroom is a mix between a human bathroom and a dog salon (bc I am all about this dog motif)
There's paw prints everywhere even on the ceiling!
The wallpaper looks like his vest
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Looks like a Bodega but a lot bigger
Has a freaking grill behind the counter so can make hot dogs
Has tons of stuff in jars behind the counter as well
Has a secret room, thats where he sleeps at night
It's a rly big room and it has everything he needs (including a secret bathroom!)
Sleeps in a sleeping bag in a hammock like a caterpillar in a cocoon
Has absolutely everything in his room
Has a red and orange tile floor!
The wallpaper looks like his shirt
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Her house has a green carpet that resembles grass
It even has little flowers in it!
Her wallpaper in her bedroom is pink with little white flowers on it
The rest of the wallpaper matches her dress
Her bed has tons of heart shaped pillows of varying shades of red and pink
Has a massive closet that looks tiny, but is actually a walk in closet!
Has a big cozy love seat ^^
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incognit0bunny · 1 year
im sorry i-i was reading fanfics again...
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first, yea it was wally x julie fanfic ok u got me. second, yea i did this with no reference so u know i tried my best.
i want to render this like into a complete illustration so bad >0<
btw this is the fanfic (based on cap6) : https://archiveofourown.org/works/46355137/chapters/116709382
edit: yes i did it, gonna add the full drawing here bc i noticed that my reblog w the rendered doesn't show no one told me 🤬
wait we can change the font? waa-
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brainteezers · 7 months
Huevember days 17 + 18!
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